What to cook on the table at the Hawaiian Party. Children's Hawaiian Party

What to cook on the table at the Hawaiian Party. Children's Hawaiian Party
What to cook on the table at the Hawaiian Party. Children's Hawaiian Party

Dec 22, 2014

Hawaiian cuisine is a fantastic variety of tastes! She managed to combine the best of what is in modern Pacific and American cuisines, preserve Mexican, Japanese and Chinese traditions in the preparation of many dishes. , seafood dishes, meat delicacies, pickled fruits and vegetables and stunning drinks - all of this did the Hawaiian cuisine of one of their popular kitchens in the world. website Talks about the most delicious Hawaiian disorders, to try which everyone must have!

Manapua / Via Flickr: Ralan808

Manapua - a dish, well-known in Eastern countries, however, it occurs under different names and is somewhat different in the composition of the ingredients. Hawaiian Manapua - lush, round and very delicious rice flour buns with pork, seafood, sausages, chicken or sweet potatoes. You can prepare manapua in different ways: bake, roast or on a steam bath. To feel the taste of Manapua, try them straight with heat with heat, not forgetting about soy sauce!

2. SPEM Musubi

SPEM Musubi (SPAM Musubi) / Photo: Sher Yip

SPEM Musubi (Spam Musubi) - a Hawaiian sandwich or a sandwich consisting of only three essential ingredients: boiled rice, algae Nori and Spies (canned meat, most often toasted refrigerated ham). The thin SPEM slice is placed or between the layers of rice and wrap the nori, or a piece of ham is put on the rice and are also wrapped in algae. Spicy Taste of Spem Musubi give sesame seeds and spicy greens.

3. Loko Moko

Loco Moco (Loco Moco) / Via Flickr: TreeVillage

Loco Moco (Loco Moco) is a very satisfying Hawaiian dish. Outwardly, the dish resembles a tower or a pyramid consisting of several layers: the base of the "buildings" - boiled rice, then the layer of meat cutlets (sometimes instead of meat use seafood or fish), and the top is yellow-eyed fried eggs. The dish is watered with sour-sweet dark color sauce.

4. Chicken "Huli-Huli"

Chicken "Huli Chicken" (Huli Huli Chicken) / Flickr: MMM-YOSO

Chicken "Huli-Huli" is a chicken kebab in Hawaii, the whole charm of which is enclosed in a fantastic marinade, preparing from a pineapple syrup, soy sauce, ketchup, finely chopped ginger and garlic. The name is due to the fact that in the process of cooking on the spit, the carcasses of the broken chickens are constantly rotating so that the marinade does not burn.


Simin (Saimin) / Via Flickr: Emleung

SIMIN (SAIMIN) is a business card of Hawaiian cuisine. Without this national soup it is difficult to imagine any Hawaiian feast. And, like all ingenious, the recipe for its preparation is tritely simple: the base of the soup is a Japanese Dani broth, which is added to egg noodles, an egg, a crab stick (Kamabo) and Nori.

6. Chicken "Katsu"

Chicken Katsu (Chicken Katsu) / Photo: Runin

Chicken "Katus" is a fairly widespread dish in Japanese, Korean and Hawaiian cuisines. It is preparing "Katus" from chicken fillet, which is cut into thin flat pieces, make up in the egg mixture, collapse first in a mixture of garlic powder, pepper, salt and flour, then in breadcrumbs and fried in vegetable oil. The finished strips of "Katus" lay on the salad leaves, and rice balls use as a side dish. A special freshly prepared sauce is supplied to the dish, which includes ketchup, soy sauce, worstshire sauce, sugar, ground red and black pepper.

7. Mak Salad

Mak Salad (Mac Salad) / Via Flickr: JoeyParsons

Mac Salad is a rather unusual snack, served in the Hawaiian places on Lunch. Only imagine a salad of the following ingredients: boiled macaroni-horns, finely cut eggs, boiled potatoes, chopped with cubes, and boiled carrots, chopped with straw, red Hawaiian onions, vinegar, salt, pepper and mayonnaise. Everything is well mixed, the salad is placed in the refrigerator and the table is fed solely in the cooled form. Such a Hawaiian analogue "Olivier"!

8. Popcorn Hurricane

Popcorn Hurricane (Hurricane Popcorn) / Via Flickr: Roboppy

What kind of film can be without a portion of popcorn?! Hawaiian popcorn is corn grains, fried in oil, mixed with crushed Japanese sea algae and rice cracker. Taste ... Capturing !!!

9. Marinated Mango Lee Hing

Marinated Mango Lee Hing (Li Hing Pickled Mango) / Via Flickr: Santos

Marinated fruit is one of the favorite Hawaiian desserts. To prepare this exquisite snacks, the fruits of immature mango sliced, and brine, which includes vinegar, sugar, salt and whether Hing seeds, giving an unusual salt-sweet taste. You can try this delicacy not earlier than three days from the date of preparation.

10. Chocolate coconut pie

Chocolate Coconut Pie (Chocolate Haupagia Pie) / Via Flickr: YKJC9

Present delicacy for gourmet! Chocolate Haupia Pie is a delightful gentle puff pastry. The bottom layer is a biscuit crust, medium-chocolate custard, top - Sweet coconut dessert (HAUPIA), cooked on coconut milk. The cake decoration will be air whipped cream. And notice, no coconut shavings!

11. Lumping with bananas

Lumpia with bananas (Banana Lumpia) / Via Flickr: AccidentalHedonist

Roll with banana in Hawaii is simple and delicious delicacy. Banana flesh sprinkle with brown sugar and wrapped into a roasted rice pancake roasted.

12. Malasadas

Malasadas (Malasadas) / Via Flickr: Kanuck

Donuts, Hawaiian donuts !!! This dish was first prepared by the descendants of Portuguese, living in Hawaii. Since then, without these golden color of balls, roasted in vegetable oil and sugar sprinkled, no fair is unthinkable.

13. Guava Pie

Guava Cake Cake / Via Flickr: Arndog

Traditional Hawaiian sweetness - Guava Chiffon Cake (Guava Chiffon Cake), which has not been losing its popularity among Hawaiians and tourists for more than half a century. The stunning taste of chiffon cupcakes and guava, the extravagant white-pink view will be decorated and a weekly, and a festive table. And Maracuy and Lime added to the cake will make his taste even exquisitive.

14. We like Moth.


We like the Moth - a unique inadequacy not only in the Hawaiian cuisine, but in general in the world. It combines two dishes in itself: inside viscous, peculiar taste, POI (it is prepared from the Tarot local plant tubers), and outside the crispy sweet rice crust - Moti (Japanese rice cake). Here is such an unusual donut turned out from Hawaiians!

15. Bananan-apple bread

Banana-apple bread (Apple Banana Bread) / Via Flickr: ClayMckell

In fact, for Hawaiians, banana bread is as accustomed as for us wheat or rye. But the Hawaiian Banana Bread is the most delicious, because it is preparing from a special variety of bananas - apple bananas having a sharp-sweet taste!

16. Cheesecake with Maracuy

Cheesecake with Maracaye (Lilikoi Cheesecake) / Via Flickr: Yukino

Exotic delicacy! Dessert for the royal table! Such admiring exclamations are worthy of this dish. A gentle cottage cheese cake, soaked in juice of passionate Brazilian fruit - Maracui - has an extraordinary tart taste. The best companion for him will not be a cup of tea, but a glass of white dry wine!

17. Andagi

Andagi (Andagi) / Via Flickr: Vosh

This dessert came to Hawaii from the Japanese Okinawa Islands and won the hearts of Culinary Hawaiians. Very simple and tasty dish, in Russian donut, preparing in deep fryer. From the usual test, where, however, Hawaiians add milk and vanilla, small round balls are pushed, which are roasted to a crispy golden brown crust.

Hawaii are one of the most favorite holidays for vacation and holidays. People of different cultures and countries strive for Hawaii to enjoy endless summer, clean waters and stunning landscapes. Hawaii can satisfy not aesthetic, but also gastronomic needs. Since here you can enjoy not only the calm atmosphere of the island, but also with local cuisine, which for many years have turned from uncomfortable food into exquisite disorders. Local dishes have absorbed all the best culinary traditions from around the world. Hawaii is a place where you can not only relax, but also to get acquainted with a unique local cuisine.

Hawaii history

The art of cooking did not come to Hawaiians in an instant. Decades ago, the usual meal could consist of semi-finished products brought from the mainland and fruits growing on the islands. Despite the fact that many different fruits grow in Hawaii, the most important Pineapple was, who was also the only edible of all. That is, at that time you could count on pineapple or semi-finished products (usually frozen pizza) to dinner.

But when tourists rushed to Hawaii, the situation has changed. Gradually, new fruits and vegetables began to grow here to constantly update the menu, and the kitchens of Eastern countries (Phillipin, Japan, Korea of \u200b\u200bOther Asia countries) began to acquire increasing popularity. In addition, the climate of Hawaii perfectly approached the cultivation of the necessary products. Fish dishes became very popular. But these were not complete copies of the dishes of other countries - Hawaiians complemented and changed them by creating their own dishes. If we talk about food as a whole, then the peculiarity of Hawaii is not in the use of pineapple, but in the use of various herbs and spices and other ingredients. Connecting the names of these dishes may seem rather strange, but it does not relate to taste qualities that are always excellent.

What are Hawaii without Tarot?

Hawaii converted their kitchen under the influence of various countries, but their main foods did not change. Tarot has always been related to major products. Tarot (CALO) is grown in different parts of Hawaii and thanks to the climate of the islands it grows all year round.

Tarot leaves and tubers are used in food. The taste of this plant for those who have never eaten, may seem fresh and tasteless, but Tarot is the basis of Hawaiian cuisine not because of its special taste, but because of its availability and prevalence. Due to the interaction with other cultures (especially with the Asian countries), Tarot received its distribution outside Hawaii.

True local food

If you want to enjoy truly Hawaiian food, then instead of expensive restaurants, visit local snack bars. One of the popular Hawaiian dishes is "Plate Lunch" - a paper plate consisting of three compartments, with fried fish in a grain, some meat with the teriyaki sauce, a little lettuce and gravy. At first glance, there is nothing special here, but it tastes, this dish is excellent. The combination of teriyaki and gravy is surprisingly tasty, and you will definitely ask for additives. Another popular dish is a puree from the Tarot Plant Plant, which has a strange color - it is purple. This should not be surprised, because the purple is the natural color of the tuber of the plant. Non-well, but tasty dish, much sweeter than the usual mashed potatoes. And more: resting in Hawaii, do not forget to try the roasted pig!

Since coconut palms in Hawaii grow almost everywhere, it is not surprising that the coconuts themselves (Hawaiian name - HAUPIA (HAUPIA)) are often used in the preparation of various types of products: gelatin, pudding, donuts with coconut filling and much more. You can use coconut milk in fresh form or canned.

If you watch your weight, then in Hawaii you should be especially careful: most of the dishes are highly elongated. Also a lot of dishes with high starch.

In Hawaii, there are also many places where you can enjoy kitchens of other countries (China, Japan and Europe).

Unique dinner in Hawaii

All that is eaten on the islands can be easily found on land and in water around the islands. Since Hawaii is the islands chain, there are many fish dishes. Do not be afraid to try dishes from fish whose names you do not know (for example, Mahi Mahi (Mahi Mahi), Ahi (AHI) and Opakapaka (Opakapaka)), they are all nice to taste. Vegetarians will make up abundance of fruits and vegetables dishes that are extremely tasty.

But the top of the culinary bliss in Hawaii is Luau - traditional Hawaiian feast, tribute to the joys of life. Here is a beautiful food combined with beautiful music. The traditional feast Luau is slightly different from Luau, held for tourists: it can last a few days, since all actions, even the preparation of the cooking space, are part of the ceremony. But even if Luaou lasts only a few hours, it is not scary, because, in any case, you have to plunge into a friendly atmosphere, beautiful local music and enjoy the island food.

The process of the formation of Hawaiian cuisine took a long time, and today on the islands are combined with various kitchens in the world. The inhabitants of the island took little from every culture, and turned eating food not just in the process of thickening hunger, but a whole wonderful ritual.

Want to make a unique thematic party that have not yet done for your friends?

Then, perhaps you will make a party in the style of Hawaii - Coconuts, palm leaves, original cocktails and fruit snacks. Is there something better than to recreate the hot beaches of these unique islands?

Therefore, today we will tell you how to organize a Hawaiian party at home or in nature so that it will be remembered to you and your guests for a long time.

How to arrange a Hawaiian party?

First you need to decide where you want to dance and drink cocktails. If outside the window is winter or just unsuccessful weather, then the Hawaiian party of the house will be an excellent solution.

If you have a hot summer window, then a good idea will be celebrating on the street. For this, the beach is ideal or any comfortable Polyana. When organizing a party in nature, some nuances may arise, which can be easily eliminated by our recommendations in the article ".

To create a festive atmosphere, you need to decorate the house with beautiful colors, Hawaii les and other attributes of hot islands. You can also use balloons, pictures with the image of islands and live flowers, such as home palm trees.

Want to make decorations and accessories with your own hands? You can find good recommendations for preparing attributes. Do not forget to take care of invitations for your guests, because this is an opportunity to start a party.

You can also give preference to conventional beach options, adding interesting and bright accessories that will create you and the good mood.

Hawaiian Party: Scenario and Organization

Having understood with the decoration of the house and the creation of costumes, it is necessary to start the next important stage - to prepare party Scenario in Hawaiian Style. To begin with, you can view interesting thematic contests, whose overview we did notice "". After selecting the games that you liked, it is necessary to follow the presence of attributes for the games - prizes, auxiliary accessories.

Having placed guests behind the tables, it is necessary to enjoy invited communication and treats. And only after that proceed to the entertainment program.

Party in Hawaiian style is not only live flowers placed in the corners of the room. Therefore, a special atmosphere is needed, which will contribute to the creation of the desired mood. Hawaii - Friendly Island of beautiful women and men, traditionally loving fun, laughter and dancing. That is why it is necessary to carefully consider various entertainment for guests, including musical design.

Music for the Hawaiian Party what is more suitable for a warm company?

Before you arrange a Hawaiian party at home, you need to explore the traditional music of the Hawaiian Islands. The beautiful musical background will be quiet, light melodies that create comfort, calm and harmony. It is under such music that the dance of Hula can dance, which is considered to be the people's dance of Hawaiians.

Album Jack De Mello - Steel Guitar Magic Hawaiian Style (1994) will be an excellent background. We also recommend downloading album Kana King & His Hawaiians - The Music of Hawaii. More incendiary rhythms are suitable for meeting. Such as the:

Hawaiian music-aloha




hawaiianguitar-3 PIGS

And be sure to look at our page with Hawaiian music.

You can also download incendiary rhythms in Latin America or just favorite pop songs. An excellent musical decision will be such performers as Ricky Martin, Shakira and Beyonci.

Hawaiian Party: Menu and Cocktails

Flowing over the fact that you should thoroughly consider the number of guests and their placement. Tables are better to use lungs and plastic, decorated with various Hawaiian attributes. Chairs can be covered with bright pillows or cloth cuts - it will create an even more bright atmosphere of the holiday.

By making the menu to the Hawaiian Party, it is better to give preference to light dishes:

  • Baked chicken, pre-missed in light soybean sauce or in fruit juice (for example,).
  • Baked in the oven or on a firefish. This may be, for example,. Prefer red fish or. Golden crust with lemon slices - what can be tastier?
  • Hawaiian loaf with butter, pineapples and ham (for example,).
  • Light vegetable salads like.
  • Cold snacks (for example,), cheese and sausage cuts. You can also use on which the fruit or vegetable assortment is riveted.

The mandatory attribute of any Hawaiian table is beautiful fruit vases. They become decorated with flowers not only by the center of universal attention, but a chic interior solution.

Another worthy of your desk with a dish will be a fruit salad. Mix various fruits to your taste - coconuts, bananas, kiwi, oranges or mangoes and fill in a dishwasher yogurt. Such a salad will definitely be an excellent treat and on a hot day and in winter cold.

Riding various ideas for the Hawaiian Party must not be forgotten about such an important element of any parties like cocktails. Bright, relaxing, toning and non-alcoholic Hawaiian cocktails - that's exactly what you need and your guests.

We offer you several recipes known allocate drinks. Prepare these cocktails to the Hawaiian Party on their own, you can rightly be called the best owner of the best party :).

Alcoholic cocktails for the Hawaiian Party: Recipes

Cocktail "Hummingbird" Includes ice, 1/5 of black Roma, 1/5 white Roma, 1/5 Saoutin Comfort, 1/5 orange juice and 1/5 Coca-Cola.

Mix in a shaker ice, two types of Roma, Southern Comfort, Orange Juice and Take Up to the appearance of Inea. Fix in a tall glass, pour a cola. Decorate the orange slice.

Cocktail "Tropical Paradise" Prepare from 1/5 light Roma, 1/5 Midori, 1/10 cream de banana, 1/10 coconut cream, 1/5 pineapple juice, 1/5 orange juice.

We mix all the ingredients in the shaker, beat 20 seconds. We merge into a suitable glass, decorated with a banana.

Cocktail "Hawaiian Beach" It is necessary to prepare in advance, because for its preparation you need a blender or a combine. 3/10 Light Roma, 4/10 pineapple juice, 3/10 ginger Elya, 1 tsp. Sahaoa, ½ Lyme, ice.

We whip in a blender half of lime, pineapple juice, rum, sugar and sweat to homogeneity. In a large glass of raw ice, we pour the resulting mixture, pour from above the element. Decorating lime and mint.

Cocktail "Acapulco"requires 1/5 of the Golden Roma, 1/5 tequila, 1/5 pineapple juice, 1/5 grapefruit juice, 1/5 coconut cream.

In the shaker we put ice, we pour rum, tequila, two types of juice, cream and beat before the formation of Inea. In a large glass we put ice and pour the resulting mass. Decorating at will.

Non-alcoholic cocktails

Cocktail "Aprot Smoothie" consists of 90 ml of milk, 15 ml of lemon juice, 30 ml of yogurt with taste of vanilla, 2 pcs apricot. Be whipped in a shaker.

Cocktail "Ecstasy" must be made of 50 ml of banana juice, 50 g of strawberries, 50 g kiwi. We whip in the shaker, decorate cream and fruit.

Cocktail "Fluger" consists of 50 ml of apple juice, 50 ml of cherry juice, 50 g sprite, 50 g of strawberry.

Making guests, delicious dishes and drinks take care of the beauty and design of dishes and glasses. Separate umbrellas, straws and colorful bright glasses and plates. Plastic or cardboard dishes are easier to use on holidays - at the end you can just throw it away.

This year we decided that on the birthday of the daughter, I will arrange a Hawaiian party. The street will be summer and we hope that good warm weather is attached. Since the holiday is children, then we will cover the Hawaii with the cartoon "Lilo and Stich".

So the preparation is in full swing. Summary of the holiday.

Personal garlands stretch marks, juice stickers, chocolate wrappers, boxes, wishes, phantas, toppers, etc. Of course the balls!

Can be prepared posters, banners and stands for photos:

No Hawaiian holiday costs without beads of flowers - lei and skirts:

2. Guests. Invitations for guests can also be purchased ready, make it yourself or order. Not an extreme case to make them "electronic": SMS or by mail.

Guests can be asked to observe the dress code.: Shirts, Bermuda, Shale, Sunglasses ...

3. Table You can arrange Candy Bar, you can cook nat. Hawaiian dishes, but you can simply show fantasy.

4.To If you do not forget that this is not just a Hawaiian party, but there is a binding to the cartoon, then the cake can be done, well, or at least just figurines of the main characters:

5. Mercharm for table It will take a bunch of sticks, tubes, swipes, dishes, etc.

7. Pinyata We have no birthday without it no longer. We will buy, but you can do it yourself. On the Internet there are many detailed master classes.

They feed it with small candy, best of all the candies and can be added.

The game "My Slippers!" You will need large bright beach slippers - they should be 1 less than the participants of the game. Flippers are put on the floor in a bunch, and the participants get up around them. Next, the game is carried out in the same way as the famous entertainment "Music Chair". While playing music, the participants dance or go in a circle. As soon as the music feels, each participant seeks to put on one slotter on the leg. To whom the slipper did not get, leaves. The game is underway to the last "lucky shleprek". He wins.

Leading: And now we burn? Who is better to mainly - the prize. And it will be better to block the one who will substitute the sun more plots of his body. Well, who wants to participate in an adult competition for the best tan?

Game "Tan". This is a game from the category "For adults". Those who wish to participate are dancing to the music, put in a circle, and the host periodically utters phrase teams. Those of the participants who refuse to perform what pronounces the lead is dropped out. If the presenter says it is necessary to substitute the sun of the knees, it means that participants must bargain the knees (girls can be in pantyhose or stockings - to remove them optionally).

Lead teams:

Litted sun palms

Savory the sun shak

Savory the sunshine

Litted the sun of the knees

Store the sun shouldch

Love the sun honey

Sloved the sun heel

Savory tummy tummy

Sloved the sun back

Those who turned out to be a bed and laid until the end receive prizes - for example, cosmetics for a tan or panama.

Also, entertaining children can be arranged with them a master class on making amuletics from clay and dough:



9.Music You can download the Hawaiian music on the flash drive for the background, the songs of Elvis Presley-favorite artist Lilo. And what a Hawaiian party without Jules !!!



So rainy gray autumn came. Behind the warm summer evenings in the company with friends. What to do if you are not accustomed to miss? Offer friends to arrange a Hawaiian party. An excellent reason to remember about the summer, cheer up and dance, enjoy delicious cocktails and just chat in a nice company.

To create a festive atmosphere at home you will need bright flower garlands, palm branches or living (artificial) palm trees in vases. You can decorate the interior with balloons and fruit compositions. Print beautiful invitations, do not forget about musical accompaniment. To create a festive mood, do not do without cocktails. Cocktails for the Hawaiian Party are usually bright, beautifully decorated and carry the sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions. Prepare them yourself, you will deserve the title of the best owner of the party.

Non-alcoholic cocktails

The main ingredients of these cocktails are, as a rule, fruit juices, popular carbonated drinks and ice.

Hawaiian mix

Connect in the shaker pineapple, orange, mango, banana, grapefruit juice in the same proportions and crushed ice. Serve in a glass for martini, decorated with nectarine or peach slices.

Mix lemon (1 part) and cherry (2 parts) juice. To the resulting mixture add equal to the volume of any energy drink. Serve in a ring Rox.

In an equal ratio of mixing apple, cherry juice and sprite. Mix in a shaker with slot ice. Add 50 g sliced \u200b\u200bfresh strawberry slices into each glass.

Roy Rogers.

One part of the pomegranate juice takes into two parts of Coca-Cola. Served in a wide glass decorated with cherry.

Alcoholic cocktails

In order for the party to be truly hot, treat guests with alcoholic cocktails of their own preparation. The highlight of the party will be the so-called blue Hawaiian cocktails

Blue Hawaii

Mix 30 ml of Roma Bakkardi and as many blue Curacao liquor, 30 ml of lemon juice, 60 ml of pineapple juice and 30 ml of sugar syrup. Add ice, decorate pineapple and mint

Pina colada

Mix white rum (2 parts), dark rum (1 part), Malibu liquor (2 parts) and pineapple juice (3 parts). Add ice, decorate pineapple and cherry.


In equal proportions, mix gold rum, pineapple juice, coconut cream, grapefruit juice tequila. Be whipped in a shaker with ice to the formation of Inea.

In order for your party to succeed in glory, do not forget to buy bright plates and the necessary attributes for decorating glasses: straws, umbrellas. Who knows, maybe the idea of \u200b\u200bholding a Hawaiian parties will like your friends that it will be good tradition.