Courageous people who. Darginians - pious and courageous people

Courageous people who. Darginians - pious and courageous people
Courageous people who. Darginians - pious and courageous people

Proverbs of the peoples of the world

What is most likely in battle(Indian parable)

Once, Akbar asked Birbal:
- What is most likely in battle?
Birbal answered:
- Lord of the Universe! The most common courage!
- And power, and weapon? Or did you forget about them? Said Akbar.
- Sovereign! If there is no courage in the heart of the warrior, he will not help him with his strength, no weapon, "Birbal replied.

Sergey Polovnikov


Under the courage, it is usually understood by the quality of a person to suffer difficulties, bringing to the end of the work started, not amenable to circumstances, even overcoming, maybe physical suffering.

The courage in a more private understanding is a set of qualities inherent in a man. In a broader sense, courage is the ability of a person to remain a person in any trials and shocks, even if they threaten his health and life itself. From this point of view, it is believed that even a woman can be courageous. "Be courageous", "Trying" - they tell her in difficult moments of life, giving strength to survive the upheaval.

So, courage is such a behavior when a person acts, not amenable to fear, despair and other non-humanoid states. Does this mean that a courageous person does not know fear? Of course not. After all, fear is a person's response to definable signals. On the one hand, the signals recorded in the physical body of the instinct of self-preservation. Such a fear is inherent in animals.

On the other hand, this is the identity signals that assessing the situation makes an adverse forecast for themselves, assuming that events will develop threatening for it. An ordinary person is subject to the action of fear. May not feel fear people with certain mental disabilities. The ego of such a person who fully captured the physical body, sometimes with alcohol or drugs blocks danger signals coming from the body, does not allow them to be made to awareness. If, at the same time, the ego has aggressive, manical features, then it pushes a person to reckless acts, meaningless risk. Here courage and does not smell.

A courageous person fear becomes a signal warning of danger, an indicator that helps choose an adequate line of behavior.

A similar situation occurs when other non-humanoid qualities are trying to subordinate to themselves. For example, despair - when life supports are crushed, established stereotypes. A person needs courage to abandon old internal backups and go to a new globility. Greed - For someone, considerable courage is required to refuse, if necessary, from $ 10 (and maybe $ 10 million). Self-affirmation - a courageous athlete refuses a dishonest victory. The same for other qualities.

The courage is a person's ability to remain a person in any situations, a permanent conscious choice in favor of decency, honesty, sincerity. This choice, which is done not only in serious tests or turning events, but also in small things, every day. It is in the so-called trifles that grows the margin of courage and strength.

Get up early, breaking out of sweet sleep hugs, make a warm-up, overcoming sucking inertia, pour the cold water basin - this is everyday, "domestic" courage. It is also manifested in the impeccable fulfillment of everyday affairs assigned responsibilities, in bringing to the completion of the started and implementing plans. To whom this situation is not familiar: first, the new interesting thing attracts, manitics. Then the difficulties begin, the invisible circumstances arise, somehow promises are not fulfilled, someone slightly deceived or led. The case begins to stick and becomes as if nobody needs. Of course, you need courage to invest your strength, cardiac energy and "push" the case. And after all, it's a shame - no one sees how much you work and what sacrifices are going, and no one knows about your heroism!

The courage requires any manifestation of sincerity, especially when it comes to the need to realize or recognize their flaws, the presence of destructive character traits.

The courage finds his manifestation and in the appearance of a person, the manner of his behavior. Such people do not fuss, as they do not need to appear to anyone and produce an impression on someone. They are modest, few, calm and balanced. They are quite open and a bit and therefore capable of affection and tenderness. These are people who can rely on who can be trusted. Their inner rod gives them strength. The external manifestation of courage can be called courageous.

A courageous man will not betray. Next to him calmly and reliably. He is responsible for his decisions for his choice. You will not meet a courageous person, complaining about the circumstances and obstacles, or repaying anyone in the "wrong" behavior.

More about one aspect of courage: the courage is collective or solitary. When a group of people do one thing, each performs its task that is part of the total. The courage collective folds from the courage of each of the participating. At the same time, each of them, on the one hand, heavier than if it were alone, and on the other hand, it is easier. It is harder because there is a responsibility for the success of a common cause and for the life of all others, because the unqualted one can reduce the efforts of everyone and even destroy them. And it is easier because your comrades will always help with their presence. Your inner rod, merged with a common rod of friends, becomes more stable and durable if you really sincerely work for a common cause.

What helps a person be courageous? Love in all its manifestations. Love for a woman, love for the homeland, love as the idea of \u200b\u200blife and its driving force, love as a way to man to be a man.

Nowadays, you can often hear about courage. At that, sometimes such quality is given even representatives of the beautiful sex. Each of us will have their own opinion as to whether it is correct or not. What is the courage, as a courageous man looks like, we suggest learn now.

Courage - What is it?

It is believed that the person has a truly strong and volitional person. The courage is one of the positive features of everyone, which manifests itself in readiness to come to the aid not only to itself and its loved ones, and even to sneakers. Such noble quality character can manifest itself in any field of life:

  • a team;
  • at work;
  • in public life;
  • at war.

What is the courage? Each of us has their own understanding of what act can be considered for men. However, most men and women tend to the fact that the courageously manifests itself in courage and willingness to sacrifice their own life for the benefit of other people. An example of such a act may be the salvation of a person during a fire or a natural disaster. Although for someone, such a manifestation of courage may seem normal human step, then for others it is really worthy of respect for the feat.

What is the courage?

Someone lives well without it, and for someone it has already become a vital principle. Such courageous people are found everywhere:

  1. During a natural disaster. Sometimes you can observe when not very physically strong, but really brave people save those who found themselves in trouble.
  2. At war. Even here you can distinguish between strong bold people and panties who are ready to betray a friend in a difficult moment.
  3. In everyday life. Sometimes it happens that the man threatens the danger, but only units can come to help and help the victim. Such bold people can be deservedly called courageous.

What happens for courage?

Selects such types of courage:

  1. Psychological- The ability of a person to see itself not as it is in fact, recognizing his advantages and disadvantages. Such courage of a person allows to outline the strategy of its development and life.
  2. Civic - The ability to protect yourself, as well as its own rights in society, at work, in the team. Such people are not afraid to seem like everyone else and defend their own rights.
  3. Combat or instinctive - Human readiness to joke into a fight. This is, above all, psychological ability. Such courage can be congenital, but often adjusted when upbringing. Here much depends on parents and all those people who take part in.

How to become courageous?

It also happens that a person does not have such qualities of character, but he has a desire to learn what courage, becoming brave and bolder. You can develop such features and become a truly strong and volitional personality. For this you need:

  1. Enhance self-esteem. It is clear that the insecure man can hardly defend someone and prove others that he is a courageous man.
  2. Learn martial arts.This will especially be relevant for boys. So if a child from an early age will grow strong and will be able to stand up for itself, it will not be a problem for him to protect others.
  3. Learn to be not indifferent to others and what is happening around.Such people cannot stay behind if someone found himself in trouble.

Courage in our time

Meet a person who is really ready to come to the rescue who in trouble can be now. The courage is manifested in our days not only during hostilities, but in everyday life. A courageous man no one will refuse if he is asked about help. In addition, such people help those surrounding without a request, and simply seeing such a need.

Each of us can call a lot of examples of how the person who does not possess a particular physical strength saves the child during a fire or protects the victim on the street. In addition, courageous deeds can very often be observed in the war, when a person is able to prove that he is ready to protect the other for his own life. Courage is the quality of the character of a person who daily overcomes difficulties in life for the good of his loved ones.

What is the courage in Orthodoxy?

Speaks about such qualities as courage and nobility of Orthodoxy. Under such qualities, religion understands the sacrifice, the ability of a person to help in a difficult moment. At the same time, under these terms, it is not daring and not by vitality. So courageous can be called a person ready to sacrifice many for their family. When a person is ready to help those who found themselves in trouble, it can also be called courageous and even a hero. Under the courage, Orthodoxy understands benefactor, which is the manifestation of love for others.

Mushroom people are the most definition of the heroes of our today's selection. They lived and almost died in such circumstances, which we would even even think about. They fought in wars, danced with death, committed acts of wonderful heroism and survived to tell about it.

Hugh Glass (Hugh Glass)

In 1823, during the Hunt for game, along the coast, Grand River (Grand River), along with his friends, Zverlyov, glasses collided face to face with Muncher Grizzly and her bearings. Once without his rifle at hand, he could not prevent the Maul war almost to sneak it into pieces. She left deep ripped wounds on his face, chest, arms and back. Surprisingly, the Glass was able to scare it with one of the only hunting knife. Unfortunately, they were at the hostile Indian territory, and the Glass was so wounded that his companions were hunters, there was nothing except to cover his dying body and leave him behind. But Glass did not die. He came into consciousness, improved his broken leg, wrapped in the skin of the bear and crawled along the banks of the river. The Glass had their own zamins. At some point, he had to collect larvae with a roting log so that they would leave his dead flesh on the leg to avoid gangrenes. He had to kill and eat snakes in order to support himself. However, six weeks later (six weeks!) He reached civilization, alive and good to health.

SIMO HAYHA (Simo Hayha)

He was called "White Death" (The White Death). Simo was a Finnish sniper, which, in fact, turned the life of Soviet soldiers to hell during World War II. During the Soviet-Finnish war of the 1939-40s, Simo helped beat the Soviet invaders the only way he knew by shooting them from a long distance. Throughout 100 days, Simo made 505 killings, and they were all confirmed. Russians, being shot down, sent snipers in a counterattack and fired in Simo artillery, but they could not stop him. In the end, the Russian soldier fired in the face of Simo. When they found him, Simo was in a coma, and half of his cheek was absent, but he refused to die. He came to himself and began to continue to live a full-fledged life, spreading dogs and hunting for the moose. When he was asked how he learned to shoot so well, Simo said what was the most undervalued thing in the history of mankind: "Practice".

Samuel Wittemore (Samuel Whittemore)

Wittemor was a true patriot, and, like many others, he gladly fought for his freedom against the British during the War for the independence of the United States. The only difference between the rest of men and Samuel was that Wittemor was at that time 78 years. Before that, Wittemor served ordinary in the war of King George (King George's War) and helped when capturing the fortress Louisburg (Fort Louisburg) in 1745. Some believe that he also participated in the French And Indian War, when he was 64 years old. He also killed three British soldiers in his fields with a rifle and his duel gun. For his efforts he was shot in the face, they were injured by the bayonet, and left to die. He refused to die, and in fact, completely recovered and lived to the mature age of 98, when, apparently, God decided that he did not want to see how a 150-year-old man fights in the Civil War (Civil War).

"Crazy Jack" Churchill ("Mad Jack" Churchill)

John Churchill had a motto, and this in itself is pretty cool because, who among our days has his own motto? In any case, Churchill said: "Any officer who begins battle without his sword - incorrectly dressed." And "Mad Jack" supported his words. While less brave people used weapons, "Mad Jack" used onions with arrows and sword to kill the Nazis. That is how he believed that firearms was invented for panties. "Mad Jack" is the only soldier in the Second World War, who killed enemies onions and arrows. What is just worth the fact that this guy took His Volyn to battle, and once he led a detachment for an enemy position, playing on it, moreover, he was the only one who survived this battle! He also penetrated Sicily and captured 42 soldiers and a ministerial team. While the majority wanted the war to end, Churchill did not want it, saying: "If there were no these damned Yankees, we could lead war from a dozen years."

Bhanbhagta Gurung (Bhanbhagta Gurung)

The British awarded Bhonbhanta Cross Victoria (Victorian Cross) for his efforts in World War II. What did he make such a special? Well, let's start with the fact that he saved his whole brigade from the enemy sniper, calmly stuck and firing into it, while his division was in siege. He did not stop at this, rushed into an enemy trench to undermine the enemies with a grenade (without an order, and alone), then he jumped into the next trench (where, as we assume, two Japanese soldiers were in complete loss) and the bayonet of death. He was covered with his success, he cleared two more trenches, killing enemies with grenades and bayonets. Oh yeah, we forgot to mention that all this happened under the machine-gun shelling, which fell on him and his comrades from the machine gun bunker. Bhanbhagta decided this problem, he went out of the tag in the bunker, jumping onto the roof and throwing a grenade into the bunker. Then he flew into the bunker and captured the last Japanese soldier.

Augustine Aragon (Agustina of Aragon)

Augustine was on the way to the fort, to deliver apples to Spanish soldiers during the Spanish War of Independence (Spanish War of Independence), when she discovered them retreating against the backdrop of French attack. She ran ahead and started charging the guns, shaking the soldiers so much that they must have felt obliged to return to battle. With her help, they beat off the French. She was ultimately taken captured, but fled and became the leader of the partisan squad. She even served as a battery commander in the Battle of Vitoria (Battle Of Vitoria). People called her Spanish Jeanne d "Ark (Joan of Arc), and it was a well-deserved honor.

John Fairfax (John Fairfax)

When he was 9 years old, John Farfax solved the dispute with the help of a pistol. He was excluded from the boycakes for shooting to another group of firearms. At the age of 13, he ran away from home to live like Tarzan in the jungle Amazon. When he was 20 years old, he decided to endorse the life of suicide - by way of the Yaguar! He took a gun in case him, if he changed his mind that he did, and he later shot and lit the animal. He spent three years as a pirate, after trying to travel by bike and hitchhiking throughout South America. Then, ultimately, he alone overwhelmed the Atlantic Ocean in the boat, and then the Pacific Ocean in a tandem with a friend.

Miyamoto Musasi (Miyamoto Musashi)

Miyamoto was sainted with a sword, Warrior Cancei (Kensai) in Japan in late 16 and early 17th century. He spent his first duel when he was 13 years old. Obviously, he liked to fight, because he spent his life, wandering around the countryside and fighting people. At the end of life, he took part and won more than 60 fights. He trained at Yoshioka Ryu School (Yoshioka Ryu), and then returned and destroyed it, apparently because he could do it. Once he fought in a rather famous match against Sasaki Codziro (Sasaki Kojiro), a famous Mustian master who used a two-handed sword. It seems that Miyamoto did not instantly, because he defeated Sasaki with a little wooden press, which he cut on the road to a duel. In the end, Miyamoto fell ill and retired to the cave, where he died. He was found that kneeling with a sword on his hands.

Dr. Leonid Rogozov

Dr. Leonid Rogozov served in Antarctica in 1961, when he developed peritonitis. The nearest surgeon who could remove appendix was at a distance of more than a thousand kilometers, and a huge blizzard had to start. If the appendix would not be soon removed, he would die. Without another choice, he decided that it would be better to remove it alone. Rogozov used a mirror, a little novocaine, a scalpel, as well as two untrained assistants and made a cut. It took him two hours and iron will, but the appendectomy was successful. Rogozov was ultimately awarded the Order of the Labor Red Banner by the Soviet Union, because you are obliged to award a guy who cut himself and took out an organ.

Adrian Cardon Di ViRT (Adrian Carton de Wiart)

You may think that you are a strong nut, but compared to Adrian Cardboard di VIRT, any person will seem like a puddle of the adhesive of human flesh. Adrian fought in three wars, including in the Anglo-Boer War (Boer War), the First World War, and, of course, in World War II. He survived two aircraft crashes and received firearms in the head, face, belly, ankle, hips, legs and ear. He was captured during World War II and managed to commit five attempts to escape from camp for prisoners of war. Ultimately, he succeeded, when he stopped the tunnel from prison and avoided capture for eight days, giving himself to the Italian peasant. We have already said that he was 61 at that time, he did not speak Italian, he had no one hand, and he wore a bandage to the eye? Oh yes, there is another story about doctors who refused to amputate Adrian's fingers, so he made the logical thing, and bit them off. After the First World War, Di Viart wrote: "Frankly, I enjoyed the war." Can not be.

Every day, orders are committed in Russia who do not pass by when someone needs help. The exploits of these people do not always notice officials, they do not give diplomas, but they do not become less significant from this.
The country should know his heroes, so this selection is devoted to brave, not indifferent people who proved that heroism is a place in our lives. All events occurred in February 2014.

Schoolchildren from the Krasnodar Territory Roman Vitkov and Mikhail Serdyuk saved an elderly woman from a burning house. Going home, they saw a burning building. Riding into the courtyard, schoolchildren saw that the veranda was almost completely covered by fire. Roman and Mikhail rushed to the barn for the tool. Grabbing a sledgehammer and an ax, knocking the window, the novel climbed into the window opening. Elderly woman slept in a smoke room. Release the victim managed only after hacking the door.

"Roma for the set is less than me, so it is easily penetrated into the window opening, but he could not get out in his hands in his arms. Therefore, we had to hack the door and just so managed to bear the victim, "said Misha Serdyuk.

Residents of the village of Altynai Sverdlovsk region Elena Martynov, Sergey Inozemtsev, Galina Sholokhov rescued children in a fire. Arson made the owner of the house, while blocking the door. At this time, the building contained three children of 2-4 years and 12-year-old Elena Martynov. Noticing the fire, Lena unlocked the door and began to take out children from the house. Galina Sholokhov and the cousin of children Sergei Inozemtsev came to the aid. All three heroes received letters from the local Ministry of Emergency Situations.

And in the Chelyabinsk region, the priest Alexey Perudov saved the life of the fiance at the wedding. During the wedding, the groom lost consciousness. The only one who was not confused in this situation turned out to be the Ieria Alexey Perud. He quickly examined the lying, suspected a heart stop and provided first aid, including an indirect heart massage. As a result, the sacrament was fully completed. Alexey's father noted that he saw the indirect heart massage only in the movies.

The veteran of the Chechen war Marat Zinatullin distinguished himself in Mordovia, who saved the elderly man from a burning apartment. Once a witness witness, Marat acted as a professional fireman. He climbed into a small barn at the fence, and with him a breakdown to the balcony. Broke the glass, revealed the door leading from the balcony into the room, and penetrated inside. On the floor lay the 70-year-old owner of the apartment. The pensioner poisoned by the smoke could not leave the apartment on his own. Marat, opening the entrance door from the inside, made the owner of the house in the entrance.

Employee of the Kostroma Colony Roman Sorvachev saved the lives of neighbors in a fire. Going into the entrance of your home, he immediately figured the apartment from which the smell of smoke is being sown. The door opened a drunk man who assured that everything is in order. However, the novel called the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The rescuers who arrived at the place could not penetrate the room through the door, and the uniforms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations did not allow them to get into the apartment through a narrow window frame. Then Roman got along the fire staircase upstairs, penetrated the apartment and pulled out an elderly woman and a man from a very smoked apartment in an unconscious state.

A resident of the village of Yurmash (Bashkortostan) Rafit Shamsutdinov saved two children in a fire. The fellow village of Rafita flooded the oven and, leaving two children - a three-year-old girl and a one and a half year old son, he left the older children to school. Smoke from the burning house noted Rafit Shamsutdinov. Despite the abundance of smoke, he managed to penetrate the burning room and make children.

Dagestana Arsen Fittsulaev prevented a catastrophe at the gas station in Caspian. Already then Arsen realized that actually risked life.
At one of the fasteners, an explosion unexpectedly thundered in the Caspian line. As it turned out later, the foreign car drove into a huge speed crashed into a gas tank and hit the valve. A minute of delay, and the fire would have shifted on nearby tanks with flammable fuel. With this scenario, the victims would not be avoided. However, the situation in the root changed a modest employee of refueling, skillful actions prevented a catastrophe and reduced its scale to the burnt machine and several damaged cars.

And in the village of Ilyinka-1 Tula region, schoolchildren Andrei Ibrov, Nikita Sabitov, Andrei Navruz, Vladislav Kozyrev and Artem Voronin pulled out a pensioner from the well. 78-year-old Valentine Nikitina fell into the well and could not get out independently. Screams about help heard Andrei Ibrov and Nikita Sabitov and immediately rushed to save an elderly woman. However, it was necessary to call for even three more guys - Andrei Navruza, Vladislav Kozyreva and Artem Voronin. Together, the guys managed to pull out an elderly pensioner from the well.
"I tried to dig up, the well is shallow - I even got his hand to the edge. But it was so slippery and cold that I could not grasp the hoop. And when I raised my hands, Icewater was poured into the sleeve. I screamed, called to the rescue, but the well is far from residential buildings and roads, so no one heard me. How much it continued, I don't even know ... Soon it became a clone to sleep, I raised my head out of the latter and suddenly I saw two boys who looked into the well! " - told the victim.

In the village of Romanovovo, the Kaliningrad region distinguished himself a twelve-year-old schoolboy Andrei Tokarsky. He saved his cousin, failing for ice. The incident occurred on Lake Pugachevskoye, where the boys together with Aunt Andrei came to ride the ice.

A police officer from the Pskov region Vadim Barkanov saved two men on. Walking with her friend, Vadim saw the smoke and the outstanding flame of fire from the window of the apartment in a residential building. A woman ran out of the building and began to call for help, since two men remained in the apartment. Calling firefighters, Vadim and his friend rushed to help them. As a result, they managed to take out of the burning building of two men in an unconscious state. The victims in ambulance were taken to the hospital where they had the necessary medical care.

It is possible to argue about what nation is the most brave for a very long time, and everyone will be right in their own way. If you go into the subtleties of historical facts, then in every century, different nations showed frantic heroism and courage. Therefore, it is unlikely to make a rating of the bold nation itself, but consider some moments of the manifestation of courage quite real.

Perhaps you can start with Russia. , I am very often distinguished to him very often. Starting from Kievan Rus, constant princely intersublies led to regular battles and wars. Brother walked against his brother, selecting the earth and assigning property. Naturally, people moved thirst for profit, but it is necessary to have a huge courage to decide on such an act.

If we consider events of closer eras, it can be noted that Russia, affected during the First World War (1914-1918) and the Great Patriotic (1941-1945), did not lose the spirit of freedom and morality. Thanks to the masses of the Russian people, the country not only won the battle, but also expanded its territories and raised allies in the person of other states.

Accordingly, the next worth considering german (german) peopleSince Germany was provocatives of the last two and most cruel wars.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe seizure of the Great Russian Empire bought a single ruler, but only the German authorities tried twice this. And the defeat in the first war did not stop the people, and a re-attempt was made. The manifestation of a great courage, and maybe even some madness fought for desperate steps with side of the German nation. And it is impossible to say that the highest echelons authorities commanded a simple people, because if the people were not ready, it would be unlikely to be submitted such a fate.

The great writer A. I. Solzhenitsyn, who in his work "Archipelago Gulag" does not mention chechens, he considers them not only a bold and rebellious nation, but inexperienced and recall.

So many troubles and suffering, how much did this people experienced, few have experienced. If, after the civil war, the Chechens gave land, the development of national writing and culture began, then in just a couple of decades, they are expelled from a permanent place of residence in Central Asia.

The courage of the spirit of the Chechen people makes them challenge those who constantly close them. The events of the 90s of the 20th century are still alive in the hearts of many who had to be present on the battlefield.

Someone reading this article will smile, remembering mongol-Tatar igwhich held in the "iron fist" of Europe for more than 300 years, someone will result in an example of an African tribe Tuaregov. All these arguments will be true. In each people there are her characters who need to remember, honor and respect.