Author's fairy tales Eh Hogarth Golden Key. Mafin and his fun friends

Author's fairy tales Eh Hogarth Golden Key. Mafin and his fun friends
Author's fairy tales Eh Hogarth Golden Key. Mafin and his fun friends

En Hogarth, Marjori Poppleton, Aille Arthurton

Mafin and his fun friends

En Hogart

Mafin and his fun friends

Donkey Mafin is one of the favorite heroes of the English guys. He was born in the puppet theater Ann Hogarth and her husband Yana Baslama. From there he stepped out on the screens of London television. And then his portraits were blocked on children's toys, and on wallpaper, and on plates, and on cups. And not alone Mafina, but also his cheerful friends - Penguin Perigrin, Osvald Ostrus, Keanguri Katty and others. With the adventures of these heroes, you will get acquainted in our book.

Mafin is looking for a treasure

There was a wonderful spring day, and the Donkey Mafin had fun ran around the garden - looking for something to do. He has already moved all his front sabs and poppons, ate breakfast, looked like a carrot grow on the beds, and now I dreamed about any miracle happened.

And the miracle happened.

The wind unexpectedly brought from somewhere crumpled sheet of paper. Shells hit the Mafina straight into the forehead and stuck between the ears.

The mafin took it off, carefully unfolded and began to consider - first on the one hand, then on the other.

Here he suddenly discovered that he had not breathed from excitement for a long time, and released the air with such force, as if he was not a donkey, but a steam locomotive.

- That's so thing! .. Why is it the same treasure! Bared treasure. And this is the plan of the place where it is subject to.

Mafine sat down and stared at the piece of paper.

- Yeah! I guessed! - he exclaimed. - Clay hidden under the big oak. Now run and sway it.

But in this moment, a heavy sigh rang out behind Mafina. Oslik quickly turned around and saw Penguin Perigrin, who also intently examined the plan.

- Yeah, treasure! - whispered Perigrin. - For a long time, it is not necessary to guess. There is no doubt: this is a map of the southern pole. Treasure buried there! I'll take skis, the ice paint - and on the road!

"Southern Pole Map? - repeated the mafin to myself. - South Pole? Unlikely! I still think that the treasure buried under the oak. Let me take another look at the plan. "

Perigrin began to consider the map through the magnifying glass, and the mafin lay on the stomach and pulled out the face: he thought she was better to consider the map.

"Oak," Mafin whispered.

- South Pole, - muttered Perigrin.

Suddenly someone's shadow lay on the map. This approached Negritinok Wolly.

- Why is this state of Louisiana in America! - he exclaimed. - I was born there. MiG I will put things and go to the treasure! I wonder how it is better to get there?

All three stared at the card again.

- Louisiana! - Just joined Wolly.

- South Pole, - muttered Perigrin.

"Oak," whispered Mafin.

Suddenly, all three jumped in place, because the pebbles crushed behind. This appeared Ostvald Ostrich. Extending a long neck, he looked at the card and smiled.

- Of course, this is Africa! - he said. - I once lived there. I go to the way of this minute. Only you must first remember the plan.

- This is Louisiana! - exclaimed Walled.

- No, South Pole! - Perigrin objected.

- Oak! Oak! - insisted Mafin.

"Africa," Oswald whispered. "That's what," he said, "I pick up a plan with me!" - He pulled the neck and grabbed the canvo paper.

At the same time, the waves clung to her with his brown handle, Perigrin stepped onto the corner of the map of the confused paw, and in the other her angle clung to Mafin's teeth.

And suddenly, where neither take, clapping the ears and wagging the tail, Pyter puppy rushed.

- Thank you, Mafin! Thank you, Oswald! Thank you, Wolly and Perigrin! He cried, choking on the rapid run.

All of the surprise forgot about the map.

- Thanks for that? - asked Mafin.

- Yes, for what you found my piece of paper! Said Peter. "She flew out of his mouth, and I already decided that she was disappeared."

- Your piece of paper? - Perigrin grunted.

- Well, yes, but I would not really want her to lose. After all, without it, I can not find my treasure!

- What is the treasure?! - exclaimed Mafin, Oswald, Walled and Perigrin.

"Didn't you understand what is drawn here?" Here is the path of our garden. Here is a bush. But the flower bed. And this is the place where I buried my favorite bone.

And Peter ran away, carefully holding a piece of paper in the teeth.

- Bone! - grooved Mafin.

- Flowerba! - sighed Oswald.

- Bushes! - grumbled Perigrin.

- And we did not realize! - whispered Wolly.

And all four killed by grief, went home. But they quickly comforted, seeing that they were waiting for tea with sweet cookies.

Mafin bake Pie

Standing in front of the mirror, Mafin put on a rack of a cook cap, tied a snow-white apron and went to the kitchen with an important look. He conceived a bake for his friends a cake - not any, but a real festive pie: on eggs, with apples, cloves and various decorations.

Everything you need, he laid out on the kitchen table. It turned out that for such a cake you need a lot: both culinary book, both bowl, and butter, eggs, and sugar, and apples, cinnamon, and a carnation, and a lot of different differences.

"Now, if I leave me alone and no one will pester me, I am a nice pie to the bake!"

But as soon as he said, he heard a loud buzz and a bee flew into the room. She had a very important appearance, and in his legs she carried a jar with honey.

- I was sent by our queen! - said the bee, bowing. "She heard that you gonna bake a sweet cake, and therefore the competitive asks you to take a little honey." Try, what a wonderful honey!

"Be sure," said Mafin. - thank your queen. But in the recipe, nothing says about the honey. It says: "Take sugar ..."

- PI-Z-Z-Zdor! - Angry Friendly from the bee. - Her Majesty Beesnaya Queen will not accept refusal. All the best pies are made on honey.

She buzzed so annoying that Mafin agreed to take honey and put it in the dough.

- I will give your gratitude to Her Majesty! - said the bee and, waving his paw, flew out the window.

Mafine sighed with relief.

- Okay! - he said. - I hope that such a droplet honey will not hurt the cog.

- So, so, my boy! Pie stove? Choj-R-Rosho.

It was a parrot Poppy. She flew into the window and sat down on the table.

- So-so. Very choir-R-Rosho. But you need fresh eggs! I just demolished the testicle for you here is this cup. Take, and everything will be fine, my dear!

Mafin came terror, but he always tried to be polite with Poppi, because Poppy was very old and irritable.

"Thank you, Poppy," he said. - Only please do not worry: I already have eggs for the cake. Chicken eggs.

Ann Hogarth (Ann Hogarth; July 19, 1993) - Puppet Master, Born in England. At school, she decided to become an actress and studied at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. She then became the manager in the Game Theater in London. Producer was a lover of dolls, Jan Bousell. In 1932, he and Ann created their own puppet theater - "Hogarth dolls". Spouses got married. For 50 years, the "Hogarth dolls" toured through the UK and all over the world. In the summer, they visited many London parks with theatrical tent, pleased with countless children. When Bousells retired, in Devon, they created the international exhibition of dolls, showing all the characters that they collected and received during their travels. Currently, dolls are owned by the Center for Trust in London. At first her husband died, Ann died in a nursing home 8 years after his death.

Donkey Mafin: The Donskoy Mafin was born in 1933 on the stage of the puppet theater belonging to Ann Hogart and her husband Jan Bousell. In 1946, he appeared in the TVW host television program "for children" whose script was written by Ann Hogart. Actress Annette Mills in the transfer sang and played on the piano, on the lid of which danced Mafin. It was the first special children's show. Soon it turned into a separate program in which other heroes of the future book appeared - Tyulenya Sally, Louise's sheep, Penguin Overin, Ostrich Oswald. All dolls were invented and made Ann Hogarth. When Ann Hogarth, along with his husband toured the world with his own puppet theater, whose repertoire included and fairy tales about Mafina. In just 11 years, more than three hundred release issues came out. The donkey became a real telephone.

In the early 1950s, Ann Hogarth has handled the history about Mafina and made some of them in a small book. Then there were three more stories, which differed in the color of the cover - red, blue, purple and green. The stories about Mafina, the Unn Hogarth, composed a large series of several books - there is a red mafine book, blue, green, lilap, etc. Then they were all published in the same book "Mafin and his fun friends." Fairy tales were translated into many languages \u200b\u200band fell in love with children of different countries. Among illustors, the book was the daughter of Ann Hogart.

Ann Hogarth (Ann Hogarth) (07/19/19 10-09.04.1993) - Puppet master, born on July 19 in Franchom, County Surrey, the fourth child of William Jackson, teacher, and his wife, Olivia. Her mother died when she was two years old. Inspired by the winning prizes for public speeches at school, she decided to become an actress and studied at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. She then became the manager in the Game Theater in London. Producer was a lover of dolls, Jan Bousell. In 1932, he and Ann created their own puppet theater - "Hogarth dolls". Spouses got married in March 1933 and spent their honeymoon in Camping on tour in Kotswalds with the company. They behaved their own - reservation of church halls, sale of tickets, and finally gave ideas, on "one and a half hours of flickering entertainment!" So for 50 years in the Gastroings in the UK and around the world. "Hogarth dolls" toured in the world, playing in West End theaters, in Outback Australia, as well as on Canada's ice hats. In the summer, they visited many London parks with theatrical tent, pleased with countless children. When Bousells retired, in Devon, they created an international doll exhibition, showing all the perrsens, which they collected and received during their travels. Currently, dolls are owned by the Center for Trust in London. After the death of Yana in April 1985, Ann moved to Budleigh Salterton. She found that life lonely in old age is very disappointing. Many loved and respected for her reasonable criticism of the next doll generation. She died in the nursing home on April 9, 1993.

Donkey Mafin:
Donkey Mafin was born in 1933 on the stage of the Hogarth Puppets puppet theater belonging to Ann Hogart and her husband Jan Bousell. In 1946, he appeared in the television broadcast of the Air Force "for children", the scenario of which Ann Hogart was written. Actress Annette Mills in the transfer sang and played on the piano, on the lid of which danced Mafin. It was the first special children's show. Soon it turned into a separate program in which other heroes of the future book appeared - Tyulenya Sally, Louise's sheep, Penguin Overin, Ostrich Oswald. All dolls were invented and made Ann Hogarth. The program quickly became a favorite of children's television. After Mills's death in 1955, Mafin and his friends were regularly appeared on TV screens. Accompanied by Jan Bussel. Then Ann Hogart, along with his husband toured the world with his own puppet theater, whose repertoire included and fairy tales about Mafina, and the version of Macbeth in the style of cubism. In just 11 years, more than three hundred release issues came out. The donkey became a real telephone. He was even filmed into a documentary, especially for display in the United States. In the 1980s, the old issues of the program with great success were again shown on the Air Force. In 2005, 26 new series about the Mafina donkey and his friends should be shown.
In the early 1950s, Ann Hogarth has handled the history about Mafina and made some of them in a small book. Then there were three more stories, which differed in the color of the cover - red, blue, purple and green. The stories about the Mafin, the Anne Hogarth, composed a large series of several books - there is a red mafin book, blue, green, lilap, etc. Then they were all published in the same book "Mafin and his fun friends." Fairy tales were translated into many languages \u200b\u200band fell in love with children of different countries. Among the illustrators there was a daughter Annette Mills Molly Blake.

Fairy tales:
Mafin and his fun friends:
- Mafin is looking for a treasure.
- Mafin bake pie.
- Mafin is dissatisfied with his tail.
- Donkey Mafin.
- picture-mystery.
- Mafine-detective.
- How to make a TV yourself.
- Color the picture
- Mafin and his famous zucchini.
- Where is the mistake?
- Marjori Poppleton. Richard and Moon.
- Tyulenya Sally
- Penguin Perigrin
- Mafine sings a song.
- Mafin and magic scallop.
- Magic squares
- Mafin and Spider.
- Where is the mistake?
- Aylen Arthurton. Martov Lion.
- Mafin writes a book.
- Mafine goes to Australia.
- The arrival of Kiwi Kiwi named Kirry.
- Sheep Louise
- Mafin and tramp.
- Mafin and garden scarecrow.
- Draw!

Ann Hogarth (English. Ann Hogarth; July 19, 1910 - April 9, 1993) - Puppet Master, Born on July 19, 1910 in Franch, County Surrey, the fourth child of William Jackson, Teacher, and his wife, Olivia Hall. Her mother died when she was two years old. Inspired by the winning prizes for public speeches at school, she decided to become an actress and studied at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. She then became the manager in the Game Theater in London. Producer was a lover of dolls, Jan Bousell. In 1932, he and Ann created their own puppet theater - "Hogarth dolls". Spouses got married in March 1933 and spent their honeymoon in Camping on tour in Kotswalds with the company. They behaved their own - reservation of church halls, sale of tickets, and finally gave ideas, on "one and a half hours of flickering entertainment!" So it was for 50 years in the UK tour and around the world. "Hogarth dolls" toured in the world, playing in West End theaters, in Outback Australia, as well as on Canada's ice hats. In the summer, they visited many London parks with theatrical tent, pleased with countless children. When Bousells retired, in Devon, they created the international exhibition of dolls, showing all the characters that they collected and received during their travels. Currently, dolls are owned by the Center for Trust in London. After the death of Yana in April 1985, Ann moved to Budleigh Salterton. She found that life lonely in old age is very disappointing. Many loved and respected for her reasonable criticism of the next doll generation. She died in the nursing home on April 9, 1993.

There was a wonderful spring day, and the Donkey Mafin had fun ran around the garden - looking for something to do. He has already moved all his front sabs and poppons, ate breakfast, looked like a carrot grow on the beds, and now I dreamed about any miracle happened.

And the miracle happened.

The wind unexpectedly brought from somewhere crumpled sheet of paper. Shells hit the Mafina straight into the forehead and stuck between the ears.

The mafin took it off, carefully unfolded and began to consider - first on the one hand, then on the other.

Here he suddenly discovered that he had not breathed from excitement for a long time, and released the air with such force, as if he was not a donkey, but a steam locomotive.

That's so thing! .. Why is it the same treasure! Bared treasure. And this is the plan of the place where it is subject to.

Mafine sat down and stared at the piece of paper.

Yeah! I guessed! - he exclaimed. - Clay hidden under the big oak. Now run and sway it.

But in this moment, a heavy sigh rang out behind Mafina. Oslik quickly turned around and saw Penguin Perigrin, who also intently examined the plan.

Yeah, treasure! - whispered Perigrin. - For a long time, it is not necessary to guess. There is no doubt: this is a map of the southern pole. Treasure buried there! I'll take skis, the ice paint - and on the road!

"Southern Pole Map? - repeated the mafin to myself. - South Pole? Unlikely! I still think that the treasure buried under the oak. Let me take another look at the plan. "

Perigrin began to consider the map through the magnifying glass, and the mafin lay on the stomach and pulled out the face: he thought she was better to consider the map.

Oak, - whispered Mafin.

South Pole, - muttered Perigrin.

Suddenly someone's shadow lay on the map. This approached Negritinok Wolly.

Why is this state of Louisiana in America! - he exclaimed. - I was born there. MiG I will put things and go to the treasure! I wonder how it is better to get there?

All three stared at the card again.

Louisiana! - Just joined Wolly.

South Pole, muttered Perigrin.

Oak, - whispered Mafin.

Suddenly, all three jumped in place, because the pebbles crushed behind. This appeared Ostvald Ostrich. Extending a long neck, he looked at the card and smiled.

Of course, this is Africa! - he said. - I once lived there. I go to the way of this minute. Only you must first remember the plan.

This is Louisiana! - exclaimed Walled.

No, South Pole! - Perigrin objected.

Oak! Oak! - insisted Mafin.

Africa, "Oswald whispered. "That's what," he said, "I pick up a plan with me!" - He pulled the neck and grabbed the canvo paper.

At the same time, the waves clung to her with his brown handle, Perigrin stepped onto the corner of the map of the confused paw, and in the other her angle clung to Mafin's teeth.

And suddenly, where neither take, clapping the ears and wagging the tail, Pyter puppy rushed.

Thank you, mafin! Thank you, Oswald! Thank you, Walled and Perigrin! He cried, choking on the rapid run.

All of the surprise forgot about the map.

Thanks for that? - asked Mafin.

So for what you found my piece of paper! Said Peter. "She flew out of his mouth, and I already decided that she was disappeared."

Your piece of paper? - Perigrin grunted.

Well, yes, I would not really want her to lose. After all, without it, I can not find my treasure!

What treasure?! - exclaimed Mafin, Oswald, Walled and Perigrin.

Did you not understand what is drawn here? Here is the path of our garden. Here is a bush. But the flower bed. And this is the place where I buried my favorite bone.

And Peter ran away, carefully holding a piece of paper in the teeth.

Bone! - grooved Mafin.

Flowerba! - sighed Oswald.

Busta! - grumbled Perigrin.

And we did not realize! - whispered Wolly.

And all four killed by grief, went home. But they quickly comforted, seeing that they were waiting for tea with sweet cookies.

Mafin bake Pie

Standing in front of the mirror, Mafin put on a rack of a cook cap, tied a snow-white apron and went to the kitchen with an important look. He conceived a bake for his friends a cake - not any, but a real festive pie: on eggs, with apples, cloves and various decorations.

Everything you need, he laid out on the kitchen table. It turned out that for such a cake you need a lot: both culinary book, both bowl, and butter, eggs, and sugar, and apples, cinnamon, and a carnation, and a lot of different differences.

Now, if I leave me alone and no one will pester me, I am a nice cake to the bake!

But as soon as he said, he heard a loud buzz and a bee flew into the room. She had a very important appearance, and in his legs she carried a jar with honey.

I was sent by our queen! - said the bee, bowing. "She heard that you gonna bake a sweet cake, and therefore the competitive asks you to take a little honey." Try, what a wonderful honey!

Understand, - said Mafin. - thank your queen. But in the recipe, nothing says about the honey. It says: "Take sugar ..."

PI-Z-Z-Zdor! - Angry Friendly from the bee. - Her Majesty Beesnaya Queen will not accept refusal. All the best pies are made on honey.

She buzzed so annoying that Mafin agreed to take honey and put it in the dough.

I will give your gratitude to Her Majesty! - said the bee and, waving his paw, flew out the window.

Mafine sighed with relief.

Okay! - he said. - I hope that such a droplet honey will not hurt the cog.

So, so, my boy! Pie stove? Choj-R-Rosho.

It was a parrot Poppy. She flew into the window and sat down on the table.

So-so. Very choir-R-Rosho. But you need fresh eggs! I just demolished the testicle for you here is this cup. Take, and everything will be fine, my dear!

Mafin came terror, but he always tried to be polite with Poppi, because Poppy was very old and irritable.

Thank you, Poppy, - he said. - Only please do not worry: I already have eggs for the cake. Chicken eggs.

Poppy was very angry: how he dares to think, as if chicken eggs are better than parrot!

I'm not kidding at all, young mafin! She screamed angrily. - In the best pies always put eggs parrots. Do how I tell you, and do not argue! "And, leaving a cup with an egg, she flew away, something angry murming for himself."

"Well, okay," Mafin decided, "one small testicle cannot damage the cake. Let let go to the dough with honey. And then I will do everything on the culinary book. "

And the mafin went to the buffet of sugar. But then there was a fun laughter, and, turning around, Mafin saw two little blacks, Walk and Molly. They climbed around a bowl with a dough: they threw it a little bit of that, a little bit of this, a pinch of one, a piece of the other and stirred the dough, not even looking into the culinary book.