Aleksandrov ensemble: Facts from history. The ensemble of songs and dances of the Soviet army them and in Alexandrov in ballet for growth and destination

Aleksandrov ensemble: Facts from history. The ensemble of songs and dances of the Soviet army them and in Alexandrov in ballet for growth and destination
Aleksandrov ensemble: Facts from history. The ensemble of songs and dances of the Soviet army them and in Alexandrov in ballet for growth and destination

Double-gone academic ensemble songs and dance of the Russian army named after A.V. Alexandrov is the largest military artistic team of Russia. The day of his birth is considered to be October 12, 1928 - the day, when the first performance of the team consisting of 12 people in the central house of the Red Army (CDC).

On December 1, 1928, the ensemble was credited to the state of the CDC and got the name "Ensemble of the Krasnoarmeysky Song of the CDC named after M.V. Frunze".

In 1937, the team was derived from the structure of the CDC, and the number of troupe increased to 274 people. By that time, the ensemble, awarded two years before the honorary revolutionary red banner with the Order of the Red Star on Him, gave many hundreds of concerts in the USSR, became a permanent guest of state celebrations, tens of plates recorded.

The team triumphantly performed in Czechoslovakia, Mongolia, Finland, Poland, in 1945 gave a concert for the participants of the "Big Troika". Double were planned touring and in the USA. However, for the first time they had to be canceled due to the beginning of the world war, and in the second, after graduation, President Harry Truman set the condition that Guardsmen Alexandrov acts in civilians to ensure that the management of the ensemble did not go.

In the early days of the Great Patriotic War, the red-known ensemble was divided into four groups for servicing the parts of the Red Army. Often, the troupe toured and in full, and in just during the war, the team gave about 1,500 concerts, continued to record the records, spoke on the radio. In 1941-1945, songs appeared in the repertoire of the ensemble: "Sacred War", "Poem about Ukraine", "25 years of the Red Army" ("Unstable and legendary") and many others.

In 1978, the ensemble received the highest professional certification - he became academic in his 50th anniversary.

The organizer and the first musical leader of the ensemble was a professor of the Moscow Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky, People's Artist of the USSR, Composer, Major General Alexander Alexandrov, who headed the ensemble for 18 years.

From 1946 to 1987, he led the ensemble of his son - the Hero of Socialist Labor, People's Artist of the USSR, Laureate of Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR, Major General Boris Alexandrov.

Currently, in the state of an ensemble, over 200 people, including 150 professional artists: soloists, male choir, orchestra and mixed dance group.

The head of the ensemble is the artistic director of the academic ensemble of the song and dance of the Russian Army named after A.V. Alexandrova, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant-General Valery Khalilov.

All participants in the ensemble have a special musical and choreographic education.

In the entire history of the team, more than 120 Alexandrov residents were awarded honorary creative titles. The choir is recognized as one of the best male choirs of the world. It connects the slim and purity of the sound of academic chapels with the bright emotionality and the immediacy, inherent in the national execution, demonstrates high vocal skills. The dance group of the ensemble with honor holds the height of choreographic art conquered by Alexander. The success of the work of the choir, soloists and the dance group largely depends on the flexible and slim in their sound orchestra, which is unique in its composition. It successfully combines Russian folk instruments - domra, balalaiks, accordions with wooden and copper brass instruments.

The activities of the ensemble laid the beginning of the creation and development of teams of a new type - song ensembles and dance. According to his sample, many ensembles of the song and dance of military districts, fleets and groups of troops arose, and not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Currently, in the repertoire of the team more than two thousand works. These are folk songs and dancing, soldiers' dances, songs of domestic authors, spiritual music, classic works of Russian and foreign composers, masterpieces of world pop.

The ensemble gives concerts in military districts, parts and units of the Russian army.

Repeatedly, the team traveled with concerts in the "hot" dots, the fighting areas - Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Transnistria, Tajikistan, Chechen Republic. Redware passed with concerts throughout Russia, visited in more than 70 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, and everywhere they were successful.

The merits of the ensemble are noted by prestigious Soviet and Russian awards, as well as the diploma of the international exhibition in Paris - "Grand Prix" (1937), awards for record gram records - "Golden disks" of the French firm "Shan Du Mond" (1964), Dutch "N. O.S. " (1974) and Golden Discomb (1961), awarded by the French Academy of Grams for the Best Plate of the Year.

On November 22, 2016, the musicians of the academic ensemble of the song and dance named after Alexandrov, dedicating the concert of the 75th anniversary of the battle near Moscow.

Material prepared on the basis of information RIA Novosti

Song ensemble and dance of the Soviet Army them. A. V. Alexandrova, leading creative concert team of the Armed Forces of the USSR, combining vocal, choreographic and musical art. Created in 1928 at the center, the house of the Red Army.

M. V. Frunze as an ensemble of the Krasnoarmeysky song. The initial composition of 12 people.

From 1935 - Red Blank Ensemble of the Red Army Song of the SSR Union (175 people.). In 1973, there were 220 people in the team of the ensemble: a male chorus, a mixed dance group, an orchestra.

From the day of the organization, before 1946, the ensemble was led by Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov, outstanding owls. Composer and conductor, author of the music of the Hymn. Union, "Sacred War" songs and other well-known music. works, nar. Artist of the USSR (1937), gene. -Myor (1943), Doctor of Art History (1940), twice the winner of the state. USSR premiums (1942, 1946). In owls. The Union established the gold and silver medal of his name, annually awarded for the best music. Military patriotic. Works. From 1946, the ensemble is headed by composer Boris Aleksandrovich Aleksandrov, author MN. music. works, nar. Artist of the USSR (1958), gene. -Myor (1973), Socialist Hero.

Labor (1975), winner of the state. USSR premiums (1950). In the repertoire of the ensemble. owls. Authors, Rus. and foreign classics, folk songs, choirs, dances. The ensemble advocates warriors in the districts, groups of troops and pa flotes, before the working people of the Union republics.

Representing Soviet lawsuit abroad, the ensemble visited more than 20 countries around the world.. During the Great Fatherland, the war gave 1200 concerts on the fronts and in the rear. For a great contribution to the propaganda of the works of the claim and the upbringing of owls. Patriotism and proletarian internationalism The team of the ensemble was awarded the honorary revolutionary red banner with the Order of the Red Star on Him (1935), the Order of the Red Banner (1949), the Leninist Jubilee Honor of the CPSU Central Committee, the Presidium Top. Council of the USSR and owls. Min.

USSR (1970), foreign orders: "Combat Merit" (MNR, 1964), "Red Star" (Czech Republic, 1965). The artistic and creative activity of the ensemble is marked in France by the Prizes "Grand Prix" (1937), "Golden Discobol" (1961) and "Golden Disk" (1968). In 1946, the ensemble was assigned the name of its founder A. V. Alexandrova.

The activity of the ensemble laid the beginning of the development of song ensembles and dance as a new type of mass folk claim. According to its sample, the ensembles of military districts, air defense districts, groups of troops, fleets of owls. Army. Forces.

Similar ensembles organ-lowavans and in the army of socialist. countries.

Shilov A. V. Red-known ensemble of the Soviet Army. M., 1964.

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Twice a red-known academic ensemble of songs and dances of the Russian army named after A. V. Alexandrova or Alembal Aleksandrov - The largest artistic team of Russia and previously the USSR. Abbrevia - Capps, Cappra, Krapp. Abroad known as The Alexandrov Red Army Choir (Chorus); The Alexandrov Red Army Ensemble; Red Army Chorus; Alexandrovtsy.


In 1928, the ensemble consisted of 12 people - 8 singers, 2 dancers, bayanist and readers. By December 1, 1935, the team rose to 135 people.

You can win not only on the battlefield, but also on concert layouts. This is already 80 years old proves the academic ensemble of the song and dance of the Russian army of names ...

On October 12, 1928, the first performance of the ensemble in the central house of the Red Army, which is considered to be the birth of the specified military creative team.

December 1, 1928 the ensemble was credited to the state of the CAU and was called The ensemble of the Krasnoarmeysky song of the central house of the Red Army named after M. V. Frunze.

In 1937, the state of the ensemble of 274 people, and in 1948 - 313 people. Currently, 186 people consist in an ensemble. The organizer and the first music director was a professor of the Moscow Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky, People's Artist of the USSR, Composer, Major General Alexander Alexandrov. He headed the ensemble for 18 years.

From February 7, 1949 - Double-grained Red Star Order Ensemble songs and dances of the Soviet Army named after A. V. Alexandrova.

In 1978, on the eve of his 50th anniversary, the ensemble received the highest professional certification - the honorary title "Academic" ( Double-grained Red Star Order Academic Ensemble of Song and Dance of the Soviet Army named after A. V. Alexandrova).

Since 1998 - Academic ensemble of songs and dances of the Russian army named after A. V. Alexandrova.

Since 2006 - the federal state institution of culture and art "Academic Ensemble of Songs and Dance of the Russian Army named after A. V. Aleksandrov" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Since 2011, the Federal Budgetary Institution of Culture and Art "Academic Ensemble of Songs and Dance of the Russian Army named after A. V. Aleksandrova" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Since 2012 - Federal State Cultural Institution of Culture and Art "Academic Ensemble of Songs and Dance of the Russian Army named after A. V. Aleksandrov" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the order of the mayor of Moscow of September 24, 2012 No. 773-RM in the building of Aleksandrov's ensemble (Moscow, Agricultural Per., House 20, p. 1) April 13, 2013, on the day of the 130th anniversary of the composer's birthday , Major General A.V. Alexandrov, a solemn opening ceremony of the monument A.V. Alexandrov (author of the monument Sculptor A.M. Taratynov, Architect M.V. Corsi).

In the repertoire of the ensemble more than two thousand works. These are songs of Soviet / Russian authors, folk songs and dances, spiritual music, classic works of Russian and foreign composers, masterpieces of world rock and pop music.

The ensemble and its artists are awarded many Soviet, Russian and international awards.

Ensemble executives

  • 1928-1946 Alexander Vasilyevich Aleksandrov, People's Artist of the USSR, Winner of State Prizes of the USSR, Doctor of Arts, Professor of the Moscow Conservatory, Major General.
  • 1946-1987 Boris Aleksandrovich Alexandrov, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, Laureate of the Leninist and State Prizes of the USSR, Major General.
  • 1987-1992 Anatoly Vasilyevich Maltsev, Head of the Ensemble, Colonel.
  • 1987-1993 Igor Germanovich Agafonnikov, artistic director and chief conductor, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Colonel.
  • 1993 - October 2002 Dmitry Vasilyevich Somov, Head of the Ensemble, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, Colonel.
  • 1994-2003 Viktor Alekseevich Fedorov, artistic director and chief conductor, People's Artist of Russia.
  • 2003-2008 Vyacheslav Alekseevich Krakoko, artistic director and chief conductor, People's Artist of Russia, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Colonel.
  • Since October 2002, Leonid Ivanovich Malev, Head of the Ensemble, Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, Colonel. From August 2006, director of the ensemble.
  • From August 2008 - November 2012 Igor Ivanovich Raevsky, artistic director, People's Artist of Russia, Honored Artist of Belarus, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize Czechoslovakia.
  • From November 2012, Gennady Ksenfontovich Sachenyuk, Virio of the artistic director, Deputy Head of the Ensemble, Honored Worker of the Culture of Russia, Lieutenant Colonel.

Young Aleksandrovtsy

The ensemble functions a children's Studio Studio Aleksandrovtsy for children from 5 to 13 years.

Pop Team "Alexandrov - Park"

Since 2009, the ensemble has a pop group of Alexandrov - Park under the leadership of the Honored Artist of Russia Sotskova Vitaly Viktorovich.

In the repertoire of the team, songs and hits of past years in modern interpretation.


  • 1953 - Songs of the native side
  • "Singing weapons. Alembal Aleksandrov "

Conflict with the song and dance ensemble of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The ensemble of the song and dance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the control of V. P. Eliseeva for touring abroad, unreasonably added to his name phrase Red Army (THE RED ARMY CHOIR MVD Academic Ensemble or Academical Ensemble if Mia RED Army) thereby enveloping the western spectators who are confident that this is a world famous Alembal Alexandrov (The Alexandrov Red Army Choir or The Alexandrov Red Army Ensemble). In 2011, the Alembal of Alexandrova published the video message "Scandal around the ensemble of the Ministry of Internal Affairs", in which the indignation of the ensemble of the Ministry of Internal Affairs expressed

Victor Eliseev is proud to become the first general in this position. However, most Russians he remembered not by his professional achievements, but a loud divorce with the former wife Irina and marriage on a young singer.

Birth, family

Eliseev Viktor Petrovich - Native Moskvich. He was born in 1950 His Fedorovich participated in the Great Patriotic War. For combat merit was awarded four orders and many medals. Mom Serafima Evgrafovna worked as a chef. Thanks to her, Victor since childhood learned to cook delicious. Grandfather Eliseev in the father's line was a military man, served by the centurion in Chapayev's squad.

Education, service in the army

From school years, the future conductor was fond of music. After the eighth grade of high school, he went to study at the Music and Pedagogical School named after the October Revolution (now - MGIM. Schnitte). In 1969, he entered the department of choral conducting in musical and pedagogical, but immediately after the start of study was called into the army, where for two years he served as an ordinary soldier. In 1971, Eliseeva appointed a deirs of the amateur temper of a part in which he served. After demobilization, he continued to study in Gnesinka. Viktor Petrovich's Graduate was received in 1976, already well known in musical circles.

Parish in ensemble

In 1973, Eliseeva is invited to work as a choirmister in the newly founded song ensemble and dance of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After 4 years of young and talented conductor, they rise to the post of chief choirmister. In 1985, Viktor Petrovich becomes the artistic director of the ensemble entrusted to him. For high merits in this position in 1988, he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR. Since 1995, Eliseev, without leaving the leading post, heads the cultural center under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Shortly thereafter, he was invited to lecture in the Moscow Conservatory. P. Tchaikovsky.

Work in the ensemble

Ensemble Eliseeva became the most famous army musical team not only in the Russian Federation, but also far beyond. In Soviet times, together with its wards, Viktor Petrovich traveled the entire USSR, visited Greece, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Brazil, Mexico, Korea, Oman and many other states. Not lost the popularity of the team and after the collapse of the Union. In the early 90s, residents of China, Israel, Spain, Turkey, etc. were met with his work.

In addition to foreign trips, the ensemble continued to actively tour in Russia. Everywhere, wherever he appeared, his concerts were accompanied by ancholates and loud applause. The popularity of the Eliseevsky team was so great that in 1988 during performances in Italy he was awarded an audience at Pope for professionalism and excellent organizational abilities shown as the head and chief conductor of the song and dance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Viktor Eliseev was awarded the title Major General internal service.

Not only in a peaceful atmosphere gave the concerts of Eliseev Victor. The conductor in 1995 brought three times brought to him the team into the territory of Chechnya in order to support the combat spirit of Russian soldiers during hostilities. During this period, the artists of the ensemble were given 33 concerts in Grozny, Mozdok, Khankala and other cities of the republic. Major General organized performances not only on stage, but also in military hospitals, where the treatment of the soldiers of the Russian army was treated.

The famous ensemble of Viktor Eliseeva is a regular participant in all solemn events held at the state level. The wards of the conductor performed on the main scene of the country in honor of the inauguration of B. N. Yeltsin, during the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, on the consecration of the christ of Christ the Savior. Every year the team takes part in Red Square and other equally important events. For active creative activities and contribution to the development of domestic culture in 1998, the ensemble under the leadership of Eliseeva was awarded a nominal plate on the "Alley of Stars" in Moscow.

First marriage

At work, Viktor Petrovich - a professional with a capital letter, fully given to the creative process. Tireless and purposeful, he has been in an indispensable leader and conductor of one of the most important ensembles of the country for over 30 years. Unfortunately, the loyalty and constancy General Major exhibits only in relation to the service. In his personal life, he does not have everything perfectly as at work.

Eliseev married three times. For the first time, Viktor Petrovich married an early youth on a woman named Marina, who was older than him for 5 years. In 1972, the spouse gave him a daughter Julia. When the daughter of the conductor grew, she decided to go in the footsteps of the Father and chose the profession of the Khommerster. The first wife of Viktor Eliseeva witnessed his career takeoff. During a joint life with the Marina, the young conductor came to work in the song ensemble and dance, took the post of his leader, received the title of People's Artist. However, the higher the Viktor Petrovich's career staircase flew up, the stronger he was distant from his wife. 24 years after the start of the family life, the spouses became other people's people who, because of the inability to exchange an apartment, were forced to dwell under one roof.

Joint Life with Irina

In the spring of 1993, being on the verge of divorce, during the anniversary of the military unit, Eliseev gets acquainted with the director of the Irina exhibition hall and falls in love with her at a glance. Viktor Petrovich tried to care for this beautiful blonde woman, but she did not hurry to respond to him. Satisfied with the first husband a few years ago, she spoke on his own son and did not plan to marry again. In addition, Irina embarrassed that Eliseev at the time of their meeting was legally married. However, the man was so persistent in his courting that Irina was forced to give him to him.

In 1994, shortly after the divorce with Marina, Eliseev married the second time. At first, the newlyweds lived in the Moscow one-bedroom apartment of Irina, where, in addition to them, her son and her son and Mom were written. After 2 years, Eliseev received a large apartment in the center of Moscow, and a few years later, a 4-storey house was built in Peredelkino. Irina quit his job and devoted himself to her husband and household. She managed to establish a good relationship with her husband's husband Julia, and he, in turn, quickly found an approach to the son and mother of his wife.

Divorce and Section

The marriage of Victor and Irina seemed surrounding perfect: the spouses glowed from happiness and at all events appeared together. The conductor still toured a lot. However, despite employment, always found time to pay attention to his wife. However, on the eve of 2010, Viktor Eliseev unexpectedly left Irina. The photo, made 2 days before, did not foretell the troubles: he had a gently kissing his spouse on him and looked quite satisfied with life.

Later it turned out that over the course of several years, Viktor Petrovich had a novel with a young soloist of his ensemble Natalia Kurganskaya. New 2010 Lovers met together in the Maldives, and after returning home, the main conductor began a marriage process with the section of the property. On the lawyers did not bother Viktor Eliseev. The divorce with his wife, he touched in such a way that she for 17 years lived with him in marriage, almost nothing. Abandoned spouse, trying to achieve a fair section of the property, raised hype in the media. However, her efforts were in vain.

Life Eliseeva now

Having received freedom, Viktor Petrovich married Natalia Kurgan. In 2011, the 61-year-old conductor was born daughter of Varvara. Today, he continues to head the ensemble of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, raising a small daughter and in a spouse that is younger for 24 years. In his free time, Viktor Eliseev is fond of football, volleyball and boxing, prepares delicious delicacies and willingly tells journalists about their lives.

Tass dossier. On December 25, 2016, the plane of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Tu-154, heading to Syria, suffered a catastrophe over the Black Sea near Sochi. Among those who were on board were 68 musicians of the academic ensemble of the song and dance of the Russian army named after A. V. Alexandrova. The editorial office of the TASS dossier has prepared a certificate of the music team.

The academic ensemble of the song and dance of the Russian army named after A. V. Aleksandrov Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is the largest military artistic team of Russia.


The date of the foundation of the ensemble is considered on October 12, 1928. On this day, the first performance of the team took place in the central house of the Red Army (CDC) in Moscow. Initially, it was 12 people in its composition - eight singers, two dancers, a biantist and readers. In the same year, the ensemble was credited to the state of the CDC and received the name of the ensemble of the Red Army song of the Central House of the Red Army named after M. V. Frunze.

Already by the second half of the 1930s. The number of the ensemble has grown to 274 people. In 1935, the team was called a red-known ensemble of the Krasnoarmeysky song and dance of the USSR. In 1937, the ensemble first made abroad at the World Exhibition in Paris.

During the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. The team conducted more than 1,500 speeches in the current army.

In 1949, the ensemble was assigned the name of its founder A.V. Alexandrova. In 1979, the team received the title of academic.


The organizer and the first musical leader of the ensemble was a professor of the Moscow Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky, People's Artist of the USSR, Composer, Major General A.V. Alexandrov, headed by an ensemble for 18 years.

From 1946 to 1987 The ensemble was led by his son - People's Artist of the USSR, Major General B.A. Alexandrov.

From April to December 2016, the team was led by the former chief military conductor of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Khalilov. December 25, 2016 he died in a plane crash over the Black Sea.

Ensemble today

To date, 186 people have been listed in the staff of the ensemble. Of these, nine soloists, male choir (64 people), orchestra (38 people), mixed dance group (35 people). All team members have a special musical and choreographic education.

In the repertoire of the ensemble more than two thousand works. These are songs of Soviet and Russian authors, folk songs and dances, spiritual music, classic works of Russian and foreign composers, famous compositions of world rock and pop music.


An ensemble named after A.V. Alexandrova was twice awarded the Order of the Red Banner, orders "for military merit" MNR "(1964) and the Red Star (Czechoslovakia, 1965). The team also received a diploma of the International Exhibition in Paris "Grand Prix" (1937), the prizes "Golden Discs" for record chosenses of the gramis of the French firm "Shan Dutch Mond" (1964), Dutch "N.K." (1974) and Golden Discobol (1961) from the French Academy of Grams for the Best Plate of the Year.