Project (senior group) on the topic: Project on theatrical activity "Child and theater". Theatrical activity in the Central Group - Travel to the World of Creativity

Project (senior group) on the topic: a project for theatrical activity
Project (senior group) on the topic: Project on theatrical activity "Child and theater". Theatrical activity in the Central Group - Travel to the World of Creativity

Project for preschoolers DOU "Theater, where the fairy tale lives"

The proposed project is necessary to disclose the creative talent of the child, for the successful implementation of its intellectual-creative potential, for socio-communicative abilities, for the cohesion of the family and kindergarten.
The project is aimed at teaching children to the art of the theater in all types of theatrical activity, to create its own scenarios to performances by all project participants, to show theatrical ideas to children and parents.
Theatrical activity helps the development of the creative gifting of the child and his comprehensive development, teaches a child to see beautiful in life and in humans, the desire to bear the wonderful and kind thing.
Using taletherapy methods, fairy tale modeling, various development techniques verbal creativity During the implementation of the project, new fairy tales and scenarios for performances will be created by participants of theatrical studio.
The involvement of parents in collaboration will create a joyful atmosphere of a joint creativity with a child. The project is designed for three age groups Preschoolers 4-7 years old.
Project participants: Creative group of teachers, children and their parents.
The relevance of the project
In preschool age, children very easily and quickly acquire new knowledge, skills and skills. But at present, the communicative development of the child is alarming. Unfortunately, TV and computer, various computer games We began to replace communication and game activities. Children cease to communicate not only with adults, but also with each other.
Only live communication enriches the life of children, - you can not forget about it!
Many children communicative function Speech is broken. Such children have poor memory, unstable attention, the child is quickly tired, he does not develop cognitive activity, the grammatical system of speech is disturbed. Preschoolers are manifested in timidity, stiffness, they can not always correctly formulate their idea, correctly answer questions, cannot ask the question correctly, children make it difficult to establish contact with adults and peers.
In modern society, in the age of informatics, the social prestige of intelligence and scientific knowledge increased dramatically. All pedagogical plants are directed primarily on the development of thinking.
The actual problem in our time was the fact that the emotional and spiritual essence of the child passes into secondary value. Children, unfortunately, they admire much less frequently, surprised and empathize, more and more often they show indifference and severity.
And in my work problems arise:
How to teach a child to everything that is useful for him in this complex modern life?
How to raise and develop its basic abilities: hear, see, feel, understand, fantasize and invent?
How to wake interest in the world in children and to yourself?
How to teach children to empathize, understand the feelings of the other, fantasize, build harmonious relations with the outside world?
The shortest way to emotional restraints of the child, removal of compression, training of feeling and artistic imagination is the way through the game, fantasy, creativity.
All this can give the child theater, it is in the theatrical activity of a child binds artistic creativity And personal experiences.
In my work with children, important tasks are the disclosure of the creative gifting of children, a decrease in the level of anxiety, self-esteem, getting rid of shyness. These tasks can be solved by means of theatrical activity.
From the point of view of pedagogical appeal, we can talk about universality, gaming nature and social orientation, as well as the correctional capabilities of the theater and the development of gifted children. Therefore, for me, theatrical activity is the most basic and fascinating direction in preschool education.
For efficient work, creating favorable conditions and manifestation of signs of gifts of pupils, it is necessary to early detect them creative opportunities and the abilities, development and self-development of the personality capable of optimal creative self-realization.
Therefore, I had an idea to open the theatrical studio in the kindergarten for more in-depth work with children on theatrical activity, starting with the middle group of preschoolers, with its phased development, which would be the implementation of my project: "Theater, where the fairy tale lives."

Objective of the project: The disclosure of the creative gifting of the child, the successful implementation of its intellectual and creative potential contributing to the socio-communicative formation, the creation of an optimal psychological climate from preschoolers through a children's theater studio.

Tasks for project implementation:
To acquaint children with different types of children's theaters: Mask Theater, forest theater, Desktop Theater, a walking theater, Shadow Theater, Puppet Theater, Puppet Theater Bababo, Theater of Rostova Dolls, Actors Theater. Teach techniques to manipulate children's theaters different species.
To acquaint with the concepts of "emotions", "Pantomimika", the ability to recognize the emotional states of others. Develop the emotional and creative potential of preschoolers.
Support the desire for friendly contacts in joint dramatitis games, create favorable conditions for the development of communicative abilities.
Expand from preschoolers based on theatrical creativity general awareness of the world around; To form a certain elementary experience of professional action on railway transport, about the work of railway workers and other professions through theatricalization.
Develop imagination, fantasy in writing its own fairy tales by modeling. To form the independence of thinking, that is, find their own solutions, openly state bold ideas, hypotheses.
To form the ability to take criticism without offense, as well as the ability to find deficiencies in own judgments, estimates.
Develop the ability to adapt to people, to correctly perceive and evaluate them and their actions, interact with them and establish a good relationship in various social situations.
Develop interest in making decorations, costumes, desktop theaters with their own hands together with parents and children.
Involve parents in collaboration, creating a joyful atmosphere of a joint creativity.

Stages of project implementation

Stage 1 - Work with a secondary group of preschoolers and their parents
(September - May)

1. Acquaintance of children with theater species (finger theater, mask theater, walking theater, puppet theater, shadow theater, puppet theater). Training techniques for the manipulation of children's theaters of various types, casing skills.
2. Acquaintance with Russian-folk fairy tales, learning the ability to retell them, beat fairy tales in all types of the theater.
3. Acquaintance with the concept of "emotions", recognizing emotions.
4. Creation of the Parents' Club "Theater Workshop" for the manufacture theatrical dolls For home theaters.
5. Creating a photo album "Mir of the theater with your own hands."

Summer period (June-August) - Diagnosis to study the abilities of children to creativity.

Stage 2 - work with the older group of preschoolers and their parents
(September - May)

1. Acquaintance with the rules of behavior in the theater, famous theaters Russia.
2. Modeling fairy tales for the choice of the object or the plot.
3. Drawing up fairy tales with the development of verbal creativity together with parents.
4. Children - children. Showing doll and shadow theaters for children junior Group.
5. Puppet Theater "Dancing Strays". Showing the skills of cubes on the holidays of kindergarten.
6. Theater of growth dolls. The show by the players of the play by joint creativity of the target group of the project "We save a kolobka".
7. Creation of a collection of fairy tales of joint creativity of children and parents "Tales feedback on new way».

Summer period (June-August) - diagnostics to study the abilities of children to work.

3 Stage - work with the children of the preparatory group and their parents
(September - May)

1. Acquaintance with the theater of actors, theatrical terms.
2. Acquaintance S. theatrical professions (What kind of work are people of these professions, in order to put the performance).
3. Games for the development of acting skills "Country of emotions", "Tell me without words", "Pantomimim", etc.
4. Putting performances according to scenarios of its own essay by modeling fairy tales:
"How seven goats went to kindergarten";
"As the forest saved the forest";
"That's what scattered."
5. Attracting parents to help in the manufacture of costumes and scenery to performances.

Conditions necessary for the full implementation of the project
Clear planning and implementation of theatrical activities throughout the continuation project activities;
availability and development of ideas and interests of children to various types of theater;
Availability of diversity costumes and accessibility decoration performances and staging on artwork;
mastering the rules and receptions of this or that type of theatrical activity;
the interaction of children, parents and teachers DOU;
Serious, emotional and positive educational relationship to the games of children in the theater.

Project implementation methods
The preliminary work on the project will be diagnosed to study the abilities of children to work, which is important to implement in cooperation with teachers and parents. In the middle preschool age, one of the main methods to identify the signs of creatively gifted children are the observation method. As a rule, creatively gifted children are relatively lightweight, the rapid assimilation of the ethical norms of behavior, positive socio-emotional qualities available for them.
Performance levels in childhood Do not remain constant, so some techniques are conducted in all age groups.
Also, for the correction of the psycho-emotional state, theatrical activities are useful for shy children with a high level of anxiety. In a set of psychodiagnostic techniques of children of average preschool age Included:
The "Three Steps" technique to study the self-assessment of the child;

Methods of studying the identity of "Three Desires";
Methods of determining the level of development creative abilities "Sun in the room."

Project description

The project starts with the middle group. Middle preschool children get acquainted with the types of theaters.
Types of theater necessary in the design work with children:

1.Taert masks
2.Palchic theater
3. Highlighting theater
4.Anastory theater
5. Theatery Theater.
6.Puppet show "Babo"
7.Theater puppets
8.Theater of growth dolls
9.Theater actors

Forest theater - This is a wonderful material for the development of children imagination, thinking and speech. Performing movements with fingers inductively leads to excitement in speech centers of the brain and a sharp strengthening of the agreed activity of speech zones, which ultimately develops the brain of the child, stimulates the development of speech, concentrates attention in one form of activity.

Dolls walking theater It is arranged in such a way that the child can cover the index and middle fingers in her legs (rear) and make the character "walk". From this doll "comes to life" in the eyes of the child. And you can work and different couples fingers, different hands and two hands at the same time.

Desktop Theater. - These are toys and scenery that can be placed on the table. They can be cardboard, wooden or rubber. Thanks to this type of the theater, children have the primary development of the directorial theatrical game.

IN theater Bibabo., glove type dolls are used: doll, hollow inside, put on hand, while the doll is placed in the head forefinger, Sleeves costume - large and medium, the rest of the fingers are pressed against the palm. Such the theater begins behind the screen.

Shadow Theater. - This is a screen on which flat cardboard or plywood figures, touching its reverse side, leave shadows. The screen is set so that it is between the light source and children (the light source can be a lamp or window). In the Shadow Theater, you can play familiar fairy tales. it unusual view Puppet theater. In the Silhouette Shades, the child recognizes familiar characters, and the fairy tale comes to life in his imagination. Such performances enriched inner world Child, teach children to represent, develop imagination.

Puppet Theater. The puppet is complex in the management of the doll, but she "magic" - it seems that she lives separately from the person who controls it.

Thanks to such types of the theater, children are trained by techniques with theatrical dolls. Cocking with the theater's children, the life of our pupils will be interesting and meaningful will be filled with her bright impressions And the joy of creativity. And most importantly - the skills obtained in theatrical games, children will be able to use in everyday life.
Also, children playing the theater, learn Russian-folk tales retelling.
In the process of the story and showing fairy tales, the child develops speech, small motorcy, speech and gesture expressiveness, learns to independently transfer the image of fabulous characters.
With the help of scenes-etudes, children get acquainted with emotions, the ability to recognize them.
A special role is given to work with parents. The child and parents are one. And joint creative activity Children and adults are always effective. For this, there is a need to create a Parent Club "Theater Workshop" for master classes for the manufacture of theatrical dolls and theaters with their own hands. Participants in the club will be parents with their children. Thanks to this methods of playing the theater in the home environment, the level of self-assessment of the child increases, confidence in their capabilities, family cohesion. In the form of consultation and round tables Parents receive information about the meaning of the theater in the raising of children, as well as the opportunity to visit a particular performance with a child, and then discuss with him seen, and make illustrations.
At the end of the school year (in May), together with all participants in the parent club, a photo album is created, in which all the work done by the theater workshop will be.

IN summer period (June-August) a diagnosis of senior preschool children is being diagnosed:

Methodology for studying the alarmity of the child;
Methods of studying the identity of "Flower-seven-flower";

The game test "Three words" to evaluate the creative imagination.

The children of the senior group with the help of slide presentations are trained by the rules of behavior in the theater, get acquainted with the theaters of Russia.
The scenarios of Russian-folk fairy tales are played by various types of theater. Using methods and techniques of talentorate, modeling fairy tales, various techniques for the development of verbal creativity, you can come up with a new fairy tale, scenario to the spectral.
Using the method of talekotherapy, the child develops an imagination that is psychological basis creativity making it capable of creating a new one. For example, after reading and discussing the RNS "Kolobok", children ask a number of questions: "What would happen to a kolobkom if he lived in our city? Where would he rolled? If he lived on a high floor? What needs to be done, what would the trouble be with a kolobkom? How would we help him? etc. Thanks to this method, children develop positive socio-communicative qualities, friendly relationships, the desire to come to the rescue. So you can come up with children new plot Fairy tales "We save a kolobka."
Modeling method is one of the most effective methods Child learning to work fairy tales to form various skills of the composition of fairy tales (on the choice of the object, plot, etc.). Since in our kindergarten, one of the important activities are defined - this is the work on early career guidance on railway subjects, the bias of choosing the plot of fairy tales is made on the railway topic. Ready-made fairy tales And there are few stories on the railway topic, so all the stages and performances set by the children are a product of children's fantasy. Modeling fairy tales occurs through communication, dialogue, with many leading issues, correctly supplied by the teacher. And the "Right" questions encourage the child to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations.
It is proposed to joint creativity on the composition of fairy tales to children and their parents. Taking as a basis russian- folk tales And using the techniques of verbal creativity: "Transfering fairy tales", "Additional a fairy tale", "beginning and end", etc., new plots of fairy tales are obtained, which will subsequently become theatrical ideas.
Fantasy children have no borders, and not all scenarios of the fairy tales obtained can be played on stage, but they can be played by other types of theater: finger, shadow, puppet theater.
Children of the senior group fasten the skills of cudders. Show ready-made performances to children of junior groups in the form of shadow and puppet theaters. Speakers on the holidays of kindergarten, presenting their experience of manipulations of puppet puppet (in March).
By the end of the school year (in May), the children of the eldest group prepare a performance using the growth dolls "we save a kolobka".

Rostic doll Allows the child to quickly reincarnate in one or another role. The legs of the doll dress on their feet to the child, mittens dressed on the handles, the head of the doll on the strayman hangs on the neck of the child - and the child "in a suit" of the chosen hero.

The collection of fairy tales on the railway tales of "fairy tales for a new way", invented by children and parents (in May), is also created.

In the summer period (June-August), the diagnosis of children of the preparatory group is carried out:
Methods "Lestenka" to study the self-assessment of the child;
Methodology for studying the alarmity of the child;
Methods "Diagnostics of Natural Memory";
Methods of studying the personality "If I caught goldfish»;
Methods of studying the child's creativity, test on the creativity of Williams "Dorisuy Figure";
Methods for modeling fairy tales.

In the preparatory group, children get acquainted with Theater of actors.

Theater of actors. The largest and time-consuming species of the theater in which the children themselves are. Playing the theater of actors, the child shows a steady interest in theatrical art and theatrical activity, creatively applies knowledge about the various emotional states and character of heroes in performances, uses various means of communication, manifests the initiative, consistency with partners, creative activity at all stages of work on the performance .
With the help of slide presentations, children get acquainted with theatrical professions, theatrical terms. In order to develop emotional-creative potential and form non-verbal means of communication, children get acquainted with various emotions, pantomime.
Based on the fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats", combining the two holiday Mother's Day and the birthday of kindergarten, using the reception "Start and End", the guys will show the play "How Seven Cats went to kindergarten" (November). On the basis of the fairy tale "The train from Romashkovo", taking the topic of ecology as the basis, the guys will show a fairy tale "As a train, the forest saved" (February). Using the reception "Additional fairy tale" guys will show the musical "That's what scattered" (May).
All tales invented by children require great preparation not only to memorize roles, but also in the manufacture of costumes, scenery, attributes, etc. Therefore, parents of pupils need to be involved in the theatrical productions, and as not only viewers, but also co-authors of the text, scenery manufacturers and costumes. This will help them better learn their child, features of its character and temperament.

(Scripts of performances are attached in the heading in other records)

In accordance with target landmarks that are denoted by the Federal State educational standard preschool educationThe child at the stage of completion of preschool education should have a developed imagination, to show initiative and independence in different activities, actively interact with adults and peers. All these personality characteristics will be especially bright in the course of implementing my project.
Presentation of fairy tales I. merry scenesInvented by personally by children with their favorite characters, most likely to drag and contribute to the development of thinking, speech, attention, memory and creative abilities, allow you to show fantasy.
Huge I. educational meaning Theatrical games. Children are formed a valid attitude towards each other. In addition, the "playing" of the fabulous hero, the child receives an idea of \u200b\u200bgood and evil, learns to understand human characteristics, empathize and help weak, thereby attaching confidence in itself, helps to get rid of their own fears. And the speech in front of the audience forms the experience of social skills of behavior in children, contributes to the development of preschoolers of all components of speech. The theater in kindergarten will teach the child to see beautiful in life and in humans, rushes the desire to carry beautiful and kind to life.
Thus, the project work reduces the level of anxiety, eliminates shyness, insecurity, helps the development of the creative talent of the child, its comprehensive development. It is obvious that theatrical activity teaches children to be creative personalities capable of perceiving novelty, the ability to improvise. Our society needs a person of this quality that would be safe, could enter into a modern situation, knew how to own a problem creatively, without prior training, had the courage to try and mistake until the right decision was found.

Theater for children is wonderlandwhere fantasies become reality, the items come to life, and good always wins evil. All this kind of game, which is an integral part of the life of the preschooler. Theatrical activity has a huge emotional influence, awakened his imagination, activity. The middle preschool age is a wonderful time for the development of creative talents. Baby of the fifth year of life with pleasure trying on themselves different roles, penetrating the experiences fictional heroesAt the same time breaking and bending the nature of human relationships.

Methodology and organization of theatrical activity in the middle group of kindergarten

Theatrical activity remains an important component. pedagogical process In the middle preschool link. Such classes are most often held within the framework of the Item Development of Speech (for example, once every three or four weeks) are either taken into a circle work.

Tasks and techniques of theatricalization in Dow

Theatricalization classes solve many tasks, contributing, above all, the harmonious development of the child.

Educational tasks:

  1. Primary basics theater culture. Guys get acquainted with theatrical terminology, varieties theatrical art, learn how to behave correctly during your stay in the theater.
  2. Theater game. Preschoolers are improving the ability to navigate in the stage space, move around the site, build a dialogue with a partner on setting on a certain topic and memorize the words of the characters of theatrical etude.
  3. Work on the performance. The guys develop the skills of manipulations with imaginary objects. The guys learn to embody in the game specific feelings, experiences, create a certain image through intonation, facial expressions and pantomimics.
  4. Rhythmoplasty. Preschoolers learn to respond to music Either the team, while acting consistently, remember various postures and transmit them figuratively.
  5. Speech culture. The kids have the formation of speech breathing, proper articulation, clear diction, the ability to change the intonation, compose short stories and fairy tales, find elementary rhymes.

Developing tasks:

  1. Theatrical activity implies the guys to the skills of public speaking.
  2. In children, the dictionary is activated, enriched vocabulary, Improved intonation system, develops a dialogic speech.

Educational challenges:

  1. Rises general culture The child, there is an introduction to spiritual values.
  2. Theatrical activity raises independence in the preschooler, artistry, creative principle, ability to communicate with peers and adults.

By organizing theatrical activity in the middle preschool age, the educator relies on certain techniques:

  1. Valid: reading short fairy tales and stories (which are then transformed into the scenario of the performance), conversations with the kids, appeal to their personal experience, the competition of readers.
  2. Visual: Joint viewing of costumes, decorations to specific performances, watching theatrical performances in kindergarten (their teachers are organized or professional actors are invited).
  3. Practical: These include dramatization games, playing short sketches, drawing episodes from specific fairy tales and stories, making scenery, attributes, masks and other costume elements.

Photo Gallery: Works of work in the middle group for teaching theatrical activity

Watching theatrical performances causes a desire to play their own performance Initial stage - familiarity with the scenario of the future performance preschoolers themselves play a small idea

Types of theatrical activity in the middle preschool

Theatrical activities in the middle preschool link can be distinguished by two key groups: dramatization games (drama theater) and directorial games. In the first case, preschoolers themselves become active persons of the performance: they are set in costumes, play the roles of characters, passing their movements and experiences with the help of intonation, facial expressions and pantomimics.

A variety of dramatic theater is the theater of masks, which also takes place in medium group. In the sizes of the children's head, the teacher makes making hats. They can be sewn or knitted, you can also use a cardboard image that is fixed around the head of the rubber.

With the help of suits, masks or hats kids are reincarnated in fabulous characters

During the director's game, the child only creates a scene by driving a toy hero - volumetric or flat. In this regard, the following types of theater are allocated:

  1. Desktop. These are manipulations with the most common toys (matryrs, animal figures, etc.), while the stage platform is children's table. The content of such performances is usually selected extremely simple, there are no intricate movements and actions. The tutor may well come up with a small plot.
  2. Cone. It is a type of desktop. The characters are made of paper cones.
  3. Theater on the flannelhemph (or magnetic board). Todddlers usually fascinates the process of playing action: because the pictures do not fall, but as if glued to the board, as if magical. The teacher can easily make many characters for such performances: the image can be drawn or cut out of cards, magazines, old books. The picture passes on a thin cardboard, from the back of which flannel is pasted. If the etude is played out on the magnetic board, the teacher uses small, imperceptible magnets to attach the heroes.
  4. Shadow This is a wonderful entertainment for children who like to watch, like figures of people and animals move along a brightly lit screen. The teacher tightens the wooden frame with a thin white cloth, the figures of the characters cut out of a loose cardboard and paints them into the black color (and the body parts can be mobile, for example, head, hands and legs) due to the use of threads or wire. When the performance is displayed, the figures are tightly pressed to the material, and the light source is located behind. It is desirable that the hands of the spectators do not see: for this, each figure is equipped with additional elementfor which it is convenient to keep it.
  5. Babo (or Parsley Theater). It is a set of dolls that put on hands like a glove. Such characters are sold in children's stores, if desired, they can be made independently. The simplest doll consists of a body-shirt, heads and pens. The head can be borrowed from the old doll, rubber toys or make out of plasticine, papier-mâché, plastic ball, denoting the corresponding details. The body-shirt sews in the size of the hands of a child. During the show of the etude, the head is satisfied with an index finger, and the hands (or paws of the animal) - on a large and medium. At the same time, the scene of the Bibabo Theater is shirma on which the scenery is set. Little patrols are behind the screen and control dolls. Such the theater usually causes the kids delight and the sea of \u200b\u200bbright emotions.
  6. Finger. These are small pupae, stitched from the material related from yarn or glued paper. It is drawn up with buttons, beads, beads, threads, etc. Children put on finger toys and with a screen show a performance.
  7. Varezhka Theater. It is based on the use of unnecessary children's verges, to which eyes, ears, mouth, hair and other parts are sewn. As an option, the veasage can be cut out of paper, and then glue. Children love to produce such dolls, painting them with pencils, gouache, markers, decorated with appliqué. Such mittens, by the way, may include part of the scenery, such as grass or trees.

Photo Gallery: Varieties of the puppet theater in the middle group

Theater theater Characters are put on hands Like a glove. An ordinary mittens can be transformed into a fabulous character in the cone theater Characters pose paper cones for the desktop theater of the stage platform is the usual table. Small dolls are put on fingers and with the help of the screen playing a gaming action to create. shadow Theater. Need Figures Black Color and White Screen Flat Characters Fine to Flanhelegram

The performances set by the kids are obtained brighter, interesting if they are under musical accompaniment. The music director can play out the guys on the piano or the educator selects suitable audio recordings. Thus, theatrical activity in the Dow is closely related to the musical.

Theatricalization corner in the group room

In a developing medium of the middle group, the theatrical sector should certainly be issued, which presents a variety of ways, scenery and costumes, mask hats and various theatrical props (tickets, ticket office, posters, etc.). With all this attributing in free time Kids can develop their acting abilities, playing small performances, imagining themselves with various characters.

In the corner of theatricalization, the guys can play independently performing performances using various dolls, scenery, costumes

Conducting exercise on theatricalization in the middle group

To work on the development of creative abilities of children with means of theatrical activity, it is necessary to maintain it systematically and systematically, taking into account age, psychological and individual features kids.

Individual approach in class

In the exercise of theatrical activity special meaning Acquires an individual approach. The teacher must create such conditions so that every preschooler has the opportunity to reveal its abilities. To this end, the following techniques are used:

  1. Choosing a role at your own desire (according to the nature of the child).
  2. Appointment on the key roles of timid and shy kids (this will allow them to overcome their fears, become more confident in themselves and increase self-esteem).
  3. Playing dialogs in pairs.
  4. If the child has a speech problem (many of the children of the fifth year of life are still poorly talking, especially the boys), then you need to choose a role to him where the main effect is built on facial expressions and pantomime.
  5. If the preschooler remembers a large amount of text, then you need to give him roles with large quantity words.
  6. Some children before playing the performance should be given time on manipulation with a toy (perhaps the baby wants to talk to her).

Some guys in the class of theatricalization should be paid to special attention.

Motivating the beginning of theatrical activity

Theatrical activity in the Central Group is very fascinating the occupation for children, especially if the teacher will come up with intriguing motivation for him.

For example, the tutor shows the kids. Beautiful chest - she found him on the way to kindergarten. There are fairy tale characters there (it can be "teremok" or "bang", "Ryabn chicken" or "Zayushkina Hut", etc.). To the chest open, children must guess the riddles.

In a beautiful chest are the heroes of fairy tales

Another option of the start of the classes - the teacher holds in the hands of the ball of threads. It is not simple, but a magical, can lead to a fairy tale. The tangle rolls and leads guys to the toy luntik. He informs the children that they really were in a fairy tale, where the beasts and birds speak, and good always wins evil.

Favorite cartoon Luntik invites kids to a fairy tale

In order to interest children with theatrical activities, the educator can dress up in a tale grandmother (Malanu or Arina) and invite the guys to play with her. At the same time, it is good to styl about the group room under the Russian hut - put the stove, wooden painted dishes, etc.

The teacher disguises in a grandmother

Another option of the motivating start of classes, which will probably inspire children - the offer to turn into actors. Preschoolers love to reincarnate in representatives of a particular profession. And to be an actor - it is very interesting, because you can feel like anyone: an excellent princess, a small puppy, a cowardly bunny.

Playing the performance can be predicted with a small conversation about the theater. The guys remember whether they have theaters in the city which (dramatic, doll), what are the people who work there. Thus, the occupation acquires the patriotic orientation - the kids replenish knowledge about their hometown.

Options for classes in the middle group

The very first theatricalization classes should be an introductory character ("What is the theater", "Theater World", "Travel to theater", etc.). The teacher introduces the guys with the theater, explains his internal device, shows photos of beautiful buildings. Preschoolers learn that there are dramatic and puppet theaters, get acquainted with the actor profession.

The guys will learn that all buildings theater are very beautiful and majestic

In subsequent classes, the kids are played by short scenes on which they learn to express certain emotions through intonation, facial expressions and gesticulation (for example, "Change Voice", "Guess I will show," Mimic Etudes at the Mirror "), read poems expressively (for example, "What I know" B. Nodoka).

The topic of the main block of theatricalization classes in the medium group is associated with Russian folk and literary fairy tales. The teacher plays performs the performances of the following works with children: "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Ryabina", "Zayushkina Hope", "Three Bear", "Kolobok - Spiny Side" V. Bianki, "Who said" Meow "," Under the mushroom, "V. Suteeva," I rang the phone "K. Chukovsky.

On the fairy tale V. Suteev "under the mushroom" you can also put puppet, and dramatic performances

Classes may also have a patriotic orientation ("theaters in my city") or educate preschoolers of courtesy (various scenes are played out of life, where the guys should consume polite words).

The children of the fifth year of life can also practice the profession of a screenwriter and director: invent our scenes from the life of toys (for example, "where toys live," "toys have come to visit the doll Kate", etc.).

Table: Fragments of abstracts of exercise on theatrical activity in the medium group

Author and name Structure occupation
Khlebnikov N.A.
"Playing the theater"
The tutor enters the image of a storytelling and talks with children about where you can see fairy tales. The guys are invited to reincarnate in artists - learn to transmit feelings by expression and gestures.
Game-warm-up "Rangers".
  • On the instructions of the teacher, children should transmit to each other specific emotions: a smile, "hearter", "fright", "horror".
  • The following task is to pass in a circle a certain amount of Cotton.
  • Transfer mood with voice. You need to say the phrase "went, went to the forest for nuts" sad and fun.

The fairy tale reports to preschoolers that kitten came to visit them. Children remember cartoons and fairy tales in which there is this hero, and then pass to each other toy kitten, they smooth him, they say affectionate words.
The teacher reads the poem B. Skod "Kisnino Mount"

  • Crying pussy in the corridor,
    She has a big grief.
    Evil people poor pussy
    Do not decleral sausages.
  • Pussy, Kisa, Kisulya! -
    Called the kitten of Julia.-
    Do not rush to post, wait! -
    And stroked her hand.

The guys are invited to imagine how they are writing a kitty.
Tale is time to return home. She is interested in the guys that they liked the most interesting things that they found out.

Kamenskaya N.K.
Tale "Teremok"
The teacher tells children that, on the way to kindergarten, she found a beautiful box. To open it, you need to guess the riddles (toys are demonstrated along the gay):
  • He lives in mink, gnawing crusts.
    Short legs, afraid of cats. (Mouse).
  • Green I, like grass,
    My song "Kva-kva". (Frog)
  • On the field jumps - the ears hides.
    Start a post - the ears with a bow. (Bunny).
  • Who is cold in winter, hungry? (Wolf)
  • Fluffy tail, golden fur.
    In the forest lives, chickens in the village steal. (A fox).
  • In the winter sleeps, in the summer, the hives are twisted. (Bear)

The guys guess that the beasts are the heroes of the tale "Teremok". Pedagogue offers to play this fairy tale, pronounces magic wordsAnd the guys turn into forest inhabitants - put on the masks hats. Some of the guys play the role of sun and Christmas tree (appropriate masks).
The tutor in the role of the author tells a fairy tale, and children play the roles of characters.
Fizkultminutka is held "Build a house".

  • Knock-knock hammer
    (Imitation hammer).
  • We build, build new house.
    (Walking in place).
  • You drank, drank fast,
    (Imitation saw).
  • House building for animals.
    (On-site jumping).
  • Worked together
    the house quickly built -
    each room.
  • The animals lived together, did not live
    the stove in the house was treated.
  • That's a fairy tale,
    And who listened to well done!

And now it is necessary to turn from the forest briefly in the guys!
(The teacher removes the hats-mask with children).
Children are offered to sit at the tables and put teremok from countable sticks.
Analysis of classes. The teacher finds out the preschoolers that they liked the most, and what was difficult.

Lagutina A.V.
"Marfusha Visiting Guys"
Before children, Martus appears (disguised adult). She says that when it was put into order, discovered socks, handkerchiefs, glove, mittens and sneakers. And now Martus does not know what to do with all this. She decides to put things in magic chest And pronounce spell.
Holding finger gymnastics:
  • Mix the big bag
    (I stroke on the left and right palm).
  • Each thing one
    (bend the fingers of the left hand in turn):
  • Slippers, Mitten, Sock
    (connect your fingers big with big),
  • And glove and scarf
    (index with index and so on.)
  • You are our bag, grow
    (Palms and fingers pressed together, reveal, make a "ball").
  • What happened there, show
    (palm up, down, up, down).

Marfusha leaves the bag and leaves.
The educator for one takes out objects and is surprised.
The sneakers turned into a mouse. Children imitate her thin voice.
The teacher pulls the toy ant. The game "Ant and Bird" is held: when the teacher says "ants", children must run with small checkers, and to the "Bird" signal to sit down.
The next character from the bag is a glove bunny. The kids turn into will be engaged - pressing their heads to her shoulders, pick up "paws" and trembling.
The educator gets a butterfly, turns on two melodies in turn.
Guys must guess, as it can flutter the butterfly. Girls perform dance movements to the music.
The last hero is Sparrow. Children guess a riddle about him. Delighted with the help of the teacher, they guess that all these characters are the heroes of the fairy tale V. Sutheev "under the mushroom". At first, they were sad, but the friendship was helped, and the heroes were cheerful (the conversation was accompanied by a demonstration of pictograms with a fun and sad face).
The guys alternately play the role of some character and ask for fungus.
There is a game "Find out friends vote": children pass the wand. Who she will be in his hands, he calls the lead by name, and he must determine by voice, who called him.
Game "Rangers": you need to give a big ball in the palms.
Respiratory gymnastics "Wind": At the exhalation, preschoolers utter "Fu-U-y".
Preschoolers share their impressions. The tutor pulls the treat from the bag.

Table: Fairy Tale Scenario for Dramatic

Tale name Content
"Masha Birthday" Once there was a girl Masha. She was a very fun and kind girl. She loved not only girlfriends, but all the animals!
And once, when Masha has a birthday, the animals decided to congratulate her on the holiday. They prepared gifts and congratulations for birthday girl.
First, Kitty came to Masha! (The cat gradually appears on Shirma). Hassed her and says: "Masha, I congratulate you on the day of birth! And accept from me a gift! " (The cat shakes slightly, and Masha stands motionless).
The girl was very glad to arrive the cat and his gift and says: "Thank you, Kitty, I am very glad that you came! Please pass. "
Cattle passed and sat on the chair.
And at this time, the bunny runs on the path fled. He saw Masha and happily said: "Hello, Masha! I congratulate you happy birthday! And I give you ... "
The girl thanked the hare: "Thank you, hare! Pass, please! "
Bunny happily agreed, passed and sat down next to the cat.
Only a bunny sat down, as everyone heard a song. She fought a fox, who was also rushing with congratulations to Masha. The leisure ran up to the girl and happily said: "I congratulate you on the day of birth! Here for you a gift! "Gave Masha's gift and was quite going to go away how Masha said:" Thank you, Lesson, stay for a holiday! "
The fox thanked the girl, went and sat on a chair next to the bunny.
And then everyone saw that Mishautka goes a rotary side. Mishutka was very timid and shy. I came up and quietly said: "Congratulations on the day of birth!" Gave Masha's gift and quietly went home.
And Masha after him, and says: "Thank you, Mishutka, stay on the holiday!" Mishutka from pleasure even snatched quietly, went and sat down next to the cat.
And then everyone saw that Masha and Congratulations were going to Masha and Cockerel. The cockerel walked ahead and was kicked calling, and the wolp went after him and thought everything would congratulate Masha.
They approached the birthday girl and say: "Congratulations on your birthday! We wish ... Here are gifts from us! "
Masha said: "Thank you, go around, please!"
The wolfpock passed and sat down next to the Mishutka, and the cockerel was next to the fox, because they were friends and always played together.
When the guests sat down, Masha saw that the goat hurry to her. She was elegant and fun. Goat, too, carried Masha a gift.
She approached the girl and says: "Congratulations on your birthday! And accept from me a gift! "
Masha said: "Thank you very much, please!" Goat with pleasure passed and sat down next to the cock.
Masha was very happy to guests, but I was looking forward to His girlfriend Dasha. And then she saw that Dasha was hurried on the path, and with her a mouse. When Dasha and Mouse came up, Masha said: "I am glad that you came, see how much guests I have!"
Dasha and a mouse congratulated a birthday party happy birthday and offered to tell the dance "loaf" for Masha. All the animals agreed, got into a circle, and Masha in the middle of the circle, and they began to drive a dance!

The project on theatrical activity

Theatricalization presents a large material for project activities in the middle group. These may be short-term and long-term projects. The duration of the short-term - from one day to two weeks, long-term - from two weeks to six months and even a year.

An example of a long-term project - "Theater next to us" teacher I. G. Himayaeva. He involves children, pedagogical team and parents. Parents are attracted to the manufacture of fairy tales characters, the exhibition of the drawings "We are from the fairy tale", the organization of the photo exhibition "in the puppet theater of the whole family."

The problem for solving during the project: the inability to transfer the emotional character of heroes, insufficient vocabulary, difficulties of connected speech.

The educator has developed a detailed plan of the project, including scenarios open eventsThe expected performance results are thought out. During the preparatory stage, the teacher creates various types of the theater in the group (parents and preschoolers themselves are involved in this process), reads fairy tales and stories preschoolers - future scenarios of performances.

Table: Tales for theatricalizations used in the project

Month Tale name View of theater
September Belarusian fairy tale "POH" puppet show
October Russian folk fairy tale "Repka" cardboard Theater.
November "Teremok" puppet show
December "Zyushkina Hut" forest theater.
January "Winter beasts" forest theater.
February "Kolobok" forest theater.
March Tale L. N. Tolstoy
"Three Bears"
cardboard Theater.
April T. Karamannko
"Yozh and fungus"
forest theater.
May "Masha and the Bear" dramatization,
the final stage

During the implementation of the project, theatrical activity is closely intertwined with artistic creativity (the guys are offered coloring on the topic of fairy tales, drawing favorite heroes), physical education (Fizkultminthki on fabulous themes).

Analysis and diagnosis of theatrical activity in the Central Group

All exercises on theatrical activity in the middle group are built by a similar scheme. Initially, the teacher immerses preschoolers in the topic, creates the necessary emotional attitude. Then a specific sketch or a performance is played, where the kids demonstrate their creative abilities.

The obligatory stage of each class is an emotional conclusion. The educator together with children conducts an analysis of theatrical activity.The teacher gives preschoolers the opportunity to express their opinion, note that each of them liked most of them in the classroom. The guys remember what kind of fairy tale they played, what tasks were light, and which seemed difficult. Thus, during the analysis of the educator, the moments of which in the future need to work, including in individual activity.

Theatrical activity in the medium group includes the diagnosis that is held twice a year (as a rule, it is October and May). The educator denotes the skills and skills that children should acquire by the end of the school year, notes how every child has them at the beginning of education (October), and then at the end of the year (May). Based on the data obtained, the teacher makes conclusions about the success of learning.

To estimate the level children's Development A tripled scale is used: well, satisfactory, unsatisfactory (some use a five-point system). Characteristics high level Development for diagnosis:

  1. Through intonation, facial expressions and gestures transmits the character and characteristics of the hero of the work.
  2. Able to reincarnate in the character, improvise along the game.
  3. Rectifically pronounces the words of the character.
  4. Focusing in different types of theater, owns toys, finger dolls, bibobo dolls, etc.
  5. Especially participates in children's performances in Dow.

Video on the topic

Video recording of children's performances is a very interesting sight for teachers, preschoolers and their parents.

Video: Dramatic of the Fairy Tale "Rust" in the middle group\u003dk0at3jggree Video CAN't Be Loaded: Classes on theatrical activity Part 2 (\u003dk0at3jggree)

Video: Theatrical activity in the middle group "Ryabina"\u003dTQT1QXAX0PM Video CAN't Be Loaded: Theatrical Activities. Fairy tale "Ryaba chicken" (\u003dTQT1QXAX0PM)

Video: Theatrical event with the participation of children and parents (middle group) "Koshkin House"\u003dXWA5TA688UO. Video CAN't Be Loaded: "Koshkin House" Theatrical event of parents for children of the middle group on fire safety (\u003dXWA5TA688UO)

Theatrical activities are close and accessible to children. After all, it is laid in their nature: any fiction and impression of the surroundings, the baby seeks to transform into a living image. The pupils of the middle group are happy to participate in performances, love to fall into bright suits, driving dolls, talking on their behalf. Such actions help the comprehensive development of the child, too mobile and emotional help to become more collected, purposeful, and a robust - on the contrary, to overcome shyness and insecurity.

Relevance: The most popular and fascinating direction in preschool education is theatrical activity. From the point of view of pedagogical appeal, we can talk about universality, gaming nature and social orientation, as well as the correctional capabilities of the theater.

Exactly theatrical activity Allows you to solve many pedagogical tasks regarding the formation of expressiveness of the speech of the child, intellectual and artistic and aesthetic education. Participating in theatrical games, children becomeparticipants of different events from the life of people, animals, plants, which gives them the opportunity to know deeper the world. At the same time, the theatrical game instills a child a steady interest in his native culture, literature, theater.

Huge and educational meaning of theatrical games. Children are formed a valid attitude towards each other. They know the joy associated with overcoming the difficulties of communication, insecurity. The passion for children of the theatrical game, their inner comfort, discrepancy, light, unauthoritarian communication of an adult and a child, almost immediately the missing complex "I do not know" - all this surprises and attracts.

The relevance of the project due to the fact that insufficient attention of parents and children to the theater; little formed the ability of children in "Acting skill"; Not enough theater costumes and masks in the group.

Objective of the project: Formation of children and parents of interest in the theater and joint theatrical activity; replenishment of the theater in installments and details with the help of parents (costumes, masks, shirma); Enrichment of the developing environment.


1. Answer the interest of children and parents to the theater;

2. Attach the primary skills in the field of theatrical art (the use of facial expressions, gestures, voices, doll);

3. Integrate parents in enrichment, manufacturer of different types of the theater and give information about the ways of playing at home and children;

4. Develop the ability to improvisation, speech activity of children.

Project participants:

- Doe staff (educators)

- Children of the middle group.

- Parents

Terms and place of implementation
: February - March 2012.

MDOU "Kindergarten №21" of Syktyvkar.

Project Implementation Plan:

Preparatory stage

1) Parents' survey "Do you play the theater with a child?"

Term of implementation: February

Responsible: educators

Result: Visual information for parents: Folder "Theater for All".

2) Study of children "Independent theatrical activities of children in kindergarten".

Term of implementation: February

Responsible: educators

Result: Definition of goals and tasks.

3) Project Development in the Group.

Term of implementation: February

Responsible: educators

Result: the project "Theater for All".

4) Individual conversations, consultations with parentsand To identify their interest in replenishing theatrical corner, their abilities in a particular area of \u200b\u200bneedlework and opportunities.

Term of implementation: February

Responsible: educators

The result: the competition "Mom is not simple, Mom's hands are golden" (timed to the day of March 8. "

The main stage

1) Distribution of tasks between parents (Sew the costumes, tie the masks, replenish the corner of various theaters: table, finger, doll).

Term of implementation: February

Result: Schemes, sketches. Master Class on making.

2) View music puppet play "By schuye village»

3) Viewing a view based on fairy tales U.Disney .

Term of implementation: March

Result: the prompting of the interest of children to theatrical activity.

4) Active use in joint activities with children of various types of theater.

5) Foaming Etudes, Plees, fairy tales in individual and collective work.

Responsible: educators, senior teacher.

6) Creation gaming environment For independent theater activities of children in kindergarten.

Term of implementation: February - March

Responsible: educators, senior teacher.

Result: Acquisition of children skills in the use of theatrical attributes (tickets, masks, equipment)

7) Rehearsal of the play "Zayushkina Hut" with children for further showing music Hall For real spectators: children, parents, teachers.

Term of implementation: March

Responsible: educators.

Result: Acquisition of primary skills in the field of theatrical art.

8) holding a tour of the dramatic theater with a visit to the grimer artist, scene, hall, locker rooms, foyer, warehouse, workshop, museum, etc.

Term of implementation: March

Responsible: educators, parents.

Result: the prompting of children's interest in theatrical art by visibility and experiment.

The final stage

1) a review contest of parents.

Term of implementation: March

Responsible: Administration DOU, educators.

Result: the formation of the parents of interest in the theater and joint theatrical activity.

2) showing the play "Zayushkina Hope".

Term of implementation: March

Responsible: educators.

Result: Development of ability to improvisation, speech activity of children.

3) update of the subject-developing environment, theatrical corner.

Term of implementation: March

Responsible: educators, parents.

Result: Acquisition of Shirma, Corner "Russian Izba", folk costumes, diverse types of theaters and masks.

Expected Result:

1. Participation in the project 80% of families of the Group;

2. Acquaintance of parents and children with the history of the theater, its species, ways to manufacture and play;

3. Acquisition and manufacture of theaters by parents for further use;

4. Employed use theater center children in the group in independent activity and good indicators of "Aktra skill" for children 4-5 years;

5. Development of emotional background and speech of preschoolers.


MBDOU "Kindergarten number 21" of Syktyvkar

syktyvkar, Russia

More interesting information You can read and discuss on the forum

Theatrical activity project
"We play the theater"
(Preparatory Group)

Annotation to the project:

This project "We play the theater" is intended for children of senior pre-school age 6-7 years.
The project chose different types of theaters: Cone Theater, Puppet Theater, Desktop Theater, Dressing theater and Masks, Theater on Flanhelegraf.
The project uses technology, bright modern visibility, complex - thematic planning, various types of theaters for senior preschool children.
This project will help children make a fascinating journey into the magical world of the theater. Overcome timidity, uncertainty, shyness. Thus, the theater helps the child to develop comprehensively.

Project participants:
-Derty Preparatory Group, Educator, Parents Pupils
Children's age:
-Of children 6-7 years
Project type:
-Practiko - oriented, group
-Presentation of the project on the pedagogical council.

The relevance of the project:

"No wonder children love a fairy tale
After all, the fairy tale is good,
What is a happy junction in it,
Already soul soul.
And on any tested
Brave hearts agree
In impatient expectancy
A prosperous end ... "
(Valentin Berestov)

Nowadays, children do not suffer from lack of information. And the main carriers are for preschoolers kindergarten and family. In kindergarten, the child is in a state of permanent discoveries in the most different areas: Fine art, music and much more.
Little discovers in constant search for an unknown. They drive interest and infinite curiosity.
Our task is to direct the interest of the child in the right direction, open in front of him, the opportunity to develop spiritually and mentally.

Children's theater, thanks to his huge emotional influence on a children's soul, is able to take on development tasks: feeling - emotions, memory, fantasy, intelligence and resourcefulness, expansion of the horizons, kindness and pity, courage.
Theater is always a holiday for a child, bright unforgettable impressions.
Expression " Fabulous world Childhood "- not empty words. In the life of the child from his very birth, there is a fairy tale with her good characters.
Does the adult believe that the chicken can demolish the golden egg, or will dream of a magic wand, which will solve all the problems? Of course not.
And the baby is convinced that it is worth waving a magic wand, and a miracle will happen.
Children believe in miracles and that somewhere on Earth there is an extraordinary fabulous country in which birds, animals can speak with each other and live in friendship. And this country exists, and it is called the theater !!!
The fabulous world of the theater is a country of real fantasies and good fairy tales, the game of fiction and reality, paints and light, words, music and mysterious sounds.
The theater is a fertile soil for creativity, all the wishing to participate in this action there is an object of taste.

In the theater, it is impossible to play without emotions. That is why the same poem at one time will be told by the child expressively and artistically, and the other is sluggish and monotonously.
"Emotions energy and organize perception, thinking and action"
When memorizing the role of the child, trying to convert the hero of the fairy tale to the mimic, expressive speech and movement.
Here is the acquaintance of a child with various emotions:
Interest, surprise, fear, grief, anger, shame.
Theatrical creativity It has an emotional development on children when he plays a role, communicating with peers, or sits in the auditorium.
Each time, leaving the theater, any child will carry with them alone, but the discovery.
The words said by K.S. Stanislavsky about creativity in the theater can be attributed to the children's theater, since they are concluded the essence of the basis and success of any theater:
"Creative work on the role and on the transformation of the verbal work of the playwright in the stage of the scer, everything from start to the end proceeds with the participation of imagination"
Theater is an inexhaustible source of real feelings and fantasies for the child.

The child constantly plays, comprehending the world and himself in the game. In the theater, the child involuntarily falls into such situations, the way out of which requires some intelligence. Such moments arise infrequently and only if adults and children are involved in the game, called the theater.
IN children's Theater Against the background of active emotional development, there are two more directions in the upbringing: the development of intelligence at the child and the impulse of socio-moral qualities.
The theater comes a variety of children. The behavior of some of them can be characterized as fidgety, shy, timid, indecisive.
Some children remain so long, their stiffness is associated with a new situation in which they hit: new faces, unfamiliar subjects.
The speech in front of the audience and even more so, before friends it will not be a psychological barrier.
The relationship that exists in children's theater activities forces children more often contact each other with requests, questions.
Children becomes more sociable, they have new friends, which in turn makes them liberated.

The theater for the child becomes an amazing, special world. Where any desire must be fulfilled, and, no matter what happens, everything will certainly end well.

Expected Result:
- Awakening of the interest of children to theatrical activity
- Children must master some species of theatrical activity.
(Cone Theater, Puppet Theater, Desktop Theater, Dressing theater and Masks, Theater on flannelhemph) according to their age
- form the ability to transfer the character of the character and the intonational expressiveness of speech, facial expressions, gestures
- master the skills design theater
Attracting parents to the manufacture of different types of theater, creating costumes
- all theatrical activity to convey to parents through questionnaires, consultations and conversations.

Objective of the project:
- Hail children to theatrical art, to theatrical activity

- Creative conditions for organizing joint theatrical activities
- Sewing the presentation of children about theater, its kinds, attributes, costumes, scenery
- Artistic - aesthetic developing environment in the group
- Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults aimed at rapprochement of children, parents and teachers (setting joint performances with the participation of children, parents, employees, organizing the speeches of children of senior groups to the younger).
- develop the emotionality and expressiveness of speech in children
- promote self-realization of each child and creating a favorable microclimate, respect for personality little man
- To prepare the relationship with other activities:
Musical, fiction, design, drawing.

Work with parents:
- Assist of consultations "Play with children in the theater of the house"
- Heads with parents
-Some to the manufacture of theater details

Forms of work:

1. Sweatshit with children:
-Translated games
-outdoor games
- High games
- Slabs - Research
- Using various types of theaters
- Views of theatrical works
- South-role-playing games
-Ead of theaters
- show theaters
2. Conducting children in the theater corner
3. Integration with others educational areas:
- Artistic creativity
- Designing
-thenia fiction
- Music
- Development of speech
4. Interaction with family
- joint theatrical - leisure activities
-Forming recommendations for parents for the organization of theatrical activity
-Enciting parents together with children of theaters and performances
5. Recovery with deputy. head of educational and methodical work
-consultation music executive
All work allows you to increase theatrical activities.

Thematic plan:

September. Conversation with children:
"Acquaintance with the theater"

"Curtain and scene for theater"
Abstract classes
"What is theater"

Russian folk fairy tales
October. Conversation with children:
"How to come up with your theater that for this you need"
Psycho-mannastics "Imagine yourself other"
Visit the exhibition of chats
Hood - aesthetic development (Painting)
"Zyushkina Hut"
November. Introduce children with several types of theaters
« Cone theater.»
Staging a fairy tale:
Finger gymnastics:
Collection of table games about animals
December. Conversation with children:
"My favorite fairy tales", "Favorite fabulous heroes"
Hood - aesthetic development (drawing)
"Come up with your theater"
A selection of fairy tales and heroes of finger theater
"Fox and Zhuravl", "Ryaba chicken", "Repka", "Kolobok"

Staging a fairy tale:
Reading fiction:
"Tales - Research"
January. Visiting the puppet theater:
"Friendship Friends"
Conversation with children:
"The name of theaters, the heroes of these theaters"
Last Visitors of theatrical works
Scene - role-playing games
February. Reading fiction:
"Masha and the Bear"
Joint activities with parents
Organization Visit Library
Hood - aesthetic development (modeling)
"The fabulous hero of any fairy tales"
Acquaintance with puppet theater
March. Participation of children in the performance
"In search of Cinderella"
Scene - role-playing games in theater corner
Hood - aesthetic development (applique)
D / and "collect a fairy tale"
April. Visiting the puppet theater
« Fun friends»
Reading fiction:
"Ant and dragonfly"
Showing the puppet theater for kids
May. Work with parents:
Questioning "Theater and Children"
Display Desktop Theater:
Registration stand for parents
D / and "Guess a fairy tale by description"

Types of theaters:

Desktop Theater.
The name of this type of the theater speaks for itself - the game activity is carried out on the table. Its feature is that scenery and characters should be small to be able to place all the necessary attributes of the surface game

Theater on flannelhemph
(Board covered with cloth)
To organize such a type of activity, it will take on their own flannelifuphor and figures-characters selected artistic workwhere you need to attach velcro or velvet paper on the reverse side.
Thus, as the plot develops, the child is proposed to attach the necessary figures on the flannelph.

Theater with dressing and masks
This is the theater where children take the role of a selected character. Children with an adult or independently play small fairy tales.
For better clarity, children need costumes. They can be bought in the store or sew themselves. In kindergarten in each group or at home, it is desirable to have a costume, where the costumes are sewn by the hands of parents and children.
Masks are made - hats in the sizes of the artist's head. It can be knitted hats or drawn characters on cardboard that are attached to a rubber band around the head.

Puppet show
This species of theatrical art very much like the children, as it allows in the process of learning work with a doll and in the rehearsal process to reveal to each child individually, to overcome complexes of constraint and insecurity, learn how to play with the help of a doll, revive it with their actions and manner to move and talk.

Cone theater.
Helps to teach coordinate the movements of the hands and eyes, accompany the movements of the fingers of the speech. Express your emotions through facial expressions and speech.

Project conclusions:

Children had an interest in theatrical activity. Children met with different types of theaters. Due to the joint activities during the implementation of the project, the relationship between children and adults strengthened.
Children became more sociable among themselves, liberated, confident in themselves and in their abilities, are not afraid to speak to the public.
In the face of parents I found support not only preparatory work (Production of scenery, costumes, toys), but saw in them the talented educators of their children.
I showed parents that only in joint activities it is possible to learn your child better, its temperament, friendly relations between children and adults.
Created an atmosphere of creativity. My project allowed us to show creative activity of children, parents and an educator, fully reveal the emotional capabilities of children.
Thus, it can be concluded that the project "We Play the Theater" created favorable conditions for the disclosure of children's abilities in theatrical activity.

List of references:

Artemova L. V. "Theatrical games of preschoolers."
Antipina A. E. "Theatrical activities in kindergarten".
Barayeva L. I., Veverkanova I. I., Zagrebaeva E. A., Zarin A. A. "Theatrical Games-Classes with Children"
Ivanova G.P. "Mood Theater.
Mahaneva M. Theatrical activity of preschoolers
Migunov E.V. Organization of theatrical activity in kindergarten: educational and methodological manual.
Petrova T.I., Sergeeva E.L., Petrova E.S. Theatrical games in kindergarten.
Internet resources

City Kazan Republic Tatarstan

Objective: Formation in children and their parents interest in the theater and modern theater activities, development in children of artistic abilities.

  • Awake interest in the theater in children;
  • Install primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voices, cubes);
  • Interest parents in visiting the theater with children;
  • Give information to parents about ways to beat the house with children;
  • Develop the emotionality and expressiveness of speech from preschoolers

The problem is significant for children, on the solution of which the project is directed:

Unfortunately, today, our children are raised not in fairy tales, but on modern cartoons. Most parents have no time to sit with the child and read the book. Children's psychologists consider it a big omission of adults in the upbringing of their children.

Expected Result:

Parents and children get acquainted with the history of theater, its views, ways to manufacture and play. The desire to visit theater along with children is growing. The relationship between parents and the educator is strengthened. The artistic abilities of children are developing.

The relevance of the project:

With the help of theatrical activity, children get acquainted with the world around his diversity through the images, paints, sounds, and the questions posed are forcing children to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. In the process of playing, listening, watching works is activated by a child's dictionary, improving sound culture Speech and its intonation system, the creativity of the child is manifested, the experience of various experiences is accumulated. Artistic abilities of children develop from speaking to a performance. Theatrical activity contributes to the harmonious development of preschoolers. Their life in kindergarten is becoming more interesting, meaningful, filled with vivid impressions, the joy of creativity.

Forms of implementation:

  • Reading fiction
  • Speech and breathing exercises
  • Entertainment
  • Conversations
  • Last Visitors of theatrical works for children, presentations
  • Work with parents
  • Scene role games
  • Photo design - newspapers
  • Hiking in the theater.

Stages of implementation:

Preparatory stage

  • Collection of literature
  • Conversations with children
  • Drawing up a work plan
  • Production of attributes
  • Development of recommendations for parents
  • Selection of visual information

The main stage

  • View children's performances
  • Registration Stand Recommendation for parents:

"Theater in the life of a child" ;

"Play with children" ;

"The role of fiction in the development of children's speech"

  • Scene role-playing games with children "Theatre"
  • Forest theater.
  • Emotion Expression Games "Make a face"
  • Reading folk fairy tales
  • Mimici Development Games
  • Theatre "Who is Nәrsә Yarata" , "Three daughters"
  • View slides about theaters and theatrical costume
  • Rehearsal
  • Learning poems
  • Photo design - newspapers "We are artists"
  • Breathing exercises
  • Articulating gymnastics
  • Fingering gymnastics
  • Exercises for the development of shallow motility
  • Staging poems

Project products for children:

Modeling, drawing and applique "Hero from his beloved fairy tales, drawing characters from the fairy tale" Who Narsa Yarata " , New knowledge and impressions, meaningfully spent with parents, children's books.

for teachers:

registration of thematic album "Heroes of our favorite fairy tales" , files of proverbs, sayings, mysteries, multimedia presentations, finger theater, organization of the exhibition of children's work.

for parents:

The final stage (project presentation)

  • Photo - newspaper "We are artists"
  • Theatrical activity of children in the framework of the holiday
  • Show fairy tales "Three daughters" parents for children