Russian folk tales about fools. Ivan-Dol

Russian folk tales about fools. Ivan-Dol

There was an old man with an old woman; They had three sons: two smart, the third is Ivanushka-fool. The clever sheep in the field of grazing, and the fool did nothing, everything was sitting on the stove and Fly caught.

At one time, the old woman was headlown and he says a fool:

- on-co, demolish these dumplings to the brothers; Let them go.

Poured a full pot and gave him into his hands; He walked to the brothers. The day was sunny; Only Ivanka for the Occolic came out, I saw my shadow on the side and thinks:

"What is this person? It goes next to me, it's no step lagging behind: Right, the dumplings wanted? " And he began to throw the dumplings on his shade, so everything is united and enveloped; It looks, and the shadow is all on the side.

- Eka insatiable womb! Said a fool with a heart and put into her pot - the shards scattered in different directions.

That comes with empty hands to the brothers; Those asked:

- You, fool, why?

- You brought lunch.

- Where is the lunch? Let's lovely.

- Yes, you hang, brothers, attached to me an expensive thanks to what kind of person and all went around!

- What kind of person?

- Here it is! And now stands near!

Brothers well, to scold him, beat, bold; Out and forced sheep grazing, and they themselves went to the village to dine.

A fool began to graze; She sees that sheep scattered around the field, let's catch them and eyes wipe. I shifted everyone, I won all my eyes, I gathered a herd in one pile and sits myself Radohonuk, as if it did. The brothers have dinner, grilled in the field.

- What are you, fool, did it? Why a flock of blind?

- Yes, won't my eyes? As you left, brothers, the sheep scared out, and I came up with: I began to catch them, I dreamed of a bunch, to pull out my eyes - in how you walked!

- Wait, not so smalleling! - They say the brothers and let's treat it with fists; The order of the fool went to nuts!

There was no time a lot of time, sent the old people of Ivanushka-fool in the city for the holiday of buying. Total purchased Ivanushka: and the table bought, and spoons, and cups, and salt; Whole WHO diluted all sorts of things. Going home, and the horse is so knowing, failure: lucky - not lucky!

"And what," Ivanushka thinks, "after all the horse has four legs and the table, too, four, so the table-from and will delve."

He took the table and put on the road. It goes, rides, is close, if, far, and the crows so and go over it and everything is kanky.

"Know, sisters eat-eat hunting that they snatched!" - thought the fool. Put the dishes with the disadvantages of the ground and began to sweep:

- Sisters-Golubushka! Eat on health.

And he himself all forward and move forward.

Rides Ivanushka Merrestovka; On the way, all stumps burnt.

"Eh," thinks guys without hats; After all, it is cold, hearty! "

I took the pots on them and Korchagi. That Ivanushka reached the river, let's walk the horse, and she does not drink everything.

"Know, without salt wants!" - And well, caring the water. Palked full of salt bag, the horse does not drink.

- What do you do not drink, wolf meat? Is the problem of a salt bag poured?

I was enough to lie with it, yes, right in the head - and killed poured. I was left at Ivanushka one wallet with spoons, and that he was carried on himself. It goes - Nazady spoons and bryakat: Bryak, Bryak, Bryak! And he thinks that the spoons say something: "Ivanushka-Fool!" - Threw them and well, so sort:

- Here you are Ivanushka-Fool! Here you are Ivanushka-Fool! Still attended tease, unfasteless! Round home and says to the brothers:

- all redeemed, brothers!

- Thank you, the fool, but where are you purchasing something?

- And the table is running, yes, know, lagged behind, the sister's dishes are eaten, the pots and Korchagi guys needed to keep his heads on the head, Soli had a horse shed; And the spoons tease - so I left them on the road.

- Stay, fool, quickly! Gather everything that scattered on the road!

Ivanushka went to the forest, removed the Korchagi from the burnt stumps, raised the bottom and put on the Batog Korchag with a dozen of all sorts of: and large and small. Carries home. Died his brothers; Let's go to the city for shopping, and the fool left home. Listens to the fool, and beer in the junction so wanders, and wanders.

- Beer, not Brody! Fool is not a teasing! - says Ivanushka.

No, beer does not listen; I took and released everything from the tub, myself got into the trough, it turns around, and the songs hits.

The brothers arrived, firmly hacked, took the Ivanushka, stitched in the cult and dragged to the river. They put Kul on the shore, and they themselves went to inspect.

At that time, some barin was driving past the top of the brown; Ivanushka and shouting:

- Sing me to voivodship to judge yes, and I don't really know how to judge!

- Wait, Fool, - said Barin, - I can and judge and crawl; Get out of the kul!

Ivanushka got out of the kul, stitched Barin there, and sat down in his wagon and left her mind. Brothers came, pulled the cult under the ice and listen; And in water and bogat.

- Know, Burk cat! - Speak brothers and walked home.

To meet them, from where you take, goes on the top three Ivanushka, goes yes it grabs:

- What a hundred I caught horses! And still remained Sivko - so nice!

Justily became brothers; They say fool:

- Sewing now we are in Kul yes, descend quickly in the hole! Will not leave us Sivko ...

I lowered their Ivanushka-fool in the hole and drove his home beer to doubts yes brothers to remember.

Ivanoshka had a well, a deck of fish, and my fairy tale.

In some kingdom, in some state there lived an old man with an old woman. They had three sons, the third called Ivan-Fool. The first two married, and Ivan-Fool idle; Two brothers were doing business, managed the house, plowed and sowed, did not do anything the third. Once the Father and Snohy began Ivan to send a dirty flush on the field. The guy went, came to arable land, harness the horse, drove with a hijay time, two whether he sees: there is no mosquito on the bill; He grabbed his whip, swayed on his side, killed them without a estimate; hit differently, killed forty-woofers and thinks:
"After all, I killed forty younger for one shuffles, and there are no estimates with the shallow sushka!
Took them all put in a bunch and piled up with a horse fender; He himself did not plow, the horse straightened, went home. Comes home and says Snowhouses and Mother:
- Let me a canopy and saddle, and you, father, let's a saber, which you hang - on the wall rusted. What am I for a man! I have nothing.
Those laughed at it and gave a laugh for some kind of split Tyuri stuck saddled; Our guy attacked him litters and put on a thin kobylenik. Instead of a canopy, the mother gave some old dubas; He also took, yes he took a saber at his father, went, I drewed, gathered and went. Returning to Rosstani - And there was still little competent - wrote on the post: the strong hedgehogs Ilya Muromets and Fedor skiers would come to such a state to the strong and mighty Bogatyr, who killed the forty hectares for one plowing, and there are no estimates And all their stone backed.
For sure, after him, the Bogatyr Ilya Muromets arrives, sees the inscription on the post:
"Ba," says, "drove strong, mighty Bogatyr: disobey not suitable.
I went, catch up with Vanyukha; Far did not reach, removed the hat and bow:

And Vanyukha does not lift the caps, says:
- Great, Ilyukha!
Let's go together. Fedor skiers arrived at the same time, Fedor skiers arrived, he sees, he was written on the post, heard not suitable: Ilya Murometh drove! - And he drove there; Also far did not reach Vanyuhi - take off the hat, says:
- Hello, strong, mighty boat!
And Vanyukh the caps do not rub.
- Great, - says, - Fedyunk!
We went together all three; Come to one state, stopped at the royal meadows. Bogatyri put themselves tents, and Vanyuha cassed Dubas; Horses have two heroes confused with silk confuses, and Vanyukh ripped a rod from a tree, Silly him and confused his mare. So live. The king from his troi saw that his favorite meadows betrayed any people, immediately cast out his neighbor to ask what kind of people? That came to the meadow, went to Ilya Muromsz, asked what they are for people and how dare without demand to trample the royal meadows? Ilya Muromets answered:
- Not our business! Ask won senior - strong, mighty hero.
Ambassador approached Vanyukh. He shouted at him, did not give the words to call:
- Get out, the document is alive, and tell the king that he came to his meadow, the mighty bogatyr, who killed forty heroes for one pose, and there are no estimates with a small tower, and I, Ilya Muromets and Fedor skiers with him, and demands Tsar Daughter married.
He retold this to the king. The king was enough at the records: Ilya Muromets and Fyodor skiers are, and the third who is killed for one pollows on Soroku Bogatyurians, no in the records. That king ordered to collect RATI, capture three heroes and lead to him. Where to capture? Vanyukha saw how it began to approach closer; He shouted:
- Ilyukha! Go to go for them, what kind of people? "He himself lies, stretched out and see how the owl."

Ilya Muromets on the wrong words jumped at the horse, drove, not as many hands beat how much a horse was trampled; I nailed everyone, left only some tagnes to the king. The king heard this trouble, the more collected forces and sent to catch the hero. Ivan-Fool shouted:
- Fedyunk! Look to run this bastard!
He jumped at the horse, nailed everyone, left some pagans.
What to do king? The case is bad, the strength broke the warriors; The king made himself and remembered that he lives in the kingdom a strong herder of Dobrynya. He sends a letter to him, asks to come to defeat the three heroes. Dobrynya arrived; The king on the third balcony met him, and Dobrynya probably drove up to a balcony in a thief with the king: that's what it was! Greeted, talked. He went to the royal meadows. Ilya Muromets and Fyodor skiers saw that Dobrynyh was going to them, they were frightened, jumped on their horses, they hung out from there. And Vanyukha did not have time. While Imaal his kobylenik, Dobrynya and drove up to him, and laughs, what is this strong, mighty boat? Small, skinny! He bent his head to Vanyukhe himself, looks at him, and admire. Vanyukh Yes, somehow did not robbed, snatched his sabel, and his head fell.
The king saw it, strained:
- Oh, - says, - Bogatyr killed Dobrynya; Bed now! Go Rather soon, call the hero in the palace.
For Vanya, she came so honor that the father would be fired! The plain carriages, people all are isolated. We planted and brought to the king. The king treats him and gave his daughter; They married, and now they live, bread chew.
I was here, honey drank; Under the mustache flowed, the mouth did not fall. Gave me a cap, and so much push; Gave me a caftan, I go home, and the cinema is flying and says:
- Blue yes good!
I thought:
- Throw away Yes Position!
I took threw out, and I put it. This is not a fairy tale, but a stick, a fairy tale ahead!

Fairy Tale about Ivan Fool and Tsarevna Frog

In some kingdom - some state of the rules, the king.

He had three sons. Two smart and with normal nameAnd the third is not only Ivan, but also a fool!

There was this king forever drunk and bad Schway. And created his life subjects unbearable.

We wanted to reproduce the subjects against it, but did not come out. I carried the tsar-father paper with seals and read out that the kingdom is all - his personal property, he is a guarantor of the Constitution, and all subjects on Earth live from him, the king of mercy.

I do not like how I right out - everything went! All here is mine! And earth and oil and gas and even your property. Who wants - in some pants - out of the kingdom!

And the rimpets of subjects reached in different countries ...

Scientists, merchants, master. Until left in the kingdom, one is only useless, nowhere has not been sought after a bastard. And servants of the cult. And bushings in bulk.

And the king-father alcohol appeared to be weak, became the king-father to dilute his drugs.

And one day in Ugar decided to marry his three sons.

But one of the green features, with whom he argued in a white hot, suggested to him, so that they send the arrows to the swamp. From the swamp de the most gorgeous ladies come true. And if some are stuck there, let the arrow pick up and under the crown!

Senior, they agreed with a neighbor's princess, with an awesome millet from the village of Nearby, where the arrows will be allowed to be selected urgently. And Ivan - the fool did not speak with anyone.

They sent arrows.

With an arrow of the senior princess of the neighboring kingdom, all in Tine and dirt got out.

With an arrow of the middle milkmaid, such awesome that the entire royal retinue was dissolved by chin.

And Ivan-fooling arrow a frog in the teeth holds.

Rzhet all the kingdom over Ivan, and he does not get used to him.

Tsar-schizophrenic Alco-Drugs ordered and three weddings played at once.

Ivan-fool in a blur with a waterproof with water, so that the frog there were raised there.

Senior with a princess dropped into her kingdom overwhelmed.

Middle with milking in a nearby bed creaking.

And Ivan-Durak only wanted a frog into the basin to plant, as she took the skin with a frog, and she turned around such a beauty that all the milkings were resting.

To go nuts, "said Ivan-Fool.

Choose, Vanya, "says Frog-Tsarevna. "I can be at night a frog, the day of the princess, I can be at night a princess, a day frog." In the first case, you will be very cool with me in front of the others throughout the day. And at night - alas!

In the second, there will be all the kingdom over you, but at night we are with you, Ivan Tsarevich, so we will be offended that they, and no shower. What you choose?

Well, of course the second !!! - screamed Ivan. - It is necessary for me and so all the kingdom of rzhet. And so I will be the happiest and satisfied.

And I can quit me, - continued the frog-prinevna, but Ivan-fool no longer listened to her, and threw it on the bed. And he was listened to, ofigeev from bewilderment.

Middle with milking, when they calm down, to moans and the squeak of the bed from the explosive of Ivan.

Who is he there ?? - they guess. - Stones and screams Mens and female stones. And the quack and not heard.

In the afternoon, Ivan-Durak was removed somewhere, and the king-father in a drunken ugar a frog replaced him. Enchanted threw out in the window, where her Heron picked up. And dragged somewhere far away ... And then whether - I ate, or lost ... And Ivan-fool left the most ordinary one.

Ivan-fool fell at night in hysterics!

Well, it does not want a frog into the beauty to turn in any way.

Ivan Ivan - the fool of her won.

And until the end of the life climbed the swamps, hoping to find this frog. Or other no worse. So drowned in the swamp one day.

Moral - do not part with your loved ones!

The king, having entered alcohol and drugs to die right in my office.

And the medium with a militant, who became a queen, rules for a long time and happily.

And after watching the fellow king, made the sobriety of the norm of life. And for yourself and subjects.

Reduced the subjects of the subjects, limited the self-defense with the Constitution, and oil and gas transferred to nationwide property.

Rules for a long time and happily. The subjects began to return back.


And the milkmaid can become a queen! (Unless, of course, it is awesome milkboard).

"Sober - the norm of life" is cool!

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About Ivan-Fool, Emel on the oven, Sivka-Burku and Elena, there were beautiful lived three brothers. In the elders, and the third Ivan-Fool. Pearl Him, when he was considered all his fool. And then he also had everyone. He was tricky and burned, vanyatka. From morning to yesterday I trained. On horse

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About Ivan Fool, Pop, Tsar, Mostlyodially chosen and overseas partner of Snake-Gorynych in some kingdom, some state of the king rules. The king was elected nationwide. But they considered the voices of the prince of servants. Therefore, the king was elected the whole country unanimously, even the dead

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About Ivan-fool, Kolobka and Shamakhan Queens lived yes I was in the light of Ivan.Sami you see the fool. Everyone would have been such fools - maybe life would have settled. Although it was unlikely ... and he had a friend - a kolobok. Brought up his grandfather with grandmother. Parents without end relationships found out,

From the book of the author

About Ivan and 333 heroes ride Ivan through the mountains, through the forest. Meets forest robber. And Ivan from childhood, Mama was taught: hit you on the left cheek, and you rushed away ... mock, and you are terribly, God will punish them. And at school taught humility, obedient to be ... and grief, it was not in the house

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The fairy tale about the princess-Nazmeyanu and Horse Horskina lived, there was a king. And he had a daughter. The name of her princess is Nedmeyan. She never even smiled. Published the king Decree: who will laugh to Tsarevna Nesmeyuanu - the foliar and her wife himself. So got his tsarist majesty to the nagging princes.

God is not good for fools. And fools are not just lucky. Oh, this Ivan: Fool, Lazy, dirty. And for that only this impractical, overtime becomes the main fabulous lucky woman?

Why do not allone help him? Why beautiful Tsarevna falls in love with him? .. Yes, it's not just falling in love, but getting married and wedding pirus wipes a fool-husband the current three snot streams?!


The image of a stupid and lucky younger brother - stray. He meets in oral folk creativity european peoples, in Chinese folklore, legends north American Indians, fairy tales of African, Australian and northern tribes. But only in Russian soil, he became so popular: Ivan-Durak - hardly our main fabulous hero. A fact that may seem at least strange, detects more than significant reasons for calibration.

The first of the reasons for the popularity of Ivan-fool is his comicness. After all, one of the main tasks of fairy tales is to entertain the listener. And the Saucer (many of which were scomerous) does everything to the peasants listening to his rainy in the evening in the Kabaska or a stuffy noon in line on the mill, it was as much fun!

The shoulder go to themselves, the furnace is traveling around the city and presses people, the duby is saming the tsarist envoys. Situations stupid, grotesque, because in their center a fool. And, at the same time, situations are typical for folk laughter culture: We are easily looking for them in popular european fairy tales or scientific papersdevoted to the nature of laughter. With certain reservations and Ivan-fool himself can be called a scrooch.

Fool oppressed

No less important social aspect The image of a fool. He is the younger brother in a patriarchal family living in common economy. It is practically no right. In fact, he last man in this world. Because the peasants listened to the undisguised pleasure, as this oppressed hero, a mustache, straightens with strong Mira Togo: not only with older brothers, but even with important officials, princes and - what is there - the king himself.

But the fairy tale would not be a fairy tale, if it was reduced to one by the search for social justice. According to some theories, a fairy tale about younger brother- This is a reflection of the field of medieval peasant family (residual phenomena of this gender could be found in late XIX. century). Rather: the peculiarity of fairy tales about the younger brother was due to the hereditary right existing at the time, according to which in the division of the deceased head of the family most of The farms came out exactly younger Son. But in the case when the heirs continued to lead a joint economy, the highest head of the family remained.

Also in a fairy tale: the older brothers are more right inside the family in comparison with Ivan, but as soon as there is a conflict, forcing Ivan to leave (even if) the limits of the family - "luck" goes to him, and at the end of the fairy tales it is he It becomes the owner of all the "earthly goods".

Fool - Yurody

The third cause of love for Ivana is its resemblance to yurodivny. In such a comparison, there is nothing surprising, if you remember that one of the synonyms of the word "wilderness" in the Dalya dictionary is "fool". Ivan - Fool, that is, a crazy, although the features and holy-madmen joined his image, and the devotees who brought the "Christ forces".

Sculpture was based on their anti-ethietary, painful to ugly. Etymologically "Yurody" dates back to the word "freak". Ivan-fool is described as the freak: forever he lies on the furnace, dirty, drowned, snot in the face rubs.

Ivan's relatives with the people and the paradoxicity of his speech: "And what," Ivanushka thinks, "after all the horse has four legs and the table also four, so the table is willing himself." In addition to the obvious comic, in such statements there is something more. Ivan turns the phenomena with legs on the head, as they did and the yrodovyov, who talked to riddles, and even those who fucked nonsense. So the blissful "cleared" eternal truths From the casual husks and the monotony of rituals. They seemed to shake the dusty carpet so that he became brighter, and cleaner. Or - put back to the legs standing on the head.

Interesting is also the nature of Lena Ivan. It is remarkable that his practical active brothers, despite all efforts, cannot achieve the goal. And Ivan as if it does not do anything: lies on his oven yes, it enjoys the fruits of the works of magic assistants. But in the fairy tale, it is not too lazy in itself. If the brothers are guided by the mind, then Ivan moves a little: he goes where the eyes look, legs lead, etc. Practical in the fairy tale is opposed to intuitive. And the second wins: because Ivan does not live with his powerless mind, but relies on God's will.

Fool - priest

The fool's connection with the otherworldly world is obvious: it is not for nothing that he lies on the furnace, which is at the same time both the center of the house (the center of the world) and the connection with the dead. No wonder it is helped by the magic animals - the most who are in primitive times Were totem. No wonder in many fairy tales, he is the only talking character, sometimes talking nonsense. Remembering that fairy tale Born out of the ritual, we can restore the role of Ivan in it. He is a person who communicates with the gods, that is, the priest. Therefore, the extended world helps him, so it turns out to be in a fairy tale in the main character, in all the senses of the word.

There was an old man with an old woman; They had three sons: two smart, the third is Ivanushka-fool. The clever sheep in the field of grazing, and the fool did nothing, everything was sitting on the stove and Fly caught.

At one time, the old woman had an arza dumplings and says fool:

On, demolish these dumplings to the brothers; Let them go.

Poured a full pot and gave him into his hands; He walked to the brothers. The day was sunny; Only Ivanka for the Occolic came out, I saw my shadow on the side and thinks:

"What kind of person is it? It goes next to me, I'm not far behind: right, the dumplings wanted? " And he began to throw the dumplings on his shade, so everything is united and enveloped; It looks, and the shadow is all on the side.

Eka insatiable womb! Said a fool with a heart and put into her pot - the shards scattered in different directions.

That comes with empty hands to the brothers; Those asked:

You, fool, why?

You brought lunch.

Where is the lunch? Let's lovely.

Yes, you hang, brothers, attached to me an expensive one know what kind of man and it was too!

What kind of person?

Here it is! And now stands near!

Brothers well, to scold him, beat, bold; Out and forced sheep grazing, and they themselves went to the village to dine.

A fool began to graze; She sees that sheep scattered around the field, let's catch them and eyes wipe. I shifted everyone, I won all my eyes, I gathered a herd in one pile and sits myself Radohonuk, as if it did. The brothers have dinner, grilled in the field.

What are you, fool, did it? Why a flock of blind?

Yes, won't your eyes? As you left, brothers, the sheep scared out, and I came up with: I began to catch them, I dreamed of a bunch, to pull out my eyes - in how you walked!

Wait, not so smalleling! - They say the brothers and let's treat it with fists; The order of the fool went to nuts!

There was no time a lot of time, sent the old people of Ivanushka-fool in the city for the holiday of buying. Total purchased Ivanushka: and the table bought, and spoons, and cups, and salt; Whole WHO diluted all sorts of things. Going home, and the horse is so knowing, failure: lucky - not lucky!

"And what," Ivanushka thinks, "after all the horse has four legs and the table, too, four, so the table is will delight."

He took the table and put on the road. It goes, rides, is close, if, far, and the crows so and go over it and everything is kanky.

"To know, sisters eat-eat hunting that they snatched!" Thought the fool. Put the dishes with the disadvantages of the ground and began to sweep:

Golubushki sister! Eat on health.

And he himself all forward and move forward.

Rides Ivanushka Merrestovka; On the way, all stumps burnt.

"Eh," thinks guys without hats; After all, it is cold, hearty! "

I took the pots on them and Korchagi. That Ivanushka reached the river, let's walk the horse, and she does not drink everything.

"Know, without salt does not want!" - and well caring the water. Palked full of salt bag, the horse does not drink.

What do you do not drink, wolf meat? Is the problem of a salt bag poured?

I was enough to lie with it, yes, right in the head - and killed poured. I was left at Ivanushka one wallet with spoons, and that he was carried on himself. It goes - Nazady spoons and bryakat: Bryak, Bryak, Bryak! And he thinks that the spoons say something: "Ivanushka-Fool!" - threw them and well, so sorry:

Here you are Ivanushka-Fool! Here you are Ivanushka-Fool! Still attended tease, unfasteless! Round home and says to the brothers:

All redeemed brothers!

Thank you, fool, yes where do you have purchases?

And the table is running, yes, know, beaten behind, the sister's dishes eat, the pots of yes Korchagi guys in the woods needed to leave the head, sally sank her horse; And the spoons tease - so I left them on the road.

Stay, fool, quickly! Gather everything that scattered on the road!

Ivanushka went to the forest, removed the Korchagi from the burnt stumps, raised the bottom and put on the Batog Korchag with a dozen of all sorts of: and large and small. Carries home. Died his brothers; Let's go to the city for shopping, and the fool left home. Listens to the fool, and beer in the junction so wanders, and wanders.

Beer, not Brody! Fool is not a teasing! - says Ivanushka.

No, beer does not listen; I took and released everything from the tub, myself got into the trough, it turns around, and the songs hits.

The brothers arrived, firmly hacked, took the Ivanushka, stitched in the cult and dragged to the river. They put Kul on the shore, and they themselves went to inspect.

At that time, some barin was driving past the top of the brown; Ivanushka and shouting:

Sing me to the Voivodship to judge yes, but I don't really know how to judge!

Wait, fool, - said Barin, - I can and judge and crawl; Get out of the kul!

Ivanushka got out of the kul, stitched Barin there, and sat down in his wagon and left her mind. Brothers came, pulled the cult under the ice and listen; And in water and bogat.

Know the bog cat! - Speak brothers and walked home.

To meet them, from where you take, goes on the top three Ivanushka, goes yes it grabs:

That's about what I caught horses! And still remained Sivko - so nice!

Justily became brothers; They say fool:

Sewing now we are in Kul yes, descend quickly in the hole! Will not leave us Sivko ...

I lowered their Ivanushka-fool in the hole and drove his home beer to doubts yes brothers to remember.

Ivanoshka had a well, a deck of fish, and my fairy tale.