Draw easy for kids. Teaching children to draw a person: simple diagrams and recommendations

Draw easy for kids. Teaching children to draw a person: simple diagrams and recommendations

Children love to draw and draw living creatures with great pleasure: insects, birds, animals. But most of all they like to draw a person: mom, dad, brothers, sisters, relatives and just strangers. Children draw people who were motionless and in motion. But the child's favorite pastime is to draw people like himself, that is, children. With particular interest, children draw those they like or with whom they would like to be friends. But it is difficult to draw a child, especially his face, so the help of an adult is very important for a little artist. It is the adult who will be able to help his baby draw the child's face in stages. The main task of an adult in the process of this drawing is to help choose the necessary accessories in order to correctly depict the face of a little man. To do everything in the drawing as it should, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. Ask the child what geometric shapes he knows, remember with him what a circle, an oval looks like, showing their image. You can see the details of the face in the illustration by finding these shapes. Together with the child, you can consider the proportions of the face of your beloved hero in the picture in the children's book. And cheer up your child by saying that he will succeed.

What you need:

A sheet of white paper (you can use a sketchbook or sketchbook);
simple pencil;

I haven't posted anything on the blog for a long time. And, of course, there are reasons for this. Firstly, we have become very active in our workshop: we make wooden toys, children's decor, sometimes furniture, and of course, we are engaged in all organizational matters. It takes a lot of energy and almost all inspiration. Secondly, our girls have grown up and do not really fit into the format of thematic weeks, since they spend most of the day in the kindergarten, where they study a lot, play and communicate with children. After gardening, I want to play with homemade toys, draw, walk, read fairy tales, watch movies with the whole family, or bake cookies. Thirdly, we will soon go to school, but not to a simple one, but to a small and private one, which we organize ourselves;) We open in a month. If interested, you can read about our school by following the link (text in Ukrainian). And this school takes away the remaining inspiration and strength.

So, lesson 1. Aerial perspective.

Who is not an artist from the word at all - do not be alarmed :) In fact, all this is very simple, interesting and exciting, but like everything else in the world, it has its own terminology, but the terms almost always sound scary (at least for me).

So what is aerial perspective?

This is when you look into the distance and what is closer to the horizon seems lighter, and what is closer to you has more saturated colors.

From the dictionary:

Aerial perspective - Blurring or loss of clarity of outlines of distant objects caused by the atmosphere. The effect arises from the disappearance of color and brightness contrast between distant objects and the background.

Here are examples of aerial perspective:

To explain to a child what an aerial perspective is, it is enough to show examples and draw his attention to those objects that are in the distance and those that are close - the difference is very noticeable.

Now let's get down to drawing!

We need:

  • paint (gouache, acrylic, in principle, you can also watercolor) in three colors - white, yellow and blue,
  • brush,
  • our blank for drawing,
  • a jar of water,
  • palette or white plate,
  • paper napkins, so that if necessary, wipe something or blot the brush.

Drawing order:

  1. We knead white and blue paint on the palette to get a very light shade. This will be the color of the sky.
  2. We invite the child to paint only the sky.
  3. Then you need to paint the clouds with white, and the sun with yellow.
  4. Mix white and blue again (or add more blue paint in the previous batch) to get a light shade that is slightly richer than the color of the sky.
  5. Coloring a row of mountains that are closest to the sky.
  6. We repeat the mixes, adding more blue and color the next row of mountains.
  7. The most front row - hills and trees - we paint with pure blue or add very little white to it at your discretion.
  8. Everything! Drawing mountains using the principle of aerial perspective is ready!

And here's how our mountains turned out:

Preschoolers love to draw. At the age of 4-6 years, the baby has already mastered the basic skills of handling a pencil, felt-tip pens, brushes and paints. How to teach a child to draw at 4, 5, 6 years old simple but realistic drawings, what step-by-step schemes to use, how to stock up on the child's creative search and how to teach him to create plot pictures?

We will try to answer all questions.

The benefits of drawing for children

Many parents have heard about the benefits of drawing.

Drawing for children 4, 5, 6 years old helps:

  • stimulate fine motor skills;
  • develop speech;
  • correctly formulate thoughts, put them into sentences;
  • express yourself;
  • assert yourself;
  • develop creativity;
  • develop attentiveness, perseverance, hard work.

Among other things, drawing can:

  • give positive emotions;
  • strengthen the memorization of the material;
  • send a signal to parents about the complexes and problems the child has;
  • overcome the fear of starting from scratch;
  • lay the foundations of aesthetic perception.

A lot of benefits can be derived from drawing if done correctly. The main thing is not to overdo it and not discourage the child from the desire to do anything at all and ever draw.

What to buy for a child to draw

The key to good drawing classes is the correct preparation of the process. Children do not like to wait, and if a creative impulse happens, you need to be 100% ready:

  • Paper. Take A3 sheets. Children in 4-6 only develop their eyes and, carried away by drawing the head of the beast, forget to leave room for the body.
  • A simple pencil. Children use it to create basic contours. Take with the HB mark, it does not crumble and is not too greasy.
  • Eraser. This is an indispensable thing for erasing unnecessary borders and lines. You can buy, or you can make an exclusive one with the help of special plasticine. For one thing, remember the classes in "plasticine molding", which is not bad for a variety of activities.
  • Colored pencils and markers. The wider their palette, the happier the child.
  • Pencil sharpener. Don't skimp, buy a good, professional one. So the baby will not be angry that she does not sharpen, breaks the rod, etc., but will draw with pleasure.
  • Wax crayons. They are good to paint over the contours.
  • Paints. If the baby is 4-5 years old, it is gouache. At 6 years old, you can give your baby a watercolor. These paints are transparent, lively, but require certain skills.
  • Brushes. Choose large (for the background), medium (for wide lines) and small (for drawing outlines). Choose the diameter of the shaft the same as that of a writing pen - the child's fingers will begin to prepare for the drawing of letters and numbers.
  • A jar for water. You can use a regular glass or buy a special one.
  • Palette. Your child will definitely need to mix colors.
  • Colored crayons. Who knows, suddenly inspiration will visit a child on a walk?
  • Soap and towel. No matter how neat the child is, if he works with paints, they will have arms up to the elbows, and cheeks, and a nose. Believe me.

When everything is purchased, carefully consider the child's creative corner:

  • Lighting. The place for drawing should be well lit - no one needs vision problems at such a young age.
  • Availability. The child should get all the art supplies without getting up from the chair.
  • Practicality. Make sure that all surfaces are easy to clean and that the child is able to clean up after himself.

When everything is ready, you can get to work!

How to teach a child to draw trees step by step

A tree is the simplest drawing that can be taught to draw a child even at 4 years old, using a phased scheme as a basis. The kid is already familiar with the image of trees using straight lines and geometric shapes. Let's complicate the task and add realism to the tree. This is how we will draw a deciduous tree:

  1. Draw a bump with a circle above it and connect the two objects with straight lines (this is the trunk).
  2. Draw a smile around the circle that goes through the top points of the straight lines. Draw branches to it.
  3. Make the edge of the crown uneven, highlight the places where the branches enter, draw the trunk and grass on the tubercle. The tree is ready!

Using the same principle - from simple schematic outlines to the desired contours - draw a spruce and birch, as shown in the following pictures.

Conveniently, the trunk and branches can be drawn with a pencil, and the child is free to create the crown at will. Fingerprints, brush strokes, pencil strokes. In any case, the tree will turn out to be alive and real.

How to teach a child to draw animals step by step

For drawing animals with children 4-6 years old, use the same method. Draw a wireframe using geometric shapes and shape it.

Let's analyze this moment using the example of man's best friend - a dog:

  1. Draw a circle and an irregular oval for the head and body of the dog.
  2. Connect the two curves with smooth lines - this is the neck.
  3. Add the muzzle and tail.
  4. Draw the ear and paws.
  5. We paint over the ear, draw the nose, eyes and tongue, add the outline of the second pair of paws, erase unnecessary boundaries - the dog is ready to guard the yard!

The yard can be drawn around the dog later. Add a house, a booth, a fence - and the plot is ready!

Like a dog, try to portray:

  • kitten;
  • duck;
  • horse;
  • mumps.

If the kid wants a horse on the run, just lift the front of the body higher while drawing and "bend" the front legs of the horse at the knee, let the mane and tail flutter in the wind.

How to teach a child to draw a person step by step

One of the first desires of a child is to draw mom, dad and himself. At first, these are stick men, but this option will not suit a baby at 4 years old, and an angular little man ceases to seem like a good drawing at 5 years old. And the child also wants a person to do something on paper.

Let's try to draw a boy who is going to play chess:

If the child is seriously interested in drawing people and what you offer him does not suit him because of disproportion, show the little artist the following diagram:

Here are the proportions of people of different ages, the child may be interested in this, and he will try to draw a real proportional person. This information is relevant for children 6 years old.

Autumn landscape - step by step drawing for children

The easiest way for children 4-5 years old to paint with paints is to create a landscape.

Let's take the autumn one - it is the most colorful:

  1. Do not force a 4 year old toddler to draw. If he doesn't want to - replace the drawing. Are you bored? Try to switch his attention to. For him, drawing can be a passed stage, and he realizes himself through other activities.
  2. If the kid is 5-6 years old completely "sketched", distract him from his favorite activity or bring elements of such games into his gatherings at the album. The kid must develop harmoniously.
  3. Talk to your child about his drawings. A simple "wow, beauty" is not enough. Ask what is happening in the picture, why everything is so, and not otherwise - the baby will be pleased with your attention.
  4. Do not compare a toddler's work with one sample. The sun can be depicted in a hundred different ways. Do not instill in the child a complex that this is exactly how he will not succeed, encourage the individuality of his work.
  5. Keep your child's work. And he is pleased, and in your old age you will have something to see and remember.

Drawing for children - video

This video shows how to draw a person. Tells how to calculate the proportions of a person.

This video shows an in-depth watercolor painting tutorial. How to prepare for such an event is described in detail.

Drawing is a useful activity for children. By drawing, the child trains attention, memory and hand, and when talking about what he has drawn, he exercises his speech. For some children, drawing is a real outlet, their own world, from which they cannot be taken away. Not all children become artists, but all children's drawings are masterpieces for their parents.

Does your kid draw a lot? What does the child like to draw the most? If you have interesting ideas for children's drawings or experience on how to teach children 4-6 years old to draw, share it with us in the comments!

Irina Khursulova

. Portrait painting is one of the most complex and significant genres of fine art. This is not just a reproduction of the features of a particular human, but an understanding of his inner world, the essence of his character, the uniqueness of his appearance; the artist's expression of his attitude to the depicted. No other genre of painting reveals man so how does it do portrait.

How teach a child to draw a portrait correctly? Each teacher has his own methodology drawing a portrait... I teach children first draw a person's face in stages, with a simple pencil.

Using simple rules, draw human almost everyone can face, even child... Perhaps not the first time, but with a strong desire, you will definitely be able to teach a child to draw a real portrait of a person.

Before you start working on a portrait, it is recommended to prepare everything necessary:


A simple pencil.

1. First, draw a face with thin lines - an oval.

2. For relief drawing draw a vertical line exactly in the center dividing portrait into two parts and two horizontal lines dividing it by 3 parts: forehead, eyebrows; eyes, nose; mouth, chin.

3. Draw eyebrow arches on the top line.

4. Below are the eyes. The shape of the eyes consists of arched lines. An iris and a pupil are drawn in the middle. Do not forget draw eyelashes, on the upper eyelid they are longer than on the lower.

5. Drawing nose - nose in the middle, beginning at the eyebrows. Drawn with a smooth arched line. The crown of the nose is also rounded from the side are drawn wings of the nose and nostrils.

4. The mouth is below the nose. We draw the line of the mouth, on top of the upper lip, two arcuate lines, below the lower lip - a large arcuate line.

Erase the excess lines with an eraser.

5. Draw ears on the sides at the level of the nose, finish the shoulders.

6. Then the hair: short or long, straight or curly, wavy, with bangs or not, color.

Talent is given to everyone to man by nature, only to develop any abilities you need to start from early childhood. By helping children learn to shape images into images, you educators are doing them a great service. Drawing pencil step by step is not only interesting, but also very useful for young children. Good luck to you!

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Drawing is a favorite activity of many kids! Some children may not get up from the table for hours, painting their masterpieces. But very often they come to us, parents, with a request to draw something. For example, a cat or a dog, or even worse - a cow, a giraffe ... And then we start to include all our knowledge and skills, remember how we were taught at school, puff, try and depict another something that looks a bit like an animal ... But to understand who it is: a cat, a dog or a hippopotamus, it is almost impossible ...

We suggest that you do not lose heart, but use the schemes we have selected, learn to draw with us. With these detailed lesson diagrams, you can easily and simply draw a wonderful cat, rabbit, pig, kitten, dog and other animals in a few seconds. We think your kid will be very happy with such drawings. Imagine with what pleasure he will color these images. Obviously more than normal printable coloring pages.

Believe me, if you draw an animal according to this scheme several times, you will remember it and continue to do it from memory. You can draw animals for your child not only at home, looking at the diagram, but also, for example, on the street on the asphalt.

Learn to draw animals. We wish you pleasant creativity!