Decorative and applied arts: types, images, development. Museum of arts and crafts and folk art

Decorative and applied arts: types, images, development.  Museum of arts and crafts and folk art
Decorative and applied arts: types, images, development. Museum of arts and crafts and folk art

Which covers various branches of creative activity aimed at creating artistic products with utilitarian and artistic functions. A collective term that conventionally unites two broad types of arts: decorative and applied... Unlike works of fine art intended for aesthetic enjoyment and related to pure art, numerous manifestations of arts and crafts can have practical use in everyday life.

Works of decorative and applied art meet several characteristics: they have an aesthetic quality; designed for artistic effect; serve for decoration of everyday life and interior. Such works are: dress and decorative fabrics, furniture, art glass, porcelain, faience, jewelry and other art products.
In academic literature, since the second half of the 19th century, the classification of the branches of decorative and applied art has been established. by material (metal, ceramics, textiles, wood), on the technique of execution (carving, painting, embroidery, printing, casting, embossing, etc.) and by functional characteristics use of the item (furniture, toys). This classification is due to the important role of the constructive and technological principle in arts and crafts and its direct connection with production.

Trellis, design for wallpaper (1862)

Types of arts and crafts[ | ]

  • Application - a way to obtain an image; technique of arts and crafts.
  • Felting - creating sculptures, accessories and compositions from natural wool. Depending on the technique used, a distinction is made between dry and wet felting. The technique is based on the unique property of wool to fall off - to form a felt.
  • Embroidery is the art of decorating all kinds of fabrics and materials with a variety of patterns, from the coarsest and densest, such as cloth, canvas, leather, to the finest fabrics - cambric, muslin, gauze, tulle and so on. Embroidery tools and materials: needles, threads, hoops, scissors.
  • Knitting is the process of making products from continuous threads by bending them into loops and connecting the loops to each other using simple tools manually or on a special machine.
  • Sewing - creating stitches and seams on the material using a needle and thread, fishing line and the like. Sewing is one of the oldest production technologies, dating back to the Stone Age.
  • Weaving is the production of fabric on looms, one of the oldest human crafts.
  • Carpet weaving - production of carpets.
  • Burning out - a drawing is applied to the surface of any organic material using a red-hot needle.
  • - one of the oldest and most widespread types of material processing.
  • Straw paintings.
  • Stained glass is a work of decorative art of a fine or ornamental nature made of colored glass, designed for through lighting and intended to fill an opening, most often a window, in any architectural structure or interior.
  • Decoupage is a decorative technique for fabrics, dishes, furniture and other things, which consists in scrupulously cutting out images from paper, which are then glued or attached in a different way to various surfaces for decoration.
  • Modeling, sculpture, - shaping plastic material with the help of hands and auxiliary tools.
  • Mosaic - the formation of an image by arranging, collecting and fixing colored stones, smalt, ceramic tiles and other materials on the surface.
  • Weaving is a method of making more rigid structures and materials from less durable materials: threads, plant stems, fibers, bark, twigs, roots and other similar soft raw materials.
  • Crafts from matches and sticks.
  • Painting:
  • Scrapbooking is the design of photo albums.
  • Artistic processing of leather - the manufacture of various items from leather, both for household and decorative and artistic purposes.
  • Topiary is the art of creating decorative trees (table and floor) from natural materials and artificial decor.

Folk decorative art in our country is an organic part of folk culture. Poetic images, emotions inherent in him are dear and understandable to all people. It instills a sense of beauty, helps to form a harmoniously developed personality. Based on long-standing artistic traditions, decorative arts have a positive effect on the education of the person of the future. The works created by masters from the people are a reflection of love for their native land, the ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding world.

The main types of decorative arts

For long centuries, home production in peasant families, and starting from the 18th-19th centuries and handicrafts, supplied cities and villages with various utensils made of clay, wood and metal, printed fabrics, ceramic and wooden toys, carpets, etc. and cheerfulness on wood, Dymkovo figurines and whistles made of clay, Lukuta painted lacquer boxes. Each of these items is a work of folk decorative art. Wooden gold - Khokhloma painting - is of great interest in Russia and abroad.

There were original crafts in the Far East, the Russian North, Siberia, and the Caucasus. The processing of metal in the Dagestani Kubachi, ceramic painting in Balkhar, and silver notching in Untsukul became famous. Folk decorative arts, the types of which are very diverse, are represented in different parts of our vast country.

Vologda lace - folk decorative art

Vologda lace gained popularity in European capitals at the end of the 18th century. And in our time, many foreigners mistakenly believe that lace is woven in Russia only in Vologda. In fact, Yelets, Kirishi, Vyatka also have reason to be proud of their products. Almost all of them have their own unique characteristics. So, Mikhailov's colored laces are very interesting. In our country, they have gained no less popularity than the Vologda ones. Nevertheless, just like hundreds of years ago, it is to Vologda that they go for a snow-white miracle.

Openwork carving

Openwork carving adorns small-sized bone items: boxes, caskets, pendants, brooches. A work of folk decorative art - bone lace - this is how openwork carving is poetically called.

The most widespread are three types of ornamentation in bone cutting:

  • Geometric - an interweaving of straight and curved lines.
  • Vegetable.
  • Rocaille - stylization of the sea shell shape.

The technique of openwork carving is used to create compositions based on ornament and plot. The raw material is ordinary cow bone.

Fine work on openwork carving requires special tools: needle files, graders, rivets, jigsaws.


Beading can be proud of a centuries-old history, just like the beads themselves. The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt were the first to master the complex skill of weaving necklaces based on small colored glass balls, and also decorated clothes with them. However, bead production really flourished in the 10th century. For many years, the inhabitants of Venice have carefully kept the secrets of their craftsmanship. Purses and handbags, shoes, clothes and other fine things were decorated with luxurious beads.

When beads appeared in America, they replaced the traditional materials used by the indigenous people. Here they were trimmed with cradles, baskets, earrings, snuff boxes.

The peoples of the Far North decorated high fur boots, fur coats, reindeer harness, and headdresses with beaded embroidery.


Batik - DIY fabric painting using fixing compounds. The technique is based on the observation that rubber glue and paraffin, when applied to fabric, do not allow paint to pass through themselves.

There are several varieties of batik - knotted, hot, shibori, cold.

The name "batik" is Indonesian, which means "draw", "hatch", "cover with drops".

This painting has been used since ancient times by the peoples of India and Indonesia. Batik came to Europe in the twentieth century.


Painting is one of the most ancient types of decorative arts. For centuries it has been an organic part of the original culture and life of the people. This kind of decorative art is widespread.

Here are some types of painting:

  • Zhostovo painting is a famous Russian craft that appeared in the 19th century in the village of Zhostovo, not far from Moscow. It belongs to the most popular crafts where Russian folk painting is created. The famous Zhostovo trays are painted by hand. Most often, bouquets of flowers are depicted on a black background.
  • Gorodets painting is a craft that appeared in the middle of the 19th century in the city of Gorodets. The painting is bright and laconic. Her themes are figurines of horses, genre scenes, flower patterns. Decorated doors, shutters, furniture, spinning wheels.
  • Khokhloma painting is one of the oldest folk crafts. It originated in the 17th century in Khokhloma, not far from Nizhny Novgorod. Khokhloma painting - decorative painting of wooden objects, made on a golden background in black, red, less often green. After drawing the pattern, the product is coated with a special composition and three times processing in the oven, which allows you to achieve a unique honey-golden color. Traditional for Khokhloma are rowan and red strawberries, branches and flowers. Often animals, fish and birds appear in the compositions, turning the made into a genuine work of folk decorative art. Wooden gold - this is how the Khokhloma painting is often called.

Let's get acquainted with the various handicrafts used in kindergarten for the development of children.

Dymkovo toy

The products of Kirov craftsmen amaze with bright patterns, non-standard proportions and shapes. Everyone is delighted with elegant, wonderfully decorated and painted ladies-dandies, ponies, roosters, goats. The first Dymkovo toys appeared in 1811. At the Vyatka holiday, painted clay dolls were sold. Clay toys were made by craftsmen from the village of Dymkovo. They did this with their families.

Now a factory producing Dymkovo toys is operating in Kirov.

Filimonovskaya toy

The center of folk craft in the village of Filimonovo near Tula, where wonderful clay toys are born, is no less famous. People and animals made by the craftsmen are distinguished by their whimsical form and great expressiveness. These are peasant women, ladies, soldiers, cows, horse riders, rams. Filimonov toys cannot be confused with others, as they carry their unique features in the form of modeling and painting. They play with all the colors of the rainbow.

A child who sees a Filimonov toy with a non-standard color and shape awakens creativity.

Kargopol toy

Kargopol is an ancient city, whose inhabitants have long been engaged in pottery. Mostly they made dishes, but some craftsmen were engaged in clay toys. True, in 1930 the fishery fell into decay. The restoration of Kargopol workshops took place in 1967.

Kargopol toys look stricter against the background of bright Dymkovo and Filimonov toys. The range of colors is brown, black and dark green. There are many funny images, simple, but at the same time breathing warmth and humor. These are peasant women, bearded men, dolls with spinning wheels.

Gzhel dishes

The village of Gzhel is located not far from Moscow. Pottery has been practiced here since the 14th century. Among the utensils produced by the fermenters are plates and toys that are painted with brown and yellowish-green ceramic paints. Now the porcelain products produced in Gzhel are world famous. The reason for this is the uniqueness of the form and pattern. Gzhel porcelain is distinguished by blue painting made on a white background. True, the blue is not uniform. If you look closely, you can find the subtlest shades and halftones that evoke thoughts of the blueness of the sky, river and lake water. In addition to tableware, toys and small sculptures are produced in Gzhel. Everything that the masters do amazes with the harmony of content and form. This is a real work of folk decorative art. Everyone dreams of buying Gzhel.

Decorative arts in kindergarten

The art of folk crafts is a property not only for adults. It is also important for children who can play with enthusiasm both with nesting dolls made of wood and with clay toys from Kirov craftsmen. The art of the people awakens interest in the children with the originality of ideas, imagery and brilliance. It is understandable to children, since its content is simple and laconic, but at the same time reveals to the child the beauty of the world around him. Here are the favorite fairy-tale images of animals, which are made of clay or wood, and ornaments with flowers, berries and leaves, which have been seen more than once in life. Craftsmen engaged in the manufacture of clay toys often decorate their works with an ornament of geometric shapes: stripes, rings, circles. These drawings also find understanding among kids. All clay and wood products in kindergartens are not only interior decoration. Guided by an experienced teacher, the guys look closely at them, drawing and modeling them on the basis of samples of folk products.

Folk decorative art in kindergarten enters the life of children, giving them joy, broadening their horizons, and having a positive impact on artistic taste. Preschool educational institutions should have a sufficient number of handicrafts. This allows you to decorate the interiors of groups, updating them after a while. Artistic products are shown to children when they talk about craftsmen. All such items must be stored in the closets of the pedagogy office. They must be constantly replenished and allocated to fisheries. Younger children need to purchase fun toys, chiseled wooden toys. For children of the middle group, Filimonov and Kargopol are better suited. All kinds of folk toys, including clay and wooden ones, are available to children of older groups.

Decorative molding in a kindergarten provides for the creation of dishes by children, various figures on the theme of folk toys. In addition, children can make small jewelry for dolls, souvenirs for mothers, grandmothers and sisters for the 8th of March.

Under the influence of classes with handicrafts, children are more deeply and interested in illustrations on Russian themes; toys with the richness of their themes spur the child's imagination during modeling lessons, making his knowledge of the world that surrounds him richer. Classes using folk art objects as illustrations provide an opportunity to develop the mind of kids.

However, a positive effect from this is achieved only if children are systematically and systematically introduced to the objects of decorative and applied art. Based on the knowledge gained, they create decorative works with their own hands. They are invited to reproduce a work of folk decorative art (any). A photo, if the work itself is not available, will help the child imagine that he will draw or sculpt.

The desire of children to engage in the creation of beautiful objects is largely determined by the attention of the educator himself to these issues. He must have information about folk crafts, be aware of the history of their appearance. If a teacher knows what kind of folk craft a particular toy can be attributed to, and knows how to interestingly tell about the masters who make these toys, children will be interested, and they will have a desire to be creative.

Fine arts in elementary grades

Folk decorative art in the design activities of younger schoolchildren allows children to return to the origins of folk culture, to the spiritual heritage. In the modern world, the study of the wealth of national culture is the most important task of the moral education of children, turning them into patriots of their country. The soul of the nation is embodied in folk crafts, the historical memory of generations awakens. It is impossible to educate a full-fledged personality, to develop its moral potential, the aesthetic taste of children, if conversations about creativity are reduced to abstract reasoning. After all, the works of craftsmen are an illustration of the best qualities of a national character: it is the awakening of respect for one's own history and traditions, love for the homeland in general and for the place where he was born in particular, modesty, striving for beauty, a sense of harmony.

How to organize the educational process so that love for the homeland is not just a beautiful phrase, but really corresponds to the inner essence of the younger generation? What can be done if there are no performances that reveal vividly and figuratively the theme of patriotism? This issue, of course, requires an integrated approach. must be addressed systematically.

In order for the child to understand what is at stake, it is proposed to consider a work of folk decorative art (any) in the lesson. An example of such a work will help to understand the question.

The modern era requires an appeal to the very origins of art. Preservation, augmentation of folk art, the development of its traditions - such difficult tasks are faced by teachers, educators, and art workers.

Fine arts in high school

As they grow up, children begin to understand more and more what a work of folk decorative art is. Grade 6 also systematically studies this issue.

The work program for the study of fine arts in grade 6 provides for three main types of creative activity:

  1. Fine work (painting, drawing).
  2. Decorative creativity (ornaments, paintings, applications).
  3. Observation of the outside world (conversation).

These varieties allow children to become familiar with the fields of artistic creation. Already in the course of acquaintance, it becomes clear how closely these areas are interconnected and how noticeably they complement each other in the process of solving the tasks set by the program. It is necessary to subject each work of folk decorative art to a detailed analysis. Grade 6 is the time for the development of artistic taste.

Fine arts are taught at school in close connection with other subjects. It uses the knowledge gained as a result of studying literature, music, Russian language, history, technology, biology. This makes it possible to understand the practical meaning of fine art lessons, their vital necessity. The literature course also explores such a topic as "A work of folk decorative art". Composition (grade 6) allows the student to show knowledge of the subject. Children appreciate the products of folk craftsmen in it. They must draw up a work plan and describe the work of folk decorative art (any). 5-6 sentences for each point of the plan will be enough.

Folk decorative arts and Russia

Both Tatarstan and other regions of Russia were affected by folk art. Tatar decorative art is bright and multifaceted. It goes back to the ancient times of paganism - VII-VIII centuries. In the Kazan Khanate and Volga Bulgaria, the development of art proceeded in line with Islamic traditions. The leading direction was various. This type of pattern is widely manifested in various types of Tatar art. Ornaments adorn embroidery, wood and stone carvings, ceramics, jewelry, calligraphy. The zoomorphic style became widespread in the products of the Bulgarian masters of the pagan time.

A feature of Russian decorative art is its massive character. In Russia, decorative arts are most often anonymous. Gambs furniture and Faberge jewelry are the exception rather than the rule. Unnamed craftsmen created masterpieces of painting, weaving, dishes and toys. Russian art production can take pride in the creation of great values ​​in various fields.

The first evidence of the high development of blacksmith and jewelry industries can be found among the Scythians and tribes who lived in territories stretching from the Black Sea to Siberia. Here the preference was given to the Scythian animal style. The Northern Slavs, who were in contact with the inhabitants of Scandinavia, included in the ornament fragments of human and animal bodies, which are intricately intertwined. In the Urals, Finno-Ugric tribes made amulets with images of bears and wolves, made of wood, stone or bronze.

There were many icon-painting workshops throughout Russia. In Palekh, Ivanovo region, the finest was developed on the plots of folk tales and songs on black varnish. From Ancient Byzantium came to us the filigree art of chasing, grain, niello, openwork carved wood and bone. In the 17th century, decorative arts developed into developed artistic production. These are Rostov painted enamel, Nizhny Novgorod carving on huts, blackening over silver in Veliky Ustyug. Palaces and temples were decorated with the works of folk masters of decorative arts.

In Peter's times, Western European things became fashionable: upholstered furniture, faience. Mirrors have been widely used since the 18th century. MV Lomonosov mastered the art of making glass, mirrors and mosaic smalt. Talented architects of the 18th and early 19th centuries developed projects for decorative furnishings for interiors. Some architects of that era began their career as a decorator, for example Rossi and Voronikhin. The imperial court and the highest nobility of Russia supplied numerous orders to private enterprises that managed to reach the heights of skill. Such enterprises include the Kuznetsovsky Faience and Porcelain Plants, the Popovsky Porcelain Factory.

The study of folk art and folk crafts shows that the popularization of works of folk art has the best effect on both adults and children. This fosters an aesthetic taste, contributes to the emergence of spiritual needs, evokes a sense of national pride and humanity. After all, amazing colorful objects are created by folk craftsmen, people whom nature has endowed with talent, imagination and kindness.

Olga Makeenko
"Decorative and applied art as a means of introducing children to folk culture"


Folk culture is one of the important elements of any nation, since it carries the experience of past generations, which has evolved over the centuries. Folk culture reflects the life and skills of our ancestors, which are reflected in one way or another arts.

The study folk culture must be part of the compulsory curriculum children... After all, it is from childhood that habits and skills are formed in people. In order for the concept of the world to develop correctly, about art it is necessary from the earliest years to form in the minds of kids the idea of ​​the world around them, as well as to tell about the history of both the country as a whole and the region in which he lives. Children are our continuation, the future of both the family and the city, country and the world as a whole depends on how we bring them up.

"Guides" in this case, parents, as well as teachers, will speak. Future teachers of pedagogical schools, heads of kindergartens and methodologists for preschool education need to know the basic methods and techniques of leadership in various activities children preschool age. Among of these types of activities, a large place is occupied by the visual arts.

Folk culture is traditional culture which includes cultural layers of different eras, from ancient times to the present, the subject of which is people cultural connections and mechanisms of life. Such unwritten culture that is why tradition is of great importance in it as a way of transmitting information vital for society.

There are several ways in which learning is possible. children of folk culture... These include literature, cinema, and fairy tales. You can include paintings and games and much, much more.

In this paper, consider arts and crafts as a means of introducing children to folk culture... To achieve this goal, it will be necessary, first of all, to consider the basic concepts of this topic. This concept, its main directions and types; concept folk culture; and means of introducing children to folk culture.

Represents a section decorative arts, which covers several branches of creativity, dedicated to the creation of art products and intended mainly for everyday life. Works arts and crafts can be: various utensils, furniture, weapons, fabrics, tools, as well as other products that are not, according to their original purpose, works arts, but acquire artistic quality due to the application of the artist's labor to them; clothes and all kinds of jewelry.

Since the second half of the nineteenth century, the classification of industries has been established in the scientific literature. arts and crafts:

1. Depending on the material used (ceramics, metal, textiles, wood);

2. Depending on the execution technique (carving, printing, casting, chasing, embroidery, painting, intarsia).

The proposed classification is associated with the important role of the constructive and technological principle in arts and crafts and its direct communication with production.

It belongs simultaneously to the spheres of creation of both material and spiritual values. Artworks arts and crafts inseparable from the material culture of their contemporary era, are closely related to the everyday life corresponding to it, with one or another of its local ethnic and national characteristics, social group and class differences.

Artworks arts and crafts constitute an organic part of the subject Wednesday, with which a person comes into contact every day, and with their aesthetic merits, imagery, character constantly affect the state of mind of a person, his mood, are an important source of emotions that affect his attitude to the world around him. Artworks arts and crafts aesthetically saturate and transform Wednesday surrounding a person, and at the same time, as it were, are absorbed by it, since they are usually perceived in conjunction with its architectural and spatial solution, with other objects or their complexes included in it (furniture set or service, suit or jewelry set)... In this regard, the ideological significance of the works arts and crafts can be understood most fully only with a real idea of ​​these interrelationships of an object with environment and human.

Decorative and applied arts arose at the earliest stages of the development of human society, and for many centuries has been the most important, and for a number of tribes and nationalities main area of ​​artistic creation.

According to another source, arts and crafts- this is the creation of art products that have a practical purpose (household utensils, dishes, fabrics, toys, jewelry, etc., as well as artistic processing of old objects (furniture, clothing, weapons, etc.)... Also, as in the previous notation, by the masters arts and crafts a wide variety of materials are used - metal (silver, gold, platinum, bronze, as well as various alloys, wood, clay, glass, stone, textiles (natural and artificial fabric) and etc.

The manufacture of products from clay is called ceramics, from precious stones and metals - jewelry art... In the process of creating works of art from metal, casting, forging, embossing, and engraving techniques are used; textiles are decorated with embroidery or printing (a wooden or copper board covered with paint is applied to the fabric and hit with a special hammer, getting an imprint); wooden objects - carvings, inlays and colorful paintings. Ceramic painting is called vase painting.

Artistic products are closely related to the everyday life and customs of a particular era, the people or social group (nobles, peasants, etc.)... Already primitive craftsmen decorated dishes with patterns and carvings, made primitive decorations from animal fangs, shells and stones. These objects embodied the ideas of ancient people about beauty, about the structure of the world and about the place of man in it.

Ancient traditions arts continue to appear in folklore and in products folk crafts.

Thus, based on the above, we will note the main points. So the term arts and crafts conventionally unites two broad genus arts: decorative and applied... Unlike works of graceful arts intended for aesthetic enjoyment and related to pure art, numerous manifestations decoratively-applied creativity mainly have practical use in everyday life. This is a distinctive feature of this species. arts.

Artworks arts and crafts have certain characteristics: aesthetic quality, designed for artistic effect and are used to decorate everyday life and interior.

Views decorative arts and crafts: sewing, knitting, burning, carpet weaving, weaving, embroidery, artistic processing of leather, patchwork (sewing from patches, artistic carving, drawing, etc.). In turn, it should be noted that some types arts and crafts subject to their own classification. For example, burning is the drawing of a pattern on the surface of some organic material using a red-hot needle, and it happens: burning on wood, burning on fabric (guilloche, making applications by burning with a special apparatus, hot stamping.

2. Folk culture

Previously, a definition of the concept has already been provided folk culture... I repeat, folk culture is traditional culture which includes cultural layers of different eras - from ancient times to the present, the subject of which is people- a collective personality, which means the unification of all individuals of the collective into a community cultural connections and mechanisms of life. it unwritten culture, and therefore tradition is of great importance in it, as a way of transmitting information vital to society. This definition is rather capacious, but not the only one. Let's turn to other sources.

Under culture understand human activity in its various manifestations, including all forms and methods of human self-expression and self-knowledge, the accumulation of skills and abilities by a person and society as a whole. Culture represents a set of stable forms of human activity, without which it cannot reproduce, and therefore - exist. Culture is a set of codes, which prescribe a certain behavior to a person with his inherent experiences and thoughts, thereby exerting a managerial influence on him. Source of origin culture human activity is thought of.

Concept " people"in Russian and European languages ​​is the population, the totality of individuals. Also, people is understood as a community of people who have realized themselves as an ethnic or territorial community, a social class, a group that sometimes represents the entire society, for example, at some decisive historical moment (national liberation wars, revolutions, restoration of the country, and so on, possessing similar (general) beliefs, notions or ideals.

This community is the subject and bearer of a special holistic culture, excellent for its vision of the world, ways of embodiment in various forms of folklore and directions close to folklore cultural practices, which often dates back to antiquity. In the distant past, its bearer was the entire community (clan, tribe, later ethnos (people) .

In past, folk culture determined and consolidated all aspects of life, customs, rituals, regulated the relationship of community members, the type of family, upbringing children, the nature of the dwelling, ways of developing the surrounding space, the type of clothing, attitude to nature, the world, legends, beliefs, language, artistic creativity. In other words, it determined when to sow grain and harvest, drive out livestock, how to build relationships in the family, in the community, and so on. At the present time, during the period of complication of social relations, many large and small social groups of formal and informal type have appeared, there has been a stratification of social and social cultural practices, folk culture has become one of the elements of modern multilayer culture.

V folk culture creativity is anonymous, since personal authorship is not recognized, and the goal setting to follow the pattern that is adopted from previous generations invariably dominates. The whole community, as it were, "owns" this sample, and the individual (storyteller, master craftsman, even a very skillful, perceiving samples inherited from ancestors, standards, identifies with the community, realizes his belonging to culture locus, ethnos, subethnos.

Manifestations folk culture Is an identification of oneself with one's own the people, his traditions in stereotypes of social behavior and action, everyday ideas, choice cultural standards and social norms, orientations towards certain forms of leisure, amateur artistic and creative practice.

An important quality folk culture in all periods is tradition. Tradition determines its value-normative and semantic content folk culture, social mechanisms of its transmission, inheritance in direct communication from face to face, from master to student, from generation to generation.

Thus, folk culture is culture created over millennia, by natural selection, by anonymous creators - people of labor, representatives the people who do not have special and professional education. Folk culture is: religious (Christian, moral, household, labor, health, play, entertainment cultural subsystems... This the culture recorded in folklore, folk crafts, exists in the customs and way of life, in the decoration of the home, in dance, song, clothing, in the nature of nutrition and upbringing children(folk pedagogy) .Folk culture is the basis of national culture, pedagogy, character, self-awareness. Introducing children to the origins of folk culture means preserving traditions the people, the continuity of generations, the growth of his spirit.

3. Means of introducing children to folk culture.

Due to the peculiarities of age, for initiation the child needs a special approach to any of the skills. Basically, the game is used for this, since it is most interesting for kids. In the process of playing, children become interested in the subject, which allows them to reveal the most significant elements without imposing them on the child, but easily and not forcedly. Games are chosen taking into account that they carry useful information about culture of the people, in the territory of which he lives, or the one that needs to be told. During the game, they tell the features nationalities, they can also be laid down in the rules. For example, you can organize a game competition: who will notice more details, who will list more familiar colors, shades or objects in the picture, and so on. Such a game stimulates their cognitive activity, develops observation in children, teaches them to formulate and express their thoughts.

In addition to the game, it is possible to use drawing, painting. Landscape painting is one of the most lyrical and emotional genres of fine art. arts, this is the highest stage of artistic development of nature, which recreates its beauty with inspiration and imagery. This genre promotes emotional and aesthetic development children, fosters a kind and respectful attitude to nature, its beauty, awakens a sincere, feeling of love for your land, your history. Landscape painting develops the imagination and associative thinking of the child, the sensual, emotional sphere, depth, awareness and versatility of the perception of nature and its image in works arts, the ability to empathize with the artistic image of the landscape, the ability to correlate his mood with his own.

Identifying abilities in children and their correct development is one of the most important pedagogical tasks. And it should be decided taking into account the age children, psychophysical development, upbringing conditions and other factors. Development of abilities in children to the fine arts only then will it bear fruit when the teaching of drawing is carried out by the teacher systematically and systematically. Otherwise, this development will follow random paths, and the child's visual abilities may remain in an embryonic state.

Children love to try new things. It is important not to spoil the child's attitude to creativity, as this can affect his future life. It is necessary to allow him to reveal his capabilities and not to scold if something does not work out. After all, people have been laid down since childhood preferences: someone who likes to draw, someone finds himself in music, others will become humanitarians. With this in mind, it is necessary to use different methods in teaching. children so that they themselves determine for themselves what they like, otherwise in the future, in the choice of a profession, factors imposed from outside will become decisive, and not what is really interesting and what is worth dedicating their lives to. Master the whole amount funds and the methods of representation that make up the graphic literacy, the child cannot. The teacher's knowledge of the features of expressive means of each art helps to establish, which of them can be realized and mastered by the child and which are inaccessible to him.

Thus, the main goal of the development of preschool education is the formation of the child's personality, the development of his creative abilities. In classes with kids, the main task of the teacher is to draw their attention to the picture, sculpture or another work and keep it. Kids are more willing to be interested in pictures, if the teacher manages to awaken their imagination, to include the kids in the game. For example, you can ask them to imagine themselves in the place of the heroes of the picture, to discuss what each of them would do in the place of the depicted character, what emotions they experienced, with what words they would describe their state. In general, get the child to tell him about himself in the situation depicted.


Introducing children to arts and crafts it is an acquaintance with traditional household items. Children learn how and for what this or that thing was used, they try to use it themselves. In addition, children are encouraged to consider decorative patterns, explains the symbolic meaning of individual elements of the ornament. It is important to draw the child's attention to the repetition of patterns and individual elements on different objects, and tell what traditional ways of decorating things are inherent in different regions of Russia.

In classes devoted to traditional folk crafts, children are taught the basic principles of constructing an ornament, learn to correctly perform repetitive elements. Samples for children's modeling and painting can be traditional dishes, toys and other household items.

In order to introducing children to art cognitive and creative activities are used, which implies visiting a variety of exhibitions of paintings, sculptures, folk art and so on... Guided tours can be organized, but they are intended children over the age of five. The exhibition exhibits, the viewing of which is accompanied by the guide's explanations, reinforce the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom on aesthetic education.

Decorative and applied arts is closely related to folk culture... This view art embodies folk culture... By using arts and crafts can explore folk culture.

Decorative and applied arts contains a large amount of information that is useful for children in the process of studying the history of one's own or another country, nation or community. How a means of familiarizing with folk culture arts and crafts is one of the most effective and interesting.

Arts and crafts(from lat. decoro - decorate) - a section of decorative art, covering the creation of artistic products that have a utilitarian purpose.

Works of decorative and applied art meet several requirements: they have aesthetic quality; designed for artistic effect; serve for decoration of everyday life and interior. Such works are: clothing, dress and decorative fabrics, carpets, furniture, art glass, porcelain, faience, jewelry and other artistic products. In the scientific literature, since the second half of the 19th century, the classification of the branches of decorative and applied arts by material (metal, ceramics, textiles, wood), by technique of execution (carving, painting, embroidery, printing, casting, chasing, intarsia, etc.) and by the functional signs of using the item (furniture, dishes, toys). This classification is due to the important role of the constructive and technological principle in arts and crafts and its direct connection with production.

Batik, hand-painted on fabric using reserving compounds. On the fabric - silk, cotton, wool, synthetics - the appropriate paint is applied to the fabric. To obtain clear boundaries at the junction of paints, a special fixer is used, called a reserve. There are several types, such as hungry and hot.

Tapestry, lint-free wall carpet with a theme or ornamental composition, hand-woven with cross-weaving of threads.

"Offer of the Heart". Arras. OK. 1410. Cluny Museum


Thread graphics(name options: isothread, image with thread, thread design), technique, obtaining an image with threads on cardboard or other solid base.


Artistic carving:


Acrolite is a mixed technique used in ancient sculpture, in which the naked parts of the statue were made of marble, and the clothes were made of painted or gilded wood. The body (the main hidden frame of the statue) could also be made of wood.

Glyptic - the art of carving on colored and precious stones, gems. One of the most ancient arts. Also refer to jewelry art.


Artistic carving:
on wood:

One of the oldest and most common types of artistic woodworking, in which a pattern is applied to a product using an ax, knife, chisels, chisels, chisels and other similar tools. With the improvement of technologies, wood turning and milling appeared, which greatly simplified the work of the carver. Carving is used in home decor, when decorating household utensils and furniture, for making small wooden plastics and toys.

Through thread is subdivided into through and overhead thread, it has two subspecies:

Slotted thread- (through sections are cut with chisels and chisels). Cutting thread (actually the same, but such sections are cut out with a saw or jigsaw). Cut or cut thread with embossed ornament is called openwork.

Flat-faced thread the carving is characterized by the fact that it is based on a flat background, and the carving elements go deeper into it, that is, the lower level of the carved elements lies below the background level. There are several subspecies of such a thread:

Contour thread- the simplest, its only element is a groove. These grooves create a pattern on a flat background. Depending on the selected chisel, the groove can be semicircular or triangular.

WITH cobbled (nail) thread- the main element is a bracket (it looks like a trace left by a nail when pressing on any soft material, hence the name nail-like) - a semicircular notch on a flat background. A lot of such brackets of different sizes and directions and creates a picture or its individual elements.

G geometric (triangular, triangular beveled) thread- has two main elements: a peg and a pyramid (a triangular pyramid recessed inside). Carving is carried out in two stages: piercing and trimming. First, the sectors that need to be cut are punctured (outlined) with a chisel, and then they are cut. The repeated use of pyramids and a peg at different distances and at different angles gives a great variety of geometric shapes, among which are distinguished: rhombuses, whites, honeycombs, chains, lights, etc.

Black-glazed carving- the background is a flat surface covered with black varnish or paint. As in contour carving, grooves are cut in the background, from which the pattern is built. The different depths of the grooves and their different profiles give an interesting play of light and shade and contrast between the black background and light cut grooves.

Embossed carving characterized by the fact that the thread elements are above the background or at the same level with it. As a rule, all carved panels are performed using this technique. There are several subspecies of such a thread:

Flat-relief thread with a pillow background - can be compared with contour carving, but all the edges of the grooves are stuck, and sometimes with varying degrees of steepness (from the side of the drawing, more sharply, from the side of the background, gradually, sloping). Due to such stained contours, the background seems to be made of pillows, hence the name. The background is flush with the pattern.

Flat-relief thread with the selected background - the same thread, but only the background is selected with chisels one level below. The contours of the drawing are also obscured.

Abramtsevo-Kudrinskaya (Kudrinskaya)- originated in the Abramtsevo estate near Moscow, in the village of Kudrino. The author is considered to be Vasily Vornoskov. The carving is distinguished by a characteristic "curly" ornament - curly garlands of petals and flowers. The same characteristic images of birds and animals are often used. As well as flat-relief, it happens with a pillow and a selected background.

"Tatyanka" thread- this type of carving appeared in the 90s of the XX century. The author (Shamil Sasykov) named this formed style after his wife and patented it. As a rule, such carvings contain floral designs. A characteristic feature is the absence of a background as such - one carved element gradually passes into another or is superimposed on it, thus filling the entire space.

Artistic carving:
by bone:

Netsuke is a miniature sculpture, a work of Japanese arts and crafts, which is a small carved keychain.

Ceramics, clay products made under the influence of high temperature with subsequent cooling.

Embroidery, a well-known and widespread handicraft art to decorate with a variety of patterns, all kinds of fabrics and materials can be satin stitch, cross, Old Russian facial sewing.

Knitting, the process of making products from continuous threads by bending them into loops and connecting the loops to each other using simple tools manually (crochet hook, knitting needles, needle) or on a special machine (mechanical knitting).

Macrame, knot weaving technique.

Jewelry Art.

(from German Juwel or Dutch juweel - precious stone), making art products (personal jewelry, household items, cult, weapons, etc.) mainly from precious (gold, silver, platinum), as well as some precious non-ferrous metals, often in combination with precious and semi-precious stones, pearls, glass, amber, mother-of-pearl, bone, etc. In jewelry, forging, casting, artistic chasing and shotting are used ), embossing, carving or engraving, deflection (a technique in which the background around the picture is cut out), filigree, granulation, niello, enamel (enamel), inlay, etching, polishing, etc., mechanical processing techniques - stamping, rolling, etc. ...

Artistic leather processing.

Techniques for artistic processing of leather.

Embossing. There are several types of embossing. In industrial production, various stamping methods are used, when a pattern on the skin is squeezed out using molds. In the manufacture of art products, stamping is also used, but typesetting stamps and embossings are used. Another method is embossing with filling - cutting out elements of the future relief from cardboard (lignin) or pieces of blinker and placing them under a layer of pre-moistened leather, which is then squeezed along the contour of the relief. Small details are squeezed out without lining due to the thickness of the leather itself. When dry, it hardens and "remembers" the embossed decor. Thermal embossing - extrusion of decor on the surface of the leather using heated metal stamps.

Perforation or die-cutting is one of the oldest techniques. Actually, it boils down to the fact that with the help of punches of various shapes, holes are cut in the skin in the form of an ornament.

Weaving is one of the processing methods, which consists in joining several strips of leather using a special technique. In jewelry, macrame elements made from a "cylindrical" cord are often used. In combination with perforation, weaving is used to braid the edges of products (used for finishing clothes, shoes, bags).

Pyrography (burning) is a new technique, but with an ancient pedigree. Apparently, initially burning on the skin was a side effect of heat-embossing, but then it was widely used as an independent technique. With the help of pyrography, very delicate and complex patterns can be applied to the skin. Often used in combination with engraving, painting, embossing when creating panels, jewelry, making souvenirs.

Engraving (carving) is used when working with heavy, dense leather. A pattern is applied to the front surface of the soaked skin using a cutter. Then, with any metal object of an oblong shape, the slots are widened and filled with acrylic paint. When dry, the contour drawing retains its sharpness, and the lines - their thickness.

Application in leatherwork - gluing or sewing pieces of leather onto a product. Depending on what kind of product is being decorated, the application methods differ slightly.

Intarsia is, in fact, the same as inlay and mosaic: fragments of the image are mounted end-to-end. Intarsia is performed on a textile or wooden base. Depending on this, leather grades are selected. To achieve the proper quality, according to a preliminary sketch, accurate patterns of all fragments of the composition are made. Then, according to these patterns, elements are cut out of pre-painted leather and glued to the base using bone glue or PVA emulsion. The intarsia technique is mainly used to create wall panels, but in combination with other techniques it can be used to make bottles, souvenirs, and decorate furniture.

In addition, the leather can be painted, it can be molded, giving any shape and relief (by soaking, gluing, filling).

Artistic metal processing:

Filigree work

Casting. Gold, silver, bronze have high fusibility and can be easily poured into molds. The castings reproduce the model well. Before casting, the master makes a model from wax. Those parts of the object that must be particularly durable, such as the handles of vessels, handles or latches, as well as ornaments and figures, are cast in sand molds. For complex objects, several models are required, since different parts are cast separately and then connected by soldering or screwing.

Artistic forging- one of the oldest methods of metal processing. It is carried out by striking the workpiece with a hammer. Under its impacts, the workpiece is deformed and takes on the desired shape, but such deformation without breaks and cracks is characteristic mainly of precious metals, which have sufficient plasticity, toughness, and ductility.

Chasing is a very unique, most artistic and at the same time laborious production technique. Precious metals lend themselves to rolling into a thin sheet, then the shape of the object takes on its shape in a cold state with the help of accelerating hammers. Often, an artistic product is processed on a base (lead or resin cushion), which is selected depending on the degree of malleability of the metal. With short and frequent blows of a hammer with constant pressure and rotation, the metal is tapped out until the desired shape is obtained. Then they move on to chasing (embossing decor). The decor is knocked out using embossing (steel rods of a certain profile). Products forged from a single piece of workpiece are the highest works of art. It is easier to work with two or more pieces of a workpiece, which are then soldered together.

1. Embossing from a sheet.
2. Embossing by casting or dropping.
In the first case, a new work of art is created from a sheet blank by means of embossing; in the second, they only reveal and complete an art form that has already been cast in metal (or cut out of metal using the deflection technique).

Metal-plastic. Works of art made in this technique resemble sheet chasing, but in essence they differ significantly, primarily in the thickness of the sheet metal.
For embossing, sheets with a thickness of 0.5 mm and more are used, and for metal-plastic, foil up to 0.5 mm is used. However, the main difference between metal-plastic is in the technological process itself and in the set of tools. In embossing, the shape is formed by hammering the embossing, and in metal-plastic, the shape is molded by means of smooth deformations carried out with special tools resembling sculptural stacks.

Engraving is one of the most ancient artistic metalworking. Its essence is the application of a linear pattern or relief to the material using a cutter. In the technology of artistic engraving craftsmanship, one can distinguish between:
- plane engraving(two-dimensional), at which the
surface only; Its purpose is to decorate the surface of the product by applying a contour drawing or pattern, complex portrait, multi-figure or landscape tone compositions, as well as the execution of various inscriptions and font works. Both flat and volumetric items are decorated with engraving.
Plane engraving, also called gloss engraving or engraving for a kind, also includes black engraving, which technologically differs from the usual only in that it is performed a little deeper, and then the selected pattern is filled with black.
drop engraving(three-dimensional).
Dropped engraving is a method in which a relief or even a volumetric sculpture made of metal is created. In reverse engraving, two options are distinguished: convex (positive) engraving, when the relief pattern is higher than the background (the background is deepened, removed), in-depth (negative) engraving, when the pattern or relief is cut inward.

Etching. This is another technique akin to graphics. As in etching, the object was covered with resin or wax, and then the decor was scratched out on it. When the product was immersed in acid or alkali, the scratched places were etched, and the surface around them, often damaged by the intervention of the tool, dimmed. So a very shallow and softly emerging relief arose.

Filigree is a kind of artistic metalworking, which has occupied an important place in jewelry since ancient times.
The term "filigree" is more ancient, it comes from two Latin words: "phylum" - thread and "granum" - grain. The term "filigree" is of Russian origin. It originates from the Old Slavic verb "skati" - to twist, twist. Both terms reflect the technological essence of this art. The term "filigree" combines the names of two main primary elements from which they produce a characteristic for filigree production, namely that the wire is used in this art form twisted, twisted into cords.
The thinner the wire and the tighter, steeper it is twisted, the more beautiful the product, especially if this pattern complements the grain (the smallest balls).

Enameling. Enamel is a glassy solidified mass of inorganic, mainly oxide composition, formed by partial or complete melting, sometimes with additives of metals, deposited on a metal base.

Decorative processing
The description of the decorative finish of the product should contain information about the location, individual sizes, quantity, characteristics of the elements of artistic processing. Typical items included in a general description are listed below.
1. Matting.
2. Blackening.
3. Oxidation.
The matted, or textured, surface of products is considered a surface that differs from polished, bearing a decorative load.
The surface texture can be shallow, small-streaked, matte. Most often, the effect of combined processing of textures with gloss is used. Sections of the textured surface are obtained using a cast product crust, a polished surface (after pretreating a sandblasting working surface of a stamp), using etching in various acid compositions, mechanical matting (with a graver, ground pumice stone, brushing).
Niello (a low-melting alloy of the composition: silver, copper, lead, sulfur) is applied to a product prepared for niello, that is, with depressions with an engraved pattern. The depth of the pattern within 0.2-0.3 mm depends on the size of the product. The surface of the product that is not covered with niello must be polished, free of marks, scratches and other defects.
Articles made of silver and with a silver coating are oxidized (processed) both by chemical and electrochemical methods. The processes of chemical and electrochemical colorless oxidation are carried out in solutions and electrolytes, the main component of which is potassium dichromate. In the process of colored oxidation, products are dyed with a variety of shades: blue, black, gray, dark brown, etc. Oxidized products are brushed with soft brass brushes to give the films a beautiful shine. The oxidized surface should be uniformly matt, without any difference in color shades.
Electroplated coatings
In the jewelry industry, gold, silver, and rhodium are used as electroplated coatings. On electroplated coatings, there may be minor traces of contact points with conductive devices, which do not violate the coating layer and do not worsen the appearance of the product.

Pyrography, burning on wood, leather, fabric, etc.

Stained glass, a work of decorative art of a pictorial nature made of colored glass, designed for through lighting and intended to fill an opening, most often a window, in any architectural structure.

Upper Half of the Poor Man's Bible Window, Canterbury Cathedral, UK

Currently, there are several different types of stained-glass windows, depending on the manufacturing technique:

Classic (inlaid or mosaic) stained-glass window- formed by transparent pieces of glass held by partitions of lead, copper, brass. Classic stained glass is subdivided into lead-soldered (assembled on a lead profile) and stained glass using Tiffany technology (assembled on copper tape).

Lead solder (solder) stained glass- the classic stained glass technique that appeared in the Middle Ages and served as the basis for all other techniques. This is a stained-glass window assembled from pieces of glass in a lead frame, sealed at the joints. Glasses can be colored and painted with fusible glass and metal oxides paint, which is then fired in specially arranged furnaces. The paint is firmly fused into the glass base, making up a single whole with it.

Faceted stained-glass window - a stained-glass window made of glass with a bevel (facet, facet) removed along the perimeter of the glass or volumetric, ground and polished cut glass. To obtain a wide bevel (this enhances the effect of light refraction), thicker glass is required, which increases the weight of the stained glass. Therefore, the finished beveled parts are assembled in a more durable (brass or copper) frame. It is better to place such a stained-glass window in interior doors, furniture doors, since such a frame is able to withstand the loads of opening / closing, and in this case the lead sags. The golden hue of copper or brass frames gives things a precious look, being visible not only in the light, but also in reflected light, which is especially important for furniture stained-glass windows.

Painted stained glass- a drawing is applied to the glass surface with transparent paints.

Combined stained glass- is formed by a combination of various technologies for creating a stained glass window.

Sandblasted stained glass created with special equipment

Sintered stained glass (fusing)- stained glass technique, in which a pattern is created by joint baking of colored pieces of glass or by sintering foreign elements (for example, wire) into the glass.

Etched stained glass- a technique based on the ability of hydrofluoric acid to interact with silicon dioxide (the main component of glass). This interaction with acid breaks the glass. Protective stencils make it possible to obtain a drawing of any complexity and required depth.

Cast Stained Glass - Each glass module is either hand-cast or blown. The glass, whose thickness varies from 5 to 30 mm, is also given a surface texture, which, by refracting light, enhances its expressiveness. Cement mortar and metal fittings are used to fasten the glasses.

Type-setting stained glass is the simplest type of stained-glass window, usually without painting, which is created on a type-setting table from pieces of immediately cut or pre-cut glass.

Imitation of a stained-glass window.

Film stained glass- a lead tape and a multi-colored self-adhesive film (English technology) are glued to the glass surface.

Contour filler stained glass- a drawing with acrylic polymers is applied to the surface of the glass in two stages: the contour imitates a vein of a classic stained-glass window, in the closed areas formed by drawing a contour, colored elements are manually filled (English technology).

Overhead stained glass- obtained by gluing the elements onto the base.

Mosaic, a work that involves the formation of an image by arranging, collecting and fixing on a surface (usually on a plane) multi-colored stones, smalt, ceramic tiles and other materials.

The symbol of the soul - a bird - on the Byzantine mosaic of an Orthodox church of the 6th century.

Technique. Styling methods.

Direct dialing mosaic elements are pressed into the ground. When dialing back the mosaic is assembled on cardboard or fabric, then transferred to a primed surface.

Mosaic installation: The technique is similar to tile installation, glue and mosaic grout are available in every building supermarket.

The base is examined for strength, all defects are identified - cracks, cavities, gravel nests, reinforcement or other foreign objects not included in the project, as well as problem areas, for example, oil stains, loose or insufficiently strong base, voids. The substrate must be strong, load-bearing, dry, as well as level and free from agents that reduce adhesion (for example, additives that reduce adhesion and facilitate the dismantling of the formwork), free from traces of laitance, dust, dirt, paint residues, rubbed rubber, etc. • If necessary, clean the substrate mechanically, eg by sandblasting. Before starting to lay the mosaic, the surface should be visually even, without sagging, pits and cracks, as well as dry and primed.

Laying the mosaic on paper. Laying begins with applying glue to the prepared surface, after which it is evenly distributed over the entire surface. In most cases, it is recommended to use latex adhesives. The mosaic is glued back to the paper side. Laying must be neat, so the distance between the sheets must match the distance between the tiles, excessive pressure is unacceptable. At the end of the installation, the sheets must be secured with light blows from a platform with a rubber base. After a day, the paper can be removed - moistened with a damp sponge, it lags behind. Before grouting, the mosaic surface must be cleaned of paper and glue residues, after which the grout can be done with a rubber float. For grouting, it is advisable to use a compound recommended by the mosaic manufacturer. When the grout is complete, you can clean the mosaic and polish the mosaic surface.

Laying the mosaic on the grid. Unlike paper mosaics, mesh mosaics are glued face up. For the technology of its laying, it is characteristic that after the glue dries, you can proceed immediately to grouting the joints.

In arts and crafts, there are many more different types. With each year of the discovery of new technologies, there are more and more of them.

More detailed information with visual material can be found on the pages of well-known search engines.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:20 am + in the quote pad

The article was written based on the materials of the site "Country of Masters" (mostly).

Studying the recently discovered site "Country of Masters" and never ceasing to be surprised and admired by the variety of applied art techniques and the talent of our people, I decided to systematize the techniques.
The list will be updated as new techniques are discovered.

* Techniques related to the use of paper:

1. Iris folding ("Rainbow folding") - paper folding technique. Appeared in Holland. The technique requires attention and accuracy, but at the same time it allows you to easily make spectacular postcards or decorate the pages of a commemorative album (scrapbooking) with interesting decorative elements.

2. Paper-plastic by the type of creativity is very similar to sculpture. But, in paper-making, all products inside are empty, all products are shells of the depicted object. And in sculpture, either there is an increase in volume with additional elements, or the excess is removed (cut off).

3. Corrugated tubes - this is the name of the technique for making products, in which corrugated paper tubes are used to decorate surfaces or to create volumetric figures. Corrugated tubes are obtained by winding a strip of paper on a stick, pencil or knitting needle, followed by squeezing. The compressed corrugated tube holds its shape well and has many options for design and use.

4. Quilling (from the English quilling - from the word quil "bird feather") - the art of paper rolling. It originated in medieval Europe, where nuns created medallions by rolling paper strips with gilded edges on the tip of a bird's feather, which created an imitation of a gold miniature.

4. Origami (with Japanese letters: "folded paper") - the ancient art of folding paper figures. Origami art has its roots in ancient China, where paper was discovered.
- Kirigami is a type of origami in which it is allowed to use scissors and cut paper in the process of making a model. This is the main difference between kirigami and other paper folding techniques, which is emphasized in the name: kiru - to cut, kami - paper.
Pop-up is a whole trend in art. This technique combines elements of techniques.
- Kirigami and Carvings and allows you to create volumetric designs and postcards that fold into a flat shape.
- Kusudama (from Japanese letters "medicine ball") - a paper model, which is usually (but not always) formed by stitching together the ends of many identical pyramidal modules (usually stylized flowers folded from a square sheet of paper), so that a spherical body is obtained forms. Alternatively, the individual components can be glued together (for example, the kusudama in the bottom photo is completely glued, not stitched). Sometimes, as a decoration, a tassel is attached from below.
The art of kusudama comes from an ancient Japanese tradition, when kusudama was used for incense and a mixture of dried petals; perhaps these were the first true bouquets of flowers or herbs. The word itself is a combination of the two Japanese words kusuri (medicine) and tama (ball). Nowadays, kusudams are usually used for decoration or as gifts.
Kusudama is an important part of origami, in particular as the predecessor to modular origami. It is often confused with modular origami, which is incorrect, since the elements that make up the kusudama are sewn or glued, and not nested, as modular origami suggests.
- Origami from circles - fold origami from a paper circle. Usually then an applique is glued from the folded parts.
- Modular origami - the creation of volumetric figures from triangular origami modules - invented in China. The whole figure is assembled from many identical parts (modules). Each module is folded according to the rules of classic origami from one sheet of paper, and then the modules are connected by nesting them into each other. The resulting frictional force prevents the structure from disintegrating.

5. Papier-mâché (fr. Papier-mâché "chewed paper") - an easily molded mass obtained from a mixture of fibrous materials (paper, cardboard) with adhesives, starch, gypsum, etc. Dummies are made of papier-mâché. , masks, teaching aids, toys, theatrical props, boxes. In some cases, even furniture.
In Fedoskino, Palekh, Kholuy, papier-mache is used to make the basis for traditional lacquer miniatures.
You can decorate a papier-mâché blank not only with paints, painting like famous artists, but using decoupage or assemblage.

7. Embossing (another name is "embossing") - mechanical extrusion, which creates images on paper, cardboard, polymer material or plastic, foil, on parchment (the technique is called "parchment", see below), as well as on leather or birch bark, in which a relief image of a convex or concave stamp is obtained on the material itself, with or without heating, sometimes with the additional use of foil and paint. Stamping is carried out mainly on binder covers, postcards, invitation cards, labels, soft packaging, etc.
This type of work can be determined by many factors: effort, texture and thickness of the material, the direction of its cutting, layout and other factors.
- Parchment - parchment paper (thick waxed tracing paper) is processed with an embossing tool and becomes convex and whitens during processing. This technique makes interesting postcards, and this technique can also be used to decorate a scrapbook.
- Texturing - applying an image using a cliché on a smooth material, usually metallized paper, in order to imitate foil stamping. Also used to imitate the skin of certain breeds (for example, a cliché with a pattern that imitates the skin of a crocodile, etc.)

* Weaving techniques:
Man learned weaving much earlier than pottery. At first, he weaved a dwelling (roofs, hedges, furniture), all kinds of baskets for various needs (cradles, tues, carts, scoops, baskets) and shoes from long flexible branches (roofs, hedges, furniture). Man has learned to braid his hair.
With the development of this type of needlework, more and more different materials for use appeared. It turned out that you can weave from everything that comes across: from vines and reeds, from ropes and threads, from leather and birch bark, from wire and beads, from newspapers ... , tatting, knotted weaving macrame, weaving on bobbins, beading, ganutel, weaving cords kumihimo, chain weaving, weaving nets, Indian mandala weaving, their imitations (weaving from paper strips and candy wrappers, weaving from newspapers and magazines) ...
As it turned out, this type of needlework is still popular, because using it, you can weave many beautiful and useful things, decorating our house with them.

1. Beading, like beads itself, has a long history. The ancient Egyptians were the first to learn how to weave necklaces from beaded threads, lower bracelets and cover women's dresses with beaded nets. But only in Хв the real flourishing of bead production began. For a long time, the Venetians carefully guarded the secrets of creating a glass miracle. Craftsmen and craftswomen decorated clothes and shoes, purses and handbags, fan cases and eyeglasses with beads, as well as other elegant little things.
With the advent of beads in America, the indigenous people began to use them instead of traditional Native American materials. For a ritual belt, cradle, headband, basket, hairnet, earrings, snuff boxes ..
In the Far North, fur coats, high fur boots, hats, reindeer harness, leather sunglasses were decorated with beaded embroidery ...
Our great-grandmothers were very inventive. Among the huge variety of elegant trinkets, there are amazing objects. Brushes and chalk covers, cases for a toothpick (!), An inkwell, a pen and a pencil, a collar for your favorite dog, a cup holder, lace collars, Easter eggs, chess boards and much, much, much more.

2. Ganutel - exclusive Maltese handicraft. It is in the monasteries of the Mediterranean that this technique of creating beautiful flowers for decorating the altar has been preserved to this day.
The ganutel uses fine spiral wire and silk threads to wrap parts, as well as beads, pearls or beads. Shiny flowers are graceful and light.
In the 16th century, a spiral wire made of gold or silver was called "canutiglia" in Italian, and "canutillo" in Spanish; in Russian, this word was probably transformed into "gimp".

3. Macrame (from Arabic - braid, fringe, lace or from Turkish - scarf or napkin with fringe) - knot weaving technique.
The technique of this knotted weaving has been known since antiquity. According to some reports, macrame came to Europe in the VIII-IX centuries from the East. This technique was known in Ancient Egypt, Assyria, Iran, Peru, China, Ancient Greece.

4. Weaving lace on bobbins. In Russia, the Vologda, Eletsky, Kirovsky, Belevsky, Mikhailovsky fields are still known.

5. Tatting is a braided knotted lace. It is also called shuttle lace because this lace is woven with a special shuttle.

* Techniques related to painting, various types of painting and creating images:

Drawing is a genre in the visual arts and a related technique that creates a visual image (image) on a surface or object using graphic means, drawing elements (as opposed to pictorial elements), mainly from lines and strokes.
For example: charcoal drawing, pencil drawing, ink and pen drawing ...
Painting is a type of fine art associated with the transfer of visual images by applying paints to a solid or flexible base; image creation using digital technology; as well as works of art made in such ways.
The most widespread works of painting are made on flat or almost flat surfaces, such as canvas stretched on a stretcher, wood, cardboard, paper, treated wall surfaces, etc. Including paintings made with paints on decorative and ceremonial vessels whose surfaces can have a complex shape.

1. Batik - hand-painted on fabric using reserving compounds.
The batik technique is based on the fact that paraffin, rubber glue, as well as some other resins and varnishes, when applied to fabric (silk, cotton, wool, synthetics), do not let paint through themselves - or, as the artists say, "reserve" from coloring separate areas of the fabric.
There are several types of batik - hot, cold, nodular, free painting, free painting using saline, shibori.
Batik - batik is an Indonesian word. Translated from Indonesian, the word "ba" means cotton fabric, and "-tik" means "point" or "drop". Ambatik - paint, drip, shade.
Painting "batik" has long been known among the peoples of Indonesia, India and others. In Europe - since the twentieth century.

2. Stained glass (lat. Vitrum - glass) is one of the types of decorative art. Glass or other transparent material is the main material. The history of stained-glass windows begins from ancient times. Initially, glass was inserted into a window or doorway, then the first mosaic paintings and independent decorative compositions appear, panels made of colored pieces of glass or painted with special paints on plain glass.

3. Blowing - a technique based on blowing paint through a tube (onto a sheet of paper). This ancient technique was traditional for the creators of ancient images (bone tubes were used).
Modern straws for juice are no worse in use. They help to blow recognizable, unusual, and sometimes fantastic drawings from a small amount of liquid paint on a sheet of paper.

4. Guilloche - the technique of burning an openwork pattern on the fabric by hand using a burning device was developed and patented by Zinaida Petrovna Kotenkova.
Guilloche requires careful work. It should be made in a single color scheme and correspond to the ornamental style of the given composition.
Napkins, panels with appliqués, bookmarks for books, handkerchiefs, collars - all this and much more that your imagination will tell you, will decorate any home!

5. Scratchboard (from the French gratter - to scratch, scratch) - a scratching technique.
The drawing is highlighted by scratching with a pen or a sharp tool on paper or cardboard, filled with ink (so that it does not blur, you need to add a little detergent or shampoo, just a few drops).

6. Mosaic is one of the most ancient arts. This is a way to create an image from small elements. Collecting the mosaic is very important for the mental development of the child.
It can be made of different materials: bottle caps, beads, buttons, plastic chips, wooden cuts of twigs or matches, magnetic pieces, glass pieces, ceramic pieces, small stones, shells, thermo mosaic, tetris mosaic, coins, pieces of fabric or paper, grain, cereals, maple seeds, pasta, any natural material (cone scales, needles, watermelon and melon seeds), pencil shavings, bird feathers, etc.

7. Monotype (from the Greek monos - one, single and tupos - print) - one of the simplest graphic techniques.
On a smooth glass surface or thick glossy paper (it should not allow water to pass through) - a drawing is done with gouache paint or paints. A sheet of paper is laid on top and pressed against the surface. The result is a mirror image.

8. Thread graphics (isothread, image with thread, thread design) - a graphic image made in a special way with threads on cardboard or other solid base. Thread graphics are also sometimes called isographics or cardboard embroidery. You can also use velvet (velvet paper) or thick paper as a base. Threads can be ordinary sewing, woolen, floss or others. You can also use colored silk threads.

9. Ornament (lat. Ornamentum - decoration) - a pattern based on the repetition and alternation of its constituent elements; intended for decorating various objects (utensils, tools and weapons, textiles, furniture, books, etc.), architectural structures (both outside and in the interior), works of plastic arts (mainly applied), among primitive peoples also the human body itself (coloring, tattooing). Associated with the surface that it decorates and visually organizes, the ornament, as a rule, reveals or accentuates the architectonics of the object on which it is applied. The ornament either operates with abstract forms, or stylizes real motives, often schematizing them beyond recognition.

10. Printing.
- Printing with a sponge. Both a sea sponge and a regular dishwashing sponge are suitable for this.
A piece of wood is usually used as a starting material for stamping with a print-cliché, so that it is convenient to take it in the hand. One side is made even, because cardboard is glued to it, and patterns are glued to cardboard. They (patterns) can be from paper, from rope, from an old eraser, from root crops ...
- Stamp (stamping). A piece of wood is usually used as a starting material for stamping with a print-cliché, so that it is convenient to take it in the hand. One side is made even, because cardboard is glued to it, and patterns are glued to cardboard. They (patterns) can be from paper, from rope, from an old eraser, from root crops, etc.

11. Pointillism (French Pointillisme, literally "dots") - a style of painting in painting that uses pure, not miscible on the palette paints, applied with small strokes of a rectangular or round shape, counting on their optical mixing in the eye of the viewer, as opposed to mixing paints on the palette. Optical mixing of three primary colors (red, blue, yellow) and pairs of complementary colors (red - green, blue - orange, yellow - violet) gives a significantly higher brightness than a mechanical mixture of pigments. Color mixing with the formation of shades occurs at the stage of perception of the picture by the viewer from a distant distance or in a reduced form.
The founder of the style was Georges Seurat.
Another name for pointillism is divisionism (from the Latin divisio - division, fragmentation).

12. Drawing with palms. Small children find it difficult to use a paintbrush. There is a very exciting activity that will give the child new sensations, develop fine motor skills of the hands, and give an opportunity to discover a new and magical world of artistic creativity - this is drawing with the palms. Drawing with their palms, little artists develop their imagination and abstract thinking.

13. Drawing with prints of leaves. After collecting various fallen leaves, smear each leaf with gouache on the side of the veins. The paper you are going to print on can be colored or white. Press the sheet with the colored side to the sheet of paper, carefully remove it, taking it by the "stem" (petiole). This process can be repeated over and over again. And now, having completed the details, you already have a butterfly flying over the flower.

14. Painting. One of the most ancient types of folk crafts, which for several centuries have been an integral part of the daily life and original culture of the people. In Russian folk art, there are a large number of varieties of this type of decorative and applied art.
Here is some of them:
- Zhostovo painting is an old Russian folk craft, originated at the beginning of the 19th century, in the village of Zhostovo, Mytishchi district, Moscow region. It is one of the most famous types of Russian folk painting. Zhostovo trays are painted by hand. Usually bouquets of flowers are depicted on a black background.
- Gorodets painting - Russian folk art craft. It has existed since the middle of the 19th century. near the town of Gorodets. Bright, laconic Gorodets painting (genre scenes, figurines of horses, roosters, flower patterns), made with a free stroke with white and black graphic outlining, adorned spinning wheels, furniture, shutters, doors.
- Khokhloma painting is an old Russian folk craft that was born in the 17th century in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
Khokhloma is a decorative painting of wooden dishes and furniture, made in black and red (and, occasionally, green) on a golden background. Silver tin powder is applied to the tree during the painting. After that, the product is covered with a special composition and processed in the oven three to four times, which achieves a unique honey-golden color, which gives the light wooden tableware a massive effect. Traditional elements of Khokhloma are red juicy berries of rowan and strawberry, flowers and branches. Birds, fish, and animals are not uncommon.

15. Encaustic (from ancient Greek. "Art of burning") - a painting technique in which the binding agent of paints is wax. Painting is done with paints in molten form (hence the name). A type of encaustic is wax tempera, which is distinguished by brightness and richness of colors. Many early Christian icons were painted in this technique.

* Techniques related to sewing, embroidery and the use of fabrics:
Sewing is a colloquial form of the verb "to sew", ie. what is sewn or sewn.

2. Patchwork, Quilt, Quilting or Patchwork is a folk arts and crafts, with centuries-old traditions and stylistic features. This is a technique that uses pieces of colorful fabrics or knitted geometric elements to join together in a blanket, blouse, or bag.
- Artichoke is a kind of patchwork that got its name from its resemblance to the fruit of an artichoke. This technique has other names - "teeth", "corners", "scales", "feathers".
By and large, in this technique, it all comes down to folding the cut out parts and sewing them onto the base in a certain sequence. Or, using paper, compose (sticking) various panels of a rounded (or multifaceted) shape on a plane or in volume.
You can sew in two ways: direct the edge of the blanks to the center of the main part, or to its edges. This is if you sew a flat product. For products of a volumetric nature, the point is towards the narrower part. The parts to be folded do not have to be cut out in the form of squares. It can be both rectangles and circles. In any case, we meet with the folding of cut blanks, therefore, it can be argued that these patchwork techniques belong to the family of origami patchwork, and since they create volume, then, therefore, to the "3d" technique.
- Crazy Quilt. Recently I came across such a variety. In my opinion, this is a multimethod.
The bottom line is that the product is created from a combination of various techniques: patchwork + embroidery + painting, etc.

3. Tsumami Kanzashi. The Tsumami technique is based on origami. Only they do not fold paper, but squares of natural silk. The word "Tsumami" means "to pinch": the master takes a piece of folded silk using tweezers or tweezers. The petals of future flowers are then glued to the base.
The hairpin (kanzashi), decorated with a silk flower, gave its name to a whole new kind of arts and crafts. This technique was used to make decorations for combs, and for individual sticks, as well as for complex designs made up of various accessories.

* Knitting techniques:
What is knitting? This is the process of making products from continuous threads by bending them into loops and connecting the loops to each other using simple tools by hand (crochet hook, knitting needles).

1. Knitting on a fork. An interesting way to crochet with a special tool - a fork bent in the shape of the letter U. The result is light, airy patterns.
2. Crochet (tambour) - the process of hand-made fabric or lace from threads using a crochet hook. creating not only dense, embossed patterns, but also thin, openwork, reminiscent of a lace fabric. Knitting patterns consist of different combinations of loops and posts. Correct ratio - the thickness of the hook should be almost twice the thickness of the thread.
3. Simple (European) knitting allows you to combine several types of loops, which creates simple and complex openwork patterns.
4. Tunisian long crochet (both one and several loops can be involved at the same time to create a pattern).
5. Jacquard knitting - patterns are knitted from threads of several colors.
6. Sirloin knitting - simulates sirloin-guipure embroidery on a special mesh.
7. Guipure crochet (Irish or Brussels lace).

2. Sawing out. One of the types is cutting with a jigsaw. Decorating your life and home with handicrafts or children's toys convenient for everyday life, you experience the joy of appearance and pleasure from the process of creating them.

3. Carving is a kind of arts and crafts. It is one of the types of artistic woodworking along with sawing and turning.

* Other self-contained techniques:
1. Applique (from lat. "Attachment") is a way of working with colored pieces of various materials: paper, fabric, leather, fur, felt, colored beads, beads, woolen threads, metal embossed plates, all kinds of fabric (velvet, satin, silk)., dried leaves ... Such use of various materials and structures in order to enhance expressive capabilities is very close to another means of image - collage.
There are also:
- Application from plasticine - plasticineography - a new kind of decorative and applied art. It represents the creation of stucco paintings depicting more or less convex, semi-volumetric objects on a horizontal surface. In essence, it is a rare, very expressive type of “painting.
- Applique from the "palms". Examples:
- Cut-off applique is one of the types of multifaceted applique technique. Everything is simple and accessible, as in laying out a mosaic. The base is a sheet of cardboard, the material is a sheet of colored paper torn into pieces (several colors), the tool is glue and your hands. Examples:

2. Assemblage (fr. Assemblage) - a visual art technique, akin to collage, but using volumetric details or whole objects, applicatively arranged on a plane like a painting. Allows pictorial additions with paints, as well as metal, wood, fabric and other structures. Sometimes it is applied to other works, from photomontage to spatial compositions, since the terminology of the latest visual art is not fully established.

3. Paper tunnel. The original English name for this technique is tunnel book, which can be translated as book or paper tunnel. The essence of the technique can be clearly seen from the English name tunnel - a tunnel - a through hole. The multi-layered composition of the "books" (book) conveys well the feeling of the tunnel. A three-dimensional postcard appears. By the way, this technique successfully combines different types of techniques, such as scrapbooking, applique, cutting, creating layouts and voluminous books. It is somewhat akin to origami, tk. aims to fold paper in a certain way.
The first paper tunnel was dated to the middle of the 18th century. and was the embodiment of theatrical scenes.
Traditionally, paper tunnels are created to commemorate an event or sold as souvenirs for tourists.

4. Cutting is a very broad term.
They are cut from paper, from foam plastic, from foam rubber, from birch bark, from plastic bottles, from soap, from plywood (though this is already called sawing), from fruits and vegetables, as well as from other various materials. Various tools are used: scissors, dummy knives, scalpel. Cut out masks, hats, toys, postcards, panels, flowers, figurines and much more.
- Silhouette cutting is a cutting technique in which objects of an asymmetric structure are cut out by eye, with curvilinear contours (fish, birds, animals, etc.), with complex outlines of figures and smooth transitions from one part to another. Silhouettes are easily recognizable and expressive, they should be without small details and, as it were, in motion. Examples:
- Cutting is symmetrical. With symmetrical cutting, we repeat the contours of the image, which must fit exactly into the plane of a sheet of paper folded in half, sequentially complicating the outline of the figure in order to correctly convey the external features of objects in a stylized form in applications.
- Vytynanka - the art of cutting openwork patterns from colored, white or black paper has existed since the time when paper was invented in China. And this type of carving began to be called jianzhi. This art has spread all over the world: China, Japan, Vietnam, Mexico, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ukraine, Lithuania and many other countries.
- Carving (see below).

5. Decoupage (from the French decoupage - noun, “what is cut out”) is a technique of decoration, appliqué, decoration using cut paper motifs. Chinese peasants in the XII century. began to decorate furniture in this way. And in addition to the cut pictures from thin colorful paper, they began to varnish it to look like a painting! So, along with beautiful furniture, this technique also came to Europe.
Today, the most popular decoupage material is three-layer napkins. Hence the other name - "napkin technique". The application can be absolutely limitless - dishes, books, boxes, candles, vessels, musical instruments, flower pots, bottles, furniture, shoes and even clothes! Any surface - leather, wood, metal, ceramics, cardboard, textiles, gypsum - should be plain and light, because the pattern cut from the napkin should be clearly visible.

6. Carving (from the English carvу - cut, cut, engrave, cut; carving - carving, carving, carved ornament, carved figure) in cooking is the simplest form of sculpture or engraving on the surface of products made of vegetables and fruits, such short-lived jewelry table.

7. Collage is a creative genre, when a work is created from a wide variety of cut images pasted on paper, canvas or digitally. Comes from fr. papier collée - pasted paper. Very quickly, this concept began to be used in an extended meaning - a mixture of various elements, a vivid and expressive message from scraps of other texts, fragments collected on the same plane.
The collage can be finished by any other means - ink, watercolors, etc.

8. Constructor (from the Latin constructor "builder") is a polysemantic term. For our profile, this is a set of mating parts. that is, details or elements of some future layout, information about which has been collected by the author, analyzed and embodied in a beautiful, artistically executed product.
Constructors differ in the type of material - metal, wood, plastic and even paper (for example, paper origami modules). With the combination of various elements, interesting designs appear for games and fun pastime.

9. Modeling - shaping plastic material (plasticine, clay, plastic, salt dough, snowball, sand, etc.) with the help of hands and auxiliary tools. This is one of the basic techniques of sculpture, which is designed to master the primary principles of this technique.

10. A layout is a resized copy of an object (usually reduced), which is made with the same proportions. The layout should also convey the main features of the object.
To create this unique piece, you can use various materials, it all depends on its functional purpose (exhibition layout, gift, presentation, etc.). It can be paper, cardboard, plywood, wooden blocks, plaster and clay parts, wire.
Layout view - a model is a working layout that depicts (imitates) any significant features of the original. Moreover, attention is focused on certain aspects of the modeled object or an equal degree of detail thereof. The model is created to be used, for example, for visual-model teaching of mathematics, physics, chemistry and other school subjects, for a nautical or air club. Various materials are used in modeling: balloons, light and plastic mass, wax, clay, gypsum, papier-mâché, salt dough, paper, foam plastic, foam rubber, matches, knitting threads, fabric ...
Modeling is the creation of a model that is authentically close to the original.
"Models" are those mockups that work. And the models that do not work, i.e. "strand" - commonly referred to as layout.

11. Soap making. Animal and vegetable fats, fat substitutes (synthetic fatty acids, rosin, naphthenic acids, tall oil) can be used as raw materials for obtaining the main component of soap.

12. Sculpture (Latin sculptura, from sculpo - I cut out, I cut out) - sculpting, plastic - a type of fine art, the works of which have a three-dimensional shape and are made of solid or plastic materials (metal, stone, clay, wood, gypsum, ice, snow , sand, foam rubber, soap). Processing methods - sculpting, carving, casting, forging, embossing, carving, etc.

13. Weaving - production of fabrics and textiles from yarns.

14. Felting (or felting, or felting) - felting of wool. It happens "wet" and "dry".

15. Flat embossing is one of the types of decorative and applied art, as a result of knocking out a certain ornamental relief, drawing, inscription or a round figured image, sometimes close to engraving, on a plate, a new piece of art is created.
The processing of the material is carried out using a rod - a stamp, which is steadied vertically, on the upper end of which is beaten with a hammer. By moving the coin, a new shape gradually appears. The material must have a certain plasticity and the ability to change under the influence of force.

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