World Art Culture Lesson Plan Concept of Architecture Types of Architecture Language Architecture Styles Romanesque Style in Architecture Gothic. World art culture architecture

World Art Culture Lesson Plan Concept of Architecture Types of Architecture Language Architecture Styles Romanesque Style in Architecture Gothic. World art culture architecture
World Art Culture Lesson Plan Concept of Architecture Types of Architecture Language Architecture Styles Romanesque Style in Architecture Gothic. World art culture architecture

Lesson Plan Architecture Concept Type of architecture Language architecture architecture Styles Romanesque style in architecture Gothic style in architecture Classicism in Ampir architecture in Baroque architecture in Rococo architecture in the architecture of Western European and Eastern architecture. Types of buildings. Practical task

Architecture Architecture is an art to design and build, rising to the level of summarization of ideas and expressing in the artistic form of a person's presentation about the world, space, time, eternity and movement, joy and celebration or, on the contrary, sadness, loneliness.

Romanesque architecture Art style of Western European art 10 - H.13 V.V. Churches Monasteries Locks Basis - Roman architecture Simple stereometric volumes (cube, cylinder, parallelepiped, prism) Integrity Celebration Material Tolstaya Powerful walls, massiveness of the stern fortressing appearance Static semi-curvory arch Main architectural types Art features

Gothic architecture (from the name of the German tribe is ready) Art style Ser.12 - 16 V.V. City Cathedral Palaces Town Hall Castles Trading Rows Artistic Features Basic Architectural Types Runs Spirit and Mind Breakthrough to Divine Eases, Size Frame System Crosst Arch Fastener Stone Thread Overcoming Material Dynamics

Classicism in architecture (from lat. Classici-exemplary) Artistic direction 17 - N.19 century. Idea of \u200b\u200bstatehood, law schedule urban ensemble Triumphal arches Public buildings Art features Basic architectural types Appeal to the ancient heritage of both normal and perfect pattern Clarity and geometrism forms Logistics and clarity Planning severity Constrained decor

Ampire in architecture (from fr.empire- empire) Artistic direction ¼ 19 V. City ensemble Triumphal arches Public buildings Art features Basic architectural types + monumentalism (significance of ideological content, large) + Lapidarity (brevity, compression, expressiveness

Baroque in architecture (from Ital.Barocco - Strange, Freaky) Artistic Direction V.V. Last stage of classicism idea of \u200b\u200bstate power of urban ensemble Triumphal arches Public buildings Artistic features Basic architectural types Grandness Effects Pumping spatial scope Dynamics Contrast of material and texture, light and darkness

Rococo in architecture (from FR.GOSO - Strange, Fancy) Artistic Direction 1st Half 18 V .. Last Stage Baroque Palace Interiors Artistic Features Basic Architectural Types Grand Specifies Amount of Decor Interiors Spatial Scope Dynamics Contrast Material and Teaching, Light and Darkness

Check yourself? 1. Listed the main types of architecture 2. Name the main European styles of architecture in the sequence of their occurrence 3. The architectural style by keywords is determined by keywords: a) discreet decor, logicality, clarity, antique aesthetics b) massiveness, sternness of the appearance, statics, simplicity c) grandeur , Specificity, pompousness, contrast d) monumentalism, lapidarity D) Eases, scale, takeoff of the Spirit, frame system 4. Instead of picking points, the necessary words to determine: "Architecture is ... Design and build expressing in ... form. .. a man about the world "

Summary of the lesson on the MHC in the 11th grade

Theme lesson: "Architecture of the 20th century"

Form of holding:message and learning new knowledge + independent work

Equipment: PC, projector

Training goals and objectives:

- introduce students to the values \u200b\u200bof world culture; raise the level of artistic development;

Deepen knowledge of students about architecture;

Generate students with the direction "Constructivism".

Educational questions:

  1. Constructivism Sh.E. Le Corbusier and V.E. Tatlin.
  2. "Organic Architecture" F. Lita.
  3. O.Nheyer: Architect accustomed to amaze.

During the classes:

1. Repetition and generalization of the knowledge gained:

- What is architecture?

(Architecture (Lat., From c. "Builder") - the art of designing, construction and decoration of buildings (very widely - from the construction of a slash to the construction of the most complex engineering structures)

- Types of architecture?

(Architecture of bulk structures, landscape architecture, urban planning)

The architecture of bulk structures is the construction of cult and fortress buildings, residential buildings, public buildings (schools, theaters, shops, etc.), industrial structures (plants, factories, power plants, etc.).

Landscape architecture is an architecture associated with the organization of garden-park space (squares, boulevards and parks with small architecture - arbors, bridges, fountains, stairs).

Urban planning is an architecture aimed at creating new and reconstruction of old urban areas.

2. The message of the new material.

Slide number 1. Theme of the lesson: "Architecture of the 20th century"

The architecture of the 20th century - the phenomenon is unique in the history of world architecture, which is striking by its dissimary to all previous styles. At the beginning of the century, a new course called "Constructivism" was born.

Slide number 2.

  • Constructivism - (Franz. Constructivisme from Lat. Constructio - Building). Designing is one of the formation techniques based on accurate calculations of the physical properties of the materials and the functions of the object.

The main objects of the architectural thought were the functional structures of a new type: train stations, factories, plants, bridges, public institutions and, of course, a person's dwelling.

Slide number 3. New ideas and principles of constructivism read:

  • The architecture should be easy and to give a sense of steam;
  • Architecture should subjugate huge flows of light inside the building and learn from the outside to beat light effects;
  • Thanks to new materials and technologies, the architecture must learn to operate with integral spaces of huge sizes.

Slide number 4 - Table.

An outstanding architect of constructivism and the creators of this "World Style" is Charles Eduar Le Corbuse.Slide number 5.6

Le Corbusier (Present Name Charles Eduar Jeanner-Gri, 1887 - 1965) - French architect of Swiss origin, modernism pioneer, representative of international architecture, artist and designer.

His first architectural project Le Corbusier undertook in incomplete 18 years. It was a residential building for Engraving Louis Fall (house Fall. ), Member of the Council of Arts School. When construction was completedearned money Le Corbusier committed his first educational trip - in Italy and the countries of Austria-Hungary.

About six months, Le Corbusier was in Vienna, where he was busy with new two projects of residential buildings, studied architecture, met with artists and architects of this city, in particular with a very popular then Joseph Hoffman. The journey ended in Paris, where Le Corbusier spent more than two years, working as an intern of the draftsman in the architects bureau. Later, with the aim of self-education, Le Corbusier took another journey, east (1911) - in Greece, Balkans and Malaya Asia, where he had the opportunity to study the ancient monuments, folklore and traditional folk construction of the Mediterranean. These travels became his universities and largely formed his views on art and architecture. In 1928-1930 Le Corbusier committed three trips to Russia, finding like-minded people here. He won the competition and received an order for the design of the centralization building (Central Union of Consumer Societies of the USSR). It was his first implemented project of a large social structure. After the war, each embodied building Le Corbusier became an artistic discovery.

Le Corbusier formulated his famous "Five points" Architecture Le Corbusier:

1. The house is installed on the supports, and the green zone continues under it.

2. Free layout: If necessary, the inner partitions of the room can be located differently.

3. Neansessing facade wall; Registration of the facade depending on the flexible planning.

4. Window pastes merge into a single belt window. Such windows not only give better lighting, but also form a special geometric pattern of the facade.

5. A flat roof terrace with a garden should return the city that the building is taken by the volume of the building.

Slide number 7.

The famous villa "Savoy" in Pouassi (France) is distinguished by the perfection of the forms and clarity of proportions, organic unity with nature, the possibility of full privacy for a person. The great contribution of Le Corbuses to the development of the theory of housing for a person. He called for the structure of the building to be developed as sequentially and logically how the design of machines was carried out. He said that "an airplane cannot be looked like on a bird or dragonfly, it is necessary to see the car for the flight." So the house is a person's dwelling is a "housing machine."

Slide number 7.

Residential building in Marseille - a peculiar model of the perfect housing for a person. This house is designed for 350 families (approximately 1600 people). The house is raised to high supports, it includes 337 double-decker apartments, shops, hotels, rooftop garden, gym, treadmill, swimming pool, kindergarten, i.e., everything you need for a comfortable life.

Slide number 9, 10, 11.

The activity of Le Corbusier occupies an exceptional place in the development of the architecture of the XX century. About him argued during life and after death. He was called the greatest and most unloved architectural century. And he with bitterness and dignity recognized his ability to cause "anger, in others - enthusiasm in some cases." The architect, painter, sculptor, designer, brilliant publicist and theorist, he looked at modernity as if from the future.

Slide number 12.

In the Soviet Union, the development of constructivism was essential not only for architecture, but also for all types of art. Original architectural projects of spring brothers, M.Ya.Ginsburg, I.I. Lonidova, K.S. Melnikov were carried out in the largest cities of Russia.

Vladimir Evgrafovich Tatlin, a significant contribution to the development of domestic architecture - the founder of Soviet artistic constructivism, painter and scenograph(1885-1953), artist-avant-gardeist, man of the original warehouse of the mind.

Slide number 13.

1919-1920 - the architectural project was his main creation - the model of the monument to the October Revolution, or the Tower of the Third International. This is a grand constructions with a height of 400 m, one and a half times greater than the Eiffel Tower, it was conceived as the propaganda center of the world revolution. It consisted of a diagonal mast, two swirling and striking up steel spirals bonded by an openwork metal grille. Inside the frame structure, glass rooms were supposed in the form of suspended cube volumes, pyramids, cylinders and hemispheres. Also, the tower was found as a kinetic structure (with Greech kinetikos means leading in motion), each of the premises had to rotate around the inclined axis at different speeds. Unlike the Babylonian tower, which has become a symbol of human pride and vanity, as well as the cause of the disconnection of people, the Tatlin Tower should have embodied the cherished dream of the fraternal union of the peoples of all nations.

In real life, V.E. Tatlin could not embody his grand intention: there were no funds or materials or industrial opportunities in the poor and ruined country for its construction. With great difficulty found rakes and paper for layout. Currently, its appearance is known for photographs and several reconstructions. The Tatlin Tower still amazes the courage and originality of a deciduous decision, stimulates the creative thought of modern architects.

Slide number 14.

The leading architects of the 20th century were outstanding thinkers. Wright is the largest architect in the history of the United States. For more than seventy years of his creative path, he did more for the development of modern architecture more than any other master in the West countries. Wright put forward the principle of organic architecture - that is, a part of the environment surrounding the human environment. For the projects of Wright, many of the most diverse buildings are erected. But the main theme of his creativity is accommodation, or rather, single-quality residential homes-mansions.

For the first decade of century, Wright built more than a hundred houses, but at that time the development of American architecture, they did not have a noticeable influence. But in Europe, Wright soon appreciated, and it was recognized as a generation of architects belonging to the modern direction in architecture. How repeatedly wrote Wright, the United States is needed in housing. In this regard, he noted: "Providing an inexpensive living area is now screaming need ... I feel that this is our most important plot, and he was devoted to the oblivion of our architects. . . ". "Cheap accommodation The largest architectural problem of America. As for me, for the sake of the well-being of the motherland and their own satisfaction, I would be more willing her than it was built by anything .. ". Wright is one of the first to introduce abundant glazing into the architecture. He said: "The light gives the beauty of buildings." In the 30s, Wright introduces the following solution: Walls facing the street and north - deaf, only with a narrow band of glazing under the ceiling, and walls facing the garden, to the courtyard, south, - solid glass from the floor to Ceiling.Wright built not only rich villas, but also mansions for the Middle American - mainly for the wealthy intelligentsia. These are relatively simple in composition and relatively inexpensive houses he called "housing for America".

Slide number 15.

Slide number 16.

Villa Edgar Kaufman became a genuine masterpiece of the architect.

"Over the waterfall", "at the waterfall" - a country villa, built in the forest, on the shore of the stream.

Rough masonry of the walls from the brushed stone naturally continued the rocks, merging with a small waterfall, mighty trees and a forest stream. Reinforced concrete beams, fixed in the rock, supported the complex system of hanging terraces. The staircase in the center of the house went straight to the waterfall. Thus, in the inhabitants of this unique dwelling there was a real opportunity to live inside a wonderful landscape, and not just admire it from the side. The architecture of this structure in the literal sense of the word "dissolved" in nature. The embodiment of this idea required this miracle of engineering ingenuity.

Slide number 17.

Oscar Nimeier is the greatest Brazilian architect, he created a unique style that combined the national traits of Brazilian and global culture, student Le Corbusier.For 70 years of architectural creativity, more than 400 buildings in 18 countries were built.He created brilliant architectural ensembles that are striking advanced engineering technologies with the originality of ideas. In the world, Oscar Nimeier left a trail in 18 countries, mainly from 1964 to 1985, when he lived and worked in emigration, refusing to cooperate with the right military registered Brazil at that time. There was rarely in his homeland, although no one forbade him to return to him - the military themselves from Oscar Nimeira and his art did not refuse. The buildings on the projects scheduled for them in Brazil were raised for many years, and some are built and now, for example, a national library, which has come up with a national library, which has come up with another 48 years before it.
Creativity Oscar Nimeier is a whole epoch in world architecture. His name is associated, above all, with construction in the 1956th-1960s of Brazil's capital of Brazil.
Brazilia was built in four years - from 1956 to 1960; Siemeyer was responsible for the development and he himself designed part of the buildings - among them were the residence of the President, the building of the National Congress and the amazing cathedral. Literally, an empty spot was created by one of the most unusual cities of the planet, which is currently the status of the UNESCO World Heritage Object.

Slide number 18 Museum of Contemporary Art.

Slide number 19 Palace of president.

In the mid-50s, Cubes became president of Brazil and suggested an already mast to Nimeier, a project that any architect dreams of, - to make a new city, the new capital of the country.

Brazilia was built in four years - from 1956 to 1960; The competition for the General Plan won Lucio Costa, and the Siemeer was responsible for the development and he himself designed part of the buildings - among them were the residence of the president, the building of the National Congress and the amazing cathedral.

Literally, an empty spot was created by one of the most unusual cities of the planet, which is currently the status of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Slide number 20.

Cathedral - This building shot upa huge glass cone. Externally, the cathedral is surprisingly simple, but at the same time he produces an unforgettable impression. Above the Earth is towering, like a giant crown, 16 white sweep columns, each of which in the form of a slender parabolic curve departs from a small roof. 90-ton supports narrowed to the ground, which gives the whole design an unusually lightweight and elegant look. Until its 105th anniversary, Nimeier did not survive 9 days. He died on December 6, 2012 for 105 years of life.

  1. Independent work "Analysis of the work of architecture"
  2. Summarizing.


Architecture Analysis Plan

  1. Name.

  2. Location.

  3. Architect (s).

  4. Purpose of the task:

  1. cult;

  2. secular:

  • dwelling

  • public building.

  1. What built. If possible, specify the reason for the choice of this material.

  2. Constructive featuresFor which you can define style (or used architectural parts, plan, sizes, etc.).

  3. Conclusion about the type of task, architectural style or accessories to any civilization.

  4. Your attitude to the work of architecture. Justify your opinion.


  1. Joser's pyramid.

  2. Egypt, Sakkara.

  3. Architect Imhotep.

  4. The cult building is a tomb.

  5. Building from stone.

  6. The shape of the stepped pyramid with the room-tomb. Height 60 m, side length 120 m.

  7. There is no architectural style, the construction belongs to the civilization of ancient Egypt.

  8. This is a product of architecture I like (dislike), because


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Signatures for slides:

MHC lesson in grade 11 "Architecture of the 20th century" Author of this template: Ermolaeva Irina Alekseevna Teacher of Informatics and Mathematics MOU Pavlovskaya Sosh with. Pavlovsk Altai Territory Presentation by: Natfullina Zeinep Altushevna, Music Teacher, MHC Ural School, Pos. Ural, Kizilsk district, Chelyabinsk region.

In the beginning of the XX century architecture. The course called "Constructivism" constructivism - (Franz. Constructivisme from lat. Constructio - Building). Designing is one of the formation techniques based on accurate calculations of the physical properties of the materials and the functions of the object.

New ideas and principles of architecture: Architecture should be easy and give a sense of steam; Architecture should subjugate huge flows of light inside the building and learn from the outside to beat light effects; Thanks to new materials and technologies, the architecture must learn to operate with integral spaces of huge sizes.

Outstanding architects of constructivism: Sh.E. Le Corbusier V.E. Tatlin F.L. Ryto O.Nheyer

Le Corbusier (1887-1965) achieved fame due to its buildings, always originally original, as well as the talented Peru Publicist writer. Buildings on its projects can be found in different countries - in Switzerland, France, USA, Argentina, Japan, and even in Russia.

Villa "Savoy" in Puissy (France)

Residential building in Marseille

Assembly building. India

Capella Notre Dam-du-oh Ronzhan

Saint-Pierre Church

Vladimir Evgrafovich Tatlin One of the largest representatives of the innovative movement in the art of the 20th century, the founder of Soviet artistic constructivism.

V. E. Tatlin Model of the Monument of the October Revolution or Tower of the Third International (Tower of Tatlin)

Frank Lloyd Wright

House Winslow in River Forest

Villa E.Kaufman "Above Waterfall"

Oscar Nimeier

Modern Art Museum. Brazil.

Palace of the 1960 President. Brazil

Cathedral. Brazil.

Homework: ch. 25, answer questions p. 320

1 of 26.

Presentation - types of architecture

Text of this presentation

Topic: types of architecture
Municipal budgetary educational institution Sadovskaya Secondary school Branch S.Lozova Amur region, Tambov district, S.Lozova
MHK. Grade 9 amounted to the teacher of the Russian language and literature Efimova N.V.

Check your homework. What do we understand under the word "style"? Why is architecture called stone chronicles in the world? Each of the styles are the struggle of spiritual and material. What styles are the spiritual principle, and what is the material? Which styles do you like the most?

Perhaps the most difficult and at the same time mandatory in architectural work is simplicity. Alexey Shushev
Church of the Intercession on Nerli. Russia. 1165

Architecture, or architecture, is a system of buildings and structures forming a spatial environment for the life and activities of people. These are separate buildings and their ensembles, squares and avenues, parks and stadiums, villages and entire cities.

Each of the facilities has a certain appointment: for life or labor, recreation or study, trade or transport, etc. There are these structures and buildings and other important properties: beauty, the ability to cause spectators certain feelings and moods.

About the great civilizations recall not only in wars or trade, but, above all, on architectural monuments, left by her.

Architecture organizes space. Architects are created-give buildings, structures, whole villages and cities target-soupered, comfortable for life and beautiful and emotional-so affecting a person. In other words, the functional, structural and aesthetic qualities (benefits, strength and beauty) are interrelated in the architecture.

Types of architecture

landscape architecture
Town planning
There are three main types of architecture.
Small shapes
Garden Park

Architecture of bulk structures
Public architecture. Temples, palaces, castles, administrative buildings. Entertainment and exhibition facilities. Stadiums and sports complexes. Shops and supermarkets. Station and airports.
Massandrovsky Palace
Olympic Stadium Solgers Field
Orangery Moscow Zoo

Railway Station Blagoveshchensk
Shop "Hope" in S.Lozov

Living architecture. Ancient houses of a person residential buildings of various nations of the world. Modern dwellings of mankind
Homes of people of ancient Greece
Insules - the first high-rise buildings in the architecture of ancient Rome
Houses of Peoples Africa

Modern dwellings of mankind
House Bill Gates, dwelling 21st century
Balo House. Arch. A.Gaud.
High rods Gigo

Bridge in Vladivostok on the island Russian
Car tunnel in Crimea
Industrial architecture. Factories, factories, power plants; Bridges, tunnels.
Confectionery Factory "Dominic"

Landscape architecture is associated with the organization of garden-park space. These are urban squares, boulevards and parks with "small" architecture - arbors, bridges, fountains, stairs.
Landscape park architecture.

Garden and Park Art Gardens, Boulevards and Park Parks Large Cities
New York Central Park
Chinese gardens
Versailles Parks in France

Architecture of small forms - pavilions, arbors, fountains, bridges, grottoes

Urban planning covers the creation of new cities and towns and reconstruction of old urban areas.
Urban planning

The urban planner must choose the territory, outline where residential, public and industrial zones will be located and connecting their transport highways, provide for the possibility of expanding the city. Must think about the beauty of the future city, about the preservation of monuments, about the place of new city ensembles.

Cities - Museums

The largest megalopolises of the world
São Paulo

Cities - Ensembly
Jaipur. India

Reconstruction of old areas and cities
Excavations and restoration of ancient Pompeii. Italy
Reconstruction of Moscow

"Life is short - art is forever." In one row with the greatest books and paintings, sculptures and symphony, architectural structures stood. This position in the world of the arts architecture occupied due to harmony and musical consistency of parts.


1 R.V. Wardanyan World Art Culture Architecture Humanitarian Publishing Central Complex Moscow 2004

2 UDC 72 BBC B18 Reviewers: Respets V.A., Director of the State Museum of Architecture. A.V. Schuseva, Chairman of the Commission on the Creative Heritage of MOS, Professor of the International Architectural Academy; Revutskaya E.M., teacher of children's literature of the educational and pedagogical complex "Lyceum-Pedago. K.D. Ushinsky "; Sergeeva G.P., Head. Laboratory of aesthetic education Mios, Cand. Ped. Scues in the design layout made with the active participation of the author B18 Vardanyan R.V. World art culture: architecture. M.: Humanit. ed. Center Vlados, C.: Il. The ISBN book aims to give the necessary information on the history of world architecture and Russian architecture as part of the world. Historically, the history of the development of architectural styles, the patterns of their occurrence and their features in different countries in different periods of development of society are currently revealed. The book is illustrated by photos, drawings and schemes, portraits of architects. A dictionary of architectural terms with drawings is given. This book can be used in the lessons of visual art, history, literature, as well as the course "Muscovyology". It covers all the topics on architecture in the programs of general education institutions "World Art Culture". Followers of the book can be people of different ages: high school students, teachers and parents who want to increase their cognitive and educational level. UDC 72 BBC ISBN Vardanyan R. V., 2003 LLC "Humanitarian Publishing Center Vlados", 2003 Serial Cover Clamp. LLC "Humanitarian Publishing Center Vlados", 2003 Decoration. LLC "Humanitarian Publishing Center Vlados", 2003 Layout. LLC "Humanitarian Publishing Center Vlados", 2003

3 3 Light memory of the parents is dedicated to a few words about this book. This publication has no direct addressee. The book can read schoolchildren, their parents, teachers. She will help answer numerous children's "Why?" And How?". In a popular and affordable form, this book will introduce the reader with excellent architects, their works, with the basics of architecture and other issues related to it. The formulation form is diverse: here and essays, and essays. Illustrative material will clearly introduce the reader with many architectural monuments, architectural principles lying on their basis. The author of the book, professional architect and teacher, working with children and adolescents for many years, is convinced that the feeling of excellent, aesthetic and ethical feelings cannot awaken in a child without knowledge of the works of art. You can only love what you know well. Information on architecture, popular and available outlined will help the younger generation to become patriots of their hometown, their own country, to understand and evaluate their history. The author expresses deep appreciation for the assistance provided in the creation of a book by the family of architects Topuridze and special thanks to the Novel Konstantinovich Topuridze. The author is cordially thanks Gayane and Mayram Vardanyan, as well as Lyudmila Gennadievna Mikhailov for the assistance rendered to preparing an illustrative material.

4 4 Appeal to the young reader beautiful nearby! How often we hear and repeat this phrase. Do we always think in her meaning? Yes, we reflect on it. Schoolchildren, for example, talk about it like this: "... Beauty in the architecture of the smoothness and perfection of the lines ..." (Elena Sh., Grade 7). "... Architecture always attracts people with their expressiveness ..." (Ilya E., Grade 7). "... Beauty in architecture is primarily graceful ..." (Natasha P., Grade 7). "... Architecture causes certain feelings: joy, admiration, surprise, delight, or vice versa. This makes architecture art ... "(Vera M., Grade 7). But do you feel exactly that? Or maybe they are so accustomed to the buildings around them, streets that they do not notice their beauty? After all, we do not always know how this beauty arose, who is her creator. The book lying in front of you will try to answer this question. She will help you to get acquainted with the builders of ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, Florence, Milan, Paris, Dresden, St. Petersburg, Moscow. You will learn the names of great architects, get acquainted with their destinies and works perpetuating their names. The book is divided into five sections. Each section of the numbering drawings is its own. The drawing is numbered by two digits: the first corresponds to the partition number, the second sequence number of the picture in this section. So, open this book.

5 Architecture There are primarily art to distribute and combine space. A.P. Brulylov Section I. What is architecture

6 6 I. What is architecture architecture this art to organize space, create for a person such a form of space in which it can live, work, learn and relax. Primitive man, without knowing, became an "architect", creating a housing to hide from the weather. He was content with, depending on climatic conditions, or random dwellings (caves, semideos), or easily erected and fragile slashes, canopies, walls, pits. In addition to the property itself, a primitive man built structures from huge stone blocks that received various names. Mengira (from the Breton "men" stone and "Hir" long) Lonely standing vertical poles-boulders 20 with more than a meter (Fig. I.1). The emergence of architecture ... Architecture is science, many teachings and different arts are decorated ... and it is so far that there is a proportion, fortress, peace, beauty and splendor, without which it is commemorated to be ... M. Yeropkin's exact appointment not established, but researchers associate their appearance with funeral rites; Perhaps they served to refer to the boundaries of possessions. Cromlechi (from the Breton "Chrome" circle, "lech" stone) is the most complex type of megalithic structures (Fig. I.2, I.3). They are found mainly in Europe in Western France and Great Britain, as well as in Asia and America. For example, in Stonehenge (England), stone circles are achieved in diameter of 30 me-. I.2. Cromroy "Stonehenge". Modern view from the east side. I.1. Mengir rice. I.3. Cromroy "Stonehenge". Reconstruction

7 Architecture appearance. I.4. Dolment classes. Cromlets consist of vertically furnished stones, overlapped with horizontal plates. Inside the circle in pairs of high blocks with plates form a center of space. It is assumed that crumbs had a cult value. Dolmen (from the Breton "Tol" table, "men" stone) were a volume of three or four stones in the form of a table or a funeral chamber (Fig. I.4). In essence, in the ancient peoples (Egyptians, Etruscans, etc.), the residential building and the clock chamber had the same form. In addition to the stone, the primitive man used the branches, a trigger, trunks of trees, sand, clay, limestone, animal skins, in exceptional cases, even ice. With the development of society (depending on the lifestyle), a person began to create more strong dwellings, such as yurts for shepherd-nomads, houses for the settlement population. Residents could grow to large clusters (Sumerian "cities" of Mesopotamia, Caucasian Aules, American Pueblos). Throughout the millennium, the appointment of buildings changed, their dimensions increased. 7 The development of architecture depends not only on material, technical and social opportunities, but also from climatic, industrial and material conditions, from the spiritual, philosophical and aesthetic views of society, as well as from the political system of the state. The level of society determines the types of buildings, the level of technology. Selecting building materials and structures, form material, plastic facilities. With the change of conditions, the views and system is changing and architecture. Such changes occurred more than once, and this was reflected in architecture. In ancient Egypt, the stones were the main material for the construction of monumental buildings. Extraked on the outskirts of the Nile Valley of the beams of the column (rack) Fig. I.5. Egypt. The Temple of Amon. Celestial beam box beams

8 8 Fig. I.6. Zigarat Stone has given the opportunity to build stone poles, block them with stone beams. So in Egypt arose a design of strut columns and beams, the beam-beam system (Fig. I.5). The creation of architectural structures was determined not only by the presence of building materials, but also largely the influence of religion, which contributed to the creation of burial monuments and temples. Babylonians were built highly raised to the sky, stepped temples zigkurats (Fig. I.6). Assiro-Babylonian architecture has created a vault and semicircular dome for overlapping. In Assyria, built buildings from Rieskirpich or burned bricks. In Persia did not build temples, since the religion did not require anything, except for the altar for fire. Here develops palace construction. In ancient Greece, the first place was given to the house for ordinary citizens, and not to the palaces. The man was not indivisible, he was aware of his power, and the architecture of Greece acquired a humanistic character. The main facilities of the Greek architecture public. Among them, the first place was given to the temple. The temple was intended for the life of a human-like God. I. What is the Etruscan architecture that inhabited in the I millennium BC. The northwestern part of the Apennine Peninsula (modern Tuscany, Italy), reached perfection for technical terms and introduced the design of the arch. The Romans, who subordinate to the Etruscans first, and then the Greeks took over the column and the arch, the construction of the buildings were included in the circle of the buildings, the construction of which was caused by the needs of Rome's life (Terms, Basilica, Amphitherators and Arches). The Romans influenced the development of the architecture of conquered territories. Roman heritage was long used in the Middle Ages. In the V and VI centuries, Byzantine architects, combining the elements of Christian, ancient and eastern architecture, with the support of Roman technology, guided by the Greek understanding of beauty, created a special central domain building for Christian worship services. The central-dome system was distributed in the architecture of all countries located along the Black Sea coast. Then, on its basis, peculiar architecture began to create, meeting the conditions of climate and life of society. This can be seen in Armenian and Georgian churches. From the VII century, Islamic states used the architectural forms of defeated cultural peoples, adapting them to their cult. Thus, mosques consisting of a fetal yard with a fountain for washing, premises for worship and a high minaret to call for prayer. Along with religious ar-

9 The emergence of architecture by 9 hectares, in Islamic states a palace architecture has developed with many luxurious halls, shady and cozy chambers. With the adoption of Christianity Russia in the X century, the Byzantine architecture came first to Kiev and Novgorod, then in Vladimir, and in the XVI XVII centuries to Moscow. Borrowed from the Byzantine architecture of the form in combination with the old traditions of Russian wooden architecture, taking into account climatic, social and other conditions, became the basis for creating a very independent Russian architectural style of the XVI XVII centuries. In the second half of the X century in Europe, the two main forces feudal society and the church identified two directions of architecture: the construction of castles and temples. The architecture of this era was called Romance. The new word "Gothic" in the architecture was told in the middle of the XII century. In the Gothic buildings, the vertical line prevailed over horizontal. The stroke arch and the arch on the lungs, thin columns transferred all the load on the poles and retaining walls using light arches. Massive walls ceased to build, huge windows appeared, and instead of darkness in the cathedrals dominated the light. Gothic architecture originated in France and there it was the most elegant, and in Germany the most majestic. Gothic covered all Catholic countries of Europe and dominated two centuries. Since the XIV century, a new era of revival begins. At this time, the person's personality is put forward to the fore. There is a liberation of a person from medieval ideals, and the new society appeals to the ancient world, imbued with humanistic ideals. The architectural style created in this era reflected all changes in society. By the name of the epoch, he was called rebirth and had widespread throughout Europe in the XV XVII centuries. In the architecture of the XVII and early XIX centuries, two directions of baroque are developing; then classicism. It should be noted here that these directions in Russia had their own individuality. Since the 60s of the XIX century, in Western Europe, there is a gradual transition from classicism to antiquity and eclecticism (mixing various styles). At the end of the XIX, the beginning of the 20th century in the architecture there is a new modern style. During these years, in the architecture of Russia, rich in the traditions of the Old Russian architecture, styles are distinguished: Russkovizantine, eclecticism, pseudorussky, modern, unawares and neoclassicism. Russian architects of these periods create interesting buildings and structures. Architecture is the history of human society, immortalized in stone. Architectural monuments help a person to comprehend the history of society, will be his thought and imagination.

10 10 I. What is architecture three requirements for architecture (convenience, beauty, strength) Many people, such as you, dear reader, live in large and small cities of different countries. These cities are consisting of a variety of buildings and structures forming streets, squares, parks and gardens. All buildings are divided into residential and public. Residential buildings are at home in which we live; Public buildings kindergartens, schools, various institutions, cinemas, stadiums, museums and theaters in which we learn, work and rest. There are other facilities. These are factories and plants industrial enterprises on which people are producing anything. Buildings and structures design architect, and build builder. "Architect" Greek word, it means "Chief Builder". In Europe, this concept came more than 400 years ago. In Russia, to Peter I, the word "architect" was not used, and the builders called the "architect", "the ward master", "stone and carpentry older". Only at the beginning of the XVIII century, in the era of Peter I, the word "architect" began to use in Russia, adopted in Western European countries. Before the architect, when he creates buildings, always stood and costs a more difficult task than in front of the artist, composer or writer. The artist can hide a bad picture in the museum basement, the composer does not play a weakly written musical work, the reader will pay a uninteresting book on the bookshelf. But what can be done with a poorly designed and constructed architectural structure?! Great German Poet Guete said: "You can make mistakes, but you can not build errors." However, not only an architect in response for a bad building. Builders are greater responsibility. From how they all together will build a building, its beauty and strength will depend on. In the distant historical times of the building designed and built the same person. He drew and hell, and when all drawings were ready, led by construction. His wonderful architectural structures remaining in the centuries, many great architects were erected. In ancient Egypt, Imhotep built a stepped tomb, in ancient Greece, Monsikl propylene, in ancient Rome Vespasian Colosseum, in the Middle Ages in France Pierre de Montro Saint-Chapel, in the Renaissance Epoch in Italy F. Bruneland Educational House. In Russia, built architects B. Rastrelli Winter Palace, A. Zakharov Admiralty, A. Voronikhin Kazan Cathedral. At the same time, the latter showed itself not only as a talented architect and urban planner, but also as a brilliant engineer, creating the first metallic dome of the cathedral. Other architectural monuments are connected with the names of many architects. People with deep ancient times sought to build so that buildings, for anything they intend, were comfortable, beautiful and durable. These three basic requirements were respected from the moment of the origin of architecture. These requirements are followed today.

8. Foundation for appraisal funds for interim certification of learning on discipline: General: 1. Department of Arts and Design 2. Direction Direction 44.04.01 Pedagogical education

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8. Foundation for evaluating funds for the interim certification of students on discipline General: 1. Department of Arts, Service and Tourism 2. Direction of training 44.03.05 Pedagogical education.

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1. Explanatory note. 1.1. Place of object in the curriculum. This work program fully reflects the basic level of schoolchildren in art. The subject is studied from 10 to 11 classes. For study

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