Characteristics of the main characters of the work Hero of our time, Lermontov. Their images and description

Characteristics of the main characters of the work Hero of our time, Lermontov.  Their images and description
Characteristics of the main characters of the work Hero of our time, Lermontov. Their images and description

Bela's story

Pechorin brings misfortune and suffering to Maxim Maksimovich, Bela. He is not understood by them:

He tries to sincerely love, respect, make friends, but does not find strength in his soul for a long, constant feeling.

Love is replaced by disappointment and cooling.

The friendly disposition is replaced by irritation and fatigue from constant guardianship.

How the relationship of the heroes develops:

Bela Pechorin
"And sure, she was good: tall, thin, her eyes are black, like a mountain chamois." Bela suffers from a contradiction that lives in her from the very moment when she is a prisoner of Pechorin. On the one hand, she likes Pechorin ("he often dreamed of her in her dreams ... and no man has ever made such an impression on her"), and on the other, she cannot love him, since he is a non-believer. What prompts Pechorin to kidnap Bela? Selfishness or a desire to experience a feeling of love that they have already forgotten?
Pechorin "dressed her up like a doll, cared for her, cherished her." Bela was pleased with such attention, she looked prettier, felt happy.

For four months, the tender relationship between the heroes lasted, and then Pechorin's attitude to Bela changes. He began to leave home for a long time, thought, was sad.

“I was wrong again: love is wild to few better than love a noble lady, the ignorance and simple-heartedness of one is as annoying as the coquetry of another. "

Pechorin is attracted by the integrity, strength and naturalness of the feelings of the mountain "savage", the Circassian woman. Love for Bela is not a whim and not a whim on the part of Pechorin, but an attempt to return to the world of sincere feelings.

An attempt to get closer to a person of a different faith, a different way of life, to get to know Bela better, to find some kind of harmonious balance in relations with her ends tragically. Pechorin is a man who lives "out of curiosity", he says: "my whole life was just a chain of sad and unsuccessful contradictions to my heart or reason."

The story "Maxim Maksimych"

1. Attitude to the past that bound the heroes

Relation to the past
Pechorina Maxim Maksimovich
All the past is painful. All the past is sweet.
He cannot and does not want to calmly recall the past with Maxim Maksimych, especially the story with Bela. Shared memories become the basis for the conversation that the captain is so eagerly awaiting.
The past and the reminder of it causes pain in Pechorin's soul, since he cannot forgive himself the story that ended with Bela's death. Memories of the past give Maksim Maksimych some significance: he was a participant in the same events as Pechorin.
How the last meeting of heroes ends
An unexpected meeting with the "past" did not awaken any feelings in the hero's soul, he, as he was indifferent and indifferent to himself, remains so. Maybe that's why, to the question of Maxim Maksimych: "I still have your papers ... I carry them with me ... What should I do with them?", Pechorin replies: "What do you want ..."
Refusal to continue the meeting and conversation: "Really, I have nothing to tell, dear Maksim Maksimych ... However, goodbye, I have to go ... I'm in a hurry ... thank you for not forgetting ..."
“Good Maksim Maksimych has become a stubborn, grumpy staff captain!”, He contemptuously throws Pechorin's notebooks to the ground: “Here they are all ... I congratulate you on your find ... At least print in the newspapers. What does it matter to me! .. "
Misunderstanding and resentment at Pechorin, disappointment: “What is to him in me? I am not rich, not bureaucratic, and even by his years he is not at all a match ... See what a dandy he has become, how he visited Petersburg again ... "

2. Why don't the kind staff captain and Pechorin find understanding?

Differences between heroes
Pechorin Maxim Maximovich
He tries to get to the very bottom of everything, to understand the complexities of human nature, and above all, his character. Deprived of understanding general meaning things, kind and simple-minded.
Always trying to overcome circumstances. Conquered by the circumstances.
The meeting of Maksim Maksimych with Pechorin brought disappointment to the captain; she made the poor old man suffer and doubt the possibility of sincere, friendly relations between people. We find the explanation for this behavior of Pechorin in his own words: “Listen, Maxim Maksimych, ... I have an unhappy character: whether my upbringing made me so, whether God created me, I don't know; I only know that if I am the cause of the misfortune of others, then I myself am no less unhappy. Of course, this is a bad consolation for them - only the fact is that it is so. "

The story "Taman"

Pechorin and "honest" smugglers: Pechorin is young, inexperienced, his feelings are ardent and impetuous, impressionable and romantic, looking for adventure, ready to take risks.

Pechorin's attitude to the characters of the story:

At the beginning of the story At the end of the story
Blind boy "I looked at him for a long time with involuntary regret, when suddenly a barely perceptible smile ran over his thin lips, and, I don't know why, she made the most unpleasant impression on me." The boy's behavior is surprising and arouses curiosity - like a blind boy walks everywhere alone, and at the same time dexterous and careful. "The blind boy seemed to be crying, and for a long, long time ... I felt sad." The boy's fate evokes sympathy, despite the fact that he robbed Pechorin.
Undine “A strange creature ... There were no signs of madness on her face, on the contrary, her eyes with bold insight rested on me, and these eyes seemed to be endowed with some kind of magnetic power ... She was far from beautiful ... There was a lot of breed in her ... Although in her indirect views I read something wild and suspicious ... " “The boat swayed, but I managed, and a desperate struggle began between us; fury gave me strength, but I soon noticed that I was inferior to my opponent in agility ... with a supernatural effort she threw me aboard ... "
Pechorin's premonition was justified: the undine turned out to be not quite an ordinary girl. She is endowed not only with an unusual appearance, but also has a strong, decisive, almost masculine character, combined with such qualities as deceit and pretense.
Pechorin's actions in the story "Taman" can be explained by his desire to penetrate into all the secrets of the world. As soon as he feels the approach of any secret, he immediately forgets about caution and rapidly moves towards discoveries. But the feeling of the world as a mystery, interest in life is replaced by indifference and disappointment.

The story "Princess Mary"

1. Water society- for Pechorin, a socially close environment, but, nevertheless, the author presents the relationship of the hero with the nobility as a conflict.
What constitutes a conflict?
The primitiveness of the representatives of the "water" society The contradictory character of Pechorin: "an innate passion to contradict"
Hypocrisy and insincerity in the manifestation of feelings, the ability to deceive. Pechorin's egoism: "To be always on the alert, to catch every glance, the meaning of every word, guess the intention, destroy conspiracies, pretend to be deceived, and suddenly, with one push, topple the entire huge and difficult building of tricks and plans - that's what I call life."
Failure to understand and accept Pechorin for who he is Attempts to find some kind of harmonious balance in relations with people end for Pechorin, unfortunately, in failure.
2. Grushnitsky - a caricature of Pechorin
... We see Grushnitsky through the eyes of Pechorin, we evaluate his actions through the perception of Pechorin: Grushnitsky came to Pyatigorsk to "become the hero of a novel."
... "... He does not know people and their weak strings, because all his life he was occupied with oneself."
... He wears a fashionable mask of disillusioned people, speaks in “pompous phrases”, “drapes importantly into extraordinary feelings, sublime passions and exceptional suffering. It is his pleasure to produce the effect. "
... There is not a penny of poetry in his soul.
... Capable of meanness and deception (duel with Pechorin).
... “I understood him, and for this he does not love me, although we are outwardly in the most friendly relations... I don’t like him either: I feel that someday we will run into him on a narrow road, and one of us will be uncomfortable. "
... Next to Pechorin, Grushnitsky looks pitiful and ridiculous.
... Grushnitsky is always trying to imitate someone.
... Even on the border of life and death, Grushnitsky's pride turns out to be stronger than honesty.
3. Werner - Pechorin's friend and "double"
... By definition Pechorin is a "wonderful person." Werner and Pechorin "read each other in their souls."
... He is a "skeptic and materialist."
... He is distinguished by a deep and sharp mind, insight and observation, knowledge of people.
... Him kind heart("Cried over a dying soldier").
... Hides his feelings and moods under the guise of irony and ridicule. Werner and Pechorin cannot be friends, as Pechorin believes that “of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although often neither of them admits this; I cannot be a slave, and in this case it is a tedious work to command, because at the same time it is necessary to deceive ... "
4. Mary. Stages of development of relations between the princess and Pechorin
Irritation caused by Pechorin's lack of attention to the princess.
... Hatred caused by several "daring" actions of Pechorin (Pechorin lured away all the princess's gentlemen, bought the carpet, covered his horse with a carpet).
... Interest, born of the desire to find out who he is, this Pechorin.
... Acquaintance with Pechorin changes not only the attitude of the princess towards the hero, but also the princess herself: she becomes sincere, more natural.
... Pechorin's confession gives rise to sympathy and empathy in the princess.
... Changes take place in the princess, about which Pechorin notes: "Where did her liveliness, her coquetry, her whims, her daring mine, a contemptuous smile, an absent-minded look go? .."
... Awakened by love for Pechorin, feelings turn Princess Mary into a kind, tender, loving woman, which turns out to be able to forgive Pechorin.
5. Vera is the only woman whom Pechorin loves.
“Why she loves me so much, really, I don’t know! Moreover, this is one woman who understood me perfectly, with all my petty weaknesses, bad passions ... Is evil really so attractive? "
... Pechorin brings Vera a lot of suffering.
... Faith for Pechorin is a guardian angel.
... She forgives him everything, knows how to feel deeply and strongly.
... Even after a long separation, Pechorin has the same feelings for Vera, which he admits to himself.
... “With the opportunity to lose her forever, Vera has become more dear to me than anything in the world, dearer than life, honor, happiness ".
... "She is the only woman in the world whom I could not deceive." Faith - only person, who understands how lonely and unhappy Pechorin is.
Faith about Pechorin: “... there is something special in your nature, something peculiar to you alone, something proud and mysterious; in your voice, no matter what you say, there is an invincible power; no one knows how to want to be loved all the time; in no one is evil so attractive; no one's gaze promises so much bliss; no one knows how to better use their advantages, and no one can be as truly unhappy as you, because no one tries so hard to convince themselves otherwise. "

The story "Fatalist"

Pechorin is looking for an answer to the question: "Does predestination exist?"
The hero is occupied with thoughts about the fate and will of man. It is about subjects more significant than human feelings, relationships, opposition to one or another circle of society. One of those present remarks: "And if there is definitely a predestination, then why are we given reason, why should we give an account of our actions? .."
Believes in fate, predestination Doesn't believe in fate, predestination
Wulich is a player constantly temptating fate. He seeks power over fate. His courage is explained by the fact that he is sure that each person has an appointed hour of his death and cannot be otherwise: "Each of us has a fateful moment assigned." Pechorin - does not believe that it exists high power controlling the movements of people. "It made me laugh when I remembered that there were once wise people who thought that the heavenly bodies were taking part in our insignificant disputes for a piece of land or for some fictitious rights."
“And how often do we take for conviction a deception of the senses or a blunder of reason! .. I like to doubt everything: this disposition of the mind does not interfere with the decisiveness of character; on the contrary, as far as I am concerned, I always go forward more boldly when I do not know what awaits me. After all, nothing worse than death will happen - and death cannot be avoided! "
A person who has faith and a goal turns out to be stronger than a person who does not believe in fate, does not believe in himself. If for a person there is nothing more important than own desires, then he inevitably loses his will. Pechorin understands this paradox as follows: “And we, their miserable descendants, wandering the earth without convictions and pride, without pleasure and fear, except for that involuntary fear that squeezes the heart at the thought of an inevitable end, we are no longer capable of great sacrifices, neither for the good humanity, not even for our own happiness, because we know its impossibility and indifferently pass from doubt to doubt ... "

Hero of our time

Hero of our time
Hero of our time

Title page of the first edition
Original language:
Year of writing:
Separate edition:
in Wikisource

"Hero of our time"(written in 1838-1840) - a novel by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov. For the first time the novel was published in St. Petersburg, in the printing house of Ilya Glazunov and Co., in the city, in 2 books. The circulation is 1000 copies.

The structure of the novel

The novel consists of several parts, chronological order which is violated. This arrangement serves as a special artistic tasks: in particular, at first Pechorin is shown through the eyes of Maxim Maksimych, and only then we see him from the inside, according to entries from the diary

  • Foreword
    • I. Bela
    • II. Maxim Maksimych
  • Pechorin's Journal
    • Foreword
    • I. Taman
  • PART TWO ( The end of the journal Pechorin)
    • II. Princess Mary
    • III. Fatalist

Chronological order of parts

  1. Taman
  2. Princess Mary
  3. Fatalist
  4. Maxim Maksimych
  5. Foreword to the magazine

Five years pass between the events of Bela and Pechorin's meeting with Maksim Maksimych in front of the narrator in Maksim Maksimych.

Also in some scientific publications "Bela" and "Fatalist" change places.



It is an embedded story: the story is led by Maxim Maksimych, who tells his story to an unnamed officer he met in the Caucasus. Pechorin, bored in the mountainous wilderness, begins his service by stealing someone else's horse and kidnapping the beloved daughter of a local prince, which causes a corresponding reaction from the highlanders. But Pechorin does not care about this. The careless act of the young officer is followed by the collapse of dramatic events: Azamat leaves the family forever, Bela and her father die at the hands of Kazbich.

"Maxim Maksimych"

This part is adjacent to "Bela", has no independent novelistic significance, but for the composition of the novel it is entirely important. Here the reader only meets Pechorin face to face. The meeting of old friends did not take place: it is rather a fleeting conversation with the desire of one of the interlocutors to end it as soon as possible.

The story is based on the contrast of two opposite characters - Pechorin and Maksim Maksimych. The portrait is given through the eyes of an officer-storyteller. In this chapter, an attempt is made to unravel the "internal" Pechorin through the external "speaking" features.


The story tells not about Pechorin's reflection, but shows him from an active, active side. Here Pechorin, unexpectedly for himself, becomes a witness, and later, to some extent, a participant in gangster activities. Pechorin at first thinks that a person who sailed from the other side is risking his life for something really valuable, but in reality he is just a smuggler. Pechorin is very disappointed with this. But all the same, leaving, he does not regret that he visited this place.

The main point in closing words Pechorina: "And why was fate to throw me into a peaceful circle honest smugglers ? Like a stone thrown into a smooth spring, I disturbed their calmness and, like a stone, I almost sank myself! "

"Princess Mary"

The story is written in the form of a diary. In terms of life material, "Princess Mary" is closest to the so-called "secular story" of the 1830s, but Lermontov filled it with a different meaning.
The story begins with Pechorin's arrival in Pyatigorsk at the healing waters, where he meets Princess Ligovskaya and her daughter, called Mary in the English manner. In addition, here he meets his former love Vera and friend Grushnitsky. Juncker Grushnitsky, a poser and secret careerist, acts as a contrasting character to Pechorin.

During his stay in Kislovodsk and Pyatigorsk, Pechorin falls in love with Princess Mary and quarrels with Grushnitsky. He kills Grushnitsky in a duel and refuses Princess Mary. On suspicion of a duel, he is exiled again, this time to the fortress. There he meets Maxim Maksimych.


It happens in Cossack village where Pechorin comes. He sits at a party, the company plays cards. Soon they get tired of it and start a conversation about predestination and fatalism, in which some believe, some do not. A dispute ensues between Vulich and Pechorin: Pechorin says that he sees clear death on Vulich's face, as a result of the dispute, Vulich takes a pistol and shoots himself, but a misfire occurs. Everyone goes home. Soon Pechorin learns about Vulich's death, a drunken Cossack stabbed him with a saber. Then Pechorin decides to try fate and catch the Cossack. He breaks into his house, the Cossack shoots, but by. Pechorin grabs the Cossack, comes to Maxim Maksimych and tells him everything.

Main characters


Pechorin is a Petersburg resident. A military man, as in his rank, and in his soul. He comes to Pyatigorsk from the capital. His departure to the Caucasus is connected with "some adventures." In the fortress, where the action of "Bela" takes place, he ends up after a duel with Grushnitsky, at the age of 23. There he is in the rank of ensign. He was probably transferred from the guard to the army infantry or army dragoons.

The meeting with Maxim Maksimych takes place five years after the story with Bela, when Pechorin is already 28.

He is dying.

The surname Pechorin, derived from the name of the Pechora river, has a semantic affinity with the surname Onegin. Pechorin is a natural successor to Onegin, but Lermontov goes further: as r. Pechora north of the river. Onega, and the character of Pechorin is more individualistic than the character of Onegin.

The image of Pechorin

The image of Pechorin is one of artistic discoveries Lermontov. The Pechorin type is truly epoch-making, and primarily because in it they received a concentrated expression of the peculiarities of the post-Decembrist era, when on the surface “only losses were visible, a cruel reaction”, but inside “ great job... deaf and silent, but active and uninterrupted ... "(Herzen, VII, 209-11). Pechorin is an extraordinary and controversial personality. He may complain of a draft, and after a while he will jump with a saber head on at the enemy. The image of Pechorin according to the chapter "Maksim Maksimych": “He was of average height; his slender, thin body and broad shoulders proved a strong constitution, capable of enduring all the difficulties of nomadic life and climatic changes, not defeated either by the debauchery of metropolitan life, or by spiritual storms ... ".


The novel has appeared in print in parts since 1838. The first complete edition was published in g.

  • "Bela" was written in the city. The first publication - in the "Notes of the Fatherland", March, vol. 2, no. 3.
  • The Fatalist was first published in Patriotic notes"In 1839, vol. 6, no. 11.
  • Taman was first published in Otechestvennye zapiski in 1840, v. 8, no. 2.
  • "Maxim Maksimych" first appeared in print in the 1st separate edition novel in g.
  • "Princess Mary" first appeared in the 1st edition of the novel.
  • The "Preface" was written in St. Petersburg in the spring of the year and first appeared in the second edition of the novel.


The book has been illustrated many times famous artists, including M. A. Vrubel, I. E. Repin, E. E. Lansere, V. A. Serov.

Origins and predecessors

  • Lermontov deliberately overcame the adventurous romantic tradition novels on Caucasian theme given by Bestuzhev-Marlinsky.
  • Alfred de Musset's novel "Confessions of the Son of the Century" was published in 1836 and also tells about "illness", meaning "the vices of a generation."
  • Rousseau tradition and the development of a motive for the love of a European for the "savage". For example, Byron, as well as Pushkin's "Gypsies" and " Prisoner of the Caucasus».
  • Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin", "Prisoner of the Caucasus", " Captain's daughter"And so on.

Adjacent works of Lermontov

  • "Caucasian"- an essay written by Lermontov a year after the end of the novel. The genre is a physiological sketch. The described officer is extremely reminiscent of Maksim Maksimych, a typical life story of such a "Caucasian" appears before the reader.
  • The drama "Two Brothers", which features Alexander Radin, Pechorin's closest predecessor.

Geography of the novel

The novel is set in the Caucasus. The main place is Pyatigorsk.

Caucasian peoples in the novel

Literary analysis

Screen adaptations

  • "Princess Mary",; "Bela",; "Maxim Maksimovich",. Director - V. Barsky. V starring- Nikolay Prozorovsky. Black and white, dumb.
  • "Princess Mary",. Director - I. Annensky.
  • "Bela",; "Hero of our time ", . Director - S. Rostotsky. Starring - Vladimir Ivashov (dubbed by Vyacheslav Tikhonov).
  • "Pages of the Pechorin magazine", film-performance. Director - Anatoly Efros. Oleg Dal is in the lead role.
  • "Hero of Our Time", TV series. Director - Alexander Kott. In the main role - Igor Petrenko.

Notes (edit)


  • Site dedicated to the novel by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"
  • International Literary Club: Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"
  • "A Hero of Our Time" in the "Lermontov Encyclopedia"

The image of Georgy Aleksandrovich Pechorin in the novel A Hero of Our Time, written by Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov in 1838-1840, represents a completely new type of the protagonist.

Who is Pechorin

The protagonist of the novel is a young man, a representative of high society.

Georgy Alexandrovich is educated and smart, courageous, decisive, knows how to make an impression, especially on the ladies, and ... he is tired of life.

Rich and not the happiest life experience leads him to frustration and loss of interest in anything.

Everything in the hero's life becomes boring: earthly pleasures, high society, love of beauties, science - everything, in his opinion, happens according to the same schemes, monotonous and empty.

The hero is definitely a skeptic, but it cannot be said that feelings are alien to him. Georgy Aleksandrovich has arrogance and pride (although he is self-critical), has affection for his only comrade, Dr. Werner, and he also enjoys manipulating people and their suffering as a result.

For everyone around him, the hero is incomprehensible, and therefore he is often called strange. Pechorin repeatedly confirms the inconsistency of his character.

This inconsistency is born of the struggle of reason and feelings within him, the most striking example of it is his love for Vera, which George realizes too late. So, let's see this hero in action through brief description by chapters.

Characteristics of Pechorin by chapters in the novel

In the first chapter of Bela, the story is told on behalf of an old acquaintance Pechorin, officer Maksim Maksimych.

In this part, the hero manifests himself as an immoral person playing with the fate of others. Pechorin seduces and kidnaps the daughter of a local prince, simultaneously stealing a horse from Kazbich, who is in love with her.

After a while, Bela gets bored with Pechorin, the young man breaks the girl's heart. At the end of the chapter, Kazbich kills her out of revenge, and Azamat, who helps Pechorin in crimes, is forever expelled from the family. Georgy Alexandrovich himself only continues his journey, not feeling guilty for what happened.

The narration of the subsequent chapter "Maksim Maksimych" is led by a certain staff captain. Being acquainted with Maxim Maksimych, the narrator accidentally witnesses his meeting with Pechorin. And again the hero shows his indifference: the young man is completely cold to his old friend, whom he has not seen for many years.

"Taman" is the third story in the novel, which is already a note in the diary of Pechorin himself. In it, by the will of fate, a young man becomes a witness to smuggling activities. The girl involved in the crime flirted with Pechorin in order to "remove" him.

In the episode of the attempt to drown Pechorin, we see his desperate struggle for life, which is still dear to him. However, in this chapter, the hero is still indifferent to people and their fates, which this time are spoiled by his involuntary interference.

In the chapter "Princess Mary" the main character is revealed in more detail and versatile. We see such qualities as cunning and prudence in building plans to seduce Princess Mary and duel with Grushnitsky.

Pechorin plays with their lives for pleasure, breaking them: Mary remains an unhappy girl with broken heart, and Grushnitsky dies in a duel.

George is cold towards all people in this secular society, except for his old friend Vera.

They once had a fleeting romance, but at new meeting their feelings are given a second life. George and Vera secretly meet, but her husband, having learned about the presence of a lover, decides to take her out of the city. This event forces young man to realize that Vera is the love of his life.

George rushes after him, but it is too late. In this episode, the main character is revealed from a completely new side: no matter how cold and cynical the young man is, he is also a man, even this strong feeling cannot be ignored.

In the last part of The Fatalist, the hero is shown to have lost the slightest interest in life and even looking for his own death. In the episode of the dispute with the Cossacks behind the cards, the reader sees a kind of mystical connection between Pechorin and fate: Georgy had foreseen events in the lives of people before, but in this cut he predicted the death of Lieutenant Vulich.

One gets a certain impression that the young man has already learned everything in this life, which he now does not feel sorry for. George says about himself following words: “And maybe I'll die tomorrow! ... and there will not be a single creature left on earth who would understand me perfectly ”.

Description of Pechorin's appearance

Georgy Alexandrovich has a rather attractive appearance. The hero has a slender, strong physique with an average height.

George has blond hair, delicate pale aristocratic skin, but dark mustache and eyebrows. The young man dressed in fashion, looked well-groomed, but walked casually and lazily.

Of the many quotes describing his appearance, the most expressive is about his eyes, which “didn't laugh when he laughed!<…>This is a sign - either of an evil disposition, or of deep constant sadness. "

His gaze always remained calm, only sometimes expressing a certain challenge, arrogance.

How old is Pechorin

At the time of his actions in the chapter "Princess Mary", he is about twenty-five years old. Georgy dies at the age of about thirty, that is, still young.

The origin and social status of Pechorin

The main character of the novel has noble origin, was born and raised in St. Petersburg.

Throughout his life, George belonged to the upper strata of society, since he was a hereditary rich landowner.

Throughout the entire work, the reader can observe that the hero is a soldier and bears the military rank of ensign.

Childhood Pechorin

Learning about the childhood of the protagonist, his life path becomes clear. As a little boy, the best aspirations of his soul were suppressed in him: firstly, it was demanded by an aristocratic upbringing, and secondly, they did not understand him, the hero was lonely from childhood.

More about how the evolution of a good boy into an immoral social unit took place is shown in the table with a quote from Pechorin himself:

The upbringing of Pechorin

Georgy Alexandrovich received an exclusively secular upbringing.

The young man skillfully speaks French, dances, knows how to behave in society, but he has not read a lot of books, and he soon gets tired of the light.

Parents did not play a big role in his life.

In his youth, the hero went all out: he spent a lot of money on entertainment and pleasure, however, this disappointed him too.

Pechorin's formation

Little is known about the education of the protagonist of the novel. The reader is given to understand that he was fond of sciences for some time, but he also lost interest in them, they do not bring happiness. After that, George took up the military business that was popular in society, which also soon bored him.

Death of Pechorin in the novel "A Hero of Our Time"

The reader learns about the death of the hero from the preface to his diary. The cause of death remains undisclosed. It is only known that this happened to him on the way from Persia, when he was about thirty years old.


In this work, we briefly reviewed the image of the main character of the novel "A Hero of Our Time". The character and attitude to the life of the hero remain incomprehensible to the reader until the episode when Pechorin talks about his childhood.

The reason that the hero became " moral cripple”Is upbringing, the damage from which affected not only his life, but also the fate of the people he hurt.

However, no matter how hard-hearted a person is, he cannot escape true love... Unfortunately, Pechorin realizes it too late. This disappointment turns into a loss last hope on normal life and the happiness of the hero.

The image was created by M. Yu. Lermontov to show the loss of the moral guidelines of the generation of the 30s of the nineteenth century.

The novel "A Hero of Our Time" is a disclosure of a complex and controversial the main character, Grigory Pechorin. The personality problem is central problem romanticism, and reality in a novel is a way of knowing the world and human, and the hero is a recognizable, ordinary person, a representative of his time. The character of Pechorin is revealed through real actions, and the main character is lonely and unhappy, the pursuit of the ideal leads to the tragedy of a strong personality.

The chapter "Taman" is romanticism intertwined with realism. Landscapes, the free life of smugglers is intertwined with reality, the truth of life and the meager spiritual world of the heroes. Pechorin, as a lyrical hero, still young, but already becoming a hero of his time. Lermontov was in Taman, waiting for a ship, he was mistaken for a royal looking, looking for smugglers. Blind Yashka, a beautiful Tatar woman and her connection with smugglers are real facts from life the author.

The characteristic of Pechorin in the chapter "Bela" is given by Maxim Maksimych. The elderly staff captain tries to understand the internal contradictions of Pechorin's character, through external, pronounced features and fragility. The narrator does not try to analyze the complex character of Pechorin, Maxim Maksimych describes facts from his life. The realism of life on against the background of raging nature, the romanticism of Bela's love and the unfolding tragedy, Bela dies, Bela's father is a prince, and the prince's son, Azamat, leaves the family forever.

The head of "Maksim Maksimych" is a manifestation of realism, through the actions of Pechorin. Pechorin was unpleasant memories associated with Maksim Maksimych, the events in the Caucasus, the death of Bela. For him, this is a past stage and he is deleted from life. Sentiments are not for Grigory, it shows his attitude to people. Pechorin becomes alienated, cold and puts himself above the surrounding society, he is only concerned about the dispute with himself, which always remains unfinished. Pechorin is a pity, he is alone in his wanderings, rejecting all friendly relations.

"Princess Mary" - the head full of romanticism, feelings and nature, meeting with Mary, which brought disappointment. The old feeling for Vera, the only woman who could understand Pechorin, appreciate and accept him as he is, with all his flaws, vices But this only emphasizes the reality, the painful loneliness of the hero, against the background of raging passions. The duel does not change anything in the fate of Pechorin, friendship is an unnecessary feeling for him, like love, for which he was also incapable, not knowing how to sacrifice anything for the sake of others.

The chapter "Fatalist" is the confrontation between life and death, fate in the fate of a person. Romanticism, a test of fate, to believe in fate or fate, to be a fatalist or not, everyone makes a choice. Realism, written on the basis of real events, an incident from the life of M. Lermontov. The fatalist is not only the Serbian Colonel Vulich, Pechorin is the main fatalist, who himself predetermined the fate. Gradually, the author reveals the soul of the hero, drawing a deep and comprehensive image of Pechorin, logically summing up the philosophical reasoning of Pechorin himself in the last chapter "Fatalist".

Bela is a young Circassian woman, a princely daughter. Very beautiful. Pechorin is carried away by the girl and steals her from the parental home with the help of her brother. At first B. is shy about Pechorin, refuses to look at him, to accept gifts. Like all mountain dwellers, B. values ​​freedom very much. But Pechorin does not abandon his attempts to tame the proud Circassian woman, and she finally gives up. Their happiness lasted for about four months. Then Pechorin began to get bored again, B. was tired of him. The girl began to languish, the glitter disappeared from her eyes. Then B. will be stolen by the robber Kazbich. When Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych overtake him, he sticks a dagger into the girl. She dies in long agony.

The heroine of the story "Princess Mary". Vera is a socialite, Pechorin's longtime mistress. A description of her appearance was given from the mouth of Dr. Werner: "some lady from the newcomers, a relative of the princess by her husband, very pretty, but she seems to be very sick ... of medium height, blonde, with regular features, consumptive complexion, and right cheek black mole: her face struck me with its expressiveness. "In the future, we learn the story of the relationship between Pechorin and V. This is his longtime love, perhaps the only woman who managed to leave an indelible mark on his soul. She is not at all like typical representatives high society... We understand the value of V. for Pechorin: this is the only woman who understood him completely and accepted him as he is, without trying to remake him. During their meeting in Pyatigorsk, we learn that V. has married an unloved person who has a solid capital. She did it for the sake of her son, to give him all the conditions for a good life. Vera and Pechorin secretly meet. She is very jealous of him towards Mary. Unable to withstand the strong psychological stress, V. talks about his love for Pechorin to her husband, and he takes her away. She leaves Pechorin a letter with a declaration of love. V. says that P. devastated her soul, but she never tried to change him. Only after losing V., Pechorin realizes how much he needs her. He tries to catch up with the heroine, but only drives the horse. Then he falls to the ground and begins to cry uncontrollably. V. leaves his life forever.

Werner is a character in the story "Princess Mary"; doctor, friend of Pechorin. V. is a kind of "Pechorin" type, essential both for understanding the whole novel and for shading the image of Pechorin. Like Pechorin, V. is a skeptic, an egoist and a "poet" who has studied "all the living strings of the human heart." He has a low opinion of humanity and the people of his time, he did not lose interest in the suffering of people ("wept over a dying soldier"), he vividly feels their good inclinations. It has an inner spiritual beauty and he values ​​her in others.

V. “small in stature and thin and weak as a child; one leg was shorter than the other, like Byron's; in comparison with the body, his head seemed huge ... ". In this respect, V. is the opposite of Pechorin. Everything in him is disharmonious: a sense of beauty and - bodily ugliness, ugliness. The apparent predominance of the spirit over the body gives an idea of ​​the unusualness, strangeness of the doctor, as well as his calling: Russian, he wears German surname... Kind by nature, he earned the nickname Mephistopheles, because he has critical vision and wicked tongue, penetrating into the essence hidden behind a decent shell. V. is endowed with the gift of foresight. He, not yet knowing what kind of intrigue Pechorin was planning, already has a presentiment that Grushnitsky will fall victim to his friend. Philosophical-meta-physical conversations between Pechorin and V. remind verbal duel where opponents are worthy of each other.

But unlike Pechorin, V. is a contemplator. He does not take a step to change his destiny. Cold decency - that's " life rule Q. The morality of the doctor does not extend beyond this. He warns Pechorin about rumors spread by Grushnitsky, about a conspiracy, about an impending crime (they will "forget" to put a bullet in Pechorin's pistol during a duel), but avoids and fears personal responsibility: after Grushnitsky's death he steps aside, as if he had no indirect relations and all the blame tacitly lays on Pechorin, not giving him a hand when visiting. (He regards the doctor's behavior as treason and moral cowardice.)

The hero of the story "Fatalist". Lieutenant, an unusual and mysterious person. "Lieutenant Vulich's appearance fully corresponded to his character. High growth and a swarthy complexion, black hair, black penetrating eyes, a large but regular nose ..., a sad and cold smile that always wandered on his lips - all this seemed to be coordinated in order to give him the appearance of a special being ... " He is closed, he does not care about anything in life except the game. He is incredibly passionate, frequent losses do not stop him. This man is courageous, not afraid of death, cold-blooded. V. offered a bet. He had to shoot himself in the temple, thereby checking his fate. The pistol misfired, but it was loaded and the gunpowder did not damp. Nevertheless, Pechorin sees the imprint of death on V.'s face and tells him about it. Late at night V. is hacked to death by a drunken Cossack.

A character from the story "Princess Mary". G. is mediocre, but he is extremely fond of pathos. "... he is one of those people who have ready-made pompous phrases for all occasions, who are simply not touched by the beautiful and who are importantly draped into extraordinary feelings, lofty passions and exceptional suffering. To produce an effect is their pleasure ...". G. strives to play the role of a disappointed hero, which is fashionable among young men. He wears an old soldier's greatcoat with particular stubbornness, playing with all his might the role of a sufferer, demoted to a soldier for his audacious act. Of course, this is a parody of Pechorin. That is why G. is so hateful to Pechorin. G. is self-confident, he even felt sorry for Pechorin for a while. Since he is a narrow-minded person, G. cannot understand how Pechorin is in all respects superior to him. G. is in love with Princess Mary, and at first she responds to him with special attention. But then Mary falls in love with Pechorin, G. is completely forgotten. Going crazy with jealousy and hurt pride, G. becomes dangerous. He gathers a company around him, and they all mock the princess together. Later, accusing G. of libel, Pechorin challenges him to a duel. G. and his company conspire and do not load Pechorin's pistol. The hero cannot forgive such blatant meanness. He reloads the pistol and kills G. in a duel.

Moscow princess. She arrived in Pyatigorsk with her mother, Princess Ligovskaya. Mary is very young and, due to her age, romantic. At the beginning of the story, she is carried away by Grushnitsky, taking his pathetic speeches seriously. She is impressed by his soldier's overcoat, before her eyes the image of a young soldier, demoted to soldiers because of some brave deed, rises before her eyes. Pechorin set himself the goal of completely luring the attention of the princess from Grushnitsky onto himself, and he skillfully manages the situation, changing M.'s attitude to himself from hatred or deep love. It is worth noting that in M. there are many good qualities... She sincerely regrets Pechorin, after his confession, she sincerely wants to help him. All thoughts and feelings of the princess are deep and sincere. Last time we see M. in a scene of explanation with Pechorin. The hero says that he laughed at the girl, and all his courtship was just a game. The reader understands that after all that has happened, M. is unlikely to ever be the same. Pechorin undermined her confidence in people.

Maksim Maksimych is the staff captain. In the novel, he acts as a narrator ("Bela") and an independent character ("Maksim Maksimych", "Fatalist"). This is very good person with a heart of gold and kind soul... He appreciates peace of mind, tries to avoid all kinds of trouble. MM. believes in friendship, which is why he is so painfully hurt by the cold meeting with Pechorin, whom he sincerely considered his friend. This hero is given, as it were, in opposition to Pechorin. He is not far off, very simple. He does not understand Pechorin's emotional throwing. It is through the eyes this character we see Pechorin for the first time and learn about his actions.

Pechorin Grigory Alexandrovich is the main character of the novel. It is him that Lermontov calls "the hero of our time." The author himself notes the following: "The Hero of Our Time ... is like a portrait, but not of one person: this is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development." This character cannot be called positive or negative. Rather, he is a typical representative of his time.
P. is smart, well educated. He feels great strength in his soul, which he wasted. "In this vain struggle, I have exhausted both the heat of the soul and the constancy of will necessary for real life; I entered this life, having experienced it already mentally, and I felt bored and disgusted, like someone who reads a bad imitation of him for a long time famous book". The author expresses the inner qualities of the hero through his appearance. Aristocratic P. is shown Through the thinness of his pale fingers. When walking, he does not wave his arms - this is how the secrecy of his nature is expressed. mental drama... The hero's inner thrusts were especially vividly reflected in his attitude towards women. He steals a young Circassian woman Bela from the parental home, for some time enjoys her love, but then she bores him. Bela dies. He long and methodically attracts the attention of Princess Mary. He is driven only by the desire to completely possess someone else's soul. When the hero achieves her love, he says that he is not going to marry her. On Mineral waters P. meets Vera, a woman who has loved him for years. We learn that he wore out her whole soul. P. is sincerely fond of, but extremely quickly he gets bored, and he leaves people like a flower plucked along the way. This is the deep tragedy of the hero. Finally realizing that no one and nothing can make up the meaning of his life, P. is waiting for death. He found her on the road, on his return from Persia.