Love for the homeland has always been higher. Essay-reasoning on the theme "Love for the Motherland

Love for the homeland has always been higher. Essay-reasoning on the theme "Love for the Motherland

Love for the Motherland is not just words. For an adult, a reasonable person, this is responsibility for everything that happens to the Family and to the Motherland. It is a duty to constantly do everything in his power to protect and prosper the Motherland ...

I love my motherland! And this love is inseparable from respect for all worthy people with whom I grew up, live side by side, who, above all, are my relatives - both in culture and genetics. I am Rus, and I love the land on which I live. Its fate is rooted in the distant Cosmos, and it is my duty to do everything so that this earth would once again become a clean and protected home for people living on it, for children who were born or who are yet to be born!

I love my Rod, and this love is expressed in the desire to continue the deeds of my close and distant ancestors. It is my duty to preserve all the best that my Rod has accumulated, that sits in every cell of mine - to preserve and increase. And therefore, it is my duty to continue my Rod! But it also follows from this that my duty is to share my fate only with the person who will fully and consciously share my fate, which is impossible without the real closeness of our souls.

My debt lies in front of my family even before this family is created, I am responsible for those relationships that will be within the family in 50 years, and which should be built not on habit, but on Love. And therefore, my duty is to know very well the person with whom I will share my life, with whom our life Path will become common, with whom we will become an example for our children, and with whom we will multiply the achievements of our Kin.

It is my duty to be a moral person - to live by Conscience, by Honor and by Fairness, and these concepts - which are not an empty phrase for me, but have acquired a deep meaning - and create in my life everything that I can call my Duty!

Probably any person who claims Today that he lives by the above principles will seem to most people at best an eccentric, and at worst - crazy or even a liar. People have long been unaccustomed to high principles, unaccustomed to the truth, and even stopped believing in the truth, although, while still inside their family, life without lies for them remains the priority to which they attach great importance. But outside the family ... such beautiful speeches seem impracticable today.

Such a bad situation has probably never happened before! Now, if we, for example, open a book written two or three hundred years ago by some famous Russian "classical" writer, such lofty words of the hero of the book will not seem to us an absurd bright spot on the canvas of gray everyday reality, because we are used to, we know that very many people at that time actually cherished and lived with the concepts - Conscience and Honor.

Where did such high relations in society come from? Perhaps the church contributed to this? But what we know from books, what we know thanks to upbringing, and what we consider to be correct, does not always fit into the Christian model. For example, for a Russian person, the concept of "Conscience" includes not only - do not do bad, this is also - prevent the villain from committing a crime, which does not fit in with the humility that the church is strenuously imposing on everyone. The Church deliberately turns people into humble sheep, into spiritual slaves, about which quite a lot has been directly written and said by the priests themselves, and all this by no means contributes to an increase in the level of morality - either in a person or in society.

Recently, speaking on TV, one Ulyanovsk priest, justifying the introduction of a compulsory subject studying religion in schools, cited as an example those relations in society that existed thirty years ago, which allowed, unlike today, people to fearlessly walk in the evenings. Pop talked about respect, about morality and about morality, but at that moment the simple idea did not occur to him that thirty years ago Did not have in society, the position of the legislator of morality. And I am sure that religion has never had such a position, and will never have in the future. For the simplest reasons. If only because a slave can never live and do with Dignity, and because there is no place in spiritual bondage Honor, which is well shown by the absence of such a word in the lexicon of the churchmen, in direct relation to the meaning we know.

Christianity imposes obedience before God and the monarch (boss). But humility and servility disappear somewhere at critical moments, and only a strong inner core allows a person to remain a Human. And just as there was no humility and forgiveness (disappeared somewhere) in the fratricidal civil war after the Leninist revolution, there was no influence of the Christian church at the time when people in the Soviet Union cherished and raised in their children Conscience, respect for elders, serious attention to the relationship between a man and a woman, to the family, when "at the forefront" was real, and not fake morality!

But communism does not have to Morality no relation, which was shown by all the same events of the early twentieth century. I am sure that the highest qualities by which society should live, and which are completely natural for Russian society, for a Russian person, have always been widely manifested when the stranglehold of slavery was removed from people, when they ceased to be morally and physically oppressed and destroyed!

But even during the reign of the church in literature and education, during the times of strict censorship, there were always people who, by their example, preserved and brought up high moral principles in society. And excuse me, it was not these people who made the revolution, but those who had the spirit of a slave, who were ready to kill their brother for heaven on earth. After the revolution, the time of the most terrible genocide came, and again blood began to flow on Russian soil, and again cut out and destroyed the strongest, the very color of the nation, because otherwise it was impossible to break the Russian core, since only a slave can be broken. One religion was replaced by another, under the slogan of atheism, but even then in our society there were people whose strong spirit and personal example, whose upbringing allowed society to continue to live by high moral principles.

What about now?

People see, but do not realize how abundant streams of lies and lust are corrupting young people and children - the future of our country! People see, but do not realize how, on the other hand, it is again imposed on them spiritual slavery through religions and political innovations such as "tolerance". People do not realize that all this is done by one and the same force, and this same force achieved an important tactical victory, when people no longer believe in anything, and do not want to believe! They do not want to believe in goodness and justice - and all because these concepts have ceased to be them to be understood.

But, you don't have to believe. Now more important than ever know!

There is no truth that everyone has their own. "Own truth" is a hut on the edge, it is unwillingness to see the obvious evil, which is for everyone equally is an EVIL! And if you understand what its action is, what consequences and harm arise, then evil from an abstract concept turns into an objective, obvious negative phenomenon. And I am sure, I am convinced very often that the Russian people who live around me, not orienting themselves “in lofty matters,” nevertheless, sometimes see what today's evil is. This legacy, no, not of the Soviet Union, is the result of being raised by grandparents, mothers and fathers, whom the church-tolerant machine, destroying the Russian spirit, did not have time to fully touch. Let me give you an example.

Today free, “easy” relations are actively promoted from TV, and not only. And also homosexual relationships. But I think that most people from the adult population of Russia against such a relationship, because it is contrary to the Russian tradition, Russian upbringing, the morality of the Russian person, because it destroys strong relationships based on love, or even interferes with their appearance, the emergence of a full-fledged family. And I hope that at least within the family this is still said, I hope that this is still a part of upbringing.

But this is not enough! With such internal isolation, with the isolation of each family, and with such an aggressive imposition of corrupted morality, with the active separation of Russian society, very soon even intra-family education will not bring results. We are already witnessing the "fruits of democracy", and the attack is being carried out on the last line - on the family. All this is very important to realize, it should have been realized yesterday!

Well, and education must be given very close attention. For the Russian and other indigenous peoples of our country, from the outset, the traditions of upbringing do not carry blind repetition, not superstition, but a specific meaning with deep roots. You just need to look deeper, listen to your soul, to your genetics, take a closer look at your roots, and a lot can be revealed. And in order to reach the opening faster, you need to try Understand.

Let's take the same relationship as an example. The unrecognized (naturally) science of Telegonia describes the fact that a woman “collects” prints from every man with whom she has had an affair. The "bouquet" of such prints has a very negative effect on future children, and this is clearly manifested today in those countries where the "sexual revolution" has "thundered" in different years. Our ancestors knew this phenomenon very well, and accordingly raised future mothers - not with empty prohibitions, but through understanding through human acquisition responsibility for your future family.

This little-known phenomenon is described in more detail by the Russian scientist, academician Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov. Among the considerable amount of very useful information that Nikolai Viktorovich offers, I will briefly dwell on one more fact that plays a crucial role in raising a person.

The fact is that every person from childhood is, in fact, intelligent animals: smart, absorbing all kinds of information, taking into account and copying a lot of what the people around him do. As consciousness develops, human behavior becomes more and more complex, but there is one feature - while a person is controlled instincts until he is the master over them, but they are the masters over him, a person remains an adult, capricious and weak-willed child - intelligent animals.

And if a person has not received a good upbringing, which is expressed in providing the child, in the right period of time, with a sufficient amount of relevant useful information, in instilling in him diligence, in fostering his willpower and independence of thinking, then without all this the child will not be able to develop in the necessary degree and become truly Human. And after all, it is precisely this kind of upbringing - multifaceted and requiring a lot of strength, dedication from both parents and children - this is precisely such upbringing traditional Russian education!

Today, a hostile, suprasocial system is doing everything possible to prevent a person from becoming a Human. Everything from music to textbooks serves this purpose. Even advertisements appeal specifically to the children's strings of men and women. You probably know all these automobile-beer videos, where a car for a man is such a toy, where the main thing in life is to have fun with a bottle of beer with the same friends. What can we say about advertising for women! Taste, emotions, mood - that's, in fact, everything that the current advertising operates with.

In this she is not inferior to the current news- the news technology is thought out very carefully. In general, all this is a whole complex, a strategy, which includes not only advertising, news, but, for example, feature films on a historical theme. And everyone seems to know that this is an artistic fantasy, but everything is presented in such a way that the viewer, especially the young viewer, develops an appropriate attitude towards the historical period or character. The Russian Orthodox Church does not disdain these technologies either, because it is no coincidence that several cartoons have appeared on the theme of “the baptism of Rus” and the like. it attack on modern Russian children, and another attack on the past of our country, on the past of the Rus!

There are a lot of ways to turn off a person from real life. Let's see what a modern man is fascinated with, the so-called sports. For example, English football. A good children's game that develops coordination and team interaction is inflated to the point of absurdity - to the size of a huge stadium, many TV cameras and hundreds of thousands of spectators. What are all these magpies, hoops and blackbirds doing? They spend the time of their lives, live this game, so that, just something, it is better than others to drive a piece of modern rubber into the net. And the built system of show business makes this all popular, thereby taking the attention of both children and adult children. But you can watch the game without the excitement that is so actively imposed, but it is better to play yourself, to maintain good physical shape.

And what are they imposed on us?

We are offered get sick... And by the way, this all has another purpose. Think about why there is such a rush and television broadcasts of large tournaments, why are thousands of stadiums gathering, and why do football players go out before the hand-to-hand match with young children?

The answer to this question is very easy. If earlier soldiers, hard workers, pioneer travelers, astronauts and submariners, geologists and the like served as an example for children, today they are ... at best, all the same football players. At best, because being an oligarch, a bandit, a prostitute, an MTV star is, in my opinion, a much sadder fate. And almost no one understands this!

Now the most important priority can only be complete, truthful information about the world and the processes in it, which a person must realize, digest, understand! If everyone is given a million rubles each, it will not save him from degradation, but rather will bring him closer. But if you awaken a person's soul, if you raise a child correctly, then no one will need to look for their piece of "happiness" in this financial bondage. we everything let's just live the way it is really right for society - objectively right for most people!

These are the conditions that will allow society to live and bloom, just as the right conditions allow a tree to grow and bloom, a river flow, the planet rotates. In nature, there is not so much competition as harmony qualitatively different parts of it. For society, there are also objectively correct conditions necessary for life, since society is also a natural part of nature. In the Russian tradition, this is not survival or competition, it is life by justice, which allows the whole society to develop, and each person is given not an equal piece of the pie, but an equal opportunity to realize their potential - an opportunity that today the majority simply do not have.

Much is hidden in our Russian culture, much is hidden in our Russian language. We use these "things", these words, these methods of education, but we no longer understand them. And you need! Why can't you use foul language? Why is a spoiled child put in a corner? These and many other phenomena have a reason, you just need to try to find it. And here's another example.

What does an animal do when it gets very hungry? That's right, pounces on food at the first opportunity. And how should a self-respecting person act in this situation? Probably, a person should, if there is an opportunity, cleanly, beautifully set the table, and with dignity, which is the essence of self-respect, calmly eat as much as necessary, and nothing more.

Now you probably understand why in the Russian family there was always strict discipline at the table, when it would not hurt an unreasonable youth and a spoon on his forehead to go to remind him of that very Dignity... But the best way to educate is by example. In noble families, proper behavior, including at the table, was the law. For a person brought up in noble traditions, it was beneath his dignity to behave at the table, in public, and in relation to a woman, and in general in life - like a rational animal. And even if the instincts are still seething and require "necessary" actions, someday you need to learn to control them!

But in the "noble families" of many European countries of the past centuries, the attempt to seem noble turned into an empty parrot, when, for example, at the table, there was only metal from noble - gold and silver. And without understanding common truths, correct behavior at the table, and indeed in life in general, has turned into a set of rules, sometimes contradictory and ridiculous, named etiquette.

Unfortunately, many aspects of life have ceased to be understood in Russia for various reasons. And we got a situation where, for example, worthy people voluntarily gave a villain a chance to kill themselves, just because this villain dared to offend them. Many truths are simply perverted long ago, and it is very difficult to try to restore the truth now. But this is necessary!

Moral, Honor, Conscience, Dignity- this is what many Russian people still have, this is what only a person himself can give or exchange for momentary "blessings". This is something that you can discover and educate in yourself, awaken in your loved ones, this is our wealth, a gift from our ancestors, and exchanging these qualities for empty means finally dying.

The future of our country, complete victory in this protracted war depends today, as always, on every Russian person! But for the first time it is so difficult to achieve it, because the most intimate is struck - conscience is lulled, the very concept of justice is blurred, and the spirit is entangled in bondage. But it was the healthy qualities of a Russian who always helped us to beat the enemy.

Therefore, in order to change the current situation, I am sure, it is necessary to start from the very first step - to show Respect for oneself, to cultivate one's Dignity, to revive that Russian Spirit (and not spirituality), which our ancestors had with you! And the fastest way to do this will be through gaining understanding, through gaining knowledge of our past, about various aspects of life - to receive complete, objective information and realize it. And having realized - to help wake up your country.

This is what I think is valid. love for the motherland!

Attachment 1

patriotism is a feeling of love for the motherland

L. Koncha, Cand. biol. n.,

VNIITE, Moscow

Patriotism (from the Greek. Patriotes - compatriot, patris - motherland, fatherland) - love for the fatherland, devotion to it, the desire to serve its interests with its actions.

Thus, patriotism is a feeling of love for the motherland and, like any feeling, is a spiritual state. This feeling is reflected by everyone independently, in their personal spiritual experience. You can only love yourself, sincerely, of your own free will. It is impossible to love the Motherland and people by order and stop loving under the ban. But to instill in the soul a feeling for the homeland, to awaken real patriotism should be. At the same time, it is important not to preach love for the motherland, but to confess your love by feeling, by word and, most importantly, by deeds, actions, sacrificial service. From early childhood, a child, first in the family, and then in society, is involved in the spiritual experience of his homeland, learns to stay in it and develop. Free patriotic self-determination of a person takes place. A person gets to know his people, his connection with them, a community and "We" are formed. “The patriotic unity of people rests on some accessories them, as necessary, natural and sacred as necessary, the spiritual Subject itself and the spiritual way of life are natural and sacred to man. People will connect into a single nation and create a single homeland precisely by virtue of the likeness of their spiritual way, and this spiritual way is developed gradually, historically, from an empirical given - internal, hidden in the person himself (race, blood, temperament, mental abilities and inability) and external (nature, climate, neighbors). All this external empirical given, received by the people from God and from history, must be worked out by the spirit), and she from her side forms the spirit of the people, it makes it easier for him his ways, then complicating and cluttering them. The result is a single national spiritual the way that connects people in patriotic unity. "

Patriotic unity is stronger when people are united not only by a common territory, power and laws, but by a common faith. Since ancient times, the basis of patriotism has been religiosity, a sense of anticipation of God. Even Cicero said: “Here is my faith, here is my family, here is the trace of my fathers, I cannot utter what delight covers my heart and my feeling ...” [cit. by 4, p. 192].

Love for the family, one's family, native places not only inspires a person, but also makes it possible to survive in difficult life paths. He expressed this with amazing perspicacity.

“Two feelings are marvelously close to us,

From them the heart gains food:

Love for fatherly coffins,

Love for the native ashes.

Based on them for centuries

By the will of God himself

Independence human, -

The guarantee of his greatness.

True greatness is always affirmed on native soil. When we talk about the homeland, we mean the spiritual unity of our people. This unity is developed through centuries of hard work, struggle with nature, with external invaders, by creating a single spiritual culture. Each nation is called to creatively, spiritually work out its natural and historical reality, transform it and create its own national, original spiritual image. The feeling of one's spiritual unity, the feeling of the Motherland is a shrine that inspires, strengthens, affirms and must be protected. As V. Zhukovsky put it, “Oh, Holy Motherland! What heart does not tremble, blessing you ”.

He gives a penetrating examination of the spiritual essence of patriotism in his works. Proceeding from the position that the homeland, like love for it, is “something of the spirit and for the spirit,” he distinguishes different manifestations of patriotism. If love for the homeland lives in the souls of people in the form of an unreasonable, objectively indefinite inclination, such a purely instinctive patriotism, that is, there is a real danger of reducing it to nationalist pride and an outright thirst for conquest. True patriotism, spiritually meaningful, combines passionate love for the homeland with wise sobriety and a sense of proportion. Love for one's people and faith in them does not exclude the vision of their weaknesses, imperfections, true patriotism sees the spiritual paths of their people, but also sees its temptations, its weaknesses. One of the temptations of nationalism is the desire to justify their people in everything and always. True patriotism precisely out of love for one's homeland notes the mistakes of its people, the shortcomings of its character and points to them - lovingly, anxiously, creatively. “So they criticize their own, beloved, not tearing themselves away from him, but staying with him, - speaking about“ us, ”for“ us, ”from the strong and united national“ WE ”. A powerful creative unity of people arises in national spiritual culture where we are all one, where all the wealth of our homeland (both spiritual, and material, and human, and natural, and religious, and economic) - one for all of us and common to all of us "(5, p. 199). This is the idea of ​​the native nation. “There is a law of human nature and culture, by virtue of which all great can be said by a person or a people only in my own way and all genius will be born in the bosom national experience, spirit and way of life ”.

National depersonalization is a great misfortune and danger in the life of a person and a people. Strengthening the national consciousness also strengthens the personal principle in a person. A person draws his strength from the national spirit, national culture, and vice versa, the nation, as a spiritual organism, is enriched by the creativity of individuals. Therefore, internationalism, erasing national differences, is aimed at destroying the personal principle, depleting life and, in the long term, leading to the separation of people, because a close society cannot be truly united.

The universal values ​​proclaimed by the liberal consciousness are essentially an empty function. “The common to all mankind does not exist in itself; it exists in the personal mind of the individual. To understand the universal, one must be by yourself, must have your opinion, need to think yourself. Only independent minds serve the great cause of human thought ”(cited in 4, p. 638).

Likewise, Russian patriotism, being an expression of the Russian spirit, has its own distinctive features. First of all, the patriotism of the Russian people is inspired by faith. Defending themselves from enemies or speaking against them, the Russians themselves, first of all, were convinced that they were shedding their blood for their paternal faith. So it was at the beginning of the formation of Russian statehood, and so it was for centuries. Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, having prayed fervently before the battle with the Swedes, said to his small squad: “We are few, but the enemy is strong; but God is not power, but in righteousness: go with your prince! " The cross was considered an incorruptible weapon; Saint Sergius blessed his monks with it for the Battle of Kulikovo. The Battle of Kulikovo is historically noted as a special milestone in the development of Russian national consciousness. Ryazan, Muscovites, Vladimir, Novgorodians walked on the Kulikovo field, and the Russians returned. The defenders of "holy Russia" were able to defeat the Tatar-Mongols only by rising to defend the shrines of Orthodoxy, and not political or land interests [8]. At the same time, it should be noted the special role of the Orthodox Church, which for thousands of years forged and nurtured the unbending sovereign spirit of Russian patriotism.

The doctrine was permeated with fervent faith. In general, the whole "science of winning" was based on faith:

God is with us!

Pray to God - victory comes from him.

Holy Mother of God, save us!

Without this prayer, do not bare your weapon,

Don't load your guns, don't start anything.

Be faithful to the Tsar and the Fatherland until you gasp.

Strengthen the spirit in the fatherly, Orthodox faith.

Give honor to heaven and then earth.

Conquer yourself and you will be invincible! "

Before the decisive battle, the Russian army prayed and fasted. Inspired by their faith, Russian soldiers took impregnable fortresses, crossed abysses and mountains, patiently endured hardships, hunger, and cold. For centuries Russia lived in the threat of war, in the encroachment of numerous enemies on the Russian lands, in constant tension to keep its borders. And this harsh school of military tests developed in the Russian man endurance, resilience, fearlessness and extraordinary patience. The latter has earned a special name "Russian" patience. It is believed that the precious talent of patience and humility, acquired by the people during the Tatar yoke, formed the basis of Russian statehood. All estates bore their burdens to strengthen and defend the Motherland. And these qualities - patience, meekness, complacency, unswerving fulfillment of their duty, uncomplaining bearing of suffering have always amazed foreigners. Courage and heroism are characteristic, of course, of other nations as well, but such Christian virtues as gentleness, selflessness, modesty, a surprisingly peaceful spirit after victory were the distinctive characteristics of the Russian warrior. He also wrote about the triumphal entry of the Russian army into Paris;

“In Europe, Ross! - where is the torch of vengeance?

Get down, Gaul the head!

But what am I seeing? A hero with a smile of reconciliation

Coming with a golden olive ”.

His country is still in ruins, and he (Ross) "brings the enemy not death, but salvation and beneficial peace to the earth."

Another hallmark of Russian patriotism is sacrifice. It comes from the same source - the gospel teaching about love. "There is no more that love, as if someone laid down his soul for his friends." The willingness to give his life for the fatherland is a great spiritual force, and it makes the Russian soldier invincible. As it was sung in a soldier's song of 1812:

"Let's remember, brothers of the Ross glory

And let's go smash the enemies!

Defend our power

Better death than living in kinship. "

Remembering the exploits of Russian arms, our great poet prophetically warned:

“Fear, O host of aliens!

Russia's sons moved

Their goal is either to win, or to fall in the heat of battle,

The issue of sacrifice in recent years has become especially relevant in connection with attempts to revise the results of World War II. Individual voices were heard that there were too many victims. Yes, the price of victory was great. But the question was essentially - to be or not to be for the Russian people. Hitler's plans for the use of the Slavic population are well known. And in this perspective, in view of the threat of extermination, the popular consciousness, as in the past, expressed its sacrificial determination to stand to the end - "but we need a victory, one for all, we will not stand the price." The people showed massive heroism. For comparison, we can recall that many European countries were conquered by Hitler in a matter of weeks. The same freedom-loving France surrendered to the enemy without a single major battle. They were afraid of human sacrifice, they did not want material destruction. The mentality of a Western European person is permeated with the spirit of liberalism, all-forgiving humanism and heroism, which in principle excludes the prospect of putting “your belly for your friends”. Therefore, conversations about the boundaries of sacrifice, "reasonable sacrifice" are not consistent in essence. The sacrifice itself has holiness. The great sacrifices of the Russian people in World War II were a condition for the survival of the people. It is this tragic condition that highlights the scale of the people's feat. Big sacrifices don't make the victory any less heroic. It is easier to destroy the people than to erase the memory.

It is no coincidence that in the years of trials people turn to the heroic pages of their past, looking for support in spiritual standing and in responding to the challenges of our time.

To solve the modern problems of the patriotic education of young people, it is useful to recall the experience of the rapid revival of patriotic consciousness in the country in the very first days and months after the fascist army attacked the Soviet Union. Preliminarily, it should be noted that the historical Russian traditions of love for the fatherland, the native land were abruptly interrupted after the October coup in 1917. National consciousness was considered a value hostile to the proletariat. Since "the proletarians have no fatherland" - according to Marx - Engels, then patriotism was "abolished". They were preparing for a world revolution and the party ideology asserted the values ​​of internationalism. The ideas about a new society (“We are ours, we will build a new world, whoever was nothing, will become everything”) were accepted by a significant part of the people. They dreamed "in a world without Russia, without Latvia to live as a single human community." Moreover, the revolutionary pathos was so strong that they were ready to sacrifice both themselves and their country for the "bright future of all mankind." It was some kind of mystical black faith.

With the maximalism characteristic of the Russian mentality, they sang "all as one, we will die in the struggle for this," they were ready to "leave their hut, go to war, so that the land in Grenada would be given to the peasants." And at home they desecrated the relics, ripped off the bells, ravaged the village “to the ground”, and then built cities, factories, including the “Pits”. There were great achievements, and harsh industrialization, and the ruthless destruction of nature. But the main tragedy was that national identity was destroyed, traditional values ​​were debunked. The militant communist ideology was aimed at "creating a new man" - an obedient, ruthless, business-like "screw". The type of person who originally kept the Russian land was exterminated - sacrificial, courageous, persistent.

The thunderstorm of 41 years, the threat of real enslavement of the country, put everything in its place. A little over two decades of communist ideology did not erase from the minds of people the best qualities that people have acquired over its thousand-year history, and first of all, love for the homeland. Literally in the first days of the war, the people gathered courage and with indomitable determination rose to fight the enemy. As you know, the upsurge of the people's spirit occurs precisely at the moment of formidable trials, when the enemy is on the doorstep.

"Oh, how the soul spoke

Our nation has risen:

And the terrible power of Russia

Woke up, swirled, soared. "

And although these words were spoken by Glinka in 1812, they very accurately reflected the situation in the country after the German attack on the Soviet Union. “Get up, the country is huge, get up to fight to the death” - the call sounded throughout the country. Intensive propaganda work began, aimed at fostering feelings, as they said at the time, "socialist patriotism", personal responsibility for the fate of the Motherland. For agitation work, 3 million (!!) agitators and propagandists were allocated. Letters, recommendations, memos and other documents were developed prescribing the forms, methods and content of campaigning work in various strata of society. Anti-fascist committees were created (All-Slavic, Evkysky, Soviet youth, Soviet women). In general, all the events were of a massive nature, the whole society was permeated and saturated with agitational propaganda. Everywhere, in homes, schools, bomb shelters, offices, etc., red corners were created with constantly updated information. Various means of visual agitation were widely distributed: information boards, newspapers, posters - "lightning". A lot of work was done in publishing houses: books were published about the glorious past of the people of our country, about the heroism of the army, officers and soldiers, about the victories of Russian weapons. A special role should be noted for the creative intelligentsia - writers, poets, artists, actors. Patriotic themes permeated all their works (prose, poetry, music, performances). Love for the homeland, hatred for the enemy was brought up.

in Pravda he wrote: "... My homeland, my native land, my fatherland, there is no hotter, deeper and more sacred feeling in life than love for you ...". Already in 1942 A. Tvardovsky began to publish his wonderful poem "Vasily Terkin", written in such good Russian that the poems themselves were imprinted in the heart. The image of a Russian soldier, a cheerful, skillful, savvy, courageous patriot of his beloved homeland inspired millions of people. And the wonderful seventh symphony, performed already in the middle of 1942 in the besieged city. Formidable and ethical, heartfelt and strict music, praising the courage of the city's defenders, broadcasting about victory, despite the strength of the enemy, lifted the spirit of people, warmed their hearts. It should be noted that all works of art in these formidable years were marked by extraordinary expressiveness and penetration, they found their way to the hearts of people. Recall only the famous posters "Motherland - Mother Calls", "Kill to the death", "Whoever enters us with a sword, will die by the sword", "Save the Red Army Warrior", etc.

The war revealed a powerful force - the selfless impulse of the people to defend the Fatherland, the rise of Russian patriotism. This was the special greatness of the people, because before the war all strata of society went through "cleansing", processes, dispossession, decossackization, etc. But at the decisive moment of danger, when the question of the existence of the people itself arose, love for the Motherland surpassed everything. the rest of the feelings and relationships.

The importance of the spiritual factor in the culture of patriotism was well understood by the Soviet military leaders and the Commander-in-Chief himself. Already in his speech to the people, Stalin addresses in the Christian tradition "brothers and sisters", recalls the great defenders of the Russian land - Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, etc. service. The Russian Orthodox Church responded warmly to the people's misfortune. Prayers were held in churches, priests blessed the soldiers for feats of arms, collected material resources for military equipment. Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church have shown not in words but in deeds their unity with the people, their readiness to sacrificed service for a common cause - the liberation of the country from the invaders. The restoration of the spiritual unity of the people became a decisive force in the victory over fascism.

The peculiarity of the current situation in Russia is that Russian society is fragmented and disoriented. The absence of a national idea that would unite people is acutely felt. A person should be aware of himself and his place in society, know his past and be confident in the future. It is the folk memory of the great past that gives birth to heroes today. In general, we are talking about the formation of national identity, about the essence of a unifying idea for Russia. Significantly, a significant number of scientists admit that these problems are insoluble by purely secular ones. that is, atheist-materialistic categories. A different language is needed here - not secular ideology or even political sociology, but political theology. After all, in this case we are talking about something that is immeasurably deeper than ideology. Even more, we are talking about something that is not an ideology at all.

As the sad social experience of modern times shows, ideology as such, in principle, cannot be unifying. Neither communist nor any other party or national ideology can play the role of a unifying ideology. The reason is that ideologemes always appeal to the interests of some particular part, but not the whole. By uniting some, ideology separates them or others. Ideologies are always particular and differ only in the direction and scope of this patricularity. In them, by definition, there is not and cannot be consolidating universalism...

To begin the process of conceptually filling this niche, one must understand one important thing - for Russia there is only one unifying idea, which can be value, semantic, regulatory dominant in her social and spiritual life. it Christian idea ...

A true, that is, a Christian idea is capable of both watering and feeding. And, of course, it is able to unite, consolidate people, ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of solidarity ties in society [6].

The family, the leading link in socialization, is of key importance in combining a person with ideology. The main role in this interaction belongs to religious values.

The uniqueness of the role of the family can be represented in the following sequence of participation of a particular person in the ideological process:

First, as a child in a family, he learns the content of such concepts as "tradition", "norm", "dream", "freedom", "responsibility", "meaning of life", etc. Here he joins the basics religion, religious ideology;

Secondly, in adolescence, the moral atmosphere of the family, the understanding of the values ​​of parents through their actions, moral examples create the initial prerequisites for the perception of any ideology;

Thirdly, in the years of maturity, especially in the period of 20-30 years, a person creates a family for himself, in which he begins to help his children to get acquainted with traditions, norms, ideals, values, the meaning of life, etc .;

Fourthly, in old age (like a grandfather or grandmother), a person is very actively involved in the same initial stage of socialization of his grandchildren and granddaughters. He himself can and must offer samples of moral behavior, the unity of words and deeds, his ideology [6, p. 106].

Studies of the basic values ​​of Russians, the process of formation of the Russian ideology of the 21st century have shown that today in Russia, various strata of society are in demand for a unifying patriotic ideology, as it was before, in the most difficult and troubled times in the history of Russia.

The need for such an ideology is dictated, first of all, in order to achieve a common goal - to get them out of the crisis and revive the Fatherland, to create the common good and a decent life for every Russian. Patriotic ideology enriches and fills with a deep sense of life the ideals and values ​​of citizens, connecting them with the Russian dream and historical mission, thanks to the preservation and simplification of historical memory.

An important fact today is that the demand for patriotic ideology is expressed not only by the popular consciousness, but also by the top authorities. For example, when visiting the ancient village of Staraya Ladoga on June 17, 2003, he said: “If we talk about a unifying ideology, then for a country like Russia, this is, of course, patriotism. It is not enough for us to remember how great, talented and beautiful we were. We need to be like that today. "

When educating patriotism in modern conditions, it must be borne in mind that spirituality is its most important component (meaning gracious spirituality, not demonic). Spirituality, on the other hand, is a purely religious category, which has no meaning without concepts of good and evil, the immortality of the human soul, and God. Therefore, it is essentially impossible to solve the problems of patriotism without religious coverage, as recent history has shown us. Everyone knows how proud Soviet people were of their homeland. And there was something to be proud of, the country really had great achievements in all areas: from ballet and sports, to rockets and space. At the same time, the country carried the image of a great superpower, an expression of the ideas of justice. One day in 1991, the great country did not become, and none of the millions who turned out to be strangers in their own land rose, did not intercede, did not even complain. "The people are silent." Although half a century ago, these people considered it their sacred duty to die for their Motherland, because in the 40s of the 20th century, the people still preserved historical traditions. But decades of communist propaganda, the upbringing of a new "socialist" patriotism, which they tried to translate not only into loyalty and loyalty to their homeland, but also to "the entire community of socialist countries" eroded the very essence of patriotism. It is clear that it is impossible to love all countries, even socialist ones, as they love their own, native, only country.

The main task of educating young people in the spirit of patriotism is to perpetuate the memory of the victories of Russian weapons, of the fallen heroes, of the main events of Russian history. For example, perpetuating the memory of fallen warriors is an ancient military ritual with an age-old tradition. Memory is a sacred feeling, it lives in the minds of the people forever. And not only lives, but the behest of new generations of people to accomplish feats. That is why the people honor the memory of their ancestors so much. The people have always erected monuments, temples, chapels, crosses to perpetuate memory. Unfortunately, these traditions have been forcibly violated. In the 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s of the twentieth century, thousands of monuments were destroyed, including the Cathedral of Christ the Savior to the glory of Russian soldiers, the victors of Napoleon's army and a monument to Alexander II, General Skobelev and many others. Modern schoolchildren, learning from the new Soros textbooks, often do not even know the truth about significant, epoch-making events. Therefore, today the most important thing is to convey to the youth the glorious pages of our history and preserve the memory for eternal times.

It is from childhood, from early adolescence, "while hearts are alive for honor" that patriotic education should begin. What is lost today will have dramatic consequences tomorrow. First of all, it is necessary to use the experience of educating a spiritual and moral personality that has developed in historical Russia, ready to serve for the good of the fatherland and courageously defend it in times of danger. Young people are the future of Russia, and without a conscious and deep love for the homeland, it is impossible to revive Russia and build a strong country.

The feeling of love for the Motherland is formed in the soul of a child from early childhood, starting with tales of epic heroes, defenders of the Russian Land. Subsequently, this feeling deepens or disappears under the influence of many factors. So, during the collapse of the country by the Yeltsin and Gaidar reforms, many of the young people did not see the application of their forces in their homeland. And only by now, with the strengthening of the Russian statehood, the world outlook of young people begins to change and patriotic tendencies intensify.


1. TSB. T. 19, 282.

2. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. (Short story). M., 1970. Min. Defense of the USSR.

3. Right Reverend John, Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga. Be faithful to death. - M .: new book, 1993.

This will provide a legal basis for the urgently needed introduction of of all educational institutions for of all pupils subject on cultural and moral education based on the study and development of absolute universal norms and the subject of building a prosperous family.

To avoid the problem of "fathers and children" and to improve the ecology of spirit and conscience in society, it is also necessary to introduce these subjects as mandatory educational work in labor and work collectives and in the media, as it was in Soviet times ..

The second task is to organize scientific and theological research for the revival of spiritual and scientific creativity.

Before the terrible catastrophe in 1917, it was widely used in Russia spiritual-scientificcreation, which made it possible to receive, with God's help, the highest achievements in science, technology and other areas of useful human activity. This creativity was owned by outstanding personalities: Lomonosov, Bolotov, Suvorov, Pirogov, Mendeleev, Dokuchaev, Pavlov, priest Pavel Florensky, Ilyin, Sikorsky, Archbishop Luka (Voino-Yasenetsky) and many others. They were guided by the biblical truth: “ God knows everything about everything in the past, present and future.". They prayed to God for help in obtaining the desired solution and result and received them.

To master spiritual and scientific creativity, a person must have two qualities: Firstly, the ability in the field of scientific and technical activities, and secondly, a strong faith in God and growth in the Orthodox way of life.

In the old days, many had these qualities, since almost all people with abilities in scientific and technical creativity, as a rule, were born and raised in Orthodox families... After the 1917 revolution, Orthodox families largely disappeared in Russia. Therefore, today almost all children and young people with potential abilities in spiritual and scientific creativity, have a godless upbringing... For them the highest divine truth is closed... In this regard, scientific and spiritual creativity has become a rare phenomenon. And creatively gifted specialists receive new solutions based on godless mental engineering creativity, the results of which much lower spiritual creation and are often even more harmful than beneficial. That is, it is impossible for modern talents to rise to the level of Lomonosov, Mendeleev and other famous scientists of Russia.

The mastery of modern specialists in spiritual and scientific creativity is for Russia huge potential reserve and strength in overcoming the current crisis in our country and the revival of a mighty Power.

But the solution to this problem includes a number of complex new tasks for the present time. The primary one is search organization among schoolchildren, university students and specialists, people who have both faith in God and the ability to master spiritual and scientific creativity.

Another task is to organize for such people part-time school for mastering spiritual and scientific creativity... In this school, it becomes especially important to study the experience of the activities of outstanding creative personalities and monasteries in Russia in the past, to use their experience in solving urgent modern problems. At the same time, it is necessary to use the existing distance learning form using computers and the Internet.

A special place in this school should have the direction of design and creation beneficial objects- socio-economic, technical systems, residential settlements, etc. Beneficial - this means the most useful and harmless systems for the body, soul and spirit of man and the natural environment. They promote and help the fulfillment of life according to the commandments of God and the acquisition of the Holy Spirit, as the Monk Seraphim of Sarov commanded.

The third challenge is targeted training.

A successful solution to the problem of spiritual and moral recovery and the normalization of the ecology of spirit and conscience are impossible without targeted training of the necessary personnel - professionals. It is about organizing the training of specialists necessary for this, who are no longer graduated by state and church educational institutions and who will ensure the restoration of the broken and destroyed ties between the Church, state and society.

Therefore, it seems appropriate to organize state training in the following specialties and areas:

- spiritual and moral education in educational institutions;

- creation and preservation of a prosperous family based on the Orthodox way of life;

- Church Slavonic language - the basis of Russian culture, literature and the Orthodox faith;

- Holy Russia is the main force of Russia;

- Christian art and architecture;

- church and folk singing;

- ecology of nature, spirit and conscience;

- design and creation of beneficial systems;

- organization of communication and cooperation between state bodies and religious confessions;

- the use of mass media in the spiritual and moral improvement of society.

Other directions are also possible, since the problem of improving the ecology of spirit and conscience has been little studied and developed.

In general, the statements of Patriarch Kirill contain the formulation of important tasks for scientists, statesmen, teachers and clergy who have to urgently deal with these tasks.

Any country today faces the question of raising the level of beneficial scientific and technical developments. Without improving the ecology of the spirit, mastering the highest wholesome creativity with God's help is impossible, especially at the present time, when the complexity of scientific and technical developments is increasingly surpassing the intellectual capabilities of a person. Without improving the ecology of spirit and conscience, it is impossible to bring up highly moral individuals who are an increasingly valuable part of society. It is impossible to create and strengthen Holy Russia, which is the greatest power of Russia and the world community. These are the problematic issues raised and raised by Metropolitan Kirill - now His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

Over the many years of suffering of the Russian people associated with the destruction of the Russian Orthodox Church and Holy Russia, the Lord gave us His gift of God - the best preacher of Orthodoxy of our time - His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. In response to this gift, we, the people of Russia, need to wake up, get up and shake off the accumulated sins and truly unite with Christ the Savior. As the modern outstanding Russian poet - hieromonk Roman (Matyushin) said:

All of Russia became the Kulikov field.

The thief took up arms. Should we be or not be?

But the cry of Dmitry Donskoy is not heard,

There is no one to protect our Motherland.

On the native land - the Motherland is in disgrace.

The trash has gone for a walk - and there is no gap.

Where are you, Elder God, Sergius Vsekhvalne?

Everyone under your hand is Peresvet.

So let us raise the banners, praying to God.

And for Faith, for Russia we will all become as one.

There is neither Sergius today nor Prince Donskoy,

Only the image of the Most Pure One, but the Savior is ahead.

The report was compiled by: Doctor of Technical Sciences,

Professor, Honored Scientist

Archpriest Alexander Polovinkin

Love for the native land lives in the heart of every person. Love for the homeland arises in us gradually, even in childhood we were captured by the impressions of the surrounding nature. The homeland began with a thin blade of grass, with a scattering of flowers in a meadow, with an awareness of the beauty of our great and beautiful Earth. Every day we learned more and more new and interesting things, breathing together with the air a piece of our small world with a loud name - Motherland.

Homeland is, first of all, the place where you were born and uttered the first word, where you found new friends and fell in love for the first time, the place with which you are bound by wonderful and unforgettable memories. In the works of many great people, one can find an expression of love for the Motherland, its vision, an appeal to love and protect the native land.

For example, Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin in his work often touched upon the theme of love for the motherland, and in his poem "Rus" it is said that a true patriot will never exchange his Motherland for anything.

I also recall the poem by Alexander Alexandrovich Blok "To sin shamelessly, not awakened", in which he describes the everyday life and stupidity of the Russian social system. But, in spite of this, he loves his homeland: "Yes, and such, my Russia, you are dearer than all regions to me." With his poem, A. Blok calls on to love their homeland, despite all the troubles and difficulties.

The homeland rests on the people who believe in it and sincerely love it. Homeland is a warm corner that we strive to protect. This is a place to which we will be pulled all our lives, far from which it is difficult. The homeland is the place where we always return with joy and pride. And while we are proud of our Motherland, it will be our home.

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A lot of sincere and high-profile words have been said about this feeling.
these words, and it deserves them. It is inherent
an integral part of the steel frame on which
holds the building of social life and with destruction
which it turns into a heap of ruins.

Love for the fatherland is one of the deepest
feelings, fixed in the human soul for centuries and
millennia. “The best banner is for the fatherland, brave
ro fight, ”Homer said; “The cities, their great
many people marvel at the beauty, splendor, perfection of buildings,
but everyone loves their homeland ”- these are the words of Lucian; "Motherland
voice - the voice of the best muse ”- P. Beranger; "And the smoke
the fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us ”- AS Griboyedov;

“A person has nothing more beautiful and dearer than childbirth.
us. A man without a homeland is a beggar man "- Y. Kolas.

Love for the homeland is one of the most distinct
samples of love as such. “Our parents are dear to us,
children, loved ones, relatives are dear, - says Tsitse-
ron, - but all notions of love for something
united in one word "homeland". What an honest
a person will hesitate to die for her if he
can it benefit her? "

Love for the homeland means love for the homeland
and the people living on it. These two components
common feelings usually go together, supporting and
strengthening each other. But it happens that they are tragically
diverge: a person loves his homeland, but not his companions
Chechens. Homeland love opposed
love for living people, inevitably turns out to be ab-
straightforward and declarative. And if such a person re-
walks to the pinnacle of power, he brings disaster to his
to the people.

The foundation of dictatorship and tyranny often lies
opposing the "high interests" of the homeland (so
or otherwise identified by the dictator with their
own interests or the interests of the
a narrow group) to the interests of an allegedly unworthy
people. This is well expressed already by Sophocles in the image
dictator Creon, who, as it seemed to him, loved
well, but not her people, and who brought misfortune not only
on them, but also on himself.

The Czech philosopher of the last century J. Kolar was
is not opposed to love for the people, the nation - love
vi to the fatherland and put the first above the second. "...What
should a reasonable person love more - a country or
people, fatherland or nation? Fatherland we can easily
find, even if we have lost it, but the nation and language -
nowhere and never; homeland itself is dead
earth, a foreign object, it is not a person; nation

but there is our blood, life, spirit, personal property. " Liu-
to the fatherland, to the native places it seems to Kolar
blind natural instinct, inherent not only
man, but also animals and even plants, at that time
how love for the people is always ennobled by reason
and education. “... Many trees and flowers with such
affection cling to their homeland, its land,
spirit and water that immediately wither, wither and change, if
transplant them; stork, swallow and other migratory
birds return from more beautiful countries to their
cold native land, in poor nests; many
animals allow themselves to be killed rather than abandoned
liu, your territory, your cave, your home and your food, and
if we forcibly tear them out of their native conditions
life and transfer to foreign lands, they will die from
homesickness. " Love for the native land as the lowest
the stage of love for the motherland is more characteristic, he thinks
Kolar, an undeveloped person, a savage who does not know
nothing like a nation; modern, developed and
an educated person puts his nation higher. "Gru-
the former savage clings more to his poor, smoky
Noah, smoke-filled and foul-smelling shack
and to an inhospitable desert than an educated man
century to his palace and park. Homeland of the Eskimo, his
wives and children is a large ice floe floating in the
rock sea; the ice floe sways and leans on the formidable
waves, sea storms and sea currents carry her along
wide open spaces. Seals and seabirds are here
his countrymen, fish and carrion are his food. Year after year
he lives with his family in this ice homeland,
fiercely defends her from enemies and loves her so
strongly that I would not exchange her for the most beautiful
corners of the earth. The savage only knows the land that is his
gave birth, and the stranger and the enemy are called by him
one concept; the whole world is closed within the borders of his country.
Whom should we thank for the best and

the dearest that we have? Not yourself, not our land,
and our ancestors and contemporaries. "

This is hardly a colorful, but biased description.
fair. Eskimo compatriots are not only seals and
birds, and he loves not only his wife and children, but also his
people, albeit small, but people, with their special, only
his inherent language, legends, traditions,
clothes, etc.

It is also rash to claim that modern
a person's sense of the native land weakens, yielding to the
knitting to their people.

Composer Sergei Rachmaninoff and his wife, hotly
who loved Russia, finding themselves in Switzerland, created
near Lucerne, a kind of Ivanovka, a village in
which they once lived. But a complete replacement is so
Did not work out. Rachmaninov loved this place, there to him
the music returned, after a long break he again
began to compose. But one day he blurted out with longing
about the lost native places. "Are there mosquitoes? -
he cried, slapping one of them.
do not know how to pour. Not like ours, Ivanovsky - cry-
It turns out that you cannot see the light of God. "

I. Bunin told his secretary Bakhrakh: “How much
the Russians have withered away in a foreign land. From poverty, from bo-
get sick? I don't know, I think - much more from longing for
Tverskaya street or some poor village
Petukhovka, lost among swamps and forests ... "From
Chekhov's letters from Nice to his sister Bunin
sal: “... I’m working, to my great chagrin, not enough
and not good enough, because working on the wrong side
it is inconvenient at someone else's table ... ”After reading this extract,
recalls Bakhrakh, Ivan Alekseevich was silent, looking
on the evening sky of Grasse, and somehow dim,

Kolar J. On literary reciprocity // Anthology of Czech and
Slovak philosophy. M., 1982.S. 234-235.

One Russian writer who lived in exile helped
minded the judgment of his fellow countryman, settled by the will of fate
in Paris: “What about this Paris? Nothing special. Here
our lands: you go for a week through the swamps and go nowhere
you will leave! "

Albeit unimportant, but dear, and modern man
century may seem better than good, but foreign

The opposition of the homeland and its people never
did not bring and is not able to bring good. Not that
the case when the interests of the homeland are put above the interests
people, not when love for the people is given to
reverence for the love of the native land.

The feeling of patriotism makes a person a particle of greatness
who whole - his homeland, with which he is ready to
share both joy and sorrow.

Russia, beloved, they don't joke with this,
All your pains - they pierced me with pain.
Russia, I am your capillary vessel,
It hurts when it hurts, Russia.

A. Voznesensky

Patriotic feelings flared up with particular acuteness.
they come when hard trials hit their homeland
tanya. “The wound inflicted on the homeland, each of us felt
he cares in the depths of his heart ”(V. Hugo). War, hunger,
natural disasters unite people, make people forget
everything private and transitory, to abandon "the former
passions and devote all their strength to one thing - the salvation of the

In the fall of 1941, when the fascist armada seemed to l
uncontrollably went to Moscow, Bunin said, remembering, ?!

probably the recent revolution and civil war:
“In your home you can quarrel, even fight.
But when the bandits shoot at you, then, my friend, that's all
squabbles should be put aside and the whole world on
to strangers to gasp, so that from them fluff and feathers flew.
Here Tolstoy preached non-resistance to evil by violence,
wrote that only those in power need wars.
But if the enemies attacked Russia, the war would continue to
wedge, but with all my heart I would be sick for their own. So
a normal, healthy person is arranged, and in a different way
shouldn't be. And the Russian is overwhelmed by longing and love
to the fatherland stronger than anyone else ... ""

Admiral Kolchak, who proclaimed himself a citizen
war as the "supreme ruler of Russia", recognizing
hoped that it would be easier for him to die of cholera than
at the hands of the proletariat. “It's all the same,” he said, “
what to be eaten by domestic pigs ”. but
love for their people turned out to be stronger than acute
hatred of the class enemy. His beloved through
recalled for many years that when she and Kolchak you-
drove from Omsk, with them followed the Russian gold reserve,
proved fatal to the admiral: twenty-nine
Pullman wagons with gold, platinum, silver,
jewels of royal treasures. The admiral was afraid
that the gold would fall into the hands of foreigners. One day before
arrest, he said: “Duty commanded me to fight the pain
Shevik to the last opportunity. I am defeated
and gold? Let it go to the Bolsheviks, rather than
Czechs. And there are Russian people among the Bolsheviks ”2.

Defending his people, Moses, as you know,
he spoke to God himself: “And Moses returned to the Lord
I come, and said: Oh, this people have committed a great sin;

made himself a golden god. Forgive them their sin. What if
no, then blot me out of your book, into which
You wrote it in ”(Exodus 32, 31-32).

A passionate desire to serve the people, not to leave
even love can overcome him in times of misfortune
to God, if between these feelings you suddenly have to
to choose.

It's bad when a person leaves another person
in trouble or betrays him. But leave the fatherland in trouble
and even more so to betray him is a crime for which-
There is no statute of limitations, no repentance, no forgiveness.

Love for the homeland is least of all blind,
instinctive feeling, forcing mindlessly pre-
to exalt the fatherland without noticing its vices. Be in love
homeland means, first of all, to wish her well, to
try to make it better.

One of the most remarkable patriots in history
Russia, P. Ya. Chaadaev, wrote: “More than anyone
of you, I love my Motherland, I wish her glory, I can
appreciate the high qualities of my people. Probably pat-
the riotic feeling that inspires me is not the same
it is like the one whose screams have disturbed my being-
vanie. I have not learned to love my homeland with a closed
with dark eyes, with bowed head, with
mouth. I find that a person can be helpful
his country only if he clearly sees
her. I think the time of blind falling in love is over ^
that now we first of all owe the truth to the Motherland ”.
Chaadaev was considered a slanderer of their homeland, ob-
revealed to be insane, forbidden to publish. His "Apo-
the logic of a madman ", from which the excerpt is taken, was
written in the mid-30s of the last century,
but in Russia it was published only at the beginning of our

The idea that true patriotism should be promoted
is written by the light of critical reason, not everyone can imagine

is obvious. Love for the fatherland and now often
responds with that sugary bragging, which in Russia
these were once ironically called "leavened patriotism
mom ". You will listen to such a leavened patriot, I noticed
Gogol, and even if he is sincere, “only spit
go to Russia! "

M. Saltykov-Shchedrin was ardently, selflessly devoted to
your country. “I love Russia to the pain of my heart, -
he wrote - and I can't even imagine myself anywhere
except for Russia ". And at the same time, his attitude to the country
and the people were filled with that tragic duality
ness, about which A. Blok later said in "Retribution":

And disgust for life,

And thoughtless love for her,

And passion and hatred for the homeland ...

Saltykov-Shchedrin, who saw well the economic
the political and political backwardness of Russia, which is not capable of
take advantage of the vastness of material resources
and the talents of his people, created the most severe and
the gloomy picture of their homeland in Russian literature.
Passion for the motherland did not prevent him from condemning
denial and ridicule of her vices.

True patriotism is alien and hostile to national
arrogance and any national
static prejudice.

“... Beware of the stupid, intolerant, arrogant pat-
ryotism, because it is often only pre-
a log for the blackest deeds ... ”(J. Kolar).

Love for one's homeland, not connected with the cape-
pour on the supremacy of the universal human idea, on the
state of all peoples, regardless of the level of their social
flax and cultural development, is harmful in the first
the turn of the motherland itself. “... It is impossible not to love our home
state ... - wrote V. Belinsky, - it is only necessary that
this love was not a dead contentment that
there is, but a living desire for improvement; slo-

vom - love for the fatherland should be together and love
bovine to humanity. " “To love your homeland is a sign
chit ardently desire to see in her the fulfillment of the ide-
la mankind and as far as possible to advance
this. ”" On the flawedness of national egoism and se-
paratism, the need to combine the national with
Russian literature has always said universal humanity.
"... The moral principles of every individual people
the essence of the principles is universal ", - wrote Saltykov-
Shchedrin, and elsewhere: “An idea that warms the pat-
riotism is the idea of ​​the common good ... it is a school in which
a swarm of people develops to perceive the idea of ​​a person
party ".

The opposite of nationalism is the acceptance
the life of their homeland and their people, a kind
national nihilism exhibited in the recent
the past is almost a natural consequence of inter-
nationalism. “Unfortunately, there are forces,” noted in
In one of the interviews, the writer Ch. Aitmatov, who
among the people themselves, and this often happens, they themselves deny
yourself. They are busy with self-incrimination. I call it national
nihilism. The phenomenon is the same reactionary
new, like nationalism itself. "

National and universal, international
cash - two interconnected parties. Without their only
there is no global process of development and rapprochement
peoples and nations that make up a single humanity.

Rapprochement of nations and overcoming national
borders - a regularity of the historical process. In Ev-
rope, she began to be acutely felt after the first
world war.

“Today every“ intellectual ”in Germany, in Ang-
lia or in France feels, - wrote the Spanish philo-
sof X. Ortega y Gasset, - that the borders of his state

1 Belinsky V.G. Op. In 3 vols.Moscow, 1948.Vol. 1.P. 639, 640.

embarrass him, the hedgehog suffocates in them; its national
belonging only limits, belittles it ...
For the first time in its political, economic and spirit-
Noah activity the European runs into borders
their state; for the first time he feels that his life
potential opportunities are disproportionate to the boundaries of
political entity in which he is included. And here
he makes a discovery: to be English, German, French
tsuzom means to be provincial. "

This is reasoning dating back to the late 20s
our century, Ortega sums it up as follows: “Europe is
Nikla as a complex of small nations. The idea of ​​a nation and a nation
nal feeling was her most characteristic achievement.
zheniyas. Now she needs to overcome the most
yourself. Here is a diagram of the grand drama that should
play out in the coming years. "

The drama happened - the second world war,
catching Europe into two opposing parts. In each
Some of them were active integration processes. West-
European countries are now facing a decisive step
gom: economic ties are expected to expand and
complement a certain kind of political association
nenie. Rapprochement of European socialist and
capitalist countries put on the agenda
the question of creating a single "European home".

Deepening and expanding processes of integration
tions of European countries in no way put under
doubt neither their national identity nor their state
gift sovereignty.

Here you can recall V.S.Soloviev, back in the
tse of the last century, who outlined the main condition for unity
opinions of peoples and states: “A certain difference,
or the separation of life spheres, as an individual

1 Ortega y Gasset X. The Rise of the Masses // Questions of Philosophy. 1989.
No. 4. S. 135-136.

common and collective, will never be
must be abolished, because such a universal
merging would lead to indifference and emptiness, not to
the fullness of being. True connection assumes
true separation of the connected, that is, such, due to
which they do not exclude, but mutually suppose each other
friend, each finding in the other the completeness of his own
life ... Every social organism should be for
each of its members is not the outer boundary of its actions
ness, but a positive support and replenishment ... "1

Now that addiction has grown exponentially
nations and states apart and became gloomy
reality, the threat of the death of mankind in the event of nuclear
war, national and human with special
battle with sharpness reveal their inner, non-
breakthrough unity.

J. Renan owns the famous formula,
covering the essence of what unites people into one
nation: "Common glory in the past, common will in our
standing; remembrance of great deeds and readiness
to them - these are the essential conditions for the creation of
kind ... Behind - the legacy of glory and repentance, in-
ready - a general program of action ... the life of a nation -
it is a daily plebiscite. "

A nation is a community of blood, language, for centuries
emerging national character. Tied-
respect for one's people is based on respect for their
historical past and inherited from it
traditions. To lose your history for the nation is everything
is the same as for a person to lose memory.

But the nation is not only a "legacy of glory and repentance",
it is also and above all that which is "being done" and "will be."
This is the main thing in Renan's formula: a nation is a common
gram of the future generated by the daily

1 V.S.Soloviev Sobr. Op. Vol. 7, p. 13.

popping. The past protects and sustains the nation
but its driving and forming force is the future
other. “If the nation consisted only of the past and
the present, - writes H. Ortega y Gasset, - no one became
to protect her. Those who argue with this are hypocrites
or thoughtless. But it happens that the past throws in
future bait, real or imagined.
We want our nation to exist in the future
we protect it for the sake of this, and not in the name of a common
past, not in the name of blood, language, etc. Defending our
state, we protect our tomorrow, not our
yesterday" ".

Love for your people is not limited to respectful
nomous and respectful attitude to the common past.
It presupposes first of all concern for the future
on the implementation of the "common cause" program, which
is formed every day in the depths of the people's life.

Remember the priority of the future over the past in
the existence of a nation is especially important now, when
the mania of many concentrates mainly on
restoration and preservation of the historical past.
Until recently, our true national history
started in October 1917 "Peoples, Kingdoms and Tsars"
were thrown into the dustbin of history, and we found ourselves
cut off from their own past. This is not
Apparently, the historical roots must be restored.
But no matter how important this task is, one must not forget
to say that no nation with a face to the past
unable to exist as a stable, having
the whole perspective.

"Ortega y Gasset X. The Rise of the Masses // Problems of Philosophy. 1989.
No. 4. P. 147.

The composition "Love for the Motherland" provides for the consideration of love at different levels: love for the place where a person was born, for nature and for loved ones. All theses are supported by arguments from the poems of N. Rubtsov ("My Quiet Motherland"), S. A. Yesenin ("Goy you, Russia, my dear") and M. Nozhkin ("My homeland, clear-eyed").

Love for the native land

Love for the Motherland in the broadest sense of the word begins with love for one's own home, with love for a small homeland. A person carefully and reverently treats the place where he was born and where he spent his very first years of life. It was here that he said his first word, took his first step and went to school, which is one of the most important life institutions for a person.

So, N. Rubtsov in his poem "My Quiet Motherland" showed that for him love for the Motherland lies in the place where he swam for fish, where he went to swim, where he went to school. Small Homeland means a lot to the poet. He speaks with trepidation of the place where he was born.

Love for nature

Love for the Motherland also includes love for nature. A person learns to value nature and treat it with care from his very birth, that is, in his homeland. Love for trees, for birds and animals - all this also applies to love for the Motherland. Nature becomes the personification of love for the Motherland, and vice versa.

For example, for S. A. Yesenin, love for the Motherland manifested itself in the description of native places and nature. This is Russia with its fields, poplars and the meek Savior. In the poem "Goy you, Russia, my dear" the great poet showed what love for the Motherland is:

If the saint's host shouts

"Throw you Rus, live in paradise!"

I will say: “There is no need for paradise,

Give me my homeland. "

These words have become aphoristic, with the help of them many people express their love for the Motherland.

Love for loved ones and relatives

The homeland is not only the place where a person was born, but also those people who surrounded him since birth. Mom and Dad, brothers and sisters, grandmothers and grandfathers - all these people belong to the concept of the Motherland. These are all those who appeared in our life in order to teach and educate. It is with these people that all childhood memories are associated, which are the basis for love for the Motherland.

The Soviet poet M. Nozhkin in the poem "My Homeland, Clear-eyed" compares love for the Motherland with love for his own mother. This connection is so great and inextricable.

This article, which will help you write an essay on the topic "Love for the Motherland", will consider the manifestation of love for one's native land, for nature and for relatives, and will also illustrate love for the Motherland with arguments from literature.

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