"The acquisition of children to musical art through the integration of various types of musical and artistic activities with the use of ICT" Bocarnikov. Musical and artistic activities, compassion for musical art

"The acquisition of children to musical art through the integration of various types of musical and artistic activities with the use of ICT" Bocarnikov. Musical and artistic activities, compassion for musical art


  1. Analysis of the situation.
  2. Problem.
  3. Planned results.
  4. Work system.
  5. Diagnostic tools.
  6. Conditions providing results.
  7. List of sources used.
  8. Application.

Analysis of the situation.

Global transformations today occur in all spheres social Life, Including in the field of education. The role of popular education systems belongs to crucial issues Pedagogy. The legacy of each people contains valuable ideas and education experience. The preservation and development of the traditions of each people are relevant for our multiethnic country. K. folk traditions Provides spiritual I. moral development Personality.

How did people live? How did you work and how did you relate? What pleased them, and what was worried? What did they keep traditions and customs? What decorated your life? How to dress? What games were children? What holidays? Reply to these and similar questions - it means to restore the connection of times, return the lost values. To do this, contact the sources of Russian folk culture, Rus's stories, get in touch with folk art And part of the child's soul, the beginning, generating a person. To raise the pride in children for their people, to support interest in his history and culture, help to learn and respect their past, their origins, history and culture of their people and the project "Development of Music - artistic activities Through the admission to the traditions of the peoples of Russia. " The project contributes to the development of cognitive abilities of children, the formation of high morality, brings up the love of the Fatherland, respect for the ancestors, interest in the original Russian culture, through the development of musically - artistic activities in kindergarten (in accordance with the content educational region "Music" FGT).


Folk culture is one of the means of moral, cognitive and aesthetic development Children. Currently, due to many reasons most of spiritual Heritage and items of material folk culture were lost. A critical situation is created, in which we can deprive the modern and subsequent generation of the most valuable property of the regional folk artistic culture And thereby finally destroy the spiritual connection of contemporaries with cultural traditions and creative experience past generations.

It follows from this that the problem of preserving traditional folk culture acquires important nature And it is necessary to solve this problem already from preschool age. Already in kindergarten it is necessary to attach to popular culture, because in preschool age, the formation and development of the personality of the child is being developed, and the folk traditions raise the future citizen of Russia.

Russia is rich in their traditions, customs, folk holidays. One of these holidays is a big popular walking At the end of the winter "Maslenitsa" and direct participation in the festival leaves a more complete and deep idea of \u200b\u200bhim. It gives children the opportunity to understand the entire depth, latitude and deep meaning of this fun and a little sad celebration. Therefore, there was an idea in holding a festive walking "Maslenitsa" by the forces of teachers, parents and guys.

Objective of the project: Formation of ideas about folk traditions in children of senior preschool age (Maslenitsa holiday).

Project tasks:

didactic: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat "traditions" is. Meet the traditions of the Russian people;

developing: promote the development of interest in history, traditions in the life of people; develop search engines, creative activity; develop communicative skills;

raising: ethnocultural competence of preschoolers.

Target audience of the project:

Music director;

Educators of the middle, older, preparatory Group;

Parents, children from 5 to 7 years.

Project Type:

by the method: creative;

by number of participants: intergroup

by duration: short.

Planned results.

For each of the tasks of musical - artistic activity, it is planned to achieve the following results in children:

- formation of ideas about what "traditions" is, familiarization with the traditions of the Russian people;

Development of interest in history, traditions in the life of people; development of search activities, creative activity; Communicative skills;

- ethnic cultural competence of preschoolers.

Work system.

Work on the introduction of children to Russian folk culture is implemented through the educational area "Music" in accordance with the "Program of Education and Training in kindergarten" edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, TS Komarova. In addition, I use different technologies of O.L.Knyazova "The introduction of children to the origins of Russian folk culture", the technology of "elementary musication with preschoolers" T.tutyunnikova, "Technology M.V. Khazova "Gorenka", Music - literary development magazine "Music Palette", "Folk Holidays" Naumenko.

Creative group of pedagogues of kindergarten designed perspective plan To familiarize children of senior preschool age with people's ritual holidays in Russia. For mine practical work in this direction, I use:

Developing medium in kindergarten;

Various types of folklore;

As a result, I spend the holidays.

As a result of working on this problem, methodological recommendations on the organization and conduct were developed folk holidays In kindergarten.

Stages of the project

stages of the project

pedagogue activities

the activities of children.

preparatory - Organizational Stage

1. Formation of the problem: what traditions are. Where do the traditions come from, how and from what makes up.

1. Entrance to the problem.

2. search activity On the traditions of the holiday "Maslenitsa" in his family.

the main stage.

project implementation:

accumulation of knowledge;

practical stage.

1. Joint planning activities.

2. Organization of activities, assistance in solving the tasks.

1. Collection of information.

question: "How is Maslenitsa celebrated in Russia? What is the meaning of the characters - "Maslenitsa".

1. Practical assistance in systematizing the information received.

2. Project execution.

1. Creating a mini museum in a group with a selection of household goods, costumes, illustrations, etc. 2. The supply and manufacture of the passenger calendar.


1. Preparation and conducting theatrical representation of "Wide Maslenitsa".

1. Theatrical representation of "Wide Maslenitsa" -

2. Excursions to the Mini Museum "Russian Izba"

4. Exhibitions of children's work

Project implementation

Sections of the program

Forms and methods of work


Speech development, familiarity with fiction

The study of pedagogical and fiction, Internet sources.

Familiarization of proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa.

Reading fiction: the story of K. D. Ushinsky "Promotion of the old woman-winter". Crevitsky "Four-time year"; Russian folk tale "Snow Maiden"; Russian folk fairy tale "About phili"

Competition of proverbs and sayings, mysteries

Registration of albums "Proverbs and sayings"; "Songs-Flying" about Maslenitsa.

Cognitive development

Studying the traditions of passenger wagons.

Study of popular decorative applied art.

Conversations about Maslenitsa, folk costumes, dwellings, household subjects.

Node "Maslenitsa Dear - Our Guest One-year"

Game activity

Scene-role and didactic games

Production of attributes to games, help in their organization

Theatrical activity

Theatricalization of folk fairy tales, flies, non-pieces, poems - the joint work of children, educators and parents of pupils.

Theatrical representation of the "wide carnival".

Musical activity

Study folk songsdance.

Week of carnival festivities.

Heading folk musical games, dance, dance.

Physical education

Studying folk games.

Russians folk Games, fun.

Productive activity, drawing

The study of traditional folk crafts, methods and techniques of their manufacture.

Exhibitions of children's creativity;

Work of creative workshops (drawings, crafts).

Work with parents

Participation in the manufacture of the Mobile Folder "Wide Maslenitsa"

Participation in the manufacture of attributes, decorations for the holiday (noise orchestra, suits)

Participation in the theatrical presentation.

Exhibition of creative works.

Tea drinking with pancakes "Sweet Evening"

Involvement B.

theatrical representation of "Wide Maslenitsa"

Relationship with society

Interaction of the Branch of Children's Library No. 13,

With students SF SGEU

Excursion in mini-gaze "Russian hut".

Speech in the theatrical representation of "Wide Maslenitsa"

Estimated product:

For kids: creation of a mini-museum "Russian Izba" in the group .

Exhibitions of children's activities in the project implementation process.

Final event "Wide Maslenitsa"

For teachers: development of guidelines for organizing national holidays in pre-school educational institutions;

broadcasting work on the project on the stands for parents in kindergarten.

Diagnostic tools.

Main results Music - art Development And the upbringing of pupils is estimated within the framework of monitoring procedures in which leading methods will be:

Child observation;
- individual conversations (with children, parents);


Various test tools,

Self-assessing judgments of children.

Diagnostics allowed us to determine the most important areas in the work on the creation of conditions for familiarizing and attaching children to traditional folk culture.
For this, several structural components were isolated, the purpose of which was:

  • Determine the level of formation of the ideas of children about folk traditions;
  • Identification of interest in the culture and traditions of their people;
  • The presence of experience in family education, traditions and customs in the family.

Conditions providing results

For the admission of senior preschoolers, certain conditions have been created to the Russian traditional traditions:

Logistical about clearing project:

  • Mini - Museum "Russian Izba".
  • Multifunctional corner "Corner of Razheny", "Corner of Privacy".
  • Room fairy tales, where various types of theaters are placed.
  • Audio with entry of folk songs and melodies, fairy tales.
  • The works of decorative - applied art, painting and objects national Most with various types of paintings.
  • A plan of organizing and holding folk holidays, holidays of the people's calendar was drawn up.
  • Selected library with oral folk creativitySmall folklore genres Russian people's fiction and of different nations World.
  • Made a card file of folk games, folk toys and national dolls.
  • The abstract activities of joint activities with children are drawn up.

Personnel composition:

Educational and methodical about clearing project:

"The acquisition of children to the origins of Russian folk culture" O.A. Knyazeva, ppm Mahaneva. " Full encyclopedia life of the Russian people "I. Pankayev," We live in Russia "N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova (for senior and preparatory groups), "Heritage" E.V. Solovyov, L.I. Tsarenko, "Heritage" M.Yu. Novitskaya, Eor (presentations, cartoon).

List of sources used

  1. "All year round." Russian agricultural calendar. Moscow, ed. "True", 1991.
  2. Russian folklore. Moscow, " Fiction", 1986.
  3. Aksenova Z.F. Sports holidays In kindergarten: benefits for workers preschool institutions. -M.: TC Sphere, 2003.
  4. Baturin G. I., Kuzina T. F. Folk pedagogy In modern educational process - M.: School Press 2003.
  5. Bondarenko Z.O. "Holidays of Christian Russia." Russian people orthodox calendar: Ref. ed. Kaliningrad: KN. Publishing house, 1993.
  6. Vasilieva MA, Herbova V.V., Komarova TS " Guidelines to the program of upbringing and learning in kindergarten ";
  7. Vasilyeva M.A., Herbova V.V., Komoyovit. "The program of upbringing and learning in kindergarten";
  8. Verasaks N.E., Komarova TS, Antonova A.V.i Dr. from birth to school.
  9. Daimedina I.P. Play, kids M., Enlightenment, 1992
  10. Zatresinam.B. " Musical education in kindergarten ";
  11. Keneman A.V., Osokina T.I. Children's moving games of the USSR: a guide for a kindergarten teacher. -M.: Enlightenment, 1988.
  12. Melnikova L. I., Zimin A.N Children's Music Folklore in a preschool educational institution "Gnome-Press" LLC 2000.
  13. Pavlova P.A., Gorbunova I.V. "Grow healthy, baby!" Program of recovery of children early age M., 2006.
  14. Penzulaeva L.I. Moving games and game exercises for children 5-7 years. - M.: Humanit. ed. Center Vlados, 2001.
  15. Collection edited by V.Dalya in 2 tt. "Proverbs of the Russian people." Moscow, "Fiction", 1984.
  16. Tikhonova M. V., Smirnova N. S. Krasnaya Zaba St. Petersburg "Childhood-Press" 2000.
  17. Holiday encyclopedia. Author-compiler N.V. Chudakov. Moscow, AST-LTD publishing house, 1998.


Attachment 1.

Maslenic Week events plan for senior preschool age

Monday - Meeting

Work in music Hall

Work on mull

Work in the group

Interaction with parents

Electronic presentation "Wide Maslenitsa" - acquaintance of children with the meaning and customs of the holiday

Learning of oil-slices (senior. Preparatory group);

Horticulture "rides Maslenitsa" R.N. Melody (senior, Podgom. gr.).

Solemn meeting of Maslenitsa;

Folk Moving Games: Malechina -Kalachina, "Carousel", "Zarya";

Competition for the Best Snow Figure

Puppet Theater "Petrushechenny Comedy";

Spring and Winter Riddles

conversation "What a holiday, carnival?"

Consider the album "Maslenitsa"

Sayings about Maslenitsa

Usage verse "Maslenitsa"

Creating a mobile folder on the topic "Wide Maslenitsa"

Reception Corner "Maslenitsa Praskovka"

Tuesday - Blash

Work in the musical hall

Work for a walk

Work in the group

Interaction with parents

Jumping the song "That's the winter is passed" R.N. melody; - the competition of chastushki "how at the oil week";

Horovodnaya games "And I walked in the meadow", "Zainka, Bunch"

Sledging. -

Sports leisure-entertainment "Carnival goes, damn yes honey carries"

Heading proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa.

Conversation "How to celebrate Carnival"

Heading Maslennichny Slashkin

Manufacturing along with the bars of stuffed carnival

Production of attributes for the holiday (shatulok, cracks, lunches, turbine, whistle)

Wednesday - Lakaka

Work in the musical hall

Work for a walk

Work in the group

Interaction with parents

Repeat songs "How winter has met in the spring"

Horovodnaya game "Shadow, Shadow, Potten" R.N. melody.

Competition drawings in the snow.

Games - Competitions "Sly Ball", "Lucky Guys";

Acquaintance with symbols of pancakes.

Productive activity "Our Hut Joy is rich" (manufacture with children of grain dolls)

Workers' verse "About Maslenitsa"

Listening songs "How on the Maslany Week"

Sweet evening, tea drinking with pancakes.

Thursday - ragble

Work in the musical hall

Work for a walk

Work in the group

Interaction with parents

Folk-free games "Gori, Gori, Clear", "Pots";

Learning of flowes, sayings, non-pieces;

The dramatization "as a man a cow sold" S. Mikhalkov.

The singing of Russian folk songs.

Russian folk games "burners", "Who is faster on the broom," "Two frost";

Skating with ice slide.

Relay games "Treating rope"

"Snow Tir"

"Who is faster on the broom"

Exhibition of drawings "Winter ragble";

Manufacturing attributes for the design of the holiday (iso-decorating pancakes).

Hearing songs "Song Blinam"

Production of attributes, crafts for the design of the musical hall and plots.

Friday - Carnival Wires

Work in the musical hall

Work for a walk

Work in the group

Interaction with parents

Theatrical representation of "Wide Maslenitsa"

Theatrical representation of the "Wide Maslenitsa" on the street.

Cartoon "Maslenitsa".

Conversation: "What we learned about Maslenitsa";

Festive event with parents: "Wide carnival!".

Appendix 2.

Diagnostic Card

Music upbringing.

Can enter the character of the character, convey its nature and behavior with the help of fixed assets;

Knowledge of the various characters of music;

Knowledge of the characteristics of Russian dancers;

Perform ability dance movescharacteristic of Russian dance;

The ability to stage (in dances, dance, dance);

The ability to invent movements reflecting the content of the song;

The ability to invent movements, the elements of dance movements, characteristic of Russian dancers;

The ability to play Russian folk musical instruments, know and call them.

Knowledge and ability to play Russian folk games.

High level

average level

low level

High level - 3 points.

Middle level - 2 points.

Low level - 1 point.

"The acquisition of children to musical art through integration different species Musical and artistic activities with the use of ICT »Bocarnikova S.V. Music director MBDOU D / C 12 Novocherkasska Department of Education Administration of the city of Novocherkasska Municipal budgetary pre-school educational institution kindergarten Outlooking species 12.

The validity of the idea of \u200b\u200busing ICT in the federal state requirements published in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2009. 655 The principle of integration is put forward as one of the fundamental principles. The content of the educational field "Music" is aimed at achieving the goal of developing the musicality of children, the ability to emotionally perceive music through the solution of the following tasks: the development of musical and artistic activities; Acquisition for musical art. Essence of the idea: use information technologies Enhances the motivation of children's education and leads to a number of positive consequences:. Psychologically facilitates the process of learning the material by children; excites living interest in the subject of knowledge; · Expands the common horizon of children; · The level of use of visibility in occupations increases; Novelty ideas: The use of information technology makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the integration process, increase its effectiveness. The spectrum of manifestation of the creative abilities of children is expanding.

Relevance pedagogical idea When using ICT, the development of all types of perception (visual, auditory, sensual) increases the positive motivation for students of pupils, an additional stimulus in children is created to study new material, familiarizing its perception is activated by cognitive-speech activities.

The advantages of musical activity using ICT The use of animation and surprise moments makes the cognitive process in interesting and expressive; Children receive approval not only from the teacher, but also on the part of the computer in the form of paintings, prizes accompanied by sound design (for example, when performing a rhythmic task in the game "Dress up Christmas tree", Santa Claus shows an approving gesture) a harmonious combination of traditional means using presentations Allows you to significantly increase the motivation of children to the lesson (reception: the best children's work - on TV)

The use of ICT contributes to the development of integrative qualities: communication, ability to manage their behavior, the ability to solve intellectual and personal problems "Lained, active" musical activity with the use of ICT causes greater activity of children, the living interest of "emotion flax - responsive" increases the degree of emotional responsiveness, external emotional manifestations. "Having mastered the necessary and skills, the performers improves performers, creative skills increases interest. ICT

For the development of rhythmic hearing, I use images, instead of icons (quadruple durations-large pictures, eighth - small)), which contributes to greater interest in children. Models for the development of rhythmic hearing. Task: Understand the rhythmophormulas or play them on children's musical instruments

For the development of sound hearing, I use images and pictures, instead of notes, which also attracts children, activates creative skills. The model for the development of sound hearing is cutting, turning the "funny mouse" video method for the development of sound hearing.

In the game of children's musical instruments, the presentations used, video scores make it possible to show creative abilities. The use of ICT significantly expands the conceptual series musical Topicmakes accessible and understandable children specific sound musical instruments.

When meeting the work of composers, use computer programs, Allows children to hear the net professional performance of classical works, compared the heard and seen. Viewing Multimedia Portrait Hearing Composer Works Watching Video Illustrations For Works Mussorgsky M.P. Prokofiev S.S.

Using ICT makes music material Available for perception not only through auditory analyzers, but also through visual and kinesthetic. Thus, I am implemented in practice the idea of \u200b\u200bindividualization of children's learning. E is traced on the example symphony fairy tale Petya and Wolf, where children, using each individual basic level of knowledge, receives knowledge of musical instruments, the features of the sound of each of them. Violin Clarinet French Valtore Litavra Cello

In this direction, like singing, I offer children video - illustrations with elements of animation to the exercises on the development of voice, the singing range, the concept of long and short sounds. ("Lestenka", "funny droplets", "Snowflake", "where the bee flies", etc.) it is more interested in children and attracts to singing. "Snowflake" - draw a voice, cutting on the movement of the snowflake "Music Forest" for the development of the singing range.

Heading with children of songs using mnemotechnics contributes to a faster memorization for example, "Sunny" music. and cl. A.Yaranova Mnemotechnics (from Greek. Mnemonikon - the art of memorization). Systems of special techniques serving to facilitate memorization, save and play information.

Using in the structure of the enabling of the video, creative tasks, I am also a contributing to the development of children's creativity (taking into account the requirements of San Ping: watching a video no more than 5-7 minutes) 1. Musical greeting 2. View video 3. Answers to questions 4. Creative task (Image of the rain droplets on the music. Tools, rustling of leaves, etc.), didactic game ("Fourth superfluous" find extra muses. Tool, Dorisui Muses. Tool, etc.) 5. Musical game, game in the orchestra of children's musical instruments

The use of information technology tools: became the base for the formation of musical taste, development creative potential The child and the harmonious development of the person as a whole. allowed me to make the learning process and the development of the child quite effective: the spectrum, variability, choice (benefits) expanded. Submission of material in the form multimedia presentations Reduced learning time, released children's health resources. Thus, given the visual-shaped level of thinking of preschoolers, ICTs allow me to maintain and intensify their attention. The interactivity of these resources allows the child to "manage" the situation, "impact" on it.

Source of information: Backgrounds: Photo: From the archive of Bocarnikova S.V. ..

Dyumin Natalya Vladimirovna
music Teacher First Categories

Gaming forms Acquisition of children
to musical art or creativity

Music, like other types of art, is a specific form of artistic reflection of reality. Deep and diverting on the feelings, will of people, music capable of having a beneficial to affect them public activities, influence the formation of personality.
The musical culture of the personality is the process of opening the values \u200b\u200bof works of art for themselves, the level of their perception and development.
Music causes people a spiritual pleasure, pleasure. Without pleasure, pleasures, which give a man, science, art, his life is depleted and meaningless. Music is able to calm down and console people, to remove mental tension, helps to overcome stress, becomes one of the human health sources and the preventive means of treating mental diseases.
The effect of the educational role of music, as well as the focus and nature of its social impact, seems to us the most important criteria that determine the public importance of music, its place in the system of spiritual and cultural values.
Childhood is a special world that is preserved in the soul of a person for life, if the happiness and joy of being reigning in it. The world of fantasy, fiction in children is associated with the game. At all historical times, the children of different nations played and play, imitating adults, realizing their desires and creative needs.
The game, according to the psychologist G.S.Tarasova, is the emotional immediacy of the motives, aspiration for the goal, assessing the results of the activity, the learning of the new. It originates the identity of the child.
The game is the optimal psychological and pedagogical agent that allows you to influence the development of children. This confirms D. B. Elconin: "... The game affects the formation of all major processes, from the most elementary to the most complex."
Game is a type of activity in conventional situations aimed at recreating and mastering social experience. Children's game - the type of activity of children, which consists in reproducing the actions of adults and relations between them, aimed at the orientation and understanding of subject and social reality, one of the means of physical, mental and moral education Children.
When studying the course "Music" in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in the lessons, I assume a considerable role of a musical game method. After all, it fruitfully helps to raise interest and love for musical art, moral and aesthetic feelings, respect for traditions musical culture of different nations. The musical game in the lesson brings closer, organizes pupils, instills interest in music. She teaches to think, analyze, be on rapid useful cases.
The game in the lesson of music is developing nature and is focused on mastery and intelligent skills, sensory abilities, development of cooperation skills, effective interaction based on cognitive interests.
The impact of the game can be considered three aspects.
The first aspect is physiological, related to research V. M. Bekhtereva, I. M. Dogel, I. M. Sechenov, who revealed a positive impact of music on various human systems. The interrelation of music and rhythmic movements increases the overall vital tone, regulates the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal system, forms the arbitrariness of mental functions.
The second aspect is psychological. Music affects the emotionally personal scope of the child, performs the correction of cognitive, mental, communicative violations.
Third aspect - pedagogical. Through the music, it is brought up by the child the ability to aesthetically perceive reality and acquire social experience for creative, creative activities.
In the musical game, children are easier to master the means of musical expressiveness, the nature of music and speech, dynamics, height. The music helps to establish contact between children and adults, between peers when playing. Creating prerequisites for further pedagogical impacts, music sends hearing attention Children to fulfill the conditions and rules of the game. Desire, gust, feeling of joy, revival, high spirits activate the child in the game, contribute to creating a special atmosphere, which will help to avoid misunderstanding and disapproval, will not stop the child in the child to ask questions, will help to feel a sense of joy in the process of creativity, teach the understanding and respect the opinion others, openly express their feelings, are not afraid to show their own individuality, to evaluate creative personality.
Goals and objectives of the music game:
Music causes an emotional and motor response, the game helps the child carefully and consciously listen to music. In the game, the learner performs various tasks associated with the process of recognition and distinguishing the nature of music, individual expressive means, activates feelings, imagination, thinking.

In accordance with this, music games have the following tasks:

1. Correctional:
development of hearing, visual, tactile perception, mimic muscles, respiratory system, articulation apparatus, voting properties (height, timbre, dynamics, rhythm), coordination of movements;
formation of expressive means: intonation, facial expressions, gestures, movement.
2. Wellness:
motoric development: common, shallow, articulation;
improving the ability to shoot emotional and physical stress, strengthening the "muscular feeling";
the development of the speed of the motor reaction.
3. Educational:
learning speech, singing skills;
development of musical, creative, communicative abilities;
formation of mental skills and actions.
4. Educational:
education of a common musical, speech culture;
formation of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world; Art taste
development of the emotional sphere.
5. Developing:
development of cognitive activity;
maintaining sustainable interest;
strengthening self-regulation and control;
development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

In the process of the game, students should:
1. To reflect on familiar works, express judgments about the main idea, means, forms of its incarnation.
2. distinguish between simple and complex genres Vocal and instrumental music.
3. Participate in collective and performing activities / singing, plastic intonation, improvisation.
4. Develop the skills and skills of musical self-education.
5. Show a creative initiative, participating in the musical and aesthetic life of class, schools. A variety of music games
Among the music games N.A.metlov allocated games with singing, which develop hearing, voice, the ability to correctly transfer the melody, as well as fairy tale games
N.A. Vullorina during scientific research In the field of musical and sensory ability, showed the primary role of musical and didactic games, as the foundations of sensual perception of music
E. Raevskaya, S. Rodneva, Soboleva, Z. Shushakov changed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe game, their methodical development games were sent to comprehensive development The musicality of children, namely: the development of emotionality, the feelings of the rhythm, the feeling of musical form, perception, imagination.
E.D. Makshantseva offered another kind of musical games - fun games.
L.N.Komissarova developed a system of applying visual funds when organizing and conducting didactic games.
Value vocal games When working on the purity of intonation with the elements of the didacticity showed A.D. Dvyanovich.
Dramatization games, theatrical games, folk games, business games also actively used in secondary school: in the lessons of music, extracurricular activities, in correctional work with kids.
The musical game gives children the joy of creative reincarnation and self-expression through a variety of practical actions.
Bring to children joy and pleasure from musical experiences - the task is no less important and noble for the teacher than to teach them any specific musical knowledge and skills.
The game in the lesson of music is converted from an external form of an entertainment character in a form that provides a creative self-expression of the child.
Maximilian Voloshin: "Art is precious only inspired because it is a game. Artists and musicians - after all, these are only children who did not extend to play. Genius are those who failed to grow. "
In Ov pedagogical activity Almost every lesson music I use the game forms of the lesson, which contribute to the development musical abilities Pupils, they encourage their aspiration for associative thinking. Children during the game receive impulses of pleasure, fantasies, self-organization. They feel relaxed, comfortable, always in the search, in motion where thinking, creativity is always actively. By the way, I always remember A.S. Makarenko, who has repeatedly said: the game is one of the significant foundations for the development of the child's personality. It must be constantly included in pedagogical process At the lesson and in extracurricular activities.
During the school at school, I came to a deep conviction: a game is a creative childhood laboratory, that rainbow, the fragrance of the child's life, giving creative principle Adults. What kind of child will manifest himself in the game since childhood, it will be formed by him a healthy core of creative activity, moral bases adult life. If the child "flies" his state, "experiencing" musical imagesinvoluntarily develops cognitive ability, observation, intelligence, curiosity.

In the lessons of music in 5 - 9 classes, I apply the following music games and creative tasks:
"Association" game
1 Option: In high school, I use this reception as follows: after listening and analyzing musical Work Pupils should be on a chain without repeating each other, call associative words related to the work, and to the already named words. All response options are fixed by the child in the working notebook. Based on the listed concepts, it is proposed to write a mini-essay. For example:
Pathetic Sonata Beethoven - Tragic - Dramatic - Excited - Stormy - Running - Mustache - Heroic - Victory - Recommement ...
2 Option: invent and record at least 20 words of associations to a certain term or concept. For example: Musical - Music, Dialogue, Dance, Drama, Comedy, Theater, America, Notre Dame de Paris, etc. On my lessons serves as a test measuring test on the topic covered.
Game - Travel "Back to the Future"
Travel by car time
Acquaintance with music and musical instruments of the past.
Game "Carnival"
1Wariant: We try to master the rhythms Latin America. For this game, you will need new tools, and make them have their own hands. Caedo-simple tin can from the carbonated drink is filled with small loose items_ rice, sand or small pebbles and a hole with a scotch and a plaster rushes. Guiro - in America is made of dried pumpkin. At home, a tin can is filled with dried peas or dried olive bones, the hole is stuck with scotch. For maratas manufacturing - a container from chocolate eggs is used, which is filled with dry material and dresses on the body of the fountain pen. Now we need any melody in the rhythm of Samba, Rumba, Tango or Bosanov. The game is to pre-taming, try to join the sound of a pre-harvested song or composition.
2 Option: Once upon an unknown planet, someone else's universe, come up with musical instruments of aliens and hear their music. To give names to these tools (come up with how they sound and draw, or make them from healthy materials (for example, from nails that are suspended on a wire or from glasses, etc.)
Music Football game
The game is held according to the rules of football. The class is divided into two teams. Question, or task - throw the ball. Incorrect answer or incorrectly performed task - the goal (defeat) by the number of goals is determined by the winner and it is set to the mark for work in the lesson. The judge carefully watches the game. All questions and creative tasks are associated with the topics covered in the music lessons.
Route game "Rather on the road"
Movements on a special map at individual stations (cities) in order to answer all the questions and perform pre-prepared jobs for music, collect all the letters (in each city for the correct answer, one letter is issued) and reveal the next mystery of music. The game is carried out in order to secure the material traveled and familiarity with the new musical term Or a concept that is entered in the travel card (music. Slika)
The role-playing game "Stand Court is coming"
The game can be carried out according to a predetermined theme (for example, "Need classical music?" " Classical music and modern rock ", etc.) in the game there is a defense of the selected positions, the study - within the framework of the court rules.
Game "Improvisation"
Plastic, vocal, literary improvisations are used in this game form. The class is divided into 3 groups. With proposed literary heroes 1 group compounds a small essay - Miniature, 2 team voiced them vocally or depicts with the help of musical instruments, 3 groups in plastic improvisation transmit the image of each hero. The formation of aesthetic attitude to musically - sound reality is: musical sound - Musical imagery of its incarnation.
Game "Music on Water"

One of the options for rhythmic games is a game, preparing children to memorize the simplest melodies. For her, there is also some preparation. You need to take several (5-7) glasses, preferably the same and not too thick walls. Fill them with water and a blow of a metal stick on a glass. Check which sound they publish .. Every glass should "sound" in its own way. Let it even be not too melodious and slightly - the main thing that sounds clearly differed by the rumor. To begin with, try to repeat as soon as possible to repeat the specified rhythm until the melody is not important for you. Examples of rhythmic drawings can be taken any. So, we learned how to catch and memorize rhythm. Now let's try to start solving more complex task: To games that develop ear for music and memory.
The task of playing in this case to remember not just the timbres, but also the height of the sound of each of the glasses. Better, if before the start of the game, they will be built in a row as the height increases, so that the left of the artist is low on the sound, and the right is high.
Game "Guess-Ka"

To participate in this game you will need a real musical instrument. Of course, it is better if this is a real piano. That is, players need such a tool on which any player could reproduce the simplest sound. Now you need to choose the lead, the one who even knows a little, as the keys on the keyboard are located (no need to know the name) This lead should be able to memorize the height of the sound and the one key that will extract this sound. All other participants in the game turn away, and the presenter clicks on one of the keys. Then he chooses someone from the guys and suggests him to guess which key he pressed.
Moreover, if the present piano is used, it means that it has a long keyboard, it is necessary to highlight a small segment of the keys (within the octave) to facilitate the novice player guessing. The "Tyka" method guessing should stop in one version. The remaining participants of the game can make their consent or disagreement. If the host recognizes the correctness of the choice, then the playing of the game proceeds to this participant.
The creative task of "brainstorming" is often in the lessons of music I apply this technique. A task is given: to make a meaningful sentence, which includes 3 specified words. For example:
a) music, literature, composer (the composer composes music on the basis of a literary work);
b) Glinka, Romance, Italy (Traveling in Italy, Glinka wrote a romance "Venetian Night");
c) Suite, Bach, dance (I.S. Bach wrote a lot of suits consisting of vintage dances).
The creative task "Sinwen" children gives the word to which you need to pick up two adjectives, three verbs, four connected words and at the end of one generalizing word. Words should not be repeated, it is also impossible to use single words. For example:
a) Mozart - Sunny, festive - composes, creates, inspires - We love his music - classic;
b) the orchestra - symphonic, chamber - playing, tours, protrudes - four groups of musical instruments - a team;
c) Baroque - elegant, frightened - fascinates, inspires, fascinates - pearl pearl of the wrong shape - style.
Huge importance is given by generalizing lessons at the end of each quarter. At these lessons, both crossword puzzles can be used - as a kind of game form and creative task.
Presentations. Starting this year, I use presentations as a creative task. It may be a leading task to new topic or vice versa homework as a generalization musical impressions high school students. I am aiming children, I create a plan with them, for which they make presentations. Presentations can be used as part of the game "Double Day"
You can write a lot, talk about musical Games. The main thing is that without them it is impossible in the lesson of music to captivate children into the world of art, in the world of beautiful.