Vasily Aksenov Family. Vasily Aksenov

Vasily Aksenov Family. Vasily Aksenov
Vasily Aksenov Family. Vasily Aksenov

Born on August 20, 1932 in Kazan, in the family of party workers. Father - Aksenov Pavel Vasilyevich (1899 born.). Mother - Ginzburg Evgenia Semenovna (1904 born.), Author of well-known memoirs about Stalin's camps, including the books "cool route". Spouse - Aksenova Maya Afanasyevna (1930 born). Son from the first marriage - Aksenov Aleksey Vasilyevich (1960 born).

In the late 1930s, V. Aksenov's parents were repressed. According to the writer, the light for him opened in Magadan, where he arrived at the age of 16 at the 16th age. The seven-day flight through the entire continent is an endless trip to the endless expanses (in the afternoon on the way, at night landed in large cities: Sverdlovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Okhotsk) - made an indelible impression on him: the geography, which was studied at school on textbooks and cards, now revealed before Introduces him.

Magadan, as nor paradoxically, struck with his freedom: In the Barack, the Mother in the evenings gathered "Salon". The company "Former Camp Intellents" said such things about which Vasily before and did not suspect. The future writer shocked the latitude of the problems discussed, reasoning about the fate of humanity. And the proximity to Alaska and the Pacific Ocean overlooked the horizons ...

The first profession, which Vasily Pavlovich mastered, was the profession of a doctor. At the end of the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute, Vasily Aksenov worked as a therapist on the Leningrad Sea Port's Quarantine Station (1956-1957). This period of life is in anticipation of a meeting with distant countries, travel dreams - he will describe later in the novel "Colleagues". Then Vasily Aksenov worked at the hospital in the Vasvravotdel in the village of Ascension in Lake Onega (1957-1958) and in the Moscow Regional Tuberculous Dispensary (1958-1960).

As the writer Vasily Aksenov debuted in 1959. And his first novel - "Colleagues" (1960), immediately brought him wide fame, subsequently reprinted repeatedly and received an embodiment on the stage and on the screen. Posted by footprint "Star ticket" (1961) so obviously fastened the success of a young prose, that he decided to professionally engage in literary labor. These and subsequent novels - "Oranges from Morocco" (1962) and "It's time, my friend, it's time" (1964) was strengthened for V. Aksenov, the glory of one of the leaders of the "Young Prose", which announced itself at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s .

In the art of V. Aksenov began with the image of the skeptical to the then-minded Soviet reality of young people with a characteristic nihilism, a natural sense of freedom, interest in Western music and literature - with all that opposed adopted spiritual landmarks. The confessional nature of prose V. Aksenov, the sympathetic attention of the writer to the inner world, psychology and even a slang of the younger generation, as it is impossible to match the spiritual life of society. At this time, V. Aksenov becomes one of the most actively printed and read authors of the journal "Youth", for several years being a member of his editorial board.

By the mid-1960s, the philosophical saturation of prose V. Aksenov, reflecting about the causes of the failure of "thaw", precisely with her who binded his best hopes. The works of the writer, their pointedness on the problems of the "thaw" period, and above all - the eternal conflict of generations, who gained particularly sharp forms in the conditions of the denial of the totalitarian past characteristic, caused a stormy controversy in criticism, attacks censorship. Among the works of this period published in the USSR, collections of "Catapult" (1966) and "halfway to the moon" (1967), "Love for electricity" novels (1969), "My grandfather is a monument" (1970), " The chest in which something knocks "(1973)," in search of the genre "(1977). During this period, part of the written V. Akxen works was not printed from censorship considerations. Among them are the novels "Steel Bird" and "Golden Journe". Later they were published abroad, during the emigration of the writer.

The appeal V. Aksenov to the personality contributed to the restructuring of the individual creative manner of a writer, which now connects the real and irreal, ordinary and elevated. Especially skillfully different plans are intertwined in the renowned novel by V. Aksenova "Burn" (1976). In it, the author was able to fully display the lives of the Russian intelligentsia on the fracture of the 1960-1970s. The heroes of the novel, each of which is obsessed with its creative idea, are in a state of tragic disorders with the existing system in their country: the desire to hide from it turns out to be vain. The appearance and behavior of the heroes of the novel are determined by their opposition to the crowd generated by this system, which is alien all high, light. The exit for them the writer sees in their aspiration to God, in spiritual insight.

The appearance in 1968 the story of the "closed barcotar" testifies to the change in the direction of aesthetic searches of the writer, which is now, in his own words, to the "total satire". There is an amazing absurdity of the world, in which the characters of the story, named by V. Aksen's "surrealistic thing". A change in the creative position of V. Aksenova testified not only about the actual artistic search for a writer, who was now refused now in his works from the principle of truth, preferring to him the image of the illusion of reality; These changes themselves were caused by his conviction that "the reality is so absurd that, by using the method of absurdization and surrealism, the writer does not make an absurd in his literature, but, on the contrary, this method, it is trying to harmonize the collapsed reality ... "

From that time, the criticism of V. Aksenov and its works is becoming more sharp. The attacks were even the form, to which the writer was now addressed, perceived as non-counseling and lagged: so it was estimated, in particular, the "Contemporary" theater of the Piez V. Aksenova "Always on sale", testifying to the transition of its author to the avant-garde position in art . Position V. Aksenova even more complicated when his work began to appear abroad in 1977-1978 (primarily in the United States). In 1979, V. Aksenov, together with A. Bitov, V. Erofeev, F. Iskander, E. Popov, B. Ahmadulina made a compiler and author of the Almanach Metropol, which united writers who marked out of socialist realism. So not published in Soviet objects, Almanac was published in the United States and in France. In the USSR, he was immediately criticized by the authorities who saw the attempt to bring literature from under the control of state ideology. V. Aksenov was excluded from the Writers' Union and the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR. On July 22, 1980, he left in the United States and soon deprived of Soviet citizenship.

Washington will be published by V. Aksenov in Russia, but first published only after the visit of the writer in America the novels "Golden Journery" (1973, 1980), "Burn" (1976, 1980), "Island of Crimea" (1979, 1981), Collection of stories "Right to the island" (1981). In the US, new novels V. Aksenova are published: "Paper landscape" (1982) "Say raisins" (1985), "In search of a sad baby" (1986), Moscow Saga's trilogy (novels "Winter generation" - 1989, "War" and prison "- 1991," Prison and World "- 1993), a collection of stories" Negative a positive hero "(1995)," New Sweet Style "(1997)," Cesarean Glow "(2000). The works written by him in emigration are convinced that the life of their native country that happens in it continues to remain in the spotlight of the writer.

After returning V. Aksenov Citizenship in 1990, he often arrives in Russia, where his works are again beginning to be printed (including the journal "Youth") (in addition to the already mentioned - "My grandfather is a monument", 1991; "Randevu", 1992 ), comes to a collection of its writings. In June 1993, the first Akseny readings took place in Samara. In 1993-1994, his Moscow Saga was published in Russia, according to which the director D. Barshevsky took off a multi-sieuled television film (artist of this picture - A. Aksenov, Son of the writer). In Russian publishing houses, new novels of the Writer and Voltajani writers (2004), "Moscow-kva-kja" (2006), a collection of Radioessee "Decade Slander" (2004), which includes his speeches on Radio "Freedom" for 10 years (1981-1991).

Vasily Aksenov in France completes the work on the new novel "Rare Lands". In addition to the already mentioned works, Peru V. Aksenov belongs to the story "Row Days of non-Stop", the stories "Change of Lifestyle", "breakfasts of forty-third year", "Pope, Smasha", "The second collapse of Palmer", "Gicca and Baby Cassandra" , "Story about a basketball team playing basketball", "Basketball lovers", "Victory", "Prostaca in Jazz World", "Million Glinding", "Outside the Season" and others. Roman "Yolk eggs" ("Yolk of the Egg") was written by V. Aksenov in English.

V. Aksenov - the author of a number of works for the dramatic theater (the play "Always on sale", 1965; "Your killer", 1966; "Four temperaments", 1968; "Aristofanian with frogs", 1968; "Heron", 1980; " Mountain, Mount, burn, "1998;" Aurora Korweika ", 1999;" Ah, Arthur Shopenhauer ", 2000) and Kinoszenariyev (films" When bridges are bred ", 1961;" My younger brother ", 1962;" Marble house ", 1973; "Center", 1976; "While the dream is mad", 1980).

In the US, V. Aksenov was awarded the honorary title of DOCTOR OF HUMANE Letters. He is a member of the Pen Club and the American Author's League. Since 1981, V. Aksenov is a professor of Russian literature at various universities in the United States: Institute Kennan (1981-1982), University of J. Washington (1982-1983), University of Gaordzha Mason (1988-2004). In 2004, V. Aksenov finished the pedagogical career. In the same year he was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of the University of George Mason.

In 1980-1988, V. Aksenov actively collaborated with the radio station "Voice of America" \u200b\u200bas a journalist. The author of numerous journal articles and reviews in English. He heads the jury of the International Film Festival "Island Crimea". In 2004, Vasily Axenov became the laureate of the main literary award of the country "Booker - Open Russia" by Vasily Aksenov, which was awarded for the best novel of the year, written in Russian. Died on June 6, 2009.

Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov. Born on August 20, 1932 in Kazan - died on July 6, 2009 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian writer, film booking.

Father Pavel Vasilyevich Aksenov (1899-1991) was the chairman of the Kazan City Council and a member of the Bureau of the Tatar Committee of the CPSU.

Mother - Evgenia Solomonna Ginzburg (1904-1977), worked as a teacher in the Kazan Pedagogical Institute, then the head of the Culture Department of the Red Tataria newspaper.

He was the third, the youngest child in the family, while the only common child of his parents.

In 1937, when Vasily Aksyunov was not also five years old, his parents first - the mother, and then soon and the father were arrested and convicted of 10 years in prison and camps.

Senior Children - Sister Maya (daughter P. V. Aksenova) and Alyosha (Son E.S. Ginzburg from the first marriage) - took the relatives to themselves. Vasily was forcibly sent to an orphanage for children of prisoners - his grandmothers were not allowed to leave the child at home.

In 1938, Brother P. Aksyunova - Andreian Vasilyevich Aksenov managed to find a little Vasya in an orphanage in Kostroma and take him to himself. Vasya lived in the house of Moti Aksyunova (his relative to Father) until 1948, while his mother Evgenia Ginzburg, coming out in 1947 from the camp and leaving the link in Magadan, did not achieve permission to arrive Vasi to her to Kolyma.

His meeting with Vasya Yevgeny Ginzburg described in the book memories "Cool route" - One of the first memoir books about the epoch of Stalinist repression and camps, who told about eighteen years spent by the author in prison, Kolyma camps and reference.

Vasily Aksenov, Evgenia Ginzburg and Anton Walter (Magadan, 1950)

Many years later, in 1975, Vasily Aksenov described his Magadan Youth in the autobiographical novel "Burn".

In 1956, Aksenov graduated from the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute and received the distribution to the Baltic Marine Shipping Company, where he had to work as a physician on long-scale ships.

Despite the fact that his parents were already rehabilitated, the tolerance did not give him. In the future, it was mentioned that Aksenov worked as a quarantine doctor in the Far North, in Karelia, in the Leningrad Maritime Trade Port and the Tuberculous Hospital in Moscow (according to other data, was a consultant at the Moscow Research Institute of Tuberculosis).

Since 1960, Vasily Aksenov is a professional writer. From under his pen there is a story "Colleagues" (written in 1959; the eponymous play together with Y. Stabov, 1961; the eponymous film, 1962), Star ticket novels (written in 1961; the film "My Junior brother ", 1962), the story" Oranges from Morocco "(1962)," It's time, my friend, it's time "(1963), collections of" Catapult "(1964)," halfway to the moon "(1966), play" Always in selling "(Statement of the Theater" Contemporary ", 1965); In 1968, a satirco-fantastic story was published "cluttered barcotar."

In the 1960s, the works of V. Aksyonov are often printed in the journal "Youth". For several years, he is a member of the editorial board of the magazine. He writes an adventure dilogy for children: "My grandfather is a monument" (1970) and "The chest, in which something knocks" (1972).

The historical and biographical genre includes a story about L. Krasin "Love for electricity" (1971). The experimental work of "searching for the genre" was written in 1972 (the first publication in the magazine "New World"; in the subtitle, indicating the product genre, also marked "searching for the genre").

Also in 1972, in conjunction with O. Gorchakov and G. Married, he wrote a novel-parody of the spy fighter "Jean Green - Non-Planted" under the pseudonym of Grivadium Gorpecos (combination of names and the names of real authors).

In 1976, I translated from English Roman E. L. Doctorow "Ragtaym".

Back in March 1963, at a meeting with the intelligentsia in the Kremlin, Aksenov was subjected together with Andrei Voznesensky crushing criticism.

On March 5, 1966, Vasily Aksyunov participated in an attempt to demonstrate on Red Square in Moscow against the alleged rehabilitation of Stalin and was detained by the warriors.

In 1967-1968, he signed a number of letters in defense of dissidents, for which he received a reprimand with the Writers of the USSR Writers in the Moscow branch of the Union.

In the 1970s, after the end of the "thaw", the works of Aksenov cease to be published in their homeland. Novels "Burn" (1975) And the "Island of Crimea" (1979) from the very beginning was created by the author without calculating the publication. At this time, the criticism in the address of Aksenov and its works was becoming more sharp: such epithets as "non-counseling" and "non-rigging" were used.

In 1977-1978, the works of Aksenov began to appear abroad, primarily in the United States. His famous novel "Island Crimea" Vasily Aksenov wrote in 1977-1979, partly during his stay in Koktebel.

In 1978, V. Aksyonov, together with Andrei Bitov, Viktor Yerofeev, Fazil Iskander, Evgeny Popov and Bella Ahmadulina became the organizer and author of the Becsente almanac "Metropol" and not published in Soviet objects. Almanac was published in the United States. All Almanac participants underwent "studying".

In protest against the presence of the USSR and Yerofeyev, who followed this, from the USSR Writers in December 1979, as well as Inna Lyunanskaya and Semyon Lipkin, stated their release from the joint venture. The story of Almanac is set out in the novel with the key "Say" Raisin "".

Vasily Aksenov, Vladimir Vysotsky and Victor Erofeev

On July 22, 1980, he left at the invitation to the United States, after which he was deprived of Soviet citizenship. Until 2004 lived in the United States.

Since 1981, Vasily Aksenov - Professor of Russian literature at various universities in USA: Institute of Kennan (1981-1982), University of J. Washington (1982-1983), Gaucher College (1983-1988), University of George Mason (1988-2009).

In 1980-1991, as a journalist actively collaborated with the Voice of America and with Radio Liberty. Collaborated with the magazine "Continent" and Almana "Verb". Aksenov Radioocheries were published in the author's compilation "Decade of slander" (2004).

In the United States, written by Aksenov in Russia, but first published only after the appearance of the writer in America novels "Golden Journery" (1973, 1980), "Burn" (1976, 1980), "Island of Crimea" (1979, 1981), collection of stories "Right to the island" (1981).

Also in the US, V. Aksenov, new novels were written and published: "Paper landscape" (1982), "Say" Raisin "(1985)," In search of a sad baby "(1986), Moscow Saga's trilogy (1989, 1991 , 1993), Collection of stories "Negative a positive hero" (1995), "New Sweet Style" (1996) (dedicated to the life of Soviet emigration in the United States), "Cesarean glow" (2000).

Roman "Yolk eggs" (1989) was written by V. Aksenov in English, then transferred by the author into Russian.

For the first time after nine years, Aksenov's emigration was visited by the USSR in 1989 at the invitation of the American ambassador J. Matlock. In 1990, Aksenov returns Soviet citizenship.

Recently, lived with family in Biarritz, France, and in Moscow.

The "Moscow Saga" trilogy (1992) was fused in Russia in 2004 by A. Bushchevsky in a multi-sized television series.

In 1992, Gaidar reforms were actively supported. In his expression: "Gaidar gave Pinka Mother Russia."

In 1993, during the overclocking of the Supreme Council, was solidified with the signatory letter in support.

In the US, V. Aksenov was awarded the honorary title of Doctor of Humane Letters. He was a member of the Pen Club and the American Author's League. In 2004, V. Aksenov was awarded the Russian Booker Award for the Roman "Voltaryan and Voltaryanka". In 2005, Vasily Aksyonov was awarded the Ordena of Arts and Literature.

In 2007, the novel "Rare Lands" was published.

Vasily Aksenov - Interview

In Kazan since 2007, in the fall (in October), the International Literary and Music Festival Aksenov-Fest is held (the first one has passed under his personal participation), in 2009 the building is recreated and the Literary House-Museum of Aksenova, which operates the city literary club.

On January 15, 2008, in Moscow, V. Aksenov suddenly felt very badly, was hospitalized in Hospital No. 23, where stroke was diagnosed. After the day after the hospitalization, Aksenov was transferred to the name of Sklifosovsky, where he conducted an operation to remove the carotid artery thrombus.

As of January 29, 2008, doctors assessed the state of the writer as extremely heavy. On August 28, 2008, the condition remained "consistently heavy." On March 5, 2009, new complications arose, Aksenov was translated into the Nii of the Burdenko name and was operated. Later, Aksenov was translated back to the NIi named after Sklifosovsky.

On July 6, 2009, after prolonged disease, Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov died in Moscow, in the Research Institute named after Sklifosovsky. Vasily Aksenov was buried on July 9, 2009 at the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow.

The house was restored in Kazan, where the writer lived in adolescence, and in November 2009, a museum of his work was created there.

In October 2009, the last finished Roman Vasily Aksenov was published - "Mysterious passion. The novel about the sixties, "the individual chapters of which were published in 2008 in the magazine" Collection of Caravan Stories ". Roman autobiographical, and his main characters were the idols of Soviet literature and art of 1960s: Robert Christmas, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Bella Ahmadulin, Andrei Voznesensky, Bulat Okudzhava, Andrei Tarkovsky, Vladimir Vysotsky, Ernst Unknown, Marlene Huziev and others. In order to distance themselves from the memoir genre, the author gave the characteristics of the novel fictional names.

frame from the series "Mysterious Passion"

In 2010, he saw the light of the unfinished autobiographical Roman Akseyov "Land-Lizovsky".

In 2011, Alexander Kabakov and Evgeny Popov issued a joint book of the memoirs of Aksenov. The authors are extremely concerned about the question of "writing fate", referring to the intricacies of the biography, the birth of a great personality. Superbate of the book is to resist the distortion of facts in favor of a particular conjuncture.

In 2012, Victor Esipov published the book "Vasily Aksenov - a lonely runner on long distances", which included the memories of contemporaries about the writer, part of his correspondence and interviews.

Personal life of Vasily Aksenova:

First wife - Kira Ludwignova Mendeleva (1934-2013), Lyosha Combridge Daughter (Lyudwig Matveyevich) Gavro and granddaughter of the famous pediatrician and organizer of Health of Yulia Aronna Mendel (1883-1959), founder and first rector of the Leningrad Pediatric Medical Institute (1925-1949).

In 1960, the son of Alexey Vasilyevich Aksenov, Artist-director, was born in 1960.

The second wife - Maya Afanasyevna Aksenova (nee, in the first marriage Ovchinnikov, in the second marriage married to R. L. Karmen; born 1930), graduated from the Foreign Trade Institute, worked in the Chamber of Commerce, the Russian language was taught in America. Padderitsa - Elena (Alena) (1954 - 18 August 2008).

Scenarios for the films of Vasily Aksenova:

1962 - When bridges are bred
1962 - Colleagues
1962 - my younger brother
1966 - Travel (Filmalmans)
1970 - owner
1972 - Marble House
1975 - center from the insight
1978 - While the dream is mad
2007 - Tatyana
2009 - jester

Pieces of Vasily Aksenova:

1965 - "Always on sale"
1966 - "Your killer"
1968 - "Four temperaments"
1968 - "Aristropanian with frogs"
1980 - "Heron"
1998 - "Mountain, Mountain, burn"
1999 - "Aurora Gorelika"
2000 - "Ah, Arthur Schopenhauer"

Bibliography Vasily Aksenova:

1961 - "Colleagues"
1964 - "Catapult"
1965 - "It's time, my friend, it's time"
1966 - "halfway to the moon"
1969 - "It is a pity that you were not with us"
1971 - "Love for electricity"
1972 - "My grandfather is a monument"
1976 - "The chest in which something knocks"
1990 - "Island of Crimea"
1990 - "Burn"
1991 - "In search of sad baby"
1991 - "My grandfather is a monument"
1991 - "Randevu"
1991 - "Right to the island"
1992 - "In search of a sad baby" "Two books about America"
1993-1994 - Moscow Saga (Moscow Saga. KN. 1 "Generation of Winter"; Moscow Saga. KN. 2 "War and Prison"; Moscow Saga. KN. 3 "Prison and Peace"
1996 - "The negative of a positive hero"
1998 - "Negative positive hero"
1998 - "Voltairians and Voltrayanka"
1999 - "Missing Pompeii"
2001 - "Cesarean glow"
2001 - "Folding Boccotter"
2003 - "Oranges from Morocco"
2004 - "American Cyrillic"
2004 - "Decade Slander"
2005 - "Rare Earths"
2005 - "In search of sad baby"
2005 - "Yolk eggs"
2005 - "Folding Boccottar"
2006 - "Moscow Kva-kva"
2006 - "Say raisins"
2006 - "Island of Crimea"
2009 - "Mysterious Passion" (Roman about the sixteen)
2009 - Land-Lizovskie
2012 - "Oh, this Battoid Bat!"
2014 - "One solid cargo" (compiler V. Esipov)
2015 - "Catch a pigeon mail. Letters "(compiler V. ESIPov)
2015 - "Lair Lion" (compiler V. Esipov)

I can not call Aksenova a great writer of the 20th century. He has a peculiar view of art that can be explained by a difficult life in a children's home and offended by the government for the repression of parents. Probably for this reason he became a sharp antilistinist. For what was expelled from the USSR. In almost every work, it is displetened to the system that exists at that time. If we consider this story, then the oranges here are a certain symbol of freedom. But this symbol, this small, is not enough for everyone, it means that it must be divided. Similarly, "divide" two main characters. More precisely, they themselves break, not knowing which choice to do. The book will definitely reread when it goes on sale. And I advise you to get acquainted with all prose lovers of the 60s.

Read completely

I love prose Aksenova! He writes wonderful! His stories can understand, both adults and children. With this work, I met in adolescence. Then it made a huge impression on me! Actually, oranges here are used rather in a figurative sense. But the chief promise is that in the era of the 60s it was an unusual and scarce product, especially in the Far East. The orange here is the symbol of the Sun, breakthrough and the sighted miracle! Perhaps someone will find references to the famous count: "We divided the orange ...", but in my opinion it is too primitive comparison. The most important thing is that this book about people, and not about fruit. I am very glad that I can buy it again in hardcover.

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Previously, it was not possible to read the stories of Vasily Aksenov, so I was acquainted only with novels. I read this book and remained under great impression! Moreover, I liked the language of the narrative - the light, relaxed and at the same time meaningful, literary, competent! I liked how the author puts interesting thoughts in the set of characters, as it gives them with characters and habits. You do not even notice how unwittingly you begin to feel some kind of relationship with them. After reading there is a feeling that I don't want to let them go, I want to follow their destinies.
The book is perfectly framed, such a publication is truly nice to keep in your hands! Despite the impressive volume, the stories are read easily and quickly, you can even say that you do not notice how close to the narration final.

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Thanks to this book, I discovered Vasily Aksenova for myself! Previously, this author was exclusively for me with a novelist, and now I opened it as a magnificent narrator. This is a sample of an excellent intellectual prose that makes you think about many things, to rethink about the attitude to life, somewhere to dive, and somewhere to laugh ... I confess to honestly, I liked this book even more than the "Island of Crimea". Maybe due to the fact that I basically more about the small form of the narrative, of course. But Aksenov is definitely a talented and amazing writer, to study the creativity of which must be determined.

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I started reading a novel as historical, not a fantastic, how is it really (if two assumptions, one - geographical, second - historical, can make a romance fiction? And somewhere before the twentieth page I was in a complete perplexity, So far, before me, finally, it did not reach Wikipedia and read that the novel is a historical hoax that has two assumptions: Crimea is an island, not a peninsula, and he has never been Soviet, White Guard emigrants who fled after the revolution of 17 years, turned Crimea to a prosperous democratic state. And the purpose of the novel is the loss of the flawed political system of the Soviet Union.
Despite my dislike for "political pamphletes", as some reviewers called Roman, I got great pleasure from reading, mostly, however, from love scenes, from the description of the beauty of the Crimea and the life of its inhabitants, from family relationships of archers and Lunins. Speaking, by the way, surnames. Andrei Archers, the main hero, obviously the sun, he even somewhere in the text and is called "Light Light in the Dark Kingdom", and his long-standing love Tatyana Lunina - Moon, as well as the image of the Motherland, the Motherland, to which to strive to return the hero . Therefore, she leaves him closer to the end of the novel, because in the blindness of his ideological arousal, he not only ceases to notice her, but also to love (their last bed scene is almost rape).
But, in order.
Three generations of vravacuants (temporariously evacuated) archers: grandfather, son, grandson are representatives of one of the most influential families on OK (Island of Crimea), are also representatives of three different ideological areas: Grandfather Arseni Archers - an adherent of old, pre-revolutionary Russia, He and the temporary government of the island - the heirs of the noble honor, officers, old people, and did not surrendered to the Red Regima (by the way, they surrendered to the Red Ocportants at the end of the novel, but no one needs their honor and dignity - this is in the past). Son Andrei Archers, editor-in-chief and owner of the Russian courier magazine, Runcher, Lovelace, Jam Bond and Betman in one bottle, as well as the creator and engine of the idea of \u200b\u200ba common destiny, embodying the longing of the Russian emigrant in his homeland, consonant with any reunification with It is from the best motives - to be useful to her. Anton Archers - the grandson of the Arseny and the son of Andrei - Hippie, the man of the world, the child of capitalist progress and, as it is now taken to be expressed, the liberal-humanistic ideals, having arrived on the island after long wanderings, connect to the political movement of Yaki - a new nation, mixed Russians, Tatars and Europeans, and trying not only to develop a single political strategy, but also to create their own language. And so, in fact, this family contradiction of views is interpolated on the whole novel, but the confrontation of these forces, embodied in some packaging disputes, bathrooms, backstage tactics and horseshoe games, and even in the Rule, it looks pretty naive, too glamorous and, Despite the abundance of abnormative vocabulary, somehow a family cute. From the very beginning, no one would do not particularly doubt that the main truth and the power of Lyunikova Andrei and his idea of \u200b\u200ba common destiny, which really wins. And only in this way, having won, she can discredit itself, since instead of a reasonable and mutually beneficial union of the island with the Soviet Union, there is an absurd and treacherous attack on the island under the guise of "spring games", although the Crimea himself asked for accession. The main characters are waiting for them to come and ask how everything is arranged. No one asks anyone, almost all the main characters die. And life from the free and colorful fair is immediately turning into the absurd propaganda, false triumphs, imperial nonsense and meaningless violence.

Of the minuses, the author fails to show the most Russia with which the chief hero is eager. The Soviet Union is shown only with the bad side - this is the empire of lies, kicks and fear. So, obviously, she sees her author. Nevertheless, he, as it may be trying to reconcile Russian emigration with the Soviet Union (I think, in the 70s it was an urgent task), but the events of the novel show that the Red Empire simply swallows emigrants like a ruthless glowing shark (the image of the Motherland or Party, which Pursued one of the employees of GB, Kuzenkova Marley Mikhailovich, who was crazy and killed by storm).

I would like to say about the image of the main character. At times, it seemed to me that I was reading about me at a sunny city, only Dunno matured, he had an adult son (and at the end of the novel born grandson), he drinks a lot, plays in political games, and, like James Bond, without fear and reproach, Fucking young beauties and runs away from the persecution of any intelligence of the world, but nevertheless remains minor, as it does not come true for all other characters a novel that the fact of fatality for him and his close accession of the Crimea to the Soviet Union itself.

In general, the work remains a controversial impression. Although many reviewers tend to interpret it unequivocally, to see in him the guards of the "Council", the imperial zamaska \u200b\u200bof Russia, and sometimes even as a statement of the author about the total damage and limitedness of the Russian nation as a whole. I would not be so unequivocal in the estimates.
Roman, no doubt, sign. From the fact that the temporary head of the Crimea of \u200b\u200bAksenov (notice, two coincidences! "Temporary" and "Aksenov") asked the attachment of the Crimea to Russia, from the events in which it happened, I admit, my goosebumps run on the skin. Writers again or fumbled, or predicted. And if you do not go into subtleties, then, in my opinion, it is a warning and prejudice against the return of "Council" (Stepanida Vsessievna, as they call it in the novel). And in this sense today, when the "Crimea our" romance is even more relevant than ever, because it warns and feeds those fears that are full of liberally configured intelligentsia.
On the other hand, the main character of Andrei Light, still causes sympathy from the author, and the reader, nevertheless he is a super hero, albeit in the format of ironic Aksenov, still most of us understand the main character in his homeland, and his desire to reunite Even the price of my own life, we are close to the author to discuss with myself and with the reader about the national idea, without which it is still impossible ... without it they will still look for it.

Writer, screenwriter Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov was born on August 20, 1932 in Kazan in the family of the party leader. Parents were repressed, up to 16 years old Vasily Aksenov was brought up in an orphanage, then aunt. For several years he lived in Magadan, where he was on the settlement of his mother, Evgenia Ginzburg, author of the famous novel about the Stalinist camps "Cool Route". In Magadan Aksenov graduated from high school.

The first stories of Vasily Aksenova "Torches and Roads" and "One-People of Media" were printed in 1958 in the journal "Youth", I acquired fame after the publication in 1960, the stories of the "colleagues", in which the movie the same name was sent soon.

Written in the early 1960s of the story "Star ticket", "Oranges from Morocco", the stories "Local Julian Abramashvili", "Comrade Handsome Fairkin", "It's a pity that you were not with us" and others were denoted by critics as "youth prose".

In 1975, the novel "Burn" was written, and in 1979 - the "Island of Crimea", prohibited to publication by Cancer.

In 1976, he translated from English popular novel Edgar Dr. Dottorow "Retaym".

In 1979, together with Andrei Bitov, Viktor Erofeev, Fazil Iskander, Evgeny Popov, Bella Ahmadulina Aksenov became one of the organizers and authors of the Uncementless literary almanac "Metropol" published in the United States.

In December 1979, he declared the exit from the Union of Writers of the USSR in protest against the exclusion from the Union of Viktor Yerofeyev and Evgenia Popov.

Since 1981, Aksenov is a professor of Russian literature at various Universities in USA: Institute Kennan (1981-1982), University of J. Washington (1982-1983), University of Gajorja Mason (1988-2004). For many years he led the seminar "Modern Roman - the elasticity of the genre", and then the course "two centuries of the Russian novel", was fond of the teachings of Shklovsky, Tynyanov, Bakhtina.

In 1980-1991, Vasily Aksenov actively collaborated with the radio station "Freedom" as a journalist.

Washington came out in the USSR written in the USSR, but first published only after leaving the writer in the US, the novels "Burn", "Island of Crimea", "Golden Journe".

In the US, Aksenov was written and published new novels: "paper landscape" (1982), "Say raisins" (1985), "In search of sad baby" (1986), Moscow Saga trilogy (1989, 1991, 1993), compilation Stories "Negative Positive Hero" (1995), "New Sweet Style" (1996). Roman "Eggs Yolk" (1989) was written by Aksen in English, and then translated by the author into Russian.

In 1989, for the first time after a long break, Aksenov visited the USSR at the invitation of the American ambassador Jack Matlock.

Since the late 1980s, he began to publish again in Russia. After returning to him in 1990, the citizenship of Aksenov often came to Russia, his works were printed, including in the journal "Youth", a meeting of its writings was published.

In June 1999, the first Aksen readings took place in Moscow, which the writer arrived from the United States.

Since 2002, Aksenov lived in France, in Biarritz.

In 2004, he was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of the University of George Mason (USA).

In April 2007, another Roman Aksenova was issued in Moscow - "rare lands".

Vasily Aksenov - the author of the plays "always on sale", "your killer", "four temperaments", "Aristofanian with frogs", "Heron", "Mountain, Mount, burn", "Aurora Korweika", "Ah, Arthur Schopenhauer" And filmcenerers of films "When bridges are breed", "My younger brother", "Marble House", "Center", "While the dream is mad." His best thing writer considered the novel "New Sweet Style".

In 2009, after the death of the author, the last finished Roman Vasily Aksenov was published - "the mysterious passion. Roman about the sixties", in 2010 the unfinished autobiographical novel "Land Lizovsky. Lend Leasing".

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

Aksenov Vasily Pavlovich

Winner of the Booker - Open Russia Prize for the Best Roman of the Year "Voltairians and Voltrayanka" (2004)
Awarded the Order of Arts and Literature, one of the highest awards of France (2005)
Member of Pen Club and American Author's League

"One of the brightest generations of the" thaw "generation, which all his life it is warmly" thaws "tried to preserve and invited his readers." Andrei Bitov.

Vasily Aksenov was born on August 20, 1932 in the family of party workers Evgenia Semenovna Ginzburg and Pavel Vasilyevich Aksenova. He was the third, the youngest child in the family, and the only common child of his parents. His father, Pavel Vasilyevich, was the chairman of the Kazan City Council and a member of the Bureau of the Tatar Region of the Party, and Mama Yevgeny Semenovna worked as a teacher in the Kazan Pedagogical Institute, then she was the head of the culture department "Red Tatarya", and consisted of the Kazan Regional Partnerships.

In 1937, when Vasilia Aksenov was not also five years old, his mother, but soon - and the Father were arrested and convicted of 10 years in prison and camps. Passing the horror of Stalin's camps during the exposure of the cult of the personality of Eugene Ginzburg later became the author of the book of memories of the "cool route" - one of the first memoir books about the Epoch of Stalinist Repression and Camps, the story of eighteen years spent by the author in prison, Krym camps and reference.

Senior Children - Sister Maya (daughter P.V. Aksyunova) and Alyoshu (Son E.S. Chinzburg from the first marriage) took the relatives to himself, and Vasya was forcibly sent to an orphanage for children of prisoners, since his grandmothers were not allowed to leave Baby boy at home. In 1938, Uncle Vasily Aksenov (brother P. Aquesonova) managed to find a little Vasya in an orphanage in Kostroma and take him to himself. Vasya lived in the house of Moti Aksyunova (his relative to Father) until 1948, while his mother Evgenia Ginzburg, coming out in 1947 from the camp, and leaving the link in Magadan, did not achieve permission to arrive Wasi to her to Kolyma. Meeting with Vasya Yevgeny Ginzburg described in the "cool route".

Magadan struck Vasily his freedom - in the Barack, the Mother in the evenings gathered a real "salon". The company "Former Camp Intellents" said such things about which Vasily before and did not suspect. The future writer shook the latitude of the problems discussed and reasoning about the fate of humanity. Many years later, in 1975, Vasily Aksenov described his Magadan Youth in the autobiographical novel "Burn".

In 1956, Aksenov graduated from the 1st Leningrad Medical Institute and received the distribution to the Baltic Marine Shipping Company, where he had to work as a physician on long-scale ships. Despite the fact that his parents were already rehabilitated, he did not give a visa. Aksenov worked as a quarantine physician at the Far North, in Karelia, in the Leningrad Marine Trade Port and the Tuberculous Hospital in Moscow (according to other sources, was a consultant at the Moscow Research Institute of Tuberculosis).

In 1958, the first stories of Aksenov "Torches and Roads" and "One and a half of medical units" were printed in the journal "Yunostu", and in 1960 his first story of "Colleagues" was published, which later the film was submitted. Thanks to this story, Aksenov became widely known. He left medicine and closely took up literature. Many of their early works of Aksenov - Romanes "Star ticket", "It's time, my friend, it's time," the story "Oranges from Morocco" and "It's a pity that you were not with us" caused an ambiguous reaction of the authorities. " What forced the heads of the journal "Youth" in 1963 to persuade him to write it and give the "Pravda" registered article "Responsibility" in the newspaper. "True, not everyone believed repentance of Aksenov," the researchers of his work were noted. Later, his satirical story "Okazed Boccottar", written in 1968, also caused the accusation of the author in the "hidden antisolism".

In 1972, they were written by an experimental novel "Selling the genre". At the same time in 1972, together with O. Migchakov and G. Khozhenyan, he wrote a novel-parody to a spy fighter "Jin Green - Non-addable" under the pseudonym Grivadium Gorpecos (combination of names and the names of real authors). In 1976, Aksenov translated from the English Roman E.L.Dottorou Ragtaym.

In the 1970s, after the end of the "thaw", the works of Aksenov stopped published in the Soviet Union. The novels "Burn" in 1975 and the "Island of Crimea" in 1979 from the very beginning were created by the author without calculating the publication. At this time, the criticism of Vasily Aksenov and his works became more sharp - epithets were used as "non-counseling" and "non-rigging". In 1977 and 1978, the works of Aksenova began to appear abroad, primarily in the United States.

His friends recalled: "He was in his own way untouchable and enjoyed respect even among those writers who belonged to a completely different" camp ". It was tested by a certain diet, even the secretaries of the Union called him Vasily Pavlovich. " However, after the Metropol, everything changed.

In 1979, Vasily Aksenov, together with Andrei Bitov, Viktor Yerofeyev, Fazil Iskander, Evgeny Popov and Bella Ahmadulina became one of the organizers and authors of the Becsente almanac "Metropol". So not published in Soviet objects, Almanac was published in the United States. In protest against the extent of Popov and Erofeev, from the Union of Writers of the USSR in December 1979, Vasily Aksenov, Inna Lynnyanskaya and Semyon Lipkin announced their exit from the joint venture.

Participants of the almanac "Metropol" from left to right: Eugene Popov, Viktor Erofeev, Bella Ahmadulin, Andrei Voznesensky, Zoya Boguslavskaya, Boris Messer, Fazil Iskander, Andrei Bitov, Vasily Aksenov, Maya Carmen.

On July 22, 1980, Aksenov left at the invitation to the United States, after which he was together with the wife of Maya Carmen deprived of Soviet citizenship. Until 2004, he lived in the United States, taught Russian literature at J. Mason University in Ferfex, Virginia. Vasily Pavlovich possessed the amazing power of the will. Those who sent it from the country thought it would break the writer, but made a mistake. Here's how Aksenov explained what happened: "There is such an opinion that the Russian writer cannot write outside Russia. What, as soon as he gets abroad, he starts to whine, choke and in the nearest ditch cums his age. This is not entirely so if we recall the experience of Gogol, Dostoevsky, Turgenev, who conducted many years abroad and wrote there far from the worst of their belongings. So I had fate. When you leave your homeland forever, you experience stress, then you begin to somehow fight it, you come to yourself and suddenly you understand what you can write wonderful. "

Since 1981, Vasily Aksyunov was a professor of Russian literature at various universities in the United States: He worked as the Institute of Kennan from 1981 to 1982, at the University of J. Vashlington from 1982 to 1983, in the University of Gucker since 1983 In 1988, at the University of George Mason since 1988 to 2009.

In the United States, written by Aksenov in Russia, but first published only after the appearance of the writer in America novels "Golden Journery" (1973, 1980), "Burn" (1976, 1980), "Island of Crimea" (1979, 1981), collection of stories "Right to the island" (1981). Also in the US, Vasily Aksenov was written and published new novels: "Paper landscape" in 1982, "Say Raisin" in 1985, "In search of a sad baby" in 1986, the Moscow Saga trilogy in 1989, 1991 and 1993 , Collection of stories "Negative Positive Hero" in 1995, "New Sweet Style" in 1996, dedicated to the life of Soviet emigration in the United States, "Cesarean Glow" in 2000.

For the first time after nine years, Aksenov's emigration was visited by the USSR in 1989 at the invitation of the American ambassador J. Meltlok. In 1990, Soviet citizenship was returned to Vasilia Aksenov, after which the writer lived in Moscow, and went to Biarritz in France, where he had been a house since 2002.

From 1980s to 1991, Vasily Aksyunov actively collaborated with the Voice of America and with Radio Liberty as a journalist. Aksenov Radioocheries were published in the author's compilation "Decade Slander" in 2004. Edward Topol told about Aksenov: "Aksyonov was from the powerful cohort of the sixties, which gave hope that we remain people even with Soviet power." In his opinion, without the spirit of dissident, there is no present writer at all: "The revolution should not be on the street, but in the souls of people. And this writer must say what he wants to say, despite the fact that it can be prohibited. "

The second wife of the writer was Maya Afanasyevna, which Aksenov beat off his friend, the Russian film director of Roman Karmena. Vasily Pavlovich became acquainted with Maya in Yalta, where Carmen came to rest after a heart attack. Met secret in Sochi. Aksenov recognized: "Everyone knew about our treks. Comrade Roman Julian Semenov once a little bit of me. Shouted: "Give Roma T-shirt."

Aksenov was fond of historical literature, especially he was interested in the XVIII century. They experienced many books dedicated to the history of the sailing fleet. From the student, he was fond of jazz. Among his sports addictions were jogging and basketball. Vasily Pavlovich was not deprived of small human weaknesses. Its bad habit was tobacco. The writer did not hide it, in one of his numerous interviews he said: "I smoked the phone at 22, when I was imagined by Hemingue. But the cigarette was always more pleasant. Later, Marina Vlady gave me a class tube. I walked with her for a very long time.

About Ashinov wrote that it was in the 1960s "first introduced the word" jeans "into the Russian language and made them with his uniform." "He walked, such a denim and such jazz," Bella Akhmadulin recalled. And the writer Evgeny Popov, congratulating the writer with the anniversary, said: "All modern Russian literature came out of the denim jacket of Akseynova, and all modern Russian literature came out of Gogol."

"He was distinguished by an amazing power, and our literature without him, definitely empty," said the writer Dmitry Bykov. - And most importantly, the person was good, which almost never happens among us. First of all, I was struck by his ability to experiment in Aksenov, because I don't know a single young writer who could write such a bold essay as "Moscow Kva-kva-kva", such a barrier on courage, an absolutely Platonic experiment. "

Aksenov led a very active lifestyle throughout his life, could stand on his head, doing yoga. But on January 15, 2008, Aksenov suddenly became bad when he was driving a car. An accident occurred, Vasily Aksyunov was urgently hospitalized in the 23rd hospital, from which he was transferred to the Sklifosovsky Institute. Drome was found in the carotid artery that feeds the left hemisphere of the brain. Thromb was removed. Music neurologist doctors were done by all possible, they could not do anything better in another country.

On January 29, 2008, the doctors assessed the state of the writer as extremely heavy. Vasily Aksyonov remained in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. On August 28, 2008, the condition remained "stable heavy." On March 5, 2009, new complications arose, Aksenov was translated into the Research Institute of Burdenko and was operated. Later, Aksenov was translated back to the NIE named after Sklifosovsky.

"He terribly suffered and physically suffered. In the habit, he was trying to rehabilitate. Recently, he survived only because he was a very strong and courageous man. Three or four months ago, he filed very good hopes for recovery. It seemed to us that psychological reactions were returned, emotions, but later it was not confirmed, "said the head of the rehabilitation of neurosurgery at the Burdenko Hospital, Vladimir Naidin.

According to him, Aksenov also suffered from intestinal thrombosis: "It was with this diagnosis that he was sent from our research institute to the Sklifosovsky Institute, where it was operated. The operation has passed quite successfully, but, given the difficult state, which was in a patient before, still failed to avoid this tragic end. It is said that God gives a person as much as he can withstand. Vasily Aksyonov stood as much as unable to withstand the average person. "

According to the literary criticism of Vladimir Bondarenko, who studied the work of the writer, the death of Aksenov became a real blow on the literature of the sixties, the literature of Russian emigration and the entire literature of the last century. "Aksenov is definitely one of the brightest and most famous Russian writers in the whole world of the second half of the 20th century. Of course, his books will be reprinted, because they have already passed the time check, "he said.

About Vasily Aksenov In 2009, the documentary film "Vasily Aksenov. It is a pity that you were not with us. " The writers Anatoly Gladilin, Evgeny Popov, Alexander Kabakov, Bella Ahmadulin and Anatoly Niman told about Aksenian. Lily Denis, Translator Vasily Asyunova, shared his memories of the early 1960s, told about the first acquaintance with the prointer of the writer. Among those who also told in the film about Aksenov - Boris Messer, Oleg Tabakov and Alexey Kozlov.

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Article Text "Vasily Aksenov: Maya - Home Love", author O.Kucchina

Vasya, let's talk about love. Turgenev was Viardo, Scott Fitzgerald - Zelda, Herzen - Natasha, not be it, would not be born the Great Book "Purchaous and Duma". What is his woman for the writer? Happened in your life, what did you write for the sake of the girl for the sake of a woman?

So it was not ... But still such an exalted was. And our main love - I do not know how Maya looks at it, but I look like this: Maya, yes.

I remember well: the house of creativity in Pitsunde, you appear with an interesting blonde, and everyone is shook that, they say, Vasya Aksenov helped his wife at the famous Knosetalist Roman Karmena ...

I did not take her away. She was his wife for another ten years.

- Have you been familiar with him?

Not. I rode once with him in the "Red Arm" in Peter. I was under the jar. And I already heard about his wife. And I tell him: is it true that you have a very pretty wife? He says: I like it. So he said, and maybe somewhere deposited.

- How old was you?

Of the year 32 or 33. I was married. Kira I had a wife. Kira - Mom Alexey. And with her somehow it was very bad ... In fact, we lived, in general, fun. Before the birth of a child, before it spread out ...

- Everything changed because she slipped? It became you ... offended? ..

It began to offend her. For this time I became, well, a well-known writer. Wasted everywhere with our celebrities ... Different adventures happened ... She began to roll the scene ...

- And began as a student marriage?

No, I have already graduated from the Med Institute in St. Petersburg. And with each other we went to Karelian shelters, our interests are sport, jazz, TO-CE. And he told me: I saw one girl on dancing ... She came out there with her grandmother, old Bolsheviki. She served in prison, she had just let her go, it was 1956. And she sat since 1949 ...

- And your mother sat ...

My mother was sitting in 1937. And Kirin Grandma somehow raised to the case of the Voznesensky ...

- What is Voznesensky?

Not Andrei, of course, and the one who sent all party work in the Soviet Union. He was planted and shot. His nephew came, who told how he sat in prison alone and all the time wrote the letters to Stalin, which is not to blame for anything. And suddenly, at one fine moment, the politburo almost fully entered his camera, and he saw them shouted: I knew my friends that you would come to me! And then Lazar Kaganovich so in his ear gave that the flames.

- Why did they come?

Just look at the defeated enemy.

- Sadists ...

And Kira pound the Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200band sang different foreign songs very cool ...

- And your heart melted.

That's it. And then ... all sorts of things were ...

- Stuff - love hobbies?

Love hobbies. It is always on the houses of creativity. And somehow we come to the house of creativity in Yalta. There is married, my friend. We sit with him, and he rubs his handles: Oh, the wife of Carmen here ...

- rubbing the handles, thinking that you will have a novel now?

He thought he would have a novel. She just arrived and hooked to Bella Ahmadulina's table. And I were always friends with Bella. And Bella tells me: Vasya, Vasya, come here, you are familiar with Maye, like you are not familiar with Maya! .. And Maya looks at me, and she has a very exhausted look, because Karnamen had a heart attack, and she All winter he cared for him, and when he recovered, she went to Yalta. And then she began to laugh, having fun. And in Yalta there was our steamer "Georgia", a ship of literature. Because the captain was Tole Garagul, he adored literature and always lured to himself, having arranged the peers to us. And here we are with Maya ... Mayha for some reason always covered the table, well, somehow tried, I spread something like that, trying to be closer to her ...

- Immediately fell in love?

Yes. And I tell her: here you see what the cabin is the captain, and in general somehow it is all fraught, and tomorrow my wife will leave ... And she says: and we will be closer to each other. He sees everything and says: I'm leaving ... and sailed on this "Georgia." And we returned to the house of creativity. I spent Kiru, and some peers began. Bella came up with something, walked and said: You know, I heard that previous people have buried the bottle of champagne for us, let's look for. And we were looking for and found.

- The divorce of Maya was heavy?

It was not that such a divorce, and it was not hard, she was such a laughter. Everything happened gradually and, in general, quite openly. We met many times in the south, and in Moscow too. I still continued to live with Kira, but we already parted. Of course, it was not easy, but love with Maya was very strong ... We traveled everywhere together. In Cheget, in the mountains, in Sochi. Together we did not sit down, because we did not have a stamp in the passport, but next. Abroad, of course, she went alone, brought me some kind of clothes ...

- Time is happier in life?

Yes. This coincided with the "Metropol", around us everything was spinning around us, she all prepared there. But this is after the death of Roman Lazarevich. At that time we were in Yalta, her daughter got through and said.

- He did not attempt to return Maya?

He is not, but he had a friend, Julian Semenov, he walked around me and said: Give him a shirt.

- What does I mean? She is not a thing.

Well, yes, but he said exactly.

- You have no habit, like poets, dedicate things to someone?

Not. But the novel "Burn" is dedicated to Maya. And the story "Ivan" is our Vanechka. Did you hear what happened to our Vanya?

- No, what? Vanya - grandson of Maya?

She grandson, I was a son. He was 26 years old, he cumshots American University. Alena, his mother, was a very hard life in America, and he somehow tried to move away from her. I went to the state of Colorado, there were three friends: American, Venezuelec and he, three handsome, and they could not find work. Worked on the mail, in rescue stations, in the mountains. He had love with a girl-German, they already lived together. But then she left somewhere, in general, he was not singing out, and they went to Troy in San Francisco. All huge, and Vanya our huge. He has already forgotten this Greta, he had a lot of girls. When everyone traveled to us on the funeral, we saw a lot of pretty girls. He lived on the seventh floor, went out to the balcony ... They were all fond of the book, written allegedly three-year-old Chinese sage. That is, no one seen him and did not know, but they knew that he was three thousand years old. I saw this book, it was possible to recognize fate. And Vanya wrote his letters. There it was necessary to somehow write correctly: dear oracles. And he allegedly answered something. And it seems to be Vanya said: Jump from the seventh floor ...

- some kind of sectarian story.

He seemed to be not going to jump. But he had such a habit - to look down ...

- They say, do not look into the abyss, otherwise the abyss will look into you.

And he flew down. Two students were then with him. They ran to him, he was already lying on Earth, woke up and said: I went through alcohol and laughed through the railing. After that, it turned off and no longer came to my senses.

- How did you move it? How did Maya transferred?

Horribly. Perfectly terrible. The nightmare began.

- When did it happen?

In 1999. We were friends with him just wonderful. Somehow he was close to me. I did the best pictures. I also wanted to take it on Gotland. When I lived in America, I left for Gotland every summer, in Sweden, there, too, there is a house of creativity like ours, and I wrote there. This house of creativity on the top of the mountain, and at the bottom of the huge church of St. Mary. When you rise to the third floor, you see chimeras on the church, they look into the windows. I often looked and afraid that Chimera will look into my life. And she looked. Maya was in Moscow, I am in America. I called my friend Zhenya Popov and said ...

- It seemed to me that, in spite of everything, your life is happy and easy.

No, very heavy.

Did you write a story about Vanychka - it became easier for you? In general, when the writer processes the substance of life in prose, it becomes easier?

I do not know. Not. Writing is happiness. But when you write about misfortune - it is not easier. She is there in the story, that is, Maya, asks: What are we going to do now? And I answer her: we will live sad.

- Vasya, why did you leave the country - this time and why came back - two?

I left, because they wanted me to get to your hands.

- You were afraid that they would be put on?

Not. Will kill.

- Will kill? Did you know it?

There was an attempt. It was 1980. I drove from Kazan, from my father, on the "Volga", a summer empty highway, and "KAMAZ" and two motorcycles came to me. He walked right for me to meet, they closed the road, blinded me ...

- Have you been driving? How did you manage to avoid a collision?

Just angel keeper. I have never been somehow as a, just he told me what to do. He said: Circling to the right to the very end, now gas, and twist back, back, back. And we were slipped through the edge of the road.

And I considered you a good luck ... You entered the literature so beautifully, instantly, you can say, starting writing, as no one wrote. Work of consciousness or hand drove?

In general, the hand drove, of course. I contacted Kataev. Then we were friends with him, and he was very proud that we were so friendly ...

You are talking about his "diamond crown", "the grass of oblivion", that they began to call "Moviem", from the French "Mo" - the word, the taste of the word as such? And I have the impression that first you started, then he came to his senses and began to write in a new way.

May be. Quite. He told me: the old man, you know, everything is so great for you, but you are in vain to hold the plot, you do not need to develop the plot.

- You had a wonderful immudy thing "searching for the genre" with the definition of the genre "search for the genre" ...

By this time, he went to us. Already "Metropol", and he, speaking on his 80th anniversary on TV, said: You know, I am so grateful to our party, I am so grateful to the Union of Writers ... I bowed. The last time I passed on the Kiev road and saw him - he stood, so big, and looked at the road ... If there were no such threat to my novels, I would still, maybe did not leave. "Burn", "Island of Crimea", the mass of ideas were written. All this could not be printed here and began to be printed in the West. And in the West, when I started writing my big novels, such a story happened. My main publishing house "Random House" was sold to another publisher. My publisher said me: do not worry, everything will remain in the old way. But they appointed a man who first looked after, and then said: if you want to make a profit, you should drive out all intellectuals.

- And you got to this list? Like us.

Imagine income or disappear - they have such a saying. This man became the vice-president of the publishing company, and I realized that my books would no longer be there. And I suddenly realized that I was returning to Russia, because I was again saving my literature. The main thing, I returned to my residence last language.

- Vasya, you lived in America and in Russia. What is better for life there and here?

My books are read in America. This, of course, not what was in the USSR ... But I am published by 75 thousand, 55 thousand ...

But I am not asking about your selfish, so to speak, joy, I ask about something else: How does life in America arranged and how it works?

In America, an amazing life is actually. Incredibly comfortable, cozy. In France is not so cozy, as in America.

- What is the convenience? Are you argued to you, you smile, help you?

It is too. There is a lot of things. There the university takes on the lot of your concerns and is engaged in all this bodic, which is the formalness of life, it is terribly convenient.

- What do you like in Russia?

Language. I like very tongue. I can not say anything else.

- To whom and what do you feel obliged in life?

I am now writing one thing about my childhood. It was monstrous. Nevertheless, the monster somehow gave me the opportunity to survive. Mom served, father sat. When I was exposed that I hid information about the mother and the Father, I was kicked out of the University of Kazan. Then they restored. I could get to prison in reality. Then such a successful combination of the 60s, "thaw" and all together - it hardered and brought up me.

- Did you feel inside a free person?

No, I was not a free person. But I never felt myself a Soviet man. I came to my mother in Magadan for the settlement, when I was 16 years old, we lived on the very outskirts of the city, and these convoyed were dragged by us, I looked at them and understood that I was not a Soviet man. Completely categorically: not Soviet. I even aimed once in Stalin.

- How is it in a portrait?

No, alive. I walked with the guys from the Construction Institute in Red Square. We walked, and I saw Mausoleum, where they stood, black figures on the right, brown on the left, and in the middle - Stalin. I was 19 years old. And I thought: how easily you can aim and get it from here.

- I imagine, whether you have something in your hands, whatever you have done.


- And now you feel free?

I felt it, hitting the west. What can I go there and there, in any place of the globe, and I can behave as I want. The question is only in money.

- Like us now.

Now everything is completely different. All other. Among other things, I have two citizenship.

- If anything, will not beat the passport.

Then I will resist.

- Returning to the beginning of the conversation, a woman for you, as a writer, continues to be a moving stimulus?

We are the elderly, you need to die ...

- You're going to?


- How do you do it?

I'm thinking about it.

- Are you afraid of death?

I do not know what will happen. It seems to me that something should happen. It can not so easily end. We are all children of Adam, where he, there and we, he threatens returning to paradise, so we are following him ...

Selected works


1960 - "Colleagues" (Tale)
1961 - "Star ticket" (Tale)
1963 - "Oranges from Morocco" (Tale)
1964 - "Catapult", (tale and stories)
1964 - "It's time, my friend, it's time" (Tale)
1964 - "halfway to the moon", (collection of stories)
1965 - "Victory" (story with exaggeration)
1965 - "It is a pity that you were not with us" (Tale)
1968 - "Ovrichny Boccotra" (Tale)
1969 - "Love for electricity" (Tale)
1971 - "Story about a basketball team playing basketball" (essay)
1972 - "In search of the genre" (Tale)
1972 - "My grandfather is a monument" (Tale)
1973 - "Golden Journe" (Roman)
1975 - "Burn" (Roman)
1976 - "The chest in which something knocks" (story)
1979 - "Island of Crimea" (Roman)
1983 - "Say raisins"
1987 - "In search of sad baby"
1989 - Yolk of the Egg ((English) translation into Russian - "Eggs Yolk", 2002)
1994 - Moscow Saga (Roman-epic) Actress "Moscow Saga"
1998 - "New Sweet Style"
2000 - "Cesarean glow"
2004 - "Voltairians and Voltaryanka" (Roman, the Russian Booker Prize)
2006 - "Moscow Kva-kva" (Roman)
2007 - "Rare Lands"
2009 - "Mysterious passion. Roman about the sixties "

Scenarios for movies:

1962 - when bridges are bred
1962 - Colleagues
1962 - my younger brother
1970 - Host
1972 - Marble house
1975 - center of the insight
1978 - While the dream is mad
2007 - Tatiana
2009 year - jester


1965 - "Always on sale"
1966 - "Your killer"
1968 - "Four temperaments"
1968 - "Aristropanian with frogs"
1980 - "Heron"
1998 - "Mountain, Mount, burn"
1999 - "Aurora Gorenina"
2000 - "Ah, Arthur Shopenhauer"