Why do the "weighted people" die? Weighted people suspended and happy 4 participants.

Why do the
Why do the "weighted people" die? Weighted people suspended and happy 4 participants.

On the project, Peter demonstrated a volitional character, dropping 57.9 kg (initially a young man weighed 155 kg). It should be noted that Peter in his youth engaged in sports, so large physical exertion was not new to him.

According to him, the most difficult of all had to be in the first two weeks, when it was necessary to completely change all his habits, preferences, routine of the day. But to maintain the result after the project turned out to be quite simple:

- After the project, I became interested in crossfit, at recent competitions in Kaliningrad showed 8 result among 15 people. The plans to pass profile training in a medical university to become a professional trainer, "Peter says.

Now it weighs 104 kg, but it is no longer fat, but muscles. A young man is actively engaged in keeping himself in shape.

As for the appearance, he admits that because of the sharp weight loss collided with sagging skin on his stomach and arms. Solved the problem of wraps and massage.

The winner of the second season - Timur Bikbulatov

The 30-year-old Kazan came to the show with a weight of 148 kg. His path was not easy: despite the fact that he was a captain of one of the teams, the participants voted for his exception. Timur managed to return and prove that the rivals were not in vain feared him: in 16 weeks he threw 53.7 kg.

Upon returning to Kazan Timur did not throw training. He paid a cardio and power training for 3 hours 5 days a week - and achieved a result of 92 kg. After Timur restored the muscular frame and stabilized the weight, he decided to make a skin suspender.

- I do not understand people who refuse to lose weight, referring to the fact that the belly and chest will then look ugly. With rapid slimming effects with skin, it can be avoided, but even if the problems appeared, they are easily eliminated, given the high level of modern plastic surgery. Overweight kills us, and all problems with appearance compared to this are secondary.

Timur told in detail about the operations on social networks and even posted photos and video from the operating room. According to him, he is very pleased with the results and has already returned to training. By the way, Timur is now working as a personal trainer and offers long-term slimming courses, including workouts, an individual diet and, if necessary, plastic surgery.

Vice Champion of the first season - Alexey Uskov

Alexey did not reach the final of the show, however, according to the rules, it was possible to come to the final weighing. Its result is minus 63.5 kg - made it possible to take second place in the first season of "weighted people" and receive a prize of 500,000 rubles.

However, the participant failed to preserve the result. According to his own words, in just a year he scored 50 kilograms, abandoning training. In social networks, Alexey admitted that he wants to take for himself and reset the extra kilograms again. He did not exclude the appeal to plastic surgeons.

Vice-Champion of the second season - Yakov Povrenkin

32-year-old Izhevsk Yakovop Covarenkina managed to lose weight even more after the end of the project. Returning home, he continued his workout and was engaged in the hall for 8-10 hours.

As a result, after the 56.9 kg thrown on the show, he lost another 20 kg. This allowed a man in root to change their lives. Today, he is engaged in training on functional trainings and crossfit and "leads" more than 30 people.

In 2006, Christine participated in the TV project "Hunger", immediately after which came to Dom-2. "Behind the perimeter" Kalinina left a little daughter, and this fact did not like the guys. Christina has no relation to anyone, the girl constantly conflicted with the participants of the telestroy. Two weeks later, Christina decided to leave "House-2". After leaving the show, the Kalinina began depressed, she later refused food and water. At 22, Christine died of heart and renal failure.

Alexander Malyutin, "Minute of Glory"

Until now, there was no discussion of the new season "Minutes of Fame" and the jury, which is always located that Kherch say to the participants. The story with the "amputant" of the authorship of Renata Litvinova will not stop discussing for a long time. However, 10 years ago and the softer behavior of the members of the jury played a last role in the tragedy with fatal.

The 56-year-old Alexander worked in kindergarten, and on the show to Moscow came from the Altai Territory. The man played the "Turkish Rondo" Mozart on the piano, despite the keys, and the "dog waltz" and performed with his fingers at all. But Tatyana Tatystaya, Alexander Maslyakov and Yuri Maltsev stopped the speech before he ended and made critical comments.


After the failure on the show on Alexander, problems fell out: he was fired from kindergarten, and to ensure herself, he had to get a janitor. Apparently, the nerves of the men passed, and he voluntarily left his life.

With a comment after the tragedy, Tatyana Tatstaya was made: "He was told everything in a medium-sided form, although he actually played terrible. If a person is inadequate, then no soft can be. Many people, especially neutolate, see such competitions for themselves the opportunity to quickly surround [fame, prizes], noncritically belonging to their own abilities. "

Evgenia Mostovenko, "Weighted and Happy"

The purpose of this analogue of the American project is to help participants to reset overweight and change life. The stimulus is a solid cash prize. But on the project there was a tragedy: at the end of January of this year, a 44-year-old participant of the Ukrainian version of the show "Weighed and happy" died.

In 2013, Eugene came to the show with a weight of 130 kilograms with an increase in 170 centimeters. On the project she was detained only for 5 weeks, and during this time she managed to reset 10 kilograms. But the woman and at home continued to engage in themselves: in the end, for 9 months she lost 36 kilograms.

Eugene decided to lose weight to give birth to a younger husband of a child - doctors insisted on the need to reset weight. She came to the project together with his daughter Alexander, who also had extra kilograms. Evgenia's child has never happened, but they and his spouse were preparing to adopt the baby.

In January 2017, Evgenia suddenly rose pressure, and in a few days the woman died in intensive care. She was diagnosed with stroke and cerebrovascular disease, which develops against the background of hypertension.

Ilya Yakovlev, "Weighed and happy"

Ilya participated in the same season of the show as Eugene. Unlike her, he managed to reach the final: he dropped 48 kilograms, and his weight was shifted from 147 to 99 kg. Two years after his heroic weight loss, a man died from a stroke.

The project Ilya came not only for weight loss: he dreamed of meeting love. And he succeeded! He married another participant of Natasha's show. At the beginning of the season, it seemed that Yakovlev would not stay on the project for a long time: he feared for his health and expected to lose weight only a few kilograms per month.

Igor Pashinsky, "Weighted and happy"

Igor Pashinsky also died from a heart attack. For 13 weeks of participation in the show, he dropped 37 kilograms, and the starting mark for him was the weight of 193 kilograms with growth of 176 centimeters. Returning home, he did not stop at reached and for a month and a half he lost 14 kilograms.

Weighted Show People are popular around the world, almost every country has its own version of the American project "The Biggest Loser". Russia is also not an exception, CTC TV channel on Saturday broadcast issues its own version of suspended people. To date, it is successfully broadcast on season 4 and how the ratings of the show are shown - this is not the last season, soon we will see the release date of the 5th season of weighted and happy people.

Weighted and Happy People Season Season Outlet Released Appointed on mid-February 2019 .

The show is very relevant in our time, the time when fast foods are located in every city. Many love pamper themselves fat food, some do it too often and as a result suffer over weight. Many do nothing with it, sitting in the house and regrets themselves, but there are those who want to change their lives and return the sports form. It is for the latter and created a project weighted people 5 season, the release date of which is no longer outside the corner.

In Russia, the show weighted people are still young enough, only four full seasons, but now she is at the peak of popularity, many wanting to take part in the project and are even more followed by the development of events from their television screens.

Everyone who wants to change their lives can get to the show, for this you just need to send an application, of course, in the season, everyone will not be able to pass, but there is still no one season ahead, so sooner or later and you are lucky, the main thing is that there is a desire and forces become better.

Target Realistic Show

The goal of the show is pretty simple - to achieve an ideal body. People with overweight come to the project in order to become slim again. Often at home to force yourself to sit on a diet or sign up to the gym is very difficult, even if it succeeds, then sooner or late the strength on the outcome and everything begins again. In the project, weighted people with the main characters follow the fitness coaches, nutritionists, as well as consultants in healthy nutrition.

They will do everything that depends on them to bring your body to perfect forms, of course for this it will have to work hard, only the strongest will be able to reach the final. Let me remind you at the end of each week the judge of the reality show is carried out control weighing, as a result of which the participant dropped the project less than all. The final will reach only the strongest, the winner will be only one.

Release date 5 season

Now the season 4 is actively broadcast, that is, in the near future, it is not worth expecting the release date of the 5th season, but the show will surely receive a continuation. Now even known approximate release date of the 5th season, after winter holidays, turn on the CTC channel and enjoy watching the new season. Mid-February is an approximate start of the 5th season.

Schedule output series

more on the topic

On Russian television, the 3rd season of the TV project "Weighted People" (STS) began. This is an analogue of the American project "The Biggest Loser" ("lost most of all"). In the plot, full of people lose weight under the control of doctors and other specialists. A participant who will relieve more excess weight gains a prize of 3 million rubles.

On our CTEC channel, the project was launched after he was already successful in other countries. For example, in Ukraine, there were as many as 6 seasons - the project is very popular and called "weighted and happy."

But I recently happened so. At the end of January 2017, a 44-year-old participant "Weighed and happy" died. On social networks, they are actively discussing the cause of the death of the ex-participating teleproject. It turned out that this is the third death of the former heroes of the reality show "Weighed and happy." Despite the fact that they are allowed to compete after a thorough medical examination, and professionals are followed by loads and diet, the question arose: did the death of people their weight loss provoked in the TV project?

History №1

Evgenia Mostoveenko (in the photo at the top of it to weight loss and after) came to the project "Weighed and happy" in 2013. She was then 40 years old. Woman weighed 130 kg with growth 170 cm. He was very recovered after taking hormonal drugs. After 5 weeks, she left the show, dropping 10 kg. Mostovenko's houses continued to lose weight - in the test weighing in the reality show she weighed 94 kg. Total: 36 kg gone for 9 months.

The woman decided to participate in the project to give birth to a child with her husband who was under her for 8 years. Doctors said: To do this, you need to lose weight. Another incentive to come to television for Evgenia was the desire to help your daughter to lose weight: this season the project was losing couple. Zhenya wanted to become an example and company for his Alexandra.

Mostovenko said that after weight loss, her well-being improved, legs stopped sick, and she was able to skate, on his beloved bike.

Evgenia and daughter. Photo: VKontakte.

- Mom - hypertensive. But the pressure was improved only when she was nervous, "Alexander Mostovenko said.

In January 2017, Yevgeny at work jumped pressure, the woman lost consciousness, after a few days Mostovenko died in intensive care. Diagnosis - cerebrovascular disease (develops against the background of hypertension, causes a violation of cerebral circulation); stroke.

Bridge Mostovenko did not work out to give birth to a second child, but with her husband they collected documents for adoption ...

History №2.

Ilya Yakovlev dropped 48 kg. Photo: VKontakte.

32-year-old Ilya Yakovlev died also from stroke. He, like Eugene Mostoveenko, was a member of the 3rd season "Weighed and happy."

In 2013, the guy reached the final of the teleproject: came to the show with a weight of 147 kg, dropped 48 kg, began to weigh 99 kg. Ilya did not become in 2015.

Ilya to the project "Weighed and happy" weighed 147 kg. Photo: VKontakte.

Yakovlev came to the TV project with the hope of losing weight (recovered because of the sedentary work and a larger lifestyle) and, thanks to this, to meet the soul mate.

All dreams come true: the guy from Donetsk lost weight and fell in love with Natasha's participant on the project. A year later, the couple got married.

It is worth noting that at the beginning Ilya Yakovleva even believed on the "weighted and happy" lazy. The reason - he did not strive to quickly lose weight, refused the lags, deciding to drop a few kilograms per month. The man was afraid to harm health.

History №3.

Igor Pashinsky. Photo: VKontakte.

52-year-old Igor Pashinsky died of heart attack. The man came to the 5th season of the teleproject with a weight of 193 kg (height 176 cm) and for 13 weeks dropped 37 kg. After participating in the show, he continued to lose weight at home - after a month and a half he dropped another 14 kg.

Pashinsky decided to lose weight with the help of specialists on television, as it was not possible to lose weight independently. And due to health problems caused by obesity, he was afraid to become a disabled. The man worked in the police, participated in the elimination of the effects of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, returning, began to root often. Igor had a second type diabetes.

After participating in the "weighted and happy" Pashinsky, he began to feel better. "He stopped being afraid of people, hiding from them," Galina Pashovskaya told his wife. - Weight led to the fact that he didn't work almost anywhere in almost two years. He was removed from the bank: well, what a guard, who does not pass on the door. "

Pashinsky's wife told that such happy did not see her husband for a long time. But after a month and a half after returning from the shooting, Igor did not become an extensive heart attack, coronary heart disease. Galina Pashinskaya said that the doctors confessed to her: if her husband had not gone to the project and did not drop the weight, he would not live this time.

At the Igor project, they were freed from contests, they gave small loads.

The yard still cost winter cold, but spring is not far off. This means that it is already time to prepare for the summer and reset the alkalon, which accumulated for a long New Year holidays. To get rid of extra kilograms, we will help the TV shows "Weighted People", the 4th season of which will be on the Ether of the CTC Channel in the second half of February. A happy person who has no health problems. And so that they were not, you need to keep yourself in shape and eat right. The new season of 2018, the most popular willing show will conduct TV presenter Anfisa Chekhov. She together with experienced coaches will help the characters of the program to get rid of hated fat deposits.

The goal of the project is not easy to lose someone who launched her figure too much, but to teach them healthy nutrition and lifestyle. Of course, without hard motivation can not do. Therefore, eighteen participants from all over Russia, pasting, will not just destroy fat accumulated years, but also fight for a solid cash reward. One who reaches the best results will reach the final and win, waits for three million rubles a prize and completely different reflection in the mirror. Together with the anfisa Czech, the reality will be a well-known executor of REPA and part-time coach for the fitness of Seryoga, as well as an athlete, nutritionist, and just beauty, Natalia Lugovsky.

They have to be difficult, because the total weight of their wards reaches almost three tons. How the participants of the show "Weighted People" will look like after the project, we will learn a few months at the CTC. Recall that according to the rules of the reality show, two teams compete, who supervise their instructors. Each edition of the transfer is a heavy endurance test, the fight against appetite and temptations in the form of food. At the end of each week weighing. The loser team, at the general meeting, decides who from her members led others, and he drops out. Thoms that dream of becoming slim again, you will have to completely reconsider our habits, collectively in a fist and hard to work on yourself.

Watch Online Transfer Weighted People (Season 4) on STS in good HD quality

Genre: Realistic Show
Country Russia

How many series: 20
Official website: ctc.ru
Video Available on: Utyube, Android, Tablets, Phones, iPhone and Smart TV

Leading: Anfisa Chekhov
Coaches: Sergey Badyuk, Natalia Lugovsky, Serega