Nationalism: problems and contradictions. The problem of nationalism in foreign and domestic scientific research on psychology

Nationalism: problems and contradictions. The problem of nationalism in foreign and domestic scientific research on psychology
Nationalism: problems and contradictions. The problem of nationalism in foreign and domestic scientific research on psychology

The task of our work includes a brief description of the history of the issue (Chapter 1), the presentation of the most vivid approaches to the consideration of nationalism in political psychology and social psychology (Chapter 2), as well as the analysis of the main results and key problems psychological study nationalism.

Just as nationalism existed in the Soviet period simultaneously among the supporters of the authorities, its opponents and inside it and its administrative apparatus, in modern Russia it is impossible to definitely say where the source of "Russian nationalism". The statements that are classified as "nationalist" proceed from a variety of places and spaces. Nationalism is polyphonic, in other words, everyone has its own nationalism: there is a nationalism of losers as a result of post-Soviet reforms, which is expressed in protest voting for the Communist Party or for the LDPR Zhirinovsky; There is a nationalism of political elites who supported the patriotic call of United Russia, uniting nostalgia under the Soviet Union and post-Soviet realities; There are nationalism of poorly educated and low-income young people, which expresses itself in acts of violence of skinheads; And finally, the nationalism of the city middle class - which, by the way, appeared on the stage the last, in the nature of the pro-European and democratic, but at the same time Xenophobic - the expressants of which the National Democrats became

In the second half of the 1970s, the emphasis in the research of nationalism shifted from Russia XIX. century on the then Soviet society. This was the merit of such an author as Alexander Yanov, who was trying to draw attention to the phenomenon for many years, which they defined as the "revival of Russian nationalism." He studied the trend that seemed to him paradoxical: an increase in interest among Soviet dissidents to themes, which were considered nationalist, which was expressed in addressing the imperial past and in the protection of historical and natural monuments, as well as in parallel attention to the same topics in the "official" Soviet environment The intelligentsia, which manifested mainly in the literature ("Rustic Prose") and in the visual arts approved by the parties Mitrokhin N. "Russian Party": the movement of Russian nationalists in the USSR 1953-1985. - M.: UFO, 2003. - P. 25 ..

Years of restructuring and decay of the Soviet Union became a kind of golden age for research in the field of "nationalism", which are no longer limited to Russia, but covered all the peoples of the USSR.

Political and social shocks in the newly emerged countries were interpreted as the "awakening" of the peoples under the oppression of Russia, which was called the "chauvinistic". Thus, nationalism was considered within the framework of the binary scheme: the nationalism is not Russian peoples, since he was a democratic and anticolonial, considered "healthy", as well as the "folk fronts" of the era of Gorbachev, while the nationalism of the Russians was defined as a conservative, autocracial and colonial , whose symbol was the anti-Semitic "Memory", the main organization of Russian nationalists about the organization "Memory" see: Korey W. Russian Antisemitism, Pamyat and The Demonology of Zionism. Harwood Academic Publishers. for the VIDAL SASSOON INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR THE STUDY

of Antisemitism, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1995. See also: Likhachev V. Political Anti-Semitism in Post-Soviet Russia: Actors and Ideas in 1991-2003. Stuttgart: Ibidem-Verlag, 2006 .. In some works, attempts were made to explore differences between "good" and "bad" nationalism, as if his intuitive binary nature and a direct impact on foreign Policy The West (support for new states in their opposition to Russian domination) could be sufficient basis for recognizing legitimacy of this kind of separation.

As fairly notes in his research A.S. Mukanova, "In the Soviet period, the role of nationalism was identified as hostile socialism of force opposing the ideas and policies of internationalism. Nationalism was evaluated and criticized in accordance with the ideas of K. Marx, F. Engels, V. Lenin, I. Stalin. Soviet scientists in The framework of the study of issues of ethnogenesis and inter-ethnic relations indirectly affected the problems of nation and nationalism.

Formulated in 1913 and later the refined famous Stalinist (four-trial) definition of the nation for many years will be the dogma in the Soviet social studies and will close the way to many innovations in the field of studies of ethnonational issues in the Soviet Union. In the time of the "Khrushchev thaw" by researchers and social studies that Burmistrova, M.S. Junasov, P.M. Rogachev and MA Sverdlin Nation is considered in a broader framework, there is a departure from previous definitions. Nation for them - historically arising ethnicityhaving qualitatively other signs than national community (tribe and nationality). Although many researchers, for example, M.I. Kulichenko, also defining a nation as a socio-ethnic community, at the same time, put it in one row with the generals of the Donational "Mukanova A.S. The evolution of views on the phenomena of the nation and nationalism in the context of the Soviet National Policy // Ural historic Bulletin. - 2009. - №4 (25). - P. 65-66 ..

Actively at this time is being developed by the theory of a new historical socio-political and international community ("Soviet people"). ON THE. Berkovich, Yu.Yu. Winghold, M.S. Junusov, L.V. Efimov, A.A. Isupov, ppm Cammari, N.M. Kiselev, L.N. Knyazev, I.S. Kon, P.N. Fedoseev, A.I. Kholmogorov, N.N. Cheboksars in their works made attempts to identify a new supporting community, which is of particular interest to researchers who understand the nation in civil terms.

In the 1970-1980s. Problems of the theory of the formation and evolution of ethnic groups and nations, national and ethnic self-consciousness were reflected in the works of the R.G. Ablulatipova, V.A. AVKENTEVA, S.A. Harutyunova, S.M. Harutyunyan, E.A. Bagramova, Yu.I. Bromleus, L.N. Gumileva, P.G. Evdokimova, M.V. Jordan, V.I. Kozlova, M.V. Kryukova, A.N. Melnikova, L.V. SKVORTSOVA, A.K. Haladova, S.V. Czech and many others. The release of the ethnic component in modern nations was characteristic of the Soviet theory of the ethnos, in particular the concept of Yu.V. Bromleros about nation as an ethnosocial body. The analogies with the theory of E. Smith are traced.

Since the late 1980s - early 1990s, with the beginning of the "restructuring", the collapse of the USSR, research of national problems is beginning to move away from the traditional Soviet methodology. Access to the conceptual developments of Western scientists who began to be actively studying and comprehended by Russian researchers. Philosophers, political scientists, anthropologists were actively involved in the discussion on the ethnoational device of Russia. During this period, the interest of domestic scientists was concentrated mainly on the study of national processes after the collapse of the USSR, the problems of national consciousness, ethnic identity, the relationship of nationalism with the processes of formation and development of ethnic groups and Nations Mukanova A.S. Soviet national policy and its role in the formation of views on the phenomena "Nation" and "nationalism" // MGOU Bulletin. Series "History and political science"- 2009. - № 4. - P. 88 ..

In the Soviet, and then Russian science and psychological and political practice, the term "nationalism" was used in a negative sense and contained an assessment of certain social movements, which for any reason were not reached to the recognition of their "national liberation". "Bourgeois nationalism" was made to oppose "proletarian internationalism". Russian researchers began to consider nationalism not according to an ideological score, but as a really existing socio-political phenomenon. This approach allowed Russian researchers to divide the point of view of many Western European and American scientists, according to which the nature of nationalism is ambivalent and polyvariative. The change in the methodological paradigm made it possible not only to use the typology of nationalism developed by Western researchers, but also to offer their own option, more accurately reflecting russian realities. It can be stated that knowledge accumulated by modern Russian scientists practical experience Research allow them together with the global scientific community to continue the study of the phenomenon of nationalism. However, it should be noted that the mass consciousness of Russians the term "nationalism" is still perceived as evaluative, while most often having a negative meaning. The same position is shared by many representatives of the political elite. This clearly obsolete and unsafe dogma and media are supported. Thus, as noted by L.M. The crushev, "the gap between populist, journalistic, ideologized political views on nationalism and scientific developments of nationalism problems. This is negatively reflected in the interaction of the peoples" Drobizheva L.M. The possibility of liberal ethnocyalism // Reality of ethnic myths. Analytical series. M..3. Moscow Center Carnegie. - M.: Gandalf, 2000. - S.78 ..

The emerging traditions of studying the phenomenon of nationalism in the post-Soviet and, especially, in the Russian territory, they bring such a function as political mobilization to the fore. For such a campaign, there are objective and subjective bases. The objective factors include the specifics of the state system of the former USSR, which remains in the modern Russian Federation. We are talking about the double principle of the state-political structure - the national-territorial and administrative-territorial, which attached (and in the conditions of the Russian Federation continues to give) the process of forming civil nations ("Soviet people", "Russians", "Tatarstan", etc. ) Specific. Specificity is that instead of one "nationalizing state" - a whole set of such state entities. More precisely: within a common state there were difference between political territorial entities that personify the sovereignty of ethnic nations. In the modern Russian Federation, the former logically complete configuration is transformed into a new one, while still unclear final appearance. During the fundamental changes in the USSR State Device and the Russian Federation, political elites ubiquitously used nationalism for the political mobilization of ethnic nations. Weak and small attempts are being made to form civil nations both throughout the Federation (Russians) and at the level of some entities ("Tatarstan", "Bashkortostans"). Therefore, the study of national movements, their ideology and political practices in the post-Soviet geopolitical space inevitably turns the mobilization possibilities of nationalism. Among the subjective factors that determine the attention of Russian researchers to the labeled function of nationalism, can be called deeply rooted in the mass consciousness, including in the scientific community, the tradition of negative or, at best, suspicious attitude towards this phenomenon. From here, in our opinion, the desire to figure out is not so much in that "What is it?", How much is that, "what does it look like in the context of Russia?", "What is the role playing nationalism in modern Russian society?" Of course, such a research position contributed to focusing on the functions of nationalism as a whole, the objective circumstances have made additional adjustments. In the course of specific research and understanding of their results, by Russian scientists, interesting and fruitful theoretical generalizations were made, complementing the ideas about nationalism. The first studies of the phenomenon conducted without ideological shore, the study of the theoretical developments of Western scientists began to change the ideas about nationalism. In 1993, L.M. Drobyzhev, speaking at the International Conference, noted that after the removal of the "iron curtain", Russian scientists began to understand nationalism of two: firstly, both ethno-α and priority of one ethnic community over another, as ethnic discrimination; Secondly, as the principle according to which the peoples in the desire to preserve cultural originality seek to live under the "own political roof", to have their statehood and ruler of the crushev L.M. Intelligentsia and nationalism. The experience of post-Soviet space // Ethnicity and power in poly ethnic states. Materials of the International Conference 1993. / Answer ed. V.A. Tishkov. - M.: Science, 1994. - S.72 .. In other words, nationalism can be different in essence and consequences. Such an understanding of the nature of nationalism has developed in world literature for a long time. The most common binary model: Western - East; Civil - ethnic. According to Russian researchers of the concepts of nationalism A.I. Miller and V.V. Shorteva, this tradition was laid by the American historian Hans Kon, see Miller A.I. The theory of the Nationalism of Ernest Gellner and its place in the literature of the issue // Nationalism and the formation of nations. Theories - models - concept. - M., 1994. - P. 13-14; Korotheva V.V. Nationalism theory in foreign social sciences. - M., 1999. - P. 26-27. . So, in the work "The idea of \u200b\u200bnationalism", published in 1944, he wrote about the "Western" nationalism as a rational, civil and "eastern" as an irrational, ethnic. The first type is characteristic of the advanced countries in Europe and the USA, the second - for Germany, Russia, countries of Eastern Europe, A number of Asian mill. Differences are determined by the conditions of formation, in particular, the social base and the relationship between the nation and the state.

Domestic scientists T.I. Boncalo, V.A. Ilyin and S.V. Boncalo did not have a high study on the identification of the patterns of transformation of patriotism into nationalism, depending on the level of psychosocial development of the individual. And according to the results of the study, the authors formulated "a number of reasonable generalizing conclusions:

1. Ethno national identity settings, in fact, are one of the phenomenological manifestations of the process and the result of psychosocial development at the basic stages of the epigenetic cycle.

3. For young people with clearly pronounced nationalist plants, the "canvocity" is characterized by the non-crisis of the early stages of development and, as a result, a psychosocial confusion, while their peers with neutral-negative ethnonational plants are distinguished by the sustainable positive resolution of these crises. Young people with patriotic installations occupy an intermediate position in this regard.

4. Currently there is a tendency to an increase in nationalist sentiment in the youth environment. This is due to both external influence, in particular, with aggressive nationalist propaganda and the fundamental problems of modern, primarily preschool and school education.

5. One of the most important strategic directions for the prevention of nationalism in the youth environment is a real and radical reform. high School In the logic of the accent displacement with formal learning to the full-fledged personal development of students "Boncalo T.I., Ilyin V.A., Boncalo S.V. Ethno national attitudes and psychosocial identity development: Experience of empirical research // Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University. - 2015 . - № 4. - P. 13-14 ..

According to T.I. Boncalo, V.A. Ilyina and S.V. Boncalo, key in terms of dichotomy "patriotism-nationalism" turns out to be the fifth stage of age periodization, developed by E. Erickson, is based on the consideration of a person's life cycle as a consistently replacing each other eight development crises. Every age crisis is, according to E. Erixon, a swivel point in general process psychosocial development. The source of the crisis becomes a conflict between positive, or vital, the beginning, reflecting the essence of human nature, and negative, or destructive, the beginning, manifested in specific forms characteristic of a certain age. Such conflicts are resolved according to the genetic specificity of the individual, the peculiarities of its previous experience and the social situation of its development. psychosocial development (ideology) at least because, according to a number of authors, "the origins of a national feeling are associated with the need for a positive social identity" Erickson E. Identity: youth and crisis. - M.: Progress, 1996. - P. 66 .. Without deepening in the methodological details, the above researchers notice that in the framework of the theoretical scheme used by them, the concept of "social identity" is a species in relation to the generic concept of "identity". Identity, from the point of view of a psychosocial approach, is a kind of epicenter of the life cycle of each person. It is drawn up as a psychological construct in adolescence, and the functionality of the person in the adult independent life of Ilyin V.A. depends on its qualitative characteristics. The use of psychosocial development theory in order to predict the risk of suicidal behavior in adolescence // Materials of the III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Socio-psychological prevention and psychotherapy of a suicidal state of personality" / under scientific. ed. E.A. Petrova, T.I. Boncalo. - M., 2014. - P. 9-32 ..

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On the topic: "Nationalism: probers and contradictions »

Tambov 2009.

1. The concept of nationalism

2. Nationalism as ideology

3. The origins of nationalism in Russia

4. Stages of the ethnic process

5. Models of Russian nationalism

6. Methods for the resolution of ethnic contradictions


1. The concept of nationalism

Nationalism is a system of ideological and value orientations recognizing the priority of a national idea in the political life of society.

Nationalism is ideology and policies coming from the ideas of national superiority and opposition to their nation to others.

Nationalism - the doctrine and political practice, based on the idea that the basis of statehood, economic and cultural systems is a holistic community called the nation.

Different political ideologies are usually manifested in national forms reflecting the peculiarities of the situation, interests, mentality, cultural and other traditions of certain nations. In cases where national issues dominates the social, when the content of ideology is worth the opposition of nations, recognizing the exclusivity and superiority of its own nation over the other and effort to ensure the privileges at the expense of the inonational groups, it is nationalist.

Nationalism in its modern understanding originated in the XVIII century as a form of protest against the national oppression and cure. The prerequisite for its occurrence was the development of communication between representatives of ethnic groups and the formation of a common national identity. Being directed against the national oppression, colonial dependence and various forms of discrimination, the national ideology plays a progressive role: contributes to the consolidation and release of the nation, the creation of independent states, the development of national culture and the development of national interests. However, in the modern world, when respecting by the state of human rights, while ensuring them equality of all nations, it loses all progressive, humane content.

National ideology develops on the basis of real national community communities, but hypertrophies, exaggerates the significance of national differences and the advantages of their own nation. Using national self-consciousness, patriotic feelings, linguistic and other ethnic relationship, it transforms them into a hostile, aggressive position in relation to other nations.

In the modern world, its distribution is based on methods for manipulating people consciousness, sophisticated technologies of mass deception with the help of the media.

2. Nationalism as ideology

Nationalism as ideology is a kind of group egoism, which does not recognize the equality of nations and their representatives.

Fascist ideology is an extremely radical form of nationalism. It treats the concept of nation as a higher eternal community based on the unity of blood. All nations are divided into higher and lower. At the same time, the first must dominate the second, ruthlessly suppressing the resistance until the destruction.

A classic sample of fascism - Italy in the 20-30th of the 20th century, the ideology of Mussolini's movement.

The widespread manifestations of nationalism today are separatism and insulatingism, tearing natural ties between nations and damage to citizens of all nations.

Nationalist ideas and values \u200b\u200bare usually distributed by political elites and rulers to implement their mercenary purposes: justifying their own claims to power, the distraction of the population from failures in politics, seizures of other people's wealth and D.R.

Wide policy influence They have religious ideologies, such as Christian-Democratic, Islamic Fundamentalism, the ideology of "green."

Political directions of nationalism: democracy, fascism, communism.

Features of nationalism:

· Based on demand that governments and managed should have cultural identity;

· Development modern Systems mass communications facilitates the distribution of unifying national ideology;

· National ideologies are attractive for subordinate classes, providing them with some protection from exploitation;

· In the XXI century, nationalism is associated with the economic development of third world countries and with the struggle for regional equality in societies.

3. The origins of nationalism in Russia

Russia was in shape in a multinational country under pressure from various circumstances. The association of peoples took place both voluntarily and forcibly.

In cases where the accession was achieved by coercion, it was most often dictated by the urgent needs of ensuring the safety of these frontiers at the constant threat of directions.

Unlike the practice of other countries of the West and the East, the peoples affiliated to Russia were not subjected to humiliating discrimination in the management system.

For them, she most often had no direct, but indirect destination, without encroachment on the main norms of their public household, subject to a valid attitude towards their customs and religious commitments.

The internal independence of multinational communities and external Russian administrative restrictions point out that the state system of Russia did not suppose, but the political compromise.

Russia, formally proclaimed by the Federation in 1918, passed a complex and controversial path of development. As you know, most federations in the world were created by combining peoples or territories into a single complex state. The formation of such states occurs in the direction of the bottom up, by transferring to the regional authorities by the regional authorities by the regional authorities state power Based on the delimitation of powers between them. In this regard, in the vast majority of even multinational federal states, not to mention the mononational, the territorial principle of management was based on their basis, which aims to approach the authority to the population and the managed territory.

The Russian Federation was formed otherwise. This is due to a number of objective and subjective reasons. Already by the end of World War I, the tsarism began to lose control over the part of the outskirts, which previously managed from the center earlier under the authoritarian political regime. The change in the form of the Board (the transition from the monarchy to the bourgeois republic) even more relaxed the unity and territorial integrity of the country.

In the "legacy" the Bolsheviks got a territorially fragmented country with a collapsed mechanism of state power. Obviously, they remained one way out - to proclaim the Federation national type, putting the basis of its creation the principle of autonomization. That is, the federation was not created by the traditional type of combining several parts to one whole, but, on the contrary, by transferring the central authority to the part of the authority to the place.

Naturally, the central government sought either to turn this procedure into a formal act, or to maintain the ability to control and interfere with the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation.

Russia in Soviet times was a complicated education that unites the peoples of various language groups, cultures and denominations. The ethnic core of the country is Russians that make up more than 80% of its population.

However, this does not allow the country to attribute the country to the type of mono-ethnic states, since the territory of Russia is the historical homeland of many peoples who retain their cultural identity.

The ethnopolitical process in the country proceeds in different ways, depending on the specifics of the established sociocultural and socio-economic regions of the country.

You can distinguish between four regions of the active manifestation of the ethnopolitical process:

Russian north (territory of resettlement of Finno-Ugric peoples),

South Siberian area (zone of the political activity of Yakuts, Tuvintsev, Buryat),

Tatar-Bashkir district, North Caucasian.

4. Stages of the ethnic process

The ethnopolitical process in the regions passed several stages:

1. First stage (end of 1980s - 1991)

During this period, the sovereigntation of autonomies of Russia occurs - they acquire the status of independent republics in the composition of the Russian Federation, the state status of the languages \u200b\u200bof peoples is legally issued. Ethnocultural societies are formed as social and political movements, the congresses of peoples.

2. Second Stage (1991-1994).

The leading trend of this stage is the struggle in the republics between the official authorities and national political movements about the state system of the republics, their political status. An important milestones of this stage that influenced the settlement of ethnopolitical problems were the signing of a federal agreement (03/31/1992) and the approval of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (1993).

3. The third stage began in 1995.

For this period, the trend of the settlement of inter-ethnic contradictions at the intraprison level is characterized, the transition to the phase of strengthening republican statehood, the loss of initiatives by national political movements and parties, the development of a national policy strategy and the optimization of the country's federalization.

4. Fourth stage (2000s)

There were new trends in the ethnopolitical process. The legal acts of the subjects of the Federation are listed in accordance with the federal legislation. Bilateral agreements are terminated between the subjects and the federal center, as which played their role and exhausted themselves at the new stage of development of statehood. The tendency towards the consolidation of the subjects of the Federation is manifested.

The immediate threat of collapse of Russia passed. However, there is still a whole complex while not settled problems of inter-ethnic relations, the main of which are the socio-economic and political difference in the peoples. The problem of the formation of the general national national self-consciousness of the population of Russia, which should acquire a dominant nature in relation to local ethnocultural differences becomes increasingly obvious. From solving this problem to no less degree, the stabilization of the ethnopolitical situation depends than from achieving success in the economy.

5. Models of Russian nationalism

It should be distinguished by the "classic" and "post-classical" model of Russian nationalism.

For the first characteristic of the strict dependence of political practices from ideological values \u200b\u200band hierarchy in the formulation and implementation of ideological purposes.

The varieties of the classic model in Russia include ethnic, patriarchal and holding nationalism.

Ethnic nationalism is based on the idea of \u200b\u200b"blood" kinship and "congestion" of the national idea of \u200b\u200bhis supporters, despite the little one, seek to create militarized mans, perform from extremist positions under the slogan "Russia for the Russian people".

Patriarchal nationalism, liketing a nation " big family"Refers to community traditions of the Russian village. His ideal is the Doparyrovsk Russia. Representatives of this current lead mainly educational activities For the purpose of national education.

High nationalism. His supporters preach the idea of \u200b\u200bPower as a non-alternative type of Russian statehood based on a powerful military potential, a rigid vertical structure of state power and the priority of the government-managed economy. The slogan of "Cattle", the commitment of the Russian people of Orthodox traditions, social justice and the "spirit of sovereignty of the nation".

Postclassical nationalism in Russia is interesting because its ideological and value components are more pragmatic. Acting on the principle of political feasibility, it is capable of compromising.

6. Methods of resolution of ethnic contradictions

The deepening of economic rules, the growing of social tensions, political struggle, the collapse of the former ideological landmarks and the emergence of surrogates, corruption of old and new bureaucratic structures, paralysis of power in the center and on the ground, that is, the destruction of the old and the absence of a new one is the common features of conflicts on ethnic soil.

National frictions existed, and will exist until national differences are preserved. A multinational society is initially less stable than an ethnically homogeneous society, and the essence of the national question comes down to which of the two opposite trends will take the top and it turns out to be dominant.

If the state is democratic, then the conflicts arising in it are accompanied by the structural changes in the political system of the state, and if an authoritarian - strengthening of repression and the clamp of movements, which leads to new tension nodes.

Among the measures leading to the resolution of ethnic contradictions can be attributed: the transfer of a significant share of the power to the ethno-regional territories; adoption of electoral laws stimulating inter-ethnic negotiations; Creating conditions for the growth of welfare of economically unfavorable minorities.


nationalism Ethnic ideology

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2. Pugachev V.P., Political Science, Higher Education - M.: Philology Society "Word", 2003.- 576 p.

3. Political encyclopedia. In 2 tons. T. 2 / NAC. Societies. - Scientific Fund; Hands. Project G.Yu. Smegin. - M.: Thought, 1999.- 701 p.

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Arguments in the composition of part with the exam in Russian on the topic "Nationalism problem"

Text from the EME

(1) "I love the depression, but strange love ...", - I once wrote Mikhail Lermontov, not without reason, it is believed that his feelings for the Fatherland will be able to divide only a few.

(2) What kind of strange such love was he? (3) And how should the fatherland be loved correctly?

(4) At one time, A. Akhmatova highly emphasized one feature of our history: "Loves, loves the roof of the Russian land." (5) This is the "glory, bought by blood," does not cause Lermontov sympathy. (b) However, taking the inheritance, we want or do not want - we accept everything: and good, and bad.

(7) There is no doubt that concrete historical Persons They admired the poet and he gave the heroes to tribute to the deepest respect. (8) It's not too big to him that "proud peace", which is based on the powerful hand and will overtake a separate person to insignificant sand. (9) His free spirit is close to completely different pictures.

(10) In addition, it is necessary to admit that love is an irrational thing. (11) "For what - I do not know myself" - this recognition disarms. (12) After all, if you know exactly what you love,- Most likely, you are shivering.

(13) Of course, the magnificent Russian expanses would be left indifferent - they attack them and poet. (14) But he himself - the traveler on the blurred, detour country roads - carefully peeps into the essence of the Motherland, and not just admires her with beauty. (15) It is these roads that make it possible to see the true, deep, "interior" Russia with its often poor, and therefore "sad" villages.

(16) "Cute groves of the shyland of the color of tears or harsh threads" - this will say his fellow on the workshop at another time and again confirms this strange love. (17) Locks the fact that Lermontov is clearly on the weak side: his "Chuta Berez" cannot compete with the proud the greatness of a huge power. (18 He generally draws attention to all sorts of little things, like dances of drunken peasants, from which other patriot is proudly turning his eyes.

(19) M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin somehow wrote that we have many tend to mix two concepts - "Fatherland" and "Your Excellency" - and just in love for Excellency to detect your patriotism! (20) "Strange" the same love of the poet these concepts does not bring fundamentally in principle, on the contrary, it gives each other, because his fatherland is not friendly with statehood greatness. (21, respectively, the strong world of this does not sing.

(22) His love does not shout: "Only I know how to love my homeland!" (23) His love is not proud. (24) At the same time, it is pretended, for nothing for itself is looking for. (25) The feeling of the poet is intimate, individually, separated from the "overwhelming majority" - this is exactly what causes confidence.

(26) Patriotism Lermontov today is very instructive. (27) He tells us that the attitude of a person to his native land is the more living and fruitful, the more freedom in it and less state official. (28) 06 This is evidenced by the work of those who at different times amounted to the glory of Russia (in the science of Lee, in the art of Lee); Lermontov belongs to them. (29) The motto "Who is not with us, the one against us" is obviously unacceptable. (ZO) We add that the freedom of individual and the independence of the views of love does not contradict, and the pride and aggressiveness are quenched. (31) Finally, the rejection of violence and appeal to a simple person give the patriotism itself an important element of nobility.

(32) Which grade of love for the Motherland prefer, chooses every citizen independently, looking into the heart and not neglecting the voice of the mind.

(Z.L. Sokolova)


Love for the Motherland has several persons, manifested in a variety of forms and actions. Sometimes she elevates a person, making it exclusively devoted and law-abiding, making it a real defender, who will come to the rescue at any time, will save from the misfortune, not only retains, but also gives it possible.

But sometimes the love of native land, the perverted expressions acquire to their native people, highlighting some nation and bringing other nationalities, humiliating people of another nationality. Love acquires the features of aggression.


The problem of nationalism can be seen in the text Z.L. Sokolova, raising the subject of love to the homeland and its features inherent in both creative personalities and ordinary people.


Despite the fact that the Russian earth is impregnated with blood, love for it includes both bad and good. Does not accept the poet of "Proud Peace", based on someone's strong authority. Like Lermontov's spirit of freedom and will. In addition, love is an alogical concept, and loves the poet himself does not know what. But from this his love becomes still sincere, because if you know, you love, this is already a delicacy.

Attract M.Yu. Lermontov Country roads with sad, unremarkable villages. His feeling is expressed in attention to the trifles, in the admiration of the "Cepe Berez", which deliberately loses the importance of the Great Power.

Z.L. Sokolova recalls that M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin noticed a very interesting fact: they are often confused by the love of homeland and love precisely to the Fatherland. But the "strange love" of the poet clearly distinguishes these concepts, on the contrary, continuing to get them away from each other, as his fatherland does not accept state great-conditioning.

His love does not impose his rules, is not proud of himself, it sincerely, does not require any benefit for himself. The feeling of Lermontov is especially, individually and extremely intimate - it causes special confidence.


The author admires Lermontov's patriotism, considering him instructive. The more in love for the native land of freedom and less than the official and statehood, the more alive and fruitful. Formula "Who is not with us, the one against us" is completely unacceptable.

Z.L. Sokolova argues that love and independence do not at all contradict love, and the aggressiveness sometimes can pay the pride. What to choose a simple person is his right, but the choice should be based on the bearer of the heart and attention to the voice of the mind.

Own position

The position of the author completely coincides with mine. I believe that aggression and violence there is no place in such concepts as love for homeland or patriotism. Statehood and officials do not at all mean sincerity of feelings, often they simply overshadow egoism and the perverted ideology of nationalists.

Argument 1.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn in the novel "In the First Circle" represents the main characters, talented, educated scientists, they passionately love their country. All of them are fighting for the well-being of the Motherland, for her freedom, sacrifice peace for the sake of idea. Their feelings to their homeland pushed them into the Gulag, they rebel against the totalitarian regime. In his heroes Solzhenitsyn also expressed his special form of love for Fatherland.

Argument 2.

In the writers of the publicist writer, Academician D.S. Likhachev we meet the definition of patriotism. In the "letters of good and beautiful," he argues that this is a deep, positive feeling, a wedded haloe. It does not have any similar feature with nationalism, since patriotism creates, and nationalism only destroys and does not allow anything in return. Only patriotism connects people of all cultures and nations, makes them blood brothers.


Love for Motherland, free and independent, towering personality, who wants the development and improvement of their country, and, consequently, the whole world is true patriotism. Everything else, which carries destruction, is false.

"Any event is subjective: the point is not that it means; The fact is what it means for you, "said Philosopher Richard Bach. And if this is the subjective opinion of the expert who checks your essay on the exam? How to avoid loss of points?

Controversial topics essay

In the category of preparation for writing an essay on the social science of 2015 social science, we discuss different aspects and difficulties of this task (36). One of them is subjectivity and the dispute of some of them. And here for an applicant, it is important not to lose points when subjective an essay check. Recall that the essay checks at least two with discrepancies in several points in their assessment is attracted by the third expert.

One of our recommendations for competent preparation for writing an essay is the need to show its essay to several teachers, specialists in the essay. So come, for example, the participants of our group
Where they have the opportunity to regularly contact our expert recommendations in the appropriate topic.

Indeed, as Arthur Schopenhauer said: "When two come in the same way, it turns out still not the same thing." It is always useful to see both your essay and on the controversial quotes offered by the topics of the essay on the exam. Not in vain, when checking the theoretical criterion K2, the ability to show different aspects of the raised problem is appreciated. It is always plus in the eyes of the expert!

So, I suggest see with different points vision on one of such controversial quotes complex problem Will help us in this proven teacher of training courses for the social science of social studies National Research University high school Economy » (HSE). His author - editor of our public Nadir. Of the 5 possible essays, it was estimated at 4 points. K1-1, K2-1, K3-2. Let's remember at the same time the criteria for checking the essay on the exam.

Therefore, a score for theoretical argumentation was lost:

Essay about nationalism.

Theme essay was as follows: Here is the essay of Nadira:

The meaning of Shevelev's statement I see that patriotism can manifest itself in a negative form. The problem of ethnosocial conflicts and interethnic relationships always existed, exists now.
As we know, Ethnos is a big social group allocated on the national basis and combined with a common historical way, traditions and cultural features. The nation is the highest type of ethnos, the people with developed statehood and a single economic space. Nationalism is ideology, politics, psychology and social practice of separation and opposition of one nation by another, propaganda of the national exclusivity of a separate nation. As a rule, such an ideology does not lead to anything good.

Indeed, nationalism at the state level leads to what we see now on the example of the United States. As a superpower, the United States is completely not considered with the opinion of other states, always imposing only its opinion. What it leads - we can see by the example of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria. Similarly, all cultural Europeans behave. All they have strongly not the consciousness of their universal mission in world history, and national pride and national predation.
Nationalism always leads to bloody clashes, wars, when the interests of two ethnic groups are faced for the possession, for example, by any disputed territory. This can be seen on the example of the conflict between Azerbaijanis and Armenians for the possession of Nagorno-Karabakh.

We are completely and everywhere in everywhere we see the manifestation of nationalism. Intolerance to people of another nationality, unwillingness to see them in their own country for any reason leading to cruelty. So, for example, a familiar my family, a native of Karakalpakia, now a citizen of Russia, was attacked by Skinheads and miraculously remained alive.

Thus, we see that nationalism as a manifestation of complete disrespect for other ethnic groups, brings only misfortune and, as Shevelev says, is an expression of hate to other nations.

The comment of the teacher was like this: " Patriotism can manifest itself in a negative form, "wrote that this is a dubious statement and no argument.

As an expert, I certainly agrees with a high essay assessment. In it, at least all three criteria are performed clearly and consistently, and this is the main thing. But, noted the emergency disputes of the topic itself. As for nationalism This is a "slippery" topic, everyone understands in its own way. Therefore, would advise here to disclose 2 aspects of the problem (healthy nationalism and nationalism, passing in hatred),in this case.

Also, the controversial seemed an example about the United States. Rather, Americans do not put themselves above others, they just feel that everyone needs them. For example, the writer Nikolai Zlobin in the book "People in America" \u200b\u200blive, writes that Americans are surprised, as in such a country where such educational people live, it is impossible to establish power. We have this system works well, the constitution has not changed since the foundation, so take our system, it works! My opinion Nationalism in the US is stupid (as in Russia itself), they are all people of different nationalities.

And most importantly - I am a supporter of the concept of nationalism. Healthy respect for the history and traditions of their people without a demonstration of bright neglect to others. Without extremes, in the form of Nazism,

Now let's try to bring your own example of the essay on this topic, only from the reverse position Respect for healthy nationalism. Accordingly, we will disagree with the author of this quotation "Nationalism is not love for his nation, but hatred for someone else's."Wake, so!

We argue with the author of the quotation!

So, begin to execute criteria:

"Nationalism is not love for his nation, but hatred for someone else's." (I.N. Shevelev).

We performed criterion 1, We now turn to the theory on the topic.

So we are on theoretical level (Criterion 2), Applying Terms ( , showed their vision of the problem. Let us turn to the arguments and facts.

Unfortunately, today there are people who consider such views loyal, attackers on immigrants, people with other skin color. A number of lawsuits against them are constantly in Russia, Germany. Tolerance lessons are constantly held in the schools of our country, the guys explain that Nazism is one of the threats for the integrity of our country.

Now we will show a different aspect of the problem, in conclusion, justifying your point of view other than the author.

Emperor of Russia Alexander Third. 1881-1894


Here is our essay completely:

"Nationalism is not love for his nation, but hatred for someone else's." (I.N. Shevelev).

The personality of a person to a particular nation is its ethnic characteristic. It largely defines its worldview, understanding of history, the choice of traditions and principles of education of children. The peoples and nations that have developed in ancient times are also varying by the mentality - the special qualities inherent in their representatives. For example, Russian generous, Japanese are hardworking, Americans are businesswiths.

It seems to me that therefore that nationalism cannot be a purely negative phenomenon. Love for the history of his country, knowledge of traditions, the desire to defend the interests of their people - the most important quality in the modern world of "westernization", the dominance of alien values \u200b\u200bimposed from the outside.

Of course, the nationalism, which goes into Nazism is the ideology of hate towards people of other peoples, the feeling of unreasonable superiority. The story gave terrible examples of how states and peoples practicing Nazism in politics destroyed other nations. The genocide is recognized by the destruction of Armenian Turks in 1915, the Jews of Nazi Germany in 1939-1945.

Unfortunately, today there are people who consider such views loyal, attackers on immigrants, people with other skin color. A number of lawsuits against them are constantly in Russia, Germany. Tolerance lessons are constantly held in the schools of our country, the guys explain that Nazism is one of the threats for the integrity of our country.

For me, "healthy nationalism" is a consolidating country phenomenon. It should manifest itself in propaganda among youth values \u200b\u200bof patriotism, historical traditions of the country. For example, during the year, the historical and Orthodox exhibition dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the Romanov House, the historical series of Romanovs were shown in many cities of the country. These events aroused great interest, became the phenomena of modernity, which blinked the country.

In conclusion, I will bring two statements by the Russian Tsar Alexander III, that man who over the 13th anniversary of the Board swallowed the country in difficult conditions of internal and external threats, nicknamed by the people of the Peacemaker. He said that "... Russia has no allies, they are afraid of our greatness" and that "... Russia has only two ally - its army and fleet." For me, he and his board is an example of the fact that nationalism can be a factor in cohesion and unity of the country, and not just a source of separation and hatred!

So, we wrote another essay to our collection of essays to prepare for the exam 2015 on social studies! What did we do at the same time?

1. They wrote another polemical essay.

2. Studied to express their point of view other than the author.

3. The arguments were made from both the course of history and from personal social experience (tolerance lessons in schools, an exhibition and serials about Romanovs).

Also, we realized that there are really difficult to format an essay on Exe themes, very subjective in essence. The check here will often depend on the ideological and ideological preferences of the expert. Therefore, in conclusion: choose quotes in easier!

And for your homework, here is another such controversial quote from the field of sociology. Try to write an essay on it in the comments to this analysis or in the topic of our group.
dedicated to essay.

"The inequality is the same good law of nature, as well as any other" (I. Sherr).

  1. Nadira

    "The inequality is the same good law of nature, as well as every other" (I. Sheerr)

    This statement should be considered by us from the point of view of sociology science that studies society as a holistic system. In this case, the problem of social inequality rises.

    I see the meaning of saying that if we are observing in the environment inequality, it means that it is necessary for both the very nature and society.

    It must be said that initially equality is impossible, since people are born with different characters, therefore, one is achieved more than the other due to his character traits or by virtue of the circumstances. It is, social status It is inevitably becoming different. History does not know society without social inequality. There was always a struggle of parties, people, groups, classes, the struggle for the possession of great social opportunities, benefits and privileges. That is, inequality, in other words, social stratification is a different access of people and social groups To social benefits, such as power, wealth, education. For example, until the mid-19th century, women in Russia did not have access to education, inequality reigned in society.

    Non-equivance makes it change its position, fight for your rights. As an example, you can bring the struggle of Nelson Mandela with apartheid in South Africa, for which he was awarded Nobel Prize Mira. In this, the rights of the White and Black Population in South Africa are equalized.

    Unequal conditions pushed people to achieve, develop themselves. For example, in one of the articles, AIF told about the blind husband and his wife, who, despite their illness, managed to build their own business. However, they changed their social status.

    Thus, inequality is a blessing, as it is a very strong incentive for the movement of society forward and for its development.

  2. POST Author.

    Nadir, thanks for the criterioly weathered substantive essay! It can be seen that you clearly understand what the expert wants to see in the essay and follow the verification criteria!
    But, here's a polemical essay, unfortunately, it didn't work out .. I did not argue with the quote ((
    But to agree with the thought of the author, it turned out quite, the problem is true, the meaning of the statement is revealed, three arguments (from history and social reality) are given.
    The only serious mistake in terms of scientific social studies looks like the idea that inequality depends on the nature of a person. For example, an emotional man and his not an emotional competitor in the fight for his career would be able to achieve equal results. Success would depend on other factors (level of education, marriage and clan connections, origin, for example).
    Although the thought is generally true (people are not equal to nature - a strong physically can become an Olympic champion, weak - no). But .. You did not argue it.
    This is a reason to reduce the score for theoretical argument. "The presence of erroneous provisions from the point of view of scientific social studies leads to a decrease in the assessment on this criterion by 1 point (from 2 points to 1 point or 1 point to 0 points)" (from the demolism of 2015).
    Thus, K1-1, K2-1, K3-2.
    I hope we will still be able to argue in Essay, Nadir)
    And who will have a really polemical essay on this topic?

  3. Alina

    Country, deprived of laws and freedoms, not the kingdom, and prison, in it prisoners peoples

    The author affects the problem of non-democratic regimes, in which there are no limited rights and freedoms of citizens. In such regimes, the people must obey the ideal mode or be influenced by a rigid authoritarian leader.

    I agree with the opinion of Glinka, because in the excretion of rights and freedoms, the state cannot be democratic, but turns into an authoritarian or totalitarian state.

    Totalitarianism suggests a repression apparatus, which punishes citizens in the event of a retreat from the ideamental adopted in the country. So in the USSR there was a totalitarian regime, in which a person could be shot or reference for the statement of his opinion other than the Stalinist ideament. So people were limited to freedom of speech.

    Authoritarian regime suggests the presence of a leader that supplies the opposition. In this mode, the people are not entitled to interfere with the power. So in Imperial Russia, when the famous poet and writer Pushkin donated his novel Evgeny Onegin, he passed a tough censorship and he was removed by the moments concerning power.

    Thus, it can be concluded that the country in which the people do not have rights and freedoms are subject to power and cannot freely express their opinions and show their will.

  4. POST Author.

    Alina, it is not clear your decision to accommodate this essay here. The request was to try to write a polemical essay on a given quotation "Inequality - the same good law of nature, like any other" (I. Sherr).
    It is also desirable to write the author quotes immediately after it. Also, the names of the states are written with a capital letter - the USSR. Please observe the ethics of writing responses on the site pages, otherwise you will be closed access to the possibility of comments.

    According to your essay, you are short - write specifically that the author wants to say your understanding of the quotes. Directly in the text it is not, there may be problems with K1.

    By K2, you do not give an understanding of key terms (ideology, if in this opinion, the meaning of the quotation, authoritarian leader). In general, of course, an understanding of the rights, freedoms, their brief listing should be called. There is no other aspect of the problem (for example, the possibility of the population to overthrow such a regime, struggling for their rights and freedoms).

    In K3, you give two single-plane examples from history. For them you will receive 1 point.

    Total, when an expert's position is acceptable for you, you would get K1-1 (could be 0), K2-0, K3-1.
    Essay should be assessed as weak. Good luck to you, train with us above the essay.

  5. Ildar

    "You rule, but they rule you" (Plutarch)
    Despite, it would seem, absolutely independent power, any ruler may be subject to some influence that can come to actions that contradict the will of the ruler itself - this is how I understand the statement of the ancient Greek philosopher Plutarch.
    As we know, power is the impact of some people or social groups on others, it can be based on traditions, strength, authority. The state power from others is distinguished by legitimacy. Ideally, the government should be a sovereign will of the state as a political institution.
    However, this is happening only in theory. In practice, it is not uncommon from the general rule. For example, the Russian king Alexander I has already been ready for the radical decision of the peasant question. However, transformations were not destined to come true, because Alexander feared discontent from the nobility.
    A whole century passed, and now on the decisions of the king in Russia began to influence the unprivileged estate. The workers who raised the first Russian revolution, managed to force the king, Nicholas II, to make concessions, and give some democratic freedoms, the main of which was the creation of the State Duma.
    Summing up, I would like to say that if the ruler is in power, it does not mean that it has the right to actions dictated exclusively by his own ideas.

  6. POST Author.

    Ildar, in fact, the request was here to write an essay on another topic, be careful. Your essay to check the expert can be placed in our VC group.
    According to this essay, the K1 is disclosed.
    By K2, this proposal is confused: "Ideally, the government should be a sovereign will of the state as a political institution." Write about the state. Power, and here contradicts the theory.
    Plutarch - the ancient Greek, writes about democracy. I did not understand the problem. for K2-0.
    And two single-plane examples from history confirming your thought. K3-1.
    Good luck to you, we recommend using our course Master Essay from Expert Ege

  7. POST Author.

    And here is the answer to my essay from the subscriber of our group
    Gulnaz Ishmaeva.
    Finally came the discussion)

    "Proud of your nation is patriotism, to praise with its nationality - nationalism" (I.N. Shevelev).

    In my opinion, the famous Russian scientist I.N. Shevelev argues on a very important topic - a line between patriotism and nationalism. This problem is particularly relevant in modern society when the process of globalization occurs. The meaning of saying I see that both patriotism, and nationalism is, on the one hand, relatives, as they both are based on love, respect for their state, to their nation, but, on the other hand, they are very contradictory. Both concepts are ideological.

    In order to understand this topic, I consider it necessary to compare two of these concepts, to identify similarities and differences. First, patriotism is a spiritual and moral feeling, part public consciousnesswhich is expressed in love for the motherland and the opportunity to put government interests above their own. And nationalism is a political ideology, the main purpose of which is to protect the interests of the specific nation (people), its language, traditions and customs. At first glance, innocuous and even highly proclaimed moral valuesHowever, it is important to pay attention to the fact that in nationalism, national minorities in the state are practically damped, violated and infringe on the rights and freedoms of citizens of other nationalities, that is, the laws of democracy are violated in society, democratic pluralism cannot exist. Thus, nationalism is a very controversial social phenomenon that is able to gain even more radical forms and lead ultimately to the National Tragedy: genocide and ethnic cleansing. For example, during the existence of fascist Germany in its allies and the occupied states, a strengthened Genocide of Gypsies and Jews was proclaimed, Aryan ideology was proclaimed.

    As for patriotism, this phenomenon does not carry cardinal, radical changes in society, on the contrary, it splits society, makes it more sustainable and strong. But at the same time there are also cons of this phenomenon: people because of their "blind" love for their homeland may not see any drawbacks in their state. Thus, the development of society slows down. But, in my opinion, in any state, patriotism should develop, so precisely because of this phenomenon, our people, such a state, as the USSR, were able to survive all the horrors of the Second World Horror, to resist the enemy's strength.

    Thus, I share the point of view of the author, patriotism and nationalism - conditional concepts. In my opinion, whatever the minuses did not have any qualities of these phenomena, in society, especially in the state should coexist, both patriotism, in more quantities and nationalism, in moderately quantity. This makes society more heterogeneous.

    And our comment to it.
    Good, but controversial essay on a controversial topic, my advice is simply not to choose those on the exam. There is always a choice in easier and objective. I would put 1-1-1. Argument only from history. But this opinion "... With nationalism, national minorities in the state are practically damped, violated and infringe on the rights and freedoms of citizens of other nationalities, that is, the laws of democracy are violated, there can be no democratic pluralism in society" in general it is easy to challenge, it is easy to challenge. Recall, for example, as we did the exemplary democratic authorities of the United States with Americans of Japanese origin, as soon as the country joined the second world war?

  8. Alyona

    All at least somehow write essays, and I don't know how

  9. Nataliya

    Is there a restriction on the number of words in the essay?

  10. POST Author.
  11. Vika

    "Knowledge, ideas about yourself accumulate in early childhood ... Another thing is a self-awareness, awareness of your" I ". It is the result, about the dutch formation of a person as a person "(A.N. Lyontiev)
    Formation of a person ... What contributes to this process? On this question will reflect not yet one generation ...
    A.N. Leontyev in his statement raises the actual problem of self-consciousness as a product of personality formation. I see the meaning of this quotation in the fact that a person who accumulates knowledge from early childhood, aware of his "I" and thus becomes a person. I can not disagree with the point of view of the author.
    I suggest you consider this thought and specify it.
    First, what is invested in the concept of personality? This is a combination of socially significant features characterizing the individual as a member of a society.
    A person can be called a person who is responsible for their actions has an active life position, it is constantly working on both physically and spiritually, has moral standards, and in the end, he knows its "I".
    Secondly, what is self-awareness? This consciousness of himself in contrast to other actors and peace in general. At the expense of the process, the person will know his advantages and disadvantages, may thoroughly analyze their actions. Self-consciousness is the result of the formation of a person.
    A visual example is the main character of the novel "Fathers and Children" I. Turgeneva-Evgeny Bazarov. He considered the main value of science, the culture categorically rejected. Before the death of the bazaaros, is asked about whether he needed Russia, whether she needs it ... I can confidently call the personality of this hero, he really managed to know himself.
    Another example-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov is an outstanding personality. It is distinguished by the high mind, competence, fiction. It was society that socialized him, allowed him to reveal his spiritual and moral potential. It gave him his "intellectual-moral" gifts - all the best values \u200b\u200bthat accumulated. He received a brilliant education (MGIMO), began to participate in the political life of Russia. This man fully implemented himself in the profession. And I think, realized my "me.
    Thus, the result of the formation of a person is self-awareness ...

  12. Lyuba

    Marginality is the result of conflict with public standards.
    Marginality is a sociological concept denoting the intermediate between man and any social groups.
    This problem is relevant in the modern world. In my opinion, ready, punks, hippies and many others can be attributed to marginal groups. The meaning of this statement is that Marginals _ are people who do not know what they want in fact from their lives. And "rushing" from one social group to others, but in the end due to the fact that they are not found that they are looking for remain in the intermediate stage between one social group and the other.
    I agree with the opinion of the author's opinion that this is a sociological conflict between people and the whole society as a whole. There are people who have received everything from life, or people who have not surrependent anything from life. For the argument of his opinion, take groups of Pankov. Punk is the resistance of tyranny in any form and action based on its own solutions and its own path, no matter what others say. This is due to the uprising and against the establishment. The system is essential, the power of the ruling circles, the political elite. A combination of people who occupy key positions in the socio-political system that are supporting the existing public building and forming public opinion, as well as a totality of institutions, with the help of which these people support the existing social order.
    Thus, I can conclude that marginality is indeed generated by conflicts in the public environment.

  13. Angel

    If we stop offering new solutions to meet consumer requests and technological progress, we can displace us at any time from business. (D. Reyx)

    In his statement, Jeff Reyx raises the problem of market functioning. The market is a combination of all relations and forms of cooperation between people with each other relating to the sale and sale of goods and services. As you know, the main elements of the market system are supply and supply. In demand it means the total amount of goods that consumers at each specific point in time are desired and ready to purchase at a certain price. Increase prices usually leads to a decrease in the amount of demand, and the reduction in prices is to increase it. This regularity plays such a role in the life of the market, which economists have introduced it to the honorary rank of the law of demand and are often called the first law of the economy. In turn, the offer is the amount of goods that the seller can offer for sale. The proposal law is directly opposite the law of demand: the supply volume increases as the price of goods increases. Another Adam Smith allocated the action of the "invisible market of the market" in the market system. So, any change in demand is reflected on the proposal and vice versa.
    Indeed, to keep in mind with demand, you must offer all new and new ideas of proposals. Otherwise, the company will go bankrupt. As well as need to meet new technologies and even try to create their own. Jeff Reyx as no one knows in this sense. In 2000, he was appointed vice president of a large division 'Microsoft Productivity and Business Services'. To increase the sales package of Office and business services, Microsoft, Reyx set the task of the task "by any forces to turn this product into something that will certainly force the business customers to buy new versions." By the way, it is thanks to Jeff Reix, a whole class of products appeared, the demand for which did not weaken. It is known that Jeff's motto and even a certain spell was the words: "They will come as soon as we do it."
    The story of the success of the American manager Li Yakokki is also remembered. When, in 1978, he headed the Kraisler automotive corporation on the verge of bankruptcy, Yakokka saved it thanks to the ability to understand the requirements of the market. Having developed a new car, he set the task: the novelty should cost no more than $ 2500, then it will be possible to attract the attention of the wide mass of buyers. And he achieved this - the car went on sale and caused gigantic demand. The company then began to offer additional equipment, and buyers agreed to spend another $ 1000, delighted with the acquisition of such a cheap car. As a result, ensuring with the help of low prices a huge amount of demand, the company helped more money than it could be at the high cost of the car. And thanks to new technologies, the company created more and more additions (proposals), generating more and more demand.
    However, everyone knows the expression: "The demand gives birth to an offer." And indeed, to produce what is actively purchased - these are the basics of the market. For example, on the eve of the holiday on March 8, the Zavore will be more and prices in flower stores, because, no matter how, people will still buy flowers. The same situation with the sale of eggs, cakes and decorations for them in Easter or Christmas trees on New Year's Eve.
    Thus, today, when the mixed market type economy is the most common in the world, it is difficult to overestimate the role of the relationship between supply and demand. The ideal outcome of the adaptation of these two components is a market equilibrium, that is, when the values \u200b\u200bof supply and supply values \u200b\u200bare equal. It is the market equilibrium that determines the stability and reliability of the situation of the economy in the country and, therefore, the well-being of its citizens.

  14. Dmitriy

    Essay from the "Laws" section: "The right is all that truly and fairly" (Viktor Hugo)
    The statement of Viktor Hugo, a French scientist, poet and a prose 19th century, chosen by me for writing an essay, belongs to the law. Justice is a social science that studies the essence and properties of the state and law. Victor Hugo in his statement raises the problem of the essence of law, the main criterion of which is the truth, truth and justice.
    The right always orients people to truth and establishes a certain measure of justice. Right is a special system social normswhich is established by the state formally determined and consistently. The norm is a sample, rule. Social norms are the rules of behavior of people in society that are mandatory. With the help of social norms, the behavior of members of society is regulated, without which its existence is impossible. The main types of social norms are the rules of law, the norms of morality, the norms of customs, traditions, economic, political and other social norms. Rights of law is the only appearance Social norms, which comes from the state is governed by state coercion. The right is always the power prescription state, is the official expression of his will, performs the relevant functions: cultural and historical, educational, protective, regulatory and others. In order for the right to become a legal regime, it is pouring it into a certain legal form - the source of law. This occurs as a result of the law-conducting activities of the state, with the help of which the will of the legislator finds its expression in a particular regulatory act: the Constitution, Law, Decree, Resolution ...
    It is impossible to disagree with the opinion of Viktor Hugo, since only subject to the laws of citizens and the state, when taking into account the principle of equality of all before the law, subject to the moral selection of all members of society, we can talk about the truth and justice of law. If this balance will be violated in society in legal relationship, then such a state cannot be called legal, democratic, free. A vivid example of such an imbalance can be the humiliation of Australia and South Africa in the period of colonization, the reassigning of peasants in Russia and many other inhuman forms of appeal with the lower layers of society. An example of social experience can be the problem of bribery. For example, the judge is offered a bribe to liberate and justify the criminal, but he refuses money in favor of justice. Thus, it can be concluded that the right is ensured and maintained by the power of the state, regulates the behavior of people and public relationsThese are, inherently, it should already be true and fair. Help write essay

Municipal General Education

"Kuluddinskaya Secondary School No. 2"



"The mystery of nationalism"


His policy and ideology corresponded to him.

2. Nationalism of the state-state is nationalism

stately decorated peoples (nations) seeking to hold

the life of their national-state interests in the face of the same

other nations. There are often cases when large nations play the role of oppressors

small nations inside and outside. Politics and ideology of such nations received in

political literature name is a great-container. In this case, the hold

state nationalism is usually included in conflict with nationalism


3. Forbident nationalism is the manifestation of nationalist feelings on

personality level and small social groups. It is usually expressed in

xenophobia, in hostile attitude to foreigners and representatives of others

ethnic groups. His connection with ideology and politics does not always carry direct

and open character, but, nevertheless, it exists. Household nationalism

- an important remedy in the hands of ethnic and power-state

"Nationalism" - they resort to it to realize their goals, on it

they rely and, if necessary, skillfully incite it; His flashes

rarely be spontaneous - as a rule, they are worth the corresponding

ideology and politics.

Pozdnyakov notes that the closer to the domestic and ethnic

nationalism, the greater the psychological moments in it,

and vice versa; But none of these cases never ceases to be

social phenomenon. This is its indigenous quality.

As a result, it is worth noting that nationalism is nothing but

politics and ideology in their inseparable unity. Removing the same thing we

we get a fairly harmless sense of attachment to your people,

devotion to homeland. In itself, it does not represent the driving force. But

if you add to it the corresponding ideology and politics, we get

nationalism, inciting around hostility, hatred and conflicts.

In the modern Russian society, the perception of nationalism is bico. FROM

one side condemn it, considering aggressive ideology, on the other -

support, often in aggressive form (for example, skinheads).

Nationalist problems at the end of the 20th - early 21th century in Russia

acquired unprecedented sharpness and relevance. What are the causes of

distribution of nationalist ideology at the end of the 20th century in the country,

which struggled with nationalism, namely, with the most rigid manifestation

- fascism. First of all it is worth noting that Russia is a multinational

country, more than one hundred thirty nations and nationalities live in it, and

national problems always existed here. But in the 90s

national and racial conflicts in Russia, as well as

the opposition of individuals reached a record high mark.

The causes of this phenomenon are the strengthening of migration processes, war in

Chechnya, the growth of conflicts between cultures and ethnic groups, terrorism,

unstability in the country and low standard of living. The Encyclopedia says:

fascism finds a support predominantly in socially disadvantaged groups in

conditions of nationwide crises and referees of modernization. Is it not

today's Russia?

Chapter 2. The globality of nationalism problems in Russia.

2.1 Russian nationalism.

Russian nationalism is an instinct of self-preservation of the Russian nation, devotion and active protection of its interests. The main task Russian nationalism as ideology is the development and prosperity of the Russian people. In this concept, the state and its institutions are a tool to fulfill the specified task.

The Russian nation is the state-forming throughout Russia, and the fate of not only the Russian nation as a single organism, but also of all other peoples, with Russian states, depends on the life of Russian people. Russia from the point of view of the ideology of Russian nationalism is the mononational state of the Russian people constituting the absolute majority of its population. Russian nationalists require recognition and legislative approval of the historical role and the actual meaning of their people not only as a native and titular, but also as the only state-forming. Russians - the only nation of Russia, without which the state could not exist in the form of a single whole, Russians - this is a support on which the country's unity is held.

In modern Russia, the Russian people are in stage of an ethnodemographic catastrophe. Russian nationalism stands for the public recognition of the specified fact and for the introduction of emergency measures against depopulation and reduce the specific gravity of Russians as part of the state. The main measure to overcome the crisis in the Russian environment is the recognition of the genocide of the Russian nation, i.e., targeted policies leading to the extinction of Russian people. The problem of preserving the biological homogeneity of the Russian nation, noted by the anthropologists of the pre-revolutionary and Soviet times, is inextricably linked with this problem.

Russian nationalists condemn the policies of the national identity and transformation of Russian people in the "Soviet" conducted in the USSR and does not recognize the attempts of modern authorities to introduce t. N. "Citizens concept of a nation." Especially considering that such anti-human experiments suffered a crushing defeat in developed countries of Europe (France, Germany, the United Kingdom, etc.), more and more confirmations come about.

Russian nationalism is struggling with all the manifestations of Russophobia, for the protection of human and civil rights of Russian people in any state.

The Russian nation is the largest divided nation, many regions of the compact residence of which were left outside the state border of the Russian Federation, in the countries of the former USSR (Kazakhstan, Baltic States, Ukraine, etc.). Therefore, Russian nationalism is fighting for the reunification of the Russian people, which fully complies with the provisions of international law.

the prosperity of some national groups due to the robbery and displacement of others. The question of the relationship to national minorities, which has its state entities outside of Russia, is also the most important, especially considering the absence of any

or a clear migration policy aimed primarily on the protection of the interests of the peoples of Russia.

The ideology of Russian nationalism, as well as the ideology of another other nation, is particularly activated during the years of sort and shocks, when the nation threatens the real danger of degradation and physical extinction. At the beginning of the 20th century, seeing that Russia is immersed in the deepest confusion, the most prominent Russian nationalists (I. Sikorsky, M. Menshikov, V. Shulgin, etc.) also formulated the goals and objectives against all definition ideas and for the preservation of traditional Russian order. In his speech, "in defense of Russian nationalism," one of the largest Russian nationalists of Russia said: "At a recent attempt to raise the revolution in Russia - will answer with its national peaceful revolution - to bring the declaration of the historical rights of the Russian man to Russian land, all of her from white to the Black Seas, We call the protected national possession of the kind to the genus, will declare the state fraternity to all the peoples of the smaller, which included our Russian family, with a sincere heart of the walked in the name of Russian, for a merciless war to everyone who sows anger, treason and cunning. "

2.2 History of nationalism in Russia.

The press increasingly affects the theme of the manifestation of nationalism in Russia among the Russian population, a number of media conducts discussions about countering nationalism. In most cases, the true concepts of nationalism and xenophobia, extremism and ethnocentrism, identifying nationalism with fascism and neuofashism, and that is worse, it is intentionally done. In order to discuss similar topics, you must first understand key concepts.

Nationalism is a widespread concept all over the world, having a rather clear definition given in authoritative sources.

In European countries, the United States and a number of Asian countries, the concept of nationalism has a neutral or positive color. In Russia, depending on historical periodThis concept has changed its meaning.

In the pre-revolutionary period, the concept of nationalism personified the most positive senses of man to their people. The basis and strength of the Russian Empire was in national unity. Small peoples were not imposed on the secular foundations, and all sorts of support in development and protection turned out. In the "Psychology of the Russian Nation", a professor in this concept invests the following meaning: "Nationalism is a manifestation of respect, love and dedication to self-sacrifice in the present, respect and adoption before the past and the desire of prosperity, glory, greatness, power and success in the future - that nation , the people to which this person belongs. "

At the beginning of the 20th century, in the pre-revolutionary period, the concept of nationalism retains positive features. Education and employment of peoples continues, no prerequisites for hostility to other nations. The Russian philosopher and political scientist writes: "Nationalism is a spiritual fire, an elevation of a person to sacrificial ministry, and the people to spiritual bloom. Nationalism is manifested, first of all, in the instinct of national self-preservation, and this instinct is the state of faithful and justified. You should not be ashamed of it, to extinguish or jumped it; It is necessary to comprehend him in front of God, spiritually justify and extract its manifestations. "

One of the consequences of the Second World War is the change in the ideological justification of the state. The National Socialism of the Third Reich reflects the substitution of the concept

nationalism, using it to determine the national exclusivity of the Aryan race. In the Soviet philosophical dictionaries of the post-war time, nationalism is defined as "the principle of ideology and politics, expressed in ideas and ideas about the national exclusivity, the superiority of some nations over other, national isolation,

dislike and enmity. " As we see, there is a new, which is a distorted concept of nationalism in the party circles of the USSR. At the same time, for them, bourgeois nationalism is a product of a capitalist society, inevitably generating interethnic antagonisms, racial discrimination and oppression. Bourgeois nationalism is an attempt to justify the ability of the class world inside one nation, oppose the working people of different nationalities to each other. Similar views can only lead to the disunity of a multinational state.

By the 90s of the 20th century, the post-war generation of the intelligentsia, political leaders in favor of the dominant ideology, the concept of nationalism begins to mix with fascism. And these are two opposite phenomena. Fascism - a form of political dictatorship, characterized by violence over the masses through a comprehensive state-political

machine. Accordingly, one of the sides of the fascism is the population of all aspects of life, by creating a system of mass organizations. Why does this happen? There is a point of view that the emergence of fascism and national-socialism in Western Europe is associated with a certain crisis of true nationalism and the increase in radical (and terrorist) manifestations. However, fascism found its supporters even in those countries where civil nationalism was not popular or was the dominant ideology.

Modern Russia is almost unfamiliar with the true concept of nationalism. The media, often, fascism is called any valid or imaginary manifestations of totalitarianism in combination with the idea of \u200b\u200bnational or racial exclusivity, as well as sympathy for Nazi symbols and aesthetics. Nationalism is often mixed with its extreme manifestations, such as xenophobia, chauvinism and racism. This leads to the fact that it is the fighters with the ideology of nationalism (in his new understanding in Russia) share xenophobic views, the denying natural law of any person, regardless of ethnic, religious or social affiliation to their own point of view. The most dangerous thing is that different circles Two standards adhere to the definition of the term "nationalism", accusing great-contained nations in chauvinism, and the ultranationalism of small peoples is called "the struggle for national independence."

Why is the concept of nationalism in Russia so much different from the same concept in the countries of Western Europe, the United States and some Asian countries? Who benefits to maintain the negative attitude of the masses to nationalism? One point of view of the reasons for this problem is that "guests" are aggressive self-affirmation towards the "hosts" (up to the desire to completely take their place), constantly expose any requirements for them, extolish their rights to the law "Hosts ", Deny any duties and responsibilities. This is poured into the intrusive extracting of its national, religious or social superiority to the "hosts", demonstrative disrespect for the laws and customs of the "hosts", aggressive imposition of the "hosts" of a false feeling of guilt before the "guests". Now nationalism in Russia is activated:

1. The world of Islam (reference base in the Caucasus);

2. Demographic pressure of overpopulated countries (China);

3. Expansion of NATO and mutual misunderstanding (for example, the Russian Federation and the USA);

4. Weakening the influence of Russia in the post-Soviet space (the growth of nationalism in Ukraine, in the Baltic States, etc.)

The Russian problem with the incorrect interpretation of the concept of nationalism is extremely deep. A hostile attitude towards nationalism, based on negative attitude towards the national socialism of the third Reich, and fascism is supported in society. Replacing the true concept

nationalism, it is fairly easy to manipulate the consciousness of the public (and especially the intelligentsia) to achieve their own well-being in someone else's country.

What is "Russian nationalism"? Russia most of its history is a multinational state. The Russian man initially positions itself as a "brother" of all the peoples of the world, he has no intolerance to others on a national basis, but this does not mean that his friendliness should bring him harm. "It is nationalism that is the power that gives the Russian man unshakable faith in his homeland. Based on nationalism, love for the Motherland connects with faith in her vocation, in the creative power of her spirit, at that coming flourishing, which certainly expects it ... The path of Russia is the recognition of the right to exist and the identity of each nation, but within the framework of a single desire to strengthen His homeland, the protection of her culture and true history. Illegal and uncontrolled immigration is one of the source of danger for the identity of Russia. The preservation and development of true nationalism in Russia is one of the ways to survive the Russian nation (including small nations) in the process of globalization in the world.

So, two points of view of the definition of nationalism are distinguished:

1. Nationalism - progressive phenomenon, allows us to rallize a nation, forms a sense of pride, patriotism, devotion; Allows you to ensure organizedness in society.

2. Nationalism - A phenomenon that generates hatred and enmity to other peoples, creates a basis for conflicts and a warrior.

Thus, nationalism is a medal having two sides: one political, other - ethnic. Until now, attempts to present it as two different nationalism, that is, the nationalism is "good" and nationalism "bad". But these are just perfect models. In fact, nationalism is always political, and ethnic, although at different stages of this or that his party may be decisive. Idea accessories K. unified Nation - It is always a political idea, therefore, nonoutionism is impossible without a political element. But the essence of this concept is obviously ethnic. This can be described through the following metaphor: the political component is a soul, an enlivent ethnic body.

2.2 The problem of nationalism in Russia, is it?

National and racial components have always been the unpredictable factors that could play a decisive role in the fate of a large state in an unpredictable way. Either lead him to the collapse, or, enriching the primary nation of the experience of others, align over the rest of the world. The concept of "race" and "nation" was always, but they were identified otherwise. The whole problem is that from the 20th century, humanity is forced to pervertiently perceive these concepts due to specific historical figures and events ...

Russian nationalities live in Russia, which are scattered and mixed throughout our country. SAME large nations Russian, Ukrainians, Chuvashi, Tatars, Chechens and Bashkirs. And there are no such cities where representatives of exclusively one nation would be collected. Such is our story, these are the sizes of our territory. For centuries, our ancestors created that national wealth in the form of forests, lakes, mountains. It was created by the achievement of conquests, research, active colonization, resettlement. And together with the new territory, new nationalities were poured into Russia.

So why in a country where people side by side, through many wars and events passed people with different color of the skin, eye cut or just speech suddenly, for some 15 years, was openly played to play a national map? Where the attributes of intolerance to definite

nationalities and respect for previously defeated the ideals of Nazism? How can the state can overcome national intolerance from their own people to themselves, and what legal mechanism can it be used to solve this problem? We will try to figure out.

Most social phenomena in modern Russia is due to the events of the late 80s and early 90s of the XX century. The strongest economic crisis, social and cultural shocks, conscious and exhausted "markings" of a 70-year-old segment of history - all this created a sense of fear and uncertainty in many people. People with such feelings appear a feeling of unclaimed and they become marginas, that is, simply putting, "material", from which you can build something that I want to lay new ones, to occupy a vacuum of the usual faith in anything.

And in such a situation there was not 5 thousand people, not a million. Similarly felt the whole country.

Many nations, in such situations, are rafting around the national idea, that is, the stereotype is set that "we all together we are easier." And many countries came out of crises. So, after the French revolution and subsequent interventions from other states, the French were able to resist only because they felt themselves

The French, because it was the French government with a cry: "Fatherland in danger!". And Germany in the period after the First World War began to increase the power only due to the desire of the national revenue for defeat.

And what are we? What was our idea of \u200b\u200bnational salvation and survival in that difficult period? Where was that cry, after which it would be possible to feel that the country in this difficult moment needs you? So there could be a national appeal of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church with a call to comply with the rules of law, which can practically be called reborn and modified commandments. But this appeal did not sound. In general, no one and nothing big and worthy at that moment said. And then different clichues were heard from all sides, but much smaller and little things in their essence. One of them was the cry of nationalists. And here the danger does not confuse him with the national. Marginals responded to the calls for those who found the guilty of their problems, possessed the feeling of revenge. And it began: the persecution of skin color, intolerance, secret semi-binding organizations, throwing out the right hand to the manner "from the heart to the sun", shaved heads and more and so on ...

And what is the state? The state winning in its time fascizing Germany with a national socialist idea headed? The state pretended that it did not see any surplus of national intolerance. That everything is still that the people of the former fraternal republics simply cannot suddenly hate each other. And then we are not talking about nations and peoples that are externally different from each other, but that even Russians have become discovered (if not to say more) Ukrainians. Yes, before special love between these countries, it was also noticed either, but it was not shown so open and biased.

Yes, in our country there is a criminal code of the Criminal Code, which provides for the responsibility for inciting Racial Retail, there are additional qualifying signs to other crimes committed on the basis of national hatred. But we can say that the judicial practice of the application of such articles is absent. Yes, things are regularly excited, but in the process of the investigation they turn into the "hooligan" articles, since the motive of the national retail itself is very difficult to prove due to its specifics. After all, in itself, shaving the head "Under zero", wearing military boots and a leather jacket with camouflaged trousers is not inciting racially. And the conversations about the role of nationalism in the life of the state can not be a crime, since the expression of their thoughts cannot and should not be punishable in any state of the world. There is no doubt that when such thoughts are closed in the form of call or slogan, the reaction of the state must be quick and immediate, since the repetition of the 30s and 40s of the last century can not

allow But here the degree of faith of such a state is important in its democratic values, that is, to the freedom of speech, choice, actions, and other ... Forbidden any phenomenon of reality that wears massively pronounced beliefs of many layers

society, the state risks ride towards authoritarianism, and this is hardly better than nationalism in terms of conducted internal and foreign policy.

So where is the border of nationalism and patriotism? Is it necessary to artificially limit the manifestations of the thought of individual people? How does such a multinational country as Russia to stay from the drawing of national maps in different regions?

Answer such a question is simply impossible to answer this question, and if they answer, it will only be a manifestation of subjective perception of the problem. However, I would like to notice that no one can limit anyone in the freedom of the expression of thought. Therefore, I would like to give a point of view on the above issues that can be called a point of view of a lawyer. Human rights end where the rights of another person begins. No one has the right to limit the rights of another person on the basis of only one national or racial signs. And it is impossible to interrupt the statement of any thought, even if the national slope, having only one ground for this - the perceived perception of the national idea of \u200b\u200bthe specific historical figures of the past.

Chapter 3. The threat of the spread of the ideas of fascism and nationalism in the school environment.

How to teach the history of the Holocaust at school?

Conversation with Valery Sergeevich Ivanov, teacher of the history of the Derzhavinsky lyceum of Petrozavodsk.

I was born in Petrozavodsk and lived all active life here. Finished our Petrgu. By specialty - historian, teacher of history and social studies. At the end of the university, he worked at school number 20, where he taught history. Then he crossed in Lyceum No. 1, on Drazlnka, who organized Isaac Samuilovich Fradkov, where he was invited before. There I worked for 3 years. Now I work in the municipal Derzhavinsky Lyceum for more than six years. If we talk about my interests, approaches to our historical discipline, you need to look for some innovative technologies and special programs. During my work in the first charter, the course "Myths and the legends of the peoples of the world was conceived. I am grateful to Therassyantsu Georgia Yervandovich, who voiced the fragments of the myths on the radio necessary for the course. In the Derzhavinsky Lyceum now I am engaged in problems with the history of the Second World War. At this time, my first trip to Leningrad at the Holocaust Teaching Seminar in general education institutions took place. There are few people known about the politics of the Holocaust. This is explained by several reasons: first, little literature. Secondly, insufficient educational work, in other words, it is a little referred to in school, university. There is a methodical problem - how to teach? There are textbooks: Swedish and Russian. But, nevertheless, this topic needs a serious program: what to give and how to give? What should I say? The first, show the variability of fascism.
What happened in Germany should be called National Socialism. Fascism as a historical phenomenon is multifaceted and multivariate. There was Spanish, Italian, Yugoslav, Bulgarian, Greek, Austrian, Hungarian, Romanian fascism or fascist fascist dictatorships in the occupied territories set their occupation regime, which was also multivariate. The problem of fascism is not a problem associated with the past. This is rather the problem of the present. Neofashism today is both European and purely russian problem. Today, fascism in Russia exists like a movement. Organizations of fascist type are forced today to put the problem of prevention of extremism in russian school. The problem of prevention of extremism is directly related to the history of fascism and fascizization of society in crisis situations. Therefore, today it is necessary to show the true face of fascism. In the lessons of history, it is necessary to talk about occupying modes in Europe and the USSR about the politics of the Holocaust, about the history of ghetto, death camps. It follows the teacher in teaching the history of the World War 2 to talk about a variety of occupying regimes in Europe and the USSR. One occupation regime was in Belarus, the other - in Ukraine, the third - in the Baltic States, the fourth - in Karelia, in the north-west and even in the Caucasus. All of them are solid. The occupation mode is directly related to the Holocaust policies (this policy was not totalitarian, and multivariates) for example, in Ukraine there was the most massive ghetto. Children, for example, do not know what Warsaw Ghetto, Smolensk Ghetto, Baltic Ghetto. Few people are known from modern schoolchildren. Events associated with Babi Yarr. Understand the Holocaust is needed as European policies in a generalistic context.
In the teaching of the Holocaust, we need a competent program and special methods and means in implementing this program. An example is a lesson when the whole lesson is built on a video. Methods for using video films is very rarely used in the Russian school. For example, the film Chukhray "Children from the abyss." It is better to show about it than to tell. This topic should be very gently teaching. If children are not ready for this topic, it is better not to touch it.
There is not enough methodical apparatus. I need even a method of working with the film, and not just to run it. For example, the events about the Hutney better show than telling.
- Do the guys themselves go interest in this topic?
- In fact yes. Our publishers produce "Commanders of the Third Reich", "Main Campf", many things they read there, they like. Learn the "ABC of the German Soldier", right on the pool. They read there that the Aryan race is the best. Superman, superpower. All sorts of other populist, demagogic slogan. The correction of the views of schoolchildren is necessary. The conversation in the lesson is simply necessary.
In the conditions of modern Russia, when there is a dismantling of many institutions, there is an economic and social crisis, when practically the former values \u200b\u200bare lost - this is actually a base for fascist organizations RNU - a fairly young organization and open. In Europe, such organizations are closed, like the Knight's Order: who entered there, he will simply not come out. In Latino-American countries there are German communities that promote the fascist ideology. The theme of neophashism today needs a special study.
How in school? The vocabulary of children included such words like liquid, Juda, Yuda, naturally, with a negative color. On the tables draw fascist Swastika, not understanding the meaning. It is impossible to negotiate the centuries-old history of Russia, she always was totalitarian. And the democracy is not peculiar to us, led to the legalization of the fascist movement.
In principle, in our school, children tolerant. The people who came here brought elements of culture: respect for the teacher, the eldest, which is among the Russian schoolboy, in principle, no. I taught children from Grozny. For them, the teacher is holy.
There is no categorical in assessments, which is characteristic of ours. It would seem that the war was and passed so many years, and the prospect is drawn unremarkable. If we, joining the 21st century, we are engaged in the prevention of fascism and extremism, what awaits us in the future.
- Can a personal question? You have such an "exotic" appearance eastern man. Children do not tease?
- There is such. I do not have a relationship to Islam. But for some reason, wherever I come, everyone crosses me into another nationality. According to the passport - Russian. He lived all his life in Karelia, which is simply unique. This is an exceptional place.

Recorded Max

Karelian Regional Department of Interregional Youth Public charitable organization "Youth Human Rights Group (MPG)"
Petrozavodsk initiative group of "International Amnesty"

Questionnaire for teachers of the history of Petrozavodsk schools
1. Do you think the risk of spreading nationalism, fascism, extremism in Russian society? What caused your confidence?
2. Do you encounter school with a manifestation of national intolerance?
3. What do you think such a healthy nationalism is?
4. Is it possible through the lessons of history to influence the upbringing of tolerance, the rejection of fascism and nationalism of any forms of students?
5. What should teachers do for the prevention of fascism, nationalism, patient among students? What difficulties are you experiencing, conducting such work?
6. Would you like to have lectures on the problem of the spread of fascism, nationalism in your school?

Thanks for detailed answers!

1. Yes. The reason is all known problems.
2. Yes, but until he accepted dangerous sizes and forms.
3. I seriously do not perceive such a term.
4. Yes.
5. Develop the ability to critical thinking.
6. Yes, such lectures should be fascinating in shape and content, since the audience -
Kalinovskaya Elena, Lyceum №38.

1. Yes, economic, social instability.
2. Yes, there are students consisting of organizations.
3. It is very difficult to quickly respond, but most likely healthy nationalism is based on the ideas of tolerance.
4. Yes.
5. To work, put the issues of upbringing in the first place. There are no special difficulties.
6. Yes.
Solowhina Wanda, School number 5.

1. Yes. Due to economic instability.
2. Rarely, practically no.
3. It is difficult to determine the line between healthy and unhealthy nationalism.
4. Yes.
5. Work and bring to the attention of students information of this kind, sometimes even conflicting. There are no special difficulties.
6. Of course, and how it can be more at the level of students' consciousness.

Museosh №48.

1. In Russia, a rather complicated economic situation, many social segments of the population do not receive due support from the state.
At the head of state, a strong political leader was nominated, a person who enjoy the general support of the population.
2. I did not have to deal with the manifestation of nationalism, fascism.
3. Healthy nationalism cannot be; There is respect, love for your people.
4. In the lessons of history and social science, the teacher undoubtedly can resist the spread of fascist, nationalist ideas. Pupils cannot remain indifferent after stories about crimes against humanity committed by the ideologists of these flows.
5. The state should exist laws that follow the mass manifestation of national intolerance.
Without signature, School №25.

1. Yes. The reason is not the obligation of the implementation of laws, their "numerous", legal nihilism and the lightness of society. Manifestations of social inequality - the search for the perpetrators.
2. There is practically no.
3. Attempting to preserve national cultural values, language, elements of life, etc. (without ideas of national superiority).
4. Not only possible, but necessary.
5. Difficulties in the presence of nationalist sentiment on the household level, the role of the media (preaching of violence, wealth, western elements of culture without a corresponding level of propaganda of universal values).
6. School number 34. Petrozavodsk. Yes.
Even those lessons who gave our students - political scientists who were on the pedigree. Practice and relating to these issues in high schools had a large political resonance.
, School number 34.

1. Danger, of course, exists. Unstable in society, polarization in modern Russia creates prerequisites for this.
2. Almost no.
3. This is pride for your fatherland.
4.5. In the lessons of history, you can influence the upbringing of anything. It is important that the teacher himself realize that it is necessary. Through the use of works of artistic literature, the active use of discussions, debates in the lesson, the formation of tolerant culture occurs very effectively.
6. Yes.
, 37th gymnasium.

1. This danger does not only exist - nationalism, fascism, etc. There are as such in our society, and the state is serious and does not engage in the eradication of these terrible phenomena.
2. In our school - very rare, thank God.
3. Probably, it is directly connected with patriotism, with the upbringing of love for his homeland.
4.5. Sure you may. It all depends on the conviction of the teacher, in addition, there are few words, there must be necessary visibility, documentary materials, etc. Unfortunately, there is no possibility to take children on excursions (Khatyn, for example, etc.). Internet - resources are good, but it's still not that.
6. This work we spend, it is scheduled for the future.
Without a signature

1. There is a danger of spreading extremism? ... it is due to crisis phenomena, instability in society, an increasing sharp face between various layers of society (rich and poor).
2. At school did not come across.
3. Healthy nationalism is a sense of pride for achieving your nation, love for your Fatherland, but not hate to other nations.
4. It can be affected by the upbringing of tolerance, the rejection of fascism in students, explaining the causes, the essence, the effects of these phenomena.
5. Conduct lessons dedicated to these phenomena.
6. The help of specialists is needed.

1. Yes. Too many people live in poverty. Large gap between poor and rich. Moral values \u200b\u200bare blurred. The manifestation of nationalism on the household level is not condemned.
2. Sometimes. There are statements against immigrants from the Transcaucasia.
Healthy nationalism. The desire of people to study the culture of their people. Protecting the economic interests of our peoples.
3. Yes.
4. Difficulties in selecting relevant facts in a conversation with children. Work forms are interesting for children.
5. Yes.
, School № 33.

1. The risk of spreading nationalism and fascism exists, especially among young people. This danger is associated with the strengthening of the national and religious retail primarily in large cities.
2. At school, there were no bright precedents.
3. In the lessons, the discussion of these themes is necessary, but the best form to raise more serious the theme of the danger of fascism, probably, is free extracurricular discussions when children are more relaxed.
4. The difficulty is that children are not ready for such a conversation or do not perceive it seriously.
Jar, school number 7.

1. In our opinion, the risk of spreading nationalism exists in separate regions, which may be associated with migration processes. At the same time, extremism may occur as opposition to nationalism.
2. At school clashes on national soil, intolerance is not observed.
3. Healthy nationalism is pride for national culture, the lack of shame for belonging to a particular nation.
4. The upbringing of tolerance should go from the policy of the state as a whole, through family education and through the lessons, but not only stories.
5.6. I am pleased to take lecturers on this problem, since the meeting with new interesting people It is always very useful. It is enough difficult to reach the child if the connection is one-way, i.e. if at home the relationship is different.
, School №43.

1. There are reasons: socio-economic and political problems in the state, migration processes.
2. Cases were, but still rare enough.
3. Healthy nationalism: concern for the unity of the nation.
4. You can.
5. First of all: a) be the tolerant itself, i.e. education by a personal example. b) through the lessons, through practical classes with the involvement of specific examples from the life of the school, the city, of our state.
6. Yes, I wanted. Give the coordinates to whom to contact.
, School No. 12.

1. Yes, since the youth attract the ideas of nationalism, fascism.
2. Yes. Now many representatives of southern nationalities appear in schools and some children negatively react to these children.
3. This is, first of all, pride for belonging to one or another nationality, knowledge of its roots, pedigree, pride for their grandfathers, etc.
4. Yes.
5. In the lessons of history, social studies should not only be explained to children and show the negative facts of these currents on the examples, but also attract children to finding and discussing such examples.
6. Yes.
Without a signature

1. Yes, modern teenagers do not take into their team of the guys of Caucasian nationality, they become outcasts, (on the example of the r-she is a key.) The guys take money, try to beat. Many such Russian adolescents died relatives in Chechnya, their anger, they carry them to the guys of Caucasians.
2. Yes.
3. The ability of people of this nation is proud of it, to know and respect the traditions of their nation.
4. Yes.
5. The first, try in the course of conversations to convince the guys that all people, not looking at the nation, are the same. Second, more visual material, booklets, photos, video material on this problem.
6. Yes.
, School № 33.

1. Yes, such a danger exists, since the fascism, in essence, is a indestructible inheritant phenomenon. Neo-fascist slogans are too popular, which are also difficult to disagree with them, especially for young people. This is an objective phenomenon.
2. No, we have many people from the Caucasus at school, but there is no national intolerance. I did not come across personally.
3. Healthy nationalism? This is a big question, I find it difficult to answer him.
4. Of course, yes. This is the work of the teacher through the lessons to influence the education of the student, including the upbringing of tolerance, and anything.
5. Submit a personal example.
6. Yes.
, School number 36.

1. Of course, the risk of spreading such phenomena in modern Russian society exists. These phenomena will not arise in a prosperous society, our, unfortunately, is not (social vulnerable, low wages and other generate those "humiliated and offended", which may well become a social base of fascism; nationalism and extremism are also the answer to our reality).
2. In our school with the manifestation of national intolerance, I have not faced never.
3. "Healthy nationalism"? In my opinion, it is some kind of unnatural combination of words. Nationalism implies not only pride for its nation, but also the exaltation of it, the addition of the merits of other peoples, etc. In my understanding, nationalism is a negative phenomenon, therefore he cannot be "healthy".
4. Through the lessons of history, it is not only possible, but also need to bring up the rejection of fascism and nationalism in students. This history teacher should not only give knowledge, but also to educate.
6. The sets on these issues in our school? Sure!
Without a signature


In conclusion, it is worth noting that the manifestation of nationalist

character in the 90s of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century in Russia reached the big

scope. Nationalism was able to find a place as an aggressive phenomenon and in

the history, goals and types of nationalism, which showed it

different manifestations. Sometimes nationalism acts as a patriotic

feeling, sometimes as aggression against another nation, as its discrimination. On the

my opinion, the manifestation of nationalism depends on which political

ideology it is connected, in what light it will speak depends on what kind

policy holds a state.

The occurrence of ethnic conflicts and clashes became frequent

phenomenon for Russia. Having determined the cause of acute national problems

in our country in the 90s, it is important to conclude that

nationalism, as a rule, occurs at a low level of life, with a strong

contributes to the emergence of aggressive youth and appearance

political parties of nationalist orientation. In my opinion, and

activity of britheads or skinheads, and political parties

nationalist sense are utopia, have no future in our

country, nor in any other, at least at the moment.

Nationalism is alien to mentality of the Russian people who accustomed to live in

a multinational country, it is characterized only by a certain part of the population

The influence that the skin has a skin movement is

negative. It is worth noting at least the fact that Russian neo-Nazists

chose their ideal the German state of the Third Reich and, of course,

such ideology was pushed out of themselves large segments of the population. Despite,

that many layers of society oppose the wave of emigrants and refugees, they

nevertheless support the solution of these problems with a civilized path, rather than fights

and collisions. Beatings and even kills committed by Skinheads

allow the problem, but only aggravate it. It is worth noting that symbolism,

which are used nationalist organizations, is a swastika.

Borrowing her at Hitler, the britheads represent it as a sign of Russian

nation. But from the values \u200b\u200bof various welder characters considered in the work

it can be seen that they do not carry aggression and discrimination. They glorify their genus,

are his overalls. Connecting a swastika with brutal ideology, German

the Nazis made it a symbol of evil, the skinheads only adopted her. But it is impossible

tie the swastika only with aggression and fascism, because the meaning is

completely in the other.

Another block representing nationalist ideas are

political parties - RNE, NBP and others - the main idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is

association of the Russian nation to combat foreigners and in the name of the Renaissance

Great Russian state. Comparing two communities - skinheads and

nationalist political parties - it is impossible not to notice their obvious

differences. Although they all call themselves nationalist and sometimes

use the same ideological structures, their nationalism has

different sources and reflected in completely different forms of political

practice. For the NBP, it is characterized by the arrangement of public lectures, for the pne

peculiar to patrolling the streets together with the police as folk

druzhnikov, for skinheads - arrangement of the pogroms and the practice of racial

By the end of the 90s, the activity of these parties went to the decline. Awareness

their supporters of the inability to come to power or at least to have

this power is direct influence, led to a reduction in their support and

further to decay most of them (for example, pne). Perhaps individual

activists will be able to penetrate the state apparatus, but it is possible

only by giving his policy a new appearance in which

there is no extremist features.

In general, currently the immediate threat to

democratic freedoms emanating from radically configured

nationalist movement, it seems insignificant. In the same time,

there is a possibility of a gradual shift of the regime to the side of more

radical forms of nationalist ideology due to some

economic and social reasons.

As a result, it should be noted that the solution to the problems associated with

ethnic conflicts, collisions based on the national

enlessia, not hopeless, and the way out of these problems is possible when

consistent policy of the state. It must be emphasized that people

different nationalities may well get along with each other if one

nation does not put itself above another, or national personality person

does not protrude as the main and basic characteristic, if the language and

the culture of each nation can freely develop if people are different

nationalities respectfully relate to the customs and traditions of each other.