An abstract classes of Node "Journey to the country of music. NOD on music.docx - Abstract musical classes (node) in the older preparatory group "Magic Music Book

An abstract classes of Node
An abstract classes of Node "Journey to the country of music. NOD on music.docx - Abstract musical classes (node) in the older preparatory group "Magic Music Book


musical direct educational activities Using Eor

"On a visit to the music"


To acquaint children with musical plays from the "Children's Album" P.I. Tchaikovsky



Introduce children with the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky

Enrich musical impressions Children

Fasten the concept of the genre. Be able to determine the hearing genres: march, polka, waltz

Fasten knowledge about the tools of the symphony orchestra.


Develop an emotional and associative music perception

Develop musical I. creative skills Children

Develop the touch perception of music: distinguish the sound of musical instruments

Fasten musical and rhythmic skills and play skills on children's musical instruments.


Visit love for classical music

Educate the culture of listening to music

To form musical taste.

Equipment: Multimedia projector, screen, laptop, music Center, electronic material in the form of a presentation "to visit music", audio material.

Attributes: Soldier Cuivers, Horses, Scarves, Bubnes, Maracas, Bells, Metallallophone, Triangle, Wooden Sticks.

Directly educational

To the music of "March" from the ballet "Nutcracker" P.I. Tchaikovsky children are included in the hall.

(Slide 1)

MUZ.RUKOVER: Hello guys! All you know that the artist writes pictures, writer - books, and who composes music? Responses of children.

Right! And today we will get acquainted with the work of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky.

(Slide 2)

P.I. Tchaikovsky lived for a very long time - more than 100 years ago. He wrote so many musical works that he was remembered in our time and appreciate all over the world.

P.I. Tchaikovsky composed a lot of operas, ballets, symphony, and for children, he also wrote a lot of music.

From his children's memories, he creates " Children's album», (slide 3)

in which with the help of sounds, he portrayed everything he liked to engage in childhood.

And where can I listen to music? Responses of children.

Today we will go to the concert hall to listen to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Look, what are the concert halls. (Slide 4)

That's how they look outside. This is the building of ours Krasnodar Philharmonic.

And so inside. (Slide 5)

And now let's go to the concert hall and do our places.

To the music of "Waltz Flowers" from the ballet "Nutcracker" P.I. Tchaikovsky Children sit on chairs.

Who we are now in concert Hall? Responses of children.

Listeners! And in the old days they spoke - the most respectable public! What does it mean?

Sit so that you can be so to speak "the most memorable public!".

I will be an entertainer - a storyteller at this concert. And so - start! (Slide 3)

"Bom, Bom, Bom -

Opens an album.

Not simple, and musical,

Then cheerful, then sad,

Worked for guys

Many, many years ago.

Sweet Gree sounds(slide 6)

Tell me, what was the music? Calm, bright, gentle, quiet.

And what is Great? Dreams, memories.

How nice to dream of something, looking out the cold winter day.

P.I. Tchaikovsky, when he was small, loved to listen to the stories with his beloved grandmother, dream and, of course, loved his toys, play with them.

Here, how many are there! (Slide 7)

I think you can find out the toy yourself depicted in music.

Sounds "game in the horses"

What is this music? Responses of children.

How does it sound? Quickly, rapidly, passibly, loud.

What does music look like?

What toy is depicted in music? Responses of children. (Slide 8)

The play is called "game in the horses".

And now we will listen to the next play from the "Children's album" and find out what another toy depicted PI Tchaikovsky in music.

Sounds "March of Wooden Soldiers" (Slide 7)

Learned? Who sounded in music? Responses of children.

And what was the music? Loud, rhythmic, clear, cheerful.

Guess the genre. (Slide 9)

Right! This is a march. (Slide 10)

P.I. Tchaikovsky so called this play "March of Wooden Soldiers"

"We are wooden soldiers,

We are marching left-right.

We guards fabulous gates,

They are guarding round year.

We are marching clearly, Bravo,

We are not afraid of the way obstacles,

We are guarding the town where music lives! "

Now I suggest play. Part of the boys will march like soldiers (Keiver wear), And the other part of the boys - ride in the horses (Distribute horses). Whose music will sound, those perform the task.

Game "Soldiers and Riders"

sit down.

We continue to listen to the plays from the "Children's Album" P.I. Tchaikovsky

Waltz sounds

What music? Light, light, beautiful . (Slide 9)

What is she genre? Responses of children.

That's right - the genre of dance.

And what is the dance genre? Children answer. (Slide 11)

For the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky, we can not only dream, march and play toys, but also to dance. Girls, take scarves and let's wash the waltz.

Waltz sounds, girls dancing with scarves

sit down.

MUZ. Leader: "Bom, Bom, Bom - we leaf our album!"

I suggest your attention to listen to another play from the "Children's album".

Sounds "Polka"(Slide 12)

What is the character of music? Light, fun.

And what is the dance genre? Responses of children.

Right - Polka .

And what did you hear musical instruments? (Slide 13)

- That's right - violin. (Slide 14)

What group of tools of the symphony orchestra does it apply? Answers.

(Slide 15)

What other musical instruments relate to this group? Responses of children.

What other groups of symphony orchestra tools do you know? (Slide 16)

Now we will listen to the same polka, only performed by the orchestra of shock tools.

Sounds "Polka" from the "Children's album" in the Sp. Ensemble "Vivat"

Changed music?

The nature of the music remained the same cheerful, light, and the image has changed.

What drum musical instruments did you hear? (Slide 17)

And now I suggest you play the orchestra. Let's take musical instruments and play "Polka" P.I. Tchaikovsky

The game in the orchestra "Polka"

Dear friendsOur meeting with music comes to an end. The curtain in the concert hall is descended (Slide 18), Thanks for your attention, the most respectable public!

Guys, today we have visited the concert hall and met the work of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, the history of the creation of a children's album and with some plays from this album. I hope you enjoyed listening to music, danced, played in the orchestra. I really liked to be a member of this concert, and you? Responses of children.

To the music "Waltz" from Ballet P.I. Tchaikovsky "Nutcracker" Children come out of Hall

List of literature used and musical material:

    I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva "Ladushka": a program for musical education Children preschool age. - St. Petersburg / 2010

    I. Kaplunova, I. Novoskoltseva "Holiday every day" 3cd senior group

    N. A. Misov "Music-Del": a guide for the educator and music. Head Children. Garden / Sost. S. I. Checheva, A. P. Nikolaicheva. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985.

    T. N. Devyatova "Sound - Wizard" / Materials educational program According to the musical education of children of senior preschool age. - M.: Link -Press, 2006.

    Thematic days and weeks in Dow. Music. / Auto-Cost. N. B. Yuloshenko - Volgograd: Korifey TTD

Author's material for music leaders. Abstract open competitive occupation in senior group Doe using healthear technologies. There are applications from which you can make a multimedia retreat in the lesson. This lesson took the first place in the competition.



Abstract Node on Music

"Travel by Magic Islands"

View: thematic nodes

Subject: "Travel by Magic Islands"

A type: exchange - Travel

Age group:senior group

Tasks :


  • Create conditions for development: feelings of metrohymic pulsation; lade feeling; sound, intonational hearing; articulation motility; diction; singing and speech breathing; attention; coordination; memory; auditory creative imagination and associative thinking;


  • learning to distinguish between dirty music;
  • encourage children to creativity through song writing;
  • disclose the concept of "voice ligaments";
  • promote formation vocabulary Emotions and feelings.


  • bring up the culture of the hearing;
  • bring up a subjective value attitude to art

Methods: visual, practical, verbal, game.

Receptions: explanation, conversation, show.

Technical learning tools:sound, visual.

Pedagogical technologies:humanno-personal, game, RTV.

Equipment: Multimedia Installation, Map of Magic Islands, Children's Musical Instruments, Multicolored Cards "Color Palette", Portrait of Composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, multicolored notes, ruler with a thread for experience, balloon, pin, note with scurry.


  1. Valeological grinding "Hello".
  2. Articulating exercise "hide candy".
  3. Music and mobile game of imagination "Underwater inhabitants"
  4. Musical didactic game "Guess what I play."
  5. Orchestra "Wave".
  6. Common dance "Barbarika".
  7. Respiratory gymnastics "Candle".
  8. "Autumn Song" P.I. Tchaikovsky.
  9. "Neapolitan Song" P.I. Tchaikovsky.
  10. "Funny song".

Structure occupation

Music leader:

Guys today this music meetingWe will spend together. My name is Tatyana Yurevna.

Let's say hello to me, repeat me:

Valeological grinding "Hello!"

Hello, the sun is golden!

Hello, blue sky!

Hello, light breeze,

Hello, little oak.

Hello, morning! Hello, day!

We love not too lazy!


I suggest you go on a journey through the Magic Islands. Do you love to travel?

And so that our magic journey begins, I will treat you invisible magic sweets and we will also become wizards. Prepare your tongue, I throw candy. Catch!

Articulating exercise "Hide candy"

Once - I see candy, behind the right cheek.Children hide tongue for the right cheek

Two - I see candy for the left cheek.Children hide tongue for the left cheat

Three - I do not see candy I am no!Children open widespread mouth

Candy treatedChildren are licking

And in the wizards turned.

It's time for us to go on the road.

Slide number 1 map of the islands (see Appendix No. 1)

We will travel with you here on this map.

(Pays attention to the map with the magic islands, considers it with children). But how do we get to the first island?

(Children's responses)

Guys, we are with you wizards and can turn into whom we want. Let us turn into the underwater inhabitants and get to the island. Under the beautiful music you will swim, and as soon as the music stops you must also measure in the pose of the underwater inhabitant and tell me who you have turned.

Once, two three turn -

Magic Start !!

Music - mobile game of imagination

"Underwater Residents"

(Children move to music, depicting underwater inhabitants. With the end of music, they tell who they are depicted.)

Music leader includes music again and invites children to "swim" on chairs

Slide number 2 "The Isle of Magic Sounds" (see Appendix No. 2)

Music leader:

Well, here we are with you and hit the first island of "magic sounds." Look at what unusual trees on this island. Who lives here?

(Children view the images of the island and see that trees in the form of musical instruments)

Music leader:

Yes, judging by the trees is the island of musical instruments. We are now guessing what musical instruments live on this island.

Music - didactic game "Guess what I play"

(Music director is in turn plays musical instruments hidden behind the screen, and children must guess which tool sounds).

Music leader:

Great, guys, well done, guess all the tools.

And now we will take the tools

We will play with them.

You look at me

I will be a conductor.

Only hand I wave

Tools will be promoted.

Only wave I am above, you play louder,

Only waves I lower,

You play quieter.

General Orchestra "Wave"

Music leader:

The wave sails to the shoreChildren play musical

And for her one more. Tools.

This is higher, play louder.

This below is played quiet.

This is not visible at all.Swallow.

Terrible storm broke out,Children play loudly

And then all quieter, quieter.Children play quieter.

And the wave is lower below.Swallow.

Music leader:

Well done boys! So far, I did not play a scary storm again, let's hide the musical instruments rather and go to the next magic island, which is called "Harmony". And we can get there only with the help of cheerful magic dance. You are ready?

(Children's responses)

Performed by the general dance "Barbarika"

Music leader:

Guys, this cheerful dance is cheating in us hot fire. Let me with you this fire rather to sweat so much to burn at all.

Respiratory gymnastics "Candle"

Slide number 3 island "Harmony" (see Appendix No. 3)

Music leader:

Children, see what an interesting is this island "Harmony".

(Children along with the music director are considering the island. It is divided by half - one half is painted in cold tones, and the other in warm.)

Music leader:

Look, the cat Major lives on one half -

It best friend Guys.

With you always brings

Smile, joke, laughter,

And if you are friends with him

That is waiting for you success!

And on the other half lives the cat Minor -

With a laugh, he is not on the way

He values \u200b\u200bsadness.

Loves, sighing tears pour

And invites us:

Let's get sick together

What does not know himself!

Children, let's say hello to Kotom Major and Côte Minor. But so, so as not to offend any other.

(Children sneeze the word "Hello" on major and mining way)

Guys, the cat's cat is one favorite musical composition, I'll fulfill it now.

"Autumn Song" P.I. Tchaikovsky.

What do you think, why this favorite music of Minor, what is her character?

(Answers Children: She is sad, sad, frowning)

Yes, guys, I fully agree with you. This work is called "Autumn Song". What would you choose paints to draw this music?

(Answers of children. Children choose a color palette)

And let's listen now favorite work Cat Major.

Music executive executes

"Neapolitan song" P.I. Tchaikovsky

This musical work is called the "Neapolitan Song". And what kind of music is what?(Answers Children: Fun, Movable)

What kind of paints did you choose to draw this music?(Responses of children. Children choose a color palette).

Yes, guys, what kind of music! I will reveal one mystery - this different music Posted by the same person. What is the name of the person who composes music?(Responses of children: composer). So, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote this music.(The music manager shows the portrait of the composer).You more than once to hear the music of this composer and see his portrait because he wrote a lot of music for children. He has an album with musical works written for children, he is also called a "children's album". So what is the name of this composer?(Children's responses).

Well, what guys, it's time for us to go further towards unknown islands.

And we will get to another island only when we do the following task.

It is necessary to find something transparent and air, take advantage of something sharp, get what is there and loudly read.

(Children perform the task: find the air ball and pierce the ball, get a note with the scurry and loudly repeat for the music director)

Domisolka become want

Song calls I sing!

Slide number 4 "Domisolka" island (see Appendix No. 4)

Music leader:

Here we are on the island "Domisolka". Funny notes live on this island. Guys, if notes folded together, what happens?

(Answers Children: Song). Do you like to sing songs?(Children's responses). Do you know that voice ligaments help us try to talk to us?

Material: A line with a stretched fine thread.

The course of experience:

The guys make a hand to the throat, utter the word whisper, then very loudly and explain what they felt the hand. Quietly - the trembling was not, loudly - trembling was. The teacher talks about voice ligaments, comparing them with a thin string. Next, experience is carried out with a thin thread stretched to the line, if you shoot weakly - extracted quiet sound, and vice versa. Therefore, if we speak very loudly, then you can damage the voice ligaments (thread rushing).

Well, here we figured out that we help to sing voice ligaments. Now it's time to perform a song, but for the beginning, we are composed with you. We are wizards and know how much, for example: writing songs.

Well, first, first in writing the words for our song. I will start the phrase, and you guys help me - complete it, offer your options.


I walk in the yard

I see a house on ...

Children: on the grief (on the hill, on the grass),

Music leader:

I'll keep up with a ladder

And in the window .......

Children: Walk,

Music leader:

Take, house, guests,

Open more ... ..

Children: Door!

Music leader:

And you can still:

Take, house, guys,

Us, merry ...

Children: feeding!

How will we sing the first option or the second?

(Decision of children)

Let me begin the song to begin with verses with a whisper.

(Children perform a song with a whisper under the musical accomposition)

And now we will fulfill the song fun, ignorly, but do not forget that if you sing loudly, then you can damage the voice ligaments!

Performed by the "Sun Song"

Music leader: Guys, here ends our journey through the magical islands, we need to return to kindergarten. You wrap your eyes, and I will read the magic words.

Once, two, three - turn,

Magic stop.

Music leader:

Guys, here we come with and returned. Did you like the journey through the magic islands? I have a map magic country And multicolored notes, where you liked most of all tick the magic notch.

(Children stick multicolored notes to the island on which they liked)

Music leader:

I was very nice to meet you. And I think that you were wizards only because they carefully listened, tried, were diligent.

If you want to become a wizard?

We just need to dream!

And add knowledge

And do not forget the patience.

Then the miracle happens then

Just wait a little - a little.

Thank you guys goodbye!

Organization: Kindergarten №29 "Berry"

Locality: Republic of Bashkortostan, Beloretsk

Purpose: Enrich life experience Children bright impressions, provide an opportunity to express yourself in different types musical activity.


Training: Enrich the impressions of children, acquaint them with a variety of musical works and used means of expressiveness. Continue acquaintance with the work of the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. Improve the speech of children, the ability to clearly express their thoughts, enrich the vocabulary. Form cognitive interest Children in the process of musical activity.

Developing: Prepare singers and articulation apparatus to singing, working as different ways According to the phonic method, V.V. Meelianova. Fasten the ability to sing nicely, in time to start singing after joining, changing the power of the voice, to own a variety of singing techniques. Improve the performance of shaped movements in accordance with the nature of the music. Develop dance creativity, showing originality, expressiveness and independence.

Raising: To form a culture of hearings classical music. Improve the ability to objectively assess the actions of other children. Relieve respect for each other, a sense of collectivism, initiative, independence.

Technical support:

  • A computer
  • Projector
  • Audio and video equipment

Media Antiatics

  • Multimedia presentation
  • Phonogram


  • Musical signs (Forte, Piano)
  • Musical notes
  • Impact musical instruments (plates, spoons, tone-block, nut tracks ..)
  • Snowball
  • Paper hats

Travel course:

Children enter the hall, where they are met by a musical leader.

MUZ. Hands. : Good afternoon guys. Guys, I am very glad to see you all. But today I would like to get to know you closer. To do this, I suggest you come up with my dance etude called « Let's get acquainted" , those. You must come up with how to imagine yourself, find expressive movements, it can be some kind of unusual posture, gesture ...

Etude: "Let's get acquainted"

MUZ. Hand: Who did you like more? Who could more precisely express yourself? I liked it so much with you, you were all such different, unusual, which means you are talented! Probably, do you all like to do music? ( Children's answer)

And now I want to invite you to the music exhibition of paintings, and be your guide. Do you agree with me to go? Do you know what an exhibition of pictures is? (children's responses) Only it will be an unusual exhibition. Pictures at this exhibition we will not only see, and also heard.

Guys, how do we go to the exhibition? Once this is a musical exhibition, then we must do some kind musical task? To get to us there will help the musical path, which goes on the road, we must perform dance tasks. You are ready?

(Children perform movements in the text and pass, so musical Hall) .

A friendly hands take

All do not rush

I put the leg with a sock.

Smoothly keep the back

Straight as the Costaka.

Step with sock, swelling, side gallop.

Here we are at the music exhibition. Slide (casket, doll)

Guys, what is shown in the picture? And you would like to open this beautiful casket, and find out what is in it? Slide: Casket opens in Ne. - gingerbread.)

I wonder why we see ginkers with you? Guys who loved gingerbread?

Little Petya. Composer, Peter I.C. composing music " New Doll"I remembered the doll, which I often saw in my childhood. She decorated the room in which girls lived. It was a crown doll with moving joints - her arms and legs moved and bent. And the future composer ran to the girls to admire it. True, he visited the room not only for the sake of dolls. There were chests in which gingerbread was stored. So they were interested in Little Peter first.

P.I. Tchaikovsky is a great Russian composer.

IN free time P.I. He loved to mess with his little nephews. Sister P.I. Alexandra Ilinichna had seven children, and Tchaikovsky had invented holidays without tired for them with fires, fireworks and, of course, dancing, where he himself accompanied on the piano.

The smallest nephew in the watched watches with difficulty mastered the wisdom of the game on the piano. Sitting on a veranda for tea, Peter Ilyich heard how the gamma torments the gamma and the Etudes of the unlucky "pianist" in the next room. He became sorry for the baby, and he decided to write the cycle of lungs piano Pieces, diverse in nature, with a loaf on the difficulties of the beginner, the plays of light, memorable, with interesting names. There are pictures of nature and names of children's games. Fairy tale characters And dance melodies.

"Children's album" - this is 24 light plays for piano. On the title page First edition: "Dedicated to Volodya Davydov. Children's album. Collection of light plays for children."

Slide - "Swanging Soldiers, Doll"

P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote plays not only for girls, but also for boys. Pieces, which are stated about these games, are called "Goes in Horse"

Boys love to play soldiers. This is a step in a fun march toy army. What does the word "march" mean? ( answer

children)Yes, the word march means the procession. For music, people walk more convenient. Music rhythm is a very good conductor. The sounds themselves can command movement. There are marches for all occasions. Music - march is not only an accompaniment to your steps, but also a portrait of walking.

Is this play than different from the music of wooden soldiers? What is it called?

"New Doll". The melody in it seems to sparkle from happiness by passing joy and delight.

Hearing: "Marsh of Wooden Soldiers", "New Doll"

Slide - "Winter Picture"

What do you see there? How guys are having fun, rejoice in winter, fluffy snow.

But winter snow is spiny and sharp. Wars the cold wind, tagging a blizzard. Music Misley need to be portrayed otherwise than the dance of snowflakes - the game should be decisive, assertive, fast:

Me - Tel Gu - Dit, in Tru - Blue Mit.

Very scary one, and the blizzard is all y, y, yes, y, y!

Slide - "Sparrow"

Oh, watch, flew the sparrow, which is also rejoicing winter Day, singing his song:

Chicari chick, chicari, in the snow I am jumping! (sparrow)

Let's and we sing his song.

And now we will warm up your articulation apparatus and play the tongue, I see that your lips have frozen.

Your tongue was shown, and slightly bitten.

And now they played, our sponges licked.

Balls we ride the ball we inflated our

OH! So my ball burst!

Smile quickly, we all have fun!

Exercises on the phononed method of development of V.Enelian voice

Guys, guess what kind of melody is? Right. This is a winter song.

To fulfill it, we will, carefully watching these musical signs. As they are called, and that they designate. ( Forte and Piano.)

The tutor shows musical signs And children perform a song that quietly, then loud.

Sounds "Winter Song" V. Vitlin

Slide "Christmas tree"

In this picture we see the Christmas tree. And we know the song about the Christmas tree?

Let's fix the word with you. What do we say to the Christmas tree? Hello…

What do we do in the tree? Drive dance. With the help of leading questions, the children secure the lyrics.

And this song will be helped by such a song. musical notes (Note-fish, notice-kids)

Song sounds: Hello, Hello, Yolka.A. Mikhaylelenko

Slide-"Sparkling Christmas Tree."

I liked our Christmas tree how we performed a song. The song sounded fun, joyfully, ringing.

Slide- "treble key, hedgehog playing on the drum."

Look, treble clef Here is drawn, what would this mean?

Have you ever had to meet musical hedgehogs? For example, those who play on the drums? But the Moldavian poet Georgia Vier, imagine, had to!

Let's listen to how he described it:

With a drum walks Hedgehog: boom boom boom!

Hedgehog played all day: boom boom boom!

With a drum behind the shoulders, boom boom boom!

Hedgehog to the garden wandered by chance, boom boom boom!

He loved very apples, boom boom boom!

Drum forgot in the garden he, boom-boom boom!

Muz.ruk.: Funny poem, isn't it? Now we are arranged interesting game. Tell me, what words did they repeat all the time in verses, through the line? How many blows of the drum depict these words? And now get your toy drum with you, take in the hands of the sticks. For repeating words, you will play the game on the drum accurately, rhythmic.

And now we will take shock musical instruments and show them a music hedgehog.

Drum orchestra: "Musical Hedgehog"

MUZ.UK. -EM: What is what happened?

Suddenly the weather has changed,

Bug funny breeze

And suddenly stern snowball.

Become everything in a circle,

Dance will be snowball.

Game - Dance: « Magic snow

Muz.ruk.: What are you clever, how much dance motions You know that you can portray any hero.

Our excursion came to the end and it's time for us to return to kindergarten. You were attentive listeners, wonderful performers and just good amazing guys. And what is most remembered and liked you? Why did you like it? You are so surprised me today that I prepared paper caps for you, on which "I-Well done!"

Used Books:

  • E.I.Yudina "My first tutorial in music and creativity",
  • "Handbook of Music Manager" №3 2015
  • "Voice Development" V.V. Meelian

Abstract Node "Cheerful Orchestra"

Purpose: Expanding ideas about musical instruments.

Integration of regions:

Artistically aesthetic development

1. Recompret the musical and artistic taste, stimulate creative manifestations.

2. Develop musical memory.

3. Continue learning children to listen musical fragments carefully first to the end.

4. Teach children to hear the beauty in the sound of a tool, remember the name and sound of this tool.

Cognitive development

Fix the concept of "orchestra" with children, types of orchestras, tool groups.

Speech development

Expand the horizons and vocabulary of children.

Socio-communicative development

Develop musical memory

Preliminary work:

    Acquaintance with the types of orchestras

    Heading the song "Fashionista", Dance "Little"

    Consider illustration of early and late autumn

    Memorizing and reading poems


    screen, projector, laptop

    music Center

    Illustrations of musical instruments


    Visual multimedia presentation, Musical instrument Violin.

    Practical - Hearing, Singing, Dance

    Sluban - conversation, the use of an artistic word.

Logic of educational activities

Children to music enter the hall. Get up in a big circle.

Musical greeting

Music leader:I am a cheerful doubt - salt, I have a very good joyful mood. I want you to be bored. I will share with you my mood. Let's give it in a circle.

With palms blows up, passes near standing childHe transfers further.

Well, now we are all joyful and fun, smile to each other.

Guys, do you like to travel? I propose to go to amazing journey - To the city of musical instruments. Want to? Before this city is not easy to get. Let's go there on the cloud. Agree? Select more comfortable.

We are on the cloud fly

To the ground with clouds look.
We see the mountain slide 2.

It's just miracles!
The world is magical, the world is beautiful
IN musical Mir Victim
Much we find out there
And with you will bring.

Here we are with you and arrived in the city of musical instruments.

Please tell me what tools do you know?

Answers children

What groups are musical instruments?

Answers children

Guys, what is an orchestra?

Answers children

That's right, this is a large group of musicians, which manages the conductor.

And what types of orchestras do you know?

Answers children

Today I will tell you which tools make up the bulk of the symphony orchestra. Slide 5.

Let's see which groups of tools

part of the symphony orchestra. Slide 6.

    String - Smychkovy

    Brass copper

    Wind wooden

In the city of musical instruments there is an orchestral square. We are with you and we are. And here the family of String - bed tools. Slide 7.

We will go to visit them.

Children searge on chairs near the screen.

String - a nineteent group special
I will reveal you a secret:
Will not be able to sound the tools as it should
If the bow is not near.

The guys, the Queen of the Symphony Orchestra call the violin.

Guys, would you like to meet with a violin?

And here she is, the queen of the symphony orchestra.

Consider the violin (real)

Look, what her neck is a neck, the body is deck and a very thin waist. The violin is 4 strings, each string has its own name.

Violin does not know how to creak
Violin can fad sing
Violinist neatly violin takes
Her shoulder slightly, gently puts
Right hand broke raises
And at that moment, however, everything will die
Sighing, lowers the bow on the strings:
Listen to the violin: quiet! Hip!

Hearing Sounds of Violin (Audio Record)

Beautifully sounds violin, how do you guys? In a small violin, the voice of amazing purity and power lies. She can rejoice, cry, angry. Look at how much the violin in the symphony orchestra is occupied.

Let us imagine that we are young violinists and try to play violin.

Children imitate the game on the violin.

Well done, it turned out well.

You know, the violin has an older brother. Slide 10.

Name is his alt. By appearance He is very similar to the violin, but a little bit more than size And he has a velvet sound, saturated. Let's listen to how it sounds.

Listening to the sound of alta

I.S.Bach "Passion for Matthew" (entry, fragment)

The violin plays violinist, and on the alte - altist.

In the symphony orchestra, the alta takes this part here. Slide 11.

I wonder, and who else is in the family of string-brook tools?

She is more violin and viola
They look like very
Mrs. Violo
It is played on it too.

Cello can be called a violin and viola.

It is more than playing on it sitting. Slide 13.

She has a special wand on which a tool is based on during the game. She has a lower, soft. About Cello say that she cries. Let's listen to how it sounds.

Listening to Cello.

K. Saint-Sans "Swan"

Playing the cello musician - a cellist.

And in the Symphony Orchestra they are on the right of the conductor. Slide 14.

And here and dad of this music family Large beautiful double bass.

See what he is huge. The sound of the double bass is very low, playing a musician - a double bass play on it.

Now we will listen to the musical work, and you think and tell me who I portrayed the composer.

Listening to the sound of double bass

K. Saint-Sans "Elephant"

In the Symphony Orchestra, the double bass occupies the rear position of the string-brook tools. Slide 16.

So we got acquainted with the family of string - brook tools.

What musical instruments live in this family?

Answers children

Whole name everyone has

Try to remember or read!

Violin - daughter, slide 17.

brother her alt. Slide 18.

Mom - Cello. Slide 19.

And the biggest - double bass, buzzing is like a gentle bumblebee. Slide 20.

Well done guys coped with everything.

And you know, there is a park in the city of musical instruments. It is called "Seasons". And now I suggest you go there. Want to? Then way.


We will go first right, 1 - 2 - 3
And then go to the left, 1 - 2 - 3
And then everyone will collect 1 - 2 - 3
And then everyone will disperse 1 - 2 - 3
And then we all come down 1 - 2 - 3
And then we stand together 1 - 2 - 3

Here we are in the park. Sat on the benches. This park is magical, musical. See, and here are the birds-notes.

flew, let's see the eyes

where they flew

Gymnastics for the eye "Bird"

Bird flew - up
Bird flew - down
The bird flew - right,
The bird flew - left
And on the palm of the village!
Bird flew - up
Bird flew - down
The bird flew - right,
The bird flew - left
And flew away!

What time of year is now in the park?

Answers children

That's right, autumn. There are two autumn. One is a joyful, lifestyle, rich in harvest and very beautiful. What is this autumn? Right, golden. Let's drink a song "Fashionista"

Song "Fashionista" Sl. and music. O.P. Grigorieva "Bell" No. 43 p. 7

Here is the fall of gold. Slide 22.

Appeared to us again
Beauty of such
That eye does not tear off
As if from the magazine
Where fashionista cost
Choosing tastefully
Autumnal outfit

Fashionista, fashionable to rush to us in a hurry

Here in the Red Sarafan.

With rippers stands. Slide 24.

But in the handkerchief red
Sits with mushrooms. Slide 25.

Among wheat fields, slide 26.

In the outfit gold
And in a sympathetic hat
Walks in the rain.

Fashionista, fashionable to rush to us in a hurry,
See we are glad to her outfits

Well done boys. The second autumn is unclear, sad with a quiet crying of small rain, morning frosts. It is called: late fall. Now we will hear with you, as it sounds symphony Orchestra. We will listen to the "Autumn Song" Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Tell me, what is the difference between gold and late autumn?

Answers children

What is the name of the musical work that we listened to you?

In my opinion, did you upload? Probably remembered solar summer days, Yes? Do not gross, look, in this park there is even a dance floor.

Come on, dance.

Dance "Little"

Development of movements A.V.Glotova

Well done! You have again good mood. Slide 29.

Our journey comes to an end. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. But the cloud, let's say goodbye to the city of musical instruments and go on the road. Select more comfortable. Slide 30.

What tools did you meet with you?

What orchestra includes string-Bow Tools?

What tool from this family is the biggest?

So we arrived at the kindergarten. Slide 30.

Children get up in a circle. Did you like the trip?

To whom it was interesting to visit the city of musical instruments, take a treble key, and someone did not like it or it was not interesting, take a pause.

Thank you, I was very nice to travel with you.

Musical farewell. Slide 31.

Children go to the music from the audience.

"Where did the music come from?

Children's age: Preparatory Group

Music leader: Sukovty N.V.

MBDOU №4 "Rosinka"

Objective NOD:To acquaint children with the history of Russian folk musical instruments.


Education area "Socialization":

Create conditions for an emotionally saturated meaningful communication of an adult with a child and children with each other.

Objectives of the educational field "Music":

- expand the ideas about the music language of works of folk music, voices and diversity of music, develop a sense of rhythm, teach music skills in simple schemes using musical instruments (spoons, tambourines, ratchets, maratasa).

Objectives of the educational region "Cognition":

To form in children the paintings of the world, expanding the horizon of knowledge of various phenomena of the surrounding reality, education of interest music traditions and stories native region, awareness of your belonging to Russia, its history and culture based on the study of the best samples of Russian folk music.

Tasks Educational Area "Communication":

Participation in ensemble execution, interaction with music. Head and other children in the process of musically - creative activity, the formation of mental activity, (comparison, comparison) expansion of the vocabulary (the name of musical instruments).

Education area "Reading fiction»:

To acquaint with works: poem "The Edge of the Native" and the story of V.I. Belova "LAD"

Stages of occupation:

I. Organizational stage (3 min.)

II. Setting the problem (4 min.)

III. Stage of learning new knowledge (12 min.)

IV. Consolidation of knowledge - orchestra (8 min.) Didactic game (4 min),

V Summing up the event, relaxation (4 min.)

Necessary equipment and materials:

Equipment: Multimedia equipment with projector, music center, chairs placed by a semicircle in front of the screen in the "Educational Zone", on the tables Cookies from yogurt, stationery, children's noise tools (maracas, spoons, tambourines, ratchets)


1. Multimedia presentation, which includes all the necessary illustrative -video musical provision;

2. Exhibition of Russian life items.

Preliminary work: Acquaintance with musical instruments: Husli, drum, ratchet, learning of the Russian folk speaker " ladybug", Basic skills games for children noise tools;

Technologies used in Nod:

Presentation made by the music director;

children's muscy technology;

heating technology;

technologies for the formation of the sieve culture of preschoolers;

technologies for the formation of associative-shaped thinking.

Teaching methods: Explanatory illustrative (explanation of the new material with

illustration large number clarity through a computer presentation, exhibition of household subjects; partial search (For the development of independence of thinking).

Abstract Node

Travel course:

Organizing time,


Formulation of the problem

The stage of learning new knowledge.

Stage consolidation of knowledge.


Outcome, relaxation.

Children enter the hall under the Russian People's Melody "Polyanka"

MUZ. Head: Hello guys. How I'm glad to see you! You noticed what kind of music you meet today! (Bright, joyful, bright). Let's share a good mood with each other.

Communicative game with palms.

Hello, the sun is golden,

Hello, blue sky,

Hello, free breeze,

Hello, Little Dubcom!

We live in one edge,

I welcome you all!

And now I invite you to go for a walk.

Interesting adventure We guys not find!

On our occupation, I brought an extraordinary box in it are the magic leaves that will help us travel.

Once, two, turn three,

Polyanka will be.

Children perform improvisation with leaflets to the music

Lyrical Russian folk melody sounds. On the screen - beautiful landscape Russian Nature Children pass on the clearing, sit down with the music director.

M.R. Behind the river I got a sunshine,

Drawing a dawn Alay -

Everything in the edge of the native is filled

Beauty is unprecedented.

Fly geese swans

Over the endless expanses:

Above meadows, over dumbers

And over blue lakes.

On a wide road

The path is narrow.

Do not find land more beautiful

What is our Russian side!

What beautiful music accompanied us on this walk. These musicians play so beautifully on Russian folk instruments.

MUZ. R.In the forest glade, so many wonders! Stores many secrets handsome forest.

And you know what exactly here in the forest is the birthplace of many musical folk instruments. What do you think, why the first music appeared here. instruments? Who guessed? How to find them? In the ears, silence, listen! Hear?

The world without sounds would be sad.

Gray, boring and "tasteless".

Answers and assumptions of children.

MUZ. R.: Man always tried to imitate the sounds of nature.

He began to listen to the sounds of surrounding and much, which seemed to him before the simple noise, became music for him. He learned to extract musical sounds Of the various items, and they sounded, spoke, became musical instruments.

MUZ. R: What do you think was the first musical instrument? Perhaps it was a tree with a hollow. The man hit him and the tree walked.

First, the person was a little scared - the sound is not like him at all own voicenor a cry of the beast. But then mastered. Man hit him, then accelerating, then slowing down the tempo: boom, boom, boom! Boom Boom! And guessed to make a tool from a tree. I will tell you about an old, Russian tool. This is a drum.

"The shepherd is first in the village rises to his feet, go down the street, drum in drum. Want you do not want - get up, kicking the cattle. Beasts in the forest were afraid of this ringing rhythmic knock. In a shepherd, except for the small, which he always kept with him, and large drums also had in different ends of the rods. They hung constantly in certain places, each going past by his duty to rampage. " Based on the shepherd drum, people then chicked tambourine.
Music. R: Look, on plants hanging boxes with seeds. They swing in the wind, rustle seeds. People heard this sound and invented a musical instrument. What do you think, what? Answers children

Rattle - noise tool. She used to be called sharkun. Her spit from the twigs or bark. And inside was peas.

Towing a strong wind, the branches of the trees began to beat, rub on each other. Someone heard this crash and made a musical instrument in which the plank is also drunk and hit each other. What? (Children's responses). The ratchet is also a wooden noise tool.

And now, listen to the wooden sounds and try to guess what it is? Responses of children.This woodpecker is knocking on the pine, you managed to have coped with this task.

On our clearing, too, there are sticks. But they will turn into percussion instruments, and you listen and help me

Rhythmodeclamation. Pooh "stick-stork"

Tuk-Tuk-Tuk-Tuk - what is the sound? (hit wand about the wand)
Wooden is the sound of Tuk-Tuk-Tuk-Tuk.
(Hit by floor chopsticks)
Woodpecked in the vowel empty
Oak dropped as the chisel of Tuk-Tuk-Tuk-Tuk.
Tuk-Tuk-Tuk-Tuk - what is the sound? (Hit in fragile chopsticks)
Wooden hammer o floor
Wares your heel Tuk-Tuk-Tuk-Tuk.

We went to the river bank. Hear, the wind is buzzing in the detachable hollow cantsch stems ( Sound). If you cut this stalk and pour into it, what is the musical instrument? ( Answers children)

Whose song looks like a dull sound? That's right, on the song of birds. Also guessed people to do wind instruments From the bones of animals - such trudges can now be seen in museums among different weapons of the stone age. And there were whistles from clay.

Let's and we play with the breeze .

Breathing exercise "Wind".

Lightweight breeze blows - F-F-F-F-F-F ....

And it shakes such a sheet - F-F-F-F-F ...

The exhalation is calm, unprofitable.

Blowing strong breeze - F-F-F-F- ...

And it shakes such a piece - F-F-F-F-F ...

Active exhalation.

Breeze blowing up leaflets

And sing their songs.

Autumn leaves

On branches sitting,

Autumn leaves

Children say;

Osin - Aa-A- ...

Rowan-and-and-and ...

Birch - oh-oh ...

Oak-U-U-y ...
A hunter with a bow in his hands came to the clearing. He pulled the tent, let go. And the test fell, rang. ( Sound) Thousands of times heard this sound people, not paying attention. But once someone listened to him, began to touch the tutor again and listen to her singing.

"But you can pull the theater of different thickness on the table and play music on it," the hunter guessed. So the hunting bow became a musical instrument.

And now, guys, you have the opportunity to try yourself in the rollery of musical instruments.


You have a rubber on the tables. We stretch the rubber ring on the cup and slowly twitch for it. You not only feel, but also see the oscillations of the gum. If you pull the row, the vibration will be strong, and the sound is louder.

What did we do with a rubber band so that the sound appears?

That's right, plugged. And if you pull the gum row, what will happen? Conclusions, answers of children.

So the strings appeared.

One of the ancient tools are the disclosure of the hussley. Tell me, what does the board look like? On the wing. In the middle of the hole and top stretched strings. Their name comes from the Version of the word "thick", which means to buzz. The string on the buzzing instrument, it was called Husla, a lot of buzzing strings - Gusli. Many centuries passed before this, the only thing, the string was added a few more, and got a husli - one of the most ancient tools. )

When our ancestors discovered the property of some object to sound, they seemed to them such discoveries: they came to life in their eyes, gained voice. Listen to the fairy tale.

That was a long time ago. We lived - I lived in a small village in a wooden hut smart and useful things: wooden spoons, ruble and horn.
They lived in a big friendly family. FROM early in the morning And until late in the evening, smart and useful things worked, not to twist the hands along with their owners. Wooden spoons were cooked in the kitchen jam porridge, and then fed the whole seven delicious lunch.

There are notches on the table,

Wooden, mischievous.

This tool is called Rubel. In the old days they stroked things.

Rubel - helped the hostess at home to wash and stroke the lingerie so that all in the family was clean and tidy. Horn - along with the host of the house, early in the morning traveled a herd of cows and sheep on the meadow, and in the evening, his loud voice convened the whole herd home.

Once in the village appeared sceners. So B. vintage times In Rus, called stray artists, singers and musicians. The crumbs were walking down the street with a funny song. The village was gathered to look at the funny representation of the bumps. In the hands of the squigches sang, ringing, branded and played musical instruments.

Soon the evening came, and the crumbs asked to spend the night to the owners of the very hut, in which smart and useful things lived. After dinner, when guests and the hosts fell asleep, things decided to talk to musical instruments. "How do you live in our owners of the scrookhov?" - asked wooden spoons In musical instruments. "Freshly living" everywhere we are, the people have a sound ring. "
"And we never extinguished your village," the spoons said.
"Like us, I also wanted to bring joy to all people."

"So let's travel along with us on the white light. Together, we still have fun yes better music It will sound that will be "- they sang a hussley. So they decided to become smart and useful things to become musical instruments, so that not only the benefit of people to bring, but also to give them joy.
Since then, they travel together big friend family. And their family began to be called - orchestra of Russian folk musical instruments.
For a long time, there is no longer any such a village or a wooden hut, no scrookhov, and music performed by Russian folk instruments continues to sound and bring joy to everyone who hears her.

And our fairy tale continues. Not immediately learned to musical wisdoms in the orchestra Rubel, spoons, ratchet. They learned that all the tools talk among themselves in a special language.

If, the musical instrument will not learn to talk and understand this language, then the music will not work beautiful and ok. We can make sure of it with you! Now we are with you guys, we will fulfill themselves folk music.

Children go to the musical engine-active zone and take musical instruments.

MUZ. R: Each tool in the orchestra has its own melody. If the musician will play his rhythm for sure, he will not interfere with the rest of the musicians.

Music and didactic game "Whose music plays?"
Children are divided into 4 subgroups. Musical instruments Establined near the pictures: Zaita proteins, elk, ant.

M. R:Look, the gland came running on the clearing, they want to play with you and help you correctly lose each rhythm.

We study with the guys a rhythmic accompaniment: first separately with each "musicians", and then, with everyone together.

Each subgroup loses according to the slide scheme its rhythm.

Elk-step, step, step, step.

Za-ka, za-ka, za ka.

Mu-Ra-Wei, Mu-Ra-Wei.

Be-Loca, Be-Loca.

M.R. Guys, it seems to me that this rhythm reminds some very familiar song. Listen? Learned? (Answers of children: this rhythm looks like a song "like ours at the gate")True, well done, you recognized the song. Let us give up it again together, but we also need to tune in and prepare our necks to perform songs. It will help us a shock musical instrument ratchet. The music director plays a rattling and sings together with children:"Cracco-Tresco-Trescotuha, crushed right in the ear: Once or two, two or two or three, I help my friend"

Game on musical noise tools on rhythmic score.


Well done guys, listened to each other, singing every other way. And I hear some other sounds on our glade. Children guess which tool hid behind the tree. Diagnosis is carried out in the form of a didactic game.

Music leader. How well, in the old days, people knew how to listen to the sounds of nature. They gave us such amazing musical instruments. And since they were invented and smastered Russian people, the Russian people, they called these instruments with Russian people.

Smart, strong our people

Far looking forward

But foreman of the antiquity

We should not forget!

So it came to the end our journey. Did you like it? What did you know the new? Guys, let's remember that we learned today. ( I got acquainted with Russian folk musical instruments. They found out the story of their appearance, heard their voices, learned to play according to the schemes). What was the most interesting? Now tell us about her parents and friends. What is your mood? Let's give our good mood to others? (Children blow mood with palms). With the help of our magic leaves, we return to our group.

Music speaker "Goodbye"

Disc nar. melody


Beautiful casket, sheets of colored foil. Catherine's disc of Izronovoy "Games - Songs" Sat. four

state nar. Orchestra "Meadow patterns"

(Slide No. 3 - №10: Slide change is made automatically)

Slide number11

Forest sounds. Disk " Amazing near"

(Slide number 12)

(Slides number 13,14)

V.I. Belov "Lad".


(Slide number 17)

(Slide number 18)

Slide number 19.

Slide number 20.


Slide number 22.

For each 2 wooden sticks.

Slide №23

T.E. Tyutyunnikova "Wooden Stories"

Slide No. 24.

Slide number 25.

Slide number 26.

Slide number 27.

Slide number 28.

Slide number 29.

Elastic Stationery, Cups - Under Yogurt

Slide number 30.

(Video. Slide number 31

Slide number 32.

Belvasheva Excerpt from the book "Talk about music"

Slide number 33.

Slide number 34.

Slide number 35.


Video "Scoop".

Slides number 37,38.

Musical instruments: spoons, ratchets, maracas, tambourines.

Slide number 39.


№№ 40,41,42,43

Slide number 44.

Slides number 45,46,47,48.