Abstract Node "Who is for the Motherland the Mountain is that hero. Music and sports holiday dedicated to the Victory Day "That Hero, who is for his homeland mountain!" That hero who is for their homeland

Abstract Node
Abstract Node "Who is for the Motherland the Mountain is that hero. Music and sports holiday dedicated to the Victory Day "That Hero, who is for his homeland mountain!" That hero who is for their homeland

RUSS BARS: Employees of the power structures of Russia, officials, employees of law enforcement agencies, judges. Currently, the anti-people Russian authorities have created a good living condition for you. Created specifically, not for your certain merits, and in order for you to become a buffer, a fence between the authorities and the disadvantaged people of Russia. But your current well-being is a temporary phenomenon. As soon as the Russian authorities of Russia will create such a situation. When the people can no longer change anything in the country, when a total chipping and zombie of the population, the digitalization of the entire life of the population will be carried out, then the need for power will disappear in your services. Then your turn will experience all the delights of this anti-people power in its own skull. You yourself may also survive, you will give you to live. But what happens to your children, grandchildren ?? They definitely will not have any prospects for survival, to live. Now the authorities over humanity captured some structures that can be called the global government. The global government includes the 300 committee, the Rothschild, Rockefeller clans, the English Royal Dvor and them like. The global government relies on radical Jewish structures, such as BNAY Brit, Khabad. The presidents and parliaments of most countries of the world (Russia including) are the puppets of the World Government. Parliaments and Duma depict lawmaking, and in fact only officially approve the laws developed in the structures of the world government. Therefore, laws in most countries of the world of the same type. The presidents are depicted from themselves worshipers for the prosperity of the population of their countries, and in fact act strictly as part of the instructions of the world power. The leadership of various countries depicts the independence of their policies, depict the opposition to other countries and the struggle for the interests of their peoples. And in fact, these are only performances for unfected chogan inhabitants. No wonder the yellow vests in France overlook the protests with slogans "France - the Colony of Rothschilds", "Macron is a Jewish bedding." Now there is no confrontation between countries, as we are trying to depict Putin and his environment or Trump with their surroundings. There is no confrontation between Russia and the United States. This is a bluff. For Putin and Trump - the same hosts are the world government. RUSS BARS: The population of the Earth is divided into two groups: the first is informal world power with its structures, including with official rulers and politicians of almost all countries of the world. The second is the rest of the population of the Earth. At the moment, the Earth has created a catastrophic situation in terms of a sharp change in climate change and huge environmental problems. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about it. This situation, after the destruction of the USSR, created the world power, which imposed their laws and destructive lifestyle to all humanity. But the way out of the situation created by the situation sees not in changing the course of development and lifestyle of mankind, and in the reduction of the population of the Earth almost 80 -90% of the current population number. People ceased to be needed for the world power. People replaces automation, robotization, introduction of artificial intelligence. Jobs for people are becoming less and less. Therefore, the number of people in secret is reduced. Customized for the number of jobs, the necessary world power. Reducing the population is masked by wars, the destruction of entire countries (Iraq, Libya ...), the destruction of entire settlements, villages and small cities in Russia. I re-appeal to Russian workers of power structures, law enforcement officers, employees of the judicial system and officials. Think about the information above. And you will understand that supporting the current power of Russia you become participants in the genocide, for which there is no longer limit. You deprive the future of your children and grandchildren.


Class hour dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

"That hero who is for the Motherland Mountain"

Amounted to: Bragin TM

Primary school teacher

Goals and objectives:
- increase of patriotic consciousness;

Education of love for the Fatherland, His people and willingness

to his defense;

The formation of moral and ethical benchmarks;

Expansion of the horizons of students, the activation of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren;
- Communication of the team.


Multimedia equipment

Minusing songs about war, about the army

Teacher: Hello, dear guests!
Today, we spend our class hour on the topic:

"That hero who is for the Motherland Mountain" He dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

Student: February, February, Winter and Sun!
And first birds piclik!
Today looked out in the window:
Froze, to the glass face a trick.
My friends - yesterday the boys -
Today rose and suddenly
Everything is like alone, throwing a book,
Behind the hands took up, got into a circle
And promised mothers, sisters
Borders of joy take care
Keep our world - and birds, and the sun,
I will protect me in the window!

Student: Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This holiday reminds us that everything is most expensive that we have, may be dangerous. And the duty of each of us, if you have to protect your fatherland. Back in the old days of the warriors were not afraid with a sword in his hands to fight for their homeland.

Student: From the dawn and before the dawn, the ward is carried by warriors:
Dobrynya, Alyosha, and senior Ilya
Three, all of us familiar, heroes!
Each of them is a loyal horse, he is with them into the water, and in the fire.

In their hands, they have a shield and a sword, so that land will protect our land.
So that the enemies of the native land could not disrupt.
Kaul carry they need to be counted on the outpacing, friendly.
And while they are guarding, everyone can be sure:
The peace and the world of native land are protected from enemies!

Boys 3 B classes perform the song "Bogatyr our power"

That is not a formidable sky frowning
Do not sparkle in the steppe blades -
This is the father of Ilya Muromets
Students have come out

Bogatyr Our rule -
We must have a friend in trouble to help
Defend the right thing
Silkushka forces overcome

Schoolgirl In ancient times, fought with enemies of hero. These were the bold defenders of the Fatherland. And every boy should be as strong and smart and be prepared when he grows up, at any time to protect his homeland.

Student: Starting with gray antiquity, warriors and soldiers used respect for society as defenders of the life and property of peaceful citizens of their country. Their life, full of dangers, adventures, long-range trips and rich prey, which they brought from these hiking, caused curiosity and pride.

Teacher: And now we will be transferred to ancient times and find out

What was called

Student: Fedor woke up in the morning early
And almost slapped from the sofa:
Yesterday scattered tanks,
Typewriters, horses and taccans
Built. And in a row stand
Solemnly like a parade!
"Blimey!" - he thought, -
"Maybe it dreams dream?"
But the room comes into the room
And, smiling, says:
"Get up, Defender, Wash,
In the kitchen tea is already boiling. "
And remembered Fedor, it is a holiday
And he today is the main thing in it.
Today, Fedya is not a squad,
He listens in everything in everything,
Sister in the yard saves ...
And my mother dreams of himself:
Let it happen every day!

StudentFebruary 23 - the day of his favorite army!
Up to the instrument of the palyat, all the salute is indulge.
Send them all the country gratitude to the warriors,
What we live without war, peacefully and calmly.
Dad in the army served. He has a reward.
So I have long decided that I will go to the soldiers!
I know, you need to grow up ... you need to become an adult ...
But I can behave myself in male!
Protecting in the courtyard of small and weak
And I will celebrate the Day of Army Glory in February.
I would manage to perform how the soldier, tasks.
I will ask me to take the army in advance!


StudentGradually, the tradition was modified and developed in such a way that congratulated and giving gifts on February 23 were not only military, but also to all men and even boys. The army holiday has turned into a holiday of men and male in general.

StudentFirst, with this holiday, they congratulated actually warriors - personnel military and veterans of civil, and later and the Great Patriotic War.

StudentTwo old photos, two grandfather,
From the walls as if they look at me.
One died almost before the victory,
Another disappeared in German camps.
One reached Berlin himself,
In April, forty-fifth - killed.
Another disappeared, as if he fucked,
And even unknown, where lies.
Defenders of the Fatherland of the Native
Two different lives, but with one destiny.
With old photos look again,
Those who gave life for us with you.
And on this day, the defender is fray,
The heroes of the fallen will remember.
They gave their lives for us,
So that we can finish off.

I recently live in the world and I know the book in the book,
But but I hear living stories about great war.
There are one person in the world, he always tells me the truth.
And in the soul there is a trace - my great-grandfather remains with me!
Chorus: Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he passed the war,
From the Volga and to the Berlin itself.
Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he defended the country
He defended his wife his and son.
Great-grandfather, great-grandfather, he risked life,
So that again fell in the sky of the bird,
And the sky was blue, and the laughter did not fade,
And in order to be born on the white light,
And in order to be born on the white light!

He went so early to war, was like me in the war years,
To visit the chance and in captivity and pass through the fire and water.
He became a defender of the Motherland, even though he was still a boy,
And the victory won and with the victory to the house came out!

I am very proud of my great-grandfather, I am an example of him - in the life of a snog,
But from the heart, do not throw out sadness - hard has become his road.
I still have ahead, and I need to choose your way.
But I want to go through it, as my great-grandfather passed through life!

Minute silence

Teacher: And now we are transferred to the times of the Second World War

Student This nice day of the Armed Forces!

Let the sun shine in the peaceful sky

And it does not call a pipe campaign.

So that only the Soldiers

In the attack went ahead.

Let instead of the explosions Thunder Spring

Nature wakes out from sleep,

And our people sleep peacefully

Today, tomorrow and always!

Health of strong and happiness

To all those who have defended our world.

And who guards him today

And who completely gave the debt home!

Student Solovya sing loudly at night,
So the world is in the courtyards and houses.
Keep our dreams: and yours and mine
After all, the soldiers do not sleep at posts.

Our homeland knows a lot
Blood, pain and tears of mothers.
Only the army protects everyone,
Does not to offend sons!

There will be a hard of our homeland

And strips the army
The brand is revived
We all remember that the motherland is mother!


Winds blow in February, spend in the pipes loud.
Snake rushes on the ground Easy Light.
Lifting, rushing away in the distance of units of links.
It celebrates February Army Birth.
At night, the blizzard busheval, and Metelitsa Mela,
And with the dawn, we quietly daddy's holiday brought us.
And today over a wide white tablecloth of fields
Top view of the aircraft of our military units.
Papin holiday is the main holiday of all boys and men.


On the shoulder the victory is brave,

Waiting for great success

Who does not flour if need

Will enter into battle one for all


And love is not melting.

I congratulate you cordially

Happy Birthday, my army!

Students 3 B grads perform the song "Pradedushka"

1 Slender rows under the sky clean - this is our glorious shelves.
With you, tankers and artilleryrs, pilots, arrows and sailors.
My army is strong, strong, my army brave, brave,
My army proud, proud, this song about my army.
Our army is the strongest, our army is the smallest,
Our army is the most proud! And the Holy Defender of Children!
2 Furious was you and fearless, and burned the Earth under you,
You beat bravely, and the banners of the enemy fell under the walls of the Kremlin.
3 You became a dream of a secret, my dear army.
Podra and I will become a military, strong, bold, I will be proud!


For a long time, Military vololates have long.

We live on a peaceful land.
But remember the courage,
Strength and fraternity

Last war gray.
About the exploits - poems are famous.
About glory - songs create.
"Heroes never die,
Heroes in our memory live! "


Dear our men - Pope and sons! Congratulations on your holiday! We wish you success in matters, happiness, good, clean, peaceful sky above your head! Boys - grow strong, bold, courageous, kind and noble; remember the high rank of men!

Girls 3 B classes perform a song "Dream, boys, dream"

There is a dream boy: see distant countries,
To go through all the seas on the bridge of the captain.
There is a dream boy: sitting behind the steering wheel of the aircraft
And waves a bowl of the earth, return brave pilot!
P-Q: Dream, boys, dream! Although it's hard to dream of a dream ...
Dream, boys, dream: Dreams should come true!
Dream, boys, dream, filling hearts with hope!
Dream, boys, and know: We choose your own way!

2. There is a dream boy, so that the birds sang fun
And where the nature of the pure from the knees from the river will get drunk.
There is a dream boy: duck to a distant planet
And there, among the cold of the stars, fell about the earth, about the summer!

3. There is a dream boy: finish all wars in the world,
So that on Earth never cried more children ...
There is a dream boy: dream so that there is neither
There would be a dream of light and never sick my mother ...

Class hour ends with the delivery of gifts dads and boys

This page on the topic "Proverbs and sayings about the Motherland" I wrote with a special pitue. Probably, my socialist education is guilty. I remember my teacher very well, who told us about our depreciation with passion. We sang songs about the homeland, told. I do not argue that then the time was the patriotic. Now, for some reason, about the homeland with children is talking less. It's a pity. After all, if the child from the very early age to instill the love of his country, his people, he, being an adult, will always remain a patriot of his homeland. What are we sincere and wish you!

Proverbs about serving homeland

Batyr that the baton has a coward with a saber overpower.

The battle is a holy case, go to the enemy boldly.

There will be no victim.

Without love for a person there is no love for his homeland.

Take care of the land is a loved one, like a mother is rich.

Take care of your homeland as Zenitsa Oka.

Be not only the son of his father, be the son of his people.

Prostwalk heroism to stupid death pushes.

In which people you live, that creature hold on.

The enemy of the battlefield, yes our people racks.

The enemy shook himself to root.

I went to battle - she deserved glory, hid - folded his head.

In battle to visit - to find out the price of life.

The enemy wanted to smear, but I had to grieve.

In returning home there is no shame.

Military business to study - always come in handy.

Right serve - I do not turn about anything.

Where to live, there and hear.

Where there is no struggle, there is no victory there.

Hero will fall - raise, you will drop the coward - we will distribute.

The main thing in life is to serve a dedication.

Somewhere gold is much and yet, the birthplace without gold is more expensive.

Fool and home in captivity hits.

For the Motherland, he does not regret his life nor forces.

Jigit will be born at home, dies on the battlefield.

Do not postpone a debt for a long time, do not leave a sable at home.

If the people are one - he is invincible.

If the friendship is great, the homeland will be rude.

If the fight goes around, the house will not be left.

If the hero and die - Glory will remain.

If there is no courage in the heart of the warrior, he will not help him with him, nor weapons.

If the Motherland is strong, the soul of joy is full.

If the enemy comes to the people, he is not jigit, who will regret herself.

If the army is strong - invincible and country.

Life is well done - with the people, the life of the people - with a homeland.

Live on the side, and your village is all on the mind.

For the right thing, fight boldly.

For their homeland - the mother is not scary to die.

They knew whom they beat, therefore won.

For their homeland, for the honor - at least to demolish.

Love for homeland is stronger than death.

Who loves his homeland, she will not be in debt.

Whoever serves homeland, that debt performs approximately.

Who does not live in his homeland - does not know the taste of life.

How the homeland will understand the road when you get to a foreign land.

Who in a foreign land was not - the price of the homeland did not recognize.

When the homeland is guarded - you are torturing myself.

Red girl braids, and soldier - orders.

To the motherland, love in the family hearth is born.

Strike rhe award.

Who is helpful, he needs.

When the homeland is guarded - you are torturing myself.

Who is for the Motherland - Mountain, that true hero.

Who goes for their homeland, the dual force is given.

Who bold yes racks, the tent is worth it.

Who will come to us with hostility, he will find his death here.

To the world of roads, that and our ways.

Each Mila has its own side.

Horse runs to the place where it will be fed, and the well done hurries there, where his homeland.

Love a wife - love her homeland.

Love to the motherland wins death.

Love for homeland is stronger than death.

You can be better than Batyr, but it is impossible to be better than the people.

Be careful to fight - victory to achieve.

Governing God and on his side.

You can surpass the hero, but it is impossible to surpass the people.

Moscow that granite - no one will win Moscow.

Mother Volga and Wallery, and debt.

Many countries have passed, and good only found in the homeland.

An invincible our country of the people's friendship is bonded to whom the friendship of the peoples is the road, he beats the enemy.

There is no most painful our homeland.

On someone else's side, Miley Mileu is doubly.

Do not force fighting, but the ability.

There is no reservation in the service. The request of the chief is the same as the order.

Not that hero who is waiting for a reward, and that hero who goes for the people.

Not the shooter who shoots, and who falls into the goal.

Do not learn to destroy, and learn to build.

Do not look for promised edges - they are where your homeland is.

Our people are most expensive to our people.

In the homeland and days, and nights are beautiful.

Do not roll into service, but do not count off the service.

On someone else's side and in the summer it is cold.

There is no horse that does not taste about the jam! There is no hero not thangging his homeland.

In a foreign land and Kalach is not a joy, but in the homeland and black bread - sweetness.

Do not love your country - you love not God, but Satan.

Our army is ready to defeat the enemy anyone.

Now in the field a tractor driver, and tomorrow - in the army tanker.

Not that well done, who has a brave look, and the one who creates the victory.

Cancel mind in the teaching, courage in the battle.

One person has a mother, one and his homeland.

Weapons - the power of the fighter. Use it to the end!

Officer - in the valiant example.

About those and radio broadcasts who is home to protect.

From the Motherland award - the heart of the Otild.

From the dawn to the dawn the sailors on the waist of the zorka.

The first thing in life is to serve a dedication.

The order in battle is a holy law, he is more expensive than life.

With the sun - warm, at home - good.

Bird in flight, horse on the rise, Jigita in battle will learn.

Let the leader be ahead, and behind the support.

Shame in front of the birthplace worse death.

He took an oath - show a courage in battles.

The bad is the soldier who does not dream to become a general.

We will call - we will not hang, the Motherland is all over.

Motherland is a mother, able to stand up for her.

Motherland begins with family.

Putting with a friend, crying seven years, swaying from homeland - all life.

The Russian soldier does not know the barriers.

Motherland, like parents, you can't find a foreign land.

Russian fighter - all sample.

No relatives, but in the family side, the person jeeps.

His land and in the handstone of Mila.

Slava Batyr - in battle.

We are proud of my regiment, and myself is distinguished himself.

Death into the bed of Muffling, death in battle - honorable.

How much would a man either went to his homeland.

Boldly go to battle - Motherland for you.

The bold start is the same victory.

The courage is half of happiness.

The dog is looking for, where a meal, and a person is striving to native places.

Breshing learn from the scout, caution - at the sapor.

Soldiers' service ends - hardening remains.

That land Mila, where mother gave birth.

Only that the soil will be, who does not know the homeland, but loves the case.

It is difficult to learn - easily in battle.

That wins who death despises.

A skillful fighter - well done everywhere.

At a rapid soldier and a mittens - grenade.

Please the commander faithful service, not a friendship curve.

Alone else's food and the taste of someone else's.

Have a good arrow every arrow label.

The brave general does not have cowardly soldiers.

Good Moscow, yes not at home.

A good horse rushes forward, good well done returns to glory.

Good fungus white, and soldier - skillful.

Man without a homeland, that nightinglets without a song.

Honor of the soldier takes holy.

Honestly serve - Order to deserve.

Sayings about the Motherland

Martial windows hold tightly.

Without root and wormwood is not growing.

The battle is not dangerous if you are a courage.

Every bird loves his nest.

There is nothing like leather.

What people will come to, such a hat and put on.

Every pine to her borou noise.

I went to the army - I found my native family.

The stupid of the bird that the nest is not cute.

The hero gives birth to battle.

Where the border guard Zorka, there is no for the enemy.

Mountain in someone else's side of the joyless.

Goose on the lake misses her, man longing in his homeland does not leave.

Where a timid seed, there is a enemy of Sillar.

Where is a friendship, there are trembling there and enemies.

Grozen enemy around the corner, but terrible - by shoulders.

The smoke of the Fatherland is a lighter of someone else's fire.

Moscow - on tanks, and from Moscow - on sledding.

If in Russian is designer, and one in the warrior field.

If the commander skillful - the legs of the enemy are cut up up.

If the Motherland is calm - your face does not boost.

Behind the sea fun, but someone else, and we have a mountain, yes.

Behind the sea is warmer, and we have lighter.

The land is native - the cradle of Golden.

Beyond the mountains are well singing, and living at home is better.

And the dust of the native land is gold.

Go to your native land, there and under Yelka - Paradise.

The spark of the carcass to the fire, mischievous until the hit.

Who is home to trade, that Kara does not pass.

Each bird like your nest.

Who will sell your country, not to live for two days.

Who fled from the people, will remain without burial.

Kuba bush was not mil, the nightingale nests would not have been.

As the door is neither open - she returns to his threshold.

What Savva, such as he and glory.

Either the chest in the crosses, or the head in the bushes.

Mala Bird, and she takes off her nest.

On a stranger and sweet - mustard, and in the homeland and hell - a lollipop.

On someone else's side and dice in their homeland cry.

On her street and dog - Tiger.

The hero people will meet enemies from the ground of the native.

Not in service, but in friendship.

On the native side even smoke sweets.

On the native side and pebbles are familiar.

In a foreign land, the native land in a dream dreams.

On a foreign land, as if in Home.

No son without fray.

The enemies were sent to Russian bayonets.

Teach the Goryuna is a stranger side.

On someone else's kat, pleased with his villain.

On someone else's side and spring is not red.

Do not count off the land of Russian, it will not be renounced and it is from you.

Russia never wore Russia.

Raised the sword - from the sword and will die.

I went to war - I forgot the flock.

For the sidelines and the heart sings.

Native land - Heart of Paradise.

Native bush and hare of roads.

The native side is a mother, someone else's stepmother.

Neither the sword nor Kalach is joking.

Russian man bread-salt leads.

Russian by patient before the occasion.

Russia Bogatyrskaya.

Motherland teaches his homeland and helps.

Motherland - all mothers mother.

Motherland Favorite is the mother of Rima.

Motherland our sun is more beautiful.

The country dismissed is destroyed, the country is committed by the country.

Motherland is protected.

The Russian commandment knows - in battle do not yawn.

From the native land - die, do not go!

Its side to stroke, alien - against.

His milk is a child, his life is homeland.

Your service is seen in the native land.

Bored Afonyushka on a stranger kat.

Serve the people so as for it - and with fire, and into the water.

Courage - Djigita satellite.

Cheek brings success.

Glory to get your own in battle.

The warmth of their fire is much hot.

The mind of Jigita is that golden, the mind of the country is that a thousand gold.

People have one house - Motherland.

Bravery - victory sister.

The kingdom will be divided, soon goes.

Alien land of joy will not add.

Alien's tears does not believe.

A stranger side and without wind is dried, and without winter is shy.

I don't want someone else's land, but I will not give it away.

I read these sayings and proverbs about the ministry of the homeland and amazed! How strongly our ancestors who composed these short phrases, loved their land! Someone had a big city, and someone spoke so about a small village, in which he grown. But for everyone it was his homeland! And if, having listened to these wonderful sayings, some kind of child will exclaim: "I love my homeland!", So our efforts have not been gone. And the children can also read others telling about high feelings

Abstract Node

"Who is the Mountain Motherland - that hero"

Children's age - 4-5 years

Purpose:Know the tradition of celebrating the Victory Day, to acquaint with the events of the Great Patriotic War.


Teaching: To attach children to festive culture, explain that May 9 - Victory Day. Clarify and systematize knowledge about the events of the Great Patriotic War. To acquaint with the heroes of war. Secure the knowledge of children about the birth of troops.

Developing: Develop curiosity, imagination, memory, attention. Expand the horizon of children.

Educational: Reliable and gratitude to the defenders of the Motherland, pride in their people, love for the Motherland.

Preliminary work:Learning poems about the day of victory,

Subsequent work:Viewing albums, books, illustrations. Preparation for participation in the festival of senior preschoolers "Victory Day". View video and photos of military years. Reading stories about war, memorizing poems.

Equipment: The album "They brought to the victory." Audio recording of the sounds of the battle, songs "Sacred War", "Victory Day". Letter from the front. Photo "Eternal Flame."

Travel course:

On May 9, our people celebrate the holiday - Victory Day. On this day, many years ago, our people defeated a very strong enemy - fascist Germany. The enemy attacked us at night, without the announcement of the war.

Music "Sacred War".

It was a very terrible war. Fascists destroyed cities, roads, plants, captured men, women, children. Who stood on the enemy?

Who went to protect the Motherland?

Responses of children (our army, soldiers). They became defenders of the Fatherland.

Do you guys call the Defender of the Fatherland? (soldiers, sailors, pilots, tankers). All those who defended their homeland from enemies.

But not only men showed heroism during the war. Many women and girls also went to the front. They dug the trenches, endured the wounded from the battlefield, assisted wounded.

Listen to the sounds of the battle. Audio recording of battle sounds.

Bombs explode, airplanes fly, rumbled tanks, shots rummaged.

The cries of soldiers are heard, they all as one stood on the defense of the Motherland.

And now tell me who fought for their homeland, what are they? (bold, brave, courageous, brave heroes).

Only strong, skillful, deft warriors were able to defeat this war.

And to become strong, you need to be friends with physical education.

Fizkultminutka "Airplane":

Hands we put a traffic police: (Hands to the sides)

A plane appeared. ("Flew" as airplanes)

Mach wing there and here, (sloping left-right)

Do "times", do the "two". (turns left-right)

Once and two, times and two! (slam in your hands)

Hands to the sides, hold, (hands on the sides)

Look at each other. (turns left-right)

Once and two, times and two! (jumping in place)

Lowered hands down, (lowered hands)

And in place you sit down! (sat down in place).

Often in the breaks between the battles of soldiers rest, remembered their loved ones. They wrote home on paper sheets and folded by a particular triangle method. In them, the soldiers wrote about their love for their relatives, that the war will soon end, and they will return home. Consider writing.

War lasted long four years.

And now, finally, the 9th 1945 our troops managed to defeat the fascists. Since then, every year our entire people celebrates the 9th day of victory. Those who then fought and gave us the world, remains quite a bit. They are called - veterans. They put on their awards and go to the Victory Parade.

Please note that here is depicted ("Eternal Flame"). The eternal flame is permanently burning fire, this is a monument to soldiers who have not returned from the war, the eternal memory of the exploits of our brave soldiers. On the holiday of May 9, veterans wear all their military awards, meet at the monument, remember the war years, those who died in the war.

Many of you together with your parents will go to the parade. If you see

a person with orders, then come and congratulate him on the holiday, tell him "Thank you!" For the fact that he defended our country, our homeland from enemies.

Veterans will be pleased that we all remember that the hard wonderful victory.

In the evening, when it is dark, the victory salute begins.

People look at this beauty and rejoice.

Let never be war!

Let there always be a world!

The occupation ends, we will listen to the song "Victory Day".