Evgeny Bazarov: The image of the main character, the attitude of the Bazarov to others. Questions and tasks for lessons (planning in the "Documents" section) Questions and tasks for discussion at the lesson

Evgeny Bazarov: The image of the main character, the attitude of the Bazarov to others. Questions and tasks for lessons (planning in the section
Evgeny Bazarov: The image of the main character, the attitude of the Bazarov to others. Questions and tasks for lessons (planning in the "Documents" section) Questions and tasks for discussion at the lesson
Summary of other presentations

"Themes of" poems in prose "Turgenev" - Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Poem. Poems in prose. To the lesson of literature. Illustration to the poem "old man." Illustration to the poem "Threshold". Laconism and freedom. Polina Viardo. Thoughts and feelings. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Poem in Prose". Themes of poems. Buwalo. Creativity I.S.Turgenev. The cycle combined with a common tonality.

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"Bazarov and Kirsanov" - Test on the novel by I.S. Romegenev. Task in text. Fathers and Sons. Collection of material in heroes. The main lines of the dispute. The history of the life of Pavel Petrovich. Nihilism. Education. P.P. Kirsanov. Bazaars. The ideological disagreements of Bazarov and Kirsanovy seniors. Peasantry. Education. Ideological conflict. Attitude towards others. Quarrel between P.P. Kirsanov and E. Bazarov. Spores of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and Children". Bazarov's relationship with N.P. and pp Kirsanov.

"Gerasim and Heroes Tale" - Capital. The opinion of the descendant. Lady. Tatyana. Physical drawback. Russian prose. The moral superiority of Gerasima over other heroes of the story. Gavril. Gerasim. Moral superiority. Creativity writer. Creating a story "Mummy". Childhood of Turgenev.

"The work of" fathers and children "" are the stages of the development of the economic history of Russia. Meet N.P. Kirsanova with son. Alexanderi. Related edge. Man and time. Crowd of yard. Boots. Forest. Over with hired employees. Terms. Low porch. Tiny ponds with. Concepts. Fathers and Sons. Human. Salmon spoil. The decomposition process of the feudal-serf system.

"Fathers and children" - confrontation of liberals. ORDER THEORY. There are three discharge of egoists. No matter who lives without ideal. In a shiver threw Turgenev from such "revelations". The period preceding the peasant reform. The figure is gloomy. Bazarov is engaged in natural sciences. Human relationship. Stankevich Nikolai Vladimirovich. Herzen. Proceedings K. Fogt. Starting charity. The vague image of the hero. Roman in the evaluation of Pisarev.

Subject.Bazarov in the system of actors. The cause of his conflict with others, his loneliness. Opponents of Bazarov, their moral and social position Objectives:Deepen the knowledge of the content of the novel and understanding his heroes; Improve the ability to comment on fragments of the work, analyze the disputes of heroes, compare their position; develop a connected speech; Relieve the need for meaningful reading. Equipment: Portrait I. S. Turgenev; Illustrations for the novel "Fathers and Children"; Epigraph on the board.

The bazaars still suppresses all other people of the novel. Quality attached to it is not accidental. I wanted to make a tragic face from him - there was no delicacy. He is honest, truthful and democrat to the end of the nails ... I. S.

Turgenev DURING THE CLASSES I. Organizing time 1. Greeting teacher 2. Date record, lesson themes, epigraph in notebook II. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Motivation of training activities Appeal to the epigraphy of the lesson ♦ Do you agree with Turgenev that his hero suppresses all other persons and that he is a tragic person? Why? III. Checking homework 1. Frontal problem conversation ♦ Two aspects are highlighted in the Bazarov image: a militant democrat and a nihist.

analyzing II, III, IV, V head of the novel, prove his democracy. (Clothing, speech, appearance, behavior, attitude with yard, reading circle, etc.) ♦ Bazaarov is engaged in natural sciences. How is it related to the problematic of the novel? ♦ Why did Bazarov nuslarified Prokofich?

argument your opinion. ♦ How does the bazaars behave during their stay in Maryina? Compare its classes with Arcadia classes (Chapter X). ♦ How does the bazaarov say about his origin (chapters x, xxi)?

What do we learn about his life path, parents? How does it help to understand his image? ♦ Why caracks "diligently" opposes himself to Pavel Petrovich, behaves defiantly? ♦ Nihilism (from lat. Nihil is nothing) - ideological position, denying generally accepted values, ideals, moral norms, culture. Describe the views of the Bazarov Nihilist (chapter V, X). What does he deny?

What is guided in his denial? Is his views specifically? Why? ♦ Analyze the II and IV chapters and determine what role the motives of the hands play in the disclosure of the theme "fathers" and "children". (Bazarova "The burned red hand", which he did not immediately file Nicholas Petrovich; Pavl Petrovich "Beautiful hand with long pink nails", which he not only did not give Bazarov, but hid back into his pocket.

Peter "as an improved servant did not approach Barich's handle." Prokofich "went to the handle to Arkady."

Thus, the hand is the indicator of the confrontation of Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov, and the conflict of "fathers" and "children" exists even in the event of a servant.) ♦ Prove that the conflict reaches two apogee in the head. Track how the heroes are developing. 2. Working with the table "What to argue the bazaars and p. Kirsanov" Methodical comment.

The teacher presents its table, students compare it with their own, read the quotes chosen at home. 3. Continuing the frontal problem conversation in what Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich is right and what is wrong?

(Bazaars of rights that it is necessary to do business and check any truth; not rights in relation to the past, in the denial of love, nature, beauty, dreams. Kirsanov is right that the connection of times, continuity is needed; not rights in denial of the need to verify life, in absolutization A number of truths, in the formulation of the principles at the head of the corner.) ♦ Have heroes truth found? Would you like to find it or just figured out relationships? Did they try to understand each other? (Positions of Bazarov and Kirsanova - extremes. One did not have enough feelings of the respect of the "Son", the other - love and understanding of the Father.

They did not seek the truth, and simply figured out the relationship. Starting from the XIII chapter, the author removes the external confrontation, it turns inside. But more and more often, heroes are in similar situations: unconcerned love, a story with Fenushek.) 4.

implementation of group homework 1) Message of students of the 1st group "Characteristics of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanova" 2) Message of students of the 2nd group "Characteristics of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova" 3) Message of students of the 3rd group "Characteristics of Arkady" 4) Message of students 4- Group "CharacteristicsCushina and Sitnikov" IV. Generalization, creating a support scheme "Roman's images" N. P. Kirsanov - ch. 6,10,14 P.

P. Kirsanov - ch. 11 Arkady Kirsanov - Ch. 21, 25 A. S. Odintovova - Chronicles. 18.19, 25, 27 Sitnikov, Kukshin - Ch. 12,13,14, 28 Bazarov's parents - ch. 20, 21, 27, 28 V. Summing up the lesson Insert and commenting estimates VI.

Homework 1) Draw the scheme of the "Wandering Route" of Bazarov, prepare to call the events taking place on this "route". 2) Prepare a message about the last days of the life of the Bazar.

3) Prepare the expressive reading of the passage "There is a small rural cemetery ..." (Chapter XXVIII, the last paragraph).

Roman "Fathers and Children" was the result of reflection by I.S. Turgenev about the search for the hero of time. In this turning point for the country, each of the writers wanted to create such an image that a person would prevent the future. Turgenev could not find a personality in modern society that would embody all his expectations.

The image of the main character and his views

Bazarov, the views on the life of which still remain an interesting object of study, is the central character of the novel. He is a nihist, that is, a person who does not recognize any authorities. He questioned and ridiculous everything that was established in society as worthy of respect and reverence. Nihilism determines the behavior and attitude of the Bazarov to others. To understand what is the hero of Turgenev, it is possible only when the main storylines in the novel will be considered. The main thing is to pay attention to, - between Bazarov and Pavlom Petrovich Kirsanov, as well as the relationship of Bazarov with Anna Odintova, Arkady Kirsanov and his parents.

Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov

In the collision of the two these characters, the external conflict in the novel is manifested. Pavel Petrovich is a representative of the older generation. Everyone in his behavior annoys Eugene. From the very moment of their meeting, they experience to each other with antipathy, the heroes lead dialogues, in which it is impossible to more pronounced the bazaars. Quotes that he pronounces regarding nature, art, family, can be used as individual means of its characteristics. If Pavel Petrovich relates to art with trepidation, the bazaarov denies its value. For representatives of the older generation, nature is a place where you can relax and the body, and the soul, feel harmony and peace, it needs to be appreciated, she is worthy of paintings by artists. For nihilists, nature is "not a temple, but a workshop." Most of all, such as bazaars, appreciate the science, in particular, the achievements of German materialists.

Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov

The attitude of Bazarov to the surrounding characterizes it in general as a man good-natured. Of course, those people to whom he is experiencing antipathy, he does not gently. Therefore, it may even seem that it is too arrogant and arrogant. But he always treated Arkady with warmth. Bazarov saw that he would never become a niclist. After all, they with Arkady are too different. Kirsanov-younger wants to have a family, calm, home comfort ... He delighted the mind of Bazarov, his strength of his character, but he will never be so much. Bazarov behaves not very noously when Arkady is located in the house of his parents. He insults Pavel Petrovich and Nikolai Petrovich, calling them pompous aristocratic. Such behavior reduces the image of the main character.

Bazarov and Anna Odintova

The heroine that becomes the cause of the internal conflict in the soul of the main character. This is a very beautiful and clever woman, she conquers all some coldness and magnifier. And here Eugene, confident that mutual attachments are impossible between people, falls in love. He was able to conquer some "baba", as he calls Odintsov first the Bazarov himself. The views of him are scattered by smaring. However, the heroes are not destined to be together. The bazaars are unable to recognize the power of the same one. He is in love, suffers, his confession in love is more like the accusation: "You have achieved your". In turn, Anna is also not ready to come true to his calm, she is ready to abandon love, just just not to worry. Bazarov's life cannot be called happy, because he was first convinced that there was no love, and then, when he loved truly, the relationship did not work out.

Relationships with parents

Bazarov's parents are very kind and mental people. They are in their talented son. Bazarov, whose views do not allow tenderness, too cold to them. Father tries to be unobtrusive, hesitates to pour his feelings with his son, in every way soothes his wife, telling her that she documeks the son of excessive care and care. Feeding that Eugene will leave their home again, they try to please him every way.

Attitude to pseudonigilists

There are two characters in the novel, the attitude of the Bazarov to which contemptuous. These are pseudonigilists Kukshin and Sitnikov. Bazarov, the views of which allegedly impress these heroes is for them the idol. They themselves do not represent anything. They put on their nihilistic principles, in fact they do not adhere to them. These heroes shout slogans, without understanding their meanings. Eugene despises them, in every way demonstrates its disregard. In the dialogs with the Sitnik, it is clearly much higher. The attitude of the Bazarov to the surrounding pseudonigilists elevates the image of the main character, but reduce the status of the nihilistic movement.

So, how bazaars refers to people, it makes it possible to better figure it out. He is cold in communication, sometimes arrogant, but still he is a kind young man. It is impossible to say that bad. The looks of the hero on life and the interaction of people are determining in them. Of course, the most important thing is his dignity - honesty and mind.

The mutual dislike of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova and Bazarov manifests itself long before the disputes, in which the antagonism of their views clearly determined. Even, in essence, nothing knows about each other, they are already hostile to alarm.

This happens because Turgenev fleeting instructions for individual invasses of their appearance and behavior causes improper attention to each other and, thus, helps them before disputes to determine and prepare their positions. I get acquainted with Bazarov, Nikolai Petrovich "His nude hung firmly, the red hand, which he did not immediately give him."

In itself, the fact that the bazaaries when meeting with Nikolai Petrovich "did not immediately filed him" his hand, it would seem, no noticeably. But this is not a remarkable circumstance, it is repeated - when I get acquainted Bazarov with Pavel Petrovich, he comes in the same way as a bazaarov, only much more definitely. It also does not hurry to exchange handshake. Moreover, at the same time, he not only "did not immediately filed him" his hand, but he didn't give it at all and even put it back into his pocket.

Pavel Petrovich has a beautiful hand "with long pink nails", which seems "still beautiful from a snowy whiteness of a hood buttoned lonely large opal." In Bazarov, he is a red hand, according to his own expression, in the "clothes", which the servant Prokofich, accustomed to the aristocratic toilet of his Lord, was taken into cleaning with an inadequate mine on his face.

This is all about it. Bazarovskaya "Runner" and a red hand, obviously testifying to a stranger with gloves, cut the eyes of Pavel Petrovich: he immediately recognizes the democrat on this obviously "exposing" signs. Bazarov, when he does not touch, indifferently careless in relations with nobles. An example is his first meeting with Nikolai Petrovich, nobleman, not exposing its own aristocratic habits. Therefore, bazaars although "not immediately", but still gives him a hand.

As for Paul Petrovich, already as a result of the first fleeting acquaintance with him, the Democratic Nature of Bazarov could not be indignant. "Nails, nails, at least send the exhibition!" - He notes ironically, remaining together with Arkady. The same coin pays Barazov and Pavel Petrovich, whose speech is full of underlined sarcasm:
"Who is this?" - asked Pavel Petrovich at the brother for the care of Bazarov.
- Arcashi buddy ...
- This hairy?
-Well yes.

Pavel Petrovich knocked nails on the table. " The words "this" and "hairy" together with a significant gesture at the end are not accompanied by any copyright explanations. Nevertheless, the creature at this moment of feelings experienced by Pavel Petrovich and so clearly. In general, the bile aristocratic contempt of Pavel Petrovich in relation to the Bazarov constantly affects replicas like the above.

He obviously avoids even calling Bazarov by name or by last name, preferring to do with the help of any allegorical turnover. In one place, he drops casual: "So Mr. Nihlist complained." In another - "Senor This". It is possible to note only the only case of Mention by Pavel Petrovich the names of Bazarov, but even then the dismissive irony meaning of saying is striking. When Pavel Petrovich found out that the Bazarov son of a man of the Nedanian Profession, - Regiment Hechor, and even the one who served in the division of his father, - he uttered a meaningful "GM!", "Led Usami" and asked with "arranged": "Well, And Mr. Bazarov himself, actually, what is? ". It is clear that the Bazarov here is named Mr. in a mockery.

From the point of view of Pavel Petrovich, the Son of Lekary cannot be a real master. In conversations directly with Bazarov Pavel Petrovich, however, it is distinguished by the exquisite, "candy", by definition of Turgenev, politeness, but it is most often only decorative in nature, having shaded boiling restlessly hostile feelings. So, one day, Pavel Petrovich is already broken from the language of "politely discreet" in the presence of Bazarov: "Formerly, young people were just nerds, and now they became nihilists."

Pavel Petrovich sides his self-esteem, strongly in it developed and allegedly always able to keep him within the borders of decenings, which he says to his brother, who begged the disputes to do "without personalities," - but it immediately changes his self-esteem. "Do not worry," he said, "I will not remember, precisely because of the feeling of dignity over which Mr. ... Mr. Doctor."

In the light of the spore about Nihilism, as a result of which Pavel Petrovich reached the highest degree of irritation, and the face of Bazarov "took some copper and coarse color", the ability to this pause (Mr. ... Mr. Doctor ") leaves no doubt. Pavel Petrovich resisted from being directly in the eye to call Bazarov "Mr. Nihilist," but it expressed it with a pause, which under such circumstances does not pass unnoticed.

As the scene depicting in front of the duel and when the duel itself is described, the behavior of the Bazar is especially significant. All embodied gentlemanship, Pavel Petrovich, who came to call the Bazarov to Duel, talks to him on the official language. Bazarov in hidden shape ridicules noble sprues, reflected in Pavel Petrovich. It makes it with the help of an ironic repetition of the ends of Pavlo Petrovich's phrases. Pavel Petrovich, expecting the motives of the challenge, says:
"- We can't endure each other. What is more?
- What is more, - repeated ironically bazaars ...
- as applies to the conditions of the duel, since we
Secundants will not be - for where to take them?
- exactly where to take them? "
And before the duel itself. Pavel Petrovich:
"We can proceed?"
"- Let's proceed.
- New explanations you, I suppose, do not require?
- I do not require ... "
Pavel Petrovich, feeding pistols:
"- Sawn out to choose.
- Sawnaging. "
The ironic attitude of Bazarov to the whole of this obsolent of the rituality is also expressed by the fact that the word duel itself is replacing the word "having". "Peter," he says, "I will prepare to prepare properly and bring it to the scene." The choice of words replaces here a description of the mental state of the hero.

It is characteristic in this regard, the conversation in which the word "nihist" appears for the first time.
"What is bazaars? - Arkady grinned. - Want, uncle,
I will tell you that he is actually?
- Make a favor, niece.
- He is a nihist.
- How? - Nikolai Petrovich asked, and Pavel Petrovich raised a knife with a piece of oil into the air and remained immobile.
"He's a nihilist," repeated Arkady.
"Nihilist," Nikolai Petrovich said. - This is from Latin pihil, nothing, how much I can judge; It became, this word means a man who does not recognize anything?
"Tell me: who does not respect anything," Pavel Petrovich picked up.
- which applies to everything from a critical point of view -
Methyl Arkady. "

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To lesson number 10 (chapters I-XI)

  1. In the form of Bazarov, two aspects: a militant democrat and a nihist. Analyzing II, III, IV, V heads of the novel, prove its democracy (clothing, speech, appearance, behavior, attitude with yard, reading a circle, etc.).
  2. Why did not love Bazarov Prokofich? Argument your opinion.
  3. How does markets behave during their stay in Maryina? Compare its classes with Arcadia (ch. X).
  4. How does the bazaarov say about their origin (ch. X)? What do we learn about his life path, about his parents? How does it help to understand his image?
  5. Why does the Bazaarov "diligently" opposes himself to Pavel Petrovich, behaves defiantly?
  6. Nihilism - Nihil (Lat.) - Nothing - a mental course, denying generally accepted values, ideals, moral norms, culture. On the one hand, Turgenev is not a supporter of nihilism, so its attitude towards the Bazarov is difficult and ambiguous. On the other hand, the bazaars somehow not very "fit" into the framework of nihilism, which increases its complexity and inconsistency. Describe the views of the Bazarov Nihilist (ch. V, X). What does he deny? What is guided in his denial? Is his views specifically?
  7. Bazarov is engaged in natural sciences. How is it related to the problematic of the novel?
  8. Determine the strengths and weaknesses of nihilism.
  9. How are Bazarov's relationship with the people? Track how they change throughout the novel.
  10. What does Turgenev invest in the word "nihist"?
  11. Analyze the II and IV chapters and determine what role the motives of the hands are playing in the disclosure of the "fathers" and "children".
  12. Prove that this conflict reaches its vertices in the x chapter. Track how the heroes are developing. What are they right and what is wrong?
  13. Did you find the heroes of the truth? Would they like to find it or just find out the relationship? Did they try to understand each other?
  14. Track the text II, II, VI, VII, IX, X, the chapters, as changing the attitude of Arcadia to Nihilism. Find the copyright to Nigilism Bazarov (ch. Xi). What are the words of Pisarev say: "Arkady ... wants to be the son of his century and puts on the ideas of Bazarov, who resolutely cannot grow with him. He is in itself, and ideas are by themselves, chatted as an adult coat, put on a ten-year-old child "?
  15. Describe the relationship in the family of Kirsanov. What is the compositional role of Kirsanov's images for understanding the identity of the Bazarov?

To lesson №11 (chapters XII-XIX)

  • What new actors appear in the novel? Why are they?
  • What is the name of the estate of one?
  • Name the date of the first visit to the Odse
  • What is the name of the dog one?
  • Determine the hero on the description:
  1. Anxious and stupid expression affected the small, however, the pleasant features of his obscene face; Small, as if depressed eyes looked intently and restlessly, and he laughed restlessly: somehow a short, wooden laughter.
  2. She said and moved very unleashed and at the same time embarrassing: she obviously thought herself for a good-natured and simple creature, and meanwhile whatever she did, it constantly seemed to you that she didn't want to do it; It all went out like children say - on purpose, that is, not just, not naturally.
  3. He caressed everyone - alone with a touch of junkiness, others with a shade of respect; "EN VAI Chevalier Francais" crumbled before the ladies and indifferently laughed in a large, sonorous and the same laugh, as it follows the dignitary. He pulled the back of Arkady and called him a "niece", honored Bazarov, shredded to the old fracture, scattered, but indulgent look casual, through the cheek, and unclear, but friendly mias, which only could be disassembled that "I. .. "Yes" SMA "; Handed his finger with Sitnik and smiled at him, but already unscrewed his head; Even the Kukshina itself, which appeared on the ball without any crinoline and in dirty gloves, but with a paradise poultry in his hair, even Kukshina he said: "Enchante"
  4. Arkady looked around and saw a woman high growth in a black dress stopped at the door of the halls. She struck him with the advantage of his posture. Nude her hands were beautifully lying along a slim mill; Beautifully fell with shiny hair for lower shoulders Light branches of fuchsis; Calmly and cleverly, it is calm, and not thoughtfully, blond eyes looked out from under a little hanging white forehead, and the lips smiled barely noticeably smile. Some of her affectionate and soft strength was released from her face.
  5. Beautiful boosaney dog \u200b\u200bwith a blue collar ran into the living room, knocking the nails on the floor, and after her she entered the girl of eighteen, black-haired and dark-haired, with a somewhat round, but pleasant face, with small dark eyes. She kept a basket filled with flowers.
  • Who said that and about whom?
  1. What is the figure? - he said. - Do not look like the other women.
  2. Because of the brother, which, according to my comments, is free to think between women only freaks.
  3. Yes, - answered the bazaars, - Baba with the brain. Well, and resemble it species.
  4. You, brother, stupid, I see. ................. We are needed. I understand you, I need similar planes. It is not really the pots to burn pots! ..
  • What can you say about the views of the Bazarov to love before exploring with Odentova?
  • What changes occur with bazaarov?
  • Describe Odintsova
  • Does Odenty Bazarov love? Why can't she love anyone?
  • How are Arcadia and Kati relationship?
  • Why does the bazaarov do not want to admit to himself in love?
  • What, according to Bazarov, the cause of social problems? How to fix them?
  • What is a person, according to Bazarov?

To lesson 12 (chapters XX-XXVIII)

  • Why does Turgenev lead a hero to death? How are the looks of the writer reflected in this?
  • How in a collision with surrounding heroes is growing loneliness of Bazarov? Why can not be an understanding with "fathers"? Why "leaves" Arkady? Why is it impossible to love with one?
  • How is the attitude of the Bazarov with the people, the force that the hero feels, for which he is ready to sacrifice himself? Compare the relationship of yard in Maryin and the relationship of men in the estate of Bazar. Describe the episode "Conversation with men", noting "playback" of men Barina. What do we first notice in the nature of Bazarov after talking with men?
  • Watching the behavior of Bazarov, make sure that the feeling of loneliness is manifested in it.
  • What is the cause of the death of the hero and its symbolic meaning? How does markets behave? Why does he hide his state from his parents? How belongs to death and how does the disease fighting?
  • Why does the hero refuse to confession, knowing that he would die anyway? Why, while, remaining faithful to his beliefs, asks to call Odintsov? Why, before the death of Bazarov, he speaks so beautiful, as never said, i.e. it changes its principles?
  • What is the symbolic meaning of the death of Bazarov? What symbolizes the description of the cemetery with the grave of the Bazarov?
  • Why Turgenev on the last page of the novel calls the nature of "indifferent", and the life of "endless"?

Generalizing questions:

  • Does the victorious in the novel? Fathers or children?
  • What is a bazership?
  • Is it there any time?
  • What does the Personality and Society be warned by Turgenev?
  • Do they need bazaars in Russia?

To the lesson 13. Poems in prose

  • What is a poem in prose? What kind of literature - lyrics or epic is this literary genre?
  • What are the reasons for the writer's appeal to this genre?
  • What topics rise in the cycle of Turgenev poems in prose?
  • Analyze the poems in the prose "Sparrow", "We still wake!", "Russian language" according to the following plan:
  1. thematic group of poem
  2. the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem
  3. features composition
  4. main images
  5. fine-expressive techniques and means

Pooh "Sparrow"

  • What symbolizes the image of a dog?
  • What made the sparrow stand up for the defense of his cub?
  • What, according to the author, maybe a stronger death?
  • What gives a person awareness of the power of real love?

Poem "We still wake!"

  • What symbolize the images of the sparrow and the hawk?
  • How did the mood of the author changed after the meeting with the Sparrow Stake?
  • What gives a person a feeling of thirst for life?

Poem "Russian language"

  • Is it possible to consider this text by poem in prose?
  • Determine the pathos of this poem.
  • What epithets characterizes Turgenev Russian language?
  • What feelings are experiencing Turgenev in relation to their people, his history, culture, language?
  • How do you understand the last offer? Is it possible to consider it a rhetorical exclamation?
  • Why almost at the end of his life, Turgenev decided to devote one of the poems in prose to his native language?