Comparison of Oblomov and Stolz Table. Love, family and other eternal values \u200b\u200bin the perception of Oblomov and Stolz - Document

Comparison of Oblomov and Stolz Table. Love, family and other eternal values \u200b\u200bin the perception of Oblomov and Stolz - Document
Comparison of Oblomov and Stolz Table. Love, family and other eternal values \u200b\u200bin the perception of Oblomov and Stolz - Document

Love, family and other eternal values In the perception of Oblomov and Stolz

Surprisingly friendship between such unlike each other, like Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz. They are friendly from early childhood, and at the same time they have so little in common! One of them is surprisingly lazy, ready to spend my whole life on the sofa. Other, on the contrary, active and active. Andrei S. young years He firmly knows what I would like to achieve in life. Ilya Oblomov did not come across problems in childhood and youth. In part, this calm, easy life along with an overly soft character was the reason that the obcomments gradually became more and more inert.

Andrei Stolz has a completely different childhood. From the young age he saw how heavy his father's life and how much effort is required to "push away from the bottom and emerge," that is, to earn a worthy social status, capital. But the difficulties not only did not scare him, but, on the contrary, they did more. As the character of Andrei Stolts became becoming more and more solid. Stolz knows well that only in constant struggle can he find his happiness.

The main human values \u200b\u200bfor him are the work, the possibility of building a prosperous and happy life for themselves. As a result, Stolz receives everything that he dreamed of a distant youth. He becomes a rich and respected man, conquers love such an outstanding and unlike other girls like Olga Ilinskaya. Stolz does not endure inaction, he would never have attracted such a life that seems to be riding happiness for Oblomov.

But is it so ideal gallez compared to the broom? Yes, he is the embodiment of activities, movement, rationalism. But it is this rationalism that leads him to the abyss. Stolz receives Olga, organizes their life at its discretion and will, they live according to the principle of mind. But is Olga happy with the gallery? Not. The galley is not enough heart, which was Oblomov. And if in the first part of the novel, the rationality of the gallery is approved as the denial of broken laziness, then in the last part the author is more and more on the side of Oblomov with his "golden heart."

Oblomov cannot understand the meaning of the human bustle, permanent aspiration to do something and seek. He was disappointed in a similar life. Oblomov often recalls their childhood when he lived in the village along with his parents. Life there flowed smoothly and monotonously, not shocked by any kind of attention. Such peace of mind seems to be a breakdown of dream limit.

In the minds of Oblomov, there are no certain aspirations about the arrangement of their own existence. If he has plans for transformations in the village, then these plans are very soon moving into a number of regular daughter dreams. Oblomov resists Olga's intentions to make a completely different person from it, because it contradicts his own life sets. And the unwillingness of Oblomov to associate his life with Olga says that he is in the depths of the soul understands: family life will not bring him peace and will not allow selflessly indulge in his favorite case, that is, absolute inaction. But at the same time, Oblomov, this dove, "Golden Heart". He loves his heart, not a mind, his love for Olga is elevated, enthusiastic, ideal. Oblons floats downstream and becomes husband Agafia, because this accomplished fact does not threaten his comfortable and quiet existence.

Such a family life does not scare Oblomov, the attitude of Agafia to him fully fits into his idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness. Now he can do nothing further, degrading more and more. Agafya takes care of him, which is an ideal wife for Oblomov. Gradually, he ceases to even dream, its existence is almost completely like a vegetable. However, it is absolutely not frightened, moreover, he is happy in his own way.

Thus, Goncharov in their novel does not condemn or Oblomov, nor galley, but also does not idealize any of them. He only wants to show different views on the moral and spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the two opposite people. At the same time, the author says that a rational attitude towards life, feelings (galleries) no less impossible man than the infinite dreaminess (brooms).

Attachment 1

Comparative Characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

Andrei Ivanovich Stolz



"A man of medium height, pleasant outside, in the face dominated the softness, the soul was openly and clearly glowing in the eyes", "Frozen not in the years"

"The whole is composed of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blood English horse", thin, "Smooth face color", the eyes of expressive


"Stolz German is only half, on his father: his mother was Russian"


Education was patriarchal, switched out of the arms in the embrace of relatives, friends.

Father brought up harshly, going to work, "Mother did not quite like this labor, practical upbringing"

Attitude to school

He studied "if necessary," "Serious reading was tired of him," "But the poets of hurt ... for the living"

"He studied perfectly, and his father made him a referent in his guest house"

Further education

Until 20 years spent in the crushing

Stolz finished university


"Lena Ilya Ilyich was a normal state"

"Participates in some company sending goods abroad", "He is inconspicuous in motion"

Management of economy

Not engaged in cases in the village, received a minor income and lived in debt

"I lived on the budget", constantly controlling your expenses

Life aspirations

"I was preparing for the field," I thought about the role in society, about family happiness, then he excluded from his dreams public activitiesHis ideal has become a careless life in unity with nature, family, friends

Choosing an active start in youth, did not change its desires, "Labor - image, content, element and purpose of life"

Views on Society

All "Members of the Society - the Dead, Sleeping People", they are peculiar to themselves insincerity, envy, the desire by any means "to get a loud chin"

Immersed in the life of society, a supporter of professional activity, which is engaged in himself, supports progressive changes in society

Attitude to Olga

I wanted to see a loving woman who can create a serene family life

Raises an active start in it, the ability to fight, develops her mind


Considered the gallery with his only friend who can understand and help, listened to his advice

High valued mathematical qualities Oblomov, his "honest, faithful heart", loved him "firmly and hotly", was removed from the Tarantyev fraudster, wanted to revive to an active life


Constantly doubted himself, his dual nature manifested itself

I am confident in your feelings, affairs and actions that subordinate to the cold settlement

Character features

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    Form Oblomov, Formation of its character, lifestyle, ideals. To be able to draw up characteristic ... to the end of 52 bugs and Stolz. Comparative characteristic To make a plan comparative characteristics Oblomov and Galley. To be able to express your thoughts ...

  • Ingenious Roman Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov introduces us with two diametrically opposing images: the characteristics of them can take pages and pages. After all, they are completely different: in its temperament, in their own relation to life and worldview. Ten years wrote his gonchars! What do you think expensive readers would "steam" academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Literature, a decade, composing a novel in the form of a "single-layer" cake? What is easier for a corresponding member - to compose a story about two friends! One - without a measure of lazy. The other is amazingly efficient. No. Written something about all of us! And we will try to prove it. It will help us in this study of Oblomov and Stolz.

    The image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov

    Outlook Outlook Externally - a complete loose man with dark gray eyes, preferring a passive lifestyle, lying on the sofa, nonesthelnia. In all his appearance, careless is visible, but his face is spiritualized. And the thought is present in it constantly, it glows in the eyes, hiding in the wrinkles of the forehead, is twisted with her lips. However, this thought "Zezaba", it has no practical application. Comparative and galley - obviously not in favor of Ilya Ilyich. He is an offacarious landowner. He has 350 serfs. Good, good mansion in St. Petersburg, cottage, village house. The misfortunes have no idea how to care for all these property in his property. He is like a child, he first robs the clerk, and then bring the fraudsters Micah Andreevich Tarantyev and Ivan Matveevich Muhoyarov.

    It is formed, but has no practical experience Work. Under the influence of the first failures in the service, he was formed by the psychological "complex of the sloth", to overcome which Ilya Ilyich is not forces.

    The image of Andrei Stolz

    According to the story of the novel, they are familiar and friendly from school: brooms and gallets. The comparative characteristic indicates the proximity of their caste origin. Andrei Stolz was born in the family of German-clerk Ivan Bogdanovich and a simple, but educated Russian woman. The ratio of his status with the status of a friend-landowner is similar to the relationship owner of the business - top manager. From the children's years, the Father regular classes in sciences, as well as rapidly educated in it. Andrei is a dried man with his shoulder cheeks, dark skin and greenish expressive eyes. He is hyperactive: constantly, like a shark, is in motion. The writer responds about his hero, as if he consists of alone muscles and tendons. He knows the languages, is smart, so it is precisely him and the trading company-employer as an agent in Belgium. In addition, Stolz is able to creatively use his knowledge. Therefore, colleagues prefer to invite it to develop projects. Different belongs to the money of bugs and gallets. The comparative characteristic indicates the latter the latter.

    Secret subtext of Goncharovsky images?

    The fact that, by and large, the images of the gallery and Oblomov are not independent, and allegoric, the author of the novel shows in their relations with Olga Ilinskaya. On the one hand, it can neither conquer, nor to hold, but invariably attracts with its romanticism, a clean children's soul, the inactive Ilya Ilyich. On the other hand, Stolz, who became her husband, pathologically does not feel the difference between business cooperation and mentality. In a romantic wedding trip to Paris, he, to put it mildly, is inconclusive.

    Why did Goncharov created these two images: bug and gallery? Comparative characteristics of these images - just instructive conclusion? Contrasting characters? Or maybe it is necessary to watch it wider? After all, each of us certainly knows how many "gallets" in it and how many "Oblomov" in it. What is bugs? This is a dream that does not touch the legs of the Earth. The dream is global, deprived of any desire to implement. What is gallez? This is a landiness, a business grip, a sense of partnership. So asked the same question: "If you create something global, is it possible to discount the dream in principle?" (As you know, Stolz avoided dreaming.) It is unlikely.

    And you, dear readers, agree with the conclusion below? To create a truly successful person, promoting fantastic projects, you need to mix in one glass of 30% dreamer-Oblomov and 70% of the fanatics of the gallery. Do we wanted to say goncharov? After all, the gallets appeared in the family foster-son. Of course, properly educated will make a business grip. Well, the ability to dream? The genes are still, you know ...

    Who is galby? Goncharov does not force the reader to break his head over this issue. In the first two chapters the second part goes detailed story About the life of the gallery, about the conditions in which his active character was formed. "Stolz was German only half, on his father; his mother was Russian; Faith he professed Orthodox, his native speech was Russian ... ". Goncharov first trying to show that the gallery rather Russian rather than German: after all, the most important thing is - Vera and his tongue is the same as in the Russians. But the farther, the more Germans are beginning to come in it: independence, perseverance in achieving their goals, thrift.
    The unique character of the gallery was formed under the influence of two forces - soft and tough, at the junction of two cultures - Russian and German. From his father, he received "labor, practical education," and the mother joined him to the beautiful, tried to put love for art into the soul of little Andrei, to beauty. His mother "In the Son ... Moved the ideal of the Barin," and his father killed him to a heavy, not at all the Barquet works.
    Practical mind, love, courage helped the gallery to succeed after he left at the insistence of his father to learn from St. Petersburg ...
    According to the plan of Goncharov, Stolz - new Type Russian progressive figure. However, he does not depict the hero in concrete activities. The author only informs the reader about Tom, was gallez, which reached. He "served, retired ... engaged in his affairs, ... I got a house and money, ... I learned Europe as my estate, ... I saw Russia along and across, ... goes to the light."
    If we talk about ideological position Galley, then he "was looking for an equilibrium practical Parties With the thin needs of the Spirit. " Stolz could control his feelings and "afraid of every dream." Happiness for him was constantly. According to Goncharov, he "knew the price rare and expensive properties and so Skupor spent them that he was called by an egoist, insensitive ...". In a word, Goncharov created such a hero, as Russia had not enough for a long time. For the author, Stolz is the power that is able to revive the broom and destroy the breakdown. In my opinion, Goncharov somewhat idealizes the image of the gallery, putting it in the example to the reader as an impeccable person. But by the end of the novel, it turns out that salvation did not come to Russia with the advent of the gallery. Dobrolyubov explains this by the fact that "now there is no soil" in russian society. For more productive operations, it is necessary to achieve some compromise with broom. That is why Andrei Stolz takes on the education of Son Ilya Ilyich.
    Stolz - Certainly, Antipode Oblomov. Each trait of the first - sharp protest against the qualities of the second. Stolz loves life - brooms often flows into apathy; Stolz has thirst for Oblomov. The best activity is a holiday on the sofa. The origins of this opposite are in the upbringing of heroes. Reading the description of the life of Little Andrei, involuntarily compare it with the life of Ilyusha. Thus, at the very beginning of the novel, before the reader two absolutely different characters, two life tracks ...

    Oblomov Stolz
    origin from the rich noble rhodation with patriarchal traditions. His parents, like grandfathers, did not do anything: the fortress worked for them from a poor family: Father (rubbed German) was the manager of a rich estate, the mother-impoverished Russian noble
    education parents traveled him to idleness and rest (they were not allowed to raise a damped thing, dressing, pouring water to themselves) The work in the crushing was punished, it was believed that it was worth the stigma of slavery. In the family there was a cult of food, and after eating a strong sleep father gave him a upbringing that he received from his father: he trained to all practical sciences, early forced to work and sent himself from his son who finished his son. Father taught him that the main thing in life is money, rigor and accuracy
    mained program staining and Son Passive Start energy and Stormy Activities
    characteristic good, the lazy most worried about his own peace. For him, happiness is full of peace and good food. He holds life on the sofa, without removing a comfortable robe. Nothing does nothing, it's not in the darkness. It's love to go into myself and live in the world created by him and dreams. Pretty children's purity of his souls and self-sensitivity, a worthy of a philosopher's screaming of softness and meekness. strong and smart, it is in permanent activity and is not bent the black work itself. Thanks to its stubborn work, the power of will, patience and enterprise has become rich and famous person. A real "iron" character was formed. But something he resembles a car, robot, is so clearly programmed, the whole life has been turned out and miscalculated.
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