Summary of the lesson from the topic of the new year. Abstract Node software in the middle group on the topic: New Year

Summary of the lesson from the topic of the new year. Abstract Node software in the middle group on the topic: New Year
Summary of the lesson from the topic of the new year. Abstract Node software in the middle group on the topic: New Year

A summary of the exercise on amusement (4th grade) gift for the new year.

New Year's panels "Snegir"

Bestik Irina Viktorovna, Educator KSU "Regional Special (Correctional) boarding school for children with hearing impairment", Republic of Kazakhstan, Sk, Petropavlovsk
Description: The abstract classes in visual activity is intended for educators and teachers of the initial level of correctional schools, for students - defectologists.
Purpose: Production of the New Year Panel "Snegir".
Education - Improve the skills of working with plasticine, repeat and consolidate knowledge of students on the topic: "Winter birds".
Educational - instill interest in this type of work and accuracy, instilling aesthetic taste, love for wildlife.
Correctional-developing - develop creative abilities in children, fantasy, develop a small motorcy, develop students' speech during class.
Equipment: Plastic plate, bulk pattern, plasticine, colorless and silver nail polish, sequins, plow glue, Christmas decor (snowflakes, Christmas trees).
Speech material: Panno, Winter birds, frost, sequins, New Year's decor.
Travel course:
1. Organizational moment.
- Put the headphones. - I put on the headphones.
- What have you done)? - I put on the headphones.
- I put on the devices (a) devices.
- How do you hear? - I hear well.
- What day of the week today? - Wednesday.
- What kind of occupation we will have? - ammunition.
2. Introductory conversation.
- We will answer questions, we will talk.
Work behind the screen.
- Amangeldy. - I'm here.
- What time of year is it? - season of winter.
- Alina. - I'm here.
- What month is it? - Now December.
Conversation in the picture.

- Look at the picture. Who is it? - Birds.
- What are these birds?
- Winter birds.
- What birds are called wintering?
- Birds that stay to winter.
- Name winter birds.
- Winter birds are owl, forty, tit, sparrow, crow, bullfinch, woodpecker.
- What do birds eat in winter?
- They eat berries and seeds.
- Do you know what winter birds are considered the most beautiful?

I suggest you guess the riddle.
What kind of birds? Do not blind.
Breast Alay, burns.
Birds sat on the snow
These birds ...

- Snegiri.

- That's right guys. These are bullfinches. Do you think why the bullfights call the most beautiful wintering birds?
Responses of children.
- Right. They have a bright beautiful color. Guys, how do you think that these birds called bullfies?
Responses of children.
- These birds called bullfies, because they fly to us with the first snow. Guys, and in Northern Kazakhstan live bullfinches?
- Yes.
- And who of you saw the bullfight? Tell us.
Responses of children.
Speech charging.
- We will read loudly, distinctly.
View on bullfding!
Fit! Fit!
Pupil met blizzards,
And frost red nose
They brought them a row.

- Well done boys. You read and talked well.
- What holiday will soon be?
- New Year.
- Our favorite holiday is approaching the new year. And for the new year it is necessary to give ... (gifts). And today we will make a gift for your parents - New Year's panels "Snegir".

3. The main part.
- What do we need to work?
- Plasticine, bulk pattern, glue, plate, varnish and sequins.
- Here is the work plan.
1. Take the bulk and plasticine pattern.
- What color is the spin at the bulk?
- Black.
- What color is the breast of bulk?
- Bright red.
- Apply red and black plasticine on the bulk pattern.
- Make an eye from white and black plasticine.
- I did a bullfire.
2. Decorate the infant breast with red sequins, and the back and tail - black sequins. Wing outline lay out black sequins.
- I decorated with clerk by sequins.
3. Cover with a colorless lacquer of bulk and stick to the plate.
- Work carefully.
- I glued a bullfding on a plate.
4. We will make a rowan branch. Take a brown plasticine and roll a small sausage. Attach it to the plate. This is a branch. Make two paws from black plasticine. Take red plasticine and make rowan berries.
- I did (a) Rowan Branch.
- Decorate rowan berries with red sequins.
- I decorated (a) berries by sequins.
- Apply silver varnish on the row. It will be anaya.
- I made anaya.
- We will have a rest. Stand up.
Fizminutka "Snegiri".
Look at the branches (Clap yourself on the sides)
In the Red Takes of Snegiri. (Show breasts)
Disamed feathers. (Hands slightly to the sides)
Heat in the sun. (Shell fingers)
Head vertyat, verty. (Turns head to the right, left)
Flew they want. (Run in a circle, waving hands)
Kysh! Kysh! Fuck!
- Sit down.
5. We will decorate our panel. Take the New Year's decor - snowflakes and Christmas trees and stick to the plate.
- I glued a snowflakes and Christmas trees on a plate.
- Our New Year Panno is ready.
4. Final conversation.
- What did we do?
- We did the New Year Panel "Snegir".
- What wonderful work you have turned out. Well done boys. Everyone performed the work gently and beautifully. Who do you give your New Year panel?
Responses of children.
- Remove the headphones.
- I removed the headphones.
- Make order at your desk. You can relax.

Good afternoon, today I unload a big article that will help you choose the topic of the New Year's drawing, to highlight the idea and think Her embodiment in his creative drawing. In the New Year in schools and kindergartens often spend "Competition of the New Year's drawing" And we, parents, begin to break their heads over the search for a simple idea, which will be able to our child. Such such simple in implementation Figures on the New Year's theme I gathered here in one big bunch. Here you will find plots with snowmen, penguins, white bears, deer and grandfather.

Today in this article I will do the following:

  1. Show how you can draw snowman (in different poses and angles)
  2. I will give phased pictures of New Year characters (Penguin, White Bear).
  3. We will teach you
  4. Suggest simple image techniques Santa Claus.
  5. And we will learn draw beautiful christmas decorations.
  6. And drawings landscapes With the image of the New Year holiday.

So let's start our journey into the world of New Year's drawings for children and their parents.

How to draw a snowman

(simple ways)

On your New Year's drawings, we used to depict a snowman in the form three Krossy Pyramids, topped with a rectangle-bucket. Established stereotype.

But it does not care what to portray a person only " at the counter Smirno, hands on the seam" If the matery artists depict a person in a variety of angles and poses, then young artists can portray their snowy little man in the same angles.

Here is an example portrait pattern of snowman. We draw only a snowman's head, in a creative hat and add a plot New Year's highlight to our drawing - for example, hanging a Christmas ball on the nose-carrot.

On the nose of a snowman can be landed a bird. Or try to portray on the face of a snowman live emotions - pink cheeks, head slope, soft smile - and notice the direction of the carrot. It is not necessary to draw carrots strictly side horizontally. Carrot drawn down and in the side (diagonally) gives a snowman touching look. And the New Year's hat with Pompon will add our figure the spirit of the new year.

Our portrait of a snowman can have live emotion - he can look at the flying snowflake. Or pull the leg of a twig to falling snow and thighing the head for a long time to look into the generous skies in the snow.

Snowman portrait can have fallet solidity - High hat, clear nasal symmetry and elegantly tied scarf. Or snowman on the New Year's drawing can be disciphetic respectfully catching his bastard hat on the summer.Good work for a children's New Year's drawing contest.

Here is an example of a New Year's drawing-portrait of a snowman - simple and phased master class.

New Year's stories

with a snowman and a bird.

Drawn snowman can keep a bird-likely in his hands. If you draw a good gouache, then you can draw such a bright snowman in a knitted hat and with a woolen scarf - with a red bird in hand.

And if you are a novice artist, the same touching plot with a bird you can portray watercolor. And then the black pencil is already drawing a clear silhouette contours and small details in the form of buttons and a nest with a groove. Very touching New Year's drawing.

Here is like new Year's duet of snowman and bird-bully Even a child can draw. Simple forms, and easy shadow shadows along the cap (on the one hand darkening, on the other hand, the halvement cap is white - this creates a visual volume-bulge). And around the face of a snowman, too, we also put light shadows - in the white we add a little light gray-blue color to the white - and this "gripped" white painting the shadows around the circumference of the snowman - so we get the effect of a convex spherical face.

But the idea of \u200b\u200ba New Year's drawing under the same plot, where the bird is sleeping having wrapped around in the tip of a long scarf of a snowman

Snowman with a friend of a bear.

And here's another drawing oil on canvas. And can I. gouache Same to draw. At first draw simple silhouettes ... then paint each element in your main color (white, green, light brown) them in one color. And then add additional shadows to each color (with a darker tinge of the same color scheme, we shade the stomach of a snowman near the scrimp and a circle around the nose of the bear). And then a white gouache and almost dry brush add a white spraying on a muzzle and a bummy bear and a hat and a snowman scarf.

That is, you just just carefully look at the sample and poke the shaded tassel in the same places where the shadows are imposed on our New Year's drawing. And continue until your drawing looks like the original.

And here are still simple examples of New Year's drawings with a snowman. On the left photo of the snowman holds in the paws-branches christmas marginal garland. Simple silhouette - simple shadow of a light blue shade on a ragless snowman. And whitish strokes of white paint over black hat silhouette. Everything is simple, if you look and figure out - exactly what is done.

But even on the right photo above - Girl hutes a snowman in a scarf. It seems that the drawing is complex, but in fact - everything is simple. Let me describe how your own hands make such a New Year's drawing at the competition to school. To make each of you clearly and clearly realize that the most complex drawings are actually created very simple and understandable stages. As in principle, any work is done about the general principle - to start, continue and finish. So with drawings. So let's see how a complex New Year's plot of the drawing is born from simple steps.

Master class: how to draw a snowman.

Step 1 - you need to first share a sheet of paper on a white and blue background - to smell a gouache. Dry this background.

Step 2 - White Gouache Draw Snowman Silhouette. Hand and add blue uneven shadows on white sides of a snowman. As the shadows smeared, and smeared - the evenness is not needed here. Dry.

Step 3 - pencil draw a silhouette of a girl. Lines are simple. But if you doubt your abilities, then you can draw a girl template directly from the screen of your laptop on a sheet of paper, laid on the screen, and transfer to the car to your canvas. If you want to enlarge on the screen girl size, You click buttonCtrl one hand and at the same time second hand twist the mouse wheel forward - The image on the screen will increase. Wheel back - decrease. And if the image has left the side of the screen when zoomed, then the screen will help the arrow "Leo \\ right" on your keyboard.

Step 4 - Each element of the girl to paint with its color - neatly thin tassel, not in a hurry.

Step 5 - Dry the face of the girl and then on it gently draw almost a dry brush. The reverse tip of the handle of tassels draw eyes, mouth and blush cheeks.

Step 6 - Then around the snowman draw the scarf lines. Stripe it in red. Dried - and on the scarf (and on the hat in the girl too) a thin brush with a white gouache to apply a drawing of white stripes and crosses.

Step 7 - Typing small silhouettes. Nose, eyes, smile and snowman buttons. Pockets on a coat at the girl. Rope strings from a cap of the girl.

Step 8 - on the back background along the horizon line draw dark silhouettes of houses and trees. Under the snowman and under the girl on the snow put blue shadows.

As you can see - everything is simple. If we decompose all the work in stages - on simple and understandable steps. In order not to overcome, you can make the first 3 steps in one evening, and leave the rest of the steps for the second evening. So more pleasant to work - without fatigue and tension.

Snowmen, busy

(Children's story drawings).

You can draw a whole group of funny New Year snowmen riding a swing. Or come up with a plot. It can be brought to it on the canvases of famous artists. And make a parody of a well-known work of art, just as it would look in the world of snowmen. Snow Mona Lisa, with a mysterious smile, for example.

New Year's characters

Bear in a children's drawing.

And now let's talk about other characters with New Year's appearance. This is of course white bears. In red caps with white pompons.

Bears can be draw in different stylistics. In different cartoon genres. Here are some options for the children's drawing contest.

Heads of drawing mugs can draw a guachery of such a pretty New Year's bear. Figure, notice taken from a conventional dining room paper napkin.

But the New Year drawings with bears, peaks from which are dreamingily closed. One bear armor anticipates the opening of the gift. Another polar bear listens to birds singing. Cute New Year's motifs are simple plots for children's drawing for the new year. It can be depicted on a greeting card or as a job for a New Year's Eve Design in School.

Here small master class on drawing new year bear On the greeting card.

But the bear can be drawn not only in the classic red-white Christmas hat. Bear on your drawing can be most different New Year's attributes (Masquerade costumes, funny jumps in the style of "Santa Claus", knitted sweaters with deer, skis, skates, etc.). And the bear does not necessarily be able to draw entirely - you can come with cunning. And draw only the head of the bear sticking together for the Cudo Gift Boxes (ka on the right drawing with the photo below).

Penguin on New Year's drawing

at the competition to school

And of course a winter drawing with New Year's topics is funny penguins. These birds are also considered the northern, although they live on the southern pole. But on the southern pole of snow winters - therefore Penguin is also a New Year character.

Here are the options for New Year's drawings with penguins, which are also easy to portray children's forces, with a small parental help.

You just need to carefully look carefully and understand which steps you need to do to get in the end this image (gouache, watercolor, or colored shallow). The main thing is not to hurry and give to dry one painted element before painting the second.

Here is a fairly simple gouache drawing, made by children's hands. It only seems difficult - because there are a lot of small black drawings on it (black scams on scarves, round curls on fur, loops on the balls. And actually look carefully for each element - and you will understand how simple.

Step 1 - First, paint the blue gouache background sheet - divorces and stains are welcome - let the background color will not be smooth.

Step 2 - Penguin himself is an ordinary oval. At first he was painted white gouache. And then on the edges they made a black thick stroke (with a clock on the protrusions of the wings).

Step 3 - Then we draw a white cap - we are waiting for when it drys - and we apply a strip on it with different colors in turn. Then you draw a scarf - also a white gouache - west, and we apply strips.

Step 4 - on top with white color I draw a New Year's room - envy - and we appline red oblique strips on it.

Step 5 - Testing the legs, beak. Against the background, we draw white snowflake lines (cross on the cross and diagonally, and the points are round at the tips).

Step 6 - Christmas balls - also just this round spots of white gouache - and over the circle already with a color gouache.

You can draw this penguin in the shape of a bow - Long New Year's cap. Also easy to fulfill the penguin model.

But a few step-by-step master classes of the New Year's drawing, where it can be seen as it is in stages themselves to draw a penguin.

Your penguin can be decorated with a variety of haapers and gifts.

How to draw a New Year's deer.

The most simple images of the deer are a deer of two palms (the left drawing in the picture below). Or deer front view. Such a deer in childhood painted (a bowl of the face, ears-leaf, horns-sprigs, and two foot columns with empty).

You can draw a deer paints in the pose of sitting (a round tummy-bag, two front paws hang on the sides, and the lower legs are spread out to the sides).

And your deer can be a fun fatty. Sailor frozen frost, instance. Such a deer at all just draw himself - his figure resembles an inverted cup of coffee - add short legs with empty, red nose - eye points, and cute horns. Flusted Pusico (in the form of arches), cap and scarf. Everything is simple and accessible.

Your New Year drawing does not oblige to contain the entire body of the deer - from the horns and to the hooves. You can limit yourself to a very schematic (triangular) image of a deer head - as on the left figure below.

Or draw a deer head in a trimmed form (as if he looks like a closure of the nose in your window) - as on the right drawing below

Here master class showing How to draw a New Year's drawing with a deer.

Most often the New Year's deer paint with Christmas decorations on the horns.

This technique can be performed in different stylization of the drawings. It can be a deer children's drawing (as in the picture above).

Or your deer can be an elegant lady-female with thick eyelashes, modestly lowered down. Lady-deer - glamorous and magnifying.

How to draw a new year

in the city, on the street.

And if you want to draw a new year on the streets of the city, the festive atmosphere, the cozy winter streets, the Christmas trees on the squares of the city, then you have another selection of ideas of such New Year's drawings.

Please note that all objects are painted here. Then around the lines of houses made stroke narrow gray frame on the contour of paint (So \u200b\u200bthat the elements of the drawing have become a contrast and drawing acquired a general stylization). Silhouettes of passersby are round spots of people, and trapezoidal silhouettes of jackets (just a stain jacket put paint). Then when the jacket silhouette dries we take black felt-tip pen (or marker) and on a stain coat draw elements of cut, pockets, collar, buttons, belt, cuff lines, etc.). Similarly, we allocate a black marker thin elements of the picture - Roof roof lines, windows frame, etc.

If the size of the sheet of paper is not big, then the whole street with houses will be difficult to place. It can be limited to the Christmas tree on the square and draw several children.

But the excellent idea of \u200b\u200bthe New Year's drawing, where children ride a rink.

But another idea of \u200b\u200bthe New Year's city. True, the city is not shown here in the figure, but in the form of appliques from textiles. But the compositional idea of \u200b\u200bthe arrangement of houses and christmas trees in the picture.

You can draw the city top view, as if from the wing of the aircraft. And then on a wide dome of the sky place Santa Claus, flying on sleigh.

And you can not draw a crowded and many-domain city, but simply draw little forest hut and elegant Christmas tree nearby. And the removal of Santa Claus, who just left his gifts under the Christmas tree.

These are the ideas of New Year's drawings, I gathered at one pile today. I hope that your drawing to the school competition will turn into a happy family gathering with tassels and paints. I wish everything to work out - a magical New Year. Let the new year's soul touch the tip of your pencil or brush - and perceives on your New Year's drawing.
Happy new year your family.

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
If you like our site, You can support the enthusiasm of those who work for you.
Happy New Year to the author of this article Olga Klishevskaya.

Lesson theme: Christmas tree

The purpose of the lesson:

    Development of imagination and fantasy when creating a specific image.

Tasks lesson:

    Form and develop creativity; Art and graphic skills;

    Introduce various forms of the image of the New Year tree using various techniques;

    Develop the emotional perception of color as a means of transferring mood, festive situation, its attitude to the image depicted.


    Video projector;

    Flash drive with records of New Year's songs;

    Gouache, watercolor; brushes, palettes, unpolivatives;

Lesson plan.

    Organizing time.

    Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

    Statement of new material.

    Independent work in stages.

    Exhibition of work. Summing up the lesson.

During the classes

I come with gifts

Blood lights bright

Merry, elegant

For the new year I am home!

What is the subject of our lesson?

Why do we start work on a sheet.

First, we will define the location of the sheet.

Next, we will define the background of the picture: what should be the background to pass the delight, joy, festive mood. To do this, consider the two pictures of artists and guys are determined with the choice of warm colors. Performing background, students are mixed on a palette of various colors of paint with white paint, getting soft, pastel tones.

After the background is performed, go to the main task of our lesson, drawing a Christmas tree. And the question helps us: "What is like a Christmas tree in shape?" Children call associated with shape of the Christmas tree Figures: Triangle, Umbrella, Women's figure in a long dress. Association of a Christmas tree with a female figure emphasizes the harness of the forest beauty. This association immediately creates the correct image of the tree as proportions.

"If the Christmas tree is a woman in a long dress, then how will the folds lie on it?"

We proceed to phased drawing.

1. Draw a triangle. At the top of the triangle draw a star.

2. Draw the upper part of the tree, consisting of three branches, as shown in the figure. The ends of the branches of the branches must join the star.

3. Add two or three rows of fir branches. In each subsequent row of branches, add one more. Thus, 1 row - three branches, 2 row - four branches, 3 row - five branches, etc.

4. Then under the tree draw the trunk.

5. We erase all auxiliary lines.

6. Start coloring.

7. Decorating the Christmas tree.

Reflection. A Christmas tree hangs on the board. We need to decorate it. Everyone on the table is lying three Christmas toys: red, yellow, blue. It is necessary to hang the toy on the Christmas tree, the color of which corresponds to the emotional setup to the end of the lesson (a blue toy - I didn't like the lesson, yellow - so-so, the red - the lesson really liked it).

Subject : Good New Year spirit. 4B class.

A type : opening new knowledge

purpose: Formation of receiving the transfer of New Year's festive mood through the color combination

Planned result :

MetaPermet :

Regulatory Wood :

be able to plan and pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson, work on the plan proposed by the teacher; Destinating the correctly performed task from the wrong.

Cognitive Uud. :

General educational - conscious and arbitrary speech statement orally about the features of the celebration of the New Year holiday; drawing up a description of festive attributes; bringing poetic examples of the image of the New Year holidays; identifying with the help of comparison compared works, how the artist transmits in his work mood; logical - ability to formulate problems; Self solve problems of creative and search nature.

Communicative Woods :

be able to use the language of fine art, to convey its position before the interlocutor; make up your thought orally (at the level of one sentence or small text); listen and understand the statements of the interlocutors; Expressively read poems about New Year's holiday.

Personal :

develop a positive attitude to creative activity; Give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe reasons for success or failure of completed work: perceive and understand the proposals and assessments of the teacher and comrades

Subject :

To teach the work of "raw" with the artistic welcome, "smear on the wax figure".

Equipment : for teacher : projector, computer, presentation;for a student : Pencil, album, eraser

Stages of the lesson:


moment. Motivation for training activities

Create conditions for the occurrence of internal needs of inclusion in training activities ("I want")

New Year

Guess the riddles

Christmas tree with toys,

Clowns with clappers.

All the people are having fun!

What holiday?

Orientation to the position of a good student (L)

Definition of the topic and setting lesson goals

Creating an academic situation for independent statements by students of the problem of lesson, determining the topic and setting the goals of the lesson

Prepared a message on the topic "New Year"

What kind of homework did you perform for a lesson?

Checks for homework

Analysis of objects with the allocation of significant and irrelevant signs (P)

This is the topic of our lesson - "New Year"

Why did you prepare a message on the topic "New Year"?

Theme lesson ...

Comparison, seriation and classification of educational material on specified criteria (P)

Answers children

What do you think will be the objectives of the lesson.

On the desk



participate ...

Extract the necessary information from speech statement (P)

Answers children

Yes. weexpressed Hispoint of view , novelattitude To the picture.

Answers children

Yes. wecompared Combination of flowersin the pictures

Alternation of sharp colorspots, Mazkov .

Alternationsmooth and thin orrough and rippled lines .

Breakdown sky spaceuneven Locatedforms of clouds .

Yes. weparticipated In discussing expressive means of transferring a festive mood

Good New Year spirit

With color to transfer a festive mood

Before you exactly put the purpose of the lesson, open p. 90 of our tutorial.

Do you like the picture presented on the opening day?

I will answer questions about this promotion (p.89)

Answering questions weyou said Your point of view, your attitude to this work?

wecompared Combine colors in these pictures?

This is another oneexpressive - Color - with which the artist was able to passfestive mood On canvas.

What are the means of expressiveness you still know?

Speaking about the means of expressiveness, weparticipated In the discussion of expressive means of transferring a festive mood?

Let's adjust our lesson's topic. We will talk about the new year or give the New Year's mood with the help?

Sotheme lesson

The purpose of the lesson

Understanding and maintaining a learning task (P)

Setting educational goals in collaboration with the teacher (P)

Detection of the place and the cause of difficulties.

Transfer festive mood on paper


We do not know what the reception means.

Open page 92. Read our creative task. Can we fulfill it right away?

What we miss to start fulfilling?

Generalization and malfunction for a number or class of single objects based on the allocation of essential communication (P)

Building a project of exit from difficulty


1. To know with the receptions"Fresh", "smear for wax pattern"

2. Associate techniques with theme lesson: Is it possible to transfer the New Year's mood

3. Treat the algorithm for performing reception data

4. Decrease funds, resources and deadlines.

5. Determine the criteria for assessing the work

Children read and answer how to perform receptions "Fresh", "smear for wax pattern"

Answers children

Answers children

If the student is performedone taking completely and get to k.the fulfillment of the second , then put "5 »,

if performonly one reception , then put "4 »,

if ado not perform Before completionno reception , then put "3 »


On page 91, read how these artistic techniques are performed."Fresh", "smear for wax pattern" .


Tell the admission algorithm "Skiing smear"

Let's try to transfer the New Year's mood with the reception data. What we will create today in the lesson will serve as the basis for the next lesson.

What criteria will we evaluate our work?

Can I finish work at home?

Planning your actions in accordance with the task and conditions of its implementation (P)

Construction of the logical chain of reasoning (P)

Planning training cooperation (K)

Choosing the most effective ways to solve problems (P)

Implementation of the built project

Use the built method of action to solve the source problem.

Practical work.

Vollage self-regulation (P)

Independent creation of the product in accordance with the Action Algorithm (P)

Inclusion in knowledge and repetition

Secure practical actions: image of air movement on paper.

Man's mood can be shown by receptions"Ray", "smear on the wax figure."

Smear, line, stain

So let's remember how you can show a man's mood on paper?

What means?

Building speech statements (P)

Children are recorded in diaries


Bring New Year's postcards with festive congratulations

Search and selection of necessary information (P)


To relate the goals of educational activities and its results, fix the degree of their compliance, outline the future goals of activity.

Get acquainted with receptions"Fresh", "smear for wax pattern"

The purpose of the lesson was achieved.

Recall the main objective of the lesson.

Was she achieved?

Adequate understanding of the causes of success / failure in training activities (L)

Children appreciate the work performed, say the results of the estimation.

Control and evaluation of the process and results (P)

Answers children

When painting paintings, what topics can you use this technique?

Repetition of methods and conditions of implementation of the learning task (P)

Abstract Classes on the visual arts "New Year's fairy tale", 3-4 class

Compiler: Stepanova Tatiana Sergeyevna, teacher of fine art, Debezskaya Sosh, Village Debnes, Udmurt Republic.
This abstract will be useful to teachers of additional education, teachers of visual art for the design of the New Year's exhibition of drawings at school. The occupation is designed for 3-4 classes (for children of 9-12 years).
- By content:know about the composition of the New Year's drawings, about the methods of transferring a festive mood, about the New Year images of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden; about the features of his drawing;
- By way of work: A portrait of a portrait of a fairytale hero in the drawing technique "from spots".
- to educate careful attitude towards holidays and traditions, to the New Year's heroes - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden;
- to educate love for creativity;
- continue the formation of knowledge about ways to transfer mood through the color gamut, facial expressions, movements of people and animals;
- develop the ability to compare and make a choice, give an aesthetic assessment of artists;
- develop fantasy and imagination, self-creative thinking skills;
- develop the ability to work with various art materials.
Visual and didactic materials: children's New Year drawings, presentation.
Literary Row: The poem of M. Azarian "Soon, soon a new year ...".
Equipment for the teacher: Samples of children's New Year's drawings, computer, projector, board, presentation. For students: Gouache, watercolor, brushes, colored pencils, markers, simple pencil, eraser, sequins, tinsel, rain, format A3.

Travel course:
New Year's background is projected on the screen (slide 1).

- Hello guys! Listen to a wonderful poem:

Soon, soon the new year.
Behind the window the snow goes.
Sparrows tremble under the roof,
Sweet sleeps in Berorga Misha,
At night, frost cracks,
Shipping of finches for the nose.
Christmas trees lined up in a row
Change the forest outfit.
Hatches, snow coats
Golden garlands.
Soon, soon the new year.
Laughter, in the Christmas tree dance.
Santa Claus with a big bag
On the forest goes on foot.
Stars shine him brightly
He has gifts in a bag.
Mandarins, oranges
For the children of Russia.
Waffles, apples, lemons
And malls millions.
As soon as possible, new year,
Devora is already waiting.

(M. Azariants)

Guys, do you already have a New Year's mood? Are you waiting for the new year?

Of course we are waiting! It's very cool, because it brings us joy, gifts, magic, congratulations to relatives and friends! But in order for the holiday of the New Year to be bright and cheerful, you need to prepare for it! For example, choose or make self-gifts to relatives and friends, it can be a festive card or a New Year's drawing, a bright fairytale craft, decorated with tinsel and sequins, or a Christmas tree on the Christmas tree! A gift made by your own hands is much higher than bought in the store, because it is made from the soul, diligently and in it we invest fantasy and your New Year's mood! Truth?

So, today we will try to give our New Year's Eve's drip to all teachers and guys who learn in our school! And how do we do it? Very simple - we draw bright, colorful New Year's drawings and edition at the School exhibition "New Year's Tale"! But before proceeding with work, we need to remember how our Russian Santa Claus and Beauty Snow Maiden looks like! You remember? After all, the new year without them can not be magical and joyful! A discussion arises, children discuss the image of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Well done boys! But still it is better to see them vividly! Look at the screen! (Slide 2. The image of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden).

- Guys, how can you characterize them? What clothes are Dress Santa Claus and Snow Maiden? What is the hairstyle in these heroes? How are their moods been transmitted?

Well done boys! But not only Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden can be portrayed on the New Year's drawing! And what else can you draw?

Of course, a decorated Christmas fluffy Christmas tree, gifts, symbol of the year 2018 - a dog, various animals and birds, children and adults. Let's see, but how did the new year painted artists on your canvases! (Slides 3, 4, 5). Photos of works of artists: "Before the holiday" and "New Year", Rybakova Irina; "New Year" Alexander Guryaev.

- How is the new year in the works of artists? How is the New Year's mood transferred?

Well done! New Year's mood is transmitted through the color gamut paintings, through the facial expressions of people, their gestures, movements.

Now let's see some children's New Year's work! (Slide 6).

- Children's work is characterized by brightness, emotionality, joy, naivety! And what works will be with us with you! Let's and we will try to portray the "New Year's fairy tale" and transfer the festive mood! First you need to make an outline with a simple pencil, further work in color. The material can be chosen according to your desire - it can be a gouache, watercolor, colored pencils, markers, wax chalk. And the final stage - the decoration of the work with sparkles, tinsel, rain, you can use cotton so that there is a bulk snow! Getting to work!

Practical work. Pupils draw pictures on the "New Year's Tale" theme on A3 format (the material is provided to choose from children - gouache, color pencils, markers, wax crayons, watercolor). The teacher controls the work, advises, sends in the right direction, indicates errors, demonstrates the best work of students. You can enable New Year's music for mood (to choose a teacher).

Guys, great! Now that you have finished work, you can begin to make an exhibition in our school and transfer the New Year's mood to others!

Outcome: registration of the exhibition of children's work on the school bench of creativity together with children.