Download and presentation about the Children's Theater. Presentation "Theater Professions"

Download and presentation about the Children's Theater. Presentation
Download and presentation about the Children's Theater. Presentation "Theater Professions"

Theatrical professions

Grade 2.

  • Producer
  • Actor
  • Decorator
  • Illuminator
  • Butt
  • Costume artist
  • Dresser
  • Grimor

Theaters are different

And what only not in them.

Here the performances will play all

Drama, opera, ballet.

Here on stage can be found

Different dolls and animals.

Theater loves the children

So let's go there soon!

Theater is amazing place Where the performances show, music sounds, read poems, sing or dance. There you can laugh and swim, sometimes even there is something to think about what to be surprised.

Decoration - decoration of the place of action on theatrical sceneCreated visual image performance.

Decorator is a specialist in the decoration of interiors, as well as theater artist, writing scenery based on drawings of other artists.

Sofit is a part of the lighting equipment in the theater, lamps of scattered light, illuminating the scene in front and from above.

Illuminator - theatrical electrical engineering, which illuminates the scene, changes lighting.

Butaforia is artificial items made from different materials.

Buthor - the theater worker who makes items from cardboard, papier mache, wood, matter, gypsum, which are used in theatrical productions Instead of real furniture, decorations.


And actress, and actor, (Be ordinary he, Il Mime) Very appearance changes Makeup skillful - ...


The cinema is a wide screen, In the circus - Manege Ile Arena. Well, and in the theater, the usual theater, Special playground - ...


Theatrical he worker - Productions "Conductor", Manager performing - It's right, …


So that I looked at a presence more interesting, In gratefulness, ovations were heard Needed on the scene design: House, trees and others ...


All you see on stage: What lies, hanging, it is worth All Items Represents - This, know, ...


He is cheerful and funny Lovely view big nose And cap he is red Wears not in vain! Loves spectators to meet And shout a little. Who is funny - just a dream - Skirt: "Hello! I...


Artist on stage - Cooking, And the viewer in the hall there is a people. Artist look at her hand, What kind of theater?

(Puppet Theatre)

Presentation in the theater of the Durov
What is theater?
(from Greek. (Greek)
Pantomime Theater
Theater of beasts them.
Compiler: Seriegina L.A.
1 class.
And more masks
Theater them Natalia
Antique Theater.
More masks
big theater in Moscow
Theatre - "
collective art
Theatre - "
collective art

The main person in the play -
Making mask

Signatures for slides:

Presentation in the theater of the Durov
What is theater?
(from Greek. (Greek)
- place for spectacles; spectacle)
Like other arts, T. - form public consciousnessHe is inseparable from the life of the people, his national history and culture.
Pantomime Theater
Theater of beasts them.
Compiler: Seriegina L.A.
1 class.
And more masks
Puppet show. Dolls and puppets.
Theater them Natalia
Antique Theater.
More masks
Big Theater in Moscow
Theatre - "
collective art
Theatre - "
collective art
- This is the result of the activities of many people, not only those who appear on the stage, but also those who sew costumes, makes the subjects of the props, sets the light, meets the audience. No wonder there is a definition of "theatrical workshop employees": the performance is creativity, and production.
Strengthen emotional impact dramatic performing Helps
. Sometimes it sounds not only during the action, but also in
- To support the interest of the public.
The main person in the play -
Making mask

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

The program of the organization of extracurricular activities "Theater"

The purpose of the program: Creating conditions for development creative personalityready for self-education, social interaction, To the construction itself, the tasks: to form ...

Rabuchi program of extracurricular activities "Theater of living dolls" 1-4 classes (circle)

Development creative abilities, imagination, fantasy, independence of the guys in extracurricular activities ...

Lyudmila Puliukhova
Presentation "Acquaintance with the theater" for children middle group

Often we try to offer our children what we did not have, what reflects the latest achievements of technical progress: Computer I. electronic games, game consoles, interactive toys. But is it necessary all this to our children? Do these new classes contribute to their mental, mental and general mental Development? There is no single opinion about the dangers of new-fashioned toys yet, but the fact that there is benefits from many traditional games, I have long known. So, let's play with our children in theatre. But first will tell them about theater.

Theatre - This is an amazing place where the performances show, music sounds, read poetry, sing or dance. There you can laugh and swim, sometimes even there is something to think about what to be surprised.

Theaters Miscellaneous there are and what they only do not. Here the performances will play all, drama, opera, ballet. Here on the stage you can meet different dolls and animals. Theatre Lovely love children so go there soon!

I bring to your attention presentation"Acquaintance with the theater"For children of the middle group.

Publications on the topic:

Presentation "Acquaintance with the letter and sound [m]" for children 5 years I propose a presentation to familiarize yourself with the letter "M". Mouse Soap soap spout, soap back, soap tail. Soap so that it became white, and from happiness.

Occupation for children of the Central Group "Acquaintance with Kinetic Sand" Valentina Kuzmichova Objective: to introduce children with new gaming material.

An abstract classes "Acquaintance with the theater. Visiting the puppet theater " \\ Purpose: To form the ideas of children about the puppet theater, continue to acquaint with the professions of adults in the Puppet Theater: Master of Dolls.

Integrated occupation for children of the middle group "Acquaintance with Matrychka" Purpose: - To introduce the Matrychka - folk toy, the subject of people decorative and applied creativity. - Teach research.

Abstract Node for the study of theatrical activity "Meet the theater" Charganitsova Anastasia Anatolyevna, educator. Madone Kaskarinsky d / s Golden Cockerel "Abstract Node Integrated Classes on Educational.

An abstract classes for children of the Central Group "Acquaintance with the residents of the Far North - Saami" An abstract classes for children of the middle group "Acquaintance with residents far North - Saami. " Objective: to acquaint children with Saamami, with their life.

Presentation of "Birds" for children of the middle group Presentation using ICT on the topic "Birds" for children of the middle group. Prepared educator Fedorova Yu. G. Lexical theme weeks.

Presentation of the project for children of the middle group "Rainbow World" Problem: Sociometric Research Results interpersonal relationship In the peer group showed that not all children feel.

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Signatures for slides:

What are theaters? Theater is the magic edge in which the child rejoices, playing, and in the game he will know the world!

The theater on the flannelhemph Theater on Flanhelegraf Flanhelegraf is designed specifically so that children not only listen to the fairy tale, but also seen her heroes. Talking a fairy tale, heroes lay out on the flannelhemph in the order in which they appear. In the same way, you can use a magnetic board and magnetic figures - the heroes of fairy tales. Making technique: on a flannel with a sticky tape, velvet paper, or the same flannel you can attach various pictures.

Shadow Theater Here you need a screen of translucent paper or a white thin tissue attached to a frame, expressively cut black plane characters and a bright light source behind it, thanks to which the characters discard the shadows on the screen. Very interesting images are obtained using fingers. For example, you can make a goose, a hare, a dog, and others. Or attach the figures to the sticks.

Cone theater.

Origami theater

Desktop Theater.

Theater toys. Industrial manufacturing toys (plastic, soft, rubber) or done with their own hands (knitted, stitched from the patchwork) are grouping in fairy tales. Such the theater is very close to children, as they play similar toys daily. You can play not only at the table, but also lying on the carpet. The walking theater has a pumped on the legs on the legs for index and middle fingers. Thus, the doll "walks", repeating the movement of the fingers.

Riding theater Theater dolls Bi-Ba-Bo or Parsley Theater. The parsley theater is called the theater, whose dolls are put on three fingers - like gloves. The movements of her head, hands, torso are carried out using the movements of the fingers, hand brushes. Theater spoons. The easiest and most affordable puppet theater of spoons. The dolls-spoons anticipate acquaintance with the upper dolls, as it were as a simplified version.

Fingering theater. Dolls wear on the finger are the smallest artists of puppet theaters. These are dolls stitched from fabrics glued from paper related to woolen threads. The dolls a child puts on his fingers, and himself acts for the character depicted on his hand. You can play behind the screen or with direct contact.

Dolls on japita. The simplest japit is just the wand inserted into the toy. She should not be too thick and heavy, otherwise the actor will not be able to take her in hand. Happit should not be too short, but not too long.

Puppete Theater. The duck drives them in sight of the audience. The puppet is located next to the doll, on the floor, and is driven by vaga. Vaga is a cross, to which dolls are attached to the threads.

Other types of theater Theater on clothespins Theater on match boxes

Cocking with the theater, you will make the life of your children interesting and meaningful, fill it bright impressions And the joy of creativity. And most importantly - the skills obtained in theatrical games, children will be able to use in everyday life.

In my presentation, I introduce children with the types of theater (puppet theater, the theater of shadows, etc.), with theatrical professions, with the rules of behavior in the theater, as well as fix the concept of "Circus" (who takes part in circus representation).



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Presentation on the topic: "Theater is a holiday!" Prepared: Educator Kuzmina E.A.

This is one of the most famous theaters In the world - a large theater, which is located in the center of Moscow.

There are many species Theater Puppet Theater Ballet Theater

Drama Theater Opera House

Shadow play

Theatrical professions Director Scripturus Sufler Make-uprixes Illuminator Dresser Artist Decorator Sound Operators And in the theater There are theatrical musicians, theatrical tailor, work scenes, firefighters and many other different professions.

And there is still the most beloved by all children - Circus!

In the circus view participate: animal trainers



There is such a profession -Cyrkova artist. Most famous representative This profession is Yuri Kuklachev.

How to behave in the theater or circus? Simple rules etiquette.

The main rule is to come on time. You need to have time to calmly undress yourself and help to divide to a friend, please adjust the hairstyle in front of the mirror. Hearing the call, you should go to the hall and take our places. The first should sit those who sits in the middle of a row, the rest should be waited. You can not borrow other places! The theater or circus come beautifully dressed, because it is a holiday. During the presentation, it is impossible to have nothing, talk and spinning around. At the end of the presentation, thank the artists with applause. Be always good spectators!

"And the curtain is trembling, and the light bulbs are trembling, so the guys handwritten hands up." S.Ya. Marshak

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

What is theater? This is the best, according to K.S. Stanislavsky, means to communicate people, to understand their innermost feelings. This is a miracle capable of developing creative deposit in the child, stimuli ...

This game situation develops an active speech of children, consolidates mathematical knowledge, causes interest in theatrical activity, encourages the guys to remember the loved fairy tale ....