Sergey Belogolov: "The first years we had a life with my wife, but a story about a real man. Sergey Belogolov: Biography, Personal Life, Photo Sergey Belogolov, Actor

Sergey Belogolov:
Sergey Belogolov: "The first years we had a life with my wife, but a story about a real man. Sergey Belogolov: Biography, Personal Life, Photo Sergey Belogolov, Actor

Sergey and Natalia Belogolovsev - Parents of three sons: Senior Nikita and Gemini of Alexander and Eugene. As it turned out, the spouses were hidden for a long time that one of the twins suffers Palsy.But still the couple decided to frankly talk about the health of Eugene.

So, in the studio program "Alone with everyone" with Yulia Little Sergey admitted that he and his wife first shy his son and therefore did not tell anyone about it. As it turned out, the twins were born prematurely, and this was reflected in the state of a small zhenya - the doctors discovered four heart defects at once. When he was a little less than a year, he suffered a serious operation, after which the complications began, and the cerebral cerebral was diagnosed.

"We, honestly, hid the first time and for quite a long time. And Natasha did not take it on the shooting. Now I understand that there was such a sin that we were also shy, and we also thought that we were some kind of defective, and some were wrong that we had such a child, "the Belogolov admitted. Through years of torment and feelings of guilt for the fate of the Son, the spouses realized that it was time to tell about the problem. So, they told not only about their history, but also began to help other families with such issues.

Now Zhenya, who was referred to a gloomy future, leads the program "Different news" on the TV channel Ts times. He, despite the diagnosis, graduated from school for gifted children and entered the Institute of Theatrical Art, Advertising and Show Business.

Sergey Belogolovsev - Russian TV presenter, actor, humorist, director, showman and radio host. I received the first glory after participating in the popular humorous show "O.S.P. Studio ", Actor of Comedy Sitkom" 33 square meters ".

Sergey was born in Vladivostok on April 2, 1964. Parents met at the Institute, where Mom Ksenia Alekseevna was a student, and Papa Gennady Ivanovich is a teacher. Shortly after Serezha's appearance, the family moved to Obninsk, where the father was transferred to the local atomic energy institution.

Belogolovtsev grew up quite an intelligent boy, although he was friends with the courtyard boards and urban hooligans. First of all, with these boys, Belogoltsev united the passion for football. Sergey even tried to get to the youth school of Moscow "Spartacus", for which he sick from 5 years old, but the boy did not accept.

Entrance exams at the Institute, the young man did not prepare at all. Sergey decided to go to that university, where his father worked, and believed that he would solve issues with admission. But at the first exam, Sergei Bogodovtsev received an unsatisfactory assessment and hurried to enter a non-deserved, but quite affordable Moscow Mountain Institute. After a university, the guy had to work for a few years on the mine in the Far East. But it was there that the thrust for creativity made his way. Sergey created Agitbrigadid, with which he spoke on the stage of rural clubs.

When it turned out to return to Moscow, the Belogolov carried out a long-time desire and organized his own KVN team "Magma". This team literally broke into the Higher League, and Sergey quickly became a star. KVN has become a significant milestone in the creative biography of Belogoltsheva, opening the way to the pop and television with a young man.

A television

After successful in KVN, Sergey Belogolovseva was invited to an intellectual-ironic game for teenagers "magnificent seven" and entrusted him the role of a scenario and lead. The premieres of programs "once a week", the "laughter scheme", "save, repair", "Prospect of Knowledge", "Night Records!?" And about a dozen gear.

But the mansion in Sergey's career was the comedy show "O.S.P.-STUDIO" and the television series "33 square meters" produced by the team, where the actor played the head of the booty family of Zevadunov. In these projects of Belogolov, together with, and played the ideas in which the stars of show business, politicians, televisors and ordinary residents of Russia were paroded.

By the way, the TV host did not limit the arsenal only by humorous programs. For example, Sergey led an analytical program on football football. And in 2006, I tried the role of the participant, showing the wonders of artistry in the show "Circus with the Stars".

From October 2014, Sergei Belogolovs, as one of the leaders, acts as one of the leadership of Belogolovsky's Radio show on the Radio Station "Lighthouse". The whole family of the artist is involved there.


After the grand success of the series "33 square meters", Sergey Belogolov did not throw a career of the actor, although she did not become the main one for him. In the early 2000s, the Whitebands appeared in episodes of several rating comedies - "Daddy's daughters", "My beautiful nanny" and "Two Anton". In 2006, the artist starred in the film "Color of the sky", where the Hero-lover Mikhail, the beloved Stewartes of Catherine (Natalia Kurdyubova) played, played uncharacteristic hero. A year later, the actor transformed into the character fell Palycha in the comedy "All such a sudden" with and in high roles.

Sergey Belogolovtsev and Anna Semenovich on the set of the series "All so sudden"

In 2009, the Belogolovsev filmography was replenished with work in the Social Dram "Roof" on the relationships of children and eternally busy parents. The director gathered a star cast on the stage platform, where they entered. Being a large father himself, Sergey Belogolov reincarnated in the father of the girl Dasha.

In 2010, the demonstration of the criminal thriller "Vendetta in Russian" started, where the actor played the chief editor of Kim Igorevich. Sergey also appeared in the Darma Drama.

In 2011, the artist lit up in a picture of the "Spirie" novel, where the main characters were played ,. Sergey Belogolov took the role of Volodya Gulyakin, director of the St. Petersburg branch of the company. At the same time, the Whitebands received a major role in the comedy TV series "Taxi". The film was broadcast for two years in Ukrainian and Russian television.

In 2013, the Kukushechka melodrama was published with Belogolovsev. A year later, work was followed in the Comedy "Corporate", Fantasy Fantasy "Territory of Ja". In 2015, Sergey fell into the main acting staff of the Lyrical Comedy "Yurochka".

Personal life

The personal life of the artist has long been established. Sergey Belogolovsky married in student. Natalia's spouse was the leader of the military-patriotic club, although in the profession she is a journalist. Later, Natalia became the general director of OOO O.S.P..

Children Sergey's children have relevant to the profession of the TV presenter. The firstborn of the artist - Nikita - the political browser of the TV channel "Rain". The second son of Alexander graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism MGIMO and from adolescence, various programs were led by the most famous of which "Nefsky" on the "Carousel" channel.

Yevgeny's younger son was born heavily sick - he has cerebral paralysis. It was Sergey's health state that the health of the Zhenya, and Natalia settles in Moscow, where there was an opportunity to provide a full-fledged treatment for the boys. Despite the illness, Eugene is also the lead - the young man appears in the frame of the "Different News" program on the TV channel.

Repeatedly Sergey Belogolov took on television in programs devoted to the problems of disabled. In 2013, Sergei spoke in a sharp criticism to the state in the release of the current show "Let's talk", which cannot provide normal conditions for treatment and rehabilitation for children with disabilities. After the flame monolor, Belogoltsiev was counted to a number of oppositionists.

Faced with the problem of a sick child, Belogolovy decided to help other children if possible. They organized a non-profit organization "Skiing of Dreams", which teaches guys with cerebral paralysis skiing, as such exercise improves the state of patients.

Sergey Beatheads now

In 2016, the actor participated in the transmission of "Smak" with TV presenter. Sergey Belogolovs shared recipes that had to master after Natalia's wife came to the development of the rehabilitation center. On the air, Sergey also shared information about the latest projects in which he participates. Belogolovsev is fond of poetry and performs at the evenings dedicated to creativity

In the same year, Sergey was invited to two new TV projects - the show "Guess the movie", which started on the TV channel "Che", and the transfer of the "show", which entered the broadcast of the NTV television channel. The co-host of Belogoltsev in the second gear, Dmitry Kolchin, and.


  • 1995 - "Once a week"
  • 1996 - "O.S.P. Studio"
  • 2002 - "Clear Records!?"
  • 2007 - "Circus with Stars"
  • 2014 - "Wedding General"
  • 2016 - "Guess Cinema"
  • 2016 - Saltykov-Shchedrin Show

Sergey's younger children and Natalia Belogolovsevy - Gemini Sasha and Zhenya - were born with sevenonee, but only a little zhenium had serious health problems were discovered - immediately four heart defects. When the baby was a little less than a year, he suffered the first operation, after which the complications began and developed cerebrals.

In the transfer of Julia, a 52-year-old "alone with all" admitted that the first time did not want to talk about the soul's illness to anyone.

"We, honestly, hid the first time and for quite a long time. And Natasha did not take it on the shooting. Now I understand that there was such a sin that we were also shy, and we also thought that we were some kind of defective, and some of us were wrong that we had such a child, "Sergey admitted.


Soon, the spouses understood that they were incorrect. Sergey and Natalia not only told about their problem, but also began to help other parents who were in such a situation.

Belogolovsky could not understand why he and son God sent such a test: "For what? For what it is for me, for what it is for him, because he did not have time to heal, he only appeared, for which it is punishment? " Sergey admitted to Julia, which only recently ceased to torment himself with these questions.

Now everything is the worst for the Beadhead family left behind. Sergey is proud of the Son, which, despite its diagnosis, is building a successful career.

Evgeny graduated from school for gifted children and entered the Institute of Theatrical Art, Advertising and Show Business, and last year the son of Belogoltshev became the leading headings in the "Different News" program on the TV channel T. V..

Sergey Belogolovtsev is an artist, which is distinguished by simply striking versatility. He played the scene of KVN-A, starred in the cinema, led television programs and even created his own works as a director. Such a gamma of his life images inspires respect, because sometimes it seems that this person has hundreds of persons. But which of them are genuine? We will try in this today.

Childhood and family Sergei Belogolovsev

Sergey Belogolovtsev appeared on April 2, 1964 in the city of Vladivostok, however, it practically did not live here and already in early childhood moved with his family to the city of Obninsk, where, in fact, his childhood passed. However, on this, the moving of the family of the future Showman did not end. His family often changed service apartments, and therefore Sergey constantly had to move from one school to another.

While studying at school, our today's hero was fond of football and basketball. His favorite football team was the Moscow Spartak, and he himself performed for the basketball team of the Research Physics and Chemical Institute. It is here, by the way, Sergey Belogolov, and was going to flow after school. However, this father did not appreciate his father, who worked here as a physics teacher. As a result, Sergey had to choose another university for himself. So the future showman was in the Moscow Mountain Institute.

During his studies in this university, Sergey first began to get involved in theatrical art. He took an active part in the activities of the local mutual mug, played in the performances, wrote lyrics, and at one fine moment I even managed to become the leader of the local ensemble "Flywer".

Career Sergey Belogoltseva in KVN

After the end of the Belarussevs Institute, the distribution was sent to the distant and non-microgenic Khabarovsk region. However, the Sergey was not even going to lose his local wilderness. Literally a few months later, after his appearance in these parts, the Belogolov gathered his own agitbrigada and even took several attempts to organize his own rock team. But the latter of these ideas remained not realized. The reason for this was his untimely departure to Moscow, which was caused by family circumstances.

In the capital of Russia, Sergey Belogolov again took up the implementation of various creative plans. This time the main skeleton of the actor was its own KVN team. First, this project "Buxed" due to lack of financing. However, very soon, SERGEY began to gain real outlines. So, the KVN team "Magma" was formed.

Whiteballs explodes the framework of the program "Let them say"

From the first days of its existence, the newly formed team has become the main opening of the highest league season. The team performed brightly, and therefore Sergey Belogolov was very soon became a real star. Spectators loved him, his jokes were always perceived on "Hurray." However, in the KVN-Osovsky fate of our today's hero, there was still one disappointment - Sergey's Higher League champion never became.

Sergey Belogolovsev - TV presenter

Despite this circumstance, later his creative destiny was very and very successful. In 1993, our today's hero received an offer to work on the creation of a "magnificent seven". At first, Sergei Belogolov worked on the creation of new issues as a scenario, however, it was very soon began to diagnosely appear in the frame. He was a real soul of a collective, combining the qualities of the lead, scenario, actor and director at the same time.

As a result, thanks to the efforts of the actor, the transfer received a great success. Charismatic presenter really liked the audience, and therefore Sergey was very soon to be invited to other projects. So, at the end of the nineties on Russian television, such projects appeared as "OSP studio", "Country stories", as well as the comedy series "33 square meters". The last of the name projects has become particularly popular.

Sergey Belogolov: "It will be more difficult for joke today"

Sergey Belogolov became a real celebrity, and therefore later he often participated in various TV shows as a lead or invited star. In different years, he makes hand to creating such programs as "Save, repair!" (STS), "Laugh" scheme "(Ren-TV)," Show Business "(TNT)," Circus with Stars "(Channel Russia)," Soldiers. And officers "(Ren TV), as well as some others. Most of its gears wore an entertainment, but the exceptions from the general rule also sometimes met. A vivid example of this is the program "Blow Head (Russia-2), entirely and fully dedicated to football.

Sergey Belogolovtsev in movies

In addition, in parallel with the career of the TV presenter, Sergey Belogolov successfully built an actor career. He often played on the stage of the theater, and also shot a lot in the movies. In different years, twelve different films with his participation came to the screens. Among those are allocated comedies "the color of the sky", "all such a sudden" (with Anna Semenovich in the lead role), as well as a new picture "Spirie", which also starred Danil Kozlovsky , Maria Andreeva, Arthur Smolyaninov , Mikhail Efremov other. In addition, Sergey Belogolov also often performed small episodic roles in various Russian tarts. As a guest star, he appeared in the series "My beautiful nanny", "Africavich", "Two Anton", "Daddy's Daughters", as well as in some other television projects. These roles, coupled with the works as a TV presenter, brought our today's hero with great success.

Sergey Belogolov today

Currently, Sergey Belogolovtsev managed to organically combine movies, television and theater. At the moment, he is working in might and main over his new projects. One of these is the Surreal Comedy film "The territory of Ja", which should go on the screens at the end of 2013.

Personal life Sergey Belogolovsev

In student years, our today's hero was combined with a marriage with a native Muscovite Natalia Barannik, who worked as a commissar of the military-patriotic club.

Currently, spouses have three sons. Two senior of them - Nikita and Alexander - work on television. TV presenter Nikita Belogolov even has a Thafi Prize in its asset. In addition to three sons, our today's hero has also the granddaughter of Eva Nikitichna. Thus, Sergey has been a grandfather for several years.