Frunzik Mkrtchyan: Sad fate of a funny person. Biography Frunzik Mkrtchyan Frunzik Mkrtchyan: Sad Sun

Frunzik Mkrtchyan: Sad fate of a funny person. Biography Frunzik Mkrtchyan Frunzik Mkrtchyan: Sad Sun
Frunzik Mkrtchyan: Sad fate of a funny person. Biography Frunzik Mkrtchyan Frunzik Mkrtchyan: Sad Sun

Frunze (Frunzik, Mger) Moshegovich Mkrtchyan (July 4, 1930, Leninakan (now Gyumri) - December 29, 1993, Yerevan) - Armenian, Soviet actor theater and cinema, theater director. People's Artist of the USSR (1984). Winner of the USSR State Prize (1978).

Born in a large family of refugees from the Armenian Genocide. Frunzik's parents were 5 years old when they hit the orphanage. In it, they together have grown together, in 1924 they got married, and when one of the largest textile factory in the Soviet Union was opened in Armenia, together arranged there to work. Father - Musheg Mkrtchyan (1910-1961), Tabelchik, Mother - Sanam Mkrtchyan (1911-1970), dishwasher in the factory dining room. The real name is a MER (with Armenian-Sunny), although Frunze Mkrtchyan was written on the passport. His father respected the commander Mikhail Frunze very much. So I called my son the honor of him. Brother - Albert (born 1937), director, screenwriter. Sisters - Ruzanne (r. 1943), Clara (1934-2003). To feed a big family, the father once stole a small piece of fabric at the plant, and was convicted for ten years, after which the family began to starve, as the Sanam received only 30 rubles for their work.

As a child, Frunzik was helpless, all laughed at him, he was thin, with a big nose. The boy has drawn perfectly, but no other profession, except for the acting, did not think. The apartment of Mkrtchyanov was on the second floor. On the staircase, the ten-year-old Frunzik hung the curtain and arranged before located on the ladder of monospectorate. When, after one of the ideas, he went out to bows, he noticed in surprise that the public was more - the little spectators sat on his knees from their parents, who selflessly applauded the young genius. Frunzik never worried because of his appearance. Moreover, I did not see anything unusual in it. And about his outstanding in all respects, the nose even came up with jokes.

From 1945, he worked as an assistant to a film mechanic at the Leninakan Textile Combine Club, in his free time he also played in an amateur dramatic circle. In 1945-1946 he studied at the studio of the Leninacan Theater. A. MORAVYAN (now Humyrian Drama Theater. Vardan Ajemyan). Since 1947 - the actor of this theater. In the fact that the boy is gifted extremely, no one else doubted.

In 1951-1956 he studied at the Yerevan Theater and Art Institute (Course V. B. Vagarshana). In Yerevan, still with admiration, as the 17-year-old Mkrtchyan played the role of the 80-year-old old man and no one could learn in the born older guy from the working outskirts. In parallel with the student, Mkrtchyan first starred in the cinema - he played in the film Alexander Row "The Mystery of Lake Sevan" in a small episode. The first film with his participation ("in search of the addressee") went on screens in 1955. And his full debut on the movie screen took place in 1960 in the film Malyan and the city of Markaryan "Guys of the Museum", in which he played a musician named Arsen.

From 1956 - the actor of the Armenian theater. G. M. Sondukyan in Yerevan. "Theatrical triumph started at Frunzik from his first roles," says Albert Mkrtchyan - being a second-year student of the theater institute, he received an invitation to theater. Sandukian on the role of Ezopa, which was supposed to play in a couple with his teacher. After the first performance, the teacher approached Frunzik, kissed him and lost his role. Who then he was just not played in the theater, ranging from King Guidon and ending with Sirano de Bergerack.

But the next work in the movie Mkrtchyan had to wait five years, and it became the role of Professor Berg in the comedy "Thirty-three" director Georgy Deliani in 1965. However, the film for ideological reasons was very quickly removed from the rental. The next work of the ICRTCHYAN in the cinema was the role in the film of Rolan Bykov "Aibolit-66". In this picture, Mkrtchyan got through the protection of the actor and director Frunze Dovlatalyan, who suggested that the bulls try to try Mkrtchyan on the role of one of the robbers. The actor was approved, and soon Mkrtchyan in the role of Barmaley fell into the bright and eccentric trinity of the robbers, which immediately won the sympathy of the audience after entering the screens in 1966.

His movie also loved him too. In the same 1966, the scratched comedy of Leonid Gaidai "Caucasian Captive" came to the screens of the USSR, in which Mkrtchyan got the role of uncle's chief heroine Jabrail. For a truly superstar, Frunzik began after the role of Khachikyan's driver in the Mimino Deltera film. Although if you believe the film director Georgia Nikolaevich Delialia, Frunzik Mkrtchyan, more precisely, Rubik's driver could not be at all. According to the scenario of the main character, it was necessary to settle in the Moscow hotel. The rooms at that time were double. Poskov Valiko could become an endocrinologist from the Urals or the driver from Armenia performed by Frunzik Mkrtchyan. Throw a coin. Rusk fell out - Khachikyan.

By the way, the mass of funny replicas that became truly folk frunzic came up with himself. The interrogation scene of the witness of Khachikyan in court is the absolute improvisation of the actor. At the suggestion of Mkrtchyan, the director removed the episode in which the heroes of Frunzik and Kikabidze turned out to be in one elevator along with two Chinese. And one Chinese spoke to another: "How these Russians are similar to each other." At the request of censorship, the episode from the picture had to be cut. I remember the filming "Mimino" and unpleasant moments - Mkrtchyan began to drink hard. Several times had to cancel. In the end, Delhets put a hard condition or alcohol or movies before Frunzik. For several days, Mkrtchyan was not triggered to alcohol. And then came to the directory and said sadly: "I understood why the world rules. They do not drink and from the morning begin to engage in their careers. "

"Did Frunzik considered yourself implemented? Of course not. Only the fool will think so. Father did not live to the glory of the Son. But Mom managed. She loved Frunzik very much. We are me and our two sisters - they even offended her. But Mom said that we are without that combat, but Frunzik is helpless. When the brother was already very popular, he came home, got up under the shower and called Mom. She came and soap him. There was such a music of Mother and Son, "said Albert Mushegovich." He treated as fame quietly and never suffered from star disease. " But people reacted violently to the "living" Frunzik, which was equivalent to the invasion of personal territory. Every passerby in Yerevan considered him his native man. Once we descended into the Moscow metro and were able to drive only one stop - with applause. "

Frunzik Mkrtchyan in the film "Thirty Three", 1965

Despite the universal adoration, in the personal life of Frunzik was unhappy. The tragedies of Mkrtchyan began in student age. He fell in love with the girl named Juliet, whose parents were against their wedding. The struggle for her beloved lasted for several years and ended with a complete failure. Perhaps, Frunzik married an annoyance on the girl Knar, she had no relation to art, the marriage lasted only a year. With his second wife, Frunzik met in the walls of the Theater Institute. Beauty Donara Pylosyan was a star of the course, many were dragging behind her, but when Frunzik decided to marry her, his friends were very surprised.

The couple had two children - the son of Vazgen and the daughter of Nune. The actor adored them, from each trip brought a lot of toys. But most often he immediately took their children and began to play himself. "He was only interested," Albert says. "For example, the toy pigeons are arranged, which takes off into the sky and then return to your hands. Frunzik disassembled them, trying to understand the device of the mechanism. And, of course, he could not collect back. He was surprised before the end of his life. Could not, for example, understand how the TV works. How this film from America comes to Yerevan. I disassembled the receiver, spun everything, and then even the master could not repair anything. "

Donara accompanied her husband everywhere. In the Caucasian Captain She played the driver's wife's wife Sachow, who sadly tells the hero of Yuri Nikulina about local customs - the abduction of brides. With each day, Donara's behavior became more and more strange. She sat down her belly scene of jealousy. Finally, Frunzik could not stand and appealed to the doctors on the advice of friends. The sentence of physicians was terrible - schizophrenia. When the efforts of local specialists were powerless, Donar was sent to a psychiatric clinic in France.

Personal life Frunzik Over time, it seems to be improved. He met a charming woman. Tamara was the daughter of the Chairman of the Union of Writers of Armenia Rychi Oganesyan. It is said that when the actor once again went to the registry office, one of his friends began him, they say, he did not often have an institution into this. To that Frunzik with his characteristic humor answered: "Chaplin generally eight times married. What, worse? " Alas, but this marriage did not bring Mkrtchyan happiness.

Frunzik and Tamara.

"Was he closed man? - Albert Mushegovich argues. - No, he lived among people. And at the same time lived alone. One day they asked why he walks on the night streets, Frunzik was surprised: "Why is one? Cats go, dogs. So I'm not alone. " He was a surprisingly subtle and kind man. Even too good. Everyone had a claim to him, and he did not have them. Frunzik was a real people's deputy, unofficial, of course. Helped thousands of people. He could no longer refuse ... "

Frunzik Mkrtchyan in the film "Soldier and Elephant".

Nune's daughter by this time married and left her husband in Argentina. The sense of the life of Frunzik was the son of Vazgen. However, the behavior of the young man also began to worry the Father. Vazgen showed the best psychiatric physicians who, alas, could not do anything. The mother's mental illness was inherited. They say that when Vazgen was placed at some time in the same French clinic, where Donara was, they did not even recognize each other.

Frunzik Mkrtchyan in the film "The Adventures of Ali Baba and Soroka Robbers".

As the theater director, Mkrtchyan put the performances in Armenia and abroad. In recent years, Frunzik refused the cinema, focusing all the forces on creating his theater (now - Yerevan Artistic Theater. Frunze Mkrtchyan). "On December 28, 1993, I spent the whole day at home," Albert Mkrtchyan says. "We sat, talked about art." Frunzik was interested only. I remember, he once again put the cassette with Adagio Albion, which was going to use in his next play. Then I laid him sleep and went home for a few hours.

It was five purses. Reaching the house, I immediately began to call Frunzik - I had some kind of unkind premonition. Although I understood that it was impossible - Frunzik's phone was faulty, and it could only call him, and not to receive calls. And at seven in the evening they called me and said that Frunzik is no longer. He became bad, and "ambulance" could not do anything. Heart attack. He was 63 years old ...

At first, the government wanted to postpone the funeral on January 2. But I did not agree. Armenia was forgated with his brother on December 31, thousands of people went behind the coffin. He was buried in the Pantheon of the Geniuses of the Armenian Spirit in Yerevan, Armenia.

The grave Frunzik Mkrtchyan in the Pantheon. After 17 years, the monument was replaced.

Now from the brother begin to make a legend, repenting what was not. It is said that his health has undermined the death of a daughter's car accident. In fact, Nune died five years after the Frunzik did not become. She had a tumor of the uterus, she made a successful operation. Nune sat in his ward together with her husband, and her broke broke away. Vazgen after the death of my brother I adopted. But it also did not. Cirrhosis of the liver. 33 years old he was.

Little was FRUNZIK life? And how big artist is not tragic? It is probably a fee for that talent that the Lord awarded them. Frunzic, of course, understood what an actor he was. But never showed it. Because he was a man with a capital letter, as she wrote bitterly. Who stayed after him? The people who love him. I stayed, our younger sister, our grandchildren. So the genus Mkrtchyan continues. Someone from him will definitely be the same talented as Frunzik. "

Monument. Frunzik Mkrtchyan in Gyumri, Theater Square.

Joshiff Verdyan's journalist after the death of Frunzik Mkrtchyan wrote: "In a couple of weeks after FRUNZik's funeral, I invited his brother, a famous filmmaker Albert Mkrtchyan, to himself, and we told a trip in the kitchen about his great brother. I remember: "Frunz wished death, he rushed towards her, he dreamed of her, severely quickened by life instincts. His not time ruined and not addiction to the guilt and tobacco ... No, he consciously went to his death, having a strength to survive the sickness of his son and his wife - a huge family grief. "

Monument Frunzik Mkrtchyan in Yerevan, Opera Garden.

Many phrases voiced by the actor became covered, among them:

"Why don't you eat kefir? What, do not love? "

"Such personal hostility I feel for the victim that I can't eat"

The monument to the heroes of the film "Men" of the sculptor David Minasyan in the Saryanovsky kindergarten. Yerevan.

"Valko-Jan, I'll tell you one smart thing, but only you do not be offended!"

"These" Zhiguli "what they think, I do not know. Under the legs are spinning, spin, spin ... "

Monument to the heroes of the film "Mimino" in Moscow.

"If you refuse, they will dance you."

"You have not met the high confidence provided to you"

"And you do not confuse your personal wool with state."

Monument to Frunzik Mkrtchyan in Yerevan.

The actor who almost always caused the audience with the audience, upset the public only once, when he died on December 29, 1993. Frunzik Mushegovich Mkrtchyan on the eve of New Year was buried.

Later, the authors of the documentary film telling about the fate of the Armenian actor will emphasize in Sync: New Year's Eve, Armenians drank the first glass without a stall and silently. The time was heavy, almost blockade, no electricity was served in the house, and it seemed to everyone that the usual normal life was over. The amateur shots of the funeral were put on the sound of the National Wind Tool: the soul of Navriang, when you hear the "babysitting" of the twin - paraphrase of people's melodies - and you see in the frame of the plans of thousands of thousands and thousands of Yerevan, who applauding the actor for the last time ... such frames do not compile.

Now, most often the actors remember the role of the Khachikyanian driver in the Mimino film, and the Mkrtchyan biased viewer is familiar with the episode in the picture "Do not burn!". Remember how two strata-past people are sitting in the debt point and the character of Mkrtchyan suddenly asks Vizabi: "Do you want a candy?" And immediately answers himself: "But not!"

Many called him "sad cheerful man." Still, there is a tragic beginning in comic. The world famous for the world, Journalists, too, were also called clown "with autumn in the heart" ...

The media argued that during the filming Mimino, Frunzik Mkrtchyan began to drink hard. Several times the shooting even had to cancel. As a result, the director of Deliay put a rigid condition to the actor - either alcohol or role. For several days, Mkrtchyan was not triggered to alcohol. And then, they write, came to the director and said sadly: "I realized why the world rules of media. They do not drink and from the morning begin to engage in their careers. " And the best scene of the interrogation of the witness of Khachikyan in the court of Mkrtchyan masterfully simpeted.

It would seem that when life in the Soviet Union, universal adoration - skipping in a happy and secured life. For example, passport control at the airports, a well-known actor passed without documents: Just showed his famous profile. A big nose, sad eyes, broken in the sadness of eyebrows ... He was called a comic without a smile as the great Max Linder. Native actors said that, as a child, Frunzik was helpless, "all laughed at him." The platform of the communal apartment is a small actor turned into a theatrical scene. He played on her monospectacles, said "that in the head will make up." And the neighbors spertors laughed ...

The legend states that the actor himself treated his massive nose with humor and even composed about himself anecdotes. Vakhtang Kikabidze in one of the interviews told such a story: "And Archil Gomiashvili went to the premiere of the play" Sirano de Bergerac ", in which Frunz played the role of Sirano. In this performance, there is a very long monologue of Sirano, where he argues on the theme of his thorough nose. For Frunza, this monologue turned out very short, even minutes did not pull. When we went after the performance in the car, I say to him: "Listen, Frunz, why did you cut this long monologue? Still, a classic work ... "And he replies:" Jan's Buba, when you talk about the nose for a long time, the Armenians are unpleasant. "

Albert Mkrtchyan's native brother, Albert Mkrtchyan recalled the case in the United States. "I have a stored article from the New York Times newspaper. "Five minutes of silence MGRTCHYAN MGRTCHYAN called. The fact is that on one of his performances in America, more than half of the hall was Americans who did not speak Russian or in Armenian. Then the brother came out on the foressen and five minutes silently stood and looked into the hall. The audience from the laughter slipped from his chairs to the floor. And Frunzik looked at them again, bowed and left. "

They say, today in many offices Yerevan hang portraits of a talented countryman Frunzik Mkrtchyan.

The personal life of the actor was secretive and challenging. As it turned out later, terribly unhappy. Not like the life of the star of the Soviet screen.

In terms of tragic coincidences until today, no son, nor daughter, nor the spouse of the actor - no one lived. Frunzik Mkrtchyan had three marriages, with the actress Damira - the second wife - they met at the institute. Gave birth to two children. In a professional circle, they said that the death of his daughter finally finished the heart of Frunzik Mkrtchyan, but in fact Nune died five years after the actor did not become. This was told by his brother Albert: I was sitting in the ward a complex operation, and she broke off a thrombus ... By the way, an adult soulless son Vazgen after the death of Frunzik adopted herself too ... Vasgen died at 33 years from the liver cirrhosis . It happened quite recently.

Events developed and "finished" Frunzik Mushegovich on increasing: life in the house after some time became unbearable due to the scenes of jealousy Damira. As stated in the same documentary film, after performances or filming, the artist did not want to even return home. The hysteries and scandals of the wife were inexplicable and participated. The birth of the second child - Son - did not change anything. So it lasted until the famous artist turned to doctors. The sentence is schizophrenia.

And at first, she even accompanied her husband on the shooting ... For example, the episode was given Damire in the Caucasian Caucasian Captive Damire: she played the driver's wife's wife's friend Sachov. Remember the beautiful woman who sadly tells the hero of Yuri Nikulina at the gate of local customs - the abduction of brides? In short, when the efforts of local specialists were powerless, Damira was sent to a psychiatric clinic in France.

Later, Frunzik married a charming woman - the daughter of the chairman of the Writers of Armenia Oganesyan. It is said that when the actor once again went to the registry office, one of his friends began his, they say, he did not often have an institution in this. To that Frunzik with his characteristic humor answered: "Chaplin generally eight times married. What, worse? " Alas, but this marriage collapsed. "Was he closed man? - Albert Mushegovich argues. - No, he lived among people. And at the same time lived alone. Once, when he was asked why he walks on the night streets, Frunzik was surprised: "Why is one? Cats go, dogs. So I'm not alone. "

After the failures in the personal life, Frunzik closed his attention on children and theater. It seemed to be allocated. Nune's daughter got married and left her husband in Argentina. The sense of the life of Frunzik was the son of Vazgen. However, the behavior of the young man also began to disturb his father. Vazgen advised the best psychiatrists, who, alas, in this case were powerless. The mother's mental illness was inherited. They say that when Vazgen was placed at some time at the same French clinic, where Damira was, they did not even recognize each other. Tragedy...

In the last years of his life, Frunzik refused the cinema, focusing all the forces on creating his theater. Colleagues in the Yerevan Theater named after Sondukyan call him an actor from beginning to end. Frunzik Mkrtchyan conquered all the roles: tragic, comic, classic, contemporary ... and the famous and beloved actor would have to work out ... and the theater could have been ... did not have time. Or tired?

He died instantly in a dream. Heart attack. The People's Artist of the USSR, the Winner of the State Prize of the USSR, the winner of the State Prize of the Armenian SSR Frunzik Mkrtchyan was only 63 years old.

Albert Mkrtchyan somehow expressed his version of his brother's death: "Frunz wished death, he rushed to her, he dreamed of her, severely quickening in itself the life instincts. His not the time destroyed and not addiction to the guilt and tobacco ... No, he deliberately walked to his death, not having the strength to survive the illness of his son and his wife - a huge maritious mountain. "

... When the second wife Frunzik Mkrtchyan began to arrange jealousy scene without any reason, he was ready for any explanation, but not to what he heard from doctors. It put a career of the actor "pause" and forever changed his life.

Brilliant Beginning

The son of Armenians who escaped from Turkish genocide, Frunzik Mkrtchyan at 15 years old worked as an assistant to a film mechanic. The magic world of the movie so fascinated him that the guy began to attend theatrical circle, and then entered the studio at the theater of Leninakan (now Gyumri).

The game on the stage became its way to fight ridicule because of too much, even in Armenian standards, nose.

"When God distributed the noses to the peoples, asked people who wanted to have an olfactory body. Russian wished such that a glass did not interfere with tipping over. Georgians, like Caucasian mountains. Armenian asked: "And how much?" When the Lord replied that for free, Armenian said: "Then as much as possible," Mkrtchyan will joke after many years.

Because of honor (1956)

But then, in childhood, it became a discovery for him that the lack could turn into dignity: an unusual appearance allowed to play Sirano de Bergeraca almost without a grima, and in other roles Mkrtchyan was so good that he quickly became a star of the theater.

Following the scene, the actor conquered the cinema. He played the first roles in films, while still a student of the Yerevan Theater and Art Institute. In the profession, everything was found as it is impossible - which could not be said about personal life.

Family drama

The first marriage with a classmate Knar was rapidly ended in a divorce that he didn't seem like a tragedy. The second serious relations of Frunzik - with actress Donara Pyosyan - were already more adults.

Donara was a real beauty that loved her husband with all his heart and received the same love in response. They met when she entered the theater university, quickly got married and began to work together. Donara often accompanied Mkrtchyan on the set - in the "Caucasian Captive" she even got an episodic role of Jabrail's wife.

It sadly explains the shurrik features of Caucasian weddings, standing at the gate after the abduction of Nina.

For a while, Frunzik Mkrtchyan's house was a complete bowl: Favorite wife, adored children (Nune's daughter and Son Vazgen), recognition of the public and work to which he walked with pleasure. But then something began to change.

Donara suddenly became very jealous and suspicious: he did not let go of her husband either on a step, scandaling, believed that instead of touring he leaving her mistress. Frunzik first calmed his spouse first, then began to break off himself: often after filming or performances he did not want to return home, and he walked to drink or just flew around the city.

When the atmosphere of the house became completely unbearable, Mkrtchyan followed the advice of friends and recorded his wife at a reception to a psychiatrist. The diagnosis of "schizophrenia" divided their life on before and after.

The actor took care of his wife seriously: she showed it to the specialists of Yerevan and Moscow, he took abroad. For many years, it was gone to accept the inevitable: Donare could not help, her condition was only progressed. Cashing her health, Mkrtchyan refused many stellar roles - the calm came in his career.

In the end, he agreed to put Donar in a psychiatric hospital in France. He himself had to continue to work to raise two children. When Nune's daughter got married and moved to Argentina, they were with her son together.

... This time, he understood everything much faster: too strangeness in the behavior of Vazgen reminded the behavior of his mother. Doctors confirmed: the same diagnosis, the same perspectives. This news broke Frunzik Mkrtchyan finally.

He continued to film and play in the theater, but internally did not accept the fact that his wife and son live in a psychiatric hospital. When Donara and Vazgen met each other in the corridor, they did not even recognize each other.

the end

The black band has changed to light briefly when Frunzik Mkrtchyan met Tamara Oganesyan. They lived together for several years, but by sixty the actor left one again. From the theater in which he served more than thirty years, he left, disagreering with the appointment of a new director.

After 1987, after 1987, was also not shot - he said that at his age, it was already late. Mkrtchyan dreamed of his own theater and even began working on its creation, but did not have time to finish.

"Frunz wished Death, he rushed to her, he dreamed of her, severely quickened by life instincts. His not the time ruined and not addiction to the guilt and tobacco ... No, he deliberately walked to his death, having a strength to survive the sickness of his son and his wife - a huge family grief, "Albert Mkrtchyan explained.

At the actor, who caused a smile from the screen, there were few reasons for fun in his personal life.

In the film "Do not burn!" The hero of Frunzik Mkrtchyan, sitting in the debt pit, suddenly appeals to a friend in misfortune: "Do you want a candy? .. And no!". He also played with the "sad funny Armenian" and his own fate. July 4, he would have been 88 years old ...

Hard childhood

Frunze Mkrtchyan was born on July 4, 1930 in Leninakan (Gyumri) in the family of the Armenian refugees who saved from the Turkish massacre. Life was given by the workers of the textile combine: the Father Musheg Mkrtchyan's father was just built by the time of the enterprise, and the mother of Sanam was a dishwasher in the factory dining room. The Armenian Genocide took the Frunzik of all close to the parents. Both parents brought up in an orphanage, and both at the fifteenth-year age were selected simply on the road. Having created his own family, Musheg and Sanam gave birth to four children (brothers and sisters - equally), to feed which the father of the family was trying in all means. Having received a term for theft of several meters of fabric, ten years old Woods in Nizhny Tagil, and all the concerns about the children lay on the mother and the eldest son Frunzik. The Father of the Future Fatal Food will live only 50 years, and the mother will not be in 59 ...

Ugly lovers

Mother did not hide from children that Frunzik loved more than others, and his mother's care was bathing him in the bathroom, even when he grew up. Just regret her ugly son more was no one. Rodin and neighbors remembered that from childhood over touchingly helpless Frunzik everyone laughed - and not only during their home ideas that he arranged in a communal apartment. He had two named: Official Frunze (in honor of the Hero of the Civil War, Mikhail Frunze) and Mger (so called the Son in the family), but the surrounding officles of the colorful worm only on the nickname.

Only over time, the owner of the "proud profile" learned to refer to the recognizable lack of his own appearance philosophically: demonstrated its long hook nose instead of his passport with the Border Guards at the airports and toured over himself in jokes. When they trust the main role in Syrano de Bergerac, the artist will joke that so the theater decided to save on the make-up. At the premiere of Frunzik, by the way, he strongly reduced the chief monologue of his hero, explaining to this friend Vakhtaga Kikabidze in his characteristic manner: "Buban, when you talk about the nose for a long time, the Armenians are unpleasant."

Comedian without smile

But the biggest nose will not hide the sad eye and the sorrow of the eyebrow of the artist, whom colleagues characterized as "comic without smiling."

For the expressive face of the Assistant, a film mechanic in the factory club, first took into an amateling drama in the textile plant, then in the studio and the troupe of the Leninacan Theater, in the Yerevan Theater and Art Institute and the Armenian Theater in Yerevan. And to act in the movie Mkrtchyan was invited while studying - the first picture with his participation was published in 1955 ("in search of the addressee"). For its not long on Caucasian standards, life (63 years), the artist played in 56 films, creating a favorite images to "do not burn" and "Mimino", "Caucasian captive" and "bustle". In his creative Arsenal - the first prize for the best acting work in the film "Soldier and Elephant" at the All-Union Film Festival in Yerevan and the USSR State Prize for work in Mimino.

The People's Artist of the USSR was truly loved by the people: Mkrtchyan called to his home every came-out, they were allowed everywhere without tickets and money, and on speeches applauded for the fact that he simply went to the scene. In the New York Times, for example, was the article "Five minutes of silence MGRTCHYAN MGRTCHYAN." In the US, the artist went to the public who did not understand in Armenian, nor in Russian, and just silently looked into the hall poured by laughter. Frunzik was calmly stood before the audience, giving the will their feelings, and then bowed and left.

Personal Mount

He was "his own," everywhere, never sucked fame and did not tell in an interview about the personal tragedies, which began in student, when the parents beloved Juliet denied the young man in the hand of their beauty-daughters. From the annoyance of Mkrtchyan married a classmate, but the marriage with Knara collapsed in a year. In the walls of the Theater Institute, Frunzik met with his second wife - the star of the course Donara Pliosyan. Friends discouraged him from marriage on a talented, but impulsive actress with unpredictable behavior and alarming all frequent change of mood. Later, the Frunzik's wife will show a severe hereditary mental illness that will destroy the life of her unfortunate spouse.

Whenever Mkrtchyan argued to the role, Donara insisted on joint shooting. Just because of her husband, she starred in the episode in the "Caucasian Captive", where Jabrail's wife played - Hero Mkrtchyan. Women's creative jealousy was mixed, and did not like to control the spouse of hysteria and fought not only at home, but also in humans: satisfied the scandals in the theater when her husband just upgraded with actresses.

Righting the second child, Donara ceased to engage in children, the concern for which FRunzik Mkrtchyan fell. The son was only 2 years old, and daughters - 12, when their mother fell into depression. The artist had to be broken between the work and the house, because the children had no one to feed and wash.

When his wife was diagnosed with schizophrenia, Frunzik gathered all the money and sent Donar to be treated to France. After foreign doctors, they were trying to treat their Armenian colleagues, but no one could give hopes for recovery. By the end of the days, the woman remained under the supervision of doctors in psychiatric hospitals: first in Yerevan, and the last 25 years of life - in Sevan.

Truth in wine

FRUNZIK was married to the daughter of the chairman of the Armenian Writers of Armenia, Tamara. When one of the friends asked for a joke, he did not often have in the registry office, Frunzik answered with humor: "Chaplin married eight times. And what's the worse? ".

But this father's step did not approve the daughter of Nune, emigrated after marriage in Argentina. Unfortunately, the family did not succeed, and Frunzik remained one joy - the son of Vazgen. Alas, and his behavior soon began to give reasons for concern. The survey confirmed that the boy was ill with the same disease as the mother.

The uniform Mkrtchyan sent his son to the very clinic, where the wife was treated. When doctors showed Vazgen Donara, the mother and son did not recognize each other ...

Frunzik forgot his misfortunes in work and glass. He drank as much as he starred. Each shooting day ended for the artist in the restaurant. While working on the picture "Mimino" because of the windows of Mkrtchyan, even several times canceled shooting. Georgy Deliay offered a choice of his favorite actor: role or alcohol. Having holds out without alcoholic a few days, sad Frunzik shared with directed thoughts with the director: "I realized why the world is ruled by badge: they do not drink and spend everything spend on a career."

"I'm not alone"

Somehow Frunzik asked why he wanders over the night city. The artist was surprised: "Why am I alone? Dogs walk, cats - I'm not alone ... ".
When Soviet cinema collapsed, Mkrtchyan was engaged in creating his own theater in Yerevan and as the theater director was played by performances in Armenia and abroad. But his life was already on the outcome.
Frunzik did not attach the meanings to what was in pre-infarction state. Heart attack struck him on December 29, 1993. God gives such death to good people: the actor stopped breathing in a dream.

"Frunzic self-disgraced due to the fact that his life was not a joy," the brother of Artist and the head of his theater Albert Mkrtchyan believed. "He didn't touch himself consciously, because he suffered because of his son and wife's illness."
The brother adopted the Nedian Vazgen, but at 33, the son of Mkrtchyan died of a liver cirrhosis. Father and daughter surveyed for a long time: Nune was operated on about the tumor, there was no five years in the recovery period - a clogging of the thrombus (34-year-old granddaughter of Artist Guyan Terterian remained to live in Buenos Aires). Died this year and Brother Frunzik - Writer and Director Albert Mkrtchyan.

The Yerevan Artistic Theater remained created by the actor, the name Frunze Mkrtchyan, and his work - in film and stone: monuments of his heroes are in Moscow, Tbilisi, Yerevan and Dilijan.
In Armenia, Frunzik Mkrtchyan is a national hero. Museum of his name is open at home in Gyumri, and a monument to a talented countryman is established before the local DramaTheater. His portraits hang in Armenian houses and offices, and on the grave of the artist in the Pantheon Park them. Comitas in Yerevan all year round - live flowers ...

Frunzik Mkrtchyan: Sad Sun

That night, the guests of the hotel "Russia" were surprised by a strange noise that came from a hotel restaurant. The most disgruntled even came out of their rooms with a solid determination to figure out what was the matter, and to clean up.
However, being in the door of the restaurant, unexpectedly began to smile and delayed there until the morning. The depth was simple - directed by Georgy Delteiy removed his new film "Mimino".
According to the scenario, the Hero Wahtang Kikabidze came to the restaurant to meet with the elusive Larisa Ivanovna and, without waiting for her, rushed into the dance, trying to shut down his companion Khachikyan - his neighbor by number, which Frunzik Mkrtchyan played.
Despite the fact that Frunzik at the time of filming was no longer a sober, his dancing and attempts during the next par sit on the twine and raise the nasal scarf's floor hit everyone.
When those surrounding no longer remained for laughter, and Frunzik could not catch the ill-fated fabric, the director called Kikabidze and asked to snatch the scarf from the efforts turned from the efforts of Mkrtchyan. The actor performed the will of the director. And Frunzik, realizing that he was hanged, raised his head and locked the gathered such a trick that the restaurant was again visited from laughter ...

Live legend

July 4, he would have been 75 years old. In Armenia, Mkrtchyan is a real national hero. At one of the central prospectuses of Yerevan, there is a huge portrait from which this very, perhaps, famous and adorable Armenian looks at passersby with a sad smile. By the way, Armenians themselves are called otherwise - Merom.
"In fact, the parents called their firstborn frunzic," Albert Mkrtchyan says. - Probably, in honor of the Soviet military leader, Mikhail Frunze. In the thirties, Armenians were accused of nationalism, so they began to give children strange names.
Roberts, Alberta, Frunziki appeared. And when many years later the theater them. Sandukian, in which the brother worked, toured in Lebanon, the local Armenians called him a Merom. This is a biblical name that translates the sun. "
Today Brother Frunzik Albert Mushegovich is the artistic director of the Yerevan Theater. MGRTCHYAN MGRE. On the theater building - a memorial plaque with a bas-relief in the form of a famous actor profile. Frunzik never worried because of his appearance.
Moreover, I did not see anything unusual in it. And about his outstanding in all respects, the nose even came up with jokes. When Mkrtchyan was invited to speak for money on various pirushki, he categorically refused, laughing, according to his own words, right in the nose inviting.
"No, brother never shonened his appearance," Albert laughs. - And looking at those whom Nature did not endorse the same nose as he was always surprised. And then, all Armenians have such noses. I have that, not so? "
Mkrtchyan Jr. Let not like two drops of water, but very similar to Frunzik. By profession, Albert Mushegovich - film director, graduated from Vgik. By the way, Albert took off his brother in his graduation work.
"The film was called" Photo "and lasted only 15 minutes," he says. - I gave him the role of my father, whose son died in war. Frunzik managed to force the audience the first 10 minutes to die from laughter, and the last five - cry. "
Frunzik Mkrtchyan became a legend already in life. They say that the actor even had two passports - one official, and the other is a gift of friends in which it was written - "Mger Mkrtchyan". Although the passport of the people's idol was without necessary.
When, together with Vakhtang, Kikabidze and George, Deloia Frunzik went to the Kremlin to receive a state award for the film "Mimino", the guards demanded that they have to prevent documents. What Mkrtchyan answered Mkrtchyan: "Is foreign spies to the Kremlin without documents go?" Of course, the laureates missed without inspection.
And one day, together with friends, Mkrtchyan went to visit the arrested comrade. Leaving friends in the restaurant, Frunzik emitted for a few minutes and appeared already ... in the company of the arrested and chief of the SIZO.
Mkrtchyan and money did not need. "I just recently told such a story," Albert Mkrtchyan continues. - Somehow Frunzik suddenly occurred to the idea of \u200b\u200bflying to Sochi. He was generally a spontaneous man - he could sit-sit, and then catch up and go to the other end of the Soviet Union.
And that time, taking a friend with him, Frunzik was in Sochi after a few hours. In his pocket he had 1000 rubles. Resting at the resort and walking in restaurants, friends returned to Yerevan. In his pocket, Frunzik was still lying on a thousand rubles. "
The popularity of Mkrtchyan was fantastic. Somehow, after entering the screens of the film, Georgy Deloia Mimino, Frunzik flew to Moscow for several days. Together with his brother, they rushed to an important meeting, and Frunzik offered to get to her on the subway.
"We barely squeezed into the car," Albert recalls. "People" do not push around: who reads who is sleeping. However, in thirty seconds, after Frunzik found himself in the car, everyone began to applaud. Brother became embarrassing, and on the next station we came out.
He was loved not only in Moscow and the cities of the Soviet Union. I have a stored article from the New York Times newspaper. "Five minutes of silence MGRTCHYAN MGRTCHYAN called. The fact is that on one of his performances in America, more than half of the hall was Americans who did not speak Russian or in Armenian.
Then the brother came out on the foressen and five minutes silently stood and looked into the hall. The audience from the laughter slipped from his chairs to the floor. And Frunzik looked at them again, bowed and left. "

Mother's pet

Since childhood, Frunzik drew perfectly. However, any other profession, except acting, did not think. He was born in Leninakan, her parents - Musheg and Sanam - worked at the local textile plant. "Our father and mother were the children of Genocide," Albert Mkrtchyan says.
"They were 5 years old when they found them literally on the road and placed in one orphanage. They growled together, got married in the 24th year, when one of the largest textile combine in the Soviet Union was opened, settled there to work. When the combine was a club, in the amateur mug of which Frunzik played. "
The apartment of Mkrtchyanov was on the second floor. On the staircase, the ten-year-old Frunzik hung the curtain and arranged before located on the ladder of monospectorate. When after one of the ideas he went to the bows, he noticed in surprise that the public was more - the little spectators sat on his knees from their parents who selflessly applauded a little genius.
In the fact that the boy is extremely extremely, no one else was doubted. In Yerevan, still with admiration, as the 17-year-old Mkrtchyan played the role of the 80-year-old old man and no one could learn in the Beginned Older Guy from the working outskirts.
"Theatrical triumph started at Frunzik from his first roles," says Albert Mkrtchyan. - As a student of the second course of the theater Institute, he received an invitation to the theater. Sandukian on the role of Ezopa, which was supposed to play in a couple with his teacher. After the first performance, the teacher approached Frunzik, kissed him and gave way to a role.
Who then he was just not played in the theater, ranging from King Guidon and ending with Sirano de Bergerack. His movie also loved him too. Did FRunzik considered yourself implemented? Of course not. Only the fool will think so.
Father did not live to the glory of the Son. But Mom managed. She loved Frunzik very much. We - I and our two sisters - even offended her. But Mom said that we are without that combat, but Frunzik is helpless. When the brother was already very popular, he came home, got up under the shower and called Mom. She came and soap it. There was such music of Mother and Son. "
For a truly superstar, Frunzik began after the role of Khachikyan's driver in the Mimino Deltera film.
By the way, the mass of funny replicas, who became truly popular ("Such questions are asked what is inconvenient to answer even", "What do these" Zhiguli "think?", "I'll tell you one smart thing, but only you do not be offended" and others), Frunzic came up with himself. The interrogation scene of the Witness of Khachikyan in court is the absolute improvisation of the actor.
At the suggestion of Mkrtchyan, the director removed the episode in which the heroes of Frunzik and Kikabidze turned out to be in one elevator along with two Chinese. And one Chinese spoke to another: "How these Russians are similar to each other." At the request of censorship, the episode from the picture had to be cut.
I remember the filming of Mimino and unpleasant moments - Mkrtchyan began to drink hard. Several times had to cancel. In the end, Deloy put a rigid condition to Frunzik - either alcohol or cinema. For several days, Mkrtchyan was not triggered to alcohol. And then came to the director and sadly said: "I realized why the world rules. They do not drink and from the morning begin to engage in their careers. "

People's Deputy

Despite the universal adoration, in the personal life of Frunzik was unhappy. After a brief first marriage, he met a surprisingly beautiful student of the Damir theater Institute. Like all women, she did not resist the charm of Frunzik and soon became his wife.
The couple had two children - the son of Vazgen and the daughter of Nune. The actor adored them, from each trip brought a lot of toys. But most often he immediately took their children and began to play himself.
"He was all interested," Albert says. - How to arrange, for example, toy pigeons that take off into the sky and then return to you in your hands. Frunzik disassembled them, trying to understand the device of the mechanism. And, of course, he could not collect back.
He was surprised before the end of his life. Could not, for example, understand how the TV works. How this film from America comes to Yerevan. I disassembled the receiver, spun everything, and then even the master could not fix anything. "
Damira everywhere accompanied her husband. In the Caucasian Captain She played the driver's wife's wife Sachow, who sadly tells the hero of Yuri Nikulina about local customs - the abduction of brides.
Every day, the behavior of Damira became more and more strange. She sat down her belly scene of jealousy. Finally, Frunzik could not stand and appealed to the doctors on the advice of friends. The sentence of physicians was terrible - schizophrenia. When the efforts of local specialists were powerless, Damira was sent to a psychiatric clinic in France.
Personal life Frunzik Over time, it seems to be improved. He met a charming woman. Tamara was the daughter of Chairman of the Writers of Armenia Oganesyan.
It is said that when the actor once again went to the registry office, one of his friends began his, they say, he did not often have an institution in this. To that Frunzik with his characteristic humor answered: "Chaplin generally eight times married. What, worse? " Alas, but this marriage did not bring Mkrtchyan happiness.
"Was he closed man? - Albert Mushegovich argues. - No, he lived among people. And at the same time lived alone. One day they asked why he walks on the night streets, Frunzik was surprised: "Why is one? Cats go, dogs. So I'm not alone. "
He was a surprisingly subtle and kind man. Even too good. Everyone had a claim to him, and he did not have them. Frunzik was a real people's deputy, unofficial, of course. Helped thousands of people. He could no longer refuse ... "
Nune's daughter by this time married and left her husband in Argentina. The sense of the life of Frunzik was the son of Vazgen. However, the behavior of the young man also began to worry the Father. Vazgen showed the best psychiatric physicians who, alas, could not do anything.
The mother's mental illness was inherited. They say that when Vazgen was placed at some time in the same French clinic, where Dinara was located, they did not even recognize each other.
In the last years of his life, Frunzik refused the cinema, focusing all the forces on creating his theater. "On December 28, 1993, I spent the whole day at home," Albert Mkrtchyan says.
- We sat, talked about art. Frunzik was interested only. I remember, he once again put the cassette with Adahio Albii, which was going to use in his next play.
Then I laid him sleep and went home for a few hours. It was five purses. Reaching the house, I immediately began to call Frunzik - I had some kind of unkind premonition. In general, we really felt each other.
I remember somehow at four in the morning suddenly woke up and immediately scored the brother's room. He was then in Moscow, starred in Mimino. After the first beep, he raised the phone. "Why you do not sleep?" - I ask. "What there is," answers, "just a person died next to me."
And that day I tried to get through to him. Although I understood that it was impossible: Phunzik's phone was faulty, and it could only call it, and not receive calls. And at seven in the evening they called me and said that Frunzik is no longer. He became bad, and "ambulance" could not do anything. Heart attack. He was 63 years old ...
At first, the government wanted to postpone the funeral on January 2. But I did not agree. Armenia was forgated with his brother on December 31. Before Pantheon, where his grave is located, thousands of people went behind the coffin.
Now from the brother begin to make a legend, repenting what was not. It is said that his health has undermined the death of a daughter's car accident. In fact, Nune died five years after the Frunzik did not become.
She had a tumor of the uterus, she made a successful operation. Nune sat in her ward together with her husband, and her tomb was broken away. Vazgen after the death of my brother I adopted. But last year it also did not. Cirrhosis of the liver. 33 years old he was.
Little was FRUNZIK life? And how big artist is not tragic? It is probably a fee for that talent that the Lord awarded them. Frunzik, of course, understood what an actor he was.
But never showed it. Because he was a man with a capital letter, as she wrote bitterly. Who stayed after him? The people who love him. I stayed, our younger sister, our grandchildren. So the genus Mkrtchyan continues. Someone from him will definitely be the same talented as Frunzik. "