The tale of a chicken row on a new way or an emerald egg and a magical ring Timin Konstantin. Tale about chicken Raby and her meaning

The tale of a chicken row on a new way or an emerald egg and a magical ring Timin Konstantin. Tale about chicken Raby and her meaning
The tale of a chicken row on a new way or an emerald egg and a magical ring Timin Konstantin. Tale about chicken Raby and her meaning

Folk tale about chicken Rabab is known to all from early childhood. It is easily remembered, the children love her very much.

What does this fairy tale tell?

She tells about how one day the chicken, who lived with his grandfather and women, suddenly demolished the golden egg. Santa and Baba smash it in any way, despite many attempts. But it was accidentally able to make a mouse. She was worth just to wave a tail. But instead of handing out, grandfather and babe for some reason very much upset. The chicken calmed them down and said that there would be a new egg, usual, not gold.

However, this story has several options. In some of them, new actors appear: Pop and Popads.

The meaning of the fairy tale

This is, at first glance, a simple story. But what about the chicken row? This question is interesting to many. Some believe that the fairy tale does not make sense. With this statement, most people are unlikely to agree. Fairy tales are longly told not only for interest, but in order to teach something good. With the meaning of this fairy tale will deal with.

The main contradiction of the fairy tales is that grandfather and grandmother cry because the golden egg broke. But they wanted so much! Perhaps the egg turned out to be empty, and the grandmother and grandfather suffered disappointment. Maybe they just wanted to eat, and the egg, broken by the mouse accidentally, spread over the floor? It is possible that not the golden it was, but simply with a golden shell, the old men thought it was especially tasty.

Hidden meanings

Some tales researchers have dedicated many years to find a connection with mythology. Often a fairy tale is associated with ancient myths about the global egg, from which either the whole universe is born, or part of the world, or some of the gods. The mouse image is also symbolic. In the myths of many nations it is said that this animal was born out of the ground. Thus, a fairy tale is associated with myths about the creation and late world.

In some more complete versions of the fairy tales, after the egg broke, with everyone who learned about it, any misfortune happened.

There is an opinion that in a fairy tale there is a connection with the pagan rites. In this case, the egg is compared with the moon or the sun. Golden egg - the sun. The image of the gray mouse - the evening. Broken golden egg - sunset. Simple Egg - Moon.

Interesting interpretation of a fairy tale at M. E. Vigdorchik. He believes that the golden egg is a child's symbol. Attempts to break the egg is a symbol of child upbringing. But his grandfather with grandmother does not work, and the mouse turned out. The mouse is a symbol of frivolous sleepy, which for parents husband is represented in some kind of rival. They are a shame that she turned out to raise a child, and they do not.

Supporters of psychoanalysis (for example, S. Z. Agranovich) believe that the egg in the fairy tale plays the role of the Savior, this is a symbol of life. Gold symbolizes death. Therefore, the old people tried to break it so much. But when the mouse did it, they were frightened, because they did not know what to wait on. The mouse is an intermediary between the world of the living and the world of the dead, it can make good actions and bad. At its discretion. And when the chicken says that he will demolish the usual testicle, everyone is happy, as the future cleared. Life won.

The relevance of the fairy tale in our time

Children's stories are a meeting of folk wisdom, albeit not in the form of teaching. The tale about the chicken row is no exception. However, the times are changing, new realities appear. Many authors try to tell the famous legend in their own way. A fairy tale about the chicken row on the new way Olga Akhmetova is very interesting. In her interpretation, the mouse, seeing the egg, wanted to steal it, she envied the party and grandmother "will become the rich", and she "worthy of a million". Those, in turn, thought for too long what to do with riching on her head. As a result, the egg broke and did not get anyone. The meaning of this fairy tale is that everyone in life can fall out a happy chance, but you need to dispose of them with the mind.

Another fairy tale about the chicken Rabaw tells about the fact that the Egg was not gold, but just a kinder-surprise. In the fairy tale, Igor Shandry Ryaba demolished him to be stored in the bank so that certainly did not break. But in this version of his grandfather and grandmother waited for tears. And the computer mouse was to blame: "I waved the tail, and the entire bank disappeared. And Ryaba comforted the fact that the fake was disappeared, and the real egg is safe and preservation.

These are such interesting stories, and this is only a small part. Everything suggests that in our time a tale about chicken Raby is of interest not only in children, but also in adults.

Disputes about morally fairy tales

Serious studies of fairy tales cause respect, but it is hardly an ordinary person will look for hidden meanings. But what does this story learn? What is the moral tales about the chicken row?

Everyone can understand it in its own way. It is believed that the egg is a symbol of love that grandfather and grandmother could not protect. A ripple chicken is a symbol of the highest mind, so it is black and white, as it combines both good and evil. The mouse is some gossip. If you break love for a long time, then the relationship can come an end because of any little things like gossip. A simple egg is not love, but the habit that appeared over time. Moral - We need to rush relationships, take care of love.

Someone believes that the fairy tale says that it is not necessary to be stupid and envious. After all, grandfather and grandmother did not even understand why they want to break the egg, and when the mouse did it, they just envied her. Moral - you need to think about your actions and do not be envious.

Perhaps the Golden Egg is a symbol of wealth to which it is not necessary to strive so desperately. Grandfather and grandmother beat for a long time to achieve material goods, but then the mouse (chance) showed them, breaking the egg that there is nothing special in it. A simple egg, which then promised the chicken - a symbol of eternal values. Moral - you can be happy and without aspiration for the accumulation of wealth.

There is also a version that the tale teaches not to plan life to the smallest detail. There is always a place for chance.

Is the child who is able to understand this fairy tale?

Do not just say that the mouth of the baby despite many interpretations, the tale about the chicken row is still a kindergarten.

Grandfather and Baba, according to many kids, cry because they themselves could not break the golden egg. That's where so many experiences come from.

Of course, subsequently parents can offer a child and their version of what this fairy tale teacher teacher. A good educational conversation will work.

(Friday, 14 June 2013 14:29)

You are welcome! Very nice to be useful. We will be glad to see again on our website!

  • #3

    Thank you so much! The child has autism, does not speak. He does not give books to read ... The speech therapist defectologist recommended telling the child a tale in cards. Released to your site. I really liked my son's cards)) He even tries to tell himself on them "Roach Raby"!

  • #4

    I also have auton, it is useless to tell the tales on the cards, herself cut out, and something was trying there, zero emotions ((and your fairy tales with a bang!))

  • #5

    Hello, Christina! It is very nice that fairy tales in such a format help you develop your baby. We will try to replenish the collection of the site and we will be glad to see you again. Health your whole family!

  • #6

    Thank you, mutually! Prosperity to your site!))

  • #7
  • #8

    Thank you very much you helped us very much

  • #9

    I really liked your site. I wish you success.

  • #10

    Good site

  • #11

    thank you very much I really liked

  • #12

    Cool Thank you bring the sandwich

  • #13
  • #14

    It is in this fairy tale grandfather and a woman on an illustration look evil, and only on the last good one. And so, liked fairy tales on the site

  • #15

    Many thanks

  • #16

    These fairy tales like my younger sister her 2 years old she asks for night some kind of tales knows for me

  • #17

    And why are the grandfather and grandmother cry when the egg mouse broke? After all, they also beat him, in fact, the mouse helped them? Zhto question from my 44-year granddaughter ....

  • #18

    From 4 years old granddaughter, mistaken���

  • #19


  • #20
  • #21

    Many thank you My brother himself takes the phone and reads Thank you so much

  • #22

    Russian folktale!!! Ha ha ha and "Kolobok" is also a Russian folk fairy tale? Gee-gee

  • #23

    But the original story of this fairy tale\u003dymdimddyh2u

  • #24

    In school we pass, grade 5. We study morality. Very helps, especially with pictures.

  • #25

    Thank you! ����.

  • #26

    Stupid fairy tale not to come up

  • #27

    Great pictures for a fairy tale!
    The daughter asks for 30 times to tell, listens and listens. And when I finish says: "More."

  • Publication date: 11/18/2016. Publication date :.

    The fairy tale about the chicken Raby was actually not quite like that, as we were told in childhood, but a little more complicated. This is a sample of the "chain" fairy tale.
    Different options have been in different areas. So you decide what better to tell your children.

    Saratov region
    Expensive egg

    An old man lived with an old woman. And they had a chicken Ryabushchka old old woman. He demolished the testicle in the seats on the shelf, on rye straw. Where did the mouse come from, split is an egg.
    Grandfather cries, Baba gries, Sortea I broke out, the tune loosened, the oak leaves the leaflets. Popova daughter went to the water, the shoulder broke, came home without water.
    Popads asks: "What are you daughter, without water came?" She tells: what a grief on me, what a great one for me: "An old man lived with an old woman. And they had a chicken Ryabushchka old old woman. He demolished the testicle in the seats on the shelf, on rye straw. Where did the mouse come from, split is an egg. Grandfather cries, Baba gries, Sortea I broke out, the tune loosened, the oak leaves the leaflets. And I went behind the water, broke the shoulder, the croms broke. Although you are a populat leave with grief pies for the window! "
    Pophots with grief and pounded pies for the window. Pop goes: "What are you, in the way, do you do?" And she replies: "What a grew to me, what a great one is on me. An old man lived with an old woman. And they had a chicken Ryabushchka old old woman. He demolished the testicle in the seats on the shelf, on rye straw. Where did the mouse come from, split is an egg. Grandfather cries, Baba gries, Sortea I broke out, the tune loosened, the oak leaves the leaflets. Our daughter went to the water, broke the shoulder, the koromys broke. And I left all the pies for the window.
    And you, pop, at least with grief about the cunny hurt! "
    Pop ruled, but how to hit the cant! Here and died. Steel Bow to bury and commemorate to cope. This is what the egg is expensive!

    (Tales of the Saratov region. Saratov, 1937. p. 147-148).

    Voronezh region
    Chicken Ryabushka

    Lived grandfather and baba lived. And they had a chicken robust. The chicken was not simple, it means that the eggs were bare. Here the Ryabushka Golden Egg, is a major one, to watch anyone. I saw the egg grandfather and calling my grandmother. They began to praise the chicken robust. And then grandfather and says: "It is not necessary to put an egg on a good place to be seen. Well, and put. Put and not pour. All the day admired. And the grandmother and grandfather had a Cat Murlykushka, very much to the evil mice. And when the grandmother went to bed with her grandmother, he became Murlykushka for
    Mouse run. Eat her confused. Mouse and there and here - there are nowhere to go from the cat. She saw the testicle, she wanted to hide - and dive on the shelf. And the testicle on the shelf could not resist and fell on the floor and broke. In the morning the grandfather get up and grandmother. Give me, think, I will admire the egg. Look, and there are no eggs on the shelf. Lying on the floor and smashed everything as it is. Solded grandfather and grandmother and went stating to a robust. And the chicken is also saying: "Do not cry, grandfather, do not cry, grandmother! He will demolish you chicken Ryabushka Other Golden Egg, better than the former. "

    (From Danshina Natalia Mikhailovna (1892), s. Krasovka, Gribanovsky district, in 1969. // Folk tale of the Voronezh region. Modern records. Voronezh 1977 under. Ed. Kretova. P. 17, N 1.)

    Vologda region
    There was an old man, yes old

    There was an old man, yes old woman. And they had a peret chicken. He demolished the testicle at the cat Kotofech under the window on a fur coat. The glossy, the mouse jumped up, returned the tail, blinked the eye, milded the foot, I broke the egg. The old man is crying, the old woman is crying, the broom plows, the stupa dances, Pesta Tolkut. They went to the well for the water of Popov's girls, they were told that the egg broke. Voera girls broke with grief. Popel said, she planted the pies under the oven without memory. The ass was told, pop-from ran to the bell tower, to the Nabath call. The laity gathered:
    "What was happening?" Here, among themselves the laity began to fight with annoyance.

    (Sokolov, 142. From Panteleevna Cleanova, d. Pokrovskaya, Powder's parish, Kirillovsky district, Novgorod lips.)

    Ukrainian plot
    Chernihiv region
    Chicken Ryaba

    Lived, were grandfather da Baba. They had a rush chicken. He demolished the chicken egg, not simple - gold. Grandfather Bil, beat - did not break. Baba Bila, Bila - did not break. The mouse fled, the tail was hidden, the egg fell and broke. Grandfather crying, Baba cries, and the chicken is bitch: - Do not cry, grandfather, do not cry, Baba: I will demolish the testicle not Golden - simple!

    Ryabonka Kurytsia

    Jig Did, yes Baba. Dida Bula Kurysya Ryabnyka. Kurysya on Yacchenko, and mouse on the window sprinkled, Matnul's tail, the egg fell and gone up. Steel swallow crying. Kurysya zneely eggs; Toda of chicken in two days disappeared.

    (p. Flat, Nezhinsky. Chern. G.).

    Poltava region
    Did and Baba

    Buv Sobi Did and Baba. Mali Soba Ryabushechka chicken.

    Did crying, Baba crying, the gate to creak, forty shocking.
    Fortyful flutter, dub's strength. Nature Oak Soroki: "What are you going to smoke?", "To her oak, oak. If you knew, then b and the leaves Popupus. Oak Fauxy popus. "

    The juroic of Yacchenko znesal, Baba Hiji Mila, the Yacchenko broke.
    Did crying, babe cry, gate to squeak, forty shocking, oak leaves Popupus.
    Prisimov goby. Gathering: "What are you the leaves of Popupus?" "Yak would have been knewing, then you b and the arms later."
    Buv Sobi Did and Baba. Mali Soba Ryabushechka chicken.
    The juroic of Yacchenko znesal, Baba Hiji Mila, the Yacchenko broke.
    Did crying, Baba crying, the gate to squeeze, forty shocking, oak leaves pops, the bull of the arguments later.
    Gave a goby to the water. Water pita: "What are you angry with pissing?" "It's a water, water, yak would know, then you have become blooping."
    Buv Sobi Did and Baba. Mali Soba Ryabushechka chicken.
    The juroic of Yacchenko znesal, Baba Hiji Mila, the Yacchenko broke.
    Did crying, Baba crying, the gate to creak, forty docking, oak leaves pops, the bull of the arguments later, the water has become blood.
    I added Namichka Popova on the water: "Water, water, whom you have become blood?" "Divko, Divko, I would know that you would know, then you would vido."
    Buv Sobi Did and Baba. Mali Soba Ryabushechka chicken.
    The juroic of Yacchenko znesal, Baba Hiji Mila, the Yacchenko broke.
    Did crying, Baba crying, the gate to squeak, forty docking, oak leaves pops, the bull of the arguments later, the water was blood, Nymchka Vidra was visited.
    Named arrived at home. Popepti: "Are you Vidra who visited you?" "She is Pop, Pope, I would have known, then you are a mustache zerkv."
    Buv Sobi Did and Baba. Mali Soba Ryabushechka chicken.
    The juroic of Yacchenko znesal, Baba Hiji Mila, the Yacchenko broke.
    Did crying, Baba crying, the gate to creak, forty docking, oak leaves pops, the bull of the arguments later, it became blood with blood, Nymchka Vidra was visited, buffa mustache.
    Prioshov PiPaism before Zaitdi. In order to attempt: "Pop, Pope, at Scho you're at churches?" "Oh rose, in the fall, I would know that you would know, then you would prosenify."
    Buv Sobi Did and Baba. Mali Soba Ryabushechka chicken.
    The juroic of Yacchenko znesal, Baba Hiji Mila, the Yacchenko broke.
    Did crying, a woman crying, a gate to creak, forty-shocking, oak leaves pops, the bull of the arms later, the water became blood, Nymchka Vidra was visited, the bumps of the Church of the Church in the envelope.

    (M. Borispol, Pereyaslavsky., Poltava lips. Chubinsky. Proceedings of the ethnographic-statistical expedition in Zap.-Rusk. Edge. Mr. and Isl-Ia, collected by Chubinsky. T.2 Malorussian fairy tale. SPb. 1878 separate 1 , 2)

    Kharkov region.
    About chicken Raby

    Bouv Sobi Dida Ta Baba, and Yih Dwarie Ryaba, the one kinned Yacchenko, not a simple, golden. Did Biv is not broken, Baba Bila - did not break. Put in the skull, put in a cup. The mouse of the beat, the tail stuck and robbed. Did crying, Baba crying, chicken needle, straw yarn shut.
    There is an oak. "Doors, doors, do you drank?
    "I'll see Gilly, so I will say. Oak and seeing Gilly.
    "Jac also, we don't see, we are not a drip: Bouv Sobi Dida Ta Baba, and Yih Dwarie Ryaba, she won Yacchenko, not a simple, gold. Did Biv is not broken, Baba Bila - did not break. Put in the skull, put in a cup. The mouse of the beat, the tail stuck and robbed. Did crying, Baba crying, chicken needle, straw yarn shut. Dub Gille Seeing.
    Idea Baran Water torture: "Duba, Oak, Shah you guillepping?" "Zbed Sovie Roga, so I will say. Wedge taking and latering.
    "The yak of the same thing is not allowed: Bouv Sovie Dida Ta Baba, and Yih Khochek Ryaba, she won Yacchenko, not a simple, gold. Did Biv is not broken, Baba Bila - did not break. Put in the skull, put in a cup. The mouse of the beat, the tail stuck and robbed. Did crying, Baba crying, chicken needle, straw yarn shut. Dub Gilla Ponbivav. Baran Roga Zebo.
    Priotsa Baran to rich.
    "Baran, a ram, do you horn? "And become crying, so I will say. Rica has become crying. "The Jac of the same Meni Rog is not posted: Bouv Sobi Did Ta Baba, and Yih Khochek Ryaba, she won Yacchenko, not a simple, golden. Did Biv is not broken, Baba Bila - did not break. Put in the skull, put in a cup. The mouse of the beat, the tail stuck and robbed. Did crying, Baba crying, chicken needle, straw yarn shut. Dub Gille Seeing. Baran Roga Zebo. Rica has become crying.
    The arrival to the rice of Popov Tarilok Banylocks: "Rica, rutting, whom you have become crown?"
    "And I will beat the dish, so I will say. Divka and traveled.
    "Jacques, Khat, Meni Clarifies are not stats: Buv Sobi Dida Ta Baba, and Yih Ryaba chicken, she dressed Yacchenko, not a simple, gold. Did Biv is not broken, Baba Bila - did not break. Put in the skull, put in a cup. The mouse of the beat, the tail stuck and robbed. Did crying, Baba crying, chicken needle, straw yarn shut. Dub Gille Seeing. Baran Roga Zebo. The insidious area was visited.
    I added the Divka to the house, and I studied sately. "What are you, attending, attending the dishes?
    And they are praying to Rychyna in Hati, so I will say. Padded Roschyna, Divka and Kazhe:
    "The yak of the same Menia is not to be: Buv Sobi Dida Ta Baba, and Yih Dwarie Ryaba, she won Yacchenko, not a simple, gold. Did Biv is not broken, Baba Bila - did not break. Put in the skull, put in a cup. The mouse of the beat, the tail stuck and robbed. Did crying, Baba crying, chicken needle, straw yarn shut. Dub Gille Seeing. Baran Roga Zebo. The insidious area was visited. Roschyna across Hati praised.
    The arrival of PIP: "Shcho Tse you just?
    "And Obryzh Kosh, so I will say. PIP is used, so obreyaz.
    "The Jac of Menia is not rose to: Bouv Sobi Dida Ta Baba, and Yih Khocheka Ryaba, she won Yacchenko, not a simple, golden. Did Biv is not broken, Baba Bila - did not break. Put in the skull, put in a cup. The mouse of the beat, the tail stuck and robbed. Did crying, Baba crying, chicken needle, straw yarn shut. Dub Gille Seeing. Dub Gilla Ponbivav. Baran Roga Zebo. The insidious area was visited. Mother is rovyna for Hati Porozkydal. PIP braid sled.

    (Manzhura I. I. Tales, proverbs, etc. recorded in the Ekaterinoslav and Kharkiv lips. Collection of Kharkov philological society. T. 3, Vol. 2 Kharkov. 1890.)

    Belorussian plot

    Lived grandfather, yes Baba. And they had a rockey rush. And demolished the neck chicken. Grandfather BIV, BIV, BIV - without breaking. Baba Bila, Bila, Bila - did not break. It is necessary to stamp eggs in Lukoshko, and the trees - to the task. Not wrapped in a trap, put on the Police. The mouse was running (and how much their passion was!) By polysce, the tail was wounded (the gesture of hand), the tower was hurt. Tile rolled, rolled - Bach, Tararh! And broke. Baba is crying: "A-A-A, Aaaa, Aaa!" (High Voice). Grandfather crying: "U--s! Y-s! Y-s! (bassita). And the chicken is running: Kuda-Kuda!
    Kuda Kuda! Do not cry, grandfather with a woman! I will demolish you of Yacchenko, this: "Not a simple Yechko - Golden! And he demolished the Golden Yechko. Grandfather Yago selling and buying a stove to be where to lie down. And to the furnace - the pipe, and to the pipe - the hut, and in the hut - the lavers. We started the guys - everyone is sitting along the becks, porridge eat, fucking bread, but tales listen.

    (Melnikov M. N. Rus. Children. Folklore. M., 1987).

    PS And also a great song about Kurki-Ryabushka sing Belarus - the group "Jur", the soloist-head of Yuri Exdodonak.
    I advise you to download this song (the rest on the amateur), even there the materials there are quite uncomfortable to download from the Rapid of the ball, and it is also necessary to register.

    (What about the fairy tale?)

    And really, what about? Grandfather and Baba lived with a chicken-poinus, a row was named, quietly calmly without problems and hassle, and here, on you! Whether the Chernobyl cloud went to the village of them, or the tsunami from Fukushima covered their residence, but the fact remains a fact: the chicken clearly mutated and demolished something like that, from what a foul and grandfather, and his woman. He demolished her any little, but a golden egg! The grandfather in Hut Chervonets was a gold rarely, and here - a whole golden egg! Old men were delighted! Okay! God's gift to them in old age has descended! Grace! Yes, that's just the dispute between them came out: the egg, it is like, cast, or so simple, the shell is one of the graval gold? They became, it means that the egg, the row demolished, on the edge of the table, be bored, and on the tabletop it there and ride it on the subject of strength test. At first, the grandfather, the egg was strewn down, then Baba came to his aid. They beat him, beat, but only any of them did not come out.
    - I tell you, cast it! So in our house, happiness rushed! - Baba rejoiced.
    - It is linked however for casting it will be! - Skeptically objected to her grandfather, throwing the egg on the rough palm.
    - We are with you and easy for life for life! Sell \u200b\u200ban egg is needed! - dislarously noticed the old woman.
    - Yes, who are we selling it here? Look around! The beggars are all, on our manner with you! One word - Derevnya! - the grandfather doubted, scolding his fairly fleshy glue.
    - That's the trouble that no one! - Agreed Baba. - Then you, that's what! Collect-ka in the soil city of St. Petersburg! Nechur there is a scientist there, Karla Faberzhoy him most ... You are going to him! He, they say, on the golden eggs - the most that neither is the agricade special! He himself, he himself, the golden eggs in the palace supplies! Karl Enthot, our egg and will be able to appreciate, and God will give, buy! You look, the price is decent to prescribe, the eagerness, won, pick up! And then the roof, I suppose, twenty did not overlap, the cutters alone! Evon! Stars from heaven, like through sieve, see!

    Baba grandfather's grandfather's grandfather is to collect his own way. Yes, here, on trouble, the mouse came out of the sample. The nose sniffed, strangled the mustache, flashed with black eyes, looks, and on the table - a small sun shines. Her curiosity here was disassembled here: what kind of miracle is, shiny chibanko, the old people got in the hut? She decided to approach the closer closer and better to see him, while grandfather with Baba road troubles are busy. No sooner said than done! From the floor - on the stool, from the toaster - on the table. That's the goal almost! To this moment, the Woman of Baba was heard:
    - Native father! Grandfather! Look, mice !!!
    - Atu her! - Restorely shouted in the entire residual power of his punched lung grandfather, immediately moving to the attack.

    A non-hard senior hand broken sneakers with meteor swept over the table. The mouse, with a frightener, was drowned down, yes, there was a misfortune, the tail of the egg golden, it fell from the table and crashed! Crying grandfather (a business trip to the capital covered with a copper pelvis!), Beslandless Baba is roaring (the German Terecherich's Money will not give to the roof!), And the mouse out of his mink looks at them and thinks:
    - Law, strange things, these people! What is it, you, the fools are old, crying? The eggs themselves are half an hour, and they could not smash! I did all the work for you, and you - in tears!

    The hollows in the hut in the hurry, the rush of Ryaba comes in secret, and utters his comforting list:
    - Do not cry, grandfather! Do not cry, babe! Tomorrow I will demolish the egg that is not mutated, but simple!

    Hearing this, grandfather of the tears with the snot sleeves, pulled out his heels with a brushed old gout of labor senile finger in her direction.
    - Sha, Baba! Enough with us miracles! Without Enty Events, somehow live gold and regions! Not the essential of this product! And we are without need! And I, I wish for a dinner of chickens of a chicken header with potatoes and groats! If the torching in the house is available, it would be nice to deliver it well! Today! Immediately !!!

    This verdict, the final, appeal was not subject to and on the same day the grandfather was performed by the grandfather ... The soup, Baba, the wicked, the little burned because of its scleroticity. Grandfather he did not taste, so, as a result, closer to the evening, his ball of courtyard in a hunting scroll. The shells are golden from the Eggs of Ryabinet, grandfather gathered the grandfather, and she passed the width of the Dragmetalls to the local Loma, and the money, for them, reversed, was cut into the nearest tire with burning heavenly soul. Such a sad story with them happened!


    In the illustration: Fairy tale "Ryaba chicken"

    In the morning, they look, and instead of the Emerald Eggs - well done lies, but before that, nor in a fairy tale, no pen describe. Sleeping on the ovens is a boys. "Holy, holy, yes, he is a tunic?" - Crossing, grandfather and Baba overlooked. Dished rooster. Well done woke up, reached out, sat down ...

    Good morning, good people! - Mispical Mental.

    Hello, the tavern, hello, the grandfather and Baba answered the choir. - Who will you be?

    Ivan-Tsarevich's Ivan, and I come from your edge - the son of the deceased king with the queen, the world of their dust ...

    Yes, how is it? - Santa and Baba were surprised. After all, we have the Queen of Ampeev, who rules us! True, people are inhawing, as if she was a legitimate heir, yes, let's guess that in those bikes - the truth, and what a lie.

    Is the amonders now on the throne of my ancestors?! - Zarevich's sorely exclaimed. - People can be seen truth, and I thought that she would not succeed ...

    On the eve of my birthday, - began the story of Ivan-Tsarevich, - in the palace there was a ball. I was told that some kind of special, attractive and cute, wants to meet me after dancing in the palace park. I came to the meeting place before the end of the dance. I sat on your favorite invisible bench under an empty tree. It covered it so well that from two steps was not visible, someone sits on it or not. Before that ill-fated evening, I loved myself with my bride to sit there. So this time I sat on this bench, so I was visible the whole alley, on which the mysterious stranger appeared ... oh, it would be better not to appear: gray, bony, not teeth, and fangs, humpback with chin kisses, clothing In rags, a seed gait, a voice of some squeaky-sigble ...

    Batyushki-Saints, but this is a f - amonds, - Perevil away Baba, crossing. - I was letting in Stolgrad in the bazaar and saw it there.

    People affect the Ampeev - Witch, - Grandfather added. - All people worldly from her atrocities moaning, you and your father with a good word remember. For all great joy will be when you turn on the throne.

    It is said that the servants of Ampeys go to Stolgrad, among people are unrecognized and bring it out of the desire to overthrow it, and therefore it is invincible.

    Is there really no place where her witchcraft would not act? Where could I talk, without fear of servants of Amjes? - asked Ivan-Tsarevich, looking around.

    There is such a place - one - the only one in the capital, in the cathedral, where your ancestors, Vanyusha rest. The place is holy, - answered Grandfather and Baba. "That's where you can talk, not afraid of amonds and her servants," they have no turn there. Activate the conspirators outside the capital of Ampeys cannot. But how to step on the land of Stolgrad, here they don't talk too much, the acres of the cathedral is to blink, you do not have time to be in a dungeon.

    Well, so, - Ivan-Tsarevich continued, - I sit, having trough, on the bench and I hear how this witch mumbles under his breath: "Nothing, the king with the queen I did not manage to lime, - the chasters themselves, but they themselves Today I will shoot, "she woke up. And suddenly I see - she was plotting for a moment with some smoke, whether he was misty, and when he was scattered, I saw a beauty. She was so beautiful that for a moment I forgot, who she really is and ... Almost fell in love with her. She apparently hoped for it. But I am not telling my bride to Marloshu! When the amonders moved away from the tree, under which I was, I went out of the shelter, and approaching her, pretended as if I had just come.

    Next? .. - Just talk to her. Exchanged compliments, she hinted that he had long been secretly loved me. I replied that if my heart had not been given to another, then it would belong to her. With these words, in her eyes, he sparkled hatred hatred and anger. Suddenly, the sky was darkened, flashed lightning, thunder struck, the terrible wind rose, which in the blink of an eye stood all the ball. And here, among this terrible screen, I heard the voice: "Ha ha ha! Finally, I undertook to Tsarevich, and at the same time with his bride - I will turn them into the chickens and sell them in the bazaar. Ha ha ha haah! .. "Then everything herself, spinning, white light dymer. In my eyes, there were circles in my eyes, among them the laugh of the face of Amjes, then the sad image of Marta, then her ring, then the faces of the father with a mother, asking not to leave the witch's throne, which many grief and suffering would bring people.

    What is true, then the truth is a lot of troubles and misfortunes of Amjes brought us, Grandfather and Baba crushed.

    "... I woke up on your ovens," the story finished the story, "and what to do next, I won't do."

    Ivanushka, you are letting the letters about some kind of perverse. What is this posture? asked grandfather.

    The finish is not easy - magical. Martushka raised that she had a dish of the Gardener with her peasant with the peasant, who was said to be a fairy ... Kolya pebbles, you could turn around either by Ptahovae, or a creeping beast, or a creep with a creeper, "Ivan-Tsarevich explained.

    With such a perverse and to the palace, you can impass unnoticed and learn how to defeat amonds, - Baba was cut down.

    First, Martuka must be found, "Well done pronounced, and I don't even know where she is. Is she alive? ..

    Do not burn, Tsarevich, who serves your beauty beloved, - encouraged his grandfather. Baba, and Baba, you seem to say that when I bought a chicken Raba, I sit next to another chicken?

    And true, Grandfather, the second chicken, bought a grandmother from the neighboring village, which is in several versts from here.

    In the next morningthey went to the village. Failed the grandmother, who bought the second chicken - a bottle. Went to her into the yard ...

    Looks, grandfather, in-o-on that chicken, "said Baba, seeing the chickens, who fucked millet, - Poystrike.

    Yes, you look, Baba, this bottle has chickens. What do we get her together with them? - answered grandfather.

    Maybe with them, Ivan-Tsarevich thought thoughtfully. - After all, the chicken rush had no chickens, she herself, as you say, demolished the emerald egg! Here, everything is different with the cream, - Well done added in thought, - and as in the water I looked. - And suddenly the magician egg, thanks to which Mardushka can be aligned just like me, will demolish one of those chickens that now runs with a mother's motley? ..

    The mistress of the Pestrushka turned out to be a babooba cherry and did not believe in a fairy tale about the emerald testicle. And our Trinity is just late in the evening with all the chicken family home.