Quiz cards for 5 years. Game "In the world of animals

Quiz cards for 5 years. Game
Quiz cards for 5 years. Game "In the world of animals
Quiz "Experts of fairy tales" for children 5-6 years

Educator Shiznikova I. A. purpose : Intensify the knowledge of children about fairy tales by increasing interest in joint cognitive activity.
Tasks :
Educational :
1. Positive the desire of children to look for ways to solve problem situations.
2. Everyone to children are clear for others to express thoughts, assumptions.
3. Create and expand the knowledge of children about fairy tales; To form a margin of literary artistic impressions, personal position both in the perception of fairy tales and in the process of creativity.
Developing :
1. Wear attention, memory, thinking, observation, logic, instilling the informal perception of fairy tales, develop a sense of humor.
2. Develop the ability to make a whole of parts using the analysis and synthesis.
3. An interest in the children's interest in the theatrical game, develop the intonational expressiveness of speech, to form the ability to build a dialogue between fabulous heroes, enrich the vocabulary of children.
Educational :
1. Recompret the mutual assist, partnership, friendliness, honesty in the game, justice.
2. Positive manifestations of independence in choosing solutions.
3. To fulfill the rules and rules of the team, showing excerpt and patience, the establishment of interpersonal relations between the children of the group.
4. Cook a positive emotional response, the desire to take part in team competition games of a developing nature.

Equipment and materials: Multimedia Installation, Presentation "Trail Trail", Audio Research of Music and Votes Heroes of Tales, Cutting Pictures of Two Fairy Tale Fairy Tale, "Magic Items", pictures of the heroes of fairy tales, medals, chips, two diplomas, emblems for team members

Preliminary work.
1. Reading and listening to fairy tales with conversations in content.
2. Registration of the thematic exhibition of books, exhibitions of drawings "My favorite fabulous hero"
3. Joint and independent games using Bi-Ba-Bo, Desktop Theater.

Travel quiz:

Leading . The fairy tale is a clean soul,
As a forest stream.
She comes slowly
In the cool hour night.
Native people her creator
The people - the sly, the people - the sage,
In her, his dream was invested,
How gold in the casket.
The fairy tale guys was born a long time before a person learned to read and write. The fairy tale was handed over to mouth to mouth, and she walked through the light bright, smart, cheerful.
- Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes)
- Do you know fairy tales? (Yes)
- Now we will check it.

Leading . Today we will make an interesting, exciting journey into a fairy tale.
Let him be a joyful meeting, in such a meeting - friendship is the essence.
We are starting a quiz, as they say in a good way!

Leading . So, in our quiz two teams participate (the names of the teams are negotiated by the tutor before the quiz, for example, "Teremok" and "Kolobok").
We welcome our teams.

Task number 1. "Guess the fairy tale." Leading . The first task for our teams is called "Guess the fairy tale."
For each correct answer, the team gets a chip.

From the king dance

Girl home fled,

Shill with crystal

Lost on the steps.

Pumpkin became the coach again ...

Who, tell me, this girl? ("Cinderella")

Someone grabbed someone tightly:

Oh, not to pull out!

Oh, sat down firmly! ("Repka")

Know this plush

Nobody will be inflicted:

Cannibal, like a mouse,

Managed to swallow!

And spurs ring him on her legs,

Tell me who is it? ("Puss in Boots")

Now another hint:

She is an animal from a fairy tale

Where I almost born the wolf-villain

All seven of her children. (Goat - "Wolf and Seven Cats")

Treats young children
Treats birds and animals.
through his glasses looks over

Good doctor ... ("Aibolit " )

He lives all above:
He has a roof house.
If you lie to sleep fast,
You can chat with him
Will fly to you in your dream
Live, fun ... ("Carlson »).

Master he pricking firewood

Fish respects

Though fools head,

The oven rolls it. (Emelya - "By whining velin")

Well done arrived in a swamp,

Well, where is the bride?

Marry hunting!

And here is the bride, eyes on the painter.

The bride is called ... ("Tsarevna-Frog")

He gave out from home
On the track unfamiliar ...
Did you recognize his friend?
This is the most naughty,
Talking, simple,
And stubborn .... ("Kolobok » )

Grandfather and Baba lived together
Daughter from the snow blinded,
But the fire hot heat
Turned the girl to par.
Grandfather and grandmother in sorrow.
How was the girl that called? ("Sgegurochka")

In the hat I am red,
Pies in a basket.
Here I walk to my grandmother
On the forest path.
If the wolf meeting
I'm not glow,
I then hunters
Loud call. ("Little Red Riding Hood")

Round nose, patch,
It is convenient to rummage them in the ground,
The tail of a small crochet,
Instead of tufels - hoofs.
Three them - and what
Brothers friendly are similar.
Guess without tips,
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(NIF-NIF, NAF-NAF and NUF-NUF - "Three Pigs")

Father has a strange boy
Unusual, wooden,
On the ground and under water
Looking for a golden key
Everywhere the nose is fussing your long ...
Who is it? (Buratino - "Golden Key")

Baba Bila - not broken.
Debia strength!
Yes, I could not break down and grandfather.
After all, he is a hundred years for lunch.
They clicked Nirushka -
She broke like a toy
And escaped under the porch.
What broke something? ... ("Ryaba chicken")

Sits in a basket Girl
Behind the teddy bear behind his back.
He himself does not lead
Carries her home.
Well, guess the riddle?
Then soon answer!
The name of this fairy tale ... ("Masha and the Bear »)

Leading . I didn't need tips, you guess all the fairy tales.
Created wise men, and you are all together well done!

Task number 2. "Magic items". Leading . And now the second task. It is necessary guys, we quickly cut out and return things to the heroes!
before you portraits of the heroes of fairy tales and team members, it is necessary to "return" his belonging to the fairytale hero (for each correct answer - 1 chip).
Strank hat ("Dunno"), crystal shoe ("Cinderella"), a rolling pin ("fox with a rill"), a gold key ("Pinocchio"), a red hat ("red hat"), samovar ("Fly Capotuha" ),
Task number 3. "Who knows, soon calls!" Leading . And now the task is the third "who knows, soon calls!"
Who read a lot of fairy tales, easy will find answers. Yes, you and so long have known them.
Well, check it? Who knows the right answer, faster pull your hand!
Let everyone know, today - not on the way with boredom!
(for each correct answer - 1 chip)
- What was the name of the three bears from the fairy tale of L. Tolstoy "Three Bear"?
(Mikhailo Potapich, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka)
- Which of the three pigs built the most durable house? (NAF-NAF)
- What was the hut in the hare in the fairy tale "Zayushkina Hut"? (Lubyana)
- Who saws instead of a fishing rod used his tail? (Wolf)
- Who are the patronymic of Patriceevna? (A fox)
- Who saved 5 gold coins? (Buratino)
- Which bird flew a thumbnail? (Swallow)
- Who said that he is beautiful, moderately dug man? (Carlson)
- Who is the Savior Fly Costs? (Mosquito)
- How did the cat in the boots pretext? (Marquis Karabas)
Leading . And now it's time to relax and play.
The relay "Konk-Gorbok".
Teams get up in the column near their landmarks. The first participant is put a big ball on the back (
imitation of the appearance of the horse-gobinka ), the child, holding the ball behind his back, rises around the benchmarks "snake," returns just running. Gives the ball to the next participant. The educator helps to hoist the ball on the next participant of the relay. The game continues until one of the teams first graduates from the test.

Task number 4. "Who will call more fairy tales." Leading . Now all thoughts collect
And more fairy tales name.
Who will call more fairy tales,
That more chips will collect.
So, two characters of fairy tales appear on the screen. Each team needs to create fairy tales as much as possible, where these heroes are found.
1st team: wolf and hare.
2nd team: Fox and Bear.

Task number 5. "Collect all parts together." Leading . In the book of fairy tales climbed a poleburka and cut the illustrations of the illustration to fairy tales. They must be restored.

The teams are obtained in envelopes cut pictures to fairy tales (on choosing an educator) and at the expense of "1, 2, 3 ..." open envelopes and make up a picture of 10 fragments. Who the first will gather a picture to a fairy tale and define the name, he won.

Leading . And now the time of breathing came again. And we declare Baba-Yaga relay.
Baba-Yaga relay.

Teams get up in the column near their landmarks. The first participant is issued a bucket (Stupa Baba Yagi) and broom. The child, puts one leg in the bucket, and hand holds the pen of the bucket, in the other hand in the baby broom, is located between the legs. The first participant runs to a landmark, robs him and returns to the family team. Gives all the attributes of Baba-Yagi to the next participant of the relay. The game continues until one of the teams first graduates from the test.

Task number 6. "Fort the error." Leading . The task is called "Fort Errors".
Now you will be read the names of fairy tales or their heroes, but some of them with errors. Your task to recognize and fix errors.
Tsarevna- turkey (
frog )
Silver KORITS (
copytez )
Monthscetic flowers (seven specials)
Sibbavka - boat (
Burk )
Frost - red dog (
nose )
The rooster of the golden baby (
scallop )
Wolf and seven dock (
kozdyt )
Carpet helicopter (
plane )
Zayushkina turntable (
hut )
Fox with a ribbed (
rocky )

Task number 7. "Guess the hero from the song."
Now listen to the songs, and guess the hero and a fairy tale.
For each correct answer get a chip.

Summarizing. Leading .
Guys, it's time to count your chips.
The results of the game are summed up, winners are awarded. Teams are awarded diplomas about participation in the game. All participants of the game-quiz get comforting prizes (for example, medals).
Leading . Fairy tales give us miracles,
Without fairy tale, people can not live.
It's time to say goodbye to us.
See you Let's say we all friends!
To new meetings!

Anastasia Gerasimov
The game-quiz for children is 4-5 years old "On a visit to the fairy tale"

Software content: learn children on verbal description to find out fairy Tale or Fairy Tale Character; learn to pronounce words; develop speech children; expand the active dictionary, intensify the oral speech, instilling the love of interpretation of folk creativity; Rail a friendly attitude to peers.

Materials and equipment: pictures with image fabulous heroes, illustrations to Russian people tales.

Preliminary work: reading Russian folk tales, conversation in content, viewing illustrations to tales.

Travel course:

Educator: Children, I suggest you today go on a journey. Our travel will be unusual, because, we will go to guests to the fairy tale, and will help us in this Vasilisa to do, the heroine of one of tales.

Vasilisa Vasilisa: Hello, girls and boys, glad to see you. Guys, whether you know that distant times, in the past, people lived in wooden huts big families. Children In the family in those times there were a lot. Light, TV, radio, and even more so that there were no computers and phones in those days. The whole family was going in the evening after work, adults lit Luchin, were engaged in homemade affairs: knitted, embroidered, and grandma started to tell taleswho were eagerly waiting for not only grandchildren, but also adults. everyday a new fairy tale told. Children were interested in what fairy tale they will hear, with a good end or bad. When grandma started his storySilence reigned in the house, everyone was afraid to skip though the word.

I heard that you also love fairy talesAnd I want to check how well you know them.

Guys and who invent fairy tales, Do you know?

And came up with tales people told one another; so through the century reached tales and to us.

Guys and what words tales begin?

Children: Answers children.

Vasilisa Vasilisa: And how end fairy tales?

Children: Answers.

Vasilisa Vasilisa: Guys, and your own what is story?

Children: Answers.

Vasilisa Vasilisa: Guys, you with your educators in kindergarten and with parents at home you read a lot tales. Let's spend the quiz now, let's see. Which of you knows Russian folk fairy tales.

Exercise 1 "Remember the name"

Everyone has it fabulous hero have names. Remember what is called in tales of these heroes. (Vasilisa dislude shows children pictures with the image fairy-tale character, children call him).

Bunny - Elegant, Fire - Bird, Frog -, etc.

Task 2. "Nazova fairy tale»

I will read you an excerpt from fairy tales. And you tell me how it is called.

a) I clicked grandmother granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather ("Repka")

b) Les-Les, Les-Les - could not fit in any way and he speaks:

I'd better live on your roof.

Yes, you distribute us!

Not. Do not give up.

Well, forget!

Wlown bear on the roof. Only sat down - Bach! ("Teremok.")

c) Spring came. Lisitsina Hut and melted, she asked for a hare to warm up, yes, he was from home and kicked out. There is a hare in the forest and crying (Zayushkina Hut).

Fizminutka: "Shadow, Shadow Potten"

Vasilisa Vasilisa: Tired? Now I will teach you one game. In her were playing children in long-standing time, and called she "Shadow, Shadow Potten".


Above the city of woven. Raise hands up

Sat down the wovers, sit down

Boiled all day. Get up, hands on the belt, turn right and left

Praise Lisa:

I am the beauty around the world! Palm under the chin, turns of the head to the right and left.

Boiled bunny:

Look, catch up! Jumping, hands in front of the breast

Hedgehog was praised:

We have no fur coats! Stroking your shoulders, bring them back and forth.

Bucked by the Bear:

I can sing songs! Hands ahead, dilute on the sides

Task 3. "Find out fairy tale in picture» .

Vasilisa disperse shows kids to children tales. Children call fairy tale.

Task 4. "Guess a riddle"

Stands the house painted,

Oh, beautiful it is!

Lived in it animals,

Ears on the painter,

But the bear came once,

The house they poured them,

Slightly tenants did not distribute.


Sits a girl in a basket,

At the bear behind his back

Poor, not knowing

He carries her home,

Instead of delicious pies.

(Masha and the Bear)

Lisa bunny deceived,

The world hesitated him

Peter came - Cockerel,

Yes, with a skew on the shoulder,

Bunny Poor helped!

(Zayushkina Hut)

At Alenushka - sister,

Brother birds were taken

Highly they fly

Far they look.

(Swan geese)

Task 5. « Fabulous lotto.»

Vasilisa dispenser calls the first word, and the children guess the full name fairy tales.

Geese (Swans)

Red (Hood)

Zayushkina (hut)

Tsarevna (frog)

Vasilisa Vasilisa: Well done guys, you all know fairy tales. And now fulfill my last task. Need to stage fairy tale"Teremok".

Children choose roles and show fairy Tale for your friends.

Vasilisa Vasilisa: Oh, what are the well done, and with this task they coped. But it's time to return to me in fairy tale. Bye Bye!

Educator: Guys, so it came to the end our journey with you. Did you like it?

Children: Answers children.

Educator: Well done, you are real connoisseurs tales! Thank you very much!

Publications on the topic:

This photo report is composed of hot swings. Only yesterday I spent an open node. Baby My Well done, coped with all obstacles.

Quiz "On a visit to woody!" Let's read it. I am a cheerful lady, I know the forest and love it very much and therefore I invite you to visit you, let him be heard on the forest.

When working with children, it is very important to instill love for reading, learning children to analyze read it contributes to the development of mental.

I bring to your attention a quiz on the fantastic "Swinewa", which we have made together with my daughter and Narisova drawing to the work.

Some questions are focused on child's intelligence up to 5 years.

The main part of the issues is focused on the information basis. When the child is not familiar with the subject or phenomenon, it falls into a deadlock situation, and the conclusion about the preparedness of the child can be formed not in his favor ... This is an unofficial list, other questions could be asked ...
* - Questions are noted that are honored by the identification of the child.

The psychoneurologist asks when determining the level of development of the child and appreciates the communicable ...
If the child is prepared, he does not knock on ... When moving from Yaspel in a kindergarten, from a kindergarten to school ... When contacting him as a specialist ... Gradually, children will know the world ...

See some words: Identification, testing, information basis! After reading the questions, and mentally answering some, I thought with a smile that some of them are not so difficult. But, then I stalled on the classification, for example, on this:
(28. What is more superfluous in the group: chicken, crow, goose?) At first I answered, crow! Because the crows do not eat ... Then, thinking, replied that the chicken! Why? Because the chicken does not fly! ... so the question is! You might think that homemade geese flies. Those who contained domestic geese know how to trim their wings, and the chicken too ... So, I don't reach 5 years old child in my development !?) So lived ... can you test us, parents? Or maybe it's easier to look at such questions?

Let `s start?

A. Identification of personality (know from early)

1. * Name your surname, name, patronymic.
4. * The city in which you live.
5. * Where do you live? Call your address.
6. * In which city do you live in what country do you live in?
7. * Name the capital of our Motherland.

B. Time

8. Call the days of the week. What days weekend? What will start when the week is over? What day after Sunday? (Driving)
9. How many days in the week? What day before Saturday? What lasts longer: week or one day? Week or seven days?
10. Name the seasons. What season for what follows?
11. What are you knowing seasonal phenomena? Characterize seasons
their differences, natural changes, animal behavior ... what time of year is now? What will follow him? After what time of year, winter comes?

12. What time of year is now? Prove it.
13. How many months a year? What kind? What is longer: year or month, m-c or week, day or week?
14. Name the summer months, winter ...
15. When the trees appear (leaves fall), arrive (migratory birds fly away). What birds arrive in winter? What is the leaf fall?
16. Name migratory (wintering) birds. Where do migratory birds fly away?
17. What is a day? What is the difference between the day and night?
18. At what time of day: sleep, have breakfast, dinner ... Now morning? Day? Evening? Night? What are you doing in the morning, in the evening? What happens to lunch or dinner?
19. How to distinguish: Today, tomorrow, yesterday ...

B. Comparative concepts

20. Disassemble examples on concepts: more or less; wider or already;
older or younger; above or lower; faster or slower, easier or harder, right or left, top, bottom, side, in front or rear, before or later, equally ...
21. After a year you will become older or younger? How many years you will be in a year, two years later. How old was you last year?
22. Who has more paws: Dog or Rooster? How much?


23. What unites the group of items? (Purpose, nasya similar signs ...) Call 5 items of clothing (shoes, dishes, transport, animals ...)
24. Name items in one word: tools (saw, ax, screwdriver ...), clothes (coat, dress, pants ...), transport (car, plane, train ...), etc.
25. Views inside groups: Transport - ground, underground, air water); Animals (home, wild); furniture, clothing, electrical appliances ..
26. Nazis domestic animals, wild animals. Why are they called that? Name the young sheep, horses, dogs, chicken ....
27. Comparison of two groups of items.
28. What is superfluous in the group: chicken, crow, goose? Monday, Tuesday, September? Why?…
29. In the river more lump or fish? What in the closet more: plates or dishes?

D. colors

30. Name colors of paints, including shades (gray, purple, pink, red, blue, ...)

E. Morozor and Logic

31. What do you know the city? Countries?…
32. What is the difference between the aircraft from the bird? Girl from doll? What is the brake machine?
33. Why does not tree fall?
34. Aunt has a daughter Masha, a cat Murka, a dog of his friend. How many children are aunt?
35. How best and faster thoring watermelon from a tree?
36. Who will quickly surrender to the shore: chicken or duckling?

J. Development of Speech

37. Read the poem by heart.
38. Fight a riddle.
39. Make a story on the picture or multiple pictures.
40. The game "On the contrary" (day - night, black - white ....)
41. Name one word
42. The girl plays. Is it a word or offer?
43. Suppose: "If it rains, then ..."
44. Call sounds and syllables in words: Chair, porridge, table, smoke, etc.
45. How many syllables in the word Masha, car? How many sounds in the word-like?

Z. Arithmetic

46. \u200b\u200bDirect and countdown from 1 to 20, as well as an account in the specified limits (from 3 to 7, from 7 to 3) ....
47. Name the neighbors of the number 3.
48. What is more than 8 or 5?
49. Tasks for plus and minus one (how much more or less?)
You had three cars Mom bought another one. How many cars become? More or less? How much?
You had 5 candies, one you gave to a friend. How many candies have you become?
It became less or more? How much?
50. Composition of the number 4, 5.
51. Level two numbers (how to make equally) in two ways: +1 and -1.
51. Four paws are visible from the curtains. How many kittens behind the curtain?
52. Name geometric shapes.
53. Grouping of geometric figures by the presence of similar signs.

I. etiquette

53. Polite words and how they are consumed.

Nadezhda Vasilyev
Quiz on fairy tales with children 3-4 years "Chest fairy tales"

Quiz on fairy tales

for children 3-4 years.

« Table chest» .

purpose: consolidate knowledge of Russian folk tales.


To form a coherent speech, enrich children's dictionary.

Develop attention, thinking, memory, auditory and visual attention.

Develop the skills of collective work.

Development of shallow motility, logic and creativity.

Brief friendly relations in the children's team.


1. Illustrations K. tales(Puzzle).

2. "Wonderful bag" from things: Repka, egg, Pie, Bear.

3. Chips for teams.

4. 2 carrots.

5. 2 balls and 2 plates

6. Table chest.

7. Envelopes with tasks.

We know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there is nothing more interesting,

Than our magic fairy tales.

So, we start our quiz.

Let's split on 2 teams: Team of boys and girls.

For each correct answer, the team gets chips. At the end of the competitions, we calculate the obtained chips and define the winners. Before you table chest. You take one person from the team from chest Envelopes with tasks, who will give the first correct answer, will receive this chip. Each team has a cup, in which you will fold earned chips. At the end of the game we will calculate them, and find out whose team will become the winner.

So, let's begin….

First Competition "From what fairy tales passage

1. Lived - Grandfather and Baba were, and they had (Chicken-row)

2. Do not sit on the pencil, do not eat a piper! Carrying grandmother, carry grandfather! (Masha and the Bear)

3. I took the old woman wing, the box screamed, in Suskek gavera, and the flour flour with two. I knew on sour cream, fried in oil, and put it on the window to say. (Kolobok)

4. There were cockerels and chicken. The cockpit was in a hurry, yes hurried, and the chicken knew himself yes separate: - Petya, do not hurry. Petya, do not hurry. (Cockerel and bean grains)

5. - I, Mouse-norushka!

I, frog-cuckoo!

And who are you?

And I'm a bunny - a shooter. -

Go to us live! (Teremok)

6. Tili - Bom! Tili - Bom!

Caught Koshkin House!

Caught Koshkin House!

Going smoke pillar! (Cat house)

Second Competition "Kolobok"

Leading. Teams will need to carry a kolobka on the plate without dropping it.

Third contest "Tell a word"

1. What song to sang a bun?

2. What sang the goat to your goats?

3. What did Masha say, sitting in the box?

4. What did Ryaba Sady and Bab say?

5. Whose names are NIF - NIF, NUF - NUF and NAF - NAF?

6. Who took the geese - swans?

7. What asked the beasts in fairy tale"Teremok" before entering there?

8. Who B. fairy tale"Repka" Was there between granddaughter and cat?

Fourth competition "Collect the picture"

Conditions of the game: Each team must collect a cut picture with an illustration from fairy tales"Repka". That team wins, which will make it faster and calls her name.

Fifth Competition. "Bunny with carrots"

Leading. And now we will play. Two players from the team will need to turn into a bunny and transfer the carrot from the bed into their house. Let's see whose team will quickly cope with the task.

Sixth Competition "Guess-ka!"

Leading. You have to get from "Wonderful bag" any thing and call what it is fairy tales. Children from different teams one suitable and get from the bag toy and guess fairy tale.

Seventh Competition. "The best expert tales» .

Leading. I will ask each team questions in turn, and you have to answer the question.

1. What egg was demolished rumor chicken? (Golden)

2. Who broke the egg chicken egg? (mouse)

3. What vegetable could not pull the grandfather from the ground and his whole friendly family? (repka)

4. Who helped his granddaughter pull out a repkah? (Bug)

5. How many kids have a mother-goat? (seven)

6. Where did the smallest goat hid, so that he did not eat an evil wolf? (in the oven)

7. Which hero was such a round, what was gone from the women and from his grandfather? (Kolobok)

8. Who ate a kolobka? (a fox)

9. Scary and evil, likes to fly on the broom. Who is it? (Baba Yaga)

10. What birds were faithful assistants of Baba Yaga? (Swan geese)

11. Who lived in Teremka? (Mouse, frog, hare, fox, wolf and bear)

Well, we visited the country tales. And now we will summarize. Calculate your chips. That team that got more chips won in our game.

Publications on the topic:

"Integrated interaction with the children of the middle group on the fairy tale" Kolobok " "Traveling around the fairy tale" Kolobok "Tasks: Teach children choose on the word round items; Fasten the ability of children to relate two groups of items.

"Quiz about Nature." Environmental game with the children of the senior group Software content: develop joyful experience in children from participation in the quiz. To form a steady interest in nature objects.

The game-quiz with the children of the senior group "What do we know about sports?" Objectives: Fasten with children knowledge about sports, athletes, sports; Cause respect to Russian athletes, pride for winners.

Entertainment with children I junior group "Adventures in a fairy tale" Kolobok " Entertainment with children I junior group "Adventures in a fairy tale" Kolobok "" Objective: Improve various types of movements, create cheerful in children.

Quiz №1 "Favorite cartoons"

1. What bridge was built in the cartoon "Magic Ring"?

a) crystal +

b) silver

c) marble

2. With what words, the flying ship from the cartoon of the same name took off?

a) "Earth, farewell! Good luck!" +.

b) "Let's go!"

c) "full forward!"

3. Finish the phrase that Klogson said: "What are you yelling? You are all the fish ... "

a) Stunchil

b) drilled +

c) laugh

4. "- Where does the grandfather sleep?

- Grandfather there, in the corner on the rug. "

What cartoon these words are from?

a) "Bobik visiting Barbos" +

b) "Shurik at the grandfather"

c) "Tuk-Tuk-Tuk"

5. When the patchhouse stayed at the rabbit, then to what day he was "completely free"?

a) until Thursday

b) before Friday +

c) until Saturday

Favorite cartoons

6. Finish the phrase a train from Romashkovo: "And if we do not see this dawn, we will be late ..."

a) for two hours

b) for a whole year

c) for life +

7. Which cartoon comes on how "the protection is going on early"?

a) "PIF-PAF, OK-Oh-oh!"

b) "Bremen Musicians" +

c) "The Adventures of Captain Lunned"

8. What island told the hero of the cartoon "Return of a prodigal parrot"?

a) "I somehow arrive at Tahiti ..." +

b) "I am somewhere on the canary ..."

c) "I am flying somehow on Bahamas ..."

9. Who in the cartoon "80 days around the world" repeatedly asked: "Do you have a plan, Mr. Fix?"?

a) Paspartu

b) Mr. Fogg

c) Mr. Fix +

10. "After all, it does not happen in the world,

So that children were lost! "

What cartoon is this song from?

a) "Mom for Mammoth" +

b) "not scary!"

c) "gift for an elephant"

Quiz №2 on the topic "Villa Needa"

1. "Whoever helps people, he spends in vain time,

It is impossible to glorify good things! " - sang ...

a) Baba Yaga

b) the old woman Shapoklyak +

c) Bastinda

2. According to Carlson, the best means of thieves - this is ...

a) Alarm

b) reliable locks

c) ghost +

3. "Where is the killer, where is the villain? I'm not afraid of his claws! " What kind of villain are in question in the poem K. I. Chukovsky?

a) about spider +

b) about cockroaches

4. Baba Yaga lives in the hut ...

a) on kurichy legs +

b) on duck legs

c) on goose legs

5. The death of the blasphemy of the immortal is on the tip of the needle, and the needle ...

a) in the judder

b) in the egg +

c) in coconut

6. For whom did the pursuit of Karabas Barabas arranged?

a) for Pinocchio +

b) for chipollino

c) for harlequino

7. Where, without obeying the parents, the Tanya and Vanya were killed from the poem "Barmalei"?

a) in Australia

b) to America +

c) in Africa

8. Who wanted to become Peppi Longs, when will it grow?

a) homeporter

b) sea robber +

c) Atamyshev

9. Who did the cannibal in the fairy tale in the boots did not turn into anyone?

a) in an elephant +

b) in lion

10. Who constantly forced the Cota Leopold "go to fight"?

b) dogs

Quiz №3 "Bravets and superheroes"

1. Who freed Muhu-Cocotuhu from Spider?

a) Komarik +

b) Firefly

c) worm

2. What kind of animals ran with the spear of the heroes of the fairy tale Brothers Grimm "Seven Herbrants"?

a) on tiger

b) on an elephant

c) on a hare +

3. What product was useful to Herbrome Town Guans from the fairy tale Brothers Grimm "Brave Tailor" to demonstrate its strength?

a) curd cheese +

b) oatmeal cookies

c) rye bread

4. What quality helped the cat from the fairy tale "Cat in boots" to defeat the cannoden?

a) courtesy

b) trick +

c) greed

5. "Eats for four,

Works for seven;

Before his light, he dances

The horse harnesses, the strip will plow ... "

What is the name of this hardworking hero of the fairy tale A. S. Pushkin?

a) Balda +

b) Elisha

c) Gwidon

Bravets and superheroes

6. How much did the island guarded the island in the "Tale of Tsar Saltan" led by the uncle Chernomor?

b) twenty five

c) thirty three +

7. Three brothers from the fairy tale "Ivan-Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo" went to which river?

a) on the river Kalina

b) on the river Ryabin

c) on the currant river +

8. Adreview, the main character of the fairy tale "Let's go there - I do not know where, then I don't know what", was ...

a) Fisherman

b) carpenter

c) shooter +

9. What did the C-finger boy at the cannibal?

a) invisible hat

b) boots-boosters +

c) magic ring

10. Who saved all the animals from the villain and the monsters in the poem "cockroacanis"?

a) Sparrow +

b) crocodile

c) bat

Quiz number 4 "Fabulous heroines"

1. What fabulous girl was born in a flower?

a) thimble +

b) Snow White

c) Krasnozorka

2. Where did the Cinderella dream dream?

a) on the ball +

b) to the fair

c) on the carnival

3. What was the name of the main heroine of the fairy tales of the city of X. Andersen "Wild Swans"?

b) Eliza +

c) Krista

4. From whom a brave and beautiful Belle from the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast" defended the host of the enchanted castle?

a) from rustic residents +

b) from wild beasts

c) from the gnomes

5. What is the poisoned fruit treated stepmother Snow White?

a) Pear

b) apple +

c) orange

6. What stories loved to listen to the Little Mermaid?

a) about people living on Earth +

b) about sunken ships

c) about stock colors

7. Name the name of the Tsarevna from the cartoon "Flying Ship".

b) fun +

c) Lyudmila

8. What was the name of the beautiful princess, the daughter of Sultan from the cartoon "Alladin"?

b) Ariel

c) jasmine +

9. Peppi Long Stocking decided to go to school because ...

a) there are christmas holidays +

b) there is learning the multiplication table

c) there are many children

10. What was covered by the blight of the snow queen?

a) northern lights +

b) lunar light

c) million candles

Quiz No. 5 "Your Highness"

1. "Tsar, Tsarevich, King, Korolev, were sitting on the golden porch, ..." It...

a) mystery

b) counting +

c) patter

2. What is the biggest figure in chess?

c) king +

3. Princess in the fairy tale sh. Perro "Sleeping Beauty" fell asleep because shelted hand ...

a) spindle +

b) knitting needles

c) corkscale needle

4. How many shopping cities were given to the Dowry Kruzhich Elisha?

b) fifty

c) one hundred forty

5. "- Ah, the princess is my core,

Singers will soon be here.

Choose any - all pay.

- I want nothing!!!"

What cartoon is this song from?

a) "Bremen Musicians" +

b) "Flying Ship"

c) "king-l ev"

6. What is the name of the Tale by A. S. Pushkin, in which one of the heroes was King Dadon?

a) "Tale of fisherman and fish"

b) "Tale of Tsar Saltan"

c) "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" +

7. In one of the fairy tales of the city of X. Andersen Staraya Queen was able to determine whether the princess is true with the help of ...

a) potatoes

b) Beholins

c) peas +

8. What is the name of the fairy tale in which the ratchet cost a hundred kisses of princesses?

a) "Mermaid"

b) "Sveynbow" +

c) "fire"

9. Prince was able to find Cinderella with her lost ...

a) shoes +

b) gloves

c) hairpins

10. What fairy tale Gerd's brave girl goes in search of kay?

a) "King Drozdobodorod"

b) "Snow Queen" +

c) "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors"