Three fat men read full version. Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: "Three fathers"

Three fat men read full version. Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes:
Three fat men read full version. Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: "Three fathers"

In the fairy tale of Yu. The "Three fathers" there are many characters. The most representative of them is Dr. Gaspar, who can be attributed to the main heroes of the fairy tale. This is a very clever person who knows many sciences. He is appreciated and lovers of the city. Dr. Gaspar and other fairy tale characters live in a country that is managed by three fathers, the richest people of this country. One of them owns all bread, the other - coal, and the third - iron. They have so much money that they can buy not only things, but also humans, and power over people.

But three fathers greedy. They mercilessly blow the people, holding it in poverty. Outraged residents are arranged uprising against the rich. This uprising was headed by the gunsmith Prospero and Gymnast Tibul. But the rebels suffer defeat. Gunsmith Protection captured and waits for execution. And Gymnast Tabul manage to escape, and he finds a refuge in the house of Dr. Gaspara.

The discontent of the people shares part of the guardsmen guarding the three fat men. Once the guardsmen saw in the palace park of the heir to three fatters by the name of Turti. The boy played with a mechanical doll, similar to a lively girl. Guardsmen, perturbed by the fact that the child prohibits playing with living children, spoiled the toy with their sabers.

The heir to Tutti was very upset. And then the broken doll was taken to Dr. Gaspara, ordered him to fix it in one night. The doctor quickly realized that he would not be able to repair the complex doll mechanism and took her back to the palace. On the road, the doll was lost. The doctor in search of a valuable toy meets the artist of Suok from the wandering circus of the Gymnast Tibul, very similar to the lost doll. At the request of Tibula, Suoka under the guise of dolls falls into the palace of three fat men. At the heir to the Turty, she finds the key from the dungeon, in which the gunsman is kept. Prospero acquires freedom, but Suok is silent and death threatens her. At the last moment she gets a wonderful salvation, because the Guardsmen are moving towards the people and help the rebel to overthrow the three fathers.

This is a summary of the fairy tales.

The main meaning of the fairy tale "Three fathers" is that good is harder than evil, and greed and excessive power to good do not bring. The tale teaches us to be coinen and help each other in the right things.

In the fairy tale, I liked the circusacher of Suok, which, without thinking, went to a dangerous place to help friends risking her own life.

What proverbs come to the fairy tale "Three fathers"?

The greed of the last mind deprives.
If the people are one - he is invincible.
Who is the whole person, to the good people are not back.

Three fathers


Rattlerine Tibul

Restless Day of Dr. Gaspara Arnery

The time of the wizards passed. In all likelihood, they never really were. All these are fiction and fairy tales for very young children. Just some magicians knew how to deceive all sorts of zooak so cleverly that these magicians were taken for sorcerers and wizards.

There was such a doctor. His named Gaspar Arneri. Naive man, fairing walk, the unfinished student could also take it for the wizard. In fact, this doctor did such amazing things that they really resemble miracles. Of course, he did not have anything in common with wizards and charlatans that fascinated too trusting people.

Dr. Gaspar Arnery was a scientist. Perhaps he studied about a hundred sciences. In any case, no one was in the country of the wise and scientist Gaspara Arneri.

All everyone knew about his teaching: both Melnik, and soldiers, and ladies, and ministers. And schoolchildren sank a song about him with such a chorus:

How to fly from the ground to the stars

How to catch fox for the tail,

How to make steam from stone

Doctor knows our Gaspar.

Once in the summer, in June, when very good weather was issued, Dr. Gaspar Arnery decided to go on a distant walk to collect some types of tav and beetles.

Dr. Gaspar was a man of elderly and therefore was afraid of rain and wind. Going out of the house, he watched the neck with a thick scarf, put his glasses against dust, took a cane to not stumble, and generally gathered for a walk with great precautions.

This time the day was wonderful; The sun was just that was shone; The grass was so green that even a feeling of sweetness appeared in the mouth; Fly dandelions, bird whistles, light breeze waved as an air ballogeon.

"This is good," said the doctor, "only you need to take a raincoat, because the summer weather is deceptive." It can start raining.

The doctor ordered on the housework, blew on the glasses, captured his boxes, like a suitcase, from green leather and went.

The most interesting places were outside the city - where the palace was three fathers. The doctor most often visited these places. The palace of three fathers stood in the midst of a huge park. The park was surrounded by deep channels. Black iron bridges hung over the channels. Bridges were guarded by Palace Guardians - Guardsmen in black adhesive hats with yellow feathers. Around the park to the very heavenly feature were meadows, covered with flowers, groves and ponds. Here was a great place for walking. The most interesting breeds of herbs grew here, the most beautiful beetles also ran here and sang the most skilled birds.

"But walking far away. I will reach the urban shaft and find the cab. He will take me to the palace park, "thought the doctor.

Near the urban tree, the people were more than always.

"Is sunday today? - Doubt the doctor. - I do not think. Today is Tuesday".

Doctor approached closer.

The whole area was damaged by the people. The doctor saw artisans in gray cloudy jackets with green abbreasses; sailors with clay color faces; wealthy citizens in non-ferrous vests, with their wives, whose skirts were like pink bushes; traders with decanters, trays, ice creams and brazers; skinny square actors, green, yellow and pedry, as if stacked out of the patchwork blanket; Of all the little guys who pulled on the tails of red cheerful dogs.

All crowded in front of the city gate. Huge, height from the house, the iron gates were tightly closed.

"Why are the gate closed?" - The doctor was surprised.

The crowd was noisy, everyone spoke loudly, shouted, scribed, but I could not really disassemble anything. The doctor approached the young woman who kept a thick gray cat in her arms, and asked:

- Be kind, explain what happens here? Why are there so many people that for the reason for his excitement and why are urban gates are closed?

- Guardsmen do not produce people from the city ...

- Why are they not released?

- So that they do not help those who have already come out of the city and went to the palace of three fatels.

- I do not understand anything, a citizen, and I ask me to forgive me ...

"Oh, yes, don't you know that today the gunsman Prospero and the gymnast Tibul told the people to take the storm the palace of three fatels?

- Armor Prospero?

- Yes, a citizen ... the shaft is high, and the Guards arrows fall on the other side. No one will come out of the city, and those who went with the gunsman Prospero, the Palace Guard will overcome.

And indeed, several very distant shots rumbled.

Woman dropped a fat cat. Kosha slammed like raw dough. The crowd of roasted.

"So I was mistaken such a significant event," thought the doctor. - True, I did not leave the room for a month. I worked locked up. I knew nothing ... "

At this time, even further, hit a gun several times. Thunder jumped like a ball, and rolled over the wind. Not only the doctor was frightened and hastily retreated a few steps - the whole crowd shaved and collapsed. Children wept; Pigeons scattered, shrinking wings; Dogs sat down and began to swell.

Strengthened severe cannon shooting. The noise rose unimaginable. The crowd came to the gate and screamed:

- Prospero! Proteo!

- Down with three fat men!

Dr. Gaspar was completely confused. He was recognized in the crowd, because many knew him in the face. Some rushed to him as if she was looking for protection. But the doctor himself almost cried.

"What is done there? How to find out what is being done there, goal? Maybe the people wins, and maybe they have already shot all! "

Then the man was tied to the other side where three narrow streets began from Square. At the corner there was a house with a high old tower. Together with the rest, the doctor decided to climb into the tower. Below was the laundry room like a bath. There was dark as in the basement. Upbered the spiral staircase. Light penetrated into narrow windows, but it was very small, and everyone climbed slowly, with great difficulty, especially since the staircase was dilapidated and with broken railing. It is not difficult to imagine how much work and excitement was worth the doctor Gaspara climb to the top floor. In any case, another twentieth step, in the dark, his cry came:

- Oh, my heart bursts, and I lost my heel!

Cloak, Dr. lost on the square, after the tenth shot of the gun.

At the top of the tower there was a platform surrounded by stone railings. From here, a view of at least kilometers fifty around. There was no time to admire the view, although the appearance deserved it. Everyone was watched in the other side where the battle was happening.

- I have binoculars. I always wear binoculars with eight stalks. So he, "said Dr. and drunk the strap.

Binoculars switched from hand to hand.

Dr. Gaspar saw many people on green space. They fled to the city. They rushed. From afar, people seemed to be multicolored flags. Guardsmen on horseback charted behind the people.

Dr. Gaspar thought that all this was similar to a picture of a magical lantern. The sun brightly shone, glittered greens. Bombs burst like pieces of wool; The flame appeared for one second, as if someone was allowed into the crowd of solar bunnies. Horses Gartented, climbed onto the wind and spoiled a wolf. The park and the palace of three fat men covered with a white transparent smoke.

- They run!

- They run ... The people are defeated!

Running people approach the city. Whole piles of people fell on the road. It seemed that multicolored loskuts would fall on the greens.

Yuri Karlovich Olesha (1899-1960) is a writer who is considered one of the best stylists in the Russian literature of the 20th century.

His virtuoso language is difficult to evaluate, reading the incomplete text of the work, but only its summary content. "Three fathers" - a novel-tale, published in 1928. This is the embodiment of the spirit of the romantic revolutionary struggle against injustice and oppression, he is full of fascinating events and amazing characters.

Part one. Tibul rod. Restless day of Dr. Gaspara Arneri. Ten plas

Summary: "Three fathers", chapter 1-2. About the scholarships of Gaspara Arneri, the doctor of all sciences, everyone knew in the city - from street boys to noble Persons. Once he gathered for a distant walk for the city, to the palace of evil and greedy rulers - three fatels. But from the city did not produce anyone. It turned out that on this day, the gunsmith Prospero and Circus Gymnast Tibul led the assault on the government palace.

By evening, it turned out that the rising people defeated, the gunsmith was captured by the Guardsmen and on the orders of the three fattests was put in a cage in the wife of the heir to TUTTY, and the gymnast Tibul remained at the freedom to find him, Guardsmen Zhgli Quarters workers.

Star Square

Summary: "Three fathers", chapter 3. The rich was rejoiced by prison, and the working person rejoiced that Tibul was free and laughed at the view in Zaganz, where the rulers were portrayed three fat monkeys. Returning home, Dr. Gaspar fell to the star. She was called, because she hung over the cables the largest lantern, similar to the planet Saturn. Through the crowd, the tibul appeared that filling the square. He walked around the cable on which a huge lantern was held. Guardsmen were also divided into those who supported the people, and those who shouted: "Long live three fathers!". Having reached the wire to the lantern, Tibul turned off the light and in the dark darkness disappeared.

Reaching home where the housekeeper was worried about him - Aunt Garimed, the doctor as a true historian was going to record events of the day. Here, behind his back there was noise, the doctor looked around and saw that Tibul got out of the fireplace.

Part two. Heir's doll TUTTY. Amazing adventure seller balloons

The brief content "Three fathers", chapter 4. On the court area, the execution of the captured rebels was preparing. A strong wind raised a huge bundle of balloons with a stupid and greedy seller into the air. He flew towards the palace of three fat men and through the open window of the royal cuisine fell into the middle of a huge festive cake. To avoid anger of rzhor-rulers, confectioners with cream and candied sellers fired and filed it to the table.

Celebrating the victory over the rebel people, the fat men are told to bring Prospero. The gunsmith with contempt says that the end of the power of the Bogatyev will come soon than the Guests of Tolstick Governors. "We will execute you along with Tibul when they grab it!" Prospero is taught, everyone is going to take for a cake, but they are interrupted by the loud cries of the heir to Tutti.

A twelve-year-old boy, the future heir to three fathers, spoiled by the prince, was in anger: a part of the guards who switched to the side of the people, drove his favorite doll of the heir to the sabers. Rising from him, this doll was the only friend of TUTY, and he demanded to fix it.

The festive breakfast urgently stopped and postponed the execution, the State Council sent the captain of the Palace Guard Bonaventure with a broken doll to Dr. Arneri, with the command to repair a doll for the morning.

The seller of the balls very much wanted to disappear from the palace. Cooking pointed to him the secret course, which began in one of the gigantic saucepan, and for it asked for a ball. The seller disappeared into a saucepan, and the balls flew into the sky.

Negro and cabbage head

Yu.K. Tower, "Three fathers", summary, chapter 5. In the morning, going to the doctor, the aunt Garyamed was very surprised when he saw a negra in his office.

The government bribed the artists and on one of the squares walked a circus representation that glorifying the fatels. Doctor with Negro went there. Spectators drive a clown that urged the execution of the rebels, and the negro is taken for the same sealing circus. It turned out that this is Tibul. Falling from those who wanted to catch him and transfer to the authorities, throwing cabbage cochanists in them, the gymnast is stumbled upon the seller of the balls and discovers a secret move to the palace kitchen.


Yu. K. Olesh, "Three fathers", summary, chapter 6. Dr. Gaspar turned the Tibula to the negro with the help of special fluids and was terribly upset when he had carelessly opened on the view, and then disappeared.

Captain Guardsmen with a broken doll and order to fix it to the morning for the scientist. The doctor is surprised at the skill with which the doll is made and understands that he saw her face somewhere. After breaking the mechanism, he understands that he will not have time to fix the doll to the morning and goes to the palace to explain it to fat men.

Night strange doll

"Three fathers", summary, chapter 7. On the way, the doctor falls asleep in the stroller, and waking up, it discovers that the doll disappeared, he even won that she came to life and left him. He was looking for a doll for a long time, until she fell into the female troupe stray artists of Uncle Brizak. Here he remembered where he saw the face of the heir's dolls - a small artist was similar to her. The uncle Bryzak's troupe was a dancer called Suok.

Part of the third. Bitch. Hard role of a small actress

"Three fathers", summary, chapter 8. When the doctor saw Suok, he could not believe that she was not a doll. He managed to convince him only Tibul, who appeared in the land. When the doctor told about the extraordinary similarity of the girl and dolls and about her loss, the gymnast outlined his plan: Suok will play the role of the doll of the heir, will open the cage of gunsmith Prospero and they will leave the palace through the secret move, which has discovered Tibul.

On the way to the palace, they saw Teachers of Dance Dissubrice, who was in her hands found a broken doll of the heir.

Doll with good appetite

Yu. Olesh, "Three fathers", summary, chapter 9. Suokov played his role well. The doctor announced that he not only changed the toy into a new dress, but he taught her singing, composing a song and dance. The heir to Tutti was in complete delight. Thick rulers were also satisfied, but they were terribly angry when the doctor demanded to cancel the execution of the rebel workers. Then the doctor said that the doll would break again if his demand is not fulfilled and the heir will be very unhappy. The pardon was announced, the doctor went home, Suok remained in the palace.

She really liked the cakes and the doll appeared appetite, which Triti was very happy - he was so bored to breakfast alone. And the bitch heard the iron heart of the heir to Tutti beats.


Summary, the story of "Three fathers", chapter 10. The fatters wanted to grow turti cruel, so they deprived of his societies of living children, gave the little man to see only evil wild beasts. Suok told him that there is wealth and poverty, cruelty and injustice that the workers will definitely overthrow the power of fathers and the rich. She told him a lot about the circus, that she knows how to paint the music. Tyuti liked this way, as she ships a song on the key, who hung on his chest that he did not notice how the key was left at Suok.

At night, the girl snuck into the belt and began to look for a cage with Prospero. Suddenly it was called by a terrible creature similar to the gorilla. The terrible beast died, having time to transfer a bit of a small smell: "everything is written there."

Part fourth. Gunsmith Prospero. The death of confectionery. Dancing teacher Dzubris

Yuri Olesha, "Three fathers", summary, chapter 11-12. The fat men received terrible news that the rebels go to the palace. All the supporters of the authorities rushed out of the palace, but the Zverman stopped at the fear: a prospero was moving on them, holding a huge panther in one hand, in the other - Suok.

He released the Panther, and, together with Suok, began to wade into the confectionery, - to look for a saucepan where the secret move from the palace began. The guardsmen grabbed the faithful to the young dancer when she was already ready to jump into the underground stroke after Prospero. The gunsight came out to the will, Suok had to execute.

Dance Teachers Dissubrass should be delivered to the palace on the orders of three fat men, but the guardsmen who switched to the side of the people were stopped. They got a broken doll of the heir to Tutti.


Yuri Olesha, "Three fathers", summary, chapter 13. At the time when Prospero fled through the underground move, three people entered the Bedroom, three people entered the bedroom. They poured in the ear of Turti's sleeping pills, touching him on three days, so that he would not interfere with his tears.

She was sitting in a guard, guarded by the Guards, still faithful to fat men. At that moment, when a terrible chancellor came after her, in order to take it to the court of three fathers, three guardsmen who switched to the side of the rebels were held. The Chancellor got a terrible blow and fell unconscious, and instead of Suok, the broken doll was delivered to the court.

The judges could not get a word from doll. The parrot, who was called as a witness, repeated the conversation of Suok with Prospero and the creature, dead in a cage, whose name was the tub.

Suok sentenced to death from wild beasts. But when she was put before the tiger, they did not respond to a torn, dirty doll. The scandal broke out, but here he began the assault of the palace with the rebel people.

The victory of the rebels was complete, and three fat men were planted into the cell where Prospero was sitting.


On the table was written the history of the Great Scientist Tuba. By order of the fathers of his brother and sister - Tutti and Suok - separated. Tutti became the heir, and Suoky gave to the stray artists. The tube on the orders of three fathers made a doll that was supposed to stay with the heir. When he ordered to replace the living heart of Tutti Iron, he refused, for which he was thrown into the cage. Triti in the language of disadvantaged means "separated", and Suok means "all life."

Yuri Olesha

Three fathers

Dedicated to Valentina Leontievna Grünside

Part one. Rattlerine Tibul

Chapter I. Restless Day of Dr. Gaspara Arnery

The time of the wizards passed. In all likelihood, they never really were. All these are fiction and fairy tales for very young children. Just some magicians knew how to deceive all sorts of zooak so cleverly that these magicians were taken for sorcerers and wizards.

There was such a doctor. His named Gaspar Arneri. Naive man, a fair barbell or an unfounded student could also take him for a wizard. In fact, this doctor did such amazing things that they really looked like miracles. Of course, he did not have anything in common with wizards and charlatans that fascinated too trusting people.

Dr. Gaspar Arnery was a scientist. Perhaps he studied about a hundred spider. In any case, no one was in the country of wise and scientists Gaspara Arneri.

Everyone knew about his scholarships: both Melnik, and soldiers, ladies, and ministers. And the schoolchildren sank about it a whole song with such chorus;

How to fly from the ground to the stars
How to catch the fox by the tail.
How to make steam from stone -
Doctor knows our Gaspar.

One day, when very good weather was issued, in the summer, in June, Dr. Gaspar Arnery decided to go to a distant walk to collect some breeds of herbs and beetles.

Dr. Gaspar was a man of elderly and therefore was afraid of rain and wind. Going out of the house, he watched the neck with a thick scarf, put his glasses against dust, took a cane to not stumble, and generally gathered for a walk with great precautions.

This time the day was wonderful; The sun was just that was shone; The grass was so green that even a feeling of sweetness appeared in the mouth; Fly dandelions, bird whisters, light breeze waved as a ballogeon.

This is good, "said the doctor," just still need to take a raincoat, because summer weather is deceptive. It can start raining.

The doctor ordered at the farm, blew on glasses, captured his boxes, in the family of a suitcase from green leather, and went.

The most interesting places were outside the city, - where there was a palace of three fathers. The doctor most often visited these places. Palace of three fathers stood in the midst of a huge park. The park was surrounded by deep channels. Over the channels hung black iron bridges. Bridges were guarded by Palace Guardians: Guardsmen in black adhesive hats with yellow feathers. Around the park to the very heavenly feature spilled meadows, covered with flowers, groves and ponds. Here was a great place for walking. The most interesting breeds of herbs grew here, the most beautiful beetles rang here, and sang the most skilled birds.

"But walking far away. I will reach the urban shaft and hiring the cab. He will take me to the palace park, "thought the doctor.

Near the urban tree, the people were more than always.

"Is sunday today? - Doubt the doctor. - I do not think. Today is Tuesday".

Doctor approached closer.

The whole area was damaged by the people. The doctor saw artisans in gray cloudy jackets with green abbreasses; sailors with clay color faces; wealthy citizens in colored vests, with their wives, whose skirts were like pink bushes; traders with decanters, trays, ice creams and brazers; skinny square actors, green, yellow and mothers, as if stitched from the blanket; There are very little guys who pulled on the tails of red cheerful dogs.

All crowded in front of the city gate. Huge, height in the house, the iron gate was tightly closed.

"Why are the gate closed?" - The doctor was surprised.

The crowd was noisy, everyone spoke loudly, shouted, scribed, but I could not really disassemble anything.

The doctor approached the young woman who kept a thick gray cat on her hand, and asked:

Be kind, explain what happens here. Why are there so many people that for the reason for his excitement, and why the city doors are closed?

Guardsmen do not produce people from the city ...

Why are they not released? ..

So that they do not help those who have already come out of the city and went to the Palace of three fatels ...

I do not understand anything, a citizen, and I ask me to forgive me ...

Oh, do you really not know that today the gunsman Prospero and the gymnast of Tibul told the people to take the storm the Palace of three fathers?

Gunsmith Protection? ..

Yes, a citizen ... the tree is high, and the Guards arrows fall on the other side. No one will come from the city, and those who went with the gunsman Prospero, the Palace Guard.

And indeed, a few very distant shots rumbled.

Woman dropped a fat cat. Cat flipped as raw dough. The crowd of roasted.

"So I was mistaken such a significant event," thought the doctor. "True, I went out of the room for a whole month. I worked locked up. I knew nothing ... "

At this time, even further, hit a gun several times. Thunder jumped like a ball and rolled over the wind. Not only the doctor was frightened and hastily retreated a few steps, - the whole crowd staggered and collapsed. Children cried, pigeons scattered, shrinking the wings, the dogs sat down and began to swell.

A strong cannonal pallet began. The noise rose unimaginable. The crowd came to the gate and screamed:

Proteo! Proteo!

Down with three fat men!

Dr. Gaspar was completely confused. He was found in the crowd, because many knew his face. Some rushed to him as if she was looking for protection.

But the doctor himself almost cried.

What is done there? How to find out what is going on goal? Maybe the people wins, and maybe they have already shot.

Then the man ten ran in the direction where three narrow streets began from the square. At the corner there was a house with a high old tower. Together with the rest, the doctor decided to climb the tower. Below was the laundry room like a bath. There was dark as in the basement. Upbered the spiral staircase. The light penetrated the light, but it was very little, and everyone climbed slowly, with great difficulty, especially since the staircase was torn and with broken railings. It is not difficult to imagine how much labor and excitement was worth the doctor Gasparan climb to the top floor. In any case, another twentieth step, his cry came in the dark:

Oh, my heart bursts, and I lost my heel!

Cloak, Dr. lost on the square, after the tenth shot of the gun.

At the top of the tower there was a platform surrounded by stone railing. From here, a view of at least kilometers fifty around. There was no time to admire the view, although the appearance deserved it. Everyone was watched in the other side where the battle was happening.

Yuri Olesha

Three fathers

Dedicated to Valentina Leontievna Grünside

Part one. Rattlerine Tibul

Chapter I. Restless Day of Dr. Gaspara Arnery

The time of the wizards passed. In all likelihood, they never really were. All these are fiction and fairy tales for very young children. Just some magicians knew how to deceive all sorts of zooak so cleverly that these magicians were taken for sorcerers and wizards.

There was such a doctor. His named Gaspar Arneri. Naive man, a fair barbell or an unfounded student could also take him for a wizard. In fact, this doctor did such amazing things that they really looked like miracles. Of course, he did not have anything in common with wizards and charlatans that fascinated too trusting people.

Dr. Gaspar Arnery was a scientist. Perhaps he studied about a hundred spider. In any case, no one was in the country of wise and scientists Gaspara Arneri.

Everyone knew about his scholarships: both Melnik, and soldiers, ladies, and ministers. And the schoolchildren sank about it a whole song with such chorus;

How to fly from the ground to the stars
How to catch the fox by the tail.
How to make steam from stone -
Doctor knows our Gaspar.

One day, when very good weather was issued, in the summer, in June, Dr. Gaspar Arnery decided to go to a distant walk to collect some breeds of herbs and beetles.

Dr. Gaspar was a man of elderly and therefore was afraid of rain and wind. Going out of the house, he watched the neck with a thick scarf, put his glasses against dust, took a cane to not stumble, and generally gathered for a walk with great precautions.

This time the day was wonderful; The sun was just that was shone; The grass was so green that even a feeling of sweetness appeared in the mouth; Fly dandelions, bird whisters, light breeze waved as a ballogeon.

This is good, "said the doctor," just still need to take a raincoat, because summer weather is deceptive. It can start raining.

The doctor ordered at the farm, blew on glasses, captured his boxes, in the family of a suitcase from green leather, and went.

The most interesting places were outside the city, - where there was a palace of three fathers. The doctor most often visited these places. Palace of three fathers stood in the midst of a huge park. The park was surrounded by deep channels. Over the channels hung black iron bridges. Bridges were guarded by Palace Guardians: Guardsmen in black adhesive hats with yellow feathers. Around the park to the very heavenly feature spilled meadows, covered with flowers, groves and ponds. Here was a great place for walking. The most interesting breeds of herbs grew here, the most beautiful beetles rang here, and sang the most skilled birds.

"But walking far away. I will reach the urban shaft and hiring the cab. He will take me to the palace park, "thought the doctor.

Near the urban tree, the people were more than always.

"Is sunday today? - Doubt the doctor. - I do not think. Today is Tuesday".

Doctor approached closer.

The whole area was damaged by the people. The doctor saw artisans in gray cloudy jackets with green abbreasses; sailors with clay color faces; wealthy citizens in colored vests, with their wives, whose skirts were like pink bushes; traders with decanters, trays, ice creams and brazers; skinny square actors, green, yellow and mothers, as if stitched from the blanket; There are very little guys who pulled on the tails of red cheerful dogs.

All crowded in front of the city gate. Huge, height in the house, the iron gate was tightly closed.

"Why are the gate closed?" - The doctor was surprised.

The crowd was noisy, everyone spoke loudly, shouted, scribed, but I could not really disassemble anything.

The doctor approached the young woman who kept a thick gray cat on her hand, and asked:

Be kind, explain what happens here. Why are there so many people that for the reason for his excitement, and why the city doors are closed?

Guardsmen do not produce people from the city ...

Why are they not released? ..

So that they do not help those who have already come out of the city and went to the Palace of three fatels ...

I do not understand anything, a citizen, and I ask me to forgive me ...

Oh, do you really not know that today the gunsman Prospero and the gymnast of Tibul told the people to take the storm the Palace of three fathers?