Why Pierre broke up with Helen. Helene Kuragin and guys: why in the English "war and the world" Pierre and Andrei so raised

Why Pierre broke up with Helen. Helene Kuragin and guys: why in the English "war and the world" Pierre and Andrei so raised

Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" is a huge epic web, where fate separate characters are intertwined with the historical past countries. Any novel is a chain of episodes that follow in a certain sequence and each of them carries something new to the disclosure of the character of the hero.
Episode explanations in love Pierre and Helen - an important stage in the fate of these characters. For Helen is a profitable marriage, a rich party, and for Pierre - only one of the mistakes committed by him in life.
Turn to this episode. An important event in the life of the Pierre occurs on the day of the name of Helen: "... Prince Vasily diner little Society People closest, as the princess, relatives and friends said. " Here we meet the highest light of St. Petersburg: Princess Kuragin, Anna Pavlovna Shersher with her husband - old general and other not less famous personalities. Pierre and Helen - the focus of guests. But what are these people who surround us? All the same gossip, conversations about anything, the external gloss and inner poverty, the emptiness is the characteristics of this society, "their jokes were not cheerful, the news is not interesting, the revival is obviously fake." "Among those negligible, artificial interests that tied this society, the simple feeling of the desire of beautiful and healthy young men and women to each other."
We will pay attention to young portrait details. Helen, as always, is divinely beautiful, "with a shining face." Next to her, Pierre looks like a non-fried respect, timid and frivolous, however, he has a "happy and restless face." He is happy because he was next to the most brilliant beauty of St. Petersburg.
But we will pay attention to the inner state of Pierre, as he feels next to Helen: "Pierre felt that he was the center of everything, and it was pleased and shy him ... He did not see anything clearly, did not understand and did not hear." The hero seems to be in a dream, besides the beautiful bride, he does not notice anything around. And yet we see how hard it is recognized in love. Internal monologues of Pierre are full of doubts, think about the correctness of its decision. In the soul, he understands that not a couple for brilliant beauty. "He was not deftly that he alone takes the attention of all that he is lucky in the eyes of other people, that he is alone, with his ugly face, some kind of paris with Elena." But sometimes he forgets about it, feels like a real handsome, "raises his head and rejoices his happiness." Smiles of guests around him are playing and insincere. "Not for you is happiness," said some inner voice to him. "It's happiness for those who have something that you have." Pierre has a kindness, sincerity, mental nobility, shyness, and these human qualities do not appreciate B. supreme Light. Marrying to Helen, he should become one of the members of this society, beyond him. That is why Pierier is so hard to make this step, he is constantly overcome by doubts: Does this marriage need him?
Most of all Pierre in Helen attracts no appearance, no eyes, not a smile, but her naked shoulders and "beautiful breasts". He dreams of possessing this gorgeous woman, but desire is not yet love, it is only an instinct inherent in all living beings. True love is the proximity of not only bodies, but also shower, common interests, similarity of characters.
Most of all this bark is needed by Prince Vasily to fix the fragile financial situation families. It's not by chance that he so bites around the young couple, ahead of events: "I loved your father ... and she will be you good wife ... God will bless you! ... "He hugged her daughter, then again Pierre and kissed him his senile mouth." But the bridegroom has not yet gone and the words! In the eyes of the guests who observed this scene - the tired tears of the dignity.
The culmination of the episode - the scene of explaining Pierre in Love Helen. In the most responsible moment, at the request of the bride, he removes glasses, and his eyes look at Helen "frightened - questioningly." He did not fully solve for himself, whether he needs this marriage. And then helen "quick and coarse movement grabbed his lips and brought them with their own. Her face struck Pierre his changed, unpleasantly confused expression. " Pay attention to how the beauty changes: the epithets "fast", "rude", "unpleasant-confused" emphasize the vulgarity of Helen, she itself offers himself to the fiance. The reader understands that there is no drops here. of real love. For Pierre such an act - surprise, and his noble heart decides: "Now it's too late, all over; Yes, and I love her. " But how poorly sounded his confession in love against the background of this lush masquerade. Not even on native language, and in French. In these words there was no sincerity, there was no real feeling.
Via artistic details Tolstoy emphasizes that the recognition of Pierre in the love of Helen is only a rock mistake. In addition to her naked shoulders and a magnificent chest, he seems to notice anything around: vulgarity, farce this engagement. Pierre follows only instinct, inclusion, do not hear his inner voice, which suggests: "Do not make mistakes! After all, marriage is very serious, for life. " And later Pierre will understand that the marriage to Helen is misfortune, the mistake of his youth, tragedy.

Tasks and tests on the topic "Scene explanation of Pierre with Helen. (Analysis of the episode from Chapter 2 of Part 3 of Tom 1 Roman L.N. Tolstoy" War and Peace ")"

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The relationship of heroes in the novel of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy "War and Peace" was completely different. A lot of pairs was formed only after a long time, when the heroes were already well acquainted, or they met for the first time.

The relations of Elene Kuragin and Pierre Duny became unexpected for me, as for the reader and for the rest, I think too. From the very first meeting, Pierre Duhov fell in love with a beautiful, statutory, proud helen. She, in turn, treated him with contempt. When it happened, Pierre had not had a great condition and was completely not impressed among all the men of this society.
Helen from the very beginning was calculating, cunning and mercenary. Her father
Vasily Kuragin brought up his children: Helen and Anatol Kuragin so that they are in all looking for benefits.
As a result, it turned out that despising and absolutely not respecting Pierre, Helen got married for him. These relations were initially doomed to failure. After all, Helen had only a fortune, and the happy Pierre was blind from his love for a girl.
We see that this marriage "by calculation" did not bring anything good. Relationships did not work out. Pierre understood how Helen actually belongs to him, almost duel. It becomes clear to us that true feelings It is impossible to fake, they can not buy them. This love cannot be replaced with nothing.

This week in Britain ends the show of the sensational television rule Roman Lion Tolstoy. "Komsomolskaya" compared the English version with the classic emission of Sergey Bondarchuk

Amend text size: A A.

Jane Austin in Russian

The TV channel BBC TV channel began to show this week. But most The British "War and the World" everyone had already looked. And, in general, they were satisfied: at least, the budget is solid, the actors are good, frank cranberries are very little, Prince Andrew was not forced to dance "Kalinki Malinka", though, the bear is present ...

But it is clear that the Writer Andrew Davis, a veteran of British television, remained faithful to his 79 years. Recent decades He actively adapted for TV classic novels (Dickens, George Eliot, William Teckerei), and the most famous project was and remains "pride and prejudice" - the series of 1995, who hardly displaced the original Roman Jane Austin from the consciousness and Britons. (Among the most passionate, his fans were, as you know, Bridget Jones, dozens of times revised the scene in which Mr. Darcy performed by Colin Firth comes out of the water in the wet shirt).

Here and from the "war and the world" Davis did english Roman XIX century, at some moments - almost the same Jane Austin with wet shirts. The world of love, intrigue, crunch of the French beer, is generally relationships interesting people In luxury interiors and Davis, and the director of that Harper Milen, than war. Even at the stage of commercials "War and Peace" represented almost the youth series - some shots, skulls, kisses, and so on. Of course, in the end, everything turned out to be much more common. But it is striking that the actors are amazingly young - especially if you compare with the movie Bondarchuk ...

Of course, B. early XIX. There were otherwise century to age - one very famous producer loved to remember that then in the books wrote "a 48-year-old old man entered the room." Of course, we are all remembering from school: when looking at the notorious grown overwhelming Oak Andrei Bolkonsky thinks that "In 31 years, life is not yet conquered." And here is how to see, Blue-s! It will pass a little time, and the father of the 33-year-old prince ruthlessly inform him that he is "not the first youth" and in general too weak health, to marry sixteen-year-old Natasha Rostova. Given the terrifying level of the then medicine, and even dangerous military career Heroes, to think about the meaning of life, they had to be early - then they could not have time - and it imposed their seals to the man. Today's 30-year-old - still boys and girls.

Nevertheless, it is curious to compare the appearance and age of actors who played in Soviet and British versions.

Bezukhov could become an athlete Yuri Vlasov, and the role of Helen left Vii Artman

"War and Peace" was shielded several times - the very first film was filmed in 1915 by the director Vladimir Gardin, he played the main roles and Ballerina Vera Karalli. Very often, the Tolstoy was taken on television: for example, the same BBC company released the longest, 20-serial shielding of the novel, in which Pierre Nukhov played young Anthony Hopkins. And in 2007, the Russian, French and Italian television demonstrated a quantity of four-ranger Franco -Italyan series in all respects.

But Russian, of course, the audience is known first of all "War and Peace" of Sergei Bondarchuk (1965-1967) - canonical screening of the novel, producing a furor Not only in the USSR, but also in the West. There she was spinning as "the first film in history, worth 100 million dollars," in fact it cost 9.2 million, in today's prices it would be 67 million. "War and Peace" became the first Soviet feature filmrequested Oscar in the category "Best Euyazyny Film". The four-sister picture lasts more than seven hours, and removed from the big solemnity: Bondarchuk shielded "War and World" as Holy Bible, with all the appropriate seriousness.

However, the history of the film Bondarchuk began with the previous one, hollywood screening. In America, the picture King Vidon came out in 1956 and perfectly fit into a number of large-scale expensive historical paintings (no matter - from history ancient Rome , biblical times or the life of the Vikings), which were scary in the 50s and 60s. In Soviet rental, it was released in 1959. She was twice as shorter than the film Bondarchuk, and the only thing that almost did not cause the Soviet doubts of doubt - the young Audrey Hepburn in the role of Natasha Rostova. Henry Fund as Pierre also praised. But in general, it all ended in that the letter of cultural figures appeared in the Soviet press with the call to create their "war and peace": the American film "did not transfer neither artistic nor national features Epopesie L. N. Tolstoy, neither the great liberation spirit of the struggle of the Russian people. " The position of the director recommended Bondarchuk - a person of a solid and positive, even by the time of the same picture, "the fate of a person" on Sholokhov.

The Minister of Culture Catherine Fursheva knew perfectly well that this letter would appear (published with her filing), and already prevented the scale of the upcoming work. And it was necessary to do a lot. The problems of Bondarchuk arose at all stages: it was difficult to find cavalry, it was difficult to shoot in the stubborn television antennas Moscow ... Later, Nikita Mikhalkov will say that the whole "War and Peace" worked Soviet Union - this is pure truthTens of factories made costumes, scenery, furniture, weapons.

Of course, entrusted in such a film, the responsible roles of Pierre, Andrei, Helen and other characters in some kind of windows were unthinkable. The most important thing - Pierre Bondarchuk wanted to play himself, and he was for 40 (but Henry Foundation on the set american film, which periodically looked around, there were 50 in general, and it was confused by little). Another candidate for Pierre's role was the weightlifter Yury Vlasov, quite young (at the time of filming he was 27). But this choice seemed too strange to all - including the Vlasov coach, according to Bondarchuk, "who had ceased to change his profession." We must think, Bondarchuk Vlasov did not persuade for a long time.

By the way, Helene Kuragin was to play Viya Artman. But Bondarchuk decided to shoot his wife Irina Schetsev. They say, the artman he said to the last second that it does not fit, and the bracket - that there was simply no other candidate!

In November 1805, Prince Vasily must go to a revision of four provinces. He arranged for himself this appointment, in order to visit his upset estimates at home and, capturing with him (at the location of his regiment) of Anatoly's son, to call him together to the prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, in order to marry the Son on the daughter of this rich Old man. But first of departure and these new cases, prince Vasillus, it was necessary to solve things with Pierre, which, however, lately I spent whole days at home, that is, Prince Vasilla, who has lived, and was rich, excited and stupid (how to be in love) in the presence of Helen, but still did not make sentences. "TUT çA EST BEL ET BON, MAIS IL FAUT QUE çA FINISSE," said the prince of Vasily with a sigh of sadness in the morning, confessing that Pierre, so much obliged to him (well, yes Christ with him!) It does not quite well in this business. "Youth ... Littleness ... Well, God with Him," the prince of Vasily thought, I would be happy to feel my kindness, "Mais Il Faut Que ça Finisse. The day after tomorrow Lelina Name Day, I can't call someone, and if he would not understand what he should do, then it will be my business. Yes, my business. I am father! " Pierre and a half after the evening Anna Pavlovna and the sleepless, agitated night, in which he decided that the marriage to Helen would be misfortune and what he needed to avoid her and leave, Pierre after this decision did not move from Prince Vasilla and felt with horror that every day he more and more in the eyes of people is associated with her that he can not return to his still looking at her that he cannot and tear off her, that it will be terrible, but that he will have to tie with her His fate. Maybe he could refrain, but did not pass the day, so that Prince Vasilla (who had a rarely reception) there would be no evening on which Pierre had to be, if he did not want to upset the overall pleasure and deceive the expectations of all. Prince of Vasily in those rare moments, when I was at home, passing by Pierre, he pulled him down his hand down, dispelled him for a kiss shaved wrinkled cheek and spoke or "until tomorrow", or "To dinner, and I will not see you," Or "I stay for you", etc. But despite the fact that when the prince of Vasily remained for Pierre (as he said it), he did not tell him two words, Pierre did not feel in power to deceive his expectations. He spoke all one and one every day: "We must finally understand it and give yourself a report: who is she? Did I be mistaken before or now I am mistaken? No, she is not stupid; No, she is a wonderful girl! - He said himself sometimes. - Never in anything is wrong, never she said nothing stupid. She says little, but what she says is always simple and clear. So she is not stupid. She never was confused and not embarrassed. So she is not a bad woman! " It often happened to herself to start talking, thinking out loud, and every time she answered him either short, but by the way said the comment showing that she was not interested in, or a silent smile and a look, which was noticeable to Pierre her superiority. She was right, recognizing all reasoning nonsense in comparison with this smile. She always appealed to him with a joyful, trusting, to him one of the relative smile, in which there was something more significant that was in a common smile, always adorned her face. Pierre knew that everyone was waiting for him to finally said one word, stepped over the famous feature, and he knew that he would sooner or later cross over her; But some incomprehensible horror covered it with one thought about this terrible step. Thousands of times in the continuation of this one and a half months, during which he felt farther and further the abyss retractable in that terrible, Pierre said himself: "Why is it? Determined! Doesn't I have it? " He wanted to decide, but he felt with horror that he didn't have that determination he knew in himself and which was really in him. Pierre belonged to the number of those people who are strong only when they feel quite clean. And from the day they took possession of a feeling of desire, which he experienced over the tobacker at Anna Pavlovna, who was not the urgency of this desire paralyzed his determination. On the day of the birthday of Helen, Prince Vasily had a small society of people closest, as the princess, relatives and friends said. All this native and friends were given to feel that this day should decide the fate of the birthday party. Guests sat for dinner. Princess Kuragin, massive, once beautiful, representative woman, sat at the business site. According to both sides, her lime guests were sitting - the old general, his wife, Anna Pavlovna Shersher; At the end of the table, there were less elderly and honored guests, and they were sitting there as homemade Pierre and Helen - near. Prince Vasily did not dinner: he walked around the table, in the merry of the arrangement of the Spirit, hesching, then to another of the guests. Everyone he spoke a careless and pleasant word, excluding Pierre and Helen, whom he did not notice the presence seemed to. Prince Vasily revived everyone. Vividly burned wax candles, glittered silver and crystal dishes, ladies and gold and silver rods; A servants in red caftans were again around the table; The sounds of knives, glasses, plates and sounds of a lively dialect of several conversations around this table were heard. It was heard as the old chamber at one end assured the old woman of the Baroness in his fiery love for her, and her laughter; On the other hand, a story about the failure of some Marya Viktorovna. The middle of the table, Prince Vasily focused around himself listeners. He told the ladies with a joking smile on his lips - in Hello - a meeting of the State Council, which was received and read by Sergey Kuzmich Vyazmithinov, the new St. Petersburg Military General Governor, who was famous then the rescript of the sovereign Alexander Pavlovich from the army, in which the sovereign, turning to Sergey Kuzmich, said that he received a statement about the dedication of the people from all sides, and that the statement of St. Petersburg is particularly nice to him that he is proud of the honor to be the head of such a nation and will try to be decent. This rescript began with words: Sergey Kuzmich! Rumors reach all sides etc. - So did not go further than "Sergey Kuzmich"? - asked one lady. - Yes, yes, nor on the hair, - answered, laughing prince Vasily. "Sergey Kuzmich ... from all sides ... From all sides, Sergey Kuzmich ..." Poor Vyazmithinov could not go further. Several times he was taken again for the letter, but just says Sergey... Sobbing ... Ku ... zim ... h - Tears ... and from all sides They stop sobbing, and then he could not. And again the handkerchief, and again "Sergey Kuzmich, on all sides," and tears ... So I was already asked to read the other. "Kuzmich ... from all sides ... and tears ..." - repeated someone laughing. - Do not be evil, - By shouting your finger, Anna Pavlovna said from the other end, - C "EST Un Si Brave et Excellent Homme, Notre Bon Viasmitmoff ... Everyone was very laughing. On the top, the honorary end of the table, everything seemed to be fun and under the influence of various lively sentiment; Only Pierre and Helen silence were sitting near almost at the bottom end of the table; On the faces of both, a shining smile, independent of Sergey Kuzmich, was restrained - a smile of smiling in front of his feelings. Whatever they spoke and no matter how laughing and joked, as it were, no appetizing or rainwine, and honey, and ice cream, no matter how much you averaged this chet, no matter how indifferent, are inattentive to her, for some reason, By occasionally, the views are thrown at them as the anecdote about Sergey Kuzmich, and laughter, and the Kushany - everything was pretended, and all the forces of attention of all this society were converted only on this couple - Pierre and Helen. Prince Vasilius represented Swordsman Sergey Kuzmich and at that time she looked at her daughter; And while he laughed, the expression of his face said: "So, so, everything goes well; Now everything will decide. " Anna Pavlovna threatened him for Notre Bon Viasmitinoff, and in her eyes, which glittered at this moment on Pierre, Prince Vasily read congratulations on the future son-in-law and the happiness of his daughter. The old princess, offering with a sad sigh of his neighbor's wine and looking angrily on her daughter, this sigh as if he said: "Yes, now we have nothing else to eat with you, how to drink sweet wine, my sweetheart; Now the time of this youth to be so boldly defiant-happy. " "And what stupidity is everything that I tell, as if it interests me," the diplomat thought, looking at the happy faces of lovers, "this is happiness!" Among those insignificantly small, artificial interests that tied this society, the simple feeling of the desire of beautiful and healthy young men and women to each other. And this human suppressed everything and steamed over all their artificial bastard. The jokes were unemployed, the news is not interesting, the revival is obviously fake. Not only they, but lakes who served at the table seemed to feel the same and forgot the order of service, looking at the beauty of Helen with her shining face and on this red, fat, happy and restless face of Pierre. It seemed that the lights of candles were concentrated only on these two happy faces. Pierre felt that he was the center of everything, and this situation and joined him. He was in a state of a person in-depth in some lesson. He did not see anything clearly, did not understand and did not hear. Only occasionally, unexpectedly, fragmented in his soul fragmentary thoughts and impressions from reality. "It's all over! - he thought. - And how did everything all? So fast! Now I know that it is not for her one, not for myself one, but for all it should inevitably happen. They are still waiting for this So sure that it will be that I can not, I can not deceive them. But how will it be? I do not know; And it will certainly be! " - Thought Pierre, looking at these shoulders, brilliant his eyes closely. That suddenly he became ashamed of something. He was embarrassed that he had the attention of all that he was lucky in the eyes of others, that he, with his ugly face, some Paris with Elena. "But, right, it always happens and so necessary," he consoaled himself. - And, however, what did I do for this? When did it start? From Moscow, I went along with the prince of Vasill. There was nothing yet. Then, why didn't it have to stop with him? Then I played with her to the card and raised her Ridicul, ride with her. When did it start when did it all happen? " And now he sits beside her with the bridegroom; Hears, sees, feels her intimacy, her breathing, her movement, her beauty. That suddenly it seems to him that it is not her, and he himself is so unusually beautiful that because they are looking at him so, and he, happy with common surprise, straightens his chest, raises his head and rejoices his happiness. Suddenly some voice, whose familiar voice hears and tells him something else. But Pierre is so busy that he does not understand what they say to him. "I ask you when you received a letter from Bolkonsky," Prince of Vasily repeats the third time. - How do you scattered, my cute. Prince Vasily smiles, and Pierre sees that everything, everyone smiles at him and helen. "Well, that, if you know everything," Pierre himself says. - Well? It is true, "and he himself smiles his meek, a children's smile, and helen smiles. - When did you get? From Olmyz? - Repeats the prince of Vasily, who seem to know this to solve the dispute. "Is it possible to talk and think about such trifles?" - Pierre thinks. - Yes, from Olmyz, he answers with a sigh. From dinner Pierre led his lady behind others in the living room. Guests began to touch around, and some left, without giving up with Helen. As if not wanting to tear it from her serious classes, some approached a minute and rather left, forbating her to accomplish himself. The diplomat was silent sad, leaving the living room. He was presented to all the vanity of his diplomatic career in comparison with the happiness of Pierre. Old general Angrily grumbled on his wife when she asked him about the state of his legs. "Eka, the old fool, he thought. "Here Elena Vasilyevna, so that in fifty years old will be." "It seems that I can congratulate you," Anna Pavlovna whispered by Princess and kissed her firmly. - If not a migraine, I would remain. Princess did not answer anything; She was tormenting envy to his daughter's happiness. Pierre During the wires of guests, he remained alone with Helen in a small living room, where they were sitting. He often before, in the last year and a half, remained alone with Helen, but never told her about love. Now he felt that it was necessary, but he could not decide on this last step. He was ashamed; It seemed to him that he was here, he was occupied by someone else's place. "Not for you is happiness," some inner voice said to him. "It's happiness for those who have something that you have." But it was necessary to say something, and he spoke. He asked her, was she satisfied with this evening? She, as always, answered his simplicity that the current name was one of the most pleasant. Some of the nearest relatives remained. They sat in a large living room. Prince Vasily lazy steps approached Pierre. Pierre got up and said that it was too late. Prince Vasily strictly looked at him as if he said was so strange that it was impossible to hear. But after the expression of rigor changed, and Prince Vasily pulled Pierre down his hand, planted him and gently smiled. - Well, what, Lelia? He immediately turned to her daughter with the negligent tone of the usual tenderness, which is learned by his parents, with childhood caressing his children, but who was only a prince of Vasille, by means of imitation to other parents. And again addressed to Pierre. Sergey Kuzmich, on all sides, - He said, unbuttoning the upper buttice of the vest. Pierre smiled, but by his smile it was seen that he understood that it was not a joke of Sergei Kuzmich who was interested at this time of Prince Vasilla; And Prince Vasily realized that Pierre understood it. Prince Vasily suddenly breathed something came out. Pierre seemed that even Prince Vasily was confused. The kind of embarrassment of this old secular man Pierre's troch; He looked around at Helen - and she seemed to be confused and the look said: "Well, you yourself are to blame." "We must inevitably step over, but I can not, I can't," Pierre thought and spoke again about an outsider, about Sergey Kuzmich, asking what this joke was consistent, because he did not hear him. Helen with a smile answered that she also did not know. When Prince Vasily entered the living room, the princess quietly spoke with an elderly lady about Pierre. - Of course, C "EST UN PARTI Très Brillant, Mais Le Bonheur, Ma Chère ... - Les Mariages Se Font Dans Les Cieux, - answered the elderly lady. Prince Vasily, no matter how listening to the ladies, went to the distant corner and sat down on the sofa. He closed his eyes and as if he was dreamed. He fell his head, and he woke up. "Aline," he said to his wife, - Allez Voir Ce Qu "Ils font. The princess approached the door, walked past her with a significant, indifferent look and looked into the living room. Pierre and Helen also sat and talked. "All the same," she answered her husband. Prince Vasily frowned, wrinkled his mouth to the side, his cheeks jumped with his characteristic unpleasant, gross expression; He, shake, got up, threw back his head and decisive steps, past the ladies, passed into a small living room. He's speedy steps, happily approached Pierra. The prince's face was so unusual and solemn that Pierre got frightened, seeing him. - Thank God! - he said. - My wife said everything! - He hugged his one hand of Pierre, another - daughter. - My friend's friend! I am very, very happy. - his voice trembled. - I loved your father ... And she will be a good wife ... God will bless you! .. He hugged her daughter, then again Pierre and kissed him his senile mouth. Tears really overeating his cheeks. "Princess, go here," he shouted. The princess came out and cried too. The elderly lady also saved his handkerchief. Pierre kissed, and he kissed his hand of beautiful helen several times. A few times, they were left again alone. "All this should have been and could not be different," Pierre thought, "so there is nothing to ask, is it good or bad?" Well, because definitely, there is no former painful doubt. " Pierre silently kept his bride's hand and looked at her rising and squeezing beautiful chest. - Helen! He said out loud and stopped. "Something particularly spoken in these cases," he thought, but could not remember what exactly they speak in these cases. He looked at her face. She moved towards him closer. Her face shook her. - Oh, remove these ... like these ... - She pointed to glasses. Pierre removed his glasses, and his eyes over the overall strangeness of the eyes of people who shot his glasses, his eyes looked frightened-questioningly. He wanted to bend over her hand and kiss her; But she grabbed his lips quick and coarse movement and reduced them with their own. Her face struck Pierre his changed, unpleasantly confused expression. "Now it's late, all is over; Yes, and I love her, "Pierre thought. - Je Vous Aime! - he said, remembering what it was necessary to speak in these cases; But these words sounded so poorly that he was ashamed for himself. After a month and a half, he was an obvente and settled, as they said, the happy owner of the beautiful wife and millions in the Big Petersburg, re-trifted the house of the Counts of Bezukhov.

Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" is a huge epic web, where fate separate characters are intertwined with the historical past countries. Any novel is a chain of episodes that follow in a certain sequence and each of them carries something new to the disclosure of the character of the hero.
Episode explanations in love Pierre and Helen - an important stage in the fate of these characters. For Helen is a profitable marriage, a rich party, and for Pierre - only one of the mistakes committed by him in life.
Turn to this episode. An important event in the life of Pierre occurs on the day of the eve of Helen: "... Prince Vasily dined a small society of people closest people, as the princess, relatives and friends said." Here we meet the highest light of St. Petersburg: Princess Kuragin, Anna Pavlovna Shersher and her husband - old general and other no less well-known personalities. Pierre and Helen - the focus of guests. But what are these people who surround us? All the same gossip, conversations about anything, the external gloss and inner poverty, the emptiness is the characteristics of this society, "their jokes were not cheerful, the news is not interesting, the revival is obviously fake." "Among those negligible, artificial interests that tied this society, the simple feeling of the desire of beautiful and healthy young men and women to each other."
We will pay attention to young portrait details. Helen, as always, is divinely beautiful, "with a shining face." Next to her, Pierre looks like a non-fried respect, timid and frivolous, however, he has a "happy and restless face." He is happy because he was next to the most brilliant beauty of St. Petersburg.
But we will pay attention to the inner state of Pierre, as he feels next to Helen: "Pierre felt that he was the center of everything, and it was pleased and shy him ... He did not see anything clearly, did not understand and did not hear." The hero seems to be in a dream, besides the beautiful bride, he does not notice anything around. And yet we see how hard it is recognized in love. Internal monologues of Pierre are full of doubts, think about the correctness of its decision. In the soul, he understands that not a couple for brilliant beauty. "He was not deftly that he alone takes the attention of all that he is lucky in the eyes of other people, that he is alone, with his ugly face, some kind of paris with Elena." But sometimes he forgets about it, feels like a real handsome, "raises his head and rejoices his happiness." Smiles of guests around him are playing and insincere. "Not for you is happiness," said some inner voice to him. "It's happiness for those who have something that you have." Pierre has a kindness, sincerity, mental nobility, shyness, and these human qualities are not appreciated in the highest light. Marrying to Helen, he should become one of the members of this society, beyond him. That is why Pierier is so hard to make this step, he is constantly overcome by doubts: Does this marriage need him?
Most of all Pierre in Helen attracts no appearance, no eyes, not a smile, but her naked shoulders and "beautiful breasts". He dreams of possessing this gorgeous woman, but desire is not yet love, it is only an instinct inherent in all living beings. True love is the proximity of not only bodies, but also shower, common interests, similarity of characters.
Most of all this Bark is needed by Vasily's prince to correct the fragile financial position of the family. It's not by chance that he so bites around a young couple, ahead of events: "I loved your father ... And she will be a good wife to you ... God will bless you! ..." He hugged her daughter, then again Pierre and kissed him his senile mouth. " But the bridegroom has not yet gone and the words! In the eyes of the guests who observed this scene - the tired tears of the dignity.
The culmination of the episode - the scene of explaining Pierre in Love Helen. In the most responsible moment, at the request of the bride, he removes glasses, and his eyes look at Helen "frightened - questioningly." He did not fully solve for himself, whether he needs this marriage. And then helen "quick and coarse movement grabbed his lips and brought them with their own. Her face struck Pierre his changed, unpleasantly confused expression. " Pay attention to how the beauty changes: the epithets "fast", "rude", "unpleasant-confused" emphasize the vulgarity of Helen, she itself offers himself to the fiance. The reader understands that there are no drops of real love. For Pierre such an act - surprise, and his noble heart decides: "Now it's too late, all over; Yes, and I love her. " But how poorly sounded his confession in love against the background of this lush masquerade. Not even in your native language, but in French. In these words there was no sincerity, there was no real feeling.
With the help of artistic parts, Tolstoy emphasizes that the recognition of Pierre in Elene's love is only a rock mistake. In addition to her naked shoulders and a magnificent chest, he seems to notice anything around: vulgarity, farce this engagement. Pierre follows only instinct, inclusion, do not hear his inner voice, which suggests: "Do not make mistakes! After all, marriage is very serious, for life. " And later Pierre will understand that the marriage to Helen is misfortune, the mistake of his youth, tragedy.

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