Take care of spiritual values. State legal impact on culture

Take care of spiritual values. State legal impact on culture

Municipal budget educational institution Lemeshkinskaya average comprehensive school Rudnyansky municipal district Volgograd region

Lesson of ORKSE in 4th grade

Bondareva Olga Viktorovna,

MBOU Lemeshkinskaya secondary school,

teacher primary grades

Lemeshkino village, 2013.

Lesson topic: Spiritual values ​​of humanity. Culture. Religion.

Target: create conditions foracquaintance of students with world religions as spiritual values ​​of mankind. (by the values ​​of the culture of mankind)


    Form an idea of ​​culture and religion, their relationship

    To develop speech, logical and associative thinking of students, to promote the development of communication skills, the ability to defend their point of view with arguments.

    Foster tolerance and respect for different religious cultures

Formed UUD:

Identify your belonging to the people, country, state;

Show interest in the culture and history of your people, home country;

Distinguish between basic moral and ethical concepts;

Evaluate your own and others' actions;

Evaluate (compare with the standard) the results of activities (someone else's, one's own);

Check information, find Additional information using reference literature;

To perceive the text taking into account the set educational task, to find in the text the information necessary for its solution.

Keywords: culture, religion, Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, presentation "Culture and Religion", textbook "Fundamentals of Orthodoxy", workbooks.

Lesson plan

    Organization of students' activities.

    Discussion of execution results homework.

    Updating the knowledge of students.

    Problematic question... Commented reading of an article from the tutorial.

Answering questions and completing tasks from the manual for students.

    Virtual excursion.

Physical education.

    Independent work students.





I . Organization of students' activities

Greetings. Creating a positive emotional mood. "Circle of joy"

Let's stand in a circle, say hello and wish the neighbor on the right something from the bottom of our hearts.

II ... Updating the knowledge of students.

The teacher repeats the words - the wishes of the children.

How to call all the wishes in one word?values

Discussion of homework results

What are values?

How are traditions different from values?

Name what unites us all.Rodina, Russia

How do you think values ​​have arisen from nowhere or are they created by a person?

Values ​​can be material - toys, sweets ... Public values- friendship, honesty ...Cultural values ​​- literature, painting ... These also include valuesspiritual ... Spiritual values, first of all, are those that are associated with religion.

III ... Learning new knowledge.

Let's see what is culture? (Problem question)

Name everything related to the word culture.

House of culture, physical education, cultivated plants, culture of behavior.

Which total value gives the word culture to words in a phrase?

Human influence.

So what is culture?

Children's answers .

- “Culture is material and spiritual values ​​created by a person throughout his entire history”.Slide 3

Working with the tutorial.

Read the text. Highlight the semantic parts of the text that tell about the culture.

Culture combines three areas: science, art and religion.

the science

Culture art


People who contributed to the development of culture became famous.Slide 4.5.

In science, these are Archimedes, Galileo, Mendeleev and others. In art, PI. Tchaikovsky, A.S. Pushkin,N.K. Roerichand others. Each of these people made their own invaluable contribution in the development of culture. The works created by them are the cultural heritage of not only our country, but also the world.

And in religion there is famous personalities... But what is religion?

- How do you understand the meaning of the word "religion"? Acquaintance with the concepts of religion, ritual.Slide 6.

Teacher's story.

Religion - these are the thoughts and actions of a person who is convinced that the human mind in our world is not alone. Religions say that next to a person and even above him there is an invisible rational and spiritual world: God, angels, spirits ... For many people, this belief becomes so deep that it determines their behavior and their culture.

People live in our country different nations and religions, and therefore in something special cultures, beliefs. Including people who answer the question of whether there is God in different ways, and have different ideas about the relationship between man and God.

For millennia, religion has been and remains important factor cultural life of people. Without faith, pouring out in the form of a particular religion, not a single people existed. Religion reflects the history of the people, their traditions, way of life and cultural condition.

We often do not remember how much of the good that we use first appeared. It is not known, for example, who was the first in history to bake bread, but bread is baked by all peoples. Somewhere white and round bread is baked, similar to a pancake, and somewhere black and in the shape of a brick, but whatever country you come to, you will probably try the local bread. Somewhere it will seem to you almost the same as at home, somewhere unusual, some will please you more, some less - there is no dispute about tastes. But in fact, bread is the same everywhere, and the customs associated with bread are the same. Probably, among all peoples, the words "to share bread with someone" means the same thing as "to find a friend."

There are many differences in the culture and religion of different peoples. Each nation has its own way of life, its own customs. Somewhere at the table they use a knife and fork, somewhere special sticks, somewhere they build houses with flat roofs, and somewhere with gable roofs. Culture is the main wealth of the people. Religion does not exist separately from culture and from the people, each nation includes something from religion in its tradition, and brings something from tradition to religion.

Do you know what, in modern world there are up to 3 thousand religions.

What religions do you already know?

Folk wisdom reads"In countries where different religions peacefully coexist, their churches do not interfere with each other."

On the map of Russia you can see which religions peacefully coexist in our country.Slide 7

Let's go to virtual tour on sacred buildings of different religions.

Slide 8,9,10,11

V . Primary anchoring knowledge. - How do religions differ from each other?

Those who have an older brother, let them clap their hands. Those who have a sister, let them wave their hands over their heads. The one who helps his mother, let him jump. Those who obey the Pope will march. Turn your head for those who love their loved ones very much

But what keeps the family together? What word will unite all family members? Listen to the parable.

a) Reading and discussing the parable.

“In ancient times, there was one family, and love and harmony reigned in it. The rumor about this reached the ruler of those places, and he asked the head of the family: "How do you manage to live without quarreling, without offending each other?" The elder took the paper and wrote something on it. The ruler looked and was surprised, there were three words written on the sheet ...

What are these words? "LOVE, UNDERSTANDING, PATIENCE"

- How can you call such a family?

- Guys, what do you think, can a person live without a family? Why???

ADo you know how families lived in ancient times? (Slides 6-13)

Long ago in the country

where we live, there were no huge cities with beautiful houses, no big villages. There were dense forests inhabited by wild animals. There were villages along the banks of the rivers. The Slavs lived there, as our ancestors were called then. The Slavs were very hardworking. They went hunting to get food. And from fur and skin of animals they made clothes for themselves. They worked a lot in the field, sowing bread, grazing herds, and fishing in rivers.

Each family - father, mother, children - lived in their hut separately from other families.

When sons grew up, they got married, they had children, and everyone: children and grandchildren - lived with their parents. After all, it was easier to live that way, keeping a common household.

It was usually very large and Friendly family... The most important was considered the eldest member of the family - everyone respected him, consulted with him.

The children also did a lot of work: they looked after the younger children, helped in the house, field and garden ...

Why was the house big ???

The family is a value for the development of every person, plays important role in the life of the state, in the upbringing of new generations. the main objective any family - the formation of a new, better and freer generation. The family will be able to fulfill this task when it is based on spiritual values. The family is the keeper of the traditional Russian culture of everyday life; through it, the historical connection of generations is carried out, destroying which society turns into "Ivanov, who do not remember kinship." Therefore, the family is the fundamental principle of the homeland.

If a child is compared to a young tree, then the family is the soil on which it grows and the landscape that forms it. Some grow in a well-tended garden, others in a greenhouse, others on sparse stony soil, some behind a high wall, and some on the seven winds. And trees grow, of course, different.

Good family gives support to the child, helps to gain a foothold in this world, allows you to feel the strength of being. In a good family, no one protects anyone, it is on its own - best protection a child from any external threats, a reliable rear, his first image of the world, which he will then project onto external world- either calmly trusting him, or being afraid to rely on him. Being a support and protection, instilling confidence and restoring peace of mind is the first purpose of a family. And what is value ??? (slide 14-15)

In the Ozhegov dictionary:

“Values ​​are what a person values ​​in life, to which he gives a special positive life meaning, that is, significance, benefit, usefulness "

This is something important, dear, which unites the family, does not allow it to fall apart.

Good relations, love, a sense of duty towards elderly parents, traditions, family heirlooms, shrines, common views, mutual respect, a sense of mutual assistance.

These are family values.

So, the family is the nourishing, nourishing soil on which the planted seed grows ...

What can unite a family?

The moral health of the family, its spiritual values ​​can be judged by the traditions established in it. . Legalized by time and proven by practice, family traditions render a huge impact for children. First of all, because the existing traditions hold the family together, create a stable order of life and, most importantly, characterize the family as a collective. What is tradition ??? (16)Tradition - from the Latin "transfer". This word means the customs, orders, rules of behavior that have developed and passed on from generation to generation.

What traditions do you know ??? (17 slide)

    Traditions of hospitality, family lunch. It is believed that hospitality - national tradition, it unites many families, strengthens friendly ties.

    Celebration significant events in family life.

    Walks, trips with children, going to the cinema, circus, theater.

    Passing on family heirlooms to the younger generation

What traditions are there in your families ???

Guys, do your families have traditions? Name them

Let's remember about family values, turning to the experience of our ancestors and the traditions of our people.

To view a presentation with pictures, artwork, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Presentation slides text content:
State concern for the preservation of spiritual values ​​Prepared by: primary school teacher Matveeva Svetlana Aleksandrovna 2015 Fundamentals of Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia Grade 5 Constitution of the Russian Federation Article 44.1. Everyone is guaranteed freedom of literary, artistic, scientific, technical and other types of creativity, teaching. 2. Everyone has the right to take part in cultural life and use cultural institutions, to have access to cultural values. Everyone is obliged to take care of the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, to protect the monuments of history and culture. Academician D.S. Likhachev said: “If a person does not like to look at old photographs of his parents at least from time to time, does not appreciate the memory of them left in the garden that they cultivated, which belonged to them, then he does not love them. If a person does not like old streets, even if they are poor, it means that he has no love for his city. If a person is indifferent to the monuments of the history of his country, he, as a rule, is indifferent to his country. " Monument to Hermogenes Opening of Monument to Hermogenes Monument to Minin and Pozharsky Kazan

Mosques in Kazan

Buddhist temple in Chita Buddhist temple in St. Petersburg Spaso-Preobrazhensky monastery New Jerusalem monastery in the Moscow region Verkhotursky monastery in the Urals Seraphim-Diveevsky monastery Cathedral of Christ the Savior Museum-reserve "Tsarskoe Selo" Syuyumbike "Falling tower" Museum of wooden architecture "Vitosirlaviyevo" Samara region Syzran
KAZAN CATHEDRAL In the heart of the city there is a majestic five-domed temple with a high bell tower. This is Kazan Cathedral, one of the most beautiful and richest temples in the Volga region. The grace of God truly extends over him. After all, the cathedral remained one of the few structures in Syzran that survived the terrible fire of 1906. The whole city was engulfed in flames, and the cathedral rose among the flames, like a martyr at the stake, with its majestic bell tower. He survived thanks to the watchman, who put out the fire that had spread to the temple in time. SYZRAN KREMLIN. Syzran became the only city in the Samara province where his heart, the Kremlin, has been preserved. He became more than just a symbol and business card our small homeland... The Syzran Kremlin combines two ideas - the valiant past of the city, founded to protect the borderline borders of Russia, and the truth of the Christian faith. Cathedral of Christ the Savior Mother of God Moscow Kremlin Monument to Minin and Pozharsky Spassky Gate Ivan the Great Bell Tower and Tsar Bell

The state, society and every person should take care of the preservation of spiritual values. Thank you for your attention! http://imigo.ru/uploads/images/cities/Moscow/Moscow-Russia-Red-Square-IMIGO.jpghttp://img.travel.ru/images2/2015/06/object246303/shutterstock_258450185.jpghttp:// p5.img.cctvpic.com/photoAlbum/source/2013/05/24/PHOT1369362955143172.jpg http://img.rg.ru/i/gallery/d9fb6318/687354d0.jpg http://www.gorodov.ru/ public // photos / sights / 1391955759.jpg http://afisha.mosreg.ru/sites/default/files/shapka_2_1.jpghttp://www.alpindustria.ur.ru/userfiles/IMG_7348.JPGhttp://img- fotki.yandex.ru/get/9306/123408768.78/0_a2349_e8d7eae0_XXXL.jpghttp://bestmaps.ru/files/content_images/20131004132459.jpg Internet resources

Attached files

"Preservation and dissemination of spiritual values."

- to summarize the study of the topic, determining different kinds activities in the spiritual sphere;

- the formation of a stable interest in independent search and analysis of social science problems;

- formation of skills of independent creative work students;

- the formation of the concepts "spiritual values" and "spiritual world of the individual";

- moral education.


- thematic videos;

- multimedia encyclopedias “Hermitage. Art Western Europe"And" Louvre. Great Encyclopedia of Painting ”;

- handouts (excerpts from periodicals).


“If there were no arts and sciences, there would be no man and human life”. L.N. Tolstoy.

Lesson plan.

Qualified interview on the topic: "Preservation and dissemination of spiritual values".

I. The role of museums in the preservation and dissemination of spiritual values.

II. The role of libraries in human life.

III. School in our life.

IV. Why are archives needed?

V. The role of the media in the formation of human spiritual culture.

Each attendee is given a student assessment rating, which is read out by the teacher before starting work. (See Appendix 1) In the course of work, each of the participants can score from 5 to 7 points (equivalent to "excellent") and 3-4 points (equivalent to "good").

Teacher: Let's get to work.

The class is pre-divided into creative groups. Each of them received their own assignment, prepared for 2 weeks and today offers us their own vision of the problem.

Group 1. Task.

1. Analyze the work (functions) of the city museum of local lore.

2. Give a reasoned answer to the question whether museums are needed in schools.

3. Based on your own impressions and materials from additional sources (the Hermitage encyclopedia, reproductions and photographs), formulate a conclusion.

A group performance follows.

Students share what they have learned about museums. The museum is a "repository of relics" (Vietnamese term). Today there are over 12 thousand of them in the world. A museum is not only a collection of valuables, but also expositions, exhibitions, excursions. Millions of people annually enrich their knowledge by visiting museums. Of course, it is difficult for residents of a small town to visit the Louvre or the Hermitage. But even this is possible today with the help of computer technology.

The student demonstrates how you can use the mouse to travel through the halls of the Hermitage. The group members visited the city museum of local lore and the school history hall, about which they also presented a report.

The conclusion of the group: museums are diverse in their profile and are not only a repository of values, but also carry out a great educational work on the dissemination of spiritual values.

Teacher: Summing up, it can be noted that museums are doing a lot of scientific work, restoration of cultural monuments, many excursions are held every day.

Well, if a visit to the Hermitage, the Louvre is a dream for us, then there are wonderful places nearby.

The teacher draws attention to the "Traveling around the native land" fold-out stand.

Group 2. Task.

1. Interview the director of the CLS based on the following questions.

A. What is CLS?

B. What is a library?

Q. Are libraries needed today, when every family is able to buy any book in a bookstore, to build their own home library?

D. What do you need to know to use the library?

E. Tell us about the people working in the library.

F. How to become a librarian? What other specialists work in the library?

2. Make a conclusion about the role of the library in our life.

In their performance, the group uses a video recording of an interview they conducted with the library staff.

As part of their assignment, the group visited the library and talked to the library staff.

The library first appeared in the 7th century. BC. at the court of the Assyrian king Ashurbanapal and consisted of clay “books”. Today, such an institution is the main cultural center in the city. The library network is enormous. There are several halls in the city library, and employees of the library system are happy to visit the city's schools with presentations of new literature. There are many schoolchildren among the readers. The largest library in our country is located in Moscow. It is called the Russian State, and books in many languages ​​of the world are stored there.

Teacher: So, the book plays a huge role in our life, and the library helps a person to preserve and disseminate spiritual values. The most massive audience that perceives spiritual values ​​is hundreds of millions of newspaper and magazine readers, radio listeners, television viewers, i.e. those who are constantly influenced by the media.

Let's do some practical work.

On the tables: clippings from the Trud-7 newspaper with articles “What made you happy or saddened by the TV screen last week,” TV programs.

Practical work.

Teacher: The influence of art on the formation of beliefs is well known. But, perhaps, works of the so-called mass culture, in particular advertising.

"Always loved, always with you!"

Question: What do you think it is about?

But this is about "friendship": "If we had a friend, we will find some leisure."

This is the signature on a bottle of vodka next to the figure of a man. Moreover, the bottle is depicted in human height.

Task I.

Analyze the methods of influencing the psyche of such advertising. What moral values ​​does it focus on?

Task II.

Determine the role of the media in the formation of spiritual values ​​using:

a) personal impressions, according to the scheme:

What I like / What I don't like

c) TV programs.

Teacher: In the meantime, this group is working, let's listen to groups 3 and 4.

Group 3. Task.

1. Conduct interviews with teachers, parents, students, asking them one question: "What role does school play in your life?"

2. Become a teacher in the classroom and then present your impressions in the form of an essay "Teacher activities in the classroom."

3. Draw conclusions about the function of the school, based on the law "On Education".

A group performance follows.

School plays an important role in every person's life. It makes the greatest contribution to the dissemination of spiritual values ​​in terms of coverage of people and of national importance.

The teacher who leads the path of knowledge remains in the hearts of the students. Conversations with parents, acquaintances, peers, questioning helped the children to clearly identify the conclusion that the school and the teacher are the main guardians and disseminators of spirituality. The work of a teacher is not easy. The guys were convinced of this, having attended lessons in primary grades.

During the lesson, fragments from the memories of the school of pupils of different years were sounded.

Teacher: The school, especially the teacher, makes the greatest contribution to the dissemination of spiritual values ​​in terms of coverage of people and of national importance.

But to give students a spark of knowledge,- wrote one of the famous teachers, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, - the teacher needs to absorb the whole sea of ​​light”.

Group 4 found out why the archives are needed. The guys visited the city archive, the archive of the city museum, looked into the secret of what is stored in the home archive.

What did the archive tell us about?

A group performance follows.

To find out what an "archive" is, the students of this group managed to meet with the workers of the city archive. Archives are a place where documents, both the most ancient and very recent, are stored. The head of the archive explained how the archives are replenished and taught the children how to collect materials for a home archive. Interestingly, many students' homes contain family heirlooms and photographs that are worthy not only of a place in an archive, but also in a museum. At the request of the group members, classmates brought family relics to the lesson. Thus, archives play an important role in the preservation of cultural heritage.

Teacher: The memory of the human heart remembers a lot. And archives are those islands of memory that, as if from broken pieces, put together a favorite image in our memory.

The assignment was given earlier.

The results of practical work are heard.

Mass media today gather the most massive audience - hundreds of millions of readers of newspapers and magazines, radio listeners, TV viewers. It is with the help of the media that we can become familiar with the cultural heritage that has become the national heritage of classical theatrical performances and films, visit the Hermitage, and travel around the world. But, of course, you need to be demanding in the selection of information provided by the media.

Teacher: The undoubted national treasures are those that have become classics theatrical performances, movies. Shows from museums, concerts instill in us a high aesthetic taste. Without much difficulty, we, living in the outback, can touch the treasury of world art through modern information technologies. And how bad taste hurts our souls, the replication of “soap operas” and advertisements that have filled our screen today. The fight against this evil must be waged together.


Teacher: So, what is the result of our work. Most importantly, we have proven that the creation, preservation and dissemination of cultural values ​​are aimed at meeting the spiritual needs of humanity. A person is spiritual insofar as he ponders this question and seeks to get an answer to it.

The spiritual activity of people is diverse, everyone has a wide choice of its forms and types. And what kind of values ​​a person prefers depends largely on what he is like.

Finishing today's lesson, I would like to thank everyone for the creative, fruitful work.

Grades are given on the basis of the "Discussion Grade Sheet".

Original ideas, scientific discovery, a novel or a painting can be lost forever or remain in obscurity, and then they will not carry any influence on people. Imagine how impoverished humanity would be, I would not know ancient mythology if the Egyptian pyramids of "murals. Rublev, works. T. Shevchenko or mysterious. Mona. Lisa. Leonardo da Vinci, how would the view have faded. Kiev without a monument. Bogdo na. Khmelnitsky or. St. Sophia Cathedral. Who contributes preservation and dissemination of spiritual riches? touristic-historical and natural-scientific values. Let's start with museums "Their essence was first well revealed by the ancient Vietnamese term" bao i ", which means" repository of relics "With the development of museums (now there are more than 12 thousand .) have become not only collections of values ​​"but thanks to their expositions, exhibitions" Excursion 1, a serious source of knowledge replenishment for millions of visitors.

Museums are diverse in their profile: historical (including archaeological "ethnographic, etc.), art" literary, natural history (botanical, geological, etc.), technical. In Ukraine and other countries, there are many amateur (volunteer) museums, these are museums of history educational institutions, military units, enterprises.

The words "repository" and "distribution" refer to libraries as well. The oldest of them appeared many centuries before the invention of printing: in the middle of the 7th century BC, at the court of the Assyrian king. Ashurbanipal was removed from the "clay books" library. more people mastered scientific, literary, spiritual values. The network of libraries is huge: from small - personal, school, city - to the most book-holdings.

The word "archive" (translated from lat - letter-holding) is often associated with something very ancient and distant from life. Archives, like libraries, have been known for a long time. Archives are a place of storage of documents, in one way or another, the most ancient, and very recent times. The collection of archival sources is intended for scientific research, for practical purposes. The archives are constantly being replenished, because every day new evidence is accumulated about the activities of individuals, organizations, government agencies... There are small archives (for example, the archive of the plant, where documents about its employees are kept) and gigantic, according to which you can investigate much that has not yet been recognized, or restore the truth, which has been hidden for a long time. So, thanks to archival searches, it was possible to make public the previously classified treaties (for example, the secretary. Etna protocol signed by. Molotov and. Ribbentrop on the eve of the Second World War). During the restoration of ancient Ukrainian cities, destroyed by the Nazis in the years. Great. Patriotic War, data on architectural features and the size of the restored structures, cultural monuments. Ancient messages stored in the archives about certain natural phenomena helped geologists of the XX century to find a circle of greasy reserves of minerals (oil, gas, etc.). Archival certificates help citizens to confirm some of their rights (for example, certificates of work experience affect the size of the pension).

Thus, archives, libraries, museums are not only repositories; the ancient Egyptians called them "houses of life", emphasizing the important role of these institutions in the preservation and transmission of cultural heritage. Museums, and archives and libraries are the property of the people, they should be accessible to everyone.

The effectiveness of spiritual and practical activities carried out by museums, libraries, archives largely depends on the "pilot", laying out the visitor, the reader better way to knowledge. These "glamor pilots" are tour guides, librarians, archivists.

The aphorism "to look is not to see" recalls one of the fundamental tasks museum worker- to teach "to see", that is, to identify the essential features of the exposition, thus obtaining the maximum information contained in it. Consider, for example, visiting art gallery... Of course, being alone with the picture, everyone feels its aesthetic poured out. But often, much remains not understood as a whole through poor acquaintance with the topic (for example, with plots on biblical themes), due to insufficiently clear perception artistic style, its features. In such cases, the guide's explanations are very valuable.

In libraries it is very difficult to navigate the world of books. the right way to meet the needs of the reader, to shape his interests and tastes

The school, first of all the teacher, makes the largest contribution to the dissemination of spiritual values ​​in terms of its reach of people and of national importance. Let us recall the wide public sense words "teacher" :: this is a thinker, leads people along the path of knowledge and helps them form their views, seek and find their life path... It is the teacher who is a living source of knowledge and skills for children and young people, a bearer of relay races and times, he spreads, passes on to new generations the most important, valuable and humanly significant from what has been accumulated by science, technology, art from ancient times to the present day. The teacher seeks to lay the foundations for understanding modern system scientific knowledge, develops, about the world, man, society.

The mass audience perceives spiritual values ​​- these are hundreds of millions of readers of newspapers and magazines, radio listeners, TV viewers, that is, those who are constantly influenced by the media

The undoubted national heritage is the classical theatrical performances and films, the reproduction of which by television means acquaints new generations with the art of the people of Ukraine and various foreign countries.