Class hour "Folk tradition. Class hour (grade 1) on the topic: Class hour" Folk tradition. Success of the Lord "

Class hour
Class hour "Folk tradition. Class hour (grade 1) on the topic: Class hour" Folk tradition. Success of the Lord "

Class hour

The baptism of the Lord is a Christian holiday.

Purpose: introduce students to the feast of baptism; promote the formation of a valid attitude towards the traditions and customs of their people; develop cognitive motivation, the desire to know as many historical information about the traditions of celebrating people's holidays; Relieve pride and responsibility for the preservation of the cultural traditions of their country.

Class hour.

The Baptism of the Lord is a Christian holiday, noted in honor of the Baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River by John Baptist 6 (19) of January.

According to the Evangelical story, John the Baptist, who was at the River Jordan in Vifavar, came Jesus Christ (at 30 years) to take baptism.

John, a lot of preaching about the early coming of the Messiah, seeing Jesus, was surprised and said: "I need to be baptized from you, and do you come to me?". Jesus replied to this that "you should fulfill all the truth," and adopted baptism from John. During the baptism, according to the Gospels, the Holy Spirit in the form of dove came to Jesus. At the same time, the voice from heaven proclaimed: "This is the son of my beloved, in which my favor."

The Lord came humbly
Human wash sins.
With glady advanced
It is at the river.

And asks meek christ
Be baptizing him like everyone else
Although he is cleaner clean
Although he is holy!

On the feast of the Epiphany, the greatest gospel event remembers when, when baptized, the Lord appeared to the world, the Holy Trinity (MF. 3, 13 - 17; MK. 1, 9 - 11; LC. 3, 21 - 22).

Therefore, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord is also called the feast of the Epiphany, because during baptism God showed that he is the Most Holy Trinity: God, the Father spoke from the sky, the embodied son of God was baptized, and the Holy Spirit came as a dove.

And also with baptism, for the first time, people could see that in the face of Jesus Christ was not a man only, but also God.

According to the evangelical story, after his baptism, Jesus Christ, led by the Spirit, retired to the desert, so that in solitude, prayer and post to prepare for the execution of the mission with which he came to Earth. Jesus forty days "was tempting from the devil and did not eat anything these days, and after them finally discount" (Lk.4: 2). Then the devil began to him and three seductions tried to seduce him on sin, like any person.

The sacrament of baptism today applies to one of the sacrament of the Orthodox Church. Baptism can be called the spiritual birth of a person, his birth for the church. Through baptism, he becomes her member. Only after baptism, a person gets access to all church sacraments, first of all, to the Holy Communion, which is the connection of a person with God. During the sacrament, there is either a triple immersion of a person in water, or the praying of the prayer's pronunciation of the pronunciation.

The sacrament of baptism can be accomplished over the child and over adults. The "newborn" Christian is put on a sanctified native cross - his defense and a sign of belonging to the Church of Christ.

Epiphany (Greek. Word - Dive) - 3 times the man is immersed in the water, as a sign of the fact that the grace of resurrection was committed for us. Immediately after baptism, a person is dressing everything new and white.

Soul cleared
Under the sign of the cross

Whether you obey
On the day of the baptism of Christ.

Vitaly Syvyakov

The meaning of baptism is that a new person who wants to live according to new Christian laws is coming out of the font. In total, they are 10. We are most clear to you:

1. Read your father and your mother to laugh your days on Earth.

2. Do not kill.

3. Do not steal.

4. Do not pronounce false testimony to your neighbor.

5. Love your neighbor, like yourself, etc.

Epiphany traditions.

Early mention of a special worship of the Water, scored on the day of the Baptism of the Lord, and its wonderful properties (first of all the ability not to deteriorate for a long time) is contained in one of the Antioch preachs of SVT. John of Zlatoust (387 year): "In this holiday, everything, having learned the water, bring it home and stored in the whole year, as water is consecrated today; And there is an explicit sign: this water is essentially not spoiled over time, but, hoped today, it is a whole year, and often two and three years remains intact and fresh. "

On the eve or on the day of the holiday of the Baptism of the Lord, many believers go to the reservoirs or in advance cut in the chubs. Artificial rods most often have the shape of the cross. Such places of the Epiphany consecration are called Jordan - in memory of the baptism made by the Holy John Forestation on the shores of Jordan. The priest commits the rank of water lighting: pronounces prayers and trobically plunges the cross into the water. Everyone who wishes can trobally plunge into the water with a prayer: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit," the soul and body of a person are sanctified by this action. In the temples on this day, a special prayer service is served on the rank of great sanctification of water, and every parishioner can take a bottle of baptismian water that will serve him to strengthen spiritual, mental and bodily strengthening.

«Shock and Breast
In Perekaya, you, -
So spoke the Baptist,
Chatting with people, -

I baptize you with water,
Blowing sins with you.
Messias goes for me
Savior Human Souls.

He will be brute
Holy, from God given ... "

Orthodox Christians annually January 19 celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, and on January 18 - the Epiphany Christmas Eve, the Eve of Epiphany. This is the main day of the softy fortunes.

The Epiphany Christmas Eve is also called hungry bunks, hungry sickness. On this day, they prepare the last bunning of the Christmas holidays. Hungry called it from the fact that since then until the next day, until the water in the reservoirs, people did not eat. The remains of the cute were given to the chickens, and in a separate pot we were folded on fate of 3 spoons of dishes, which were standing on the table in the Epiphany Christmas Eve. From this pot was ate the one who was the last to baptism returned home from the river. And therefore, all who walked to sanctify the water, tried to return home as soon as possible.

In antiquity, Epiphany frosts were very strong. Before dinner in the Epiphany Christmas Eve, the owner of the house took a spoonful of Kuti, approached the window and invited frost there is a bun. And he sentenced, the frost does not go to the house, let him not go to the harvest. In addition, calling the frost was a special fun and for the squad, which, falling on the windows, I invited him to dinner on all the frets. But after the baptism of frosts there was a weakening of frosts.

From 18 to January 19, at midnight, water in cranes, wells, rivers becomes saint. It can be recruited and she will stand for years. Water, scored in the feast of baptism, is shuffled for washing, purification and disease. In addition, all who had inweight desires were trying to pray for them on January 19 by morning, when the sky appears, it was believed that everything that was asked at this time would come true.

During all holidays before the baptism, women tried not to go after water, it was a purely male work. In addition, they were not rinsed in the water of the river underwear, because they believed that they were sitting there and could clutch.

On the morning of January 19, men went to the river and did a hole in the shape of a cross. Closer to dinner, the priest sanctified the water, after which she was gaining and drank, they made a bathing. And women for baptism are sure to make the cheeks to be ruddy, lowered in a vessel with holy water Kalina or corals and washed.

Signals of the day:

    Many snow - a lot of bread.

    In the morning, snow is a good buckwheat harvest.

    Blizzard - the bees will swing well.

    Bright stars - there will be a good cattle rack, a lot of peas, berries.

    In the morning, overcast, warmth, snow or frost - year chopboard.

    Clearly, cold - cripples. Summer arid.

    Many dogs are lated - a lot of beast, game will be.

Quiz "Baptism of the Lord":

1. The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is called the Epiphany, as:

a) The Lord revealed himself as a Most Holy Trinity

b) Christ showed His Human and Divine Entity

c) both answers are correct

2. "Voice of blatant in the desert" means:

3. The Lord Jesus Christ was baptized by John the pretends aged:

4. The Holy Spirit appeared during the baptism of the Lord in the form of:

a) clouds

c) Pigeon

5. John the Forerunner did not want to baptize the Lord because:

a) believed that unworthy

b) Jesus told him that no time for this

c) He himself took the baptism from the Lord

I am baptized to congratulate
So I want you soon
With the world I wish you to get along,
Live, warm in the shower!
Be always the same good
Be healthy! Strong be!
Let in your soul huge

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Orthodox calendar

PS Vasily isp. (750). Schishmch. Arseny, Mitr. Rostov (1772). PS Cassiana Roman (435) (memory is postponed from February 29).

BLI. Nicholas, Christ for the sake of Yurody, Pskovsky (1576). Schishmch. Program, Patriarch Alexandria (457). Schishmch. Nestor, EP. Magiddia (250). PRP. Wives of Marina and Kira (approx. 450). PS John, named Wronophone, EP. Damassky (V); MCH. Feoktirist (VIII) (Memory is transferred from February 29).

Liturgy of paid gifts.

At the 6th hour: Is. II, 3-11. At Vej.: Life. I, 24 - II, 3. Proverbs. II, 1-22.

Birthdays We congratulate on the day of Angel!

Icon of the day

Rev. Martyrie Zelenetsky

Rev. Martyrie Zelenetsky , in the world of Mina, took place from the city of Great Luke. His parents, Cosma and Stefanide died, when he had not had another ten years. Brought up his spiritual father, the priest of the city Annunciation of the Temple, and the boy became more and more and more the soul to God.

Ovdov, his mentor accepted at the name of Bogolep in the Velikoluki Trinity-Sergiev Monastery. Mina often visited him to the monastery, and then he himself took a tonsure there with the name Martyri. The Lord teacher and student in one Kellya, who comes to each other in one Kelly, who was unrepresented with a lack of disguise in one and prayer. Inok Martyrie carried the belary obedience, treasurer and decoration.

At this time, the Mother of God first showed its special care about Rev. Martyriya. At noon, he tried on the bell tower and saw the image of the Most Holy Mother of Odigitria on a fiery pillar. The ink with trepidation was attached to him, hot from the fiery pillar, and waking up, still felt this heat on his own.

According to the spiritual advice of Rev. Martyry, a seriously ill patient in Avrami walked to worship the miraculous Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God and received healing. Reverend penetrating the hot faith in the intercession of Our Lady. He began to pray to the Queen of Heaven, so that she pointed out where he was hiding for the passage of the feat of the perfect silence, to which his soul was striking. The reverend secretly retired to a deserted place for 60 versts from the Great Bow. As the reverend himself writes in his notes, "I accepted the great insurance against demons in that desert, but I prayed to God, and the demons were posted." In a letter to Starta Bogolep, the Monk asked the blessing of the deserted, but the confessor advised Martyria to return to the hostel, where he was useful. Not jerking to disobey and not knowing how to do, Saint Martyrie went to Smolensk to worship the miraculous icon of the Mother of the Mother of Odigitria and the Wonderworker Abrahami (Communication on August 21). In Smolensk, the saint was in the sleepy vision of Reverend Abraham and Efrem and calmed him down that he was appointed to Lord in the wilderness, "where God will bless and the Most Holy Mother of God will sign."

Then the Rev. He headed for the Tikhvin monastery, said that the Mother of God would allow him completely perplexed. And indeed, Inok Avrami, who in gratitude to Mother of God for healing forever remained in that abode, told him about the innermost desert, over which he had a vision of the shining cross of the Lord. Having received this time the blessing of the elder, Reverend Martyrie took with him two small, the same measure of the icon - the Library Trinity and the Blessed Virgin Mary Tikhvinskaya - and went to the desert, called green, for she towering a beautiful green island among woody fopies.

Brutally, it was multiplesensnient to live in this desert, but neither cold, nor deprivation, nor wild animals, nor the goats of the enemy were able to shake his determination to undergo tests to the end. He put the chapel in the glorification and thanks to the Lord and the Most of the Mother of God, in which the image of Mother of God was again winning, this time, swimming around the sea. The Archangel Gabriel appeared to the right of the icon and invited the ink to make it to the image. After hesitation, Rev. Martyrie entered the water, but the image began to dive into the sea. Then the reverend prayed, and his immediately wave suffered as shore.

The desert was consecrated by the life of the hermit, and many began to come to her, not only to let the word and an example of Rev., but also for the waters, along with him. The multiplied brotherhood of students prompted the rest to build a church in the name of the Library Trinity, where he put and his praying icons. In the testimony of the grace of God, whoathe in the monastery of Rev. Martyriya, Inok Gurius encountered to see the cross in the church cross in the sky.

So it was necessary to start the Troitsky Zelestsky Monastery - the "green martyrieval desert". The Lord blessed the works of Reverend, and the grace of God apparently excommunicated himself. Far spread fame about his insignity and the gift of healing. Many famous Novgorod people began to send offering to the abode. A warm church, consecrated in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God, in memory of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God, was built on the means of pious Boyharov, consecrated in the honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God, from where he began his way to God.

From the Major Virgin, the Monk continued to receive fellow reinforcements. One day in a thin dream, the Mother of God herself came to him in Kellya, on the shop, in the big corner, where the icons stood. "I looked, not taking off, on her holy face, on the eyes, filled with tears, ready to drop on her preching face. I got up from sleep and was horrified. He lit a candle from the lamp to see whether the prechile Virgo was sitting on the spot, Where I saw her in a dream. I approached the image of odigitria and made sure that I was truly a Virgin Mary in the way that she was depicted on my icon, "recalled the Rev..

Soon after that (about 1570), Reverend Martyrie accepted in Novgorod from Archbishop (Alexander or Leonid) a priesthood. It is known that in 1582 he was already an igumen.

Later, the Lord bestowed the green desert of an even more rich benefactor. In 1595, in Tver, Saint Martyrie healed the dying son of the former Casimovsky king Simeon Bekbulagovich, praying before his icons of the detail Trinity and the Tikhvinian Mother of God and laying the image of the Most Holy Mother of God to the patient's chest. Churches were built on the donations of a grateful Simeon in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and St. John Zlatoust - the Heavenly patron of healed Tsarevich John.

In 1595, King Feodor John gave the monastery a complained diploma, approved by the founded monastery.

Having reached a deep old age and prepared for death, the reverend Martyrie focused himself a grave, put the coffin made in it with his own hands, and much cried there. Feeling a close colline, the Reverend convened the brotherhood and begged his chad about the Lord to have unshakable hope for the Most Holy Library Trinity and fully impose hope for the Mother of God, as he always relied on her. Accompanying the Holy Taine, he gave the blessings and with the words: "Peace to all Orthodox", - in spiritual amateur than the Lord on March 1, 1603.

The monk was buried in the sophisticated church named after him, and then his holy relics rested under prior to the Church of the Blessed Trinity, under the basement temple in honor of St. John the Bogoslov. Former Inok Zelestsky Monastery, Metropolitan Kazan and Novgorod Kornilius (+ 1698) was the service and wrote the lives of Rev. Martyriya, using personal notes and testament of the Reverend.

Tropear Reverend Martyria Zelenotsky

From youth, Boroboda, Christ, love, / Fatherland left the Esi / and, all worldly rebellions, adequate, / in a quiet shelter, the pretension of the monastery of Our Ladyni reached the EFI; / Otributely inspired the disadvantaged desert, / cross-person shown, In it, instilled, / the atrocities collected ESI, / And then the studies of their own, I am a rising at the sky, / hardly vanissed the ESI to build God, / Jested pray, Bogomud Martirie, // Give the souls to our Grace.

Transfer: From his youth, in God is blissful, Christ loved, you left the Fatherland and from the whole worldly bustle, you turned out to be a sense of the monastery of Our Lady, from there I saw the impassable desert, the crusal gourded, found it suitable, and settled in it, the monastic They are their teachings as a staircase ascending on the sky, tried in a tireless work, you tried to lead to God, it's a pray, the girlfriend Martyrie, to give souls to our great mercy.

Kondak Reverend Martyria Zelenotsky

The Fatherland, Reverend, and the whole Miscaggo insurgent Eavenly Espel, / and, in the desert, instantly, / Tamo in Blessed silence, cruel lives showed Esi, / and Chad obedience and humility in it. Esi. / This for the sake of jerking / Yezhu prays, Borodiazhenna, about us, their children, I gathered the ESI, / and about all orthodox, but call: // Rejoice, Father Martirie, silence of the deserted amateur.

Transfer: Fatherland, Reverend, and the whole worldly bustle, you wished you wished and settled in the desert, there, in the blissful silence, the difficult life of the children obedience and humility [the monks] in it raised. Because of it gained a boldness [courage, decisive aspiration] to pray to the Holy Trinity about us, their children who you collected, and about all believers, call you: Rejoice, Martyrie's father, silence of a desert amateur.

Prayer Reverend Martyria Zelestsky

Oh, a good pastry, our mentor, reverend Father Martiri! We hear Yezhu to you now bringing the disheve of our. Wires Bo, I am a spirit with us are pretty. You are a worm, Rev., Jaco having a boldness to Vladyza, Jesus Christ, to our God, and to the pretension of Our Lady, Budy, and the prayer of the warmth about the abode of this, the southes of the people, and about us, unworthy workers living in it, wanish you, the enlightener and the head, a gibe-worst of your fraternity acknowledgment and an intercession, Yako and your concept and prayers are invalid on the place of the sedes! From the demons and evil people, unwinding and from all the troubles and misfortunes are free to continue. All the disaster coming to the holy abode of your and who prayer with your faith and the glooming races of your power, about itching from everyone sickness, illness and misfortune, gracious hurry, give the same Orthodox world, silence, prosperity and abundance of earth fruits; And about all of us a warm concept to the Lord and Assistant to the souls of our Budi, hedgehog let go to our and the prayers of yours, holy, getting rid of us everlaughters and aware of the kingdoms with all the saints, yes glory, thanksgiving and worshiping with a single God, in the Trinity Slavimoma, Father And the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are confessed, and forever. Amen.

We read the Gospel with the Church

Hello, dear brothers and sisters.

In the last transmission, it was about the evangence of Zechariah in the Jerusalem Church on the birth of John the Baptist.

Today we will look at the text of the same evangelist Luke, which tells about the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary.

1.26. In the sixth month, Angel Gabriel was sent from God to the city of Galilean, called Nazareth,

1.27. to the Virgin, a collapsed husband, the name of Joseph, from the house of Davidov; The name of the Virgin: Maria.

1.28. Angel, going to her, said: Rejoice, gracious! Lord with you; Blessed you between wives.

1.29. She, having seen him, was embarrassed by his words and reflected what it would be for greeting.

1.30. And the angel told her: Do not be afraid, Maria, for you gained grace of God;

1.31. And so, you will warm in the womb, and give birth to the Son, and you will give him a name: Jesus.

1.32. He will be great and will adopt the son of the Most High, and will give him the Lord God the throne of David, his father;

1.33. And he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will not be the end.

1.34. Maria said Angel: how will it be when I don't know my husband?

1.35. Angel told her in response: the Holy Spirit would find on you, and the power of the Most High falls on you; Therefore, and the born sacred will adopt the son of God.

1.36. So Elizaveta, the relative of yours, called forever, and she pushed her son in her old age, and she was already the sixth month,

1.37. For God will not have a powerless word.

1.38. Then Maria said: SE, Slave of the Lord; May I have for your word. And angel departed from her.

(Luke. 1, 26-38)

Both stories about the phenomenon of Archangel Gabriel were built on the same scheme: the angel's phenomenon, his prediction about the wonderful birth of a child, a story about the upcoming greatness, the name he should be inflicted; The doubt of the Angel's interlocutor and taking a sign confirming the words of the Messenger of Heaven. But still there are a lot of differences in these narutments.

If Zechariah meets God's messenger in the most majestic moment of his life and it happens in the house of God, in Jerusalem, during worship, then the scene of the same angel for the young girl is emphasized simple and deprived of any external solemnity. This happens in Nazareth, whirlwind the provincial town of Galilee.

And if the righteousness of Zechariah and Elizabeth are emphasized from the very beginning and the news of the birth of the Son is given in response to reinforced prayers, then on young Mary, almost nothing says: neither of its moral qualities, nor about any religious zeal.

However, all human stereotypes turn over, for the one whose birth was proclaimed in the clubs of the Cadyl Fimiam, will be just a forerunner, the attendance of the arrival of that, about whom was told so modestly.

Evangelist Luka points out that Elizaveta was on the sixth month of pregnancy, when an angel appeared in Nazareth with the good news to the Virgin Mary. In the case of Elisteaute obstacles for birth, her infertility and old age were, for Marya, her virginity.

We know that Maria was gained by Joseph. According to the Jewish marriage of the girls, the girls have gained their future husbands very early, usually at the age of twelve or thirteen years. The acquisition lasted about a year, but the bride and the bride were considered her husband and his wife from the moment of engagement. This year the bride remained in the house of his parents or guardians. In fact, the girl became his wife when her husband took her to his house.

Joseph, as we remember, took place from the kind of king David, which was extremely important, because through Joseph and Jesus became legally a descendant of David. After all, in ancient times, legal relationship was considered more important than the blood.

With greeting: rejoice, fertile! Lord with Tobyu. (LK. 1, 28), - Angel addresses to the Virgin Mary. The author writes in Greek. It is possible that the Greek word "Haire" ("Rejoice") in Jewish could sound like "Shalom", that is, the wish of the world.

Like Zechariah, Maria is confused and full of confusion caused by the angel's phenomenon and his words. The messenger is trying to explain Mary and calm her words: do not be afraid, Maria, for you gained grace from God (Lux. 1, 30). He then explains what should happen. And he does it through three main verbs: you will warm up, give birth to, you need.

Usually the name of the child gave his father as a sign that he recognizes his own, but here this honor belongs to his mother. Jesus is an ellinized form of the Jewish name Yeshua, which is most likely translated as "Yahweh - Salvation."

Having heard from the angel, how grand is her son, Maria asks a natural question: how will it be when I don't know my husband? (Luke. 1, 34).

This question, dear brothers and sisters, for understanding and simple, and difficult. Maria cannot understand the words of an angel, since she is not yet married (in the actual understanding, although the legal husband already had). But Maria will soon come into married communication, why is she so surprised?

There are several attempts to explain this question, and they are built on the words "My husband I do not know." So, some believe that the verb "know" needs to be understood in the past time, that is, "the husband has not yet known." From which it follows that Maria understood the words of Angel as the undoubres of her the actual state of pregnancy.

According to another point of view, the verb "know" comes from the word "to know", that is, to enter into marital communication. The patristic tradition indicates to us that Virgo Maria gave the vow of Eternal Nity and her words should be understood not otherwise, as "I will not know the husband." But some scientists argue that it was impossible, since in the Jewish tradition of that time marriage and childbearing were not only honored, but also mandatory. And if there were communities where people behaved a virgin life, they were mainly men. And such statements seem logical. But we will not forget that God does not act according to human logic - it is above everything and can put a virtuous thoughts on the heart of a pure person and strengthen the young girl in her godly desire to preserve his impossibility.

A vivid confirmation of the fact that God does not work within the framework of the physical laws of nature, is the answer of Angela Mary: The Holy Spirit will find on you, and the power of the Most High will squeeze you; Therefore, and the born sacred will adopt the son of God (Lux. 1, 35). Often you have to hear a distorted understanding of this moment of gospel history. People are trying to explain the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary of God's Son as a literary reception, taken from Greek myths, where the gods went from Olympus and entered into relationships with women from which the so-called "sons of God" were born. But in this text we do not see anything like that. Yes, and in the Holy Spirit there is no male start, which is emphasized even by grammatical native: the Jewish "Ruach" ("Spirit") is a female kind, and the Greek "Pneuma" is medium.

The Jewish Talmud also tries to challenge the indispensability of the Savior's conception, arguing that Jesus was an illegitimate son of a runaway soldier named Panther, from here and the name of Christ in Talmud - Ben-Panther. But some scientists believe that Panther is a distorted Greek word "parthenos", which is translated as "Virgo", and therefore, and understand the talmudic expression follows as the "son of the Virgin."

The scene of the Annunciation ends with the answer of Mary on the gaze of Gabriel: cE, Slave of the Lord; May I have for your word (LC. 1, 38).

In these words, the great humility of the young girl was concluded, ready to fulfill any will of God. There is no slaughter fear here, but only the financial readiness of serving the Lord. I never had anyone, and it is unlikely to succeed in expressing your faith as Deva Maria did. But to this we, dear brothers and sisters, you need to strive.

Help us in this Lord.

Hieromona Pimen (Shevchenko),
Salernik Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra


Orthodox educational courses

Old, but not lonely with Christ: the word for the reference of the Lord

FROM Hon and Anna - two old man - have not seen themselves alone, because they lived God and for God. We do not know what life grief and the elder ailments they had, but for a person who loving God, thankful God, such tests and temptations will never replace the most important thing - the joy of reading Christ ....

(MP3 file. Duration 9:07 min. Size 8.34 MB)

Hieromona Nikon (Parimanchuk)

Preparation for the sacrament of saint baptism

IN section " Preparation for baptism"Site. "Sunday School: On-Line Courses " archpriest Andrei Fedosov, Head of the Department of Education and Catechization of the Kineel Diocese collected information that will be useful for those who are going to accept baptism, or wants to paint his child or become a godpiece.

R Azel consists of five public conversations in which the content of the Orthodox creed within the framework of the faith symbol is revealed, the sequence and meaning of rites committed during baptism are also explained and answers to common issues related to this sacrament. Each conversation is accompanied by additional materials, references to sources, recommended literature and Internet resources.

ABOUT Glowing courses are presented as texts, audio files and video.

Course Topics:

    • Conversation number 1 Preliminary concepts
    • Conversation number 2 Sacred Biblical Story
    • Conversation number 3 Church of Christ
    • Conversation number 4 Christian morality
    • Conversation №5 Sacrament of Holy Baptism


    • Frequently asked Questions
    • Orthodox sacraments

Reading the lives of saints Dmitry Rostovsky for every day

Recent Entries

Radio "Vera"

Radio "Vera" is a new radio station that tells about the eternal truths of the Orthodox faith.

Purpose:introduce the Orthodox holiday "Baptism of the Lord" and the traditions of the Russian people

Classroom time

Teacher's story:

The Baptism of the Lord is a Christian holiday, noted in honor of the Baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River by John Baptist 6 (19) of January.

According to the Evangelical story, John the Baptist, who was at the River Jordan in Vifavar, came Jesus Christ (at 30 years) to take baptism.

John, a lot of preaching about the early coming of the Messiah, seeing Jesus, was surprised and said: "I need to be baptized from you, and do you come to me?". Jesus replied to this that "you should fulfill all the truth," and adopted baptism from John. During the baptism, according to the Gospels, the Holy Spirit in the form of dove came to Jesus. At the same time, the voice from heaven proclaimed: "This is the son of my beloved, in which my favor."

On the feast of the Epiphany, the greatest gospel event remembers when, when baptized, the Lord appeared to the world, the Holy Trinity (MF. 3, 13 - 17; MK. 1, 9 - 11; LC. 3, 21 - 22).

Therefore, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord is also called the feast of the Epiphany, because during baptism God showed that he is the Most Holy Trinity: God, the Father spoke from the sky, the embodied son of God was baptized, and the Holy Spirit came as a dove.

And also with baptism, for the first time, people could see that in the face of Jesus Christ was not a man only, but also God.

According to the evangelical story, after his baptism, Jesus Christ, led by the Spirit, retired to the desert, so that in solitude, prayer and post to prepare for the execution of the mission with which he came to Earth. Jesus forty days "was tempting from the devil and did not eat anything these days, and after them finally discount" (Lk.4: 2). Then the devil began to him and three seductions tried to seduce him on sin, like any person.

The sacrament of baptism today applies to one of the sacrament of the Orthodox Church. Baptism can be called the spiritual birth of a person, his birth for the church. Through baptism, he becomes her member. Only after baptism, a person gets access to all church sacraments, first of all, to the Holy Communion, which is the connection of a person with God. During the sacrament, there is either a triple immersion of a person in water, or the praying of the prayer's pronunciation of the pronunciation.

The sacrament of baptism can be accomplished over the child and over adults. The "newborn" Christian is put on a sanctified native cross - his defense and a sign of belonging to the Church of Christ.

Baptism (Greek. Word - Dive) - 3 times the man is immersed in the water, as a sign of the fact that the grace of the resurrection was committed to us. Immediately after baptism, a person is dressing everything new and white.

The meaning of baptism is that a new person who wants to live according to new Christian laws is coming out of the font. In total, they are 10. We are most clear to you:

1. Read your father and your mother to laugh your days on Earth.

2. Do not kill.

3. Do not steal.

4. Do not pronounce false testimony to your neighbor.

5. Love your neighbor, like yourself, etc.

Epiphany traditions.

Early mention of a special worship of the Water, scored on the day of the Baptism of the Lord, and its wonderful properties (first of all the ability not to deteriorate for a long time) is contained in one of the Antioch preachs of SVT. John of Zlatoust (387 year): "In this holiday, everything, having learned the water, bring it home and stored in the whole year, as water is consecrated today; And there is an explicit sign: this water is essentially not spoiled over time, but, hoped today, it is a whole year, and often two and three years remains intact and fresh. "

On the eve or on the day of the holiday of the Baptism of the Lord, many believers go to the reservoirs or in advance cut in the chubs. Artificial rods most often have the shape of the cross. Such places of the Epiphany consecration are called Jordan - in memory of the baptism made by the Holy John Forestation on the shores of Jordan. The priest commits the rank of water lighting: pronounces prayers and trobically plunges the cross into the water. Everyone who wishes can trobally plunge into the water with a prayer: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit," the soul and body of a person are sanctified by this action. In the temples on this day, a special prayer service is served on the rank of great sanctification of water, and every parishioner can take a bottle of baptismian water that will serve him to strengthen spiritual, mental and bodily strengthening.

Orthodox Christians annually January 19 celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, and on January 18 - the Epiphany Christmas Eve, the Eve of Epiphany. This is the main day of the softy fortunes.

The Epiphany Christmas Eve is also called hungry bunks, hungry sickness. On this day, they prepare the last bunning of the Christmas holidays. Hungry called it from the fact that since then until the next day, until the water in the reservoirs, people did not eat. The remains of the cute were given to the chickens, and in a separate pot we were folded on fate of 3 spoons of dishes, which were standing on the table in the Epiphany Christmas Eve. From this pot was ate the one who was the last to baptism returned home from the river. And therefore, all who walked to sanctify the water, tried to return home as soon as possible.

In antiquity, Epiphany frosts were very strong. Before dinner in the Epiphany Christmas Eve, the owner of the house took a spoonful of Kuti, approached the window and invited frost there is a bun. And he sentenced, the frost does not go to the house, let him not go to the harvest. In addition, calling the frost was a special fun and for the squad, which, falling on the windows, I invited him to dinner on all the frets. But after the baptism of frosts there was a weakening of frosts.

From 18 to January 19, at midnight, water in cranes, wells, rivers becomes saint. It can be recruited and she will stand for years. Water, scored in the feast of baptism, is shuffled for washing, purification and disease. In addition, all who had inweight desires were trying to pray for them on January 19 by morning, when the sky appears, it was believed that everything that was asked at this time would come true.

During all holidays before the baptism, women tried not to go after water, it was a purely male work. In addition, they were not rinsed in the water of the river underwear, because they believed that they were sitting there and could clutch.

On the morning of January 19, men went to the river and did a hole in the shape of a cross. Closer to dinner, the priest sanctified the water, after which she was gaining and drank, they made a bathing. And women for baptism are sure to make the cheeks to be ruddy, lowered in a vessel with holy water Kalina or corals and washed.

Signals of the day:

  • Many snow - a lot of bread.
  • In the morning, snow is a good buckwheat harvest.
  • Blizzard - the bees will swing well.
  • Bright stars - there will be a good cattle rack, a lot of peas, berries.
  • In the morning, overcast, warmth, snow or frost - year chopboard.
  • Clearly, cold - cripples. Summer arid.
  • Many dogs are lated - a lot of beast, game will be.

Quiz "Baptism of the Lord"

1. The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is called the Epiphany, as:

a) The Lord revealed himself as a Most Holy Trinity

b) Christ showed His Human and Divine Entity

c) both answers are correct

2. "Voice of blatant in the desert" means:

3. The Lord Jesus Christ was baptized by John the pretends aged:

4. The Holy Spirit appeared during the baptism of the Lord in the form of:

a) clouds

c) Pigeon

5. John the Forerunner did not want to baptize the Lord because:

a) believed that unworthy

b) Jesus told him that no time for this

c) He himself took the baptism from the Lord

I am baptized to congratulate
So I want you soon
With the world I wish you to get along,
Live, warm in the shower!
Be always the same good
Be healthy! Strong be!
Let in your soul huge
Never stand sadness!

Extracurricular event on the topic: Baptism for younger students

Scenario of cognitive game hours "Like in the Epiphany evening ..." for elementary school

Author Lyapina Vera Valerevna primary school teacher MBOU SOSH No. 47 SAMAR city.
Description The event is dedicated to the Christian holiday in honor of the Baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. It is appointed for children of primary school and middle.
purpose Appeal to spiritually - moral traditions and values \u200b\u200bof their people.
Tasks To give children information about the Orthodox holiday "Baptism of the Lord": History and Traditions; Enrich the child's experience, saturate this experience with new knowledge and information about the environment. Together the love of the traditions of the Russian people and its culture.

Event flow

We meet today!
Let the sky smile
When sins are forgiven!
Burn all brighter candles,
And it will be a good evening!
2 master
What a holiday is so and why is he celebrated from 18 to January 19?
1 master
Baptism of the Lord or Epiphany-Christian holiday in honor of the Baptism of the 30-year-old Jesus Christ in the River Jordan John the Baptist. At the time of his earthly life, only adults were baptized, who completely felt faith in a single god and realized this, in those times a new, religion, because the Christians were pursued, the monotheism was rejected. Therefore, it is not surprising that Jesus Christ accepted baptism aged 30 years. During baptism, according to all four Gospels, the Holy Spirit in the form of a pigeon went to Jesus. At the same time, there was a voice from heaven proclaimed: "This is the son of my beloved, in the Baptism of the Lord 2014, the great Orthodox holiday, comes on the night of January 18. Many customs are connected with baptism, and traditions and traditions. Epiphany bathing, baptized divination, as well as tradition to congratulate friends.
2 master
Each of the faith is given
And you do not need to forget this:
Let it be possible in baptism
New life is a clean list to start!
1 master

The shints are on the outcome,
And on the eve of baptism,
In every church and arrival
Water will sanctify the priest

In it saving power,
Need to believe and desire
So that everyone went down on us,
From the sky, God's grace.

We will give a miracle in life,
Like a kind wizard,
Celebrate today we will
Before baptizing Christmas Eve!
2 master
In churches, water is sanctified on this day. Previously, she was taken from the nearest river or lake, drilling a hole in the ice in the form of a large cross. The father prayed over the water, lowered the church cross into the hole, the parishioners of the nearest church sang Psalms. After all these acts, water in the river was considered to be baptized. She was gained in various vessels and carried home. They believed that such water treats from various ailments, attaches cheerfulness and health, so the custom was spread to dub into the hole. Currently, water is massively not taken from rivers and lakes. On baptism, it is spilled immediately after worship near the church.

1 master
Holiday utensils are sanctified by baptismic water, the dwellings are consecrated, it is believed that this rite helps to keep peace and dear in the house. In such a dwelling calmly and well lives, and the troubles bypass the house and its inhabitants side. On the baptism, it is necessary to wash it with snow, it is believed that it acts better than any cosmetic procedure - the skin is smoothed, a healthy blush appears, wrinkles and bruises appear under the eyes. You can collect pure bachersky snow, give it to melting, and wipe your face during the year. Love to dip in the hole preserved to our time.

2 master
For the people to baptism
There is an update.
Jumped into the hole with his head -
Life becomes different.
And then step on the ice,
Turn to the sunrise.
Hands up raising boldly
So that your soul is singing.
1 master
In Russia, it is customary to shit the wormwood on nearby reservoirs and perform on January 19, despite the frosts, in them is ablutions. Thousands of people across the country three times with heads plunge into the water so that at least a little bit to God in the soul, giving tribute to the blessing that Jesus Christ gave us, His death hurt all the sins of mankind.
In general, water as a sign that the Lord Jesus Christ consecrates it with his body, it is considered to have all Christians on this day. Therefore, in the temples, and in reservoirs, people take this water home every year, for drinking, cooking and washing.
Sounds "Song about the Baptism of the Lord"
What words spoke John,
When did Jesus entered Jordan?
After all, God plunged into him,
God plunged into him.
What is Jordan? Further leak could not:
After all, God plunged into him,

God plunged into him.

Neither clouds nor the cloudy in the sky large.
Suddenly stuck, thunder broke out
Listen, the Prophet is not thunder:
From heaven hesitates about him.
Listen, the Prophet is not thunder:
Father from heaven argues about him,
From heaven hesitates about him.

"Here is my son, my favorite son,
Will, my from now on with him. "
White dove flew down
Shining dove on his son,
Dove over his son hook.
What a miracle? The answer is simple:
That is not a pigeon, but the Holy Spirit,
Not a pigeon, but the Holy Spirit.

Two froze in a quiet river,
Meat people on coastal sand.
The Holy Spirit on Jesus went.
An hour of salvation on the ground came.
The Holy Spirit on Jesus went.
An hour of salvation on the ground came.
An hour of salvation on the ground came.

2 master
On the eve of the festival of baptism - January 18 - it is customary to observe the same strict post as in the Christmas Christmas Eve. In food according to the Charter of the Church, it is allowed to use only one dish - sochily. If forever happens on Saturday and Sunday, the post is facilitated: instead of one time, adoption of food is allowed twice - after liturgy and after the consecration of water.

1 master
January 18 hostess on custom bake ritual cookies - crosses. The first morning meal on January 19 for each of the households should consist of this cookie, which relies with holy water.
There must be a special cookie - nominal. The mother of the family, when rolls the dough and formulate it, marks some flour products only by a slave icon. For himself the highlight, for her husband, Mako, for a son - Anis, for her daughter - Tmin or simply squeezes the first letter name knife. These symbols, taken out of the oven, tell what life cross will have to carry all family members in the coming year.

1 master
Folk signs on January 19 People who took baptism on January 19 are the happiest
Play a wedding from baptism to Maslenitsa - Fortunately in marriage
Watching in baptism is also a good sign
If Epiphany frosts are stronger than christmas, then the year will be a yield if the water has reached the edges in the corruses, then the spring will be a strong flood
If the baptism is clear and frosty weather, then, according to the signs, summer will be arid if the snow is on January 19 goes with large flakes, it will be a good harvest
Thaw in baptism - until the end of winter, severe frosts also not foresee
If a person was born in Epiphany day, he will be happy and lucky. As a guard, it is recommended to wear jade.
Cloudy weather and snowfall - to good summer
Warm weather for baptism - a sign indicating that bread will be dense (dark)
If the dogs are lated for a long time, the hunters can count on good prey this year.
It is believed that heaven opens into the baptismian night, and therefore the person will pray - it will surely come true
Swim in the holes for baptism - cleansing from diseases and chases for the whole of next year
If the girl in the morning of January 19 will meet a young man, then married this year.
If the old man meets, it means that one another year to go to her girls. If you drink the cattle with baptic water, then it will be good to come true

2 master
Epiphany night for January 19 was considered at all times the most mysterious, saturated magic and priesthood. This is the last night of a pile week, when you can guess when the people have fun, playing and having fun, celebrating the whole Christmas week. According to the pagan, it was not necessary to guess alone, there should not have any jewelry, encumbranceing details, a native cross. Towers make a bride-sled, modules asked about the number of children, and other people can first prepare.

1 master
I propose to repay.
Forecast for year
Take six small glasses, pour some water in them. The cups are put on the cups (so that in every cup there is something) - salt, sugar, a piece of bread, money (coin), ring, match.

* Salt - to tears, sadness ...
* Sugar - sweet life, successful per year
* Bread - bread, full life in the year
* Money - to money in the year
* Ring - marriage \\ marriage per year
* Metchka - to the child.
Then take turns tying eyes and fit and choose a cup. What is drawn - this is a forecast for the coming year!
Fortune telling with a cat
Make a desire, call your cat. If she crosses the threshold of the room with the left paw, the desire will come true. If right - not destined.))

2 master
There was a custom described by V. A. Zhukovsky, - throwing a shoe. The girls went out of the sideline and threw a shoe with her left legs. They watched, in which direction the shoe sock indicates - from there and will come to the bride and in the other side the girl leaves the native house. If the sock shoe pointed back to the village, it meant that the girl would not marry this year.

1 master
Listen to Chastushki.
Participants of the folklore ensemble and sing Epiphany Chastushki
On baptism of water
Sin is washes without a trace.
Because on baptism
Everyone gives the Lord forgiveness.

I'm not afraid of cold
And I am ready for frosts
Jumped now in the hole
Wardly wormwood.

On the baptism of frost
Shchki pinch, pinch nose.
I'm not afraid of anything
In the hole, hiding from him.

I do not need doctors
In Jordan dust in the morning.
I will strong and healthy
Without drugs and doctors.

Just started guess
The house came again.
I did not tell about love
And to death scared.

So the shints ended,
Holidays of fortune telling.
Dancing, songs, yes gulyanka
Enough, goodbye!
2 master
On baptism and played. I suggest and we warm up.
Snow in buckets
We divide those present on the team. Before each team, the line on the floor, for which it is impossible to step and put on the line by the bucket. In the bucket you need to throw snowballs one by one. Which team has more snow after three circles - she won.
Flying on the broomstick
Again, we divide those present on the command. Before each team, put in a chair or other improvised "finish." We issue each team on the broom (or squeezing). Participants on the gesture of the lead should riding a broom to run to her chair, to break it around and return to the place. Quickly transfer the broom to the next participant in a team that must reach the chair again, go back it, go back and so on. Whose team is more likely to cope with the task, she won.
Game with divination elements "Your imminent future"
You need to decompose in advance on match or other boxes minor items that can symbolize the future. Say, the rubber wheel from the children's car will mean a new car, the ring - a quick acquaintance, a tablet - recovery, health, and so on. Playing about yourself should take turns ask a question: "What awaits me this year?" And choose one of the boxes. What lies in it and will be a guess for their future.
1 master
Come on baptism:
The house will be a treat
And let the holy water
You in honor of the holiday washed
And with you still Nallem,
So that both your pure house
Salt holy to images -
So that lived rich you.
On the day frosty for baptism
You accept the invitation:
Come to the warm house
With Pies tea drink!
We offer all participants of our evening treats our table.