As A.N. Ostrovsky reveals the problems of human dignity in the drama "The Thunderstorm"? The problem of human dignity in the drama thunderstorm - the composition "The Dark Kingdom" and its victims

As A.N. Ostrovsky reveals the problems of human dignity in the drama "The Thunderstorm"? The problem of human dignity in the drama thunderstorm - the composition "The Dark Kingdom" and its victims

During his career, A. N. Ostrovsky created a number of realistic works, in which he depicted the contemporary reality and life of the Russian province. One of them is the play "The Thunderstorm". In this drama, the author showed the wild, deaf society of the district town of Kalinov, living according to the laws of Domostroi, and opposed it with the image of a freedom-loving girl who did not want to come to terms with Kalinov's norms of life and behavior. One of the most important problems raised in the work is the problem of human dignity, especially relevant in the middle of the 19th century, during the crisis of the obsolete, obsolete order that reigned in the provinces at that time.
The merchant society shown in the play lives in an atmosphere of lies, deceit, hypocrisy, duplicity; within the walls of their estates, representatives of the older generation scold and instruct household members, and outside the fence they portray courtesy and benevolence, putting on cute, smiling masks. NA Dobrolyubov, in his article “A Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom”, uses the division of the heroes of this world into tyrants and “downtrodden individuals”. The tyrants - the merchant's wife Kabanova, Dikoy are domineering, cruel, who consider themselves entitled to insult and humiliate those who depend on them, constantly torment their domestic reprimands and quarrels. For them, there is no concept of human dignity: in general, they do not consider subordinates as people.
Constantly humiliated, some representatives of the younger generation have lost their self-esteem, have become slavishly submissive, never arguing, not opposing, having no opinion of their own. For example, Tikhon is a typical “downtrodden personality”, a person whose mother, Kabanikha, has crushed his already not very brisk attempts to demonstrate character since childhood. Tikhon is pathetic and insignificant: he can hardly be called a person; drunkenness replaces him with all the joys of life, he is not capable of strong, deep feelings, the concept of human dignity for him is unknown and unattainable.
Less "downtrodden" personalities - Varvara and Boris, they have a greater degree of freedom. Kabanikha does not forbid Barbara to walk (“Take a walk before your time has come - you will still sit there”), but even if reproaches begin, Varvara has enough self-control and cunning not to react; she does not allow herself to be offended. But then again, in my opinion, she is driven more by pride than self-esteem. Dikoy publicly scolds Boris, insulting him, but thereby, in my opinion, belittles himself in the eyes of those around him: a person who takes family squabbles and quarrels to the public is not worthy of respect.
But Dikoy himself and the population of the city of Kalinov adhere to a different point of view: Dikoy scolds his nephew, which means that the nephew depends on him, which means that Dikoy has a certain power, which means he is worthy of respect.
Kabanikha and Dikoy are unworthy people, tyrants, corrupted by the unlimited power of their home, spiritually callous, blind, insensitive, and their life is dull, gray, filled with endless teachings and reprimands at home. They have no human dignity, because the person who possesses it knows the value of himself and others and always strives for peace, peace of mind; tyrants all the time try to assert their power over people, often mentally richer than themselves, provoke them into quarrels and exhaust them with useless discussions. Such people are not loved and respected, they are only feared and hated.
This world is contrasted with the image of Katerina - a girl from a merchant family who grew up in an atmosphere of religiosity, spiritual harmony and freedom. Having married Tikhon, she finds herself in the Kabanovs' house, in an unfamiliar environment for herself, where lies are the main means to achieve something, and duplicity is in the order of things. Kabanova begins to humiliate and insult Katerina, making her life impossible. Katerina is a mentally vulnerable, fragile person; Kabanikha's cruelty and heartlessness hurt her painfully, but she endures, not responding to the insults, and Kabanova all provokes her into a quarrel, puncturing her with every remark and humiliating her dignity. This constant bullying is unbearable. Even the husband is not able to intercede for the girl. Katerina's freedom is sharply limited. “Everything here is somehow out of bondage,” she says to Varvara, and her protest against the insult to human dignity spills over into her love for Boris - a man who, in principle, simply took advantage of her love and then ran away, and Katerina, who could not bear it further humiliation, committed suicide.
None of the representatives of the Kalinovka society knows the feeling of human dignity, and no one can understand and appreciate it in another person, especially if this is a woman, by household standards, a housewife who obeys her husband in everything, who can beat her in extreme cases. Not noticing this moral value in Katerina, the World of the city of Kalinova tried to humiliate her to its level, make her a part of her, drag her into a web of lies and hypocrisy, but human dignity belongs to the number of innate and ineradicable qualities, it cannot be taken away, which is why Katerina is not can become like these people and, seeing no other way out, rushes into the river, finally finding in heaven, where she has been striving all her life, the long-awaited peace and quiet.
The tragedy of the play "The Thunderstorm" is in the insolubility of the conflict between a person who has a sense of his own dignity and a society in which no one has any idea about human dignity. The Thunderstorm is one of Ostrovsky's greatest realistic works, in which the playwright showed the immorality, hypocrisy and narrow-mindedness that reigned in provincial society in the middle of the 19th century.

Three topics attracted special attention of Russian writers in the 50-60s of the 19th century: serfdom, the emergence of a new force in public life - the diverse intelligentsia, and the position of women in the family and society. Among these themes was one more - the tyranny of tyranny, the tyranny of money and the Old Testament authority in the merchant environment, a tyranny under the yoke of which all members of merchant families, especially women, were suffocating. The task of exposing the economic and spiritual tyranny in the "dark kingdom" of the merchants was set by A. N. Ostrovsky in the drama "The Thunderstorm".

The tragic conflict between Katerina's living feeling and the dead way of life is the main plot line of the play.

The drama presents two groups of inhabitants of the city of Kalinov. One of them personifies the oppressive power of the "dark kingdom". This is Dikoy and Ka-banikha. Another group includes Katerina, Ku-ligin, Tikhon, Boris, Kudryash and Varvara. These are the victims of the "dark kingdom", who equally feel its brute force, but in different ways express their protest against this force.

In terms of character and interests, Katerina stands out sharply from the environment into which she fell due to everyday circumstances. It is in the exclusivity of her character that lies the reason for the deep life drama, which

Katerina had to survive, having fallen into the "dark kingdom" of the Wild and Kabanovs.

Katerina is a poetic and dreamy nature. The caress of a mother who didn’t expect a soul in her, caring for her favorite flowers, of which Katerina had “many, many,” embroidering on velvet, going to church, walking in the garden, stories of pilgrims and praying moths - this is the circle of daily activities under the influence of which the inner the world of Katherine. Sometimes she plunged into some kind of waking dreams, like fabulous visions. Katerina talks about childhood and girlhood, about the feelings she experiences looking at the beautiful nature. Katerina's speech is figurative, emotional. And now such an impressionable and poetically minded woman falls into the Kabanova family, in a musty atmosphere of hypocrisy and annoying guardianship. She finds herself in an environment that breathes deathly cold and soullessness. Of course, the conflict between this atmosphere of the "dark ... kingdom" and the bright spiritual world of Katerina ends tragically.

The tragedy of Katerina's position is complicated by the fact that she was married to a man whom she did not know and could not love, although she tried with all her might to be a faithful wife to Tikhon. Katerina's attempts to find a response in her husband's heart are broken by his slavish humiliation, narrow-mindedness, rudeness. Since childhood, he was used to obeying his mother in everything, he is afraid to go against her will. Resignedly, he endures all the mockery of Kabanikha, not daring to protest. Tikhon's only cherished desire is to break free, at least for a short time, from the care of his mother, to drink, to go on a spree so as to "take a walk for the whole year." This weak-willed person, himself a victim of the "dark kingdom", of course, not only could not help Katerina, but simply understand her, and the spiritual world of Katerina is too complicated, high and inaccessible for him. Naturally, he could not foresee the drama that was brewing in the soul of his wife.

Boris, Dikiy's nephew, is also a victim of a dark, sanctimonious environment. He is much higher than the "benefactors" around him. The education he received in Moscow, at the commercial academy, contributed to the development of his cultural views and needs, so it is difficult for Boris to get along with the Kabanovs and the Wilds. But he lacks the character to break free from their power. He is the only one who understands Katerina, but he cannot help her: he lacks the determination to fight for Katerina's love, he advises her to submit to fate and leaves her, anticipating that Katerina will die. Lack of will, inability to fight for their happiness doomed Tikhon and Boris to "live in the world and suffer." And only Katerina found the strength to challenge the painful tyranny.

Dobrolyubov called Katerina "a ray of light in the dark kingdom." The death of a young, gifted woman, passionate, strong nature for a moment illuminated this sleeping "kingdom", flashed against the background of dark, gloomy clouds.

The suicide of Katerina Dobrolyubov rightly sees as a challenge not only to the Kabanovs and Dikim, it is a challenge to the entire despotic way of life in gloomy feudal-serf Russia.

Three topics attracted special attention of Russian writers in the 50-60s of the 19th century: serfdom, the emergence of a new force in public life - the diverse intelligentsia, and the position of women in the family and society. Among these themes was one more - the tyranny of tyranny, the tyranny of money and the Old Testament authority in the merchant environment, a tyranny under the yoke of which all members of merchant families, especially women, were suffocating. The task of exposing the economic and spiritual tyranny in the "dark kingdom" of the merchants was set by A. N. Ostrovsky in the drama "The Thunderstorm".

The tragic conflict between Katerina's living feeling and the dead way of life is the main plot line of the play.

The drama presents two groups of inhabitants of the city of Kalinov. One of them personifies the oppressive power of the "dark kingdom". This is Dikoy and Ka-banikha. Another group includes Katerina, Ku-ligin, Tikhon, Boris, Kudryash and Varvara. These are the victims of the "dark kingdom", who equally feel its brute force, but in different ways express their protest against this force.

In terms of character and interests, Katerina stands out sharply from the environment into which she fell due to everyday circumstances. It is in the exclusivity of her character that lies the reason for the deep life drama, which

Katerina had to survive, having fallen into the "dark kingdom" of the Wild and Kabanovs.

Katerina is a poetic and dreamy nature. The caress of a mother who didn’t expect a soul in her, caring for her favorite flowers, of which Katerina had “many, many,” embroidering on velvet, going to church, walking in the garden, stories of pilgrims and praying moths - this is the circle of daily activities under the influence of which the inner the world of Katherine. Sometimes she plunged into some kind of waking dreams, like fabulous visions. Katerina talks about childhood and girlhood, about the feelings she experiences looking at the beautiful nature. Katerina's speech is figurative, emotional. And now such an impressionable and poetically minded woman falls into the Kabanova family, in a musty atmosphere of hypocrisy and annoying guardianship. She finds herself in an environment that breathes deathly cold and soullessness. Of course, the conflict between this atmosphere of the "dark kingdom" and the bright spiritual world of Katerina ends tragically.

The tragedy of Katerina's position is complicated by the fact that she was married to a man whom she did not know and could not love, although she tried with all her might to be a faithful wife to Tikhon. Katerina's attempts to find a response in her husband's heart are broken by his slavish humiliation, narrow-mindedness, rudeness. Since childhood, he was used to obeying his mother in everything, he is afraid to go against her will. Resignedly, he endures all the mockery of Kabanikha, not daring to protest. Tikhon's only cherished desire is to break free, at least for a short time, from the care of his mother, to drink, to go on a spree so as to "take a walk for the whole year." This weak-willed person, himself a victim of the "dark kingdom", of course, not only could not help Katerina, but simply understand her, and the spiritual world of Katerina is too complicated, high and inaccessible for him. Naturally, he could not foresee the drama that was brewing in the soul of his wife.

Boris, Dikiy's nephew, is also a victim of a dark, sanctimonious environment. He is much higher than the "benefactors" around him. The education he received in Moscow, at the commercial academy, contributed to the development of his cultural views and needs, so it is difficult for Boris to get along with the Kabanovs and the Wilds. But he lacks the character to break free from their power. He is the only one who understands Katerina, but he cannot help her: he lacks the determination to fight for Katerina's love, he advises her to submit to fate and leaves her, anticipating that Katerina will die. Lack of will, inability to fight for their happiness doomed Tikhon and Boris to "live in the world and suffer." And only Katerina found the strength to challenge the painful tyranny.

Dobrolyubov called Katerina "a ray of light in the dark kingdom." The death of a young, gifted woman, passionate, strong nature for a moment illuminated this sleeping "kingdom", flashed against the background of dark, gloomy clouds.

The suicide of Katerina Dobrolyubov rightly sees as a challenge not only to the Kabanovs and Dikim, it is a challenge to the entire despotic way of life in gloomy feudal-serf Russia.

During his career, A. N. Ostrovsky created a number of realistic works, in which he depicted the reality and life of the Russian provinces contemporary to him. One of them is the play "The Thunderstorm". In this drama, the author showed the wild, deaf society of the district town of Kalinov, living according to the laws of Domostroi, and opposed it with the image of a freedom-loving girl who did not want to put up with Kalinov's norms of life and behavior. One of the most important problems raised in the work is the problem of human dignity, especially relevant in the middle of the 19th century, at the time of the crisis of the obsolete, obsolete order that reigned in the provinces at that time.

The merchant society shown in the play lives in an atmosphere of lies, deceit, hypocrisy, duplicity; within the walls of their estates, representatives of the older generation scold and instruct household members, and outside the fence they portray courtesy and benevolence, putting on cute, smiling masks. NA Dobrolyubov, in his article "A Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom", uses the division of the heroes of this world into tyrants and "downtrodden personalities." The tyrants - the merchant's wife Kabanova, Dikoy are domineering, cruel, who consider themselves entitled to insult and humiliate those who depend on them, constantly torment their domestic reprimands and quarrels. For them, there is no concept of human dignity: in general, they do not consider subordinates as people.
Constantly humiliated, some representatives of the younger generation have lost their self-esteem, have become slavishly submissive, never arguing, not opposing, having no opinion of their own. For example, Tikhon is a typical "downtrodden personality", a man whose mother, Kabanikha, has crushed his already not very brisk attempts to demonstrate character since childhood. Tikhon is pathetic and insignificant: he can hardly be called a person; drunkenness replaces him with all the joys of life, he is not capable of strong, deep feelings, the concept of human dignity for him is unknown and unattainable.

Less "downtrodden" personalities - Varvara and Boris, they have a greater degree of freedom. The boar does not forbid Varvara to walk ("Take a walk before your time has come, you will still sit there"), but moreover, if reproaches begin, Varvara has enough self-control and cunning not to react; she does not allow herself to be offended. But then again, in my opinion, she is driven more by pride than self-esteem. Dikoy publicly scolds Boris, insulting him, but thereby, in my opinion, belittles himself in the eyes of those around him: a person who takes family squabbles and quarrels to the public is not worthy of respect.

But Dikoy himself and the population of the city of Kalinov adhere to a different point of view: Dikoy scolds his nephew, which means that the nephew depends on him, which means that Dikoy has a certain power, which means he is worthy of respect.

Kabanikha and Dikoy are unworthy people, tyrants, corrupted by the unlimited power of their home, spiritually callous, blind, insensitive, and their life is dull, gray, filled with endless teachings and reprimands at home. They have no human dignity, because the person who possesses it knows the value of himself and others and constantly strives for peace, peace of mind; tyrants all the hour try to assert their superiority over people, often mentally richer than themselves, provoke them into quarrels and exhaust them with useless discussions. Such people are not loved and respected, they are only feared and hated.

This world is contrasted with the image of Katerina - a girl from a merchant family who grew up in an atmosphere of religiosity, spiritual harmony and freedom. Having married Tikhon, she finds herself in the Kabanovs' housing, in an unfamiliar environment for herself, where lies are the main means to achieve something, and duplicity is in the order of things. Kabanova begins to humiliate and insult Katerina, making her life impossible. Katerina is a mentally vulnerable, fragile person; Kabanikha's cruelty and heartlessness hurt her painfully, but she endures, not responding to the insults, and Kabanova all provokes her into a quarrel, puncturing her with every remark and humiliating her dignity. This constant bullying is unbearable. Even the husband is not able to intercede for the girl. Katerina's freedom is sharply limited. “Everything here is somehow out of bondage,” she says to Varvara, and her protest against the insult to human dignity spills over into her love for Boris - a man who, in principle, simply took advantage of her love and then ran away, and Katerina, who could not bear it further humiliation, committed suicide.

None of the representatives of the Kalinov society knows the feeling of human dignity, and no one can understand and appreciate it in another person, especially if this is a lady, by household standards, a housewife who obeys her husband in everything, who can beat her in extreme cases. Not noticing this moral value in Katerina, the World of the city of Kalinova tried to humiliate her to its level, make her a part of her, drag her into a web of lies and hypocrisy, but human dignity belongs to the number of innate and ineradicable qualities, it cannot be taken away, which is why Katerina is not can become like these people and, seeing no other way out, rushes into the river, finally finding in heaven, where she has been striving all her life, the long-awaited peace and quiet.

The tragedy of the play "The Thunderstorm" is the insolubility of the conflict between a person who has a sense of his own dignity and a society in which no one has any idea about human dignity. "The Thunderstorm" is one of Ostrovsky's greatest realistic works, in which the playwright showed the immorality, hypocrisy and narrow-mindedness that reigned in provincial society in the middle of the 19th century.

The drama of a thunderstorm opens before us the world of the provincial town of Kalinov. Its inhabitants are secretly divided into two camps: the first is Dikoy and Kabanova. They are representatives of the rulers, under whose oppression the rest of the characters sag. And the second - Katerina, Tikhon, Boris, Kuligin, Varvara and Kudryash. They are slaves to tyranny.

With her character and extraordinary mind, Katerina stands out strongly against the background of all the other heroes. And this is the main reason for the drama that she experiences, being a hostage of fate.

This young woman is a dreamer by nature.

And this is not surprising, since they brought her up in the caress of love and understanding. She is emotional, impressionable, she still dreams of magical dreams and expects only good and kind from life. Even her speech is characterized by imagery and emotionality. And such a light and sensitive man falls into this hornet's nest, where an atmosphere of hypocrisy, importunity and soullessness reigns.

The bright soul of Katerina stumbles upon the stakes of such an unhealthy situation and a tragedy occurs. The whole situation is complicated by the marriage of the main character, who, by the will of evil fate, turned out to be the wife of an unknown and unloved person. Moreover, she

He tries with all his might to remain faithful to his spouse Tikhon. All her aspirations to achieve an echo in her husband's heart are broken on the stones of his slavish humiliation, rudeness and stupidity. His complete and uncomplaining obedience to a cruel and domineering mother

Only one cherished desire raised in Tikhon - for a short time to break free from the mother's vigilant control and walk to his heart's content. He himself is a victim of this attitude. An emotional disabled person who not only cannot help his wife, but also understand her emotional impulses in an elementary way. Her inner world is incomprehensible to him, inaccessible and high. And his narrow-mindedness, of course, could not tell him that something unique would soon happen.

Dikiy's nephew, Boris, is also a victim of this unhealthy society. He, of course, is significantly higher in cultural development, but his character also does not allow him to rebel against such power. And with his soul he understands all the torments of Katerina, only he is not given to help the young woman. Fear of his benefactors does not allow him to fight for his beloved. He knows that the end of Katerina is near, but still persuades to bow his head before the dark power of power. The spinelessness of Boris and Tikhon dooms them to eternal trouble and torment. Only one weak woman, Katherine, challenges despotism in the face.

Katerina's suicide is not only a daring challenge to her tormentors, it is a glove thrown in the face of the despotism and tyranny that were the foundations of Russian society in the 19th century.