Powest basket with spruce bumps are important thoughts. Literary reading lesson Pause

Powest basket with spruce bumps are important thoughts. Literary reading lesson Pause
Powest basket with spruce bumps are important thoughts. Literary reading lesson Pause
  • Teaching, Partially search: Teaching the ability to subjugate your work the name of the topic, the ability to draw conclusions, build a conclusion, show the influence of music on the listener, watch the style of K.G. Paustovsky, work on the development of speech, learn to listen, express his thoughts, feelings.
  • Developing: develop skills expressive reading, ability to analyze the work, independence, emotional world, imagination, creative skills, memory, thinking.
  • Educational: instill a sense of love for literature, learn to admire the beauty of nature, grow good, sensitive, and vitality.

During the classes

1. Teacher's introductory word.

Music in our life is always. This is TV, it's a radio, someone learns music schoolSomeone himself composes and sinks simple melodies. Music plays in the shower when we are: joyful, sad, disturbing, calmly. Music for each of us is different. We will listen to one of the musical works that has already been many decades, but which still causes a storm of emotions.

(Music E. Griem from the "Pergunt" opera "Morning" sounds.Attachment 1. (Slides from 1 to 11)

U: - What beautiful music!
- Who wrote this wonderful music.? (E.Grieng.) (Slide 12)


What feelings, impressions and mood caused this work?

What did you pretend to listen to music?

And what made a greater impression on you, the music itself or the music description of the paustovsky?

What did you understand better work of fiction Or musical?

What do you think it happens? What is needed in order to understand the music?

(I need to hear it)

U: - How are literature and music related?

D:These are works of art that make the reader or listener think, feel, worry.

True, the paustovsky understands it too. Find and read the phrase,

in which he explains that it is difficult to describe music with words?

(It is impossible to describe music with words, no matter how rich our language)
- Where do you draw inspiration to write such a beautiful music? - asked how E. Griga.
- In the majestic, harsh, northern country of impregnable mountains, dense forests, magic fjords. In the country where proud and strong-willed people.

U:- Guard, and who knows what denotes the word fjords?

U: This country is located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, behind the polar circle, in the zone of the harsh Arctic climate. What country is it? Decipher the word.

Name the homeland of the composer. (Slides from 13 to 16)

Norway is the Migra, Composer and Musician.

  • Problematic question

U: Why in class literary reading We met with the composer and his wonderful music? (Slide 17)

D: E. Grieng and his magical music underlies the work of K. Paust "Basket with spruce shishkami”. (Slide 18)

U: K. Powesty love to write stories from life famous people. So there was a story "Basket with spruce bumps."

Subject: K.G.Pautsky
"Basket with spruce bumps"

Theme of statement:
"What should a man live?"

What unusual noticed in the record of the lesson?

D: We see a questioning offer, and therefore, we will have to give a response.

(Slide 19)

U: I want to see at a lesson attentive, serious, thoughtful readers who are able to think, analyze, feel the heart and soul.

2. Remove

(Slide 20 Meeting Migra and Dagney)

U: Well, of course, did you recognize these heroes? And what about the girl in the basket? She is so heavy!

D: In the basket from Dagni fir bumps!

  • Problematic question

U: Why did the girl need a bump? (Options for children.)

D: Corses can fir the oven, make various toys, insulate the house.

U: Do you know how fir forests appear? (Slide 21)

U: Spruce forests grow from seeds that are inside the cones. (Slide 22 for love.)

Dagney - the daughter of the forester. She collected a bump with seeds for his father, and he, planting seeds, grown trees.

U:Could Dagni live in this hut?

(Slide 23 Lesnik's hut)

  • Text analysis

U: Guys let's and we will collect our "bumps", we get our "seeds" of knowledge that will be useful in life. (Slide 24)

  • Check your homework
  1. Distributed words by groups (associtative) (Slide 25)

b) By reference abstract Make a story (description) (Slide 26)

Autumn forest
Mushroom air
Sound of the surf
Moss strands
Cheerful echo

Winter city

U: What do you think, why K. Pouustovsky included a description of the autumn forest and the winter city? (Options for children.)

D: The composer draws inspiration not only in nature, but also in the usual setting, the usual surroundings. (Contrast: Copper and gold leaves and a rusty steamer.)

U: The work of Konstantin Powesty is read for 150 years!

Let's and we listen to the beauty of the artistic word, analyzing text.

(The teacher distributes tasks - "cones" from the basket. The class works on groups of different levels difficulties.)

Children remember the rules of work in the group. (Slide 27 "Learn to learn")

(Reading out loud on the chain, the choice of the senior group, the name of the chapter loud, I do not read questions, additional answers are encouraged, including music.

"The only way leading to knowledge is activities." B. Shaw.

U: I wish you fruitful work. (Slide 28)

- But first a little rest.

Fizkultminutka. (Slide 29)

(The guys perform a task using the memo: "Intection components", "ideal reader", "learn to work according to the algorithm.")

  • Work in the group on the heads of the work.

1st group"Meeting in the forest." (Slide 30)

U: Gifts are material - things, toys - it is easier to give.

Grieng conceived very difficult - spiritual gift - music.

Not always small children understand sophisticated musicwhy Grieg promises to give a gift later.

2 groups"In the house of the composer." (Slide 31)

U: "... you bloomed on your heart white flower And filled all your creature in the fragrance of spring. "

How brightly and accurately uses artistic word K. POUST. (Listening to the answers, bring to the conclusion.)

3 Group"Visiting". (Slide 32)

U: Dagni sensitive, honey, impressionable, as in childhood. (Listening to the answers, bring to the conclusion.)

4 Group"Long-awaited gift." (Slide 33)

(Slide 34 piano)

(Poems its own essay. Synkievin.)

U: Feelings of Dagni overwhelmed her soul. The girl opened like a flower all rainbow flowers.

He can bloom in the soul of each of you.
Let's come back to the topic of our lesson. (Listening to the answers, bring to the conclusion. Music sounds.)

U: What major thought discovered Dagney, listening to music by E. Grieg?

What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work? (Slide 35)

(D:"... you opened in front of me, then the beautiful thing that the man should live.")

Subject: K.G.Pautsky
"Basket with spruce bumps"

Theme of statement:
"What should a man live?" (Slide 36)

U:Reply on main question lesson.

(Slide 37-38)

D: Dream, homeland, art, music ...

W. Yes, music is a miracle. In the overflows of strings, in the sound of black and white keys there are such feelings that can change our lives. Discover and you for yourself classical music, listen to it more often. And one day you will also get into your fairy tale.

W.Today at the lesson we talked about many questions, answered many questions. And one forgot. Where is the bumps here?

Remember how Gorg helped baby?

-Hon submissions to her heavy basket.

How did he help her in adult life?

"He helped her live."

And life is much harder even the hardest basket with bumps. (Slide 39)

U: The work we studied modern and relevant to you. All feelings and actions are important for us. there is talented people (E. Grig and K. Powesta), who helped to reveal and understand the book of mental relations.

I also want to give you a spiritual gift. (Teacher reads poem.)

Do not spare hearts, do not target

Kindness and tenderness of their own.

Neither their transcriptions and discoveries

Do not keep secret from people ...

Torch everything to give in life,

To, leaving for non-existence, in power,

Warm shower, whether the snow is fluffy

Again to the sweet homeland.

(Slide 40)
What sounded in these lines concerns us all. The author of these verses gives advice to all people, how to go through life Path. He suggests that every person should leave his mark on Earth. That is how people lived their lives who were devoted to our lesson. This is K.G. Powers and Edward Grieg.

Prepare a spiritual gift to your classmates. Read full essay K.G. POUST "Basket with spruce bumps."

  • Soul words of gratitude to children for work in the lesson. (Slide 42)

(Slide 43 key to test)

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"K.G.Pautsky" Basket with spruce bumps ""






Decipher Word

Well done!


Norway - Motherland of Grieg, composer and musician.

Problematic question

Why did we meet with composer E. Grig and his music in the lesson of literary reading?

E. Grieg and his magic music underlies the work of K. Powesty "Basket with spruce bumps."

Subject: K. G. Powesty "Basket with spruce bumps" The topic of statements: "What should a man live?"

Spruce forests grow from seeds that are inside the cones.

For inquisitive children


Guys, let's and we will collect our "bumps", we will get our "seeds" of knowledge that will be useful in further life.

D.Z. Distribution the words in groups (associative series)

Autumn forest, winter city, air, surf noise, moss strands, beverages, pier, fog, gold and copper, wrought leaves, steamboats, snow, merry echo.


Autumn forest

Mushroom air

Winter city


Sound of the surf

Moss strands



Cheerful echo


"Learn to learn"


"How to work in a lesson in a pair, group"

  • Carefully read the task.
  • Try to divide all the work equally. Tactfully help each other in case of difficulty.
  • Feel free to apply for help, but do not abuse it.
  • If your comrade copes worse than you, help him so that he worked with full tension.
  • In any collective business should be consistent.

The only way leading to knowledge is activities. " B. Show.

Having heard the opinion of everyone

1 group "Meeting in the Forest"

1. Where and how did the main characters of the work of K. Powhovsky met?

2. "By roles", read the Dagney and Grieg dialogue (if necessary, use the "Intection Components" memo).

3. Find hidden questions in the text. ( problem issues)

2 Group "In the House of Composer"

1. What kind literary techniques Used the author in the story? The answer is written to the table.

2. What listeners most of all valued Grig? Why were they the road to him?

3. What "bloomed on the heart" from Dagney? (Try creating and protect your project using quotes from text.)




3 Group "Visiting"

1. Retell chapter on behalf of Dagney.

Using the "Theatrical Things" in the text, try to portray theatrical or fabulous characters. 2. Answer argue by phrase from familiar works.

3. Explain the meaning of the word "boots" (using different types dictionaries).

4 Group "Long-awaited gift"

1. Find a word in the text with which the author transmits the entire gamut of the feelings of Dagni at the concert. What part of speech are these words?

2. What did the girl heard in music?

Pass the state of the girl, her soul quality With color. 3. Make a syncewine.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work:

«… discovered that beautiful

what should people live "

Topic: K. G. Powest "Basket with spruce bumps" The topic of statements: "What should a man live?"

What should people live

beauty of nature

Human relations

"Whatever you say

about life, belief always

that she is amazing

and beautiful ... "

Do not spare hearts, do not target

Kindness and tenderness of their own.

Neither their transcriptions and discoveries

Do not keep secret from people ...

Torch everything to give in life,

To, leaving for non-existence, in power,

Warm shower, whether the snow is fluffy

Again to the sweet homeland.


Full essay of the work of the K.G. Powesty

"Basket with spruce bumps"

The key to the test

  • First level
  • norwegian
  • forester
  • music
  • Second level

5. In fir bumps a lot of resin

6. Hegeup.

7. Royal could sing about everything

8. Footing sailors, workouts, cricket, tits, snow, Cinderella

9. Girths

  • Third level

11. Symphonic

12. Admiration, Respect, Pride

All-Russian Internet Contest of Pedagogical Creativity
(2013/14 academic year)

Competition nomination:

Pedagogical ideas and technologies: secondary education

Job title:

Integrated lesson

literary reading and music

in 4th grade on the topic:

K. G.Pautovsky

"Basket with spruce bumps"

Curriculum: "Literary reading grade 4" L.F. Climanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V.Golovanova

Bondareva Olga Vyacheslavovna

Place of performance:

g. Borisoglebsk,

Voronezh region

year 2014

Topic: K. POUST "Basket with spruce bumps" (2 lesson)


Reveal the idea and meaning of the story K.G. POUST "Basket with spruce bumps."

Tasks lesson:

Contribute to the expansion of the horizons of children, attach to art, spiritual culture;

Contribute to the development of artistic taste and interest in reading;

Develop speech students and the ability to form the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work;

Contribute to the formation of creative imagination through the word, music, justify their point of view;

Educate love I. careful attitude To nature, to the feelings of people, the ability to empathize.

Equipment: Multimedia Presentation

E.Grig The work of the Suite "Per Gunt": "Morning".

Abstract lesson

I.. Organizing time

II.. Self-determination to activities.

Where are these lines?

... All forests are good with their mushroom air and rustle leaves, but especially good mountain forests near the sea. The noise of the surf is heard in them, the fog is constantly inflicted from the sea, and Moss browns from the abundance of moisture. It hangs from branches with green strands to the earth itself.

And you guessed, from which work this passage? .

( K. POUST "Basket with spruce bumps") (slide 1)

And what do you think we have to go today in class?

(analysis of the work)

Determine the lesson tasks.

Tasks: understand the content of the work, determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text (slide 2)

We will also answer questions:

What is magic power Music and Nature? (Slide 3)

Why portraits writer and composer nearby? What unites them? (slide 4.5)

Introduction to the plot lesson.

In order to understand and deeper to feel the story of the paustovsky, it is necessary to know the work of the Gring and his life well. What makes the work of the Griga, Oksana Vyacheslavovna will tell.

Before proceeding to a conversation about the Norwegian composer E. Grieg, I would like to hear about the country in which he lived and wrote his extraordinary works.

(tells the student) Slide 6-15

Majestic harsh Norway is the country of impregnable rocks, dense forests, narrow winding sea bays. Bergen ... One of the oldest cities in Western Norway, washed by the waves of the sea, crowned with rocky peaks of the mountains. Deep lakes and clean fjords, the green slopes of the hills and the mighty ridges of the mountains, the harsh greatness of the mountain nature and quiet and peace of the valleys.

(Teacher tells music).

It is here, among the fabulous beauty, on June 15, 1843, Edward Grieg was born - composer, conductor, pianist.

From six years old, the boy began to learn the game on the piano from his mother - a talented pianist. She introduced the Son with the works of Mozart, Chopin, Mendelssohn.

The game of a young griege once heard the famous violinist advised to send the boy to study in Germany. Fifteen-year-old Edward entered the conservatory and four years later he successfully graduated from the classes of composition and piano.

The composer talent of the Griema quickly received the recognition of compatriots, and soon his name became known to the whole world. Grieg traveled a lot, spoke with concerts in different countries. But he sought to return to his homeland every time, in his humble house on the seashore. Legends and fairy tales come to life in his music, colorful paintings people's Life, images of Norway Nature. It sounds a surf of the North Sea.

The day when Grieg died, was declared the Day of National Mourning. He was buried by the composer in a rock over the ever-worried sea.

Powesty as well as Grieg loved nature. But he wrote not only about nature, but also about wonderful people, he even had a dream - to collect a collection biographiesfamous people describe the most interesting cases from their lives.

III . Work with the text of the work.

Check your homework. Reading on roles.

At home you had to prepare the reading on the roles of the discern of the meeting of Dagni with Grigh, make a plan.

How did the first part name?


What illustration would you draw to the first part? (Slide 16)

Reading on roles.

What is the most important thing in the grill conversation with Dagni?

(The fact that Grieg decided to make a gift Dagney) (Slide 17)

Why Migra wanted to make a gift Dagney?

(She really liked him: hardworking, trusting, good)

The main thing that migra could like, probably that the girl knows how to think and peel about others.

But why did Grure delayed the gift, because gifts are always waiting with impatience? Find and read this in the book. (... I make gifts for adults, you are still small and do not understand much, learn to patience ...)

Of course, gifts are material - dolls, toys - it is easier to give. Grieng decided very difficult - a spiritual gift - music, so the composer promises him in 10 years.

And why in 10 years? (Because then Dagni will grow and can understand a gift)

Why K. Pouustovsky included in his story description of nature?

What kind of mood they create? (Sublime, fabulous, mysterious. Autumn -Etetic time, it gives inspiration, sets up to creativity)

What are the main words to highlight from this part?

(Grieg decided to make a gift Dagney)

Work on the 2 part. (Music Birth)

How did we call the second part?

What would you draw to this part? (Slide 18)

What compared friends of the composer's house?

What was the only decoration of this house?

The house was poor and empty. Did the grure be happy there?

selective reading

What was the happiness for the Great Composer?

selective reading

What listeners valued Grieg most?

What feelings awakened Mragian music in those who listened to her? Prove words from text.

What was the music written about?

Consider the most important words of this part. (Slide 19)

Work on the 3 part. (Dagni away)

How did we call the second part?

What would you draw to this part? (Slide 20)

What has changed in the life of Dagney, when she turned 18 years old?

For what purpose did it be sent to the Magda Tete? (so that she looked like the light arranged, how people live)

Work on the final part. (At the concert)

How did we call the third part?

What would you draw to this part? (Slide 21)

What musical terms have met in this part?

Symphonic music - Translated from Greek "Symphony" - Big musical composition For orchestra. (Slide 22)

And now let's get to 10 years ahead.

What has changed in the life of Dagney? What did she get?
- Did Dagni changed outwardly?

Where did you like to walk Dagni in the city?

Why did she cry after performances?

And the inner spiritual world of Dagney has changed?

10 years have passed, Dagney grew up - and in the soul there were all the same good and

a sensitive person.

Remember, but it was exactly these qualities of Dagni Migra.

What miracle happened to her once at a concert?

What feelings did she have tested when the initiation was announced? (read out)

What feelings is experiencing Dagni? (She is very worried, she is touched by the attention rendered to her with such a great man as the composer Grieg, Dagni cried, not hiding tears of gratitude)

(Music teacher)

Read what Dagni heard, in the music dedicated to her?

What do you think, what feelings arose in her soul:

(Record on slide: amazement, admiration, gratitude, joy, delight, regret?) ( Slide 23)

Why did Dagny cry, listening to the music of the griege?

(These are tears of gratitude. People cry not only from grief, but from big good feelings, besides, Dagney sorry that the composer died, and she will not say thank you.)

Did you like the music of the Gring to other listeners?

Why, after the fulfillment of this wonderful music "first slowly, then all the raging, treated the applause?"

- (Classical music affects the soul that takes off and soars in the air, and when the music subsides, the heart freezes and needs some time to come to themselves, feel yourself again on Earth.)

What major thought discovered Dagni for yourself? (Slide 24)

- (You discovered for me something beautiful than the man should live.) (Slide 25)

Do you want to visit such a concert and hear music donated by Dagni?

And now, guys, you once again carefully listen to the play E.Grega, who just sounded. I would like you to hear how the composer draws in the music of nature, as the music changes, which tools are sound. To understand and feel the music, you need to listen in silence. So get ready to listen carefully.

Music E. Griga sounds. (Slide 26-32)

So what is this music in nature? How does the composer transmit pictures of nature in music? How is music changing? And what instruments sounded?

(Slide 33-34)

That's what music can be.
- Guys, and how the paustic helps us better perceive the text?

- (He picks up the exact words, revives music)

What is the music in the words of Powest?

Prove that music is alive.

- (she grew, risen and foamed, rushed. Bucheval, broke the leaves)
-The autler animates it by hanging human qualities.

Let's remember where in the story of the paustovsky used personification?

Dagny cried, the keys ran away, the steamers were dreamed, the melody grew, sings the horn, the orchestra sings, it rains.
- Powership helps us better understand the text, the mood of heroes, music with the help of personification.

IV.. Miscellaneous conversation.

How to answer the question of the lesson: what is the magic power of music?

Music is a language of feelings, she helps us look at the world with other eyes, feel, see all the wealth of colors of nature - music makes our life beautiful. There are people who lived all their lives in order to give us joy and beauty. Such people include the writer K.G. Poystovsky, and composer E. Grig (Slide with portraits K. Powhtsky and

Music is beautiful created by E. Grig, because he glorified his depression, he had a gift to chant in the sounds of nature and the spiritual world of man, his courage, loyalty and purity.

Music reassured you, set up to work. She can cheer you and raise and cause other deep feelings. For this we are grateful to musicians, a composer that wringing music, an artist who fulfilled her.

How did you understand what this story? Answer questions will be helped by the slides that we placed important words of each part. Slide (35-36)

- (On the beauty of the world and music, reflecting life; about the ability to see the beautiful thing in the most ordinary.
- You need to live and love your life because it is amazing and beautiful, what would be said about it)

Why are the portraits of the writer and the composer nearby? What unites them?

Mercigus inspires writers, poets and artists to create works. He affects our music with his music, causes emotions, awakens imagination.

- (E. Grig and K. Poystovsky - Great Masters. One words, the other - music awaken in us clean and good feelings. And we must be grateful to them for it)

I want this lesson to finish the statement of the great teacher Sukhomlinsky "Make so that people who surround you are good." (Slide 37)

V.. Homework.

At home you remember everything about what we talked with you and write

overallization - review of the read work.

  1. Explanatory note Working program on literary reading is developed in accordance: with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education

    Explanatory note

    Under music P.I. Tchaikovsky K. lesson literary reading by Work by V.M. Garshina "Toad and Rose". Video clip "Norway". To the work of K.G. Powesty - "Basket from spruce cones". Powesty "Basket from spruce cones"(Musical ...

  2. The literary reading program for grade 4 is developed in accordance with the requirements of the federal component of the State Standard of Primary Education (Moscow, 2004

    Working programm

    ... by text Integrated Portrait of a writer, E. Grieg, phonogram "Sunset". C.47-58, V.6.7, 68 K. G. Powesty « Basket from spruce cones ...

  3. Educational and methodological manual Artist: Rudkovskaya Marina Yuryevna primary school teacher

    Teaching manual

    ... lesson Dictates Sam subject. Studying works K. Powesty « Basket from spruce cones». Lesson You can build by Next algorithm. Bl.1 work S. literary

In his work, Konstantin Poist often raises philosophical questions about the meaning of life, about the search for their place in this world, the difficulty of choice. The story "Basket with fir bumps" is no exception. Reading this easy life-affirming work, you understand that the best things in the lives are given to a person for free.

The main characters of this work, composer Edward Grig and the little girl Dagney, the forester's daughter, get acquainted in the forest. The composer just walks, admiring unique autumn landscapeAnd the girl collects fir bumps. Ordinary conversation, ordinary autumn. However, everything around as if impregnated with a fairy tale: Surprisingly thin and susceptible to each rustling of aspen leaves, sailing heavy spherical resin fir bumps, fragile and unusually beautiful glass boat ...

Grieg is so impressed with a small stranger that decides to devote a musical work. Of course, the child is not able to deeply appreciate the strength and beauty of classical music, so Grieg says that Dagney will receive a gift in ten years when she is eighteen. The girl is in confusion, she wants to get a gift now, but she can only come to terms.

Creating a work dedicated to Dagni, the composer with tenderness thinks about his little muse. He knows that she has such a fascinating, so bright and wonderful Life, full discoveries and love. Grieg wishes the girl of great and true happiness, and all his experiences put into music.

Years pass, Dagni turns into a slim beauty with long Kosyos. On the occasion of school graduation, the girl goes to bother to his uncle and aunt, and they decide to bring it to the concert. What is an universal surprise when the scene sounds the indescribable beautiful music dedicated to her, daughters of the forester.

In the soul, Dagny turns everything over, she remembered everything: and beautiful autumn forest, and man with laughing eyes promised to give her unusual gift. This gift is really the best thing you can wish, because it is more than music, this is a gift of love for life.

Life consists of a variety of large and small events, every minute people surround hundreds of things, and how it is important to remember that all this is fine, and love life in all its manifestations. "Basket with fir bumps" is a small, but impressive story, forcing the reader to think about true values.

    • The life of a person is so rapidly and filled with events that sometimes you forget that in life the most important, and what is still secondary. This is exactly what happens with Nastya, the heroine of the story of the paustic "telegram". Although the entire plot unfolds around her name, we get acquainted with the most nastya in the second half of the story. Nastya was born and grown in the deaf village of fence. It can be seen, the girl very bored and home villageAnd all that is connected with it, because she does not come to the village for years. Life is not worth [...]
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    • The painful feeling arises at the end of reading the story of K. G. Powesty "Telegram". Not bright sadness, quiet sadness and conciliation harmony with the world, but some heavy dark stone in the soul. As if the feeling of guilt, comprehended by Nastya too late, falls into some extent on me. In general, such topics are not so peculiar to the well-known paustovsky studied at school and beloved young children. We all know the author, respecting and valued native nature, Masters of thin and touching descriptions [...]
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  • "Basket with fir bumps": the main characters, the main idea that write?

      Small story basket with spruce bishis He was written by Konstantin Powest.

      Main characters:

      Dagney Pedersen, Forester's daughter

      Edward Grieg, composer

      Magda, Aunt Dagni

      Niels, Uncle Dagney.

      the main idea This story is that you should always believe in a miracle and it will surely happen and then there will be meaning in your life, as he appeared in the life of the girl Dagney, when she heard the music of the Grieg dedicated to himself.


      In the forest, the old composer Grieg met the daughter of the forester Dagney, which was 8 years old and helped her to bring a basket with fir bumps. The girl liked the Migra so much that it promised to make her a gift, but not now, and after 10 years, when Dagni is 18 years old.

      Grieg left and wrote promised music for several months.

      10 years passed, Dagney graduated from school and left for Christiania, to uncle and aunt. The aunt constantly drove Dagni to theaters, and Dagni was greatly worn out. One day aunt Magda decided to take away Dagni to a concert and the girl suddenly heard her name. The rear ranks were asked to repeat and she was convinced that this is just that gift that promised her an old man ten years ago.

      Magic music reminded Dagny his native forest and her very, little girl. She realized that it was worth living for the sake of wonderful and that she loved this life.

      An unexpected meeting in the forest of the composer of the Griema and the Norwegian girl Dagney, which collected fir bumps, ended with a persuasion - Grieg gives the girl on the 18th anniversary of an unusual gift. To the question of the girl why wait for so long to wait;, the composer replied that the gift would be unusual and such gifts do not give children. He decided to write a musical composition for her.

      Bergen. House of composer Gring. Remembering the meeting with Dagni is a source of inspiration for the composer. The girl becomes a muse, a guide in the world of dreams, in that world for all of the departed youth when he was young and happy:

      Many years later. DAGNI turned into a slender beautiful girlThe father sent her to his sister, theatrical dressmaker. Dagney has the opportunity to visit theatrical performances. Once she fell to the first concert in his life symphonic music. During the concert, the entertainer suddenly announced:

      During the fulfillment of music, the feelings were overwhelmed by Dagney: she remembered her house, forest, mountains, the sea ... Long she wandered through the deserted streets, until a completely empty to sea shore And not whispered:

      Watching the girl's native Uncle Niels said the phrase, which, in my opinion, is the main thought of this story:

      Story called basket with spruce cone Posted by Konstantin Powesta. The main characters of the story are: Dagni Pedersen ( main character, daughter of the forester Haugurup Pedersen), Edward Grieg (composer), Magda (Tia Dagni), Nils (Uncle Dagney, Maggid's husband). Fabulous furnishings, Little girl Dagney walks along an unusually beautiful forest and meets Edward composer. They grow up for a good-natured conversation, ultimately, Edward's composer remains only good impressions of communication with an unfamiliar girl. Next, in the enormous emotion, the composer Edward dedicates Dagni a beautiful musical work. Of course, this girl does not appreciate it to properly, to which Edward Grieg replies that this is a gift, and it will only appreciate it in ten years, that is, when she is eighteen years old. Going through the year, the girl will grow up, finishes school. In honor of the end of school, Dagney is sent to his Tete Magde and Uncle Nilsu, and they in turn go along with her to a concert. At the concert, it sounds just that the most musical work dedicated to her. Dagni is very surprised and remembers those beautiful moments and understand that this is the most best gift. Main thought this storyin my opinion is that classical music Transfers feelings, emotions and thoughts in general one person to another, she makes thinking over the most smallest values \u200b\u200bin life.

    Ustimirova Zhanna Kulbaevna

    primary school teacher

    GU "Pereleuskinskaya High School"

    Denisovsky district

    Kostanay region

    Integrated lesson reading and music in 3 "a" class on the topic: K.G.Pautsky "Basket with spruce bumps" (generalizing lesson)

    The purpose of the lesson

    1. create conditions for emotional perception Story K. Paust and Music E. Grieg, Understanding main thought Studies to teach the ability to formulate the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text;
    2. develop speech students and the ability to form the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work;
    3. brief kindness, instill a desire to make good disinterested affairs.

    Equipment: A book for reading, pictures with the image of spruce cones, audios with music E.Grega, portraits of a writer and composer, music for fizminutka.

    Abstract lesson

    1. Organizing time.

    - Who do you think is the most important, the right person in today's lesson?

    (children's responses)

    - I have one fabulous subject: this is this magic box. Each of you, looking into it, will be able to see the most important and necessary man In our lesson. Well, while this is a secret.

    I hope that at the end of the lesson you will discover this secret.

    1. Exercises for diction:

    And - E - A - O - Y - s

    Seek slowly, smoothly, in the way, in one breath.

    1. Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

    - Today at the lesson we complete work with the text. We will expand your horizons, talk about the life of wonderful people.

    1. Call stage. Message about the writer.

    ... Composer E.Grieng spent autumn in the forests near Bergen. All forests are good with their mushroom air and rustle leaves, but especially good mountain forests near the sea.

    - And you guessed, from which work this passage? K. Paust "Basket with spruce bumps").

    Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

    - What do you think you have to go today in class? (Analysis of the work)

    Tasks: understand the content of the work, determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text.

    - Who wrote this story?

    (Konstantin Georgievich Powesty)

    - 1 and 2 groups prepared a message about the writer. Tell us.

    (Kids Story)

    1 Group: Konstantin Georgievich Powesta (1892-1968).

    Since childhood, Kostya dreamed of beautiful distant countries. When the boy talked about this mother, she was afraid and said: "You are a vanity, you will not find yourself a place in life and die under the fence." Kostya on mom was not offended. He, from the birth of a minor and fragile, was firmly sure that he would become captain, it takes over in the waters of all the warm seas, it will get to the furthest islands.

    When Father's father left from the Paust family, Kostya to graduate from the gymnasium was to earn a living. Tutoring took away everything free timeBut it could not interfere with his beloved lesson - writing. Powesty tried to write poems and stories. One of them to him, the apprentice of the ninth grade, even managed to publish in adult literary journal. Konstantin Georgievich changed a lot of professions: he was the counselor and conductor tram, a sailor, a factory worker, a sanitation in the army, a teacher of literature, a journalist.

    Konstantin Georgievich Powesta rose in Ukraine. Memories of childhood and youth the writer dedicated several books.

    Writer participated in battles civil War. In times Patriotic War He was a military correspondent.

    Children's dreams came true: Konstantin Georgievich traveled a lot, traveled around the country. The impressions obtained in these trips found a place in many of his works. Pouustovsky wrote O. human feelings, about nature, about creativity.

    2 Group: Konstantin Powetsky teaches us to be kind and soulfully generous.

    Adults and children come to his grave, everyone who loves his works, which he presented to people. From spring to a deep autumn on his grave, bouquets of flowers are lying, and fir springs are green.

    Finished the story about the writer his wish to us:

    "Read, read and read!

    - About what wonderful person K.G. Poystovsky wrote in his story?

    (About composer Edward Griege)

    - In order to understand and deeper to feel the story of the paustovsky, it is necessary to know the work of the Griga and his life well. What makes the work of the Griga, will tell the following group of children.

    - I give the word to the guys 3, 4 groups.

    (children's story about the griege)

    3 Group: Edward Grieg was born in Bergen. From six years old, the boy began to learn the game on the piano from his mother - a talented pianist. She introduced the Son with the works of Mozart, Chopin, Mendelssohn.

    The game of a young griege once heard the famous violinist and advised to send the boy to study in Germany. Fifteen-year-old Edward entered the conservatory and four years later he successfully graduated from the classes of composition and piano.

    4 Group: The composer talent of the Griema quickly gained recognition of compatriots, and soon his name became known to the whole world. Grieg traveled a lot, spoke with concerts in different countries. But he sought to return to his homeland every time, in his humble house on the seashore. The legends and fairy tales, the colorful paintings of the national life, the images of Norway, are coming in his music. It sounds a surf of the North Sea.

    The day when Grieg died, was declared the Day of National Mourning. He was buried by the composer in a rock over the ever-worried sea.

    - writer Konstantin Powesty and composer Edward Grieg Two great masters: one words, other music waking good feelings in us.

    1. Work on the work.

    We will work according to plan.

    1. A meeting.
    2. In the house of the composer.
    3. Dagni away.
    4. At the concert.

    Check your homework. Reading on roles.

    - Now Luda and Sasha will remind us with an episode of the composer and girls.

    Let's remember how the composer's meeting occurred and Dagni, listen carefully to their conversation and try to determine what the most important thing in conversation.

    What is your name, girl?


    Here trouble! I have nothing to give you. I do not wear in my pockets or dolls, no ribbons, no velvet hares.

    I have an old mumm of a doll. Once she closed his eyes. Like this! And now she sleeps with open eyes.

    - Listen, Dagney, I came up with. I will give you one interesting thing. But not now, and ten years old.

    Oh, how long!

    You see I need her to do it.

    And what is it?

    Learn later.

    Did you do only five or six toys for all your life?

    No, it is not. I will do it, maybe in a few days. But such things do not give young children. I make gifts for adults.

    I do not deal. And I do not break. Here will see.

    You still do not understand much and much. Learn patience. I spend you, and we will talk about something else.

    What was Dagni before the composer and before us? ( She is small, but hardworking, drags home a heavy basket with bumps. She is a trusting: immediately told a stranger about the house, toys. She is sweet, beautiful: she has big, like dolls green eyes, quiet from embarrassment voice. She is sensitive: gently thinks about the old grandfather and sympathizes him. And the main thing isgood The heart can think and sadness about others.)

    Conclusion: What is the most important thing in conversation?

    Grieg decided: "I will write music, I will order on the title sheet to print:" Dagniphedherssen - Daughters of Lesnik Hagerupadersene, when she is eighteen years old. "

    - What do you think, why Migra wanted to make a girl a gift?

    K. Powesty directly does not tell us about it, but you may have already guessed?

    Lisviar to the assumptions of children.

    (1. This girl lives in the forest - a hone for Griga - the embodiment of nature, her greenish pupils. 2. Daggy is a girl from the people. And Grieng screams from the people.

    1. And finally, the Girl for Griga is the personification of youth, a new generation, to which he would like to leave his music.)

    "But why did Grure delayed the gift, because gifts are always waiting with impatience?" (... I make gifts for adults, you are still small and do not understand much, learn to patience ...)

    - Of course, the gifts are material - dolls, toys - it is easier to give. Grieng decided very difficult - a spiritual gift - music, so the composer promises him in 10 years.

    - And why after 10 years? (Because then Dagni will grow and can understand a gift)

    We work with the second part. - How do we come out? (in the House of Composer)

    We move to the house of the composer. Tell me how he was?

    Why did Griem remove everything from home? (prevented, jammed sounds, lived with music, creativity)

    How long did Grure wrote music for Dagney? (For a whole month, winter began)

    - Mark in the text of the word telling about music listeners. (Work in groups)

    - What is the mood of the composer at the time of creativity? (Grieg was inspired and happy, because he wrote and saw him towards him runs, choking his joy, a girl with green shining eyes. She hugs him at the neck and pressed against his gray unshaven cheek. He was all given to work, he worked worked great.)

    What do you think was Edward Grieg happy man? Find words confirming this in the text (" I am an old man, but I gave youth life, work, talent. I gave everything without refund. Therefore, I may be even happier than you, Dagney. "

    1. Fizkultminutka
      Under the dance melody, children spend a warm-up.

    Work on the 3 part.

    - Time passed and Dagney leaves the house. And for what reason does it do it?

    (let it look light, how people live and have a little happier).

    1. Group work

    In 3 parts of the story, the writer again prepared us a meeting with Dagney.

    Tell me what has changed in the life of Dagney?

    What was Dagney? Consider from the text.

    Why Dagni cried after theatrical performances?

    (Dagney remained the same cute, sensitive, impressionable,

    Tell us if it happened to you after watching movies, plays?

    Work on the final part.

    but) Wordwork

    Symphonic music - Translated from the Greek "Symphony" - a big musical work for the orchestra

    How did DAGNI behave?

    What did she hear in music? (how snow melts ...) Yes! It was her forest, her homeland! Her mountains, songs of horns, the noise of her sea!

    What was when the music was amended? (trembled applause)

    What did Dagney thinking from the park? (He died! Why? ...)

    Today we finish work on the story.

    What is this story? (about the beauty of the world and music, reflecting life; about the ability to see beautifully common

    "Why now Dagni cried, listening to the music of the griege?" (These were tears of gratitude. There is a pity that Grieg has already died, and she will not be able to thank him for this wonderful music)
    8. Listening to music

    Listen and you are the music that Grieg wrote.

    Did she like you?

    Who liked most? Why?

    Conclusion: We got acquainted with the works of two masters. K.paustovsky words, E.Greg Music

    What is the main thing in the story?

    (need to live, bringing joy to other people)

    1. Stage of understanding. Writing Sinkewine "Music" Music E. Griga "Morning" sounds
      Reference recording
      (Children's responses)
      Final word of the teacher:
      - Art (painting, theater, literature, music, "Union of magic sounds, feelings and a doom"), chasing the beauty of the world, makes our life more beautiful, noble, elevated. People encountered to art are transformed. In the story of Powesta, it happened to Dagniphedersen, who became the one who made the maestro to give a meeting with the wonderful.
    2. The outcome of the lesson.

    What is the wonderful opened with you in the story of K.G. Poystovsky? ( We talked about the beauty of nature, about beautiful people. They have a nice appearance noble deedsWe talked about the inner and external beauty of a person. About a good life (we have to believe that it is amazing and beautiful. About spiritual gifts. About music, literature, theater, about art types that learn to see beautiful.)

    We must be grateful to the K.G. Poystovsky for giving us such a wonderful story about E. Griga is this good wizard and a great musician. Both are masters of their business. One words, another feelings awaken clean and good feelings in us. And people of all times are grateful to them for it.

    - many years have passed since it was not a wonderful writer Konstantin Poist and talented composer Edward Griega, and we continue to read the stories, listen to music, because the works created by these people are immortal.

    - Now we can look inside the caskets and see who was the most important and necessary at our lesson.

    (In the box - the mirror, everyone sees himself)

    - Are you surprised? Without each of you, our today's lesson would not take place. Do you agree with the fact that each of you was important and necessary?

    1. Homework:

    Run a small test

    1. How long did the composer wrote music for Dagney Pedersen?

    A) more than a year

    B) more than a month

    1. Who listened to the composer when he composed music?

    A) tits, sailors, bags, cricket, snow, cinderella

    B) sparrows, soldiers, cook, mouse, rain, snow white

    C) elves and gnomes

    1. Why did the father send Dagni to the aunt Magda?

    A) view the light and have fun

    B) continue studying

    C) work

    1. Where did the aunt Magda and Uncle Nils lived?

    A) in the fabric in the basement of the theater

    B) in the room behind the scene

    C) in the room under the roof of the theater

    1. Where did the girl go at the insistence of aunt Magda?

    A) in the historical museum

    B) in the opera