Sports and colds: how to combine them? Exercise during a cold.

Sports and colds: how to combine them?  Exercise during a cold.
Sports and colds: how to combine them? Exercise during a cold.

It is possible to go in for sports with colds, runny nose and other diseases, but only according to a facilitated program, since the body fights against pathogens, and the additional load on the muscular system worsens the situation. If you go to the gym with a cold, exercise hard and do fitness, the positive effect on the healing process decreases. Therefore, it is not recommended to exercise and do vigorous exercise when you are sick until the cold is completely gone.

With a cold, there is an increase in the production of the hormone cortisol, due to the destructive effect on muscle tissue. Cortisol is a hormone that is produced in large quantities for colds, characterized by the destruction of proteins and muscle fibers. Cortisol is produced in large quantities when exposed to the following factors:

  • overwork (after training);
  • fear;
  • stress;
  • starvation;
  • colds, tonsillitis and other diseases.

But this hormone also performs a useful function of attracting nutrients. When you are sick, the body needs building materials, which are amino acids and glycogen. The hormone is involved in the breakdown of proteins into amino acids, and glucose into glycogen. In this case, the body is stocked with building materials required for its recovery after ARVI.

Going in for sports if you have a cold is possible, but not worth it, there is no positive dynamics in this. Sport does not improve the condition. In addition, the action of the hormone cortisol is not beneficial during physical activity, but only contributes to the destruction of muscle mass. Therefore, training, going to the gym to exercise is not worth it.

Above the Neck Rule

Among avid athletes, there is a rule called "above the neck". The peculiarity of this rule is that you can go in for sports to train in a rocking chair for a cold if the symptoms of the disease appear above the neck. That is, if you have a headache, teeth, throat, stuffy nose or inflamed tonsils, you can do it. The only unknown is the name of the founder of this rule, which will inevitably lead to various complications if it is observed.

To understand why it is not recommended to adhere to the “above the neck” rule and train for colds, consider what the lymphatic system is. So, the lymphatic system is presented in the form of lymph nodes and other small vessels. These vessels are filled with lymphatic fluid, which takes an active part in the elimination of toxins and harmful substances. In a normal state, when a person is healthy and nothing hurts, the lymph nodes are invisible, but if viruses attack him, then these nodes increase in size.

Enlarged lymph nodes indicate the predominance of pathological processes. They increase, creating a kind of barrier for viruses so that they do not spread to other organs and systems, this indicates that there is an active fight between leukocytes and microbes.

If, with a cold, with symptoms such as nasal congestion, cough, headache, play sports, exercise and exercise, then the infection will spread throughout the body. This is due to the fact that the lymph nodes will not be able to create a barrier during exercise, so the virus will spread throughout all organs and systems. It is recommended that you undergo a course of treatment for a week and lie down at home, then, when the cold subsides, start hardening your muscles.

Sports at temperature

Colds, SARS, tonsillitis are often manifested with the development of high body temperature. Moreover, the temperature value depends on the complication of the disease, but often the thermometer mark reaches 38.5-39 degrees. In this case, people who seek to train and play sports simply cannot do this. Why? The reason is that with the development of such a temperature, there is complete impotence and weakening, a sore throat, chills. In addition, the person is shivering, and if the temperature is not brought down, it can be fatal. What to do in situations if the temperature is maintained at 37 - 37.2 degrees, and the whole body aches and hurts?
The situation suggests that the fight against infection is being carried out. A temperature of 37 - 37.2 degrees and a sore throat is even worse than 38 or 39, since this temperature cannot be knocked down by anything. It is also forbidden to go in for sports for patients with a temperature of 37.2 degrees or with a runny nose.

Often a temperature of 37 degrees is caused by the following diseases:

  • hepatitis;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • asthma;
  • tuberculosis;
  • angina.

Symptoms that cause the development of 37-degree body temperature arise under the influence of various serious diseases. Therefore, instead of playing sports at a body temperature of 37 degrees, and even with a runny nose, you should rush to the hospital: treat your throat, SARS and other colds.

How to recover quickly?

If, in spite of everything, with a cold you rushed to go to the gym for training, then it is important to know that for a speedy recovery it is necessary to reduce the load by half. Reduce training time to 40 minutes. Drink plenty of water in small sips during exercise. The water should not be cold, so as not to provoke complications.

If you still want to play sports, then it is important to give preference to the following types of exercises:

  • running on the track;
  • step aerobics;
  • meditation;
  • stretching;
  • fitness classes.

With a cold, sports activities that require strong physical exertion, deadlift, bench press and squats are prohibited. You cannot show your maximum for a cold, so it is better to leave these loads until complete recovery. If you feel a deterioration in health while doing fitness and performing other exercises, then you should stop the exhaustion of the body and consult a doctor.


After the cold subsides, the throat stops hurting and the doctor confirms your recovery, you can go to the gym and start exercising. Before doing physical activities, you should find out some points:

  • You should not do heavy exercises right after a cold, for example, run 20 km or bench press 100 kg.
  • You need to start with lightweight exercises, because the weakening has not yet passed, and the body will be in a similar state for about 7-10 days.
  • To accelerate the strengthening of the body, it is necessary to avoid physical exercise, drink vitamins, and strengthen the immune system. Otherwise, if you try to exercise and exercise 100% immediately after recovery, it will negatively affect your health.
  • After 1-2 weeks, you can return to the previous types of loads and go to the gym. It is recommended to do this gradually so as not to disrupt the recovery process.

If it is common for a person to engage in regular physical training, then he is prone to rare manifestations of diseases or diseases that are mild. Sport strengthens not only the muscular and cardiovascular system, but also the immunity and the musculoskeletal system. Regular physical activity helps to increase the immune system's resistance to various ailments.

If you love to run, jogging in the morning for 30 minutes can increase your chances of not getting a cold. Even if you get sick, with the right treatment approach, the cold will pass in a mild form and will not provoke complications. To say “no” to a cold forever, you must not only regularly exercise and run, but also temper yourself, maintain proper nutrition, and give up bad habits.

In rare cases, sports can act as the cause of the development of a cold. But such cases are isolated and are explained by the fact that a person simply overloads the body to the fullest, not giving it rest. In this case, immunity decreases and the body reacts to any negative factors.

Now you know why you shouldn't go in for sports when you have a cold. And if your health is dear to you, then it is better to start with drug treatment of the disease, and then start training.

When we get involved in daily sports, taking breaks during illness is difficult for us. Especially if it's just a slight discomfort and it seems that nothing terrible will happen if we go for a run or look into the hall. Sometimes it really isn't scary. Sometimes it's even useful. And sometimes it can lead to much more sad consequences than a week break.

But there are situations when a long break in classes is very undesirable (for example, before a competition). And it is for such cases that the “Above the Neck” rule exists.

Most coaches do not advise to go in for sports during even mild ailments. But how many people - so many opinions.

"Above the neck"

The rule is very simple. If your symptoms are above the neck and in a mild form - a runny nose or sore throat - then you can do it. With a slight runny nose during sports, the nose ceases to be blocked. Some especially desperate ones even go for a run with a runny nose (when it just started) in order to disperse the blood and stimulate the immune system. Avid runners say it helps them a lot.

If the symptoms of your cold are below the neck - coughing, shortness of breath, or upset stomach - it's best to skip class. Add muscle aches and fever to this list. Not only can you be contagious and the people around you will get sick, but you will also aggravate your condition.

Edward Lasovski, an expert at the Mayo Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic, recommends resuming exercise after a severe cold and flu only a few weeks after the symptoms have cleared.

Yes, exercise temporarily relieves nasal congestion and stimulates your immune system. But this does not mean that exercising will shorten the duration of a cold. At least so far this has not been proven by any of the clinics that are engaged in such research. I immediately remembered a popular saying - “If you treat a runny nose, it goes away in a week. And if you do not treat it - in seven days. "

What is the best way to start classes?

You need to do it at half strength and cut the duration of classes by half. If during the first 5-10 minutes you feel better, you can slightly increase the load. If you feel mildly unwell, it is best to stop exercising and rest. During intense exercise, your body releases certain hormones that lower your immunity and make you even more susceptible to other infections.

Moreover, with strong physical exertion, a mild cough can develop into bronchitis or pneumonia!

Let me remind you once again that you can only do it if you just have an ailment in the form of a slight runny nose or sore throat. Better yet, check with your doctor or coach.

This topic is very, very controversial, and I have not yet heard unambiguous answers. Therefore, first of all, you should think with your head and listen to your state. Not a single competition or lost kilogram is worth the dire consequences that can follow training in a sick state.

The answer to this question seems obvious: if you are sick, then all the forces of the body should be directed to fight the infection. However, for many people, exercise is a deeply ingrained habit, so they need to know if they can continue to exercise while they are sick without hurting themselves.

When we are talking about any serious ailment, of course, you cannot train ... A similar question usually arises when a person, for example, has a cold - an unpleasant, but not so dangerous condition.

Cold training: the "neck rule"

Although not much research has been done on the topic, many scientists, according to Thomas Weidner of the University. Ball, adhere to the time-tested postulate, which is also called the "rule of the neck." Its essence is that usually patients can calmly exercise if all the symptoms are "above the neck": for example, a runny nose, sneezing, sore throat.

But in the presence of symptoms "below the neck" (say, muscle pain or chest cough), as well as in case of high fever, it is better to be careful.

Workout: with a cold, like without a cold

Weidner himself carried out a couple of unusual studies in the late 1990s, infecting volunteers with rhinovirus (commonly referred to as the common cold) in one of the few attempts to study this issue in a controlled experiment.

Weidner first infected 45 volunteers; the next evening, their throats began to hurt, and all the full-fledged symptoms of a cold appeared on the third day of the experiment. At the peak of their illness, the subjects underwent a series of tests on a treadmill. Comparing their results with those of the control group, whose members were not infected with the virus, the scientist, to his surprise, found no difference. All indicators (running results, lung function and other physiological reactions) were identical. In other words, if you catch a common cold, it will not affect your athletic performance .

The second time, Weidner infected 50 volunteers, divided them into 2 groups and forced the first to do physical exercises every other day for 40 minutes at such an intensity that the heart rate was 70% of the maximum allowable, and the second allowed them to hurt calmly.

No differences were found in the severity or duration of the disease between the two groups.; however, according to subjective feelings those who were exposed to physical activity felt slightly better .

“Although I have been doing my experiments for a long time, no one has yet undertaken research that would disprove their results,” says Weidner. (This, however, is not surprising: it is not so easy to recruit a group of volunteers who want to be infected with the common cold!)

There is a wealth of anecdotal evidence to support Weidner's claim that light exercise during a cold improves the patient's well-being ... This is explained in different ways: by clearing the airways, improving blood circulation, or simply by the fact that a person experiences positive emotions.

To date, it has been precisely established that moderate exercise stimulates the immune system and one study even showed that a single 45-minute run on a treadmill helped mice fight off the virus. So it looks like being physically active during an illness may indeed be beneficial. Or at least playing sports during a cold certainly does not worsen the patient's condition.

How to Exercise When Ill: Infographic from Precision Nutrition

A well-known project, based on scientific evidence, shifted the recommendations of scientists on training for sickness into an infographic. We have translated the most important illustrations for you.

Recommended activities when you feel mildly ill or have a cold: walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, qigong, tai chi, yoga. Activities that are not recommended: heavy weight training, endurance training, HIIT, sprint, team sports, extreme temperatures.

A short intense workout will not bring any benefit, the most beneficial for the immune system - training of medium duration (40-50 minutes) and low or medium intensity, worsens the condition and has a bad effect on immunity - a long workout with a high load.

How to exercise (and whether to exercise at all) on the 1st-4th day of a cold:

First day of illness... With symptoms: sore throat, cough, snot - it is recommended to train at low intensity. If you have the following symptoms: headache and joint pain, chills, diarrhea, vomiting - it is not recommended to practice.

Second day of illness... If chills do not appear and the symptoms "above the neck" have not worsened, it is recommended to do a light workout for 30-45 minutes without weights, indoors, pulse up to 150 beats / min. If there is a fever, increased cough, diarrhea or vomiting, it is not recommended to exercise.

Third day of illness... In the absence of chills and worsening of the previous symptoms, you can conduct a training of medium intensity for 45-60 minutes, pulse up to 150 beats / min. If negative symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting, chills) persist or worsen, do not exercise and see a doctor.

Fourth day... Symptoms of the disease are waning - take a break from classes for a day, then return to them. If the symptoms on the 4th day have not diminished and new ones have appeared, consult a doctor.

From Zozhnik's editorial board, we consider it important to add: if you have contracted an infection of a viral nature, do not rush to practice in places where healthy people congregate, so as not to pass on the "baton" of the disease further - it is better to load yourself alone (and in moderation!)

Is it possible for a cold? This question probably worries many fitness enthusiasts, professional athletes and all those who, in one way or another, devote at least a few hours a week to training. In our article, we will tell you in detail whether playing sports is useful or harmful during and also during the rehabilitation period.

Sports for colds: such different opinions of doctors

Let's agree that we are talking about the so-called amateurs, since professionals, whose whole life is devoted to training, doctors categorically forbid to train during a cold. And if we talk about the bulk of visitors to gyms and fitness clubs, then the opinions of experts are divided. It used to be believed that during ailments, headaches, nasal congestion and other symptoms accompanying a cold, you should not exercise. The body is already weakened during the illness, it does not need additional stress. Other experts believe that sports during a cold (training as usual) will not affect recovery in any way: it will not slow down, but also will not speed it up. Nevertheless, doctors are unanimous in one - physical activity during an elevated temperature is categorically contraindicated. Also, the training itself should take place in a lightweight mode. That is, if before the illness you spent, say, an hour and a half in the hall, during it it is better to limit yourself to 40 minutes - an hour.

Training for serious ARVI courses

Above, we answered the question of whether it is possible to play sports with a cold. Nevertheless, the disease of the disease is different. And if the doctor claims you have the flu, you are not allowed to enter the gym for the purpose of training until you are fully recovered. Moreover, it is with the flu that complications are possible, including the lungs, kidneys, and heart. The body is already trying to defeat the disease, giving it all its strength, and, believe me, now it is definitely not up to training, even if after taking medications you feel more or less cheerful. And the moral aspect of this action is that you are sick, that is, you risk infecting other visitors to the gym, since the places for playing sports (of course, if you do not have one in your own home) are still considered public.

Exercising During Illness: What You Can Do To Recover Faster

So, you feel weak, but you are not going to cancel the trip to the gym. In this case, you should remember that the intensity of your workout should be reduced by 40-50%. This also applies to the time of its implementation, and the physical activity itself. Also, during illness, you should pay special attention to the consumption of clean water - you should drink every 10-15 minutes, this will increase sweating and support your body. During illness, you should give preference to aerobic exercise - jogging, step aerobics, and so on. Yoga and stretching classes are also recommended. But it is better to leave heavy dumbbells and weights for later - you still will not reach the strength indicators that you had before the illness. Accordingly, almost everyone can play sports with a cold, but this should be done very carefully, carefully observing their own well-being.

Activities during the recovery period

When your sick leave is closed, you can go back to the gym and start your workouts again. But there are also several nuances here. Firstly, your body is still weak, and those records that you set before the illness, for example, easily running 15 km on a track or lifting a hundred-kilogram barbell, are now unlikely to be up to you. Doctors recommend returning to sports loads gradually, increasing their pace over time. A complete recovery of the body will take place in 2-3 weeks. You will again be able to repeat the program that you followed before the illness. Sports after a cold is shown for absolutely everyone - both for beginners who have just come to the gym, and for those who have been practicing for years. Exercise also helps to go through the recovery period faster. Also at this time it is recommended to pay special attention to nutrition: drink vitamins, eat more vegetables and fruits, as well as lean meat. It is especially important that you have enough vitamin C in your diet.

What sports are great for strengthening the immune system

Having considered the various opinions of experts on whether it is possible to play sports with a cold, we will also tell you about what kind of physical activity strengthens the immune system and helps not to get sick at all. Here is a list of those areas of fitness, which, according to doctors, the best way to promote health and longevity:

  • yoga classes;
  • aerobics;
  • stretching - regular stretching;
  • tai-bo - intense with elements of oriental martial arts;
  • tai chi - a type where all exercises are performed slowly and smoothly, this type of fitness has no age restrictions and is suitable for absolutely everyone;
  • water aerobics - exercise in water.

By doing these types of fitness, you will improve your health and, possibly, forget about the flu and cold. This is especially important for residents of Russia, where epidemics of these diseases occur almost every year in the autumn-winter period.

Biologically active additives

Of course, in order for your body to return to normal, it is best to drink a course of any vitamins after an illness. Their choice is simply huge. But there are sports supplements that can help you feel better in the first days after the illness. For example, L-carnitine. In addition to its well-known properties (we are talking about burning fat), this substance is a powerful antioxidant. That is, taking L-carnitine after an illness will support every cell in your body and fight free radicals. Also, echinacea extract is a powerful natural immunostimulant. Take it 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. You can buy the drug at a pharmacy, it is inexpensive - about 40 rubles per pack.


In the article, we examined whether it is possible to play sports with a cold, cited the authoritative opinions of doctors about under what symptoms physical activity is not harmful, and when it is best to refuse them. One way or another, the decision to continue training is best made on your own, focusing on your own well-being. And, of course, in no case go to the gym with a fever or overpowering yourself. So you will only harm the body, slow down the healing process and, as a result, will not be able to resume classes for a long time.

If you lead an active lifestyle and are constantly involved in sports, then you must definitely know the various nuances. Sport is good for health, it allows you to improve your figure, and it also strengthens the immune system, increases the protective functions of the body. But is it possible to play sports with a cold? This question arises for many, but not everyone knows the answer to it.

Opinion of doctors

If we consider the opinion of doctors, then experts unequivocally answer the question of whether it is possible to play sports during a cold, negatively. The fact is that during this period, the human body is already struggling with the causative agent of the pathological process, and excessive load can have a negative effect.

Other doctors, on the contrary, do not share the point of view of their colleagues, they are sure that in case of colds, you can go in for sports, but only in a light mode. At this time, the human body is actively fighting the disease, and small training will not have a negative impact. However, they will not do any good either.

But all doctors agree that exercising for colds does not have a beneficial effect on the healing process. For this reason, you should not engage in vigorous physical exercise until the moment when the body has completely recovered.

What happens in the body when a person plays sports with a cold

When a person performs training, engages in active exercises for a long period, then his body after them may remain weakened for a certain period. This is because it may take some time for the muscular system to fully recover.

If after active sports, for example, after running, jumping, heavy exercise, immediately go outside into the cold, then you can easily catch a cold. This is due to a decrease in protective properties. For this reason, colds and sports are incompatible.

During colds in the body, there is an active release of the hormone cortisol. This substance has a destructive effect on the structure of muscle tissue. The hormone is produced in high quantities in pathologies that are accompanied by the destruction of proteins and muscle tissue.

Cortisol production is increased when the following conditions are involved:

  • fatigue, overwork after doing vigorous exercise;
  • a feeling of fear;
  • stressful situations;
  • frequent fasting;
  • diseases of a different nature.

But if we consider the answer to the question of whether it is possible to play sports when you have a cold, then it is worth noting that exercise is not prohibited, but it will not have a positive effect on health.

The hormone cortisol, which is produced by colds, does not benefit your health when you exercise. On the contrary, this substance will only worsen the condition, it will have a destructive effect on muscle tissue.

Contraindications for sports for colds

If you are a non-professional athlete, then you definitely need to know the answer to an important question - is it possible to train with a cold? Professionals always arrive under the constant supervision of experienced doctors who determine whether or not they should exercise.

There are contraindications for which you should not perform sports exercises:

  • exercise during a cold should not be performed if there is a strong body temperature. This condition indicates that there are inflammation processes in the body. And it is not advisable to go in for sports with an inflammatory process;
  • flu. During it, the body is severely depleted, while the recovery time can take about two months. Also, after recovery, you should not do the exercises for another two weeks. The main danger of influenza is that the disease can provoke serious complications - heart and kidney problems;
  • sports are contraindicated for colds, if there is a cough, especially if it is of the chest type. With severe cough syndrome, doctors should not exercise;
  • you should not perform training in the presence of pain and aches in the joints, muscle tissue, bones;
  • strong decrease in strength. You should not burden the body if it is depleted, this will negatively affect the general condition.

Sports for health promotion

It has been scientifically proven that regular exercise can reduce the risk of catching colds by up to 50%. Experts explain this by the fact that physical activity has a strengthening effect on the immune system, increases the level of leukocytes in the blood.

Colds and exercise are considered unrelated concepts, but it is worth remembering a list of types of exercise that will help prevent many colds:

  • daily jogging in the morning in the fresh air, they can be replaced by half-hour walks;
  • aerobics. These workouts should be performed once every 2 days;
  • yoga;
  • stretching exercises;
  • tai chi. This is a slow Chinese gymnastics that is suitable for people of any age category;
  • water aerobics.

Rules for combining sports and colds

So is it possible to do fitness for a cold? If the pathological process is of a mild nature, and there are no contraindications, then you can do exercises.

But it is worth following a few rules that can prevent negative health effects:

  • reducing the time spent on training by almost 30-50%. If a regular workout lasts for 1.5 hours, then with a cold, it should last no more than 40-60 minutes;
  • decrease in exercise intensity by 50%. It is worth reducing the number of approaches of each workout in half;
  • do not perform strength training with a cold;
  • be sure to observe the recovery period. After recovery, the load should be gradual, you should not immediately overload your body;
  • when doing exercises for colds, you should drink water every quarter of an hour;
  • you must have a good rest.

With a cold, you can go in for sports, but only if there are no contraindications. It is also imperative to follow the above rules. They will help to distribute the load evenly without overloading the body.

Only a specialist can accurately answer the question of whether it is worth going in for sports with a cold. Doctors do not advise overloading the body during an illness, because this can negatively affect its condition. It is better during this period to completely abandon training until complete recovery.