When did the city romance appear in Russia? Singer Julia Zyganshin about why the romance is the most difficult genre a few facts of romance history.

When did the city romance appear in Russia? Singer Julia Zyganshin about why the romance is the most difficult genre a few facts of romance history.
When did the city romance appear in Russia? Singer Julia Zyganshin about why the romance is the most difficult genre a few facts of romance history.

The most famous singer from Kazan in the world without exaggeration can be called Julia Ziganshina, a performer of ancient and modern Russian romances, domestic and foreign songs, deserved artist of Tatarstan. For many years, it has been developing and supporting such a unique genre as "Russian Romance", visiting various corners of the planet with concerts and containing Kazan Romance in his hometown. "Russian Planet" talked with a singer on what changes were undergoing genre over the past few centuries, and that he can give a modern person.

- Julia, how did the Russian romance changed through the story?

Romance came to Russia at the end of the XVIII century from Spain, where street musicians began to sing not on Latin and not about love for God, but in their native Romanesque language and about love for a woman. In our country, Romance lay down on fertile soil, society has experienced the need for sentimental personal experiences. Romances fell into the reliable hands of great poets and composers of the Golden Age - this is Pushkin, Glinka, Lermontov, Dargomyzhsky. The following splash is the frontier of the XIX-XX centuries, then the cabin household romance is born. Interestingly, during this period, romances, for some exceptions, are written on poems of semi-professional poets. High poetry of the Silver Age was ahead of her time, she was sometimes incomprehensible to the average man. And the romance is a human genre, earthly in every sense of the word. On the poems of the silver century, romances began to write at the end of the XX century. And an important role in the history of the romance of this time was played by cinema. In the 1920s, the government was decided that the romance was an alien genre, bourgeois, to fulfill him and write it was dangerous for life. And in the mass, he returned only with the poetry of the Silver Century through such films as the "irony of fate", "cruel romance".

- And what happened to the romance from the point of view of the plots, the range of the senses expressed?

Musically, intonational, of course, something changes. Human thinking develops, vocabulary expands. We began to think more difficult, although it is not always necessary. Romances today often play orchestras, earlier basically guitar, piano. The range of feelings in the romance - from categorically hatred to deep love. Moreover, we are talking about the love of the earth in all its nuances - waiting for love, love as a memory, bright or sad, love in the process.

- What kind of sensual experience and what technique should have a romance performer?

All genres require labor and work from the artist. But I am sure that the romance is the most difficult genre with its visible simplicity. There is still an opinion that the romance is a stronger, which is easy to perform. Many dramatic, opera artists and jazysts think that the romance sing is very simple: "If I sing, I don't sleep a romance?" But do not sleep! The real romance singers are catastrophically small.

I will explain. Opera, in my opinion, this is vocals. Jazz is freedom. The author's song is the text. Folklore is a state. Rock music is a rhythm. Pop music is a show and exterior. But the romance is a sense of measure. And with this feeling, as you know, the biggest tension is not only in music. In the romance, vocals are also needed, and the competent, delivered, however, if it is too much, then, as a rule, text disappears. When there are little vocal - it is also bad, because the romance is still a vocal genre, self-identity is obtained without vocal. The text should also be in moderation: little can not: the romance is a dramatic work, and it is impossible to go much - there is a danger to go into the author's song.
The condition is necessarily, but even so much so that for three, or even for two verses to do to immerse yourself in the work itself, immerse the listener, and get out of there together - impressed, spiritualized. Shows and exterior are necessary. Concert suit, yes not simple, and the corresponding is an integral part of the romance program. Show, and it is better to say - the miniTeater is the basis of a romance concert, only again in the measure that the spectacle does not overshadow the romance itself; After all, the romance is a fragile genre, easily wounded, and the "interior" is no less important than the exterior.

Russian Romance is a brand, he is unique, Julia Zygrenshina believes. Photo: from a personal archive

As for personal experience, it is just not obligatory. The singer must be observant and enjoy the imagination, be able to excite the feelings - from his past, real and imaginary life, from the memory of ancestors and so on. This is called heart memory.

- What Today is a romance fan?

This is a person just possessing life experience. Of course, mostly these people who are for ... for how much? It is hard to say. I sang the romance to the children's audience, and listened to children with interest. Who did not fall in love with the first class, did not feel feelings in the seventh? Experience, without failure, which can be found in 7, and at 25, and in 70. There is a person who lived all his life and did not understand anything. Listeners belong to different social strata. At concerts there are more women: I think, because they are not afraid to show their feelings, men are taken restrained.

- What gives a contemporary romance?

Ability to feel like a person, remember your feelings. Many people say that the romance treats their soul. What is this treatment? The tension is removed, come into harmony of feelings and thoughts, the heart is cleaned.

- How do Russian romance meet in the world?

I often spend abroad - and not only for the Russian viewer, but also for foreigners. For example, recently returned from Italy, there was a concert in a parma for the Italian audience, there we worked with the translators of Russian literature: before each romance I talked about the romance itself, passed his brief content so that the audience would be clear where to send their feelings. And it works.

Russian Romance is a brand. It is unique. The analogies of this genre are not found anywhere. Everything that goes under the guitar abroad, more like the author's song than on the romance. The genre of the household salon romance will not meet in any other country. However, as we often have, we take a native.

- In romance Important continuity?

Now there are a number of singers who took the manner of performers at the beginning of the 20th century and joyfully sit on it. I believe it is unacceptable. When I tell me that this is one in one Vertinsky or Piaf, then I answer that I better listen to the original. Singers who copy, achieve a certain success, they have fans, but they need not fresh experiences, but past, memories, antiques.

There is a reverse side of the question - the complete denial of what was done before you. As they say, nothing saint. And again, the viewer can be attracted by a similar "innovation", but, alas, for a while, because it says rather about the stupidity of the artist, rather than the originality: without taking into account the experience gained by centuries, it shifts either uneducation or laziness. Here again the question arises about the great sense of measure - where is the line so as not to go into copy, but also not to get away from the source? And it is important to find landmarks.

- Why did you choose in your life on the romance?

Professionally began when I became the laureate of the contest "Roman's" 1998. But I loved this genre long before that, in early youth I tried to sing the romance, but I could not learn the words by heart - I did not see the meaning. I was attracted by romances melody, some languid longing, which, of course, was familiar to me, but to understand what they were - I could not. And suddenly - the film "Cruel Romance"! Accurate getting into me an incredible combination of words, melodies, guitars, tonalities, compliance with my state, modern sound with a general entourage of the XIX century! And most importantly - voice! The voice, where in the foreground stood text and experience. It cannot be said that I was struck by the voice: the real romance singers do not have votes in its pure form - it is always a combination of sound, words, meaning and feeling. Then the vinyl record was purchased, heard heard and scratch. And a strange thing - after some time through modern romances, which sounded in the film came, an understanding and awareness of what was being done in ancient romance were made meaning, and the logic and development, and the idea were found in them!

Interview Svetlana Mirgorodsky. Theater of modern romance

I do not know how you, andit seems to me that recently the musical life in Russia has stopped. There is no birth of new, bright stars, with individual music, with smart texts, with unique images. Popa made his work- Music turned into a kitsch on the needs of the day. And suddenly we learn that work began in Moscow to create theater ... modern romance. And that his founder is the author and performer of modern romances - Svetlana Mirgorodskaya, which will be our interlocutor today.

-Do not scary to compete with the young heroes of the scene?

CM.Not. Because there is no rivalry and can not be. How there can be no rivalry between churars and swallows, feathers, relevant in their habitat. I'm not going to fight for a place in the smokeshief. And heaven - they are so huge that there is enough space there.

- Why are you a passionate romance, and not "trend" chanson?

Maybe it will sound strange, but I do not see a big difference between the "Romance" and "Chanson", which in essence there is nothing else like the "French pop song in the style of cabaret". For me, there is such a chanson like Charles Aznavour or Edith Piaf will remain icons of style by the end of days. The tendency to call "Chanson" the songwodes built on three chords and poor rhymes, in our country is associated with the dominance of marginal "religious" - small descendants of poorly educated unwell major majority. Fortunately, in most Russian people are spiritual and mentally extraordinary. Therefore, he is close to the romance, close to the songs of Aznavour, Piaf, Vertinsky, Rockyov ... - We will not hide, but you have achieved very much to your years: you have a successful business associated with the world of flavors and beauty. Published a few of your books. Everything, for which you take, becomes in demand and popular. Are you going to bring your romances to the status of "cult"?

I am afraid that any case is doomed to success if they passionately do, without sparing time and effort. Frames I dedicated 20 years of my life. Romance for the year, although the poems from time to time were jumped out on paper, how much I remember. I do not believe in a spontaneous success, I do not believe in Cinderella. But I believe in the Tsiolkovsky and Queen - their perseverance, their work and dreams, turned into ideas, made it impossible: people can now fly. I know that it will not be easy, it will be interesting. And, perhaps, the Honored success will come and will come. - Why did the Romance Theater? Wouldn't it make several musicians with you headed?

You know, some ideas are so bright and festive that, next to them, other options seem to be wished to get acquainted with a talented person - a poet, writer, producer Sergey Harin - and he, with his characteristic firework of imagination, suggested creating a "modern theater Romance, "I realized that this is the only thing I really want. I do not want to "go to chapter", I want artistic ecstasy.

- Have you already scored a troupe?

We are working on it. Young, talented, artistic singers, fortunately, we have a lot, there is someone to choose. I want to create a troupe with shining ergregor, so that all the actors with their glitter emphasize the magical radiance of their colleagues ... like "Pinkfloyd": "ShineonyoucrazyDiamond!"

- Modern romance and original Russian romance - what is their similarity and difference?

I'm afraid to the degree of loneliness. A modern man does not need anyone with his problems and wandering about the meaning of life. Nowadays, losers are despised. In the honor of the Society "Personal Growth", success, victory at all costs. Therefore, for all of us, the phrase "the barn, do not drive horses, I have nowhere to hurry anymore" sounds like nonsense. Wick, incorrectly and even hurt. "How is it, I am the king of nature - it turned out to be not needed with my love? No, you need to lie, did not attack, it means that the object of the unfortunate passion was to blame for everything, was a greedy scoundrel and lustful gad. " Only such "solitaire" fate converges from us. We are too afraid to look like a sorry, we are afraid to seem on people without makeup, we are afraid to see the nude truth, they are afraid to confess even to ourselves that they are blamed at their chronic loneliness than our opponents. Therefore, the modern romance is not as naked as an old one, the thought should be revealed very softly, gradually that the viewer is not frightened and did not escape.

And your audience, who is he? Frequency of Philharmonic with a subscription for concerts? Do you believe that the circle of your audience will not be limited by the lovers of the classical direction in music?

You know, my spectator is the best thing that is in our country. This is what everyone disgusts us from emigration. This is a subtle, thinking, compassionate man with a tormented heart and vulnerable soul. He can visit the philharmonic, and maybe the fan of rock festivals is not the main thing. The main thing is that he is stubbornly set as the same question: "Why do I live?" - What or who inspires you to create romances?

Life and people. Life with its complex aloft, knocking you from a gauge to bloody sparks from the eyes. People are their thoughts, actions, stories. But most of all, my inspiration resonates with the music of the composer Anatoly Zubkov. She lights in the imagination such bright pictures that they themselves ask for paper, folding in rhymes and metaphors.

- Now most lovers of music arein the Internet. How will you popularize your creativity among them? Is there a friendship between world cobweb and romance?

Honestly, it seems to me that nothing human world cob is alienated. I am absolutely sure that my listeners are modern users of all the benefits and "non-skils" of civilization, and not the Old Believers who are meditating at Luchin.

- And if suddenly the listener does not want to love your creations? You know ourselves - our people are capricious. Upset?

Yes. But I will not be killed. If the hut turned to the forest before, go to the forest.

-And finally some quatrain (or have not yet found your melody, or imprompt)

"Under the sounds of marches, Bryatsanie medals,

Applause of stormy cracks dry,

Under the hellish brake pedals

My love is silent. "

culture Art Music Music Interview Svetlana Mirgorod Theater Modern Romance

What is a romance, romance story

In music art, there is a chamber genre, which can rightly be considered unique - his name "Romance". This vocal miniature since its appearance was very popular and reflected all the significant processes taking place in society. In our country, the romance has a very difficult fate - it was banned, but he again triumphantly returned to concert scenes. At this time, the Romance continues to delight the listeners with its melodiousness, incessia and heartiness.

What is a romance?

Romance is a product of usually lyrical content related to the chamber-vocal genre, it is written for voice and accompanying a vocal batch of any accompanying tool.

The romance is like a song, however, there are some differences that make it romance.

  • Romance more singers and its melodic line is very expressive.
  • In the romance, everything is significant. The content of poetic text should be melodious, touching or sometimes even tragic. Beautiful and sensual vocal party is always closely related to the text. The romance accompaniment is a full member of the ensemble.
  • The form of a romance is as well as the song - a stubbic, that is, a bought, however, there are various kinds of expansion here, and this suggests that the musical periods of romance can be both with aware, and with an odd amount of clocks.
  • The romance usually does not happen.

Popular romances

"Nightingale" - Music A. Alyabyeva, the words A. Deligus. Romance, which belongs to the masterpieces of the chamber-vocal genre, Alexander Alyabiev wrote him, being imprisoned on a false charge of murder in 1825. Thanks to the spiritual and surprisingly expressive melody, this vocal miniature has won extraordinary popularity throughout the world. There are no virtuoso vocal passages in the romance musical scope, they were subsequently added by the performers.

"Nightingale" - listen

"I remember a wonderful moment" - Music M. Glinka, Words A. Pushkin. This pearl, which is a classic model of the Russian romance, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka dedicated Catherine Kern, to which deep feelings were given. In turn,to create a magnificent poetic basis of the romance of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin inspired Mother Catherine - Anna Kern. The romance melody is elegant, penetrated and singer, it expressively reveals the romantic feelings of the lyrical hero.

"I remember a wonderful moment" - listen

"Near the noisy ball" music P.I. Tchaikovsky, words A.K. Tolstoy. Waltz written in the genre, this vocal composition of the ingenious Russian composer immediately acquired great popularity. A romance having a beautiful melodic line is very expressive and lyric, but most importantly, it is written so convenient that it can be easily fulfilled in home musice.

"Mattering a noisy ball" - listen

"Burn, burn, my star…" - Music P. Bulakhov, words V. Chu'evsky. The Russian romance recognized throughout the world, which has a large number of arrangements, both pop and "academic". Despite the fact that the composition was composed in the middle of the beginning of the century, after the revolution she fell under the ban, as the White Guard officers were very popular.

"Gori, Gori, My Star ..." - Listen

"Black eyes" Music F. Hermann, the words E. Rowling. This world-famous romance is translated into many languages. The popularity of the composition is related to the fact that it is about passionate love, which is crazy about people. It is useless to resist her, as such love is unconquisitive, and she is stronger than death.

"Black eyes" - listen

Roman history

The story of Romance originates in the distant Middle Ages. Approximately in XIII, and maybe in the XIV century on the roads of Solar Spain, poets were watched, which composed and sang songs essentially different from generally accepted church chorals performed on Latin. First, the Spanish Truble Trucks were found on topics filled with love-lyrical content, for example, they were narrated by the exploits of brave knights in the name of sublime love for excellent ladies. Secondly, these songs were performed on Romance, as the Spanish language was called and, thirdly, they differed in particular observance. Gradually, such melodic poems to the music were distributed in neighboring countries. There, the troubadours also composed the so-called "secular" poems - ballads telling about important historical events, about the exploits of folk heroes, and, of course, a love lyrics occupied an important place among their poetic creations. All this minstrels in the Spanish way began to decorate with elegant melodies and supper under musical accompaniment of any tool, calling their songs with romance. Not one century passed, and the term "romance" was firmly rooted in different countries, denoting both the messenger poem of a lyrical nature and a work characterizing the genre of vocal music.

The romance prosperity had to be on the second half of the XVIII century, when such great poets were created as I. Goethe, Gaine, F. Schiller. Their full lurism works, reflecting deep feelings and spiritual impulses, many composers willingly used as a literary basis for their chamber-vocal compositions. For example, an outstanding Austrian composer Franz Schubert, The laid bases of musical romanticism, 60 of their vocal works wrote to the words Goethe and 40 for Schiller's words. Schubert handed over the baton to other composers of the XIX century and in Europe formed romance schools with bright representatives of which in Austria and Germany were I. Brahms, R. Schuman, and H. Wolf, and in France - Berlioz, J. Bize, Sh. Gunno and J. Massne. Composers-romance in their work clearly preferred the genre of the romance, since it was in it that they could refer to the inner world of man, to display his mental experiences. In addition, to expand expressive means in the description of the storyline and poetic images, the authors united their vocal miniatures into the cycles, as this allowed to give a more disclosed characteristic to the main characters. Among the most popular integrated vocal compositions, such cycles should be noted as "to a distant beloved" L.V. Beethoven, « Beautiful Mellenchikha"And" Winter Path"F. Schubert," Poet's Love "and" Love and Women's Life "R. Shuman.

It is important to note that in the XIX century, the romance genre was intensive development in Russia, and in the second half of century and in countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, Norway and Finland. It was brightly presented in the work of B. Smetanes, A. Dvoryaka, K. Shimanovsky, Ya. Sibelius, E. Griga.

In the 20th century, such wonderful Western European composers contributed to the development of the vocal miniature genre K. Debussy, A. Schendberg, M. Ravel, M. de false F. Pulenk, D. MIYO.

Romance in Russia

When the question, when the "Romance" got into Russia, no one can answer, but art historians suggest that this happened in the second half of the 18th century. However, the fact that he arrived in our country from France is reliably known, since in initially the term "romance" was called a vocal product of lyrical content, written in poetic text in French. It should be noted that at that time, Russian composers wrote quite a lot of vocal miniatures on the verses of French authors. True, such works were composed in Russian, but they were called the Russian Song.

Starting on the fertile soil "Romance" began to quickly fire with Russian culture, and soon these words have already become known as lyric, sensual, love songs, and those who are created not only by composers, but also just amateur musicians. In those days, a significant manifestation of interest in amateur physicia and song writing was observed. Representatives of the noble estate and people of different ranks considered to have any musical instrument among items: violin, guitar, harp or piano. Then in European and, accordingly, romantic moods dominated in Russian art. In such favorable conditions in the first half of the 19th century, the genre of the Russian romance was formed, the most important role in the development of which amazing Russian poetry was played, represented by the works of such brilliating poets as V. Zhukovsky, E. Baratsky, A. Delvig, K. Batyushkov, N. Languages, A. Pushkin, and then M. Lermontov and F. Tyutchev. The founders of the Russian romance are considered to be composers A. Alyabyev, A. Varlamova, A. Gurilia and P. Bulakhov. Behind them, talented masters of a chamber-vocal genre are put forward, which their creativity raised the vocal miniature to the height of truly classical art, among them M. Glinka, A. Borodin, A. Dargomyzhsky, M. Mussorgsky, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, P. Tchaikovsky, S. Taneyev, S. Rakhmaninov. Further, the traditions of the great composers continued R. Gliere, Y. Shaporin, H. Mäskovsky, and in Soviet times D. Shostakovich, S. Prokofiev, Sviridov.

Purpose:acquaintance with the modern development of the romance genre.

educational: to teach applying knowledge to modern music; become acquainted with samples of a modern romance;

developing: the development of independent mental and creative activity of students;

educational: Education of aesthetic taste and cognitive interest.

Equipment: Music Center, SD, Computer, Piano.




New material;



Listening music;

Analytical work;

Listening music;


Problem-search situation;



Performance of the song.

Activities: mental, interview, analytical, creative, listener, vocal choral.

Training Methods: Retrospective Method, Emotional Dramaturgies, Reproductive, Problem Saying, Partial Search, Generalization Method.

Technologies: cooperation, formation of listeners and executive culture, health care.

Wood: Personal, Cognitive, Regulatory.

On the board: the topic of the lesson.

During the classes

Orgmoment: Music greeting, declaration of lesson themes.

U: One of the genres of music belonging to romanticism is a romance. Remember what a romance is?

Student responses. View presentation.

U: The history of this genre is as follows: Romance is the term Spanish. The era of the appearance of the Spanish R. to determine difficult. The oldest poems known to us rise to XV, rarely by the XIV centuries. Initially, the term R. indicated a secular song on Romanesque, that is, in Spanish, language.

This term came to Russia from France and originally indicated the works on the French text. Such romances, following fashion, the Russian composers of the end of the XVIII and early XIX century were composed in a set. The works written in Russian text were called Russian songs. Over time, the meaning of the word romance expanded and the term this term began to designate a product for a voice, written in more complex than the song, shape.

The beginning of the heyday of the romance is the first half of the XIX century, the period for which is generally characterized by a special interest in lyrical art expressing the inner world of the human person. At this time, they created their works of Glinka, Dargomyzhsky, Alyabyev, Varlamov. In the second half of the XIX century and at the beginning of XX, the names of the first classics of the romance were added to the names of Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Borodin, Roman - Korsakov, Rakhmaninov. Created by them Romances and now constantly sound in concert programs, using the unrelent love of listeners.

Romance, like the song, is connected with the poetry itself.

Good poems as if they themselves "ask for music." In Russian romance, essentially, the whole history of Russian poetry is reflected, from Pushkin and even from his predecessors to the present day.

In the 20th century, before the revolution, the romance largely gave way to the way. "Blank" songs; The latter will be widely in the Meshchansky environment, and through it they penetrate into the village, competing with the couples related to them on topics ("suffering").

In the post-revolutionary period, Romance and the "Bloomy" song are partly still persisted in the urban and rustic environment as a kind of folklore of the street ("Murka", songs of nonsense, etc.). Often, they are influenced by the subject of low-rift pop products ("GOP with a broom", "black eyes", "Samovar I and my Masha").

In the post-Betyabrsk era, the romance is gradually being introduced into the life of not only the discharge intelligentsia, but also the working class. The "face" of the romance, its content and saturation change, becoming more relevant to our era.

Do: Do \u200b\u200byou think whether the romances are created by our modern poets and composers?

Student responses (usually multidirectional).

At: Try in support for the definition of the concept of a romance to find and bring examples of a modern romance.

Student responses.

: Then let's listen to the record.

One of the romances M.Tariverdieva sounds from the movie "Irony of Fate".

U: a familiar work, isn't it? Do you know who the authors and who performs this romance?

Answers. Summary of the teacher.

WITH: Listen to another fragment from the same movie. Find out the artist, you know well who it is. (A.Pugacheva)

At: In this film, romances are heard on the verses of M.TSvetaeva, B.Ahmadullina - the most famous poetess of the 20th century. And here is another romance. Do you remember him and where is he from? (Romance sounds "And finally, I will say" from the movie "Diminant").


Micro-Communication: Romance genre is also our time, integrated with the art of cinema.

In: It would be wrong, assume that in our time only the movies are written. Modern romances sound in concerts. In the repertoire of many famous performers there are romances written in our time. Book, which of famous singers performs a new, modern romance?

Problem-search situation. (A. Malinin, V.Caganov, J.Bichevskaya, G. Bestedina, E.OTurana ... Sound fragments of romances "Intern words", "You wondered to my hand").

U: Romance, in character, it happens different, depending on the text. Remember the rapid nature of the romance "Spring Water" S. Rahmaninova and his own calm "island"? Now I offer you relaxation Under the sound of a calm romance in the execution of Zhenya Otradnaya. Make 3 deep breaths through the nose and exhalation through the mouth (respiratory gymnastics, exercise "flower"). Sit comfortably and plunge into music ...

Hearing "Romance" in the Sp. E.otradna.

Conclusion: Modern romance exists and in demand; He retained the foundations of a classic romance. Performed by his famous modern singers.


What new learned in the lesson?

What did you like?

What did not like?

U: Romances perform, as a rule, solo. I hope at home you sing solo. And here we all fulfill the modern bard song "Spring Tango". Lyrics and guitar are two uniting romance genres and a bard song.

Performance of the song.

Homework: Create a presentation "Modern Romance".

Exit from the class under the sound of the romance "I asked the asked" performed by S.Nikitina.

When we hear the word "Romance", many represent ancient grandmothers with brightly visited lips, dryly declared or singing with leaking voices. Picture is pretty comical. In fact, good romances are a special genre of art, which invariably touches both men and women, both young and the elderly.

Several facts of romance history

There are genres that are not dying and not aging. They affect the hidden strings of the souls, awakening in each person the most kind and bright. Listening to the romance, we all become better.

  • Historic roots Romance goes to gallant times. Once it was a simple, simple genre that helped in love to confess in his feelings. Romance wrote verses, and then sang under the guitar or mandolin under the windows of narrowed, like serenadas.
  • Later, Romance reached the peasants. Without knowing how to read, they memaed themselves and passed from generation to generation beautiful texts about love, loyalty and death - the main topics present in the works of this genre. Moreover, the melody, and sometimes the melody, varied significantly and was converted from execution to execution.
  • Professional romance execution appeared slightly later. He was singing from theatrical layouts and concert halls. Romance performers began to collect large audience of listeners. At the end of the nineteenth century, the rich merchant Efimov presented a chic mansion of the artist Sophie Longina for the execution of his beloved romance.
  • Today, the romance is not only a full-fledged song genre, but also a way to make money. Order a romance writing, addressed, for example, a beloved woman, can everyone. The author will take into account the characteristics of the biography, character, the preferences of the addressee and will fold the work, sometimes not inferior to the classical samples of the genre.

We firmly believe that the romance firmly entered Russian culture, where many many centuries will live!