Relationship of the traditional national nature festival. Characteristics of types of national characters

Relationship of the traditional national nature festival. Characteristics of types of national characters

National character

The national character is defined as a historically established combustionality of sustainable psychological traits of representatives of a ethnic group that determine the usual manner of their behavior and a typical image of action and manifest themselves to the socio-household environment around the world, work (such features as businesslikeness, practicality, Accuracy, punctuality, binding, enterprise, passivity, inorganization), its own and other ethnic communities. Moreover, the attitude towards the surrounding discloses the features of ethnic (national) consciousness of people. To this group, the features of a national nature include conservatism, religiosity, optimism, pessimism.

If we consider the character simply as a set of some features, it is even just impossible to describe it; For example, in the dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegova - one and a half thousand adjectives describing in nature. Therefore, modern psychology considers the character not as a simple amount of features, but as a certain holistic structure. However, the question of the nature of this structure remains controversial.

This multivalization affects the literature on the national character. The term "national character" is not analytical, but a descriptive; He appeared initially in the literature on travels to express the specifics of the approximation of this or that nation. Some researchers, speaking of the national character, imply temperament, features of emotional reactions of individuals, and others record attention on social orientations, moral principles, attitude to power, work, etc.

But from the point of view of psychological science, the national nature involves the properties of not a separate individual, but a whole ethnic community (group). Such a group should have a common culture, symbols, traditions, customs, etc. But is it possible to conclude from the generality of culture about the commonality (and specificity) of the psychological warehouse of a particular ethnic group? For example, Pitirim Sorokin wrote that the properties of the split-

Yu.2. National character

parts of the car are not identical to the properties of a whole car as an organized system; The properties of the human body as the system cannot be understood by studying its individual organs or cells. Similarly, the properties of the socio-cultural system cannot be understood by limiting themselves to the study of individual members of society. On this basis, Sorokin considered a fundamentally impossible psychological study of a national nature.

The analogies carried out by quarrels relate to the relationship between the part and the whole, element and structure. For example, a particular species tree has its own unique individual features, but at the same time it carries some of the main features characterizing the form as a whole. This also applies to man. His psychological properties are "set" not so rigid as biological. When they say that such a person (meaning a certain social character) is characterized by such features, this means that they are indeed present, although in different degrees and in different combinations in a significant number of individuals constituting this ethnic group.

The history of peoples, especially the history of large modern nations, is complex and contradictory. The national character of each modern nation resembles a parchment, on which on top of the old, more ancient text written new; It is necessary to wash off the top layer, and the invisible first appears at first, sometimes damaged strongly, but still preserved ancient inscription. So in the history of the people, each stage of historical development leaves its indelible traces. The longer and harder the path passed by the people, the more difficult and conflicting his national character. The characteristic of the ethnos is inextricably linked typical of its members the motivation system - a set of their needs, interests, value orientations, installations, beliefs, ideals, etc. Determining ultimately the direction of character, this system covers all spheres of human psyche - from needs to ideals, world-uponymia and moral principles. All similar components of the psyche, being varied by the natural and social conditions of the existence of an ethnic group, ultimately predetermine the nature of its members.

Chapter 10. Human Ethnic Needs

Changing these conditions inevitably entails a change in the motion system, and after it is ethnic. Concept "National temperament"used to understand ethnic specificity. The originality of the national temperament is explained by the influence of the climate environment, lifestyle, the kind of occupation, a specific ethnic culture and determines the differences in emotional reactions to life situations, the phenomena of the usual and unusual environment. In popular science literature, as a rule, the southern (subtropical) temperament of southern peoples and the cold temperament of the northern are distinguished. It is customary to speak not about the national temperament, but about the predominance of certain types of temperament, of those or other features or on dominance, as well as a specific combination of its properties from representatives of a particular ethnicity. For example, the Germans and the British on temperament - exemplary sanguits, Italians and Spaniards are obvious cholerics, Slavic peoples are distinguished by social emotionality, and Baltic - some phlegmaticity.

National feelings and moodsthey are an important element of the psychological specificity of the person's personality. National feelings are primarily an emotional attitude towards ethnic reality. They are pleased with the feeling of pride in their people, commitment to national values. Objectively evaluating its significance in society, including personal interests, thoughts and aspirations in public activities, a person understands its value, aware of self-esteem. The national mood performs the function of regulating the mental activity of people, the installation function is to perceive and act in a certain way. The mood of the person is determined by the historical events of the life of the ethnos, the fate of its members, the political, economic conditions of the functioning of the ethnic volume.

The sense of national pride and the dignity of the ethnos is radically opposed to the hypertrophied feeling of their ethnic superiority and exclusions expressed in nationalism.

10.3. National traditions

Mentality and national character

Essential concepts due to analysis collective language identity at the level of nation are mentality, national spirit, national character, conceptosphere, language picture of the world, type (archetype) and stereotype . Modern researchers are trying to determine the Humboldt concept of the People's Spirit through the terms "collective memory", "mentality", "picture of the world", "Lingvoculture".

Collective memory Imprinted in language and spiritual culture acts as a means of storing and accumulating information requiring the maintenance of iconic systems, a certain ordering method, organization of information on its value and content. Collective memory correlates with the concept of "separated knowledge", on the basis of which a new content is being built in the process of communication - the product of the joint creativity of communications.

It is necessary to distinguish between the national mentality and national character. The difference is national mentality from national Character It is as follows: the mentality is connected mainly with the logical, conceptual, cognitive activity of consciousness, and the national character - with the emotional psychological sphere. National character - These are the established emotionally psychological norms of human behavior in society. In other words, national character these are psychological stereotypes of the behavior of the people.

Under mentality, the image of thoughts, psychological warehouse of the mind, features of thinking and much more are understood. But, given that the mentality is a concept characterizing not only a nation in general - a specific mentality and various social groups of people have a specific mentality, it can be said that the mentality is a specific way of perception and understanding of reality, determined by a combination of cognitive stereotypes of consciousness characteristic of a specific group of people.

The main sign of the concept of "mentality" is his belonging to a specific social or cultural group.Thus, in it initially laid the potential to be opposed to the mentality of another group. The opposition parameters may be cognitive and thought circuits and models, images and value guidelines.

You can talk about the mentality of the personality, group and the people (ethnos). The mentality of a specific person is due to the national, group mentality, as well as the personal development factors, its individual education, culture, experience of perception and interpretation of reality. These are personal mental mechanisms of perception and understanding of reality.

Group mentality is the peculiarities of perception of reality with certain social, age, professional, sexual groups of people. It is well known that the same facts of reality, the same events can be perceived differently and interpreted in different groups of people. So, it is known that players of the loser team tend to attribute the defeat with the influence of objective factors (a bad field, a biased referee, etc.), while observers tend to explain the defeat by subjective factors (they did not show the will, did not try, did not have enough speed and so on. ). There is a children's, male, women's "logic." There is a national mentality - a national way of perception and understanding of reality, determined by a combination of cognitive stereotypes of the nation. Miscellaneous national mentality can perceive the same subject situations in different ways. The national mentality is how it makes a person to see one and not notice the other.

The Russian mentality, for example, invariably records the humility of Asian women and does not notice the increased activity of their own, while Asians are primarily fixing the activity and even the aggressiveness of Russian women, to notice the humility and passivity of their own.

The understanding of the perceived is also largely due to the mentality. For example, an American at the sight of a rich man thinks: "Rich means intelligent." Russian in this case usually thinks "rich means the thief." The concept of "new" among the Americans is perceived as "improved, the best", in Russian - as a "non-repinny". Russian students understand the repeated explanation of the teacher of the same material as the desire to achieve a better understanding of these material, to help the disciple, and the Finns often think about such a teacher: "He considers us for fools."

The mentality is mainly associated with the estimated value sphere, the value aspect of consciousness. It evaluates perceived as good or bad, as representing the value corresponding to the values \u200b\u200bor not corresponding to it. For example, concept white crow assessed by Russian mentality negatively, as there is value - cattle, collectivism.

The national mentality is a national way of perception and understanding of reality on the basis of the stereotypes present in the national consciousness, finished thoughts, explanations of phenomena and events, the mechanisms of causal attribution. These are stereotypes thinking. Following the city of Maletsk, S. Dal allocates the following factors affecting the paradigm of thinking: the logic of thinking; The development of inductive and deductive, abstract and concrete thinking. It is believed that Western thinking built on Aristotelian logic is an analytical, linear, rational, while for Eastern cultures is characterized by the logic of the holistic, associative, affective. In Western thinking, inductive prevails, and in East - deductive start. Although the distance marks the same ability of Russian and Americans abstractly, the Americans have a tendency to more specific forms of thinking, rather than Russians.

Social, physical and communicative behavior are determined by the mentality. Moreover, the national mentality sends the dynamics of the formation and development of concepts. A number of studies confirms that there is a close connection between the mentality and the language.

Individual language identity is implemented at the level idiolesale Which is a "personalized" linguistic system of a particular communicant, with variations on the phonological, grammatical and lexical level. Each idiolet is unique as fingerprints of an individual. His character is influenced by many factors: gender, age, social position, place of residence, psychotype, physiological features, etc., which together form what is called individuality.

Idiolekny differences are manifested in the thinnest nuances of pronunciation and intonation, specific for this individual, selection of lexical agents, syntax features, etc. Even minimal units (sounds, letters and numbers) can acquire individual symbolic values \u200b\u200band associations. So, for example, Kafka admitted, which finds the letter TO "Abusive, even nauseous", despite the fact that it is "his" letter.

By virtue of cultural differences, idiothekny "mosaic" differs from one culture to another. The complex interweaving of the collective and individual in the language and speech causes additional difficulties in the MK. The fact is that it is often difficult to determine that the communicative behavior of the individual belongs to him personally, and what is a reflection of the national-specific features of the entire language team. As a result, when communicating representatives of different cultures, the features of an idiole identity can be communicated and mistaken to the rank of national-specific. This is exactly Mechanism of formation of stereotypes . On the other hand, national-cultural traits of behavior may be ignored on the basis that the representative of another culture does not identify them as generalized, but considers only a specific personality.

the combination of the most sustainable psychological qualities formed from representatives of the nation in certain natural, historical, economic and socio-cultural conditions for its development. In accordance with the methods of analysis, interpretation and collecting materials in the study of N.Kh. Highlights: cultural and historical, ethnographic and psychological approaches. The leading among them is the first, defending the principle of cultural or social determinism, according to which the differences in N.Kh. Different peoples are due to the influence of the cultural environment.

Initially descriptive concept "N.Kh." He performed the object of analysis of historians, philosophers, geographers, travelers, writers who used him to explain and characterize the psychology of individual peoples of the world, their style and lifestyle, morals, customs, behavior, etc. Traditions of first references to N.Kh. Go up to antiquity, to the works of Herodotus, Tacita, etc. Subsequently on the problem of N.Kh. The attention was also drawn to I. Gerder, D. Yuma, I. Kant, G. Hegel, as well as Danilevsky, V.O. Klyuchevsky, V.S. Solovyova, Berdyaeva, N.O. Lossky and MN.D., the result of which the psychological portraits of Russian and other peoples appeared.

Special, the most profound and comprehensive study of the phenomenon N.Kh. He found in the early 1920s in American psychological anthropology in the direction of the theoretical and methodological direction "Culture and Personality". The basis of the latter was the cultural determinism of the Boas school (Benedict -, M. MID -) and Neofreedism (A. Carderner, R. Linton, K. Dubua, I. Halloweel, etc.). Representatives of this direction believed that each culture had a specific, relatively sustainable type of personality, the identification of which (and therefore N.Kh.) is possible by studying the peculiarities and conditions of primary socialization of children. A prominent representative of this area of \u200b\u200bJ. Gorberon was headed by special studies N.Kh. The concepts of the "Basic Personal Structure" (Carderer), "Modal" (Linton), and later and "Multimodal Person" (A. Inkels, D. Levinson) were developed in their direction.

According to the provisions of these concepts, the properties of N.Kh. Take out of the "basic" or "modal personality". It was assumed that each culture forms his own, only her inherent in the basic personality structure, which is a complex of typical personal traits characteristic of people who have grown and educated in this culture. Descriptive ethnological methods were used to study the basic personality. Initial studies N.Kh. Restricted by the observation and ethnographic description of customs, traditions, life, lifestyle of peoples. In the future, ethnographic methods for collecting information were complemented by psychoanalysis, as the method of its main interpretation, as well as methods for analyzing documents (literary works, journalists, biographical descriptions, official materials, etc.). Psychological tests were widely used in later studies, incl. Projective (Test G. Murray - Tat, Test Rorschah, etc.), deep interviews, etc. Subsequently, the concept of "baseline personality" was supplemented (and subsequently replaced by the statistical concept of a "modal personality", which had the most commonly found in this culture (modal) Personality type detected using the results of psychological testing. And accordingly, N.Kh. It should have been associated with the frequency of distribution of types of modal personality in a particular society.

A. Inkels and Levinson, who expressed doubts about the existence of modal personalities, united for the entire modern society, a new concept of "multimodal personality" was proposed. In accordance with it, N.Kh. It may not be submitted by the only type of personality, but a number of "typical modal personalities", reflecting the specifics and features of various social and ethnic groups of a complex modern industrial society. As part of this area, studies have been implemented not only by dominant types of personality among representatives of cultures of tribal type, but also N.Kh. Representatives of complex modern cultures: Germans (frome -, W. Langer, E. Erickson -), Russians (Gorzer, M. Mid, Erickson, B. Kaplan, K. Clackon), Japanese (Clackon, Benedict), etc. by the end The 1950s direction "Culture and Personality" has undergone a deep crisis. Its main provisions were seriously criticized by psychologists, sociologists, ethnologists for identifying N.Kh. with the idea of \u200b\u200ba single personality structure for society; And also for the absolutment of intercultural and underestimation of intracultural differences.

Problem N.Kh. So far, continues to remain a discussion. There are different opinions about whether N.Kh. at all. Among psychologists and ethnologists who are affirmingly responsible for this question, there is no unity in the views regarding the nature, content and essence of N.Kh. At the initial stage of studying N.Kh. The disputes caused the problem of N.Kh. (social or biological). On the one hand, N.Kh. Considered as a predetermined genetically transmitted by inheritance from generation to generation. On the other hand, on the contrary, - as a phenomenon due to the socio-historical and cultural conditions for the development of the nation. For a long time, there were discussion questions about: a) uniqueness and versatility Damn N.Kh.; b) the ratio of N.Kh. With the character of each representative of the nation and prevalence, damn N.Kh. among the nation as a whole; c) predestination and variability of N.Kh. Recently, the concept of "N.Kh." It is less and less used in scientific literature. And the problems of the psychological peculiarities of different nations are investigated through the identification of basic values, ethnic stereotypes, installations, representations, etc., which are studied by ethnic psychology.

Western European national nature was formed under the dominant effect of an individual lifestyle, which led to the future, a combination with other factors, primacy of individual rights and interests. The specifics of the formation and development of statehood in the West, which consists in the fact that foreign conquest forced society to legally execute the relationship with the external force, to create states "out of themselves", clearly stipulate the rights and obligations, the competence limits of each of the parties. This contributed to the development of self-government mechanisms, formed a political culture of legitimate participation, dialogue, reduced distance between political institutions and political stakeholders, created the ability to control power structures.

The results of a comparative analysis of Western European and Russian characters are presented in Table 1.

Table 1


Western European national character

Russian national character

Type of thinking



The nature of perception of reality

Differentiated perception of reality, its crushing in parts, alternative picture of the world

Untifferentiated perception of reality, holistic coverage of objects, rejection of the pluralistic picture of the world

Attitude towards the environment


Emotionally sensual, idealistically intuitive

Attitude to power

Institutionalized to power as a source of order, legality

Sacralized attitude to power, preference of priorities, leaders in front of the institutions of power, attitude to power as a source, truth criterion

Attitude to right

Priority of law, law

Splicing of rights with morality, priority not legal, but moral and ethical principles and norms

The priority basis for the formation of a Russian national nature was the primacy of collectivist (patriarchacial-communal) and quasi-collestic forms of life, which led to the priority of collective rights and interests over personal. Russian statehood has developed ne."From yourself", a grew preferably "from above", ignoring the mechanisms of self-government, self-regulation, initiative, which made it difficult to form the political culture of legitimate civil and political participation.

The three most important categories form the value-semantic core of the Russian spiritual tradition, a national nature, which causes the unauthorized peculiarity of the Russian national culture, is Will, moral, truth, spiritual fraternity unity.

The whole course of Russian history suggests that the splitness of the Russian national type does not allow absolutization, the exaltation of any values, ideas, forms to the detriment of others, and requires their synthesis. Our social and existential being requires ideals, without which the Russian person is able to "walk to scotopamus", but their adjustment is needed, a kind of "grounding", the formulation of really achievable goals. Russian initially inherent in the values \u200b\u200bof compatibility, cobatriness, fraternity. Justice, the wisdom of state decisions is unthinkable without supporting on the legal basis.

Changeable historical, socio-political, psychological conditions contribute to the predominant manifestation and consolidation of some and relaxation of other properties, the features of a person, community. However, the national character is very stable. It is impossible to change it with administrative measures, mechanical planting of other norms, values \u200b\u200bof life, manner of behavior. Without climbing the roles and values \u200b\u200bof the genotype component in the national character, it should be noted that, being a psychological phenomenon, it changes, transforms together with the modification of social reality.

The transition to civilized market relations, the legal state will require not only the creation of a market economy with relevant infrastructure, but also a targeted formation of a number of new or substantial transformation of highly deformed old qualities, such as enforcement, morality, orientation for professionalism, discipline, independence, compromise ability , dialogue, tolerance.

The concept of national character

The national character is the set of the most stable for this national community of the characteristics of the emotional and sensual perception of the surrounding world and the forms of reactions to it. I am expressed in emotions, feelings, moods, national character is manifested in the national temperament, in many respects, due to the methods of emotionally sensual development of political reality, the rate and intensity of the reaction of political actors on the political events, forms and methods of presentation of their political interests, ways to deal with them Implementation.

Elements of a national nature were laid in the early, report stages of the Company's development. They served as an essential way of spontaneous, empirical, ordinary reflection of the surrounding reality. At the following stages of historical development, the political system of society is influenced by the political system of society, but its value-semantic kernel remains constant, although it is adjusted by political life, the regime, the system as a whole. In crisis situations, during periods of exacerbation of national problems and contradictions, certain features of a national nature can go to the fore, determining the political behavior of people.

It is believed that the national character is an integral element and at the same time the basis of the psychological warehouse of nation and national psychology as a whole. However, it is the interconnected and interconnected combustibility and emotional, and rational elements constitutes a psychological warehouse of a nation or a national character, which manifests itself and is refracted in national culture, the form of thoughts and actions, behavior stereotypes, which causes the specificity of each nation, its difference from others. I.L. Solonevich emphasized that psychology, "spirit" of the people are a decisive factor determining the originality of its state device. At the same time, the components, "the formulations of the nation and its special national warehouse character, us topunknown. But factthe existence of national peculiarities cannot be subject to anyone ... doubt. " The influence of the "spirit" of the people on those or other phenomena and processes is not always clearly traced, it is expressed in the form of adequate concepts and clear thinking structures, but it is nevertheless present, indirectly manifested in traditions, nests, beliefs, feelings, sentiments, Relationships. E. Durkheim gave one of the most detailed characteristics of the "Spirit" of the people as a totality of beliefs, feelings common to all members of society. In his opinion, the "spirit" of the people is constant in the north and south of the country, large and small cities, it is independent of vocational training, sexual peculiarities of individuals. It does not change with each generation, but, on the contrary, binds them among themselves. Man appearing in the activities of individuals, he, however, "there is something completely different than private consciousness," for "expresses the psychological type of society."

General social experience, the deep folk spirit is manifested even in such, it would seem, abstract things like mathematics. N.Ya. Danilevsky pointed to a well-known fact: the Greeks in their mathematical surveys used the so-called geometric method, while the scientists of the new Europe - the analytical method. This is a difference in research methods, according to N.Ya. Danilevsky, not by chance. It is explained by the psychological characteristics of the peoples of the Allensky and German-Romanesque types.

Noting the presence of a national identity, a specific warehouse of thinking and behavior, it should be emphasized that the study of "folk individuality" is associated with great difficulties. As N. Berdyaev rightly pointed out, in defining a national type "it is impossible to give strictly scientific definition." There is always something "incomprehensible to the end, to the last depth."

The concept of a national nature is not theoretical and analytic, but an estimated descriptive. For the first time, travelers began to use, geographers, ethnographers for the designation of specific peculiarities of behavior and lifestyle of peoples. At the same time, different authors invested in this concept of various contents. Some implied under the national character of the properties of temperament, emotional reactions of the people, others focused on social attitudes, value orientations, although the social and psychological nature of these phenomena is different. Due to the fact that the penetration into the essence of a national nature is carried out, according to S.L. Frank, "Only through a certain initial intuition", it has "too subjective coloring to qualify for complete scientific objectivity", which is inevitably turns around with schematics.

The listing and characteristics of those or other features of the people, the accentuation of its advantages and shortcomings is largely subjective, often vague, often arbitrary, due to the research interest of the author. The greater difficulty is connected with the definition of the priority of biogenetic or socio-historical foundations in the formation of a national nature, ways to transfer from generation to generation.

Allocation of specifying national traits affecting the perception of political ideas, values, the ratio of citizens to political institutions, the authorities to citizens, on the forms of political cooperation, the nature of the participation and activity of political actors, in addition to subjectivity in the selection and interpretation of historical material, has objective difficulties. They are related to the fact that discrete periods of historical development have a significant impact on the national character. Thus, the revolution of 1917 in Russia interrupted traditional ways, mechanisms for broadcasting experiences, traditions. According to the figurative expression I.A. Ilina, the revolution "broke the moral and state backbone" of the Russian people, "deliberately incorrectly and ugly spat fractures." Indeed, after the revolution, there was a refusal to national traditions, the conditions and mechanisms of their continuity changed qualitatively. But the other is true. The national character, together with other factors, has an opposite effect on the revolution, which causes a specific "Russian revolutionary style", making it "terrible and more limited" than revolutions in Western Europe.

National problems have long been a subject of versatile scientific research. The first serious attempts were presented within the framework of the school of the psychology of peoples in the middle of the XIX century in Germany (V. Wundt, M. Laprus, X. Steintal, etc.). Representatives of this scientific direction believed that the driving force of the historical process is the people, or the "whole spirit", expressing themselves in religion, languages, art, myths, customs, etc.

Representatives of the American ethnopsychological school in the middle of the 20th century (R.F. Benedict, A. Cardiner, R. Linton, R. Merton, M. MFA, etc.) focused on building a model of the "middle personality" of one or another national-ethnic Groups, highlighting in each nation "Basic Person" connecting the national identity traits and characteristic features of national culture for representatives.

Currently, it is impossible to allocate any holistic direction of studying a national nature. Its research is carried out in different contexts and from various conceptually theoretical positions. A rather complete classification of points of view on the national character gives the Netherlands scientists x. Diyker and N. Fryd.

1. National character is understood as a manifestation of certain psychological traits characteristic of all members of this nation and only for them. This is common, but already rarely found in science concept of a national character.

2. The national character is defined as a "modal personality", i.e. as the relative frequency of manifestation among adult members of any nation of identities of a certain type.

3. The national character can be understood as "the main structure of the personality", that is, as a certain sample of the person dominating the culture of this nation.

4. The national character can be understood as a system of positions, values \u200b\u200band beliefs separated by a significant part of this nation.

5. The national character can be determined as a result of the analysis of the psychological aspects of the culture considered in a certain, special sense.

6. National character is considered as an intellect, expressed in culture products, i.e. in literature, philosophy, art, etc.

In the domestic literature there are attempts to identify the essence of a national nature through the allocation of values \u200b\u200bdivided by the Russian people over the centuries. This approach is fruitful. Ethnosocial archetypes are reproduced from generation to generation mental stereotypes, stable behaviors, features of social globility, social temperament of the people, the specifics of its adaptation, orientation in the political sphere. Their presence is due to the long existence of leading forms of hostel, sustainable public recognition mechanisms, dominant forms of participation in socio-political life, the typical nature of the interaction between states and citizens. At the same time, ethnosocial archetypes, reproducing stereotyped mental and political installations, affect the functioning of political institutions, political and cultural media. In one historical period, inquultural education is inevitably introduced into the national character, they can get distribution, often quite wide, innovative elements. However, the components of the semantic nucleus of a national nature have great stability, although relaxed by temporary and other factors.

Thus, there is no single point of view in Western and domestic science and on the problems of forming a national nature. Some give priority to geographical factors, others - social. In some theories, the concept of national nature is determined through the features of general psychological traits inherent in this national community. In other concepts, the main emphasis is on the analysis of the sociocultural environment as a determining component in the formation of the features of the nation's psyche (A. Inkels, J. Leisison). It is believed that the nature of the nation is determined by the nature of the elite. It is the latter that is a national nature expressive, its essence. Part of the researchers came to the conclusion that there is no need for a special definition, since all theories ultimately be reduced to the psychologized interpretation of national culture (Lerner, Hardy).

The complexity of the scientific analysis of the problems of a national nature is largely due to the fact that empirical data and theoretical conclusions are often used in politics by those or other nationalist or even racist directions, movements, unions, forces to achieve their egoistic, narrowly nationalist goals, inciting hostility and distrust Peoples.

Despite the available modifications, in the studies of a national nature, it is possible to distinguish three main groups of scientists. Some authors focusing on the specificity, the uniqueness of each nation, structure the peoples on rigidly fixed and opposing national ethnic groups. Another group of researchers is inclined to believe that the very concept of "national character" is a fiction, a bossless hypothesis, deprived of a real objective basis, is purely ideological and therefore an unscientific category, fundamentally not verified, suitable only for speculative conclusions.

The third group of scientists occupies an intermediate position between two extreme points of view. They believe that the concept of "national character" has the theoretical and practical and political value, although limited by virtue of the large methodological difficulties of its empirical study and verification of the results obtained. At the same time, there are some kind of dominants in any nation, which suggests a national nature as an objective phenomenon of people's existence. Right was F.M. Dostoevsky, when she argued that "you can not realize much, but only to feel. You can know a lot unconsciously. "

The noted difficulties in studying a national nature do not exclude the fact that the national "spirit" is not as abstract, but as a "real concrete spiritual essence," as "something completely specific and really holistic" exists, and therefore gives back to "understanding and .. . After its internal trends and originality.

Studying the national character, it is necessary to keep in mind the following points. Firstly, any national character contradictory.As a holistic education, it combines a pair of opposites - good and evil, hard work and taciousness, freedom and operability, humility and riot, rigidity and compassion, etc. The elimination of some traits does not at all exclude the existence of other components that can neutralize the pair component. Reveal negative and strengthen the positive features of the psychology of the people - it means to reveal its most significant socio-psychological features. But none of them, taken by itself, is not absolutely unique. The structure of the psychological characteristics of the nation, the nature of the relationship between the elements is unique. All elements included in this structure are common inherent not only to this people, but also to many others. But here is the priority of certain traits, properties, qualities, the degree of their severity can fluctuate in a rather wide range. Therefore, we are talking about dominance, but not the undivided domination of certain features. An analysis of the psychological warehouse of the nation should include the basic psychological traits of the nation, dominant features, i.e., inherent in the most numerous groups within the nation, the degree of homogeneity (homogeneity) or heterogeneity (heterogeneity) of mental traits within the nation. The mental warehouse of the nation includes both relatively stable and temporary features, and the political situation can strengthen or, on the contrary, to weaken the degree of their manifestation. Within the framework of the national nature, it is also possible to talk about the specificity of mental traits of layers, groups, interlocks, regional and vocational education. Such an approach complicates the analysis, but makes it more objective.

Secondly, rashly look for the cause and see the "guilt" of an exceptionally national nature in the dominance of certain political and cultural traditions. He is as they make a story, a certain biogenetic predisposition, geographical factors, the nature of the socio-political system affecting the temper, habits, manners, a way of thinking, behavior of individuals. Not rejecting the presence of natural, genetically determined differences in the content of mental processes of representatives of various nationalities and the whole nation as a whole, we note that in the formation of the inconsistencies, interests, value orientation, the socio-political and cultural factors in the formation of the propensions, interests, value orientations, stereotypes of thinking and behavior. Those or other features are absorbed and produced in the process of interaction with the political system, other people. Thus, the national character, being a product of historical and cultural reservoirs imposed on each other, is formed to a greater extent influenced by the political relations of the past. It has a direct impact on the political behavior of people and mediated on the political system, which causes the direction, character, the pace of its transformations. In turning, crisis periods of national character largely determines the style of political behavior of the nation.

Third, National the nature of illegally evaluated on the scale "bad - good", "developed - undeveloped", etc.Even if experimental means it is possible to identify the degree of prevalence in one or other qualities in comparison with other national character. Such attempts are doomed to failure or inadequate understanding of the national character. Meanwhile today, as in the time of N.A. Dobrolyubov, sometimes two opposite opinions about the Russian people are expressed. "Some people think, - I wrote N.A. Dobrolyubov, - that the Russian man itself does not fit in itself, while others are willing to say that we have - that neither a man, then genius. " The Spanish Moralist of the 18th century Baltasar Gracian rightly remarked: each people, "even very enlightened", the people with positive features, "it is of its natural drawback", which "neighbors usually notice ... with a laugh or gloating." And therefore, every nation is "their sin, and there, and not pokes his other sin."

Fourth, National the character is not the magnitude of absolutely constant.He changes, although slowly. The idea of \u200b\u200bchanging the psyche was called by Ch. Darwin, Spencer. Modern psychologists, anthropologists, ethnographers on concrete facts proved that the structure of consciousness varies with history. In the 1930s, the thesis on the historical nature of the human psyche was experimentally proved by domestic psychologists L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Luria. Theoretically, and almost unlawful approval of the principled inviolability of any properties of a national character. The features that we perceive as the specific features of the national psyche are largely the products of certain historical conditions and cultural influences. They are derived from history, socio-political conditions and change together with them. As emphasized G.G. Spet, "It would be completely varying" understanding of ethnic psychology as "Explanatory"science in relation to history. On the other hand, the story also "only" by chance "can explain the or other phenomena of the People's Spirit, although, undoubtedly, it is the story" creates a substantive orientation of spiritual experiences of mankind ", it" establishes milestones that denote the path of the Spirit. " And therefore, less unilateral and erroneous is the statement that "the development of the Spirit" is explained by the "His story".

With the change in certain properties, the qualities of a national nature, with a certain time interval, the corresponding stereotypes about it are changed. Examples confirming this thought, quite a lot. So, at the beginning of the XVIII century, in Europe, many believed that the British are prone to revolutionary, radical changes, while the French seemed very conservative, "indecisive" people. However, one hundred years later, the opinion was diametrically changed: the British will hear the nation of conservative, with persistent traditions of stable democracy, and the French felt their inconsistency of the "Atlantic" model of public evolution, under which it is primarily implied by its Anglo-American branch due to the presence of a certain ethnic component in political history. , traditions. Or, let's say, at the beginning of the XIX century, the Germans believed (and they themselves share this opinion) an impractical people, prone to philosophy, music, poetry, but little capable of technology, entrepreneurship. But an industrial coup in Germany occurred, and new features were formed in the German national character, and the stereotype of the German's inability to entrepreneurship became hopeless anachronism. E. Fromm pointed out that European character evolved from "authoritarian, obsessed, accumulative" to the "market" with such leading values \u200b\u200bas wealth, business, economy, skill, professionalism. This does not deny the genetic predisposition, the social genotype of the ethnos. In his essential features, it remains, but functions differently in different historical, political, cultural contexts.

Political analyst E. Vitr gives the classification of the main factors affecting the transformation of the ESPS warehouse, highlighting the following components:

Elements of historical heritage, experience of the past, enshrined in the memory of living generations, as well as in historical documents, literature, monuments;

The set of conditions in which there is a nation, primarily the nature of the functioning of economic and political institutions, as well as the relationship between various social groups among themselves and with the institutions of power;

A combination of actions consciously undertaken to form a psychological warehouse of the nation. This is educational, ideological activities of the state, other socio-political forces, as well as educational impact in the framework of small public groups (family, neighbors, comrades, colleagues, etc.).

Fifth it is necessary to take into account the relativity of any ethnopsychological characteristics.Those or other judgments regarding the national characteristics expressed in the form of abstract opinions in general, without instructions with whom this national character is compared, only misunderstanding. Let's say such a quality of Russians as maximalism. Compared to whom the Russians look at maxima? Is such a statement correctly? Yes and no. If we assume that absolutely all Russian maximalists, then this statement is incorrect. However, it contains the proportion of truth in the sense that among the Russian maximets much more than, let's say, among Americans. Below we will conduct a comparative analysis of a Russian national nature with Western European, since "All Fabric of Russian Nature is different than Western Fabric" (N. Berdyaev). At the same time, it is necessary to remember that the Europeans themselves, unlike our vision of the West, do not consider the Western European nature of "monistic" and the difference between the Anglo-American and Continental European, Catholic and Protestant varieties. It is clear that only ethnopsychological characteristics are not enough to explain the political trends, traditions due to the pity, the unreliability of the experimental base, the significance of the implity element. At the same time, ethnopsycho-logical components should be studied, because they are not able to explain in the realities of both the past and the present.

Mental signs of Russian and Western European national characters

Russian national character is not just controversial, as well as any other, but polarized, split. The opposites in it are exacerbated to the extreme, are not the third united. ON THE. Berdyaev marked that the Russian people "the most apolitical, who had never sought his land" and at the same time Russia - the "state and most bureaucratic country in the world", everything in it "turns into an instrument of politics." In the Russian element, "truly there is some kind of national selflessness, sacrifice" and at the same time this is the country of "unprecedented excesses, nationalism, oppression of subjective nationalities, Russification". Russians are submissive, humble, but at the same time - "apocalyptics", "nihilists", Buntari, they have a lot of "chaotic, wild", the opposite side of their humility is "extraordinary Russian self-conceit". The Russian soul "Foreverly burns about the mountain and suffering from the people and the whole world," but it is "almost impossible to move from the place, so she relieved, so inert .., lazy ..., so unfortunately put up with his life." The desire for the "Angelic Holiness" is paradoxically combined with "animal beastness" and fraud. In Russian, according to S. Askoldov, from three human qualities: "Saint", otherwise of the scene, "human", that is, the social and "animal", that is, natural, - can be found only the first and last. The sincere thirst for the Divine Truth in Russian coexists with the "household and external integrated understanding of Christianity," far from the genuine religious faith.

The cause of polarity, the splitness of the Russian national type N.A. Berdyaev explained the disharmonium "courageous" and "feminine" began in it. This was written by V.V. Rozanov, Vl. Solovyov. The impassableness of these began inherent in an immature national nature. Disadvantage of masculinity, hardness of spirit, will, independence in the Russian people N.A. Berdyaev explains the underdevelopment of public classes in Russia, hypertrophy of the bureaucracy, the specifics of Russian autocracy. Thanks to the feminine component, the Russian "national flesh" has such qualities as mercy, soulfulness, softness, selflessness, patience, responsiveness, the ability to renounced the goods in the name of Light Faith, ideal. But the tough principle necessitated the "passive susceptibility" to good and evil, an excessive dependence on the "natural and collective elements", submission of violence, the "Rabbown" position, which, accumulating, causes deaf discontent, turning into the bounces, pouring out in the riots, With those who worshiped them. With the lack of "courageous" began in Russian national character, not all of its analysts agreed. For example, N.O. Lossky, on the contrary, believed that the Russian people, especially his Great-Russian branch, "highly courageous", in it "especially noticeably a combination of courageous nature with feminine softness." Yes, and himself N.A. Berdyaev stated that "the courageous spirit is potentially concluded in Russia."

The dispute does not understand the relationship of the "male" and "female" (in other interpretations, the Russian national type is associated with the children's start, the symbol of the minority), we note that the phenomenon of polarity, the splitness lie many factors. The location of the country where two types of civilization, crops was essential. Russian historian V.O. Klyuchevsky wrote: "Historically, Russia, of course, is not Asia, but geographically it is not quite Europe. This is a transitional country, meditally between the two worlds. Culture was inextricably linked her with Europe, but nature laid on her features and influences that have always attracted it to Asia or Asia attracted it. "

In Russia, they met, two civilizations crossed. Dualism of two worlds, crops led to the "conflict" type of Russian civilization. In the Russian soul there were two streams of world history - oriental and western, which are relatively independent regulatory systems that are not capable of splicing. They, according to N.A. Berdyaev, was not organically integral in nature, did not turn into a single will and a single mind, "confusing" in the shower. The crossroads between the East and the West, the intersection of two polar streams, mutually repeated, non-aging, but coexisting cultural traditions, began and led to the polarity of the Russian soul, its apocalyptism and nihilism, which "do not recognize the middle kingdom of culture." Hence that dryness, fussiness, speakingness, with which the Russian man is in a hurry to "declare themselves" in good or bad matter. As figuratively expressed on. Berdyaev, he "wants to quickly end or all, or anything." Russian polarity "the expression and in blackstone is equally found, and in Bolshevism. Extremely right and extremely left, we converge, as the same dark element, the same mixture of an unconscious and perverted apocalypse with nihilism. "

The polarity of the Russian national type is manifested in the "oblivion of every measure in everything", the developed need to "grab through the edge", to reach "to the last feature", "in a fooling sensation, reaching the abyss, to put half into it, look into the most abyss - in Private cases, but very often - to rush into it as a slam down head. "

In such fatal periods, according to F. Dostoevsky, the Russian man comes to the "convulsive and instant" self-denial and self-destruction, is capable of the most extreme actions, ready to break all the ties, relationship, renounced (family, customs, God), "burn All bridges. " In apocalyptic matches, aspirations by the end, the rejection of the middle culture should look for the source of both our historical accomplishments, uplings, the forces of spirit and falls, failures, spiritual diseases.

The situation of "whisening over the precipice", "walking around the edge of the abyss" creates in society a special atmosphere of tension 0 anxiety, fear, discomfort, exacerbates socio-economic and political problems, giving them special sharpness and tragedy, the feeling of a "close end", catastrophe. But it also creates conditions that stimulate spiritual creativity. In Russians, along with the tendency of self-destruction, self-denial, strong, maybe even more, impulses of self-preservation, self-position, self-healing, in which they show the same force, factories, rapidness. The Russian man, falling into absolutization of one of the opposites and wanting to negotiate, overcome it to the end, is experiencing an equally sincere need for another, she is opposed to the opposing part of the whole.

The need of negation, the destruction is sometimes the most important, saint, self-healing, the revival is powered by the "heroic" essence of Russians. The Russian man needs great affairs and accomplishments, such as destruction and creation. He will face gray, everyday, routine life. The creation of Russians is not different from the destruction of everything and everything, through public shocks, crises and cataclysms, when the public organism is close to death. The meaning of destruction is to sleep all the vague, ugly, unsightly. Only passing through great shocks, the victims, repentance people become capable of spiritual transformation, the revival of everything beautiful, to moral enlightenment. In this sense, the Russian soul, according to N.A. Berdyaeva, "Calesing to rejuvenation of death."

A characteristic feature of Western mentality is rationalism, orderliness, a tendency to formal, clearly defined, externally organized structures. "Latino-Romanesque culture man," P.E. wrote Astafyev, - strives and always ready to organize, crystallize in solid, precisely defined forms and economic differences, and human fraternity, and love, and respect. It is understood for him and almost attractive even the question of regulation, the codification of morality in a close sense is clear, so that the moral motives act in the shower under the general rules, in precisely certain forms, etc. " . A. Aksakov may be somewhat exaggerated, but very accurately characterized the rationalism of Western civilization. "In the west of the soul kill, -he wrote, - replacing the improvement of state forms, police improvement; Conscience is replaced by law, internal motivations - regulations, even charity turns into a mechanical case; In the West, the whole concern for state forms. "

Russian thinking "Absolutely anti-regionalistically," stated S.L. Frank. Anti-rationalism is not identical to blur, ambiguity, logical non-differation of spiritual life, does not mean the rejection of Russian exact sciences or inability to them. It is expressed in the irregularity of the limit, norm, in rejection of external forms, "organic dislike for any legality", indifference to the benefits, the results of their lives and activities. The anti-rationalism of the Russians found a vivid expression in oral folk art. The image of a fool, so typical in folk fairy tales, personifies the challenge to a sober calculation, common sense. Fool, estimated E.Trubetsky, is the favorite hero of the fairy tales precisely because in the "human mind he does not believe." His actions contradict everyday calculations, at first glance it seems stupid, but ultimately it is happier than his brothers who act as defined, coolly, thoughtful, planned.

Fullness, integrity, depth of the inner world, conscience, justice are of paramount importance for the Russian people. "Spirit", morality, personal conscience Russian puts above the impersonal legality, and the shower for him is more expensive than formal organization. P.E. Astafyev believed that for this reason, the value of "moderation and accuracy" will never be fundamental. Therefore, the Russian people "not organizational" in the sense of its inability and no closure to the highest organization, orderliness of life, not political, not legal and even, according to P.E. Astafieva, not social in his ideals and aspirations. "We will seek you carefully," N.A. stated Gradeskul, "but not for fear, and for conscience and by conviction ... Care of" soul "and about her inner" welfare "is our typical Russian concern." Conservatives and radicals were also distinguished by legal nihilism in Russia. Many of them rejected the constitutional state as foreign Russia. The rejection of legal began, mixing the right and morality is due to the peculiarities of the generic life of Russia.

Comparative analysis showed that an ethno-national factor plays an important role in the political process. However, with all conceptual modifications, it is considered generally recognized that the political process displays previously not allocated features of the actual interaction of political life entities, which has established not only in accordance with the intentions of leaders or programs of parties, but also as a result of the impact of various internal and external factors.

Ethno-national features identified as part of political psychology, the mechanisms and factors of the inclusion of the individual and the Group into the political process in the Russian socio-cultural environment have its own characteristics in comparison, for example, with Western European. Political attitudes, political activity, political orientation and positions, which largely absorbed a rich historical heritage are in many ways.

2.4. Political elite in modern society

Modern society can be characterized by various criteria (grounds): quantitative, age, national-ethnic composition, class affiliation, attitudes towards property, participation in power structures, etc. One of the grounds can serve as an indicator of the participation of certain social groups in the development of progress, The significance of their intelligence, will, organizational abilities, talent in the prosperity of the nation, strengthening statehood, ensuring national security, technical development and maintaining international authority. Following this approach, elite layers, as well as other, less active and even regressive parts, can be allocated in the structural formations of society. All of them manifest themselves in the political sphere and require special analysis.

Dictionaries contain quite different approaches to the concept of the elite, its place, roles in society, the formation procedure, functions and principles of shift. A lot of the ELITA problems in Russian socio-political and psychological science have appeared a lot in the last years. The question is actively studied about the political elite (see Afanasyev M.N.The ruling elites and the statehood of post-hundreds of Russia. - M.: Institute of Practical Psychology, 1996; Ashin G.K.Recruitment of the elite // Power. 1997. No. 5; Okhotsky E.Political elite and Russian reality. - M., 1996; Hama-Golutvina O.V.Political elites of Russia. Milestones of historical evolution. - M.: Intellect, 1998; Berezovsky E.V.The political elite of Russian society at the turn of the epoch: historical and sociological il.research: 2 hours. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1999, etc.).

At the same time, the psychological aspects of the genesis, the production and implementation of their authority powers of the political elite are not considered sufficient. The motives of the desire of people in power, to participate in it or to influence the distribution of power, whether between states or within the state between social groups enter into serious and versatile issues attributable to the field of political psychology.

The formulation of problems of the political elite has a long tradition, ascending to Platon (5 - 4 V. BC), Aristotle (4 V. BC. E.), N. Makiavelli (1469 - 1527). In the modern presentation, the theory of political elites is based on the ideas of V. Pareto (1848 - 1923), Mosca (1853-1941), R. Michels (1876-1936). Thanks to the first term "elite" first entered the scientific circulation of sociology and political science. His colleague Mosca operated on the concept of a political class. Michelsu owns the development of ideas about the rule of the tip and the rationale for the concepts associated with political parties and the oligarchy. They all tried to identify and systematize issues relating to the role of the ruling top in the political process, to make them the subject of special research.

There were no problems of the elite without attention and from Russian thinkers and scientists. Among them should be indicated such names as an outstanding political and scientific actor of Petrovsky times V.N. Tatishchev (1686 - 1750) - the division of society on managed and managers; One of the leaders of the Decembrist movement PI Pestel (1799 - 1826) - the dismemberment of society on the commanding and obee; Slavophil K. S. Aksakov (1817 - 1860) - Russian national specificity of the disgrace of the people from public administration; Philosopher and sociologist N.A. Berdyaev (1874 - 1948) is the pattern of the existence of an organized minority to manage society; Philosopher and political thinker I.A. Ilyin (1883 - 1954) - the dependence of the morality of politics from the prosecable, responsible and talented organizers.

The term "elite" means the best, selected, Favorites. For the first time it became for the evaluation characteristics of the best breeds of livestock, grain crops, land. Over time, this word began to apply to that part of society, in which respected, revered, rich, authoritative, well-known representatives of various social groups. But first of all, it concerned people from the highest layers of politics, business, art and military sphere. They belonged, from the point of view of participating in public administration, to those who could be called a direct subject of politics and power, who entered the structures of the institutions of the state, developed laws, participated in decision-making procedures, the implementation of the military and judicial policy of the state, determined his trading Climate and international relations. State institutes, political groups and parties, socio-political movements and organizations, all sections of civil society are the facility of the political elite.

Modern interpretation of the composition political eliteit implies that it includes not only the first persons of state power, but also those who directly ensures the normal legitimate functioning of this power on the scale of the entire state and in its various areas: representatives of the legislative, executive and judicial branches, advisers and experts, analysts and Heads of permanent organs in organizing elections, leaders of large political parties, associations and movements, etc.

Three main directions are traced in research literature estimates of the political elitein the overall structure of the Elite of the Company:

1) position -the influence of the representative of the political layer, depending on the place occupied in the system of power structures;

3) functional -the degree of entry into the subject to the field of political decision-making.

The last position is harmoniously combined with the concept of political leadership J. Blondee, which determined power as the ability of the "one person who is on top of making others to do that positive or negative that they would not do." Distinguish explanatoryand potential power.

The implied authority possesses the one, with whose intentions and actions can not be considered a rapid decision. The one who has power has potential power, but does not apply it. There are also distinguished direct, indirectand nominalinfluence. Direct influence implies direct participation in making a final decision; Indirect influence implies a direct impact on the finally decision. Nominal influence is an impact only on limited issues and at a certain time. The political elite most of all uses its weight and potential to implement indirect influence. The effect itself should also be considered both with a positive and negative point of view: stimulates whether the commitment of political acts or inhibits them. You can offer a more general - a systematic approach to classification or typing the political elite (see Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Classification of modern political elites

The political elite is a social community of heterogeneous nature, combined by the proximity of socio-psychological installations, stereotypes and behaviors, which possesses unity - sometimes relative - shared values. It is important to note that the real and declared standards of its behavior may vary significantly. The degree of internal cohesion of the elite depends on the degree of its social, national homogeneity, the dominant models of elite recruiting, the prevailing style of political leadership, the level of political culture, etc.

Among the reasons that cause the appearance and the existence of political elites,denote the most important:

1) psychological and social inequality of people, their unequal abilities, opportunities and desire to participate in politics;

2) the action of the law of division of labor requiring a professional work of management work as conditions of its effectiveness;

3) the high social significance of managerial labor and its corresponding stimulation;

4) the attractiveness of extensive opportunities to use management activities for social privileges;

5) the practical inability to fully fulfill comprehensive control over political leaders from the broad mass;

6) a certain passivity of ordinary citizens, various segments of the population in relation to political participation.

Resources used by the political elite,quite diverse and not necessarily have a political character. Social space is multi-dimensional, therefore, multidimensional sources of political capital can be enjoyed by elites: financial and economic, cultural, social, power, symbolic. They acquire the nature of political in the event of their use to influence the process of making political decisions.

The political elite is a smaller, but important part of civil society, for it is often a direct participant in the formation of the internal and foreign policy of the Hocy Darva's influential power in regulating political processes, determining the goals, choosing priorities and strategies for their implementation.

National character is the most elusive phenomenon of this. The living conditions and activities of any people, his culture, history and the like form a system of psychological characteristics peculiar to this people (ethnosu) and conscious as one of his signs. These psychological features usually concern a strictly defined circle of phenomena. Thus, the degree of conscious regulation of emotions and feelings is different: some nations behave more restrained, others are more "explosives" and immediately in the expression of their feelings and sentiment. Different role of certain types of activities in human life. For example, the European children are familiar with the game, and in children of some nations of Asia, Oceania, South America, where they are very early to participate in adult affairs, the game does not have such a meaning. Another example: the children of Muslim peoples are less often drawn, because Muslim religion prohibits the image of a person. According to A.A. Leontheva, anyone, to whatever ethnic, he believed, can think, perceive, memorize, absorb new information equally successfully. Therefore, the psychological peculiarities of a ethnos cover only such parties of the mental life of a person who are not the main mainstream. They only paint its activities in one way or another [Leontiev, 1998, p. 27].

It should be noted that the relation to the concept of "national character" is ambiguous. So, for example, according to A.A. Lentiers

wa, the very concept of "national character" is not quite successful. The scientist believes that it is possible to seek specific features and in personality, and in character, and in the flow of individual mental processes. Representatives of other peoples are often judged by the national character of one or another ethnos, attributing such features that are not really his distinctive feature. Not every German is accurate, not all Russian is good-natured or aggressive. This is most often not true of the differences of this people from others, but composite features of the image of this people in the eyes of other peoples [Leontiev, 1998, p. 27]. But there are other points of view. CM. Harutyunyan determines the national character as "a kind of national flavor of feelings and emotions, the image of thoughts and actions, sustainable and national traits of habits and traditions that are influenced by the conditions of material life, features of the historical development of this nation and manifest in the specifics of its national culture" [Arutyunyan, 1966 , from. 31]. N. Jandildin considers the national character as "a set of specific psychological traits that have become more or less inherent in one or another ethnic community in concrete economic, cultural and natural conditions of its development [Jandildin, 1971, p. 122].

The complexity and inconsistency of this concept emphasizes the terminological difference. ON THE. Erofeev speaks of an ethnic representation as a "verbal portrait or the image of someone else's people" [Erofeev, 1982, p. 7]. CM. Harutyunyan talks about the psychological warehouse of the nation, representing the "peculiar set of different phenomena of the spiritual life of the people" [Harutyunyan, 1966, p. 23].

Many researchers associate national characteristics with linguistic originality. It is in the form of language, in its semantics, vocabulary, morphology, the syntax is reflected in a certain extent psychology of a particular ethnos. The reflection of the language in the psychology of the people may have a two-way character: static and dynamic. The static aspect is the values \u200b\u200bof words, grammatical forms and structures, dynamic-in their use in the statement. According to V.G. Nut, all

the subject, any action has an innumerable number of features that are impossible, and there is no need to mention in the statement, since to identify the subject, a sign, actions of a sufficient one or two signs, on the basis of which in speech and the name is carried out.

In each language, its tendency is found in the selection of such signs, and therefore, even the same words are unequal used in speech. This trend may be externally determined, but it may be an arbitrary choice, which is gradually fixed in the language [Gak, 2000, p. 54]. French often uses in portable values \u200b\u200bof color designations. Since France is a color civilization, color notation is often used to distinguish between life elements. For example, many phenomena belonging to agriculture, to ecology, receive names with adjectives. vert.(green): espace Vert."Green space" (in the city: Square), revolution Verte."Green Revolution" (transformation in agriculture), Europe Verte."Green Europe" (agricultural agreements of the common market countries), etc. In Russian, the signs of sound sensations are different in more detail. In French speech, sound impressions are fixed less often, especially with the designation of movements and actions. In Russian vary hitand knock(Blow with sound); In French, they correspond to one word coup.Russian word the figurative sense means disorderly talk, cry, noise.French bazar.with metaphorical transfer means indiscriminate leapsfixing visual, not an auditory impression of the subject. When describing the situation, French gives preference to visual perceptions (movements, gestures) before the sounds. It is also relatively more often based in its nominations on color impressions. In French, the statement is often focused on the first person, to a lesser extent - to the second, whereas in Russian, often speaking, presented in the situation, are not marked in the superficial lexico-grammatical structure of the statement. Russian statement often takes the shape of an impersonal offer. To explain this fact, ethnops

creative and linguistic hypothesis. From the ethnopsychological point of view in these language forms, the peoples are "express". According to V.G. Gak, in France, individualism developed historically more, the withdrawal of people from each other. Hence the tendency to start your speech with "I".The Russian man, on the contrary, tries not to allocate herself, it seems to go to the background, preferring to use impersonal turns or structures in which the semantic subject is expressed indirect case. And this is associated with the well-known features of Russian history and social organization in Russia, the spirit of collectivism, etc. From a linguistic point of view, the personal form of French verb (except infinitive) necessarily requires to be, and in the first and second persons it is usually official pronouns that without verb are not Used. In Russian, a personal verb form can be used without pronouned even in the past time, where the verb form does not distinguish between the [Gak, 2000, p. 58-59].

Speaking of national character, you should also add a view of Yu.N. Karaulova: "The national character is determined not only and not primarily the language, since along with the language, one of the most important signs of the ethnos is the community of cultural values \u200b\u200band traditions" [Karaulov, 1987, p. 47].

Thus, to determine the psychological peculiarity of a particular ethnos, it is necessary to use the integration method of the study, the main sign of which is interdisciplinary. Interdisciplinary in relation to the study of a national nature thinks as a support for these psychology, ethnopsychology, cultural studies, philosophy, linguistics, communications theory, etc.