The outline of the lesson on the development of speech (middle group) on the topic: Outline of direct educational activities for the development of speech in the middle group "Sound culture of speech" Sound "sh. Sound culture of speech (sound z)

The outline of the lesson on the development of speech (middle group) on the topic: Outline of direct educational activities for the development of speech in the middle group
The outline of the lesson on the development of speech (middle group) on the topic: Outline of direct educational activities for the development of speech in the middle group "Sound culture of speech" Sound "sh. Sound culture of speech (sound z)

Abstract on the development of speech in the senior group. Sound culture of speech: differentiation of sounds S-S.

Target. Introduce the sounds of S-Sh.

Educational tasks: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of S-SH sounds; differentiate them by ear; clearly and distinctly pronounce words saturated with these sounds; train children in the selection of words with the sounds S and W; to expand the stock of words denoting the names of objects, to improve the auditory perception of children with the help of exercises to distinguish between sounds S and S, to determine the position of a sound in a word.

Developing tasks: to develop phonemic perception, breathing.

Educational tasks: foster friendly relationships, the ability to listen to a friend, answer questions.

Demonstration material: pictures (dog, horse, lily of the valley). Card with three windows, a counter. A poster with the image of different pictures, the title of which contains the sounds "S" and "W". Chips are blue and red.

Handouts: cards with three windows, a token. Cards with the image of pictures in the name of which there are sounds "S" and "W". Pencils in red and blue.

1. Organizational moment.

Good morning! Start the day, first of all we drive laziness!

We will smile at each other, we will smile at the guests!

Do not yawn at work to answer all the questions!

2. The main part.

Guys, now we will have an interesting lesson: we will learn to distinguish sounds, and which ones I won't tell you, but I'll tell you a story about them. Listen to me carefully.

"Autumn has come. Sasha and Nastya rode a bicycle into the forest to pick mushrooms. In the forest, the children saw a snake. She hissed menacingly: Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh. Sasha got scared and walked away, and thought to himself: "Wow, what an angry snake!" The children decided not to touch the snake and went to the stream. Then Nastya had a problem with her bicycle - the wheel went flat. He took the pump and began to swing: С-С-С-С. It was the merry pump whistling. Sasha helped his sister pump up the tire, and together they drove on to pick mushrooms.

So, guys, what sound did you hear when the snake hissed menacingly at Sasha and Nastya? (Sh-Sh-Sh).

What sound did you hear when the pump whistled? (C-C-C).

Today we will learn to distinguish between the sounds S-SH.

Guys, let's play, if you hear the sound "S", then you need to show as if you are swinging the pump, and if you hear the sound "W", make a zigzag movement with your hand, away from yourself, as if a snake is crawling away. (I pronounce the sounds Si Sh: alternately, then several times in a row the same sound).

And now the guys have a more difficult task, I will name the words with the sounds Si W, and when you hear the given sound, follow the movements: owl, donkey, rough, satin, herring, schnitzel.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 13", Kanash

OOD abstract


"Sound culture of speech: the sound" Ш ""

for children of the middle group 4-5 years old


Yakovleva Zoya Valerievna

Kanash - 2016

Theme: " Sound culture of speech: the sound "Ш" "

Software content:Learn to pronounce the sound "Ш" correctly in syllables and words, to coordinate nouns with numbers, to find words with the sound [ш]. Strengthen children's ideas about speech sounds. Improve the grammatical structure of speech. To develop coherent speech, coordination of speech with movement, auditory attention, phonemic perception. Develop the ability to listen to others.

Preliminary work:articulatory gymnastics for speech breathing, didactic games "Catch the sound", "Find the sound" Ш "," Small - big ", learning finger gymnastics and physical education minutes.

Material: presentation "Traveling with the mouse", cards with tasks, audio recordings: the sound of the wind, speech therapy exercise "Playing the piano".

Methodological techniques:organizational moment, game plot, conversation, dynamic pause, appeal to personal experience, use of vivid visualization, ICT; change of static position, sound design, surprise moment, reflection.


Children are standing near the chairs.

With a teacher, they imitate movements.

The teacher with the children:

In the morning the kids got up (raise their hands)

They came to their kindergarten, (they walk on the spot)

We have guests here in the morning, (bred to the side).

We are glad to see you, as always. (arms extended forward)

Educator: - Say hello, friends!

Children: - Hello!

EDUCATOR: - A ball flew into our group this morning(shows) ... It seems to me that this balloon came for a reason. Guys, let's remember what song the ball has?


TRAINER: - Yes, we today we will continue to learn how to pronounce the sound "Ш" beautifully.

Guys, let's remember:

How does the snake hiss?

How does the breeze make noise?

Yes, that's right guys. When pronouncing the sound "Ш" - our tongue is a cup, our teeth are clenched, and our lips are rounded. The sound "Ш" is a consonant, because there is an obstruction in the mouth, deaf, because the throat is silent, and the sound "Ш" is always solid.

EDUCATOR: - Guys, you didn’t notice, but there is an envelope hanging on the ball. Maybe this is a letter from someone? Let's open it. And in this envelope, look, ... some kind of picture. What is it?(the teacher points to the house)

CHILDREN: - House.

Slide number 1

EDUCATOR: - In this house lives a little mouse named "Shalunishka". The mouse invites you to visit him, but he warns that he has prepared different tests for you that we must cope with. And at the end of the tests, an unusual surprise awaits us. Well, shall we accept the mouse's invitation?


EDUCATOR: - And to get to visit the mouse, you need to say magic words.

One, two, three, four, five-

We'll spin a little bit

And we will find ourselves at the mouse.

Slide number 2

EDUCATOR: - The mouse invites us to a large swamp. See how many reeds are here. A breeze blew and the reeds rustled. And the reeds are noisy - like this:



Guys, how do the reeds make noise?

(Children repeat syllables, clearly pronouncing the sound [Ш],

first all together, then individually)

Guys, guess the riddle and find out who lives in the swamp.

The little animal is jumping

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into the trap

Both a mosquito and a fly.

Who is this?


EDUCATOR: - That's right, frog. Count how many of them are sitting in the swamp?

Slide number 3, 4, 5, 6,7)

(take turns counting frogs - one frog, two frogs, three frogs, four frogs, five frogs)

Slide number 8

EDUCATOR: - The mouse invites us to play one game. She hid in her house and quietly rustles: w - w - w. Repeat how the Mouse rustles?


EDUCATOR: - Why does she rustle so much? She's the one looking at her pictures. Let's see and rustle with the mouse. I will begin the word, and you and the mouse will rustle louder to finish it.

Pencil ... Mala ... Kamy ... Landa ...

(The teacher shows pictures,

And the children finish the last sound)

Slide number 9

EDUCATOR: - Guys, the Mouse wants to tell you strange stories, listen to them, please, and think about whether this could be. And help fix these suggestions.

The mouse catches the cat.

The car is driven by grandfather.

The hat is worn by Natasha.

Slide number 10

EDUCATOR: - Guys, we are a little tired, let's rest with you, and do a warm-up before the next task Mouse!

Many different sounds surround us

Even if it's quiet in the room now.

We guys are friendly now

We will make sounds.

(Perform movements along the text of the poem)

Let's blink our eyes:

One, two, three, four, five.

Let us stomp with our feet:

One, two, three, four, five.

One, two, three, four, five.

Let's clap loudly, loudly:

One, two, three, four, five.

And then we will be silent.

Slide number 11

EDUCATOR: - Guys, the Mouse lives alone. And he really wants to find friends. But guys, Mouse wants to be friends with those who have the sound "Ш" in their names. Let's help him. Let's choose those animals as friends of the mouse, in the name of which there is a sound [Ш]. Who wants to befriend the Mouse?

(all are listed in turn: cat, butterfly, frog, bear, dog)

(Children call the words clearly pronouncing the sound [W]: cat, bear, frog)

Slide number 12

EDUCATOR: - And now the Mouse has prepared riddles for you.

(Children guess riddles, clearly pronouncing the sound [Ш] in words)

  1. Wears a bright scallop

Our cheerful ...

CHILDREN: Cockerel.

  1. Draws together kids

In their hands ...


  1. Here comes the baby

Gray ...


  1. The tires rustled softly -

This is coming to us….


Slide number 13

EDUCATOR: - The mouse wants to play with you. The game is called Catch the Sound. You need to clap your hands when you hear the sound [w].

s, w, sch, w, w, s, h, c, s, w, w, w, w

Slide number 14

EDUCATOR: - The mouse sat down at the piano and sang songs - rustles. Listen to them and sing along with the mouse.









(The child "plays" with his fingers on the "piano" and pronounces syllable chains, striking with his finger in the air to the sound composition)

Slide number 15

EDUCATOR: - Guys, who will tell me what time of year it is? That's right, winter. And the next task from the Mouse is to go to the store and buy him winter clothes. Look carefully at the shelves in the store, and name what you need to buy a Mouse?

(list what they see: shorts, swimsuit, dress, fur coat, scarf, hat)


Slide number 16

EDUCATOR: - Guys, oh, and a breeze flew to visit the Mouse. Do you hear?(wind noise) Think, if you turned into a breeze, where would you fly?


EDUCATOR: - Guys, our magic breeze "flies", and we will follow it with our eyes. Show the Mouse how we train the eyes.

A breeze flew up- Sh-Sh-Sh

Spun, spun,

And sank to the ground- Sh-Sh-Sh

He flew to the right- Sh-Sh-Sh

He flew to the left- Sh-Sh-Sh

I flew to the window- Sh-Sh-Sh

Far away he flew- Sh-Sh-Sh

(peering into the distance)

Wave him with eyelashes- Sh-Sh-Sh

And take me on the road- Sh-Sh-Sh

Slide number 17

EDUCATOR: - Guys, the Mouse loves everything big and all her objects are big.

The Mouse doesn't have a small hat, but ... a big one.

The Mouse does not have a small dress, but ... a large one.

The Mouse doesn't have small boots, but ... big ones.

The Mouse does not have a small ball, but ... a big one.

Slide number 18

EDUCATOR: - So the tasks of the Mouse are over. And for the fact that we have coped with all the tasks of the Mouse, he prepared a surprise for you - balls.

(giving gifts to children)


Summary of lessons on federal state educational standards in the middle group

Topic: "Sound culture of speech: sound f"

Target: Exercise children in the correct and clear pronunciation of the sound w (isolated, in onomatopoeic words); in the ability to identify words with sound f.


Educational: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound w; practice the pronunciation of whistling, hissing sounds, the ability to identify words with a sound.

Developing: develop the articulatory apparatus; phonemic hearing: determine by ear the presence of a sound in a word; train children in the ability to retell.

Educational: foster partnerships while playing.

Course of the lesson

Educator: Children, today I will tell you one story that happened to the Tongue: The Tongue was sitting in the house. He hears: someone is singing a song: "W-w-w-w". “I don’t know how to sing like that,” said Tongue. - I know the song of the leaves, the goose, the snake. But this new song is completely different. It is sonorous: "W-w-w-w".

Educator: Guys, who knows who sings such a song?

Children: W-w-w-w - this is the song of the beetle

Educator: Right. W-w-w-w-this is the song of the beetle. (shows illustrations with the image of a beetle and flowers). - It is sung in the same way as the song of a goose (sh-sh-sh), but only loudly, with a voice. Even the throat sings the song of the beetle. Place your hand to your throat and sing: "W-w-w-w". What do you hear? (The neck sings this song.) Now put your hand to your throat and sing the song of the goose. Is your throat singing? (Yes!) Let's learn to sing the song of the beetle?

Educator: Open your mouth. Place the tongue on your lower lip. Now gently lift it up and hide it behind your upper teeth so that the tip does not stick out. Shut your mouth. Get some rest. Let's do it again. As soon as you hide the tongue far away, behind the upper teeth, immediately start singing: "W-w-w-w".

Children sing the song of the little beetle and the song of the big fat beetle.

Educator: Children, let's play with you a game called "Beetles". Stand in a circle and hold hands.

6-7 children go outside the circle. They represent beetles. (It is desirable that among them there were those children who do not clearly pronounce the sound g).

“The circle is a large room with many windows,” explains the teacher. - People left and left the windows open. (Children lower, unhook their hands.) Beetles flew into the room and buzzed: "W-w-w-w". They began to fly all over the room. The wind blew and the windows slammed shut. The beetles flew to the windows, did not see the glass and fell. Got bugs! They lie on their backs, flounder. They buzz pitifully. Let's help the beetles - turn them over on their belly and, opening the windows, release them. Let them fly. "

Educator: Did you like the game? Let's play one more time. (Repeated several times).

Educator: What an interesting game. You guys played great. And now I will read you a poem called "Why does the bouquet sing?" Listen carefully, I’ll ask you questions.

Beetle in a striped shirt

I flew in to play with the guys

Sat on a lilac flower -

I began to sing a resounding song,

I sipped sweet juice,

I fell asleep in the bell

Yes, I got into the bouquet to Marinka

And buzzes, buzzes in the basket!

And Marinka will not understand:

Why is the bouquet singing? N. Golovina

Educator: Who will answer me why the bouquet sang?

(Answers of children)

Educator: Well done guys. Do you want me to read you a story about how a beetle fell asleep in a bell and, when it got to a girl, got scared?

Educator: Good. Then I will tell you, and you will tell me when I ask you to help.

The beetle was flying about its business, buzzing "I feel like drinking." (What and how was the beetle buzzing about? (Choral and individual answers.))

He saw a purple flower in the meadow, was delighted: "Here I will find something to satisfy." He climbed into the bell and looked around: “Nice! You can live! " (What was the buzzing bug?) I tried the bottom of the flower with its antennae and said: “Juice! Tasty!"

He drank, and he felt cheerful. "It's good to live!" - the beetle began to sing. (What is he singing about?)

He sang, sang and did not notice how he fell asleep. A girl was walking through the meadow, picking flowers. I picked up different colors, put them in a jar of water.

And suddenly there was a buzz: “Burn! Where am I? People live here. " (What was the beetle buzzing about this time?)

(Answers of children)


Educator: In the meantime, we will get up and remember what happened to the bug. A beetle flew into the group towards us.

Buzzed and sang "zh-zh" down buzz

I flew to the right,

Everyone looked to the right. torso twist

So I flew to the left,

Everyone looked to the left.

The beetle wants to sit on its nose, show

We won't let him sit down, wave it off with a palm

Our beetle has landed, sat down, got up

Buzzed and whirled

Beetle - here's a beautiful hand spinning

Sit on it a little.

The beetle flew upstairs hands up

And sat down on the ceiling

We got up on our toes, on our toes

But we didn't get the beetle,

Let's clap together

Clap clap clap clap your hands

To fly away he could.

Game reenactment.

A dog appears on the table. “I am a friend. What is my name? You can call me affectionately: Dear friend. I really like it when they call me affectionately. Try and call me that.

I did not come to you alone. I brought a hedgehog. Where is he? YOO, show yourself! Children, help me persuade the hedgehog to appear. "

- Hedgehog, show yourself. (Children speak first in a whisper, then in a normal voice, then loudly).

A hedgehog appears, looks at the children grumbles: “Show yourself, show yourself! Is that what they ask? " (Hides).

Offended. (My friend is surprised).

What did he not like? (Children suggest: you need to ask a hedgehog politely 2-3 children one by one, then all together).

A hedgehog appears, says: “Now I will show myself. And I'll introduce the beetle to you. Zhu-u-uk, show yourself, please! " (There is a buzzing sound.)

What are you buzzing about? Probably you can't get out? (Asks the teacher).

Can't get out. Wait, I'm going to lower the rope for you. Here you go, bug! Can't you hear? Children, let's say together: "Hold the rope, bug!"

Very heavy". (Pulls the beetle, asks Druzhka to help pull).

A beetle appears: “Thank you, hedgehog. Thank you, friend. And I composed poems. Want to listen?

"The beetle buzzed to the beetle:" I zhu-zhu,

I have been friends with a hedgehog for a long time. (Invites children to repeat verses first to girls, then to boys).

Then the friend is offended. But the beetle replies that he also wrote poetry about him.

The beetle, the beetle, buzzed: “I’m living. I have been friends with my friend for a long time. "

Thanks, bug. (Friend).

I'm fiddling with the beetle, And now I'm not angry.

Educator: Well done guys, you did a good job today, and I will delight you with new riddles.

Educator: Are you ready to listen carefully?

He lay, lay, and ran into the river. (Snow)

Educator: There are words with sound in the puzzle f? Name them.

You walk in front of you,

Look back and run home. (Road)

Educator: Well done guys. Memorize these riddles and ask your parents at home.

What sound did we meet with you today? That's right, with the sound of J.

The bug really liked how you clearly, correctly, beautifully sang his song. Let's repeat it again: "W-w-w"

Tatiana Belova
Abstract of the GCD for the development of speech in the middle group “Sound culture of speech. Sound [W] "

Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Administration of the Municipal Formation Starozhilovsky Municipal District

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Khrushchev kindergarten "Berry"

« Sound culture of speech: sound sh»


Tatiana Nikolaevna

the village of Khrushchevo 2016

Abstract of the GCD for the development of speech in the middle group.

Theme: « Sound culture of speech: sound sh»

Target: Introduce sound sh, teach him to pronounce, find words that contain sound sh.


teaching: Exercise the pronunciation of children sound sh, in syllables and words; distinguish words with this sound.

developing: Develop phonemic hearing: learn to distinguish by ear and name words starting with a given sound and containing this sound, develop speech attention... Improve intonational expressiveness.

educational: bring up sound culture of speech; enrich and activate the child's vocabulary; bring up culture of communication.

Material, equipment: pictures of winter clothes, toy puppy, goose masks.

GCD structure:

1. Introductory part

Creation of interest, emotional attitude towards GCD, a surprise moment.

1. Exercises for development of speech exhalation

2. Main part

Methodical techniques

1. Articulation gymnastics

2. Speech therapy chant

3. Guessing riddles

4. Getting to know sound Ш

5. Didactic game "Define a word with a given sound»

6. Work on pictures

7. Pronouncing pure phrases

3. The final part. Summing up the GCD

I. Introductory part

Educator. Guys, what time of year is it? (Winter) What signs of winter do you know) (Answers of children)

Making a riddle about a snowflake.

They fall from the sky in winter and circle over the earth,

Light fluffs, white…. (snowflakes)

1. Respiratory gymnastics "Blow off the snowflake"

A strong wind suddenly blew

And blew our snowflake.

I. p. - about. with. exhale completely through the nose, drawing in the stomach and chest.

1 - take a full breath, protruding the abdomen and ribs of the chest;

2 - hold your breath for 3-4 seconds;

3 - make lips with a tube, release air.

2. Surprising moment - the appearance of a puppy. (Puppy Sharmik asks the children to teach him to hiss like a bird whose name he has forgotten, but remembers the riddle about them and asks them to name the items of clothing whose name begins with sound Ш)

Making a riddle about goose:

He hisses and pulls his neck, no, probably, the birds are bolder.

But I'm not afraid of him. Who are these children? (goose).

II. Main part

Educator. Guys, today we will learn to pronounce soundШ and teach Sharmik how to hiss like geese. But first, let's do articulatory gymnastics.

1. Articulation gymnastics

Smiling and holding lips in a smile. In this case, the front teeth are exposed and clearly visible.

The tube. Pulling the lips forward with a tube. With this movement, only the lips move!

Alternation: smile is a tube.

Raising the tongue for the upper teeth, for the lower teeth.

2. Getting to know sound Ш

Educator. Guys, let's remember how our leaves rustled in the autumn in the wind. (Sh-Sh-Sh)... That's how the geese hiss. Children put on goose masks, are divided into 2 teams and play up the hissing of an angry goose in chorus and individually, compete which of their teams is better and more correct "Hisses".

3. Work on pictures

Educator. Words with the sound of Ш is a lot, but we have a task to remember the clothes on sound sh(fur coat, hat, scarf, pants, shorts)-work on pictures

4. D / game "Define a word with a given sound»

(Hearing the word with sound Ш, children clap their hands)

5. Pronouncing pure phrases:

Sha-sha-sha ...

Our Masha is good.

Shu-shu-shu ...

They gave porridge to the baby.

The kids ate the porridge.

Sho-sho-sho ...

Good after porridge.

III. Summing up

Educator. Guys, tell me which one sound did we learn to pronounce today? (NS)

Where do we hear these the sounds? (Hissing goose, rustling leaves).

I think that we can now help our puppy Sharmik.

Related publications:

The purpose of the lesson: to develop a clear movement and the correct position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus; work out a long smooth oral.

Synopsis of an interactive game for the development of speech with children of the middle group "I know the sound [W]" Synopsis of an interactive game for the development of speech with children of the middle group "I know the sound" Ш "."

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Summary of GCD in the middle group for the development of speech: "ЗКР-С-" Purpose: to explain to children the articulation of the sound "s"; practice isolated pronunciation.

Summary of the lesson on the development of speech in the middle group "Sound [R]" Synopsis of the lesson on the Development of speech in the middle group Educator of the middle group Tyaglova E. A. Purpose: To exercise children clearly.

Synopsis of the lesson in the second junior group “Sound culture of speech. Sound [U]. Turret " Prepared by the Educator: Davidyan P. A. Summary of the lesson in the second junior group. SOUND CULTURE OF SPEECH. SOUND [OU]. TOWER. Purpose: exercise.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution child development center kindergarten number 10

Educator: Razmeta Tatyana Evgenievna

Art. Kanevskaya 2015

Program tasks:

  1. learn to find pictures with a given sound "NS" at the beginning, middle, end of a word
  2. practice dividing words into parts
  3. exercise the formation of relative adjectives, in the selection of related words, in the transmission of narrative, interrogative and exclamatory intonation
  4. develop phonemic sound

5-. develop logical thinking.

Preliminary work:

Viewing a picture with sound "NS" making riddles (bear, mouse, cat, car) learning tongue twisters.

Equipment: toys (doll, mouse, bear, cat), object pictures with sound "NS" , the game "Funny train" , "pyramid" .

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment. "Gymnastics for the mind" ... Answer the question with a word that begins with a sound "NS"

Hats (hat, hat) Number greater than five (six) Wheel part (tire) How the serpent speaks (hisses) Coniferous fruit (cone)

Board game on a cell board (checkers, chess) Children teach there (school)

The part of the body between the head and the body (neck) Narrow opposite (wide)

2. Analysis of the articulation of sound "NS"

  • Make a sound "NS" watching articulation in the mirror (The lips are rounded slightly forward. The teeth are brought together, forming a wide gap with the palate. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. The air jet is warm, goes in the middle of the tongue. The voice does not turn on.)
  • What sound is that? Sound "NS" always firm, consonant

3. Exercise in pronunciation of sound "NS" A.

  • Mouse rustles - pronunciation of intermittent sound sh-sh-sh
  • The forest makes noise - prolonged pronunciation of the sound sh-sh-sh
  • Drive the sparrows away - kysh-kysh
  • Goose hisses sha-sha-sha, shu-sha-sho, sho-sho-sho, shi-shu-sha
  • Raise your flashlight if you hear a sound in a word "NS" (balloon, tail, burst, blue, airy, hiss, release, naughty)

4. The doll Masha appears. Today we visited Masha's doll. Guess

who came to visit her?

Lurking under the floor Cats are afraid


The teacher demonstrates a toy - a mouse. The mouse sang expressively. Children perform a series of syllables with different intonations.

  • Approved by ush-osh-ash
  • Rejoiced seam-seam-seam
  • Asked sha-sho-shu

Educator: listen to the rhyme, tell me, who else came to visit Masha?

Masha has a gnat in her porridge. What should our Masha do? I put the porridge in a bowl and fed the cat

Educator: demonstrates a toy cat Name words with sound "NS" in a poem.

5. Game "Pyramid"

Educator: help, guys, teach Masha's guests to play this game

  • Fold the pyramid from large to small (details - ovals)
  • Be careful - the pyramid is magic, you need to choose those details where the sound is "NS" at the beginning of the word, put the extra ones aside.

Educator: listen, who's knocking?

  • Say a word, find out who else is Masha's guest?

Puffs like a donkey Clubfoot ... (bear)

Educator: demonstrates a teddy bear

  • The bear brought the balls, let's play with him! Imitation of movements. The teacher reads a poem. Children imitate movement.

6. Doll Masha, a cat, a mouse and a bear will introduce guests to the new game "Pick a rhyme"

  • Children have one picture for the selection of a rhyme

Bump Cat Pillow Shirt

Mouse Potato Frog Chamomile

Tower Accordion Cannon tumbler

The teacher calls the words, and the children call the rhyming word from the pictures.

One - a mouse rustles in the closet Two - a frog in a pillow Three - a jackal went into the reeds And four - a mouse in a hat Five - we'll write a mouse at school Six - makes a noise, a monkey is naughty Seven - our cat is on the roof Eight - a bumblebee flew into the window Nine - a hat sews a seamstress Ten - I walked along the sleepers

The game "Cheerful train"

Purpose: Development of phonemic perception, visual attention, small

motor skills.

Instructions: help to distribute the items and send them on a journey on a fun train. Name each item to accentuate the sound "NS" , clap your hands the number of syllables in each word and you will find out which object will go in which car of the train (the number of syllables is the same as the number of windows in the carriage)... Place the item on your wagon.

The game "Repeat after me"

Sh - always a hissing sound On the stones the snake hisses, Sh-sh-sh-sh

The black sea is noisy, Sh-sh-sh-sh How the weather is good Snakes hissed - sha-sha-sha, I'm not in a hurry anywhere Snake hissed - shu-shu-shu, Breathe fresh air - shi-shi, How nice in my soul The snakes smiled - shi-shi-shee.

7. Lesson summary:

  • Chatting with children about the lesson
  • Why did Masha invite a mouse, a cat, a bear ?. Tell us about the sound "NS"

8. Encouragement

Masha brought you balls as a gift, they also have a sound "NS"

Application to the lesson:

Sasha loves drying, and Sonya loves cheesecakes. Sasha bought a dryer? Sasha bought a dryer. Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha. Sasha knocked bumps with a hat. Sasha was walking along the highway.

Sha-sha-sha - washes the baby's mother. Shu-shu-shu - I'm writing a letter. Ash-ash-ash - Vova has a pencil.

Hush, mice, the cat is on the roof. Our Masha was given semolina. I will not find the ears of our frog. Lesha and Klasha are eating millet porridge. Yashka in a cap rides a turtle

On the window, the cat deftly catches the midge with its paw. Masha is tired of porridge, Masha has not finished her kushu. Masha, eat up the porridge, don't bother Mom


Soft paws, and scratches in the paws.


Two abdomens, four ears.


Small, but not sweet to anyone


The little animal is jumping

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into the trap

Both the mosquito and the fly (frog)

Lurking under the floor .......

Are you afraid of a cat?