What is an impersonation definition for schoolchildren. Elimination and fiction

What is an impersonation definition for schoolchildren. Elimination and fiction
What is an impersonation definition for schoolchildren. Elimination and fiction

Elimination is an extremely frequent reception, which is used by many writers, prose, poets and people, somehow associated with creativity. This article will show examples of this example in real life.

The essence of personification

Sometimes, in order to give their thoughts and described in the work of a more emotional basis, the authors use personification. Simple wordsWhen we give an inanimate subject or complex of objects, which is inherent exclusively an animated creation (person, dog, etc.), this is called personification. With this reception, the work or some kind of separate process becomes more diverse and interesting. Accordingly than more diverse and more interestingThe greater its weight among ordinary readers and critics.

In addition, to use personification must be possessing some experience and skills in writing works of any form. The qualitative use of this literary tool speaks of the skills of the writer himself. Many theatrical performances Based on personification. Often they are resorted to the attachment of the person's properties of the person, thereby emphasizing the cold and worn nature of man.

Examples of personification

Example 1:

"The forest was awakened." This phrase is an impersonation, as the forest is a complex of trees inanimate. At the same time, he was given an action that is typical of only a living being. The author could not use this reception and simply describe natural processeswhich occur in the morning forest. But no, instead, he said "The Forest awakened," forcing us to imagine this picture In the most colorful colors and give will to your imagination. According to critics, those works that give the reader with the opportunity to think independently and draw all the process itself, without the help of the author.

Example 2:

"Cames whispers." As you could already understand, this phrase is an personification. After reading it, we can imagine a swamp, which is full of reeds and a little breeze that twisters them. From these small twitching, a rustling is created, which can be interpreted as a whisper.

If you ever begin creative activity In the literature or other similar field, take this tool to weapons. He will surely need it.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Elimination is one of the artistic techniques in the literature.

Together with "counterparts" -, it serves one goal. Helps satisfy the work with bright images, makes it more colorful and interesting.

But unlike the rest, his easiest to recognize And understand what it is.

What is it on the examples

Here is an example of a well-known feta poem using personification:

The pond can not dream, and the poplar is to do. As well as acacia cannot "ask for". All these are artistic techniques, reviving non-living and bringing beauty to the literary work.

Let's leave for a short literature aside and give an example from our usual lexicon. Recall how often you yourself say or hear:

Weather whispering
Clock run / lag behind
Pipe is called
Cases went uphill

From the point of view of a literal understanding, these phrases are meaningless and incorrect. After all, finance cannot sing, the weather whisper, the pipe is called - they have no mouth for this. Yes, and the clock with my feet is hard to imagine.

All these verbs Apply only to living beings, whether it is a person or an animal. But not to inanimate subjects. But this is the meaning of personification.

This word has come to Russian from Latin. True, it can be found more often - personification formed from two parts - Persona (face) and Facio (I do).

Tracks I. historical roots - In antiquity, people often attributed human properties to nature forces, endowed any item. And it helped them better understand the world. From this hoax and a literary reception was born.

Some more examples for clarity:

I would call this reception somewhat differently - animation. It is easier to understand its meaning.

Elimination in Russian folklore

Since we are talking about ancient times, it is necessary to mention that many response can be found in Russian folk proverbs and sayings. And most importantly, we know them, constantly use And perceive as something absolutely normal:

Word not sparrow, crashes - you can't catch
Found braid on stone
If the mountain does not go to Magomet
Master's business is afraid

And one more bright with the use of personification - here it is the most unequivocal:

How about our in the bazaar
Pies bake with eyes.
Their bake - they run
They eat them - they look!

Even more personification can be found. There is full of all sorts animate objectsWho can move, talk and generally behave like alive.

Well, for example, you can remember the carpet of the aircraft, the jaga woman's stupa, the stove that helped the children to escape from the goose swans. Yes, even Moydodyr, Nutcracker, Pinocchian and terrible with Iron woodcase, they will fit here. Surely you remember another mass of examples where an inanimate object suddenly becomes alive.

IN " Word about the regiment of Igor»You can find the following examples of personification:

And how many beautiful personification meets from Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Enough to consider "a fairy tale about dead princess" Remember who Tsarevich Elisha asked for help? At the wind, the month, the sun.

Light our sunshine! You walk
All year round in the sky, reduce
Winter with heat in spring,
We see us all.

Month, month, my friend,
Gold plated horn!
You get up in darkness deep,
Kruglitic, light,
And, custom your loving
Stars look at you.

Wind, wind! You mighty
You chase flocks clouds
You worry blue sea,
Everywhere you want on the square,
Not afraid of anyone
In addition to God alone.

You see, they are all endowed with human properties. And after the question "did not see princess?" They still answer Elisha. That is, behave like absolutely alive.

Examples of personalities in the literature

And it is no coincidence that we mentioned Pushkin. In the literature, such a reception most often found in poetry. After all, this more melodic, dreamy, in it, as anywhere, the flight of thoughts and various images are welcome.

Here, for example, Fedor Tyutchev Whole mountains come to life, thanks to only one word:

Through azure dusk night
Snowy Alps look;
Dimded their eyes
Wearish horror sink.

Or the famous "sail" M.Yu.Lermontov. After all, in a poem, no word is said that people manage the boat. She is in itself - the main character The entire poem, which lives, fights with the waves and moves to one of him known goals:

White sail is lonely
In the fog of the sea blue! ..
What is looking for in the country far?
What threw him in the edge of his native?

Yesenin In his work, generally perceived nature as a living organism. And therefore in his works it is often possible to meet personification.

For example, "the grove of Golden," "sings Winter, Aukets, a shaggy forest Baubets", "about all those who have gone canopens", "Moon laughed like a clown." And in the poem "with good morning"And an impersonation at the personification:

Round the star golden
Looking up the mirror Zaton ...
Smiled sleepy birchings,
Silk braids neglected ...

Under the overgrown nettle
Crazen the bright mother of pearl
And swinging, whispers, playfully:
- Good morning!

In prose, you can also find bright examples Wanted

The eyes, who were still shone from tears, laughed dangling and happily. (Turgenev)
The bowler is angry and mumble on fire. (POUST)

Still, the prose always looks like poetry. Therefore, all the most bright images And techniques should be found in poems.

Elimination in advertising

Examples of personification We can also see daily on TV screens or street banners. Advertisers have long experienced bright images and "Visit" that productwho needs to sell.

All familiar series of rollers of Dragee "M & M's" where the main characters are candy yellow and red.

And many have heard such slogans:

  1. "Tefal always thinks about us!" (TFAL pans);
  2. "They speak in the language of your body" (laying Always);
  3. "Care for the beauty of your legs" (Sanpellegrino tights);
  4. "Wishes you autumn without influenza and colds" (the drug Anaferon);
  5. "The usual mascara will never go so far" (Mascara L`oreal).


By the way, if noticed, then the verb always acts as an personification. it distinctive trait This literary reception. It was the verb "revives" a specific noun, hanging it with certain properties.

But at the same time, this is not a simple verb that we use in our speech (he goes, he sees it rejoices, etc.). In this case, he also adds text expressiveness and brightness.

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Elimination (or personification) is an expression that gives an idea of \u200b\u200bany concept or phenomenon by image in the form of a live person, endowed with the properties of this concept (for example, the image in the Greeks and the Romans of happiness in the form of a capricious goddess-fortune, etc.). Very often O. It is used in the image of nature, K-paradium is endowed with those or others. human devil"Enviven", for example: "Sea laughed" (bitter) or flood description in " Copper rider"Pushkin:" ... Neva All night / rushed to the sea against the storm, / did not defeat their violent dori ... / And it was not easy to argue to her ... / The weather was swept away, / Nheva sank and roared ... / And suddenly, how the beast is worse, / the city rushed ... / Siege! Attack! Evil waves, / like a thieves, climb into the windows ", etc.
O. It was especially in the go in preventive and falselycasic poetry, where it was carried out consistently and deployed; In Russian literature, samples of such O. were given in Tredyakovsky: "Ride on the island of love", (St. Petersburg), 1730.
O. Essentially, it is consequely transferring to the concept or phenomenon of animal signs and is so. arr. View of metaphor (see). Trails.

Literary encyclopedia. - at 11 tons; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Friece, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939 .


Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .


Elimination also personification (Lat. Persona and Facio), expoptee (Greek. προσωποποια), - a stylistic term denoting an image of an inanimate or abstract object as an animated one. The question of how far the personification is consistent with the actual look of the poet on things goes beyond the limits of stylistics and refers to the field of world-coal. Where the poet believes himself in the animation of the subject, they depicted, should not even talk about personification, as about the phenomenon of style, for it is connected then not with the receptions of the image, but as defined, animistic Mirosal and worldview. The subject is already perceived as animate and so depicted. This is exactly the sense to interpret many personification in folk poetry, when they relate not to techniques, not to the form of expression, but to the most animized subject, that is, to the content of the work. This is especially brightly affected by any mythological creativity. On the contrary, personification, as the phenomenon of style performs in cases where it is used as allegory, i.e. as such an image of the subject that stylish converts his. Of course, it is not always possible to accurately establish from what order by personification we are dealing, as well as in the metaphor it is difficult to find objective signs of the degree of its real imagery. Therefore, the stylistic study often cannot do without data involvement and from the field of individual poetic worldview. So, very many personification of nature phenomena in Goethe, Tyutchev, german romantics Not as a stylistic reception, but as essential features of the general view of the world. Such, for example, Tyutchev is the impersonal of the wind - "What are you going about, wind night, about what you will do so insanely?"; Thunderstorms, which "grindingly-insanely suddenly sculpts"; Zarnitsa, who "as demons are deaf and a conversation between themselves"; trees who "happily tremble, swimming in the sky blue" - for all this is consistent with the attitude of the poet to nature, which is expressed by him in special poem: "Not that manty you, nature - not the cast, not a soulless face. There is a soul in it, there is freedom in it, there is love in it, there is a language in it, "and so on. On the contrary, in such works, like fables, parables, and in different types Allegory (see), should talk about personification, as an artistic technique. Wed, for example, Basni Krylov about inanimate objects ("boiler and pot", "guns and sails" and so on.)

Especially in cases of T. Naz. incomplete personification, it is general common stylistic receptionwho enjoys not only poetry, but also ordinary speech. Here we are dealing, actually, only with individual elements of personification, often so walked into the use of speech, that their direct meaning is no longer felt. Wed, for example, such expressions as: "The sun gets up, comes", "the train" goes "," the streams run "," wind moan "," moving motels ", etc. Most of such expressions are one of the types of metaphor And the meaning of them in the poetic style should be said to the same as the metaphor (see). Examples of stylistic impersonation: "It doesn't want to overwhel the air ... The stars of the night, as the accusatory eyes behind him, look mockingly. And pops, shonening in a row, shaking low head, as judges whisper between themselves "(Pushkin); "Nozzles have long stopped tweak, but in the scarman there was one twin, a very foolishness, I didn't want to calm down, and she whistled one for a long time" (Gogol); "Put the bird - my longing, sit down on the branch and will sing" (Akhmatova). The image of plants and animals in the image of people, as it is found in fairy tales, fables, an animal epic, can also be considered as an impersonation.

A. Petrovsky. Literary Encyclopedia: Dictionary literary terms: In 2 tons / edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunina, V. Lviv-Rogachevsky, M. Rosanova, V. Cheshikhina-Wind. - m.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925


Watch what is "personification" in other dictionaries:

    Churches. Statue of the Strasbourg Cathedral Personalification (Personification, Exploration) Trail ... Wikipedia

    Exposure, embodiment, personification, anthropomorphism, animation, alignment, metaphor, performance, epitoma, expression Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Elimination 1. Personal impact, animation, personification 2. See the embodiment ... Synonym dictionary

    Elimination, personification, cf. (Book.). 1. Only units. Action on ch. Onsify personify. Elimination of nature forces in primitive peoples. 2. What. The embodiment of some natural strength, the phenomena of nature in the image of a living being. God… … Dictionary Ushakova

    Elimination - The personification is also personification (Lat. Persona and Facio), Exophea (Greek. Προσωποποια), a stylistic term denoting an image of an inanimate or abstract object as animate. The question of how to personify ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    Personification inherent in mythopoetical consciousness The property of transfer to inanimate things and phenomena the features of living beings: human (anthropomorphism, anthropopotamism) or animals (zoomorphism), as well as attachment of animals by human qualities. IN … Encyclopedia mythology

    - (Exoprose) type of metaphor, transfer properties of animated objects into inanimate (her satiety silence ..., A. A. Blok) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Elimination, me, cf. 1. See Obid. 2. What. About living creature: the embodiment of what n. Damn, properties. Plushkin about. misappropriate. O. kindness. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    elimination - personification1, the embodiment of the personified, embodied to personify / exacerbate, embody / embody the personification2, spirituality, an animation, humanity, personification, book. Anthropomorphism Animateness, ... ... Dictionary of Tezaurus Synonyms of Russian Speech

    elimination - Impersonation occurs when the object is pretending to someone else. [Cryptographic Dictionary Carean Isaguliyeva www.racal.ru] topics information Technology In general, synonyms impersonation en impersonation ... Technical translator directory

    I; cf. 1. To handy (1 zn). And personify. O. Forces of Nature. 2. An image of which l. natural strength, the phenomena of nature in the image of a living being. Dove about. World. 3. What. The embodiment of the idea, the concepts of which l. Properties, qualities in human ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Elimination of history. Issue 2. Rich, Daria Prikhodko. In the collection "Elimination of history. The rich "entered twelve biographical essays, whose heroes were: one of the richest inhabitants of the United States ...

Not at all thinking, we pronounce the phrase "The Sun rushing", "streams run", "the snowstorm", "the Sun smiles", "rain crying", "Frost draws patterns", "leaves whisper".

In fact, these familiar phrases are constitutive elements of ancient personification. Now they have become so ordinary that their initial meaning is no longer perceived.

Word "Elimination" has an ancient latin analogue "personification" (Persona - Face, Facio - I do) and an ancient Greek "Expoper" (Prósōpon - Person, Poiéō- do). This stylistic term is made to designate the perception of inanimate objects as animate and giving them the properties of living beings, putting animals, plants, nature phenomena with human experiences.

In ancient times, the personification of the forces and phenomena of nature was the method of knowledge of the world and an attempt to explain the device of the universe. In legends and myths Ancient Greece Uranium and gay relationships, for example, personified as the wedding of the sky and the Earth, as a result of which mountains, trees, birds and beasts appeared.

The Slavs, Perun personified the Thunder and Lightning, Striboga - the Wind, Dana - Water, Didilia - the Luna, the Kolyada - the God of the Sun at the age of the baby, and Kupala - the Sun God in his summer hat.

The concept of personification is more closely related to the world and has a scientific subtext. This term is used in philosophy, sociology and psychology. In the personification of consciousness, the mechanism of projection is laid, a related principle of personification.

Sociology considers the psychology of the personification of consciousness as a man's desire in a situation of vain expectations and failures to lay guilt for events on anyone.

Elimination is used as artistic reception In the literature, especially often poetry, fairy tales, fables, epics and songs. It belongs to one of the types of paths - expressions that are used in the literature to enhance image and expressiveness.

Examples are not considered in the literature, but in verses they are an integral component. The meaningful load of the personification has many shades. The ancient Russian masterpiece "Word about Igor's regiment" distinguishes expressiveness and emotionality, which is largely achieved through the techniques of the personification of nature.

Trees, herbs and animals are generously endowed with feelings, they empathize with the author "Words". In Basnya I.A. Willow personification carries a completely different semantic load and is used as an allegory. In the poem A.S. Pushkin, along with traditional personification ("evil waves", "Write, Grad Petrov") it acquires social and political subtext.

The encyclopedic dictionary treats the personification as an exaggere, i.e. which transfers the properties of animated items into inanimate.
They are used in cases where they want to carry out a psychological parallel between the state of nature and mental state man.

For this feature you can distinguish metaphors-personification from the rest. Such metaphors filled with the story "Steppe" A.P.hekhov. In it, the courageous grass sings a guy song, the poplar suffers from loneliness, and the steppe realizes the vain death of his wealth and inspiration that he echoes the writer's thinking about his homeland and about life.

The values \u200b\u200bof the ancient personalities are instructive and still cause interest. These include the signs of the zodiac. The word "zodiac" means translated from the Greek "animals in the circle." 12 signs of the zodiac are the personification of the main features and character of a person.

Fish is distinguished by complexity and sensitivity, intellectuals of water - critical Assessment All and everything and the desire for disputes, Capricors - wisdom and determination, Lviv - Aristocracy, freedomism, etc.

In general, the personnel of the animals was planetary and philosophical-shaped. Special attitude was to China. China's stomach was considered the place of death and rebirth, and the sailors considered China by the personification of cunning.

The randral of such a relationship lies in ancient legends, in which sailors confused whales with the islands and threw anchors, which ships treated whales during the immersion.

It remains to add that personification accurately determine the qualities of a person, and their use in everyday speech makes it richer and more interesting.

Writers for the purpose of aesthetic impact on readers through artistic images and expressing their thoughts through symbols, feelings and emotions use diverse tools in their literary works artistic expressiveness - trails used in portable meaning To enhance the image form and speech expressiveness.

To such literary techniques There is an personification, also called personification or propheet. Often this trail helps to portray nature in the lyrics, hanging it with human qualities and properties.

In ancient times an animation natural Forces Ancient people had a way to understand and perceive the world, an attempt to interpret the device of the world. Most readers perceives the poetic works, without thinking about what personification is used.

An personification is called literary and linguistic reception based on transfer human characteristics and signs of non-living things and phenomena of the surrounding world.

This literary reception is a private metaphor case, it helps to create unique semantic models that give the product to flavor and figurative expressiveness.

With this reception subjects in literary works are attached:

  • speech gift;
  • talent think;
  • opportunity to feel;
  • ability to worry;
  • ability to act.

Even the most common conversational phrases They may be elements of vintage paths, when people say that "the sun is boiling and comes", "the stream runs", "Misel Warm", "Frost draws patterns", and "foliage whisper".

Here are the most obvious examples of admission to personification in alive oral speech. The ancient Greeks figuratively depicted happiness in the form of a capricious goddess of Fortune.

The term "personification" has a Latin synonym - "Personification" (I do Personification), the ancient Greeks sounds "Expopte".

Wikipedia interprets personification as a term used in psychology, when the qualities of one person are mistakenly attributed to them to another.

IN ancient Greek mythology The relations of the gods of uranium and gays were interpreted as the marriage bonds connecting the sky and the land, as a result of which mountains, vegetation, animal world appeared.

Our ancient ancestors relevant Perun with rumbling and sparkling natural phenomena, other gods responded in mythology for wind, water, sun.

It was in mythology that the speaking representatives of the animal world appear initially, and things are perfectly uncharacteristic for them.

Important!In myths, on a specific example, it was much easier to express and illustrate the essence of things, the motives of the occurrence of phenomena and the emergence of humanity.

Many of the gods embodied in the subjects deprived of the soul, endowed with alive characters. Moreover, myths perceived quite really, and the listeners believed that this is actually happening.

Often, the literary reception of personalization sounds in fairy tales, where items can easily move, animals are able to talk human voices And thinking like people. Fairy tales are not asked to explain the explanation of incomprehensible phenomena, all the characters are fictional in them.

Appointment in art

Artistic techniques are often used in literary works of prosaic and lyrical genres to solve diverse tasks. Ompmits give emotional shades to the text, causing reader attention to the content of the work and serving his best perception.

In poem A.A. Block There are examples of personification: "Silence" Silence "in one, in another -" white dress Saw in the beam "," wept winter storms "," Repelled star dreams "," strings cried ".

Literary reception is presented in works by B.L. Pasternak: "Forest ... drops sweat", "July, dragging the fluff of dandelions."

Note! The literary technique is often applied not only in artworkBut also in popular science literature, as well as as one of the marketing principles.

Literary Reception is able to stimulate the reader imagination, give him the opportunity to feel the content of the work more picturesque and expressive.

Quite often used in gaming methods of teaching children.

For example, when studying bass, saturated with these trails, animals are endowed with various human properties, as in Basne I.A. Krylova "Quartet".

As a result, children are more likely to perceive the plot of works and understand morality. It is not always possible to determine what the recovery is used.

Experts celebrate the growing steps of differences in their actions in the literary work and in conversation:

Conceptual filling of trails may have many nuances.

In the Word of the Igor Regiment, the imagery and expressiveness is achieved thanks to literary techniques personifying natural phenomena. Plants and animals are endowed with emotions, the ability to empathize to the author and characters, and those, in turn, turn to the forces of nature for help and get it.

In the Pushkin "Fairy Tale about the Dead Tsarevna", the Korolovier will directly promise animated forces of nature. In Basnya I.A. Krylova trail means other, it is used as an allegory: the wolf personifies the cruelty, the monkey is stupid.

Plushkin has a symbol of extremely misappropriate, manifs - unreasonable dreaminess.

A.S. Pushkin Expressive Remedy Gets Public and Political Meaning.

The subtext of the ancient personalities moralizing and interesting to our contemporaries.

The word "zodiac" translates from Greek as "animals in a circle", and twelve zodiac signs symbolize the key features of human nature.

Such words usually correctly set the qualities of people, and the use of them in the usual conversation makes it brighter and attractive.

The daily speech of people who are interested in listening to or read, is also usually saturated by the paths, but people are so accustomed to hear them that they do not even perceive these phrases as a literary reception.

This began using the quotation from the works of literature, which became the inseparable affiliation of speech, turning into everyday life. A typical path is the turnover of "Hurry Watches", but it is not perceived now as a figurative means.

Examples of personification

It is from the literary works that new personification appear, which serve for greater expressiveness, and find them at all difficult.

Wrongs in the works of S.A. Yesenin: "The coniferous gilding is weighing the forest", "the ears dream of Gomon Koharey", "Rakita raques are listening", "the grove of the Golden", "Cherrych Snow Smelch", "Snow-in-Eve", "Pottitis", "Grezimat"

In the poem N.A. Zabolotsky: "The stream, choking, sings", "the heart does not hear the right consonance", "sad nature lies around, sighing hard." These examples show what personification in the literature.

Useful video

Let's summarize

The personification is considered a wonderful instrument that allows you to increase expressiveness and emotion due to successful use. literary work or everyday speech.

Reception can be used in a variety of cases - from myths and folklore to scientific and popular texts. Many of them entered our speech so firmly that they are not even felt like expressive means, became everyday and familiar.

Writers and poets regularly create new memorable bright and figurative impersonation, fascinating readers picturesque paintings And passing the mood.