Eternal themes of art and life. Chopin's mighty kingdom

Eternal themes of art and life. Chopin's mighty kingdom

Open music lesson in grade 6

Theme: Images of chamber music. Chopin's mighty kingdom.

Chapter: The world of images of vocal and instrumental music.

Date of the lesson ______________


The purpose of the lesson: awareness of the stylistic features of F. Chopin's music, acquaintance with the genres of chamber music, instrumental miniatures of F. Chopin's music.

Lesson objectives.

Educational: to help students feel the amazing originality, the subtlest poetry of F. Chopin's music, its connection with the national characteristics of Polish music, the historical situation of that time; to acquaint students with the works of F. Chopin, to find out the musical content of musical works.

Developing: develop visual - figurative, logical thinking, the ability to analyze and synthesize, reason, musical memory, harmony - harmonic hearing, singing skills.

Educational: fostering a sense of citizenship, love for the Motherland.

Lesson type: combined, deepening knowledge.

Form of carrying out: lesson-presentation.

Listening to music: F. Chopin "Ballad No. 1" in G minor. Nocturne (B major).

Scherzo (B flat minor).

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, board, piano instrument, crossword puzzle, textbook Sergeeva G.P., Kritskaya E.D. Music. 6th grade. M .: Education, 2014.

During the classes:

Organizing time: to direct the attention of students to the lesson.

Fragment sounds "Ballads in g - moll". Greetings!

Basic knowledge update:

Motivation for learning activities. ( Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson ).

Today in the lesson we will continue our acquaintance with the musical work of this composer. The topic of our lesson is called "The Mighty Kingdom of F. Chopin." Its goal is to penetrate into the poetic musical language, the content of the works of this brilliant Polish composer.

Learning new material.

Listen to the music and determine the style of the composer, to which composer can it be attributed?

Hearing of Waltz and Polonaise.

Have you guessed?

Find out from the description about the music of which composer, pianist - virtuoso we are going to talk today.

He sang the soul of his people, created beautiful melodies and dances

He limited his creativity to the framework of piano music.

He is a classic of Polish music. His name is among the names of genius composers like (on the blackboard there are portraits of composers) Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky.

F. Chopin's work is a huge world of extraordinary beauty. His marvelous, wonderful music, written by a great composer and musician. Sincerity of feelings is the main thing!

Biographical information message.

Teacher: Look at the portrait of this person. What do you think he was like in life?

Pupils: Kind, he has a thoughtful look. I think he was a smart, fine-minded person.

Teacher: One cannot but be surprised at the depth and softness that permeates the composer's face, his aristocratic hands. He came from a wonderful noble family, was educated in Warsaw. Knowing the culture and customs of people's Poland, he deeply felt the intonations of the Mazurs and Kujawiaks, Obereks and Polonaises, who so often gladdened his heart in dear Shafarna, a suburb of Warsaw.

Performance of "Chopin's Nocturne" music by S. Savenkov, lyrics by T. Tarasova.

Chopin's music is permeated, on the one hand, by lyricism, the subtlety of conveying various moods, on the other, by tragedy and heroism. (p. 98, 2 paragraph).

Chopin revived the prelude on a romantic basis, which is a semantic center reflecting a certain "movement and life of the soul."

Hearing of Prelude No. 7 and Prelude No. 20. Discussion of music.

What image does foreplay create? What does F. Chopin want to tell us about? What does the music represent, what feelings does it convey?

Living far from his homeland, he always thought about it, all my thoughts, feelings, experiences are his music. In it one can hear pain, and suffering, and impulse, and the bitterness of loss, and love, and faith, and deep sorrow. The tragedy of the Polish people has become my personal tragedy. There are circumstances in life when it is impossible to change anything. In a country foreign to me, he learned fame, respect, recognition, success, he was surrounded by creative people, found love - isn't that what you say happiness ?! For an exile there is no happiness higher than being with the Motherland and living for it!

Let's Listen in the Performance of the outstanding pianist Svyatoslav Richter

Etude No. 12 and Prelude No. 24 What unites these two different genres, what does the composer want to convey to us, what can be said about music?

The dreamer is ardent, noble,
Master of the piano scenes
The poet of the folk melody -
All this is Frederic Chopin.

Listening to curly music,
I hear seething waves lapping
And the splashes of sunny May
And October glass shine,

And the call of the Fatherland is harsh,
And the revolution is wide open.
Here the pianist frowned,
Entering "B flat minor".

Ringing a piano chord
A foamy wave is playing.
An influx of witchcraft and strange
She absorbs the hall into herself.

Spreading like wings, shoulders,
Like an angel, weightless and pure,
The whole piano evening soars
There is a fragile pianist above the hall.

Vladimir Efremovich Shostak

Why did Chopin choose the piano for creativity?

Do you think Chopin was a romantic, Why?

Did F. Chopin really leave the country when he learned about the Polish uprising?

What genres of miniature were close to F. Chopin? (Preludes, nocturnes, waltzes, polonaises, mazurkas).

What kind of music took the leading place in the work of F. Chopin? (danceability).

What distinguishes Fryderyk Chopin's music, what is his music connected with?

What a morning at home!

What meadows and forests,

The dew sparkles with mother-of-pearl.

Native land ... Eh! Beauty!

It smells of wormwood, grass,

Young green foliage

Ah, homeland, only with you

I am bound forever by fate!

Chopin's music is a cannon covered with flowers. The sharply angry, full of life tension and emotional richness of the pages of his ballads and sonatas can be viewed as a lively and quivering response to the events of Polish reality in the 1930s. He was deeply shocked by the slavery of his homeland. In this sense, it is highly characteristic of his "Ballad in G Minor".

Hearing - the code "Ballads g - moll".

Teacher: Guys, tell me, what kind of music is this? What did you hear in it?

Pupils: This music is courageous, angry, full of vitality, struggle. The music is revolutionary, impetuous, calling for struggle.

Teacher: It reflects the feelings of a Pole - an aristocrat and a revolutionary - a romantic. Fryderyk Chopin himself was forced to leave and live abroad, far from his beloved homeland, Poland, after the people's liberation uprising, in which he participated, was defeated.

Lesson summary.

Crossword: "Chopin"- vertically. ( Questions to consolidate the material).

Romantic composer of the 19th century, who wrote the music for the song "Evening Star".

What title did Chopin get for his music?

Chopin's favorite instrument.

What kind of dance are you talking about: "Solemn ballroom dance - procession"?

What kind of music took the leading place in the work of F. Chopin?

Vocal and intonation work.

Didactic task - development of vocal intonation skills



Singing the main melody of Nocturne (vocalise).

Homeland, that's what every citizen should think about. Think, what is Homeland for you ...

Performance of the song "Winter" music and words by A. Osirovsky.


Teacher: Guys, tell me, what composer's music sounded in our lesson today? What "eternal" problems does the music of F. Chopin touch upon?

Question: What interesting things have you learned? What discovery did you make for yourself?

Formulate and ask each other questions (work in pairs). Please rate. Put your points. Calculate the total score - give a grade.

Sample questions:

Why did F. Chopin choose the piano for creativity?

Do you think Chopin was a romantic, Why.

Did F. Chopin really leave the country when he learned about the Polish uprising?

What genres of miniature were close to F. Chopin (preludes, nocturnes, waltzes, polonaises, mazurkas).

What kind of music took the leading place in the work of F. Chopin? (Dance)

What distinguishes Frederic Chopin's music, what is his music connected with?

What distinguishes the music of F. Chopin? Of course, the Motherland, to which Chopin was very attached, and his fate was closely intertwined with the fate of the Motherland.

The lesson was held in MBOU "Secondary School No. 3" in the city of Cherepovets, Voogodskaya oblast.

Positive reviews:

1. There is clarity and a good presentation.

2. Wonderful contact with students.

3. Completed the stages of the lesson.

4.Different forms of activity are shown.

5 In general, I liked the lesson.


1.In general, I did not like the theme and the combination of artistic and musical images. (I didn’t think it up, everything was from the textbook and the program)

2. The teacher is not very emotional.

3. Pupils are not active (afraid of a large number of teachers.

4. There was not enough time for reflection (although I was in a hurry)

5.Work in groups in general, according to colleagues, should not be like this, it was not!

6. It wasn’t such a song (colleagues didn’t like it)

There are few composers whose work is ranked among the greatest treasures of world art and at the same time is accessible to the widest circles of listeners, is world-famous. The brilliant Polish composer Fryderyk Chopin holds an exceptional place even among these happiest composers in many respects. Other major composers of the past - Mozart, Beethoven, Glinka, Tchaikovsky - showed themselves in different genres of music, wrote works of a large scale - symphonies, operas. Chopin, on the other hand, is on a par with these geniuses, despite the fact that he composed almost exclusively for the piano, and mainly works of a small volume - miniatures. He, like no one else, knew how to say a lot in small things, to express great content in modest forms, and from the piano he extracted such a wealth of colors that it seemed to replace a whole orchestra.

Fryderyk Chopin was born on February 22, 1810 near Warsaw in the town of Zhelyazowa Wola. Chopin's mother was Polish, his father was French. The family lived on the estate of Count Skarbek, where his father served as a home teacher. Soon after the birth of his son, Nikolai Chopin got a job as a home teacher at the Warsaw Lyceum, and the whole family moved to the capital. Little Frederick grew up surrounded by music. His father played the violin and flute, his mother played the piano and sang. The boy's musical talent manifested itself very early. Already at the age of five, Chopin was confidently performing pieces learned under the guidance of his elder sister Ludwika. Soon, a well-known Czech musician Wojciech Zhivny became his teacher, it was he who instilled in his student a love for the music of the classics, especially J.S.Bach. The little pianist's first performance took place in Warsaw, when he was seven years old. The concert was a success, and the whole of Warsaw soon recognized Chopin's name. At the same time, one of his first works was published - a polonaise for piano in G minor. The boy's performing talent developed so quickly that by the age of twelve, Chopin was not inferior to the best Polish pianists. Chopin was distinguished by physical fragility and refined aristocracy, self-esteem and self-control. He was restrained, ironic, impeccably brought up and always aroused admiration among his contemporaries for his exquisite simplicity and nobility. Zhivny himself refused to study with the young virtuoso, declaring that he could not teach him anything else.

The boy's musical studies did not go to the detriment of his general education. Chopin was distinguished, despite his poor health, by great diligence. Already in childhood, Fryderyk was fluent in German and French, was interested in the history of Poland, read a lot of fiction. He drew well, he was especially good at cartoons. His mimicry talent was so bright that he could become a theatrical actor. He attended opera performances with great interest. The performance of the famous violinist Niccolo Paganini made an indelible impression on the impressionable young man. However, the most profound impressions of Chopin's childhood and adolescence are associated with Polish folk music. Chopin listened to her with enthusiasm during out-of-town walks, in the estates of his comrades in the lyceum. These impressions became one of the most important foundations of his work. For the formation of Chopin as an artist, the entire social and cultural atmosphere of Warsaw in the 20s of the 19th century, an era when, after the shocks of the Napoleonic wars, Poland was preparing to resume the struggle for independence, was of great importance.

In 1826, after graduating from the Lyceum, Chopin entered the Warsaw Higher School of Music. Here his studies were supervised by an experienced teacher and composer Józef Elsner. Among his notes, the characteristic given to the young musician was preserved: “Amazing abilities. Musical genius ". By this time, Chopin had already been recognized as the best pianist in Poland. Has reached maturity and his talent as a composer. This is evidenced by two concertos for piano and orchestra, composed between 1829 and 1830. These concerts are performed in our time, and are the favorite works of pianists of all countries.

At the end of the Higher School of Music (1829). Chopin - already an established artist - made a trip to Vienna, one of the largest musical centers of the time. His concerts were a huge success. After returning to Warsaw, it became obvious that the further development of his talent required the atmosphere of the largest European capitals and a long concert journey. Chopin could not make up his mind to take this step for a long time. He was tormented by heavy forebodings. It seemed to him that he was leaving his homeland forever. Finally, in the autumn of 1830, Chopin left Warsaw. Friends gave him a parting silver goblet filled with Polish soil. Chopin was twenty years old. The happy youthful time, full of searches, hopes, successes, is over. Premonitions did not deceive Chopin. He parted with his homeland forever.

Keeping in mind the good reception given to him in Vienna, Chopin decided to start his concerts there. But, despite all efforts, he did not manage to give an independent concert, and the publishers agreed to publish his works only free of charge. Suddenly, disturbing news came from home. An uprising against the Russian autocracy, organized by Polish patriots, began in Warsaw. Chopin decided to interrupt his concert trip and return to Poland, but his family and friends restrained him from this step. With bitterness, the composer resigned and went to Paris. From that moment on, disturbing thoughts about the fate of his homeland and loved ones do not leave him. On the way, Chopin was overtaken by the news of the defeat of the uprising. A strong shock from this message prompted the creation of brilliant tragic works, first of all the etude in C minor (op. 10) - the so-called "revolutionary". The prelude in D minor, created at the same time, and later included in the notebook of preludes under No. 24, is also full of sublimely tragic pathos.

In the fall of 1831, Chopin arrived in Paris, where he lived until the end of his life. But France did not become the composer's second homeland. Both in his affections and in his work, Chopin remains a Pole. The theme of love for the people, the homeland, so characteristic of romanticism, can be traced throughout all of his works. Chopin is a romantic composer whose music was influenced by Polish musical culture and the creative activities of his predecessor composers. Different types of Polish village and city dances are reflected in fiery mazurkas, solemn polonaises, brilliant, expressive waltzes, ingenious preludes and nocturnes - examples of musical lyrics.

Chopin's Mazurkas are dance pieces that combine the features of three ancient folk dances: mazur, kujawjak and oberek, which are widespread in various regions of Poland. Mazurka was especially close and dear to the composer, since his youth was spent in Kujavy and in Mazovia, the birthplace of this dance. Such lyrical melodies include the mazurka in A minor (op. 68 No. 2). The sad, brooding melody smoothly turns into a perky village dance. And how much grandeur and jubilation is heard from the first notes of the polonaise in A major. After all, it is also based on the Polish national dance, which eventually received the French name "polonaise". Once the polonaise was a festive ceremonial procession. In the old days, only warriors-knights participated in it. Having emerged in the popular environment, the polonaise finally took shape in the circles of the Polish nobility and firmly entered the ballroom music. In the 19th century, the ball opened, as a rule, with a polonaise. The first pair was accompanied by the owner with the most respected guest. Chopin's waltzes are also dance pieces. Among the seventeen waltzes of Chopin, the waltz in C sharp minor is very popular. Delicate and poetic at the beginning, it strikes with brilliance and virtuosity in the second theme, creates the impression of a whirling movement, lightness, flightiness.

But back to Paris. In that era, he was the center of all world culture and art. Many outstanding writers, artists and pianists lived and worked there. Suffice it to mention the names of Hugo, Heine, Berlioz, Liszt, Bellini. Chopin "conquered" Paris first as a pianist. He immediately impressed the audience with his peculiar and unusual performance, according to the memoirs of his contemporaries, it was surprisingly spiritual, poetic and graceful. The Chopin performer was inseparable from the Chopin composer. And spoiled Paris, which was difficult to surprise with virtuosity, bowed to the charm of Slavic melodies and incomparable poetry, which exuded the sounds of his music. According to Liszt, Chopin's music and playing evoked "a feeling of admiration, awe, shyness, which seizes the heart near supernatural beings, near those whom you cannot guess, understand, embrace." While performing in concerts, Chopin mostly performed his own compositions: concertos for piano and orchestra, mazurkas, nocturnes, etudes, variations on a theme from Mozart's opera Don Juan. It was about these variations that the outstanding German composer and critic Robert Schumann wrote: "Down with hats, gentlemen, you are a genius." Chopin's music, as well as his concert performances, aroused general admiration. Only music publishers were waiting. They did not refuse to print Chopin, but, as in Vienna, free of charge. Therefore, the first editions did not bring Chopin any income. He had to give music lessons, sometimes 5-6 hours a day. This work provided him, but took a lot of energy. Along with the growth of Chopin's fame, the circle of his acquaintances is expanding. Among his friends are the pianist Liszt, the German poet Heine, the French composer Berlioz, the painter Delacroix. But no matter how interesting new friends were, for the sake of a guest from Poland he put off all his affairs, and could listen to stories about his homeland for hours. Meetings with Polish friends were especially dear to the composer, and because Chopin did not have his own family, his hope of marrying Maria Wodzińska, the daughter of one of the wealthy Polish nobles, did not come true. Maria's parents did not want to see their daughter married to a musician, albeit world famous, but earning a living by his labor. For many years, the famous French writer Aurora Dudevant, who appeared in print under the pseudonym Georges Sand, became his close friend. Over the years, Chopin gave concerts less and less, limiting himself to performing in a narrow circle of friends. He directed all his attention to creativity. His sonatas, scherzos, nocturnes, preludes, ballads appear. Along with light, lyrical plays, more and more often from under his pen there are works full of dramatic depth, and often of tragedy. In this regard, one cannot fail to mention Chopin's four ballads. They are a new and bold word in the history of musical art. The genre definition of ballad entered music from folk poetry and fiction. At the beginning of the 19th century, vocal ballads became widespread (for example, the famous ballad by F. Schubert "The Forest Tsar"). Chopin was the first to introduce the ballad genre into instrumental music. Epico - a dramatic tone connects Chopin's ballads with Schubert's and other vocal ballads. But Chopin's ballads are large pieces, with a broad, symphonic type of development of musical images. These works are rightly considered the direct predecessors of the genre of symphonic poems. And the wonderful lines of Boris Pasternak, dedicated to Chopin, come to mind, they subtly and accurately convey the image of the stately doom so characteristic of Chopin's melodies:

Blow, another, passage -

Milky halo in balls

Chopin's mourning phrase

Pops up like a sick eagle.

But, despite all the hardships, Chopin's life in Paris was, if not happy, then favorable for creativity. His talent has reached its peak, the publication of works no longer meets obstacles, it is considered a great honor to take lessons from him, and to hear his play is a rare happiness available only to a select few.

The last years of the composer's life were sad. His father died, a quarrel and a break with George Sand left him completely alone. Chopin was never able to recover from these brutal blows. Lung disease, which Chopin suffered from a young age, worsened. The composer has written almost nothing for the last two years. To improve his financial situation, he travels to London at the invitation of English friends. Gathering his last strength, the patient, he gives concerts and lessons there. An enthusiastic reception at first pleases him, instills cheerfulness. But England's damp climate quickly took its toll. The last concert in London, which turned out to be the last in his life, Chopin gives in favor of Polish emigrants. On the advice of doctors, he hastily returned to Paris. The last work of the composer was a mazurka in F minor (op. 68 no. 4). At his request, his sister Ludwika arrived from Poland, in whose arms he died. The composer's funeral was solemn. The best artists of Paris performed the Requiem of Mozart, so beloved by him. Friends brought a goblet with their native Polish soil to his grave. Chopin was buried in Paris, and his heart, as he bequeathed, was sent to Warsaw, where it is still carefully kept in the Church of the Holy Cross.

During his short life, Chopin created over 200 works. With a few exceptions, these are all piano pieces, mostly of a small volume, and about half of them are written in dance form, which is associated with the peculiarities of folk music. For other instruments he wrote only a few works: a trio for piano, violin and cello, a polonaise op. 3 and duet for piano and cello, a number of songs for voice. But within the limits of one piano work alone, Chopin reached the heights of artistic versatility, which other composers achieved by working on many types of instrumental music in various fields of musical art.

Chopin created his own piano style, which combines virtuosity and delicate, deep lyricism. He created new types, new coloring of the piano sound, new pedal technique.

Chopin is the greatest master of melody. His melodic origins are different. His melodies combine the features of the national Polish song and the classics of the Italian Belsant. The melodies contain melodiousness, declamation, and complex instrumental development. And I recall the words of B. Pasternak that "the main means of expression, the language in which Chopin expounded everything he wanted to say, was his melody, the most genuine and powerful of all that we know."

Chopin was highly appreciated and loved by all Russian composers - Glinka, Rimsky - Korsakov, Balakirev, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov. It should be noted that the first complete edition of Chopin's works was published in Russia (in 1861). In Russian musical, and especially concert life, Chopin's music occupied an important place since the 1830s. A whole galaxy of pianists, headed by A. Rubinstein and M. Balakirev, became famous for the performance of Chopin's works, laying down the traditions of the Russian style. And in our time, Chopin's music is popular among performers and listeners. After all, Chopin's work is a world of extraordinary beauty. Listening to him, you forget that you are listening to only one instrument, the piano. Endless open spaces open before you, full of secrets and adventures. And I really want this new, newly discovered world to never leave you.

A bouquet of flowers, passions glow,

I can hear, I can feel, I can see

(as in the reflections of the mirrors of the salons of old Paris - a Slavic look, a shadow of illness) in His mazurkas ice and fire,

Lovely lazenok May day,

Mallorca's hot gray stone, and the stone that he wore in his soul, and the cough (every day it takes longer), and the memory of the heart, where he kept the melodies of half-forgotten Poland,

In the mazurkas, it seems, her sorrow reigns, and her appearance is gentle, but suddenly, the rebellious spirit of Poland will begin to sound in the three-beat dance.

In a bouquet of flowers, passions glow,

He wrapped it up without any rules.

He left his genius to the world,

And he bequeathed his heart to Poland.

1. All Chopin's works are filled with emotions, feelings, carry a deep meaning.

2. Listening to Chopin's works, you forget that there is only one instrument, the piano. It replaces a whole orchestra.

3. Chopin's music became international, it conquered all of Europe.

4. In Chopin's life there were many trials, which helped him to cope with the core laid in childhood.

5. Chopin created his own unique piano style, new types and colors of piano sound, new pedal technique.

6. All Chopin's work is permeated with a great love for the Motherland.

7. Chopin is the greatest master of melody.

Open lesson in grade 6 on the subject "Music" according to the program

E. D. Kritskaya, G. P. Sergeeva, T. S. Shmagina.

Theme: "The Mighty Kingdom of F. Chopin"

Target: To acquaint students with the work of Frederic Chopin and the awareness of the stylistic features of his music.



  1. Create conditions for a holistic view of the life and work of Frederic Chopin.
  2. Develop the ability to identify pieces of music by ear;
  3. Have initial singing skills.



Form and hold a learning task, perform learning activities as a listener.


Self-identify and formulate a cognitive goal


Use speech to regulate your actions, ask questions.


The development of musical and educational activities and the realization of creative potential in the process of collective performance.

Resource material:

  1. Video sequence: a fragment of Waltz No. 7 by F. Chopin performed by D. Matsuev, Nocturne No. 20 by F. Chopin, an excerpt from the film "The Pianist" by Roman Polanski (2002), E. Vaenga's song "Chopin", excerpts from the film "Pride and Prejudice "Joe Wright (2005);
  2. Audio recording "Russian waltz" by A. Pakhmutova;
  3. Pair cards;
  4. Lyrics;
  5. Portrait of F. Chopin.

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time

(Direct the attention of students to the lesson.)



Attention to the screen!

(Watching the video: a fragment of Waltz No. 7 by F. Chopin, performed by D. Matsuev).


Still sounds in my ears

The seventh waltz is an easy step,

Like a spring breeze

Like the flutter of a bird's wings

Like the world that I discovered

Into the interweaving of musical lines ...

Lev Ozerov

II. Updating.


He was called "the genius of the piano", he was an excellent pianist, and he created all his works only for his favorite instrument. He did not write a single opera or a single symphony, but his waltzes, mazurkas, polonaises, nocturnes leave no one indifferent.

What composer are we talking about?


Frederic Chopin (attach the portrait to the board)


How can you name everything that this great genius did, if he is the king of his piano work?




Synonym for words: powerful, significant, majestic?




Now let's formulate the topic:


- "The Mighty Kingdom of F. Chopin"

III. Topic message.


Today in the lesson we continue our acquaintance with the works of the great Polish composer Frederic Chopin.

This year, February 22nd would mark the 205th anniversary of the birth of this great piano genius. Here are the lines the poet Lev Ozerov wrote about the composer:


Does the waltz slide, does the mazurka rejoice,

Whether the polonaise reigns, I'm right there.

Living rooms in Warsaw, Petersburg,

Paris, Vienna, Prague - my route.

And wherever I was, no matter how worried,

Whichever earthly lot you choose -

Whether the polonaise reigns, whether the waltz glides

Whether the mazurka rejoices - you are with me.

With me you are in a gradual movement.

Music flickers, light, dark.

And this is so conceived by Chopin,

It is not all the same yesterday or long ago.

IV. Setting goals


Chopin lived and worked in the 19th century. During his short life, 39 years, he created a large number of piano works that live in our hearts to this day. An example was Waltz # 7, performed at the beginning of the lesson, performed by pianist Denis Matsuev. And in the choreographic repertoire of the Shumilov school of arts there is a dance "Waltz with fans" to this beautiful melody.

And when a person is seen off on his last journey, the sounds of Chopin's famous Funeral March from Sonata No. 2 (III.)


Take a look at the portrait of this person. What do you think he was like in life?


Kind, he has a thoughtful look. I think he was a smart, fine-minded person.

V. Work on the topic.

(slide show to the music of Nocturne # 1)


One cannot but be surprised at the depth and softness that permeates the composer's face. He came from a wonderful noble family, was educated in Warsaw. Knowing the culture and customs of people's Poland, he deeply felt the intonations of the Mazurs, Obereks and Polonaises, who so often gladdened his heart in dear Shafarna, a suburb of Warsaw.

But at the age of 20, the composer had to leave Poland forever, after the people's liberation uprising, in which he participated, was defeated. He lived in Vienna for a short time, after which he moved to Paris. In the French capital, a circle of friends and associates gathered around Chopin, among whom were his closest friend, the composer F. Liszt, the artist E. Delacroix, and the writer O. Balzac. Chopin developed a particularly close relationship with the writer Aurora Dudevant, known under the pseudonym Georges Sand. For eight years she was a friend of the composer.

The end of the musician's life was overshadowed by lung disease, consumption, but the cause of death was supposedly in cardiac arrest, the composer was worried about the break in relations with George Sand.

He died on October 17, 1849 in Paris, was buried in the Pere Lachaise cemetery. In his will, Chopin asked to take his heart to his homeland, to Poland, which was done. The composer's heart was transported to Warsaw and placed in one of the columns of the Church of the Holy Cross under a plaque with the inscription: "Where your treasure is, there your heart will also be."

(music stops playing)

Very often people of art, composers, musicians, poets, artists were forced to leave their homeland for various reasons. But their work is always permeated with love for the Motherland, folk motives and their own experiences. Music helped to survive in difficult life situations.

Polish pianist Wladyslaw Spielman was born in Poland in 1911 to a Jewish family. Graduated from the Frederic Chopin University. After the Nazis came to power, he worked in Poland on Warsaw radio, was engaged in composing symphonic music and music for films. After Germany occupied Poland in 1939 (on September 23, Spielmann played his last live concert on the radio, after which Polish radio stopped working), the Spielman family ended up in the Warsaw ghetto. While loading the train, one of the Jewish police officers (he knew the Shpilmans) pushed Vladislav out of the crowd, separating him from his family. He never saw his parents, sisters and brother. Unable to bear it, he soon escaped from the ghetto and wandered among his acquaintances on Polish Radio. Miraculously, several times he escaped death, almost died of malnutrition.

After the end of the war, he again worked on the radio. He wrote a memoir based on the memories of his experiences during the war. They were published under the title "City Doom". This book was used to direct the film in 2002 directed by Roman Polanski (Jewish by birth, born in Paris, raised in Poland) "The Pianist"starringAdrien Brody became the youngest ownerAcademy Award for Best Actor ... In this, the film has 3 Oscars. In 1998, a reprint of his memoirs, The Pianist: An Extraordinary Story about the Survival of One Person in Warsaw in 1939-1945, was published. The edition has been translated into 38 languages.

Attention to the screen. Music by Frederic Chopin Nocturne No. 20 Excerpt from the film "The Pianist".

(viewing the tear-off from the movie "The Pianist")


What unites F. Chopin and V. Shpilman?


Love to motherland.


Chopin's music is always different. From light waltz and solemn polonaise to brooding nocturne. It is often used in arrangements by contemporary performers as well.



The melody is an exact repetition of Waltz # 7.


No wonder Svyatoslav Richter wrote: "Courageous, feminine, mysterious, devilish, incomprehensible, tragic Chopin." But his love for the Motherland remains unchanged. And for us, the Motherland is Russia.

Vii. Working on the song

Learning the song "Russian Waltz"

Vi. Reflection


(Cards are given for work in pairs)




Vii. Lesson summary.


Russian singer and composer Elena Vaenga wrote a song she called "Chopin" and used the Nocturne # 1 melody in the arrangement.

Attention to the screen (watching the video. Song by E. Vaenga "Chopin", excerpts from the film "Pride and Prejudice" by Joe Wright (2005);)


Thanks to all! Goodbye!

Music lesson Grade 6 program G.P. Sergeeva, E. D. CretanChapter "The world of images of chamber and symphonic music". Lesson topic "The Mighty Kingdom of Chopin" Target: acquaintance with the genres of chamber music, instrumental miniatures of the music of F. Chopin.Tasks: Educational: to instill love for the native land, the Motherland on the example of the life and work of F. Chopin.Educational: to acquaint with the era of romanticism and images of chamber music.Developing: to learn to think about music to be able to express their own position regarding the music listened to, to work on the sensual performance of songs,Know: the main moments of F. Chopin's work; various genres of piano miniature.

During the classes

Organizing time. Listen to the music and determine the style of the composer, to which composer it can be attributed.

Slide №2 and №3 Hearing Waltz and Polonaise.

Have you guessed? Find out from the description, about the music of which composer, pianist - virtuoso we will talk today . - He sang the soul of his people, created beautiful melodies and dances- He limited his creativity to the framework of piano music.- He is a classic of Polish music. His name is among the names of genius composers, like Slide number 4(on the board are portraits of composers) Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky.Slide number 5- F. Chopin's work is a huge world of extraordinary beauty. His marvelous, wonderful music, written by a great composer and musician. Sincerity of feelings is the main thing! What can you tell us about the work of Frederic Chopin?

Read 1 paragraph on page 98 of the textbook. What can be supplemented? Slide number 6

Fragment of the documentary encyclopedia "F. Chopin" work with cards.

Fryderyk Chopin did not write great works, neither symphonies, nor operas, but can this really be the main thing? Each person is capable of freedom of thought, speech, feeling. Express how he wants to. The genres of miniature were closest to him. Slide number 7(small pieces): preludes, nocturnes, waltzes, polonaises, mazurkas, sonatas. Every play, dance is a state of mind, even while living in Paris, he wrote Polish music. Almost all the dances written by F. Chopin were Polish, and Mazurka was a favorite.Of course, in the modern world, listeners of classical music understand the musical language of F. Chopin. As a sign of love and respect for the work of F. Chopin, the St. Petersburg composer Sergei Savenkov uses the melody of the nocturne and writes an amazing song to the verses of Tatyana Tarasova. The song is popular among children's groups, and is often played on the radio. Slide number 8

Performance of "Chopin's Nocturne" music S. Savenkov, lyrics by T. Tarasova.

Slide number 9
Chopin's music is permeated, on the one hand, by lyricism, the subtlety of conveying various moods, on the other, by tragedy and heroism. (p. 98, 2 paragraph)

Chopin revived the prelude on a romantic basis, which is a semantic center reflecting a certain “movement and life of the soul”. Slide number 10

Hearing of Prelude No. 7 and Prelude No. 20. Discussion of music.

What image does foreplay create? What does F. Chopin want to tell us about? what does the music represent, what feelings does it convey?Slide number 13 Living far from his homeland, he always thought about it, all my thoughts, feelings, experiences are his music. In it one can hear pain, and suffering, and impulse, and the bitterness of loss, and love, and faith, and deep sorrow. The tragedy of the Polish people has become my personal tragedy. There are circumstances in life when it is impossible to change anything. In a country foreign to me, he learned fame, respect, recognition, success, he was surrounded by creative people, found love - isn't that what you say happiness ?! For an exile there is no happiness higher than being with the Motherland and living for it!Let's let's listen to performed by the outstanding pianist Svyatoslav RichterSlide number 14, 15 - Study number 12 and Prelude No. 24, what unites these two different genres, what does the composer want to convey to us, what can be said about music? Slide number 16 Slide number 17 The dreamer is ardent, noble,
Master of the piano scenes
The poet of the folk melody -
All this is Frederic Chopin.

Listening to curly music,
I hear seething waves lapping
And the splashes of sunny May
And October glass shine,

And the call of the Fatherland is harsh,
And the revolution is wide open.
Here the pianist frowned,
Entering "B flat minor".

Ringing a piano chord
A foamy wave is playing.
An influx of witchcraft and strange
She absorbs the hall into herself.

Spreading like wings, shoulders,
Like an angel, weightless and pure,
The whole piano evening soars
There is a fragile pianist above the hall. Vladimir Efremovich Shostak

    Why did F. Chopin choose the piano for creativity? Do you think Chopin was a romantic, Why. Did F. Chopin really leave the country when he learned about the Polish uprising? What genres of miniature were close to F. Chopin. (preludes, nocturnes, waltzes, polonaises, mazurkas) What kind of music took the leading place in the work of F. Chopin? (danceability) What distinguishes Fryderyk Chopin's music, what is his music connected with?
What distinguishes the music of F. Chopin? Of course, the Motherland, to which Chopin was very attached, and his fate was closely intertwined with the fate of the Motherland. Slide number 18 What a morning at home!What meadows and forests,The dew sparkles with mother-of-pearl.Native land ... Eh! Beauty!It smells of wormwood, grass,Young green foliageAh, homeland, only with youI am bound forever by fate!
Homeland, that's what every citizen should think about. Think, what is Homeland for you ...

Slide number 19

Performance of the song "Spring of Russia" music A. Ermolova, lyrics by Gulevskaya.

Slide No. 20, No. 21, No. 22, No. 23, No. 24, No. 25, No. 26, No. 27 Homework: You can read additional literature at any of the addresses who do not have the Internet in any additional literature.

Crossword: “Chopin” - vertically. (Questions to consolidate the material).

    Romantic composer of the 19th century, who wrote the music for the song "Evening Star". What title did Chopin get for his music? Chopin's favorite instrument. What kind of dance are you talking about: “Solemn ballroom dance - procession”? What kind of music took the leading place in the work of F. Chopin?
Slide number 28 Chopin himself is here in the hall, And captivity is sweet of songs And he is sensitive to hearing Music long sound. The piano is like a white spirit The melody floats That joy pours in my heart It glows with sadness. The melody floats ... And a light waltz blooms - He cries, then laughs It will ascend to the sky It will echo - Memory of love And genius breath.


Municipal budgetary educational institution

Secondary school No. 50, Novosibirsk

The mighty kingdom of Fryderyk Chopin


Developed by: A.S. Gladkikh,

music teacher MBOU SOSH №50

Novosibirsk 2016

Plan - outline of a music lesson in grade 6

Lesson topic: "The Mighty Kingdom of F. Chopin".

The purpose of the lesson: Acquaintance of students with the work of Frederic Chopin and awareness of the stylistic features of his music.

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Educational: to acquaint with the era of romanticism and images of chamber music; to help students feel the amazing originality, the subtlest poetry of F. Chopin's music, its connection with the national characteristics of Polish music, the historical situation of that time; to acquaint students with the works of F. Chopin, to find out the musical content of musical works;
  2. developing: develop visual - figurative, logical thinking, the ability to analyze and synthesize, argue; learn to think about music, be able to express your own position regarding the music you have listened to, work on the sensual performance of songs;
  3. educational: to instill love for the native land, the Motherland on the example of the life and work of F. Chopin; fostering a sense of citizenship.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, board, piano instrument.

Resource material:

  1. Video: a fragment of Waltz No. 7 by F. Chopin performed by D. Matsuev, Etude No. 12, Prelude No. 24 performed by S. Richter, a fragment of the documentary encyclopedia “F. Chopin "," Waltz in a - moll "and" Waltz in Es - dur, Mazurka in C major, Waltz in A minor, Polonaise in G minor;
  2. Audio recording "My Motherland - Russia" from the repertoire of the group "Daddy's Children";
  3. Cards for work;
  4. Lyrics;
  5. Portrait of F. Chopin.

During the classes:

  1. Organizing time

(Direct the attention of students to the lesson.)



Attention to the screen!

(Watching the video: a fragment of Chopin's Waltz No. 7 F performed by D. Matsuev).

II. Updating.

Teacher: He was called "the genius of the piano", he was an excellent pianist, and he created all his works only for his favorite instrument. He did not write a single opera or a single symphony, but his waltzes, mazurkas, polonaises, nocturnes leave no one indifferent.

What composer are we talking about?


Frederic Chopin (attach the portrait to the board)

III. Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson:


How can you name everything that this great genius did, if he is the king of his piano work?




Synonym for words: powerful, significant, majestic?




Now let's formulate the topic of the lesson:


- "The Mighty Kingdom of F. Chopin"

The purpose of our lesson is to penetrate the poetic musical language, the content of the works of this brilliant Polish composer.

Here are the lines the poet Lev Ozerov wrote about the composer:

Does the waltz slide, does the mazurka rejoice,

Whether the polonaise reigns, I'm right there.

Living rooms in Warsaw, Petersburg,

Paris, Vienna, Prague - my route.

And wherever I was, no matter how worried,

Whichever earthly lot you choose -

Whether the polonaise reigns, whether the waltz glides

Whether the mazurka rejoices - you are with me.

With me you are in a gradual movement.

Music flickers, light, dark.

And this is so conceived by Chopin,

It is not all the same yesterday or long ago.

IV. Work on the topic:


- Fryderyk Chopin is the founder of Polish classical music. This is a romantic composer, but a special romantic. All his work is associated with Poland, its folklore and history.Chopin lived and worked in the 19th century. During his short life, 39 years old, he created a large number of piano works that live in our hearts to this day.


Take a look at the portrait of this person. What do you think he was like in life?


Kind, he has a thoughtful look. I think he was a smart, fine-minded person.

Teacher: One cannot but be surprised at the depth and softness that permeates the composer's face. He came from a wonderful noble family, was educated in Warsaw.

Teacher: Let's see what his life was like (fragment of the documentary encyclopedia "F. Chopin",work with cards).

At the age of 20, the composer had to leave Poland forever, after the people's liberation uprising, in which he participated, was defeated. After living in Vienna for a short time, he moved to Paris. Living far from his homeland, he always thought about it, all his thoughts, feelings, experiences are his music. In it one can hear pain, and suffering, and impulse, and the bitterness of loss, and love, and faith, and deep sorrow. The tragedy of the Polish people became their personal tragedy. There are circumstances in life when it is impossible to change anything. In a foreign country, he knew fame, respect, recognition, success, he was surrounded by creative people, among whom were his closest friend, the composer F. Liszt, the artist E. Delacroix, the writer O. Balzac. In Paris, he met his love - Aurora Dudevant, known under the pseudonym Georges Sand. But all this did not bring him happiness. For an exile there is no happiness higher than being with the Motherland and living for it!

Teacher: Let's listen v performed by the outstanding pianist Svyatoslav Richter Etude No. 12 and Prelude No. 24.

(Watch video: fragments of Etude No. 12 and Prelude No. 24 by F. Chopin performed by S. Richter)

What unites these two different genres, what does the composer want to convey to us, what can be said about music?

Students: This music is courageous, angry, full of vitality, struggle. Revolutionary music, impetuous, calling for struggle... A protest against the injustice of the uprising is heard here.

Teacher: The composer's boundless devotion to his homeland, his people, his struggle for national liberation inspired Chopin's work. In love with Polish folk music, he brilliantly used its wealth. Dance genres occupy a significant place in Chopin's legacy; dancing is one of the integral properties of the folk music culture of Poland. Polonaises, waltzes, mazurkas (in which the features of three related folk dances - mazur, kujawjak and oberek) are embodied, reveal the connections between Chopin's work and Polish folk music in all their diversity.

(Hearing Mazurka in C major, Waltz in A minor, Polonaise in G minor)

Teacher: Tell me, what is more here, aristocratic sophistication or fiery animation?

Students: Here different feelings are expressed and different experiences and pictures can be imagined.

Teacher: Yes, Chopin has always been different. No wonder Svyatoslav Richter wrote: "Courageous, feminine, mysterious, devilish, incomprehensible, tragic Chopin." But his love for the Motherland remains unchanged! And for us, the Motherland is Russia.

V. Working on the song

Learning the song "My Motherland - Russia"

Vi. Reflection

Teacher : Guys, tell me, what composer's music sounded in our lesson today? What "eternal" problems does the music of F. Chopin touch upon? What interesting things have you learned? What discovery did you make for yourself?

Now formulate and ask each other questions(work in pairs).Please rate. Put your points. Calculate the total score - give a grade.

Thanks to all! Goodbye!
A piece of music by F. Chopin is played.