The legend of "28 Panfilovtsy" turned out to be a newspaper myth. What hid the Soviet authorities about the feat of Panfilovtsev

The legend of
The legend of "28 Panfilovtsy" turned out to be a newspaper myth. What hid the Soviet authorities about the feat of Panfilovtsev

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Panfilovtsy - Fighters of the 316th Rifle Division (subsequently 8th Guards) under the command of General-Major Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov, who participated in 1941 in the defense of Moscow.

Among the warriors of the division, 28 people (heroes-Panfilovtsy and 28 Heroes of Panfilovtsev) received the greatest fame (Heroes of the 4th Rota of the 2nd Battalion of the 1075th Rifle Shelf. November 16, when a new opponent's offensive began to Moscow, the fighters of the 4th company, led by Politicalruk V. G. Klochekov-Diyev, carrying out defense in the Dubosekovo Dubosekovo district, 7 kilometers southeast of Volokolamsk, according to the official version, made a feat During the 4-hour battle, 18 enemy tanks destroyed. All 28 heroes died (later began to write "almost everything").

On November 17, 1941, the 316th division for military merit was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, on November 18 received the name of the 8th Guards Division, on November 23, I was assigned the name I. V. Panfilov, who died on November 18.

On July 21, 1942, decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, all participants were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously).

In 1966, in Moscow in honor of Panfilovtsev, the street was named in the North Tushino district (Heroes-Panfilov Street), where the monument was installed.

In 1975, Memorial in Dubosekov was also built in 1975.

In the village of Nelidovo (1.5 km from Dubosekovo's road), a monument is established and the Heroes-Panfilov Museum is open. In the city of Alma-Ata, native for Panfilovtsev, there is a park named after 28 Guards-Panfilovtsev, in which the monument is located in their honor.

The mention of the 28 "most braveful sons" of Moscow was also in the song expensive, my capital, now being the anthem of Moscow.

The official poket version was studied by the main military prosecutor's office of the USSR and was recognized as literary fiction. Therefore, the feature version described in the articles of Curvitsky and has become official, it is possible to consider a legend based on real events, since the fact of heavy defensive battles of the Panfilovsk division against the 2nd and 11th German tank divisions on the Volokolamian direction on November 16, 1941 is undoubted. Contents [Remove]
1 appearance of the official version
1.1 Criticism of the official version
1.2 Opinions of supporters of another point of view
1.3 Documentary Certificates of Boy
1.4 Summary
2 Boy reconstruction
3 Fate of some Panfilov
4 Notes
5 Documentary Movies
6 cm also
7 Links

The emergence of the official version

Monument 28 Panfilovtsev in Almaty

The history of the official version of the events is set out in the materials of the investigation of the main military prosecutor's office. For the first time, the "Red Star" newspaper was announced about the feat of the Heroes on November 27, 1941 in the sketch of the front-line correspondent of Kitoeeva. The article about the participants in the battle said that everything was killed before one, but the enemy did not miss. "

On November 28, 1941, an advanced article under the heading "Testament of 28 fallen heroes" was published in the Red Star. In this article, it was indicated that 29 Panfilovtsev fought with tanks of the enemy.

"Over fifty enemy tanks moved on the frontiers held by the twenty nine Soviet Guards from the division. Panfilova ... smaller only one of twenty nine ... Only one raised his hands up ... A few guardsmen at the same time, without claiming, without a team, shot in a coward and traitor ... "

The advanced was written by the Literary Secretary of the Red Star Crvitsky. The names of the fighting and dead guardsmen, both in the first and in the second article it was not indicated.

On January 22, 1942, in the newspaper "Red Star", Crivitsky placed an essay under the heading "On 28 fallen heroes", in which he wrote in detail about the feat of 28 Panfilov. In this essay, Crivitsky confidently, as an eyewitness or a person who heard the story of the participants of the battle, writes about personal experiences and the behavior of 28 guardsmen, calling their names for the first time:

"Let the army and the country finally recognize their proud names. In the tag were: Klochekov Vasily Georgievich, Dobrobababin Ivan Evstafyevich, Shepetkov Ivan Alekseevich, Kryuchkov Abram Ivanovich, Mitin Gabriel Stepanovich, Kasayev Alikbay, Petrenko Grigory Alekseevich, Esibulatov Narsutba, Kaleinikov Dmitry Mitarfanovich, Natar Ivan Mikhailovich, Svemyakin Grigory Mikhailovich, Dutin Danilovich, Mitchenko Nikolay, Shapokov Dushankul, Konkin Grigory Efimovich, Sadrin Ivan Demidovich, Moskalenko Nikolay, Emtsov Peter Kuzmich, Kuzhebgenov Daniel Aleksandrovich, Timofeev Dmitry Fomich, Trofimov Nikolay Ignatievich, Bondarenko Yakov Aleksandrovich, Vasilyev Larion Romanovich, Bolotov Nikolay, Zhestafa, Sengirbaev Mustafa, Maksimov Nikolay, Ananyev Nikolay ... "

All essays and stories, poems and poems about 28 Panfilovtsy, which appeared in print later, written or Curvitsky, or with his participation and in various options he repeat his essay "On 28 fallen heroes".

In April 1942, after in all military units, it became known from newspapers about the feat of 28 guards from the Panfilov division, on the initiative of the command of the Western Front, a petition was initiated before the defense addict on the assignment of the title of the Heroes of the Soviet Union. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 21, 1942, all 28 Guardsmen listed in the sketch of Crivitsky, was awarded a posthumous title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Critica of the official version

The official version causes doubts by their numerous inconsistencies in documents and common sense.
The battle with these details is not mentioned in the Soviet, nor in the German official documents. Nothing commander of the 2nd battalion (in which the 4th company consisted) Major of the Reshetnikov, nor the commander of the 1075th regiment Colonel Caprov, nor the commander of the 316th division Major General Panfilov, nor the commander of the 16th Army General - Rokossovsky Pilatender. Nothing informs about him and German sources (and after all, the loss in one battle of 18 tanks for the end of 1941 was an extraordinary event for the Germans)
According to the documents, on November 16, 1941, the 1075th regiment was knocked out from the positions occupied and retreated. For this, the commander and commissioner of the regiment were temporarily removed from posts. That is, Panfilovtsam failed to stop the German offensive
It remains unclear how the Panfilovts could destroy such a number of tanks, having only a few anti-tank guns, grenades and bottles with an incendiary mixture - very ineffective anti-tank weapons.
It is not clear how the Korothev and Crivitsky learned such a number of details of this fight. Information that the information was received in the hospital from the deadly wounded participant in the battle looks very suspicious.
In the article on November 27, 1941, the "Hero" -Polituk was named Diyev, and it was also said that the feat made the 5th company, and in the article on January 22, 1942, Politruk was named Klochekov, and the feat is attributed to the 4th company. The question arises, what a company, the 4th or 5th, made a feat, and the real name of the political officer (in different publications, it is called Diev, Klochkov, Klochkov-Diyev and Diev-Klochkov).

Later it turned out that not all of the listed battle participants were killed. Dobrobabin Ivan Evstafyevich, Vasilyev Ivan Evstafyevich, Timofeev Dmitry Fomich, Shemyakin Grigorij Melentievich, Sadrin Ivan Demidovich and Kazhebgenov Daniel Alexandrovich. It was also found that the list of awarded was made up very slightly - it contains numerous errors in the names of the awarded. So, instead of the name Bearev, the Bolotov is indicated, instead of the name of Mitchenko Nikita states Nikolai, in two fighters not the patronymic, etc. In May 1942, the special department of the Western Front was arrested for voluntary passing by the Germans of Krasnoamec 4th round of the 2nd Battalion of the 1075th Rifle Regiment of the 8th Guards. Panfilov Daniel Aleksandrovich Daniel Division, who at the first interrogation showed that he is the very Kuzhebergen Daniel Alexandrovich, who is considered to be the died of 28 Panfilov.

In further testimony, Kuzhebergenov admitted that he did not participate in the battle near Dubosek, and the testimony gave his testimony on the basis of newspaper communications, in which he was written about him as a hero who participated in battle with German tanks among 28 Panfilov. Based on the testimony of Kuzhebergenov and the materials of the investigation, the commander of the 1075th Rifle Regiment Colonel Caprov reports in the award department of GUK NPO8 on the erroneous inclusion in the number of 28 Panfilov who died in battle with German tanks, Kuzhebergenova Daniel and asked for him to reward him Kazhebgenova Askar, allegedly deceased In this battle. Therefore, Askargen Askargen was included in the decree on awarding. However, in the lists of the 4th and 5th mouth Kazhbergenova Askar does not mean.

In November 1947, the Military Prosecutor's Office of the Kharkov garrison was arrested and brought to criminal responsibility for granting the homeland of Dobrobababin Ivan Evstafyevich. The materials of the investigation found that, being at the front, Dobrobabine voluntarily surrendered to the Germans and in the spring of 1942 he entered them to serve. He served as chief of police temporarily occupied by the Germans. Perekop, Valkovsky district, Kharkiv region. In March 1943, when this area is released from the Germans, Dobrobababin, as a traitor, was arrested by the Soviet bodies, but from the custody fled, again moved to the Germans and again got a job in the German police, continuing the active treacherous activities, the arrests of Soviet citizens and Directly implementing forced shipments of young people to soldiers in Germany.

With arrest, Dobrobabinda found a book about "28 heroes-Panfilovtsy", and it turned out that he was listed by one of the main participants of this heroic battle, for which he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Dobrobabind interrogation is established that in the Dubosek region he was really easily wounded and captivated by the Germans, but I did not commit any feats, and everything that it is written about him in the book about the Panfilovs heroes is not true. In this regard, the main military prosecutor's office of the USSR conducted a detailed investigation into the history of the battle at the Dubosek's road. The results were reported by the main military prosecutor of the country's armed forces by Lieutenant-General of Justice N. Afanasyevsky Prosecutor General of the USSR Safonov on May 10, 1948. Based on this report on June 11, a certificate was drawn up by Safonov's signature, addressed to A. A. Zhdanov. Investigation materials were classified.

Opinions of supporters of another point of view

For the first time, V. Kardin doubted the accuracy of the history of Panfilovtsy in the accuracy of the history of Panfilovtsy, published in the magazine "New World" (February 1966) Article "Legends and Facts". Then followed a number of publications of the late 1980s. The publication of declassified materials of the 1948 military prosecutor's office was a strong argument.

In particular, these materials contain the testimony of the former commander of the 1075th rifle regiment Caprov Ilya Vasilyevich:

"... no battle of 28 Panfilovtsev with German tanks at the Dubosekovo roads on November 16, 1941 was no solid fiction. On this day, the Dubosekovo roads in the 2nd battalion with the German tanks fought the 4th company, and the heroic was really fought. Over 100 people died from the company, and not 28, as they wrote about it in newspapers. None of the correspondents came to me during this period; Nobody has never spoke about the age of 28 Panfilovtsev, and I could not talk, since there was no such a fight. I did not write any political framework about this. I do not know, on the basis of what materials were written in newspapers, in particular in the "Red Star", about the 20 Guards of the Division. Panfilova. At the end of December 1941, when the division was assigned to the formation, the correspondent of the "Red Star" came to me in the regiment, together with representatives of the Political Division of Glushko and Egorov. Here I first heard about 28 guardsmen-Panfilovtsy. In a conversation with me, Crivitsky declared that it was necessary that there were 28 Panfilov Guardsmen who led the fight with German tanks. I stated that with the German tanks fought the entire regiment and especially the 4th company of the 2nd battalion, but I don't know anything about the 20 guards, I don't know anything ... The names of Crvitsky in memory gave Captain Gundilovich, who led a conversation with him on this topic There were no documents about the Boy 28 Panfilov in the regiment and could not be. No one asked me about the names. Subsequently, after long-term refinements of the names, only in April 1942 from the division headquarters were sent by ready-made premium sheets and a total list of 28 guardsmen to me in the regiment for signature. I signed these sheets to assign 28 guardsmen of the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Who was the initiator of drawing up a list and premium sheets on 28 guardsmen - I do not know. "

The interrogation of the Koreeva correspondent is also given:

"Approximately November 23-24, 1941, I, together with the Military Correspondent of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, was in the headquarters of the 16th Army ... When leaving the army headquarters, we met the commissioner of the 8th Panfilovian Division Egorova, who spoke about an extremely difficult atmosphere on the front And he said that our heroic people are fighting at all sites. In particular, Egorov led an example of the heroic battle of one company with German tanks, 54 tanks occurred on the line, and the company detained them, part of destroying. Egorov himself was not a member of the battle, but told the regiment from the words commissioner, who also did not participate in battle with the German tanks ... Egorov recommended to write in the newspaper about the heroic rhot with tanks of the enemy, pre-acquaint her with the political decision Fifth rhots with the tanks of the enemy and that the company stood to "death" - died, but did not move away, and only two people turned out to be traitors, raised their hands to surrender to the Germans, but they were destroyed by our fighters. The report did not mention the number of company fighters who died in this battle, and their names were not mentioned. This we did not establish from conversations with the regiment commander. It was impossible to get into the regiment, and Egorov did not advise us to try to penetrate the regiment. Upon arrival in Moscow, I reported to the editor of the newspaper "Red Star" Ortenberg, told about the rhot of the opponent's tanks. Orientberg asked me how many people were in the company. I answered him that the composition of the company, apparently, was incomplete, about 30-40 people; I also said that two of these people turned out to be traitors ... I didn't know what was preparing the advanced on this topic, but Orientberg once again called me and asked how many people were in the company. I answered him that about 30 people. Thus, the number of battled 28 people appeared, since out of 30 two turned out to be traitors. Orientberg said that it was impossible to write about two traitors, and, apparently, consulting with someone, decided to write only about one traitor in advance. "

Interrogated secretary of the newspaper Crivitsky showed:

"When talking in a Pure with t. Stupivine, he was interested in where I got the words Politruck Klochakov, written in my basement:" Russia is great, and there is nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow, "I answered him that I was invented ... ... in part Sensses and actions 28 heroes are my literary condemnation. I did not talk to any of the wounded or remaining in the living guards. From the local population, I only spoken with a boy of 14-15 years old, who showed the grave where Klobhkov was buried. ... In 1943, 28 Heroes-Panfilovtsev were fought from the division, sent to me about the assignment of the guardsman's title. In Division, I was only three or four times. "

Conclusion of the investigation of the prosecutor's office:

"Thus, the investigation materials found that the feat of 28 Panfililian Guardsmen, illuminated in the press, is the fiction of the correspondent of Kitoeeva, the editor of the Red Star editor Ortenberg and especially the Literary Secretary of the Crivitsky newspaper."

Documentary certificates of be

Commander of the 1075th regiment I. Caprov (testimony, data on the investigation in the case of Panfilovtsev):

... in the company by November 16, 1941 there were 120-140 people. My team point was behind Dubosekovo, 1.5 km from the position of the 4th company (2nd battalion). I do not remember now, whether anti-tank guns were in the 4th company, but I repeat that in the entire 2nd battalion there were only 4 anti-tank guns ... In total, there were 10-12 tanks of the enemy in the sector of the 2nd battalion. How many tanks went (directly) to the site of the 4th company, I do not know, or rather, I can not determine ... the means of the regiment and the efforts of the 2nd battalion this tank attack was repulsed. In battle, the regiment destroyed 5-6 German tanks, and the Germans moved away. At 14-15 hours, the Germans opened a strong artillery fire ... and again went to the attack with tanks ... Over 50 tanks occurred in the regiments, and the main blow was sent to the position of the 2nd battalion, including the 4th company, and one The tank came out even in the location of the Shelf's command paragraph and lit a hay and a booth, so I accidentally could get out of the blockage: I saved the mound of the railway, the people who survived after the attack of German tanks were gone. The 4th company suffered more than all: 20-25 people were survived by the commander of the company Rota Gundilovich. The rest of the company suffered less.

According to archival data of the USSR MO, the 1075th Rifle Regiment, on November 16, 1941 destroyed 15 tanks and about 800 people of the opponent's personnel. The loss of the regiment, according to the conveying of his commander, amounted to 400 people killed, 600 people missing, 100 people were injured.

The testimony of the chairman of the Nelidovsky S / Council Smirnova on the investigation of Panfilovtsev:

"The battle of the Panfilovian division from our village Nelidovo and Dubosekovo's dispute was November 16, 1941. During this fight, all our inhabitants, and also, among other things, hid in shelters ... In the area of \u200b\u200bour village and the Dubosekovo district, the Germans went on November 16, 1941 and were offended by parts of the Soviet Army on December 20, 1941. At this time there were big snow drifts that continued until February 1942, because of which the corpses of those killed on the battlefield we did not collect and the funeral did not produce. ... In the first days of February 1942, on the battlefield, we found only three corpses, who buried in a mass grave on the outskirts of our village. And then in March 1942, when it became to melt, military units to the fraternal grave were demolished three more corpses, including the corpse of Politruck Klochkov, who was identified by the fighters. So in the fraternal grave of the Heroes-Panfilovtsev, which is located on the outskirts of our village Nelidovo, 6 fighters of the Soviet Army buried. There were no more corpses on the territory of Nelidovsky with / council. "


In the battle at the Dubosek road, not 28, but more than 100 people participated. During the fight, the Soviet units participating in battle, having stubborn resistance, were divided by the superior forces of the enemy, their remnants were departed. Part of the fighters died, part fell. How many German tanks were destroyed, it is unknown (but their number is obviously less than 18). All published details of the battle based on the materials of Crivitsky - literary fiction.

Reconstruction of the Boy

By the end of October 1941, the first stage of the German operation "Typhoon" (offensive to Moscow) was completed. The German troops, breaking the part of the three Soviet fronts near Vyazma, went to the near approaches to Moscow. At the same time, German troops suffered losses and needed some respite for recreation parts, bring them in order and replenishment. By November 2, the front line on the Volokolamsk direction was forbidden, the German parts temporarily moved to defense. On November 16, German troops were transferred to the offensive, planning to defeat Soviet parts, surround Moscow and victoriously finish the 1941 campaign.

The 316th Infantry Division occupied the defense at the front of Dubosekovo - 8 km northeast of Volokolamsk, that is, about 18-20 kilometers on the front, which was very much to be relaxed in battles. At the right flank, the neighbor was the 126th Infantry Division, on the left - 50th Cavalry Divorce Division of the Dovator. On November 16, the division was attacked by the two tank divisions of the Germans - the 2nd tank division attacked the position 316 of the SD in the center of defense, and the 11th tank division hit in Dubosekovo district, at the positions of the 1075th rifle regiment, at the junction with the 50th cavdivia . The blow to the joints between the compounds was a common element of the tactics of German troops. The main blow fell on the position of the 2nd battalion of the regiment.

The 1075th rifle regiment in previous battles suffered significant losses in personnel and technique, but before new battles was significantly replenished with a personnel. According to the testimony of the regiment commander, in the 4th company it was 120-140 people (on the staff of Division 04/600 in the company there should be 162 people). Finally unclear the question with the shelf artillery armament. According to state, the regiment was supposed to have a battery of 4,76-mm regimental guns and an anti-tank battery of 6-45-mm cannons. There is information that there was really a 2nd 76-mm regimental guns of the 1927 sample, several 76 mm mountain cannons of the 1909 sample and 75-mm French divisional guns MLE.1897. The anti-tank capabilities of these guns were low - shelf guns pierced only 31 mm of armor with 500 m, to the mountain cannons did not even relieve armor-piercing shells. Strongly outdated French cannons also had a weak ballistic, nothing is known about the presence of armor-piercing shells. At the same time, it is known that in general, the 316th Infantry Division on November 16, 1941 had 12 - 45 mm of anti-tank guns, 26 - 76 mm of division guns, 17-122 mm of warm and 5 - 122 mm body cannons which could be used in battle with German tanks. Its artillery was also a neighbor - the 50th Cavalry Division.

The infantry anti-tank agents were represented by 11 PRD anti-tank guns (of which in the 2nd battalion - 4 guns), RPG-40 grenades and bottles with an incendiary mixture. The real combat capabilities of these funds were low - anti-tank guns were distinguished by low armored aircraft, especially when using cartridges with B-39 bullets, and could affect German tanks only with a close distance exclusively in board and stern at an angle close to 90 degrees, which in the head of the head Tank attack was unlikely. The fight under Dubosekovo became the first time the use of anti-tank guns of this type, the production of which was just beginning to unfold. Anti-tank grenades were an even weaker means - they punched up to 15-20 mm armor, subject to direct fit to the armored leaf, therefore, they were recommended to throw the tank on the roof, which was a very difficult and extremely dangerous task in battle. Statistics show that the proportion of tanks destroyed by anti-tank grenades is extremely small. An even less effective weapon was bottles with an incendiary mixture. By the beginning of the war, all Soviet and German tanks were necessarily sealed and structurally protected from pouring the burning liquid. On the tests of Soviet and trophy German tanks, not a single unit of armored vehicles did not succeed with bottles.

The fate of some Panfilovtsev

Dobrobababin Ivan Evstafyevich. In 1948, he was convicted for 15 years for cooperation with the German fascist invaders, regarding him, a decree on awarding was canceled on February 11, 1949. In the mid-1950s, it was released. In the late 1980s, she sought rehabilitation, but unsuccessfully - in 1990 he was denied in rehabilitation. Some materials confirming the guilt of Dobrobabine were published by Lieutenant-General of Justice A. F. Katosyev (there are also extensive excerpts from the investigation of the 1948 prosecutor's office). He died in 1996 in Tsimlyansk. Nevertheless, the Seeker's program of March 19, 2008 was announced the version that Dobrobababin was a member of the partisan detachment and got a job in the police in order to implement exploration activities, which was very successful. There were even materials confirming this point of view, but they were withdrawn by the prosecutor's office.

Kozhembergen (Kuzhebergenov) Daniel Aleksandrovich. Connected Politrock Klochkov. In battle, I did not directly participate, because in the morning I was sent with the report to Dubosekovo, where he was captured. On the evening of November 16, he fled from captivity to the forest. For some time was in the occupied territory, after which it was discovered by the valorists, located in the Ride on German Real. After the exit of the connection of the Dovator from the raid, was interrogated with a special department, admitted that he did not participate in battle, and was sent back to the Dovator's division. By this time, the Hero's title was already drawn up at the appropriation, but after the investigation, his name was replaced by Askar. He died in 1976.

Kozhembergen (Kuzhebergen) Askar (Aliascar). He arrived in the Panfilov division in January 1942 (thus, he could not participate in battle at Dubosekovo). In the same month died during the raid of the Panfilov division in German reasons. Included in the idea of \u200b\u200bassigning the title of hero instead of Kozhembergenova Daniel Alexandrovich, after it turned out that the latter did not participate in battle and remained alive. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the SSR Union of July 21, 1942, together with other Panfilov, awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously.

Vasilyev Illarion Romanovich. In battle, on November 16, he was seriously injured and got into the hospital (according to different versions, was either evacuated from the battlefield, or after the fight was selected by local residents and sent to the hospital, or a half of the three days and was picked up by the valor's connants). After recovery was sent to the current army, in the rear unit. In 1943, he was demobilized from the army for health. After publishing a decree on the assignment of the title of Hero (posthumously), he declared his participation in battle. After the appropriate check, without a special publicity received a star of the hero. He died in 1969 in Kemerovo.

Natar Ivan Moiseevich. According to the articles of Crivitsky, he participated in the battle at Duboseko, was seriously injured, delivered to the hospital, and, dying, told Crivitsky about the feat of Panfilov. According to the military commissar of the 1075th Rifle Regiment of Muhamedyarova, stored in the Tsamo Foundations, died two days before the fight - November 14. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the SSR Union of July 21, 1942, together with other Panfilov, awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously.

Timofeev Dmitry Fomich. During the battle was injured and captured. He managed to survive in captivity, after the end of the war he returned to his homeland. He claimed to receive a star of the hero, after the appropriate check, received it without a big publicity shortly before death in 1950.

Shemyakin Grigory Melentievich. During the battle, he was injured and found himself in the hospital (there is information that the fighters of the Division Division were picked up). After publishing a decree on the assignment of the title of Hero (posthumously), he declared his participation in battle. After the appropriate check, without a special publicity received a star of the hero. He died in 1973 in Alma-Ata.

Shadrin Ivan Demidovich. After the fight on November 16, he was captured, according to his own statement, unconscious. Until 1945 was in the concentration camp, after release, for another 2 years spent in the Soviet filtration camp for former prisoners of war. In 1947, he returned home to the Altai Territory, where no one was waiting for him - he was considered dead, and his wife lived in his house with a new husband. Two years were interrupted by random earnings, while in 1949 he learned by the secretary of the district office did not write about him the chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. After the appropriate check, without a special publicity received a star of the hero. He died in 1985.

1 2 3 4 5 Help-report "On 28 Panfilovtsy". State Archive of the Russian Federation. F.R - 8131 sch. Op. 37. D. 4041. LL. 310-320. Published in the magazine "New World", 1997, No. 6, pp. 148
Y.Prokhorov Three List 28 Guards-Panfilovtsev
V. Cardin. Legends and facts. Years later. "Questions of literature", № 6, 2006
A. Haisa. Five circles of hell. Red army in "boilers". - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2008. p.327
A. Wizard "God of War of the Third Reich", p.38-39
Military Historical Journal, 1990 No. 8.9, Essay "Alien Glory"

November 16, 1941 Dubosekovo's 1075 Divisionian regiment of the division took a fight with superior enemy forces. 316 Division, which was commanded by Major Panfilov, were in the direction of the main strike in continued October. The heroism of Panfilovtsev immediately became known to the Soviet people, and the division and its commander after the battle on the Volokolamsk direction were legendary. It is not surprising that high attention of the press was attracted to the heroic division. On November 16, 1075, the regiment was attacked by the superior forces of the Germans. The regiment beat off the attack, having having a few tanks. The Germans pulled the reserves and in the evening broke through the defense. Heroically resisting, Soviet soldiers were forced to retreat, there were huge losses. The fate of the regiment has suffered the rest of the Division compounds. Almost defeated during the November Bottles, she was forced to move to the Istra line. On November 18, General Panfilov himself died in battle. In the future, 316 division was transformed into 8 Guards Rifle Division and took part in the battles from the famous village of Kryukovo on the Leningrad Highway. And only at the end of December 1941. She went to re-form in the rear. Commander 1075 Caprov regiment recalled: "By November 16, 1941, the regiment, which I commanded, was on the left flank of the division and covered the exits from the city of Volokolamsk to Moscow and the railway. The 2nd battalion occupied defense: pos. Novo-Nikolsky- pos. Peshinino and Dubosek's travel.... \u003e Fourth Rota commanded Captain Gundilovich, Polituk Klobkov ... In the company by November 16, 1941 it was 120- 140 people. ... \u003e. Everything was on the site of the battalion 10- 12 enemy tanks. How many tanks went to the area of \u200b\u200bthe 4th company, I do not know, or rather, I can not determine. The equipment of the regiment and the efforts of the 2nd battalion, this tank attack of the Germans was repulsed. In battle the regiment destroyed 5- 6 German tanks, and the Germans moved ... around 14.00- 15.00 The Germans opened a strong artillery fire in all positions of the regiment, and again went to the attack German tanks. ... \u003e Over 50 tanks came to the regiment, the main blow was sent to the position of the 2nd battalion, since this site was most accessible to the tanks of the enemy. For about 40- 45 min enemy tanks crushed the location of the 2nd battalion, Including a plot of 4th company. ... > When I moved for the railway mound, people who survived after the attack of German tanks began to gather. Most of all suffered from the attack 4th company; Left with the commander of the company Huldilovich survived man 20- 25, the rest all died. The rest of the company suffered less. " On the heroism of the division, Soviet people learned from the newspaper "Izvestia" after 3 days. November 19, 1941 It published a note G. Ivanova "The 8th Guards Division in Battime," where one of the mouth is described. The surrounded company had heroic resistance, having hanged 9 tanks (3 of them burned), and the rest made a retreat. About from where Ivanov received information, no data, but the information, firstly, is plausible, secondly, operational, from which it can be concluded that Ivanov received it from sources close to advanced. Thirdly, the information did not arouse issues in the bodies. But about it below. The short approximately a week later in the headquarters of the 16th Army (in which the Panfilovian Division was included) visited the "Red Star" correspondent of Kitlev. That's how he describes himself in 1948. At the interrogation of the investigator, the way to get information. " Approximately 23-November 24, 1941, together with the Military Correspondent of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, Chernyshev was in the headquarters of the 16th Army ... When leaving the Army headquarters, we met the commissioner of the 8th Panfilovian Division Egorova, who spoke about the extremely difficult atmosphere at the front and said that Our heroic people are fighting at all sites. In particular, Egorov led an example of the heroic battle of one company with German tanks, 54 tanks occurred on the line, and the company detained them, part of destroying. Egorov himself was not a member of the battle, but told the regiment from the words commissioner, who also did not participate in battle with the German tanks ... Egorov recommended to write in the newspaper about the heroic rhot with the tanks of the enemy, previously acquainted with the Polytendine received from the regiment ... In the political framework it was said about the fifth company with the tanks of the enemy and that the company stood to "death" - died, but did not move away, and only two people turned out to be traitors, raised their hands to surrender to the Germans, but they were destroyed by our fighters. The report did not mention the number of company fighters who died in this battle, and their names were not mentioned. This we did not establish from conversations with the regiment commander. It was impossible to get into the regiment, and Egorov did not advise us to try to penetrate the regiment. Upon arrival in Moscow, I reported to the editor of the newspaper "Red Star" Ortenberg, told about the rhot of the opponent's tanks. Orientberg asked me how many people were in the company. I answered him that the composition of the company, apparently, was incomplete, about 30-40 people; I also said that two of these people turned out to be traitors ... I didn't know what was preparing the advanced on this topic, but Orientberg once again called me and asked how many people were in the company. I answered him that about 30 people. Thus, the number of battled 28 people appeared, since out of 30 two turned out to be traitors. Orientberg said that it was impossible to write about two traitors, and, apparently, consulting with someone, decided to write only about one traitor in advance. On November 27, 1941, my short correspondence was printed in the newspaper, and on November 28, the advanced "Testament of 28 fallen heroes" was printed in the "Red Star", written by Curvitsky" .
Whether without trusting the literary abilities of the Korothev, or guided by the considerations of subordination in the journalistic table of ranks, or even for some reason, the editor-in-chief of the Red Star Ornberg entrusts to write a gentleman not the "mining" of information, and Lit. Secretary of the newspaper A.Yu. Curvitian. Which is accepted for the work with heat, and already on November 28 in the "Red Star" appears filled with a paphos editorial called "Testament
28 fallen heroes. " " Resistance could seem madness. Fifty armored monsters against twenty nine people! In what war, in which times there was a similar unequal fight! But the Soviet fighters accepted him without having fluttered. They did not destroy, did not retreat. "Back we have no way",- They told themselves. Scoat only one of twenty nine. When the Germans, confident in their easy victory, shouted the guardsmen- "Passing!",- Only one raised his hands up. A volley thundered immediately. Several guardsmen at the same time, without claiming, without the team shot in a coward and traitor. This is the birthplace punished apostate. Already eighteen terrestrial tanks are frozen on the battlefield. The battle lasted for more than four hours, and the armored fist of the fascists could not break through through the frontier defended by the Guardsmen. But the ammunition ran out, the cartridges in the shops of anti-tank guns were dried. There was no more grenade. Fascist cars approached the trench. The Germans jumped out of the hatches, wanting to take alive of the surviving bravers and deal with them. But alone in the warrior field, if he is a Soviet warrior! Politruk Diyev grouped around himself around the remaining comrades and again the bloody scramble. Our people beat, remembering the old motto: "Guard dies, but not surrender." And they folded their heads- All twenty eight. Died, but did not miss the enemy!" - writes Crivitsky, which is an example of how the journalist does not have the right to work. Check the information was lazy. Or frightened - because for this you need to go closer to the advanced and put the precious journalistic life at risk. And this is unacceptable: it is a soldier of women, and there are few journalists, and they must be preserved. How many fighters beges unknown? Well, let it be a thirty man. Two traitors on thirty people a lot? Well, let it be one. What is the name of Politruck? There, like some hero on the surname, Diev mentioned, so let the diev! How many tanks were destroyed? Well, let it be 18. 50 tanks on the regiment plot? It is not heroic enough, let it be 50 by 28 people. That this number is completely implausible, the rear journalists, apparently, did not even think. No short, nor Crivitsky - professional military journalists, wearing epaulets! - They did not even think about how physically 54 tanks can occur on a plot defending 28 people. Provided that about 50 tanks are much even for a regiment protected by a regiment, which clearly shows a capricted certificately cited. A journalist Chernyshev from "Komsomolskaya", together with the Korothev "received information" in the headquarters of the 16th army, also wrote an article titled "Glory to fearless patriots." Where described the battle described by him who did not participate in it by the Commissioner of the division from the words that did not participate in it by the regiment commissioner. Even added to the accuracy of the name of Lieutenant of a rampant and senior Politruck Kalacheva, it is not known from himself from him or from the words of someone from the heads of the 16th Army. So there were not the most successful literary works, summarized and "creatively" processing real events of mid-November. Well, it would seem, God is with this. In the end, why not consider the articles of Chernyshev and Crivitsky literary fiction, based on the real facts of mass heroism, and not close this topic? But, alas fail. After all, if Chernyshev had enough conscience and common sense to stop at the "achieved", then Crivitsky with Orientberg decided to squeeze out of the heroic theme as much as possible. In January 42nd, Crivitsky publishes an essay "On 28 fallen heroes", in which it already lists the killed in the battle who died in his fictional. And Orterberg, who personally sucked the number 28 from the finger, prints it! Oreberg "When guardsmen die in battle, the winged glory flies from the military banner and invisibly becomes an honorable and permanent guard from the head of the dead. Far in the Soviet land there are news of the feat of twenty-eight Guards-Panfilov, who pretended their heads on the battlefield. We have not already known All the details of their death have not yet been named the names of the heroes, their bodies were still resting on Earth captured by the enemy, the fronts of the talent of the fabulous valor of twenty-eight Soviet warriors had already accounted for. Only now we managed to restore the full picture of the death of a handful of the Guards Bravets " - Curvitsky writes with pride. Crivitsky A. Yu. The method of "establishing a complete picture of the battle" we have already seen. But where did the names come from. All November and half of December 1075, the regiment (like the whole division) had bloody streaming battles, repeatedly changing the locations of the dislocation. In some rotations, 20% of personnel remained alive. And barely regiment is given to the rear for reforming, in it (as in the most distinguished and affected it was in the battles on November 16), a Moscow journalist arrives together with the Commissioner of the Division. And they demand the name of the names of 28 people who beat the attack of German tanks on November 16. What, of course, puts the commander and commissioner of the regiment in a dead end. From the testimony of the commander regiment I.V. Caprova investigator of the main military prosecutor's office: " At the end of December 1941, when the division was assigned to the formation, the correspondent of the "Red Star" came to me in the regiment, together with representatives of the Political Division of Glushko and Egorov. Here I first heard about 28 guardsmen-Panfilovtsy. In a conversation with me, Crivitsky declared that it was necessary that there were 28 Panfilov Guardsmen who led the fight with German tanks. I stated him that the entire regiment was fought with the German tanks and in particular the 4th company of the 2nd battalion, but I don't know anything about the 28 guards people ... The names of Crvitsky in memory gave Captain Gundilovich, who led a conversation with him to this The topic, no documents about the 100 Panfilovtsev in the regiment could not be. No one asked me about the names" . At the existent request, or rather the order, call 28 the names of those who fought with tanks on November 16, a compolande Caprov calls 4 minutes of the battalion, and directs a journalist to the commander of the company Gundilovich. That the question "where exactly you fought on November 16" replies that it fought in the Dubosekovo area. And the requirement to call the last name of the fighters, satisfies as follows. From the testimony of the Crvitsky investigator GVP: "Caps did not name the names, and instructed it to make Muhamedyarov and Gundilovich, who made a list by taking information from some statement or list. Thus, I have a list of the names of 28 Panfilovtsev who fell in battle with German tanks at the Dubosekovo road. Arriving to Moscow, I wrote a basement under the title "On 28 fallen characters"; The basement was sent for a visa to Pur. When talking in a Pure with Tompivina, he was interested in where I took the words Politruck Klochkova, written in my basement: "Russia is great, and there is nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow," I answered him that I was invented myself. The basement was placed in the "Red Star" of January 22, 1942. Here I used Gundilovich's stories, Caprov, Muhamedyarova, Egorova. In terms of sensations and actions, 28 heroes are my literary condemnation. I did not talk to any of the wounded or remaining in the living guards. From the local population I am goingrile only with a boy of years 14-15, which showed the grave where Klobhkov was buried. ... In 1943, 28 Heroes-Panfilovtsev were fought from the division, sent to me about the assignment of the guardsman's title. In Division, I was only three or four times. " Gundilovich P.M. Commander 4 companies. Thus, the myth of 28 already acquires flesh. Now there is a place of battle and 28 surnames selected, the truth is completely random. The last and hardly disguised the journalist Crivitsky. After one and a half months of the hardest battles (I remind you that only on November 16, the company lost over 100 people), when the company's composition was constantly changing, even the best commander will not be able to accurately take into account the losses killed and wounded. Therefore, among the "28 heroically fallen" turned out to be: - Sergeant Dobrobababin, who deserted and later worked by the police (about him below). - Svyaznoy Kuzhebergenov, who did not participate in battle and captured the Germans. - row. Notars, as it turned out later, fallen another two days before the fight on November 16. - row. Timofeev, who fell into German captive wounded. - Farming Shemyakin and a row. Shadrin, severely wounded and fell into the rear hospital. The last three were subsequently awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Nestykovka occurred with the name of the Politruk, already named in the first publication of Diev, and in the company lists wearing the name of Klochekov. Apparently, the surname diet belongs to some other person. And I will tell about some of the research in this direction at the end of the article. The surname of the hero for some reasons sunk headquarters in the head, and he called it to journalists for 23-24 November. So Diev turned out to be mentioned in the November notes of Korothev and the editorial of Crivitsky. And when Crivitsky received 28 the names of the fighters and saw that the deceased political officer of 4 companies 2 battalions wore the chicks, then the journalist, without blinking the eye, invented another bike. It was explained to the confusion with the names of Politruck by the fact that Klochekov, Politruk was in a passport, and his dievish was joking him one of the Ukrainian fighters. Very active (Dyalnia) was a man. Crivitsky developed rapid activities. One articles did not limit itself, by the end of the war in the press there were already books about 28 Panfilovtsy. The feat was taken by the Soviet propaganda as an exemplary. Crvitsky wrote without tired, the fight from Dubosekovo did completely incredible, in truth of fabulous details. Crivitsky painted in detail, who he said, and who thought, his books were published in large circulations and translated into foreign languages. 28 Panfilovts were the strongest business project of their time in the field of Piara. Everything almost ended shortly after the war. In 1947 Dobrobababin, who has managed to desert, work, to work out to work as a redistribute to another terrain at the occurrence of the Red Army, was arrested, and it's aided to appear in the army from the liberated territory. He thwarted him (as he hardly disguised Crivitsky) own arrogance. Another would have been taped with such a biography, but Dobrobababin, armed with the book of Crvitsky about his heroism, went to demand the star of the hero. And after checking was arrested. During the inspection, the prosecutor's office found out that four more "fallen heroes" are alive, and decided to investigate the case. The results of the work of the Stalinist prosecutor's office are known and published: The withdrawal of people in the chains is unequivocal. Thus, the materials of the investigation establishes that the feat of 28 Panfililian Guardsmen, lit in the press, is the fiction of the correspondent of Kitoeva, the editor of the Red Star editor of Ortenberg and in particular the Literary Secretary of the Crivitsky newspaper. This fiction was repeated in the works of Writers N.Tikhonov, V. Kstsky, A. Bek, N. Kuznetsova, V. Rizko, M.Svellova and others and was widely popular among the population of the Soviet Union. The memory of 28 Panfilovtsev is immortalized by installing the monument in the der. Nelidovo, Moscow region. In Alma-Ata Park of Culture and Leisure Installed Marble Obelisk with Memorial Plank; They are named Park Federation and several streets of the capital of the republic. The names of the 28 Panfilovtsev are assigned to many schools, enterprises and collective farms of the Soviet Union.

Chief Military Prosecutor of the USSR

lieutenant-General Justice

N. Afanasyev.

The investigation of the prosecutor's office was directed to the appointment - i.e. Andrei Alexandrovich Zhdanov, secretary of the Central Committee, supervised the ideological and agitational direction. But the course of Dan was not. As Alexey Isaev, the author of the book "Antisuvors" said on this occasion of the book "28 Panfilovtsev" in a detailed story: "In my opinion, it would be wiser if the curvitsky" rolled "in Verkhoyansk for it. Then the story would have been extremely instructive and would remain in journalism textbooks as an example of how not to be done. But the Soviet power in the person of such a person, as A.A.Zhdanov,showed softness. " Isaev drew attention to the fact that data on the losses of such a number of tanks undoubtedly had to affect German archives. And always reflected. But nothing like the destruction of two tens of tanks on November 16, Dubosek was not found. It is important to note that for all the military and post-war time it was the only case when the prosecutor's office was engaged in such an investigation. Very far-reaching could be the consequences of journalistic and human lowness. 28 No specially distinguished people got the stars of heroes than the concept of the feat was disavowed. The mass heroism of hundreds of people is forgotten and replaced by a feat of 28, besides, invested in career purposes. The party leadership is put in the hostage position when it is forced to go about the irresponsible and unscrupulous Writing. Yes, even moreover, one of the Panfilovians turned out to be the police. Let him go now? Or plant "Hero"? Both solutions are bad. And if this story leaks over the border? What savory will be pounce on it in the conditions of the Cold War, the opponent! In one, it is impossible to agree with Isaev: in the fact that Zhdanov showed softness. Zhdanov sent the received document to members of the Politburo and personally to Stalin. Thus, the fact that the case was not given a course, not at the conscience of Andrei Alexandrovich. Moreover, since Zhdanov announced the circumstances of the case to other higher party leaders, it can be assumed that he wanted to give a lawful course. It seems that only progressive disease and ambulance prevented Zhdanov to put all the points over it in this matter. But be that as it may, Crivitsky got off with a slight fright. Someone may ask, is it so important, is there a profits, or not? Is it necessary to "say to the end who is bastard," as Mayakovsky said? Time, showed that then, in the 48th year, it was certainly necessary to do this. There are among us (and their alas, more and more) such patriots who sincerely believe that any lie can and should be used if it is directed to the "good patriotic" case. Let's try to get up on their position. Forget that the rest of the life of 28 Panfilovtsev was fed Krivitsky and fed much more than the ordinary Soviet person. That all my life he (like his chief on the "Red Star" Orderberg) wrote about the war and painted feats, raising children on the empty, the degree of integrity of which is already known to us. What Crvitsky, who was for the entire war on his own statement in the division 3-4 times, received the title of Guardsman on a par with genuine heroes of war. Which is a mythical feat of 28-and departed real mass heroism. What the stars of heroes received people who were no different from any of the hundreds of thousands of other ordinary participants in the battle for Moscow. With a hundred dead soldiers, 4 companies, "won" only 28, and about the soldiers of the neighboring mouth, each of which lost up to 4/5 of its composition, no one remembered. That among the heroes was the police and deserter ... In a word, forget about the moral side of the case and we will be guided by the considerations of the "pragmatic patriotism" A la Modern Russian professional patriots. But with this position, the myth of 28 was necessary to expose. For the Forgery of Crvitsky was not exposed on time to the restructuring.


Putin's zero

It seems that the authors of both of this and other similar emotional letters are inclined to maintain, without understanding the question deeply in the creature, any campaign that is inflated in the press. This time, they were hotly responded to the call of Kumanoweva and Dobrobaba. Katusyev F. A. Alien Slava Ivan Dobrobabab

Soviet warriors have already donate twice. First in the post-war years, then in the restructuring. But a new time requires new varieties of triations. The USSR was ruined for the celebration of a market economy - rather for the possibility of legal enrichment, which she gives. And the former secretaries of the Obcommen, Komsomol leaders, Chekists and the Directors of enterprises, threatening the Great Country, turned through a market economy in those against whom they once had to fight the party meetings, and in those who were sworn to protect the Soviet people. At the market economy their laws. Demand gives rise to a proposal, and if it was with the humiliated people, everything is in order, so it is in demand for the heroic acts of ancestors. And began. The USSR Parada on Red Square took place in the anniversary years - 1965, 75, 85 and 90th. Starting Yeltsin, they became annual. Victory Day is celebrated with such a wise thing as Brezhnev did not dream, not to mention Stalin who marked the anniversary twice, and then he decided that he should not be resting on the laurels, it was necessary to move forward. To new reasons for pride. They carry around the city of rich "veterans", which the real veteran are suitable in sons, paint everything that you can, in Georgievsky (not in red!) Colors. Night clubs are invited to a party "Victory Night", foodfinds hang guvardian tapes on the "Cod of Danish". Stickers "T-34" are hanging on BMW, and "on Berlin" - at Volkswagen, striptease contests (sorry, modern dance) and bodybuilding competitions are timed to the Victory Day. In patriotic colors paint the biotapes and beer cans ... and many already consider it the norm. Film director Shallya from the same row. To patriotism, the motifs of the Shallya do not have the slightest relationship. How he himself tells in interview , "I love stories about heroes. And 28 Panfilovtsev is a very beautiful story. In addition to the fact that this story is real, among other things, it is very beautiful, because this battle of small numbersbut heroes against a large number of enemies, and the battle, and such, selfless. This story is a feat, this is a history of dedication. It is very cool. This is a very famous feat, a very famous feat. Moreover, there, looking back, not so many feats of the Great Patriotic War, which is right immediately on the hearing. This is one of these features. And the film is not. What a luck!" (Starting at 3:35). And the choice of scandalous name was clearly intentionally intentionally. Could Salop not know about all pitfalls? Could not. It is clear that Schalope deceives when he says that, starting to create a film, he shut off a bunch of data, studied archival documents. It is in our era of nonsense - so that the authors of historical cinema conduct a historical study. But after all, to dig the necessary evidence and appreciate them - the question is not even days, and the clock. And all this can be done without leaving the house, the Internet provides this opportunity. After all, with little attentive familiarization, it would be clear that to shoot a film, which is based on the Rosskazni of Crivitsky in the interpretation of Kumanev, - no way. Nevertheless, it was the name "28 ...". The version of "conscientious idiocy" is consistent in the case of regulars of the Goblin site. But in the case of those who cut the wool from them, she does not roll. Everything around, and a spear break and break, and everything that you needed to do to stop and not pump a massive hysteria, it is removed from the movie 2 things.
    - Remove from the name "28". Name "Panfilovtsy", "Heroes-Panfilovtsy", "4 company", "Dubazekovo" ... in the measure of fantasy, options mass. - Remove from the film Police Dobrobaba.
And that's all! None of a person, except for the terminal chambers, who hate the country and the people, would not turn the language to reproach the film creators in the fact that they remove the fake. But neither one nor the other was done. Because the creators of the film were needed by Komy Mud, Rugan and screeching on the Internet, trample on coffins and dances with the bones of heroes. In short, PR. The authors deliberately went to this provocation. Consciously and cynically, because they could not help but guess how much the ears will turn out about "28", and how joyfully some of our fellow citizens will begin to scream "invented the feat." Moreover, once again raised the topic of mythical 28 not "liberals" and "whiteler scum", but a shalope with a beam-goblin. This is their provocation to achieve the fact that the dirt was afraid of the country and her story. Let's see what deft merchants have achieved. "The" benevolers "of Russia in the country itself and abroad received another trump card. The Russians are so stupid, unable to deal with elementary things and with donkey stubbornness insist on a stupid and long-exposed myth. Including Minister of Culture. And the president, who visited the film as early as October 4th. Wonderful! Scandal only increases commercial success. To whom the war, and who is a mother of relatives. - On the Internet, rare by the heat of gnawing, and all these demonic dances occur on the bones of fallen warriors. Very good, the more interest in the next commercial project, the better. - split in the left-patriotic camp, and the largest, perhaps, from the time of the "Kurginyannyakhii". As usual, with mutual swearing and mud. The young fans of Goblin are now forced to record in the "liberals" and "Belolants" even historian Isaev. Which made for the exposure of anti-Soviet myths more than median-bunch-old old men. And any less on it earned. Well and good! Need more abuse! - All thinking and able to google further Wikipedia, but who have not yet defined, with whom they are, were decided. Rzut to voice over what our ministers-prophandists, and drift into the camp of those for whom not only Goblins-Medical-old mannowledge, but also "Parashka Rashka"! But the halop and goblin is not important. The main thing is that thanks to the scandal paid off the movie! Results, what to say, stunning.
And what difference, really is all or not true, some will ask some. The main thing is that there is a propaganda effect - so different patriots argue. Not noticing even that they argue exactly how Goebbels argued. And exactly, as Goebbels declare those who do not like the heroization of the fictional feat that those are not patriots. And their argument simply literally coincides with the argument of the Dobrobab! Say, deny the heroism of the police and the shabby of journalists - agree before and we did not win. Do not love my homeland, scoundrels!
Monument to Dobrobaba in Tsimlyansk. Already with a star, but for now with an unofficial one. Vlasov next? That's just Goebbels, unlike his today's Russian like-minded people, with despair applying to justify the film its argument - old-man, median and other goblins, was a man's man. And I understood that from such a frank Brehni propaganda effect if it would be, then with the sign "-". Goebbels would have twisted his finger at the temple and would send such an employee to the Eastern Front for stupidity and uniformity. We finish with the preceding film with a vile PR company, and talk about himself. Perhaps despite everything, the film itself turned out right? Not. Here you have to make a small excursion in the history of the film. Money on him Salop and beams were collected for several years. And how many years would have been collected (and there, you see, I will die either, or Padishah), unknown. However, there were sponsors who gave missing money, for which the Internet managed only 20% of the final value of the film. The main sponsor (read, the customer) was the Ministry of Culture with Medina, headed. Sometime and connected to the Piara of the film The above mentioned microebels operating according to methods. Starikov, Marakhovsky, etc.
The most active participation in the promotion of the film accepted the notorious Russian Military Historical Society, which also heads Medinsky. And which the recently noted with such shares as the sticker of royal eagles on the Victory Parade Machines, a monument to Nikolai II in Belgrade and ... Installing the very boards Mannerheim. And where in the Scientific Council (headed by the most churov) sits already known to us Kumanow. By the way, when Medinsky writes an angry repulsion to the "Term Massels", he quotes not anyone, namely his service on Rvio Kumanouva. Actually, from academic historians, except for Kumanowa, quote some kind of ... Rather, there is already someone: now we have a Medinsky Academic Historian: the same doctor of sciences, like Kumanev, but not yet academician, it is ahead. Crivitsky gives rise to Kumanyuva, Kumanyov gives rise to Medina ... and what will happen next, to think scary.
Thus, besides people who discarded the "right and honest" protector film, the painting appeared another customer. What do you think whose kun-fu turned out to be better? Let's see! Not a single red flag in the film, which seemed to be different in to be different in the prospekt side of Mikhalkov-Bondarchuk. Not a single mention of Soviet power and Comradist Stalin. The film never mentioned Soviet internationalism. This is despite half of the division (and this shelf, incl.) - Kazakhs and Kyrgyz. I shouted that the Soviet film would be removed! But in the end, the White Guard sponsor ordered, and the fundamental authors of the "honest and right" film did both girls. Those who dance the one who treats them. But in the film there is a Dobrobaba. According to the surname, it is not called it, but called name and patronymic. Vidimo, the authors of the film felt spiritual relationship with the policemen: " In my opinion, the traitor is better not to consider a traitor than humiliating the present hero. Dobrobababin was a man who wanted to live, and not to die" . - Dir. Schalop. Moreover, the Dobrobaby in the film is perhaps the most. And he behaves the most heroic: in full compliance with his own bikes recorded by Kumanev.


Real Perekopsky rural] owls [em] certifies that over the German occupation of the village from October 1941 to September 1943, the German occupiers and their assistance and assistance to the headers and the local rural police were: 1) vigorous youthto Germany for hard work - 170 people; 2) stiff cattle - up to 100 goals;

5 / II - 1948

Real diev?

Apparently, the surname "DIIV", heard Chernova and Korotovoy in the headquarters of the 16th Army, is a distortion of the name Georgiev. Ml. Politruk Andrey Nikolayevich Georgiev, the former tank fighter commissar, really died in an unequal battle with German tanks, leaving a small detachment to cover the way out of the environment of our parts. The Hero of the Soviet Union, presented by the Hero of the Soviet Union, Politruk Georgiyev in the memoirs of the commandant, the headquarters of Melnikov, appears as Egordiev. Obviously, from confusion, the names of Georgiev-Egordiev and an error occurred. When transferring information about the platform on the chain from the regiment to the division headquarters, and then to correspondents, - it turned into Egor Dieva. So the surname of Diev turned out to be in the articles of Chernyshev and Korothev, written on not cooled trails. When Crivitsky was looking for real names to expose them under her breech, he did not find the ends of this story. Yes, and hardly looking for. Announced the first killed politrock that came under the arm at the same time (they were bulls), and out of 100 the surnames of the dead fighters of his company Rota chose the remaining 27. This was how genuine heroism looked at the November Days of the 41st year. Even in those days, the tanks committed by the division of fighters under the leadership of the commander of Ugrumov and Commissioner Georgiev deserved to become famous in the headquarters of the army. Provide the word award leaf. Georgiev Andrey Nikolaevich. ml. Politruk. Commissioner of the fighter detachment of 1073 rifle regiment 8 gv. Division Panfilova. 1916 r. Russian. Member of the WCP (b). ... 17 Fighters headed by Commissioner Georgiev in unequal battle fought fiercely, stubbornly under hurricane flames of tanks, machine guns, car gunners. Commissioner Georgiyev personally, inspiring the fighters, in full height with a bundle of a grenade with the slogan "for his homeland, for Stalin!" Rushed to the tank and destroyed it. Of the first 4 tanks, 2 tanks are destroyed, 2 shed and turned back .... ... As a result of the heroic struggle of fighters, headed by T. Georgiev, the enemy of the day could not move the tanks on this site, during this time the rifle battalions 1073 The shelf and 690 rifle regiment came out of the environment .... from 17 Obelchkov 13 killed in this battle. At the time of throwing grenades for a complete time-shot tanks with a projectile in the chest was killed and Commissioner Georgiev.

In addition to identifying the names (diet in the lists of the Panfilovsk division) and the description of the feathers, there is another circumstance, which allows you to think that Andrei Nikolayevich Georgiev is that Political Diev. This place from the book "Volokolamsk highway" Alexander Beka. The story in the book is leading from the first person - on behalf of the commander of the Momis-Uli battalion. And in it the red commander and his biographer will never spoke aside from the fact that Momis-Uly saw personally, with his own eyes. With the exception of one short episode. Putting a card on his knees, he continued to listen. - And sullen? - Panfilova's face immediately became older, sharply marked the folds around the mouth. - And Georgiev? At the bridge? I see. Alive someone stayed? Wait a minute, let's notice. ... Panfilov gently, without a knock, put the phone, returned to Dorfman card. - Remember, Comrade Momysh-Ul, Lieutenant Ugrumumova? I briefly replied: - Yes. Of course, I would still not remember the smokers of the spring of Lieutenant, whom the cook of Vakhitov once commissioned porridge, on the view of the village boy - a guinee with a reason for a riche and strong hand. - Died ... And Politruck Georgiev knew? Also died. Almost all this little detachment folded his head. But did not miss the tanks. Nine cars are undermined, the rest are gone. See, Comrade Dorfman, it is enlightened. But many more riddles. - Panfilov scratched his trimmed heads. - It seems to be a book with digging pages. It is necessary that these pages do not disappear. We must restore them. Read this book. Let us pay attention to the fact that even in the very first note of the correspondent of Ivanov, written in hot pursuit on November 19, this is the number of tanks: 9. It is clear that we are talking about the same feat, rumors about which were heard Crvitsky and turned For commercial purposes in an unscrupulous false breeding. No, it was not at all accidentally hit this book such an uncharacteristic episode for her. They knew Baurgean Momis-Uly and his biographer Alexander Beck about who was actually a hero. And they gave in the book a thin hint of the mouth of General Panfilov. "... a book with torn pages. It is necessary that these pages do not disappear. It is necessary to restore them. Read this book." - Takes us General Panfilov. And we carry out the order of the Dead General.

  • Crivitsky, apparently, was not aware that these are words of Colonel of the Napoleonic Guard, according to the legend said during Waterloo.
  • From 1947 The death penalty was canceled, but from 1950. Regarding the trains of the Motherland (ie, Dobrobaba) introduced again. Moreover, the law was inverse, i.e. The death penalty condemned during the cancellation period could be shot.
  • Under the same logic, the Ukrainian "Heavenly Sota" appeared. The fact of killing people was? Was. They came to the Maidan, because they wanted it better? Yes. Why do you still need a scum Katsapskaya? Or don't you love Ukraine?

  • "How to determine what supported us in those immeasurably hard days? We were ordinary Soviet people. We loved the Motherland. Each of the Land of the Earth, a given to the enemy, seemed sliced \u200b\u200bpiece of his own body. "

    From the memories of Z.S. Shechtman, the former commander of the 1077th Regiment of the 8th Guards Rifle name I. V. Panfilova Division

    The 316th Infantry Division, under the command of General Panfilov, was the force that the enemy should not miss the enemy on the Volokolamsk direction. The last echelon of fighters from the Krestrovsky and Borovichi district arrived at the Volokolamsk station on October 11, 1941. Prepared defense was not, as there were no other troops.

    The division ranked defense at the front of the 41st kilometer from the rus to the lotosino and immediately began to create resistance nodes at the likely directions of the strike of the enemy. Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov was sure that the enemy would make bets on the tanks as the main shock force. But ... "The bold and skillful tank is not terrible," said Panfilov.

    "I will not give the enemy of Moscow," I wrote I.V. Panfilov's wife Maria Ivanovna, - we destroy the rebel to the thousands, hundreds of his tanks. The division beats well ... "Only from the 20th to the 27th of October, the 316th rifle division was bent and burned over 80 tanks, more than nine thousand soldiers and officers of the enemy were destroyed.

    The exhausting battles did not stop, by the end of October, the front of the division was already 20 kilometers - from Dubosekovo to the village of Terryaevo. Having tightening new forces, replacing broken divisions with new and focusing against Panfilov division more than 350 tanks, by mid-November the enemy was ready for the general offensive. "We will breakfast in Volokolamsk, and dine in Moscow," the fascists were calculated.

    At the right flank, I was holding a defense of the 1077th regiment of the rifle division, the center was two battalions of the 1073rd regiment of Major Elina, on the left flank, on the very responsible section of Dubosekovo - Nelidovo, in seven kilometers southeast of Volokolamsk, was 1075th Polk Colonel Ilya Vasilyevich Caprov. It was against him that the main forces of the enemy who tried to break through to the Volokolamsk highway and to the railway were concentrated.

    November 16, 1941 The occurrence of the enemy began. The battle, which was given at night under Dubosekovo, a group of fighters of tanks of the 4th company of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th regiment, led by Politruck Vasily Georgievich Klochekov, entered all history textbooks. For four hours, Panfilovtsy constrained the tanks and the infantry of the enemy. They reflected several enemy attacks and destroyed 18 tanks. Most of the legendary warriors who committed this unparalleled feat of the legendary soldiers, including Vasily Klobkov, fell apart by brave death. The rest (DFTimofeev, G.M.Sheakin, I.D.Shadrin, D.A.Korubergenov and I.R.Vasiliev) were seriously injured. The battle under Dubosekovo entered the story as a feat of 28 Panfilovts, all its participants in 1942 by the Soviet command was awarded the title of heroes of the Soviet Union ...

    Panfilovtsy steel for fascists a terrible curse, about the strength and courage of heroes went legends. On November 17, 1941, the 316th Rifle Division was renamed the 8th Guards Rifle Division and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Harpsy residents were awarded orders and medals.

    On November 19, the division lost his commander ... 36 days fought under the command of General I.V. Panfilova 316th Infantry Division, protecting the capital in the main direction. In yet his life, the warriors of the division in fierce battles were destroyed over 30 thousand fascist soldiers and officers and more than 150 tanks.

    Without having achieved decisive success on the Volokolamsk direction, the main forces of the enemy turned to Solnechnogorsk, where they intended to break through at the Leningrad, then to Dmitrovskoye Highway and from the north-west to enter Moscow.

    In 1967, the Museum of Heroes-Panfilovtsev was opened in Nelidovo village. In 1975, a memorial ensemble from the granite "Feat 28" (sculptors N.S.Lubimov, A.G. Postol, V.A.Fyodorov, architects V.E. Datyuk, Yu.G. Krievyschenko, I. I.Stepanov, an engineer S.P. Khajibaronov), consisting of six monumental figures that personify the soldiers of six nationalities who fought in the ranks of 28 Panfilov.

    In Russia, attempts at all will stop attempting their heroes who gave lives in the name of the Fatherland.

    At the request of citizens

    The State Archive of the Russian Federation, headed by Dr. Historical Sciences Sergey Mironenko, gave a new reason for the discussion about the feat of 28 Panfilov Heroes.

    « In connection with the numerous appeals of citizens, institutions and organizations, post a certificate-report of the main military prosecutor N. Afanasyev "On 28 Panfilovtsy" dated May 10, 1948. According to the results of the investigation of the main military prosecutor's office, stored in the USSR Prosecutor's Office Foundation., "said in a message on the website of the state archive of the Russian Federation.

    The publication of this certificate report is not a sensation - it is known about its existence to everyone who was interested in the history of the feat.

    At its foundation, the head of the state archive of the Russian Federation, a citizen Mironenko made a statement that "there were 28 Heroes-Panfilovtsev - this is one of the myths that have been planned by the state."

    But before talking about myth and truth, let's remember the classic history of the Heroes-Panfilov.

    Classic Version Podav.

    According to it, on November 16, 1941, 28 people from the personnel of the 4th company of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th rifle regiment headed by the 4th company Politruk Vasily Klochekov held defense against the advancing Hitlermen in the Dubosekovo district of 7 kilometers to the south East of Volokolamsk.

    Within a 4-hour battle, 18 enemy tanks were destroyed, and the promotion of the Germans to Moscow was suspended. All 28 fighters were killed in battle.

    In April 1942, when the date of 28 Panfilovtsev became widely known in the country, the command of the Western Front came out with the petition to assign the title of Heroes of the Soviet Union to all of the 28 fighters. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 21, 1942, all 28 Guardsmen listed in the sketch of Cryvitsky, a posthumous title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded.

    "Risen" Dobrobabin managed to serve the Germans and take Vienna

    Investigation, a certificate-report on the results of which was published by Garf, began in November 1947, when the Military Prosecutor's Office of the Kharkov garrison was arrested and brought to criminal responsibility for granting the homeland of Ivan Dobrobababin.

    According to the case file, being at the front, Dobrobabine volunteered to the Germans and in the spring of 1942 he entered them to serve. He served as the head of the police temporarily occupied by the German village of Valkovsky district of the Kharkiv region.

    In March 1943, with the liberation of this area from the Germans, Dobrobababin, as a traitor, was arrested by the Soviet bodies, but from custody fled, he again moved to the Germans and again got a job in the German police, continuing the active treacherous activities, the arrests of Soviet citizens and the direct exercise of forced shipment of labor to Germany.

    When, after the war, Dobrobabind was arrested again, during the search he found and a book about 28 Panfilovchi heroes, in which it was written in white that he ... is one of the dead heroes and him, accordingly, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

    Dobrobabin, understanding, in what position was, honestly told how it was. He really participated in the battle at the Dubosek's road, but was not killed, but he received contusion and captured.

    Filing from the camp for prisoners of war, Dobrobababin did not make his way to his, and went to the native village who was in the occupation, where he soon accepted the proposal of the headman to enter the police.

    But this is not all the peripetics of his fate. When in 1943, the Red Army again passed into the offensive, Dobrobababin fled to relatives to the Odessa region, where no one knew about his work on the Germans, waited for the arrival of Soviet troops, was again called up for military service, participated in the Yaskovo-Chisinau operation, taking Budapest And Vienna, he graduated from the war in Austria.

    The verdict of the military tribunal of the Kiev Military District dated June 8, 1948, Ivan Dobrobababin was sentenced to 15 years of imprisonment with a defendant for a period of five years, confiscation of property and deprivation of medals "for the defense of Moscow", "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War, 1941 -1945 "," For the capture of Vienna "and" For Taking Budapest "; Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Sun of February 11, 1949, deprived of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

    During the amnesty of 1955, the sentence period was reduced to 7 years, after which he was released.

    Ivan Dobrobababin moved to his brother, lived ordinary life and died in December 1996 at the age of 83 years.

    List of Crivitsky

    But back in 1947, when it turned out that one of the 28 Panfilovtsev, there was not enough of the fact that I was alive, so also worked out by the German service. The prosecutor's office was given the order to check all the circumstances of the battle at the Dubosek road, to find out how it really was.

    According to the prosecution materials, the first description of the battle of the Panfilov Guards, who stopped German tanks, appeared in the Red Star newspaper in the essay of the front correspondent of Vasily Kitoeva. This note was not called the names of the heroes, but it was said that "all before one died, but the enemy did not miss."

    The next day in the "Red Star" there was an editorial "Testament of 28 fallen heroes", which said that 28 fighters stopped off the offensive of 50 enemy tanks, destroying 18 of them. The note was signed by the Literary Secretary of the Red Star, Alexander Crivitsky.

    Finally, on January 22, 1942, the material "On 28 fallen heroes" appeared signed by Alexander Cryvitsky, which became the basis of the classical version of the feat.

    All 28 Heroes, Dobrobabin Ivan Evstafyevich, Dobrobabin Ivan Evstafyevich, Dobrobabin Ivan Alekseevich, Kryuchkov Abram Ivanovich, Mitin Gavriyl Stepanovich, Alicava, Dmitry Narsutbay, Kalenikov Dmitry Mitarofanovich, Schemyakin Gregory Mikhailovich, Dutov Petr Danilovich,

    Mitchenko Nikita, Shopokov Duyshchenkul, Konkin Grigori Efimovich, Sadrin Ivan Demidovich, Moskalenko Nikolay, Emtsov Peter Kuzmich, Kuzhebegenov Daniel Aleksandrovich, Timofeev Dmitry Fomich, Trofimov Nikolay Ignatievich, Bondarenko Yakov Alexandrovich, Vasilyev Larion Romanovich, Bearev Nikolay Nikorovich, Zheusabek , Maksimov Nikolai, Ananyev Nikolay.

    Survived Dubosekovo

    In 1947, the prosecutors who conducted the inspection of the circumstances of the battle at the Dubosek's roadway, found out that not only Ivan Dobrobababine remained alive. Daniel Kuzhebgenov, Grigory Shemyakin, Illarion Vasilyev, Ivan Shadrin. Later it became known that Dmitry Timofeev was alive.

    All of them in battle at Dubosek were injured, Kuzhebgenov, Shadrin and Timofeev passed through German captivity.

    It was especially difficult to Daniel Kazhebergenov. He only spent a few hours in captivity, but it was enough to blame him in a voluntary passage to the Germans.

    As a result, in the presentation for awarding, his name was replaced by a one-facilitator, who even theoretically could not participate in that battle. And if the rest of the survivors, except for Dobrobabin, were recognized as heroes, Daniel Kuzhebergenov, until his death in 1976, remained only a partially recognized participant in the legendary battle.

    Meanwhile, the employees of the prosecutor's office, having studied all the materials and having heard the testimony of witnesses, came to the conclusion - "the feat of 28 Guards-Panfilovtsev, lit in the press, is the fiction of the correspondent of Kitoeva, the editor of the Red Star editor of Orberg and in particular the Literary Secretary of the Crivitsky newspaper."

    Heroes Panfilovtsy, veterans of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 Illarion Romanovich Vasilyev (left) and Grigory Melentievich Shemyakin at a solemn meeting dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the defeat of the German fascist troops near Moscow, in the Kremlin Palace

    Indications of the regiment commander

    Such a conclusion is based on the interrogations of Crivitsky, Korothev and the commander of the 1075th rifle regiment Ilya Caprov. All 28 Panfilov Heroes served in the Karp Region.

    At the interrogation in the prosecutor's office in 1948, Caprov showed: "There is no fight against Dubosekovo's German tanks on November 16, 1941, this is a solid fiction. On this day, the Dubosekovo roads in the 2nd battalion with the German tanks fought the 4th company, and the heroic was really fought.

    Over 100 people died from the company, and not 28, as they wrote about it in newspapers. None of the correspondents came to me during this period; Nobody has never spoke about the age of 28 Panfilovtsev, and I could not talk, since there was no such a fight. I did not write any political framework about this.

    I do not know, on the basis of which materials they wrote in newspapers, in particular in the "Red Star", about the 20 Guards of the Division. Panfilova. At the end of December 1941, when the division was assigned to the formation, the correspondent of the Red Star came to me in the regiment, together with representatives of the Political Division of Glushko and Egorov.

    Here I first heard about 28 guardsmen-Panfilovtsy. In a conversation with me, Crivitsky declared that it was necessary that there were 28 Panfilov Guardsmen who led the fight with German tanks. I stated him that the entire regiment was fought with the German tanks, and in particular the 4th company of the 2nd battalion, but I don't know anything about the 28th Guards ...

    The names of Crvitsky in memory gave Captain Gundilovich, who led the conversations with him on this topic, no documents about the Boy 28 Panfilovtsev in the regiment could not be. "

    Interrogations of journalists

    Alexander Crivitsky at the interrogation showed: "When talking in Pure with t. Stupivine, he was interested in where I took the words of Politruck Klochakov, written in my basement: "Russia is great, and there is nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow," I answered him that I was invented myself ...

    ... In terms of sensations and actions, 28 heroes are my literary condemnation. I did not talk to any of the wounded or remaining in the living guards. From the local population, I only spoke with a boy of 14-15 years old, who showed the grave where Klobhkov was buried. "

    Guard Senior Sergeant Nikolay Bogdashko. Cossacks against tanks. 45 cavalrymen repeated the feat of Panfilovtsev, but what was said to Vasily Kitheev: "Approximately November 23-24, 1941, I was in the headquarters of the 16th Army with the military correspondent of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper ...

    When leaving the army's headquarters, we met the commissioner of the 8th Panfilov Division Egorova, who spoke about an extremely heavy setting at the front and said that our heroic people are fighting at all sites. In particular, Egorov led an example of the heroic battle of one company with German tanks, 54 tanks occurred on the line, and the company detained them, part of destroying.

    Egorov himself was not a member of the battle, but told the regiment from the words commissioner, who also did not participate in battle with the German tanks ... Egorov recommended to write in the newspaper about the heroic rhot with the tanks of the enemy, previously acquainted with the Polytendine received from the regiment ...

    In the political framework it was said about the fifth company with the tanks of the enemy and that the company stood to "death" - died, but did not move away, and only two people turned out to be traitors, raised their hands to surrender to the Germans, but they were destroyed by our fighters.

    The report did not mention the number of company fighters who died in this battle, and their names were not mentioned. This we did not establish from conversations with the regiment commander. It was impossible to get into the regiment, and Egorov did not advise us to try to penetrate the regiment ...

    Upon arrival in Moscow, I reported to the editor of the "Red Star" newspaper Ortenberg, told about the combat company with the tanks of the opponent. Orientberg asked me how many people were in the company. I answered him that the composition of the company, apparently, was incomplete, about 30-40 people; I also said that two of these people turned out to be traitors ...

    I did not know what was preparing the advanced on this topic, but Orientberg once again called me and asked how many people were in the company. I answered him that about 30 people. Thus, the number of battled 28 people appeared, since from 30 two turned out to be traitors.

    Orterberg said that it was impossible to write about two traitors, and, apparently, consulting with someone, decided to write only about one traitor in advance. "

    "I was told that I would be on Kolyma"

    So, there were no sign 28 of the Panfilov Heroes, and this is a literary fiction? So considers the head of Garf Mironenko and his supporters.

    But you should not hurry with conclusions.

    First, the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) Andrei Zhdanov, who was reported by the conclusions of the prosecutor's investigation, did not give me any course. Suppose the party leader decided to "leave the question".

    Alexander Cryeritsky in the 1970s talked about how investigating the prosecutor's office in 1947-1948:

    "I was told that if I refuse the testimony that the description of the battle at Dubosekovo completely invented, and that I did not talk to anyone from the partition or remaining in living Panfilovtsev before the publication, I will soon be on the Pechora or Kolyma. In such an atmosphere I had to say that the fight from Dubosekovo is my literary fiction. "

    A compolate caps in other testimony was also not so categorical: "At 14-15 hours, the Germans opened a strong artillery fire ... and again went to the attack with tanks ...

    There were more than 50 tanks in the regiment plots, and the main blow was sent to the position of the 2nd battalion, including the 4th company site, and one tank came out even in the location of the shelf's command paragraph and burned the hay and the booth, so I accidentally I could get out of the blockage: I was saved by the mound of the railway, people who survived after the attack of German tanks began to gather.

    The 4th company suffered more than all: 20-25 people were survived by the commander of the company Rota Gundilovich. The rest of the company suffered less. "

    Dubosekovo battle was, the company fought heroically

    The testimony of local residents indicate that on November 16, 1941, the Dubosekovo's travel was really fought by Soviet soldiers with the upcoming Germans. Six fighters, including Klochkov's political officer, were buried by residents of the surrounding villages.

    Nobody calls the fact that the fighters of the 4th company at the Dubosek road drove heroically.

    There is no doubt that the 316th Rifle Division of General Panfilov in defensive battles on the Volokolamsk direction in November 1941 managed to keep the Natik of the enemy, which became the most important factor that allowed the Hitler's defeat near Moscow.

    According to the archival report of the USSR Ministry of Defense, the entire 1075th rifle regiment was destroyed on November 16, 1941, destroyed 15 or 16 tanks and about 800 people of the opponent's personnel. That is, we can say that 28 fighters at the Dubosek's junction did not destroy 18 tanks and did not die.

    But there is no doubt that their resistance and courage, their self-sacrifice allowed to defend Moscow.

    Of the 28 people who came to the heroes, 6, who were considered dead, wounded and contused, miraculously survived. Uninstalious of them turned out to be one Ivan Dobrobababin. Did it cancel the feat of the other 27?

    300 Spartans - Myth, Onshered by the Greek State?

    One of the most famous military feats in the history of mankind, which everyone heard is a feat of 300 Spartans, in 480 BC, the Era of the Farmopil Battle against the 200 thousandth Army of Persians.

    Not everyone knows that with the Persians in Fermopils, not only 300 Spartans died. The total number of Greek troops represented not only Sparta, but also other policies, by different estimates, ranged from 5,000 to 12,000 people.

    Of these, about 4,000 were killed in the battle, and about 400 were captured. Moreover, according to Herodoto, in Feromopils, not all of the 300 warriors of the king of Leonid were killed. Warrior Pantin, sent by Leonid as a messenger and only therefore did not turn out to be on the battlefield, hanged himself, for in Sparta he was expected shame and contempt.

    Aristodem, who did not turn out to be on the battlefield only because of the disease, washed a bowl of shame to the end, having lived the rest of the years with the nickname aristodem coward. And this is despite the fact that he was heroically fought in subsequent battles with Persians.

    Despite all these circumstances, you are unlikely to see Greek historians or the chapter of the Greek archive, softenly bombing media of Greece with materials that "300 Spartans are a myth annealed by the state."

    So why, tell me, in Russia will not stop attempts to hurt their heroes who gave lives in the name of the Fatherland?

    Heroes remain heroes

    The director of the film "28 Panfilovtsev": "to retreat nowhere" historians agree that the feat of 28 Panfilov's heroes had a huge meaning, playing an exceptional mobilizing role, becoming an example of persistence, courage and self-sacrifice. Phrase " Great Russia, and nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow!"She became a symbol of the Defenders of the Motherland for the Decada Forward.

    In the fall of 2015, the film "28 Panfilovts" director Andrei Shallya should be released on the screens of Russia. Collection of funds for the picture in which the classic history of the resellers of the defenders of Moscow will be told and passed by crowdfunding (popular financing).

    Heroes Panfilovtsy, veterans of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 Illarion Romanovich Vasilyev (left) and Grigory Melentievich Shemyakin at a solemn meeting dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the defeat of the German fascist troops near Moscow, in the Kremlin Palace

    The project "28 Panfilovtsev" was collected 31 million rubles, which makes it one of the most successful crowdfunding projects in Russian cinema.

    Perhaps this is the best answer to the question of what is the feat of 28 Panfilov Heroes for our contemporaries.

    21.11.2015 0 71714

    One of the most famous feats committed during the Great Patriotic War is considered feat 28 Panfilovtsev - Warriors of the Guards Division, who was commanded by Major General Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov.

    Almost three-quarter century has passed since then. And now, some historians began to publicly argue that there were no battle of Panfilovtsev with the German tanks on November 16, 1941 under Dubosekovo, as well as the mass adhesive of the guardsmen. All this is supposedly invented by newspaperves from the "Red Star". Where is the truth?

    Monument 28 Heroes-Panfilovtsam on the junction of Dubosekovo

    Recognized version

    Events, as they are depicting numerous books and articles about the heroes-Panfilovs, developed so. On November 15, 1941, German troops began a new attack on Moscow. In some places, the front approached the capital by 25 kilometers. Our troops have provided fierce resistance to fascists.

    On November 16, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Dubosekovo railway, near the Volokolamsk highway, the Panfilovtsy in a four-hour battle hit 18 tanks and stopped the enemy.

    All our soldiers in that battle were killed, including Politruk V.G. Klochkov, who said before the fight, the words that became famous: "Great Russia, and nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow!" In July 1942, 28 Panfilovtsians were posthumously awarded the title of Heroes of the Soviet Union.

    How it was

    However, in reality, the events from the Dubosek's junction developed somewhat differently. After the war, it turned out that several Panfilovtsev who was awarded the title of Hero, alive, and several others who came to a premium list, did not participate in battle on November 16 for various reasons.

    In 1948, the main military prosecutor's office of the USSR opened the case and conducted a special closed investigation. His materials were transferred to the Politburo of the Central Committee. There was also a question about awarding not to revise.

    Let's try on the basis of the preserved documents to restore the events of those dramatic days. On November 16, the 11th German tank division attacked the position of the 1075th Rifle Regiment in the Dubosekovo area. The main blow fell on the 2nd battalion, where there were only four anti-tank rifles, RPG-40 grenades and a bottle of an incendiary mixture.

    According to the testimony of the former commander of the regiment I.V. Caprov, against the 2nd battalion then 10-12 enemy tanks were then. 5-6 tanks managed to destroy - and the Germans moved away. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the enemy began a strong artillery shelling - and again his tanks went to the attack. Now there are now over 50 tanks. The main blow was again aimed at the position of the 2nd battalion.

    According to the archival data of the Ministry of Defense, the 1075th Rifle Regiment on November 16 destroyed 15-16 tanks and about 800 German soldiers. The loss of the regiment, according to the commander's report, amounted to 400 people killed, 100 people were injured, 600 people were declared missing.

    Most of them are also killed or seriouslywit, which are deeply snow. Most of all got the 4th company of the 2nd battalion. It was from 120 to 140 people to the beginning of the battle, no more than thirty survived.

    German tanks overturned our defense, took the area of \u200b\u200bDubosekov, but they were late for at least four hours. During this time, our command managed to regroup the forces, tighten the reserves and close the breakthrough.

    On the Germans in this direction to Moscow have no longer advanced. And on December 5-6, the overall counteroffensiveness of Soviet troops began - and by early January 1942 the enemy was discarded from the capital by 100-250 kilometers.

    Birth of legend

    How was the legend of 28 Panfilov's heroes born? This also analyzed the military prosecutor's office. The correspondent of "Red Star" Vasily Kitheev, the first written about the heroes-Panfilovts, on the investigation in 1948 showed: "Around on November 23-24, 1941, I was in the headquarters of the Komsomolskaya Pravda in the headquarters of the 16th Army.

    When leaving the army headquarters, we met the commissioner of the 8th Panfilov Division Egorova, who spoke about an extremely heavy setting at the front and said that our heroic people are fighting at all sites. In particular, Egorov led an example of the heroic battle of one company with German tanks.

    On the line of companies, the company occurred 54 tanks - and they were detained them, part destroyed. Egorov himself was not a member of the battle, but he told the regiment from the words of the Commissioner ... Egorov recommended to write in the newspaper about the heroic rhot with the tanks of the enemy, pre-acquitting himself with a political report received from the regiment.

    In the political framework it was said about the rhot with tanks of the enemy and that Rota was standing to death and died. But did not move, and only two people turned out to be traitors, raised their hands to surrender to the Germans, but they were destroyed by our fighters. The report did not mention the number of company fighters who died in this battle, and their names were not mentioned. It was impossible to get into the regiment, and Egorov did not advise us to try to penetrate the regiment.

    Upon arrival in Moscow, I reported to the editor of the newspaper "Red Star" Ortenberg the situation. Teld about the combat company with the tanks of the enemy. Orderberg asked me how many people were in the company. I answered him that the composition of the company, apparently, was incomplete, about man 30 -40; I also said that from these two turned out to be traitors. "

    Sketch of the Korothev about the heroes-Panfilovtsy was published in the "Red Star" on November 27, 1941. It said that the participants in the battle "killed everything to one, but the enemy did not miss." On November 28, a gentleman was published in the same newspaper under the heading "Testament of 28 fallen heroes."

    She wrote a literary secretary of the newspaper Alexander Krivitsky. On January 22, 1942, the same Crivitsky put in the "Red Star" essay called "On 28 fallen heroes". As an eyewitness or as a person hearing the stories of the fighters, he writes about their personal experiences, about the heroic behavior of the Guardsmen and for the first time calls 28 the names of the victims.

    In April 1942, the command of the Western Front appealed to the Commissar of Defense with the petition for the assignment of the title of the Heroes of the Soviet Union called to the publication. In July, the corresponding decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council was published.

    But back in 1948. In the military prosecutor's office interrogated Crvitsky.

    He, in particular, showed:

    "When talking in Pure (the main politicization of the Red Army. - approx, auth.) I was interested in where I took the words Politruck Klochkov" Russia is great, and nowhere to retreat - behind Moscow! "I replied that I was invented myself ... in part Sensses and actions 28 heroes are my literary condemnation.

    I did not talk to any of the wounded or remaining in the living guards. From the local population, I only spoke with a boy of 14-15 years old, who showed the grave where Klobhkov was buried. "

    The former commander of the 1075th regiment Ilya Caprov said that the names of the fighters gave Crvitsky by memory
    Captain Gundilovich. With the German tanks, on November 16, it was fought, of course, the whole regiment, he added, and in particular the 4th company of the 2nd battalion, which turned out to be the main strike of the enemy.

    An incomplete acquaintance with the materials of the prosecutor's investigation of 1948 led some researchers to incorrect conclusions, disoriented a number of journalists.

    In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Dubosekovo district, more than a hundred of our fighters - Russians, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks died. All of them are worthy of the title of heroes. In the hardest conditions, poorly armed, the guardsmen detained the tank offensive of the fascists.

    The enemy never went to the Volokolamsk highway. The feat was. Only here the wings of fame and historical recognition were not touched by all the heroes of Panfilov. This often happens in war.

    Vasily Mitsurov, Candidate of Historical Sciences