Why kindness harms himself. Kindness is an act of donation

Why kindness harms himself. Kindness is an act of donation
Why kindness harms himself. Kindness is an act of donation

/ / / What is kindness?

The words "good", "kindness", "good" we hear from childhood. They involuntarily remind lines from children's songs: "What is this kindness, and you can not see if it is impossible to touch?". This, at first glance, the question is responsible in different ways. One of this concept is associated with the help of the other - with actions, the third will think about the ability to endure offenses, without responding to evil. Can I find a universal answer to the question? I think this will help surveys for others, as well as examples from literature.

Kindness - the desire to help others, the location to others. It can be considered moral quality of man. The kindness is manifested in the disinterested actions committed for the sake of others, in order to benefit, make someone at least a bit of happiness. And again, I would like to turn to the very children's song, in which there is an interesting definition of "kindness": "The kindness is when everyone else's friends and can fly everything." I also consider a positive attitude to life, I also consider the manifestation of kindness, because the evil person does not know how to rejoice at every day.

The classics of Russian literature have repeatedly raised the topic of kindness. You can consider the main character of the story of V. V. Krotkina "Mother Human" Maria. Woman lived during the war. Blood events took away her dear people - Son and her husband. Maria was hardly worried about the tragedy, but her lightness of kindness in her heart was not fading.

The village in which the woman lived, destroyed the Germans. Returning there, she discovered in her basement of the wounded German. In the heroine, hatred broke out, but she quickly passed. The German screamed: "Mom" and the heart of Mary flashed. The woman cared for the young man before his death. Here it is a true kindness. The woman did not require anything in return, did not pay attention to the race, the floor or age. She just helped the victim.

The heroine was able to survive in the burned village. She worked tirelessly, thinking about whether to help someone. Maria worked on the field, since she was sorry for labor fellow villagers. In winter, seven children came to a poor house. The heroine, without hesitation, sheltered crumbs. She did not even think about feeding and put on all the guys would be difficult. Women's mental kindness was enough to warm up all. Soon she considered these children with their own. He loved them just like a native son.

This example shows that the true kindness of nonploven. She is like a spark that can be a bright fire that can warm not one person. A real kindness does not distinguish people for incubation, nationality, age or other signs.

Thus, kindness is a desire to help others disinterestedly, warming them with heart heat, emit the inner light. The kindness is capable of making happy and those who radiate, and those who are addressed.

When it comes to good deeds, people are usually divided into two camps. Some believe that good deeds are made from the considerations of Altruism, disinterestedly, others - that people make them to be more popular and receive some bonuses from it. Perhaps those and other right. For good deeds in the human brain responds to striatum, striped body. The same region is active when we do something that we like - for example, we eat something delicious. Why does the kindness make us happy? For this there are as many as five reasons.

Smiles are infectious

Make a good deed - about the same thing that start to warmly smile or laughing. Those who sees it are also involuntarily smiling. Positive emotions that other people express are transmitted to us - as if we felt them.

Altruism for Egoista

If we see that another person is bad, they themselves begin to feel worse. This is especially true for loved ones, since with them we can subconsciously associate yourself, and with their well-being - their own. Make a good deed for who is in trouble is useful for everyone. One person gets help and rejoices, the second rejoices for him. This effect works not only for relatives and friends - charity makes us happier, even if we do not help your girlfriend or grandmother, but in children.

Social ties

The kindness attracts people, and good deeds provide a lot of opportunities to strengthen social connections or inhibition of new ones. The cup, which we treat a friend, or new people with whom we get acquainted during charity projects - all this plays a role. A large number of social connections is also useful for mood.

Kindness as identifying sign

Many people are pleased to consider themselves good people, and good deeds are a way to demonstrate their positivity and even a little to stead yourself. It is especially good that works when the matter is associated with something that we love - so, the cat can take from the shelter, and an art amateur is to help organize an exhibition of a young artist.

How to happen and will respond

One of the motives of good deeds is possible reciprocity. People can do good deeds, including what it seems to them that the person they helped in a difficult moment will then remember them. In addition, good deeds are also infectious - if, say, one person began to bring in cookies, it is likely that many will pick up his undertaking, and as a result, everyone will have cookies more often than to bring, and more diverse.

Kukin Yu.A. 1

Ivanenko N.N. one

1 Municipal budgetary educational institution Secondary school with an in-depth study of individual items No. 5. A.M. Pyatigorsk dined city

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What is this concept? The kindness is, above all, one of the best qualities of a person. Good makes you happy and makes smiling other people around. The meaning of this concept is one - a positive feature that gives happiness to everyone around. But the understanding of kindness of each person is their own, individual. Someone really and seriously perceives good, and other people actively acts on, without reflecting that good or bad consequences will be ahead.

Good, like any other positive quality, you need to raise in the nature of the child since childhood. Although everyone understands good in different ways, the main thing is to understand. One is difficult to guess to help the old woman with the transition of the road, and the other even on the top of the tree can not be lazy to climb to remove the kitten.

I know the modern Russian proverb: "One good business is more valuable than a hundred sermons." I completely agree with her. Little to teach good and "read morality" by others. You need to still do really necessary, useful things. And these are not all people know how.

For example, many people sympathize with stray animals. They love to look at the Internet, tearful pictures with their images. But few people regularly feed these animals. Even less people take them to their home, heals or organizes for them shelter.

Sometimes good and kind words themselves become useful. For example, your friend is upset. And you comfort it, give useful tips, just entertain. As a result, he is distracted from the bad, his mood is improving. Not in vain say: "Good word and a cat is nice." But still, the word does not have such a weight as it's. For a beautiful word is not always a real good act.

I believe that kindness is, first of all, the case. The present good deed is always disinterested. It is done "by the will of the heart."

True kindness can manifest itself in small actions. For example, cook dinner tired mom, protect the weak. Or put flowers in the paliceade in a noisy dusty city. Kindness really begins with small. Although over time, a person will be able to create great things.

The kindness brings joy not only to the surrounding people, but also to the person himself. No good life is unhappy. There is another saying on this topic: "Look at the one who does not make anyone."

Good is the creative start of life and the results of its creation: houses, cities, people - careful about people, nature and life in general. As life circumstances, it is good that people have the highest personal development (mentally healthy, with positive motivation) will cause the greatest energy to improving life. To ensure that the quantities of good in the world have increased. In the everyday sense, the term "good" refers to everything that gets positive in people, or associated with and. Wider - with light, light, white. Evil - with dark, dark, black.

At the same time, which is specifically good, and what - no, the question is not simple. As a rule, it is better to be healthy and rich than the poor and sick. As a rule, the world is better than war. At the same time, something absolutely arguing here is impossible. Once it turns out to be evil, and the war is a good circumstance, these concepts are relative.

The famous phrase "victory of goodness forces over the forces of the mind reflects Skepticism towards a female look at a kind, where sympathy and compassion often overshadows a sober look at what is happening. You can argue how creating one or another kindness, but in general, the kindness and the upbringing of kindness are a guide for most people who are the road to human culture. A collection of examples of beautiful kindness is pleased.

Good should stand for himself. If good is not protected, good will not be good. How to take care of good - another question. Stanislav Kunyev wrote:

good must be with fists
Good harsh should be
To flew wool by bitch
From all who climbs on good.

From the point of view of the highest morality, good should be done completely disinterestedly, but from a pedagogical point of view, it is better if the children see: good life is rewarded, not good - punishable. People become kinder because they see good samples, and then when it feels the meaning and interest in good love, when to be kind - reasonably and cost-effective, vital is promising. Good and evil are fighting themselves by themselves, everyone makes people - when they are interested in doing well.

Old Indian tells his grasses: "Inside every person there is a fighting very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, egoism, ambitions, lies ... Another Wolf presents good - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty ". - Little Indian wondered for a few moments, and then asked. "And what kind of wolf wins?" - Old Indian smiled: "That wolf that you feed" always wins.

I think that the meaning of life is to live joyfully and delibo, making good. That today it was joyful, and tomorrow it became better than today. So that our children live in the world even more beautiful, pure and rich. So after us on the ground, gardens, cities, clean water and the sun remained.

Whatever I do, the quantity of good in the world should increase.

"Let him hurry to make a good, from evil, let him hold his mind.
For the mind of one who is not in a hurry to do good, finds pleasure in evil. "

"The most noble question in the world sounds like this:" What kind of good deed I can do? "

The best representatives of humanity had an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is good, they were convinced that without this, human life loses its meaning. It is true, to determine "good" is not always simple, but the choice of the direction "live in the direction of good", and not just "how I will be referred and easier" makes human life another: human. At a minimum, it is an obligation to think, search and work, and this is already a lot.

What is a kindness in understanding people is the desire to help, not expecting and not requiring response. Such a look at the essence of kindness is not entirely complete, as it is possible to consider it a very abstract concept on the basis of various points of view.

What is good and kindness?

The concept of "kindness" is directly connected with the word "good", although the second has several values \u200b\u200band may, for example, mean any material items belonging to a person. Good in moral terms are acts aimed at good. A kindness is the quality inherent to a person who creates good. To explain to the child what kindness is, you can tell the disinterested act of a stranger, which listed the tool to the sick child, about mercy of people who help the homeless animals.

Walked - Psychology

In psychology, human kindness is considered among. It is believed that a small child does not know what kindness is, with a rare exception, he prevails with egocentricity. And if the kindness in the baby does not educate, he will have serious problems with socialization. In adults, the kindness of people often cause distrust and doubts about sincerity. In addition, many individuals believe that a kind man is weak, and they often use it.

What is the kindness manifest?

There is no need to say about a lackless person that he is kind, this quality must be confirmed by actions. What is manifested and what kindness means:

  • care;
  • attention;
  • support;
  • unselfishness;
  • responsiveness;
  • dobrind.

This list is far from complete, and it is often difficult to understand, a kind deed or not. Ideally, a kindness is a combination of active life position, morality, strength, high moral qualities, as well as perceptions and emotions. In its highest incarnation, the kindness is extremely rare, the most common examples of which are saints, devotees, polysients.

What is good and evil?

Good - disinterested help, the desire to make the world better, evil is a conscious causing pain, damage. The qualities of antagonists - kindness and evil - are present in any person. Even the most noble and benefactor people recognize that the fight against evil motivations has to be held almost constantly. The church gives this phenomenon such a definition: if a person is asked if there is a good and evil - he is on the way to the awareness of the need for a constant struggle with the dark forces living in each.

Fully eradicated evil, living in a person unreal due to the duality of his nature. Yes, and it is not necessary, probably. Without evil, darkness, cowardice and other negative qualities it is unrealistic to understand what love and kindness is, light, courage. For this reason, many people come to good and kindness, only some kind of breaking, becoming older and wiser, highlighting new priorities.

Is there an absolute good?

To understand what an absolute kindness is in a person's life, you should refer to religion. For example, Christianity. It can be said that God is an example of absolute kindness, but he can intentionally relate to a person's disease, testing. Their goal is to lead a person to faith. As an example of absolute kindness, you can remember Jesus, who carried people only the benefit and forgiveness, despite the evil, causing him.

True and false kindness

The manifestation of the kindness of true in modern society is extremely rare. Much more often can face false kindness when good noble deeds are made with retaliation of response or fear. Most people believe that if helping those who do suffer, they will help them at the right moment. Someone is afraid to refuse the request of a colleague or leader. Often, the kindness is creating at once, as a rule, "sin" politicians and other public faces.

Do you need a kindness?

Unfortunately, people more appreciate the kindness, which is aimed at them, but often avoids themselves to create good things, so the question is, it is necessary to become a good person, it becomes more and more often. Yes, a kind person can consider "weak", "zadyham", etc., but the use of kindness can be found. Shelter a homeless puppy, convey the bags to the old man, help the disabled person, not pass by, if they are offended by the weak - all this is not just kindness, it is invaluable manifestations of the best qualities of the human soul.

Why do you need a kindness?

Much more than those in need, kindness of the soul is important to someone who makes good actions. Having made something disinterested and good, a person feels a raising emotional level, towers in his own eyes. After some time, he would most likely want to experience these sensations again and will consciously seek someone who needs his kindness. Through the good deeds, the soul will become better and cleaner. The main danger in this case is not to burn.

How to become a good man?

Develop such qualities as kindness and mercy easier than it may seem. The kindness does not mean constantly self-sacrifice, which leads to the fact that man is beginning to use, manipulate. It is necessary to open the source of kindness in his soul, learn how to see those who help and kindness are necessary. Here is what kindness is:

  1. Looking a not indifferent look - the first condition of kindness.Only so you can see someone's hopes, needs and fears.
  2. Give and forget - the second condition of kindness. To remember the good, the one who was directed to and, ideally, to continue the chain of kindness, having assisted the next needy.
  3. To distinguish the true needs of manipulation - the third condition of kindness.Just learning to distinguish between those who need consumers, you can avoid disappointment and "burnout" and to create true kindness, healing soul.

You can start creating good from the small one. Where to start to realize what kindness is:

  • self-knowledge - realizing yourself, you can understand others;
  • an example of good people - remembering the individuals who bear good, you need to learn from them the attitude towards ourselves and others;
  • - this is a source of mental, mental and physical health;
  • habit - Having got the habit to do kindness, a person will notice many positive changes in his life;
  • the lack of condemnation is to judge a person and gossip about it easier, to cultivate kindness to be learned to sympathize and compassion;
  • extraction of lessons from errors - all people are imperfect, you need not to engage in self-vacation, but to extract lessons;
  • life in the present - a person needs help, not only to sympathize, but to offer real support;
  • optimism, friendliness - these qualities help to see the best features in people.