Literary portrait of N L Leskov. Presentation on literature N.S. S.Lazkov Enchanted Wanderer (Grade 10)

Literary portrait of N L Leskov. Presentation on literature N.S. S.Lazkov Enchanted Wanderer (Grade 10)
Literary portrait of N L Leskov. Presentation on literature N.S. S.Lazkov Enchanted Wanderer (Grade 10)

This is not life, but only life ...

Portrait of a writer, hood. V. Serov

Zhostiyya holy - biographies of spiritual and secular persons canonized by the Christian Church. Learn as historical, literary and linguistic sources.

Life of the first Russian saints: Books Boris and Gleb, Vladimir I Svyatoslavich, Olga, Feodosia Pechersky (11-12 centuries).

  • "Our own ... comes from the clergy ..."
  • "I'm completely self-taught ..."
  • The beginning of the literary path
  • Creative flourishing
  • Leading themes of creativity
  • Late period of creativity
  • Characteristic features of creativity
  • "Leskov - Writer of the Future" (L. N. Tolstoy)
  • House Museum N. S. Leskova
  • In memory
  • Books N. S. Leskova




Stages of creativity

1831 - Born in the family of the Gorokhov Oryol province in the family of a small official.

1839 - His father (who graduated from the spiritual seminary, but instead of a career of the priest, who chose the position of the investigator), he retired, bought a small farm and moved there with his family.

Akilina Vasilyevna Alfrieva, Grandma N. S. Leskova, 1851

Marya Petrovna Leskova, Mother writer, 1873

1841 - 1846 - Study in gymnasium, self-education.

1848 - The death of the Father, Leskov is forced to send a stationery in the Oryol Chamber of the Criminal Court.

1849 - Moving to Kiev to your mother's brother. Visits in Kiev University, lectures under the Polish language, is fond of icon painting, takes part in the religious and philosophical student circle, communicates with pilgrims, old-handed sectors, sectarians.

1853 - Marriage to the daughters of the Kiev merchant Olga Vasilyevna Smirnova.

1857 - Moving to the village of Paradise Penza lips. Accepting a business offer A. Ya. Shkotta, Leskov becomes an agent of his commercial firm "Shkott and Wilkens" engaged in the management of rich estates.

1860 - The affairs of the firms come into decay, the fishing racks return to Kiev and begins literary activities: writes articles for newspapers and magazines.

Pseudonyms of the writer: M. Stebnitsky, P. Leskov-Stbnitsky, M. Leskov-Stbnitsky, Freshitz, V. Peresvetov, Nikolai Poulukalov, Nikolai Gorokhov, Someone, DM. Mr. member of society, holy. P. Kastorsky, Divyanka, B. Prosozanov, Nikolai-OV, amateur of the old days, passage, amateur watches, N. L.

1860 - Moving to Kiev.

1862 - Leskov becomes an employee of the newspaper "Northern Bee" (article about fires).

1862 - The story "Excreed Case" ("Drought").

1864 - Roman "Nowhere", the story "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County."

1865 - Leskov entered a civil marriage with a widow of Catherine Bubnova (nee Savitskaya)

1867 - Piece "Distributor.

1870 - Roman "On the knives".

1872 - The story "Imprinted Angel", Roman "Sobira".

1873 - Tale "Enchanted Wanderer."

1880 - Acquaintance with L. N. Tolstoy.

1881 - Tale "Lesshey."

N. S. Leskov, 1885

From the very beginning to the work of the Leskov, firmly entered the theme of Russian nihilism and nihilists, Manifested with this or that degree of openness in novels, the titles, the stories "are offended", "Islanders", "Sobira", "Traveling with a nihilist", etc.

But the main thing in the work of Leskova becomes the topic righteousness. In the 1870s, the writer creates the chronicle "Sobira", the Righteous Cycle, the story "Imprinted Angel", the story "Children's Years", the story "On the edge of the world", essays "The little things of the bishop life", the chronicle "Surprise" and others .

1891 - Tale "Unscutters".

1894 - Story "Zarey Remiz".

"My last works about Russian society are very cruel. "Zagon", "Winter Day", "Lady and Fepla" ... These things do not like the public for cynicism and direct. Yes, I don't want to like the public. Let her albeit my stories, yes reads. I know what to please her, but I no longer want to like. I want to beat her and torment. "

N. S. Leskov, 1892

  • Satira and Criticism extends not only to representatives of the bureaucratic system of the state, but also on "new people" - nihilists, participants in the democratic movement ("Nochda", 1864, "on the knives", 1870, etc.);
  • The cyclization of the stories ("Christ is visiting a man", 1881, "Journey with a nihilist", 1882, "Voice of Nature", 1883, etc.);
  • Heroes of works are ordinary people. Leskov calls them "righteous." In their actions in the fight against evil, they are guided by the voice of conscience ("Levsh", 1881, "Enchanted Wanderer", 1873, etc.);
  • Of particular interest in national peculiarities of life;
  • Individualization of the language of characters and speech characteristics.

Many researchers have noted a special knowledge of fishing Russian spoken language and virtuoso use of these knowledge.

The main claim of literary criticism towards Leskov in those years was that it seemed to her "excessiveness of the applied paints", the deliberate expressiveness of speech.

The artist's dignity was appreciated only in the XX century, when Articles M. Gorky appeared about his innovation and dramatic creative fate, work B. M. Eikenbauma about the fairy manner of Leskova, illustrations B. M. Kustodiyev, Opera D. D. Shostakovich Katerina Izmaylova (on "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County"), numerous performances and films on his works.

Memorial sign

G. Eagle, Lefty


  • "Big Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius" (electronic textbook).
  • Who is who: the newest schoolboy's directory. - M.: Word, Eksmo, 2007. - 1120 s.

3. Rodin I. O. Literature: educational and reference manual. / I. O. Rodin, T. M. Pimenova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2005. - 447 p.


Born on February 4 (February 16) of 1831 in the village of Gorokhov Oryolsky province in the family of the investigator and the daughter of the impoverish nobleman. They had five children, Nikolai was a senior child. The childhood of the writer passed in the city of Eagle. After the departure of the Father from office, the family moves from the eagle to the village of Panino. Here, the study and knowledge of the fishing satellite began.

Education and career

In 1841, at the age of 10 years, Leskov entered the Oryol gymnasium. With study, the future writer did not develop - for 5 years of study, he graduated from only 2 classes. In 1847, Leskov, thanks to the help of Father's friends, got a job in the Oryol criminal chamber of the court by the Stationery employees. In the sixteen age, tragic events occurred, about which it is worth mentioning even in a brief biography of Leskov - Father died from cholera, and all the property burned in a fire.

In 1849 fishing racks, with the help of Uncle Professor, the official of the State Chamber was transferred to Kiev, where he later received the position of the column. In Kiev, Leskova had an interest in Ukrainian culture and great writers, painting and architecture of the Old Town.

In 1857, Leskov went home from work and entered the commercial service to a large agricultural company of his uncle-Englishman, for the ages of which for three years it traveled most of Russia. After the closure of the company, in 1860 he returned to Kiev.

Creative life

1860 is considered to be the beginning of a creative ledge writer, at that time he writes and publishes articles into various magazines. Six months later, he moved to St. Petersburg, where he plans to engage in literary and journalistic activities.

In 1862, Leskov became a permanent employee of the newspaper "Northern Bee". Working in it correspondent, visited Western Ukraine, Czech Republic and Poland. He was close and pretty life of Western Peoples, because he was delighted in the study of their art and life. In 1863, Leskov returned to Russia.

Long studying and watching the life of the Russian people, sympathizing with his sorrows and needs, from under the feather Leskova, the stories "extinguished the case" (1862), the story "Life of one woman", "Ovseby" (1863), "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County" (1865).

In the novels "Nowhere" (1864), "offended" (1865), "on the knives" (1870), the writer revealed the theme of Russia's unpreparedness to the revolution. Maxim Gorky said "... After the evil novel" On the knives ", the literary creativity of Leskova immediately becomes a bright painting or, rather, an icon-painting, he begins to create the iconostasis of its holy and righteous for Russia."

Having disagreements with revolutionary democrats, Leskov refused to publish many magazines. The only one who printed his work was Mikhail Katkov, the editor of the Russian Bulletin magazine. Leskov with him was incredibly difficult to work, the editor of the rules almost all works of the writer, and some refused to print at all.

In 1870 - 1880, he wrote the novels "Sobira" (1872), "Wanted Rod" (1874), where he revealed national and historical issues. The novel "Zakhudnaya Rod" was not completed by Leskov due to disagreements with the Publisher Katkov. Also at this time, he wrote several stories: "Islanders" (1866), "Enchanted Wanderer" (1873), "Imprinted Angel" (1873). Fortunately, the "captured angel" did not touch the editorial editor of Mikhail Katkova.

In 1881, Leskov wrote a story "Levshi" (a tale about Tula Spirithe Leeshe and Steel Blook) - an old legend about the masters of the weapon business.

The story "Hare Remiz" (1894) was the last major work of the writer. In it, he criticized the political system of Russia of that time. The story was published only in 1917 after the revolution.

Lion Tolstoy spoke of Nikolae Semenovich Leskov as about the "Russian of our writers", Anton Chekhov, along with Ivan Turgenev, considered him one of his main mentors.

Personal life writer

Personal life in the biography of Nikolai Leskov was not very successful. In 1853, the first wife of the writer in 1853 was the daughter of Kiev Kommersant Olga Smirnov. They had two children - the firstborn, the son of Mitya, who died in infancy, and the daughter of Vera. The wife fell ill with mental disorder and was treated in St. Petersburg. Marriage collapsed.

In 1865, Leskov lived with a widow Catherine Bubnova. Couple appeared son Andrei (1866-1953). With the second wife, he split in 1877.

Last years

The last five years of Leskov's life tormented asthma attacks, from which he later died. Nikolai Semenovich died on February 21 (March 5) of 1895 in St. Petersburg. Buried the writer on the Volkovsky cemetery.

Chronological table

  • In the biography of Leskova interesting facts from life a lot. For example, he was ideological vegetarian. He believed that it was impossible to kill animals. And even one of the first suggested creating a special book with recipes for vegetarians.
  • see all

Plan-abstract lesson in literature Grade 6

Theme lesson:Literary portrait of a writer.

Tale "Levsh": determination of the genre.

    Program edited by V.Ya. Korovina; 6th grade

    Purpose: Get acquainted with the biography of N.S. Leskova and determine the originality of the genre of the works of Lefty.



    To acquaint with the biography of the writer.

    Give an idea about the product genre (tale).

    Learn to analyze the literary work.


    Develop the skills of individual work and work in groups.

    Develop the skills of monologic speech.

    The ability to extract the necessary information from the text.

    The ability to give the characteristics of the characters.

    Skills argue your answer.


    Educate love for Russian literature.

    To form interest in the work of the writer.

    Rail the patriotic qualities of students.

    Relieve self-esteem.

    The ability to work individually and in groups.

    To form a valid attitude towards others.

    Type of lesson: Studying a new material.

Form lesson : conversation.

    Equipment :

    Portrait of N.S. Leskov



Stage lesson


Teacher's activities

Activities of students


2 minutes.

Greeting. Check out the readiness for the lesson.

Greet teachers. Check the readiness for the lesson.

    Actualization of knowledge.

7 min.

At home you needed to carefully read the article by the textbook on N. S. Leskov and his work "Levsh".

Goal of our lesson :

Get acquainted with the biography of the writer, determine the genre and the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

Conversation on the article by the textbook page 224-226 .

What do you know about the writer and his family?

(Nikolai Semenovich Leskov was born in the family of a small official who came out of Popovichi, in the city of Orle. From the mother who married against the will of his parents, he inherited passionism, and from his father who refused to become a priest, inherited vitality.

What kind of education got N.S. Leskov?

(Field of Leskov received first in the rich family of insurance, then in the Oryol gymnasium, which he did not graduate. Further, he independently replenished his knowledge. Entered the service in the Ollovsky criminal Chamber then transferred to the Kiev State Chamber, then moved to a private company and on official dehnesses All Russia.)

Student responses.

Student responses.

Student responses.

    Explanation of a new material.

25 min.

The word of the teacher.

To the study of creativity of one of the most interesting Russian writers, we appeal for the first time.

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov belongs to the best writers of the XIX century.

None of the Russian writers is striking as fishing, their skill and amazing variety of creativity themes. Before readers of his works, the life of peasants, master, landowners and merchants, officials and clergy, kings and soldiers, detectives and police officers, intellectuals and splitters ... Vera in the "moral valor" of people's people inspired confidence in the inexhaustibility of the folk forces.

You have already said that Leskov broke the whole of Russia.

All he saw and found out was the richest material for his articles and essays that began to appear in print from the 1860s. Leskova noticed readers and journalists, he becomes an employee of a number of newspapers and magazines.

Later, answering the question of a newspaper reporter: "Where do you draw the material for your works?" - Leskov pointed to his forehead: "Here is from this chest. Here the impressions of my commercial service are stored, when I had to wander around Russia, this is the best time of my life when I saw a lot and lived easily. "

All of you, probably, know the most famous hero - Levshu. This hero received, with the light hand of the writer, an independent life.

Let's write the name of the work in the notebooks:

"Talk about the Tula Spirla Leeshe and Steel Blook."

Skale was written in 1881, although the plan

the story arose significantly earlier, in 1878, when the fishing owners in the house of the weapon master in

Sestroretsk. His interest was interested in the people, "as the British from

steel Bloch did, and our tulyaki hurt her, but they sent them back. "

Having put on the basis of his work this promotion, the leaks outlined the legend about the Tula master in the saying genre.

What do you think, why leaks refer to the story of the old gunsmith?

(Leskov wanted a legend about Leftheast to come from the mouth of the people. And most importantly, to create the illusion of his innocence to the history of Lehshi).

The genre of his work writer identified himself: it's a tale.

Read what a tale is on page 269 of the textbook.

(Tale is the epic genre based on folk legends and legends. The story is conducted on the face of a narrator, a person with a special character and warehouse of speech.)

Write down this definition and learn it at home.

Thus, the Genre of the said suggests a narrator - a person close to the people. The tale of Lefters is very close to the work of oral folk art. There are staines, repetitions, dialogues, ending. In the competition, many new words in the meaning of which the author invests the humorous beginning. For example, a multiplication table, he calls "Diabits Multiplication". But we'll talk about the characteristics of the language of the tongue in the following lessons.

Now we will work with 1 chapter of the tale.

I read the chapter, and you listen carefully and answer a few questions.

(reading the chapter by the teacher p. 226-228).

Answers on questions.

1. How do you think the storyteller could be and why?

(The narrator, most likely, a simple person, an artisan, a master. This is manifested in his speech. In it there is a lot of wrongness and spacious - to drive, there is no intercoular conversations, pulled out, etc. many words characteristic of folklore works - in different states of miracles see , all the sovereign home manil, was a man married.

In addition, historical characters - Alexander I. And the boards are shown from the point of view of a simple person, their actions and speech cause a smile. For example, the boards said to himself: "Well, here is Shabash. Until at that time I still endured, and then it is impossible. ".)

2. When and where is the action of the tale?

(In Russia and in England shortly after the war with Napoleon.)

3. What historical facts are mentioned in the work?

(Vienna Congress 1814 - 1815, Alexander's trip I. With plates in London, the Decembrist uprising of 1825, called "confusion").

Record the highlights in the notebook.

Record the name of the work.

Student responses.

Read the definition.


Listen carefully.

Student responses.

Student responses.

Student responses.

    Fastening a new material.

5 minutes.

Let's summarize our lesson.

Why did Leskov chose a narrator of a simple person?

What is the unusual of the genre of this work?


Student responses.

Student responses.


4 min.

What new did you find out in the lesson?

What is especially remembered for you?

What seemed difficult?

Student responses.

Student responses.

Student responses.

6. Homework

2 minutes.

Write out the works of the quotes characterizing:

1 group (option) - Alexander Pavlovich

2 Group (option) - Nikolai Pavlovich

3 Group (option) - Platov

4 Group (option) - Left

And one more additional task:

Prepare a small message about the Vienna Congress.

Record homework.


  • become acquainted with the biography of the writer; give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe tale genre;
  • develop the ability to work with the text;
  • interest the unusual story;
  • relieve a sense of patriotism.

Equipment:multimedia board, cards with crossword.


1. Teacher's introductory word

- Today we proceed to get acquainted with the most interesting writer, Nikolai Semenovich Leskov and the heroes of his work. ( Attachment 1 , Slide 1) I really hope that you will not be indifferent to the work of the writer, get aesthetic pleasure, knowing and opening a new name in the literature, and the heroes of his works will help you find lifests in this huge world.

- I invite you to travel to the city of Eagle - the city of childhood and youth N.S.Leskova. Without leaving the class, mentally overcoming the time and distance, we will pass in places related to the life of the "the most distinctive Writer of Russian," visit the house in which he lived or has been to admire the species that attracted his attention.

From the black frame I look into my eyes
Eyes greedy face Leskova,
Like a slapted thunderstorm
In the image of smart gray. ( Attachment 1 , Slide 2)

2. Course travel to the city of Eagle

- So, we are in the hometown of Leskov - Orel, based on the merger of the Oki Rivers and Orlik, in the 16th century Ivan the Terrible as a fortress, which was supposed to defend the approaches to Moscow. Passionate patriot of native places, Leskov to the depths of the soul loved and proud of his small homeland.

Here, in Orel, a monument to Leskov, who never ceases to admire the Orlovtsy and guests of the city. ( Attachment 1 , Slide 3) In the center - the figure of the writer, cast in bronze. "Smart, temperamental, with spiny black eyes, with a soul of complex and bizarre, full of roseing passions" - so saw fishing to contemporaries, so pictured its creators of the monument. And around the columns on the height of human growth, leakage heroes come to life. ( Attachment 1 , Slide 4)

Among them and familiar to us Tula gunsmith left-handed, he clogs over an anvil with a hammer in his left hand. We notice the testicle - the left-hander tool. The hero himself is shown just at the moment when he managed to indulge an amazing clockwork flea from "Aglitskaya Voronen Steel, worked in London." The column on which Lefty raised, the only monument in the ensemblance composition has a beautiful lace thread. This is understandable: Lefty is the personification of the talency of our people.
The place where the monument was erected, not accidentally chosen. This part of the city is connected with the life and work of Leskova. The future writer lived nearby, in the house of Khlebnikov. Hence, he daily went to the service in the Oryol criminal chamber through the River Orlik by the Church. ( Attachment 1 , slide 5)

Near the monument is the building of the male gymnasium. ( Attachment 1 , Slide 6) As Leskov recalls about studying: "Who taught us and how we were taught - it was funny to remember it ... In the Oryol gymnasium, the classrooms were before the close, the stool was terrible, and we sat resolutely alone on the other. Among our teachers was Vasily Alexandrovich Ferendorf, who often, coming to the class, fell asleep, declining his head on the table, then jumping with a ruler in his hands, ran around the class, Koldya whom someone fell and some places hit. " It is not surprising that the fishing races left the gymnasium and without finishing the course.

And this is a house on the third noble street, where the writer once lived, now there is a house-museum N.S.Leskova. ( Attachment 1 , Slide 7) We can visit its desktop, carefully recreated by photography made on March 5, 1895. The office reflected not only tastes, addiction, but also the nature of its owner. Pretty room, bright, peculiar. ( Attachment 1 , Slide 8) Numerous vintage watches that are stuck and carried by his room, echoes every quarter of an hour. Countless portraits, pictures in pictures and originals, long, narrow image of the Mother of God, hanging in the middle of the wall - all this is a variety of eyes from all sides. On the tables - a variety of multi-colored lamps, the mass of baubles, separately in a small case, simple, all the marked stamps and notes, the gospel.

It seems that the walls say: "... worked, it is written, reverently. It's time and relax. " And the clock of all kinds and size peacefully gives up: "Yes, it's time, it's time." And the bird in the cage is valid and screams sharply: "We will turn more, damn it ...".

And the rows of the Orlovsky poet of Alexander Belsky are asked to the soul:

Spirit grew unparalleled
In quiet window waves,
As his meaning time
Half he.
With silent social
The artist was in the struggle,
When Levla wrote he,
He wrote about himself.
Narrator fascinated
Great Fantale
He and wizard words
And words of the hypnoticer.
And the strength in it are
And in it talent is so -
Talent to love Russia
Love people native.

Leskov was deeply convinced that no Russian city could exist if there was no at least three righteous.
- Who are they, righteous, what are these people?
According to Leskov, the righteous people - people who lived, "not licking, without deceiving, not a lunaning, without having upset the neighbor and not condemning the perverse enemy." And the righteous man is always a patriot.
And there went fishing to seek the righteous people along the land of Russian, and together with him will go in search of the work of N.S.Leskova - the Bay of Lefty.

3. Acquaintance with the new literary term

Record in the notebook: Tale is an epos genre based on folk legends and legends. The story is conducted on the face of the narrator, a person with a special character and warehouse of speech.

- What kind of folklore elements did you notice in the work?

4. Working with illustrations

- Leskov's tale caused the response of famous illustrators, turn to the illustrations. Before you, the illustration that was located with the page title books. ( Attachment 1 , Slide 9) Peer in an illustration.

- Why did the artist portrayed the portrait of Levsh in the title?
- What do you think, what traits of character and appearance are displayed?
- What is the case depicted left-handed?
- What does it mean that Left -sha does "Rensented for the aglitskaya nation" work? What instruments are depicted on the desktop of the master? Why there is no microscope on the table?

5. Working with the text of the work

- But his work of the fishing leaks began not from the story of Lefseh. Let's read the start of the work.
- What feelings are you experiencing, reading these lines?
The default of Russian glory paints the story: Russia - the winner of the winner, the Russian warriors in the Patriotic War of 1812 not only their fatherland defended, but also the liberation to the people of Europe brought. There is something to be proud! Admire! There is nothing to reinforce the feeling of national pride. You can imagine what a sense of pride is the Russian emperor, traveling in Europe.
- How does Alexander I show himself during the trip? Does this comply with our reader expectations?
- Find a word in chapter 1 that determines the essence of the character of the emperor? How do you explain this word?
- Pick epithets to the image of the Russian emperor.
- We will follow Alexander I and visit the museum in which rare things are stored, i.e. Kunstkamera. Imagine that you are guided signs in the museum, spend an excursion to Kunstkamera. And the text of the work and the next illustration will help you. (Slide 10)

- And now I suggest you to visit the role of translators: you must "translate" to modern Russian language the following words from the Leskovsky work.

Abolon Polvedryersky - Apollo Belvederey
Bremiethra marine - Marine barometers
Merblyui Manteon - Camel Mutto
Huge bustra - Huge busts
Prelamouth - Pearlmutr.
Probracy - Variations
Melkostop - Microscope
Egyptian ceramid - Egyptian pyramid
Nymphosoria - Infusoria
Valdahin - Baldahin

- What is the leaks "distort" the sound of these words?
- Indeed, many scenes in the work are forced to smile. For example, this. ( Attachment 1 , Slide 11)
- What is the name you would come up with this illustration?
- How are heroes depict? How are the mood and behavior of the heroes of the work transmitted?
- Do you often smiled, reading "left-hand"? Maybe tell me a memorable episode?
- And I remembered and liked the Don Cossack of the board, lying on the "ukushkin". Remember what epithet "got up" next to the word "ukulpet"? Why this is this? (Slide 12)
- Match the drawing with the final lines of the 3rd chapter. What did the artist add a new one?

6. Wokery work

- Try to guess the words-items that relevant to the image of the platform. (cm. Appendix 2. )

7. The problem question

- What do you think is similar to the plates with left-hand? Is it possible to call him the righteous?

8. Summing up

- So, guys, today at the lesson we met with a talented Russian writer, N.S. Klezkov, tried to penetrate the world of his heroes, began to talk about the Tula Master. I want to believe that Leskov's heroes will find a response in your soul. And again I repeat the lines from the poem:

When he wrote to Lehlah,
He wrote about himself.

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov - one of the most amazing and peculiar Russian writers, whose fate can not be called simple. In the life of his work, they mostly caused a negative attitude and were not taken by most advanced people in the second half of the nineteenth century. Meanwhile, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy called him the "most Russian writer", and Anton Pavlovich Chekhov considered his teachers by one of their teachers.

It can be said that the work of Leskova was truly evaluated only at the beginning of the twentieth century, when they saw the light of M. Gorky, B. Eyhenbauma and others. Truly prophetic words were the words L. Tolstoy about what Nikolai Semenovich is a "writer of the future."


The creative destiny of Leskova largely determined the environment in which his childhood and adult life took place.
He was born in 1831, February 4 (16 in a new style), in the Oryol province. His ancestors were hereditary ministers of the clergy. Grandfather and great-grandfather were priests in the village of Leske, from where it would most likely have the name of the writer. However, Semyon Dmitrievich, the father of the writer, violated this tradition and the title of nobleman received this tradition and for the service in the Oryol House of the Criminal Court. This class belonged to Marya Petrovna, the mother of the writer, nee Alferheva. Her sisters were married to wealthy people: one - for the Englishman, the other is behind the Orlovsky landowner. This fact will also have an impact on the life and creativity of Leskov.

In 1839, Dmitrievich's seeds had a conflict conflict, and he moved to Panin to Panin Kanin, where he began the real acquaintance of his son with a distinctive Russian speech.

Education and start service

Learning the writer N. S. Leskov began in the family of wealthy relatives of insurance, which hired German and Russian teachers for their children, a French governess. Already then the outstanding talent of Little Nicholas was fully manifested. But he never received the "big" education. In 1841, the boy was given to the Oryol Gubernaya gymnasium, from which he came out five years old with two classes of education. Perhaps the reason for this was rooted in the peculiarities of teaching built on a cramp and the rules, far from the living and inquisitive mind, which listened. The biography of the Writer includes in the future service in the Kazan Chamber, where his father served (1847-1849), and the translation of the cholera in the state-owned chamber of the city of Kiev, where his uncle lived by Mother S. P. Alferiev lived . Years of stay here gave a lot of future writer. Leskov by a free listener attended lectures in Kiev University, independently studied the Polish language, for a while he was fond of the icon painting and even attended the religious and philosophical circle. Acquaintance with the Old Believers, pilgrims also influenced the life and creativity of Leskov.

Work in "Shkott and Wilkens"

The real school for Nikolai Semenovich was the work in the company of his English relative (her husband) A. Shkotta in 1857-1860 (before the collapse of the trading house). According to the writer himself, it was the best years when he "saw a lot and lived easily." By the nature of the service he had to be constantly wandering around the country, which gave a huge material in all spheres of life of Russian society. "I grew up in the people," Nikolay Leskov wrote later. His biography is not acquainted with Russian life. This stay in the truly popular environment and personal knowledge of all the lives of life that fell to the share of a simple peasant.

In 1860, Nikolai Semenovich returns to Kiev for a short time, after which it turns out in St. Petersburg, where his serious literary activity begins.

Leskova's creativity: formation

The first articles of the writer dedicated to corruption in medical and police circles were published in Kiev. They caused violent responses and became the main reason that the future writer was forced to leave the service and go to search for a new place of residence and work than and became for him Petersburg.
Here, the leaks immediately declares itself as a publicist and is printed in "domestic notes", "Northern Pchele", "Russian speech". For several years, he signed his works by the pseudonym M. Stebnitsky (there were others, but it was this used most often), which soon acquired rather scandalous fame.

In 1862, a fire happened in Schukin and Apraksinian courtyards. Nikolai Semenovich Leskov responded to this event. A brief biography of his life includes such an episode as an angry Tirade from the king himself. In the article on fires published in the Northern Pchele, the writer expressed his point of view regarding who could be involved in them and what purpose had. He considered to be guilty in all nihilistic youth, which never enjoyed him with respect. The government was accused of not enough attention to the investigation of the fact that the fact was, and the arsonists remained not captured. Criticism immediately on Leskova, both from the side of democratically tuned circles, and from the administration, forced him to leave St. Petersburg for a long time, since no explanation of the writer about the written article was accepted.

The Western borders of the Russian Empire and Europe - these places in the months of Opal visited Nikolay Leskov. Its biography from that time included, on the one hand, recognition is absolutely none of anyone like a writer, on the other - constant suspicions that sometimes reach insults. Especially brightly they manifested themselves in the statements of D. Pisarev, which considered that one name of Stebnitsky would be enough to throw the shadow and on the magazine, publishing his work, and on writers who have found courage to publish together with the scandalous author.

Roman "Nowhere"

The attitude towards the retained reputation of Leskov and its first serious artistic work. In 1864, the magazine for reading prints his novel "Nowhere", started in two years earlier during the Western trip. It was satirically depicted by representatives rather popular at the time of the nihilists, and in the appearance of some of them, the features of really living people were clearly guessed. And again attacks with accusations in the distortion of reality and that novel is the execution of the "order" of certain circles. Critically referred to the work and myself Nikolay Leskov. His biography, first of all, creative, for many years was predetermined by this novel: his works have long refused to print leading magazines of that time.

Number of fabulous form

In the 1860s, Leskov writes several stories (among them "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County"), in which the features of a new style are gradually determined, which later became a kind of business card of the writer. This is a tale with amazing, only inherent in humor and a special approach to the image of reality. Already in the twentieth century, these works will highly appreciate many writers and literary criticism, and Leskov, whose biography is constant clashes with best representatives of the second half of the nineteenth century, will be put in one row with N. Gogol, M. Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy, A. Czech. However, at the time of the publication, they practically did not pay attention, as they were still under the impression of his former publications. The negative criticism also aroused the production of the Piechper on Russian merchandise, and the novel "on the knives" (all about the same nihilists), because of which the fishing races entered a sharp controversy with the editor of the Russian Bulletin magazine M. Katkov, Where, by the advantage, his works were printed.

Manifestation of true talent

Only passing through numerous accusations, sometimes reaching direct insults, I was able to find this reader N. S. Leskov. His biography makes a steep round in 1872, when the novel "Sobiushan" is printed. His main topic is the confrontation of the true Christian faith of the treasury, and the main characters are the priests of the old time and the nihilists opposed to them and officials of all ranks and regions, including church. This novel became the beginning of the creation of works dedicated to the Russian clergy and storing folk traditions of local nobles. Under his pen, the world arises a harmonious and original, built on faith. Present in works and criticism of the negative sides of the system established in Russia. Later, this feature of the writer's style will still open him the way to democratic literature.

"Talk about Tula Spirit Lefters ..."

Perhaps the most bright way created by the writer, the left-handed was drawn in the work, the genre of which is a workshop legend - determined at the first publication of the leaks itself. The biography of one forever became inseparable from the life of another. Yes, and the writer's writer Maneru most often learn precisely on the story about the skillful master. Many critics immediately grabbed the version, put forward by the writer in the preface, that this work is just a retreating legend. Leskov had to write an article about what was really "Left -sham" is the fruit of his fantasy and long observations of the life of a simple person. So briefly sawdust was able to draw attention to the gifting of the Russian man, as well as to the economic and cultural backwardness of Russia, the second half of the nineteenth century.

Later creativity

In the 1870s, Leskov was an employee of the educational department of the Academic Committee at the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment, then an employee of the Ministry of Public Protection. He never brought a special joy, so he accepted the resignation in 1883 as an opportunity to become independent. The main for the writer always remained literary activities. "Enchanted Wanderer", "Imprinted Angel", "Man on the clock", "Unmembering Hungal", "Dumbling Artist", "Evil" - this is a small part of the works that writes in the 1870-1880s Leskov N. S. Stories And the story is united by the images of righteous - the heroes of straightforward, fearless, who are not able to put up with evil. Quite often the basis of works was memories or surviving old manuscripts. And among the heroes, along with the fictional, there were also the samples of really living people, which gave the plot of particular accuracy and truthfulness. The works themselves over the years have increasingly gained satirically denial features. As a result of the story and the novels of the late years, among which the "imperceptible trace", "falcon flight", "Zaischy Remiz" and, of course, "damn dolls", where the King Nikolai was served for the prototype for the main character, they were not printed at all or published with Large censorship. According to Leskov, the publication of works is always quite problematic, on the slope of years it became unbearable at all.

Personal life

Family life of Leskov was not easy. The first time he married in 1853 on O. V. Smirnova, the daughter of a wealthy and famous businessman in Kiev. Two children were born from this marriage: the daughter of Vera and the son of Mitya (died in infancy). Family life was short: spouses - initially different people, more and more distorted from each other. The situation aggravated the death of the Son, and at the beginning of the 1860s they broke up. Subsequently, the first wife Leskova was in a psychiatric hospital, where the writer visited her until his death.

In 1865, Nikolai Semenovich came down with E. Bubnova, they lived a civil marriage, but she did not hold his common life with her. Their Son, Andrei, after parting the parents stayed with Leskov. Later he made up the life of his father, released in 1954.

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov was such a person, a brief biography of which is interesting to every connoisseur of Russian classical literature.

In the footsteps of the Great Writer

N. S. Leskov died on February 21 (March 5 in a new style) of 1895. His body rests on a wolf cemetery (on literary layouts), on the grave - a pedestal of granite and a large cast-iron cross. And the Leskov House on Furstadkaya Street, where he spent the last years of life, you can learn in the memorial plate installed in 1981.

The truly memory of the original writer, who has repeatedly returned in his works in his native places, perpetuated in Orlovshchina. Here, in the house of his father, the only literary and memorial museum of Leskov is opened in Russia. Thanks to his son, Andrei Nikolayevich, there was a large number of unique exhibits related to the life of Leskov: a child, a writer, a public figure. Among them, personal belongings, valuable documents and manuscripts, letters, including the classroom magazine of the writer and watercolor depicting the native home and relatives of Nikolai Semenovich.

And in the old part of the eagle for the anniversary date - 150 years since the birth - a monument to Leskov, Yu. Yu. And Yu. G. Orekhov, A. V. Stepanova. The writer sends on the pedestal sofa. In the background - the church of Mikhail Archangel, who was repeatedly mentioned in the works of Leskov.