Leading Olga Ushakov: "Amazing children feel another world. Olga Ushakova: Biography and personal life almost the most important question: how did you choose a dress

Leading Olga Ushakov:
Leading Olga Ushakov: "Amazing children feel another world. Olga Ushakova: Biography and personal life almost the most important question: how did you choose a dress

Name: Olga Ushakova (Olga USHAKOVA)
Date of Birth: April 7, 1982
Zodiac sign: Aries
Age: 36 years
Place of Birth: Crimea, Russia
Height: 172
Activity: TV presenter
Tags: TV presenter
Family status: Married

Olga Ushakova - TV presenter of the "Channel One", the coordicking Program "Good Morning", the owner of the Tafi-2015 award.

Olga Ushakova was born in the Crimea. The future TV presenter was born presumably on April 7, 1981. In addition to the girl, another 2 children grow up in the family.

Ushakovy led the "nomadic" lifestyle: the father was a military. Transfer accounted for quite often. In one place, the family was delayed no more than six months. Therefore, life herself taught Olga community. The girl had to look for new friends at every new place, to establish contacts with teachers and classmates.

For other children, such "migrations" wrapped in stress, however, for Olga, moving became adventures. The girl liked to pretend in a new place and make friends. Olga had a good relationship with new classmates, she learned to quickly conquer authority in the team. Sometimes it was necessary to use fists for this.

As Ushakov said, conflicts arose on national soil. When the family moved to the city, located on the territory of Ukraine, Olga called "Katsapkaya", when in the Russian city - "Hochlushka". Being the most weighty argument, won physical strength. Parents were called to school, but the authority of Oli in the team became stronger.

The "nomadic" Childhood of Olga Ushakova became an excellent soil for the development of the qualities necessary for the profession, which the girl dreamed of a young year. Olya often, playing, portrayed television speakers. Taking into the hands any item, remotely resembling a microphone, the girl could have long "to cover the events in the world" or "lead a concert".

And Olga Ushakov could talk for a long time and on any topic. The girl was fond of reading and "swallow" books instantly. To school went at the 6th age and was an excellent. Any "four" or especially the "Troika" was perceived as a tragedy and was subject to instant correction.

Ushakov graduated from school at sixteen years with the Golden Medal. But she had to forget for a long time about the children's dream. Olga entered the University of Kharkov. At the end, along with a loved one, she began to engage in business. At 23, Ushakov led the branch of the trading company specializing in the promotion of European brands in Ukraine.

After moving to Moscow, being in a new place, Olga suddenly thought: whether to continue the entrepreneurship or better switch to something new. And then Ushakov remembered the children's dream, which predetermined the creative biography of the girl. Olga did not go to a decisive step, but the civilian spouse convinced to try.

The main federal channel of the country, Ushakov came in 2004. Olga passed samples and took it intern. At first glance, the girl's career on television developed quickly. In fact, Olga, a man without journalistic education, had to work hard before it was allowed to ester.

First of all, Ushakova had to get rid of the accent and develop diction. Olga has passed an internship in several departments to better get acquainted with television "kitchen". She learned to write articles and create news stories. After that, the journalist entrusted the news transfer than she was engaged in 9 years.

For the TV host it was interesting every day to face the news of the day, which demanded from the speaker of efficiency and excellent memory. Work in the transfer "News" demanded from Olga reactivity, which the girl had developed in the youthful years. Olga very much loved to jump from Bunji, climbing the mountains, dive into the sea depths, but with the beginning of work on TV studio "Ostankino" these desires moved to the background.

Then Olga began to appear in the "Good day" block, where the frequent guests of the studio were famous speakers of the Soviet Union Igor Kirillov, Anna Shatilova - Childhood idols Olga Ushakova.

In 2014, Olga Ushakov "Dorosla" to the leading program "Good morning" on the "First Channel". Charge the positive people, configure the working mood - with this task, spectacular and charming presenter coped wonderful. This is evidenced by the Thafi premium, which the morning program was received in 2015 for the first time in the history of existence. This is the merit of TV presenter Olga Ushakova.

On the days of the "Good Morning" days, Olga Ushakova's working day begins in half the third night, as the transfer goes to the air at 05:00. Get to work, grated and tune in to a positive need to have time in a short time. The presenter notes that such responsibility is cheery and mobilizes, so it is possible to get up from bed, nor dawn a girl quickly.

For Olga Ushakov, television work is a drive and regular portion of healthy adrenaline. A journalist jokingly says that there appeared "spinner dependence", which is no longer getting rid of.

Olga Ushakov is a versatile and fondant person. The girl loves his own home, garden and animals. Practicing yoga and loves horse riding. And Olga Fidget and easy to rise. Probably, the quality of the girl is instilled from orphanage. Olga easily can go to the weekend to go to Austria to visit the Vienna Opera.

In addition to the sea coast, which is well affected by Olga's mental state, the TV presenter loved Moscow. When Sister Ushakova arrives in the capital, Olga will gladly drive a relative for museums and galleries who attended herself.

Olga Ushakov's personal life is an unloved topic for discussion. TV presenter is not voicing the name of his children's father. According to some data, the couple lived in civil marriage. About a man leading responds only in excellent colors. The husband supported Olga when a girl after moving to the capital decided to try his strength on television.

From the words of Ushakov, it is known that the spouse was older and was a support that every woman dreams. A man gave a lot of Olga in terms of spiritual and intellectual development. According to the TV presenter, it can be understood that now the spouses support friendly relations at a distance.

Olga Ushakova will grow 2 daughters. Girls wear different surnames, although they have one dad. Why so - Olga does not tell. It is known that daughters - weather. On the second pregnancy TV presenter learned less than three months after the birth of Dasha's older daughter. The first girl soon discovered the features of development, but this did not prevent Olga for the second time to be a mother. The second daughter, Ksyusha, was born in one year with an older sister. They go to school together in the same class.

Yashakov's daughter is the same versatile, as well as mom. Dasha and Ksyusha are fond of horse riding, go to musical and choreographic schools. I am pleased to go to the chess circle and a ballet studio. And the girls are the same fidget, like a mother: they love to travel and are easy to rise.

Dasha has already decided on the choice of profession - the girl wants to be a translator. The youngest daughter is engaged in drawing, including the image of clothing and accessories and declares the intention to master the profession of designer. But recently, Ksenia began to show uncommon vocal abilities, because of this, he decided to devote more time to singing.

At the beginning of last year, there was information that Olga Ushakov is a relationship with a new chosen one who works in the restaurant business and does not live in Russia. The pair could maintain harmonious communication at a distance. Olga's daughters immediately revealed with the new chief of Mom. Olga Ushakov said in an interview that she was not in a hurry to register marriage, but already thinking about the third child.

In the summer, the media surprised fans of the TV presenter of the news about the wedding of Olga and its chosen one in Cyprus. Later, Ushakova itself posted a wedding photo on a personal account in "Instagram".

Currently, Olga Ushakov's professional qualities are increasingly rising. Last year, TV presenter led a "direct line" with Russian President Vladimir Putin. For Olga, this direct ether was already the 5th in the account. Work in emergency mode, taking into account the coverage of a very large number of information, accurate names, the numbers became for Olga Ushakov integral part of life. The girl does not represent existence without adrenaline, which gives work live.

Remember the girl and holidays. In November last year, pictures made in the hotel pool in the United Arab Emirates appeared on a personal page in the "instagram" of the TV presenter, where the Ushakov rested this year. In the photo, the girl appeared in a seductive swimsuit in a playful pose, that the admirers of the television star were appreciated.


  • 2005 - "News" on the air program "Good morning"
  • 2010 - "Night News"
  • 2013 - "Good afternoon"
  • 2014 - "Good Morning"

The lead program "Good morning!" Olga Ushakov is called the face of the main federal channel. She is not only a beautiful and clever woman, but also a large mother. Secrets, as she managed to succeed in a career field and look great, she gladly shared with the audience.

In addition to Oli, the parents had two more children. Frequent movements because of the father's service, the girl perceived as an adventure. The constant change of the place of residence, teams in schools have developed sociability in it, the ability to easily adapt in an unusual setting.

Parents brought up strictly, talked to independence. The first class girl went to 6 years. According to Olga, all estimates, except 5 were a real drama for it. At the same time, because of the combat nature of the parents often caused the director. Ushakov's school finished with a gold medal.

Olga entered the Kharkov National University. V.N. Karazin. After graduating from the university, it took a business. Already at 23, the girl headed the branch of the trading company to promote brands of fashionable clothes. In Moscow, according to Olga, she moved after a civil husband. It was he who pushed her beloved to the realization of the children's dream to become a TV host.

In 2004, Ushakov comes to the first channel for samples on the role of the lead, but does not pass. It is arranged as an internship. Work in different departments taught her flexibility, the ability to find a common language with people. In parallel, Olya is engaged in a speech technique, getting rid of an accent, mastering other skills necessary for the lead.

A year later, a place in the first channel news program for residents of the Far East is released. The filming took place at night, the girl was afraid. As Olga recalls, I had to handle a huge flow of information.

In 2010, Ushakov becomes leading in the "night news."

From 2013 to 2017 It runs on the "Direct Line with Vladimir Putin".

Fame comes to Olga with the appearance in the transfer "Good morning!".

In 2017, she becomes the "Teffi" award nominee in the "leading Morning Program category" category, but does not receive it in contrast to its program.

In October 2018, the TV journalist was drawn to the scandal with the participation of Mamaeva and Kokorina. Footballers brutally beat her driver Vitaly Solovchuk. A criminal case has been initiated.

Personal life

The name of his former beloved Ushakov does not advertise. According to Infox.ru correspondents, Vyacheslav Nikolayevich Ushakov was the first husband. He held a senior position in the FSB, in 2011 he was resigned. Olga got acquainted with him in Ukraine. The couple lived in a civil marriage, two daughters were born.

Leading very warmly responds to the father of older children. According to Olga, this is a wise man, older than age, which influenced its intellectual and spiritual development. After parting, they support friendly relationships at a distance.

With the second husband, Ushakov legalized the relationship in 2017. A foreigner became chosen.

His name is Adam, it is known that he is a restaurant. Wedding played in Cyprus.

As Olga recognized in one of the interviews, she introduced Adam with his daughters in six months after the start of the novel. It was important for her whether the young man would be able to find an approach to them.

A man easily coped with the task, quickly entered their family.


The eldest daughter of the Dasha TV journalist was born in 2006 a few months after the birth of Olga realized that she was pregnant again. The second girl of Ksenia appeared on the world. When Darius was fulfilled a year, autism was diagnosed. To help the child, Olga studied the mountain literature.

Now the daughters weather are practically inseparable. They learn in the same class.

Ushakov told that the girls had to change three schools at the request of administrations.

Dasha, according to Mom's stories, a talented person. She has photographic memory, it is fond of learning foreign languages \u200b\u200band plans to become a translator.

Ksenia has uncomplicated artistic abilities. She dreams of a designer's career.

Both girls are maximally downloaded by additional classes. They visit the music school, ballet studio, a chess circle. And the eldest, and the medium daughters are fond of horse riding. Ksenia takes the lessons of vocal.

It is noteworthy that both Adam and Olya grew in large families. In the upbringing of Ushakova, she tries to take children as equal to himself. The woman is sure that the main thing is to submit the correct example.

Beauty secrets

Sport and proper nutrition Olga calls the main assistants in the struggle for youth and attractiveness. The presenter shared his recipes with the spectators of the Marie Claire channel on YouTube. In her opinion, it is important:

  • comply with drinking mode (at least 2 liters of water daily);
  • do not miss breakfast;
  • replace sugar with useful products.

Ushakova is engaged in sports at least 3 times a week.

She often changes classes in the gym: from body ballet to step aerobics. Among your favorite sports: yoga, running, horse riding. During pregnancy and after giving birth, she did not stop the workout, made the load with more gentle.

Ushakova is joking that the secret of its blooming species in the morning is the result of the talented work of the grimers.

Olga Ushakov talks about makeup, clothing, children and work:

But it is recognized that I learned a lot from stylists who create its images.

In an interview with the scenes of the program, "fashion sentence" she talked about their love for dresses: everyday knitted and classic cases.

Olga loves beauty treatments (lifting, mesotherapy), but does not resort to radical measures.

With brother

With sister

With mom

With grandfather and daughter

Olga Ushakov is a famous Russian TV presenter. She was born on April 7 (according to the Horoscope Aries) of 1982 in the Crimea. Its growth is 172 centimeters, and the weight reaches 56 kilograms.

In addition to Olga, two children also brought up in the family. Since Olga's father was a military, the whole family had to move frequently. Therefore, a little girl had to adapt in a new environment for her, find new friends, get along with classmates and teachers. For sociable Oly, this task was very easy, so she quickly acquired faithful friends and was an authority in his team.

True, sometimes it was necessary to fight, since in Ukrainian cities it was sometimes not recognized and called on the basis of nationality, and as soon as they moved to the Russian city with her the nickname "Khokhlushka". But by the brave girl Olga and it did not scare it, she could stand up for himself, and therefore her parents often caused school because of the next fight. Nevertheless, all these moving were able to fully prepare her for a friend of the TV presenter, because she learned community, perseverance and fearlessness.

Carier start

All experienced helped her to acquire important qualities for the TV presenter, the profession, which she dreamed about from an early age. As Olga herself says, in a distant childhood, she could take any item remotely resembling a microphone and start to continuously cover world news in front of their friends and family. Olya could talk absolutely on any topics, as it was very well-read and smart. The school studied perfectly, any estimates below "5" were perceived as the end of the world and immediately corrected.

True, after graduating from school, she decides to leave the dreams of the presenter's dreams and enters the University of Kharkiv at the Faculty of Entrepreneurship. So she, together with his beloved, begins to conduct a business. After some time, she moved to Moscow, but suddenly realizes that she no longer wants to do with entrepreneurship and misses the profession of his dream, which she has been picked up in the depths of his memory. So, she decides to start the path of the TV presenter.

Further successes

In 2004, Olga Ushakov fell on the federal channel of Russia, passing the sample and becoming an intern. At first glance, it may seem that the girls were easy to achieve success, since her career began to develop rapidly, but in fact it is not. Olga did not have appropriate education, and therefore she had to sweat well to change his speech and develop diction. She studied hard and stubbornly in order for her in the future to lead a news program that she had achieved a certain period. She led the news program for nine years, but then switched to the "Good day" program, where she was able to meet his childhood idols from the television world.

Then followed the "Good Morning" program, which brought Olga a lot of experience and vivid impressions. True, this work was very responsible and difficult, but this did not scare her. It was always necessary to get up at three in the morning and overcome the distance that the studio separated so that at five o'clock in the morning people could enjoy this program. The ratings have increased markedly, since Olga Ushakov could have been charged without any problems with his bright charm.


A lot about the personal life of Ushakova remains unknown. She has two daughters - Daria and Ksenia. Girls of the weather and go together into one school and learn in the same class. By kind, the same active, talented and fun, love to travel, like mom. On the father of girls Ushakov, it says little, it is clear only that they support friendships. At one time, this man became those who pushed Olga to his dream and became a reliable support for her.

In the summer of 2017, it became known that Olga and her new chosen was married to Cyprus. Her husband became a man who is engaged in a restaurant business and lives outside of Russia.

  • vk.com/id7608629.
  • instagram.com/ushakovao.

Olga Ushakova - TV presenter, which has long has a staff of his faithful and devotees. From the comments on various forums it is clear that there are people who watch the transmissions with its participation only for the most leading. A girl built his brilliant career on the first channel on his own, having come to television as an ordinary trainee in 2004. Like many public people, she attracts special attention to ordinary people to their person. Olga Ushakova - TV presenter, whose personal life is very interested in the impressive part of her permanent auditorium, is trying not to disclose information about his beloved man. But it only strengthens the interest of the public to the privacy of the star of the screen.

An example to follow

Looking at the leading television, many develop the feeling that their restraint, society, ease of communication and the perfect speech possession are exclusively congenital abilities. But few people think that all these qualities of some screen stars had to develop hard work over the years. Beauty Olga Ushakov - TV presenter, which applies precisely to such a category of people known in the media.

Many of the qualities that are now making the girl with a unique screen of the screen, she acquired thanks to her difficult childhood. Olga Ushakova - TV presenter (age, growth, whose weight is interested in all its fans), no doubt, is an example for imitation. To date, a 35-year-old woman has practically ideal parameters: its growth is 172 cm, and the body looks slim and tightened. But few people think that attractive appearance and an excellent figure of the leading also were also not given over. In order to preserve the ideal forms after two birth, Olga has to make a lot of effort.

Family and Children's Future Star Screen

The birthplace of this beautiful girl is the Crimea. Olga Ushakova - TV presenter, the date of birth of which is interested in the many audience of her esters (since everyone worries the same question: how many years in fact this beautiful woman), - Born 07.04.1981. The girl's father was a military man, and at home reigned quite strict orders.

In addition to Olga, two children have grown in the family: the younger brother and the elder sister, which was mainly engaged in Olien upbringing. Ushakov recalls that when children in their family were 8-9 years old, they were already completely independent: they themselves did lessons, they prepared to eat themselves and cleaned the apartment. Such quality acquired since childhood, as perseverance, discipline and responsibility, Olga's subsequent life was very useful.

How the first communicative skills developed

Since the father of the future TV presenter was a military man, their family often moved from place to place. It happened that Olga did not delay in one school for more than six months. In order to join the new team, establish contact with peers and teachers, Ole had to be interesting, sociable and communicable. In many ways, thanks to such childhood with permanent moves, Olga Ushakov (TV presenter, photo of which is in our article) developed a talent to find an approach to completely different people and the ability to find a common language with them.

Received Education and Acquired Business Lady Experience

At the school age, Ushakova loved to read and differed in good memory. She studied the girl on some five and school she graduated from 16 years old with a gold medal. Next, she entered the University of Kharkov. After his end, along with his favorite young man Olga began to actively do business. Living in Ukraine, the future star of the Russian screen was engaged in promoting famous foreign brands. Being a fairly young girl, at the age of 23, she was already headed by one of the branches of a large trading company.

Fatal moving to Moscow

Olga Ushakova - TV presenter, whose biography has changed radically after moving to Russia, - dreamed of being a speaker or TV presenter since childhood. But life circumstances have developed in such a way that for a long time the woman had to leave her dreams. Everything has changed dramatically after she moved to Moscow.

In one of the interviews, the TV presenter said that the move was due to the fact that her beloved man had to be in the Russian capital, and she followed him. After moving Olga doubted about what she really wants to do. Today she recalls that, seeing her mature state, the beloved asked who she dreamed of becoming in childhood, and Ushakova remembered that he always wanted to become a star of television screens.

Parish on television

Initially, this idea seemed insane, since there was no profile education of the speaker or TV presenter. In 2004, Ostankino passed samples, and Olga Ushakov (TV presenter, which almost all the audience of the first channel) on their own fear and risk decided to go on them. Suddenly it turned out that the girl is very photogenic, the camera loves her, and in the frame she looks just great.

But at the same time the lack of experience in the media sphere, as well as clearly pronounced could not allow it to instantly become leading top programs. But at the same time, such an interesting type, the first channel did not want to lose, and Olga offered the place of the trainee.

Heavy work on sobody and honored career growth

In almost a year, Olga Ushakov - TV presenter, the husband of which supported it in all endeavors and aspirations, - studied the secrets of television stoken. She took rhetoric lessons and studied speech technique, tried to get rid of his accent and learned to write news articles and prepare from them for gear.

Gradually, the hope that someday it will be allowed to ester, began to leave Olga. And just at that moment the vacancy of the leading news program was released. Olga offered this place, and she successfully occupied this position for 9 years.

In 2014, when no one doubted in the professionalism of this woman, she became the leading "Good morning" program, which brought her awareness and the love of viewers throughout Russia.

Mystery of personal life

Olga really does not like to talk on topics that relate to the father of her children. In all his interviews, she emphasizes that she does not consider his personal life for everyone to see. Periodically, there are completely different information on the various information resources on various information resources as to what status is Olga relations and her children's father.

According to one of them, Ushakov and her spouse are civil marriage. Others write that Olga was divorced with her husband, but simply support good and warm relationships.

The topic of marriage and divorce Olga very carefully and tactfully bypass, telling only the fact that her father and her father has one common goal - to give them the best, make them happy and raise them with worthy people. By the way, the children have two mysterious pairs of two - two lettuce girls: Ksenia and Daria. According to the incomprehensible reason, despite the fact that the father of the girl is still alone, they are recorded on different surnames. But about this riddle Olga also does not apply, as it does not agree to name their father's name. Ushakova only says that this is a very correct person who is much older and which she is very obliged, first of all, for moral support. Also, the star of the screen notes that this man always instructed her spiritually, came to spiritual self-development and self-improvement. Find at least some negative statement of Olga, which would say the father of her children is simply impossible because it always responds about him only the best way.

The secret of good mood and excellent appearance

Olga Ushakova - TV presenter, age who does not give rest to most viewers of the first channel, - often becomes the subject of disputes and discussions on the Internet forums, as it looks really awesome. The TV presenter itself, apparently, wanting sometimes to be a coquette, says that such fresh and cheerful appearance in the morning makes us make-up. Of course, no one reduces their merits, but also Olga itself should pay tribute. At the moment she turned 35 years old, but those who see her for the first time on television screens will never give her more than 25.

Olga endured two pregnancies, and, as she herself admits, after the second birth, she restored the form hard enough. Ushakov said that after the birth of the second daughter, for the first time she began to again like himself again in a year. It was difficult to cope with two young girls at first, and the time was catastrophically lacked. But when Olya got sick with the role of his mother, she took up him. Of course, these were exercise, massage and cosmetic procedures. The main stimulus, which forced the TV perverse to seek the ideal forms, became, of course, her daughters for whom she wants to be an example in everything.

Also Olga tries that in her kitchen there is always only healthy food, and, as far as possible, Ushakova is trying to observe the principles of proper nutrition.

Well, of course, the favorite work and the love of permanent spectators is the catalyst that causes Olya under any circumstances to remain cheerful and positive.

Morning is kind, if it starts with good thoughts and charming Olga Ushakova. This charming TV presenter of the "Good Morning" program on the first channel is charged by the TV viewers by positive for no first year. Looking at Olga, it's hard to believe that this young woman will grow up two daughters - Dasha and Ksyusha, who have already gone into the third class. TV presenter told us about their methods of upbringing daughters and how to become a happy mom.

"Olga, you manage to successfully combine the family and a career, while you look so great that serve as an excellent example for many moms. How do you manage it?

- My priority has always been and there are children. I did not hurry to leave the decree, although I understood that there was no empty on television "holy place" and in a couple of years it is possible to lose its position. Of course, I love my job and rushing her, but I know that you can change the job, you can even start everything from scratch, you can try yourself in new areas, and you will not make tougher kids, and do not return all missed precious moments, and raise Newly also there will be no chance. Therefore, if you have to choose, I have no doubt.

Fortunately, life does not often put me in front of this choice, so I manage to successfully combine. I come home after work, I come in the morning, that is, children from school already take the sam. Because of the floating schedule, there is an opportunity to plan the weekend for children's holidays and go somewhere with them. We often go to the events of different go together. Personal Time is now too grabs, the daughters will grow up, half a day spend at school, they have more and more interests, sometimes friends come to them for all day, and then mom with a clean conscience can go to the gym or hairdresser.

- Most mothers are not immediately solved on the second baby, recalling the difficulties arising in the first months and years. Have you planned the birth of a second child so soon?

- The key point here "recalling difficulties", and I didn't have time to be frightened, I got pregnant with the second, when the firstborn was only 3 months old. I will not say that we planned, but this opportunity was assumed, that is, they gave, so to speak, this question is on the will of fate. Fate was favorable to us, and we had another wonderful daughter. I call her "the happiest chance" in my life.

- The first pregnancy flew unnoticed, I worked until the seventh month, then went on vacation, and then - immediately on the decret. I suffered a little toxicosis, it was pretty unpleasant when the symptoms rolled in the early morning when you are on the ether to issue news. Washed with her sliced \u200b\u200blemon. When everything passed, it remains only to enjoy your condition. I was active, did not score a lot of excess weight, almost until the very holidays fastened the essential jackets. But in the last months I had to be difficult - I lay in the hospital, then at home - with droppers. But me and this does not, it was time to relax, prepare for the birth of a child and morally, and in terms of life.

Shortly before the appearance of the daughter, when they took the threat of premature birth, I made a permutation in the entire apartment, equipped the nursery, putting in shock of all your home, ran around the store, walking along the stairs, in general "nesting syndrome" did not bypass me.

But the second pregnancy was heavier. First there was a very strong toxicosis, which I did not recognize immediately, because I was busy baby, and I thought that I was simply exhausted, I lost it to the bones, while still managed to keep breastfeeding, then somehow quickly I became pretty robous and Nice, just when the older had to jump, go for the handles, etc. But the second birth was very easy, and it compensated for all the difficulties of previous nine months.

- What difficulties did you face after the birth of the daughters? After all, it is very difficult to raise the weather ...

- My mom really helped me. For the first six months she lived with us, and we "changed" with her, depending on the situation. But in general, my strategy was initially such that children do not share, but on the contrary, plan a day so that, if possible, we met the time together. The youngest was born in mid-July, besides, quite a long time and calmly slept in a stroller on the street. This time we used to "go out". Instead of children's walkers, she had a stroller with younger sister. The more we synchronized the routine of the girls' day, the easier it became. Over time, complexity with weather is inferior to the benefits.

- Many women who have learned the joy of motherhood say that the birth of children in the root changed their lives. But not the regime and life pace, which, of course, becomes another, namely changed them as a person. Tell us what sensations did you have after the birth of the first and second daughter?

- Of course, the motherhood changes the woman. Everything that used to seemed important to fill in the background of responsibility for children and their future. It seems to me that with the birth of children, I became more filled with something, real. And even on appearance it is reflected. Looking at her old photos, I see some stiffness in myself, which was not aware. And then in my life there was a real unconditional love. I began to take care not only about children, but also about myself. After all, now I am Mom and must be responsible. All I do, I do with a loaf on my daughters, I think what an example I apply to them, I understand that from how I live my life to some extent, their happiness depends. They taught me to love not only themselves, but the whole world in his most different manifestations.

- Modern mothers, especially with the advent of Instagram, constantly compare themselves with others and these comparisons are usually not in their favor. How to stop comparing yourself with someone more successful and form a complex of inferiority?

"I never compared myself with anyone, and a feeling of envy to me alien." Lucky with character in this sense, probably. I can sincerely rejoice for someone, someone can melt me. Probably, it is necessary to configure yourself when you look at someone else's life through the prism of social networks. At the same time, it is not necessary to forget that the life that deposit is exhibited rarely reflects reality. Few people are ready to talk about their failures to all and expose their shortcomings to the universal review. Therefore, all this gloss should not be perceived as true happiness.

Think about what is good is in your life. If this is not a slim figure immediately after childbirth, then maybe the best and thoughtful father of your children. If not beautiful, like from the picture in the magazine breakfast, then maybe you have failed all the morning with your children in bed, fooling out or just in the arms of each other. We are not obliged to be perfect, we have the right to be exposed in the morning, if the child has been kept all night. We should not have anything to anyone, especially the Internet community. Well, if you would like to get closer to some instagram ideal, so close the Internet, do not waste the precious time, and go out on the jog. Only 20 minutes of exercise per day instead of contemplation of someone else's life - and maybe after a month you will also boast.

- What is the most difficult in raising children for you?

"I understand what responsibility lies on the mother girls for their further female happiness, because we are now laying certain patterns that they later reproduce in their own lives. The price of your mistakes is the future of children. But in life, everything is not always going smoothly. And for me, this is the greatest difficulty - to explain to young girls adult problems, without destroying their faith in love, to raise them with women who will not repeat my mistakes.

It is still quite difficult to balance between the desire to hide them from all the adversity and the desire to grow a strong independent person. It is also a hard work on yourself - learn to let go for whom we are ready to give life.

- Daughters get along well with each other or do they have any conflicts?

- There are conflicts, quarrels, and insults - without it anywhere. But I know exactly and see how they love each other, they feel responsible for the sister (our senior / younger roles are constantly changing), they stand up for each other. For some time they were one. In the past two years, I observe how they are divided, become absolutely different, interests are distinguished from each other. But the nursing love from this no less becomes. And for me, as for Mom, this is the greatest happiness - to watch how they move on one bed in the morning and giggle about something about their own.

- Your girls are not the first year to go to school, probably, each of them already have favorite items and predisposition to one or another sciences? They are already thinking about choosing a future profession. Who do they dream of becoming?

- Professions change with a frequency of about once a month. But I see that in general the predisposition to certain professions has already been outlined. For example, the eldest - Dasha - loves foreign languages, it takes interest not only to the fact that it is taught at school (English and French), but sometimes takes from the shelf Italian, Spanish or German dictionary, sits down, silently leaves, and then, as if by the way Gives some phrase. At the same time, she reads a lot, and she has good memory, so with literacy in his native language is also full order.

But Ksyusha, although the round feature and has time to do absolutely in all subjects, while it is clearly a creative personality: perfectly draws, simulates clothes, hairstyles, it can be quite decently decently made makeup, create a full-fledged image, thought out to the smallest details. Everyone, of course, can also change, but certain deposits of girls are already visible.

- What do you think, should parents affect the choice of the child in terms of choosing a profession, schools, friends?

- My task as a parent is to grow healthy children, physically and psychologically, give them a versatile education, show them the world and opportunities, and they themselves will then decide where to send their feet. I will support them anyway. After all, in your example, I know how important it is to have a favorite job, and not to suffer from 9 to 6 five days a week.

As for friends, I do not register. I have brought up, good daughters and friends they now choose the same. But I myself was a teenager and remember that when the level of rebellion comes, then good girls suddenly find a girlfriend and go to all serious. Now I can take only preventive measures: not to "score" children, do not raise the assessments at the head of the corner, give them a feeling of freedom and the right to choose, and also help strengthen your own inner rod, so that the child was the leader, and not led. But there is also a set of qualities with which the child is born, and it is impossible to re-educate them. I now see risks and hold the hand on the pulse. I will try not to miss the moment and, if necessary, then, yes, intervene. But again, he was tricky so that the child thinks he himself decided that way. The problem is not easy, but there is no choice.

- Do you have family traditions and rituals, such as joint walks on weekends, kisses before bedtime, regular trips somewhere?

- The usefulness of family traditions is difficult to overestimate. Of course, they are with us. In the evenings, we are lying in bed and talk about how the day was held, we try to always sit down at the table, we go to your favorite cafe on Saturdays. We have a tradition called Russian Friday, when all day we speak English only. We like cooking together.

Certain traditions are on holidays, most of all we love Easter, together the bake of cakes, paint eggs, in the morning I get up before all and cover on the table, I'll get our Easter decorations, then hide a basket with chocolate eggs in the garden and after breakfast, the girls begin hunting. When someone is sad, then we practice "magic hugs", and you know, I so often convinced children that this is a great medicine that they really began to help.

- What do you like to do with your daughters together?

- All anything, just together! Any homework turns into a real party, if we do threesome. Recently removed the leaves in the garden, drove everything into a huge bunch, and then jumped into it and rushed to leaves. As a result, almost everything had to collect anew, but how fun we had fun. I love to travel with children, I want to instill my passion for discoveries and new impressions. Unfortunately, the new generation scares me with its resistance to adventure, sometimes it seems that among us three children are me, and those two are my parents. But I manage to fool them, then they also sincerely begin to enjoy what they could and not notice.

- Olga, do you often communicate with fans in social networks, willingly answer comments in Instagram and daughters allow you to use gadgets and the Internet?

- Yes, they have telephones, and tablets. But in social networks, of course, they are not registered yet. Sometimes I show them my pages, ask permission if I want to post a photo with them, then I read them comments, if they, for example, congratulate happy birthday. They themselves can watch cool rollers about kittens on YouTube or cartoon serials, prepare reports for school. I still look at one eye, because sometimes you have a time for the Internet can slip some nasty. As for the games, they can pump them themselves, but I am watching most of them to be useful, for example, logic games or mathematical applications, well, and the remaining part is so to speak, for the soul and fun.

- What do you think is missing to modern children? For example, many representatives of the older generations are confident that now children live in abundance - information, opportunities, even some simple things, the same toys, and it is bad for them affect ...

- I will agree with this. Our children have no hunger in the good sense of the word. What easily gets is not much appreciated. I remember how we passed the books from hand to hand, read still live in my memory, I tried to remember every word, because the book had to give. I remember how I was rejoiced even new pantyles. Modern children have less reasons for joy. This is not their fault that they were born in the era of consumption. Therefore, I try my best to teach them to enjoy what you can not buy for money: a beautiful sunset, an unusual beetle in the forest. When on the street thunderstorm, we stick to the windows and look at how the nature rages, as if it was the most grandiose theater statement in the world.

When we take off by plane, I develop a Tirade about what a miracle that we, people, learned to fly, we consider clouds, enjoy sensations. I must say that it is not easy to disperse the modern decade, but I believe that you can teach children to enjoy life, surprise, look for answers to questions - it is hardly more important than to teach them good manners.

- Olga, tell me how, in your opinion, you should raise children so that they rose worthy people and were happy?

- It is necessary to be a decent person - it is primarily. As for happiness, it is more difficult here - it is impossible to make someone be happy. But you need to try to lay the idea in a child that happiness lives inside it yourself, it should not depend on external circumstances, from the weather, from school friends. I say "try" because most likely a person comes to this understanding himself, but at least the grains can be sown in a children's head.

- Tell me what you need in order to be a happy mom?

- I always say that happiness in harmony. Including maternal. For someone - it come from work to children, hug them. For someone, happiness is to stay at home all the way. It is important to hear yourself, understand what really wants and follow it. Without a sense of guilt and stors to yourself. With the birth of children, a woman does not die, she should not dissolve in them, otherwise who will they take an example? With the ghost of my own mother? And the point here is not to escape from home and do yourself. Even after being with the children, a woman should secure his own space, his time, respect for their needs from loved ones. Believe me, you will do it for them too. After all, you are now the center of their universe. This center should be strong and installing self-confidence. Bentally, but the fact: if a woman does not like himself, it is difficult to love it and the rest.

A happy mother is just a happy woman, and what makes her personal happiness, he knows only. Yes, at some moments we sacrifice for your loved ones, sometimes you need to completely surrender to home care, but in all this the main thing is not to lose yourself, not to plug your inner voice. The family will only then be happy when they are considered with the interests of each. Easy in words, it is harder in practice, but it is necessary to strive for this. Awareness is half the way to success.