Soprano Turkish: Complex and a sultry man - what else is needed. "Soprano Turkish": "We don't even have a normal personal life where Valeria is nails from Soprano Turkish

Soprano Turkish: Complex and a sultry man - what else is needed.
Soprano Turkish: Complex and a sultry man - what else is needed. "Soprano Turkish": "We don't even have a normal personal life where Valeria is nails from Soprano Turkish

Today site tell about eight charming soloists of the team. Each girls have their own attitude towards people and work, as well as to the style of clothing and his own image on stage and in life. The site has prepared a small dossier for each of the girls so that the audiences before the meeting could get better with them.

Among those who wanted to get to the "soprano" turned out to be more than 200 talented and professional contenders. Among the obligatory requirements were: higher musical education, possession of different instruments, experience on stage and dedication to their work. As a result, 40 girls were selected with which professionals worked for 4 months. Not only vocal and external data of contenders, but also artistry, charismatic, experience in the scene, choreographic abilities, erudition and musical taste are taken into account. As a result, the team remains the best actors from different cities of Russia and the CIS countries.

Daria Lviv, Drive soprano

Brunette with a piercing look and deep, always memorable vocals was born in Ufa on June 22. He graduated from the music school in the Piano class, was engaged in vocals at the Ufa School of Arts, sang in the trio of academic choral singing "Orpheus".

About myself: Quick, but fair. "I am probably a maximalist for kind. To live - on a complete coil, love - forgetting about reality, work - so that the viewer who is sitting even on the last row, felt and heard every nuance of the concert. To be an artist and not give real emotions on scene, not to invest in what is happening - it is also impossible. Also in life ".

Olga Brovkin, Colutive Soprano

Olga in the "soprano 10" from the day of foundation. Crystal voice collective. Her talent was grinding first in a music school, and then at the Institute of Arts. Serebryakova and in the Moscow Academy of Choral Art at the "Calon Singing" department.

In the professional biography of the girl - the best places on musical competitions, work in opera entrepreneurship and solo career. Modern Turgenev lady with independent character, efficiency and bright personality.

The main thing for Olga in clothing and life is an individual. For example, the girl loves heel, but will not refuse semi-shoes without heels, mischievous ballet lips or colored sample.

Evgenia Fanfar, dramatic soprano

Beauty from Hollywood films, a stylish, distinctive singer with its exclusive picture of the world. Her voice is soft, like a moonlight, intriguing, like a mystery, causing, like love. And, of course, it is more appropriate for many more comparisons, but it is better to hear once.

Graduate Ram them. Gnesinic, before studying in one of the leading musical universities, the countries graduated from the Gnesin school, and also toured with a large children's choir. Popova. In her repertoire, the most diverse batchs, in the character - honesty and faith in a dream, and what in the soul - knows only she herself.

Life philosophy: "You need to be able to enjoy the moment. Yes, put long-term goals, think about the future, but do not forget that we live today, now, at that moment! Do not postpone on tomorrow, wait for Monday or Friday, the end of the university or the emergence of new work. . It is better to be called, Open-mind, to live with an open heart, enjoy touching trifles. "

Tamara Madebadze, Jazz Mezzo Soprano

This is a melted chocolate, early warm autumn and bright temperament. Elegance, luxury, and at the same time mischief and sense of humor always with her. And contact and unique flair for the hall was determined by the fact that the conference of Tamara always accompanies the performances of the art group.

The girl since childhood was very versatile - he wanted to become a chemist - inventor, and a dramatic actress. But one major love lived in her soul - to music. And the fact that Mama Tamara is a musician, also played his role and influenced her choice. Studies began in a music school, the first victories appeared on various musical contests. Further - the Institute of Contemporary Art in the class "Pop-jazz vocals". Parallel, Tamara worked in various musical groups.

Tamara does not particularly complain shoes on heels, but generally loves to walk barefoot on the sandy seashore.

Appreciates in relations between people honesty, sincerity, trust and, of course, attention: "Sometimes a short meeting, one call or even a few good words can do a lot. I sincerely wish everyone always to find time for your native people who need your society so much!"

Anna Kirolik, folk soprano

Is it possible for the voice to transmit the coolness of the green forest and the murmur of the stream, the durability of the summer night and the hill of the holiday? Yes, possibly. If it sings Anya.

Her musical career began in childhood when she mastered folk brass tools and piano. And he continued first in the Perm regional college of arts and culture, and then to RAM them. Gnesinic.

About happiness for myself says: "When food at speeds on the highway, one or friends, with music or in silence, in the rain or the sun beats - this is real happiness. It is at such moments that I feel absolutely free from bad mood, some prejudice, unnecessary obligations. . Approximately the same feelings experiencing on stage "

Victoria Wood, lyrical soprano

Thym-eyed beauty with a languid look loves web design, his friends and learn. It is positioning as a sociable, energetic and abmiciosis person. Victoria Neborn Muscovite, graduated from Ram them. Gnesinic.

Be sure to follow the emergence of new trends, showing, fashionable exhibitions. It believes that bright evening makeup for a woman is appropriate only for events. And in everyday life, it is still better to be genuine.

Lovely loves heels: "It's beautiful, gives confidence and charm. But, unfortunately, because of the profession, I am in constant touring traffic, so I can not afford to wear heels constantly. Therefore, most often I wear comfortable shoes.".

Valeria Devyatova, Soul-soprano

The owner of sensual sau-soprano was born in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky Kemerovo region. He graduated from a music school in classical guitar classes and vocals, as well as Ram them. Gnesins in the specialty "pop-jazz vocals". Since 2009, he was a soloist "soprano 10", but left an art group in 2011 for personal reasons. In the summer of 2013, returned to the team.

The girl loves beauty, photo, holidays and sad when it rains. It is important for it to live, and not exist.

Refers to fashion as a kind of entertainment. Prefers preference to a comfortable shoe, but if such shoes on heels, then it delivers a double pleasure.

Rogova Eveta, Soprano-Latino

Iveta was born on January 16, 1983 in the small town of Kola Murmansk region in a musical family. Grandfather was the head of the musical theater. It was he who instilled the girl love for music. At 10, she wrote her first song that brought success in the regional competition. Iveta received a prize of visual sympathies and a premium - electric iron (!), Became a home relic. When Evethele turned thirteen years, the family moved to St. Petersburg.

The Northern Capital, where the family moved, did not affect the hot temperament of the girl. In her voice - chic French cabaret, light jazz, ingratitude and sophistication.

The girl graduated from SPBGUK, the Faculty of "Music Art of Music Arts and Art Communication" on the specialization "Pop-jazz violin", "Pop-jazz vocals". He was filmed in the cinema, worked in Lenconcert, created a rock band, where his own songs sang. By the way, texts for many songs from the repertoire "soprano" - also her hand. Sneakers, boots and sneakers complement her styl. In the image for the event, harmony in everything is extremely important.

What do girls hide from the group "Soprano Turkish" for their beautiful voices? Especially for you, the site spoke with soloists and found out what they are doing in their free time and what prospects are waiting for their group in the future!

In addition to the voice, we have a musical taste and a unique image. We are ready to improve vocal, choreographic and acting skills every day. It is important for us to devote all my life to your work, since each of us loves the scene insensively! Thanks to her, we have the opportunity to communicate with a huge number of people through music!

All soloists are very different, each performer has its own timbre, vocals, experience. How do you manage to collect such dissimilar stories and combine in one song?

Our "chip" is in our uniqueness. Thanks to this viewer will never be boring. No artist will play a song as we. For 3 minutes we tell the stories of several people, and the whole concert turns into a small, but saturated female life. Each of us brings something to it, unique and present!

Tell us about your new program "S ... in a big city", which viewers will be able to hear and see on February 27 in Barvikha Luxury Village?

We have conceived a modern, non-standard and spectacular musical show with extraordinary choreography, video, symbolism - the game on the crest of completely different musical phenomena. A somewhat copyright prime minister will be performed at the concert! Nobody saw us exactly exactly.

Our program is not accidentally called ambiguous - "s ... in the big city." On the one hand, it immediately refers us to the heroines of the not-sensitive series "Sex in the Big City", where smart, beautiful, successful, but completely different women represent their history of life and love in the metropolis. On the other hand, "S" is bold, stylish, self-sufficient women! What are they? Strong, but vane, capable of love and openly talk about it. Sisters, daughters, mother. History of female self-sacrifice and passionate love through the opera and musical, jazz and latina, pop and rock compositions, favorite retro hairs and copyrighted essays!

Iveta Rogova (Soprano-Latino, Electroscripping):Each concert number we have a whole story of life! We do not sing "empty" songs - only the best, only tested music. Imagine, in one evening you will hear real opera voices, plunge into the atmosphere of the musical and hear the famous hits of three generations!

In our repertoire there will be music for every taste: it is both classic works, and jazz and cream pop music. Those who come to the concert for the first time will be pleasantly surprised by our repertoire, but also for loyal fans we have prepared a lot of new songs.

How is your music program? How is the selection of songs, rehearsals?

Valeria Devyatova (Soul Soprano):Every new concert program we are carefully planning: long rehearsing, analyze the experience of previous speeches, then we leave the most favorite and long-friendly public, but also include the premiere in the repertoire. Now we perform a lot of author songs.

Anna Kirolik (Folk-Soprano):We never turn off the process. It happens that the musical idea comes where you are not waiting for it, and begins to "absorb." Song like a child - it needs to be taken out, give the opportunity to convert within you and only then it turns out a really strong composition.

Iveta Rogova (Soprano-Latino, Electroscripping):We rehearse every day and in the process of creativity, many ideas are born collectively. Over the repertoire, we have a whole team: there is a sound producer who is engaged in the selection of the repertoire, but we are actively involved, we offer, and, of course, Mikhail Turkish is always there. We are open and ready for dialogue and creative proposals, both inside the team and beyond, the main thing is that the music is high-quality and worthy.

Recently, your group sielded specifically for patients of the Russian children's clinical hospital, how is it to sing for small patients?

Olga Brovkina (Soprano Coloratura):For children, we were not the first time. But every time this is a special event, very exciting. This is a huge honor and responsibility - to perform for the sick, and I better say, recovering children, such different, but fighting for our future and for our lives. They are strict and truthful viewers, ready to take sincerity, they are open and express their emotions directly and freely. When you look at the reaction and smiles of children, on how they are ready to go to dance, no matter what, as they believe in every word, in every note - give them even more - their emotions, their skill, voices! The more pleasant to receive applause, admiration, smiles and the desire to participate, go on stage. So I want to learn from the faith in miracles, endless strength, I want to look into the future as light, swollen eyes! Each of us wanted forces and health to each patient of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital, parents and doctors making such an important thing that makes wonders every day. Such a public road to our female heart! I hope we were able to give all inspiration and faith!

The idea to devote the upcoming big concert to children from RDKB occurred just after the speech in the assembly hall of the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital. We have entered these guys so much that we decided to direct funds reversed from the sale of tickets for their treatment.

Tell us about yours in life outside "Soprano Turkish". Do you communicate after rehearsals?

Anna Kirolik (Folk-Soprano):We are already like a family, because each other see more often than their closest relatives. Of course, we closely communicate with each other, work and rest together. Support each other in a difficult moment, and rejoice in success. Together we go to concerts, exhibitions, quests, in the gym and even in the bath! ".

Daria Lviv (Soprano-Energy):However, we have such a checked rule during long touring together - "Silence Hour". This is the time when we do not speak with each other - we take a voice to be in the evening to be in the best form. These are the paradoxes - we call each other when we are in different ends of the city or even the world, but we can silent alongside.

How do you spend your free time? Tell us about your hobbies and hobbies.

Anna Kirolik (Folk-Soprano):For me, the best holiday is a vacation in nature, a forest, a reservoir. Sometimes I just want to be alone and away from the bustle.

Eugene Fanfaro (Dramatic Soprano):I love cook very much, and it turns out that it works. I also had experience in movies. It was an unforgettable impression! I am so capturing the world of cinematography! I really want to learn how to manage the bike and still play the guitar. I love to work very much, I love the time that I spend there. But it happens such a tour of the chart, after which it is necessary to be completely in another biorhythm. You can be perfectly resting outside the city in nature, read the book, play with domestic pets, just be with you. Of course, I love to relax on the sea, soda in the sun, get acquainted with the new culture.

Iveta Rogova (Soprano-Latino, Electroscripping): To spend time with your relatives, read a good book, wander alone - all that with our life rhythm and the loaded chart is rare. I love to cook. Dietary desserts are preparing to girls, they like it. I draw portraits, doing successes in sports. Probably, many could do, but it is interesting only what is connected with my profession.

Tamara Madebadze (Jazz-Mezzo Soprano):We have a very tense schedule! Therefore, relaxing and restoring is simply necessary! On the weekend, first of all, I prefer to fall out. The mandatory program includes massages and other procedures to maintain beauty and health. Of course, I meet with my relatives, nothing can replace communication with loved ones! And I really love the sea and travel, but this rest can be afforded only on vacation. I dedicate all my life to music and scenic art, which includes not only singing, but also a whole range of skills and skills that need to be improved. In addition, any occupation takes time. To date, I began to master the saxophone!

Daria Lviv (Soprano-Energy):It is always dreaming of, of course, about the sea, sand, sun, but it is embodied in reality only once a year. We are looking for any opportunity to relax with relatives and loved ones. I love to take pictures, I think it turns out quite well.

Valeria Devyatova (Soul Soprano):In my free time I play on the nerves (laughs). The best holiday in the company of your favorite friends, and where and what to do - it does not matter, most importantly together.

Olga Brovkina (Soprano Coloratura):Find for yourself inventory, entertainment, interest is always simple, especially with so many travels and different places that we have happiness to visit. I love to embroider a cross, it calms down and I like the effect so much when the stitch behind the stitch appears something and beautiful. And in each element, time, attention, soul is invested. When you embroider, it is impossible to think about the bad! Recently, I am a car enthusiast - I want to learn how to ride well, I hope to show in this talent, which should be inherited from the dad! Other great passion - collectibles of shoes. We bring them from all trips. If I do not find souvenirs, I just buy yourself new shoes. Well, of course, the photo. I love my camera and telephone, I'm an avid user Instagram. I think this is the best way to capture the events!

Your team was formed by Mikhail Turkish in 2009 as the first vocal project. What has changed for these 5 years? Recently, you are playing the compositions known to everyone, are you going to continue to stick to this style?

Olga Brovkina (Soprano Coloratura):One of the most discussed topics is the change of the name and quantity of soloist. Initially, ten girls worked in the team, now seven. At the same time, we managed to preserve versatility in terms of the vocal capabilities of the team as a whole. We were less, but the quality of this was not injured. For a while we were looking for something unusual, some extraordinary paint, tried to work with different vocalists, experimented. Now in the project, artists remained from the first composition. Apparently, we are firmly "rushed." When there are 10 soloist team, within one concert, each difficult to present his talent to the fullest. Today we came to the fact that 7 is the perfect ratio.

Anna Kirolik (Folk-Soprano):2014 has become a turning point for us in a sense. Over the past six months, the team made a powerful jerk towards the author's songs and achieved high indicators. With its compositions last year, we performed at the festivals "New Wave" and "Song of the Year". Duet songs are also recorded with Stas Mikhailov, Alexander Revvy, Boris Moiseev, Sergey Mazayev, Oleg Gazmanov, Roberto Kelle Torres. Now we will probably focus on this, because to fulfill our music - it means to leave an even greater trace in history.

Eugene Fanfaro (Dramatic Soprano):Last year, the name of the project with the "soprano10" on "Soprano Turkish" was also modified. There are several reasons. The audience identified the figure in the title with the number of participants, although a dozen in the name of the team assumed the excellent degree in which the perfection of female votes was erected. When the number of participants in the project began to change, questions began to arise. Bearing in mind that there are world-famous Chooms of Pyatnitsky, orchestra Duke Ellington, the Choir of Turkish, in the end, our maestro came to the fact that the female project, like a male, should carry a certain distinguishing mark of quality, author's brand. So the name "Soprano Turkish" was born.

You are actively touring our country, give concerts, participate in photo shoots and other events; Share with our readers your beauty secrets in hard work?

Valery Natyatova (Soul Soprano):We are convinced that a woman, and even more so the artist should be beautiful, slim and healthy. We try to regularly play sports, go to the pool. By the way, this year should follow us during training can everyone - we decided to lay out photos from the sports club in our instagram: @sopranoturetskogo. This and it spurs and fans are interesting. Always watch meals, even on tour! In our dressing rooms you will never see harmful foods: sausages, carbonated drinks, buns, and, of course, alcohol. Only fruits, drinking water, cheese and fish.

Olga Brovkina (Soprano Coloratura):In fact, each of us has an individual approach to food and beauty, its secrets as to which products it is better to exclude to preserve the shape, which cosmetic procedures conduct other things.

Iveta Rogova (Soprano-Latino, Electroscripping):We strongly laid out on speeches, at rehearsals, too, we also experience significant physical exertion. In general, after the main composition of the group, "Soprano Turkish", has dropped 50 kilograms!

Who are your basic listeners - men or women? What city of touring tours I remember most of all?

Tamara Madebadze (Jazz-Mezzo Soprano):Oddly enough, both men and women love us. Often even wives invite their husbands to our concerts. We are not just singing girls, we are primarily artists with a serious professional musical education and experience in the scene. There is some balance, the face for which we do not leave. In a modern show business, where, unfortunately, all rates are made on aggressive sexuality, the attractiveness of a woman is lost. We do not adhere to this trend. We have something to say to your viewer and nothing should distract him from the main thing!

  • the site wishes soloists creative success. And you the team "Soprano Turkish" invites to the show "S ... in the big city"!

Before the concert in the Voronezh theater of the Opera and Ballet, three soloists "Soprano 10" collective - Iveta Rogov, Victoria Wood and Valeria Devyatova - talked to journalists. Iveta answered questions, two other girls clarified the facts relating to their personal creative path.

The "Soprano 10" team exists the fifth year. When he was not, Mikhail Turkish said that he dreams to create a female choir "Non-clear panties", dreamed of raising the plank of female performing skill at the stage. But it was difficult to get into the team "soprano 10"?

Iveta Rogova: - It was a hard selection, more precisely, even shooting. Requirements were a higher nowhere - naturally, higher musical education, possession of at least English, instruments, the presence of its manner of execution, its style. It is desirable that the experience of concert activity is. Plus scenic appearance. Until now, if someone comes to casting a large, but very talented, he is offered to lose weight. We are all the current soloists weighing no more than 60 kg. In addition, all the current soloists are the winner of all-Russian musical competitions. I won the violin and composer competitions, in romance, although I am not a romance singer, I had my own jazz group in St. Petersburg. Threesome - the winner of beauty contests in their cities, I am in St. Petersburg, Valeria - in Kemerovo. We are all from different cities of Russia. When they drove to the casting to Moscow, it was not easy to break away, because each of us in my city was one of the best vocalists.

Victoria Wood: - I was easier for me in this regard, I am from Moscow.

- The composition of 4 years changed?

Iveta: - We have a major eight. We have all girls aged 21 to 35 years old. Vika - new; The girl who was before her got married, went abroad. Lera was from the very beginning, she just left for a while, and then returned.

- Can you take back?

Iveta: - Turkish - such a person who breaks up with hard frames, in this regard he is a conservative. Even when angry, threatens, but if he understands that the man is talented, then there is a guarantee. We are all humans.

Vika: - To be brand new. For a long time you enter the material, you need to cover everything that you have worked for 5 years. And repertoire of a hundred works Each soloist is obliged to know the izubok.

- What are you fined for?

Iveta Rogova: - For lateness, fined. Recently was a fine for 5 thousand rubles. We have a rehearsal every day - 6-8 hours. It is choreography, director, scenery, fitness, choral and solo singing. It is impossible to be late. If there is no tough discipline, we will dissolve. This is vital at our pace of work. Now there were 43 concerts in two months.

- Isn't it hard in the women's team?

Iveta: - We do not have a female team in the usual sense of the word. In us, greatly male start. No one will stand with a curve gun from behind the corner. We have the opportunity to negotiate through logic. And on the stage, we are becoming stronger than the male "Chora of Turkish" energetically. This is also feeling the audience.

- During four years, constant listeners appeared, fans?

Iveta: "We have a fan from Moscow, she goes for us by cities, gives flowers. And generally give a lot of things. Recently, the cake was presented with the inscription "Soprano 10" in Perm, local production. Dariille darilies in Orenburg. Most often, something local is presented, then what is known to the region beyond.

- Can the program change from the concert to the concert?

Iveta: - Changes depending on the well-being soloist. We all sing alive. If there are batchs that require special physical intervention, we remove these works. The concert lasts 2.5 hours.

- What is Mikhail Turkish as a leader?

Iveta: - demanding, reasonable, fair, emotional. He is an artist and producer in one person. From this and easy, and difficult at the same time. If the producer began his beginning says to act rigidly, according to the rules, no one regret, then the creative thing is that these are women, they are talented, they can have their own problems. It will be true that Mikhail Turkish is hot-tempered, but waste.


Mikhail Turkish, the leader and founder of the Turkish Choir of Turkish, popular around the world, came to the conclusion, he would like to cover a powerful layer of world vusical literature, excelled exclusively for female votes. So the idea of \u200b\u200bfemale choir appeared. After a thorough casting, which passed 200 vocalists from different cities of Russia, he selected 10 outstanding votes. So...


Mikhail Turkish, the leader and founder of the Turkish Choir of Turkish, popular around the world, came to the conclusion, he would like to cover a powerful layer of world vusical literature, excelled exclusively for female votes. So the idea of \u200b\u200bfemale choir appeared.

After a thorough casting, which passed 200 vocalists from different cities of Russia, he selected 10 outstanding votes. So the team of "soprano 10" was born, where every soloist is a "vocal diamond" with uncommon actors and musical data.

"In these girls fall in love in five minutes after they start singing. And in all characteristics - visual perception, repertoire, the range of capabilities - the Art Group "Soprano10" - became a unique phenomenon on the Russian stage.

"Soprano" presents all existing women's singing voices: from the highest (coloratura soprano) to the lowest. Each soloist represents its own style of singing: from academic to folklore and pop-jazz. In one concert of the art group "Soprano Turkish", a classic and rock, jazz and disco, fashionable modern music and retro hits sound.

Girls managed to speak at the "Song of the Year" festivals, "New Wave", "Slavic Bazaar", "Five Stars". In the professional biography of the project - annual tour tours in Russia and abroad (USA, Canada, Switzerland, Israel, etc.), recording 6 albums, music video clips, love and recognition of the public.

Over time, several soloists left the team. By 2016, only eight remained out of 10 people. For this reason, the head of the collective decided to make adjustments to the name. From it disappeared the figure "10". The new name is "Soprano Turkish."

The repertoire policy has changed. Leaving in the program vocal classics, the group began to execute the author's songs and remove the original clips - which increased the popularity of the group.

At the beginning of 2017, a clip was released on the song "One for All". The team participants starred in scenes with different men. The song previously became a Soundtrack television show "One for all", in which all women's roles perform actress Anna Ardova.


Daria Lviva, Drive soprano. Brunette with a piercing look and deep, always memorable vocals was born in Ufa on June 22. He graduated from the music school in the Piano class, was engaged in vocals at the Ufa School of Arts, sang in the trio of academic choral singing "Orpheus". "I am probably a maximalist for kind. To live - on a complete coil, love - forgetting about reality, work - so that the viewer who is sitting even on the last row, felt and heard every nuance of the concert. To be an artist and not give real emotions on scene, not to invest in what is happening is impossible. Also in life. "

Olga Brovkin, Colutive soprano. Olga in the "soprano 10" from the day of foundation. Crystal voice collective. Her talent was grinding first in a music school, and then at the Institute of Arts. Serebryakova and in the Moscow Academy of Choral Art at the "Calon Singing" department. In the professional biography of the girl - the best places on musical competitions, work in opera entrepreneurship and solo career. Modern Turgenev lady with independent character, efficiency and bright personality. The main thing for Olga in clothing and life is an individual. For example, the girl loves heel, but will not refuse semi-shoes without heels, mischievous ballet lips or colored sample.

Evgenia Fanfar, dramatic soprano. Beauty from Hollywood films, a stylish, distinctive singer with its exclusive picture of the world. Her voice is soft, like a moonlight, intriguing, like a mystery, causing, like love. And, of course, it is more appropriate for many more comparisons, but it is better to hear once. Graduate Ram them. Gnesinic, before studying in one of the leading musical universities, the countries graduated from the Gnesin school, and also toured with a large children's choir. Popova. In her repertoire, the most diverse batchs, in the character - honesty and faith in a dream, and what in the soul - knows only she herself. Life philosophy: "We must be able to enjoy the moment. Yes, put long-term goals, think about the future, but do not forget that we live today, now, at that moment! Do not put it on tomorrow, wait for Monday or Friday, the end of the university or The appearance of new work. It is better to be, what is called, Open-mind, to live with an open heart, rejoice in touching trifles. "

Tamara Madebadze, Jazz Mezzo soprano. This is a melted chocolate, early warm autumn and bright temperament. Elegance, luxury, and at the same time mischief and sense of humor always with her. And contact and unique flair for the hall was determined by the fact that the conference of Tamara always accompanies the performances of the art group. The girl since childhood was very versatile - he wanted to become a chemist - inventor, and a dramatic actress. But one major love lived in her soul - to music. And the fact that Mama Tamara is a musician, also played his role and influenced her choice. Studies began in a music school, the first victories appeared on various musical contests. Further - the Institute of Contemporary Art in the class "Pop-jazz vocals". Parallel, Tamara worked in various musical groups. Tamara does not particularly complain shoes on heels, but generally loves to walk barefoot on the sandy seashore. Appreciates in relationships between people Honesty, sincerity, trust and, of course, attention: "Sometimes a short meeting, one call or even a few kind words can do a lot. I sincerely wish everyone to always find time for your relatives who need your society so much. ! "

Anna Koroleik, Folk-soprano. Is it possible for the voice to transmit the coolness of the green forest and the murmur of the stream, the durability of the summer night and the hill of the holiday? Yes, perhaps. If it sings Anya. Her musical career began in childhood when she mastered folk brass tools and piano. And he continued first in the Perm regional college of arts and culture, and then to RAM them. Gnesinic. He says about happiness for himself: "When the food at speeds on the highway, one or friends, with music or in silence, in the rain or the sun hits the eyes - this is real happiness. It is at such moments that I feel absolutely free from bad mood, which -To prejudice, unnecessary obligations. Approximately the same feelings experiencing on stage "

Victoria Wood, lyrical soprano. Thym-eyed beauty with a languid look loves web design, his friends and learn. It is positioning as a sociable, energetic and abmiciosis person. Victoria Neborn Muscovite, graduated from Ram them. Gnesinic. Be sure to follow the emergence of new trends, showing, fashionable exhibitions. It believes that bright evening makeup for a woman is appropriate only for events. And in everyday life, it is still better to be genuine. He loves heels: "It is beautiful, gives confidence and charm. But, unfortunately, because of the profession, I am in constant touring roads, so I can not afford to wear heels constantly. Therefore, I don't wear comfortable shoes."

Valeria Devyatova, Soul soprano. The owner of sensual sau-soprano was born in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky Kemerovo region. He graduated from a music school in classical guitar classes and vocals, as well as Ram them. Gnesins in the specialty "pop-jazz vocals". Since 2009, he was a soloist "soprano 10", but left an art group in 2011 for personal reasons. In the summer of 2013, returned to the team. The girl loves beauty, photo, holidays and sad when it rains. It is important for it to live, and not exist. Refers to fashion as a kind of entertainment. Prefers preference to a comfortable shoe, but if such shoes on heels, then it delivers a double pleasure.

Rogova Iveta, Soprano Latino. Iveta was born on January 16, 1983 in the small town of Kola Murmansk region in a musical family. Grandfather was the head of the musical theater. It was he who instilled the girl love for music. At 10, she wrote her first song that brought success in the regional competition. Iveta received a prize of visual sympathies and a premium - an electric iron, which became a home relic. When Evethele turned thirteen years, the family moved to St. Petersburg. The Northern Capital, where the family moved, did not affect the hot temperament of the girl. In her voice - chic French cabaret, light jazz, ingratitude and sophistication.
The girl graduated from SPBGUK, the Faculty of "Music Art of Music Arts and Art Communication" on the specialization "Pop-jazz violin", "Pop-jazz vocals". He was filmed in the cinema, worked in Lenconcert, created a rock band, where his own songs sang. By the way, texts for many songs from the repertoire "soprano" - also her hand. Sneakers, boots and sneakers complement her styl. In the image for the event, harmony in everything is extremely important.

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Playboy. Have you been accustomed to compliments from men for a long time?

Anna Koroleik It is impossible to get used to it! And seriously, I get compliments not only from men, but also from women, because a woman leads to our concert. It is much more important to like it! And it turns out that (smiles).

Ekaterina Murashko We are very pleased with the presence of a large number of men on our speeches. And recognition of fans in life and on our pages in social networks. This flatters, I do not argue. Personally, I am pleased that many viewers come to our concerts with families and couples. It's fine! And this suggests that the repertoire of Soprano is diverse. In addition to world hits and songs dedicated to the strong half of humanity, there are purely maiden "suffering" in our piggy bank. I noticed with what pleasure women often sing to us. They are always emotional and responsive. Many thanks for these emotions! And I know a couple of cases when a man and a woman met each other on our speeches.

All of us with characters, but we try to maintain each other, smooth sharp corners

Playboy. What exactly should not say a man to interest you?

Valeria Devyatova That he is Azart and loves an unjustified risk!

Playboy. Have you met our love yourself?

Valeria Devyatova A fate with my love brought us! Suddenly, strongly, powerful. And covered with head. We performed at one closed event and completely challenged. The young man stood like the inspected and began to drill me with a look. I thought: "What arrogant, thinks that I should lose the gift of speech from his gaze." I looked like, as if I did not notice it. That day he told his best friend: "This girl will become my wife" ... We gave a concert and went urgently. A month later, my future chosen one had to organize one event. At this evening, Soprano were chadliners. I ran down with a temperature, and I could let me go from this speech, but for some reason I said: "No, I will perform." We met him again, and after that he did not let me go.

Beach, sea, sun and a sultry man - what else needs a woman!

Playboy. They say women's friendship does not happen. Do you often quarrel?

Evgenia Fanfar My character is sufficiently explosive, sometimes, without understanding, I can block firewood (laughs). With girls we have long been friends. They know that I'm quick-tempered, although leaving. All of us with characters, but we try to support each other, smooth sharp corners, which is very important "in a multi-master team."

Playboy. A couple of years ago, you recorded a song with Arthur Pirogork. Did you like this experience? And where is new joint work with the stars pop scene?

Daria Lviva Joint work with Sasha Revil turned out to be positive and sunny. Beach, sea, sun and a sultry man - what else needs a woman! We stayed delighted. And, of course, we work on new projects. A joint clip was released with Philip Kirkorov on the song "You are all you need." And soon you will find a new surprise.

Playboy. Last year, for the World Hockey Championship, you, together with the fetisov and proviny quail, "Coward does not play hockey." And where is a similar song to the World Cup?

Ekaterina Murashko Sport theme is one of the most beloved for us. Many of us are not only actively playing sports, but are fans and fans of sports teams and individual athletes. Clip "Coward does not play hockey" was our experiment. And, judging by the reviews, successful. After all, even for the strong spirit of athletes, support is so important! Since then, we have repeatedly had the honor to fulfill the anthem of Russia on significant sports. It is a great honor for us! I will not disclose all the cards, but soon the fans of football also waiting for another surprise from the Soprano Art Group ...

Playboy. It happened at least once that I wanted to leave the scene without finishing the concert?

Anna Koroleik There was a moment when zipper on the dress was separated, but even at the same time - you are an artist, singer, should go to the end! I spent the song. The dress did not fall, thank God. I held his hand ... In such a situation, as our maestro says, this is an element of the show (laughs).

There was a moment when zipper on the dress was separated, but I spent the song

Playboy. You almost fell to Eurovision 2017, stopping in one step from participating in the competition. Will you continue to strive to get to EUSUNG?

Anna Koroleik Of course, yes, and we are working on it! To date, this is the purpose of the number one for our team.

Playboy. Who would you dream of singing a duet?

Valeria Devyatova With sting.

Playboy. What was the last time you lacked money?

Ekaterina Murashko I always try to distinguish my budget and live on the tools, do not wait for what I can not afford. But once in his life exhausted its limit. And I had no money even on food. Oh, this cherished salary day! He approached for too long. Thank God, no more such situations arose!

Girls are so subject to wishes! Who knows what will happen in 5 years?

Playboy. What recently seen movie made you make sure?

Daria Lviva "Born in the USSR". A documentary telling about 20 heroes born in 1983 in different parts of the Soviet Union. On the shooting they were invited every 7 years to trace life against the background of social and political changes. 4 tapes were removed in which its participants 7, 14, 21 and 28 years old. Brilliant film. Looks at one breath. It is simply impossible to tear off. In general, it is interesting what it is like to live and know that the whole country recognizes about your life. This is such a responsibility!

Playboy. What do you see yourself in 10 years? Or at least after 5, so as not to run so far?

Ekaterina Murashko Some moments that depend only on me, I can assume. After 5 years, I will finish education in the class of pop-jazz singing in the RAM. Gnesinic. The plans to complete a linguistic education, because the proposal to work in such a stunning team turned the scales in the study of languages. This is about creativity and education. Well, in life ... I see myself high, slim and blue-eyed blonde (laughs). But the girls are so susceptible to change! Who knows?