Calendar commemoration of the departed in. Parent Saturday

Calendar commemoration of the departed in. Parent Saturday
Calendar commemoration of the departed in. Parent Saturday

There are certain days when it is customary to remember the dead. These days are called parent Saturdays. In 2017, Orthodox noted the parent Saturdays from February 18 to November 4. These days are not necessarily falling out on Saturdays, and may be marked on any day of the week.

In addition to the parent Saturday, attend the departed in the cemetery is accepted on their birthday and the day of death. Many believe that it is necessary to go to the cemetery and the day of the saint, in honor of which the deceased relative was baptized.

Remembrances in 2017 depend on the date of Easter, so they change every year. On this day, in addition to a hike in the cemetery, you need to visit the church to order a liturgy for relatives and loved ones, which are no longer alive. At the same time, every believer can join and take part in the clock service. After all, there is nothing stronger than prayer, and it is at such days that your relatives will definitely hear you.

If we talk about the memorial days of 2017, the Orthodox calendar has them nine a year. Of these, six days falls on Saturdays. One of them is Radonitsa, which is celebrated on the ninth day after Easter. This day falls on Tuesday. And on September 9 and 11, it is customary to remember only the dead warriors. These memorial days can fall on any day of the week.

Returning Days in 2017: Calendar

Myasopusten Saturday - February 18. It is one of the most important memories. On this day, it is customary to remember all the remedies. This day is celebrated on the eve of the carnival, so the preparation and anticipation of spring are preparing and anticipation. In many regions of Russia, this day on the tables can be seen much more devices than guests. It is believed that in this way you can treat the remedy relatives. On this day, it is necessary to treat the poor so that they remember your deceased relatives.

Troitskaya Saturday - June 3. One of the most significant days when every Orthodox man goes to church and in the cemetery to remember the deceased. This day symbolizes the cleansing of the soul, so this memorial day remembers everyone who has already been recruited, including those who are in hell. It is believed that if on this day not to visit the graves of loved ones, then they will come to your home and become disturbing alive. Young girls on this day are recommended to abandon any work on home.

- 25th of April. On this holidays, Orthodox beliefs and pagan traditions were closely intertwined. Deaders on this day should be remembered quietly, after going to the church to pray and order a panocide. The graves usually carry cakes and painted eggs to celebrate Easter together with the deceased. However, it's not worth the food on the graves. The only thing that should remain after your visit to the cemetery is lit candles on the railing of relatives.

Dmitrievskaya Saturday - November 4th. The main memorial day of the dead warriors. On this day, it is customary to go to the cemetery, ordering liturgy and prays, as well as to organize the lush feast, which all family members should be gathered. It is believed that the more lush will be feast and the more relatives will be gathered at the table, the wonderful the forefathers will remain. And, it means that the living life will be better.

This is not all remembered days after Easter 2017 and to her. There are also parent Saturdays of the Great Post. A distinctive feature of these memorial days is that during this period in the church, liturgy on the deceased. Therefore, believers should go to church on their own to pray for the deceased relatives and loved ones. At the same time, prayers should be read not only in the church. These days should constantly pray at home and visit the most native to the cemetery.

Prayers not only help the departed calm down, but also give the power to the Orthodox person. In addition, it is precisely prayer is those words that help calm down, bring thoughts in order. And even unbelievers should be relevant to those who left us. Therefore, visiting the graves of loved ones in remembering days is mandatory for everyone.

To know the date of the parent day is necessary to each Christian, who is not indifferent to his deceased relatives, friends, also familiar. Dates are shifted annually, this is annually people and update the calendars. So, what is the number of parental day in 2017?

Parents day

For Orthodox it is considered the most important date. Not a holiday that can be celebrated a fun, not an important event, compulsory for visiting. It is considered more personal, because each of the people have deceased relatives, also friends or acquaintances. Life is speedy, the truth in Christianity believe in the immortality of the soul and afterlife. It is believed that through prayers alive can help the dead. Finding the way, encourage them, ask the Most High to give them peace.

When will it be for 2017? And why actually, such days are called "parent"? To accurately calculate the date of the event, you need to remember Easter. Here it goes on April 16, then you need to count exactly 9 days after it. Then the parent day will have to be on April 25th.

History of a memorial day

This event has many different traditions, customs. For example, it is customary to visit the cemeteries, remember all the dead close. Not necessarily only parents, and all close, friends, even familiar who managed to leave the next in their lives and lives now in memory, hearts.

It is impossible to engage in ordinary affairs, solve domestic issues. The date is dedicated only to the dead. You can discuss them, remember some cases, people usually say: "Measure only a good word."

The remembrance day is also called Radonitsa. This is more ancient, first name. Once Radonitsa was called by the name of Radunitsa - God, who in Slavs was considered a defender guarding the souls from the dead people. God was a guide to them, helped find the faster of eternal peace. For these living pagans honored God, thanks for the permanent difficult work. And they asked for them to be as gracious and attentive when their time would come.

Yes, the parent day is deep roots, leaving in the pagan times, when people worshiped the forces of nature, and deified the world around us, trying to explain to themselves as he was arranged. The sun, the moon, seemed to them alive deities, the seasons also had their own personalities. Many gods tried to drop, brought different sacrifices and gifts. Easter, for example. After all, the pagans conducted many rituals, trying to call the spring and spend the winter so that she was faster.

God Radunitsa also received gratitude, he was preparing delicious, diverse disassembly. A similar tradition, along with the ancient name, has been preserved, the only, cooked disadvantages people are distributed as needing. Parental day of software is found with delicious, lush herbs, a variety of cakes, treating all beggars, disadvantaged. Baked dishes are also taken to the cemetery, then leave them next to the graves who visited from relatives, friends.

By the way, the commemorative day is not considered a sad or mourning event. People treat the beggars, encourage others and smile. It is rather bright, even a joyful holiday filled with memories and stories about loved ones. The day when their souls found the desired peace. It is believed that alive on the contrary, noting Radonitsa can not cry, on the contrary, to rejoice. Then the dead souls will stop worrying about living and can continue their path there, beyond and acquire peace. After all, the relationship between loved ones remains, no matter, someone died or still alive.

Traditions for the parent day

The church warns: it is impossible to carry many delicious dishes and any alcoholic beverages on the cemetery. Some often remove, arranging almost a picnic among the graves. No, so dead can not be helped in peace gain. Rather, it is a holiday of living, gluttony with drinking alcohol. True commemoration: treat the beggars and be sure to read prayers. Visit the cemetery, leave some sweets. Everything.

Hospipes Kulichi oven, then, in addition, no household work. In the morning, the parishioners will definitely visit the Church, to participate in a special memorial liturgy. When there is no such opportunity, you can put a special, sacred candle, read prayers, devoting their souls of all dead relatives, close, acquaintances, friends. After that, cook goodies and be sure to visit the cemetery. It is important to go to the graves in the company of loved ones, friends or relatives, single visits are not welcome.

For predominant commemoration, personally, our dear people existparent Saturdays, including Dimitrievskaya Parental Saturday, which was originally intended to commemorate the soldiers of the fallen in Kulikovsky battle, but gradually became a common memorial day.

This memorial service falls on Saturday preceding the memory of SV. Navy. Dimitré Solunsky - Saint Patron KN. Dmitry Donskoy, at the suggestion of which after the Kulikovsky battle and was established the annual mismatch of warriors.

Dmitrov Parental Saturday in November 2017 in Russia

The Slavs have memorial days in the folk calendar do not coincide with the "parent Saturdays" of the church calendar; The people are noted not all the "Parent Saturdays" of the Church Calendar. In customs, it was customary to remember the "parents" on the eve of large holidays: in front of the oil week, in front of the trinity, before covering and beforeDmitrov Day. In Polesie, this list was complemented by Mikhailovskaya Saturday and memorial Fridays. Eastern Slavs have the main calendar memories in many places: Radonitsa, Trinity Saturday, Dmitrievskaya Saturday.

Parent Saturday what it is

Parent Saturday - in the Orthodox tradition of the Day of Special Markingorthodox Christians, and above all their who have had parents. The canonical days of visiting the graves of ancestors and other relatives, where the memories are performed. Five parental Saturdays are specially remembered by the days of the deceased in the Orthodox Church: Meat Using Ecumenial Parent Saturday (Saturday 2 weeks before the Great Post); Troitskaya Ecumenical Parent Saturday (Saturday before the Day of the Holy Trinity, on the 49th day after Easter); Parental 2nd Saturday of the Great Post; Parental 3rd Saturday of the Great Post; Parental 4th Saturday of the Great Post.

Orthodox traditions of Dmitrievsky Parental Saturday

Those believers of Christians who are clearly adhered to church canons come to the church in the church on Friday on the eve of the parent Saturday. At this time, a great memorial service is performed, or Parastas. All the paths, stimites, chants and reading Parastas are devoted to prayer for the dead. In the morning, the commemant Divine Liturgy is committed in the commemorative Saturday itself, after which the service of the general Panhid is held.

To remember in the church of his dead relatives, you need to prepare in advance notes with the names of the departed. In the note, large printed letters need to write the names of those whose one should commemorate. All names must be in church spelling and in the parental case. As a donation to the temple, it is customary to bring lean products - bread, sweets, fruits, vegetables. But meat products or alcohol (except for the kagora) is not supposed to sacrifice.

In Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday, all the believers of Christians attend the graves of the departed relatives, in the temples, churches and in cemeteries are a memorial lithium and fidium, arrange memorial meals.

Dmitrievskaya Saturday morning must begin with a visit to the church and prayer for the rest of the souls of the well-willed Christians. Unlike other parent days, Dmitrievskaya Saturday carries a special meaning: installed after the Kulikov battle, she reminds us of all those who died, suffered for the Orthodox faith. If there is no possibility to visit the temple or cemetery, you can pray for the rest of the well-willed prayer.

Parent Saturdays in 2019 - the days of special commemoration of the departed. At this time, in Orthodox churches, the Christians who have left lived from the life of Christians are committed, and the believors attend the graves of their who left these world of relatives in the cemeteries. Parent Saturdays in the church calendar for the year seven.

Special days to remember the departed began to call parental Saturdays because they first remembered their deceased parents, and after and other deceased relatives and other close people. According to another version, the name was formed because once it was customary to call the late parents, that is, "departed to the fathers."

Ecumenical parent Saturdays

If we are talking about the Universal Parent Saturday, it is understood that there is a lot of baptized Christians. Seven days before the beginning of the Great Post, the meat-minded universal Saturday is noted. Meat-supersonal Saturday is called because it falls on a week of the same name, which is also called a small carnival. This is the first parent Saturday in March.

On the eve of the holiday of Pentecost, the Trinity Universal Saturday is celebrated. In the Trinity Saturday, also in prayers commemorate all baptized Christians. These days are performed by special universal memories. Serve a memorial "Memory committed by all from the century of the deceased Orthodox Christians, the Father and the Briat of Ours."

Five Other Parent Saturdays

Radonitsa or Radunitsa comes on Tuesday after a fomine of the week, that is, the second week after the bright Christ of the Resurrection. The main theme of this day is the victory of the resurrected Christ over death. On this day, the traditions of the believers visit the cemetery and the graves of dead relatives are given to the rustling of the Risen Son of God.

On May 9, on the day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War in the temples serve a memoriality of the sets of warriors who gave their lives for the salvation of the Motherland. Many families lost someone from loved ones in this terrible and long war. Therefore, this day comes with both the dead soldiers, thanks to the feat of which, the great victory and their loved ones who died during the war took place.

Dimitrievskaya Parental Saturday is also associated with military actions that only happened to several centuries earlier. We are talking about the Kulikova Battle of 1380. Initially, this day was remembered by the warriors who died during a large-scale battle.

Later, this day was transformed on the day of the commemoration of all the departed, to which there is an indication in the Novgorod chronicle of the 15th century. It is known that in 1903, Emperor Nicholas II issued a decree prescribing a memorial in memory of the warriors who died for the Motherland "for faith, king and fatherland, on the field of Brahi's stomach.

In 2019, the Orthodox Parent Saturdays are noted in the following order:

  • March 16 - Saturday meat
  • March 23 - Saturday 2nd weeks of the Great Post
  • March 30 - Saturday 3rd weeks of the Great Post
  • April 6- Saturday 4th weeks of the Great Post
  • May 7, Tuesday - Radonitsa, Overlooking Died
  • May 9 - Measure of the deceased warriors
  • May 26 - Saturday Troitskaya
  • November 3 - Saturday Dimitriev

Features of the parent Saturday

In the days of the Ecumenical Parent Saturdays, there are memorial services, requiem worships, during which believers read prayers about their deceased relatives, asking for them the forgiveness of sins for them. According to the charter during the parent Saturday, the second, thirds and fourth during the Great Post do not commit confiscated commemoration, that is, the funeral objects, lithium, memorial, the commemoration of the 3rd, 9th and 40th day after death, the forty. These days are specifically assigned to believers to give a tribute to the memory of loved ones.

In the evening on Friday, the eve of the parent Saturday in the temples serve the Great Panhid (Parastas). On the clock divine liturgium, you can transfer notes with the names of your deceased relatives. On this day, on ancient tradition, it is customary to bring landing products and korgers to the temple to make Liturgy. Wine and lean products brought to the temple on Friday are called "on the eve" brought.

In former times, it was customary that the faithful parishioners bring lean dishes for a common table in the temple, where it was possible to remember the dear to heart of dead relatives. This tradition has survived, only acquired smaller scales.

Lenten products and Kahors leave on a special table in the temple. This food is used for the needs of the temple and for the transfer of low-income people who are under the care of one or another arrival.

Often before believers there is a choice - visit the grave of a relative to the parent Saturday or come to the temple to the service. The clergymen are more inclined to the fact that sincere prayer is much more important for the shower of your loved ones, which can be accomplished during special worship. And therefore, it is recommended to give preference to visiting the temple.

You can read the prayer about the departed: "God, Lord, the souls of the deceased slave of yours: my parents, the affinities, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all the sinners free and unwitting, and give them the kingdom of heaven."

How to spend the day of mindful

Before going to the temple, write on a sheet of paper the names of all the late relatives and other close people who would like to mention while reading the prayer. Previously, in Christian families, a very important tradition existed - from generation to generation to record the names of all the relatives of the relatives. So formed family dyfulness, which were used while reading the funeral prayers.

In the days of special commemoration of the deceased, it is very important and to think about what death is possible, to rethink your own life and relationship with loved ones, try to reconcile in all controversial issues.

Very accurately, the Metropolitan Anthony Surozhsky speaks very precisely and Emko about the question of the relationship of life and death. For fifteen years, he worked for a military doctor, and after forty-six years he was a priest. Here is one of his quotes: "Russians believe in life, go to life. And this is one of the things that every priest and every person must repeat yourself and others: it is necessary to prepare not to death, we must prepare for eternal life. "

Prayer children about the departed parents

Lord, Jesus Christ, God! You are siery keeper, which is confusing refuge and crying comforter. I resort to you az, siregy, wall and crying, and praying for you: I hear my prayer and not turn your face from my heart's heart and from the tears of my eyes. I pray to you, the merciful Lord, the sorrow of my sorrow about the separation with the born and the elapsed (born and robbing) My parent (I am mine), (name) (or: with my parents and their parents, the names of them) - His soul ( or: Her, or: them), who has departed (or: departed) to you with the true faith in the way and with a hard hope for your philanthropy and mercy, and in the kingdom of your heaven. I bow to your sacred will, the Eyuzh is departed (or: leaving, or: leaving) to be in me, and I ask you, not by the sharpening from it (or: from it, or: from them) mercy and your blessings. Wem, Lord, Yako, you judge the world of this, sins and the wickedness of the fathers of Fathers in children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren even to the third and fourth kind: But the Miluleshi Fents for prayers and virtues of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. With a crushing and moutigation of the heart, I pray to the merciful judgment, do not punish the eternal punishment of Usopsago foregoing (the depleting unforgettable one) for me a slave of yours (slave yours), my parent (Mother Mother) (name), but let him go (her) her) free and unwilling, word and case, leading and ignorance created by him (her) in the life of his (HEA) on Earth, and by mercy and humanity, prayers for the sake of the Mother of God and all the saints, humbly (s) and eternal Flour get rid. You, the merciful father of Fents and Chad! Give me, in all the days of life, Moyya, to the end of my scene, not to press my mind about the deceased parent of my (the deceased mother of Moja) in my prayers, and be pleaded, the righteous judge, yes, it's limp, in the place of Cool And in the place of the late, with all the saints, henced away from the sickness, sadness and frustration. Gracious Lord! We will accept you about your servant (yours) (your name) with a warm prayer for my siema and give him (her) to giveover yours for the works and the care of the upbringing of mine in the faith and Christian piety, who has learned (who has learned), the most of all leading to his Lord, in Avenue to pray to you, you can only be in trouble, grief and diseases and keep your commandments; For the prosperity of his (Sia) about my spiritual prosperity, for the warmth, bringing them (her) about me for the prayer before you and for all the gifts, they (her), they appreciated from you, give him (her) with his ownness. With its heavenly benefits and joys in the eternal kingdom of yours. You boasts the God of mercies and generous and humanity, you are peace and the joy of your faithful slaves, and you are asked to you with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and now and in the eyelids. Amen.

P.S. Death - the inevitability, with which every one of us will come. And from the right attitude to this issue depends on the position of man both in earthly life and after death. Metropolitan Anthony reminds, it is very important not to make such a common sin, like indifferent or with a concern, is insincerely attributed to a dying relative.

During the commemoration days of the departed mentally, you will lose these moments again and again: when they could spend a few more minutes with a close man, and not refer to employment and daily important things, they could give him more heart heat, but did not do it.

These days are important both for the deceased who live relatives can help their sincere prayers and for the living themselves, which, preserving the memory of the genus, can grow spiritually and take care not only about the earthly, but also about eternal life.

Removing the memory of the departed is a permanent process that occurs in the soul of every person. But there are special days in the year, when all people who have lost loved ones merge in a single prayer for the dead. Such events are called "Parent Saturday Orthodox" and depend on religious holidays, as well as accompanying posts. The remembrance of the deceased gives them eternal life in the hearts of living people who, in turn, through the memorial prayer are hoping for the resurrection of the soul.

Dear visitors of the site, the memorial days of 2018 you will find in the new article: Parent Saturdays 2018

Dear site visitors, Remembering days 2019 you will find in a new article: Parent Saturdays 2019

Parent Saturday 2017 year, the calendar does not always fall on the appropriate day of the week. Quite often, remembered days can be on any other day. The importance of such events carries not only reverence of loved ones. These days are honored by the memory of those who gave life to complete loneliness and about the soul of such a person some kind of praying in the world of alive. Such universal commemorations give energy debt to everyone, regardless of related links. Although the name at first glance looks like reading exactly the closest and most relatives - parents, it is not quite so. The wording of such a sample is endowed with the meaning of the commencement of all who relate to the genus, and not a certain family, but to the genus of human.

Orthodox Calendar 2017 (Parent Saturdays)

Based on the greatest religious holidays, universal memorial days do not have a clearly established date, but, nevertheless, we fall almost every month of the first half of the year. The displacement of the main commemoration may have a two-week period. Parent Saturdays in 2017 (Orthodox calendar) distributes in this way:

Of course, each person has the right to read the memory of its loved ones with any way for it. But, as practice shows, we are increasingly making mistakes that carry more harm than the benefits even in such a matter as remembering the dead soul.

If you adapt your behavior to this day, as the parent Saturday (Orthodox calendar) requires the fulfillment of all the canons corresponding to a specific religious holiday. Although the rules have several general items, the execution of which will enrich such a day and make it more productive:

  • It is worth visiting the temple, pray under the church dome, light the funeral candle and leave memorial products for everyone in need.
  • With the close location of the cemetery, you can spend the graves of the dead, to incur a "hotel" in the form of bread, cookies or candies. With favorable weather conditions, it is not forbidden to get on the site of the burial: to break the bunoan, remove the dry grass and so on.
  • Do not arrange a drunken dinner from the memorial dinner. After all, the use of alcohol according to Orthodox standards is a sin, and the memory and sin to sin at the same time is at least not logical.
  • Also, the cemetery should not be accepted on elevated colors and focus.

It would be good to remember that the parent Saturday in 2017, as always, is not necessarily a day of grief and crying, but the time of rethinking their actions and life in general.