The overall characteristics of pedagogical activity. Report on the topic: "specifics of pedagogical activity

The overall characteristics of pedagogical activity. Report on the topic:
The overall characteristics of pedagogical activity. Report on the topic: "specifics of pedagogical activity

Pedagogical activity is a targeted, motivated impact of a teacher, focused on the comprehensive development of the identity of the child and prepare it for life in modern sociocultural conditions.

The basis of pedagogical activity is the laws of education practice. Pedagogical activities are implemented in educational institutions and is carried out by specially trained and trained people - teachers.

The nature and content of pedagogical activity is determined by its subject, motifs, purpose, means and result.

purpose pedagogical activities - the creation of conditions for the implementation of the prospects for the development of the child as an object and the entity of education. The implementation of this goal is result pedagogical activity, which is diagnosed by comparing the qualities of the child's personality at the beginning of the pedagogical impact and on its completion.

The subject of pedagogical activities is the organization of interaction with pupils aimed at mastering sociocultural experience as the basis and development conditions.

Means pedagogical activities are: theoretical and practical knowledge, on the basis of which the training and education of children are being trained; educational and methodical literature; Visuality, TSO.

Fashion transmission of public behavior and interaction experience in pedagogical activity are explanation, demonstration, observation, game, joint work.

B. T. Likhachev allocates the following structural components of pedagogical activities:

    knowledge of the teacher needs, trends of social development, the main requirements for man;

    scientific knowledge, skills and skills, the basis of the experience gained by humanity in the field of production, culture, social relations, which are generalized transmitted to the younger generations;

    pedagogical knowledge, educational experience, skill, intuition;

    the highest moral, aesthetic culture of its carrier.

The specific characteristics of pedagogical activity is its productivity. N. V. Kuzmina, I. A. Winter distinguish five levels of productivity of pedagogical activity:

    unproductive; The teacher knows how to retell another what he knows;

    unproductive; The teacher knows how to adapt his message to the characteristics of the audience;

    medium-industrial; Pedagogue owns weapons strategies for students, skills, skills for individual courses;

    productive; The teacher owns strategies to form the desired system of knowledge, skills, skills of students on the subject and general;

highly productive; The teacher owns strategies to transform its subject in a means of forming a student's personality; His needs for self-education, self-education, self-development.

. Professional skills and personal qualities of the teacher

The fundamental role of the pre-school period of development in the process of becoming a human person is presents for a teacher a number of specific requirements forcing the development of certain personal qualities as professionally significant and mandatory. As such, S. A. Kozlov, T. A. Kulikova allocate:

    pedagogical orientation, as a complex of psychological installations to work with children, professionally oriented motives and abilities, professional interests and personal qualities, as well as professional self-consciousness;

    empathy, expressing in emotional responsiveness for the experiences of the child, in sensitivity, goodwill, caringness, loyalty to their promises;

    pedagogical tact, manifested in the ability to maintain personal dignity, not infrainmenting the pride of children, their parents, work colleagues;

    pedagogical dormant, involving the ability to fix a significant in the development of the child, to foresee prospects, the dynamics of the formation of the personality of each pupil and the team as a whole;

    pedagogical optimism based on the deep faith of the teacher in the strength, the possibilities of each child, in the effectiveness of educational work;

    culture of professional communication involving the organization of the right relationship in the "teacher - child" systems, "Pedagogue - Parent", "Pedagogue - Colleagues";

    pedagogical reflection, as the self-analysis of the work done, assess the results obtained, correlate them with the goal.

In addition to listed qualities, humanity, kindness, patience, decency, honesty, responsibility, justice, commitment, objectivity, respect for people, high morality, emotional balance, the need for communication, interest in the life of pupils, goodwill, self-criticism, friendliness, friendliness , restraint, dignity, patriotism, religiosity, principle, responsiveness, emotional culture and many others. In a number of these hardworking, efficiency, discipline, responsibility, the ability to put a goal, choose ways to achieve it, organization, perseverance, systematic and planned increase in its professional level, the desire to constantly improve the quality of their work, etc.

Personal qualities of the teacher are inseparable from professional (acquired in the process of training and related to obtaining special knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, activity methods). Among them, I. P. Podlavnye allocates scientific enthusiasm, love for their professional work, erudition, possession of the subject of teaching, methods of teaching subject, psychological training, general erudition, a wide cultural horizon, pedagogical skills, possession of teaching technologies, organizational skills and skills, Pedagogical tact, pedagogical technique, ownership of communication technologies, oratory and other qualities.

In addition to personal and professional qualities, the teacher must have a number of skills testifying to its subject-professional competence. Conditionally, these skills are divided into Gnostic, constructive, communicative, organizational and special (E. A. Panko).

Gnostic - this is the skills with which the teacher studies the child, the team as a whole, the pedagogical experience of other educators;

Constructive skills teacher is needed to design the pedagogical process, raising children, taking into account the prospects for educational work. Constructive skills are embodied in planning work, in drawing up abstracts of classes, scenarios of holidays, etc.

Communicative skills manifest when establishing pedagogically expedient relationships with different people in various situations.

Organizational skills the teacher is distributed both on its own activity and on the activities of pupils, parents, colleagues.

Special skills of teacher - this is the ability to sing, dance, expressively tell, read poems, sew, knit, grow plants, make the toys from the so-called throwing material, show a puppet theater, etc.

Thus, the teacher of pre-school education is characterized by the most developed professional and subject, personal characteristics and communicative qualities in their totality. This is primarily due to responsibility to the age characteristics of children, as well as the purpose and content of raising and educational training.

Basic concepts of pre-school pedagogy

The methodological foundations of pre-school pedagogy reflect

modern level of education philosophy.


Determines the special place of leading activities,

providing the possibility of implementation

various needs of the child, awareness of themselves

subject (S.L. Rubinstein, L. S. Vygotsky,

A. N. Lyontiev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin and

dr.). Great importance in the development of the child and has

game as leading activities, creative

character, independent organization and

emotional-attractive for manifest

"Here and now."

In FGT to OOP pre-school education

children's activities are listed:

motor, communicative, productive,

educational research, labor,

musical and artistic reading




Disclosure of the potential of each child, his

ability to activity, creativity,



Development of requests, desires, interests,

the tendencies of the child. Preference is given

humane, democratic (helping) style


The meaning of the pedagogical position is

support: Adult helps only that already

is available, but has not yet achieved due

level, i.e. Development of the child's independence.

Modern preparation of specialists in preschool. Education

In accordance with the "Charter of the Dow in the Russian Federation" the teacher has the right:

· Participate in the work of the Council of Pedagogues;

· Election and be elected chairman of the Council of Pedagogues Dow;

· Select, develop and apply educational programs (including author), methods of training and education, teaching aids and materials;

· Protect your professional honor and dignity;

· Require the administration to create the conditions necessary to fulfill official duties, advanced training;

· Improve qualifications;

· Professional skill;

· Certified on the basis of contracting for the relevant qualification category;

· Participate in scientific and experimental work;

· Disseminate your pedagogical experience that has received a scientific substantiation;

· Receive social benefits and guarantees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; Additional benefits provided to pedagogical workers with local authorities and management, founder, Dow administration.

In accordance with the "Charter of the Dow in the Russian Federation" the teacher must:

· Perform the charter of the DOW;

· Observe job descriptions, Dow internal regulations;

· Protect the life and health of children;

· Protect the child from all forms of physical and mental violence;

· Collaborate with family on the issues of education and child learning; possess professional skills, constantly improve them

Concepts of education of preschool children

Pedagogical concept is a system of ideas, conclusions about

laws and the essence of the pedagogical process, the principles of its

organizations and methods of implementation.

As methodological landmarks in modern pre-school

pedagogy allocate the following concepts of childhood.


D. B. Elkonina

The nature of childhood is considered in context

specific historical conditions that determine

development, patterns, originality and character

changes in human childhood.

Childhood is considered as socio

psychological phenomenon in vital activity

man as a prerequisite for acquiring

personality of human ways to satisfy

organic, social, spiritual needs,

mastering human culture.

The role of an adult is to assist the child in

mastering native language practical

actions, culture.11


D. I. Feldstein

Childhood is a special phenomenon of the social world.

Functionally childhood - the necessary state in

society development system, process state

aging the younger generation, preparation for

reproduction of the future society.

physical growth, accumulation of mental

neoplasms, determining themselves in the surrounding

world, own self-organization in constantly

expanding and complicating contacts and

interactions with adults and other children.

Essential childhood is a special state of social

development when biological patterns

associated with age-related changes

significantly show their action, "Submitting"

increasingly regulating and

determining social action.


S. A. Amonashvili

Childhood is defined as infinity and

uniqueness as a special mission for yourself and for

of people. The child is endowed with nature in unique

individual combination of opportunities and

abilities. Adult should help him grow

create the terms of goodwill and care, and then

baby, becoming adult, bring him

people joy.

"A person needs a person, and people are born each

for friend. Life herself, burly in his laws,

causes the birth of the right person. Here they are

born with his mission. "


V. T. Kudryavtseva

Childhood determines the exement of cultural whole and

the fate of a separate individual. Value of childhood V.

mutually relocations of culture and childhood as a sphere

the culture itself. Two master stands out

complementary tasks that the child decides

- Cultured and cultural condomination. These same

tasks decide and adult who supports and

enrichs the experience of interaction between the child with culture.

The result of their solutions for children and for teacher

there will be a subculture of childhood.

Concept of childhood

V. V. Zenkovsky

The special role of the game in childhood is emphasized. In Game

the child is active, he fantasies, imagines, creates,

worries, creating images that pop up in

conscious and which serve as a means of expression

emotional sphere, and the game itself serves goals

body and mental expression of the child's feelings.12

Pedagogical theories are divided into global and private,

generated by requests for real educational reality

Education concept.

In the period from 1917 to 1990s. In our country, actively developed

system of public pre-school education, which was associated with

social, socio-political changes. Happened

correction of the real goal and the concepts of educating the younger


In the 1920s - early 1930s. The leading was the concept of N. K. Krupskaya.

The main directions of the concept: Education of ideological orientation;

collectivism, accounting for the individual and age characteristics of the child.

During this period, the first program documents appear - the project

programs of kindergarten (1932) and the program and internal regulations

kindergarten (1934). In the late 1930s. The concept introduces the requirement

patriotic and international education.

1950s. Characterized by attention to the mental development of children,

the program introduced compulsory education of children (A. P. Usov).

Resolution of 1959 on the union of the nursery and kindergarten in a single

pre-school institution caused a program of education and training

children in kindergarten (1962). In the future, this program was reissued

and was specified until 1989. All programs were sent to

submission of one ideal purpose - education comprehensively developed 15

harmonious personality - and were uniform and mandatory for the whole system

pre-school education.

In 1989 a new concept of personality-oriented appears

models of building a pedagogical process and an adult interaction and

child in kindergarten. The leading idea is the development of individuality

personality. In the new concept there were no educational requirements

ideas, patriotism, collectivism.

An important event during this period was the adoption of the people of the world

Declaration of the rights of the child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In documents

it is said that the child has the right to defend, social security,

obtaining education, on the love of parents, on the shelter, to respect for his

personality, etc.

In the 1990s. new variable programs based on

concepts of a personal-oriented approach in Education: "Childhood"

(SPB., 1996), "Raduga" (M., 1996), "Development" (M., 1994), "Obli" (M., 1997)

Pedagogical concept is currently widespread.

holistic development of a child-preschooler as a subject of children's

activities (M. V. Krulecht, 2003). Holistic child development is

unity of individual features, personal qualities, development

child position subject in children's activities and


In preschool age, the child is aware of his own "I", finds

components "I-Concept" (my floor, my interests, achievements, values,

relations with adults and peers), seeks independence

("I myself"), establishes relations with his people around him, peace

things, Nature. The child develops in activities in it

self-realizes, self-affirmation. Intellectual, emotionally

personal development of a child, his social status and well-being are connected

with the development of the position of the subject of children's activity. Mastering a child

subject position requires special pedagogical technologies and

programs in order to develop its individuality.

Traditional approach includes physical, mental,

moral, aesthetic, labor education. The question is called O.

the need to expand the content of education at the expense of sexual,

legal, environmental, ethnocultural, etc.

Modern pedagogical theories implement the principle of integration,

which is under scientific understanding (M. Kiselieva,

Yu. N. Ryumin, S. M. Zyryanova, B.C. Bezrukova et al.). B.C. Bezrukova

considers pedagogical integration in three aspects:

 as a principle (foundation) of the current state

pedagogical theory (for example, "problems of moral and labor

education of preschool children "," psychophysical welfare of children ",

"Cognitive-speech development of children"). With such integration

higher results are achieved in Scientific and Pedagogical 16

activities revealed the relationship of various parties to the development and

raising children;

 as a process of directly establishing links between objects and

creating a new holistic system (for example, a combination in one

classes of different types of arts), combining forms and methods

cognitive activity (observation + story +

experimentation + model);

 As a result (the form that objects entering

relationship with each other) - integrated classes, modular

training, etc.).

In the theory and practice of pre-school education is most indicative

integration of training tools, such as the synthesis of arts. Integration

forces to look for new forms of learning. Search paths integration

activities ("Game-Labor", "Designing-game", etc.)

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1. The concept of a pedagogical profession, pedagogical activities

2. Professional teacher functions

3. Pedagogical style

4. Features of the pedagogical profession




Among the professions, the profession of the teacher is not quite common. Teachers are engaged in the preparation of our future, they raise those who will change the current generation tomorrow. They, so to speak, work with "living material", whose damage is equal to almost the catastrophe, since those years that were aimed at learning.

The profession of the teacher requires comprehensive knowledge, limitless spiritual generosity, the wise love for children. Only every day happily giving herself to children, you can bring them closer to science, inhabit to work, lay the unshakable moral bases.

The activities of the teacher are every time building into the inner world eternally changing, contradictory, growing person. We must always remember this in order not to imagine, do not break the rapid sprout of the children's soul. No textbooks should be replaced by the Commonwealth of the teacher with children.

The teacher is one of the most honorable and at the same time very responsible professions on Earth. The teacher lies a large range of responsibility for improving the younger generation, the formation of the future country. The profession of teacher is very important and valuable for each of us. After all, it was the teacher who taught us to write the first word, read books.

Many of us remember school with warmth and delight. However, different teachers left a different trace in our soul. Some of them want to meet and even discuss life plans, someone can congratulate on the holiday or go to him on a cup of tea, and it happens that someone does not want to remember, and someone just disappeared from memory…

The teacher is not well known to know its item well, it should be perfectly understanding in pedagogy and child psychology. Specialists in different areas are many, but not everyone can become good teachers.

1. Concept of pedagogical profession, pedagogical activity

Profession is a type of employment, requiring certain knowledge and skills purchased as a result of special training, experience.

Teacher - person leading teaching or educational work (teacher, teacher, teacher, associate professor, professor, etc.)

The emergence of the pedagogical profession has objectively based on the need to transfer public experience to new generations. The society could not develop if the younger generation had no opportunity to create a creative expansion of accumulated experience. The meaning of the pedagogical profession is detected in the activities that its representatives are carried out and which is called pedagogical.

Pedagogical activity is a special type of social activity aimed at transferring from high-end generations of the younger culture accumulated humanity and experience, creating conditions for their personal development and preparation of certain roles in society.

Pedagogical activity is carried out not only teachers, but also parents, public organizations, managers of enterprises and institutions, the media. As specific professional pedagogical activities take place only in specially organized educational institutions.

The purpose of pedagogical activities is related to the implementation of the goal of education. It is developed and formed as a reflection of the trend of social development, presenting a set of requirements for a modern person, taking into account his spiritual and natural abilities. It contains, on the one hand, interests and expectations of various social and ethnic groups, and on the other hand, the needs and aspirations of a separate personality.

The implementation of the goal of pedagogical activity is related to the solution of such socio-pedagogical problems, as the formation of the educational environment, the organization of the activities of pupils, the creation of an educational team, the development of individual personality.

The main functional unit, with which all the properties of pedagogical activity appear, is a pedagogical effect as the unity of the target and content. The concept of pedagogical action is expressed in general that inherent in all forms of pedagogical activity (lesson, excursions, individual conversation, etc.), but it does not boil down to any of them. At the same time, the pedagogical action is the most special, which expresses both universal, and all the wealth of individual.

2. Professional teacher functions

Professional functions are those that are directly related to educational activities of the teacher. There are also many of them as activities.

They concern relations with children (pupils) and their parents, with colleagues (teachers) and with the school administration, education departments, with representatives of the public and with different others, in addition to school, educational institutions. If you lead a further statement of the issue on such a way, it will be difficult to "arouse an immense" and come to any specific conclusions. Therefore, we will reduce the types of pedagogical activities in five groups, based on their leading content revealing the main direction of this activity.

Let us dwell on the brief description in different types of pedagogical activities of the professional features of the teacher.

1. Educational function. It is the main, constant time, continuous as the process and the wider coverage of people. It never stops, refers to all age groups of people and happening decisively everywhere. "Educates every minute of life and every corner of the Earth, each person with which the emerging person comes into contact sometimes by chance, in passing." It is thanks to the upbringing and a purposeful formation and development of the personality versatile and harmoniously developed. Therefore, this professional function of the teacher is entitled to consider the main and inclusive.

2. Educational function. Training as a section of the educational process refers to the field of professional teacher's activities. Only a fairly prepared professional can be engaged in systematic training. And at the same time, training is the main means of upbringing. Training, the teacher develops mostly intellectual and cognitive abilities from a student, and also forms moral and legal consciousness, aesthetic feelings, ecological culture, hard work, spiritual world. Consequently, we will take the training function of the teacher to the number of most important professional.

3. Communicative feature. Pedagogical activity is unthinkable without communication. The teacher is due to communication, in the process of communication affects pupils, coordinates their actions with colleagues, parents of students, leads all educational work. So, the communicative function is a professional pedagogical. It is so important that many scientists (I. I. Rydnov, L. I. Ruvinsky, A. V. Mudrick, V. A. Kan-Kalik, and others are engaged in studying problems of pedagogical communication and pedagogy of communication. Psychologists (S. V. Kondratieva, K. V. Verbova, A. A. Leontiev, Ya. L. Kolominsky, etc.).

4. Organizing function. Professional teacher deals with different groups of pupils, with their colleagues, parents of students, with the public. He has to coordinate the actions of a different nature and each participant to find his place to bestly manifested his abilities. Teacher decides which educational employment or it should be organized when (day and hour) and where (school, class, museum, forest, etc.) to hold it, who and in what role will it be involved, what equipment (Design) will need. A good organization of educational affairs provides a high result. That is why we are organizing the function of considering professional-pedagogical.

5. The correctional function is associated with the fact that the teacher constantly monitors, diagnoses the course of the educational process, evaluates intermediate results. Her result is not always and does not immediately happen as it was mentally (perfect) was conceived which expected. The teacher in the course of work has to make adjustments (corrections) into their actions and actions of pupils. If on the basis of the diagnostics not to adjust the educational process, then its result will be unpredictable. This explains that the correctional function is also a professional for the teacher.

In pedagogy and psychology there are other judgments about the professional functions (and the corresponding pedagogical abilities) of teachers. So, well known and received widespread recognition of the study of the psychologist N.V. Kuzmina, held in the 60s. In her opinion, the main professional functions of the teacher are as follows: constructive, organizational, communicative and gnostic (it was originally not one). With its point of view, our approach coincides in communicative and organizational functions.

A completely different classification of the professional functions of the teacher offers a psychologist A. I. Shcherbakov. These are two large groups: a) general, which includes those functions that are investigated by N.V. Kuzmina, Gnostic replaced by research and b) actually pedagogical. The meaning of such a classification is that the first group of functions can really be attributed not only to the pedagogical profession, but also to many others.

Affairs an approach and judgment of scientists Yu.N. Kulyutukina (teacher) and G.S. Sukoga (psychologist) on the functional roles of the teacher. In his work at different stages of the educational process, the teacher acts as a practical performer of its own plans, then as a methodologist and researcher. Scientists rightly note that the same teacher, depending on the stage of educational work, acts in one, then in the other, then in the third function.

These are some approaches of various teachers and psychologists to consider the professional functions of the teacher. It remains to say that the professional functions of the teacher can only be considered separately, and in fact they are interrelated. So, we have already said that the training function is a special case of educational, the communicative serves all the others, the organizational relations with all previous and the correctional is the condition for the success of all educational activities and, it means related to the corresponding functions.

3. Pedagogical style

Each person, depending on its individual psychological features, and in particular on the type of nervous activity, produces its own individual style of pedagogical activity. On the basis of a combination of dynamic, meaningful and efficient characteristics of pedagogical activity A. K. Markova, A. Ya. Nikonov allocated four types of such styles: emotional improvisational, emotional-methodical, reasoning-improvisational and reasoning-methodical. The teacher has to determine its style and, if necessary, improve it. This is what the characteristic of the emotional-improvisational style is given by the authors. "You have many advantages: a high level of knowledge, artistry, contact, insight, the ability to be interested in teaching educational material. However, your activities are characterized and defined by deficiencies: the lack of methodicality, insufficient attention to the level of knowledge of weak students, insufficient demands, overestimation of self-esteem, increased sensitivity, causing a bowl excessive dependence on the situation in the lesson, etc.

On the material of the given characteristic, the dependence of the educational process from the style of the teacher is clearly visible. As a result, your students have a persistent interest in the subject and high cognitive activity with fragile knowledge, not enough formed skills ... "M is a number of individual psychological features.

It is essential that the above characteristics of the teacher relate to those devices that determine the success of communication in general, according to V. Levi, V. A. Kan-Kalika. These features are; Interest in people, fast and accurate reaction to the interlocutor, artistry, good, optimistic, open, without aggression attitude towards people, lack of bias and anxiety. It is obvious that it was the teacher for the specifics of the educational subject, which requires the organization of pedagogical communication as a means (conditions) and the goal of learning, it is necessary to purposefully form these qualities if they are not detected enough.

4. Features of the pedagogical profession

The personality of a person to a particular profession is manifested in its features of activity and the image of thinking. According to the classification proposed by E.A. Klimov, the pedagogical profession refers to the group of professions, whose subject is another person. But the pedagogical profession from a number of others is allocated primarily in the image of the thoughts of its representatives, an increased sense of debt and responsibility. In this regard, the pedagogical profession is a mansion, standing out in a separate group. The main difference from other professions like "Man - Man" is that it refers to both the class of transformations and the class of management professions at the same time. With the purpose of its activities, the formation and transformation of the personality, the teacher is designed to manage the process of its intellectual, emotional and physical development, the formation of its spiritual world.

The main content of the pedagogical profession is a relationship with people. The activities of other representatives of professions like "Man - Man" also requires interaction with people, but here it is due to the best way to understand and satisfy person's requests. In the profession of teacher, the leading task is to understand public goals and direct the efforts of other people to achieve them.

The peculiarity of learning and education as social management activities is that it has a double work. On the one hand, its main content is a relationship with people: if the leader (and the teacher is such and is), they do not add proper relationships with those people with whom he leads or which he convinces means it is not the most important in his activities. On the other hand, the profession of this type always require special knowledge, skills and skills in any area (depending on whom or what he managed).

A teacher, like any other leader, should know well and represent the activities of students, the development process of which he leads. Thus, the pedagogical profession requires double preparation - a person scientist and special.

The originality of the pedagogical profession is that it is by its nature has a humanistic, collective and creative character.

Humanistic function of the pedagogical profession

For the pedagogical profession, two social functions were historically entrenched - adaptive and humanistic ("human-forming"). The adaptive function is associated with the adaptation of the student, the pupil to the specific requirements of the current sociocultural situation, and humanistic - with the development of his personality, creative personality.

On the one hand, the teacher prepares its pupils to the needs of this moment, to a certain social situation, to specific requests of society. But, on the other hand, he, objectively remaining the keeper and the conductor of culture, carries in itself a timeless factor. Having the purpose of the development of the personality as the synthesis of all the wealth of human culture, the teacher works for the future.

Collective Pedagogical Character

If in other professions of the group "Man - Man" result, as a rule, is a product of the activity of one person - a representative of the profession (for example, a seller, doctor, librarian, etc.), then in the pedagogical profession it is very difficult to stripping the contribution of each teacher, families and other sources of influences into a qualitative conversion of a subject of activity - pupil.

With the awareness of the natural strengthening of collectivistic began in the pedagogical profession, the concept of a cumulative subject of pedagogical activity is increasingly included in the use of the concept. Under the aggregate subject, a broad plan is understood as a pedagogical team of a school or other educational institution, and in a narrower - the circle of those teachers who are directly related to the group of students or a separate student.

Creative Nature of Labor Teacher

Pedagogical activity, like any other, has not only a quantitative measure, but also qualitative characteristics. The content and organization of the work of the teacher can be properly appreciated only by defining the level of its creative attitude towards its activities. The level of creativity in the activities of the teacher reflects the degree of use of their capabilities to achieve the goals. The creative nature of pedagogical activity is therefore the most important feature. But unlike creativity in other areas (science, technology, art), the teacher's creativity is not intended to create a socially valuable new, original, since its product is always the development of the personality. Of course, a creatively working teacher, and even more so the teacher-innovator creates its pedagogical system, but it is only a means for obtaining the best results in these conditions.

The motives are what the human activity encourages what it is committed. Pedagogical educational personality

The creative potential of the teacher's personality is formed on the basis of their social experience gained, psychological and pedagogical and objective knowledge, new ideas, skills and skills, allowing to find and apply original solutions, innovative forms and methods and thereby improve the execution of their professional functions. Only an erudite and special training teacher based on a deep analysis of emerging situations and awareness of the essence of the problem by creative imagination and a mental experiment can find new, original paths and ways to solve it. But the experience convinces that creativity comes only if only to those who are conscientious of labor, constantly seeks to raise professional qualifications, replenish knowledge and study the experience of the best schools and teachers.

The field of manifestation of pedagogical creativity is determined by the structure of the main components of pedagogical activities and covers almost all of its parties: planning, organization, implementation and analysis of results.

In modern scientific literature, pedagogical creativity is understood as the process of solving pedagogical problems in changing circumstances. Turning to the solution of an innumerable set of typical and non-standard tasks, the teacher as well as any researcher builds its activities in accordance with the general rules of heuristic search: an analysis of the pedagogical situation; Design of the result in accordance with the source data; Analysis of the available means necessary to verify the assumption and the achievement of the desired result; estimate of the data obtained; formulating new tasks.

Communications is a concept used in social psychology in two values: 1. To characterize the structure of business and interpersonal ties between models. 2. To characterize the exchange of information in human communication in general.

However, the creative nature of pedagogical activity cannot be reduced only to the solution of pedagogical problems, for in creative activity in unity, cognitive, emotional-volitional and motivational and consumer components of the individual appear in unity. However, the solution of specially selected tasks aimed at developing any structural components of creative thinking (goaling, analysis, requiring overcoming barriers, installations, stereotypes, busting options, classification and evaluation, etc.), is the main factor and most important The condition for the development of the creative potential of the personality of the teacher.

Heuristics is a system of logical techniques and methodological rules of theoretical research.

The experience of creative activity does not contribute fundamentally new knowledge and skills in the content of teacher training. But this does not mean that it is impossible to teach creativity. It is possible, when ensuring the constant intellectual activity of future teachers

and a specific creative cognitive motivation, which acts as a regulatory factor in the process of solving pedagogical problems.

Creativity is the ability to reflect the deep property of individuals to create original values, take non-standard solutions.

These may be the tasks of transferring knowledge and skills to a new situation, to identify new problems in familiar (typical) situations, on the allocation of new functions, methods and techniques, to combine new ways of activity from well-known and other. The exercises in the analysis are also promoted. Pedagogical facts and phenomena, allocation of their components, identifying the rational foundations of certain solutions and recommendations.

Often the scope of manifestation of teacher's creativity involuntarily narrows, bringing it to a non-standard, original solution of pedagogical problems. Meanwhile, the creativity of the teacher is not at least manifested in solving communicative tasks acting as a kind of background and the basis of pedagogical activities.

Each teacher continues his predecessors, but the Creator teacher sees wider and much further. Each teacher can one or another converts pedagogical reality, but only the Creator teacher is actively fighting for cardinal transformations and in this case itself is a visual example.


Not the fact that a big professional, a scientist will be able to teach children, especially at school. This requires a special personality warehouse, unique quality of the educator.

Personal qualities necessary teacher:

tendency to work with children;

the ability to interest with your plan, behave;

high degree of personal responsibility;

self-control and balance;

tolerance, cashless attitude towards people;

interest and respect for another person;

desire for self-knowledge, self-development;

originality, resourcefulness, versatility;




requirement to yourself and others;

observation (the ability to see the trends in the development of a child in the formation of his skills, skills, the emergence of needs and interests).

For each individual person, education has more or less pronounced personal value. The process of obtaining education, which in developed countries occupies a quarter of the life path of the modern person, makes a meaningful and spiritualized life, paints it with a variety of emotions, satisfies the needs of knowledge, communication, self-affirmation. In the course of education, potential human abilities are detected and developing, its self-realization is carried out, "the image of man" is formed. With the help of education, a person adapts to life in society, acquires the necessary knowledge and skills.

List of used literature

1. Rakov N.A. Pedagogy of the modern school: teaching manual. - Vitebsk: ed - in the UO "VSU them. P.M. Mashherova. " - 215 p. 2009.

2. Sweetains in V.A. and others. Pedagogy: studies. Manual for studies Higher. Ped. studies. institutions / V.A. Slastin, I.F. Isaev, E.I. Shihanov; Ed. V.A. Salazhenina

3. Giurinsky A.N. History of pedagogy: studies. Manual for studies pedavuses. M.: Humanit. Ed. Center Vlados, 1999.

4. Antigolova L.N. Ethical - psychological aspects of the Labor of the teacher. Omsk. -2009.

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The personality of a person to a particular profession is manifested in the peculiarities of its activities and the image of thinking. According to the classification proposed by E. L. Klimov, the pedagogical profession relates to a group of professions, the subject of which is another person. But the pedagogical profession from a number of others is allocated primarily in the image of the thoughts of its representatives, an increased sense of debt and responsibility. In this regard, the pedagogical profession is a mansion, standing out for a separate group. Its main difference from other professions like "Man - Man" is that it refers to both the class of transformations and the class of management professions at the same time. Having as a goal of demolishing activities, the formation and transformation of the personality, the teacher is designed to manage the process of its intellectual, emotional and physical development, the formation of its spiritual world.

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Thus, one of the features of pedagogical activity is that its object has a dual nature (L. K. Markova): On the one hand, this is a child, a student in all richness of his life, on the other - these are those elements of public culture owned by Teacher and who serve as a "building material" to form a person. This duality of the nature of pedagogical activity often leads to the fact that a young teacher inadequately understands the subject sphere of its activities, in the center of which the child is located, and unreasonably reduces it to work with educational material, to the preparation and conduct of lessons, forgetting that the latter Only a tool of pedagogical activity, and not the essence of it. Therefore, the pedagogical profession requires a complex training of a teacher - general cultural, personatic and special.

V. D. Sweastle as the main specific features of the pedagogical profession, its humanistic, collective and creative character is distinguished.

Humanistic function The work of the teacher is primarily associated with the development of the child's personality, his creative individuality, with the recognition of the right of a developing personality to be a subject of joint activity. All the activities of the teacher should be sent not only to help the child in solving the tasks facing him today, but also to prepare it for independent achievement of new, complex, promising goals defining the path of its further development.

The collective nature of pedagogical activity.If in other professions of the group "Man - Man" result, as a rule, is a product of the activity of one person - a representative of the profession (for example, a seller, doctor, librarian, etc.), then in the pedagogical profession it is very difficult to put out the contribution of each teacher, families and other sources of influences in the development of the personality of the pupil. That is why today is increasingly talking about the aggregate (collective) subject of pedagogical activity.

In the psychology, the Collective Subject is a templated and interdependent group of people who perform joint activities.

Under the aggregate (collective) subject of pedagogical activities in a broad sense, the pedagogical team of the school or other educational institution is understood, and in a narrower - the circle of those teachers who are directly related to the group of students or a separate student.

The main characteristics of the collective entity are interconnectedness and interdependence, joint activity and group self-reflection.

Interconnected The pedagogical team contributes to the formation of the predeterination, i.e. The formation of motivation to achieve a unified goal, the formation of a common pedagogical orpage, in other words, the formation of like-minded teachers. The concept of "like-minded people" does not mean the rejection of their personal views and pedagogical techniques. ... like-minded people - these are people who think about one, but thinking unequal, ambiguous, decisive questions this one In my own way, from the standpoint of their views, on the basis of his discoveries. The more shades inside any human community, the more it is vitality. So the more the thought of teachers about one matter, the deeper and diverse will be implemented onea business".

Joint activity As a characteristic of a collective subject, not only joint activities, but also joint communication, communication, group behavior, intragroup relations, implies. Pedagogical activity is impossible without exchanging experiences, without discussion and disputes, without defending its own pedagogical position. The pedagogical team is always a team of people of different age, various professional and social experience, and pedagogical interaction implies communication and relationships not only with colleagues, but also with students and their parents. Therefore, only if the pedagogical team becomes a collective subject, it is able to translate existing contradictions into constructive joint activity, and not turn them into a constant conflict. L. S. Makarenko argued: "The unity of the pedagogical team is a completely defining thing, and the youngest, the most inexperienced teacher in a single, paled team, headed by the master leader, will do more than any experienced and talented teacher who goes against with a pedagogical team. There is nothing more dangerous of individualism and squabbles in the pedagogical team, there is nothing disgusting, there is nothing more harmful. "

The most important characteristic of the collective subject is the ability of the group to self-efflexiaAs a result of which the feelings "we" are formed (experiencing their belonging to a group and unity with it) and the image-we (group idea of \u200b\u200btheir group, session). Such feelings and images can only be formed in groups that have their own history, traditions that respect the pedagogical experience accumulated by the oldest generation and open to a new pedagogical search that can give a critical, objective assessment of their professional activities.

Thus, the combination of the characteristics of the collective entity of pedagogical activity allows you to judge psychological Climate (atmosphere) In the pedagogical team, which largely depends the effectiveness of the work of the teacher, its satisfaction with its own difficulty, the possibility of self-realization and self-actualization in the profession.

Pedagogical activity as a creative process.The most important and system-forming feature of pedagogical activity is its creative character. Starting from the classics of pedagogy and ending with the latest studies of pedagogical activities, all the authors somehow considered the activities of the teacher's teacher as a creative process. The most fully given problem is presented in the works of V. A. Kan-Kalika. He considers pedagogical creativity as a process for solving countless tasks in changing circumstances.

It should be noted that in any human activity there are elements of creativity, i.e. In any activity, creative and non-macatic (algorithmic) components are necessarily combined. Algorithmic - implies a standard situation that eliminates the freedom of choice in solving the problem. Creativity takes place when the method of activity is not asked in advance, but is determined by the subject itself in accordance with the peculiarities of the situation. However, the role of the creative component in different activities is significantly different. The algorithmic component of pedagogical activity is represented by a set of regulatory psychologicopedagogical knowledge and experience. However, they are used in constantly changing conditions, non-standard situations. Thus, a carefully developed aspect of the lesson in the situation of "living" communications with students consistently undergoes changes. This is the specificity of pedagogical creativity. V.A. Can Calik and N. D. Nikandrov note that "the nature of pedagogical creative labor itself is characterized by a number of parameters, which in the most direct sense of the word are of the normative nature, which does not exclude their heuristic start, but implies some knowledge of this regulation. If this does not happen, the results of pedagogical creativity cannot be quite effective, just as it is impossible to decide with poems, do not own the knowledge of the technique of rhyme, sizes, etc. ". However, most researchers noted that it is in pedagogical activity that the creative component prevails over the regulatory (algorithmic), as it requires a constant choice of the optimal solution to the pedagogical problem.

What is the difference between pedagogical creativity from the creativity of scientific, technical, artistic? Responding to this question, V. I. Pozamyansky pointed out the following features of the teacher's creativity.

1. It is rigidly limited, compressed in time. "The teacher cannot wait until he is" falling "," he must find the optimal methodology for the upcoming classes today, and often adopt a new decision at the lesson in a matter of seconds, if the situation unforeseen the situation has developed. "

2. Since the pedagogical creativity is merged with the educational process, it should always bring positive results. "Negative allowed only in mental samples and attacks".

3. Pedagogical creativity - always creation.

4. A significant part of the teacher's creativity is carried out in humans, publicly (the ability to manage its psychophysical state).

The result of pedagogical creativity is also specific. N. V. Kuzmin notes that the "products" of pedagogical creativity are always pedagogical innovations aimed at improving the pedagogical process or the pedagogical system as a whole. The sphere of pedagogical creativity, and therefore, the appearance of pedagogical inventions is extremely wide. They can be both in the field of selection and composition of the content of information in educational and extracurricular activities and in the field of selection and organization of various activities, in creating new forms and methods of training and education, in the ways of solving pedagogical problems. However, most often indicate the subjectivity of novelty in pedagogical creativity (the discovery made by the teacher, it is important not so much for a pedagogical theory or practice, as for himself and his students in the course of solving a specific pedagogical task).

Pedagogical activity, being creative in its essence, requires every teacher of a creative approach to its professional activities. However, the degree of creative implementation of a specific teacher depends on its motives, personal qualities, individual abilities, level of knowledge, general cultural and professional experience. Therefore, pedagogical creativity can be implemented at different levels. V. A. Can Calik and N. D. Nicandrov allocate the following levels of pedagogical creativity.

1. The level of elementary interaction with the class. Feedback is used, the impacts are adjusted by results. But the teacher operates "by the methods", according to the template.

2. The level of optimization of activity in the lesson, starting with its planning. Creativity here is in the skillful choice and the appropriate combination of the already known to the teacher of the content, methods and forms of training.

3. Heuristic level. The teacher uses creative opportunities for live communications with students.

4. The level of creativity (highest) characterizes the teacher with complete independence. / Pedagogue can use ready-made techniques, but invest your personal start in them. It works with them only inspired, because they correspond to his creative individuality, the characteristics of the personality of the pupil, a specific level of learner, educativity, class development.

Thus, every teacher continues his predecessors, but the Creator teacher sees wider and much further. One way or another converts pedagogical reality, but only the Creator teacher is actively fighting for cardinal transformations and in this case itself is a visual example.








Pedagogical activity is one of the most complicated areas of human labor. The successful implementation of pedagogical activities requires that each teacher, deeply seized: 1) its subject; 2) the theory of knowledge and pedagogical sciences; 3) the ability to clear relations and relationships between certain concepts; 4) the ability to organically associate knowledge gained knowledge in various subjects into a single system of scientific views; 5) the ability to use various means of mass communications (fiction, radio, cinema, television, etc.) for the development of the cognitive activity of the schoolchildren, its public activity and independence.

A modern scientific and psychological study of any subject of pedagogical activity provides for a psychological analysis of its professional competence. This term combines the three main sides of the phenomenon of pedagogical labor: pedagogical activities, pedagogical communication and manifestation of the teacher's personality, which are considered separate procedural indicators (or blocks) of such competence.

The effectiveness of the pedagogical labor of the teacher, the educator or teacher is assessed by the qualitative positive changes in the mental development of students, pupils or students who were under the influence of the teacher. It takes into account the personal and intellectual development of the object of the application of pedagogical effort, its formation as a personality and a subject of educational activities.

In the efficient indicators of professional competence, it is customary to distinguish between two blocks:

training and learning;

pupil and rapidity.

Pedagogical work is one of the most complex types of human activity. Effective implementation requires certain psychological qualities, as well as the operation with broad and versatile professional knowledge and skills, on the basis of which the teacher actually makes a practical solution. Like any other activity, such activities are inherent: motivation, goaling and objectivity (psychological structure of activities: motive, goal, subject, means, methods, product, and result), and its specific feature is performance.

1.Efficiency of pedagogical activity

For scientifically based management of the educational process, the teacher needs not only well to know that the science he teaches, its current state, its connection with other spiders, with life, with practice, but also be able to transfer their knowledge to children. Without it, it is impossible to become a good teacher.

Each school subject, each area of \u200b\u200bscientific knowledge has its own characteristics, their difficulties, its main method of knowledge. In this regard, for each school discipline should be a deeply thought-out teaching technique. Knowledge of teaching techniques helps the teacher to provide a deep understanding and durable learning of the foundations of science, relations between the phenomena of nature and the surrounding life, the skillful application of the knowledge gained in practice and the use of learned knowledge for the development and formation of the student of a schoolboy.

The effectiveness of learning and education of students depends primarily on the internal unity of knowledge, targeted mental actions and correctly formed child relations to the surrounding reality, to people, to the case and to their own behalf of themselves. And if so, it is quite obvious that in its pedagogical activity, the teacher cannot limit only by the function of the knowledge of students' knowledge. He must be able to guide the mental activity of students, adjust and direct it. Only in this case the teacher is able to ensure comprehensive development and education of the child as a person.

The effectiveness of managing the mental activity of students in the learning process depends not only on the streamlining of the source of information (the content of knowledge reported), but also from the ordering of the children's mental actions itself. This system should ensure that specific tasks solve. Only under these conditions, each schoolboy can actively function as a conscious and independently thinking subject of learning activities.

That is why the teacher must master not only the relevant knowledge, but also the skills and skills of the presentation of these knowledge. He must be able to mobilize the attention of students, develop their thinking and form social-recognizable value orientations.

Successful pedagogical communication is the basis of the effective professional activity of the teacher. Communication with pupils in pedagogical purposes plays an important role in the socialization of the student, in his personal development. However, even experienced teachers face the difficulties of communication that complicate pedagogical work, often cause an acute sense of dissatisfaction, and sometimes doubts about their professional consistency.

Modern teacher is very difficult to keep up with the times. The conditions of training are rapidly changing, according to some school subjects there are from 5 to 14 textbooks of different authors. The student medium is characterized by differentiation: one pole form children who know what they want in their lives and how it can be achieved, and on another pole - children who live alone: \u200b\u200bdo not want anything and do not seek anything. Communication with students is complicated by both objective and subjective factors, which forces the teachers again and returned to reflections on the complex parties to communicate. What is the psychological side of pedagogical communication?

Pedagogical communication is a professional communication of the teacher with students in class or outside it (in the process of learning and education), having certain pedagogical functions of unired to create a favorable psychological climate, optimizing educational activities and relations between teacher and students inside the student team. Pedagogical communication is a multifaceted organization process; Establishment and development of communication, mutual understanding of interaction between teachers and students, generated by the objectives and content of their joint activities.

Vocational-pedagogical communication is a system of receptions and methods that ensure the implementation of the goals and objectives of pedagogical activities and organizing, guiding the socio-psychological interaction of the teacher and educate.

In pedagogical communication, communicative (exchange of information between communicating), interactive (organization of cooperation) and perceptual (perception of each other by partners in communication and the establishment of mutual understanding). The emphasis of the selected characteristics suggests that pedagogical communication should be not a severe debt, but a natural and even joyful interaction process.

The nature of his organization is quite important for the effectiveness of educational cooperation, in particular the external regulation of the activities of the participants (through the distribution of roles or the task of joint work methods). At the same time, the appointment of the lead, designed to regulate the course of discussion in the Triad, can be a factor in the self-organization of the collaboration of participants in training cooperation. Speaking about ways of cooperation, it is important to note that not only the form of cooperation itself is essential, but also the way to organize a joint solution to the problem.

pedagogical activity conflict self-regulation

2.Conflicts and pedagogical activities

Very often people ask if it is possible to live life without conflict. And very upset, having heard that it is unreal. However, some often quarrel with others and hear conflict people, while others are not. It depends on many factors, primarily personal, but also on what to understand under the conflict.

The most widespread conflict definition is a violation of communication between people. At the same time, all conflicts are divided into two groups: intrapersonal and interpersonal.

The intrapersonal conflict is the conflict of different trends in the personality, for example, the conflict between "want" and "necessary", or the conflict between the two "want", or the self-organization conflict, self-improvement, self-conflict conflict and environmental assessment, etc.

Internal conflict is always somehow connected with external circumstances. Arriving under their impact, it affects human behavior, in his actions, emotional state. These conflicts most often appear in adolescence, and then during the life of a person can occur in any significant situations, in vitality. For example, the best school student turns out to be one of many at the institute, sociable, sociable person cannot find a common language with colleagues, the best student cannot cope with work, with practice, etc.

Not everyone can resolve their conflict. Most people need a careful and kind friend, and some are a specialist.

So, for intrasionally conflict, it is characterized by a contradiction between the most significant tendencies of the person. At the same time, self-esteem suffers. For a favorable resolution of the conflict, the following is necessary:

A person needs to be aware of (or help him to realize), which of its tendencies entered into a contradiction.

It should be convincing for him that it is this trend that needs correction. It is necessary that he himself came to this conclusion.

It is necessary to return to man emotional well-being.

Restore self-esteem and approve it on a different basis.

Self-esteem should be done more rational (rational).

It should be avoided by interpersonal conflicts.

Change the level of claims, develop human self-impact.

Interpersonal conflicts are conflicts between people, and they arise in all areas where people come into contact with each other. At school, this may be conflicts between the teacher and the student, the teacher and the teacher, the teacher and the parent (Lyami). Pupils, parents and children (if the help and intervention of the teacher is required).

Pedagogical conflicts are divided into three groups:

Motivational conflicts. They arise between teachers and students due to the weak learning motivation of the latter or, more simply, due to the fact that schoolchildren either do not want to learn, or learn without interest, forced. Conflicts of this group grow and ultimately between teachers and students arise mutual dislike, confrontation, even the struggle. Essentially, motivational conflicts arise because our teacher school and schoolchildren are separated, opposed, have different goals and different focus.

.Conflicts related to lack of training in school. This refers to four conflict periods through which passing into the process of learning in school.

Day period - 1st grade, adaptation to school.

Th Period - 5th grade, transition to high school, adaptation to a new way of life.

Th Period - the end of the school. Ready for further life or not.

.Conflicts interactions. These conflicts occur for reasons are not objective, but personal characteristics of conflicting.

The most common among students are conflicts of leadership, which reflects the struggle of 2 - 3 leaders and their groupings for their championship in the classroom. A group of boys and a group of girls can conflict, can have 3 - 4 people to conflict with class, etc.

Conflicts in the interactions of the "teacher - student", in addition to motivational, can act as conflicts of a person-ethical nature, when the teachers or students come in disctuctively, incorrectly.

Conflicts between teachers may arise for various reasons: starting with the problems of school schedule and ending with clashes of intimate-personal order.

In the interactions, the Teacher - Administration arise conflicts caused by the problems of power and subordination.

Any conflict has a specific structure, sphere and dynamics.

The structure of the conflict situation develops from the internal and external position of the participants, their interactions and the object of conflict.

There are such potentially conflicted pedagogical situations to be distinguished:

conflicts of activities that arise due to non-fulfillment by a student of educational tasks, academic performance, extracurricular activities;

conflicts of behavior that arise through violation by the student of the rules of behavior in school and outside it;

conflicts of relations that arise in the sphere of emotionally personal relations of students and teachers and communication in the process of pedagogical activities.

Features of pedagogical conflicts:

professional responsibility of the teacher for the pedagogically correct decision of the situation;

conflict participants have different social status, and these are determined by their different behavior in conflict;

the difference in age and life experience gives rise to a different measure of responsibility for errors when solving them;

through a different understanding of the participants in the events and their reasons, the teacher is not always easy to understand the depth of the child's experiences, and the disciple - to cope with its emotions;

the presence of other students in conflict makes them not only witnesses, but also by the participants; The conflict acquires educational content;

the professional position of the teacher in the conflict obliges him to take the initiative in the resolution of the conflict and in the first place to put the interests of the student;

any teacher's mistake in resolving conflict generates new situations and conflicts;

the conflict in pedagogical activities is easier to prevent than successfully resolving it.

At the 1st stage, the development of the conflict can be blocked, for example, to engage in practical activities, sports.

At the 2nd stage, the conflict is no longer possible: passions are raging, the participants are excited, demonstrate "power techniques". It must be survived.

But the conflict situation was realized, the conflicting has exhausted their strength and energy, the 3rd stage comes. There is a sense of blameing, regret, repentance. Only now you can and need to conduct educational conversations, identify and eliminate the causes of conflicts.

3.Self-regulation of pedagogical activity

There are various ways to help understand another person. The introspection - a person puts himself in place of another, and then reproduces the thoughts and feelings that, in his opinion, this particular is experiencing in this situation. But there is a danger of own thoughts and feelings to take for the thoughts and feelings of another. Permanent adjustment is needed on the basis of knowledge about this person.

The empathy method is to educate into the inner experiences of another person. Good for emotional people, "artists" with intuitive thinking, who can also trust their emotions, and not just criticize them.

The method of logical analysis is for rationalists based on thinking. They analyze the situation, their idea of \u200b\u200bthe partner of communication, his behavior.

In the second case, a person tries to preserve inner peace and stability, seeks not to fall into the atmosphere of tension that conflict brings with me. Experience shows that if one of the interacting people acquires and maintains restraint, equilibrium and disruption, then another participant deprives the ability to start conflict or further interact in "conflict mode". American psychologists offer many witty ways to preserve inner peace. Here is some of them:

if you got under the "blow" of the opposite side, so as not to hear the replica of the attacker, you need to think about something, to reclaim poems, multiply multivalued numbers, remember jokes or recipes;

you can imagine that you are dressed in a protective suit, from which all the words are bouncing, like balls, or flow like a rain rods;

you can represent your inner irritation, which comes out of you in the form of some cloud or ghosts;

you can try to imagine your opponent in a ridiculous form, for example, in some masquerade suit;

finally, it is possible to imagine that all the words that "fly" in you fall into it and deactivate it in the most incredible way.

In any case, all means are good to preserve inner peace of mind, and, which is capable of your imagination, good, these funds are not visible to anyone.

For self-regulation, the following methods of self-education and psychocorrection can be used:

In the case of inadequate self-esteem - the method of self-criticism, self-purification, from methods of psychocorrection - introspection, identification, expansion of self-expression methods.

With personal anxiety, supercontrolle - pedagogical analysis of activities, self-control, social reflection, empathic hearing, behavior modeling, analysis of colleagues, reflexion of their own behavior at different stages of the lesson, exercise on tension with tension.

In the event of the problem of the imbalance of cultural and social development, it is good to use self-criticism, self-study, relaxation, decentration.

With emotional coldness, formalism in relation to the child, not enough developed communicative competence of the teacher, authoritarianity it is advisable to analyze pedagogical situations, carry out exercises to mastering elements of pedagogical communication and communication system in a particular pedagogical situation, the development of positive perception of children, mastering intonation technique, facial expressions.

In case of insufficient professional competence in certain aspects of activities, inability to organize their time, poorly developed individual pedagogical abilities - compliance with the routine of the day, planning, training of reflexive behavior, the development of pedagogical intuition, improvisation skills, self-diagnosis of personality and professional deficiencies, socially - psychological training.

Solving the problem of self-improvement Teacher must begin with a change in attitude towards himself, attentive attitude towards his personal needs, the development of positive thinking, its intelligence, the ability to manage their emotions.


Pedagogical activity is a system of relationships and interactions of a teacher with students and among themselves, as well as the structuring of the teacher of the educational process based on the development of its professionally important personal qualities.

The activities of the teacher are a very complex and multifaceted work on the psychological content of work, requiring high ideas, deep and versatile knowledge, high total culture, sustainable interests in the field of teaching science, well-pronounced professional-pedagogical orientation, love for children, knowledge of childhood laws, Theories and practices of learning and education.

In the process of performing pedagogical activities, the teacher not only manifests its physical and spiritual forces, but also forms them, and the higher the consciousness of the social and personal significance of the chosen teacher of the specialty, the wider opportunities for the comprehensive development and formation of his personality. Impact interpersonal relations in the pedagogical team are of great importance for the formation of the personality of the teacher.

The high activity of the teacher's personality, his pedagogical skills are largely dependent on its social and professional orientation, on the level of development of its civil and political qualities, responsibility for their behavior and action and, finally, on the degree of its inclusion in the creative activities of the pedagogical team of the school to educate the younger generation.

A deep awareness of his social role, his public debt and ideological unity with the team of comrades for labor creates favorable internal conditions for the comprehensive development and formation of the personality of the teacher: purposefulness, discipline, organization, perseverance and businesslikeness. These qualities help the teacher to show volitional efforts when reaching the goal, and especially when there are difficulties on his paths.


1. Age and pedagogical psychology. - M.: Enlightenment, 1973. - 288 p.

Demidov I. F. Pedagogical psychology. - M.: Academic project, Triksta, 2006. - 224 p.

Winter I. A. Pedagogical psychology. - M.: Logos, 2001. - 384 p.

Kutishenko V. P. Vikova, the teacher's psychologist. - K.: Inincidences Center Liteaturi, 2005. - 128 p.

Pedagogical psychology. - M.: Vlados - Press, 2003. - 400 p.

Under pedagogical activity, we understand the special type of social activity of adults aimed at transferring from high-end generations younger culture accumulated humanity and experience, to create conditions for their personal development and prepare for certain social roles in society.

For the convenience of consideration of the essence of pedagogical activities, we use system approaches and present the activities of the teacher as a kind of pedagogical system.

Professional pedagogical activities are carried out in educational institutions specially organized by the Company: pre-school institutions, schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, additional education institutions, advanced training and retraining institutions.

Pedagogical activity has the same characteristics as any other type of human activity, namely: target, motivation, subject.

The essence of pedagogical activity can be revealed by analyzing its structure, which A.N. Leontyev represented as the unity of the goal, motives, actions (operations), the result, with its system-forming characteristic, he considered the goal.

It should be noted that only teachers are professionally carry out this activity, and parents, production teams, public organizations, the media, were free or involuntary participants in the educational process, carry out commonabout activities.

The activities of the teacher in public functions, according to the requirements for professionally significant personal qualities, the complexity of psychological stress is close to the activity of the writer, artist, scientist. The specifics of pedagogical activity consists, first of all, in the fact that the personality of man is the object and product.

Pedagogical activity as a specific phenomenon is characterized by special functions and consists of such components: a) the purpose of the activity; b) the subject of activity; c) means of activity. But in this general form, the components are inherent in any kind of activity.

In this case, what specificity of the pedagogical activity?

FirstlyIn the target installation, social significance of pedagogical activities, during which the social continuity of generations is largely carried out, the inclusion of the younger generation into the existing social relationship system that implements the natural opportunities of a person in mastering certain social experiences.

Secondly, in the subject of pedagogical activity, under which, according to I.A. Winter, it is understood as the organization of educational, extracurricular or extracurricular activities of students, pupils aimed at mastering subject socio-cultural experience as the basis and conditions of their personal formation and development. In the course of pedagogical activity, interaction between man, mastered general and professional culture (teacher), and a person with his unique combination of individual qualities, mastering it (studying, pupil).

Such specifics of the subject of pedagogical activities complicates its essence, since the pupil is such an object, which is already a product of the impact of a number of factors (family, friends, media, etc.).

Many of these factors (for example, the media) act spontaneously, multifaceted, in various directions. And the most important of them, who has the greatest convincing, clarity, is real life in all its manifestations. Pedagogical activity and assumes the adjustment of all these impacts emanating from both society and the personality of the pupil itself.

Thirdly, In pedagogical means, protruding an integral part of the educational process and ensuring its functioning and achievement of the goals. Pedagogical agents, on the one hand, are material objects and objects of spiritual culture designed to organize and implement the pedagogical process (drawings, photo, film and video materials, technical means, etc.). On the other hand, the pedagogical means is a variety of activities in which pupils include: work, game, teaching, communication, knowledge.

In pedagogical activities, as in other activities, it distinguishes its subject and object (object). However, the student or the pupil acts in this activity not only by the object, but also subject, since the pedagogical process only will be productive only when it contains the elements of his self-education and self-education. Moreover, the learning and education process converts not only a student, but also a teacher, affecting him as a person, developing in it some qualities of personality and overwhelming others. Pedagogy - a purely human form of activity, born by the needs of public life, the needs of human culture, which can be preserved and developed, if society is able to transfer it to new generations. The pedagogical process in this plan is the indispensable condition for the existence of human history, its progressive development, without which the material and spiritual culture could neither exist or to be used.

The purpose of the pedagogical process determines not only its organization, but also methods of learning and education, the entire system of relations in it. Changes in historical forms of pedagogical activity are ultimately due to the needs of society in certain types of human personality, which dictates the goals and tasks of education, its methods and funds, directs the activities of the teacher, although it may seem to see that the teacher himself chooses what he will learn and how. The result of pedagogical activity is also specific - a person who mastered a certain amount of public culture. However, if in material production, which is directed to nature, with the production of labor product, the process is completed and the product of pedagogical activity - a person is capable of further self-development, and the impact of the teacher at this person does not fade, and sometimes it continues to influence him all his life. The most important feature of the pedagogical activity is that it has from beginning to end is the process of interpersonal interaction of people, therefore, naturally contains moral principles.

The activities of the teacher always appreciated in society highly. The importance of the case performed by him, the authority always determined respectful attitude to the teacher's profession. Another ancient Greek philosopher Plato said that if the shoeman is a bad master, the state from this does not suffer very much, - citizens will be only somewhat worse, but if the educator will be bad to fulfill their duties, whole generations of ignorant and bad people will appear in the country. The great Slavic teacher Yang Amos Komensesky who lived in the 18th century, who is rightfully considered the founder of scientific pedagogy, wrote that teachers "awarded an excellent position, above whom nothing could be under the sun." He argued that the teachers are parents of the spiritual development of students; The nearest caring of teachers is the passion of students with good example.

Especially it should be said about the specifics of the pedagogical activity of a rural school teacher. Currently, the rural school is most often the only intellectual-cultural center of the village, and therefore in direct dependence on its activities there is a solution to many issues of rural life. Under these conditions, the structural and mean restructuring of the activities of the rural school is necessary both for the sustainable development of the education system, and to reform the agrarian sector of the country.

Education institutions located in rural areas make up 69.8% (45 thousand) on the number of all general educational institutions of Russia, they are studying 30.6% (5.9 million people) students and employs 40.7% of teachers (685 thousand . human); The share of primary general educational institutions accounts for 31%, general educational institutions of the main general education - 25%, general educational institutions of the average (full) general education - 44%.

At the same time, the tendency to reduce the number of educational institutions located in rural areas is increasing. Over the past ten years, their number has decreased by about two thousand.

According to the Law "On Education" (Art. 19), the Education Standard must be maintained both for rural and urban schools. At the same time, the content and organization of the educational process in a rural school is largely determined by the complex of objective and subjective factors that cause the specifics of its functioning and prospects for the development of the specifics of the professional activities of a rural teacher.

The objective factors that contribute to improving the effectiveness of the educational process in a rural school is primarily an agricultural environment and proximity to nature, which create favorable conditions for communicating and education of students with specific types of agricultural production and the life of rural workers. The direct communication of rural schoolchildren with nature is an important means of acquiring more informed natural science knowledge, the formation of environmental culture, careful attitude towards the world around them. The presence in the countryside of personal subsidiary farms, household plots, as well as training and experimental sites in schools contributes to the prevention of labor infantality. From the small years, rural children are involved, as a rule, in the service work in the family and school, which contributes to their physical development and motor activity.

The specificity of the rural school is determined not only by the set of objective factors that provide only the potential for improving educational work with rural schoolchildren and the successful implementation of which largely depends on the reasonable use of them in specific conditions.

This specificity is also determined by the benefits of the implementation of pedagogical activities on the village, namely:

♦ a more characteristic, noticeable manifestation of the best traditions of folk pedagogy, once a slender system for the upbringing of a rural resident; (in cities, especially large, such traditions are practically not used due to the mixed national composition of residents, separation from historical roots);

♦ a fairly clear idea of \u200b\u200bteachers about children, conditions of their life and life, family relationships, among peers, etc.;

♦ proximity to traditions, more than in the city, power of public opinion, the authority of teachers, especially those who work in the village for many years and raised not one generation of rural residents; belonging to most parents to one labor team, their living in the territory of a small village, villages, villages, permanent communication with colleagues outside the school;

♦ optimal conditions for the preparation of students for life on the village, agricultural production, manifestations of children's independence in solving economic and life problems (Fig. 5).

Historically established features of rural settlement, huge spatial contrasts, the socio-economic differences in the regions of Russia have identified such a feature of a rural school as its small number (5604 schools with the number of students of up to 10 people), which creates problems requiring immediate and fundamental decision.

These issues are as follows.

1. Outdated material and technical base. Currently, more than 15 thousand rural schools require major repairs, about three thousand are in disregard.

2. Weak personnel and financial support. Insufficient staffing of general educational institutions located in rural areas, personnel, insufficient teacher qualifications (higher professional education have 70% of teachers, secondary professional "- 23.2%) reduce the quality of education. Reducing the volume and sources of funding for a rural school leads to a further deterioration in financially -Technic base, quality of education, while the specific budget costs per student in rural general educational institutions remain higher than the cost per student in urban educational institutions.

3. Lack of or insufficient development of modern communications and vehiclesfor the enjoyment of students to school negatively affects the organization of the educational process.

4. Low education quality. Rural children have initially unequal opportunities in obtaining education in comparison with urban, unequal access to various educational services. Education institutions located in rural areas cannot give educational high-quality education, which reduces the competitiveness of rural schoolchildren when entering educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher vocational education.

5. Malocompleteness and smallness Most rural schools. Most of them have no parallel classes, and in many elementary schools there are classes-kits. Since in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Social Development of the village" on the village, elementary schools can be opened even if there are one student, the number of such schools in the country is quite significant. Unlike urban schools, a rural service microdistrict is much more extensive, for secondary schools, he can make tens of square kilometers. All this requires the pedagogical teams of additional and sometimes highly significant costs of strength and time to ensure timely visits to children of educational and extracurricular activities. This applies, first of all, the organization of the regular sudden suggestion for the educational institution, and in the presence of the boarding school - the establishment and maintenance of living conditions that minimize the negative impact of the separation of children from the family, the implementation of pedagogical impact measures on schoolchildren during their stay outside the school.

6. Learning in rural schools allows you to really implement an individual approach to the student. At the same time, in the small class, the increased sense of anxiety, psychological, emotional, and sometimes intellectual overloads of students, which is associated with continuous control and assessment of their knowledge is often observed.

7. The problems of the small rural school can also include the lack of a special emotional psychological atmosphere, characteristic of the learning work of a large team of students. In such schools, it is often limited to business, informational and emotional communication of children, there is practically no adversary of students in mastering knowledge. Difficulties also arise with the formation of collectivist moral qualities of the personality of students, organizational, communicative abilities, often lacking leaders.

8. Special conditions for the functioning of rural school are associated not only with a small number of students, but also with the specifics of the pedagogical activities of the rural teacher.

First of all, it is necessary to note significant differences in the content and nature of educational instructions of rural and urban teachers. In urban schools with several parallel classes, the entire educational load of the teacher, as a rule, consists of training sessions on one subject; Teachers teaching 2-3 subjects there are units. At the same time, more than half of teachers of small-scale rural schools, except for their specialty, lead classes in several other disciplines, for which they often do not have special training. Most rural school teachers have a learning load, much more than established norms. Higher spending time requires a rural teacher to prepare for classes in the evening (replaceable) educational institutions, which in the conditions of countryside usually function on the basis of day schools. Of course, teacher teaching several items has some positive moments. In particular, it allows us to broadly use interdisciplinary communications, introduce integrative courses, to ensure a more targeted influence on the development of the student of a schoolboy. On the other hand, it is impossible not to see many of the negative effects of multi-consistency. Here is some of them:

♦ The deficit of pedagogical frames leads to the fact that in some cases the teacher leads objects not in their specialty;

♦ Due to multi-consistency during the school year, the teacher works with one class in series in several lessons, which in the case of the prevailing relationship between the teacher and students can lead to a pedagogical conflict. Teaching a teacher of several objects sometimes keeps a distorted idea of \u200b\u200bthe abilities and opportunities of the student to learn, which is unreasonably transferred from one subject to another, while a negative understanding of the child is often formed;

♦ As a rule, rural schools in which the majority of multi-consuming teachers work are located in remote settlements, a message with which is difficult. As a result, the teachers are practically in forced isolation, which contributes little to the growth of their professionalism.

9. In rural school conditions, things are much more complicated with improving the qualifications of teachers, the exchange of experience of educational work. Teachers - rural schools are on average, there are 12-15 people (urban 35-40). Since in such schools, as a rule, subject teachers are presented in the singular, then it is impossible to organize intraschool methodical associations.

Because of this, the role of self-education in the formation of pedagogical professionalism of a rural teacher increases. However, rural teachers are more difficult to communicate with various methodological services, libraries. The data of various surveys show that rural teachers have much more time to organize extracurricular work and class leadership. Insufficient number of out-of-school children's institutions in the village leads to the fact that all the extracurricular activities of students are carried out under the guidance and forces of the teachers themselves.

Essentially the role of a rural teacher in the cultural life of the village was great. It is agriculture who is the main part of the rural intelligentsia, the main cultural power of the village. The large proportion of teachers among the rural intelligentsia and the lower educational level of residents of the village determine the specific features of the cultural and educational work of rural schools among the population. Teachers in the village can be found among deputies of local governments, they are often nominated to the executive bodies of the authorities, act as organized by cultural events.

To solve these problems, a comprehensive approach is needed, in which it is necessary to take into account the special social and cultural status of rural school, the national and demographic features of Russian regions, the accumulated positive experience and traditions of rural education.

Thus, in its composition, life and work conditions, rural teaches are significantly different from teachers of urban schools, which must be taken into account by future teachers in the process of common and medium-sized training in the walls of higher and medium-sized pedagogical educational institutions.