Music lesson in kindergarten. Abstract musical classes in the senior group "To the world of emotions

Music lesson in kindergarten. Abstract musical classes in the senior group
Music lesson in kindergarten. Abstract musical classes in the senior group "To the world of emotions

Sections: Work with preschoolers

Objective: Development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers using various types of musical activity.



  • secure in children knowledge of basic emotions (joy, sadness, fear, anger, surprise).
  • learn to transmit emotional state with various expressive means (facial expressions, gestures)


  • develop the skills of emotional communication with each other.
  • develop imagination, creative thinking
  • develop singing skills, rhythmic hearing, timber hearing, intonation.


  • bring up interest and love for music, be able to express your feelings and speak about listening to music
  • educate collectivism and love for collective execution

Type of classes:thematic

Methods:Vite-visual, visual-hearing, verbal, artistically practical method, the method of problem education and learning.

Scene design:The scene is framed in the form of a city (houses, trees, streets). Black clouds are attached on the wall.

Attributes:Pictograms with an expression of various emotions and moods rag butterflies, masks for beetles (hats), flowers.

Software content:


"JOY" V.Selivanova
"Sad song" V. Kalinnikova

Teach children to distinguish between the mood of contrasting works, emotionally respond, express their impressions of listened music, distinguish between musical expressiveness, develop fantasy, imagination.

Speech game

"Koshkin House", "Klyuchi buffet"

Educate love for literature, learning to transfer emotional state with various expressive means (facial expressions, gestures), to educate collectivism and love for collective execution


Powder: "Lesk" to develop a singe apparatus, singing breathing.

Song: "Who came up with a song" Words L.Dimova, music D. Lvov - a company.

Teach children to perceive and transmit a cheerful, joyful character of the song. Perform easy sound in a busy pace. On time to join after musical entry. Purely intonate the melody, accurately perform a rhythmic pattern. Sing moderately loudly without hovering the sound. Correctly pronounce vowels in the words "sings", "Stogolay", "Conductor".

Musically rhythmic game:

"Beetles and Butterflies"

Listen to music, pay attention to the contrasting character, emotionally respond. To be able to expressively perform movements in line with the nature of the music, to show creativity, imagination in execution of the game.

Travel course.

Children enter the hall. The music director proposes to fulfill the music greeting "Music, Hello."

Music leader.

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson, a letter came to us from the inhabitants of the city of the mood. The trouble happened to them. Sit more convenient for me to tell you everything. Residents in this city are similar to us. They, as well as we know how to have fun and sad, laugh and cry, angry and surprise. But suddenly settled in their city an evil wizard, he caught black clouds, sheds such heavy rain, which washed away with the people of the inhabitants of fun and sadness, fear and surprise, and became the faces of the city of mood in fondant, colorless, white. That's how now (draws attention to the scene). We ask residents of the city with us help, drive this evil wizard and return them mood, feelings, experiences. Let's help them guys? (Yes).

Our assistant will become music for us, because it is best able to transmit feelings, sentiment, experiences.

Listen to music and tell me: What does she express?

Sounds "Jelly" V.Selivanova

Children's answers: Music expresses fun, joy, badger.

Music leader.

Responses of children.

The present name of the play "Joke" Composer V.Selivanov

Try to choose from icons to the expression that most comes to the mood of music

Let's come up with the name to our resident.

Responses of children: "Merry", "pussy"

Listen to another musical play and tell me: What does she express?

Sad song sounds V. Kalinnikova

Answers children: music expresses sadness, sadness, longing.

Music leader.

Try to come up with the name of this play.

Responses of children.

Present name "Sad song" Composer V. Kalinikov (portrait)

Choose from the pictograms an expression of the mood of this music play

Let's come up with the name and this resident.

Responses of children: "sadness", "tear"

Two other residents We will try to return with the help of speech games: "Dean - Don" for this stand in a circle

Dean-Don, Dili-Don,
Caught Koshkin House.
Cat jumped out
Eyes bulging
Runs with a bucket
Falls Koshkin House.
Tuh-Tuh Tuh and Fire Fur

Music leader.

Guys, what emotions did you experience in this game?

Children's answers: The game expresses fear, anxiety, fright.

And now remember the game "Klyuchi buffet"

Music leader.

Who took the keys to the buffet, where are my candies lie?

They took them, they took them, they took them (child name)


Who am I!? I did not take!
I know, I know who took them.
They took them, they took them, they took them ......... (Name of another child) etc.

In conclusion, children say all together

In vain do not speak
Look at your keys.

Music leader.

What does this game express?

Children's responses: The game expresses surprise, outrage.

Music leader.

Here are two more inhabitants, we returned mood, select suitable pictograms and come up with your name.

Children's responses: "Course", "Surprised"

Children sitting on chairs

Another resident we should help return the mood, but will help us a speaker called


Which expresses this speaker, what mood

Children's Answers: Highlights Express Fun, Laughter, Earth

Select a suitable icon and come up with a name.

Responses of children: "Smeshanka", "Zabyaka"

Music leader.

Guys, look at us left two more pictograms, what mood they express?

Children's answers: express evil and anger, kindness and tenderness

Remember which musical game could express the mood

Musically rhythmic game "Beetles and butterflies"

Tell me beetles, what are they?

Children's answers: evil, insidious, sullen music is hard, low sounds.

And but butterflies, what are they?

Children's responses: good, gentle, light music in the municipal, affectionate sounds are high.

Let and we will turn into beetles and butterflies, and with the help of movement, the facial expressions are depicting them. (Attributes for the game)

So the last residents we helped return the mood, and how do we call them?

Children's Answers: "Evil", "Cutter"

Music leader.

Guys, look at all residents of the city we returned the mood, returned their faces. Tell all do you like in this city? Maybe something you would like to remove or on the contrary to add.

Children's answers: Remove black clouds, ride trees, put flowers.

See what beautiful city with us turned out. Guys, and which of the inhabitants of the city you like most, maybe you are like someone. Responses of children:

Music leader.

Guys tell me, and who was our assistant throughout the lesson and helped return their mood to residents? Withcluding why would we not be able to do?

Answers children: music helped us, games.

What kind of music did you listen to? And what does she express?

Children's answers: "joke", "sad song" express fun and sadness

They played the game "Dean - Don", the "keys to the buffet" express their fright and surprise, "beetles and butterflies" express good and evil.

Music leader.

Guys, and before going to the group, what would you like to wish the inhabitants of the city of mood.

Responses of children:

And what would their mood always have a good let's, perform a spring song

"Who invented a song" Words L.Dimova, Music D. Lvov - Frances.

You studied very well today, well done. I would like to ask you for the next lesson to draw pictures expressing a different mood, maybe it will be a picture expressing a cheerful or sad mood, and maybe it will be funny or scary. We will arrange an exhibition of paintings, you will try and everything will work.

Read 11 min. Views 2.8K.

"Country of good deeds"
(for senior preschool children)
Purpose: Teach children to determine the emotional state of external signs (Mimic); Connect the connection between different feelings and the causes of them causing.


  • Consolidate the knowledge and presentation of children about the nature of music (cheerful, sad, angry); reflect the mood movement, facial expressions and gestures; To bring children to understand the relationship between the character of music and the means of musical expressiveness.
  • Move the kids to active creative manifestations in tasks and musical games.
  • Briefing the aesthetic perception of the world tools for music.
  • Teach children to establish a connection of voting movements with volume - spatial representations.
  • Development of children's hearing attention, speech breathing, intonation purity; Operating a clear articulation, "Opening" of the sound apparatus.
  • Improve singing skills.
  • Enrich children with musical impressions.


  • tape recorder, cassettes with children's plays and bird singing;
  • didactic doll Bim - Bom,
  • music - didactic benefit "Magic Polyana" with three times of the year (summer, autumn, winter), chips - animal cards (bird, hare, bear, wolf, hedgehog);
  • magic pouch, heart, basket with "treats" for animals;
  • noise tools, hammers - wands.


Language - Rhythmic Exercise "Walk" ("Free Marsh", Muses V. Verkhovintz; "Under -pleks and High Step", Muses. V. Kosenko; "Smooth dance step", music. B. Lyatoshinsky; "Butterfly", MUZ. S. Maikapara; "October", music. P. Tchaikovsky; "Elise", music. L. Bethoven; "Bunny", music. T. Lomotovo, "Winter Guri", music. P. Tchaikovsky; "Zimushka - Winter, "Mus. D. Kompansky;" Our Garden ", Muses. V. Gerchik.

Travel course.

(Children enter the hall, become in a circle, greet the music language, that is, the musical leader sings: "Good afternoon, kids! Boys and girls!"

Children Answer: "Good day!"

Music leader: "All guests, good afternoon!" (Good day!))

Music leader: Children, do you like to do good people? And why? (Children answer) Today I was visited by the famous merry, Dobryak, Wizard - Clown Bim - Bom. See what kind of beautiful it is ... (the children consider the toy)
Did you like Bim - Bom? Let's show each other like clown smiles (wide, even wider).

Articulating gymnastics for the "smile" mouth.

Well done.
Guys, how do you think Bim - Bom greeted with us? (Fun, smiling, loud) Who will show? (Children are welcome one by one - they sing or say): "Good afternoon, kids!," All - everyone, good afternoon! " etc. All others with that faith in the face answer: "Good afternoon, Bim - Bom!". The music director pretends to be something that Bim - Bom says something /)

Music leader: Bib - Bom really liked your congratulations. For your open hearts and good smiles invites everyone to the country of good deeds to introduce you to His inhabitants. Are you ready for an unusual adventure? So, on the road.

Language - Rhythmic game "Walk" (walking varieties).

Music leader: Children on the journey go,
On the grass steps
And cheerful song
All sing together (normal walking).

To make us flowers not to remember
It is necessary to raise your feet (walking with a high knee lifting).

Between bushes carefully
Snake Stepping (walking "snake").
We go gently and quietly
We are not a noise (easy running at an average pace with the transition on the go).

(Children perform various types of walking; with the end of music stop. Music leader offers a little rest.)

Music leader: I see, without the help of the wizard, we can not do. The road is long, and the strength will be more useful for good deeds. What do we get to a fabulous country? (Children offer different types of transport. Bim - Bom like something whispers to the musical leader.)

Music leader: Children, Bim - Bom invites us to continue the journey at the most real cart. Just where we take it? (Bim - Bom gives a magic bag)
Yes, of course, Bim - Boma in the bag there are many magic hammers that will help you quickly make a wagon.

Language - rhythmic exercise "Merry hammers".

(Children sit on the chairs and the hammers pass the rhythm, which causes the music director, while simultaneously pronouncing the rhymed lines.)

Children and music leader:

Knock, knock, hammer,

Tuk - Tuk, Tuk - Tuk - Current,

Knocks of fun. Bay is more accurate, the hammer.
This and this one and this carnation

Tuk - Tuk, Tuk - Tuk -tok,
Score stronger.

We made a cart.

Music leader: We made a good trolley together, take place:
Therefore, go on the road, consider everything carefully.

Exercise on the sound-image "We are going on the wheelchair."

(Exercise is performed in moderate pace. Children independently choose the sounds of the environment (crucible creaking, wind whisper, rustling of leaves, bird singing, bouffering strength).)

1. We are on the stroller
On a visit to the fishing line. (Scrip - creaking, creak - creak)

2.Lero meets us, (Fu - Fu - Fu ...)
With leaves in a hide and seek, he plays. (Sh - sh - sh ...)

3.And the fun birds
We started their songs. (Fish - Fish, Chive - Chive, Tech ...)

4. On the branch of the squirrel sits,
Nuts eat it not tolerant (CSC - CSC - CCC ...)

5. Here is the stream flowing, bobbo,
He wants to escape to the river. (Brr -brus ...)

6. For a very long time,
Finally we arrived. Wow! (Together.)

(The music director opens 1 page of the Didactic manual "Magic Polyana". The phonogram of bird singing sounds.)

Music leader: Guys, where did this truck bring us? So, on the Magic Polyana. Look at how beautiful. Although in the yard, the winter, and here there are flowers and butterflies everywhere, everything blooms.

Listening to the Piesen S. Maikapara "Motyaven".

Didactic game "Butterflies and flowers".

(Didactic game: Music sounds - Butterflies fly, music stops - butterflies sit on flowers. Children with hands reflect the beginning and end of instrumental music.)

Music leader: Children, this play for the mood? (Easy, movable, fun.) If the music is fun, then the day should be "sunny" (children are prompted). We will help the sun break free from the tuchka.

Respiratory exercise "Let's free the sun from Tuchka."

(Exercise is carried out in order to improve in children of speech respiration and developing a targeted air jet. Children blow on a tucca, again sounds the play "Butterfly" - the chosen child independently moves the puff from the sun, opens it.)

Exercise "Scientific Grasshopper".

(Exercise on the development of sound hearing, determining the motion of the melody.)

Music leader: Oh, and who is what is jumping here in colors? Show the kids! .. Yes, the same grasshopper raised. Children, this bit the scientist jumping around the colors, as they indicate. Well, kob, jump up to 3rd flowers, and then down from here.

And now to the 5th flower and down.

(Children on the Warehouse "Skok" accompany the singing of the movements of the hands. The musical leader bothers the melody to the metalphone, the chosen child accompanies singing the movement of the skate in colors.)

(Changes Bim's face - boma with merry on sad.)

Music leader: Children, look at our BIM - Boma, for some reason he is very sad, here is the creation. Buddy, what happened why are you so upset? (makes thinking that something says).

Bim - Bom found a small chick in the grass. It fell out of the nest and calls mommy. (I heard the sounds of the minor.) Show me with a voice, as sings the sparrows! (Children perform an exercise and show hand).

Music leader: Let's help the sparrow to get to the nest? Then we take the bird in the palm and thrust it into X (high and fast with the threshold "x").

Exercise "Help Sparbushka."

(The main element of the exercise is an upward intonation with a sharp transition from the breast "B" into the folding "in" register with a characteristic "fracture" of the voice "x".)

(An excited music sounds first. The musical leader says that he does not understand what is happening where the strong wind came from and dispersed all butterflies, the tuchka closed the sun. Sad music sounds from the cycle "Seasons" P. I. Tchaikovsky "October".)

Language - rhythmic exercise "Song of the rain".

(The exercise is aimed at the development of rhythmic and melodic hearing (cleanliness of intonation), the auto-tization of sounds, the liberation of the lower jaw for free articulation.)

Music leader: Began a small rain. Do not be scared, children! Let's sing his song with a rain, that's such (sings high on one sound):
Those - those - those - those - those - yes,
Song I sing so!

Music leader: And the rain is still not less, and on the contrary, it becomes even stronger and the song is now such (sings low on one sound):
Tuk - Tuk - Tuk, Tuk - Tuk - Tuk,
You can hear the sound of us.

(The shoot of the rain is repeated several times so that the children can fix high and low in memory
Sound position.

The music director offers children to show a little song of a small and strong rain - perform high and low clicks.)

Exercise "High and low clakeing sounds".

(Children click on the tongue, changing the form of the mouth

Music leader: Everything, the rain stopped going, could not scare us. Please note the children as it has changed the year. Strange, instead of the summer came ... (Children answer).

(The page is changing. Repeated "October" sounds music leader Offers children to portray with the help of noise tools from the magic bag BIM - boma rustling of leaves, wind, rain ...)

Game on noise instruments, "Eliza", music. L. V. Beethoven, in the instrumental processing.

Music leader: Oh, look at the children, someone hid behind the tree, apparently some kind of little animal. Help me find it.

(Explain to children, which is where - a few animal cards. After listened music, you need to choose that card, about whom music tells.)

Listening to the play "Bunny" T. Lomoy, from the cycle "in the forest".

(The music director draws the attention of children to Bim's face - Boma, it is frightened. Behind the Christmas tree shows the shape of the wolf.)

Exercise "Scary Beast."

(Exercise for the establishment of connections between the voted movements and the volume - spatial representations, on the development of speech hearing, the purity of the intonation. Children give an articulated characteristic of the wolf: the whole gray, very angry - in, big terrible eyes - uh, terrible fangs - Woa.

(When the wolf disappears, Bim's face - Boma becomes cheerful again.

The phonogram of the music sounds. P. I. Tchaikovsky "Winter Greens". The page is changing to "Winter".)

Music leader: What kind of unprecedented, it was time to change again. Around white - white, and under the legs heard how the snow rustles.

Exercise "Articulation".

(Exercise for the development of singing respiration, "Opening" of the articulation apparatus. The exercise consists of a strong active pronunciation of consonants. The mouth is maximally open by jaw movements up-down.

In this position, a silent breath is made and using the movement of the hands of the hands. Hands rise to the level of the mouth, the limbs are revealed so that the fingers are arranged and tense, the palms are turned forward. The limbs work together with the pronunciation of consonants (W, C).

(The music director offers children to warm up a cheerful dance.)

Song - Dance D. Kompaniya "Zimushka - Winter".

Music leader: Look, what a strange tent. Oh, quieter, kids, this is the burgrel. The bear is sleeping in the winter and sees honey and sweet berries in a dream, he sucks the paw and "kaniuchit" - very much asks for him to give Honey to "Nam - Nam".

Exercise "Kaniuchim".

(Exercise on the development of singing breathing, release of the lower jaw for free articulation.
Source position The face is relaxed, the mouth is slightly ajar, the eyes are semi-alone. This is necessary to include a relaxed voice register, which has no fixed sounds.)

Music leader: What do you think children, all forest animals sleep in the winter? (No.) You can call those animals who need help in winter? (Children answer.)

(The teacher leaves the basket with hotels for animals: honey bears, carrots - hares, cabbage, deer - deer, elk, grain - birds, nuts - proteins.)

Music leader: Guys, Bim - Bom says that you are well done, real friends, help in a difficult hour, have not forgotten about animals.
This is why Bim - Bom, that in our kindergarten teaching kids never leave friends in trouble, help each other. We are all together - one friendly family and know what kind of good. I suggest everyone together to sing the song of friendship.

Song V. Gercho "Our Garden".

Music leader: For good actions, on the rights of the real wizard, Bim - Bom awards you with the honorary title "Good Wizard". Become together under his silver rain. And Bim - Bom in memory of today's meeting gives you this heart, let it always warm them all with its warmth.

(Children thank Bim-God for gifts, say goodbye and go.)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the Petrozavodsky urban district "Children's garden of the general developmental type with the priority implementation of activities for cognitive-speech development of children No. 3" Mosaic "

/Data/Files/Q1513161029.pptx ("Music Adventure")

(MDOU "Kindergarten number 3)

music director MDOU "Kindergarten №3"

g. Petrozavodsk

Blue Svetlana Vladimirovna


Abstract Classes "Music Adventure"

purpose - Development from preschoolers of musical and creative abilities through the use of various types of musical activity.



Develop the musical and motor abilities of children (rhythm,coordination of movements, orientation in space);

Learning to see the beauty of autumn nature through listening to music, execution of music and view paintings with the image of autumn;

Continue to teach singing a natural voice "Autumn";

Develop emotional responsiveness to music in children;


- to form a positive attitude of the child to the world around the world, to itself;

Form communicative skills;


Create conditions that ensure the emotional well-being of each child;

Maintain and strengthen physical and mental health;

Equipment: Piano, audio equipment, computer, projector, children's musical instruments, notes for awards for children, glowing ball.

Repertoire: "Marsh" F. Nadovenko, "Riders" Vitlin, "Pilots, on the airfield" M. Ruhverger, "Merry train" Z. Kompanets, "Autumn Song" from the cycle "Seasons" P. Tchaikovsky, "Autumn" a. Harutyunov, People's Melody "Russian Naigrysh", "Pletics" "Polka" Y. Chichkov, "Marsh" N. Levi, "Prelude" excerpt Bach.

Structure occupation :

Children enter the hall under the march, the friend of music find a friend and get up with a swarming.

MUZ. Hand-l. What is "Hello"? - Best of words
Because "Hello" - So be healthy
MUZ. Hand-th sings on a sober up: "Hello, children"

Children respond to sober down "Hello"

MUZ. Hands: To ensure that you have a good mood for all day, we will now sing a cheerful rock string

Valeological "Radia-West".
Children stand in pair face to each other
Little fingers: shake-shake-shakes! "Hello" with fingertips
Drumshot fingers: shaking-shakes-shakes!
And now the palms: shaking-shake-shakes! The same palms
I will knock the cams: shake-shaking-shakes! The same cams
By shaking-shames say:
Walls around the nose: shake-shaking-shakes! Relate to each other awesome
Wares - Washers: Stream-shaking-shakes!
And now we smiled, the "spring" smile
Jumped and turned. Perform on site by text
We live in the shagon rocks, clap into your hands
Songs sing: shake-shakes!

Children sit on chairs.

MUZ. Hand-le: User, going to kindergarten, under the door I found this letter (shows) "Hello, guys, how are you doing? I know that you are obedient and loyal friends. Invite you to visit you, I am glad to see everyone in the country is beautiful, where the music is ruled alone! "

MUZ. Hands: Do you agree to go to the world of music? (children's responses). And we will choose a means of movement together, but in order to better see and hear, make charging for the eyes and ears.

Gymnastics for eyes

We are gymnastics

Perform each time.

Right, left, circle, down,

You will not be lazy to repeat.

Strengthen the muscles of the eye.

We will be better to see.


Purit the palm of each other so that they become hot.Right palm put on the right ushko, left palm on the left ear. Throw the ears. We do it carefully. Take the ear of the ear and gently pull them down 3 times, two, three. Take the middle of the sink and pull the ears on the side - once, two, three. Take the top edge, pull up 3 times - times, two, three. Pass the ears from the bottom-up, upside down. Well done! Massage is finished - sit down. Now our ears are ready to listen, and see the eyes.

(Showing the slides and listening to the music fragments of Vitlin, "pilots, on the airfield" M. Rukhverger, "Merry Train" Z. K. Kontapritsa). (Children decide what will go on the journey, move in accordance with the music)

MUZ. Hand-le:And where did we get? (slide with a question mark)

And that's what I want to say.

Today, here, now

I am musical fae

Be I want for you!

(the music manager puts the "magic mantle with notes")

MUZ. Hand-le:

I - Fairy Music, Friends,

I certainly have learned me.

After all, every hour I

Day after day

Reggerer appear in this room.

I live in a magical me country

Where music only rules.

Friends with music always

She only gives joy.

You fell into the musical country. There are 5 musical cities in this country. In every city you are waiting for surprises and tasks, after following, you will get the letters from which the word fold and find out who is the king of all tools

(Slide "Rhythm City", turn off the ball)

We fell into the city of Rhythm, this city is very important, because without a rhythm there can not be music. And now I want to play with you « Rhythmic echo. " I swallow rhythm, my own for everyone, you listen carefully and repeat: Children reproduce short rhythmic drawings for the teacher at a slow pace (at this stage - the correct reproduction of the rhythm without a pause without breaking the overall movement).

In my musical kingdom, the autumn has come(slide), one of my favorite days of the year. The beauty of Russian nature melted Russian composers classics in their works. Watching the autumn nature, we notice that autumn is not only sad, but also beautiful time. What happens to nature in autumn?

Answers children

Outcome: Autumn - painting paints in the forest and in the fields, flying birds. The forest dresses in an autumn multicolored dress. Golden leaves appear on birch, yellow and crimped on the aspen. Every day is stronger than leaf fall. The earth is covered with multi-colored paints. Let's tell me all together the poem about the autumn.

Speech game with the movements "List Falls"

Fall! Fall! Falls!Rhythmic cotton

Forest autumn corop.Clicks fingers

Leaves redhead sturgeonTruth palm about palm

And fly, fly, fly!Swing hands

You correctly completed all tasks and get the first letter (P)

MUZ. Hands: Go further

( The music director will make up the "magic" wand - the glowing ball lights up)

Once two tri- Magic balls We show the city

( slide "Music City", turn off the ball)

MUZ. Hands: Music lives people who write music. What are they called? (answers children) That's right, composers. The richness of his paints autumn attracted the attention of the great Russian composerP.I. Tchaikovsky (slide with photo), Which in 1876 wrote the music album "Seasons". One of the works of this collection is "Autumn Song". This play is a Russian landscape, in sadness. The words A. Tolstoy were chosen to the epigraph to this work:

"Fall. Out of our poor garden crept on

Leaves yellowed in the wind fly ... "

Presentation "Autumn Song" P.I. Tchaikovsky

After listening and viewing to discuss what they saw, talk about music, what is she?

MUZ. Hand-le: Now all together tell another poem about autumn

"Rain" (gaming self-massage with singing)

MUZ. Hands: You are very interesting told about the heard music, so you get another letter to the prompt (a)

MUZ. Hands: Well, guys, it's time for us to go to the next city.

( The music director will make up the "magic" stick - the glowing ball lights up)

Once two tri- Magic balls We show the city

(Slide "Dance City", turn off the ball)

MUZ. Hand-le: Magic ball has transferred us to the city of dances. All residents of this city love to play and dance. And their favorite game is called "Music chairs"

Game move: Chairs are placed in a circle back to the center. Children are calculated for 1-2-3, its melody is fixed behind each number. Walking is not far from the circle. The teacher includes waltz for a group of children under No. 1. Perform a waltovy step in a circle.

A group of children under No. 2 for watering perform polka step.

A group of children under No. 3 for watering go round a pitch under Russian folk music. If march sounds, then all children get up and marching for the lead. As soon as the music ends, the children quickly sit on free chairs. Who was not enough, becomes the lead.

MUZ. Hands: Enough, Children, We Play

We start to dance.

On the plates you look,

And moving repeat

"Paired dance" Croatian folk melody using mnemotablits (see Appendix)

MUZ. Hands: Very fun we spent time in the city of dance, and you will learn another letter of your task (o).

But it's time for us to go further. Slies on chairs

(The music manager makes the "magic" wand - the glowing ball lights up)

(Slide "Vokal City", turn off the ball)

MUZ. Hand-and-it is in vocal in the city. The word "vocal" occurred from the Latin word "vOCE.", Voice, so singers and singers live here. You also have voiced and beautiful voices from you, so to get another letter, I suggest us sing the song "Autumn" (performed by the song).

MUZ. Hand-le: And in this city you coped with the task, and get another letter (d). To find out, what is the name of the king tools, we have left to visit the last city, sit down on the chairs, go.

(The music manager makes the "magic" wand - the glowing ball lights up)

Once two tri- Magic balls We show the city

(Slide "City Orchestra", turn off the ball)

MUZ. Hands: This is the last city of my musical country, the city orchestra. What does the word orchestra mean? (children's Answers: A large number of people playing different tools) (slide)

Muz. The first task: Russian folk music will come now, you need to guess which tool sounds. Russian Naigrysh(while listening, children guess the tools and their images appear on the slide)

MUZ. Hands: You coped with this task. Guys, but do you want to pour yourself?

Autumn fairy tale

(speech game with musical instruments)

Quietly wanders on the trackQuietly beat the palms on the drum

Autumn in gold dressing.

Where leaves the leavesMaracasi

Where the rain is squeezed.Bell

There is a loud knock:Wooden sticks, cubes

This is a woodpecker yes Tuk!

Woodpecker makes dumpingXylophones

There will be protein there warmly. "Prischliki "

The breeze suddenly flew away

On the trees sent

Overlaps louderTremolo Bubnov

Puffy collects.

Caught, rain-don!Bells, metallophones

Drops brief chime.

All rings, knocking, singsAll tools

Autumn bright goes!

MUZ. Hand-le: get the last letter (H). If you add together all letters, then the name of the king of all tools will be the name, no wonder we are in the city of Orchestra. (Fold letters on easel) It turned out the word "body" (the slide "body") organ is the largest, most majestic musical instrument. Very ancient and, perhaps, the most difficult of all existing tools in the world. The name of this tool comes from the ancient Greek word Organon - that is, an instrument or tool. Sounds the organ with pipes (slide) With a different timbre, air is injected into these pipes with the help of fur. Pipes in the organ of different:(slide) Wooden, metal, with tongues and without them, thin and thoroughly. Therefore, the sounds are completely different.
Severe the game on the organ is not very simple. To extract sounds from this tool, you need to use several keyboards at once (
slides) - manuals (these are keyboards for hands), and a pedal keyboard (for feet).
Among all musical instruments, it is the body that takes the first place on its sound wealth and expressiveness. And not at all in vain in the musical world the body is referred to as the king of instruments.

Let's listen, how the bodies "Prelude" Bach sounds

MUZ. Hand-le: That came to the end our journey. But before we return back to kindergarten,you will tell you what is remembered most in the classroom. (Children express their attitude to the lesson - reflection). And for goodbye I want to thank you and give you funny notes, but as you can see, they are all white. I want to return to the group, you painted your notes in that color that most suit your mood. Return home?

(The music manager makes the "magic" wand - the glowing ball lights up)

Times two three-magic balls in kindergarten(Slide "Kindergarten", turn off the ball).

Well, we are with you and in kindergarten.(Removes the cloak). And I'm not a fairy of music, but a musical leader. Let's say goodbye.

MUZ. Hand-le: sings up the gamma "Goodbye"

Children: Sing down the gamma "Goodbye"

Under the "march" Levi go to the group


Arsenyevskaya ON Music recovery system in the Children's Garden of Garden The Publishing House "Teacher" 2015.

Osovitskaya Z.E., Kazarinova A.S. Music literature. The first year of study. M., "Music" 2000.

Parfenov I. House in Klin. Kurgan, 1990.

Under a big tent of blue skies. Poems of Russian poets. Sverdlovsk. Mid-Ural Book Publishing House, 1982.

Tchaikovsky P. Seasons of the year. M., Music 1974.

Vetlugin N.A., Dzerzhinskaya I.L., Commissioner L.N. Method of musical education in kindergarten. M.: Enlightenment, 1982. -271.

The Internet-

Children enter the hall, get into the circle (musical greeting: "Hello").

"Good day, good day - these words we speak.

- Good day, good day - these words we repeat.

- Hello (Katya and Masha) - We are glad to see you.

- Hello (Sasha and Glory) - in good afternoon in good time.

- Hello (Kolya and Light) - Sing us now.

Slide: Gnome. A letter comes from the gnomic.

Music leader: Children, our good familiar gnome invites us today in a children's theater. And he also wants to see if our children will be able to become real artists of the theater. Want to be in the theater?

What will we go to the theater? (children's responses) You can go to the theater on any type of transport, and I suggest you to remember such a song, with which we will quickly reach the theater.

Children remember the song "Tram Muses. A. Varlamov.

Music leader: Come down. Sit comfortably. Guys, look, we did not leave anyone in kindergarten?

Music didactic game "Remember who is called." Children legate their names in syllables, while flashing.

Music leader: Well done! I am now calm that in kindergarten we did not leave anyone. And now we went! And so that we have fun on the way, we will sing your favorite song "Tram".

Slide: Theater.

Music leader: We are so friendly and fun sang the song that they didn't even notice how they came. Look at what a beautiful theater building!

There is a call.

Music leader: Oh guys, hear? This is the first call - it's time to occupy your places in the auditorium. Children sit on chairs in front of the screen.

Slide: scene.

Music leader: Note what a beautiful scene. And what do you think? Who is the most important in the theater? After all watches Orlin look,
Head of the scene director. The director learning that we were from the kindergarten "Dwarfs", I decided to give you the merry song "Dwarf" performed by artists of this theater.

From the screen sounds the song "Dwarfs", where the gnomes play on various musical instruments. The gnome comes up with children.

Gnome: Children, did you like our song? And what is she in character? And on what musical instruments did my friends gnome play?

In all theaters of the whole country

Work is different important

But all, as they do not cool here,

And the main man artist.

Music leader:To become such wonderful artists, you need to work very much. ( Threatens finger). Guys, what is I just showed? That's right, I showed a gesture. In order for the artist to express the character of his hero, he needs gestures.

Gnome: And what gestures do you know? Show? And we will try to guess. Guys, at the last occupation, we "ate" apples.

Slide: Children eat apples.

Gnome: They were what taste taste? (bitter, sweet, sour)

Children show Mimica.

Gnome: So, any movements of parts of the face, eyebrows, eyes - what are called? ( Mimica). I want you guys to invite to theatrical workshop. Let's try to transfer the cloud mood with you.

Mimic exercise "Clouds" Children stand in front of the mirrors.

Music leader:

Clouds sailed across the sky

And I looked at them.

And two similar clouds I wanted to find.

Here is a cloud of cheerful laugh at me.

Why are you pushing the eyes like this?

What are you funny!

But another cloud

Upset seriously:

His breeze from his mother suddenly far away.

And suddenly the terrible

Student flies

And fist huge

Angrily threatens me.

And a small cloud

Over the lake floats.

And surprised cloud

Outputs the mouth.

Gnome: Very good with you managed to transfer the mood of the clouds. Well done, you are real artists!

Music leader: Gnombic, and our children want to fulfill you
The song "Russian Izba" during singing we will use facial expressions and gestures.

Gnome: How cool you got faithful and gestures to pass the funny and progress song.

Music leader:Children, actors most often enjoy facial expressions and gestures at the same time. It turns out a single image without words. What is it called? That's right - pantomime. And what games do you know where there is a pantomime? And you want to play the game "starvature".

Music game "Starry"

In the sky, the stars blink,

Stars want to play.

StarRs believes the stars:

"One, two, three, four, five!"

Starzet, starvature,

Play-ka with us!

What do you show us

Guess yourself.

Astrologer:Gives who of you, what am I doing now? ( Pantomimimim - Fish,
They pose and throw snowballs, etc.)

Gnome:Guys, you can not imagine that now you were all artists of the pantomime theater.

And now the theatrical workout.

Ah, artists want to become?

Then tell me friends.

How can I change yourself?

To be like fox?

Or on a wolf or goat?

Or on the prince, on jagu?

(Children's responses: Change appearance with a suit, makeup, hairstyles.)

Gnome puts forward a large hat box. D. they sing in a circle. "Song about a hat box" cl. and music. I. Bodrachenko

Gnome opens the box: Well, ka, friends artists, disassemble the costumes and musical instruments!

Music game "Case in the Forest"

Masha's girlfriend went to the forest behind the berry and lost. Hearing the steps of the beast, she hides behind the bush. Children playing musical instruments transmitting the rust of foliage, the steps of animals (squirrels. Fox, wolf, bear, bunnies - which helps Masha to leave the forest) at the end of a funny dance.

Music leader:Well done! You correctly, rhythmically passed the movements of all animals.

Grasp the hands of friends.
And air deep breathe
And what is always saying.
Now everyone loudly tell you.
I swear from now and forever
Theater is holy to go.
Be honest, kind of man.
And the viewer is worthy to be.

Guys, did you like today in the theater? And what did you like best?
Look at how many theatrical masks, sad and fun and funny workshops in the workshop. I suggest you choose one of them and we will see what your mood is now.

Children singing the song "Tram" are leaving for kindergarten.

music director MBDCRR №17,

g. Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo Region, Russia.

Topic: "The use of innovative technologies in musical education of preschoolers."

municipal State Community Institutional Institution of the Krasnozhersky District of the Novosibirsk Region Sadovskaya Secondary School (Kindergarten)

Music learning in the understanding of society has ceased to perform only a narrow-special role: learning the game on musical instruments and receiving musical knowledge. Its main and most important goal is to develop the personality and thinking through music, upbringing a professional-oriented music lover. "Whoever become in the future child - a musician or a doctor, scientist or workers," writes the famous Austrian composer and the teacher K. Orf in his methodical manual, called "Schulverkom" - Teacher's task: to bring up creative start in it, creative thinking.

Program "From birth to school" , edited by N.E. Veracses, TS Komarova, MA Vasilyeva provides for the development of children in the process of various activities: musical hearing, singing vote, dance skills, playing children's musical instruments. Along with the existing goals and tasks, they revealed other, responding to the urgent demands of the child. The most significant of them can be defined as follows:

  • creating a music director of the conditions providing opportunities to each child to show their individual abilities when communicating with music;
  • removal of primary creativity, creating conditions for spontaneous creative manifestations;
  • help in the formation of the inner world and self-knowledge (Emotional and mental development and psychocorrection).

New approaches to musical education require the use of absolutely different, most effective pedagogical technologies in the development of children's musicality. Speaking with a specific type of human thinking, music carries the basic function - the function of human communication. In this perspective, the true role and purpose of music is concluded, as L. S. Vygotsky writes, in "balancing the body with the environment." In this context, the main thesis of pedagogy of musical education of the last decades looks reasonable: "Music Lesson - Art Lesson." This implies dominance at such lessons of the spiritual and practical, creative, individual attitude of a person to the world, which makes the authoritarian approach and the corresponding learning methods inadmissible. The formation of such a relationship is possible in the conditions of education by creativity, i.e., the organization of the artistic activities of children as a trinity of listening to music, its execution and creation. Thus, the appeal to music, as a means of upbringing the younger man, is based on the understanding of the essence of this type of art. The main purpose of music, organically combining all social functions with a leading communicative function, is to organize artistic communication of children. And musical creativity, in essence, should be a joyful, fascinating, to discover the possibilities of communication of children by means of music. As M.Monten wrote: "Where for children use, there must be pleasure in the same place." .