What is spiritual literature? The role of the book in spiritual and moral development.

What is spiritual literature? The role of the book in spiritual and moral development.
What is spiritual literature? The role of the book in spiritual and moral development.

Topic: literature and its role in human spiritual life.

Purpose:to deepen the presentation of students about literature as the art of the word, about her role in the spiritual life of a person.

During the classes.

I.. Exchange of views on personal reader's experience.

1. What books read in the summer interested you?

3. How are knowledge, skills and skills obtained in the literature lessons in previous years, helped you read and understand books?

4. What literary, encyclopedic, linguistic dictionaries and directories are in your home library? Which ones would you recommend your classmates?

II.. Reading the introductory article "Word to ninth-graders" (p. 3).

Conversation under the article.

How do you understand the expression "Basic Base Education"?

Why exactly in the class 9 is included, at least in passages, the most significant works of Russian literature?

Why does the mastering of this program requires independent of independence, initiatives and creativity?

What reading will need studied works? Are you ready for this reading?

III. Overview of class 9 literature review.

The main task course of the literature of grade 9 is to acquaint the richness of Russian literature, with an infinite variety of its forms. We overlines the page of the textbook to get acquainted with the components of our course.

Pa board opens first page of the cable calendar With a colorful inscription: " Old Russian literature»

The time of the emergence of the ancient Russian literature scientists tend to consider the end of the X century. And grade 9 we start with acquaintance with ancient creation, preserved and understood the living charm of the artistic, created at the end of the XII century.

The fate of the ancient Russian poem "Word about Igor's regiment" is unique. The poem entails people with irrepressible force as a mysterious magnet.

Looking into this creation, you will know what valor and courage, courage and loyalty ... for a long time after reading before the eyes there will be a mirage of the survivors, but such a close one. You will see a beless south steppe, in which, like blooming wild poppies, alee military shields, bloody dawns get up, bent the blue lightning in heaven, the wind swells the shzyt shzyny. You will hear how the carts will creak in the night, how the alarmed foxes do not shine, how the nightingale closure is ringing, crossing, swords, how the horse's top is heard, as funeral crying sounds and how the hussley sounds glory to the soldiers returning from the campaign.

"The word ..." - a precious pearl, mined from the depths of time, spurned by centuries, the mysterious brillia of which has a magical property to attract eyes and hearts. Igor's song will read and after many years children of your children, grandchildren of your grandchildren.

The second page of the "Calendar" opens: "LiteratureXVIII century. Classicism. Sentimentalism "(record in the notebook).

Live example of fate talented people In the conditions of an autocratic arbitrariness, the fate of M. V. Lomonosov - Russian reformer literary language and the poems, a great scientist, poet and the artist, about whom Pushkin wrote: "Connecting an extraordinary power of will with an extraordinarily powerful condition, Lomonosov hugged all the sectors of the Enlightenment. Opening "True sources of our poetic language", Lomonosov pointed out the only the right way His development is the path of rapprochement of the literary language with the language of people. "

A. S. Griboedov and A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov and N. V. Gogol, F. I. Tyutchev and A. A, Fet, A. N. Ostrovsky and F. M. Dostoevsky, N. A. Nekrasov and L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov. What amazing meetings and discoveries are waiting for us!

Teacher (opens the lattercMPA.nICy. - "LiteratureXX century ").

XX century - century of military and revolutionary shocks - a powerful and multifaceted reflection life situations In poetry, prose, drama, journalism.

There is a "roll call" and names.

Until 1917, Russian literature was united. In the poetry of this time, A. Blok, N. Gumilev, A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelstam, M. Tsvetaeva, B. Pasternak, S. Yesenin, in Prose - I. Bunin, M. Gorky, L. Andreev.

After 1917, part of the writers emigrated from Russia, and Russian literature was divided into two branches developing in parallel. Among the writers of Russian abroad -y. Bunin, I. Shmelev, B. Zaitsev, V. Nabokov, V. Khodasevich, G. Adamovich, etc.

IN soviet literature 20 years. dominated the topic Civil WarSince the 1930s, the artistic understanding of the events accomplished in the country began - in the works of M. Gorky, M. Sholokhov, N. Ostrovsky, A. Makarenko, A. Tedovsky.

Since 1941, the theme of the Great becomes a comprehensive Patriotic War.

In the literature of the 50-70s. There are a rethinking of many events of the war, the contradictions of the coming peaceful life are reflected.

Tragic fate Prisoners of Stalin Camps caused a book by A. Solzhenitsyn "Archipelago Gulag", stories V. Shalamov and many other works.

IV. The final word of the teacher.

Only certain milestones of a large, tragic, controversial history of the newest Russian literature of the 20th century are marked here, the skothers have to get acquainted, not all the writers who have played a significant role in this literature are named. You will learn about it later , in the meantime, I wish you no comparable happiness of the recognition of the literary work, when you begin to understand what they were given open to each turn of the plot, for any metaphor, a humane hinch.

Homework: reading "Words about the regiment of Igor"; Retelling Article "Old Russian literature", p. 4-6.

  • Besides literature than to breathe
  • Running to the bottom of the sea ...
  • M.Sheterbakov. Whole summer
  • "As a person, as a person, a writer Russian ... stood highlighted bright light Selfless and passionate love for the great deal of life - literature, to the tired in labor to the people, sad land. It was an honest fighter, the Great Martyr Truth for the sake of, Bogatyr in Labor and Child in relation to people, with soul, transparent, like a tear, and bright, like the star of the pale heaven of Russia. " M.Gorky.
  • "All Greece and Rome fought only a literary work: schools, in our sense, was not at all! And as rose. Literature actually is the only school people and she can be the only and enough school… » V. Orovanov.
  • "Russian literature ... has always been a conscience of the people. Her place B. public Life Countries have always been honorable and influential. She brought up people and sought to the fair reorganization of life. " D. Likhachev.
  • D.S.Likhachev
  • Poems of Russian poets on writing work, about the role of writers in society
  • Ivan Bunin
  • WordThe tombs, mummy and bones are silent, - only the word life is given: from the ancient darkness, on the world graveyard, only letters sound. And we have no other tenor! He will be able to take care of at least a measure of the forces, in the days of the evil and suffering, our gift is immortal - speech.
  • A.Akhmatova
  • CreationIt happens like this: some kind of source; In the ears it does not cease the battle battle; They gathered a spontaneous thunder. Unrecognized and prisoner votes will be won by the complaints and moans, it is narrowed by some secret circle, but in this abyss of whisens and the stons are one, all the victims of the sound. So, it is unaffected by it quietly, which heard, how the grass grows in the forest, as earth is coming With kittomka famously ... But the words and light rhymes have already heard, "then I begin to understand, and simply dictated stiffs fall into a snow-white notebook.
  • B. Pastrunk
  • In all I want to reach the very essence. In work, in search of the journey, in a heartless confusion.
  • Prior to the essence of the flowing days, before their reason, to the grounds, to the roots, to the core. All the time grasping the thread of destinies, events, live, think, feel, love, to accomplish the opening. Oh, if I just could, although in part, I would write eight lines about the properties of passion. About the lawlessness, about sins, runs, purses, inappropriate, elbows, palms.
  • I would lead her law, her beginning, and repeated her initial name names. I would smack poetry like a garden. All the trembling of the residents would bloom the lindens in them in a row, Guska, in the head. In the poems, I brought the breath of roses, the breath of mint, meadow, essay, hay, thunderstorms are rolled. So once Chopin puts the living miracle of foils, parks, groves, graves in his etudes. Celebration achieved game and flour - a stretched tight-bow.
  • Questions
  • Why the literature is called art words ? Show on the examples what is art of words ?
  • Remember the works whose characters read books and give them their estimates. What is important for them literature?
  • What did you learn from literature about love and betrayal, about death and immortality, about nobility and meanness? Are such knowledge for a person important?
  • How did the literature helped your own spiritual development?
  • - What useful can give modern man Reading the literature of the past?
  • Through thin, high grass stems swayed blue, blue and purple wipes; Yellow Dream popped up his pyramid aspie; White bash with umbrella-shaped paws on the surface; Discarded, God knows from where, the Kolos of wheat poured in the thick. Under their thin roots, the swirls of the partridge, stretching out their necks. The air was filled with a thousand different bird whistles. In the sky, hawks were still standing, the breakdowns of their wings and motionlessly fixing their eyes into the grass. Creek moving in the side of the clouds of wild geese gave God knows in which far lake. The seagull was risen from the grass with dimensions and luxuriously bathed in blue air waves. It disappeared in the embroidery and only flashes one black touch. She turned over with wings and flashed before the sun. Damn you, steppes, how are you good!
  • N.V.Gogol "Taras Bulba"
  • "You want to know what I saw
  • On the will? - lush fields,
  • Crown-covered hills
  • Circular trees,
  • Noisy than a freshet crowd,
  • Like brothers in dance circular.
  • I saw the piles of dark cliffs,
  • When the stream was separated,
  • And the Duma I guess:
  • I was more given!
  • Stretch in the air for a long time
  • The arms of the stone
  • And eager meetings every moment;
  • But the days are running, running the year -
  • They never get together!
  • M.Yu.Lermontov "MTSYRY"
  • Reply in writing for one of the questions:
  • As related people and history in " Captain's daughter"A.S. Pushkin?
  • What moral values \u200b\u200bargues the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "MTSYRY"?
  • That the "bad in Russia" is ridiculed by N.V.Gogol in the play "Auditor" and M.E. Saltykov-generin in fairy tales?
  • Text "Words about the regiment of Igor" - the ancient Russian text and its translation into modern Russian language.
  • Homework
  • Thank you for the lesson!!!

§ 1 The role of art in the history of mankind

From ancient times, art plays a leading role in the formation of a human worldview. Music, painting, sculpture, architecture have always affected the consciousness of people, formed the system moral values man.

Artistic literature - one of the arts of art, the art of the word. IN literary works via artistic word You can display events of the past and present, items, phenomena that accompany us throughout life. With the help of literature, we not only know the worldBut we are trying to figure out our own actions.

§ 2 The role of a book in world culture

The largest thinkers public figures, Writers around the world many times noted the outstanding role of the book in the development of mankind.

The book is the foundation of the spiritual culture of the people. It is in the process of reading that a great sacrament of the admission of a person is happening to new ideas, thoughts, artistic images. From here - great value The process denoted by the wide and capable word "reading".

So, the role of a book as a variety of art is great: it forms human thinking, transfers the accumulated experience.

§ 3 Process of creating a book

At first, the book existed as a carrier of the word, she was a carrier of hidden knowledge, and the introduction to it was possible by a long-term initiation. The process of writing a book for a long time was an unusually difficult, sacred sacrament. So, the chronicler proceded to the records only after a long post and prayers, believing that the angel himself drives his hand. Only to the XVII century, written text becomes the usual and affordable simple people ..

Consequently, the process of creating books reflected careful attitude to a written word.

§ 4 The role of Russian literature in the history of the country

Our people created highly artistic literature. Names A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu.Lermontova, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P.hehhova, F.M.Dostoevsky are known all over the world. Our literature not only presented the history of the people, his struggle for freedom, for happy life, but also reflected deep, painful spiritual search of people different epochs. Public reality is honestly displayed in Russian literature: various periods of life of the whole people, the desire and hope of people. Russian writers and poets instill interest in their history, love for native land, To your ancestors, to your neighbor and fraternal peoples ... Literature helps and supports a person in difficult moments of life path.

D.S. Likhachev so wrote about our literature: "Russian literature ... There has always been a conscience of the people. Her place in the public life of the country has always been honorable and influential. She brought up people and sought to the fair reorganization of life. "

In conclusion, we can say that fiction It is based on humanistic views and beliefs, approves non-permanent and eternal universal values. This is exactly what it is close, very necessary and simply necessary for humanity, which reflected in his poem "word" Russian writer Ivan Bunin:

Silent tombs, mummies and bones, -

Only the word life is given:

From the ancient darkness, on the world grade,

Sound only letters.

And we have no other tenor!

Defeat Berecher

At least to the measure of the forces, in the days of the evil and suffering,

Our gift is immortal - speech.

Used images:

Reading is an important part human life. This is an easy way to keep the clarity of the mind on long years. Man who is familiar with large quantity Literature of various genres, has a broader outlook, develops his brain. Often schoolchildren get homework - Write an essay in which the arguments in favor of this occupation.

Objectives of writings

Why do teachers of the Russian language include the task of this kind in homework for students? In the process of writing to each thesis, the schoolboy must lead weighty arguments. The role of literature in a person's life is an extensive topic that allows you to once again refresh in memory those evidence that confirm the importance of reading in modern life. People XXI A century is much easier to come home, sit down at a computer or TV, rather than start reading the book.

Everyone understands that such a relationship contributes to mental degradation. However, for some reason, many other classes prefer books. A schoolboy can try to write an essay that will be called upon to convince the reader in the importance of the role of literature in a person's life. Arguments that the student will use, he can take from the most different sources: everyday life, Cases with long-standing familiar, your own experience. The main thing is that one or another idea should be proved or explained. And of course, do not forget about such important momentslike spelling, punctuation, as well as writing style.

Understand yourself

Reading various literature, watching the story of books developing, people will begin to reflect on serious matters of our existence. After all, it was precisely for this purpose that great works were written - they help the reader to focus on a certain problem with which a person may face. Watching the characters that read learns to identify and in every way to predict their actions in everyday life.

It often happens that the writer himself survived certain difficulties at some stage of his life and decided to transfer his experience to subsequent generations through novel, play, novels or stories. No less important and role of poetry - reading the poem, a person can penetrate the mood of the poet, his worldview in certain moment time. And sometimes poetry carries and healing power. For example, reading a poem about difficult times, a person feels that he is not one in his problems that people once come across such difficulties before him.

The role of literature in a person's life: arguments

So why is it so important in our time to remember the importance of reading? Many will like this thesis: reading books can remove stress. It translates the reader to another world, where he can distract from everyday problems, to plunge for a while in new atmosphere. Today is very a large number of People suffer from constant stress. And this plus reading will be assessed by those who are already tired every day think about endless problems.

Psychological pluses

Another argument is interesting to the role of fiction in a person's life. Scientists have proven that we are older when our brain ages. That is why reading is able to even slow down a bit and "postpone old age." After all, devoting the time of literature, a person is forced to think, to make conclusion, to understand the meaning of what is described in the book. And the additional load on the brain favorably affects the functioning of the entire body.

Arguments for the problem "The role of literature in a person's life" do not end. Scientists have established that reading can contribute good sleep. If a person regularly reads a book for the night, soon his brain will perceive this occupation as a signal - it's time to sleep soon. Due to reading, so people can feel the next morning.

Cons reading

However, when describing the role of literature in a person's life, the arguments should not necessarily prove its benefit. The schoolboy can adhere to the opposite opinion. For example, it can be designated that too fond of reading can be ignored by this lesson real life. For tons of literature, in this case, the usual fear of reality is worth. Of course, a person always recognizes something new from books. But it is impossible to know everything with the help of literature. Most Experience people are obtained by interacting with reality. Here you need to comply with the principle - "everything must be in moderation."

The role of the teacher

Great and role of teacher literature in a person's life. Arguments here, most likely, every student will give out of their own experience. After all, the literature teacher is the one who introduces the class with the works of great classics, helps better understand the meaning who wanted to convey the descendants writers and poets through their creations. In a sense, a literature teacher is the first psychotherapist, with whom a person faces in his life. After all, it is he who introduces schoolchildren into the world of people and the variety of relations between them.

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The socio-political views of Russian thinkers were closely related to the development of Russian literature. Words of Herzen are widely known: "People, deprived of public freedom, literature, the only tribune, from the height of which he forces to hear the cry of his indignation and his conscience. The influence of literature in such a society acquires dimensions that have long lost by other countries of Europe. " Analyzing the role of literature and literary critics In Russian culture XIX. in., modern researcher I. Kondakov wrote: "... Literature - by virtue of the specifically constrained socio-political conditions for the development of the country - performs a mission at once several components of culture simultaneously: philosophy, social sciences, journalists, social and political activities (non-governmental opposition), then directly serves Publicity (due to the ability of metaphorically, allegorically say that it is impossible to say straight literally) in relation to society, as of its basis. At the same time, this meant that literature in Russia (starting from the Nikolaev era, i.e. still during the life of Pushkin) ceased to be only art in a number of other arts and became a special - universal, synthetic phenomenon of culture, if necessary, replacing it Forcedly defective industries responsible for cognitive, ideological, socio-regulatory and other functions. In principle, the burden of liability of literature is becoming fundamentally for society - liability not only and not so much artistic and aesthetic, how many moral-ethical, political, socio-philosophical, cognitive-ideological ".

Thus, in spiritual culture new era There was a complex differentiation process, its spheres such as science, fiction and art, education, numerous sociocultural institutions developed. Secular character, openness, the ability to choose the best of cultures of other peoples, while maintaining national identity and integrity, characterized by Russian culture XVIII. in. The gap between the achieved level of spiritual culture and the possibilities of the wide masses to master cultural values began to overcome in the second half of the XIX century. Thanks to the spread of the printed word and literacy, replenish the intelligentsia and the average estate by the allocations. Capitalism and relative decentralization of management marked the beginning of the unification of the noble Europeanized and folk traditional cultures into a single nationwide culture. The same reasons contributed to the emergence of large provincial cultural centers In industrial and shopping areas of the country. Dominant position B. early XIX. in. "Enlightened nobility" was shaken by the middle of the century, when in public, scientific, art life Representatives of the lower estates entered.

A social thought provided a great influence on the spiritual culture of the epoch. Starting from the XVIII century. one of the most important cultural ideas She became the idea of \u200b\u200bthe natural right of the personality given to her by birth naught by enlighteners. The peculiarity of the development of social thought in Russia was its political pointedness, the search for Russia in the world community.