What wrote Karamzin. Nikolay Karamzin brief biography

What wrote Karamzin. Nikolay Karamzin brief biography
What wrote Karamzin. Nikolay Karamzin brief biography

Karamzin N. M. - Famous Russian Prosaic writer, journalist and historical figure. Nikolai Mikhailovich was born in the Kazan province in 1766. At first, the writer was on domestic training, after went to study in the Moscow board. At this time, Karamzin was fond of literature, and in particular Shakespeare. Also, a beginner prose owner owned several ancient and new languages.
In 1789, Karamzin's journey began abroad. He went to Europe, where the development of his creative path began. Here Karamzin wrote the work of "Letters of the Russian Traveler." The text was not a biography, his letters - literary text, the goal was to describe the discovery made by Karamzin while traveling.
After returning to his homeland, Nikolai Mikhailovich publishes his work "Poor Lisa", it was it that he brought him recognition and glory. His creation was imbued with a real life, and not a sublime syllable. This work contributed to the development of such a direction in the literature as sentimentalism. Karamzin wanted to introduce an ordinary reader to culture and make a competent person from it. In the 1790s, Nikolai Mikhailovich begins to engage in reform. The main goal was to bring a literary language with conversational language.
In 1803, Karamzin officially decided to engage in historical activities. He offers his candidacy for the role of historically. In 1818, the "history of the Russian state" appears, this book will be published immediately in several languages. This huge work opens a new stage in the work of the writer. Journalism is now going to the background and historical activities come to first. "The history of the Russian state" is a new discovery of Russia. Karamzin wrote his work for a widely educated audience. Work on the history of Russia joined the writer and king Alexander the first. Thanks to this, Nikolai Mikhailovich comes to the royal village to be close to the yard. Closer to his death, Karamzin became a supporter of the monarchy. A writer died from a serious cold in 1826 in St. Petersburg.
Karamzin had a huge impact on journalism, reform and educational activities, history, literature and Russian culture as a whole. In journalism, he put forward samples of political editions, they subsequently become traditional. In the reform activity, Karamzin joined the literary and colloquial word. In educational activities, Nikolai Mikhailovich introduced the book to his home education. As a historical figure, Karamzin wrote work, which until today remains the subject of numerous disputes and discussions. As the writer Nikolai Mikhailovich on his own example, it showed that this writer should be incorruptible and independent in his judgments.

pseudonym - A. B. V.

historian, the largest Russian writer of the Epoch of Sentimentalism, called "Russian Stern"

Nikolay Karamzin

short biography

The famous Russian writer, historian, the largest representative of the Epoch of Sentimentalism, the reformer of the Russian language, publisher. With his feed, the vocabulary has enriched in a large number of new words-cripples.

The famous writer was born on December 12 (December 1 under Art.) 1766 in the manor located in the Simbirsk district. The father-nobleman took care of his son's home education, after which Nikolai continued to learn first in the Simbirsk noble guest house, then from 1778 - in the House of Professor Shaden (Moscow). For 1781-1782. Karamzin visited university lectures.

Father wanted Nikolai after the guesthouse to enter military service, - the Son fulfilled his desire, in 1781 being in the St. Petersburg Guards Regiment. It was during these years that Karamzin first tried himself at the literary field, in 1783 by making a translation from German. In 1784, after the death of the Father, having resigned in the rank of Lieutenant, finally broke up with the military service. Living in Simbirsk, joined the Masonic Life.

Since 1785, Karamzin's biography is connected with Moscow. In this city, he meets with N.I. Novikov and other writers, entering the "Friendly Society", settled in the house owned by him, in the future cooperates with members of the circle in various publications, in particular, takes part in the release of the journal "Children's reading for the Heart and Reason" magazine, which became the first Russian magazine for kids.

Throughout the year (1789-1790), Karamzin traveled through the countries of Western Europe, where he met not only with prominent figures of the Masonic movement, but also by great thinkers, in particular, with Kant, I. G. G. G. Mermontel. The impressions of the trips formed the basis of the future famous "letters of the Russian traveler". This story (1791-1792) appeared in the Moscow Journal, which N.M. Karamzin began to publish on the arrival of his homeland, and brought the author with great fame. A number of philologists believe that modern Russian literature leads countdown with "letters".

The story "Poor Lisa" (1792) strengthened the literary authority of Karamzin. Subsequently issued compilations and almanaci "Aglaya", "Aonids", "My Beackers", "Pantheon of Foreign Literature" opened the Epoch of Sentimentalism in Russian literature, and it was N.M. Karamzin was at the head of the flow; Under the influence of his works, V.A. wrote Zhukovsky, K.N. Batyushkov, as well as A. S. Pushkin at the beginning of the creative path.

The new period in the biography of Karamzin as a person and writer is connected with the entry into the throne of Alexander I. In October 1803, the emperor appoints a writer by the official historist, and the task of imprinting the history of the Russian state is set in front of Karamzin. About his genuine interest in history, the priority of this topic over all the others testified the nature of the publications of the "Bulletin of Europe" (this first socio-political and literary-art magazine Karamzin published in 1802-1803).

In 1804, literary-artwork was completely minimized, and the writer begins to work on the "history of the Russian state" (1816-1824), which became the main difficulty in his life and the whole phenomenon in Russian history and literature. The first eight volumes saw the light in February 1818. For the month, three thousand copies were sold - such active sales did not have a precedent. The next three volumes published in the following years were quickly translated into several European languages, and the 12th, final, Tom saw the light after the author's death.

Nikolai Mikhailovich was a commitment to conservative views, an absolute monarchy. The death of Alexander I and the uprising of the Decembrists, whose witness he was, became a severe blow to him, who had been deprived of the writer-historian of the latest vitality. On the third of June (May 23 (May 22, under Art.) 1826 Karamzin died, being in St. Petersburg; Buried him in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, at the Tikhvin cemetery.

Biography from Wikipedia

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin (December 1, 1766, Znamenskoye, Symbirian province, Russian Empire - May 22, 1826, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire) - Historian, the largest Russian writer of the Epoch of Sentimentalism, nicknamed "Russian Stern". The creator of the "Story of the Russian State" (Tom 1-12, 1803-1826) is one of the first summarizing works on the history of Russia. Editor of the Moscow Journal (1791-1792) and "European Bulletin" (1802-1803).

Karamzin entered the story as a reformer of the Russian language. His syllable is lung to the Gallian manner, but instead of direct borrowing, Karamzin has enriched tongue with cartridge words, such as "impression" and "influence", "inlentibility", "touching" and "entertaining". It was he who introduced into the use of the word "industry", "focus", "moral", "aesthetic", "epoch", "scene", "harmony", "catastrophe", "future".

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was born 1 (12) December 1766 near Simbirsk. Rose in the estate of the Father - the retired captain Mikhail Egorovich Karamzin (1724-1783), a medium-rate symbirsk nobleman from the genus of Karamzin, originating from Tatar Kara-Murza. Initial education received in a private board in Simbirsk. In 1778, he was sent to Moscow to the House of Professor of Moscow University I. M. Shaden. Simultaneously visited the lectures I. G. Schwartz at the university in 1781-1782.

In 1783, at the insistence of his father, he entered the service to the Preobrazhensky Guards Regiment, but soon resigned. By the time of military service include the first literary experiments. After the resignation, I lived in Simbirsk for some time, and then in Moscow. During his stay in Simbirsk, the Masonic Loop "Golden Crown" joined the Masonic Loop, and after arriving at Moscow for four years (1785-1789) was a member of the "friendly scientist society".

In Moscow, Karamzin met writers and writers: N. I. Novikov, A. M. Kutuzov, A. A. Petrov, participated in the publication of the first Russian magazine for children - "Children's reading for the heart and mind."

In 1789-1790, he took a trip to Europe, during which I was visited by Immanuel Kant in Königsberg, was in Paris during the Great French Revolution. As a result of this trip, the famous "letters of the Russian traveler" were written, whose publication immediately made Karamzin to a well-known writer. Some philologists believe that it is from this book that modern Russian literature leads its counts. Be that as it may, in the literature of Russian "travels", Karamzin really became a pioneer - quickly found as imiters (V. V. Izmailov, P. I. Sumarokov, P. I. Shalikov) and decent successors (A. A. Bestuzhev, N. A. Bestuzhev, F. N. Glinka, A. S. Griboedov). It is since then Karamzin is considered one of the main literary figures of Russia.

N. M. Karamzin on the monument "1000th anniversary of Russia" in Veliky Novgorod

Upon returning from a trip to Europe, Karamzin settled in Moscow and began operations as a professional writer and a journalist, starting the publication of the Moscow Journal 1791-1792 (the first Russian literary journal, in which, among other works of Karamzin, there was a factor of his fanish story "poor Liza "), Then released a number of collections and almanachas:" Aglaya "," Aonids "," Pantheon of Foreign Literature "," My Beackers ", which made sentimentalism the main literary current in Russia, and Karamzin - his recognized leader.

In addition to prose and poems, the Moscow Journal systematically published reviews, critical articles and theatrical analysis. In May 1792, the journal was printed by Karamzin's review on the Iroocomic Poem Nikolai Petrovich Osipova " Virgiliyeva Eneida, Feeded inside out

Emperor Alexander I registered decree of October 31, 1803 bestowed the title of historically Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin; To rank at the same time 2 thousand rubles were added. Annual salary. The title of historographer in Russia after the death of Karamzin was not resumed. From the beginning of the 19th century, Karamzin gradually departed from fiction, and from 1804, being appointed Alexander I to the position of historographer, he stopped all literary work, "Running in historians." In this regard, he refused the state posts offered to him, in particular, from the post of Tver Governor. Honorary Member of Moscow University (1806).

In 1811, Karamzin wrote a "note on ancient and new Russia in its political and civil relations", which reflected the views of the conservative layers of society, dissatisfied with the liberal reforms of the emperor. He put proof of his task that no transformations were needed in the country. "Possed about the ancient and new Russia in its political and civil relations" also played the role of sketches to the subsequent huge work of Nikolai Mikhailovich in Russian history.

In February 1818, Karamzin released the first eight volumes of the "History of the Russian State", the three-year circulation of which was divided during the month. In the following years, three more languages \u200b\u200b"History" came out, a number of translations of it appeared on the most important European languages. The lighting of the Russian historical process brought closer to Karamzin with the courtyard and the king who settled him beside himself in the royal village. The political views of Karamzin evolved gradually, and by the end of his life he was a convinced supporter of the absolute monarchy. Unfinished 12th Tom was issued after his death.

Karamzin died on May 22 (June 3) of 1826 in St. Petersburg. According to legend, his death became a consequence of a cold received on December 14, 1825, when Karamzin watched the sidelines in the Senate Square. He was buried at the Tikhvin Cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Karamzin - writer

Collected Works N. M. Karamzin at 11 TT. In 1803-1815. It was printed in the printing house of the Moscow Book publisher Selivanovsky.

"The influence of the latter<Карамзина> On literature, you can compare with the influence of Catherine to society: he made literature humane, I wrote to A. I. Herzen.


Publication of Karamzin "Letters of the Russian Traveler" (1791-1792) and the story "Poor Lisa" (1792; A separate Edition of 1796) was opened in Russia the Epoch of Sentimentalism.

Lisa was surprised, dared to look at the young man, - even more flashed and, having filled his eyes to the ground, told him that she would not take the ruble.
- For what?
- I am not needless.
"I think that beautiful lilies, torn by the hands of a beautiful girl, are ruble. When you do not take it, here are five kopecks. I would like to always buy flowers from you; I would like you to rush them only for me.

Dominant "Human Nature" sentimentalism announced a feeling, not a mind that distinguished him from classicism. Sentimentalism The ideal of human activity was not "reasonable" to reorganize the world, but the release and improvement of the "natural" feelings. His hero is more individualized, his inner world is enriched with the ability to empathize, sensible to respond to what is happening around.

The publication of these works had a great success among readers of that time, "poor Lisa" caused many imitation. Sentimentalism Karamzin had a great influence on the development of Russian literature: he was repelled, including Romanticism Zhukovsky, the work of Pushkin.

Poetry Karamzin

Karamzin's poetry, developed in the course of European sentimentalism, was radically different from the traditional poetry of his time brought up on Lomonosov and Derzhavin. The most significant were the following differences:

Karamzin is not interested in an external, physical world, and the inner, spiritual world of man. His poems say "in the Head Language", and not reason. Karamzin poetry object is a "simple life", and for its description, it uses simple poetic forms - poor rhymes, avoids the abundance of metaphors and other paths, so popular in the verses of his predecessors.

"Who is your sweetheart?"
I'm ashamed; I, right, hurt
Strange sense of my open
And the subject of jokes to be.
Heart in choosing is not free! ..
What to say? She ... she.
Oh! Nimalo is not important
And talents for themselves
Has no;

Lastness of love, or insomnia (1793)

Another difference of Karamzin poetics is that the world is not fundamentally known to him, the poet recognizes the presence of different points of view on the same subject:

One voice
Scary in the grave, cold and dark!
The winds are treated here, the coffins are shaking,
White bones are knocking.
Another voice
Quiet in the grave, soft, deceased.
The winds are here; Sleeping cool;
The grass, flower grow.
Cemetery (1792)

Prose Karamzin

  • Evgeny and Julia, Tale (1789)
  • "Letters of the Russian traveler" (1791-1792)
  • "Poor Lisa", Tale (1792)
  • "Natalia, Boyarskaya Daughter", Tale (1792)
  • "Beautiful princess and happy karl" (1792)
  • Sierra-Morany, Tale (1793)
  • "Borngolm Island" (1793)
  • "Julia" (1796)
  • "Marfa-Posalman, or the conquest of NOVAGOROD", Tale (1802)
  • "My Confession", a letter to the publisher of the magazine (1802)
  • "Sensitive and cold" (1803)
  • "Knight of our time" (1803)
  • "Fall"
  • Translation - retelling "Words about the regiment of Igor"
  • "On friendship" (1826) Writer A. S. Pushkin.

Reform of the Language of Karamzin.

The prose and poetry of Karamzin had a decisive effect on the development of the Russian literary language. Karamzin was purposefully refused to use church Slavic vocabulary and grammar, leading the language of his works to the everyday language of his era and using grammar and syntax of French as a sample.

Karamzin introduced a set of new words to the Russian language - as neologisms ("charity", "inlentibility", "liberty", "Sightseeing", "Responsibility", "Sustaintly", "Industry", "Suspiciousness", "Class", "Human ") And varvarisms (" sidewalk "," Kucher "). He was also one of the first to use the letter E.

Changes in the language offered by Karamzin caused a stormy controversy in the 1810s. The writer A. S. Shishkov, with the assistance of Derzhavin, founded in 1811 the society of the "conversation of lovers of the Russian word", the purpose of which was the propaganda of the "old" language, as well as the critic of Karamzin, Zhukovsky and their followers. In response, in 1815, the Literary Society "Arzamas" was formed, which Ironized the authors of the "conversations" and paroded their works. Many poets of the new generation became members of society, including Batyushkov, Vyazemsky, Davydov, Zhukovsky, Pushkin. The literary victory "Arzamas" over the "conversation" strengthened the victory of the language changes that Karamzine introduced.

Despite this, later there was a rapprochement of Karamzin with Shishkov, and, thanks to the promotion of the latter, Karamzin was elected a member of the Russian Academy in 1818. In the same year, he became a member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.


Interest in history arose from Karamzin from the mid-1790s. He wrote a story on the historical theme - "Marfa-Posalman, or the conquest of Noovagoda" (published in 1803). In the same year, by Decree Alexander I, he was appointed to the position of historographer and until the end of his life was engaged in writing the "history of the Russian state", practically ceased operation of the journalist and writer.

The "history of the Russian state" Karamzin was not the first description of the history of Russia, before him there were works V. N. Tatishchev and M. M. Shcherbatova. But it was Karamzin that opened the history of Russia for a broad educated public. According to A. S. Pushkin, "Everything, even secular women, rushed to read the history of their fatherland, the unknown Dotole. She was for them a new discovery. Ancient Russia seemed to be found by Karamzin as America - Columbus. " This work also caused a wave of imitation and opposition (for example, "History of the Russian People" N. A. Polevoy)

In his work, Karamzin performed more as a writer than a historian - describing historical facts, he cared for the beauty of the tongue, less than all trying to make any conclusions from the events described by it. Nevertheless, high scientific value represent its comments that contain many appointments from manuscripts, mostly published by Karamzin. Some of these manuscripts now do not exist.

In his "History" elegance, simplicity prove to us, without any whiff, the need for selfhood and the charms of the whip.

Karamzin performed with the initiative of the organization of memorials and establish monuments to outstanding figures of domestic history, in particular, K. M. Sukhorukov (minina) and Prince D. M. Pozharsky on Red Square (1818).

N. M. Karamzin opened "walking for the three seas" Athanasius Nikitin in the manuscript of the XVI century and published it in 1821. He wrote:

"Delightened geographers did not know that the honor of one of the oldest, European travel in India belongs to Russia of John the Century ... It (the journey) proves that Russia in the XV century had its Taverns and Sharenes, less enlightened, but equally bold and enterprising; That Indians heard about it before the Portugal, Holland, England. While Vasco Yeah Gama only thought about the opportunity to find the way from Africa to Industan, our tweyanian has already mercy on the coast of Malabara ... "

Karamzin - translator

In 1787, Karamzin was passionate about the work of Shakespeare, Karamzin published his translation of the original text of the tragedy "Julia Caesar". About his assessment of work and own work, as a translator, Karamzin wrote in the preface:

"The tragedy, I'm translated, there is one of the excellent of his creations ... If the reading of the translation will deliver a sufficient concept of participants to Russian literators of literature; If it gives them pleasure, the translator will be awarded for his work. However, he prepared and nasty. "

In early 1790s, this publication, one of the first works of Shakespeare in Russian, was included in the censorship among books for seizures and burning.

In 1792-1793 N. M. Karamzin translated a monument of Indian literature (from English) - Drama "Sakuntala", the author of which is Kalidas. In the preface to translation, he wrote:

"The creative spirit does not live in one Europe; He is a citizen of the Universe. Man everywhere - man; Everywhere he has a sensitive heart, and in the mirror of the imagination of his heaven and earth. Everywhere Natura is his mentor and the main source of his pleasures.

I felt a very vibrant, reading Soutainal, drama found in Indian language, for 1900 years in front of SIM, Asian poet Kalidas, and recently translated on English William Jones, Bengali judge ... "

A family

N. M. Karamzin was married twice and had 10 children:

  • First wife (from April 1801) - Elizabeth Ivanovna Protasova (1767-1802), sister A. I. Pleshcheyev and A. I. Protasova, Father A. A. Wayek and M. A. Moyer. According to Karamzin Elizabeth he "Thirteen knew and loved". She was a woman a very educated and active assistant to her husband. Having weak health, in March 1802 gave birth to a daughter, and in April, died from postpartum hot. Some researchers believe that it is in her honor that the heroine "Poor Lisa" is named.
    • Sophia Nikolaevna (03.03.1802-4.07.1856), since 1821, Freilin, a close friend of Pushkin and his friend Lermontov.
  • Second wife (from 01/08/1804) - Ekaterina Andreevna Kolyvanov (1780-1851), the extramarital daughter of Prince A. I. Vyazemsky and Countess Elizabeth Karlovna Siversa, the only sister of the poet P. A. Vyazemsky.
    • Natalia. (30.10.1804-05.05.1810)
    • Ekaterina Nikolaevna (1806-1867), St. Petersburg familiar Pushkin; From April 27, 1828, he was married to the retired lieutenant colonel of Guard Prince Peter Ivanovich Meshchersky (1802-1876), married to her the second marriage. Their Son Writer and Publicist Vladimir Meshchersky (1839-1914)
    • Andrew (20.10.1807-13.05.1813)
    • Natalia. (06.05.1812-06.10.1815)
    • Andrei Nikolaevich (1814-1854), after the end of the Derpt University, was forced to be healthy abroad, later - the retired colonel. He was married to Aurora Karlovna Demidova. From the extramarital connection with Edochi, Petrovna Sushkova had children.
    • Alexander Nikolaevich (1815-1888), after the end of the Derpt University served in equestrian artillery, in his youth was a great dancer and a merry, was close to Pushkin's family in his last year of life. Married at Princess Natalia Vasilyevna Obolenskaya (1827-1892), there were no children.
    • Nikolai (03.08.1817-21.04.1833)
    • Vladimir Nikolayevich (06/05/1819 - 7.08.1879), a member of consultation with the Minister of Justice, Senator, the owner of the estate of Ivne. Different witty and resourcefulness. He was married to Baroness Alexander Ilinichnoy Duka (1820-1871), the daughter of General I. M. Duka. The offspring did not leave.
    • Elizabeth Nikolaevna (1821-1891), since 1839, Freillus was not married. Having a state, he lived on a retirement, which he received as the daughter of Karamzin. After the death of the mother lived together with the older sister of Sofia, in the family of the Sister of Princess Catherine Meshcherskaya. It was distinguished by the mind and endless kindness, taking all the strangers of sorrows and joy close to the heart.

Nikolai Karamzin, whose biography begins on December 1, 1766, was born in a poor noble family of educated and enlightened parents. The first education was received in a private board of Professor Shaden. After that, like many other secular young people, he went to serve in the Guards Regiment, who was considered one of the best.

It was at this time that Nikolai Karamzin, a brief biography of which is presented in this article, first clearly realizes the need for its own path other than ordinary: successful career, position in society, ranks and honors. All this did not attract the future writer. He served in the army for less than a year, he retired in 1784 in 1784 and returned to his native Simbirsk.

Life in provincial symbirsk

Externally, Karamzin lives a random, scattered life of a secular man, shining with metropolitan manners and a gallant session with the ladies. Nikolai Mikhailovich fashionably dresses, follows his appearance, plays cards. At the provincial balas he was a clever and brilliant cavalier. But all this is only external manifestations of his character.

At this time, Karamzin, whose biography is rich in fairly unexpected turns and events, seriously thinking about its place in life, reads a lot, meets interesting people. He has already received a good education, but continues to develop, acquiring all new knowledge in various fields. Most of all Karamzin is interested in history, literature and philosophy.

Family friend Ivan Petrovich Turgenev, Mason and a writer, who consisted in great friendship with Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov (who was also a mason, a talented journalist, a book publisher and a Satyrian writer), played a certain role in the life of the future writer. On his advice, Nikolai Mikhailovich moved to Moscow and met a circle of Novikov. So the new period began in his life, covering the time from 1785 to 1789. Let's tell me a few words separately.

Acquaintance with Masons

A four-year communication with a circle of Masons very much changed the image of Karamzin, his life and thinking. Note that Russia has not yet been studied in Russia. It was examined for a long time with science as mainly reaction. However, in recent years, the point of view on this movement changes somewhat.

Masonic lodges are special moral and religious circles based for the first time in England in the eighteenth century, and later in other states, including in our country. At the heart of the Code, which professed the Masons, lies the need for spiritual self-improvement of a person. They had their own political programs, in many respects associated with religious and moral. For the activities of Masons, theatrical ritual, mystery, knightly and other rituals having a mystical shade were characterized. It was saturated intellectually and spiritually, was distinguished by high moral principles and seriousness. Masons were kept apart. This, described in general terms, surrounded by Karamzin since then. He began to communicate with the most interesting people: Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov (see the photo below) and Alexey Mikhailovich Kutuzov. The influence of such outstanding personalities has given a powerful impetus to the development of writing talent and its creative self-determination.

First, Karamzin translates the artistic prose into Russian, and later begins to write for the "Children's reading" magazine, whose publisher was Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov, his first poetic works. It was during this period that he realizes his writer talent.

But the period of self-determination ends, and with it the Masonic period of the life of a young writer. The framework of the Masonic lodges becomes close to him, he wants to know life in her wealth, motion and variety. In order to become a professional writer, it is required to experience her good and bad parties on its own experience. Therefore, Karamzin, whose biography is considered as part of this publication, leaves Masons and goes on the journey.


To do this, Nikolai Mikhailovich laid his hereditary estate and decided to spend all the money received for the trip in Europe, to describe it later. It was a very bold and unusual step for that time. After all, for Karamzin, he meant the refusal of life on the income from the hereditary estate and to ensure himself through the labor of the fortress peasants. Now Nikolay Mikhailovich remained making money to the life of a professional writer.

Abroad, he spent about a year and a half, throwing Switzerland, Germany, England and France. Karamzin, whose biography is described in this article, got acquainted with the interesting and prominent people of these states, who does not feel the provincial at all, representing his country very adequately. He watched, listened, recorded. Nikolai Mikhailovich attracted residents of people, historical monuments, factories, universities, street walkings, restaurants,

He appreciated and compared the characters and morals of one or another nationality, studied the features of speech, recorded a description of the street scenes in his book, led the record of various conversations and his own reflection. In the autumn of 1790, Karamzin returns to Russia, after which it begins to publish the Moscow Journal, which places his articles, stories, poems. The famous "Letters of the Russian Traveler" was printed here, and bringing him a great fame of "poor Lisa".

Edition of almanachov

Over the next few years, Nikolai Mikhailovich outlies Almanachi, among whom was the three-volume almanac "Aonids", written in verses, as well as a collection of "My balancing", which includes various stories and poems. Fame comes to Karamzin. He knows and love not only in the two capitals (St. Petersburg and Moscow), but also throughout Russia.

Historical story "Marfa Poshadner"

One of the first works of Karamzin written in prose is published in 1803 "Marfa Posadanny" (Genre - Historical Tale). It was written back long before in Russia the romance to the novels of Walter Scott began. This story was manifested by Karamzine to antiquity, classics as an unattainable ideal of morality, which had occurred in the mid-1790s in the Utopia "Athenian Life".

In the epic, antique form, the struggle of Novgorod residents with Moscow presented in his work Nikolai Karamzin. Posalinan affected important ideological issues: about the monarchy and the republic, about the people and leaders, about the "divine" historical predestination and disobedience to him a separate person. The sympathies of the author were obviously on the side of Novgorod and Martha, not monarchical Moscow. This story discovered the ideological contradictions of the writer. The historical truth was undoubtedly on the side of Novgorod. However, Novgorod is doomed, bad omen are harbing the ambulance of the city, and later they are justified.

Tale "Poor Lisa"

But the biggest success had a story "Poor Lisa", published back in 1792. Frequently found in the western literature of the eighteenth century, the plot of how the nobleman was seduced by the peasant or mesh, in Russian literature for the first time, he developed Karamzin in this story. The biography of morally pure, beautiful girl, as well as the idea that such tragic fates can meet both in the surrounding reality, contributed to the enormous success of this work. It was also important that N.M. Karamzin ("Poor Lisa" became his "calling card") taught his readers to notice the beauty of his native nature and love her. The humanistic orientation of the work was invaluable for the literature of the time.

Tale "Natalia, Boyarskaya Daughter"

In the same, 1792, year, the story "Natalia, Boyarskaya Daughter" was born. It is not so famous as "poor Lisa", but affects very important moral issues that contemporated Sovremennikov N.M. Karamzin. One of the most important in the work is the problem of honor.

Alexey, Beloved Natalia, was an honest person who served the Russian king. Therefore, he admitted to his "crime," in the fact that the daughter of Matthew Andreeva, his beloved boyar of the sovereign. But the king blesses their marriage, seeing that Alexey is a worthy person. The father of the girl does it. Finishing the story, the author writes that the newlyweds lived for a long time and happily and were buried together. They were distantized by the sovereign.

In the story that Karamzin was created ("Boyar Daughter"), the question of honor is inseparable from the ministry of the king. Happy one who loves the sovereign. Therefore, the life of this family is so successful, because virtue is rewarded.

Honored fame

The provincial youth is read by the works of Karamzin. Inherent in his works light, spoken, natural style, elegant and at the same time, a democratic artistic manner was revolutionary from the point of view of the perception of works by the public. For the first time, the concept of fascinating, interesting reading is formed, and with him a literary worship of the author.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, whose biography and creativity attracted many people, enjoy great fame. Established young people from all over the country go to Moscow from all over the country to look at the beloved writer. The lysine pond, who received fame, thanks to the events that took place here, "poor Lisa", located in the village of Selo Kolomenskoy, begins to play the role of a sign place, come here to confess to love or sink alone.

Work on the "Russian State Story"

After some time, Karamzin sharply and unexpectedly changes his life. Leaving fiction, he is accepted for a huge historical work - "Russian state history." The idea of \u200b\u200bthis work, apparently, has long been matured in his imagination.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century began his favorite grandson of Catherine II. At first he was a liberal and enlightened ruler. The historical narratives even included such a name as "Aleksandrovskaya Spring".

Friend of Karamzin and former Teacher of the Young Emperor M.N. Muravyov came forward that Nikolai Mikhailovich was appointed to the position of court historically. Such an appointment was very important for Karamzin and discovered huge opportunities to him. Now he received a pension (as we know, there was no other means to live in existence). But the most important thing is that he has been opened with access to historical archives that have been of great importance. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, whose biography is represented by your attention, with his head plunged into the work: he read the manuscript and books on history, disassembled the ancient folirants, discharged, compared.

It is difficult to imagine what a huge work did the historian Karamzin. After all, on the creation of the twelve volumes of its "history of the Russian state" left twenty-three years of intense labor, from 1803 to 1826 the presentation of historical events was different as possible, impartiality and reliability, as well as a beautiful artistic syllable. The narration was brought to the "troubled time" in the history of the Russian state. The death of Nikolai Mikhailovich did not allow to carry out a large-scale idea to the end.

The works of Karamzin, his works, which made twelve volumes, followed by one by one, caused numerous reader responses. Perhaps for the first time in history, the printed book provoked such a surge of residents of Russia. Karamzin opened his story with his people, explained his past.

The labor content was perceived very ambiguously. Thus, the winsted young people were inclined to challenge the support of the monarchist building, which was serviced on the pages of the "history of the Russian state" historian Karamzin. And young Pushkin even wrote bold epigrams on the historian venerable in those years. In his opinion, this work argued "the need for selfhood and the charms of the whip."

Karamzin, whose books did not leave anyone indifferent, in response to criticism was always restrained, calmly perceived both ridicule and praise.

Opinion about the "Story of the Russian State" A.S. Pushkin

Having moved to live in St. Petersburg, since 1816, every summer spends in the royal village with his family. Karamzins are welcoming hosts who host such famous poets in their living room as Vyazemsky, Zhukovsky and Batyushkov, as well as educated youth. There was often young A.S. Pushkin, with ecstasy, listening like the elders read poems, having caught behind his wife N.M. Karamzin, already elderly, but charming and intelligent woman, whom he decided to even send confession in love. Wise and experienced Karamzin forgave the leak of a young man, like his bold epigrams on the "story".

After ten years, Pushkin, already being a mature man, will look at the great work of Nikolai Mikhailovich. In 1826, being in the link in Mikhailovsky, he will write in the "note on public education" that the history of Russia should teach on Karamzin, and will call this work not just the work of a great historian, but also a feat of an honest person.

From Alexander Sergeevich, this was not a gesture of loyalty towards the authorities with the hope of pardoning and returning from the reference. Not at all, since a year later, after returning Pushkin will return to the "story" again, once again appreciated it.

last years of life

The characteristic of Karamzin would be incomplete without describing the last years of life. The last ten years have passed very happy. He was friends with the king himself, Alexander I. Friends often walked together in the Tsarskoye Selo Park, talking to a long time, peaceful and powerively. It is possible that the emperor, aware of the nobility and the decency of Nikolai Mikhailovich, told him much more than palace officials. Karamzin often disagreed with the arguments and thoughts of Alexander I. However, he was not offended at all, and he listened carefully and took note. "Possed about ancient and new Russia", which the writer handed the emperor, contains many points in which the historian did not agree with the government's policy of the time.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, whose books were very popular in his life, did not strive for award-winning, nor to the ranks. True, it should be said that he had to whom he, however, was always treated with a light irony and humor.

3rd degree

Works in Wikitite.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin (1 (12) December, p. Mikhailovka (Preobrazhenskoe) Buzuluk County of the Symbirian province (according to other data - with. The Bogorodskoe Symbirsk County of the Symbirsk Province) - May 22 (June 3), St. Petersburg) - Russian historian-historographer, writer, Poet, Honorary Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (). The creator of the "Story of the Russian State" (Tom 1-12, - GG) is one of the first generalizing work on the history of Russia. Editor of the Moscow Journal (-) and "Junior Europe" (-).


Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was born () December in the village of Mikhaylovka (now Buzuluk district of the Orenburg region). Rose in the estate of the Father, Mikhail Egorovich Karamzin (1724-1783) of the Middle-Profit Sixiest Nobleman, the descendant of the Crimean-Tatar Murza Kara-Murza. Got a home education, from fourteen years he studied in Moscow at the House of Professor of the Moscow University of Shaten, at the same time visiting the university at the same time.

Carier start

In Moscow, Karamzin met writers and writers: N. I. Novikov, A. M. Kutuzov, A. A. Petrov, participated in the publication of the first Russian magazine for children - "Children's reading".

In 1778, Karamzin was sent to Moscow to the House of Professor of Moscow University I. M. Shaden.

Trip to Europe

Karamzin writer


Publication of Karamzin "Letters of the Russian Traveler" (-) and the story "Poor Lisa" (; A separate publication) opened the Epoch of Sentimentalism in Russia.

Lisa was surprised, dared to look at the young man, - even more flashed and, having filled his eyes to the ground, told him that she would not take the ruble.
- For what?
- I am not needless.
"I think that beautiful lilies, torn by the hands of a beautiful girl, are ruble. When you do not take it, here are five kopecks. I would like to always buy flowers from you; I would like you to rush them only for me.

Dominant "Human Nature" sentimentalism announced a feeling, not a mind that distinguished him from classicism. Sentimentalism The ideal of human activity was not "reasonable" to reorganize the world, but the release and improvement of the "natural" feelings. His hero is more individualized, his inner world is enriched with the ability to empathize, sensible to respond to what is happening around.

The publication of these works had a great success among readers of that time, "poor Lisa" caused many imitation. Sentimentalism Karamzin had a great influence on the development of Russian literature: he was repelled, including Romanticism Zhukovsky, the work of Pushkin.

Poetry Karamzin

Karamzin's poetry, developed in the course of European sentimentalism, was fundamentally different from the traditional poetry of his time brought up on Lomonosov and Derzhavin. The most significant were the following differences:

Karamzin is not interested in an external, physical world, and the inner, spiritual world of man. His poems say "in the Head Language", and not reason. Karamzin poetry object is a "simple life", and for its description, it uses simple poetic forms - poor rhymes, avoids the abundance of metaphors and other paths, so popular in the verses of his predecessors.

"Who is your sweetheart?" I'm ashamed; I, right, hurts the oddity of my feelings to open and be the subject of jokes to be. Heart in choosing not free! .. What to say? She ... she. Oh! Nimalo is not important and talents for themselves have no; ... Strange love, or insomnia ()

Another difference in Karamzin poetics is that the world is not fundamentally learning for him, the poet recognizes the presence of different points of view on the same subject:

One voice is scary in the grave, cold and dark! The winds are treated here, the coffins are shaking, white bones are knocking. Another voice is quiet in the grave, soft, deceased. The winds are here; Sleeping cool; The grass, flower grow. Cemetery ()

Reform of the Language of Karamzin.

The prose and poetry of Karamzin had a decisive effect on the development of the Russian literary language. Karamzin was purposefully refused to use church Slavic vocabulary and grammar, leading the language of his works to the everyday language of his era and using grammar and syntax of French as a sample.

Karamzin introduced many new words to the Russian language - as neologisms ("charity", "Love", "Volnodumism", "Sightseeing", "Responsibility", "Industry") and Varvarisov ("Sidewalk", "Kucher"). He was also one of the first to use the letter.

Changes in the language offered by Karamzin caused a stormy controversy in-for years. The writer A. S. Shishkov, with the assistance of Derzhavin, founded in 1811 the society of the "conversation of lovers of the Russian word", the purpose of which was the propaganda of the "old" language, as well as the critic of Karamzin, Zhukovsky and their followers. In response, in 1815, the Literary Society "Arzamas" was formed, which Ironized the authors of the "conversations" and paroded their works. Many poets of the new generation became members of society, including Batyushkov, Vyazemsky, Davydov, Zhukovsky, Pushkin. The literary victory of Arzamas over the "conversation" strengthened the victory of the language changes that Introduced Karamzin.

Karamzin - historian

Interest in history arose from Karamzin from the mid-year. He wrote a story on the historical theme - "Marfa-Posalman, or the conquest of Novgorod" (published in). In the same year, Decree Alexander I was appointed to the position of historographer, and until the end of his life was engaged in writing the "history of the Russian state", practically ceased operation of the journalist and writer.

Karamzin's story was not the first description of the history of Russia, before him there were works V. N. Tatishchev and M. M. Shcherbatov. But it was Karamzin that opened the history of Russia for a broad educated public. According to Pushkin "All, even secular women, rushed to read the history of their fatherland, the unknown dotole<…> Ancient Rus seemed to be found by Karamzin as America Columbus. " This work also caused a wave of imitation and opposition (for example, "History of the Russian People" N. A. Polevoy)

In his work, Karamzin performed more as a writer than a historian - describing historical facts, he cared for the beauty of the tongue, less than all trying to make any conclusions from the events described by it. Nevertheless, high scientific value represents its comments that contain many appointments from manuscripts, mostly published by Karamzin. Some of these manuscripts now do not exist.

Addresses in St. Petersburg

  • Spring of 1816 - E. F. Muravyeva - Embankment of the Fontanka River, 25;
  • spring 1816-1822 - Tsarskoye Village, Garden Street, 12;
  • 1818 - autumn 1823 - E. F. Muravyeva - Embankment of the Fontanka River, 25;
  • autumn 1823-1826 - Profitable House Mijuev - Mokhovaya Street, 41;
  • spring - 05/22/1826 - Tavrichesky Palace - Resurrection Street, 47.

Proceedings N. M. Karamzin

  • The history of the Russian state (12 volumes, until 1612, the Moshkova Maxim Library)
  • Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich in the library Maxim Moshkov
  • Nikolai Karamzin in the Anthology of Russian Poetry
  • Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich "Complete Assembly of poems." Library Imwerden.(See on this site and other works N. M. Karamzin.)
  • Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich "Letters Ivan Ivanovich Dmitriev" 1866 - facsimile reissue of the book
  • "Journal of Europe", published by Karamzin, facsimile PDF playback of magazines.
  • Nikolay Karamzin. Letters of the Russian traveler, M. Zakharov, 2005, information about the publication of ISBN 5-8159-0480-5
  • N. M. Karamzin. Note about ancient and new Russia in its political and civil relations



  • Yuri Mikhailovich Lotman. "Karamzin Poetry"
  • Klyuchevsky V.O. Historical portraits (about Boltin, Karamzin, Solovyov). M., 1991.
  • Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich - biography. Bibliography. Statements
  • A. F. Smirnov. Book-monograph "Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin" ("Russian Gazeta, 2006")
  • A. F. Smirnov Entrance and final articles in the publication of 4 Tomnik N.M.Karamzin "The history of the Russian state" (1989)

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    Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich Famous Russian writer, journalist and historian. Born on December 1, 1766 in the Symbirian province; Rose in the village of Father, the Symbir landlord. The first spiritual food of 8 9 year old boy was vintage novels, ... ... Biographical Dictionary

    Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766 1826) Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich. Biography Russian historian, writer, publicist, founder of Russian sentimentalism. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was born on December 12 (according to old style on December 1) 1766 in the village ... ...

    Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766 1826) Outstanding Writer and Lithuanian, head of Russian sentimentalism (see). R. and grew up in the estate of the father, the average-parent symbirsk nobleman, the descendant of Tatar Murza Murza. He studied at the rural decek, later ... ... Literary encyclopedia

    Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766 1826), historian, writer, Honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1818). The editor of the Moscow magazine (1791 92), founder and editor (1802 03) of the first private literary political journal in Russia, European Bulletin. In ... ... Russian history

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    Nikolai Mikhailovich [1 (12) Dec. 1766 - May 22 (June 3) 1826] - Rus. Writer and historian, in philosophy - idealist. Son of the Simbirsky landowner. He studied in private pensions. In 1785 he entered the friendly scientist Novikov society. Traveling in Europe ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    An outstanding Russian historian and the writer produced his genus from baptized Tatar named Karamurza. Karamurzine transformed into Karamzin. (F) In the official genealogy, the origin of the name from Tatar Murza was noted by Kara Murza (OGDR ... Russian surnames

    Russian writer, publicist and historian. Son of the landowner of the Symbirian province. Education received at home, then in Moscow - in private boarding house (before ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich. Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766 1826) Russian historian, writer. Aphorisms, quotes Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich. Biography as a fruit fruit and life is only sweet before starting wilting. For ... ... Summary encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Karamzin - Karamzin, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766 1821) Russian writer and historian. In early 90s, the XVIII century Karamzin began to publish a Moscow magazine, which played a large role in the development of the literary interests and tastes of the Russian educated society ... ... 1000 biographies

    - (1766 1826) Russian historian, writer, honorary member of the St. Petersburg An (1818). Creator of the history of the Russian state (t. 1 12, 1816 29), one of the significant works in Russian historiography. The founder of Russian sentimentalism (... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary, N. M. Karamzin. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin - the famous Russian writer, a journalist and a historian who had a great influence on the development of Russian science, art and journalism of the XVIII-XIX centuries. In the sixth volume ...

Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich was born on December 12 (December 1) of 1766 in Simbirsk (now Ulyanovsk) in the noble family. Primary education The future writer received at home. Soon, his father gave him to the Simbirsk Noble Pension, and in 1778 - in the private board of Moscow. In parallel, Karamzin was engaged in an active study of languages, visited lectures at Moscow University.

Military service

In 1781, Nikolai Mikhailovich, at the insistence of his father, entered the military service to the Transfiguration Regiment. In 1783, the writer made his debut in the press with the work of the "Wooden Leaga". In 1784, the brief biography of Karamzin as a military ended, and he resigned in the rank of Lieutenant.

Early literary activities

In 1785, Karamzin, whose biography changed its direction sharply, moves from his native Simbirsk to Moscow. Here, the writer is acquainted with N. I. Novikov and the family of Plescheyev. Fasciamia, Nikolai Mikhailovich joins the Moscow Masonic Circle, where he begins to communicate closely with I. S. Gamaley, A. M. Kutuzov. At the same time, Karamzin participates in the publication of the first children's journal in Russia - "Children's reading for the heart and mind."

Travel to Europe

In 1789 - 1790, Karamzin traveled in Europe. The writer visited Germany, England, France, Switzerland, met many famous personalities of that era - Sh. Bonne, I. Kant, J. F. Marmontel, I. G. G. Gerder, I. K. Lafater, was present on the speeches of M. Robespierre , O. G. Mirabo. During the trip, Nikolai Mikhailovich created the famous "letters of the Russian traveler", which were published in 1791-1792 and brought wide literary fame to the writer.

Mature creativity. "History of Russian Goverment"

Upon returning to Moscow, Karamzin continues to engage in literary activities, writes artwork, critical articles and notes. In 1791, Nikolai Mikhailovich starts the publication of the literary "Moscow magazine", in which for the first time published the story "Poor Lisa", "Natalia, Boyarskaya Daughter". Soon, Karamzin released several Sentimentalist almanacs - "Aglaya", "Aonids", "Pantheon of Foreign Literature", "My Trucks." In 1802, the story "Marfa-Posalman, or the conquest of NOVAROGOD" is published.

In 1803, Emperor Alexander I gave Karamzin the title of historian, the writers and archives were opened.

Until the last day, Nikolai Mikhailovich worked on the most important thing - "the history of the Russian state." The book covers events from ancient times to triple time and includes 12 volumes. The first eight volumes came out in 1818, the following three were published in 1821-1824. The last part of the "history ..." saw the light after the death of Karamzin.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin died on May 22 (June 3) of 1826 in St. Petersburg. The writer was buried at the Tikhvin cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Other biography options

  • The prose and poetry of Karamzin have largely influenced the development of the Russian literary language, the writer first began to use neologisms, Varvarisms, departed from church vocabulary.
  • Karamzin was married twice. The first wife, E. I. Protasova, was sister A. I. Plescheyeva. The second wife, E. A. Kolyvanov, was the extramarital daughter of Prince A. I. Vyazemsky.
  • The story "Poor Lisa" Karamzin is the most striking example of Russian sentimentalism and is studied by schoolchildren in grade 9.
  • Karamzin was the first one who opened a well-known literary monument - the work of Afanasius Nikitina "Going in three seas."
  • Thanks to Karamzin, in everyday life of the modern Russian language, such words appeared as: "Moral", "Industry", "scene", "catastrophe", "focus", "aesthetic", "future", "epoch", "harmony", "in love "," Entertaining "," influence "," impression "," touching ".

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