Unadial stories about the war: "Get ready, Babonki, to the terrible! Russian women in the Great Patriotic War.

Unadial stories about the war:
Unadial stories about the war: "Get ready, Babonki, to the terrible! Russian women in the Great Patriotic War.
on the book of memoirs of Nikolai Nikolayevich Nikulina - the Researcher of the Hermitage, the former Fontovik. I strongly recommend all those who sincerely want to know the truth about the Patriotic War, to meet her.
In my opinion, this is a unique work like it is difficult to find in military libraries. It is remarkably not only by the literary advantages about which I, I don't have a literary review, I can not objectively judge how much the descriptions of military events that reveal the disgusting essence of the war with its brutal inhumanity, mud, meaningless cruelty, criminal carelessness to people's life commander of all ranks from Kombat to the Supreme Commander. This is a document for those historians who study not only the movement of troops on the theaters of hostilities, but are interested in the moral and humanistic aspects of the war.

In terms of the level of reliability and sincerity, I can only compare it with the memories of Shumilina "Vanka Roat".
It is also hard to read it, how to look at the mutual corpse of a person who just standing next to ...
When reading this book, my memory involuntarily restored almost forgotten similar pictures of the past.
Nikulin "Brees" in the war is incommensurable than me, having survived it from beginning to end, having visited one of the bloodiest areas of the front: in Tikhvin swamps, where our "glorious strategies" laid not one army, including the 2nd shock. .. And yet I dare not see that many of his experiences and feelings are very similar to mine.
Some statements by Nikolai Nikolayevich prompted me to comment on what I do below, leading the quotes from the book.
The main question, explicitly or implicitly getting up when reading books about the war - what made the company, battalions and shelves are badly going to meet almost inevitable death, obeying sometimes even criminal orders of commanders? In numerous volumes of URS-patriotic literature, this is explained elementary simply: inspired by love for his socialist homeland and hate to the treacherous enemy, they were ready to give life for the victory over him and unanimously rose to the attack on the call "Hurray! For motherland for Stalin!"

N.N. Nikulin:

"Why was death going to death, although her inevitability clearly understood? Why did they go, although they did not want? They walked, not just afraid of death, but horror covered, and yet they walked! I didn't have to think about and justify your actions. It was not before. Just got up and went, because you need!
Politely listened to the farewell to the political officers - a small transformation of oak and empty newsstands - and walked. Not at all inspired by some ideas or slogans, but because it is necessary. So, apparently, we went to die and our ancestors on the culish field either under Borodin. They were unlikely to reflect on the historical prospects and the grandeur of our people ... Going out for a neutral strip, they did not shout at all "for the homeland! For Stalin! ", As they write in novels. Over the advanced was heard was a hoarse howl and a thick marrying broken, while the bullets and fragments did not block the screaming soap. Until Stalin was when death nearby. Where are it now, in the sixties, a myth appeared again, what did you win only thanks to Stalin, under the banner of Stalin? I have no doubt about this. Those who won, or ran up on the battlefield, or spoke, depressed by post-war. After all, not only the war, but also the country's restoration has passed during their account. The same of them, who are still alive, are silent, broken.
Others remained and kept the forces - those who drive people to the camps, those who drove into meaningless bloody attacks in the war. They acted as Stalin's name, they are shouting about it now. There was no advanced: "For Stalin!". The commissars tried to drive it into our heads, but there were no commissioners in attacks. All this is why ... "

And I remember.

In October 1943, our 4th Guards Cavalry Division was urgently advanced to the forefront in order to close the resulting breach after an attempt of an unsuccessful breakthrough of the Front Infantry. Approximately week Division kept defense in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Belarusian city of Khoyniki. At that time, I worked at the RSB-F divisional radio station and the intensity of the fighting could only be judged by the number of riding on the bugs and walking in the rear of the wounded.
I accept the radio. After a long cipher cipher in the open text of the word "shift linen". The coded text will go to the headquarters of the headquarters, and these words are designed to a cabinet radist to me taking the radio. They mean that the infantry comes to replace us.
And indeed, past the walkie-talkie standing on the side of the forest road, the rifle parts were already shown. It was some kind of pretty battered division, allotted from the front to a short rest and replenishment. Without keeping the system, the soldiers were taken under the lords were touched under the belt (there was an autumn dishthele), which seemed by the garbage, because of the raincoat raincoats were thrown over.
I was struck by their pouron, doomed look. I understood, in an hour later they will be already at the forefront ...

Writes N.N. Nikulin:

"Noise, roasting, grinding, howl, babakhanye, Wuhana is a hello concert. And on the road, in a gray Mollet of dawn, wanders on the advanced infantry. A number of near, regiment for the regiment. Faceless, hung with weapons, covered by garbage tents of the shapes. Slowly, but inevitably stepped forward, to their own death. Generation going into eternity. In this picture it was so much a generalizing meaning, so much apocalyptic horror that we acutely felt the fraud of being, the ruthless flow of history. We felt like miserable moths, which were destined to burn without a trace in the Hell's fire. "

Dull submission and the conscious doomes of Soviet soldiers, attackers inaccessible for the front assault strengthened positions struck even our opponents. Nikulin leads the story of the German veteran, fought on the same part of the front, but on the other hand.

Some Mr. Erwin X., with whom he met in Bavaria, tells:

-What for the strange people? We left for Sinyavino shaft from corpses about two meters high, and they all climb and climb under the bullets, climbing through the dead, and we all beat and beat, and they all climb and climb ... And what dirty there were prisoners! Humpback boys cry, and their bread is disgusting in bags, it is impossible!
What did you do in Kurland? - he continues. - Once the mass of Russian troops went to the attack. But they were met by a friendly fire of machine guns and anti-tank guns. The survivors began to roll back. But here dozens of machine guns and anti-tank guns hit the Russian trenches. We saw how rushing, dilding, on the neutral strip of the crowd of your distraught soldiers from horror!

This is about plotters.

In the discussion at the Military Historical Forum "Wife-2Ne "No one else like V. Karpov - Hero of the Soviet Union, in the past ZKK, a reconnaissance penalty, the author of the famous biographical novels about the commander, said that there was no case and could not be executed by the magnitude of the receding red-Armenians. "Yes, we would shoot them themselves," he said. I had to argue, despite the high authority of the writer, referring to his meeting with these warriors along the way to Medical Eassecadron. As a result, he received a lot of offensive comments. You can find a lot of evidence of how courssed by the NKVD troops on the fronts were fought. But about their activities as progress, it was not necessary to meet.
In the comments to my statements and in the guest book of my site (
http: // LDB 1. Narod. Ru ) There are often words that veterans - relatives of authors comments categorically refuse to remember their participation in the war and, especially since writing about it. I think the book N.N. Nikulina explains this enough convincingly.
On the site of Artem Drabkin "I remember" (
www.irember.ru. ) huge collection of memoirs of war participants. But sincere stories are extremely rarely found that he experienced a socket soldier at the forefront on the verge of life and the inevitable, as he seemed to death.
In the 60s of the last century, when I wrote my book N.N. Nikulin, in the memory of the soldiers, miraculously left among the living after staying at the front edge of the front, the experienced was still as fresh as an open wound. Naturally, remember this was hurt. And I, to whom the fate was more easily, was able to force himself to take the pen only in 1999.

N.N. Nikulin:

« Memoirs, memoirs ... who writes them? What memoirs can be those who fought actually? At the pilots, tankers and primarily in the infantrymen?
Wanting - death, wound - death, wound - death and everything! No one was. Memoirs write those who were about the war. In the second echelon, in the headquarters. Either the sales writings, expressed the official point of view, according to which we cheerfully won, and the evil fascists have fallen thousands, which are struck by our fabulous fire. Simonov, "Honest Writer", what did he see? He was shared on a submarine, he went to the attack with infantry, one time - with scouts, looked at art preparation - and now he "saw everything" and "Everything experienced"! (Others, however, did not see this.)
I wrote with aplomb, and all this is a gluable lies. And Sholokhovskoe "they fought for their homeland" - just agitat! About small bowls and talk not to say. "

In the stories of real front-line, sparks often sounds pronounced dislike, bordering hostility to the inhabitants of various headquarters and rear services. It is also read in Nikulina and Sumilina, contemptuously called them "regimental".


« The striking difference exists between the advanced, where the blood flows, where the suffering, where death, where not to raise the heads under bullets and fragments, where hunger and fear, inspiring work, the heat in summer, frost in winter, where it is impossible to live - and the rear. Here, in the rear, another world. Here is the bosses, here the headquarters are heavy tools, there are warehouses, medical studies. Occasionally, shells come here or reset the plane bomb. The killed and wounded are rare. Not a war, but the resort! Those who are on the front - not tenants. They are doomed. Saving them is only injured. Those who are in the rear will remain alive if they are not translated forward when the ranks of the coming people run out. They will stay alive, return home and eventually make up the basis of veterans organizations. Let the stomachs will be taken on, they will acquire baldness, they will decorate the chest with memorable medals, orders and they will tell how heroically they fought, as crushed Hitler. And they will believe in it!
They will be buried with light memory of those who died and who really fought! They will present a war on which they themselves know little, in a romantic halo. How everything was good as beautiful! What are we heroes! And the fact that the war is horror, death, hunger, meanness, meanness and meanness will go back to the background. The real front-line people, which left a half of the person, and those nuts, are torn, will be silent in a rag. And the authorities, which will also largely remain alive, will wake in the squabbles: who fought well, who is bad, but if I listened! "

Brutal words, but in many ways justified. I had to serve as a time at the headquarters of the division in the squadron of communication, sawing on the francated staff officers. It is possible that because of the conflict with one of them I was sent to the platoon of the 11th Cavalry Regiment (http://ldb1.narod.ru/simple39_.html )
I already had to speak out on a very painful topic about the terrible fate of women in the war. And again it turned out to me insults: young relatives of fought moms and grandmothers thought that I was overseas over their military merit.
When I saw before going to the front, I saw, under the influence of powerful propaganda, young girls with enthusiasm were recorded on radistian courses, nurses or snipers, and then on the front - as they had to part with illusions and girlish pride, I was inexpired in the life of the boy It was very painful for them. I recommend Roman M. Kononova "Naked Pioneer", this is about the same.

And that's what N.N. writes Nikulin.

"" Not a female thing is a war. There is no dispute, there were a lot of heroines, which can be put in the example of men. But too cruel to force women to experience the torment of the front. And if only it! He was seriously surrounded by men. Hungry soldiers, however, it was not to women, but the bosses achieved her by any means, from a coarse push to the most exquisite courts. Among the set of cavaliers there were units for every taste: and sing, and to darken, and to talk red, and for educated - to read the block or Lermontov ... and the girls went home with the addition of the family. It seems that it was called in the language of the war offices "Leave by order 009". In our part of the fifty arrived in 1942 by the end of the war left only two fair sex soldiers. But "leave by order 009" is the best way out.
It happened worse. I was told how a certain colonel of wolves arranged the female replenishment and, passing along the building, took the beauties that faced him. Such a PPH began (field mobile wife. The abbreviation of PPH had in the soldier's vocabulary and another meaning. So called hungry and exhausted soldiers empty, watery chowder: "Goodbye, sex life"), and if they resisted - on the lip, in a cold dug, on the lip Bread and water! Then the crumb went hands, got to different moms and chamma. In the best Asian traditions! "

Among my union-headed was a wonderful brave woman Sannaster squadron Masha aircraft. About her on the site, the story of Marat Spielova "Her name is Moscow." And at a meeting of veterans in Armavir, I saw the soldiers, whom she pulled out from the battlefield. She came to the front of the Komsomol Call, leaving the ballet where she began to work. But she did not resist the head of army bonuses, as he herself told me.

And last, what should I tell.

N.N. Nikulin:

"It seemed that everything was tested: death, hunger, shelling, unbearable work, cold. So not! There was still something very scary, almost crushing me. On the eve of the transition to the Reich territory, agitators arrived in the troops. Some in large ranks.
- Death for death !!! Blood for blood!!! Do not forget !!! I will not forgive !!! Avenge !!! - etc...
Prior to that, Erenburg, whose crackling, whose whiskers were read all read: "Dad, kill the German!" And it turned out Nazism on the contrary.
True, those loose according to plan: a network of ghetto, a network of camps. Accounting and drawing up the lists of waste. The register of punishments, planned executions, etc., we all went spontaneously, in Slavyansky. Bay, guys, Loggy, Wilderness!
Portal of theirs of the Bab! Yes, before the onset, they abundantly supplied troops with vodka. And go, and went! Suffered, as always, innocent. Bonsis, as always, drew ... without disaster, burned at home, killed some random old women, the herd of cows were aimless. It was very popular by someone's joke: "Ivan sits near the burning house. "What are you doing?" - ask him. "Yes, the ports had to succeed, the bonfacon spread" "... corpses, corpses, corpses. The Germans, of course, the scum, but why am it like? The army humiliated herself. Nation humiliated itself. It was the worst in war. Corpses, corpses ...
At the station of the city of Allenstein, which the Valoriant Connection General Oslikovsky captured unexpectedly for the enemy, several echelons arrived with German refugees. They thought they were going to their rear, and got ... I saw the results of the reception, which they had. Perrons Station were covered with pile of boarded suitcases, knots, Baulov. Everywhere of the clothes, children's things, rigid pillows. All this in the puddles of blood ...

"Everyone has the right to send once a month parcel home weighing twelve kilograms," officially announced the bosses. And go, and went! Drunk Ivan rushed into a bomb shelter, fucked by a gun about the table and, terribly hatching his eyes, screamed: "Urrrrr! ( Uhr. - Watch) Gada! " The trembling Germans carried the watches from all sides, which were crushed in Sidor and worn. One soldier became famous, who forced the German to keep the candle (there was no electricity), while he was rummaged in her chests. Grab! Pray! As an epidemic, this attack was overwhelmed by everyone ... Then he had come back, yes it was too late: the damn flew out of the bottle. Good, gentle Russian men turned into monsters. They were terrible alone, and in the herd were such that it is impossible to describe! "

Here, as they say, comments are superfluous.

Soon we will celebrate a wonderful folk holiday, Victory Day. He carries not only joy in connection with the anniversary the endings of a terrible war, which took every 8th inhabitant of our country (on average!), But the tears of the ones who did not return from there ... I would also like to remember the exorbitant price that the people had to pay under the "wise leadership" of the greatest commander of all times and peoples " . After all, it was forgotten that he endowed himself with the rank of Generalissimus and this title!

During the Great Patriotic War, many Soviet citizens (not only soldiers) made heroic actions, saving other people's lives and bringing the victory of the USSR over German invaders. These people are rightfully considered heroes. In our article recall some of them.

Heroes of men

The list of the heroes of the Soviet Union, famous during the Great Patriotic, is quite extensive, therefore let's call the most famous:

  • Nikolay Gastello (1907-1941): Hero of the Union is posthumously, the squadron commander. After the bombing of the German heavy machinery, the Gastello plane was chopped. On the burning bomber, the pilot rammed the enemy column;
  • Victor Talalikhin (1918-1941): The Hero of the USSR, the deputy commander of the squadron, participated in the battle for Moscow. One of the first Soviet pilots who committed a taran of the enemy in the night aircraft;
  • Alexander Sailors (1924-1943): Hero of the Union is posthumously, ordinary, arrows. In the battle at the village of Chernushki (Pskov region) closed the ambrusura of the German firepoint;
  • Alexander Tashkin (1913-1985): Three times the Hero of the USSR, the fighter pilot (recognized as ASA), improved the battle's technique (about 60 victories), passed the whole war (about 650 departures), Marshal Aviation (since 1972);
  • Ivan Kozdadub (1920-1991): three times the hero, the fighter pilot (AC), the squadron commander, the participant of the Kursk battle, produced about 330 combat departures (64 victories). It became famous for the effective technique of shooting (for 200-300 m to the enemy) and lack of cases when the aircraft was shot down;
  • Alexey Maresyev (1916-2001): Hero, Deputy Squadron Deposit, Fighter Pilot. It is famous for the fact that after the amputation of both legs, using the prosthesis, was able to return to combat flights.

Fig. 1. Nikolay Gastello.

In 2010, an extensive Russian electronic database "Feat people" was created, containing reliable information from official documents on the participants of the war, their exploits and awards.

Heroes of women

Separately, it is worth allocating women of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
Some of them:

  • Valentina Grisodibova (1909-1993): The first pilot woman - the Hero of the Soviet Union, the pilot-instructor (5 world airares), the airlock commander, made about 200 combat departures (of which 132 nights);
  • Lyudmila Pavlichenko (1916-1974): Hero of the Union, the world famous sniper, an instructor in a sniper school, participated in the defense of Odessa and Sevastopol. Destroyed about 309 opponents, of which 36 snipers;
  • Lydia Litvak (1921-1943): Hero posthumously, fighter pilot (AS), commander of the squadron, participated in the Battle of Stalingrad, battles in the Donbas (168 departures, 12 victories in aviation);
  • Ekaterina Budanova (1916-1943): The hero of the Russian Federation is posthumously (in the USSR, there was a missing launch), a fighter pilot (AS), repeatedly fought against the superior forces of the enemy, including on the frontal attack (11 victories);
  • Catherine Zelenko (1916-1941): The hero of the Union is posthumously, the deputy commander of the squadron. The only Soviet pilot woman who participated in the Soviet-Finnish War. The only woman in the world who committed a taran of an enemy aircraft (in Belarus);
  • Evdokia Bershanskaya (1913-1982): The only woman awarded the Order of Suvorov. The flyer, the commander of the 46 guards night bombarding air strike (1941-1945). The regiment was exclusively female. For the skill of performing combat missions received the nickname "Night Witches". Especially distinguished in the liberation of the Taman Peninsula, Feodosia, Belarus.

Fig. 2. The pilots of the 46 guards airlock.

05/09/2012 Modern Motion "Immortal Regiment" originated in Tomsk, designed to honor the memory of the heroes of the Second World War. On the streets of the city, the inhabitants carried about two thousand portraits of their relatives who participated in the war. Movement has become massive. Every year the number of participating cities increases, even other countries. In 2015, the action "Immortal Regiment" received official permission and passed in Moscow immediately after the Victory Parade.

At the fronts of the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Army, more than 1 million women were fought. Not less than them took part in the partisan and underground resistance. They were from 15 to 30 years. They owned all military specialties - flyers, tankers, car guns, sniper, machine gunners ... Women not only saved, as it was before, working with sisters of mercy and doctors, and they killed.

In the book, women are talking about the war, about which men did not tell us. Such war we did not know. Men talked about the exploits, the movement of fronts and military leaders, and women talked about a friend - how terrible for the first time to kill ... or go after the battle on the field, where they are killed. They lie scattered like potatoes. All the young, and sorry for all - and the Germans, and their Russian soldiers.

After the war, women had another war. They hid their military books, their references about wounds - because it was necessary to learn how to smile again, walk in high heels and marry. And men forgot about their fighting girlfriends, betrayed them. They stole a victory from them. Not divided.
Svetlana Aleksandrovna Aleksievich
writer, journalist.

Memories of women veterans. Cuts from the book Svetlana Aleksievich.

"I drove a lot of days ... I went out with girls on some station with a bucket, so that the water to dial. They looked around and frown: one was one of the same as the compositions, and there are some girls. Sing. Masut we - who are casmen who are a pilot. It became clear : The men are missing, they ran, in the ground. Or in captivity. Now we are instead of them ...

Mom wrote me a prayer. I put it in a medallion. Maybe it helped - I returned home. I kissed the medallion before the fight ... "
Anna Nikolaevna Khrolovich, nurse.

"Dyubi ... I was not afraid to die. Youth, probably, or something else ... around death, always death is near, and I did not think about her. We did not talk about her. She circled-circling somewhere close, but all - by.

Once at night, the intelligence in the site of our regiment led a whole company. It moved to the dawn, and a moan was heard from the neutral strip. The wounded remained.
"Do not go, kill," the fighters did not let me down, "you see, already lights."
Did not obey, crawled. Found the wounded, dragged him eight hours, tied by a hand belt.
Live dribbling.
The commander learned, announced the sorry for five days of arrest for unauthorized abuse.

And the deputy commander of the regiment responded in a way: "deserves awards."
At the nineteen years I had a courage medal.

At the nineteen years I have suffered. At nineteen years, both lungs were shot in the last battle, the second bullet was held between two vertebrae. Paralized legs ... And they counted me killed ... at nineteen years ... my granddaughter is now such. I look at her - and I do not believe. Die!
When I arrived home from the front, my sister showed me a funeral ... I buried me ... "
Nadezhda Vasilyevna Anisimova, Sanning machine gun.

"At this time, the German officer gave the soldiers instructions. The wagon approached, and the soldiers in the chain transferred some cargo. This officer stood, something commanded, then disappeared. I see that he has already appeared twice, and if we swallow again, then that's all. You will miss it. And when he appeared for the third time, this is the same moment - it will appear, it will hide, - I decided to shoot. It was decided, and suddenly such a thought flashed: the same man, although he is an enemy, but a man, and somehow began to tremble his hands, a trembling, chills went throughout the body. Some fear ... Sometimes in a dream and now it is a feeling now ... after plywood targets, it was difficult to shoot in a living person. I see him in an optical sight, I see well. As if he is close ... And something opposed in me ... Something does not give something, I can not decide. But I took myself in my hands, pressed a trigger ... He waved his hands and fell. He was killed or not, I do not know. But after that I took even more trembling, some fear appeared: I - killed a man?! It was necessary to get used to this thought. Yes ... In short - horror! Not forget…

When we came, began to talk in our platoon that it happened to me, held a meeting. We had a Klava Ivanov, she convinced me: "They do not regret them, but hate." She was killed by her father's fascists. We, we used to drink, and she asks for: "Girls, no need, we will defeat these reptiles, then we will sing". "

And not immediately ... I didn't immediately have. Not feminine this thing - hate and kill. Not our ... I had to convince yourself. Persuade…"
Maria Ivanovna Morozova (Ivanushkina), Efreitor, Sniper.

"Once a person has become wounded in Saraj, and I am alone. The wounded delivered directly from the battlefield, a lot. It was in some village ... Well, I don't remember, so many years have passed ... I remember that I didn't sleep for four days, did not sat down, everyone shouted: "Sister! Sister! Help, nice!" I ran from one to the other, once stumbled and fell, and immediately fell asleep. I woke up from the scream, the commander, a young lieutenant, also wounded, raised to a healthy side and shouted: "Silent! Silent, I order!" He realized that I was without strength, but all my name, it hurts: "Sister! SISTER!" As I jumped up, how I ran - I do not know where, what. And then I first, as hit the front, I cried.

And so ... you never know your heart. In winter, he wondered by our part of the prisoners of German soldiers. They walked frozen, with torn blankets on the head, shineli. And the frost is such that the birds fell on the fly. Birds frozen.
In this column there was one soldier ... a boy ... he had tears on his face ...
And I was lucky on a wheelbarrow bread in the dining room. He can't take the eye from this wheelbarrow, it does not see me, only this wheelbarrow. Bread ... Bread ...
I take and lay out from one loaf and give him.
He takes ... takes and does not believe. I do not believe ... I do not believe!
I was happy…
I was happy that I could not hate. I myself was surprised myself then ... "
Natalia Ivanovna Sergeeva, Private, Sanitary.

"The thirtieth of May forty-third year ...
Exactly an hour of day was a massive raid on Krasnodar. I jumped out of the building to see how we managed to send the wounded from the railway station.
Two bombs were asleep in the barn, where ammunition was kept. In my eyes, the boxes took off above the six-story building and rushed.
My hurricane wave dropped to the brick wall. Lost consciousness ...
When I came to myself, there was an evening. I raised my head, I tried to squeeze my fingers - it seems to move, barely extended the left eye and went to the office, all in the blood.
In the corridor I meet our older sister, she did not recognize me asked:
- "Who are you? Where?"
It approached closer, ash, and says:
- "Where did you wear you for so long, Xena? Wounded hungry, but you are not."
Quickly bandaged head, left hand above the elbow, and I went to get dinner.
In the eyes, Doperly, sweat sick. She began to hand out dinner, fell. They led to consciousness, and only hears: "Early! Fast!" And again - "Most! Fast!"

A few days later I was also taken for serious blood. People died ... ... For war, I changed that when I arrived home, my mother did not know me. "
Ksenia Sergeyevna Osadchev, ordinary, sister-hostess.

"The first Guards division of the national militia, and us, several girls, took them to Medsanbat.
Called a toet:
- I'm leaving on the front.
At the other end of the wire they answered me:
- Marsh home! Lunch has already bothered.
I hung up. Then I was sorry for me, madly sorry. The blockade of the city began, the terrible Leningrad blockade, when the city is half extinted, and she remained alone. Old.

I remember, let me go into dismissal. Before you go to the aunt, I went to the store. Before the war, candy loved scary. I say:
- Give me candies.
The saleswoman looks at me like a crazy. I did not understand: what is the cards, what is the blockade? All people in the queue turned to me, and I have a rifle more than me. When we were given them, I looked and think: "When am I a dorasta to this rifle?" And everyone suddenly began to ask, everyone's turn:
- Give her candies. Cut with us coupons.
And I was given ...

In Medsanbat, I was well treated, but I wanted to be a scout. She said that I was running on the forefront, if I won't let me go. They wanted to exclude from the Komsomol for that, for not submitting to the military charter. But still I drew ...
The first medal "for the courage" ...
The fight began. Fire squall. Soldiers climbed. Team: "Forward! For the Motherland!", And they lie. Again the team, again lie. I took off the hat to see: the girl rose ... And they all got up, and we went to battle ...

I handed me a medal, and on the same day we went to the task. And for the first time I happened in my life ... Our ... female ... I saw my blood like a boss:
- I wounded ...
In intelligence with us there was a paramedic, an elderly man.
He to me:
- Where did you wound?
- I do not know where ... but blood ...
I, as a father, I told everything ...

I went to intelligence after the war of fifteen years old. Every night. And the dreams are: then I refused the machine, then we were surrounded. Wake up - the teeth creak. Remember - where are you? There or here?
War ended, I had three desires: the first - I finally I will not crawl on the stomach, and I will go on trolleybus, the second is to buy and eat a whole White Baton, the third is to sleep in a white bed and so that the shorts are crusting. White sheets ... "
Albina Aleksandrovna Gantimurova, senior sergeant, scout.

"Waiting for the second child ... I have a son for two years, and I am pregnant. Here - the war. And her husband on the front. I went to my parents and did ... Well, do you understand?
Although it was then forbidden ... how to give birth? Around the tears ... War! How to give birth among death?
He graduated from cigrier courses, sent to the front. I wanted to take revenge for my baby, for the fact that I did not give birth. My girl ... Girl should be born ...
Asked for advanced. Left in the headquarters ... "
Love Arkadyevna Charnaya, Junior lieutenant, encrypter.

"The forms on us were not attacking:" They gave a new one, and in a couple of days it is all in the blood.
My first wounded is a senior lieutenant Belov, my last wounded - Sergey Petrovich Trofimov, a sergeant of the mortar platoon. In the seventy year, he came to visit me, and I showed my daughters to his wounded head, on which now the big scar.

Total from under the fire I carried four hundred eighty one wounded.
Someone from journalists calculated: a whole rifle battalion ...
Tesked for men, two or three times harder. And the wounded they are even harder. He is dragging himself and him, and on it there is still a sinel, boots.
We boar eighty kilograms and drag.
Relieve ...
You go for the next, and again seventy-eighty kilograms ...
And so five or six per attack.
And in you the forty eight kilograms - ballet weight.
Now I can not believe ... I can not believe ... "
Maria Petrovna Smirnova (Kuisk), Sannaster.

"Forty second year ...
We go to the task. They switched to the front line, stopped at some cemetery.
Germans, we knew, are five kilometers away from us. It was the night, they threw lighting missiles all the time.
These rockets burn for a long time and illuminate far from the area.
Voice brought me to the edge of the cemetery, showed where rockets throw, where the shrub from which the Germans may appear.
I am not afraid of the dead, since childhood the cemetery was not afraid, but I was twenty-two years old, I was the first time on the post ...
And for these two hours I've gotten ...
The first gray hair, I found a whole strip in my morning.
I stood and looked at this shrub, he was a rustle, moved, it seemed to me that there were Germans from there ...
And someone else ... some monsters ... And I am one ...

Is this a female thing - stand at night at the post on the cemetery?
Men were easier to all of them, they were ready for this thought that it was necessary to stand at the post, it was necessary to shoot ...
And for us, it is still a surprise.
Or make a transition of thirty kilometers.
With battle.
Horses fell ... "
Vera Safronovna Davydova, ordinary infantryman.

"Hand-to-hand attacks ...
What I remember? I remembered the crunch ...
It begins hand-to-hand: and immediately this crunch - cartilage breaks, the bones of human crack.
Animal cries ...
When an attack, I'm going with the fighters, well, a little bit behind, consider it near.
All in my eyes ...
Men harde each other. Finish. Dolit. Bute the bayonet in the mouth, in the eye ... in the heart, in the stomach ...
And this ... how to describe? I'm weak ... weak leak ...
In a word, women do not know such men, they do not see them at home. Neither women nor children. Terribly is done at all ...
After the war, returned home to Tula. At night shouted all the time. At night, Mom and sister sat with me ...
I woke up from my own scream ... "
Nina Vladimirovna KEMENOVA, Senior Sergeant, Sanner Rowing Company.

"The doctor came, made a cardiogram, and they ask me:
- Have you changed the heart attack?
- What is the heart attack?
- You have all your heart in the scars.
And these scars are visible from the war. You go to the goal, you all shakes. The whole body is covered with a shiver, because at the bottom of the fire: fighters shoot, anti-aircraft guns ... Several girls were forced to leave the shelf, could not stand it. We flew mostly at night. For some time we tried to send us to tasks in the afternoon, but immediately abandoned this venture. Our "PO-2" shot out of the machine ...

Delivered to twelve departures per night. I saw the famous pilot-Asa Tashkin, when he departed from a battle flight. It was a strong man, he is not twenty years old and not twenty three, as us: while the plane was filled, the technician had time to remove the shirt from him and unscrew. It flowed from her, as if he had visited in the rain. Now you can easily imagine what happened to us. You will arrive and you can not even get out of the cab, we were pulled out. Could not carry the tablet, pulled on the ground.

And the work of our girls-gunsmiths!
They had four bombs - these are four hundred kilograms - hang to the car manually. And so all night - one plane rose, the second - sat down.
The body has been rebuilt to such an extent that we were not for women with all the war. We have no female affairs ... menstruation ... well, you yourself understand ...
And after the war, not everyone could give birth.

We are all smoked.
And I smoked, such a feeling that you calm down a little. You will arrive - all trembling, snatch - calm down.
We walked in the leopard, trousers, gymnaster, in winter there is still a fur jacket.
Inevitable and in the gait, and something men's movements appeared in the movements.
When the war ran out, we were sewed in the khaki dresses. We suddenly felt that we were girls ... "
Alexandra Semenovna Popova, Guard Lieutenant, Navigator

"We arrived to Stalingrad ...
There are mortal battles. The most deadly place ... Water and land were red ... And with one bank of the Volga, we need to cross the other.
Nobody wants to listen to us:
- "What? Girls? To whom you need to hell here! We need arrows and machine gunners, and not the relationships."
And we have a lot, eighty people. By evening, girls who were more, took, and we are not taken together with one girl.
Small growth. Did not grown.
We wanted to leave in the reserve, but I raised such a roar ...

In the first battle, the officers faced me from Bruzier, I turned my head to see everything to see. Some curiosity was, children's curiosity ...
The commander shouts:
- "Private Semenova! Private Semenova, you have gone crazy! Such mother ... kill!"
I could not understand this: how can I kill me if I just arrived at the front?
I have not yet knew what kind of death is ordinary and unintelligible.
It does not elap it, you can't persuade.
We brought the national militia in the old one-grandfather.
Old men and boys.
They were given two grenades and sent them without a rifle, the rifle had to be mined in battle.
After the fight and tied up there was no one ...
All killed ... "
Nina Alekseevna Semenova, ordinary, television.

"It was rumored before the war that Hitler was preparing to attack the Soviet Union, but these conversations were strictly precurable. Preceded by the relevant authorities ...
It is clear to you, what are these organs? NKVD ... Chekists ...
If people whisper, then at home, in the kitchen, and in communals - only in their room, behind closed doors or in the bathroom, opening a tap with water before it.

But when Stalin spoke ...
He turned to us:
- "Brothers and sisters…"
Here everyone forgot their resentment ...
We have an uncle sitting in a camp, my mother's brother, he was a railway station, an old communist. He was arrested at work ...
Clear you - who? NKVD ...
Our favorite uncle, and we knew that he was not to blame for anything.
He had awards since the Civil War ...
But after speech Stalin, Mom said:
- "We will protect your homeland, and then figure it out."
Motherland loved everything. I ran immediately to the draft board. With the angina ran, I still did not sleep completely temperature. But I could not wait ... "
Elena Antonovna Kudina, ordinary, chauffeur.

"From the first days of the war in our aeroclub, the reorganization began: men were taken, and we replaced them, women.
Teach cadets.
Work was a lot, from morning to night.
My husband went to the front one of the first. I only have a photo: we stand with him together by the aircraft, in the flying helmets ...

We now lived together with my daughter, lived all the time in camps.
And how did you live? I'll close it in the morning, I will give me a porridge, and from four o'clock in the morning we are already flying. Returning to the evening, and she will take or not bearer, all smeared by this porridge. Not even crying, but only looks at me. Her eyes are big, like her husband ...
By the end, the forty of the first one was sent to me funeral: the husband died near Moscow. He was a link commander.
I loved my daughter, but took her to his relatives.
And it began to ask for a front ...
Last night ...
All night stood from a baby bed on his knees ... "
Antonina Grigorievna Bondareva, Guard Lieutenant, Senior pilot.

"I had a little baby, at three months I took it to the task.
Commissioner sent me, and I cried myself ...
Medicines from the city brought, bandages, serum ...
Between the handles and between the legs, I will give up and carry the diapers. In the forest, the wounded dying.
Need to go.
I need!
No one else could pass, could not get through, German and police posts everywhere, I passed.
With baby.
He is in my diapers ...
Now confess the scary ... oh, hard!
So that there was a temperature, the baby cried, squeezed in salt. He then red all, the rash will go on it, he shouts, climbs out of leather. Stop at the post:
- "Tiff, Pan ... Tif ..."
They chase to leaving:
- "EEC! EEC!"
And I rubbed salt, and balancing garlic. And the dyatko is small, I still fed it with a breast. How to pass posts, enter the forest, crying. Shout! So dyatyatko sorry.
And in a day or two, I go again ... "
Maria Timofeevna Savitskaya-Radykevich, Partizanskaya Svyaznoye.

"They sent to the Ryazan Infantry School.
Released from there by commanders of machine gun offices. The machine gun is heavy, for himself drag it. Like a horse. Night. You stand in the post and catch every sound. Lyful. Each rustling will embody ...

In war, as they say, you are half a person, and half a beast. This is true…
In another way, do not survive. If you are only a person - do not survive. The tank will demolish! In war you need to remember something about yourself. Something is ... Recalling something of when a person was still not quite a person ... I am not very scientist, a simple accountant, but I know.

To Warsaw reached ...
And all the pawnies, the infantry, as they say, the proletariat of war. On the belly crawled ... Do not ask me anymore ... I do not like books about the war. About the heroes ... We walked sick, coughing, not sleeping, dirty, poorly dressed. Often hungry ...
But won! "
Love Ivanovna Life, commander of the platoon of automatic gunners.

"Once upon a time on the exercises ...
I can't for some reason remember without tears ...
It was spring. We shot and walked back. And I narrowed violets. Small such bouquet. Narlla and tied him to the bayonet. So go. Returned to the camp. The commander built everyone and cause me.
I go out…
And I forgot that I have violets on a rifle. And he began to scold me:
"The soldier must be a soldier, not a collector of flowers."
He was incomprehensible, as this in such an environment can think about the colors. The man was incomprehensible ...
But I did not throw a violet. I quietly removed them and snapped into my pocket. For these violets, I gave three outfits out of turn ...

The other time I stand in the post.
At two o'clock in the morning they came to replace me, and I refused. Sleeping Sleeping:
"You will stand in the afternoon, and I'm now."
I agreed to sleep all night, until dawn, just to listen to birds. Only at night something resembled her old life.

When we went to the front, they walked down the street, people stood the wall: women, old people, children. And everyone cried: "Girls go to the front." We were walking a whole battalion of girls.

I'm driving…
We collect after the fight killed, they are scattered over the field. All young. Boys. And suddenly - the girl is lying.
Killed girl ...
Here everyone is silent ... "
Tamara Illarionovna Davidovich, Sergeant, driver.

"Dresses, shoes on heels ...
As we feel sorry for them, they got into the bags. In the afternoon in boots, and in the evening, at least a little bit in shoes in front of the mirror.
Svalkova saw - and a few days later the order: all women's clothing send home in the parcels.
Like this!
But we studied a new aircraft for six months instead of two years, as it should be in peacetime.

In the first days of training two crews died. Put four coffins. All three regiments, we all cried overwrite.
Dutch came:
- Girlfriends, wipe the tears. These are our first losses. There will be a lot of them. Squeeze your heart in a fist ...
Then, in war, buried without tears. Stop crying.

Fly flew on fighters. The height itself was a terrible load for the entire female body, sometimes the belly right into the spine pressed.
And our girls flew and hit the Ass, and what kind of asces!
Like this!
You know when we walked, men looked at us with surprise: the flyers go.
They admired us ... "
Claudia Ivanovna Terekhova, Aviation Captain.

"Someone issued us ...
The Germans found out where the parking lot of the partisan squad. Forest and approaches to it from all sides.
We hid in the wilds of the wilds, we were saved by the swamps, where the punitives did not come.
And the technique, and the people she delayed tightly. For several days, we were not the throat in the water.
We had a radio line, she recently gave birth.
Child hungry ... asks the chest ...
But the mother itself is hungry, there is no milk, and the child is crying.
Punliars near ...
With dogs ...
If the dogs are heard, then all perish. The whole group is a man thirty ...
Do you understand?
The commander makes a decision ...
No one decides to convey the mother order, but she himself guesses.
Lower a bundle with a child in the water and holds there for a long time ...
The child does not shout anymore ...
Receivable ...
And we cannot raise your eyes. Neither mother nor each other ... "

From a conversation with a historian.
- When for the first time in women appeared in the army?
- Already in the IV century BC in Athens and Sparta, women fought in the Greek troops. Later they participated in the campaigns of Alexander Macedon.

Russian historian Nikolai Karamzin wrote about our ancestors: "Slavs sometimes went to war with fathers and spouses, not afraid of death: so in the siege of Constantinople in 626, many women's corpses were found between killed Slavs. Mother, raising children, prepared them to be warriors. "

And in a new time?
- For the first time - in England in the 1560-1650 years began to form hospitals in which women soldiers served.

What happened in the twentieth century?
- The beginning of the century ... In the first world war in England, women had already been taken to the Royal Air Force, the royal auxiliary corps and the Women's Legion of Motor transport was formed - in the amount of 100 thousand people.

In Russia, Germany, France, many women also began to serve in military hospitals and sanitary trains.

And during World War II, the world witnessed a female phenomenon. Women served in all kinds of troops in many countries of the world: in the English army - 225 thousand, in American - 450-500 thousand, in German - 500 thousand ...

About a million women fought in the Soviet Army. They traded all military specialties, including the most "male." Even a language problem arose: the words "Tanker", "Infantryman", "Avtomatik" did not exist until the female kind, because a woman had never done this work. Women's words were born there, in war ...

5. Girl and a young man from the Leningrad folk militia on the banks of the Neva. 1941

6. Sanitary Claudia Ovomskaya assists the crew of a beaten tank T-34. Belgorod region. 9-10.07.1943

7. A resident of Leningrad Ryut anti-tank ditch. July 1941

8. Women are engaged in transportation on the Moscow highway in Blocade Leningrad. November 1941

9. Women doors make dressings wounded in the car of the Soviet Military Sanitary Train No. 72 during the flight Zhytomyr Chelyabinsk. June 1944

10. The imposition of gypsum bandages was injured in the carriage of the military-Soviet sanitary train No. 72 during the flight Zhytomyr - Chelyabinsk. June 1944

11. Subcutaneous infusion of the wounded in the car of the Soviet Military Sanitary Train No. 234 at the station Nizhin. February 1944

12. Guestrooms of the wounded in the car of the Soviet Naval Sanitary Train No. 318 during the flight of Nezhin-Kirov. January 1944

13. Women's doctors of the Soviet Military Sanitary Train No. 204 make an intravenous injury to the wounded during the Bow-Guryev flight. December 1943

14. Women doors make a dressing wounded in the car of the Soviet Naval Sanitary Train No. 111 during the flight Zhytomyr Chelyabinsk. December 1943

15. The wounded expect a dressing in the wagon of the Soviet Military Sanitary Train No. 72 during the flight of Smorodino-Yerevan. December 1943

16. Group portrait of the servicemen of the division of the 329th anti-aircraft artillery regiment in the city of Komarno, Czechoslovakia. 1945

17. Group portrait of military personnel of the 585th medical and sanitary battalion of the 75th Guards Rifle Division. 1944

18. Yugoslav partisans on the street of the town of Files (Požega, the territory of modern Croatia). 09/17/1944

19. Group photo of the Women-soldiers of the 1st Battalion of the 17th Shock Brigade of the 28th Shock Division Naewoo on the street of the liberated town of Gurdjevac (the territory of modern Croatia). January 1944

20. Sannaster rearing the head of the wounded Red Army fellow on the village of Village.

21. Lepa Radich before execution. Humidated by the Germans in the city of Bosansk Cropa 17-year-old Yugoslav Guerrice Lepa Radich (19.12.1925-February 1943).

22. Female fighters of anti-air defense carry combat duty on the roof of the house number 4 on Halturin Street (currently - Millionnaya Street) in Leningrad. 05/01/1942

23. Girls - Fighters of the 1st Krain proletarian shock brigade Noah. Arangelovak, Yugoslavia. September 1944

24. Woman soldier among a group of wounded prisoners of redarmeys on the outskirts of the village. 1941

25. Lieutenant of the 26th Africa Division of the US Army communicates with the Soviet guest officers girls. Czechoslovakia. 1945

26. Pilot-attack aircraft of the 805th assault aviation regiment Lieutenant Anna Aleksandrovna Egorova (09/23/1918 - 10/29/2009).

27. Captive Soviet female servicemen from the German tractor "Krupp Protze" somewhere in Ukraine. 08/19/1941

28. Two prisoners Soviet soldier girls at the national team. 1941

29. Two older residents of Kharkov at the entrance to the basement of the destroyed house. February-March 1943

30. Captive Soviet soldier sits at the desk on the street of the occupied village. 1941

31. The Soviet serviceman shakes his hand to the American soldier during a meeting in Germany. 1945

32. Aerostate Air Broken on Stalin Avenue in Murmansk. 1943

33. Women from the division of the national militia of Murmansk at military classes. July 1943

34. Soviet refugees on the outskirts of the village in the vicinity of Kharkov. February-March 1943

35. Signallel-observer of the anti-aircraft battery Maria Herkina. Peninsula Fisherman, Murmansk region. 1943

36. One of the best snipers of the Leningrad Front N.P. Petrov with their students. June 1943

37. Building the personnel of the 125th Guards Bombardment Regiment on the occasion of the Guards Banner. Leonidovo Airfield, Smolensk region. October 1943

38. Guard Captain, Deputy Commander Squadron of the 125th Guards Bombardment Aviation Regiment of the 4th Guards Bombardment Aviation Division Mary Valley at the PE-2 aircraft. 1944

39. Captive Soviet women soldiers in Bridal. Pskov region. 07/26/1941

40. German soldiers are derived from the forest of the arrested Soviet female partisans.

41. Girl-soldier from the Soviet Troops-liberators of Czechoslovakia in the Cabin of Truck. Prague. May 1945

42. Sannaster of the 369th separate battalion of the Marine Corps of the Danube Military Flotilla Chief German Ekaterina Illarionna Mikhailova (Demin) (r. 1925). In the Red Army from June 1941 (he added two years to his 15 years).

43. Radio Department of the Air Defense Unit K.K. Baryshva (Baranova). Vilnius, Lithuania. 1945

44. Private, treated from injured in the Arkhangelsk hospital.

45. Soviet Zenitsky girls. Vilnius, Lithuania. 1945

46. \u200b\u200bSoviet farewell girls from the fighter defense troops. Vilnius, Lithuania. 1945

47. Sniper of the 184th Rifle Division Cavalier of the Order of Glory II and III degrees Senior Sergeant Rosa Georgievna Shanin. 1944

48. Commander of the 23rd Guards Rifle Division Major General P.M. Shafarenko in Reichstag with colleagues. May 1945

49. Operational sisters of the 250th Medsanbat of the 88th Rifle Division. 1941

50. Chauffeur of the 171th separate anti-aircraft artillery division Private S.I. Telegin (Kireeva). 1945

51. Sniper of the 3rd Belorussian Front Cavalier of the Order of Glory III degree Senior Sergeant Rosa Georgievna Shanin in the village of Merzlyak. Vitebsk region, Belarus. 1944

52. The crew of the trash trash T-611 Volga military flotilla. From left to right: Redflowers of Agni Shabalina (Motorist), Vera Chapova (machine gunner), Starin of the 2nd article Tatyana Kupriyanova (commander of the ship), the red-stop faith Vera Uhlova (sailor) and Anna Tarasova Mainer). June-August 1943

53. Sniper of the 3rd Belorussian Front Cavalier of the Order of Glory II and III degrees Senior Sergeant Rosa Georgievna Shanin in the village of joinear, Lithuania. 1944

54. Soviet sniper Efreitor Rosa Shanin in the state farm of the roof. Vitebsk region, Belarusian SSR. June 1944

55. Former nurse and translator of the partisan detachment "Polyarnik" Sergeant of Medical service Anna Vasilyevna Vasilyeva (Wet). 1945

56. Sniper of the 3rd Belorussian Front Cavalier of the Order of Glory II and III degrees Senior Sergeant Rosa Georgievna Shanina at the celebration of the new 1945 in the editorial office of the newspaper "destroy the enemy!".

57. Soviet Sniper Future Hero of the Soviet Union Senior Sergeant Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlichenko (07/01/1916-27.10.1974). 1942

58. Fighters of the partisan squad "The polarist" on the privala during a hike in the rear of the enemy. From left to right: nurse, explosion Maria Mikhailovna Shilkova, nurse, courier Claudia Stepanovna Krasnolobov (Leaf), Fighter, Political Town of Claudia Danilovna Vtyurin (Golitsky). 1943

59. Fighters of the partisan squad "Polyarnik": Nurse, a demolition of Zoya Ilinichna Village (Klimova), Nurse Maria Stepanovna Volova, Nurse Alexander Ivanovna Ropotova (Nevzorova).

60. Fighters of the 2nd platoon of the partisan detachment "The polarist" before going to the task. Partisan base of the hype-town. Karelian-Finnish SSR. 1943

61. The fighters of the partisan detachment "Polyarnik" before going to the task. Partisan base of the hype-town. Karelian-Finnish SSR. 1943

62. The flyers of the 586th Fighter Aviation Carticle of the Air Defense discusses the past combat departure from the Yak-1 aircraft. Anyovka airfield, Saratov region. September 1942

63. The pilot of the 46th Guards Night Bombardment Aviation Regiment Jr. Lieutenant R.V. Yushina. 1945

64. Soviet film operator Maria Ivanovna Sukhova (1905-1944) in the partisan detachment.

65. The pilot of the 175th Guards Assault Airship Lieutenant Maria Tolstova in the Cabine of the IL-2 attack aircraft. 1945

66. Women get anti-tank Rips near Moscow in the fall of 1941.

67. Soviet regulator against the background of a burning building on Berlin Street. May 1945

68. Deputy Commander of the 125th (Female) Guards Bombarding Borisovian Shelf named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Marina Rodinal Major Elena Dmitrievna Timofeeva.

69. The fighter pilot of the 586th Fighter Aviation Aviation Avian Lieutenant Raisa Nefedovna Surnachevskaya. 1943

70. Sniper of the 3rd Belorussian Front Senior Sergeant Rose Shanin. 1944

71. Fighters of the partisan squad "Polyarnik" in the first combat campaign. July 1943

72. Seafarers of the Pacific Fleet on the way in Port Arthur. In the foreground, the participant in the defense of Sevastopol, a pacific of the Pacific Fleet Anna Yurchenko. August 1945

73. Soviet partisan girl. 1942

74. The officers of the 246th Rifle Division, including women, on the street of the Soviet village. 1942

75. An ordinary girl from the Czechoslovakia Soviet troops smiles from a truck cabin. 1945

76. Three prisoners Soviet women soldiers.

77. Pilot of the 73rd Guards Fighter Aviamal Junior Lieutenant Lydia Litvak (1921-1943) After combat departure on the wing of his Yak-1B fighter.

78. Scout Valentina Oleshko (left) with a girlfriend before throwing out to the German rear to the Gatchina area. 1942

79. Column of prisoners of Krasnoarmeys in the vicinity of Kremenchug, Ukraine. September 1941.

80. The gunsmiths are loading the storm cassettes Il-2 anti-tank bombs of Ptab.

81. Girls Sanners of the 6th Guards Army. 03/08/1944

82. Krasnoarmeys of the Leningrad Front on the march. 1944

83. Sonflower Lydia Nikolaevna Bloko. Central front. 08.08.1943

84. The Archorage of the 3rd rank (Captain of the Medical Service) Elena Ivanovna Greesheva (1909-1974), the Ordinator of the Operation and Dressing platoon of the 316th Medsanbat of the 276th Rifle Division. 02/14/1942

85. Maria Dementiev Kucherhaya, born in 1918, Lieutenant Medical Service. Sevlievo, Bulgaria. September 1944

True about women in the war, which did not write in newspapers ...
Memories of women veterans from the book Svetlana Aleksievich "The war is not a female face" - one of the most famous books about the Great Patriotic War, where the war is first shown by the eyes of a woman. The book is translated into 20 languages \u200b\u200band is included in the school and university program.

"Daughter, I gathered you a nodule. Leave ... Go ... You have two younger sisters grow. Who will get married? Everyone knows that you were on the front for four years, with men ... "

"Once at night, the intelligence in the site of our regiment led a whole company. It moved to the dawn, and a moan was heard from the neutral strip. The wounded remained. "Do not go, kill," the fighters did not let me, "you see, already lights." Did not obey, crawled. Found the wounded, dragged him eight hours, tied by a hand belt. Live dribbling. The commander learned, announced the sorry for five days of arrest for unauthorized abuse. And the deputy commander of the regiment responded in a different way: "Deserves awards." At the nineteen years I had a courage medal. At the nineteen years I have suffered. At nineteen years, both lungs were shot in the last battle, the second bullet was held between two vertebrae. Paralized legs ... And they counted me killed ... at nineteen years ... my granddaughter is now such. I look at her - and I do not believe. Death! "

"And when he appeared for the third time, this is the same moment - it will appear, it will hide," I decided to shoot. It was decided, and suddenly such a thought flashed: the same man, although he is an enemy, but a man, and somehow began to tremble his hands, a trembling, chills went throughout the body. Some fear ... Sometimes in a dream and now it is a feeling now ... after plywood targets, it was difficult to shoot in a living person. I see him in an optical sight, I see well. As if he is close ... And something opposed in me ... Something does not give something, I can not decide. But I took myself in my hands, I pressed the trigger ... I didn't immediately have immediately. Not feminine this thing - hate and kill. Not our ... I had to convince yourself. Persuade…"

"And the girls rushed to the front voluntarily, and the cowards himself will not fight. These were bold, extraordinary girls. There are statistics: Losses among the doctors of the front edge occupied second place after losses in rifle battalions. In infantry. What is, for example, pull out the wounded battlefield? We rose to the attack, and let us mow out from the machine gun. And the battalion has not become. All lay. They were not all killed, many wounded. Germans beat, fire does not stop. At all unexpectedly, one girl jumps out of the trench, then one girl, then - the second one, the third ... They began to tie and thawed the wounded, even the Germans for some time of the numbness from amazement. By the o'clock in the evening, all the girls were seriously injured, and each saved the maximum of two or three people. Awarded their scoop, at the beginning of the war were not spread awards. I needed to pull the wounded together with his personal weapon. The first question in Medsanbat: Where is the weapon? At the beginning of the war it was not enough. Rifle, automatic, machine gun - it also had to drag. In the forty-first, the order was issued the number of two hundred eighty-one about the presentation to award for the salvation of the life of the soldiers: for fifteen seriously edged, made from the battlefield along with personal weapons - the medal "For military merit", for the salvation of twenty-five people - the Order of the Red Star, for Rescue forty - the Order of the Red Banner, for the salvation of eighty - the Order of Lenin. And I described you what it meant to save in battle at least one ... from under the bullets ... "

"What happened in our souls, such people as we were then probably will never be more. Never! Such naive and so sincere. With such faith! When the banner received our commander of the regiment and gave the team: "Regiment, under the banner! On his knees! ", We all felt happy. We stand and cry, each tears in the eyes. You will not believe now, I have all my body from this shock, my disease, and I got sick with "chicken blindness", it's from malnutrition, it happened from the nervous overwork, so my chicken blindness has passed. You see, I was healthy for another day, I recovered, that's through such a shock of the whole soul ... "

"My hurricane wave dropped to a brick wall. He lost consciousness ... when he came to himself, was already the evening. I raised my head, I tried to squeeze my fingers - it seems to move, barely extended the left eye and went to the office, all in the blood. In the corridor, I meet our older sister, she did not recognize me, asked: "Who are you? Where? " It came closer, ashung and says: "Where did you wear you for so long, Xena? The wounded hungry, and you are not. " Quickly bandaged head, left hand above the elbow, and I went to get dinner. In the eyes, Doperly, sweat sick. She began to hand out dinner, fell. They led to consciousness, and only hears: "Extremely! Fast! " And again - "Most! Fast! " A few days later I also took blood for serious blood. "

"We are young at all on the front went. Girls. I even grared war. Mom fell at home ... I grabbed ten centimeters ... "

"Our mother had no sons ... And when Stalingrad was besieged, they voluntarily went to the front. Together. The whole family: Mom and five daughters, and father has already fought for this time ... "

"I mobilized me, I was a doctor. I left with a sense of duty. And my dad was happy that my daughter was on the front. Protects their homeland. Dad went to the military enlistment office early in the morning. He walked to get my certificate and walked early in the morning especially to see everyone in the village, he had a daughter on the front ... "

"I remember, let me go into dismissal. Before you go to the aunt, I went to the store. Before the war, candy loved scary. I say:
- Give me candies.
The saleswoman looks at me like a crazy. I did not understand: what is the cards, what is the blockade? All people in the queue turned to me, and I have a rifle more than me. When we were given them, I looked and think: "When am I a Doastt to this rifle?" And everyone suddenly began to ask, everyone's turn:
- Give her candies. Cut with us coupons.
And I was given. "

"And for the first time I happened in my life ... Our ... Women ... I saw my blood like a boss:
- I wounded ...
In intelligence with us there was a paramedic, an elderly man. He to me:
- Where did you wound?
- I do not know where ... but blood ...
I, as my father, told everything ... I went to exploration after the war of fifteen years old. Every night. And the dreams are: then I refused the machine, then we were surrounded. Wake up - the teeth creak. Remember - where are you? There or here? "

"I left for the front materialist. Atteatics. A good Soviet schoolgirl left, which was well taught. And there ... there I began to pray ... I always prayed before the fight, I read my prayers. Words are simple ... My words ... Meaning alone so that I returned to my mother and dad. I did not know this prayer, and did not read the Bible. No one saw me prayed. I am secret. The furtively prayed. Caution. Because ... We were then others, then there were other people. You understand?"

"Forms on us it was impossible to attack: always in the blood. My first wounded is a senior lieutenant Belov, my last wounded - Sergey Petrovich Trofimov, a sergeant of the mortar platoon. In the seventy year, he came to visit me, and I showed his wounded my daughters, on which the big scar is now. Total from under the fire I carried four hundred eighty one wounded. Someone from the journalists calculated: the whole rifle battalion ... Tesked for men, two or three times harder. And the wounded they are even harder. He is dragging himself and his weapons, and on it there is still a sinel, boots. We boar eighty kilograms and drag. Throw ... You go for the next, and again seventy-eighty kilograms ... and just five or six for one attack. And in you the forty eight kilograms - ballet weight. Now I can not believe ... "

"I then became the commander of the department. All separation from young boys. We are all day on the boat. The boat is small, there are no galluns there. By the guys, if necessary, you can be through the board, and that's it. Well, how can I? A couple of times I have probed that he jumped right overboard and swimming. They scream: "Starshina overboard!" Pull out. Here is such an elementary trifle ... But what is this little thing? I was then treated ...

"Returned from the war gray. Twenty-one year, and I'm all white. I had a hard wound, contusion, I heard badly for one ear. Mom met me with the words: "I believed that you would come. I prayed for you day and night. " Brother at the front died. She cried: "Equally now - give birth to girls or boys."

"I'll tell you another ... The worst thing for me in war is to wear men's briefs. That was scary. And this is somehow me ... I will not be expressing ... Well, firstly, very ugly ... You are in war, you are going to die for your homeland, and on you men's panties. In general, you look ridiculous. Ridiculous. Men's panties then wore long. Wide. Sili from satin. Ten girls in our dugout, and they are all in men's shorts. Oh my goodness! In winter and summer. Four years ... Moved the Soviet border ... I finished, as our commissar, a beast in his own berry spoke on political obanses. Near the first Polish village we changed us, issued new uniforms and ... and! AND! AND! Brought for the first time women's panties and bras. For the whole war for the first time. Ha-ah ... well, it is clear ... we saw normal lingerie ... why not laughing? Crying ... Well, why? "

"At eighteen years later, I was awarded for the combat merit medal and the Order of the Red Star, at the nineteen years, the Order of the Patriotic War of the second degree. When a new replenishment arrived, the guys were all young, of course, they were surprised. They, too, are eighteen-nineteen years old, and they asked with a mockery: "What did you get our medals for?" Or "Have you been in battle?" Stick with jokes: "And the bullets break through the armor of the tank?" One thing I then tied up on the battlefield, under fire, I also remembered him - sggling. He had a foot to be interrupted. I impose him a tire, and he asks for me for forgiveness: "Sitver, I'm sorry that I hurt you then ..."

"We drove a lot of days ... came out with girls on some station with a bucket to dial water. They looked around and abuned: one after one came of the composition, and there are some girls. Sing. Masut to us - who are jams who are a pilot. It became clear: the men are missing, they ran, in the ground. Or in captivity. Now we instead of them ... Mom wrote me prayer. I put it in a medallion. Maybe it helped - I returned home. I kissed the medallion before the fight ... "

"She deposited from the fragment of the minus of his beloved person. Shardings fly - these are some shares of a second ... How did she have time? She saved Lieutenant Petya Boychevsky, she loved him. And he stayed to live. Thirty years later, Petya Boychevsky came from Krasnodar and found me on our front-line meeting, and all this told me. We went with him in Borisov and found that glade, where Tonya died. He took the land with her grave ... carried and kissed ... There were five, Konakovsky girls ... And one I returned to my mother ... "

"And here I am a commander of the gun. And, it means that I am in a thousand three hundred fifty-seventh zenith regiment. The first time from the nose and the ears of blood went, the stomach disorder was complete ... the throat stopped to vomiting ... at night it is not so scary, and in the afternoon it is very scary. It seems that the plane flies directly to you, it is on your instrument. Tall on you! This is one moment ... Now he is all, all you will turn into anything. All - End! "

"While he hears ... until the last moment you tell him that there is no no, how can you die. Kiss him, hug: What are you, what are you? He is already dead, his eyes in the ceiling, and I whisper something else to him ... I calm down ... the surnames were erased, left the memory, and the faces were left ... "

"We had a nurse in captivity ... A day later, when we scored down the village, dead horses, motorcycles, armored personnel carriers were lying away. Found her: the eyes of the rolling, the chest is cut off ... She was planted on the count ... Frost, and she is white-white, and hair is all gray. She was nineteen years old. In her backpack, we found letters from home and rubber green bird. Children's toy ... "

"Under Sevsky Germans attacked us seven or eight times a day. And I still endured the wounded with their weapons on this day. To the last littered, and his hand is completely interrupted. Cleans on pieces ... on the veins ... in the bloodstand the whole ... He needs to urgently cut off his hand to tie up. No other way. And I have no knife or scissors. The bag was televalted, televalted on the side, and they fell. What to do? And I gnawed with my teeth. Tried, bandaged ... Bifuyu, and wounded: "Elderly, sister. I still wake." In the hot ... "

"I was afraid of all the war so that the legs did not crude. I had beautiful legs. MEN - What? He is not so scary, if even the legs will lose. All the same - the hero. Groom! And the woman sobs, so this fate will decide. Women's fate ... "

"Men will lay out a fire at a bus stop, shaking lice, dried. And where do we? We run for some shelter, there and undress. I had a knitted sweaters, so the lice was sitting at every millimeter, in each loop. Look, tough. The lice are head, wrames, pubic ... I had everything ... "

"We strive ... We did not want to say about us:" Ah, these women! " And they tried more than men, we still had to prove that no worse than men. And for a long time it was arrogant, indulgent attitude: "Cash these women ..." "

"Three times wounded and three times contused. In war, who dreamed about: who home home, who comes to Berlin, and I guess about one thing - to live until my birthday, so that I was eighteen years old. For some reason, I was scared to die earlier, do not even live to eighteen. I walked in pants, in the pilot, always torn off, because they always crawl on the knees, and even under the heaviness of the wounded. I could not believe that someday you can get up and go on the ground, and not crawl. This dream was! "

"We go ... a person two hundred girls, and behind a man of two hundred men. Heat stands. Hot Summer. Marsh throw - thirty kilometers. The heat is wild ... and after us red spots on the sand ... Footprints are red ... well, these things are ... ours ... How are you hiding here? The soldiers follow and pretend that they do not notice anything ... do not look under the legs ... Pants fell on us, as the glass became. Cut. There were wounds, and the smell of blood was heard all the time. We were not given anything ... we walked around: when the soldiers hang their shirts on the bushes. A couple of pieces become more ... They were already guessed, laughed: "Starshit, give us other underwear. Our girls were taken." Wats and bandages were not enough for the wounded ... and not that ... Lingerie, maybe only in two years appeared. In men's shorts, we went t-shirts ... well, we go ... in boots! Legs also clenched. We go ... to crossing, there are ferries there. They got to the crossing, and then we began to bomb. Bombing is the scary, men - who to hide. Our name is ... And we are not hearing bombing, we are not up to the bombing, we are more in the river. To water ... water! Water! And they sat there, until they misunderstood ... under the fragments ... Here it is ... Shame was worse than death. And a few girls in the water died ... "

"We were happy when you got the water bowler to wash your head. If you went for a long time, I was looking for soft grass. They datched her and legs ... Well, you see, the grass was washed away ... We had our own features, girls ... The army didn't think about it ... We had the legs ... well, if the elder was an elderly person and I understood everything, did not take excess underwear from the storm, and if you are young, it will definitely throw out too much. And what it is more superfluous for girls who need to change himself twice a day. We left the sleeves from the lower shirts, and they are only two. It is only four sleeves ... "

"How did you meet our homeland? Without sobs I can not ... the forty years passed, and still the cheeks are burning. Men were silent, and women ... They shouted to us: "We know what you did there! Led with young p ... our men. Front-like b ... War bitches ..." insulted in every ... Dictionary Russian Rich ...

The guy escapes me with dancing, I suddenly bad-bad, the heart rolls. I go-Idu and sit in a snowdrift. "What's the matter?" - "Yes, nothing. Danced." And this is my two injuries ... This is the war ... And you need to learn to be tender. Be weak and fragile, and the legs in the boots were broadcast - a forty size. Unusual for someone hugged me. I got used to responding myself. I waited for affectionate words, but I did not understand them. They me like children's. At the front among men - a strong Russian mat. I got used to him. Girlfriend taught me, she worked in the library: "read poems. Yesenin read".

"Feet disappeared ... feet cut off ... Save me in the same place, in the forest ... The operation was in the most primitive conditions. They put on the table to operate, and even iodine was not, a simple saw saw legs, both legs ... put on the table, and no iodine. For six kilometers to another partisan detachment, I went for iodine, and I was lying on the table. Without anesthesia. Without ... Instead of anesthesia - a bottle of self-sided. There was nothing, besides the usual saw ... carpentry ... We had a surgeon, he myself was either without legs, he spoke about me, these are other doctors handed over: "I bow to her. I operated so many men, but I have not seen such . Does not scree. " I kept ... I'm used to being in humans strong ... "

"The husband was a senior engineer, and I am a driver. Four years in Germpushka went, and the son with us. He didn't even see the cat for my whole war. When I caught a cat near Kiev, our composition was scary bombed, five aircraft flew out, and he hugged her: "Kisanka is honey, as I am glad that I saw you. I do not see anyone, well, sit with me. Give you a kiss." Child ... the child must have a children's child ... He fell asleep with the words: "Mommy, we have a cat. We now have a real house".

"Lies on the grass of Anya Kaburova ... Our consequence. She dies - the bullet fell into the heart. At this time, the wedge cranes flies above us. All raised their heads to the sky, and she opened his eyes. I looked: "Like a pity, girls." Then I was silent and smiled at us: "Girls, really I die?" At this time, our postman runs, our clave, she screams: "Do not die! Do not die! You have a letter from the house ..." Anya does not close his eyes, she is waiting ... Our clava sat near her, printed the envelope. Letter from Mom: "My dear, my favorite daughter ..." The doctor stands near me, he says: "This is a miracle. Miracle !! She lives contrary to all the laws of medicine ..."
Read the letter ... And only then Anya closed his eyes ... "

"I stayed with him one day, the second and decide:" Go to headquarters and report. "I will stay with you here." He went to the bosses, and I do not breathe: Well, how will they say that at twenty-four hours it was not? This is the front, it is understandable. And suddenly I see - the authorities goes to the dugout: Major, Colonel. Hello all. Then, of course, we sat down in the dugout, drank, and everyone said his word that the wife found her husband in the trench, this is a real wife, there are documents. This is such a woman! Let me look at such a woman! They told such words, they all cried. I remember all my life ... "

"Under Stalingrad ... I'm the trick of two wounded. I stop one - leave, then - the other. And so pull them in turn, because very heavy wounded, they can not be left, both of them, as it is easier to explain, is highly fled down, they expire with blood. There is a minute, every minute. And suddenly, when I crawled away from the battle, there was less smoke, suddenly I find that I was taking one of our tanker and one German ... I was horrified: there are our digest, and I will save our Germans. I was in a panic ... there, in smoke, I did not understand ... I see: a person dies, a man screams ... ah-ah ... they are both burnt, black. The same. And then I saw: someone else's medallion, other people's watch, all someone else's. This form is damned. And what now? True our wounded and think: "Return behind the German or not?" I understood that if I leave him, he would die soon. From blood loss ... And I crawled behind him. I continued to drag them both ... This is Stalingrad ... The most terrible fights. The most or most ... There can be no one heart for hatred, and the second is for love. The person has one. "

"My girlfriend ... I will not call her surnames, suddenly be offended ... Vochiorfeldsher ... Brighter wounded three times. The war ended, entered the Medical Institute. She did not find any of his relatives, all died. It was terribly disaggained, soaps at night the entrances to feed. But I did not recognize anyone that the disabled of war and has benefits, all documents broke. I ask: "Why did you break?" She cries: "And who would marry me?" "Well, what," I say, "did it right." Even louder crying: "I would come in handy now. Sick is hard." Imagine? Crying. "

"It is then to honor us, after thirty years ... Invite me to meetings ... And first time we were trampled, they didn't even wear awards. Men were worn, but there are no women. Men are winners, heroes, grooms, they had a war, and looked at us very different eyes. Quite different ... we, I tell you, took the victory ... The victory was not divided with us. And it was a shame ... incomprehensible ... "

"The first medal" for the courage "... the fight began. Fire squall. Soldiers climbed. Team: "Forward! For the Motherland!", And they lie. Again the team, again lie. I took off the hat to see: the girl rose ... And they all got up, and we went to battle ... "