What to read about the war. Great Patriotic War in Literature: The best works about the feat of the Soviet people

What to read about the war. Great Patriotic War in Literature: The best works about the feat of the Soviet people
What to read about the war. Great Patriotic War in Literature: The best works about the feat of the Soviet people
artistic works

about the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945
I know no of my guilt

In the fact that others

did not come from the war

In the fact that they are who older

who is younger -

Stayed there and not about the same speech

That I could

but I failed to save, -

It's not about that, but still

yet, nevertheless ...

Alexander Tvardovsky
The theme of the Great Patriotic War, appeared from the very beginning of the war in our literature, still worries both writers and readers. Unfortunately, the authors who knew about the war did not appear from life, but they left for us in talented works their penetrated vision of events, managed to convey the atmosphere of bitter, terrible and at the same time solemn and heroic years.

Books about war must be read from childhood, so as not to lose the thread of memory of the validity of our compatriots who gave us life. We offer you an annotated recommendation list of the best works about the Great Patriotic. The list is in order of the alphabet of the authors. All presented literary masterpieces have a full-text analogue on the Internet.

For primary classes

Voronkova L.F. Girl from the city
The story "Girl from the city", written in the harsh 1943, still touches the hearts of children and adults. All the best in man is brighter than everything in the years of grave tests. This confirms the history of the small refugee of Valentine, which turned out to among other people's people in an unfamiliar village.

Gaidar A.P. Tale of military mystery, about the boy-kibalchish and his solid word

Heroic fairy tale of a wonderful children's writer. In the boy-kibalchish, all the best features of our boys who dream of the commission of a real feat in the name of the Motherland are embodied.

The big victory would not be conquered if there were no such big and small heroes. Does the fate of Pioneers-heroes have not repeated the fate of the boy of Cybalchish?

Cassil L. Street of the younger Son
The story of the life and death of the young partisan Volodya Dubinin is the hero of the Great Patriotic War.

Kataev V. Son Shelf
Boy-orphan Vanya Solntov's will of the fate fell into the military unit to the scouts. His stubborn character, clean soul and boyish courage were able to overcome the resistance of harsh military people and helped him stay at the front, become the son of the shelf.

Mikhalkov S. Free for children
Despite the well-known ideological orientation, "ill for children" is a good work about the war, able to convey to modern guys transferred to our country at that time. The poem covers the events of 1941-1945. This resource is the scanned pages of the book (children's literature, M., 1969) with drawings N. Kochergin.

Oseva V.A. Vassek Trubachev and his comrades
The heroes of the trilogy "Vasyuk Trubachyov and his comrades" lived, studied, bored, were friends and quarreled several decades ago, but the more interesting the journey on the "car time" and look into their world. That's just a cloudless time of childhood for the trunubachov and his friends turned out to be too short: she broke out the Great Patriotic War.

Powesty K. G. Breakfast Beetles

The soldier was with himself in the hurry hornbar hiking bag, which he pretext for his memory before leaving the son's front. This beetle became a soldier of a good friend in rich life. They passed together a lot, both have something to remember.

Platonov A. Nikita
The story is named by the name of the main character - the little boy Nikita. The writer Andrei Platonov was one of those who forever remember, what a man was in childhood, - and this is not all. Probably, Platonova never said in childhood: you're still not Doros, it's not for the mind. Therefore, he tells us about young people, but respects them as big. And they also respect themselves in his stories, they will even see that they may be here and there are the most important on Earth ...

Platonov A. Flower on Earth
The world is wide, he accommodates a lot of interesting things. A small person makes opening every day. The hero of the story "Flower on Earth" suddenly looked at the ordinary flower with completely different eyes. Grandfather helped her grandchildly to see in the flower of a holy worker.

Simonov K. Son Artillery
Ballad K. Simonova is based on real events. The poetic story about Major Deev and Lönke is remembered from the first reading, so simple, clearly and impressively it is written.

Yakovlev Y. Girls from Vasilyevsky Island
Yuri Yakovlev in his stories opens the whole truth of life as it is, not hiding from solving problems for the external fascination of the plot. The book of "Girls from Vasilyevsky Island" is a story about the little Tame of Savicheva, who died of hunger, is written on the basis of its preserved records.

For 5-7 classes

Bogomolov V.O. Ivan.
The tragic and truthful story of the brave time-reconnaissance boy, every day sacrificing himself, consciously carrying the adult service, which is not forces not every adult fighter.

Kozlov V. Vitka from Chapayevskaya Street
The book tells about teenagers who went hike before the start of the war. They fully experienced the difficulties and dangers of war, as well as the whole Russian people. So came to them growing. The story of "Vitka from Chapaevskaya Street" V.Kozlova was read on not one generation of boys and girls.

Korolkov Y. Heroes Pioneers. Lenya Golikov
During the Great Patriotic War, when the fascists invaded the Novgorod land, Lenya Golikov rose in the ranks of the folk avengers. The story is based on real events. Text is accompanied by drawings of V.Yudina.

Platonov A. Tree Motherland
This is not so much a story as a parable, which speaks about the unassinal status of the war, about the impotence of death before the stubborn desire of a soldier, to surrender in the name of life, to protect his mother, the land, homeland - everything is expensive and holy.

Platonov A. CAMPO
"Sampo" is a fabulous soldier, which is able to feed all those who want the task. In the parable of Andrei Platonova, it is told about a small collective farm called "Good Life", where hardworking people lived, who do not dream of a wonderful mill. All they had, was mined by difficulty. But this was not enough to protect the "good life" from an evil enemy

Poshakin A. Ya. Ivan - I, Fedorov - We
In this story, genuine events and almost all genuine names. The author describes the fighting of his friend, "Brothers" Vanya Fedorov, who died in Stalingrad the death of the hero. Alexey Yakovlevich Shakin himself began the war on Don, participated in the Stalingrad battle, he repeated the feat of Alexander Matrosov, not once he was seriously injured, but he reached the roads of war to the end: he participated in the storm of Berlin and the liberation of Prague.

Rudny V. Children of Captain Gorbon
The Gangeut Peninsula, located at the entrance to the Gulf of Finland, from the first days of the Great Patriotic War has become the most important strategic point. His defenders not only did not missed the Gulf of the Bay of a single major enemy ship that could be a serious threat to Leningrad, but also pulled the significant forces of the enemy at the most decisive moment.

Tolstoy A.N. Russian character
During the Kursk, Lieutenant Egor Dryov, barely managed to escape from the burning tank. He survived and even retained his eyesight, but his borrowed face after several operations has changed beyond recognition. That's the way he arrived in the native house. We learn about this return from the story "Russian Character".

For 8-9 classes

Adamovich A., Granin D. Blocade Book
Daniel Garin called nine hundred days of the blockade of Leningrad "Epopea of \u200b\u200bHuman suffering." The documentary chronicle is based on the memoirs and diaries of hundreds of Leningraders who survived the blockade.

Adamovich A. Khatynskaya story
In Belarus, the fascists were mad as anywhere: more than 9,200 villages were destroyed, more than 600 of them were killed or almost all the inhabitants were burned, units were saved. The "Khatynskaya story" is written in documentary. It is devoted to the struggle of Belarusian partisans. One of them - Flear - recalls the events of the past war.

Aitmatov Ch.T. Early cranes
The harsh years of the Great Patriotic War. Far Kyrgyz Aul. Men - At the front. Heroes Tale - Schoolchildren. The best, the strongest of them should raise abandoned fields, give bread front, families. And children deeply understand it. The war has become a harsh test for adolescents, but she did not kill in them the ability to enjoy life, see beautiful, share joy with others

Baklanov Forever - nineteen-year
This book is about those who have not returned from the war, about love, about life, about youth, about immortality. In the book parallel to the narrative there is a photoranscase. "People who are in these photos," writes the author, "I did not meet at the front and did not know. They captured photoconducts and maybe it's all that remained from them. "

Vasilyev B.L. And dawns here are quiet ...
This work is one of the most piercing on its own lyricity and tragedy of works of war. Light images of girls are the main characters of the story, their dreams and memories of loved ones, create a striking contrast with an inhuman face of the war that does not spare anyone.

Kazakevich E. Star
This product was created on the basis of the front of the front by the author in the combat towing, at the sight of the suffering and death of people. The tragic and sad and bright story about the group of divisional scouts sounds like a revelation and penetrates the soul of people.

Kosmodemyanskaya L.T. Tale of Zoe and Shura
Children L.T. Kosmodemyanskaya killed in the fight against fascism, protecting the freedom and independence of their people. She tells about them about them. By the book, you can trace the life of Zoya and Shura Kosmodemyansky day after day, learn their interests, Duma, dreams.

Field B. Tale of the present person
"The story of the present person" is the story of B. N. Polevoyed 1946 on the Soviet pilot of Meresyev, who was shot down in the battle of the Great Patriotic War. After severe injury, the doctors amputated to him both legs. But he decided that he would fly.

Tvardovsky A.T. Vasily Torkin
In a deeply truthful, performed humor, classically clearly, by its poetic form, Vasily Torkin, A. T. Tvardovsky created the immortal image of the Soviet fighter. This work has become a bright embodiment of a Russian nature and the nationwide senses of the era of the Great Patriotic War.

Sholokhov A.

Fate of man
Story in the story MA Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" is a story about a simple person in a big war, which costs the loss of loved ones, comrades, his courage, heroism gave the right to life and freedom of homeland. In the image of Andrei Sokolov focused the features of the Russian national character.

For senior classes

Adamovich A. Karators
"Punliars" - a bloody chronicle of destroying the battalion of the Hitler's punisher of the dirlylevger seven peaceful villages in the territory of the temporarily occupied Belarus. Chapters are relevant names: "The first" village, "the second", "between the third and fourth settlement", etc. In each chapter, excerpts are placed from documents on the activities of punitive detachments and their participants.

Bogomolov V. Moment of Truth
The plot develops on the basis of the intense confrontation of the Sverdare officers and the group of German sabersants. "The moment of truth" is the most famous novel in the history of Russian literature about the work of counterintelligence during the Great Patriotic War, translated in more than 30 languages.

Bykov V. Sotnikov

For all creativity, V. Beskova is characterized by the problem of moral choices of the hero in the war. In the story of "Sotnikov" there are not representatives of two different worlds, but the people of one country. Heroes of the work - Sotnikov and Fisherman - under normal conditions, it may not be shown their true nature. The reader has to be treated with the author to think about the eternal philosophical issues: the price of life and death, cowardice and heroism, loyalty to debt and betrayal. In-depth psychological analysis of each act and gesture of heroes, fleeting thoughts or replica is one of the strongest sides of the story.

Pope handed over to the writer V. Babyov for the tale of "Centulties" a special prize of the Catholic Church.

Vorobiev K. killed near Moscow
The story "killed near Moscow" became the first work of K. Vorobyov from the category of those who were named critics "lieutenant prose." Vorobev told about the "incredible Javi of War", which he himself witnessed during the fights near Moscow in winter in winter 1941. The war, breaking into human life, affects her, as nothing else, radically changes it.

Kondratyev V. Sashka
Events in the story "Sasha" occur in 1942. The author himself is a front-line and fought under Rzhev, as well as his hero. The story shows people in war and in life. The writer considered his duty to convey the bitter military truth to readers. He reproduces military life in all details, which gives his story a special realism, makes the reader an accomplice of events. For people who are fighting here, even the most insignificant little thing crashes into memory forever.

Nekrasov V. in the trenches of Stalingrad
Stalingrad battle, who solved the outcome of the Great Patriotic War, was captured in many works of art. Viktor Nekrasova's story "In the trenches of Stalingrad" and today shocks the depth and truthfulness. The great and simple heroes of Stalingrad will face the sidelines.

Platonov A. The recovery of the dead
Andrei Platonov during the war of war was a military correspondent. He wrote about what he saw himself. The story of "the recovery of the dead" was the top of the Military prose A. Plonov. Decoded to the heroic crossing through the Dnieper. And at the same time, he tells about the holiness of the mother, going on the grave of his children, holiness, born to suffering.

Tenryakov V. F. People or Nerludi
V. Tenryakov went to the front volunteer after graduation at the 17th age. There was a connection. Some facts of his military biography are reflected in the essay "People or Nerudi". This is the reflection of the writer on how quickly the transformation of people in dislikes is happening. Not sparing either their compatriots, no fascists, the author shows the tragic relativity of humanity and inhumanity in man depending on the circumstances.

Fadeev A.A. Young guard
Roman about the Krasnodon's underground organization "Young Guard", operating in the territory occupied by the fascists, many members of which heroic died in fascist dungeons.

Most of the main characters of the novel: Oleg Koshevoy, Ulyana Gromova, Lyubov Shevtsova, Ivan Zharovkhov, Sergey Tylenyn and others - really existed people.

Sholokhov MA They fought for their homeland
The pages of the novel "They fought for their homeland" recreate one of the most tragic moments of the war - the retreat of our troops on the Don in the summer of 1942.
The uniqueness of this work in a special Sholokhov ability to combine the largest possibleness and epichetic of the image (the tradition, coming from the "war and the world" L. Tolstoy) with the detailing of the narration, with a sharp feeling of the uniqueness of a human nature.
In the novel, the fate of three modest ordinary people - Miner Peter Lopakhina, Ivan Zvyagintsev combiner, Agronom Nikolai Streltsova, revealed in the novel. Very different in the characters, they are connected on the front by male friendship and endless devotion to the dedication.

15 books about the war that everyone should read

The farther from us the Great Patriotic War, the more gaming our memory, rather than memory itself. And now she is erased for many, the grandfather "never!" And reasoning about war appears, as a way to solve political or economic problems. We picked up 15 books that, according to good, should read each of us. At least in order to feel how it was all this.

"And tomorrow was war, Boris Vasilyev

War, it seems, nothing to do with it, it is only in the title: promise, and nothing more. Normal life, ordinary alarms, small and large, young men and girls of 1940. The stronger the horror of the hanging, inevitable misfortune, which will fall on the main characters, the Somny of their fate, crushes, will take all joys. Troubles, against the background of which all others, these are important now, will die.

"Life and Fate", Vasily Grossman

This is an epos. It must be read for a long time and slowly, digesting each line. The book of war in all her horror: death at the front and behind the front, inhuman humiliation and inhuman power of the Spirit. The fact that the meanness of his own and that the enemies do not cease to be enemies. Everything here is a witness's voice: Vasily Grosman was a military correspondent, and knew the war both from the front and from the rear, and his mother was in the Jewish ghetto and was shot. On the night before death, a woman managed to write a letter to his son and managed to convey it. This letter was the whole story of humiliation, the whole horror of people awaiting murder. Epos Grossman is written more than the blood of the people: the blood of the mother. Starther ink do not invent.

"The war is not a female face" Svetlana Aleksievich

Again the vote of witnesses, only speech is straight. Belorussian journalist Svetlana Aleksievich gently collected memories of fought women. And I collected the face of the war, which is almost not taken to remember - as if war is hurt only men. This book is also impossible to read if a live pain falls from her pages.

"Mother of Human", Vitaly Zavokin

The main heroine of the book did not go to the front, but still could not avoid war. Alas, when hostilities go, there are no civilians, at least just because there is no peace. The woman was in the face of trouble without weapons in his hands, and to fight for their lives and for the life of their children, she had to be exclusively her will and her hard work.

"General and his Army", George Vladimov

It describes the war from that an angle, in which they see her taking responsibility for thousands of other languages. When the scale becomes such that the soldiers seem to be soldiers, and cities and villages - points on the map, some take the temptation to start the game and pull the rest in it.

"Sotnikov" Vasil Bulls

The book about how the war manifests a person: the features that in peacetime are invisible, in an extreme situation, come out and determine the main motives and actions of heroes. One goes to the end, risking life, another panting and retreats. And also reading "Sotnikov", you can feel very well, as it is difficult to be such as the first, and how hard to condemn the second when death breathes in the face.

"Time to live and time to die" Erich Maria Remarque

In this novel, written from the face of the German soldier, it is described that in every war, at least two sides, and what to be a pitiful pawn from the coming. Even more: "Time to live and time to die" - the book that war is not good and in war is not good. If you still at least a little man, of course.

"I see the sun" Nodar Dumbadze

Very easy, warm and bright book. The main characters are teenagers from the Georgian village, the orphan boy, who raised aunt, and blind girl, dreaming to see the sun. Somewhere far goes. Here, in Georgia, they do not kill, do not drop bombs, do not shoot tens and hundreds. But even this paradise shifts the war, as far as far as the front passed. And stretch, stretch to the light, despite all the deprivation, future people of the world, those who once to treat wounds of their country and live for those who have not returned.

"The slaughterhouse number five or the crusade of children" Kurt Vonnegut

Halfantastic, or rather, a surrealistic book about the experienced by the author of the experience of war on the advanced, German captivity and the bombardment of Dresden - from the side of Dresden. A book about ordinary people, tired physically and morally, whose only dream is - just go home.

"Blood book" Ales Adamovich, Daniel Granin

Documentary and therefore a very hard book, after which somehow unbearable I want to live, breathe, enjoy air, rain, snow. Call friends, relatives to just hear them and know that they are with you. This book is not chanting the military fell of Leningraders, but the chronicle of suffering, for which a person cannot be intended. The authors recorded the stories of dozens of blockade witnesses. After each terrible memory, it seems that it can no longer be worse. But the following is worse.

"Blocade Ethics" Sergey Yarov

Another incredibly heavy book about the blockade. About how inhuman suffering in some shift the ideas about black and white, and in others - they make them clearer, sharper, contrast. Without a doubt, one of the most terrible works of war.

"Memories of War" Nikolay Nikulin

These are memories of the famous St. Petersburg art historian about their military years. The author wrote them in the middle of the seventies, as he put it in order to remove the incredible cargo with the soul, pulling all these years. Published a manuscript only in 2007, two years before the death of Nikulina. The book looks at the war in terms of ordinary. About how and what the soldiers live when each next minute bears someone's death.

"War is the greatest lead that ever invented the human genus, ... the war has always been meanness, and the army, the murder tool is an evil to the gun. No, and there was no wars fair, they all, no matter how they justified - anti-human "

"It's us, Lord!" Konstantin Vorobiev

Another face of war. Book on the back of the courage. About what is captured, especially Nazi. About torture, to humiliate the spirit through the humiliation of the body, about horror and suffering. And, of course, about death nearby. There is no war without this gloomy satellite.

"In the trenches of Stalingrad," Victor Nekrasov

The name of the book completely opens its plot. We are talking about one of the most cruel and important battles of the Great Patriotic. The author shows the war from the tag - from there, where the strength of the hands and confidence in combat comrades are more important than solutions made from above. When life and death go there, divided by centimeters and moments, people are revealed as they are. With fear, despair, love and hatred.

"Cursed and killed", Viktor Astafiev

Another book on behalf of a soldier who could teach to consider human lives. 20,000 when taking height at school - just voiced digit. And after this book, 20,000 turn back to people. Deadly painfully, ugly, left to lie on the ground, scratched from the blood. Because war is about people, not about numbers.

Text: Vladimir Yarkovich

- In the book - not a poster-glossy picture of the war. Frontovik Astafyev shows the whole horror of the war, all that I had to go through our soldiers, endure and from the Germans and from our own leadership, which often did not put human life in anything. Piercingly tragic, the terrible work does not accommodate, as some believe, but on the contrary, even more elevates the feat of our soldiers who won in such inhuman conditions.

At one time, the work caused ambiguous responses. This novel is an attempt to say the whole truth about war, to say that the war was so inhuman, tough (and on both sides) that it is impossible to write a novel about it. You can only create powerful fragments that are approaching the very essence of the war.

Astafyev in some sense answered the question, which very often sounds in criticism, and in reader reflections: why do we have no "war and peace" about the Great Patriotic War? About that war of such a novel and it was impossible to write: it was too heavy this truth. The war cannot be sealing, covered with a gloss, cannot be distracted from its bloody essence. Astafiev is a man who passed the war was against the approach, in which it becomes the subject of the ideological struggle.

Pasternak has the definition that the book is a slim of smoking conscience, and nothing else. Astafevsky Roman deserves this definition.

Roman called and cause controversy. This suggests that in the literature about war, the point can never be delivered, and disputes will continue.

"Dies a squad." Tale Leonid Borodina

Borodin was a convinced opponent of Soviet power. But at the same time - a patriot, nationalist in a good sense of the word. It is interesting for him the position of those people who did not take Hitler, nor Stalin, nor Soviet power, no fascist power. From here - a painful question: how do these people find the truth during the war? It seems to me that he very accurately described in his story and Soviet people - charming, incredibly cute for the reader, - they are communists, believe in Stalin, but they are so many sincerity, honesty; And those who are Stalin not accepting.

The action takes place on the occupied territory, the partisan detachment should break out of the environment, and only a person who began to work by German old-age and who used to be the owner of the estate, where the action unfolds. And in the end, he helps Soviet soldiers, but for him it is not a simple choice ...

Three these works are Astafieva, Vladimov and Borodin are wonderful in that they show a very complex, not coordinated to the unified plane picture of the war. And in all three mains is love and knowledge that our business was right, but not at the level of primitive slogans, this right thing is dying.

"Life and fate" Vasily Grossman.

- This novel gives a completely realistic description of the war and at the same time not just "household sketches". This is a cast from society and the era.

Tale of Vasil Bykov

- Frontovik Bykov speaks of war without unnecessary emotions. Another writer is one of the first to show the invaders, the Germans are not as abstract monsters, but as ordinary people, in peacetime we own the same professions that Soviet soldiers, and this makes the situation even more tragic.

Works of Bulat Okudzhava

- Book of Frontovik Okudzhava "Be healthy, Scholyar!" attracts an unusual, intellectual look at the horrors of war.

The touching story of the oquesawa Bulat "Be Skolyar!". She is written in a genuine patriot, who faked his passport: increased the age to go to the front, where he became a sapper, was injured ... In Soviet times, the story stands out for his sincerity, frankness and poetry against the background of a variety of treekized stamps. This is one of the best artistic works of war. And if I spoke about Okudzhava, then what his heartfelt and the songs of the war he had. What is "ah, war, what you did, mean ..."!

Military prose and poetry Bulat Okudzhava are associated with filmcensions. Topic: Little Man and War. A man going forward without a splashing "neither bullets or grenades" and ready to "not stand up for the price" - give life for the victory, although I really want to go back ...

Tale: "Be healthy, Scholyar!" "Music lessons". And, of course, the poems that everyone knows. I will give only four, it may not be most often executed.


S. Scrasadin

Jazist went to the militia,
civile without throwing clouds.
Trombones and Chechet Kings
in the soldiers were not injured.

Clarinets Princes, Like Prince of Blood,
masters of saxophones walked
and, except, there were drum sticks sorcerers
squeezing switches of war.

To change all the concerns
the only ripe is ahead,
and violinists went to the machine guns,
and machine guns fought on the chest.

But what to do what to do if
attacks were in fashion, not songs?
Who could then take into account their courage
when did they fall out of honor?

Barely calmed down the first fights,
they lay row. Without moving.
In pre-sewing suits,
as if pretending and joking.

Redlie their ranks and decreased.
They were killed, they were forgotten.
And yet to the music of the Earth
they were brought in remembrance,

when on the patch of the globe
under the May march, solemn
beat off heels, dancing, couple
for the rest of their souls. For rest.

Do not believe the war, boy,
do not believe: She is sad.
She is sad, boy,
like boots, tesne.

Your dashing horse
nothing will be able to:
you're all - like on the palm,
all bullets are in one.
* * *

Rider was driving on horseback.

Artillery Oral.
Tank shot. Soul burned.
Hummer on the gum ...
Illustration for war.

I, of course, do not die:
you get the wounds to me,
the word is affectionate.
Everything will delay the morning ...
Illustration of good.

The world is mixed on the blood.
This is our last coast.
Maybe who will not believe -
do not turn a string ...
Illustration for love.

Oh, something I can not believe that I, brother, fought.
Or maybe this schoolboy drew me:
i swear with handles, I dry with legs,
and I hope to survive, and I want to win.

Oh, something I can not believe that I, brother, killed.
Or maybe just in the evening in the movie I visited?
And lacking weapons, someone else's life is cruel,
and my hands are clean, and the soul is righteous.

Oh, something I can not believe that I do not fell in battle.
Or maybe a shot, I have long lived in paradise,
and bush there, and groves there, and curls on the shoulders ...
And this life is beautiful only dreams at night.

By the way, the birthday of Bulat Schalvovich - May 9th. His heritage is a peaceful spring sky: the war should never repeat:

"Spring again on white light -

Take the chinel, went home! "

P.S. Wonderfully Bulat Shalvovich was baptized before the end of his earthly life. In baptism he is John. Kingdom of heaven!

"Camnation number five, or a crusade of children" Kurt Vonneguta

- If we talk about the great domestic as part of the Second World War. The autobiographical novel of the American Writer is about meaninglessness, the silence of war.

"I fought on the fighter. Taking the first blow. 1941-1942 "And" I fought with Assa Luftwaffe. To change the fallen. 1943-1945 "Artem Drabkin

"Airport" is not a chronicle, not an investigation, not the chronicle. This is an artistic fiction based on real facts. There are many characters in the book, many intertwining dramatic storylines. The novel is not only and not so much about the war. He is about love, about betrayal, passion, treason, hatred, rage, tenderness, courage, pain and death. In other words, about our today's life and yesterday's life. The reality of the novel begins at the airport and unfolds in minutes over the past five days more than a 240-day siege. Although the novel is based on real facts, all the characters are the fruit of artistic fiction, as well as the name of the airport. Little Ukrainian Barrison of Airport Danish and Nosnially reflects the attacks of the enemy, which is repeatedly superior to him in a living force and technology. In this destroyed to the base of the airport, insidious and cruel enemies face what they did not expect and what could not believe. With cyborgs. The enemies themselves called the airport defenders for their inhuman vitality and stubbornness of doomed. Cyborg, in turn, the enemies nicknamed orcs. Together with cyborgs at the airport there is an American photographer, which for a number of reasons is experiencing this optional war as a personal drama. Its eyes, as if in a kaleidoscope, in the breaks between battles at the airport, the reader will also see the entire story of the fact that objective historians will not be called otherwise as a Russian-Ukrainian war.

The basis of the book is the story of the life of a real person. The former prisoner, the fighter of the penalty company, and then the PCA and one of the leaders of the Kengir uprising of the prisoners of the Gulag, Engels Ivanovich Skrevenkov. There are amazing fate. They are similaradventure Roma, accompanied by fanstatic escaps and incredible turns. FateEngels Diekhenkov Wasa from this series.Around his name was thrown out of lies.His fate on one side looks like a feat, on the other, like betrayal. But theyfromaM Convening or unconsciously was the culpritthese confused metamorphosis.

But to understand Dieselkov, as a person, not to justify, but only to understandwhat it became possible, that he is a Soviet citizen and the Soviet soldier went to fight against Stalin. In order to understand the reasons forthat many thousands of Soviet citizens during World War II decided wear enemy shape and take into hands weapons, against your own brothers and friends, we must live their lives. Find out in their place and in their skins. We must be transferred to those times when a person is forced It was one thing to think, to talk another and, in the end, to do the third. AND at the same time, to preserve the ability to be ready once to resist such rules. behavior rebel and sacrifice not only your life, but also a good name.

Vladimir's novels PRSHANIN "Penfin from a tank company", "Pantry, tanker, a suicide" and "The Last Fight of the Fitter" is the history of the Soviet man during the Great Patriotic War. Yesterday's student, who in June 41, fell into a tank school and having passed the terrible tests of the war, become a real tanker.

In the center of Roman "Family" - the fate of the main character of Ivan Finogenovich Leonov, grandfather's grandfather, in its direct connection with the largest events in the current village of Nikolsky from the end 19 to the 30s of the 20th century. The scale of the work, the novelty of the material, the rare knowledge of the household of the Old Believers, the correct understanding of the social situation was nominated to a number of significant works about the peasantry of Siberia

In August 1968, two cadet battalions were formed in the Ryazan School of Airborne School of Cadets (4 companies in each) and a separate number of cadets of the special surveillance parts (9th company). The main task of the latter is the preparation of commanders of groups for parts and units of GRU special forces

The ninth company is perhaps the only one who went into the legend with a whole unit, and not a specific list of composition. Already more than thirty years have passed since she stopped existing, but the glory does not fade about her, but rather, on the contrary, it grows.

Andrei Bronnikov was a cadet of the legendary 9th company in 1976-1980. After many years, he honestly and described in detail about everything that happened to him during this time. Starting from the moment of receipt and ending with the delivery of lieutenant pursuit ...

Among the numerous artistic works about the Great Patriotic War, Roman Aculov "Baptism" is allocated by the incorruptible objective truth, in which tragic and heroic are connected in monolith. This could create only a gifted artist of the word, who personally passed through the floss of fire and metal, through the frozen blood frosty snow, not once saw death in the face. The significance and strength of the novel "Baptism" gives not only the eventful truth, but also the classical artisticness, the wealth of the Russian folk language, the bulk and diversity of the characteristics created and images.

His characters, both ordinary and officers, are highlighted by a bright light penetrating their psychology and spiritual world.

The novel recreates the events of the first months of the Great Patriotic War - the offensive of the Nazis near Moscow in the fall of 1941 and rebuffed, who gave him Soviet soldiers. The author shows how sometimes it is difficult and confusing human fates. Some become heroes, others get up on the fancy path of betrayal. Through all the work passes the image of a white birch - a beloved tree in Russia. The first edition of the novel was published in 1947 and soon received the Stalinist Prize of the 1st degree and truly nationwide recognition.

Military Prose.

War. From this word, death, hunger, deprivation, disaster comes from. No matter how much time has passed after its end, people will remember it for a long time and mourn losses. Writing debt does not hide the truth, but to say how everything in war was in fact, remember the feats of heroes.

What is a military prose?

Military prose is an artistic work affecting the topic of war and a person in it. Military prose is often autobiographical or recorded from eyewitnesses of events. In the works about the war rises by universal, moral, social, psychological and even philosophical topics.

It is important to do to make the generation that did not get in touch with the war knew that their ancestors were held. Military prose is divided into two periods. The first is to write stories, leads, novels during hostilities. The second refers to the post-war spelling period. This is the time of rethinking the occurred and unbiased view from the side.

In modern literature, two main areas of works can be distinguished:

  1. Panoramic . The action in them occurs in different parts of the front at the same time: on the front line, in the rear, in the headquarters. Writers in this case use genuine documents, cards, orders, and so on.
  2. Dailed . In such books there is a story about one or several main characters.

The main topics that are revealed in the books about the war:

  • Military actions on the advanced;
  • Partisan resistance;
  • Civil life in the rear of the enemy;
  • Life of prisoners in concentration camps;
  • Life of young soldiers in war.

Man and War

Many writers are interested not so much to significantly describe the combat missions of fighters, how much to explore their moral qualities. The behavior of people in extreme conditions is very different from their usual image of a quiet life.

In war, many manifest themselves the best side, others, on the contrary, do not withstand the tests and "break". The task of the authors to explore the logic of behavior and the inner world of those and other characters . This is the main role of writers - to help make the right output readers.

What is the importance of literature about war?

Against the background of horrors of the war in the foreground, a person speaks with his problems and experiences. The main characters not only commit feats on the front line, but also make heroic actions in the enemy's rear and sitting in concentration camps.

Of course, we all have to remember what price is paid for the victory and make out of this s. Everyone will benefit for themselves, reading the literature about the war. In our electronic library there are many books on this topic.

  • Lion Cassil;

    The new Father Lizel turned out to be a decent person. He hated the Nazis and hid in the basement of a runling Jew. He also instilled Lizel's love for books, which in those days mercilessly destroyed. On the days of the Germans during the time of war, read is very interesting. Many things are rethinking after reading.

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In this selection, we collected the best books about the war in 1941 - 1945. The list of the most interesting works about the Great Patriotic War, the children of heroes, pioneers and more largely - about the second world war.

Valentin Pikul. Odean patrol. The first book. Ascoolheads. Volume 1.

Before the reader appears the Great Patriotic War near the sea. Heroes are playing the battle not only against enemies, but also against natural whims. To fight at once with two enemies is much harder and more dangerous. Each fleet character is important for their loved ones, which they expect them on land. Further

Vladimir Karpov. Take alive!

This product is written by the former Frontovik Vladimir Karpov and is a certain collection of various narratives about the difficult days of the simple scout of Vasily. Many of the events described look difficult at imaginable, but the author convinces them in their authenticity. Further

Valentin Kataev. Son Shelf

This story tells about the share of the usual peasant boy Ivan Solntsev, who became the orphan during the Great Patriotic War, which made orphans of many children. Vanya also orphaned and when he grew up, decided to go in the footsteps of his father, to keep his memory to his act - he entered the military school. Further

Svetlana Aleksievich. The last witnesses. Solo for children's voice

This work has become the second in the documentary cycle "Utopia's voice." Here, the reader appears memories of the Great Patriotic War of the youngest witnesses - children. All that children's eyes were able to convey was a terrible and merciless spectacle. Further

Viktor Kurochkin. In war as in war

The author is known to the reader as one of the extraordinary writers of the time of war. This story comes to the reader everyday affairs during military reality, as well as as far as the real heroism of ordinary people was great. The famous feature film is removed based on the book. Further

Valentin Rasputin. Live and remember. Stories and stories

The prose of this writer affects morality issues. The stories and stories of Rasputin are fighting for the preservation of Russian customs and traditions and are the component of the Gold Foundation of Domestic Literature. The language he was worked was very alive, and bright colors betrayed the reader the inexplicable beauty and passion of the world. Further

Victor Astafiev. Curses and killed

Several adolescent-recruits arrived at the front. There they are waiting for the tough relationship of the commander, wild cold and merciless hunger. Over time, the crowd of boys becomes a real soldier's fraternity and acts together. Their subsequent fate will leave the mark in the soul of each reader. Further

Vasil Bulls. Live to dawn

On the road lay soldier Ivanovsky, while holding a grenade. The wagon was approaching him, and he was ready for the fact that he would be seen by the Germans. He tried his best to be fixed and even stopped breathing. The Germans shouted something in his direction, but he did not respond. What happens to him next? Further

Nadezhda hope. Guerrilla Lara.

This story shows us a young guerrilla Lara in the times of the Great Patriotic War. For many, she has become the symbol of the courage of the guerriana. The girl wanted a peaceful life and did not want to fight at all, but the enemy got to her village, breaking access to it. She had to help her loved ones. Further

The author of this story itself visited the front. It is the events of their history that became the basis for the plots of books. His story tells about a man who tortured the icy water of impassable marshes, dirt of the trenches and wilderness of the forest. But the most important torture is the unknown of the outcome of hostilities. Further

This book tells about the fate of a little girl. This in the future talented actress became famous as a sensitive and wise man who loving his homeland and people. Life is such an outstanding person as a gulya (so it was nicknamed) worthy of the reader's attention. Further

This is the first book about the war from the "Utopia Voice" cycle. This is the last edition, in which the writer has finalized the book by adding new episodes and adds women's confession to some of the pages of their diary. This book is a guide to the spiritual world of a woman who survives in the conditions of war. Further

The author fell to the front at the age of 17 and decided to write about those who fought in one trench. Nikolai's protagonist, like the author, is a young guy who grows on the front. Losing friends, he wiping his native land with enemy blood. Thanks to the author, the main character became almost immortal. Further

The book tells about the Soviet military counterintelligence. This group was able to neutralize German agents. While the fighters of our army were involved in the liberation of the Baltic States, Russian counterintelligents were able to discover the German grouping "Neman". Further

This book is an autobiographical story. In it we can learn about the life of the inhabitants of the Solovetsky Islands. The author was presented in the role of the main character of Saving Ogurtsov, who lived at the Jung School. Further

In this novel, the writer who himself fought in Russia and Poland tells about the events in Stalingrad, namely, one of the decisive events of the Great Patriotic War. Each death is perceived as a violation of justice. Further

This novel is the last in the trilogy "Live and Dead". The writer holds the main characters of the victorious paths of the last summer of the Great Patriotic War. All the power of the Soviet army began to gain momentum and under glorious music goes to the long-awaited victory. Further

Boris Vasilyev. Tomorrow was war (Collection)

The author who himself visited the battlefields, tells about the war very realistic. It shows the problems of love and loyalty, as well as morality that oppose cynicism and official. All these problems are described on the one hand during the time of war, and on the other - in peacetime. Further

A very famous story about the pilot Alexei Maresyev, who was the hero of the Soviet Union. The basis of the story is its limitless self-dedication to his work. The main character was able to turn in the air a lot of brilliant military operations and even after the amputation of both legs, he continued to fight! Further

Julian Semenov. Seventeen Moments Spring (Collection)

This romance about the legendary Soviet intelligence of Stirlitz won the sympathy of the mass of readers. The main character became a real folk favorite. Nowadays, jokes are often found about him and argue about its prototypes. Colonel Maxim Isaev is the famous Soviet intelligence officer who used to risk his life. Further

These were the best books about the war of 1941 - 1945. The list must be added to the bookmarks. And if you know more novels about the Great Patriotic War and in general about the second world war, write to us in the comments.