The program of correctional and developing work with children of senior preschool age with violations of attention. Correctional work on the development of children's attention with OVD

The program of correctional and developing work with children of senior preschool age with violations of attention. Correctional work on the development of children's attention with OVD
The program of correctional and developing work with children of senior preschool age with violations of attention. Correctional work on the development of children's attention with OVD
Program for the correction and development of attention of students of primary school age (2-3 classes). Introduction

1. The relevance of the problem

Nikolo Paganini had three student. They began to take the lessons from him being professionals, albeit mediocre musicians, and in two years they received fame as virtuosos. When Paganini asked how he succeeded, he replied: "I taught them to care carefully."

Pupil's attention is one of the main conditions for the effectiveness of the educational process. In the process of learning and education, activities and communication, the schoolchildren develops the properties of attention, its types are formed sustainable combinations, on the basis of which attentiveness is formed as a personality property. Insufficient level of development of attention and as a result, the emergence of developmental development deviations quite often acts as one of the leading signs, which prevents not only the learning of knowledge, but also to the formation of the person, is the basis of the failure of schoolchildren, especially in junior classes. Tutorials contain more new information, and the process of their implementation requires a longer concentration. Unfortunately, in their form, the learning process is not always fascinating and relaxed. And in order to cope with all this, you need to be able to manage your attention, subordinate it to your will.

As the results of psychological and pedagogical studies, observations of teachers and parents of students, a group of children who have a low level of attention is allocated every year, which is one of the main reasons for their failure. In our school, there was a need to streamline the existing material on this problem, to draw up a program of correctional and developing classes, including methodological techniques, developing tasks, games and exercises that showed the maximum developing effect during testing. Attention is the basis of any intellectual activity. No mental process, whether it is perception, thinking, memory or imagination, cannot flow without attention. In addition to the tasks developing various components of attention, in the classes include tasks for the development of memory, spatial orientation, thinking, imagination, connected speech, as Bityanova M.R. Notes: "You can only develop attention to the" wide front ", capturing all mental processes ..."

Corrugated-developing program has:

Purpose: Overcoming difficulties in developing attention in school training.

  1. Teaching to generate concentrated and sustainable attention, increase the amount of attention, strengthen the ability to distribute and switching attention.
  2. Develop volume, accuracy, mobilization readiness and confidence in the correctness of memorizing and playing information.
  3. Develop a wield sphere.
  4. Teach thinking creatively, to see interrelations, making conclusions.
  5. Develop an imagination in order to attract it to solve the tasks of educational activities.
  6. To form social and communicative skills necessary to interact with classmates and teachers.
  7. To form sustainable learning motivation, sustainable self-esteem.

2. Conditions for holding

This program volume of 23 hours (plus 17 hours of individual work with children) is focused on a group form of work. The number of groups is 6-10 people (this is effective from the point of view of psychological results). The group includes students who showed a low level of attention of attention as a result of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, and experiencing difficulties in study due to inattentiveness. The program includes 20 classes. The frequency of group meetings - 2 times a week. The approximate duration of each lesson is 1 hour - 1 hour and 10 minutes. Additionally, with group classes once a week for 40-50 minutes, individual classes with students experiencing difficulties in the group are carried out. Classes are held indoors with tables, chairs and board. Individual work is performed in notebooks. Many exercises are held in the form of a competition, but in this case, the successes of each child it is important to compare with its previous achievements, and not with the results of other children. The role of the "main" in any game is a good training for shy children. Children await their work. Therefore, the assessment of the work of participants, as well as stimulation, the activation of their activities is carried out with the help of "care points" (for successfully completed tasks of the main part of the classes). At the end of the classes, children count "points" and give an assessment of their work. The dynamics of the development of children is monitored by carrying out control cuts every 10 lessons. Also, every five studies are encouraged to consult parents of children engaged in the group. In consultations, parents are offered games and exercises for the development of the child at home.

3. Structure of classes

Classes are presented in the form of a block of exercises and games that promote development, first of all, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, communicative skills. Often, the same techniques have a positive effect on the development of various mental functions, so the blocks are inevitable.

In the structure of classes, the following steps can be distinguished:

1. Farewell welcome rituals They are an important point of work with a group that can allocate children, create an atmosphere of group confidence and adoption, which in turn is important for fruitful work. This ritual is usually offered by a psychologist. All children should be included in it.

2. Workout Not only serves as an element of attention, but is a means of exposure to the emotional state of children, their level of activity, performs an important function of setting up for productive group activities. The warm-up can be carried out not only at the beginning of the classes, but also between individual exercises.

3. Main content of classes It represents a combination of psychotechnical exercises and techniques, directed not only to solving the problems of this correctional and developing complex, but also on the formation of social skills, the dynamic development of the group. The main part of classes also includes psychogyman exercises that contribute to the removal of muscle clamps, emotional tension, switching attention, improving performance.

4. Reflection Classes involves an assessment of classes in two aspects: emotional (liked it - did not like it, it was good - it was bad and why), and the meaning (why it is important, why did we do it). Reflection suggests that children themselves or with the help of an adult answer the question why it is necessary, as it can help in life, give a reverse emotional connection to each other and psychologist.

Working program for the development of memory and attention.

Compiled by a teacher - psychologist Syrina Natalia Alexandrovna.

The proposed program contributes to the competent implementation of intellectual development correction and allows during the fulfillment of game assignments to develop thinking in children, attention, memory, perception, imagination.

Formation of cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking) children of senior preschool age, as an indicator of psychological readiness for school training.
Memory is the basis for the development of all mental processes, and no one will argue with that. In order to come up with, analyze, perceive and recycle information, the child has to use memory - remember images, names, remember the sequence or instructions of the adult. The weaker the memory is developed, the more time and effort leaves the child to perform any action, therefore, and interest quickly disappears.
Memory training is inextricably linked with the development of attention. In order to remember something, you need to look carefully. Therefore, many memory development games contribute to the development of attention and vice versa.

"Pictures" The game is familiar to everyone, during which the child is offered to remember a number of pictures. After the child remembered the pictures, the pictures are cleaned and asked to call what was painted in the pictures (we will remind you that it is necessary for substantive pictures). For 4-5 years, 5-6 pictures are offered for memorization. To school, the child should reproduce at least 9 by memory. So we train operational, short-term memory. In order to enable the mechanism of delayed memory, ask the child to remember the pictures after 15-20 minutes.

Game on the development of auditory attention. Children choose water from reading. The leading turns away, and the children agree, what word they will pronounce in a whisper together. If the leading guesses this word, it changes.
"Quickly answer."
Children become a circle. The lead calls any color and throws the ball to one of the players. The one who caught him should call the subject of this color. The main thing is to call quickly. I caught the ball should now call the color yourself and throw the ball to the next participant.

"Repeat pattern" The game contributes to the development of the ability to memorize the location of the items on the sheet. You can offer the child to lay out the pattern according to the sample, and in the future asked to remember and repeat the memory pattern.

"Find differences".
Number of playing: 2, 4 or 6 people.
Players are in pairs. Give each player the opportunity to carefully consider your partner. Then, both players turn their back to each other and bring into their appearance a few minor changes: in her hairstyle, in the expression of the face, in clothes, in something like that can be seen.
When everything is ready, they turn to each other again and are trying to find differences.
Repeat the game several times, changing partners and increasing the number of differences.

"Magic word".
The number of players: 1 - 6 people.
The presenter shows the various movements and appeals to the playing with the words: "Raise your hands, sit, stand up, climb on socks, walk on the spot" and so on.
Playing repeat movement only if the lead will add the word "please".
Who will be mistaken, comes out of the game, and then performs any task (sings, reads poems).

"Three movements".
Game to develop attention. The presenter shows the children three movements and asks them to remember. The first - the hands are bent in the elbows. Second - hands stretched forward at chest level. Third - hands raised up. Children repeat these movements several times, remembering their sequence number.
Now the host shows one movement, and the number calls the other to confuse children. If the movement does not correspond to the number, children should not show it. The most careful wins.

Number of playing: 6-10 people.
Players get up in a circle. The first player calls his word.
A player standing on the right of him calls the word of the first player and adds his own to him.
The game continues from the player to the player until the last participant lists the words of the whole group.

"Pay attention".

Before starting the game, run the conventional signals. With the word "bunnies", children should jump, with the word "heron" - stand on one leg, and with the word "horses" - to stop and knocking one foot on the floor.
Now ask children to go in a circle. Leading with different intervals and in a different order calls team words, and their children perform.
You can expand the set of commands at the discretion of an adult.

"What is missing"
Number of playing: 1-6 people.
Inventory: a few toys. Please, in front of a child for one minute several toys, better a little, 4-5.
Ask him to turn away and remove one toy.
When the child turns, ask him what is missing.

"Find a toy"
Ask a child to find a toy according to your description. At the same time, describing the subject, do not call it. For example: "Bring me something round, rubber, blue, what jumps, if you hit it with your hand" (ball).

Explanatory note.

Modern school places high demands for future students. During the preschool childhood, the prerequisites for educational activities of children are formed, there is a restructuring of perception, attention, thinking, children's memory. These processes from involuntary are transformed into arbitrary.

The level of development of attention and memory largely determines the success of learning a child at school. Studying at school, he will need to fulfill tasks that require focusing on the volitional effort and memorization of the necessary information. Therefore, for future students, the development of random attention is of great importance, which develops gradually with the development of its individual properties (volume, concentration, switching, stability) and arbitrary memory, which develops as the child of memorization techniques.

Thus, to prepare the child to full-fledged training activities, it is necessary to purposefully form in children the arbitrariness of mental functions.

The main purpose of implementing the program: Development and correction of attention and memory.

Program participants - children 6-7 years old.

Kids participating in the program are recruited in the Groups following the results of the diagnosis

(Methods: "10 words", "10 items", "mediated memory", "Correcting sample", "Yes,", "Graphic Dictation").

The number of children is 6-8 people.

Number of classes -17, duration of occupations-25 minutes.

Predicted result: in children under the course of this program

  • concentration, switching, stability of attention increases;
  • the volume of verbal and visual memory increases;
  • memorization techniques are formed;
  • the level of development of semantic memory increases;
  • it is formed independence in performing tasks

When evaluating the results of work on this program, a re-diagnosis is carried out.

Exercises and games are presented in applications.

Content Number of hours
1. 1.Group work.

"Find the differences", "flies - does not fly" "Yes, and no - not to say" "

Development and correction of memory:

"Cascade of words", "Remember pictures", "Listen to everything I remember - answer questions"

"Graphic dictation"

2 1.Group work.

Development and correction of attention, perception:

"Compare Pictures", "Edible - Not Edible"

Development and correction of memory

"Snowball", "Remember and Draw", "Fun Tables"

2. Individual work (work in notebooks).

"Graphic dictation"

3 1.Group work.

Development and correction of attention, perception:

"Digital Table", "Top-Clap", "Find Differences"

Development and correction of memory:

"Snowball", "Funny Tables", "Listen to everything I remember - answer questions"

2. Individual work (work in notebooks).

4 1.Group work.

Development and correction of attention, perception:

"Bird is not a bird", "what happened"

Development and correction of memory:

"Snowball", "Remember and Draw", "Fun Tables"

2. Individual work (work in notebooks).

"Graphic dictation", "Correcting Sample"

5 1.Group work.

Development and correction of attention, perception:

"Digital Table", "Yes, and no - not to say" "

Development and correction of memory:

2. Individual work (work in notebooks).

6 1.Group work.

Development and correction of attention, perception:

"It happens", "digital table"

Development and correction of memory:

"Listen to everything remember, answer questions," look at the picture, and remember the word "

2. Individual work (work in notebooks).

"Draw the sample" (by cells)

7 1.Group work.

Development and correction of attention, perception:

"Top-clap", "Do not miss the plant"

Development and correction of memory:

"Listen carefully and repeat", "look at the picture, and remember the word"

2. Individual work (work in notebooks).

"Draw the sample" (by cells), "Run icons".

8 1.Group work.

Development and correction of attention, perception:

"Fish, bird, beast", "yes and no - not to say" "

Development and correction of memory:

"Listen carefully and repeat", "look at the picture, and remember the word"

2. Individual work (work in notebooks).

"Draw the sample" (by cells), "Correcting Sample"

9 1.Group work.

Development and correction of attention, perception:

"Yes, and no - not to say" "," do not miss a profession "

Development and correction of memory:

"Listen carefully and repeat", "look at the picture, and remember the word"

2. Individual work (work in notebooks).

"Draw according to the sample" (by cells), "Run icons"

10 1.Group work.

Development and correction of attention, perception:

"Find the differences", "do not miss the animal"

Development and correction of memory:

2. Individual work (work in notebooks).

11 1.Group work.

Development and correction of attention, perception:

"Yes, and no - not to say" "," what happened "

Development and correction of memory:

"Resets", "Indirect Memory", "Movement"

2. Individual work (work in notebooks).

12 1.Group work.

Development and correction of attention, perception:

"What has changed", "not miss the plant"

Development and correction of memory:

"Resets", "Remember couple", "Movement"

2. Individual work (work in notebooks).

"Draw a second half" (by cells), "Run icons "

13 1.Group work.

Development and correction of attention, perception:

"Top Clap", "Digital Table"

Development and correction of memory:

"Resets", "Remember couple", "mediated memory"

2. Individual work (work in notebooks).

"Draw a second half" (by cells), "Correcting Sample"

14 1.Group work.

Development and correction of attention, perception:

"Split sticks also", "Fish, bird, beast"

Development and correction of memory:

"Resets", "Remember couple", "pictograms"

2. Individual work (work in notebooks).

"Draw the second half" (by cells), "Run icons"

15 1.Group work.

Development and correction of attention, perception:

"Split sticks also", "do not miss a profession"

Development and correction of memory:

"Remember couple", "pictograms", "Remember poems by pictures"

2. Individual work (work in notebooks).

"Draw and paint the sample" (by cells), "Graphic dictation "

16 1.Group work.

Development and correction of attention, perception:

"Split sticks also", "and no, not say"

Development and correction of memory:

"Pictograms", "Remember poems by pictures"

2. Individual work (work in notebooks).

"Draw and paint on the sample" (by cells), "Run icons"

17 Diagnostic lesson.

"Indirect memory",

"Corrective test",

"Graphic dictation".



1. Archipova I. A. Preparation of a child for school. - Ekaterinburg, 2004.

2. Gavrin S. E., Kutyavina N, L., and others. Develop attention. - M., 2003.

4. Gutkina N. I. Psychological readiness for school. - St. Petersburg. , 2004.

5. Paint S.D., Kostnikova Yu.A. Developing classes with children. M., 2001.
6. Osipova A.A., Malashinskaya L.I.Diagnostics and correction of attention.: Program for children 5-9 years old. - M.: TC Sphere 2004 - 104 p.

7. Tikhomirova L. F. Development of cognitive abilities of children. - Yekaterinburg, 2003.

8. Pretorova O. B, Nefedova E.A.350 Exercises for the preparation of children to school. - M., 2003.

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State educational institution

higher professional education

"Orlovsky State University"

Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology

Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Technology

Psychocorrection program

on the development of attention

for senior preschool age.

"Young travelers"


43 student 43 groups

Boruk Ya.Yu.

Explanatory note

    Lesson number 1 "Visiting a mouse"

    Lesson number 2 "Visiting Protein"

    Lesson number 3 "Visiting birds"

    Lesson number 4 "Visiting a dog"

    Lesson number 5 "Visiting Muravyov"

    Lesson number 6 "Visiting bee"

    Lesson number 7 "Visiting Bear"

    Lesson number 8 "Visiting the chicken"

    Lesson number 9 "Visiting a cat"

    Lesson number 10 "We celebrate a bear"


Explanatory note

The purpose of the correction program:development of the child of senior preschool age.

Problem Tasks:

    Develop volume, stability, switching and distributionability.

    Form the concentration of attention.

Form of organization:group (no more than 10 people), mixed. Group and mixed form of classes are used, since it is in the group of children that you can fruitfully carry out the game that is the leading activity of this age stage.

Duration:the time is 25 minutes, 2 times a week. This is due to the fact that for children of senior preschool age, such a duration of classes is optimal, does not cause overwork.

Stages of correctional work:

    Approximate stage - It gives the opportunity to get acquainted with the children, establish contact with the group and with each child in it.

    Correctional stage- Directly correctional work, in this case - the development and correction of the basic properties of attention. Specially selected games and exercises are used.

    Final stage - consolidation, summarizing the work carried out .

This psychocorrection program is based on the following principles:

    The principle of systemic corrective, developing and preventive tasks.This program is compiled taking into account the task system of three levels:

    • Correctional tasks are aimed at eliminating difficulties in the development of attention, its main properties. In this case, the work is aimed at the formation of the concentration of the child's attention, which, according to the results of diagnostics, the child has a weakly developed.

      Developing tasks are aimed at developing the properties of attention and skills of its effective use in the basic activities of the child. This program is aimed at the development of volume, sustainability, switchability and distributionability of attention, as well as their successful application on gaming classes and in other activities of the preschooler.

      Preventive tasks are aimed at preventing deviations in the formation of various properties of attention: volume, stability, concentration, switching and distributionability; As well as on the prevention and prevention of possible difficulties in the activities of the child (game, subject, educational, etc.) for this purpose, it is necessary to bring up a self-control of a child that after the correctional program of the child, controlling his attention, was able to avoid difficulties.

    The principle of unity correction and diagnosis.Before making a correctional program, a psychological diagnosis of a child was carried out. Based on the diagnosis, there was an insufficient development of attention from a preschooler, which was taken into account in the preparation of the program. Also, the operation includes games with a diagnostic character to determine the dynamics of the child's development. At the end of the work, psychological diagnosis is again carried out in order to determine the effectiveness of working with the child and to draw up further recommendations.

    The principle of priority correction of causal type.In accordance with this principle, the priority goal of the correction is to eliminate the causes of difficulties and deviations in the development of the child. In this case, the reasons for violation of attention is an increased motor activity of a child, distractions, the inability to sit in one place for a long time. This correctional program is built in such a way as to eliminate these reasons: the use of interesting visual material, alternation of didactic and moving games, conducting physkultminuts and relaxation exercises.

    Activity principle of correction.This program takes into account the presenters of the preschooler - the game. Thus, the program selected games and game exercises for the development of the child's attention.

    The principle of taking into account age, psychological and individual characteristics of the client.This program takes into account age features of senior preschool age. At this age there is a significant increase in concentration and sustainability of attention, the amount of attention is expanding. The development of random attention is one of the most important further acquisitions that are closely related to the formation of volitional qualities from the child. The work also takes into account the individual features of the child identified during the diagnosis of its cognitive and personal sphere.

    The principle of complexity of psychological impact methods.This psychocorrection program uses various methods of psychological impact: didactic games, rolling games, painting therapy, physical attacks, relaxation exercises

    The principle of active attracting the nearest social environment to participate in the correctional program. For the effectiveness of psychocorrectional impact, it is necessary to attract close child, teachers, etc. For this purpose, the program presents homework on the development of attention that the child performs at home with relatives. (After classes №4, №8, №9).

    The principle of support at different levels of the organization of mental processes. Given this principle, in the preparation of the program should be based on the most developed mental processes. In this case, the child has a well-developed spatial orientation, memory. The work has focus on their optimization and development through them the basic properties of attention.

    Programming training principle.The presented program consists of consecutive and interrelated stages of work: an indicative stage - makes it possible to get acquainted with children, establish contact with the group and with each child in it (classes number 1 and No. 2). The correctional stage is directly corrective work, in this case - the development and correction of the basic properties of attention. Specially selected games and exercises are used (classes number 3 - №9). Final stage - consolidation, summarizing the work carried out (occupation number 10) .

    Complication principle. In this paper, the proposed games and exercises are gradually complicated with each occupation. For example, at the first occupation, children perform a simple drawing exercise "blots", and in the second lesson - a more complex drawing exercise - "Coloring the soul mate."

    Accounting volume and degree of material diversity. At the beginning of the program, the classes are more aimed at the concentration of attention. And then, when a child learned this, it is proposed to master the other properties of attention. The material of classes is diverse, which creates a favorable background for working with children.

    Accounting for the emotional complexity of the material.To create a positive emotional background of classes and stimulating positive emotions in children, fabulous elements are used in the program - travel. Also at the end of each lesson, relaxation is carried out, which contributes to the removal of possible tension after classes.

The program consists of 10 specially trained classes, each of which consists of 3 parts:

    Input part- Familiarity with children, greeting. Creating a favorable attitude to further work.

    Main part- Conducting games and exercises for development, formation and correction of the basic properties of attention of senior preschool children.

    Final part- Summing up the lesson, farewell to the group.

Lesson number 1.

"Visiting a mouse"

Purpose:development of the concentration of attention, orientation in space, the establishment of contact with the group.


    Develop a concentration of attention.

    Optimize orientation in space.

    Create a positive emotional classes.

    Reliable respect for the world peace, patience.

    Rail a self-control of a child.

I. . The introductory part.

Hello guys! Today we have an unusual lesson. From today, our fabulous journey begins. So, tell me, to whom we will go to visit today? (Shows a picture with the mouse). Well done! But where do we go? Look, the pigeon brought us a news, what's there? (Pulls out a note from under the paw palm and reads):

Mouse gray in mink

Paul Metllue,

Completing cleaning

And friends is waiting for friends.

So where does the mouse live? Okay! Now we know where to go - in the mink to the mouse! Let's construct a train and go to the road.

(The train pass and sit on the chairs in the circle)

II. . Main part.

So we came. Let's look attentively at the dwelling of the mouse and play the game "I see ..."

1. I see ...

purpose: Develop the attention of the child, optimize orientation in space.

Stroke Game:

Participants sitting in a circle, in turn call items in the room, starting each saying with the words: "I see ...". It is impossible to repeat the same subject.

Well done boys! Well, we looked at you Myshkin House. And now let's show the mouse as much we know about her.

2. Zarrow!

Purpose: Development ATTENTION, learning how to respond quickly to sound signals.

Stroke Game:

Children under the music "go like mice." Suddenly, the music breaks up - the players must have time to frost in the pose, to which the music stopped. Who did not have time - dropping out of the game. Music sounds again, children continue the game. Play until one person remains - he becomes the winner.

Well done boys! And now, before you leave, let's draw a beautiful blossom mouse. And the relationship to ...

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